114 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import {Request} from '../lib/request';
2import {Response} from '../lib/response';
3import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
4import {Service} from '../lib/service';
5import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
6import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config';
7interface Blob {}
8declare class MTurk extends Service {
9 /**
10 * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
11 */
12 constructor(options?: MTurk.Types.ClientConfiguration)
13 config: Config & MTurk.Types.ClientConfiguration;
14 /**
15 * The AcceptQualificationRequest operation approves a Worker's request for a Qualification. Only the owner of the Qualification type can grant a Qualification request for that type. A successful request for the AcceptQualificationRequest operation returns with no errors and an empty body.
16 */
17 acceptQualificationRequest(params: MTurk.Types.AcceptQualificationRequestRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.AcceptQualificationRequestResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.AcceptQualificationRequestResponse, AWSError>;
18 /**
19 * The AcceptQualificationRequest operation approves a Worker's request for a Qualification. Only the owner of the Qualification type can grant a Qualification request for that type. A successful request for the AcceptQualificationRequest operation returns with no errors and an empty body.
20 */
21 acceptQualificationRequest(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.AcceptQualificationRequestResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.AcceptQualificationRequestResponse, AWSError>;
22 /**
23 * The ApproveAssignment operation approves the results of a completed assignment. Approving an assignment initiates two payments from the Requester's Amazon.com account The Worker who submitted the results is paid the reward specified in the HIT. Amazon Mechanical Turk fees are debited. If the Requester's account does not have adequate funds for these payments, the call to ApproveAssignment returns an exception, and the approval is not processed. You can include an optional feedback message with the approval, which the Worker can see in the Status section of the web site. You can also call this operation for assignments that were previous rejected and approve them by explicitly overriding the previous rejection. This only works on rejected assignments that were submitted within the previous 30 days and only if the assignment's related HIT has not been deleted.
24 */
25 approveAssignment(params: MTurk.Types.ApproveAssignmentRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ApproveAssignmentResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ApproveAssignmentResponse, AWSError>;
26 /**
27 * The ApproveAssignment operation approves the results of a completed assignment. Approving an assignment initiates two payments from the Requester's Amazon.com account The Worker who submitted the results is paid the reward specified in the HIT. Amazon Mechanical Turk fees are debited. If the Requester's account does not have adequate funds for these payments, the call to ApproveAssignment returns an exception, and the approval is not processed. You can include an optional feedback message with the approval, which the Worker can see in the Status section of the web site. You can also call this operation for assignments that were previous rejected and approve them by explicitly overriding the previous rejection. This only works on rejected assignments that were submitted within the previous 30 days and only if the assignment's related HIT has not been deleted.
28 */
29 approveAssignment(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ApproveAssignmentResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ApproveAssignmentResponse, AWSError>;
30 /**
31 * The AssociateQualificationWithWorker operation gives a Worker a Qualification. AssociateQualificationWithWorker does not require that the Worker submit a Qualification request. It gives the Qualification directly to the Worker. You can only assign a Qualification of a Qualification type that you created (using the CreateQualificationType operation). Note: AssociateQualificationWithWorker does not affect any pending Qualification requests for the Qualification by the Worker. If you assign a Qualification to a Worker, then later grant a Qualification request made by the Worker, the granting of the request may modify the Qualification score. To resolve a pending Qualification request without affecting the Qualification the Worker already has, reject the request with the RejectQualificationRequest operation.
32 */
33 associateQualificationWithWorker(params: MTurk.Types.AssociateQualificationWithWorkerRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.AssociateQualificationWithWorkerResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.AssociateQualificationWithWorkerResponse, AWSError>;
34 /**
35 * The AssociateQualificationWithWorker operation gives a Worker a Qualification. AssociateQualificationWithWorker does not require that the Worker submit a Qualification request. It gives the Qualification directly to the Worker. You can only assign a Qualification of a Qualification type that you created (using the CreateQualificationType operation). Note: AssociateQualificationWithWorker does not affect any pending Qualification requests for the Qualification by the Worker. If you assign a Qualification to a Worker, then later grant a Qualification request made by the Worker, the granting of the request may modify the Qualification score. To resolve a pending Qualification request without affecting the Qualification the Worker already has, reject the request with the RejectQualificationRequest operation.
36 */
37 associateQualificationWithWorker(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.AssociateQualificationWithWorkerResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.AssociateQualificationWithWorkerResponse, AWSError>;
38 /**
39 * The CreateAdditionalAssignmentsForHIT operation increases the maximum number of assignments of an existing HIT. To extend the maximum number of assignments, specify the number of additional assignments. HITs created with fewer than 10 assignments cannot be extended to have 10 or more assignments. Attempting to add assignments in a way that brings the total number of assignments for a HIT from fewer than 10 assignments to 10 or more assignments will result in an AWS.MechanicalTurk.InvalidMaximumAssignmentsIncrease exception. HITs that were created before July 22, 2015 cannot be extended. Attempting to extend HITs that were created before July 22, 2015 will result in an AWS.MechanicalTurk.HITTooOldForExtension exception.
40 */
41 createAdditionalAssignmentsForHIT(params: MTurk.Types.CreateAdditionalAssignmentsForHITRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.CreateAdditionalAssignmentsForHITResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.CreateAdditionalAssignmentsForHITResponse, AWSError>;
42 /**
43 * The CreateAdditionalAssignmentsForHIT operation increases the maximum number of assignments of an existing HIT. To extend the maximum number of assignments, specify the number of additional assignments. HITs created with fewer than 10 assignments cannot be extended to have 10 or more assignments. Attempting to add assignments in a way that brings the total number of assignments for a HIT from fewer than 10 assignments to 10 or more assignments will result in an AWS.MechanicalTurk.InvalidMaximumAssignmentsIncrease exception. HITs that were created before July 22, 2015 cannot be extended. Attempting to extend HITs that were created before July 22, 2015 will result in an AWS.MechanicalTurk.HITTooOldForExtension exception.
44 */
45 createAdditionalAssignmentsForHIT(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.CreateAdditionalAssignmentsForHITResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.CreateAdditionalAssignmentsForHITResponse, AWSError>;
46 /**
47 * The CreateHIT operation creates a new Human Intelligence Task (HIT). The new HIT is made available for Workers to find and accept on the Amazon Mechanical Turk website. This operation allows you to specify a new HIT by passing in values for the properties of the HIT, such as its title, reward amount and number of assignments. When you pass these values to CreateHIT, a new HIT is created for you, with a new HITTypeID. The HITTypeID can be used to create additional HITs in the future without needing to specify common parameters such as the title, description and reward amount each time. An alternative way to create HITs is to first generate a HITTypeID using the CreateHITType operation and then call the CreateHITWithHITType operation. This is the recommended best practice for Requesters who are creating large numbers of HITs. CreateHIT also supports several ways to provide question data: by providing a value for the Question parameter that fully specifies the contents of the HIT, or by providing a HitLayoutId and associated HitLayoutParameters. If a HIT is created with 10 or more maximum assignments, there is an additional fee. For more information, see Amazon Mechanical Turk Pricing.
48 */
49 createHIT(params: MTurk.Types.CreateHITRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.CreateHITResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.CreateHITResponse, AWSError>;
50 /**
51 * The CreateHIT operation creates a new Human Intelligence Task (HIT). The new HIT is made available for Workers to find and accept on the Amazon Mechanical Turk website. This operation allows you to specify a new HIT by passing in values for the properties of the HIT, such as its title, reward amount and number of assignments. When you pass these values to CreateHIT, a new HIT is created for you, with a new HITTypeID. The HITTypeID can be used to create additional HITs in the future without needing to specify common parameters such as the title, description and reward amount each time. An alternative way to create HITs is to first generate a HITTypeID using the CreateHITType operation and then call the CreateHITWithHITType operation. This is the recommended best practice for Requesters who are creating large numbers of HITs. CreateHIT also supports several ways to provide question data: by providing a value for the Question parameter that fully specifies the contents of the HIT, or by providing a HitLayoutId and associated HitLayoutParameters. If a HIT is created with 10 or more maximum assignments, there is an additional fee. For more information, see Amazon Mechanical Turk Pricing.
52 */
53 createHIT(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.CreateHITResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.CreateHITResponse, AWSError>;
54 /**
55 * The CreateHITType operation creates a new HIT type. This operation allows you to define a standard set of HIT properties to use when creating HITs. If you register a HIT type with values that match an existing HIT type, the HIT type ID of the existing type will be returned.
56 */
57 createHITType(params: MTurk.Types.CreateHITTypeRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.CreateHITTypeResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.CreateHITTypeResponse, AWSError>;
58 /**
59 * The CreateHITType operation creates a new HIT type. This operation allows you to define a standard set of HIT properties to use when creating HITs. If you register a HIT type with values that match an existing HIT type, the HIT type ID of the existing type will be returned.
60 */
61 createHITType(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.CreateHITTypeResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.CreateHITTypeResponse, AWSError>;
62 /**
63 * The CreateHITWithHITType operation creates a new Human Intelligence Task (HIT) using an existing HITTypeID generated by the CreateHITType operation. This is an alternative way to create HITs from the CreateHIT operation. This is the recommended best practice for Requesters who are creating large numbers of HITs. CreateHITWithHITType also supports several ways to provide question data: by providing a value for the Question parameter that fully specifies the contents of the HIT, or by providing a HitLayoutId and associated HitLayoutParameters. If a HIT is created with 10 or more maximum assignments, there is an additional fee. For more information, see Amazon Mechanical Turk Pricing.
64 */
65 createHITWithHITType(params: MTurk.Types.CreateHITWithHITTypeRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.CreateHITWithHITTypeResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.CreateHITWithHITTypeResponse, AWSError>;
66 /**
67 * The CreateHITWithHITType operation creates a new Human Intelligence Task (HIT) using an existing HITTypeID generated by the CreateHITType operation. This is an alternative way to create HITs from the CreateHIT operation. This is the recommended best practice for Requesters who are creating large numbers of HITs. CreateHITWithHITType also supports several ways to provide question data: by providing a value for the Question parameter that fully specifies the contents of the HIT, or by providing a HitLayoutId and associated HitLayoutParameters. If a HIT is created with 10 or more maximum assignments, there is an additional fee. For more information, see Amazon Mechanical Turk Pricing.
68 */
69 createHITWithHITType(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.CreateHITWithHITTypeResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.CreateHITWithHITTypeResponse, AWSError>;
70 /**
71 * The CreateQualificationType operation creates a new Qualification type, which is represented by a QualificationType data structure.
72 */
73 createQualificationType(params: MTurk.Types.CreateQualificationTypeRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.CreateQualificationTypeResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.CreateQualificationTypeResponse, AWSError>;
74 /**
75 * The CreateQualificationType operation creates a new Qualification type, which is represented by a QualificationType data structure.
76 */
77 createQualificationType(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.CreateQualificationTypeResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.CreateQualificationTypeResponse, AWSError>;
78 /**
79 * The CreateWorkerBlock operation allows you to prevent a Worker from working on your HITs. For example, you can block a Worker who is producing poor quality work. You can block up to 100,000 Workers.
80 */
81 createWorkerBlock(params: MTurk.Types.CreateWorkerBlockRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.CreateWorkerBlockResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.CreateWorkerBlockResponse, AWSError>;
82 /**
83 * The CreateWorkerBlock operation allows you to prevent a Worker from working on your HITs. For example, you can block a Worker who is producing poor quality work. You can block up to 100,000 Workers.
84 */
85 createWorkerBlock(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.CreateWorkerBlockResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.CreateWorkerBlockResponse, AWSError>;
86 /**
87 * The DeleteHIT operation is used to delete HIT that is no longer needed. Only the Requester who created the HIT can delete it. You can only dispose of HITs that are in the Reviewable state, with all of their submitted assignments already either approved or rejected. If you call the DeleteHIT operation on a HIT that is not in the Reviewable state (for example, that has not expired, or still has active assignments), or on a HIT that is Reviewable but without all of its submitted assignments already approved or rejected, the service will return an error. HITs are automatically disposed of after 120 days. After you dispose of a HIT, you can no longer approve the HIT's rejected assignments. Disposed HITs are not returned in results for the ListHITs operation. Disposing HITs can improve the performance of operations such as ListReviewableHITs and ListHITs.
88 */
89 deleteHIT(params: MTurk.Types.DeleteHITRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.DeleteHITResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.DeleteHITResponse, AWSError>;
90 /**
91 * The DeleteHIT operation is used to delete HIT that is no longer needed. Only the Requester who created the HIT can delete it. You can only dispose of HITs that are in the Reviewable state, with all of their submitted assignments already either approved or rejected. If you call the DeleteHIT operation on a HIT that is not in the Reviewable state (for example, that has not expired, or still has active assignments), or on a HIT that is Reviewable but without all of its submitted assignments already approved or rejected, the service will return an error. HITs are automatically disposed of after 120 days. After you dispose of a HIT, you can no longer approve the HIT's rejected assignments. Disposed HITs are not returned in results for the ListHITs operation. Disposing HITs can improve the performance of operations such as ListReviewableHITs and ListHITs.
92 */
93 deleteHIT(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.DeleteHITResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.DeleteHITResponse, AWSError>;
94 /**
95 * The DeleteQualificationType deletes a Qualification type and deletes any HIT types that are associated with the Qualification type. This operation does not revoke Qualifications already assigned to Workers because the Qualifications might be needed for active HITs. If there are any pending requests for the Qualification type, Amazon Mechanical Turk rejects those requests. After you delete a Qualification type, you can no longer use it to create HITs or HIT types. DeleteQualificationType must wait for all the HITs that use the deleted Qualification type to be deleted before completing. It may take up to 48 hours before DeleteQualificationType completes and the unique name of the Qualification type is available for reuse with CreateQualificationType.
96 */
97 deleteQualificationType(params: MTurk.Types.DeleteQualificationTypeRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.DeleteQualificationTypeResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.DeleteQualificationTypeResponse, AWSError>;
98 /**
99 * The DeleteQualificationType deletes a Qualification type and deletes any HIT types that are associated with the Qualification type. This operation does not revoke Qualifications already assigned to Workers because the Qualifications might be needed for active HITs. If there are any pending requests for the Qualification type, Amazon Mechanical Turk rejects those requests. After you delete a Qualification type, you can no longer use it to create HITs or HIT types. DeleteQualificationType must wait for all the HITs that use the deleted Qualification type to be deleted before completing. It may take up to 48 hours before DeleteQualificationType completes and the unique name of the Qualification type is available for reuse with CreateQualificationType.
100 */
101 deleteQualificationType(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.DeleteQualificationTypeResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.DeleteQualificationTypeResponse, AWSError>;
102 /**
103 * The DeleteWorkerBlock operation allows you to reinstate a blocked Worker to work on your HITs. This operation reverses the effects of the CreateWorkerBlock operation. You need the Worker ID to use this operation. If the Worker ID is missing or invalid, this operation fails and returns the message “WorkerId is invalid.” If the specified Worker is not blocked, this operation returns successfully.
104 */
105 deleteWorkerBlock(params: MTurk.Types.DeleteWorkerBlockRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.DeleteWorkerBlockResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.DeleteWorkerBlockResponse, AWSError>;
106 /**
107 * The DeleteWorkerBlock operation allows you to reinstate a blocked Worker to work on your HITs. This operation reverses the effects of the CreateWorkerBlock operation. You need the Worker ID to use this operation. If the Worker ID is missing or invalid, this operation fails and returns the message “WorkerId is invalid.” If the specified Worker is not blocked, this operation returns successfully.
108 */
109 deleteWorkerBlock(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.DeleteWorkerBlockResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.DeleteWorkerBlockResponse, AWSError>;
110 /**
111 * The DisassociateQualificationFromWorker revokes a previously granted Qualification from a user. You can provide a text message explaining why the Qualification was revoked. The user who had the Qualification can see this message.
112 */
113 disassociateQualificationFromWorker(params: MTurk.Types.DisassociateQualificationFromWorkerRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.DisassociateQualificationFromWorkerResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.DisassociateQualificationFromWorkerResponse, AWSError>;
114 /**
115 * The DisassociateQualificationFromWorker revokes a previously granted Qualification from a user. You can provide a text message explaining why the Qualification was revoked. The user who had the Qualification can see this message.
116 */
117 disassociateQualificationFromWorker(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.DisassociateQualificationFromWorkerResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.DisassociateQualificationFromWorkerResponse, AWSError>;
118 /**
119 * The GetAccountBalance operation retrieves the amount of money in your Amazon Mechanical Turk account.
120 */
121 getAccountBalance(params: MTurk.Types.GetAccountBalanceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.GetAccountBalanceResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.GetAccountBalanceResponse, AWSError>;
122 /**
123 * The GetAccountBalance operation retrieves the amount of money in your Amazon Mechanical Turk account.
124 */
125 getAccountBalance(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.GetAccountBalanceResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.GetAccountBalanceResponse, AWSError>;
126 /**
127 * The GetAssignment operation retrieves the details of the specified Assignment.
128 */
129 getAssignment(params: MTurk.Types.GetAssignmentRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.GetAssignmentResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.GetAssignmentResponse, AWSError>;
130 /**
131 * The GetAssignment operation retrieves the details of the specified Assignment.
132 */
133 getAssignment(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.GetAssignmentResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.GetAssignmentResponse, AWSError>;
134 /**
135 * The GetFileUploadURL operation generates and returns a temporary URL. You use the temporary URL to retrieve a file uploaded by a Worker as an answer to a FileUploadAnswer question for a HIT. The temporary URL is generated the instant the GetFileUploadURL operation is called, and is valid for 60 seconds. You can get a temporary file upload URL any time until the HIT is disposed. After the HIT is disposed, any uploaded files are deleted, and cannot be retrieved. Pending Deprecation on December 12, 2017. The Answer Specification structure will no longer support the FileUploadAnswer element to be used for the QuestionForm data structure. Instead, we recommend that Requesters who want to create HITs asking Workers to upload files to use Amazon S3.
136 */
137 getFileUploadURL(params: MTurk.Types.GetFileUploadURLRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.GetFileUploadURLResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.GetFileUploadURLResponse, AWSError>;
138 /**
139 * The GetFileUploadURL operation generates and returns a temporary URL. You use the temporary URL to retrieve a file uploaded by a Worker as an answer to a FileUploadAnswer question for a HIT. The temporary URL is generated the instant the GetFileUploadURL operation is called, and is valid for 60 seconds. You can get a temporary file upload URL any time until the HIT is disposed. After the HIT is disposed, any uploaded files are deleted, and cannot be retrieved. Pending Deprecation on December 12, 2017. The Answer Specification structure will no longer support the FileUploadAnswer element to be used for the QuestionForm data structure. Instead, we recommend that Requesters who want to create HITs asking Workers to upload files to use Amazon S3.
140 */
141 getFileUploadURL(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.GetFileUploadURLResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.GetFileUploadURLResponse, AWSError>;
142 /**
143 * The GetHIT operation retrieves the details of the specified HIT.
144 */
145 getHIT(params: MTurk.Types.GetHITRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.GetHITResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.GetHITResponse, AWSError>;
146 /**
147 * The GetHIT operation retrieves the details of the specified HIT.
148 */
149 getHIT(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.GetHITResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.GetHITResponse, AWSError>;
150 /**
151 * The GetQualificationScore operation returns the value of a Worker's Qualification for a given Qualification type. To get a Worker's Qualification, you must know the Worker's ID. The Worker's ID is included in the assignment data returned by the ListAssignmentsForHIT operation. Only the owner of a Qualification type can query the value of a Worker's Qualification of that type.
152 */
153 getQualificationScore(params: MTurk.Types.GetQualificationScoreRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.GetQualificationScoreResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.GetQualificationScoreResponse, AWSError>;
154 /**
155 * The GetQualificationScore operation returns the value of a Worker's Qualification for a given Qualification type. To get a Worker's Qualification, you must know the Worker's ID. The Worker's ID is included in the assignment data returned by the ListAssignmentsForHIT operation. Only the owner of a Qualification type can query the value of a Worker's Qualification of that type.
156 */
157 getQualificationScore(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.GetQualificationScoreResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.GetQualificationScoreResponse, AWSError>;
158 /**
159 * The GetQualificationTypeoperation retrieves information about a Qualification type using its ID.
160 */
161 getQualificationType(params: MTurk.Types.GetQualificationTypeRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.GetQualificationTypeResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.GetQualificationTypeResponse, AWSError>;
162 /**
163 * The GetQualificationTypeoperation retrieves information about a Qualification type using its ID.
164 */
165 getQualificationType(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.GetQualificationTypeResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.GetQualificationTypeResponse, AWSError>;
166 /**
167 * The ListAssignmentsForHIT operation retrieves completed assignments for a HIT. You can use this operation to retrieve the results for a HIT. You can get assignments for a HIT at any time, even if the HIT is not yet Reviewable. If a HIT requested multiple assignments, and has received some results but has not yet become Reviewable, you can still retrieve the partial results with this operation. Use the AssignmentStatus parameter to control which set of assignments for a HIT are returned. The ListAssignmentsForHIT operation can return submitted assignments awaiting approval, or it can return assignments that have already been approved or rejected. You can set AssignmentStatus=Approved,Rejected to get assignments that have already been approved and rejected together in one result set. Only the Requester who created the HIT can retrieve the assignments for that HIT. Results are sorted and divided into numbered pages and the operation returns a single page of results. You can use the parameters of the operation to control sorting and pagination.
168 */
169 listAssignmentsForHIT(params: MTurk.Types.ListAssignmentsForHITRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListAssignmentsForHITResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListAssignmentsForHITResponse, AWSError>;
170 /**
171 * The ListAssignmentsForHIT operation retrieves completed assignments for a HIT. You can use this operation to retrieve the results for a HIT. You can get assignments for a HIT at any time, even if the HIT is not yet Reviewable. If a HIT requested multiple assignments, and has received some results but has not yet become Reviewable, you can still retrieve the partial results with this operation. Use the AssignmentStatus parameter to control which set of assignments for a HIT are returned. The ListAssignmentsForHIT operation can return submitted assignments awaiting approval, or it can return assignments that have already been approved or rejected. You can set AssignmentStatus=Approved,Rejected to get assignments that have already been approved and rejected together in one result set. Only the Requester who created the HIT can retrieve the assignments for that HIT. Results are sorted and divided into numbered pages and the operation returns a single page of results. You can use the parameters of the operation to control sorting and pagination.
172 */
173 listAssignmentsForHIT(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListAssignmentsForHITResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListAssignmentsForHITResponse, AWSError>;
174 /**
175 * The ListBonusPayments operation retrieves the amounts of bonuses you have paid to Workers for a given HIT or assignment.
176 */
177 listBonusPayments(params: MTurk.Types.ListBonusPaymentsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListBonusPaymentsResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListBonusPaymentsResponse, AWSError>;
178 /**
179 * The ListBonusPayments operation retrieves the amounts of bonuses you have paid to Workers for a given HIT or assignment.
180 */
181 listBonusPayments(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListBonusPaymentsResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListBonusPaymentsResponse, AWSError>;
182 /**
183 * The ListHITs operation returns all of a Requester's HITs. The operation returns HITs of any status, except for HITs that have been deleted of with the DeleteHIT operation or that have been auto-deleted.
184 */
185 listHITs(params: MTurk.Types.ListHITsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListHITsResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListHITsResponse, AWSError>;
186 /**
187 * The ListHITs operation returns all of a Requester's HITs. The operation returns HITs of any status, except for HITs that have been deleted of with the DeleteHIT operation or that have been auto-deleted.
188 */
189 listHITs(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListHITsResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListHITsResponse, AWSError>;
190 /**
191 * The ListHITsForQualificationType operation returns the HITs that use the given Qualification type for a Qualification requirement. The operation returns HITs of any status, except for HITs that have been deleted with the DeleteHIT operation or that have been auto-deleted.
192 */
193 listHITsForQualificationType(params: MTurk.Types.ListHITsForQualificationTypeRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListHITsForQualificationTypeResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListHITsForQualificationTypeResponse, AWSError>;
194 /**
195 * The ListHITsForQualificationType operation returns the HITs that use the given Qualification type for a Qualification requirement. The operation returns HITs of any status, except for HITs that have been deleted with the DeleteHIT operation or that have been auto-deleted.
196 */
197 listHITsForQualificationType(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListHITsForQualificationTypeResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListHITsForQualificationTypeResponse, AWSError>;
198 /**
199 * The ListQualificationRequests operation retrieves requests for Qualifications of a particular Qualification type. The owner of the Qualification type calls this operation to poll for pending requests, and accepts them using the AcceptQualification operation.
200 */
201 listQualificationRequests(params: MTurk.Types.ListQualificationRequestsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListQualificationRequestsResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListQualificationRequestsResponse, AWSError>;
202 /**
203 * The ListQualificationRequests operation retrieves requests for Qualifications of a particular Qualification type. The owner of the Qualification type calls this operation to poll for pending requests, and accepts them using the AcceptQualification operation.
204 */
205 listQualificationRequests(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListQualificationRequestsResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListQualificationRequestsResponse, AWSError>;
206 /**
207 * The ListQualificationTypes operation returns a list of Qualification types, filtered by an optional search term.
208 */
209 listQualificationTypes(params: MTurk.Types.ListQualificationTypesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListQualificationTypesResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListQualificationTypesResponse, AWSError>;
210 /**
211 * The ListQualificationTypes operation returns a list of Qualification types, filtered by an optional search term.
212 */
213 listQualificationTypes(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListQualificationTypesResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListQualificationTypesResponse, AWSError>;
214 /**
215 * The ListReviewPolicyResultsForHIT operation retrieves the computed results and the actions taken in the course of executing your Review Policies for a given HIT. For information about how to specify Review Policies when you call CreateHIT, see Review Policies. The ListReviewPolicyResultsForHIT operation can return results for both Assignment-level and HIT-level review results.
216 */
217 listReviewPolicyResultsForHIT(params: MTurk.Types.ListReviewPolicyResultsForHITRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListReviewPolicyResultsForHITResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListReviewPolicyResultsForHITResponse, AWSError>;
218 /**
219 * The ListReviewPolicyResultsForHIT operation retrieves the computed results and the actions taken in the course of executing your Review Policies for a given HIT. For information about how to specify Review Policies when you call CreateHIT, see Review Policies. The ListReviewPolicyResultsForHIT operation can return results for both Assignment-level and HIT-level review results.
220 */
221 listReviewPolicyResultsForHIT(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListReviewPolicyResultsForHITResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListReviewPolicyResultsForHITResponse, AWSError>;
222 /**
223 * The ListReviewableHITs operation retrieves the HITs with Status equal to Reviewable or Status equal to Reviewing that belong to the Requester calling the operation.
224 */
225 listReviewableHITs(params: MTurk.Types.ListReviewableHITsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListReviewableHITsResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListReviewableHITsResponse, AWSError>;
226 /**
227 * The ListReviewableHITs operation retrieves the HITs with Status equal to Reviewable or Status equal to Reviewing that belong to the Requester calling the operation.
228 */
229 listReviewableHITs(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListReviewableHITsResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListReviewableHITsResponse, AWSError>;
230 /**
231 * The ListWorkersBlocks operation retrieves a list of Workers who are blocked from working on your HITs.
232 */
233 listWorkerBlocks(params: MTurk.Types.ListWorkerBlocksRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListWorkerBlocksResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListWorkerBlocksResponse, AWSError>;
234 /**
235 * The ListWorkersBlocks operation retrieves a list of Workers who are blocked from working on your HITs.
236 */
237 listWorkerBlocks(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListWorkerBlocksResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListWorkerBlocksResponse, AWSError>;
238 /**
239 * The ListWorkersWithQualificationType operation returns all of the Workers that have been associated with a given Qualification type.
240 */
241 listWorkersWithQualificationType(params: MTurk.Types.ListWorkersWithQualificationTypeRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListWorkersWithQualificationTypeResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListWorkersWithQualificationTypeResponse, AWSError>;
242 /**
243 * The ListWorkersWithQualificationType operation returns all of the Workers that have been associated with a given Qualification type.
244 */
245 listWorkersWithQualificationType(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.ListWorkersWithQualificationTypeResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.ListWorkersWithQualificationTypeResponse, AWSError>;
246 /**
247 * The NotifyWorkers operation sends an email to one or more Workers that you specify with the Worker ID. You can specify up to 100 Worker IDs to send the same message with a single call to the NotifyWorkers operation. The NotifyWorkers operation will send a notification email to a Worker only if you have previously approved or rejected work from the Worker.
248 */
249 notifyWorkers(params: MTurk.Types.NotifyWorkersRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.NotifyWorkersResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.NotifyWorkersResponse, AWSError>;
250 /**
251 * The NotifyWorkers operation sends an email to one or more Workers that you specify with the Worker ID. You can specify up to 100 Worker IDs to send the same message with a single call to the NotifyWorkers operation. The NotifyWorkers operation will send a notification email to a Worker only if you have previously approved or rejected work from the Worker.
252 */
253 notifyWorkers(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.NotifyWorkersResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.NotifyWorkersResponse, AWSError>;
254 /**
255 * The RejectAssignment operation rejects the results of a completed assignment. You can include an optional feedback message with the rejection, which the Worker can see in the Status section of the web site. When you include a feedback message with the rejection, it helps the Worker understand why the assignment was rejected, and can improve the quality of the results the Worker submits in the future. Only the Requester who created the HIT can reject an assignment for the HIT.
256 */
257 rejectAssignment(params: MTurk.Types.RejectAssignmentRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.RejectAssignmentResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.RejectAssignmentResponse, AWSError>;
258 /**
259 * The RejectAssignment operation rejects the results of a completed assignment. You can include an optional feedback message with the rejection, which the Worker can see in the Status section of the web site. When you include a feedback message with the rejection, it helps the Worker understand why the assignment was rejected, and can improve the quality of the results the Worker submits in the future. Only the Requester who created the HIT can reject an assignment for the HIT.
260 */
261 rejectAssignment(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.RejectAssignmentResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.RejectAssignmentResponse, AWSError>;
262 /**
263 * The RejectQualificationRequest operation rejects a user's request for a Qualification. You can provide a text message explaining why the request was rejected. The Worker who made the request can see this message.
264 */
265 rejectQualificationRequest(params: MTurk.Types.RejectQualificationRequestRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.RejectQualificationRequestResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.RejectQualificationRequestResponse, AWSError>;
266 /**
267 * The RejectQualificationRequest operation rejects a user's request for a Qualification. You can provide a text message explaining why the request was rejected. The Worker who made the request can see this message.
268 */
269 rejectQualificationRequest(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.RejectQualificationRequestResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.RejectQualificationRequestResponse, AWSError>;
270 /**
271 * The SendBonus operation issues a payment of money from your account to a Worker. This payment happens separately from the reward you pay to the Worker when you approve the Worker's assignment. The SendBonus operation requires the Worker's ID and the assignment ID as parameters to initiate payment of the bonus. You must include a message that explains the reason for the bonus payment, as the Worker may not be expecting the payment. Amazon Mechanical Turk collects a fee for bonus payments, similar to the HIT listing fee. This operation fails if your account does not have enough funds to pay for both the bonus and the fees.
272 */
273 sendBonus(params: MTurk.Types.SendBonusRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.SendBonusResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.SendBonusResponse, AWSError>;
274 /**
275 * The SendBonus operation issues a payment of money from your account to a Worker. This payment happens separately from the reward you pay to the Worker when you approve the Worker's assignment. The SendBonus operation requires the Worker's ID and the assignment ID as parameters to initiate payment of the bonus. You must include a message that explains the reason for the bonus payment, as the Worker may not be expecting the payment. Amazon Mechanical Turk collects a fee for bonus payments, similar to the HIT listing fee. This operation fails if your account does not have enough funds to pay for both the bonus and the fees.
276 */
277 sendBonus(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.SendBonusResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.SendBonusResponse, AWSError>;
278 /**
279 * The SendTestEventNotification operation causes Amazon Mechanical Turk to send a notification message as if a HIT event occurred, according to the provided notification specification. This allows you to test notifications without setting up notifications for a real HIT type and trying to trigger them using the website. When you call this operation, the service attempts to send the test notification immediately.
280 */
281 sendTestEventNotification(params: MTurk.Types.SendTestEventNotificationRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.SendTestEventNotificationResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.SendTestEventNotificationResponse, AWSError>;
282 /**
283 * The SendTestEventNotification operation causes Amazon Mechanical Turk to send a notification message as if a HIT event occurred, according to the provided notification specification. This allows you to test notifications without setting up notifications for a real HIT type and trying to trigger them using the website. When you call this operation, the service attempts to send the test notification immediately.
284 */
285 sendTestEventNotification(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.SendTestEventNotificationResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.SendTestEventNotificationResponse, AWSError>;
286 /**
287 * The UpdateExpirationForHIT operation allows you update the expiration time of a HIT. If you update it to a time in the past, the HIT will be immediately expired.
288 */
289 updateExpirationForHIT(params: MTurk.Types.UpdateExpirationForHITRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.UpdateExpirationForHITResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.UpdateExpirationForHITResponse, AWSError>;
290 /**
291 * The UpdateExpirationForHIT operation allows you update the expiration time of a HIT. If you update it to a time in the past, the HIT will be immediately expired.
292 */
293 updateExpirationForHIT(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.UpdateExpirationForHITResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.UpdateExpirationForHITResponse, AWSError>;
294 /**
295 * The UpdateHITReviewStatus operation updates the status of a HIT. If the status is Reviewable, this operation can update the status to Reviewing, or it can revert a Reviewing HIT back to the Reviewable status.
296 */
297 updateHITReviewStatus(params: MTurk.Types.UpdateHITReviewStatusRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.UpdateHITReviewStatusResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.UpdateHITReviewStatusResponse, AWSError>;
298 /**
299 * The UpdateHITReviewStatus operation updates the status of a HIT. If the status is Reviewable, this operation can update the status to Reviewing, or it can revert a Reviewing HIT back to the Reviewable status.
300 */
301 updateHITReviewStatus(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.UpdateHITReviewStatusResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.UpdateHITReviewStatusResponse, AWSError>;
302 /**
303 * The UpdateHITTypeOfHIT operation allows you to change the HITType properties of a HIT. This operation disassociates the HIT from its old HITType properties and associates it with the new HITType properties. The HIT takes on the properties of the new HITType in place of the old ones.
304 */
305 updateHITTypeOfHIT(params: MTurk.Types.UpdateHITTypeOfHITRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.UpdateHITTypeOfHITResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.UpdateHITTypeOfHITResponse, AWSError>;
306 /**
307 * The UpdateHITTypeOfHIT operation allows you to change the HITType properties of a HIT. This operation disassociates the HIT from its old HITType properties and associates it with the new HITType properties. The HIT takes on the properties of the new HITType in place of the old ones.
308 */
309 updateHITTypeOfHIT(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.UpdateHITTypeOfHITResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.UpdateHITTypeOfHITResponse, AWSError>;
310 /**
311 * The UpdateNotificationSettings operation creates, updates, disables or re-enables notifications for a HIT type. If you call the UpdateNotificationSettings operation for a HIT type that already has a notification specification, the operation replaces the old specification with a new one. You can call the UpdateNotificationSettings operation to enable or disable notifications for the HIT type, without having to modify the notification specification itself by providing updates to the Active status without specifying a new notification specification. To change the Active status of a HIT type's notifications, the HIT type must already have a notification specification, or one must be provided in the same call to UpdateNotificationSettings.
312 */
313 updateNotificationSettings(params: MTurk.Types.UpdateNotificationSettingsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.UpdateNotificationSettingsResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.UpdateNotificationSettingsResponse, AWSError>;
314 /**
315 * The UpdateNotificationSettings operation creates, updates, disables or re-enables notifications for a HIT type. If you call the UpdateNotificationSettings operation for a HIT type that already has a notification specification, the operation replaces the old specification with a new one. You can call the UpdateNotificationSettings operation to enable or disable notifications for the HIT type, without having to modify the notification specification itself by providing updates to the Active status without specifying a new notification specification. To change the Active status of a HIT type's notifications, the HIT type must already have a notification specification, or one must be provided in the same call to UpdateNotificationSettings.
316 */
317 updateNotificationSettings(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.UpdateNotificationSettingsResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.UpdateNotificationSettingsResponse, AWSError>;
318 /**
319 * The UpdateQualificationType operation modifies the attributes of an existing Qualification type, which is represented by a QualificationType data structure. Only the owner of a Qualification type can modify its attributes. Most attributes of a Qualification type can be changed after the type has been created. However, the Name and Keywords fields cannot be modified. The RetryDelayInSeconds parameter can be modified or added to change the delay or to enable retries, but RetryDelayInSeconds cannot be used to disable retries. You can use this operation to update the test for a Qualification type. The test is updated based on the values specified for the Test, TestDurationInSeconds and AnswerKey parameters. All three parameters specify the updated test. If you are updating the test for a type, you must specify the Test and TestDurationInSeconds parameters. The AnswerKey parameter is optional; omitting it specifies that the updated test does not have an answer key. If you omit the Test parameter, the test for the Qualification type is unchanged. There is no way to remove a test from a Qualification type that has one. If the type already has a test, you cannot update it to be AutoGranted. If the Qualification type does not have a test and one is provided by an update, the type will henceforth have a test. If you want to update the test duration or answer key for an existing test without changing the questions, you must specify a Test parameter with the original questions, along with the updated values. If you provide an updated Test but no AnswerKey, the new test will not have an answer key. Requests for such Qualifications must be granted manually. You can also update the AutoGranted and AutoGrantedValue attributes of the Qualification type.
320 */
321 updateQualificationType(params: MTurk.Types.UpdateQualificationTypeRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.UpdateQualificationTypeResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.UpdateQualificationTypeResponse, AWSError>;
322 /**
323 * The UpdateQualificationType operation modifies the attributes of an existing Qualification type, which is represented by a QualificationType data structure. Only the owner of a Qualification type can modify its attributes. Most attributes of a Qualification type can be changed after the type has been created. However, the Name and Keywords fields cannot be modified. The RetryDelayInSeconds parameter can be modified or added to change the delay or to enable retries, but RetryDelayInSeconds cannot be used to disable retries. You can use this operation to update the test for a Qualification type. The test is updated based on the values specified for the Test, TestDurationInSeconds and AnswerKey parameters. All three parameters specify the updated test. If you are updating the test for a type, you must specify the Test and TestDurationInSeconds parameters. The AnswerKey parameter is optional; omitting it specifies that the updated test does not have an answer key. If you omit the Test parameter, the test for the Qualification type is unchanged. There is no way to remove a test from a Qualification type that has one. If the type already has a test, you cannot update it to be AutoGranted. If the Qualification type does not have a test and one is provided by an update, the type will henceforth have a test. If you want to update the test duration or answer key for an existing test without changing the questions, you must specify a Test parameter with the original questions, along with the updated values. If you provide an updated Test but no AnswerKey, the new test will not have an answer key. Requests for such Qualifications must be granted manually. You can also update the AutoGranted and AutoGrantedValue attributes of the Qualification type.
324 */
325 updateQualificationType(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MTurk.Types.UpdateQualificationTypeResponse) => void): Request<MTurk.Types.UpdateQualificationTypeResponse, AWSError>;
327declare namespace MTurk {
328 export interface AcceptQualificationRequestRequest {
329 /**
330 * The ID of the Qualification request, as returned by the GetQualificationRequests operation.
331 */
332 QualificationRequestId: String;
333 /**
334 * The value of the Qualification. You can omit this value if you are using the presence or absence of the Qualification as the basis for a HIT requirement.
335 */
336 IntegerValue?: Integer;
337 }
338 export interface AcceptQualificationRequestResponse {
339 }
340 export interface ApproveAssignmentRequest {
341 /**
342 * The ID of the assignment. The assignment must correspond to a HIT created by the Requester.
343 */
344 AssignmentId: EntityId;
345 /**
346 * A message for the Worker, which the Worker can see in the Status section of the web site.
347 */
348 RequesterFeedback?: String;
349 /**
350 * A flag indicating that an assignment should be approved even if it was previously rejected. Defaults to False.
351 */
352 OverrideRejection?: Boolean;
353 }
354 export interface ApproveAssignmentResponse {
355 }
356 export interface Assignment {
357 /**
358 * A unique identifier for the assignment.
359 */
360 AssignmentId?: EntityId;
361 /**
362 * The ID of the Worker who accepted the HIT.
363 */
364 WorkerId?: CustomerId;
365 /**
366 * The ID of the HIT.
367 */
368 HITId?: EntityId;
369 /**
370 * The status of the assignment.
371 */
372 AssignmentStatus?: AssignmentStatus;
373 /**
374 * If results have been submitted, AutoApprovalTime is the date and time the results of the assignment results are considered Approved automatically if they have not already been explicitly approved or rejected by the Requester. This value is derived from the auto-approval delay specified by the Requester in the HIT. This value is omitted from the assignment if the Worker has not yet submitted results.
375 */
376 AutoApprovalTime?: Timestamp;
377 /**
378 * The date and time the Worker accepted the assignment.
379 */
380 AcceptTime?: Timestamp;
381 /**
382 * If the Worker has submitted results, SubmitTime is the date and time the assignment was submitted. This value is omitted from the assignment if the Worker has not yet submitted results.
383 */
384 SubmitTime?: Timestamp;
385 /**
386 * If the Worker has submitted results and the Requester has approved the results, ApprovalTime is the date and time the Requester approved the results. This value is omitted from the assignment if the Requester has not yet approved the results.
387 */
388 ApprovalTime?: Timestamp;
389 /**
390 * If the Worker has submitted results and the Requester has rejected the results, RejectionTime is the date and time the Requester rejected the results.
391 */
392 RejectionTime?: Timestamp;
393 /**
394 * The date and time of the deadline for the assignment. This value is derived from the deadline specification for the HIT and the date and time the Worker accepted the HIT.
395 */
396 Deadline?: Timestamp;
397 /**
398 * The Worker's answers submitted for the HIT contained in a QuestionFormAnswers document, if the Worker provides an answer. If the Worker does not provide any answers, Answer may contain a QuestionFormAnswers document, or Answer may be empty.
399 */
400 Answer?: String;
401 /**
402 * The feedback string included with the call to the ApproveAssignment operation or the RejectAssignment operation, if the Requester approved or rejected the assignment and specified feedback.
403 */
404 RequesterFeedback?: String;
405 }
406 export type AssignmentList = Assignment[];
407 export type AssignmentStatus = "Submitted"|"Approved"|"Rejected"|string;
408 export type AssignmentStatusList = AssignmentStatus[];
409 export interface AssociateQualificationWithWorkerRequest {
410 /**
411 * The ID of the Qualification type to use for the assigned Qualification.
412 */
413 QualificationTypeId: EntityId;
414 /**
415 * The ID of the Worker to whom the Qualification is being assigned. Worker IDs are included with submitted HIT assignments and Qualification requests.
416 */
417 WorkerId: CustomerId;
418 /**
419 * The value of the Qualification to assign.
420 */
421 IntegerValue?: Integer;
422 /**
423 * Specifies whether to send a notification email message to the Worker saying that the qualification was assigned to the Worker. Note: this is true by default.
424 */
425 SendNotification?: Boolean;
426 }
427 export interface AssociateQualificationWithWorkerResponse {
428 }
429 export interface BonusPayment {
430 /**
431 * The ID of the Worker to whom the bonus was paid.
432 */
433 WorkerId?: CustomerId;
434 BonusAmount?: CurrencyAmount;
435 /**
436 * The ID of the assignment associated with this bonus payment.
437 */
438 AssignmentId?: EntityId;
439 /**
440 * The Reason text given when the bonus was granted, if any.
441 */
442 Reason?: String;
443 /**
444 * The date and time of when the bonus was granted.
445 */
446 GrantTime?: Timestamp;
447 }
448 export type BonusPaymentList = BonusPayment[];
449 export type Boolean = boolean;
450 export type Comparator = "LessThan"|"LessThanOrEqualTo"|"GreaterThan"|"GreaterThanOrEqualTo"|"EqualTo"|"NotEqualTo"|"Exists"|"DoesNotExist"|"In"|"NotIn"|string;
451 export type CountryParameters = string;
452 export interface CreateAdditionalAssignmentsForHITRequest {
453 /**
454 * The ID of the HIT to extend.
455 */
456 HITId: EntityId;
457 /**
458 * The number of additional assignments to request for this HIT.
459 */
460 NumberOfAdditionalAssignments: Integer;
461 /**
462 * A unique identifier for this request, which allows you to retry the call on error without extending the HIT multiple times. This is useful in cases such as network timeouts where it is unclear whether or not the call succeeded on the server. If the extend HIT already exists in the system from a previous call using the same UniqueRequestToken, subsequent calls will return an error with a message containing the request ID.
463 */
464 UniqueRequestToken?: IdempotencyToken;
465 }
466 export interface CreateAdditionalAssignmentsForHITResponse {
467 }
468 export interface CreateHITRequest {
469 /**
470 * The number of times the HIT can be accepted and completed before the HIT becomes unavailable.
471 */
472 MaxAssignments?: Integer;
473 /**
474 * The number of seconds after an assignment for the HIT has been submitted, after which the assignment is considered Approved automatically unless the Requester explicitly rejects it.
475 */
476 AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds?: Long;
477 /**
478 * An amount of time, in seconds, after which the HIT is no longer available for users to accept. After the lifetime of the HIT elapses, the HIT no longer appears in HIT searches, even if not all of the assignments for the HIT have been accepted.
479 */
480 LifetimeInSeconds: Long;
481 /**
482 * The amount of time, in seconds, that a Worker has to complete the HIT after accepting it. If a Worker does not complete the assignment within the specified duration, the assignment is considered abandoned. If the HIT is still active (that is, its lifetime has not elapsed), the assignment becomes available for other users to find and accept.
483 */
484 AssignmentDurationInSeconds: Long;
485 /**
486 * The amount of money the Requester will pay a Worker for successfully completing the HIT.
487 */
488 Reward: CurrencyAmount;
489 /**
490 * The title of the HIT. A title should be short and descriptive about the kind of task the HIT contains. On the Amazon Mechanical Turk web site, the HIT title appears in search results, and everywhere the HIT is mentioned.
491 */
492 Title: String;
493 /**
494 * One or more words or phrases that describe the HIT, separated by commas. These words are used in searches to find HITs.
495 */
496 Keywords?: String;
497 /**
498 * A general description of the HIT. A description includes detailed information about the kind of task the HIT contains. On the Amazon Mechanical Turk web site, the HIT description appears in the expanded view of search results, and in the HIT and assignment screens. A good description gives the user enough information to evaluate the HIT before accepting it.
499 */
500 Description: String;
501 /**
502 * The data the person completing the HIT uses to produce the results. Constraints: Must be a QuestionForm data structure, an ExternalQuestion data structure, or an HTMLQuestion data structure. The XML question data must not be larger than 64 kilobytes (65,535 bytes) in size, including whitespace. Either a Question parameter or a HITLayoutId parameter must be provided.
503 */
504 Question?: String;
505 /**
506 * An arbitrary data field. The RequesterAnnotation parameter lets your application attach arbitrary data to the HIT for tracking purposes. For example, this parameter could be an identifier internal to the Requester's application that corresponds with the HIT. The RequesterAnnotation parameter for a HIT is only visible to the Requester who created the HIT. It is not shown to the Worker, or any other Requester. The RequesterAnnotation parameter may be different for each HIT you submit. It does not affect how your HITs are grouped.
507 */
508 RequesterAnnotation?: String;
509 /**
510 * Conditions that a Worker's Qualifications must meet in order to accept the HIT. A HIT can have between zero and ten Qualification requirements. All requirements must be met in order for a Worker to accept the HIT. Additionally, other actions can be restricted using the ActionsGuarded field on each QualificationRequirement structure.
511 */
512 QualificationRequirements?: QualificationRequirementList;
513 /**
514 * A unique identifier for this request which allows you to retry the call on error without creating duplicate HITs. This is useful in cases such as network timeouts where it is unclear whether or not the call succeeded on the server. If the HIT already exists in the system from a previous call using the same UniqueRequestToken, subsequent calls will return a AWS.MechanicalTurk.HitAlreadyExists error with a message containing the HITId. Note: It is your responsibility to ensure uniqueness of the token. The unique token expires after 24 hours. Subsequent calls using the same UniqueRequestToken made after the 24 hour limit could create duplicate HITs.
515 */
516 UniqueRequestToken?: IdempotencyToken;
517 /**
518 * The Assignment-level Review Policy applies to the assignments under the HIT. You can specify for Mechanical Turk to take various actions based on the policy.
519 */
520 AssignmentReviewPolicy?: ReviewPolicy;
521 /**
522 * The HIT-level Review Policy applies to the HIT. You can specify for Mechanical Turk to take various actions based on the policy.
523 */
524 HITReviewPolicy?: ReviewPolicy;
525 /**
526 * The HITLayoutId allows you to use a pre-existing HIT design with placeholder values and create an additional HIT by providing those values as HITLayoutParameters. Constraints: Either a Question parameter or a HITLayoutId parameter must be provided.
527 */
528 HITLayoutId?: EntityId;
529 /**
530 * If the HITLayoutId is provided, any placeholder values must be filled in with values using the HITLayoutParameter structure. For more information, see HITLayout.
531 */
532 HITLayoutParameters?: HITLayoutParameterList;
533 }
534 export interface CreateHITResponse {
535 /**
536 * Contains the newly created HIT data. For a description of the HIT data structure as it appears in responses, see the HIT Data Structure documentation.
537 */
538 HIT?: HIT;
539 }
540 export interface CreateHITTypeRequest {
541 /**
542 * The number of seconds after an assignment for the HIT has been submitted, after which the assignment is considered Approved automatically unless the Requester explicitly rejects it.
543 */
544 AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds?: Long;
545 /**
546 * The amount of time, in seconds, that a Worker has to complete the HIT after accepting it. If a Worker does not complete the assignment within the specified duration, the assignment is considered abandoned. If the HIT is still active (that is, its lifetime has not elapsed), the assignment becomes available for other users to find and accept.
547 */
548 AssignmentDurationInSeconds: Long;
549 /**
550 * The amount of money the Requester will pay a Worker for successfully completing the HIT.
551 */
552 Reward: CurrencyAmount;
553 /**
554 * The title of the HIT. A title should be short and descriptive about the kind of task the HIT contains. On the Amazon Mechanical Turk web site, the HIT title appears in search results, and everywhere the HIT is mentioned.
555 */
556 Title: String;
557 /**
558 * One or more words or phrases that describe the HIT, separated by commas. These words are used in searches to find HITs.
559 */
560 Keywords?: String;
561 /**
562 * A general description of the HIT. A description includes detailed information about the kind of task the HIT contains. On the Amazon Mechanical Turk web site, the HIT description appears in the expanded view of search results, and in the HIT and assignment screens. A good description gives the user enough information to evaluate the HIT before accepting it.
563 */
564 Description: String;
565 /**
566 * Conditions that a Worker's Qualifications must meet in order to accept the HIT. A HIT can have between zero and ten Qualification requirements. All requirements must be met in order for a Worker to accept the HIT. Additionally, other actions can be restricted using the ActionsGuarded field on each QualificationRequirement structure.
567 */
568 QualificationRequirements?: QualificationRequirementList;
569 }
570 export interface CreateHITTypeResponse {
571 /**
572 * The ID of the newly registered HIT type.
573 */
574 HITTypeId?: EntityId;
575 }
576 export interface CreateHITWithHITTypeRequest {
577 /**
578 * The HIT type ID you want to create this HIT with.
579 */
580 HITTypeId: EntityId;
581 /**
582 * The number of times the HIT can be accepted and completed before the HIT becomes unavailable.
583 */
584 MaxAssignments?: Integer;
585 /**
586 * An amount of time, in seconds, after which the HIT is no longer available for users to accept. After the lifetime of the HIT elapses, the HIT no longer appears in HIT searches, even if not all of the assignments for the HIT have been accepted.
587 */
588 LifetimeInSeconds: Long;
589 /**
590 * The data the person completing the HIT uses to produce the results. Constraints: Must be a QuestionForm data structure, an ExternalQuestion data structure, or an HTMLQuestion data structure. The XML question data must not be larger than 64 kilobytes (65,535 bytes) in size, including whitespace. Either a Question parameter or a HITLayoutId parameter must be provided.
591 */
592 Question?: String;
593 /**
594 * An arbitrary data field. The RequesterAnnotation parameter lets your application attach arbitrary data to the HIT for tracking purposes. For example, this parameter could be an identifier internal to the Requester's application that corresponds with the HIT. The RequesterAnnotation parameter for a HIT is only visible to the Requester who created the HIT. It is not shown to the Worker, or any other Requester. The RequesterAnnotation parameter may be different for each HIT you submit. It does not affect how your HITs are grouped.
595 */
596 RequesterAnnotation?: String;
597 /**
598 * A unique identifier for this request which allows you to retry the call on error without creating duplicate HITs. This is useful in cases such as network timeouts where it is unclear whether or not the call succeeded on the server. If the HIT already exists in the system from a previous call using the same UniqueRequestToken, subsequent calls will return a AWS.MechanicalTurk.HitAlreadyExists error with a message containing the HITId. Note: It is your responsibility to ensure uniqueness of the token. The unique token expires after 24 hours. Subsequent calls using the same UniqueRequestToken made after the 24 hour limit could create duplicate HITs.
599 */
600 UniqueRequestToken?: IdempotencyToken;
601 /**
602 * The Assignment-level Review Policy applies to the assignments under the HIT. You can specify for Mechanical Turk to take various actions based on the policy.
603 */
604 AssignmentReviewPolicy?: ReviewPolicy;
605 /**
606 * The HIT-level Review Policy applies to the HIT. You can specify for Mechanical Turk to take various actions based on the policy.
607 */
608 HITReviewPolicy?: ReviewPolicy;
609 /**
610 * The HITLayoutId allows you to use a pre-existing HIT design with placeholder values and create an additional HIT by providing those values as HITLayoutParameters. Constraints: Either a Question parameter or a HITLayoutId parameter must be provided.
611 */
612 HITLayoutId?: EntityId;
613 /**
614 * If the HITLayoutId is provided, any placeholder values must be filled in with values using the HITLayoutParameter structure. For more information, see HITLayout.
615 */
616 HITLayoutParameters?: HITLayoutParameterList;
617 }
618 export interface CreateHITWithHITTypeResponse {
619 /**
620 * Contains the newly created HIT data. For a description of the HIT data structure as it appears in responses, see the HIT Data Structure documentation.
621 */
622 HIT?: HIT;
623 }
624 export interface CreateQualificationTypeRequest {
625 /**
626 * The name you give to the Qualification type. The type name is used to represent the Qualification to Workers, and to find the type using a Qualification type search. It must be unique across all of your Qualification types.
627 */
628 Name: String;
629 /**
630 * One or more words or phrases that describe the Qualification type, separated by commas. The keywords of a type make the type easier to find during a search.
631 */
632 Keywords?: String;
633 /**
634 * A long description for the Qualification type. On the Amazon Mechanical Turk website, the long description is displayed when a Worker examines a Qualification type.
635 */
636 Description: String;
637 /**
638 * The initial status of the Qualification type. Constraints: Valid values are: Active | Inactive
639 */
640 QualificationTypeStatus: QualificationTypeStatus;
641 /**
642 * The number of seconds that a Worker must wait after requesting a Qualification of the Qualification type before the worker can retry the Qualification request. Constraints: None. If not specified, retries are disabled and Workers can request a Qualification of this type only once, even if the Worker has not been granted the Qualification. It is not possible to disable retries for a Qualification type after it has been created with retries enabled. If you want to disable retries, you must delete existing retry-enabled Qualification type and then create a new Qualification type with retries disabled.
643 */
644 RetryDelayInSeconds?: Long;
645 /**
646 * The questions for the Qualification test a Worker must answer correctly to obtain a Qualification of this type. If this parameter is specified, TestDurationInSeconds must also be specified. Constraints: Must not be longer than 65535 bytes. Must be a QuestionForm data structure. This parameter cannot be specified if AutoGranted is true. Constraints: None. If not specified, the Worker may request the Qualification without answering any questions.
647 */
648 Test?: String;
649 /**
650 * The answers to the Qualification test specified in the Test parameter, in the form of an AnswerKey data structure. Constraints: Must not be longer than 65535 bytes. Constraints: None. If not specified, you must process Qualification requests manually.
651 */
652 AnswerKey?: String;
653 /**
654 * The number of seconds the Worker has to complete the Qualification test, starting from the time the Worker requests the Qualification.
655 */
656 TestDurationInSeconds?: Long;
657 /**
658 * Specifies whether requests for the Qualification type are granted immediately, without prompting the Worker with a Qualification test. Constraints: If the Test parameter is specified, this parameter cannot be true.
659 */
660 AutoGranted?: Boolean;
661 /**
662 * The Qualification value to use for automatically granted Qualifications. This parameter is used only if the AutoGranted parameter is true.
663 */
664 AutoGrantedValue?: Integer;
665 }
666 export interface CreateQualificationTypeResponse {
667 /**
668 * The created Qualification type, returned as a QualificationType data structure.
669 */
670 QualificationType?: QualificationType;
671 }
672 export interface CreateWorkerBlockRequest {
673 /**
674 * The ID of the Worker to block.
675 */
676 WorkerId: CustomerId;
677 /**
678 * A message explaining the reason for blocking the Worker. This parameter enables you to keep track of your Workers. The Worker does not see this message.
679 */
680 Reason: String;
681 }
682 export interface CreateWorkerBlockResponse {
683 }
684 export type CurrencyAmount = string;
685 export type CustomerId = string;
686 export type CustomerIdList = CustomerId[];
687 export interface DeleteHITRequest {
688 /**
689 * The ID of the HIT to be deleted.
690 */
691 HITId: EntityId;
692 }
693 export interface DeleteHITResponse {
694 }
695 export interface DeleteQualificationTypeRequest {
696 /**
697 * The ID of the QualificationType to dispose.
698 */
699 QualificationTypeId: EntityId;
700 }
701 export interface DeleteQualificationTypeResponse {
702 }
703 export interface DeleteWorkerBlockRequest {
704 /**
705 * The ID of the Worker to unblock.
706 */
707 WorkerId: CustomerId;
708 /**
709 * A message that explains the reason for unblocking the Worker. The Worker does not see this message.
710 */
711 Reason?: String;
712 }
713 export interface DeleteWorkerBlockResponse {
714 }
715 export interface DisassociateQualificationFromWorkerRequest {
716 /**
717 * The ID of the Worker who possesses the Qualification to be revoked.
718 */
719 WorkerId: CustomerId;
720 /**
721 * The ID of the Qualification type of the Qualification to be revoked.
722 */
723 QualificationTypeId: EntityId;
724 /**
725 * A text message that explains why the Qualification was revoked. The user who had the Qualification sees this message.
726 */
727 Reason?: String;
728 }
729 export interface DisassociateQualificationFromWorkerResponse {
730 }
731 export type EntityId = string;
732 export type EventType = "AssignmentAccepted"|"AssignmentAbandoned"|"AssignmentReturned"|"AssignmentSubmitted"|"AssignmentRejected"|"AssignmentApproved"|"HITCreated"|"HITExpired"|"HITReviewable"|"HITExtended"|"HITDisposed"|"Ping"|string;
733 export type EventTypeList = EventType[];
734 export interface GetAccountBalanceRequest {
735 }
736 export interface GetAccountBalanceResponse {
737 AvailableBalance?: CurrencyAmount;
738 OnHoldBalance?: CurrencyAmount;
739 }
740 export interface GetAssignmentRequest {
741 /**
742 * The ID of the Assignment to be retrieved.
743 */
744 AssignmentId: EntityId;
745 }
746 export interface GetAssignmentResponse {
747 /**
748 * The assignment. The response includes one Assignment element.
749 */
750 Assignment?: Assignment;
751 /**
752 * The HIT associated with this assignment. The response includes one HIT element.
753 */
754 HIT?: HIT;
755 }
756 export interface GetFileUploadURLRequest {
757 /**
758 * The ID of the assignment that contains the question with a FileUploadAnswer.
759 */
760 AssignmentId: EntityId;
761 /**
762 * The identifier of the question with a FileUploadAnswer, as specified in the QuestionForm of the HIT.
763 */
764 QuestionIdentifier: String;
765 }
766 export interface GetFileUploadURLResponse {
767 /**
768 * A temporary URL for the file that the Worker uploaded for the answer.
769 */
770 FileUploadURL?: String;
771 }
772 export interface GetHITRequest {
773 /**
774 * The ID of the HIT to be retrieved.
775 */
776 HITId: EntityId;
777 }
778 export interface GetHITResponse {
779 /**
780 * Contains the requested HIT data.
781 */
782 HIT?: HIT;
783 }
784 export interface GetQualificationScoreRequest {
785 /**
786 * The ID of the QualificationType.
787 */
788 QualificationTypeId: EntityId;
789 /**
790 * The ID of the Worker whose Qualification is being updated.
791 */
792 WorkerId: CustomerId;
793 }
794 export interface GetQualificationScoreResponse {
795 /**
796 * The Qualification data structure of the Qualification assigned to a user, including the Qualification type and the value (score).
797 */
798 Qualification?: Qualification;
799 }
800 export interface GetQualificationTypeRequest {
801 /**
802 * The ID of the QualificationType.
803 */
804 QualificationTypeId: EntityId;
805 }
806 export interface GetQualificationTypeResponse {
807 /**
808 * The returned Qualification Type
809 */
810 QualificationType?: QualificationType;
811 }
812 export interface HIT {
813 /**
814 * A unique identifier for the HIT.
815 */
816 HITId?: EntityId;
817 /**
818 * The ID of the HIT type of this HIT
819 */
820 HITTypeId?: EntityId;
821 /**
822 * The ID of the HIT Group of this HIT.
823 */
824 HITGroupId?: EntityId;
825 /**
826 * The ID of the HIT Layout of this HIT.
827 */
828 HITLayoutId?: EntityId;
829 /**
830 * The date and time the HIT was created.
831 */
832 CreationTime?: Timestamp;
833 /**
834 * The title of the HIT.
835 */
836 Title?: String;
837 /**
838 * A general description of the HIT.
839 */
840 Description?: String;
841 /**
842 * The data the Worker completing the HIT uses produce the results. This is either either a QuestionForm, HTMLQuestion or an ExternalQuestion data structure.
843 */
844 Question?: String;
845 /**
846 * One or more words or phrases that describe the HIT, separated by commas. Search terms similar to the keywords of a HIT are more likely to have the HIT in the search results.
847 */
848 Keywords?: String;
849 /**
850 * The status of the HIT and its assignments. Valid Values are Assignable | Unassignable | Reviewable | Reviewing | Disposed.
851 */
852 HITStatus?: HITStatus;
853 /**
854 * The number of times the HIT can be accepted and completed before the HIT becomes unavailable.
855 */
856 MaxAssignments?: Integer;
857 Reward?: CurrencyAmount;
858 /**
859 * The amount of time, in seconds, after the Worker submits an assignment for the HIT that the results are automatically approved by Amazon Mechanical Turk. This is the amount of time the Requester has to reject an assignment submitted by a Worker before the assignment is auto-approved and the Worker is paid.
860 */
861 AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds?: Long;
862 /**
863 * The date and time the HIT expires.
864 */
865 Expiration?: Timestamp;
866 /**
867 * The length of time, in seconds, that a Worker has to complete the HIT after accepting it.
868 */
869 AssignmentDurationInSeconds?: Long;
870 /**
871 * An arbitrary data field the Requester who created the HIT can use. This field is visible only to the creator of the HIT.
872 */
873 RequesterAnnotation?: String;
874 /**
875 * Conditions that a Worker's Qualifications must meet in order to accept the HIT. A HIT can have between zero and ten Qualification requirements. All requirements must be met in order for a Worker to accept the HIT. Additionally, other actions can be restricted using the ActionsGuarded field on each QualificationRequirement structure.
876 */
877 QualificationRequirements?: QualificationRequirementList;
878 /**
879 * Indicates the review status of the HIT. Valid Values are NotReviewed | MarkedForReview | ReviewedAppropriate | ReviewedInappropriate.
880 */
881 HITReviewStatus?: HITReviewStatus;
882 /**
883 * The number of assignments for this HIT that are being previewed or have been accepted by Workers, but have not yet been submitted, returned, or abandoned.
884 */
885 NumberOfAssignmentsPending?: Integer;
886 /**
887 * The number of assignments for this HIT that are available for Workers to accept.
888 */
889 NumberOfAssignmentsAvailable?: Integer;
890 /**
891 * The number of assignments for this HIT that have been approved or rejected.
892 */
893 NumberOfAssignmentsCompleted?: Integer;
894 }
895 export type HITAccessActions = "Accept"|"PreviewAndAccept"|"DiscoverPreviewAndAccept"|string;
896 export interface HITLayoutParameter {
897 /**
898 * The name of the parameter in the HITLayout.
899 */
900 Name: String;
901 /**
902 * The value substituted for the parameter referenced in the HITLayout.
903 */
904 Value: String;
905 }
906 export type HITLayoutParameterList = HITLayoutParameter[];
907 export type HITList = HIT[];
908 export type HITReviewStatus = "NotReviewed"|"MarkedForReview"|"ReviewedAppropriate"|"ReviewedInappropriate"|string;
909 export type HITStatus = "Assignable"|"Unassignable"|"Reviewable"|"Reviewing"|"Disposed"|string;
910 export type IdempotencyToken = string;
911 export type Integer = number;
912 export type IntegerList = Integer[];
913 export interface ListAssignmentsForHITRequest {
914 /**
915 * The ID of the HIT.
916 */
917 HITId: EntityId;
918 /**
919 * Pagination token
920 */
921 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
922 MaxResults?: ResultSize;
923 /**
924 * The status of the assignments to return: Submitted | Approved | Rejected
925 */
926 AssignmentStatuses?: AssignmentStatusList;
927 }
928 export interface ListAssignmentsForHITResponse {
929 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
930 /**
931 * The number of assignments on the page in the filtered results list, equivalent to the number of assignments returned by this call.
932 */
933 NumResults?: Integer;
934 /**
935 * The collection of Assignment data structures returned by this call.
936 */
937 Assignments?: AssignmentList;
938 }
939 export interface ListBonusPaymentsRequest {
940 /**
941 * The ID of the HIT associated with the bonus payments to retrieve. If not specified, all bonus payments for all assignments for the given HIT are returned. Either the HITId parameter or the AssignmentId parameter must be specified
942 */
943 HITId?: EntityId;
944 /**
945 * The ID of the assignment associated with the bonus payments to retrieve. If specified, only bonus payments for the given assignment are returned. Either the HITId parameter or the AssignmentId parameter must be specified
946 */
947 AssignmentId?: EntityId;
948 /**
949 * Pagination token
950 */
951 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
952 MaxResults?: ResultSize;
953 }
954 export interface ListBonusPaymentsResponse {
955 /**
956 * The number of bonus payments on this page in the filtered results list, equivalent to the number of bonus payments being returned by this call.
957 */
958 NumResults?: Integer;
959 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
960 /**
961 * A successful request to the ListBonusPayments operation returns a list of BonusPayment objects.
962 */
963 BonusPayments?: BonusPaymentList;
964 }
965 export interface ListHITsForQualificationTypeRequest {
966 /**
967 * The ID of the Qualification type to use when querying HITs.
968 */
969 QualificationTypeId: EntityId;
970 /**
971 * Pagination Token
972 */
973 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
974 /**
975 * Limit the number of results returned.
976 */
977 MaxResults?: ResultSize;
978 }
979 export interface ListHITsForQualificationTypeResponse {
980 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
981 /**
982 * The number of HITs on this page in the filtered results list, equivalent to the number of HITs being returned by this call.
983 */
984 NumResults?: Integer;
985 /**
986 * The list of HIT elements returned by the query.
987 */
988 HITs?: HITList;
989 }
990 export interface ListHITsRequest {
991 /**
992 * Pagination token
993 */
994 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
995 MaxResults?: ResultSize;
996 }
997 export interface ListHITsResponse {
998 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
999 /**
1000 * The number of HITs on this page in the filtered results list, equivalent to the number of HITs being returned by this call.
1001 */
1002 NumResults?: Integer;
1003 /**
1004 * The list of HIT elements returned by the query.
1005 */
1006 HITs?: HITList;
1007 }
1008 export interface ListQualificationRequestsRequest {
1009 /**
1010 * The ID of the QualificationType.
1011 */
1012 QualificationTypeId?: EntityId;
1013 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
1014 /**
1015 * The maximum number of results to return in a single call.
1016 */
1017 MaxResults?: ResultSize;
1018 }
1019 export interface ListQualificationRequestsResponse {
1020 /**
1021 * The number of Qualification requests on this page in the filtered results list, equivalent to the number of Qualification requests being returned by this call.
1022 */
1023 NumResults?: Integer;
1024 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
1025 /**
1026 * The Qualification request. The response includes one QualificationRequest element for each Qualification request returned by the query.
1027 */
1028 QualificationRequests?: QualificationRequestList;
1029 }
1030 export interface ListQualificationTypesRequest {
1031 /**
1032 * A text query against all of the searchable attributes of Qualification types.
1033 */
1034 Query?: String;
1035 /**
1036 * Specifies that only Qualification types that a user can request through the Amazon Mechanical Turk web site, such as by taking a Qualification test, are returned as results of the search. Some Qualification types, such as those assigned automatically by the system, cannot be requested directly by users. If false, all Qualification types, including those managed by the system, are considered. Valid values are True | False.
1037 */
1038 MustBeRequestable: Boolean;
1039 /**
1040 * Specifies that only Qualification types that the Requester created are returned. If false, the operation returns all Qualification types.
1041 */
1042 MustBeOwnedByCaller?: Boolean;
1043 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
1044 /**
1045 * The maximum number of results to return in a single call.
1046 */
1047 MaxResults?: ResultSize;
1048 }
1049 export interface ListQualificationTypesResponse {
1050 /**
1051 * The number of Qualification types on this page in the filtered results list, equivalent to the number of types this operation returns.
1052 */
1053 NumResults?: Integer;
1054 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
1055 /**
1056 * The list of QualificationType elements returned by the query.
1057 */
1058 QualificationTypes?: QualificationTypeList;
1059 }
1060 export interface ListReviewPolicyResultsForHITRequest {
1061 /**
1062 * The unique identifier of the HIT to retrieve review results for.
1063 */
1064 HITId: EntityId;
1065 /**
1066 * The Policy Level(s) to retrieve review results for - HIT or Assignment. If omitted, the default behavior is to retrieve all data for both policy levels. For a list of all the described policies, see Review Policies.
1067 */
1068 PolicyLevels?: ReviewPolicyLevelList;
1069 /**
1070 * Specify if the operation should retrieve a list of the actions taken executing the Review Policies and their outcomes.
1071 */
1072 RetrieveActions?: Boolean;
1073 /**
1074 * Specify if the operation should retrieve a list of the results computed by the Review Policies.
1075 */
1076 RetrieveResults?: Boolean;
1077 /**
1078 * Pagination token
1079 */
1080 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
1081 /**
1082 * Limit the number of results returned.
1083 */
1084 MaxResults?: ResultSize;
1085 }
1086 export interface ListReviewPolicyResultsForHITResponse {
1087 /**
1088 * The HITId of the HIT for which results have been returned.
1089 */
1090 HITId?: EntityId;
1091 /**
1092 * The name of the Assignment-level Review Policy. This contains only the PolicyName element.
1093 */
1094 AssignmentReviewPolicy?: ReviewPolicy;
1095 /**
1096 * The name of the HIT-level Review Policy. This contains only the PolicyName element.
1097 */
1098 HITReviewPolicy?: ReviewPolicy;
1099 /**
1100 * Contains both ReviewResult and ReviewAction elements for an Assignment.
1101 */
1102 AssignmentReviewReport?: ReviewReport;
1103 /**
1104 * Contains both ReviewResult and ReviewAction elements for a particular HIT.
1105 */
1106 HITReviewReport?: ReviewReport;
1107 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
1108 }
1109 export interface ListReviewableHITsRequest {
1110 /**
1111 * The ID of the HIT type of the HITs to consider for the query. If not specified, all HITs for the Reviewer are considered
1112 */
1113 HITTypeId?: EntityId;
1114 /**
1115 * Can be either Reviewable or Reviewing. Reviewable is the default value.
1116 */
1117 Status?: ReviewableHITStatus;
1118 /**
1119 * Pagination Token
1120 */
1121 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
1122 /**
1123 * Limit the number of results returned.
1124 */
1125 MaxResults?: ResultSize;
1126 }
1127 export interface ListReviewableHITsResponse {
1128 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
1129 /**
1130 * The number of HITs on this page in the filtered results list, equivalent to the number of HITs being returned by this call.
1131 */
1132 NumResults?: Integer;
1133 /**
1134 * The list of HIT elements returned by the query.
1135 */
1136 HITs?: HITList;
1137 }
1138 export interface ListWorkerBlocksRequest {
1139 /**
1140 * Pagination token
1141 */
1142 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
1143 MaxResults?: ResultSize;
1144 }
1145 export interface ListWorkerBlocksResponse {
1146 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
1147 /**
1148 * The number of assignments on the page in the filtered results list, equivalent to the number of assignments returned by this call.
1149 */
1150 NumResults?: Integer;
1151 /**
1152 * The list of WorkerBlocks, containing the collection of Worker IDs and reasons for blocking.
1153 */
1154 WorkerBlocks?: WorkerBlockList;
1155 }
1156 export interface ListWorkersWithQualificationTypeRequest {
1157 /**
1158 * The ID of the Qualification type of the Qualifications to return.
1159 */
1160 QualificationTypeId: EntityId;
1161 /**
1162 * The status of the Qualifications to return. Can be Granted | Revoked.
1163 */
1164 Status?: QualificationStatus;
1165 /**
1166 * Pagination Token
1167 */
1168 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
1169 /**
1170 * Limit the number of results returned.
1171 */
1172 MaxResults?: ResultSize;
1173 }
1174 export interface ListWorkersWithQualificationTypeResponse {
1175 NextToken?: PaginationToken;
1176 /**
1177 * The number of Qualifications on this page in the filtered results list, equivalent to the number of Qualifications being returned by this call.
1178 */
1179 NumResults?: Integer;
1180 /**
1181 * The list of Qualification elements returned by this call.
1182 */
1183 Qualifications?: QualificationList;
1184 }
1185 export interface Locale {
1186 /**
1187 * The country of the locale. Must be a valid ISO 3166 country code. For example, the code US refers to the United States of America.
1188 */
1189 Country: CountryParameters;
1190 /**
1191 * The state or subdivision of the locale. A valid ISO 3166-2 subdivision code. For example, the code WA refers to the state of Washington.
1192 */
1193 Subdivision?: CountryParameters;
1194 }
1195 export type LocaleList = Locale[];
1196 export type Long = number;
1197 export interface NotificationSpecification {
1198 /**
1199 * The target for notification messages. The Destination’s format is determined by the specified Transport: When Transport is Email, the Destination is your email address. When Transport is SQS, the Destination is your queue URL. When Transport is SNS, the Destination is the ARN of your topic.
1200 */
1201 Destination: String;
1202 /**
1203 * The method Amazon Mechanical Turk uses to send the notification. Valid Values: Email | SQS | SNS.
1204 */
1205 Transport: NotificationTransport;
1206 /**
1207 * The version of the Notification API to use. Valid value is 2006-05-05.
1208 */
1209 Version: String;
1210 /**
1211 * The list of events that should cause notifications to be sent. Valid Values: AssignmentAccepted | AssignmentAbandoned | AssignmentReturned | AssignmentSubmitted | AssignmentRejected | AssignmentApproved | HITCreated | HITExtended | HITDisposed | HITReviewable | HITExpired | Ping. The Ping event is only valid for the SendTestEventNotification operation.
1212 */
1213 EventTypes: EventTypeList;
1214 }
1215 export type NotificationTransport = "Email"|"SQS"|"SNS"|string;
1216 export type NotifyWorkersFailureCode = "SoftFailure"|"HardFailure"|string;
1217 export interface NotifyWorkersFailureStatus {
1218 /**
1219 * Encoded value for the failure type.
1220 */
1221 NotifyWorkersFailureCode?: NotifyWorkersFailureCode;
1222 /**
1223 * A message detailing the reason the Worker could not be notified.
1224 */
1225 NotifyWorkersFailureMessage?: String;
1226 /**
1227 * The ID of the Worker.
1228 */
1229 WorkerId?: CustomerId;
1230 }
1231 export type NotifyWorkersFailureStatusList = NotifyWorkersFailureStatus[];
1232 export interface NotifyWorkersRequest {
1233 /**
1234 * The subject line of the email message to send. Can include up to 200 characters.
1235 */
1236 Subject: String;
1237 /**
1238 * The text of the email message to send. Can include up to 4,096 characters
1239 */
1240 MessageText: String;
1241 /**
1242 * A list of Worker IDs you wish to notify. You can notify upto 100 Workers at a time.
1243 */
1244 WorkerIds: CustomerIdList;
1245 }
1246 export interface NotifyWorkersResponse {
1247 /**
1248 * When MTurk sends notifications to the list of Workers, it returns back any failures it encounters in this list of NotifyWorkersFailureStatus objects.
1249 */
1250 NotifyWorkersFailureStatuses?: NotifyWorkersFailureStatusList;
1251 }
1252 export type PaginationToken = string;
1253 export interface ParameterMapEntry {
1254 /**
1255 * The QuestionID from the HIT that is used to identify which question requires Mechanical Turk to score as part of the ScoreMyKnownAnswers/2011-09-01 Review Policy.
1256 */
1257 Key?: String;
1258 /**
1259 * The list of answers to the question specified in the MapEntry Key element. The Worker must match all values in order for the answer to be scored correctly.
1260 */
1261 Values?: StringList;
1262 }
1263 export type ParameterMapEntryList = ParameterMapEntry[];
1264 export interface PolicyParameter {
1265 /**
1266 * Name of the parameter from the list of Review Polices.
1267 */
1268 Key?: String;
1269 /**
1270 * The list of values of the Parameter
1271 */
1272 Values?: StringList;
1273 /**
1274 * List of ParameterMapEntry objects.
1275 */
1276 MapEntries?: ParameterMapEntryList;
1277 }
1278 export type PolicyParameterList = PolicyParameter[];
1279 export interface Qualification {
1280 /**
1281 * The ID of the Qualification type for the Qualification.
1282 */
1283 QualificationTypeId?: EntityId;
1284 /**
1285 * The ID of the Worker who possesses the Qualification.
1286 */
1287 WorkerId?: CustomerId;
1288 /**
1289 * The date and time the Qualification was granted to the Worker. If the Worker's Qualification was revoked, and then re-granted based on a new Qualification request, GrantTime is the date and time of the last call to the AcceptQualificationRequest operation.
1290 */
1291 GrantTime?: Timestamp;
1292 /**
1293 * The value (score) of the Qualification, if the Qualification has an integer value.
1294 */
1295 IntegerValue?: Integer;
1296 LocaleValue?: Locale;
1297 /**
1298 * The status of the Qualification. Valid values are Granted | Revoked.
1299 */
1300 Status?: QualificationStatus;
1301 }
1302 export type QualificationList = Qualification[];
1303 export interface QualificationRequest {
1304 /**
1305 * The ID of the Qualification request, a unique identifier generated when the request was submitted.
1306 */
1307 QualificationRequestId?: String;
1308 /**
1309 * The ID of the Qualification type the Worker is requesting, as returned by the CreateQualificationType operation.
1310 */
1311 QualificationTypeId?: EntityId;
1312 /**
1313 * The ID of the Worker requesting the Qualification.
1314 */
1315 WorkerId?: CustomerId;
1316 /**
1317 * The contents of the Qualification test that was presented to the Worker, if the type has a test and the Worker has submitted answers. This value is identical to the QuestionForm associated with the Qualification type at the time the Worker requests the Qualification.
1318 */
1319 Test?: String;
1320 /**
1321 * The Worker's answers for the Qualification type's test contained in a QuestionFormAnswers document, if the type has a test and the Worker has submitted answers. If the Worker does not provide any answers, Answer may be empty.
1322 */
1323 Answer?: String;
1324 /**
1325 * The date and time the Qualification request had a status of Submitted. This is either the time the Worker submitted answers for a Qualification test, or the time the Worker requested the Qualification if the Qualification type does not have a test.
1326 */
1327 SubmitTime?: Timestamp;
1328 }
1329 export type QualificationRequestList = QualificationRequest[];
1330 export interface QualificationRequirement {
1331 /**
1332 * The ID of the Qualification type for the requirement.
1333 */
1334 QualificationTypeId: String;
1335 /**
1336 * The kind of comparison to make against a Qualification's value. You can compare a Qualification's value to an IntegerValue to see if it is LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, EqualTo, or NotEqualTo the IntegerValue. You can compare it to a LocaleValue to see if it is EqualTo, or NotEqualTo the LocaleValue. You can check to see if the value is In or NotIn a set of IntegerValue or LocaleValue values. Lastly, a Qualification requirement can also test if a Qualification Exists or DoesNotExist in the user's profile, regardless of its value.
1337 */
1338 Comparator: Comparator;
1339 /**
1340 * The integer value to compare against the Qualification's value. IntegerValue must not be present if Comparator is Exists or DoesNotExist. IntegerValue can only be used if the Qualification type has an integer value; it cannot be used with the Worker_Locale QualificationType ID. When performing a set comparison by using the In or the NotIn comparator, you can use up to 15 IntegerValue elements in a QualificationRequirement data structure.
1341 */
1342 IntegerValues?: IntegerList;
1343 /**
1344 * The locale value to compare against the Qualification's value. The local value must be a valid ISO 3166 country code or supports ISO 3166-2 subdivisions. LocaleValue can only be used with a Worker_Locale QualificationType ID. LocaleValue can only be used with the EqualTo, NotEqualTo, In, and NotIn comparators. You must only use a single LocaleValue element when using the EqualTo or NotEqualTo comparators. When performing a set comparison by using the In or the NotIn comparator, you can use up to 30 LocaleValue elements in a QualificationRequirement data structure.
1345 */
1346 LocaleValues?: LocaleList;
1347 /**
1348 * DEPRECATED: Use the ActionsGuarded field instead. If RequiredToPreview is true, the question data for the HIT will not be shown when a Worker whose Qualifications do not meet this requirement tries to preview the HIT. That is, a Worker's Qualifications must meet all of the requirements for which RequiredToPreview is true in order to preview the HIT. If a Worker meets all of the requirements where RequiredToPreview is true (or if there are no such requirements), but does not meet all of the requirements for the HIT, the Worker will be allowed to preview the HIT's question data, but will not be allowed to accept and complete the HIT. The default is false. This should not be used in combination with the ActionsGuarded field.
1349 */
1350 RequiredToPreview?: Boolean;
1351 /**
1352 * Setting this attribute prevents Workers whose Qualifications do not meet this QualificationRequirement from taking the specified action. Valid arguments include "Accept" (Worker cannot accept the HIT, but can preview the HIT and see it in their search results), "PreviewAndAccept" (Worker cannot accept or preview the HIT, but can see the HIT in their search results), and "DiscoverPreviewAndAccept" (Worker cannot accept, preview, or see the HIT in their search results). It's possible for you to create a HIT with multiple QualificationRequirements (which can have different values for the ActionGuarded attribute). In this case, the Worker is only permitted to perform an action when they have met all QualificationRequirements guarding the action. The actions in the order of least restrictive to most restrictive are Discover, Preview and Accept. For example, if a Worker meets all QualificationRequirements that are set to DiscoverPreviewAndAccept, but do not meet all requirements that are set with PreviewAndAccept, then the Worker will be able to Discover, i.e. see the HIT in their search result, but will not be able to Preview or Accept the HIT. ActionsGuarded should not be used in combination with the RequiredToPreview field.
1353 */
1354 ActionsGuarded?: HITAccessActions;
1355 }
1356 export type QualificationRequirementList = QualificationRequirement[];
1357 export type QualificationStatus = "Granted"|"Revoked"|string;
1358 export interface QualificationType {
1359 /**
1360 * A unique identifier for the Qualification type. A Qualification type is given a Qualification type ID when you call the CreateQualificationType operation.
1361 */
1362 QualificationTypeId?: EntityId;
1363 /**
1364 * The date and time the Qualification type was created.
1365 */
1366 CreationTime?: Timestamp;
1367 /**
1368 * The name of the Qualification type. The type name is used to identify the type, and to find the type using a Qualification type search.
1369 */
1370 Name?: String;
1371 /**
1372 * A long description for the Qualification type.
1373 */
1374 Description?: String;
1375 /**
1376 * One or more words or phrases that describe theQualification type, separated by commas. The Keywords make the type easier to find using a search.
1377 */
1378 Keywords?: String;
1379 /**
1380 * The status of the Qualification type. A Qualification type's status determines if users can apply to receive a Qualification of this type, and if HITs can be created with requirements based on this type. Valid values are Active | Inactive.
1381 */
1382 QualificationTypeStatus?: QualificationTypeStatus;
1383 /**
1384 * The questions for a Qualification test associated with this Qualification type that a user can take to obtain a Qualification of this type. This parameter must be specified if AnswerKey is present. A Qualification type cannot have both a specified Test parameter and an AutoGranted value of true.
1385 */
1386 Test?: String;
1387 /**
1388 * The amount of time, in seconds, given to a Worker to complete the Qualification test, beginning from the time the Worker requests the Qualification.
1389 */
1390 TestDurationInSeconds?: Long;
1391 /**
1392 * The answers to the Qualification test specified in the Test parameter.
1393 */
1394 AnswerKey?: String;
1395 /**
1396 * The amount of time, in seconds, Workers must wait after taking the Qualification test before they can take it again. Workers can take a Qualification test multiple times if they were not granted the Qualification from a previous attempt, or if the test offers a gradient score and they want a better score. If not specified, retries are disabled and Workers can request a Qualification only once.
1397 */
1398 RetryDelayInSeconds?: Long;
1399 /**
1400 * Specifies whether the Qualification type is one that a user can request through the Amazon Mechanical Turk web site, such as by taking a Qualification test. This value is False for Qualifications assigned automatically by the system. Valid values are True | False.
1401 */
1402 IsRequestable?: Boolean;
1403 /**
1404 * Specifies that requests for the Qualification type are granted immediately, without prompting the Worker with a Qualification test. Valid values are True | False.
1405 */
1406 AutoGranted?: Boolean;
1407 /**
1408 * The Qualification integer value to use for automatically granted Qualifications, if AutoGranted is true. This is 1 by default.
1409 */
1410 AutoGrantedValue?: Integer;
1411 }
1412 export type QualificationTypeList = QualificationType[];
1413 export type QualificationTypeStatus = "Active"|"Inactive"|string;
1414 export interface RejectAssignmentRequest {
1415 /**
1416 * The ID of the assignment. The assignment must correspond to a HIT created by the Requester.
1417 */
1418 AssignmentId: EntityId;
1419 /**
1420 * A message for the Worker, which the Worker can see in the Status section of the web site.
1421 */
1422 RequesterFeedback: String;
1423 }
1424 export interface RejectAssignmentResponse {
1425 }
1426 export interface RejectQualificationRequestRequest {
1427 /**
1428 * The ID of the Qualification request, as returned by the ListQualificationRequests operation.
1429 */
1430 QualificationRequestId: String;
1431 /**
1432 * A text message explaining why the request was rejected, to be shown to the Worker who made the request.
1433 */
1434 Reason?: String;
1435 }
1436 export interface RejectQualificationRequestResponse {
1437 }
1438 export type ResultSize = number;
1439 export interface ReviewActionDetail {
1440 /**
1441 * The unique identifier for the action.
1442 */
1443 ActionId?: EntityId;
1444 /**
1445 * The nature of the action itself. The Review Policy is responsible for examining the HIT and Assignments, emitting results, and deciding which other actions will be necessary.
1446 */
1447 ActionName?: String;
1448 /**
1449 * The specific HITId or AssignmentID targeted by the action.
1450 */
1451 TargetId?: EntityId;
1452 /**
1453 * The type of object in TargetId.
1454 */
1455 TargetType?: String;
1456 /**
1457 * The current disposition of the action: INTENDED, SUCCEEDED, FAILED, or CANCELLED.
1458 */
1459 Status?: ReviewActionStatus;
1460 /**
1461 * The date when the action was completed.
1462 */
1463 CompleteTime?: Timestamp;
1464 /**
1465 * A description of the outcome of the review.
1466 */
1467 Result?: String;
1468 /**
1469 * Present only when the Results have a FAILED Status.
1470 */
1471 ErrorCode?: String;
1472 }
1473 export type ReviewActionDetailList = ReviewActionDetail[];
1474 export type ReviewActionStatus = "Intended"|"Succeeded"|"Failed"|"Cancelled"|string;
1475 export interface ReviewPolicy {
1476 /**
1477 * Name of a Review Policy: SimplePlurality/2011-09-01 or ScoreMyKnownAnswers/2011-09-01
1478 */
1479 PolicyName: String;
1480 /**
1481 * Name of the parameter from the Review policy.
1482 */
1483 Parameters?: PolicyParameterList;
1484 }
1485 export type ReviewPolicyLevel = "Assignment"|"HIT"|string;
1486 export type ReviewPolicyLevelList = ReviewPolicyLevel[];
1487 export interface ReviewReport {
1488 /**
1489 * A list of ReviewResults objects for each action specified in the Review Policy.
1490 */
1491 ReviewResults?: ReviewResultDetailList;
1492 /**
1493 * A list of ReviewAction objects for each action specified in the Review Policy.
1494 */
1495 ReviewActions?: ReviewActionDetailList;
1496 }
1497 export interface ReviewResultDetail {
1498 /**
1499 * A unique identifier of the Review action result.
1500 */
1501 ActionId?: EntityId;
1502 /**
1503 * The HITID or AssignmentId about which this result was taken. Note that HIT-level Review Policies will often emit results about both the HIT itself and its Assignments, while Assignment-level review policies generally only emit results about the Assignment itself.
1504 */
1505 SubjectId?: EntityId;
1506 /**
1507 * The type of the object from the SubjectId field.
1508 */
1509 SubjectType?: String;
1510 /**
1511 * Specifies the QuestionId the result is describing. Depending on whether the TargetType is a HIT or Assignment this results could specify multiple values. If TargetType is HIT and QuestionId is absent, then the result describes results of the HIT, including the HIT agreement score. If ObjectType is Assignment and QuestionId is absent, then the result describes the Worker's performance on the HIT.
1512 */
1513 QuestionId?: EntityId;
1514 /**
1515 * Key identifies the particular piece of reviewed information.
1516 */
1517 Key?: String;
1518 /**
1519 * The values of Key provided by the review policies you have selected.
1520 */
1521 Value?: String;
1522 }
1523 export type ReviewResultDetailList = ReviewResultDetail[];
1524 export type ReviewableHITStatus = "Reviewable"|"Reviewing"|string;
1525 export interface SendBonusRequest {
1526 /**
1527 * The ID of the Worker being paid the bonus.
1528 */
1529 WorkerId: CustomerId;
1530 /**
1531 * The Bonus amount is a US Dollar amount specified using a string (for example, "5" represents $5.00 USD and "101.42" represents $101.42 USD). Do not include currency symbols or currency codes.
1532 */
1533 BonusAmount: CurrencyAmount;
1534 /**
1535 * The ID of the assignment for which this bonus is paid.
1536 */
1537 AssignmentId: EntityId;
1538 /**
1539 * A message that explains the reason for the bonus payment. The Worker receiving the bonus can see this message.
1540 */
1541 Reason: String;
1542 /**
1543 * A unique identifier for this request, which allows you to retry the call on error without granting multiple bonuses. This is useful in cases such as network timeouts where it is unclear whether or not the call succeeded on the server. If the bonus already exists in the system from a previous call using the same UniqueRequestToken, subsequent calls will return an error with a message containing the request ID.
1544 */
1545 UniqueRequestToken?: IdempotencyToken;
1546 }
1547 export interface SendBonusResponse {
1548 }
1549 export interface SendTestEventNotificationRequest {
1550 /**
1551 * The notification specification to test. This value is identical to the value you would provide to the UpdateNotificationSettings operation when you establish the notification specification for a HIT type.
1552 */
1553 Notification: NotificationSpecification;
1554 /**
1555 * The event to simulate to test the notification specification. This event is included in the test message even if the notification specification does not include the event type. The notification specification does not filter out the test event.
1556 */
1557 TestEventType: EventType;
1558 }
1559 export interface SendTestEventNotificationResponse {
1560 }
1561 export type String = string;
1562 export type StringList = String[];
1563 export type Timestamp = Date;
1564 export interface UpdateExpirationForHITRequest {
1565 /**
1566 * The HIT to update.
1567 */
1568 HITId: EntityId;
1569 /**
1570 * The date and time at which you want the HIT to expire
1571 */
1572 ExpireAt: Timestamp;
1573 }
1574 export interface UpdateExpirationForHITResponse {
1575 }
1576 export interface UpdateHITReviewStatusRequest {
1577 /**
1578 * The ID of the HIT to update.
1579 */
1580 HITId: EntityId;
1581 /**
1582 * Specifies how to update the HIT status. Default is False. Setting this to false will only transition a HIT from Reviewable to Reviewing Setting this to true will only transition a HIT from Reviewing to Reviewable
1583 */
1584 Revert?: Boolean;
1585 }
1586 export interface UpdateHITReviewStatusResponse {
1587 }
1588 export interface UpdateHITTypeOfHITRequest {
1589 /**
1590 * The HIT to update.
1591 */
1592 HITId: EntityId;
1593 /**
1594 * The ID of the new HIT type.
1595 */
1596 HITTypeId: EntityId;
1597 }
1598 export interface UpdateHITTypeOfHITResponse {
1599 }
1600 export interface UpdateNotificationSettingsRequest {
1601 /**
1602 * The ID of the HIT type whose notification specification is being updated.
1603 */
1604 HITTypeId: EntityId;
1605 /**
1606 * The notification specification for the HIT type.
1607 */
1608 Notification?: NotificationSpecification;
1609 /**
1610 * Specifies whether notifications are sent for HITs of this HIT type, according to the notification specification. You must specify either the Notification parameter or the Active parameter for the call to UpdateNotificationSettings to succeed.
1611 */
1612 Active?: Boolean;
1613 }
1614 export interface UpdateNotificationSettingsResponse {
1615 }
1616 export interface UpdateQualificationTypeRequest {
1617 /**
1618 * The ID of the Qualification type to update.
1619 */
1620 QualificationTypeId: EntityId;
1621 /**
1622 * The new description of the Qualification type.
1623 */
1624 Description?: String;
1625 /**
1626 * The new status of the Qualification type - Active | Inactive
1627 */
1628 QualificationTypeStatus?: QualificationTypeStatus;
1629 /**
1630 * The questions for the Qualification test a Worker must answer correctly to obtain a Qualification of this type. If this parameter is specified, TestDurationInSeconds must also be specified. Constraints: Must not be longer than 65535 bytes. Must be a QuestionForm data structure. This parameter cannot be specified if AutoGranted is true. Constraints: None. If not specified, the Worker may request the Qualification without answering any questions.
1631 */
1632 Test?: String;
1633 /**
1634 * The answers to the Qualification test specified in the Test parameter, in the form of an AnswerKey data structure.
1635 */
1636 AnswerKey?: String;
1637 /**
1638 * The number of seconds the Worker has to complete the Qualification test, starting from the time the Worker requests the Qualification.
1639 */
1640 TestDurationInSeconds?: Long;
1641 /**
1642 * The amount of time, in seconds, that Workers must wait after requesting a Qualification of the specified Qualification type before they can retry the Qualification request. It is not possible to disable retries for a Qualification type after it has been created with retries enabled. If you want to disable retries, you must dispose of the existing retry-enabled Qualification type using DisposeQualificationType and then create a new Qualification type with retries disabled using CreateQualificationType.
1643 */
1644 RetryDelayInSeconds?: Long;
1645 /**
1646 * Specifies whether requests for the Qualification type are granted immediately, without prompting the Worker with a Qualification test. Constraints: If the Test parameter is specified, this parameter cannot be true.
1647 */
1648 AutoGranted?: Boolean;
1649 /**
1650 * The Qualification value to use for automatically granted Qualifications. This parameter is used only if the AutoGranted parameter is true.
1651 */
1652 AutoGrantedValue?: Integer;
1653 }
1654 export interface UpdateQualificationTypeResponse {
1655 /**
1656 * Contains a QualificationType data structure.
1657 */
1658 QualificationType?: QualificationType;
1659 }
1660 export interface WorkerBlock {
1661 /**
1662 * The ID of the Worker who accepted the HIT.
1663 */
1664 WorkerId?: CustomerId;
1665 /**
1666 * A message explaining the reason the Worker was blocked.
1667 */
1668 Reason?: String;
1669 }
1670 export type WorkerBlockList = WorkerBlock[];
1671 /**
1672 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
1673 */
1674 export type apiVersion = "2017-01-17"|"latest"|string;
1675 export interface ClientApiVersions {
1676 /**
1677 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
1678 */
1679 apiVersion?: apiVersion;
1680 }
1681 export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
1682 /**
1683 * Contains interfaces for use with the MTurk client.
1684 */
1685 export import Types = MTurk;
1687export = MTurk;