59.7 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import {Request} from '../lib/request';
2import {Response} from '../lib/response';
3import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
4import {Service} from '../lib/service';
5import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
6import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config';
7interface Blob {}
8declare class WorkMail extends Service {
9 /**
10 * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
11 */
12 constructor(options?: WorkMail.Types.ClientConfiguration)
13 config: Config & WorkMail.Types.ClientConfiguration;
14 /**
15 * Adds a member (user or group) to the resource's set of delegates.
16 */
17 associateDelegateToResource(params: WorkMail.Types.AssociateDelegateToResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.AssociateDelegateToResourceResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.AssociateDelegateToResourceResponse, AWSError>;
18 /**
19 * Adds a member (user or group) to the resource's set of delegates.
20 */
21 associateDelegateToResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.AssociateDelegateToResourceResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.AssociateDelegateToResourceResponse, AWSError>;
22 /**
23 * Adds a member (user or group) to the group's set.
24 */
25 associateMemberToGroup(params: WorkMail.Types.AssociateMemberToGroupRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.AssociateMemberToGroupResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.AssociateMemberToGroupResponse, AWSError>;
26 /**
27 * Adds a member (user or group) to the group's set.
28 */
29 associateMemberToGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.AssociateMemberToGroupResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.AssociateMemberToGroupResponse, AWSError>;
30 /**
31 * Adds an alias to the set of a given member (user or group) of Amazon WorkMail.
32 */
33 createAlias(params: WorkMail.Types.CreateAliasRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.CreateAliasResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.CreateAliasResponse, AWSError>;
34 /**
35 * Adds an alias to the set of a given member (user or group) of Amazon WorkMail.
36 */
37 createAlias(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.CreateAliasResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.CreateAliasResponse, AWSError>;
38 /**
39 * Creates a group that can be used in Amazon WorkMail by calling the RegisterToWorkMail operation.
40 */
41 createGroup(params: WorkMail.Types.CreateGroupRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.CreateGroupResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.CreateGroupResponse, AWSError>;
42 /**
43 * Creates a group that can be used in Amazon WorkMail by calling the RegisterToWorkMail operation.
44 */
45 createGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.CreateGroupResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.CreateGroupResponse, AWSError>;
46 /**
47 * Creates a new Amazon WorkMail resource.
48 */
49 createResource(params: WorkMail.Types.CreateResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.CreateResourceResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.CreateResourceResponse, AWSError>;
50 /**
51 * Creates a new Amazon WorkMail resource.
52 */
53 createResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.CreateResourceResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.CreateResourceResponse, AWSError>;
54 /**
55 * Creates a user who can be used in Amazon WorkMail by calling the RegisterToWorkMail operation.
56 */
57 createUser(params: WorkMail.Types.CreateUserRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.CreateUserResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.CreateUserResponse, AWSError>;
58 /**
59 * Creates a user who can be used in Amazon WorkMail by calling the RegisterToWorkMail operation.
60 */
61 createUser(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.CreateUserResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.CreateUserResponse, AWSError>;
62 /**
63 * Deletes an access control rule for the specified WorkMail organization.
64 */
65 deleteAccessControlRule(params: WorkMail.Types.DeleteAccessControlRuleRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteAccessControlRuleResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DeleteAccessControlRuleResponse, AWSError>;
66 /**
67 * Deletes an access control rule for the specified WorkMail organization.
68 */
69 deleteAccessControlRule(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteAccessControlRuleResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DeleteAccessControlRuleResponse, AWSError>;
70 /**
71 * Remove one or more specified aliases from a set of aliases for a given user.
72 */
73 deleteAlias(params: WorkMail.Types.DeleteAliasRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteAliasResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DeleteAliasResponse, AWSError>;
74 /**
75 * Remove one or more specified aliases from a set of aliases for a given user.
76 */
77 deleteAlias(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteAliasResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DeleteAliasResponse, AWSError>;
78 /**
79 * Deletes a group from Amazon WorkMail.
80 */
81 deleteGroup(params: WorkMail.Types.DeleteGroupRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteGroupResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DeleteGroupResponse, AWSError>;
82 /**
83 * Deletes a group from Amazon WorkMail.
84 */
85 deleteGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteGroupResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DeleteGroupResponse, AWSError>;
86 /**
87 * Deletes permissions granted to a member (user or group).
88 */
89 deleteMailboxPermissions(params: WorkMail.Types.DeleteMailboxPermissionsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteMailboxPermissionsResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DeleteMailboxPermissionsResponse, AWSError>;
90 /**
91 * Deletes permissions granted to a member (user or group).
92 */
93 deleteMailboxPermissions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteMailboxPermissionsResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DeleteMailboxPermissionsResponse, AWSError>;
94 /**
95 * Deletes the specified resource.
96 */
97 deleteResource(params: WorkMail.Types.DeleteResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteResourceResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DeleteResourceResponse, AWSError>;
98 /**
99 * Deletes the specified resource.
100 */
101 deleteResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteResourceResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DeleteResourceResponse, AWSError>;
102 /**
103 * Deletes a user from Amazon WorkMail and all subsequent systems. Before you can delete a user, the user state must be DISABLED. Use the DescribeUser action to confirm the user state. Deleting a user is permanent and cannot be undone. WorkMail archives user mailboxes for 30 days before they are permanently removed.
104 */
105 deleteUser(params: WorkMail.Types.DeleteUserRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteUserResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DeleteUserResponse, AWSError>;
106 /**
107 * Deletes a user from Amazon WorkMail and all subsequent systems. Before you can delete a user, the user state must be DISABLED. Use the DescribeUser action to confirm the user state. Deleting a user is permanent and cannot be undone. WorkMail archives user mailboxes for 30 days before they are permanently removed.
108 */
109 deleteUser(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteUserResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DeleteUserResponse, AWSError>;
110 /**
111 * Mark a user, group, or resource as no longer used in Amazon WorkMail. This action disassociates the mailbox and schedules it for clean-up. WorkMail keeps mailboxes for 30 days before they are permanently removed. The functionality in the console is Disable.
112 */
113 deregisterFromWorkMail(params: WorkMail.Types.DeregisterFromWorkMailRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeregisterFromWorkMailResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DeregisterFromWorkMailResponse, AWSError>;
114 /**
115 * Mark a user, group, or resource as no longer used in Amazon WorkMail. This action disassociates the mailbox and schedules it for clean-up. WorkMail keeps mailboxes for 30 days before they are permanently removed. The functionality in the console is Disable.
116 */
117 deregisterFromWorkMail(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeregisterFromWorkMailResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DeregisterFromWorkMailResponse, AWSError>;
118 /**
119 * Returns the data available for the group.
120 */
121 describeGroup(params: WorkMail.Types.DescribeGroupRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DescribeGroupResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DescribeGroupResponse, AWSError>;
122 /**
123 * Returns the data available for the group.
124 */
125 describeGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DescribeGroupResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DescribeGroupResponse, AWSError>;
126 /**
127 * Provides more information regarding a given organization based on its identifier.
128 */
129 describeOrganization(params: WorkMail.Types.DescribeOrganizationRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DescribeOrganizationResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DescribeOrganizationResponse, AWSError>;
130 /**
131 * Provides more information regarding a given organization based on its identifier.
132 */
133 describeOrganization(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DescribeOrganizationResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DescribeOrganizationResponse, AWSError>;
134 /**
135 * Returns the data available for the resource.
136 */
137 describeResource(params: WorkMail.Types.DescribeResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DescribeResourceResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DescribeResourceResponse, AWSError>;
138 /**
139 * Returns the data available for the resource.
140 */
141 describeResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DescribeResourceResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DescribeResourceResponse, AWSError>;
142 /**
143 * Provides information regarding the user.
144 */
145 describeUser(params: WorkMail.Types.DescribeUserRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DescribeUserResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DescribeUserResponse, AWSError>;
146 /**
147 * Provides information regarding the user.
148 */
149 describeUser(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DescribeUserResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DescribeUserResponse, AWSError>;
150 /**
151 * Removes a member from the resource's set of delegates.
152 */
153 disassociateDelegateFromResource(params: WorkMail.Types.DisassociateDelegateFromResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DisassociateDelegateFromResourceResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DisassociateDelegateFromResourceResponse, AWSError>;
154 /**
155 * Removes a member from the resource's set of delegates.
156 */
157 disassociateDelegateFromResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DisassociateDelegateFromResourceResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DisassociateDelegateFromResourceResponse, AWSError>;
158 /**
159 * Removes a member from a group.
160 */
161 disassociateMemberFromGroup(params: WorkMail.Types.DisassociateMemberFromGroupRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DisassociateMemberFromGroupResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DisassociateMemberFromGroupResponse, AWSError>;
162 /**
163 * Removes a member from a group.
164 */
165 disassociateMemberFromGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DisassociateMemberFromGroupResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.DisassociateMemberFromGroupResponse, AWSError>;
166 /**
167 * Gets the effects of an organization's access control rules as they apply to a specified IPv4 address, access protocol action, or user ID.
168 */
169 getAccessControlEffect(params: WorkMail.Types.GetAccessControlEffectRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.GetAccessControlEffectResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.GetAccessControlEffectResponse, AWSError>;
170 /**
171 * Gets the effects of an organization's access control rules as they apply to a specified IPv4 address, access protocol action, or user ID.
172 */
173 getAccessControlEffect(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.GetAccessControlEffectResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.GetAccessControlEffectResponse, AWSError>;
174 /**
175 * Requests a user's mailbox details for a specified organization and user.
176 */
177 getMailboxDetails(params: WorkMail.Types.GetMailboxDetailsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.GetMailboxDetailsResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.GetMailboxDetailsResponse, AWSError>;
178 /**
179 * Requests a user's mailbox details for a specified organization and user.
180 */
181 getMailboxDetails(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.GetMailboxDetailsResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.GetMailboxDetailsResponse, AWSError>;
182 /**
183 * Lists the access control rules for the specified organization.
184 */
185 listAccessControlRules(params: WorkMail.Types.ListAccessControlRulesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListAccessControlRulesResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListAccessControlRulesResponse, AWSError>;
186 /**
187 * Lists the access control rules for the specified organization.
188 */
189 listAccessControlRules(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListAccessControlRulesResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListAccessControlRulesResponse, AWSError>;
190 /**
191 * Creates a paginated call to list the aliases associated with a given entity.
192 */
193 listAliases(params: WorkMail.Types.ListAliasesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListAliasesResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListAliasesResponse, AWSError>;
194 /**
195 * Creates a paginated call to list the aliases associated with a given entity.
196 */
197 listAliases(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListAliasesResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListAliasesResponse, AWSError>;
198 /**
199 * Returns an overview of the members of a group. Users and groups can be members of a group.
200 */
201 listGroupMembers(params: WorkMail.Types.ListGroupMembersRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListGroupMembersResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListGroupMembersResponse, AWSError>;
202 /**
203 * Returns an overview of the members of a group. Users and groups can be members of a group.
204 */
205 listGroupMembers(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListGroupMembersResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListGroupMembersResponse, AWSError>;
206 /**
207 * Returns summaries of the organization's groups.
208 */
209 listGroups(params: WorkMail.Types.ListGroupsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListGroupsResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListGroupsResponse, AWSError>;
210 /**
211 * Returns summaries of the organization's groups.
212 */
213 listGroups(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListGroupsResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListGroupsResponse, AWSError>;
214 /**
215 * Lists the mailbox permissions associated with a user, group, or resource mailbox.
216 */
217 listMailboxPermissions(params: WorkMail.Types.ListMailboxPermissionsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListMailboxPermissionsResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListMailboxPermissionsResponse, AWSError>;
218 /**
219 * Lists the mailbox permissions associated with a user, group, or resource mailbox.
220 */
221 listMailboxPermissions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListMailboxPermissionsResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListMailboxPermissionsResponse, AWSError>;
222 /**
223 * Returns summaries of the customer's non-deleted organizations.
224 */
225 listOrganizations(params: WorkMail.Types.ListOrganizationsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListOrganizationsResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListOrganizationsResponse, AWSError>;
226 /**
227 * Returns summaries of the customer's non-deleted organizations.
228 */
229 listOrganizations(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListOrganizationsResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListOrganizationsResponse, AWSError>;
230 /**
231 * Lists the delegates associated with a resource. Users and groups can be resource delegates and answer requests on behalf of the resource.
232 */
233 listResourceDelegates(params: WorkMail.Types.ListResourceDelegatesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListResourceDelegatesResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListResourceDelegatesResponse, AWSError>;
234 /**
235 * Lists the delegates associated with a resource. Users and groups can be resource delegates and answer requests on behalf of the resource.
236 */
237 listResourceDelegates(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListResourceDelegatesResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListResourceDelegatesResponse, AWSError>;
238 /**
239 * Returns summaries of the organization's resources.
240 */
241 listResources(params: WorkMail.Types.ListResourcesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListResourcesResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListResourcesResponse, AWSError>;
242 /**
243 * Returns summaries of the organization's resources.
244 */
245 listResources(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListResourcesResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListResourcesResponse, AWSError>;
246 /**
247 * Lists the tags applied to an Amazon WorkMail organization resource.
248 */
249 listTagsForResource(params: WorkMail.Types.ListTagsForResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse, AWSError>;
250 /**
251 * Lists the tags applied to an Amazon WorkMail organization resource.
252 */
253 listTagsForResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse, AWSError>;
254 /**
255 * Returns summaries of the organization's users.
256 */
257 listUsers(params: WorkMail.Types.ListUsersRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListUsersResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListUsersResponse, AWSError>;
258 /**
259 * Returns summaries of the organization's users.
260 */
261 listUsers(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListUsersResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ListUsersResponse, AWSError>;
262 /**
263 * Adds a new access control rule for the specified organization. The rule allows or denies access to the organization for the specified IPv4 addresses, access protocol actions, and user IDs. Adding a new rule with the same name as an existing rule replaces the older rule.
264 */
265 putAccessControlRule(params: WorkMail.Types.PutAccessControlRuleRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.PutAccessControlRuleResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.PutAccessControlRuleResponse, AWSError>;
266 /**
267 * Adds a new access control rule for the specified organization. The rule allows or denies access to the organization for the specified IPv4 addresses, access protocol actions, and user IDs. Adding a new rule with the same name as an existing rule replaces the older rule.
268 */
269 putAccessControlRule(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.PutAccessControlRuleResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.PutAccessControlRuleResponse, AWSError>;
270 /**
271 * Sets permissions for a user, group, or resource. This replaces any pre-existing permissions.
272 */
273 putMailboxPermissions(params: WorkMail.Types.PutMailboxPermissionsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.PutMailboxPermissionsResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.PutMailboxPermissionsResponse, AWSError>;
274 /**
275 * Sets permissions for a user, group, or resource. This replaces any pre-existing permissions.
276 */
277 putMailboxPermissions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.PutMailboxPermissionsResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.PutMailboxPermissionsResponse, AWSError>;
278 /**
279 * Registers an existing and disabled user, group, or resource for Amazon WorkMail use by associating a mailbox and calendaring capabilities. It performs no change if the user, group, or resource is enabled and fails if the user, group, or resource is deleted. This operation results in the accumulation of costs. For more information, see Pricing. The equivalent console functionality for this operation is Enable. Users can either be created by calling the CreateUser API operation or they can be synchronized from your directory. For more information, see DeregisterFromWorkMail.
280 */
281 registerToWorkMail(params: WorkMail.Types.RegisterToWorkMailRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.RegisterToWorkMailResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.RegisterToWorkMailResponse, AWSError>;
282 /**
283 * Registers an existing and disabled user, group, or resource for Amazon WorkMail use by associating a mailbox and calendaring capabilities. It performs no change if the user, group, or resource is enabled and fails if the user, group, or resource is deleted. This operation results in the accumulation of costs. For more information, see Pricing. The equivalent console functionality for this operation is Enable. Users can either be created by calling the CreateUser API operation or they can be synchronized from your directory. For more information, see DeregisterFromWorkMail.
284 */
285 registerToWorkMail(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.RegisterToWorkMailResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.RegisterToWorkMailResponse, AWSError>;
286 /**
287 * Allows the administrator to reset the password for a user.
288 */
289 resetPassword(params: WorkMail.Types.ResetPasswordRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ResetPasswordResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ResetPasswordResponse, AWSError>;
290 /**
291 * Allows the administrator to reset the password for a user.
292 */
293 resetPassword(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ResetPasswordResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.ResetPasswordResponse, AWSError>;
294 /**
295 * Applies the specified tags to the specified Amazon WorkMail organization resource.
296 */
297 tagResource(params: WorkMail.Types.TagResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.TagResourceResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.TagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
298 /**
299 * Applies the specified tags to the specified Amazon WorkMail organization resource.
300 */
301 tagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.TagResourceResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.TagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
302 /**
303 * Untags the specified tags from the specified Amazon WorkMail organization resource.
304 */
305 untagResource(params: WorkMail.Types.UntagResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.UntagResourceResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.UntagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
306 /**
307 * Untags the specified tags from the specified Amazon WorkMail organization resource.
308 */
309 untagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.UntagResourceResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.UntagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
310 /**
311 * Updates a user's current mailbox quota for a specified organization and user.
312 */
313 updateMailboxQuota(params: WorkMail.Types.UpdateMailboxQuotaRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.UpdateMailboxQuotaResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.UpdateMailboxQuotaResponse, AWSError>;
314 /**
315 * Updates a user's current mailbox quota for a specified organization and user.
316 */
317 updateMailboxQuota(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.UpdateMailboxQuotaResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.UpdateMailboxQuotaResponse, AWSError>;
318 /**
319 * Updates the primary email for a user, group, or resource. The current email is moved into the list of aliases (or swapped between an existing alias and the current primary email), and the email provided in the input is promoted as the primary.
320 */
321 updatePrimaryEmailAddress(params: WorkMail.Types.UpdatePrimaryEmailAddressRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.UpdatePrimaryEmailAddressResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.UpdatePrimaryEmailAddressResponse, AWSError>;
322 /**
323 * Updates the primary email for a user, group, or resource. The current email is moved into the list of aliases (or swapped between an existing alias and the current primary email), and the email provided in the input is promoted as the primary.
324 */
325 updatePrimaryEmailAddress(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.UpdatePrimaryEmailAddressResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.UpdatePrimaryEmailAddressResponse, AWSError>;
326 /**
327 * Updates data for the resource. To have the latest information, it must be preceded by a DescribeResource call. The dataset in the request should be the one expected when performing another DescribeResource call.
328 */
329 updateResource(params: WorkMail.Types.UpdateResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.UpdateResourceResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.UpdateResourceResponse, AWSError>;
330 /**
331 * Updates data for the resource. To have the latest information, it must be preceded by a DescribeResource call. The dataset in the request should be the one expected when performing another DescribeResource call.
332 */
333 updateResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.UpdateResourceResponse) => void): Request<WorkMail.Types.UpdateResourceResponse, AWSError>;
335declare namespace WorkMail {
336 export interface AccessControlRule {
337 /**
338 * The rule name.
339 */
340 Name?: AccessControlRuleName;
341 /**
342 * The rule effect.
343 */
344 Effect?: AccessControlRuleEffect;
345 /**
346 * The rule description.
347 */
348 Description?: AccessControlRuleDescription;
349 /**
350 * IPv4 CIDR ranges to include in the rule.
351 */
352 IpRanges?: IpRangeList;
353 /**
354 * IPv4 CIDR ranges to exclude from the rule.
355 */
356 NotIpRanges?: IpRangeList;
357 /**
358 * Access protocol actions to include in the rule. Valid values include ActiveSync, AutoDiscover, EWS, IMAP, SMTP, WindowsOutlook, and WebMail.
359 */
360 Actions?: ActionsList;
361 /**
362 * Access protocol actions to exclude from the rule. Valid values include ActiveSync, AutoDiscover, EWS, IMAP, SMTP, WindowsOutlook, and WebMail.
363 */
364 NotActions?: ActionsList;
365 /**
366 * User IDs to include in the rule.
367 */
368 UserIds?: UserIdList;
369 /**
370 * User IDs to exclude from the rule.
371 */
372 NotUserIds?: UserIdList;
373 /**
374 * The date that the rule was created.
375 */
376 DateCreated?: Timestamp;
377 /**
378 * The date that the rule was modified.
379 */
380 DateModified?: Timestamp;
381 }
382 export type AccessControlRuleAction = string;
383 export type AccessControlRuleDescription = string;
384 export type AccessControlRuleEffect = "ALLOW"|"DENY"|string;
385 export type AccessControlRuleName = string;
386 export type AccessControlRuleNameList = AccessControlRuleName[];
387 export type AccessControlRulesList = AccessControlRule[];
388 export type ActionsList = AccessControlRuleAction[];
389 export type Aliases = EmailAddress[];
390 export type AmazonResourceName = string;
391 export interface AssociateDelegateToResourceRequest {
392 /**
393 * The organization under which the resource exists.
394 */
395 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
396 /**
397 * The resource for which members (users or groups) are associated.
398 */
399 ResourceId: ResourceId;
400 /**
401 * The member (user or group) to associate to the resource.
402 */
403 EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier;
404 }
405 export interface AssociateDelegateToResourceResponse {
406 }
407 export interface AssociateMemberToGroupRequest {
408 /**
409 * The organization under which the group exists.
410 */
411 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
412 /**
413 * The group to which the member (user or group) is associated.
414 */
415 GroupId: WorkMailIdentifier;
416 /**
417 * The member (user or group) to associate to the group.
418 */
419 MemberId: WorkMailIdentifier;
420 }
421 export interface AssociateMemberToGroupResponse {
422 }
423 export interface BookingOptions {
424 /**
425 * The resource's ability to automatically reply to requests. If disabled, delegates must be associated to the resource.
426 */
427 AutoAcceptRequests?: Boolean;
428 /**
429 * The resource's ability to automatically decline any recurring requests.
430 */
431 AutoDeclineRecurringRequests?: Boolean;
432 /**
433 * The resource's ability to automatically decline any conflicting requests.
434 */
435 AutoDeclineConflictingRequests?: Boolean;
436 }
437 export type Boolean = boolean;
438 export interface CreateAliasRequest {
439 /**
440 * The organization under which the member (user or group) exists.
441 */
442 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
443 /**
444 * The member (user or group) to which this alias is added.
445 */
446 EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier;
447 /**
448 * The alias to add to the member set.
449 */
450 Alias: EmailAddress;
451 }
452 export interface CreateAliasResponse {
453 }
454 export interface CreateGroupRequest {
455 /**
456 * The organization under which the group is to be created.
457 */
458 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
459 /**
460 * The name of the group.
461 */
462 Name: GroupName;
463 }
464 export interface CreateGroupResponse {
465 /**
466 * The identifier of the group.
467 */
468 GroupId?: WorkMailIdentifier;
469 }
470 export interface CreateResourceRequest {
471 /**
472 * The identifier associated with the organization for which the resource is created.
473 */
474 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
475 /**
476 * The name of the new resource.
477 */
478 Name: ResourceName;
479 /**
480 * The type of the new resource. The available types are equipment and room.
481 */
482 Type: ResourceType;
483 }
484 export interface CreateResourceResponse {
485 /**
486 * The identifier of the new resource.
487 */
488 ResourceId?: ResourceId;
489 }
490 export interface CreateUserRequest {
491 /**
492 * The identifier of the organization for which the user is created.
493 */
494 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
495 /**
496 * The name for the new user. Simple AD or AD Connector user names have a maximum length of 20. All others have a maximum length of 64.
497 */
498 Name: UserName;
499 /**
500 * The display name for the new user.
501 */
502 DisplayName: String;
503 /**
504 * The password for the new user.
505 */
506 Password: Password;
507 }
508 export interface CreateUserResponse {
509 /**
510 * The identifier for the new user.
511 */
512 UserId?: WorkMailIdentifier;
513 }
514 export interface Delegate {
515 /**
516 * The identifier for the user or group associated as the resource's delegate.
517 */
518 Id: String;
519 /**
520 * The type of the delegate: user or group.
521 */
522 Type: MemberType;
523 }
524 export interface DeleteAccessControlRuleRequest {
525 /**
526 * The identifier for the organization.
527 */
528 OrganizationId?: OrganizationId;
529 /**
530 * The name of the access control rule.
531 */
532 Name: AccessControlRuleName;
533 }
534 export interface DeleteAccessControlRuleResponse {
535 }
536 export interface DeleteAliasRequest {
537 /**
538 * The identifier for the organization under which the user exists.
539 */
540 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
541 /**
542 * The identifier for the member (user or group) from which to have the aliases removed.
543 */
544 EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier;
545 /**
546 * The aliases to be removed from the user's set of aliases. Duplicate entries in the list are collapsed into single entries (the list is transformed into a set).
547 */
548 Alias: EmailAddress;
549 }
550 export interface DeleteAliasResponse {
551 }
552 export interface DeleteGroupRequest {
553 /**
554 * The organization that contains the group.
555 */
556 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
557 /**
558 * The identifier of the group to be deleted.
559 */
560 GroupId: WorkMailIdentifier;
561 }
562 export interface DeleteGroupResponse {
563 }
564 export interface DeleteMailboxPermissionsRequest {
565 /**
566 * The identifier of the organization under which the member (user or group) exists.
567 */
568 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
569 /**
570 * The identifier of the member (user or group)that owns the mailbox.
571 */
572 EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier;
573 /**
574 * The identifier of the member (user or group) for which to delete granted permissions.
575 */
576 GranteeId: WorkMailIdentifier;
577 }
578 export interface DeleteMailboxPermissionsResponse {
579 }
580 export interface DeleteResourceRequest {
581 /**
582 * The identifier associated with the organization from which the resource is deleted.
583 */
584 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
585 /**
586 * The identifier of the resource to be deleted.
587 */
588 ResourceId: ResourceId;
589 }
590 export interface DeleteResourceResponse {
591 }
592 export interface DeleteUserRequest {
593 /**
594 * The organization that contains the user to be deleted.
595 */
596 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
597 /**
598 * The identifier of the user to be deleted.
599 */
600 UserId: WorkMailIdentifier;
601 }
602 export interface DeleteUserResponse {
603 }
604 export interface DeregisterFromWorkMailRequest {
605 /**
606 * The identifier for the organization under which the Amazon WorkMail entity exists.
607 */
608 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
609 /**
610 * The identifier for the member (user or group) to be updated.
611 */
612 EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier;
613 }
614 export interface DeregisterFromWorkMailResponse {
615 }
616 export interface DescribeGroupRequest {
617 /**
618 * The identifier for the organization under which the group exists.
619 */
620 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
621 /**
622 * The identifier for the group to be described.
623 */
624 GroupId: WorkMailIdentifier;
625 }
626 export interface DescribeGroupResponse {
627 /**
628 * The identifier of the described group.
629 */
630 GroupId?: WorkMailIdentifier;
631 /**
632 * The name of the described group.
633 */
634 Name?: GroupName;
635 /**
636 * The email of the described group.
637 */
638 Email?: EmailAddress;
639 /**
640 * The state of the user: enabled (registered to Amazon WorkMail) or disabled (deregistered or never registered to WorkMail).
641 */
642 State?: EntityState;
643 /**
644 * The date and time when a user was registered to WorkMail, in UNIX epoch time format.
645 */
646 EnabledDate?: Timestamp;
647 /**
648 * The date and time when a user was deregistered from WorkMail, in UNIX epoch time format.
649 */
650 DisabledDate?: Timestamp;
651 }
652 export interface DescribeOrganizationRequest {
653 /**
654 * The identifier for the organization to be described.
655 */
656 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
657 }
658 export interface DescribeOrganizationResponse {
659 /**
660 * The identifier of an organization.
661 */
662 OrganizationId?: OrganizationId;
663 /**
664 * The alias for an organization.
665 */
666 Alias?: OrganizationName;
667 /**
668 * The state of an organization.
669 */
670 State?: String;
671 /**
672 * The identifier for the directory associated with an Amazon WorkMail organization.
673 */
674 DirectoryId?: String;
675 /**
676 * The type of directory associated with the WorkMail organization.
677 */
678 DirectoryType?: String;
679 /**
680 * The default mail domain associated with the organization.
681 */
682 DefaultMailDomain?: String;
683 /**
684 * The date at which the organization became usable in the WorkMail context, in UNIX epoch time format.
685 */
686 CompletedDate?: Timestamp;
687 /**
688 * (Optional) The error message indicating if unexpected behavior was encountered with regards to the organization.
689 */
690 ErrorMessage?: String;
691 /**
692 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the organization.
693 */
694 ARN?: AmazonResourceName;
695 }
696 export interface DescribeResourceRequest {
697 /**
698 * The identifier associated with the organization for which the resource is described.
699 */
700 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
701 /**
702 * The identifier of the resource to be described.
703 */
704 ResourceId: ResourceId;
705 }
706 export interface DescribeResourceResponse {
707 /**
708 * The identifier of the described resource.
709 */
710 ResourceId?: ResourceId;
711 /**
712 * The email of the described resource.
713 */
714 Email?: EmailAddress;
715 /**
716 * The name of the described resource.
717 */
718 Name?: ResourceName;
719 /**
720 * The type of the described resource.
721 */
722 Type?: ResourceType;
723 /**
724 * The booking options for the described resource.
725 */
726 BookingOptions?: BookingOptions;
727 /**
728 * The state of the resource: enabled (registered to Amazon WorkMail), disabled (deregistered or never registered to WorkMail), or deleted.
729 */
730 State?: EntityState;
731 /**
732 * The date and time when a resource was enabled for WorkMail, in UNIX epoch time format.
733 */
734 EnabledDate?: Timestamp;
735 /**
736 * The date and time when a resource was disabled from WorkMail, in UNIX epoch time format.
737 */
738 DisabledDate?: Timestamp;
739 }
740 export interface DescribeUserRequest {
741 /**
742 * The identifier for the organization under which the user exists.
743 */
744 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
745 /**
746 * The identifier for the user to be described.
747 */
748 UserId: WorkMailIdentifier;
749 }
750 export interface DescribeUserResponse {
751 /**
752 * The identifier for the described user.
753 */
754 UserId?: WorkMailIdentifier;
755 /**
756 * The name for the user.
757 */
758 Name?: UserName;
759 /**
760 * The email of the user.
761 */
762 Email?: EmailAddress;
763 /**
764 * The display name of the user.
765 */
766 DisplayName?: String;
767 /**
768 * The state of a user: enabled (registered to Amazon WorkMail) or disabled (deregistered or never registered to WorkMail).
769 */
770 State?: EntityState;
771 /**
772 * In certain cases, other entities are modeled as users. If interoperability is enabled, resources are imported into Amazon WorkMail as users. Because different WorkMail organizations rely on different directory types, administrators can distinguish between an unregistered user (account is disabled and has a user role) and the directory administrators. The values are USER, RESOURCE, and SYSTEM_USER.
773 */
774 UserRole?: UserRole;
775 /**
776 * The date and time at which the user was enabled for Amazon WorkMail usage, in UNIX epoch time format.
777 */
778 EnabledDate?: Timestamp;
779 /**
780 * The date and time at which the user was disabled for Amazon WorkMail usage, in UNIX epoch time format.
781 */
782 DisabledDate?: Timestamp;
783 }
784 export interface DisassociateDelegateFromResourceRequest {
785 /**
786 * The identifier for the organization under which the resource exists.
787 */
788 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
789 /**
790 * The identifier of the resource from which delegates' set members are removed.
791 */
792 ResourceId: ResourceId;
793 /**
794 * The identifier for the member (user, group) to be removed from the resource's delegates.
795 */
796 EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier;
797 }
798 export interface DisassociateDelegateFromResourceResponse {
799 }
800 export interface DisassociateMemberFromGroupRequest {
801 /**
802 * The identifier for the organization under which the group exists.
803 */
804 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
805 /**
806 * The identifier for the group from which members are removed.
807 */
808 GroupId: WorkMailIdentifier;
809 /**
810 * The identifier for the member to be removed to the group.
811 */
812 MemberId: WorkMailIdentifier;
813 }
814 export interface DisassociateMemberFromGroupResponse {
815 }
816 export type EmailAddress = string;
817 export type EntityState = "ENABLED"|"DISABLED"|"DELETED"|string;
818 export interface GetAccessControlEffectRequest {
819 /**
820 * The identifier for the organization.
821 */
822 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
823 /**
824 * The IPv4 address.
825 */
826 IpAddress: IpAddress;
827 /**
828 * The access protocol action. Valid values include ActiveSync, AutoDiscover, EWS, IMAP, SMTP, WindowsOutlook, and WebMail.
829 */
830 Action: AccessControlRuleAction;
831 /**
832 * The user ID.
833 */
834 UserId: WorkMailIdentifier;
835 }
836 export interface GetAccessControlEffectResponse {
837 /**
838 * The rule effect.
839 */
840 Effect?: AccessControlRuleEffect;
841 /**
842 * The rules that match the given parameters, resulting in an effect.
843 */
844 MatchedRules?: AccessControlRuleNameList;
845 }
846 export interface GetMailboxDetailsRequest {
847 /**
848 * The identifier for the organization that contains the user whose mailbox details are being requested.
849 */
850 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
851 /**
852 * The identifier for the user whose mailbox details are being requested.
853 */
854 UserId: WorkMailIdentifier;
855 }
856 export interface GetMailboxDetailsResponse {
857 /**
858 * The maximum allowed mailbox size, in MB, for the specified user.
859 */
860 MailboxQuota?: MailboxQuota;
861 /**
862 * The current mailbox size, in MB, for the specified user.
863 */
864 MailboxSize?: MailboxSize;
865 }
866 export interface Group {
867 /**
868 * The identifier of the group.
869 */
870 Id?: WorkMailIdentifier;
871 /**
872 * The email of the group.
873 */
874 Email?: EmailAddress;
875 /**
876 * The name of the group.
877 */
878 Name?: GroupName;
879 /**
880 * The state of the group, which can be ENABLED, DISABLED, or DELETED.
881 */
882 State?: EntityState;
883 /**
884 * The date indicating when the group was enabled for Amazon WorkMail use.
885 */
886 EnabledDate?: Timestamp;
887 /**
888 * The date indicating when the group was disabled from Amazon WorkMail use.
889 */
890 DisabledDate?: Timestamp;
891 }
892 export type GroupName = string;
893 export type Groups = Group[];
894 export type IpAddress = string;
895 export type IpRange = string;
896 export type IpRangeList = IpRange[];
897 export interface ListAccessControlRulesRequest {
898 /**
899 * The identifier for the organization.
900 */
901 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
902 }
903 export interface ListAccessControlRulesResponse {
904 /**
905 * The access control rules.
906 */
907 Rules?: AccessControlRulesList;
908 }
909 export interface ListAliasesRequest {
910 /**
911 * The identifier for the organization under which the entity exists.
912 */
913 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
914 /**
915 * The identifier for the entity for which to list the aliases.
916 */
917 EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier;
918 /**
919 * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The first call does not contain any tokens.
920 */
921 NextToken?: NextToken;
922 /**
923 * The maximum number of results to return in a single call.
924 */
925 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
926 }
927 export interface ListAliasesResponse {
928 /**
929 * The entity's paginated aliases.
930 */
931 Aliases?: Aliases;
932 /**
933 * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The value is "null" when there are no more results to return.
934 */
935 NextToken?: NextToken;
936 }
937 export interface ListGroupMembersRequest {
938 /**
939 * The identifier for the organization under which the group exists.
940 */
941 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
942 /**
943 * The identifier for the group to which the members (users or groups) are associated.
944 */
945 GroupId: WorkMailIdentifier;
946 /**
947 * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The first call does not contain any tokens.
948 */
949 NextToken?: NextToken;
950 /**
951 * The maximum number of results to return in a single call.
952 */
953 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
954 }
955 export interface ListGroupMembersResponse {
956 /**
957 * The members associated to the group.
958 */
959 Members?: Members;
960 /**
961 * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The first call does not contain any tokens.
962 */
963 NextToken?: NextToken;
964 }
965 export interface ListGroupsRequest {
966 /**
967 * The identifier for the organization under which the groups exist.
968 */
969 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
970 /**
971 * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The first call does not contain any tokens.
972 */
973 NextToken?: NextToken;
974 /**
975 * The maximum number of results to return in a single call.
976 */
977 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
978 }
979 export interface ListGroupsResponse {
980 /**
981 * The overview of groups for an organization.
982 */
983 Groups?: Groups;
984 /**
985 * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The value is "null" when there are no more results to return.
986 */
987 NextToken?: NextToken;
988 }
989 export interface ListMailboxPermissionsRequest {
990 /**
991 * The identifier of the organization under which the user, group, or resource exists.
992 */
993 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
994 /**
995 * The identifier of the user, group, or resource for which to list mailbox permissions.
996 */
997 EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier;
998 /**
999 * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The first call does not contain any tokens.
1000 */
1001 NextToken?: NextToken;
1002 /**
1003 * The maximum number of results to return in a single call.
1004 */
1005 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
1006 }
1007 export interface ListMailboxPermissionsResponse {
1008 /**
1009 * One page of the user, group, or resource mailbox permissions.
1010 */
1011 Permissions?: Permissions;
1012 /**
1013 * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The value is "null" when there are no more results to return.
1014 */
1015 NextToken?: NextToken;
1016 }
1017 export interface ListOrganizationsRequest {
1018 /**
1019 * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The first call does not contain any tokens.
1020 */
1021 NextToken?: NextToken;
1022 /**
1023 * The maximum number of results to return in a single call.
1024 */
1025 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
1026 }
1027 export interface ListOrganizationsResponse {
1028 /**
1029 * The overview of owned organizations presented as a list of organization summaries.
1030 */
1031 OrganizationSummaries?: OrganizationSummaries;
1032 /**
1033 * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The value is "null" when there are no more results to return.
1034 */
1035 NextToken?: NextToken;
1036 }
1037 export interface ListResourceDelegatesRequest {
1038 /**
1039 * The identifier for the organization that contains the resource for which delegates are listed.
1040 */
1041 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
1042 /**
1043 * The identifier for the resource whose delegates are listed.
1044 */
1045 ResourceId: WorkMailIdentifier;
1046 /**
1047 * The token used to paginate through the delegates associated with a resource.
1048 */
1049 NextToken?: NextToken;
1050 /**
1051 * The number of maximum results in a page.
1052 */
1053 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
1054 }
1055 export interface ListResourceDelegatesResponse {
1056 /**
1057 * One page of the resource's delegates.
1058 */
1059 Delegates?: ResourceDelegates;
1060 /**
1061 * The token used to paginate through the delegates associated with a resource. While results are still available, it has an associated value. When the last page is reached, the token is empty.
1062 */
1063 NextToken?: NextToken;
1064 }
1065 export interface ListResourcesRequest {
1066 /**
1067 * The identifier for the organization under which the resources exist.
1068 */
1069 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
1070 /**
1071 * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The first call does not contain any tokens.
1072 */
1073 NextToken?: NextToken;
1074 /**
1075 * The maximum number of results to return in a single call.
1076 */
1077 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
1078 }
1079 export interface ListResourcesResponse {
1080 /**
1081 * One page of the organization's resource representation.
1082 */
1083 Resources?: Resources;
1084 /**
1085 * The token used to paginate through all the organization's resources. While results are still available, it has an associated value. When the last page is reached, the token is empty.
1086 */
1087 NextToken?: NextToken;
1088 }
1089 export interface ListTagsForResourceRequest {
1090 /**
1091 * The resource ARN.
1092 */
1093 ResourceARN: AmazonResourceName;
1094 }
1095 export interface ListTagsForResourceResponse {
1096 /**
1097 * A list of tag key-value pairs.
1098 */
1099 Tags?: TagList;
1100 }
1101 export interface ListUsersRequest {
1102 /**
1103 * The identifier for the organization under which the users exist.
1104 */
1105 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
1106 /**
1107 * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The first call does not contain any tokens.
1108 */
1109 NextToken?: NextToken;
1110 /**
1111 * The maximum number of results to return in a single call.
1112 */
1113 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
1114 }
1115 export interface ListUsersResponse {
1116 /**
1117 * The overview of users for an organization.
1118 */
1119 Users?: Users;
1120 /**
1121 * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. This value is `null` when there are no more results to return.
1122 */
1123 NextToken?: NextToken;
1124 }
1125 export type MailboxQuota = number;
1126 export type MailboxSize = number;
1127 export type MaxResults = number;
1128 export interface Member {
1129 /**
1130 * The identifier of the member.
1131 */
1132 Id?: String;
1133 /**
1134 * The name of the member.
1135 */
1136 Name?: String;
1137 /**
1138 * A member can be a user or group.
1139 */
1140 Type?: MemberType;
1141 /**
1142 * The state of the member, which can be ENABLED, DISABLED, or DELETED.
1143 */
1144 State?: EntityState;
1145 /**
1146 * The date indicating when the member was enabled for Amazon WorkMail use.
1147 */
1148 EnabledDate?: Timestamp;
1149 /**
1150 * The date indicating when the member was disabled from Amazon WorkMail use.
1151 */
1152 DisabledDate?: Timestamp;
1153 }
1154 export type MemberType = "GROUP"|"USER"|string;
1155 export type Members = Member[];
1156 export type NextToken = string;
1157 export type OrganizationId = string;
1158 export type OrganizationName = string;
1159 export type OrganizationSummaries = OrganizationSummary[];
1160 export interface OrganizationSummary {
1161 /**
1162 * The identifier associated with the organization.
1163 */
1164 OrganizationId?: OrganizationId;
1165 /**
1166 * The alias associated with the organization.
1167 */
1168 Alias?: OrganizationName;
1169 /**
1170 * The error message associated with the organization. It is only present if unexpected behavior has occurred with regards to the organization. It provides insight or solutions regarding unexpected behavior.
1171 */
1172 ErrorMessage?: String;
1173 /**
1174 * The state associated with the organization.
1175 */
1176 State?: String;
1177 }
1178 export type Password = string;
1179 export interface Permission {
1180 /**
1181 * The identifier of the user, group, or resource to which the permissions are granted.
1182 */
1183 GranteeId: WorkMailIdentifier;
1184 /**
1185 * The type of user, group, or resource referred to in GranteeId.
1186 */
1187 GranteeType: MemberType;
1188 /**
1189 * The permissions granted to the grantee. SEND_AS allows the grantee to send email as the owner of the mailbox (the grantee is not mentioned on these emails). SEND_ON_BEHALF allows the grantee to send email on behalf of the owner of the mailbox (the grantee is not mentioned as the physical sender of these emails). FULL_ACCESS allows the grantee full access to the mailbox, irrespective of other folder-level permissions set on the mailbox.
1190 */
1191 PermissionValues: PermissionValues;
1192 }
1193 export type PermissionType = "FULL_ACCESS"|"SEND_AS"|"SEND_ON_BEHALF"|string;
1194 export type PermissionValues = PermissionType[];
1195 export type Permissions = Permission[];
1196 export interface PutAccessControlRuleRequest {
1197 /**
1198 * The rule name.
1199 */
1200 Name: AccessControlRuleName;
1201 /**
1202 * The rule effect.
1203 */
1204 Effect: AccessControlRuleEffect;
1205 /**
1206 * The rule description.
1207 */
1208 Description: AccessControlRuleDescription;
1209 /**
1210 * IPv4 CIDR ranges to include in the rule.
1211 */
1212 IpRanges?: IpRangeList;
1213 /**
1214 * IPv4 CIDR ranges to exclude from the rule.
1215 */
1216 NotIpRanges?: IpRangeList;
1217 /**
1218 * Access protocol actions to include in the rule. Valid values include ActiveSync, AutoDiscover, EWS, IMAP, SMTP, WindowsOutlook, and WebMail.
1219 */
1220 Actions?: ActionsList;
1221 /**
1222 * Access protocol actions to exclude from the rule. Valid values include ActiveSync, AutoDiscover, EWS, IMAP, SMTP, WindowsOutlook, and WebMail.
1223 */
1224 NotActions?: ActionsList;
1225 /**
1226 * User IDs to include in the rule.
1227 */
1228 UserIds?: UserIdList;
1229 /**
1230 * User IDs to exclude from the rule.
1231 */
1232 NotUserIds?: UserIdList;
1233 /**
1234 * The identifier of the organization.
1235 */
1236 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
1237 }
1238 export interface PutAccessControlRuleResponse {
1239 }
1240 export interface PutMailboxPermissionsRequest {
1241 /**
1242 * The identifier of the organization under which the user, group, or resource exists.
1243 */
1244 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
1245 /**
1246 * The identifier of the user, group, or resource for which to update mailbox permissions.
1247 */
1248 EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier;
1249 /**
1250 * The identifier of the user, group, or resource to which to grant the permissions.
1251 */
1252 GranteeId: WorkMailIdentifier;
1253 /**
1254 * The permissions granted to the grantee. SEND_AS allows the grantee to send email as the owner of the mailbox (the grantee is not mentioned on these emails). SEND_ON_BEHALF allows the grantee to send email on behalf of the owner of the mailbox (the grantee is not mentioned as the physical sender of these emails). FULL_ACCESS allows the grantee full access to the mailbox, irrespective of other folder-level permissions set on the mailbox.
1255 */
1256 PermissionValues: PermissionValues;
1257 }
1258 export interface PutMailboxPermissionsResponse {
1259 }
1260 export interface RegisterToWorkMailRequest {
1261 /**
1262 * The identifier for the organization under which the user, group, or resource exists.
1263 */
1264 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
1265 /**
1266 * The identifier for the user, group, or resource to be updated.
1267 */
1268 EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier;
1269 /**
1270 * The email for the user, group, or resource to be updated.
1271 */
1272 Email: EmailAddress;
1273 }
1274 export interface RegisterToWorkMailResponse {
1275 }
1276 export interface ResetPasswordRequest {
1277 /**
1278 * The identifier of the organization that contains the user for which the password is reset.
1279 */
1280 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
1281 /**
1282 * The identifier of the user for whom the password is reset.
1283 */
1284 UserId: WorkMailIdentifier;
1285 /**
1286 * The new password for the user.
1287 */
1288 Password: Password;
1289 }
1290 export interface ResetPasswordResponse {
1291 }
1292 export interface Resource {
1293 /**
1294 * The identifier of the resource.
1295 */
1296 Id?: WorkMailIdentifier;
1297 /**
1298 * The email of the resource.
1299 */
1300 Email?: EmailAddress;
1301 /**
1302 * The name of the resource.
1303 */
1304 Name?: ResourceName;
1305 /**
1306 * The type of the resource: equipment or room.
1307 */
1308 Type?: ResourceType;
1309 /**
1310 * The state of the resource, which can be ENABLED, DISABLED, or DELETED.
1311 */
1312 State?: EntityState;
1313 /**
1314 * The date indicating when the resource was enabled for Amazon WorkMail use.
1315 */
1316 EnabledDate?: Timestamp;
1317 /**
1318 * The date indicating when the resource was disabled from Amazon WorkMail use.
1319 */
1320 DisabledDate?: Timestamp;
1321 }
1322 export type ResourceDelegates = Delegate[];
1323 export type ResourceId = string;
1324 export type ResourceName = string;
1325 export type ResourceType = "ROOM"|"EQUIPMENT"|string;
1326 export type Resources = Resource[];
1327 export type String = string;
1328 export interface Tag {
1329 /**
1330 * The key of the tag.
1331 */
1332 Key: TagKey;
1333 /**
1334 * The value of the tag.
1335 */
1336 Value: TagValue;
1337 }
1338 export type TagKey = string;
1339 export type TagKeyList = TagKey[];
1340 export type TagList = Tag[];
1341 export interface TagResourceRequest {
1342 /**
1343 * The resource ARN.
1344 */
1345 ResourceARN: AmazonResourceName;
1346 /**
1347 * The tag key-value pairs.
1348 */
1349 Tags: TagList;
1350 }
1351 export interface TagResourceResponse {
1352 }
1353 export type TagValue = string;
1354 export type Timestamp = Date;
1355 export interface UntagResourceRequest {
1356 /**
1357 * The resource ARN.
1358 */
1359 ResourceARN: AmazonResourceName;
1360 /**
1361 * The tag keys.
1362 */
1363 TagKeys: TagKeyList;
1364 }
1365 export interface UntagResourceResponse {
1366 }
1367 export interface UpdateMailboxQuotaRequest {
1368 /**
1369 * The identifier for the organization that contains the user for whom to update the mailbox quota.
1370 */
1371 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
1372 /**
1373 * The identifer for the user for whom to update the mailbox quota.
1374 */
1375 UserId: WorkMailIdentifier;
1376 /**
1377 * The updated mailbox quota, in MB, for the specified user.
1378 */
1379 MailboxQuota: MailboxQuota;
1380 }
1381 export interface UpdateMailboxQuotaResponse {
1382 }
1383 export interface UpdatePrimaryEmailAddressRequest {
1384 /**
1385 * The organization that contains the user, group, or resource to update.
1386 */
1387 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
1388 /**
1389 * The user, group, or resource to update.
1390 */
1391 EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier;
1392 /**
1393 * The value of the email to be updated as primary.
1394 */
1395 Email: EmailAddress;
1396 }
1397 export interface UpdatePrimaryEmailAddressResponse {
1398 }
1399 export interface UpdateResourceRequest {
1400 /**
1401 * The identifier associated with the organization for which the resource is updated.
1402 */
1403 OrganizationId: OrganizationId;
1404 /**
1405 * The identifier of the resource to be updated.
1406 */
1407 ResourceId: ResourceId;
1408 /**
1409 * The name of the resource to be updated.
1410 */
1411 Name?: ResourceName;
1412 /**
1413 * The resource's booking options to be updated.
1414 */
1415 BookingOptions?: BookingOptions;
1416 }
1417 export interface UpdateResourceResponse {
1418 }
1419 export interface User {
1420 /**
1421 * The identifier of the user.
1422 */
1423 Id?: WorkMailIdentifier;
1424 /**
1425 * The email of the user.
1426 */
1427 Email?: EmailAddress;
1428 /**
1429 * The name of the user.
1430 */
1431 Name?: UserName;
1432 /**
1433 * The display name of the user.
1434 */
1435 DisplayName?: String;
1436 /**
1437 * The state of the user, which can be ENABLED, DISABLED, or DELETED.
1438 */
1439 State?: EntityState;
1440 /**
1441 * The role of the user.
1442 */
1443 UserRole?: UserRole;
1444 /**
1445 * The date indicating when the user was enabled for Amazon WorkMail use.
1446 */
1447 EnabledDate?: Timestamp;
1448 /**
1449 * The date indicating when the user was disabled from Amazon WorkMail use.
1450 */
1451 DisabledDate?: Timestamp;
1452 }
1453 export type UserIdList = WorkMailIdentifier[];
1454 export type UserName = string;
1455 export type UserRole = "USER"|"RESOURCE"|"SYSTEM_USER"|string;
1456 export type Users = User[];
1457 export type WorkMailIdentifier = string;
1458 /**
1459 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
1460 */
1461 export type apiVersion = "2017-10-01"|"latest"|string;
1462 export interface ClientApiVersions {
1463 /**
1464 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
1465 */
1466 apiVersion?: apiVersion;
1467 }
1468 export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
1469 /**
1470 * Contains interfaces for use with the WorkMail client.
1471 */
1472 export import Types = WorkMail;
1474export = WorkMail;