306 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import {Request} from '../lib/request';
2import {Response} from '../lib/response';
3import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
4import {Service} from '../lib/service';
5import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
6import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config';
7interface Blob {}
8declare class MediaConvert extends Service {
9 /**
10 * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
11 */
12 constructor(options?: MediaConvert.Types.ClientConfiguration)
13 config: Config & MediaConvert.Types.ClientConfiguration;
14 /**
15 * Associates an AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Amazon Resource Name (ARN) with AWS Elemental MediaConvert.
16 */
17 associateCertificate(params: MediaConvert.Types.AssociateCertificateRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.AssociateCertificateResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.AssociateCertificateResponse, AWSError>;
18 /**
19 * Associates an AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Amazon Resource Name (ARN) with AWS Elemental MediaConvert.
20 */
21 associateCertificate(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.AssociateCertificateResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.AssociateCertificateResponse, AWSError>;
22 /**
23 * Permanently cancel a job. Once you have canceled a job, you can't start it again.
24 */
25 cancelJob(params: MediaConvert.Types.CancelJobRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.CancelJobResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.CancelJobResponse, AWSError>;
26 /**
27 * Permanently cancel a job. Once you have canceled a job, you can't start it again.
28 */
29 cancelJob(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.CancelJobResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.CancelJobResponse, AWSError>;
30 /**
31 * Create a new transcoding job. For information about jobs and job settings, see the User Guide at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/what-is.html
32 */
33 createJob(params: MediaConvert.Types.CreateJobRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.CreateJobResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.CreateJobResponse, AWSError>;
34 /**
35 * Create a new transcoding job. For information about jobs and job settings, see the User Guide at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/what-is.html
36 */
37 createJob(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.CreateJobResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.CreateJobResponse, AWSError>;
38 /**
39 * Create a new job template. For information about job templates see the User Guide at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/what-is.html
40 */
41 createJobTemplate(params: MediaConvert.Types.CreateJobTemplateRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.CreateJobTemplateResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.CreateJobTemplateResponse, AWSError>;
42 /**
43 * Create a new job template. For information about job templates see the User Guide at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/what-is.html
44 */
45 createJobTemplate(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.CreateJobTemplateResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.CreateJobTemplateResponse, AWSError>;
46 /**
47 * Create a new preset. For information about job templates see the User Guide at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/what-is.html
48 */
49 createPreset(params: MediaConvert.Types.CreatePresetRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.CreatePresetResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.CreatePresetResponse, AWSError>;
50 /**
51 * Create a new preset. For information about job templates see the User Guide at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/what-is.html
52 */
53 createPreset(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.CreatePresetResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.CreatePresetResponse, AWSError>;
54 /**
55 * Create a new transcoding queue. For information about queues, see Working With Queues in the User Guide at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/working-with-queues.html
56 */
57 createQueue(params: MediaConvert.Types.CreateQueueRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.CreateQueueResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.CreateQueueResponse, AWSError>;
58 /**
59 * Create a new transcoding queue. For information about queues, see Working With Queues in the User Guide at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/working-with-queues.html
60 */
61 createQueue(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.CreateQueueResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.CreateQueueResponse, AWSError>;
62 /**
63 * Permanently delete a job template you have created.
64 */
65 deleteJobTemplate(params: MediaConvert.Types.DeleteJobTemplateRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.DeleteJobTemplateResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.DeleteJobTemplateResponse, AWSError>;
66 /**
67 * Permanently delete a job template you have created.
68 */
69 deleteJobTemplate(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.DeleteJobTemplateResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.DeleteJobTemplateResponse, AWSError>;
70 /**
71 * Permanently delete a preset you have created.
72 */
73 deletePreset(params: MediaConvert.Types.DeletePresetRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.DeletePresetResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.DeletePresetResponse, AWSError>;
74 /**
75 * Permanently delete a preset you have created.
76 */
77 deletePreset(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.DeletePresetResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.DeletePresetResponse, AWSError>;
78 /**
79 * Permanently delete a queue you have created.
80 */
81 deleteQueue(params: MediaConvert.Types.DeleteQueueRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.DeleteQueueResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.DeleteQueueResponse, AWSError>;
82 /**
83 * Permanently delete a queue you have created.
84 */
85 deleteQueue(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.DeleteQueueResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.DeleteQueueResponse, AWSError>;
86 /**
87 * Send an request with an empty body to the regional API endpoint to get your account API endpoint.
88 */
89 describeEndpoints(params: MediaConvert.Types.DescribeEndpointsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.DescribeEndpointsResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.DescribeEndpointsResponse, AWSError>;
90 /**
91 * Send an request with an empty body to the regional API endpoint to get your account API endpoint.
92 */
93 describeEndpoints(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.DescribeEndpointsResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.DescribeEndpointsResponse, AWSError>;
94 /**
95 * Removes an association between the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate and an AWS Elemental MediaConvert resource.
96 */
97 disassociateCertificate(params: MediaConvert.Types.DisassociateCertificateRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.DisassociateCertificateResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.DisassociateCertificateResponse, AWSError>;
98 /**
99 * Removes an association between the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate and an AWS Elemental MediaConvert resource.
100 */
101 disassociateCertificate(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.DisassociateCertificateResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.DisassociateCertificateResponse, AWSError>;
102 /**
103 * Retrieve the JSON for a specific completed transcoding job.
104 */
105 getJob(params: MediaConvert.Types.GetJobRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.GetJobResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.GetJobResponse, AWSError>;
106 /**
107 * Retrieve the JSON for a specific completed transcoding job.
108 */
109 getJob(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.GetJobResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.GetJobResponse, AWSError>;
110 /**
111 * Retrieve the JSON for a specific job template.
112 */
113 getJobTemplate(params: MediaConvert.Types.GetJobTemplateRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.GetJobTemplateResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.GetJobTemplateResponse, AWSError>;
114 /**
115 * Retrieve the JSON for a specific job template.
116 */
117 getJobTemplate(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.GetJobTemplateResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.GetJobTemplateResponse, AWSError>;
118 /**
119 * Retrieve the JSON for a specific preset.
120 */
121 getPreset(params: MediaConvert.Types.GetPresetRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.GetPresetResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.GetPresetResponse, AWSError>;
122 /**
123 * Retrieve the JSON for a specific preset.
124 */
125 getPreset(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.GetPresetResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.GetPresetResponse, AWSError>;
126 /**
127 * Retrieve the JSON for a specific queue.
128 */
129 getQueue(params: MediaConvert.Types.GetQueueRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.GetQueueResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.GetQueueResponse, AWSError>;
130 /**
131 * Retrieve the JSON for a specific queue.
132 */
133 getQueue(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.GetQueueResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.GetQueueResponse, AWSError>;
134 /**
135 * Retrieve a JSON array of up to twenty of your job templates. This will return the templates themselves, not just a list of them. To retrieve the next twenty templates, use the nextToken string returned with the array
136 */
137 listJobTemplates(params: MediaConvert.Types.ListJobTemplatesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.ListJobTemplatesResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.ListJobTemplatesResponse, AWSError>;
138 /**
139 * Retrieve a JSON array of up to twenty of your job templates. This will return the templates themselves, not just a list of them. To retrieve the next twenty templates, use the nextToken string returned with the array
140 */
141 listJobTemplates(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.ListJobTemplatesResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.ListJobTemplatesResponse, AWSError>;
142 /**
143 * Retrieve a JSON array of up to twenty of your most recently created jobs. This array includes in-process, completed, and errored jobs. This will return the jobs themselves, not just a list of the jobs. To retrieve the twenty next most recent jobs, use the nextToken string returned with the array.
144 */
145 listJobs(params: MediaConvert.Types.ListJobsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.ListJobsResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.ListJobsResponse, AWSError>;
146 /**
147 * Retrieve a JSON array of up to twenty of your most recently created jobs. This array includes in-process, completed, and errored jobs. This will return the jobs themselves, not just a list of the jobs. To retrieve the twenty next most recent jobs, use the nextToken string returned with the array.
148 */
149 listJobs(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.ListJobsResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.ListJobsResponse, AWSError>;
150 /**
151 * Retrieve a JSON array of up to twenty of your presets. This will return the presets themselves, not just a list of them. To retrieve the next twenty presets, use the nextToken string returned with the array.
152 */
153 listPresets(params: MediaConvert.Types.ListPresetsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.ListPresetsResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.ListPresetsResponse, AWSError>;
154 /**
155 * Retrieve a JSON array of up to twenty of your presets. This will return the presets themselves, not just a list of them. To retrieve the next twenty presets, use the nextToken string returned with the array.
156 */
157 listPresets(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.ListPresetsResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.ListPresetsResponse, AWSError>;
158 /**
159 * Retrieve a JSON array of up to twenty of your queues. This will return the queues themselves, not just a list of them. To retrieve the next twenty queues, use the nextToken string returned with the array.
160 */
161 listQueues(params: MediaConvert.Types.ListQueuesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.ListQueuesResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.ListQueuesResponse, AWSError>;
162 /**
163 * Retrieve a JSON array of up to twenty of your queues. This will return the queues themselves, not just a list of them. To retrieve the next twenty queues, use the nextToken string returned with the array.
164 */
165 listQueues(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.ListQueuesResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.ListQueuesResponse, AWSError>;
166 /**
167 * Retrieve the tags for a MediaConvert resource.
168 */
169 listTagsForResource(params: MediaConvert.Types.ListTagsForResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse, AWSError>;
170 /**
171 * Retrieve the tags for a MediaConvert resource.
172 */
173 listTagsForResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse, AWSError>;
174 /**
175 * Add tags to a MediaConvert queue, preset, or job template. For information about tagging, see the User Guide at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/tagging-resources.html
176 */
177 tagResource(params: MediaConvert.Types.TagResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.TagResourceResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.TagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
178 /**
179 * Add tags to a MediaConvert queue, preset, or job template. For information about tagging, see the User Guide at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/tagging-resources.html
180 */
181 tagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.TagResourceResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.TagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
182 /**
183 * Remove tags from a MediaConvert queue, preset, or job template. For information about tagging, see the User Guide at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/tagging-resources.html
184 */
185 untagResource(params: MediaConvert.Types.UntagResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.UntagResourceResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.UntagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
186 /**
187 * Remove tags from a MediaConvert queue, preset, or job template. For information about tagging, see the User Guide at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/tagging-resources.html
188 */
189 untagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.UntagResourceResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.UntagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
190 /**
191 * Modify one of your existing job templates.
192 */
193 updateJobTemplate(params: MediaConvert.Types.UpdateJobTemplateRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.UpdateJobTemplateResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.UpdateJobTemplateResponse, AWSError>;
194 /**
195 * Modify one of your existing job templates.
196 */
197 updateJobTemplate(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.UpdateJobTemplateResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.UpdateJobTemplateResponse, AWSError>;
198 /**
199 * Modify one of your existing presets.
200 */
201 updatePreset(params: MediaConvert.Types.UpdatePresetRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.UpdatePresetResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.UpdatePresetResponse, AWSError>;
202 /**
203 * Modify one of your existing presets.
204 */
205 updatePreset(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.UpdatePresetResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.UpdatePresetResponse, AWSError>;
206 /**
207 * Modify one of your existing queues.
208 */
209 updateQueue(params: MediaConvert.Types.UpdateQueueRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.UpdateQueueResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.UpdateQueueResponse, AWSError>;
210 /**
211 * Modify one of your existing queues.
212 */
213 updateQueue(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaConvert.Types.UpdateQueueResponse) => void): Request<MediaConvert.Types.UpdateQueueResponse, AWSError>;
215declare namespace MediaConvert {
216 export type AacAudioDescriptionBroadcasterMix = "BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD"|"NORMAL"|string;
217 export type AacCodecProfile = "LC"|"HEV1"|"HEV2"|string;
218 export type AacCodingMode = "AD_RECEIVER_MIX"|"CODING_MODE_1_0"|"CODING_MODE_1_1"|"CODING_MODE_2_0"|"CODING_MODE_5_1"|string;
219 export type AacRateControlMode = "CBR"|"VBR"|string;
220 export type AacRawFormat = "LATM_LOAS"|"NONE"|string;
221 export interface AacSettings {
222 /**
223 * Choose BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD when the input contains pre-mixed main audio + audio description (AD) as a stereo pair. The value for AudioType will be set to 3, which signals to downstream systems that this stream contains "broadcaster mixed AD". Note that the input received by the encoder must contain pre-mixed audio; the encoder does not perform the mixing. When you choose BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD, the encoder ignores any values you provide in AudioType and FollowInputAudioType. Choose NORMAL when the input does not contain pre-mixed audio + audio description (AD). In this case, the encoder will use any values you provide for AudioType and FollowInputAudioType.
224 */
225 AudioDescriptionBroadcasterMix?: AacAudioDescriptionBroadcasterMix;
226 /**
227 * Specify the average bitrate in bits per second. The set of valid values for this setting is: 6000, 8000, 10000, 12000, 14000, 16000, 20000, 24000, 28000, 32000, 40000, 48000, 56000, 64000, 80000, 96000, 112000, 128000, 160000, 192000, 224000, 256000, 288000, 320000, 384000, 448000, 512000, 576000, 640000, 768000, 896000, 1024000. The value you set is also constrained by the values that you choose for Profile (codecProfile), Bitrate control mode (codingMode), and Sample rate (sampleRate). Default values depend on Bitrate control mode and Profile.
228 */
229 Bitrate?: __integerMin6000Max1024000;
230 /**
231 * AAC Profile.
232 */
233 CodecProfile?: AacCodecProfile;
234 /**
235 * Mono (Audio Description), Mono, Stereo, or 5.1 channel layout. Valid values depend on rate control mode and profile. "1.0 - Audio Description (Receiver Mix)" setting receives a stereo description plus control track and emits a mono AAC encode of the description track, with control data emitted in the PES header as per ETSI TS 101 154 Annex E.
236 */
237 CodingMode?: AacCodingMode;
238 /**
239 * Rate Control Mode.
240 */
241 RateControlMode?: AacRateControlMode;
242 /**
243 * Enables LATM/LOAS AAC output. Note that if you use LATM/LOAS AAC in an output, you must choose "No container" for the output container.
244 */
245 RawFormat?: AacRawFormat;
246 /**
247 * Sample rate in Hz. Valid values depend on rate control mode and profile.
248 */
249 SampleRate?: __integerMin8000Max96000;
250 /**
251 * Use MPEG-2 AAC instead of MPEG-4 AAC audio for raw or MPEG-2 Transport Stream containers.
252 */
253 Specification?: AacSpecification;
254 /**
255 * VBR Quality Level - Only used if rate_control_mode is VBR.
256 */
257 VbrQuality?: AacVbrQuality;
258 }
259 export type AacSpecification = "MPEG2"|"MPEG4"|string;
260 export type AacVbrQuality = "LOW"|"MEDIUM_LOW"|"MEDIUM_HIGH"|"HIGH"|string;
262 export type Ac3CodingMode = "CODING_MODE_1_0"|"CODING_MODE_1_1"|"CODING_MODE_2_0"|"CODING_MODE_3_2_LFE"|string;
263 export type Ac3DynamicRangeCompressionProfile = "FILM_STANDARD"|"NONE"|string;
264 export type Ac3LfeFilter = "ENABLED"|"DISABLED"|string;
265 export type Ac3MetadataControl = "FOLLOW_INPUT"|"USE_CONFIGURED"|string;
266 export interface Ac3Settings {
267 /**
268 * Specify the average bitrate in bits per second. Valid bitrates depend on the coding mode.
269 */
270 Bitrate?: __integerMin64000Max640000;
271 /**
272 * Specify the bitstream mode for the AC-3 stream that the encoder emits. For more information about the AC3 bitstream mode, see ATSC A/52-2012 (Annex E).
273 */
274 BitstreamMode?: Ac3BitstreamMode;
275 /**
276 * Dolby Digital coding mode. Determines number of channels.
277 */
278 CodingMode?: Ac3CodingMode;
279 /**
280 * Sets the dialnorm for the output. If blank and input audio is Dolby Digital, dialnorm will be passed through.
281 */
282 Dialnorm?: __integerMin1Max31;
283 /**
284 * If set to FILM_STANDARD, adds dynamic range compression signaling to the output bitstream as defined in the Dolby Digital specification.
285 */
286 DynamicRangeCompressionProfile?: Ac3DynamicRangeCompressionProfile;
287 /**
288 * Applies a 120Hz lowpass filter to the LFE channel prior to encoding. Only valid with 3_2_LFE coding mode.
289 */
290 LfeFilter?: Ac3LfeFilter;
291 /**
292 * When set to FOLLOW_INPUT, encoder metadata will be sourced from the DD, DD+, or DolbyE decoder that supplied this audio data. If audio was not supplied from one of these streams, then the static metadata settings will be used.
293 */
294 MetadataControl?: Ac3MetadataControl;
295 /**
296 * This value is always 48000. It represents the sample rate in Hz.
297 */
298 SampleRate?: __integerMin48000Max48000;
299 }
300 export type AccelerationMode = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|"PREFERRED"|string;
301 export interface AccelerationSettings {
302 /**
303 * Specify the conditions when the service will run your job with accelerated transcoding.
304 */
305 Mode: AccelerationMode;
306 }
307 export type AccelerationStatus = "NOT_APPLICABLE"|"IN_PROGRESS"|"ACCELERATED"|"NOT_ACCELERATED"|string;
308 export type AfdSignaling = "NONE"|"AUTO"|"FIXED"|string;
309 export interface AiffSettings {
310 /**
311 * Specify Bit depth (BitDepth), in bits per sample, to choose the encoding quality for this audio track.
312 */
313 BitDepth?: __integerMin16Max24;
314 /**
315 * Specify the number of channels in this output audio track. Valid values are 1 and even numbers up to 64. For example, 1, 2, 4, 6, and so on, up to 64.
316 */
317 Channels?: __integerMin1Max64;
318 /**
319 * Sample rate in hz.
320 */
321 SampleRate?: __integerMin8000Max192000;
322 }
323 export type AlphaBehavior = "DISCARD"|"REMAP_TO_LUMA"|string;
324 export type AncillaryConvert608To708 = "UPCONVERT"|"DISABLED"|string;
325 export interface AncillarySourceSettings {
326 /**
327 * Specify whether this set of input captions appears in your outputs in both 608 and 708 format. If you choose Upconvert (UPCONVERT), MediaConvert includes the captions data in two ways: it passes the 608 data through using the 608 compatibility bytes fields of the 708 wrapper, and it also translates the 608 data into 708.
328 */
329 Convert608To708?: AncillaryConvert608To708;
330 /**
331 * Specifies the 608 channel number in the ancillary data track from which to extract captions. Unused for passthrough.
332 */
333 SourceAncillaryChannelNumber?: __integerMin1Max4;
334 /**
335 * By default, the service terminates any unterminated captions at the end of each input. If you want the caption to continue onto your next input, disable this setting.
336 */
337 TerminateCaptions?: AncillaryTerminateCaptions;
338 }
339 export type AncillaryTerminateCaptions = "END_OF_INPUT"|"DISABLED"|string;
340 export type AntiAlias = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
341 export interface AssociateCertificateRequest {
342 /**
343 * The ARN of the ACM certificate that you want to associate with your MediaConvert resource.
344 */
345 Arn: __string;
346 }
347 export interface AssociateCertificateResponse {
348 }
349 export type AudioCodec = "AAC"|"MP2"|"MP3"|"WAV"|"AIFF"|"AC3"|"EAC3"|"EAC3_ATMOS"|"PASSTHROUGH"|string;
350 export interface AudioCodecSettings {
351 /**
352 * Required when you set (Codec) under (AudioDescriptions)>(CodecSettings) to the value AAC. The service accepts one of two mutually exclusive groups of AAC settings--VBR and CBR. To select one of these modes, set the value of Bitrate control mode (rateControlMode) to "VBR" or "CBR". In VBR mode, you control the audio quality with the setting VBR quality (vbrQuality). In CBR mode, you use the setting Bitrate (bitrate). Defaults and valid values depend on the rate control mode.
353 */
354 AacSettings?: AacSettings;
355 /**
356 * Required when you set (Codec) under (AudioDescriptions)>(CodecSettings) to the value AC3.
357 */
358 Ac3Settings?: Ac3Settings;
359 /**
360 * Required when you set (Codec) under (AudioDescriptions)>(CodecSettings) to the value AIFF.
361 */
362 AiffSettings?: AiffSettings;
363 /**
364 * Type of Audio codec.
365 */
366 Codec?: AudioCodec;
367 /**
368 * Required when you set (Codec) under (AudioDescriptions)>(CodecSettings) to the value EAC3_ATMOS.
369 */
370 Eac3AtmosSettings?: Eac3AtmosSettings;
371 /**
372 * Required when you set (Codec) under (AudioDescriptions)>(CodecSettings) to the value EAC3.
373 */
374 Eac3Settings?: Eac3Settings;
375 /**
376 * Required when you set (Codec) under (AudioDescriptions)>(CodecSettings) to the value MP2.
377 */
378 Mp2Settings?: Mp2Settings;
379 /**
380 * Required when you set Codec, under AudioDescriptions>CodecSettings, to the value MP3.
381 */
382 Mp3Settings?: Mp3Settings;
383 /**
384 * Required when you set (Codec) under (AudioDescriptions)>(CodecSettings) to the value WAV.
385 */
386 WavSettings?: WavSettings;
387 }
388 export type AudioDefaultSelection = "DEFAULT"|"NOT_DEFAULT"|string;
389 export interface AudioDescription {
390 /**
391 * Advanced audio normalization settings. Ignore these settings unless you need to comply with a loudness standard.
392 */
393 AudioNormalizationSettings?: AudioNormalizationSettings;
394 /**
395 * Specifies which audio data to use from each input. In the simplest case, specify an "Audio Selector":#inputs-audio_selector by name based on its order within each input. For example if you specify "Audio Selector 3", then the third audio selector will be used from each input. If an input does not have an "Audio Selector 3", then the audio selector marked as "default" in that input will be used. If there is no audio selector marked as "default", silence will be inserted for the duration of that input. Alternatively, an "Audio Selector Group":#inputs-audio_selector_group name may be specified, with similar default/silence behavior. If no audio_source_name is specified, then "Audio Selector 1" will be chosen automatically.
396 */
397 AudioSourceName?: __string;
398 /**
399 * Applies only if Follow Input Audio Type is unchecked (false). A number between 0 and 255. The following are defined in ISO-IEC 13818-1: 0 = Undefined, 1 = Clean Effects, 2 = Hearing Impaired, 3 = Visually Impaired Commentary, 4-255 = Reserved.
400 */
401 AudioType?: __integerMin0Max255;
402 /**
403 * When set to FOLLOW_INPUT, if the input contains an ISO 639 audio_type, then that value is passed through to the output. If the input contains no ISO 639 audio_type, the value in Audio Type is included in the output. Otherwise the value in Audio Type is included in the output. Note that this field and audioType are both ignored if audioDescriptionBroadcasterMix is set to BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD.
404 */
405 AudioTypeControl?: AudioTypeControl;
406 /**
407 * Audio codec settings (CodecSettings) under (AudioDescriptions) contains the group of settings related to audio encoding. The settings in this group vary depending on the value that you choose for Audio codec (Codec). For each codec enum that you choose, define the corresponding settings object. The following lists the codec enum, settings object pairs. * AAC, AacSettings * MP2, Mp2Settings * MP3, Mp3Settings * WAV, WavSettings * AIFF, AiffSettings * AC3, Ac3Settings * EAC3, Eac3Settings * EAC3_ATMOS, Eac3AtmosSettings
408 */
409 CodecSettings?: AudioCodecSettings;
410 /**
411 * Specify the language for this audio output track. The service puts this language code into your output audio track when you set Language code control (AudioLanguageCodeControl) to Use configured (USE_CONFIGURED). The service also uses your specified custom language code when you set Language code control (AudioLanguageCodeControl) to Follow input (FOLLOW_INPUT), but your input file doesn't specify a language code. For all outputs, you can use an ISO 639-2 or ISO 639-3 code. For streaming outputs, you can also use any other code in the full RFC-5646 specification. Streaming outputs are those that are in one of the following output groups: CMAF, DASH ISO, Apple HLS, or Microsoft Smooth Streaming.
412 */
413 CustomLanguageCode?: __stringPatternAZaZ23AZaZ;
414 /**
415 * Indicates the language of the audio output track. The ISO 639 language specified in the 'Language Code' drop down will be used when 'Follow Input Language Code' is not selected or when 'Follow Input Language Code' is selected but there is no ISO 639 language code specified by the input.
416 */
417 LanguageCode?: LanguageCode;
418 /**
419 * Specify which source for language code takes precedence for this audio track. When you choose Follow input (FOLLOW_INPUT), the service uses the language code from the input track if it's present. If there's no languge code on the input track, the service uses the code that you specify in the setting Language code (languageCode or customLanguageCode). When you choose Use configured (USE_CONFIGURED), the service uses the language code that you specify.
420 */
421 LanguageCodeControl?: AudioLanguageCodeControl;
422 /**
423 * Advanced audio remixing settings.
424 */
425 RemixSettings?: RemixSettings;
426 /**
427 * Specify a label for this output audio stream. For example, "English", "Director commentary", or "track_2". For streaming outputs, MediaConvert passes this information into destination manifests for display on the end-viewer's player device. For outputs in other output groups, the service ignores this setting.
428 */
429 StreamName?: __stringPatternWS;
430 }
431 export type AudioLanguageCodeControl = "FOLLOW_INPUT"|"USE_CONFIGURED"|string;
432 export type AudioNormalizationAlgorithm = "ITU_BS_1770_1"|"ITU_BS_1770_2"|"ITU_BS_1770_3"|"ITU_BS_1770_4"|string;
433 export type AudioNormalizationAlgorithmControl = "CORRECT_AUDIO"|"MEASURE_ONLY"|string;
434 export type AudioNormalizationLoudnessLogging = "LOG"|"DONT_LOG"|string;
435 export type AudioNormalizationPeakCalculation = "TRUE_PEAK"|"NONE"|string;
436 export interface AudioNormalizationSettings {
437 /**
438 * Choose one of the following audio normalization algorithms: ITU-R BS.1770-1: Ungated loudness. A measurement of ungated average loudness for an entire piece of content, suitable for measurement of short-form content under ATSC recommendation A/85. Supports up to 5.1 audio channels. ITU-R BS.1770-2: Gated loudness. A measurement of gated average loudness compliant with the requirements of EBU-R128. Supports up to 5.1 audio channels. ITU-R BS.1770-3: Modified peak. The same loudness measurement algorithm as 1770-2, with an updated true peak measurement. ITU-R BS.1770-4: Higher channel count. Allows for more audio channels than the other algorithms, including configurations such as 7.1.
439 */
440 Algorithm?: AudioNormalizationAlgorithm;
441 /**
442 * When enabled the output audio is corrected using the chosen algorithm. If disabled, the audio will be measured but not adjusted.
443 */
444 AlgorithmControl?: AudioNormalizationAlgorithmControl;
445 /**
446 * Content measuring above this level will be corrected to the target level. Content measuring below this level will not be corrected.
447 */
448 CorrectionGateLevel?: __integerMinNegative70Max0;
449 /**
450 * If set to LOG, log each output's audio track loudness to a CSV file.
451 */
452 LoudnessLogging?: AudioNormalizationLoudnessLogging;
453 /**
454 * If set to TRUE_PEAK, calculate and log the TruePeak for each output's audio track loudness.
455 */
456 PeakCalculation?: AudioNormalizationPeakCalculation;
457 /**
458 * When you use Audio normalization (AudioNormalizationSettings), optionally use this setting to specify a target loudness. If you don't specify a value here, the encoder chooses a value for you, based on the algorithm that you choose for Algorithm (algorithm). If you choose algorithm 1770-1, the encoder will choose -24 LKFS; otherwise, the encoder will choose -23 LKFS.
459 */
460 TargetLkfs?: __doubleMinNegative59Max0;
461 }
462 export interface AudioSelector {
463 /**
464 * Selects a specific language code from within an audio source, using the ISO 639-2 or ISO 639-3 three-letter language code
465 */
466 CustomLanguageCode?: __stringMin3Max3PatternAZaZ3;
467 /**
468 * Enable this setting on one audio selector to set it as the default for the job. The service uses this default for outputs where it can't find the specified input audio. If you don't set a default, those outputs have no audio.
469 */
470 DefaultSelection?: AudioDefaultSelection;
471 /**
472 * Specifies audio data from an external file source.
473 */
475 /**
476 * Selects a specific language code from within an audio source.
477 */
478 LanguageCode?: LanguageCode;
479 /**
480 * Specifies a time delta in milliseconds to offset the audio from the input video.
481 */
482 Offset?: __integerMinNegative2147483648Max2147483647;
483 /**
484 * Selects a specific PID from within an audio source (e.g. 257 selects PID 0x101).
485 */
486 Pids?: __listOf__integerMin1Max2147483647;
487 /**
488 * Use this setting for input streams that contain Dolby E, to have the service extract specific program data from the track. To select multiple programs, create multiple selectors with the same Track and different Program numbers. In the console, this setting is visible when you set Selector type to Track. Choose the program number from the dropdown list. If you are sending a JSON file, provide the program ID, which is part of the audio metadata. If your input file has incorrect metadata, you can choose All channels instead of a program number to have the service ignore the program IDs and include all the programs in the track.
489 */
490 ProgramSelection?: __integerMin0Max8;
491 /**
492 * Use these settings to reorder the audio channels of one input to match those of another input. This allows you to combine the two files into a single output, one after the other.
493 */
494 RemixSettings?: RemixSettings;
495 /**
496 * Specifies the type of the audio selector.
497 */
498 SelectorType?: AudioSelectorType;
499 /**
500 * Identify a track from the input audio to include in this selector by entering the track index number. To include several tracks in a single audio selector, specify multiple tracks as follows. Using the console, enter a comma-separated list. For examle, type "1,2,3" to include tracks 1 through 3. Specifying directly in your JSON job file, provide the track numbers in an array. For example, "tracks": [1,2,3].
501 */
502 Tracks?: __listOf__integerMin1Max2147483647;
503 }
504 export interface AudioSelectorGroup {
505 /**
506 * Name of an Audio Selector within the same input to include in the group. Audio selector names are standardized, based on their order within the input (e.g., "Audio Selector 1"). The audio selector name parameter can be repeated to add any number of audio selectors to the group.
507 */
508 AudioSelectorNames?: __listOf__stringMin1;
509 }
510 export type AudioSelectorType = "PID"|"TRACK"|"LANGUAGE_CODE"|string;
511 export type AudioTypeControl = "FOLLOW_INPUT"|"USE_CONFIGURED"|string;
512 export type Av1AdaptiveQuantization = "OFF"|"LOW"|"MEDIUM"|"HIGH"|"HIGHER"|"MAX"|string;
513 export type Av1FramerateControl = "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE"|"SPECIFIED"|string;
514 export type Av1FramerateConversionAlgorithm = "DUPLICATE_DROP"|"INTERPOLATE"|string;
515 export interface Av1QvbrSettings {
516 /**
517 * Required when you use QVBR rate control mode. That is, when you specify qvbrSettings within av1Settings. Specify the general target quality level for this output, from 1 to 10. Use higher numbers for greater quality. Level 10 results in nearly lossless compression. The quality level for most broadcast-quality transcodes is between 6 and 9. Optionally, to specify a value between whole numbers, also provide a value for the setting qvbrQualityLevelFineTune. For example, if you want your QVBR quality level to be 7.33, set qvbrQualityLevel to 7 and set qvbrQualityLevelFineTune to .33.
518 */
519 QvbrQualityLevel?: __integerMin1Max10;
520 /**
521 * Optional. Specify a value here to set the QVBR quality to a level that is between whole numbers. For example, if you want your QVBR quality level to be 7.33, set qvbrQualityLevel to 7 and set qvbrQualityLevelFineTune to .33. MediaConvert rounds your QVBR quality level to the nearest third of a whole number. For example, if you set qvbrQualityLevel to 7 and you set qvbrQualityLevelFineTune to .25, your actual QVBR quality level is 7.33.
522 */
523 QvbrQualityLevelFineTune?: __doubleMin0Max1;
524 }
525 export type Av1RateControlMode = "QVBR"|string;
526 export interface Av1Settings {
527 /**
528 * Adaptive quantization. Allows intra-frame quantizers to vary to improve visual quality.
529 */
530 AdaptiveQuantization?: Av1AdaptiveQuantization;
531 /**
532 * If you are using the console, use the Framerate setting to specify the frame rate for this output. If you want to keep the same frame rate as the input video, choose Follow source. If you want to do frame rate conversion, choose a frame rate from the dropdown list or choose Custom. The framerates shown in the dropdown list are decimal approximations of fractions. If you choose Custom, specify your frame rate as a fraction. If you are creating your transcoding job specification as a JSON file without the console, use FramerateControl to specify which value the service uses for the frame rate for this output. Choose INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE if you want the service to use the frame rate from the input. Choose SPECIFIED if you want the service to use the frame rate you specify in the settings FramerateNumerator and FramerateDenominator.
533 */
534 FramerateControl?: Av1FramerateControl;
535 /**
536 * When set to INTERPOLATE, produces smoother motion during frame rate conversion.
537 */
538 FramerateConversionAlgorithm?: Av1FramerateConversionAlgorithm;
539 /**
540 * When you use the API for transcode jobs that use frame rate conversion, specify the frame rate as a fraction. For example, 24000 / 1001 = 23.976 fps. Use FramerateDenominator to specify the denominator of this fraction. In this example, use 1001 for the value of FramerateDenominator. When you use the console for transcode jobs that use frame rate conversion, provide the value as a decimal number for Framerate. In this example, specify 23.976.
541 */
542 FramerateDenominator?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
543 /**
544 * When you use the API for transcode jobs that use frame rate conversion, specify the frame rate as a fraction. For example, 24000 / 1001 = 23.976 fps. Use FramerateNumerator to specify the numerator of this fraction. In this example, use 24000 for the value of FramerateNumerator. When you use the console for transcode jobs that use frame rate conversion, provide the value as a decimal number for Framerate. In this example, specify 23.976.
545 */
546 FramerateNumerator?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
547 /**
548 * Specify the GOP length (keyframe interval) in frames. With AV1, MediaConvert doesn't support GOP length in seconds. This value must be greater than zero and preferably equal to 1 + ((numberBFrames + 1) * x), where x is an integer value.
549 */
550 GopSize?: __doubleMin0;
551 /**
552 * Maximum bitrate in bits/second. For example, enter five megabits per second as 5000000. Required when Rate control mode is QVBR.
553 */
554 MaxBitrate?: __integerMin1000Max1152000000;
555 /**
556 * Specify the number of B-frames. With AV1, MediaConvert supports only 7 or 15.
557 */
558 NumberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames?: __integerMin7Max15;
559 /**
560 * Settings for quality-defined variable bitrate encoding with the AV1 codec. Required when you set Rate control mode to QVBR. Not valid when you set Rate control mode to a value other than QVBR, or when you don't define Rate control mode.
561 */
562 QvbrSettings?: Av1QvbrSettings;
563 /**
564 * 'With AV1 outputs, for rate control mode, MediaConvert supports only quality-defined variable bitrate (QVBR). You can''t use CBR or VBR.'
565 */
566 RateControlMode?: Av1RateControlMode;
567 /**
568 * Specify the number of slices per picture. This value must be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32. For progressive pictures, this value must be less than or equal to the number of macroblock rows. For interlaced pictures, this value must be less than or equal to half the number of macroblock rows.
569 */
570 Slices?: __integerMin1Max32;
571 /**
572 * Adjust quantization within each frame based on spatial variation of content complexity.
573 */
574 SpatialAdaptiveQuantization?: Av1SpatialAdaptiveQuantization;
575 }
576 export type Av1SpatialAdaptiveQuantization = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
577 export interface AvailBlanking {
578 /**
579 * Blanking image to be used. Leave empty for solid black. Only bmp and png images are supported.
580 */
581 AvailBlankingImage?: __stringMin14PatternS3BmpBMPPngPNGHttpsBmpBMPPngPNG;
582 }
583 export type BillingTagsSource = "QUEUE"|"PRESET"|"JOB_TEMPLATE"|"JOB"|string;
584 export interface BurninDestinationSettings {
585 /**
586 * If no explicit x_position or y_position is provided, setting alignment to centered will place the captions at the bottom center of the output. Similarly, setting a left alignment will align captions to the bottom left of the output. If x and y positions are given in conjunction with the alignment parameter, the font will be justified (either left or centered) relative to those coordinates. This option is not valid for source captions that are STL, 608/embedded or teletext. These source settings are already pre-defined by the caption stream. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
587 */
588 Alignment?: BurninSubtitleAlignment;
589 /**
590 * Specifies the color of the rectangle behind the captions.
591All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
592 */
593 BackgroundColor?: BurninSubtitleBackgroundColor;
594 /**
595 * Specifies the opacity of the background rectangle. 255 is opaque; 0 is transparent. Leaving this parameter blank is equivalent to setting it to 0 (transparent). All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
596 */
597 BackgroundOpacity?: __integerMin0Max255;
598 /**
599 * Specifies the color of the burned-in captions. This option is not valid for source captions that are STL, 608/embedded or teletext. These source settings are already pre-defined by the caption stream. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
600 */
601 FontColor?: BurninSubtitleFontColor;
602 /**
603 * Specifies the opacity of the burned-in captions. 255 is opaque; 0 is transparent.
604All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
605 */
606 FontOpacity?: __integerMin0Max255;
607 /**
608 * Font resolution in DPI (dots per inch); default is 96 dpi.
609All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
610 */
611 FontResolution?: __integerMin96Max600;
612 /**
613 * Provide the font script, using an ISO 15924 script code, if the LanguageCode is not sufficient for determining the script type. Where LanguageCode or CustomLanguageCode is sufficient, use "AUTOMATIC" or leave unset. This is used to help determine the appropriate font for rendering burn-in captions.
614 */
615 FontScript?: FontScript;
616 /**
617 * A positive integer indicates the exact font size in points. Set to 0 for automatic font size selection. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
618 */
619 FontSize?: __integerMin0Max96;
620 /**
621 * Specifies font outline color. This option is not valid for source captions that are either 608/embedded or teletext. These source settings are already pre-defined by the caption stream. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
622 */
623 OutlineColor?: BurninSubtitleOutlineColor;
624 /**
625 * Specifies font outline size in pixels. This option is not valid for source captions that are either 608/embedded or teletext. These source settings are already pre-defined by the caption stream. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
626 */
627 OutlineSize?: __integerMin0Max10;
628 /**
629 * Specifies the color of the shadow cast by the captions.
630All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
631 */
632 ShadowColor?: BurninSubtitleShadowColor;
633 /**
634 * Specifies the opacity of the shadow. 255 is opaque; 0 is transparent. Leaving this parameter blank is equivalent to setting it to 0 (transparent). All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
635 */
636 ShadowOpacity?: __integerMin0Max255;
637 /**
638 * Specifies the horizontal offset of the shadow relative to the captions in pixels. A value of -2 would result in a shadow offset 2 pixels to the left. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
639 */
640 ShadowXOffset?: __integerMinNegative2147483648Max2147483647;
641 /**
642 * Specifies the vertical offset of the shadow relative to the captions in pixels. A value of -2 would result in a shadow offset 2 pixels above the text. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
643 */
644 ShadowYOffset?: __integerMinNegative2147483648Max2147483647;
645 /**
646 * Only applies to jobs with input captions in Teletext or STL formats. Specify whether the spacing between letters in your captions is set by the captions grid or varies depending on letter width. Choose fixed grid to conform to the spacing specified in the captions file more accurately. Choose proportional to make the text easier to read if the captions are closed caption.
647 */
648 TeletextSpacing?: BurninSubtitleTeletextSpacing;
649 /**
650 * Specifies the horizontal position of the caption relative to the left side of the output in pixels. A value of 10 would result in the captions starting 10 pixels from the left of the output. If no explicit x_position is provided, the horizontal caption position will be determined by the alignment parameter. This option is not valid for source captions that are STL, 608/embedded or teletext. These source settings are already pre-defined by the caption stream. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
651 */
652 XPosition?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
653 /**
654 * Specifies the vertical position of the caption relative to the top of the output in pixels. A value of 10 would result in the captions starting 10 pixels from the top of the output. If no explicit y_position is provided, the caption will be positioned towards the bottom of the output. This option is not valid for source captions that are STL, 608/embedded or teletext. These source settings are already pre-defined by the caption stream. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
655 */
656 YPosition?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
657 }
658 export type BurninSubtitleAlignment = "CENTERED"|"LEFT"|string;
659 export type BurninSubtitleBackgroundColor = "NONE"|"BLACK"|"WHITE"|string;
660 export type BurninSubtitleFontColor = "WHITE"|"BLACK"|"YELLOW"|"RED"|"GREEN"|"BLUE"|string;
661 export type BurninSubtitleOutlineColor = "BLACK"|"WHITE"|"YELLOW"|"RED"|"GREEN"|"BLUE"|string;
662 export type BurninSubtitleShadowColor = "NONE"|"BLACK"|"WHITE"|string;
663 export type BurninSubtitleTeletextSpacing = "FIXED_GRID"|"PROPORTIONAL"|string;
664 export interface CancelJobRequest {
665 /**
666 * The Job ID of the job to be cancelled.
667 */
668 Id: __string;
669 }
670 export interface CancelJobResponse {
671 }
672 export interface CaptionDescription {
673 /**
674 * Specifies which "Caption Selector":#inputs-caption_selector to use from each input when generating captions. The name should be of the format "Caption Selector ", which denotes that the Nth Caption Selector will be used from each input.
675 */
676 CaptionSelectorName?: __stringMin1;
677 /**
678 * Specify the language for this captions output track. For most captions output formats, the encoder puts this language information in the output captions metadata. If your output captions format is DVB-Sub or Burn in, the encoder uses this language information when automatically selecting the font script for rendering the captions text. For all outputs, you can use an ISO 639-2 or ISO 639-3 code. For streaming outputs, you can also use any other code in the full RFC-5646 specification. Streaming outputs are those that are in one of the following output groups: CMAF, DASH ISO, Apple HLS, or Microsoft Smooth Streaming.
679 */
680 CustomLanguageCode?: __stringPatternAZaZ23AZaZ;
681 /**
682 * Specific settings required by destination type. Note that burnin_destination_settings are not available if the source of the caption data is Embedded or Teletext.
683 */
684 DestinationSettings?: CaptionDestinationSettings;
685 /**
686 * Specify the language of this captions output track. For most captions output formats, the encoder puts this language information in the output captions metadata. If your output captions format is DVB-Sub or Burn in, the encoder uses this language information to choose the font language for rendering the captions text.
687 */
688 LanguageCode?: LanguageCode;
689 /**
690 * Specify a label for this set of output captions. For example, "English", "Director commentary", or "track_2". For streaming outputs, MediaConvert passes this information into destination manifests for display on the end-viewer's player device. For outputs in other output groups, the service ignores this setting.
691 */
692 LanguageDescription?: __string;
693 }
694 export interface CaptionDescriptionPreset {
695 /**
696 * Specify the language for this captions output track. For most captions output formats, the encoder puts this language information in the output captions metadata. If your output captions format is DVB-Sub or Burn in, the encoder uses this language information when automatically selecting the font script for rendering the captions text. For all outputs, you can use an ISO 639-2 or ISO 639-3 code. For streaming outputs, you can also use any other code in the full RFC-5646 specification. Streaming outputs are those that are in one of the following output groups: CMAF, DASH ISO, Apple HLS, or Microsoft Smooth Streaming.
697 */
698 CustomLanguageCode?: __stringPatternAZaZ23AZaZ;
699 /**
700 * Specific settings required by destination type. Note that burnin_destination_settings are not available if the source of the caption data is Embedded or Teletext.
701 */
702 DestinationSettings?: CaptionDestinationSettings;
703 /**
704 * Specify the language of this captions output track. For most captions output formats, the encoder puts this language information in the output captions metadata. If your output captions format is DVB-Sub or Burn in, the encoder uses this language information to choose the font language for rendering the captions text.
705 */
706 LanguageCode?: LanguageCode;
707 /**
708 * Specify a label for this set of output captions. For example, "English", "Director commentary", or "track_2". For streaming outputs, MediaConvert passes this information into destination manifests for display on the end-viewer's player device. For outputs in other output groups, the service ignores this setting.
709 */
710 LanguageDescription?: __string;
711 }
712 export interface CaptionDestinationSettings {
713 /**
714 * Burn-In Destination Settings.
715 */
716 BurninDestinationSettings?: BurninDestinationSettings;
717 /**
718 * Specify the format for this set of captions on this output. The default format is embedded without SCTE-20. Other options are embedded with SCTE-20, burn-in, DVB-sub, IMSC, SCC, SRT, teletext, TTML, and web-VTT. If you are using SCTE-20, choose SCTE-20 plus embedded (SCTE20_PLUS_EMBEDDED) to create an output that complies with the SCTE-43 spec. To create a non-compliant output where the embedded captions come first, choose Embedded plus SCTE-20 (EMBEDDED_PLUS_SCTE20).
719 */
720 DestinationType?: CaptionDestinationType;
721 /**
722 * DVB-Sub Destination Settings
723 */
724 DvbSubDestinationSettings?: DvbSubDestinationSettings;
725 /**
726 * Settings specific to embedded/ancillary caption outputs, including 608/708 Channel destination number.
727 */
728 EmbeddedDestinationSettings?: EmbeddedDestinationSettings;
729 /**
730 * Settings specific to IMSC caption outputs.
731 */
732 ImscDestinationSettings?: ImscDestinationSettings;
733 /**
734 * Settings for SCC caption output.
735 */
736 SccDestinationSettings?: SccDestinationSettings;
737 /**
738 * Settings for Teletext caption output
739 */
740 TeletextDestinationSettings?: TeletextDestinationSettings;
741 /**
742 * Settings specific to TTML caption outputs, including Pass style information (TtmlStylePassthrough).
743 */
744 TtmlDestinationSettings?: TtmlDestinationSettings;
745 }
746 export type CaptionDestinationType = "BURN_IN"|"DVB_SUB"|"EMBEDDED"|"EMBEDDED_PLUS_SCTE20"|"IMSC"|"SCTE20_PLUS_EMBEDDED"|"SCC"|"SRT"|"SMI"|"TELETEXT"|"TTML"|"WEBVTT"|string;
747 export interface CaptionSelector {
748 /**
749 * The specific language to extract from source, using the ISO 639-2 or ISO 639-3 three-letter language code. If input is SCTE-27, complete this field and/or PID to select the caption language to extract. If input is DVB-Sub and output is Burn-in or SMPTE-TT, complete this field and/or PID to select the caption language to extract. If input is DVB-Sub that is being passed through, omit this field (and PID field); there is no way to extract a specific language with pass-through captions.
750 */
751 CustomLanguageCode?: __stringMin3Max3PatternAZaZ3;
752 /**
753 * The specific language to extract from source. If input is SCTE-27, complete this field and/or PID to select the caption language to extract. If input is DVB-Sub and output is Burn-in or SMPTE-TT, complete this field and/or PID to select the caption language to extract. If input is DVB-Sub that is being passed through, omit this field (and PID field); there is no way to extract a specific language with pass-through captions.
754 */
755 LanguageCode?: LanguageCode;
756 /**
757 * If your input captions are SCC, TTML, STL, SMI, SRT, or IMSC in an xml file, specify the URI of the input captions source file. If your input captions are IMSC in an IMF package, use TrackSourceSettings instead of FileSoureSettings.
758 */
759 SourceSettings?: CaptionSourceSettings;
760 }
761 export interface CaptionSourceFramerate {
762 /**
763 * Specify the denominator of the fraction that represents the framerate for the setting Caption source framerate (CaptionSourceFramerate). Use this setting along with the setting Framerate numerator (framerateNumerator).
764 */
765 FramerateDenominator?: __integerMin1Max1001;
766 /**
767 * Specify the numerator of the fraction that represents the framerate for the setting Caption source framerate (CaptionSourceFramerate). Use this setting along with the setting Framerate denominator (framerateDenominator).
768 */
769 FramerateNumerator?: __integerMin1Max60000;
770 }
771 export interface CaptionSourceSettings {
772 /**
773 * Settings for ancillary captions source.
774 */
775 AncillarySourceSettings?: AncillarySourceSettings;
776 /**
777 * DVB Sub Source Settings
778 */
779 DvbSubSourceSettings?: DvbSubSourceSettings;
780 /**
781 * Settings for embedded captions Source
782 */
783 EmbeddedSourceSettings?: EmbeddedSourceSettings;
784 /**
785 * If your input captions are SCC, SMI, SRT, STL, TTML, or IMSC 1.1 in an xml file, specify the URI of the input caption source file. If your caption source is IMSC in an IMF package, use TrackSourceSettings instead of FileSoureSettings.
786 */
787 FileSourceSettings?: FileSourceSettings;
788 /**
789 * Use Source (SourceType) to identify the format of your input captions. The service cannot auto-detect caption format.
790 */
791 SourceType?: CaptionSourceType;
792 /**
793 * Settings specific to Teletext caption sources, including Page number.
794 */
795 TeletextSourceSettings?: TeletextSourceSettings;
796 /**
797 * Settings specific to caption sources that are specified by track number. Currently, this is only IMSC captions in an IMF package. If your caption source is IMSC 1.1 in a separate xml file, use FileSourceSettings instead of TrackSourceSettings.
798 */
799 TrackSourceSettings?: TrackSourceSettings;
800 }
801 export type CaptionSourceType = "ANCILLARY"|"DVB_SUB"|"EMBEDDED"|"SCTE20"|"SCC"|"TTML"|"STL"|"SRT"|"SMI"|"TELETEXT"|"NULL_SOURCE"|"IMSC"|string;
802 export interface ChannelMapping {
803 /**
804 * List of output channels
805 */
806 OutputChannels?: __listOfOutputChannelMapping;
807 }
808 export interface CmafAdditionalManifest {
809 /**
810 * Specify a name modifier that the service adds to the name of this manifest to make it different from the file names of the other main manifests in the output group. For example, say that the default main manifest for your HLS group is film-name.m3u8. If you enter "-no-premium" for this setting, then the file name the service generates for this top-level manifest is film-name-no-premium.m3u8. For HLS output groups, specify a manifestNameModifier that is different from the nameModifier of the output. The service uses the output name modifier to create unique names for the individual variant manifests.
811 */
812 ManifestNameModifier?: __stringMin1;
813 /**
814 * Specify the outputs that you want this additional top-level manifest to reference.
815 */
816 SelectedOutputs?: __listOf__stringMin1;
817 }
818 export type CmafClientCache = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
819 export type CmafCodecSpecification = "RFC_6381"|"RFC_4281"|string;
820 export interface CmafEncryptionSettings {
821 /**
822 * This is a 128-bit, 16-byte hex value represented by a 32-character text string. If this parameter is not set then the Initialization Vector will follow the segment number by default.
823 */
824 ConstantInitializationVector?: __stringMin32Max32Pattern09aFAF32;
825 /**
826 * Specify the encryption scheme that you want the service to use when encrypting your CMAF segments. Choose AES-CBC subsample (SAMPLE-AES) or AES_CTR (AES-CTR).
827 */
828 EncryptionMethod?: CmafEncryptionType;
829 /**
830 * When you use DRM with CMAF outputs, choose whether the service writes the 128-bit encryption initialization vector in the HLS and DASH manifests.
831 */
832 InitializationVectorInManifest?: CmafInitializationVectorInManifest;
833 /**
834 * If your output group type is CMAF, use these settings when doing DRM encryption with a SPEKE-compliant key provider. If your output group type is HLS, DASH, or Microsoft Smooth, use the SpekeKeyProvider settings instead.
835 */
836 SpekeKeyProvider?: SpekeKeyProviderCmaf;
837 /**
838 * Use these settings to set up encryption with a static key provider.
839 */
840 StaticKeyProvider?: StaticKeyProvider;
841 /**
842 * Specify whether your DRM encryption key is static or from a key provider that follows the SPEKE standard. For more information about SPEKE, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/speke/latest/documentation/what-is-speke.html.
843 */
844 Type?: CmafKeyProviderType;
845 }
846 export type CmafEncryptionType = "SAMPLE_AES"|"AES_CTR"|string;
847 export interface CmafGroupSettings {
848 /**
849 * By default, the service creates one top-level .m3u8 HLS manifest and one top -level .mpd DASH manifest for each CMAF output group in your job. These default manifests reference every output in the output group. To create additional top-level manifests that reference a subset of the outputs in the output group, specify a list of them here. For each additional manifest that you specify, the service creates one HLS manifest and one DASH manifest.
850 */
851 AdditionalManifests?: __listOfCmafAdditionalManifest;
852 /**
853 * A partial URI prefix that will be put in the manifest file at the top level BaseURL element. Can be used if streams are delivered from a different URL than the manifest file.
854 */
855 BaseUrl?: __string;
856 /**
857 * When set to ENABLED, sets #EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE:no tag, which prevents client from saving media segments for later replay.
858 */
859 ClientCache?: CmafClientCache;
860 /**
861 * Specification to use (RFC-6381 or the default RFC-4281) during m3u8 playlist generation.
862 */
863 CodecSpecification?: CmafCodecSpecification;
864 /**
865 * Use Destination (Destination) to specify the S3 output location and the output filename base. Destination accepts format identifiers. If you do not specify the base filename in the URI, the service will use the filename of the input file. If your job has multiple inputs, the service uses the filename of the first input file.
866 */
867 Destination?: __stringPatternS3;
868 /**
869 * Settings associated with the destination. Will vary based on the type of destination
870 */
871 DestinationSettings?: DestinationSettings;
872 /**
873 * DRM settings.
874 */
875 Encryption?: CmafEncryptionSettings;
876 /**
877 * Length of fragments to generate (in seconds). Fragment length must be compatible with GOP size and Framerate. Note that fragments will end on the next keyframe after this number of seconds, so actual fragment length may be longer. When Emit Single File is checked, the fragmentation is internal to a single output file and it does not cause the creation of many output files as in other output types.
878 */
879 FragmentLength?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
880 /**
881 * When set to GZIP, compresses HLS playlist.
882 */
883 ManifestCompression?: CmafManifestCompression;
884 /**
885 * Indicates whether the output manifest should use floating point values for segment duration.
886 */
887 ManifestDurationFormat?: CmafManifestDurationFormat;
888 /**
889 * Minimum time of initially buffered media that is needed to ensure smooth playout.
890 */
891 MinBufferTime?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
892 /**
893 * Keep this setting at the default value of 0, unless you are troubleshooting a problem with how devices play back the end of your video asset. If you know that player devices are hanging on the final segment of your video because the length of your final segment is too short, use this setting to specify a minimum final segment length, in seconds. Choose a value that is greater than or equal to 1 and less than your segment length. When you specify a value for this setting, the encoder will combine any final segment that is shorter than the length that you specify with the previous segment. For example, your segment length is 3 seconds and your final segment is .5 seconds without a minimum final segment length; when you set the minimum final segment length to 1, your final segment is 3.5 seconds.
894 */
895 MinFinalSegmentLength?: __doubleMin0Max2147483647;
896 /**
897 * Specify whether your DASH profile is on-demand or main. When you choose Main profile (MAIN_PROFILE), the service signals urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-main:2011 in your .mpd DASH manifest. When you choose On-demand (ON_DEMAND_PROFILE), the service signals urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011 in your .mpd. When you choose On-demand, you must also set the output group setting Segment control (SegmentControl) to Single file (SINGLE_FILE).
898 */
899 MpdProfile?: CmafMpdProfile;
900 /**
901 * When set to SINGLE_FILE, a single output file is generated, which is internally segmented using the Fragment Length and Segment Length. When set to SEGMENTED_FILES, separate segment files will be created.
902 */
903 SegmentControl?: CmafSegmentControl;
904 /**
905 * Use this setting to specify the length, in seconds, of each individual CMAF segment. This value applies to the whole package; that is, to every output in the output group. Note that segments end on the first keyframe after this number of seconds, so the actual segment length might be slightly longer. If you set Segment control (CmafSegmentControl) to single file, the service puts the content of each output in a single file that has metadata that marks these segments. If you set it to segmented files, the service creates multiple files for each output, each with the content of one segment.
906 */
907 SegmentLength?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
908 /**
909 * Include or exclude RESOLUTION attribute for video in EXT-X-STREAM-INF tag of variant manifest.
910 */
911 StreamInfResolution?: CmafStreamInfResolution;
912 /**
913 * When set to ENABLED, a DASH MPD manifest will be generated for this output.
914 */
915 WriteDashManifest?: CmafWriteDASHManifest;
916 /**
917 * When set to ENABLED, an Apple HLS manifest will be generated for this output.
918 */
919 WriteHlsManifest?: CmafWriteHLSManifest;
920 /**
921 * When you enable Precise segment duration in DASH manifests (writeSegmentTimelineInRepresentation), your DASH manifest shows precise segment durations. The segment duration information appears inside the SegmentTimeline element, inside SegmentTemplate at the Representation level. When this feature isn't enabled, the segment durations in your DASH manifest are approximate. The segment duration information appears in the duration attribute of the SegmentTemplate element.
922 */
923 WriteSegmentTimelineInRepresentation?: CmafWriteSegmentTimelineInRepresentation;
924 }
925 export type CmafInitializationVectorInManifest = "INCLUDE"|"EXCLUDE"|string;
926 export type CmafKeyProviderType = "SPEKE"|"STATIC_KEY"|string;
927 export type CmafManifestCompression = "GZIP"|"NONE"|string;
928 export type CmafManifestDurationFormat = "FLOATING_POINT"|"INTEGER"|string;
929 export type CmafMpdProfile = "MAIN_PROFILE"|"ON_DEMAND_PROFILE"|string;
930 export type CmafSegmentControl = "SINGLE_FILE"|"SEGMENTED_FILES"|string;
931 export type CmafStreamInfResolution = "INCLUDE"|"EXCLUDE"|string;
932 export type CmafWriteDASHManifest = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
933 export type CmafWriteHLSManifest = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
934 export type CmafWriteSegmentTimelineInRepresentation = "ENABLED"|"DISABLED"|string;
935 export type CmfcScte35Esam = "INSERT"|"NONE"|string;
936 export type CmfcScte35Source = "PASSTHROUGH"|"NONE"|string;
937 export interface CmfcSettings {
938 /**
939 * Use this setting only when you specify SCTE-35 markers from ESAM. Choose INSERT to put SCTE-35 markers in this output at the insertion points that you specify in an ESAM XML document. Provide the document in the setting SCC XML (sccXml).
940 */
941 Scte35Esam?: CmfcScte35Esam;
942 /**
943 * Ignore this setting unless you have SCTE-35 markers in your input video file. Choose Passthrough (PASSTHROUGH) if you want SCTE-35 markers that appear in your input to also appear in this output. Choose None (NONE) if you don't want those SCTE-35 markers in this output.
944 */
945 Scte35Source?: CmfcScte35Source;
946 }
947 export interface ColorCorrector {
948 /**
949 * Brightness level.
950 */
951 Brightness?: __integerMin1Max100;
952 /**
953 * Specify the color space you want for this output. The service supports conversion between HDR formats, between SDR formats, from SDR to HDR, and from HDR to SDR. SDR to HDR conversion doesn't upgrade the dynamic range. The converted video has an HDR format, but visually appears the same as an unconverted output. HDR to SDR conversion uses Elemental tone mapping technology to approximate the outcome of manually regrading from HDR to SDR.
954 */
955 ColorSpaceConversion?: ColorSpaceConversion;
956 /**
957 * Contrast level.
958 */
959 Contrast?: __integerMin1Max100;
960 /**
961 * Use these settings when you convert to the HDR 10 color space. Specify the SMPTE ST 2086 Mastering Display Color Volume static metadata that you want signaled in the output. These values don't affect the pixel values that are encoded in the video stream. They are intended to help the downstream video player display content in a way that reflects the intentions of the the content creator. When you set Color space conversion (ColorSpaceConversion) to HDR 10 (FORCE_HDR10), these settings are required. You must set values for Max frame average light level (maxFrameAverageLightLevel) and Max content light level (maxContentLightLevel); these settings don't have a default value. The default values for the other HDR 10 metadata settings are defined by the P3D65 color space. For more information about MediaConvert HDR jobs, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/mediaconvert/hdr.
962 */
963 Hdr10Metadata?: Hdr10Metadata;
964 /**
965 * Hue in degrees.
966 */
967 Hue?: __integerMinNegative180Max180;
968 /**
969 * Saturation level.
970 */
971 Saturation?: __integerMin1Max100;
972 }
973 export type ColorMetadata = "IGNORE"|"INSERT"|string;
974 export type ColorSpace = "FOLLOW"|"REC_601"|"REC_709"|"HDR10"|"HLG_2020"|string;
975 export type ColorSpaceConversion = "NONE"|"FORCE_601"|"FORCE_709"|"FORCE_HDR10"|"FORCE_HLG_2020"|string;
976 export type ColorSpaceUsage = "FORCE"|"FALLBACK"|string;
977 export type Commitment = "ONE_YEAR"|string;
978 export interface ContainerSettings {
979 /**
980 * Settings for MP4 segments in CMAF
981 */
982 CmfcSettings?: CmfcSettings;
983 /**
984 * Container for this output. Some containers require a container settings object. If not specified, the default object will be created.
985 */
986 Container?: ContainerType;
987 /**
988 * Settings for F4v container
989 */
990 F4vSettings?: F4vSettings;
991 /**
992 * MPEG-2 TS container settings. These apply to outputs in a File output group when the output's container (ContainerType) is MPEG-2 Transport Stream (M2TS). In these assets, data is organized by the program map table (PMT). Each transport stream program contains subsets of data, including audio, video, and metadata. Each of these subsets of data has a numerical label called a packet identifier (PID). Each transport stream program corresponds to one MediaConvert output. The PMT lists the types of data in a program along with their PID. Downstream systems and players use the program map table to look up the PID for each type of data it accesses and then uses the PIDs to locate specific data within the asset.
993 */
994 M2tsSettings?: M2tsSettings;
995 /**
996 * Settings for TS segments in HLS
997 */
998 M3u8Settings?: M3u8Settings;
999 /**
1000 * Settings for MOV Container.
1001 */
1002 MovSettings?: MovSettings;
1003 /**
1004 * Settings for MP4 container. You can create audio-only AAC outputs with this container.
1005 */
1006 Mp4Settings?: Mp4Settings;
1007 /**
1008 * Settings for MP4 segments in DASH
1009 */
1010 MpdSettings?: MpdSettings;
1011 }
1012 export type ContainerType = "F4V"|"ISMV"|"M2TS"|"M3U8"|"CMFC"|"MOV"|"MP4"|"MPD"|"MXF"|"RAW"|string;
1013 export interface CreateJobRequest {
1014 /**
1015 * Optional. Accelerated transcoding can significantly speed up jobs with long, visually complex content. Outputs that use this feature incur pro-tier pricing. For information about feature limitations, see the AWS Elemental MediaConvert User Guide.
1016 */
1017 AccelerationSettings?: AccelerationSettings;
1018 /**
1019 * Optional. Choose a tag type that AWS Billing and Cost Management will use to sort your AWS Elemental MediaConvert costs on any billing report that you set up. Any transcoding outputs that don't have an associated tag will appear in your billing report unsorted. If you don't choose a valid value for this field, your job outputs will appear on the billing report unsorted.
1020 */
1021 BillingTagsSource?: BillingTagsSource;
1022 /**
1023 * Optional. Idempotency token for CreateJob operation.
1024 */
1025 ClientRequestToken?: __string;
1026 /**
1027 * Optional. Use queue hopping to avoid overly long waits in the backlog of the queue that you submit your job to. Specify an alternate queue and the maximum time that your job will wait in the initial queue before hopping. For more information about this feature, see the AWS Elemental MediaConvert User Guide.
1028 */
1029 HopDestinations?: __listOfHopDestination;
1030 /**
1031 * Optional. When you create a job, you can either specify a job template or specify the transcoding settings individually.
1032 */
1033 JobTemplate?: __string;
1034 /**
1035 * Optional. Specify the relative priority for this job. In any given queue, the service begins processing the job with the highest value first. When more than one job has the same priority, the service begins processing the job that you submitted first. If you don't specify a priority, the service uses the default value 0.
1036 */
1037 Priority?: __integerMinNegative50Max50;
1038 /**
1039 * Optional. When you create a job, you can specify a queue to send it to. If you don't specify, the job will go to the default queue. For more about queues, see the User Guide topic at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/what-is.html.
1040 */
1041 Queue?: __string;
1042 /**
1043 * Required. The IAM role you use for creating this job. For details about permissions, see the User Guide topic at the User Guide at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/iam-role.html.
1044 */
1045 Role: __string;
1046 /**
1047 * JobSettings contains all the transcode settings for a job.
1048 */
1049 Settings: JobSettings;
1050 /**
1051 * Optional. Enable this setting when you run a test job to estimate how many reserved transcoding slots (RTS) you need. When this is enabled, MediaConvert runs your job from an on-demand queue with similar performance to what you will see with one RTS in a reserved queue. This setting is disabled by default.
1052 */
1053 SimulateReservedQueue?: SimulateReservedQueue;
1054 /**
1055 * Optional. Specify how often MediaConvert sends STATUS_UPDATE events to Amazon CloudWatch Events. Set the interval, in seconds, between status updates. MediaConvert sends an update at this interval from the time the service begins processing your job to the time it completes the transcode or encounters an error.
1056 */
1057 StatusUpdateInterval?: StatusUpdateInterval;
1058 /**
1059 * Optional. The tags that you want to add to the resource. You can tag resources with a key-value pair or with only a key.
1060 */
1061 Tags?: __mapOf__string;
1062 /**
1063 * Optional. User-defined metadata that you want to associate with an MediaConvert job. You specify metadata in key/value pairs.
1064 */
1065 UserMetadata?: __mapOf__string;
1066 }
1067 export interface CreateJobResponse {
1068 /**
1069 * Each job converts an input file into an output file or files. For more information, see the User Guide at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/what-is.html
1070 */
1071 Job?: Job;
1072 }
1073 export interface CreateJobTemplateRequest {
1074 /**
1075 * Accelerated transcoding can significantly speed up jobs with long, visually complex content. Outputs that use this feature incur pro-tier pricing. For information about feature limitations, see the AWS Elemental MediaConvert User Guide.
1076 */
1077 AccelerationSettings?: AccelerationSettings;
1078 /**
1079 * Optional. A category for the job template you are creating
1080 */
1081 Category?: __string;
1082 /**
1083 * Optional. A description of the job template you are creating.
1084 */
1085 Description?: __string;
1086 /**
1087 * Optional. Use queue hopping to avoid overly long waits in the backlog of the queue that you submit your job to. Specify an alternate queue and the maximum time that your job will wait in the initial queue before hopping. For more information about this feature, see the AWS Elemental MediaConvert User Guide.
1088 */
1089 HopDestinations?: __listOfHopDestination;
1090 /**
1091 * The name of the job template you are creating.
1092 */
1093 Name: __string;
1094 /**
1095 * Specify the relative priority for this job. In any given queue, the service begins processing the job with the highest value first. When more than one job has the same priority, the service begins processing the job that you submitted first. If you don't specify a priority, the service uses the default value 0.
1096 */
1097 Priority?: __integerMinNegative50Max50;
1098 /**
1099 * Optional. The queue that jobs created from this template are assigned to. If you don't specify this, jobs will go to the default queue.
1100 */
1101 Queue?: __string;
1102 /**
1103 * JobTemplateSettings contains all the transcode settings saved in the template that will be applied to jobs created from it.
1104 */
1105 Settings: JobTemplateSettings;
1106 /**
1107 * Specify how often MediaConvert sends STATUS_UPDATE events to Amazon CloudWatch Events. Set the interval, in seconds, between status updates. MediaConvert sends an update at this interval from the time the service begins processing your job to the time it completes the transcode or encounters an error.
1108 */
1109 StatusUpdateInterval?: StatusUpdateInterval;
1110 /**
1111 * The tags that you want to add to the resource. You can tag resources with a key-value pair or with only a key.
1112 */
1113 Tags?: __mapOf__string;
1114 }
1115 export interface CreateJobTemplateResponse {
1116 /**
1117 * A job template is a pre-made set of encoding instructions that you can use to quickly create a job.
1118 */
1119 JobTemplate?: JobTemplate;
1120 }
1121 export interface CreatePresetRequest {
1122 /**
1123 * Optional. A category for the preset you are creating.
1124 */
1125 Category?: __string;
1126 /**
1127 * Optional. A description of the preset you are creating.
1128 */
1129 Description?: __string;
1130 /**
1131 * The name of the preset you are creating.
1132 */
1133 Name: __string;
1134 /**
1135 * Settings for preset
1136 */
1137 Settings: PresetSettings;
1138 /**
1139 * The tags that you want to add to the resource. You can tag resources with a key-value pair or with only a key.
1140 */
1141 Tags?: __mapOf__string;
1142 }
1143 export interface CreatePresetResponse {
1144 /**
1145 * A preset is a collection of preconfigured media conversion settings that you want MediaConvert to apply to the output during the conversion process.
1146 */
1147 Preset?: Preset;
1148 }
1149 export interface CreateQueueRequest {
1150 /**
1151 * Optional. A description of the queue that you are creating.
1152 */
1153 Description?: __string;
1154 /**
1155 * The name of the queue that you are creating.
1156 */
1157 Name: __string;
1158 /**
1159 * Specifies whether the pricing plan for the queue is on-demand or reserved. For on-demand, you pay per minute, billed in increments of .01 minute. For reserved, you pay for the transcoding capacity of the entire queue, regardless of how much or how little you use it. Reserved pricing requires a 12-month commitment. When you use the API to create a queue, the default is on-demand.
1160 */
1161 PricingPlan?: PricingPlan;
1162 /**
1163 * Details about the pricing plan for your reserved queue. Required for reserved queues and not applicable to on-demand queues.
1164 */
1165 ReservationPlanSettings?: ReservationPlanSettings;
1166 /**
1167 * Initial state of the queue. If you create a paused queue, then jobs in that queue won't begin.
1168 */
1169 Status?: QueueStatus;
1170 /**
1171 * The tags that you want to add to the resource. You can tag resources with a key-value pair or with only a key.
1172 */
1173 Tags?: __mapOf__string;
1174 }
1175 export interface CreateQueueResponse {
1176 /**
1177 * You can use queues to manage the resources that are available to your AWS account for running multiple transcoding jobs at the same time. If you don't specify a queue, the service sends all jobs through the default queue. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/working-with-queues.html.
1178 */
1179 Queue?: Queue;
1180 }
1181 export interface DashAdditionalManifest {
1182 /**
1183 * Specify a name modifier that the service adds to the name of this manifest to make it different from the file names of the other main manifests in the output group. For example, say that the default main manifest for your DASH group is film-name.mpd. If you enter "-no-premium" for this setting, then the file name the service generates for this top-level manifest is film-name-no-premium.mpd.
1184 */
1185 ManifestNameModifier?: __stringMin1;
1186 /**
1187 * Specify the outputs that you want this additional top-level manifest to reference.
1188 */
1189 SelectedOutputs?: __listOf__stringMin1;
1190 }
1191 export interface DashIsoEncryptionSettings {
1192 /**
1193 * This setting can improve the compatibility of your output with video players on obsolete devices. It applies only to DASH H.264 outputs with DRM encryption. Choose Unencrypted SEI (UNENCRYPTED_SEI) only to correct problems with playback on older devices. Otherwise, keep the default setting CENC v1 (CENC_V1). If you choose Unencrypted SEI, for that output, the service will exclude the access unit delimiter and will leave the SEI NAL units unencrypted.
1194 */
1195 PlaybackDeviceCompatibility?: DashIsoPlaybackDeviceCompatibility;
1196 /**
1197 * If your output group type is HLS, DASH, or Microsoft Smooth, use these settings when doing DRM encryption with a SPEKE-compliant key provider. If your output group type is CMAF, use the SpekeKeyProviderCmaf settings instead.
1198 */
1199 SpekeKeyProvider?: SpekeKeyProvider;
1200 }
1201 export interface DashIsoGroupSettings {
1202 /**
1203 * By default, the service creates one .mpd DASH manifest for each DASH ISO output group in your job. This default manifest references every output in the output group. To create additional DASH manifests that reference a subset of the outputs in the output group, specify a list of them here.
1204 */
1205 AdditionalManifests?: __listOfDashAdditionalManifest;
1206 /**
1207 * A partial URI prefix that will be put in the manifest (.mpd) file at the top level BaseURL element. Can be used if streams are delivered from a different URL than the manifest file.
1208 */
1209 BaseUrl?: __string;
1210 /**
1211 * Use Destination (Destination) to specify the S3 output location and the output filename base. Destination accepts format identifiers. If you do not specify the base filename in the URI, the service will use the filename of the input file. If your job has multiple inputs, the service uses the filename of the first input file.
1212 */
1213 Destination?: __stringPatternS3;
1214 /**
1215 * Settings associated with the destination. Will vary based on the type of destination
1216 */
1217 DestinationSettings?: DestinationSettings;
1218 /**
1219 * DRM settings.
1220 */
1221 Encryption?: DashIsoEncryptionSettings;
1222 /**
1223 * Length of fragments to generate (in seconds). Fragment length must be compatible with GOP size and Framerate. Note that fragments will end on the next keyframe after this number of seconds, so actual fragment length may be longer. When Emit Single File is checked, the fragmentation is internal to a single output file and it does not cause the creation of many output files as in other output types.
1224 */
1225 FragmentLength?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
1226 /**
1227 * Supports HbbTV specification as indicated
1228 */
1229 HbbtvCompliance?: DashIsoHbbtvCompliance;
1230 /**
1231 * Minimum time of initially buffered media that is needed to ensure smooth playout.
1232 */
1233 MinBufferTime?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
1234 /**
1235 * Specify whether your DASH profile is on-demand or main. When you choose Main profile (MAIN_PROFILE), the service signals urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-main:2011 in your .mpd DASH manifest. When you choose On-demand (ON_DEMAND_PROFILE), the service signals urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011 in your .mpd. When you choose On-demand, you must also set the output group setting Segment control (SegmentControl) to Single file (SINGLE_FILE).
1236 */
1237 MpdProfile?: DashIsoMpdProfile;
1238 /**
1239 * When set to SINGLE_FILE, a single output file is generated, which is internally segmented using the Fragment Length and Segment Length. When set to SEGMENTED_FILES, separate segment files will be created.
1240 */
1241 SegmentControl?: DashIsoSegmentControl;
1242 /**
1243 * Length of mpd segments to create (in seconds). Note that segments will end on the next keyframe after this number of seconds, so actual segment length may be longer. When Emit Single File is checked, the segmentation is internal to a single output file and it does not cause the creation of many output files as in other output types.
1244 */
1245 SegmentLength?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
1246 /**
1247 * If you get an HTTP error in the 400 range when you play back your DASH output, enable this setting and run your transcoding job again. When you enable this setting, the service writes precise segment durations in the DASH manifest. The segment duration information appears inside the SegmentTimeline element, inside SegmentTemplate at the Representation level. When you don't enable this setting, the service writes approximate segment durations in your DASH manifest.
1248 */
1249 WriteSegmentTimelineInRepresentation?: DashIsoWriteSegmentTimelineInRepresentation;
1250 }
1251 export type DashIsoHbbtvCompliance = "HBBTV_1_5"|"NONE"|string;
1252 export type DashIsoMpdProfile = "MAIN_PROFILE"|"ON_DEMAND_PROFILE"|string;
1253 export type DashIsoPlaybackDeviceCompatibility = "CENC_V1"|"UNENCRYPTED_SEI"|string;
1254 export type DashIsoSegmentControl = "SINGLE_FILE"|"SEGMENTED_FILES"|string;
1255 export type DashIsoWriteSegmentTimelineInRepresentation = "ENABLED"|"DISABLED"|string;
1256 export type DecryptionMode = "AES_CTR"|"AES_CBC"|"AES_GCM"|string;
1257 export type DeinterlaceAlgorithm = "INTERPOLATE"|"INTERPOLATE_TICKER"|"BLEND"|"BLEND_TICKER"|string;
1258 export interface Deinterlacer {
1259 /**
1260 * Only applies when you set Deinterlacer (DeinterlaceMode) to Deinterlace (DEINTERLACE) or Adaptive (ADAPTIVE). Motion adaptive interpolate (INTERPOLATE) produces sharper pictures, while blend (BLEND) produces smoother motion. Use (INTERPOLATE_TICKER) OR (BLEND_TICKER) if your source file includes a ticker, such as a scrolling headline at the bottom of the frame.
1261 */
1262 Algorithm?: DeinterlaceAlgorithm;
1263 /**
1264 * - When set to NORMAL (default), the deinterlacer does not convert frames that are tagged in metadata as progressive. It will only convert those that are tagged as some other type. - When set to FORCE_ALL_FRAMES, the deinterlacer converts every frame to progressive - even those that are already tagged as progressive. Turn Force mode on only if there is a good chance that the metadata has tagged frames as progressive when they are not progressive. Do not turn on otherwise; processing frames that are already progressive into progressive will probably result in lower quality video.
1265 */
1266 Control?: DeinterlacerControl;
1267 /**
1268 * Use Deinterlacer (DeinterlaceMode) to choose how the service will do deinterlacing. Default is Deinterlace. - Deinterlace converts interlaced to progressive. - Inverse telecine converts Hard Telecine 29.97i to progressive 23.976p. - Adaptive auto-detects and converts to progressive.
1269 */
1270 Mode?: DeinterlacerMode;
1271 }
1272 export type DeinterlacerControl = "FORCE_ALL_FRAMES"|"NORMAL"|string;
1273 export type DeinterlacerMode = "DEINTERLACE"|"INVERSE_TELECINE"|"ADAPTIVE"|string;
1274 export interface DeleteJobTemplateRequest {
1275 /**
1276 * The name of the job template to be deleted.
1277 */
1278 Name: __string;
1279 }
1280 export interface DeleteJobTemplateResponse {
1281 }
1282 export interface DeletePresetRequest {
1283 /**
1284 * The name of the preset to be deleted.
1285 */
1286 Name: __string;
1287 }
1288 export interface DeletePresetResponse {
1289 }
1290 export interface DeleteQueueRequest {
1291 /**
1292 * The name of the queue that you want to delete.
1293 */
1294 Name: __string;
1295 }
1296 export interface DeleteQueueResponse {
1297 }
1298 export type DescribeEndpointsMode = "DEFAULT"|"GET_ONLY"|string;
1299 export interface DescribeEndpointsRequest {
1300 /**
1301 * Optional. Max number of endpoints, up to twenty, that will be returned at one time.
1302 */
1303 MaxResults?: __integer;
1304 /**
1305 * Optional field, defaults to DEFAULT. Specify DEFAULT for this operation to return your endpoints if any exist, or to create an endpoint for you and return it if one doesn't already exist. Specify GET_ONLY to return your endpoints if any exist, or an empty list if none exist.
1306 */
1307 Mode?: DescribeEndpointsMode;
1308 /**
1309 * Use this string, provided with the response to a previous request, to request the next batch of endpoints.
1310 */
1311 NextToken?: __string;
1312 }
1313 export interface DescribeEndpointsResponse {
1314 /**
1315 * List of endpoints
1316 */
1317 Endpoints?: __listOfEndpoint;
1318 /**
1319 * Use this string to request the next batch of endpoints.
1320 */
1321 NextToken?: __string;
1322 }
1323 export interface DestinationSettings {
1324 /**
1325 * Settings associated with S3 destination
1326 */
1327 S3Settings?: S3DestinationSettings;
1328 }
1329 export interface DisassociateCertificateRequest {
1330 /**
1331 * The ARN of the ACM certificate that you want to disassociate from your MediaConvert resource.
1332 */
1333 Arn: __string;
1334 }
1335 export interface DisassociateCertificateResponse {
1336 }
1337 export interface DolbyVision {
1338 /**
1339 * Use these settings when you set DolbyVisionLevel6Mode to SPECIFY to override the MaxCLL and MaxFALL values in your input with new values.
1340 */
1341 L6Metadata?: DolbyVisionLevel6Metadata;
1342 /**
1343 * Use Dolby Vision Mode to choose how the service will handle Dolby Vision MaxCLL and MaxFALL properies.
1344 */
1345 L6Mode?: DolbyVisionLevel6Mode;
1346 /**
1347 * In the current MediaConvert implementation, the Dolby Vision profile is always 5 (PROFILE_5). Therefore, all of your inputs must contain Dolby Vision frame interleaved data.
1348 */
1349 Profile?: DolbyVisionProfile;
1350 }
1351 export interface DolbyVisionLevel6Metadata {
1352 /**
1353 * Maximum Content Light Level. Static HDR metadata that corresponds to the brightest pixel in the entire stream. Measured in nits.
1354 */
1355 MaxCll?: __integerMin0Max65535;
1356 /**
1357 * Maximum Frame-Average Light Level. Static HDR metadata that corresponds to the highest frame-average brightness in the entire stream. Measured in nits.
1358 */
1359 MaxFall?: __integerMin0Max65535;
1360 }
1361 export type DolbyVisionLevel6Mode = "PASSTHROUGH"|"RECALCULATE"|"SPECIFY"|string;
1362 export type DolbyVisionProfile = "PROFILE_5"|string;
1363 export type DropFrameTimecode = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
1364 export interface DvbNitSettings {
1365 /**
1366 * The numeric value placed in the Network Information Table (NIT).
1367 */
1368 NetworkId?: __integerMin0Max65535;
1369 /**
1370 * The network name text placed in the network_name_descriptor inside the Network Information Table. Maximum length is 256 characters.
1371 */
1372 NetworkName?: __stringMin1Max256;
1373 /**
1374 * The number of milliseconds between instances of this table in the output transport stream.
1375 */
1376 NitInterval?: __integerMin25Max10000;
1377 }
1378 export interface DvbSdtSettings {
1379 /**
1380 * Selects method of inserting SDT information into output stream. "Follow input SDT" copies SDT information from input stream to output stream. "Follow input SDT if present" copies SDT information from input stream to output stream if SDT information is present in the input, otherwise it will fall back on the user-defined values. Enter "SDT Manually" means user will enter the SDT information. "No SDT" means output stream will not contain SDT information.
1381 */
1382 OutputSdt?: OutputSdt;
1383 /**
1384 * The number of milliseconds between instances of this table in the output transport stream.
1385 */
1386 SdtInterval?: __integerMin25Max2000;
1387 /**
1388 * The service name placed in the service_descriptor in the Service Description Table. Maximum length is 256 characters.
1389 */
1390 ServiceName?: __stringMin1Max256;
1391 /**
1392 * The service provider name placed in the service_descriptor in the Service Description Table. Maximum length is 256 characters.
1393 */
1394 ServiceProviderName?: __stringMin1Max256;
1395 }
1396 export interface DvbSubDestinationSettings {
1397 /**
1398 * If no explicit x_position or y_position is provided, setting alignment to centered will place the captions at the bottom center of the output. Similarly, setting a left alignment will align captions to the bottom left of the output. If x and y positions are given in conjunction with the alignment parameter, the font will be justified (either left or centered) relative to those coordinates. This option is not valid for source captions that are STL, 608/embedded or teletext. These source settings are already pre-defined by the caption stream. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
1399 */
1400 Alignment?: DvbSubtitleAlignment;
1401 /**
1402 * Specifies the color of the rectangle behind the captions.
1403All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
1404 */
1405 BackgroundColor?: DvbSubtitleBackgroundColor;
1406 /**
1407 * Specifies the opacity of the background rectangle. 255 is opaque; 0 is transparent. Leaving this parameter blank is equivalent to setting it to 0 (transparent). All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
1408 */
1409 BackgroundOpacity?: __integerMin0Max255;
1410 /**
1411 * Specifies the color of the burned-in captions. This option is not valid for source captions that are STL, 608/embedded or teletext. These source settings are already pre-defined by the caption stream. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
1412 */
1413 FontColor?: DvbSubtitleFontColor;
1414 /**
1415 * Specifies the opacity of the burned-in captions. 255 is opaque; 0 is transparent.
1416All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
1417 */
1418 FontOpacity?: __integerMin0Max255;
1419 /**
1420 * Font resolution in DPI (dots per inch); default is 96 dpi.
1421All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
1422 */
1423 FontResolution?: __integerMin96Max600;
1424 /**
1425 * Provide the font script, using an ISO 15924 script code, if the LanguageCode is not sufficient for determining the script type. Where LanguageCode or CustomLanguageCode is sufficient, use "AUTOMATIC" or leave unset. This is used to help determine the appropriate font for rendering DVB-Sub captions.
1426 */
1427 FontScript?: FontScript;
1428 /**
1429 * A positive integer indicates the exact font size in points. Set to 0 for automatic font size selection. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
1430 */
1431 FontSize?: __integerMin0Max96;
1432 /**
1433 * Specifies font outline color. This option is not valid for source captions that are either 608/embedded or teletext. These source settings are already pre-defined by the caption stream. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
1434 */
1435 OutlineColor?: DvbSubtitleOutlineColor;
1436 /**
1437 * Specifies font outline size in pixels. This option is not valid for source captions that are either 608/embedded or teletext. These source settings are already pre-defined by the caption stream. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
1438 */
1439 OutlineSize?: __integerMin0Max10;
1440 /**
1441 * Specifies the color of the shadow cast by the captions.
1442All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
1443 */
1444 ShadowColor?: DvbSubtitleShadowColor;
1445 /**
1446 * Specifies the opacity of the shadow. 255 is opaque; 0 is transparent. Leaving this parameter blank is equivalent to setting it to 0 (transparent). All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
1447 */
1448 ShadowOpacity?: __integerMin0Max255;
1449 /**
1450 * Specifies the horizontal offset of the shadow relative to the captions in pixels. A value of -2 would result in a shadow offset 2 pixels to the left. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
1451 */
1452 ShadowXOffset?: __integerMinNegative2147483648Max2147483647;
1453 /**
1454 * Specifies the vertical offset of the shadow relative to the captions in pixels. A value of -2 would result in a shadow offset 2 pixels above the text. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
1455 */
1456 ShadowYOffset?: __integerMinNegative2147483648Max2147483647;
1457 /**
1458 * Specify whether your DVB subtitles are standard or for hearing impaired. Choose hearing impaired if your subtitles include audio descriptions and dialogue. Choose standard if your subtitles include only dialogue.
1459 */
1460 SubtitlingType?: DvbSubtitlingType;
1461 /**
1462 * Only applies to jobs with input captions in Teletext or STL formats. Specify whether the spacing between letters in your captions is set by the captions grid or varies depending on letter width. Choose fixed grid to conform to the spacing specified in the captions file more accurately. Choose proportional to make the text easier to read if the captions are closed caption.
1463 */
1464 TeletextSpacing?: DvbSubtitleTeletextSpacing;
1465 /**
1466 * Specifies the horizontal position of the caption relative to the left side of the output in pixels. A value of 10 would result in the captions starting 10 pixels from the left of the output. If no explicit x_position is provided, the horizontal caption position will be determined by the alignment parameter. This option is not valid for source captions that are STL, 608/embedded or teletext. These source settings are already pre-defined by the caption stream. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
1467 */
1468 XPosition?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
1469 /**
1470 * Specifies the vertical position of the caption relative to the top of the output in pixels. A value of 10 would result in the captions starting 10 pixels from the top of the output. If no explicit y_position is provided, the caption will be positioned towards the bottom of the output. This option is not valid for source captions that are STL, 608/embedded or teletext. These source settings are already pre-defined by the caption stream. All burn-in and DVB-Sub font settings must match.
1471 */
1472 YPosition?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
1473 }
1474 export interface DvbSubSourceSettings {
1475 /**
1476 * When using DVB-Sub with Burn-In or SMPTE-TT, use this PID for the source content. Unused for DVB-Sub passthrough. All DVB-Sub content is passed through, regardless of selectors.
1477 */
1478 Pid?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
1479 }
1480 export type DvbSubtitleAlignment = "CENTERED"|"LEFT"|string;
1481 export type DvbSubtitleBackgroundColor = "NONE"|"BLACK"|"WHITE"|string;
1482 export type DvbSubtitleFontColor = "WHITE"|"BLACK"|"YELLOW"|"RED"|"GREEN"|"BLUE"|string;
1483 export type DvbSubtitleOutlineColor = "BLACK"|"WHITE"|"YELLOW"|"RED"|"GREEN"|"BLUE"|string;
1484 export type DvbSubtitleShadowColor = "NONE"|"BLACK"|"WHITE"|string;
1485 export type DvbSubtitleTeletextSpacing = "FIXED_GRID"|"PROPORTIONAL"|string;
1486 export type DvbSubtitlingType = "HEARING_IMPAIRED"|"STANDARD"|string;
1487 export interface DvbTdtSettings {
1488 /**
1489 * The number of milliseconds between instances of this table in the output transport stream.
1490 */
1491 TdtInterval?: __integerMin1000Max30000;
1492 }
1493 export type Eac3AtmosBitstreamMode = "COMPLETE_MAIN"|string;
1494 export type Eac3AtmosCodingMode = "CODING_MODE_9_1_6"|string;
1495 export type Eac3AtmosDialogueIntelligence = "ENABLED"|"DISABLED"|string;
1496 export type Eac3AtmosDynamicRangeCompressionLine = "NONE"|"FILM_STANDARD"|"FILM_LIGHT"|"MUSIC_STANDARD"|"MUSIC_LIGHT"|"SPEECH"|string;
1497 export type Eac3AtmosDynamicRangeCompressionRf = "NONE"|"FILM_STANDARD"|"FILM_LIGHT"|"MUSIC_STANDARD"|"MUSIC_LIGHT"|"SPEECH"|string;
1498 export type Eac3AtmosMeteringMode = "LEQ_A"|"ITU_BS_1770_1"|"ITU_BS_1770_2"|"ITU_BS_1770_3"|"ITU_BS_1770_4"|string;
1499 export interface Eac3AtmosSettings {
1500 /**
1501 * Specify the average bitrate in bits per second.
1502Valid values: 384k, 448k, 640k, 768k
1503 */
1504 Bitrate?: __integerMin384000Max768000;
1505 /**
1506 * Specify the bitstream mode for the E-AC-3 stream that the encoder emits. For more information about the EAC3 bitstream mode, see ATSC A/52-2012 (Annex E).
1507 */
1508 BitstreamMode?: Eac3AtmosBitstreamMode;
1509 /**
1510 * The coding mode for Dolby Digital Plus JOC (Atmos) is always 9.1.6 (CODING_MODE_9_1_6).
1511 */
1512 CodingMode?: Eac3AtmosCodingMode;
1513 /**
1514 * Enable Dolby Dialogue Intelligence to adjust loudness based on dialogue analysis.
1515 */
1516 DialogueIntelligence?: Eac3AtmosDialogueIntelligence;
1517 /**
1518 * Specify the absolute peak level for a signal with dynamic range compression.
1519 */
1520 DynamicRangeCompressionLine?: Eac3AtmosDynamicRangeCompressionLine;
1521 /**
1522 * Specify how the service limits the audio dynamic range when compressing the audio.
1523 */
1524 DynamicRangeCompressionRf?: Eac3AtmosDynamicRangeCompressionRf;
1525 /**
1526 * Specify a value for the following Dolby Atmos setting: Left only/Right only center mix
1527(Lo/Ro center). MediaConvert uses this value for downmixing. How the service uses this
1528value depends on the value that you choose for Stereo downmix (Eac3AtmosStereoDownmix).
1529Valid values: 3.0, 1.5, 0.0, -1.5, -3.0, -4.5, and -6.0.
1530 */
1531 LoRoCenterMixLevel?: __doubleMinNegative6Max3;
1532 /**
1533 * Specify a value for the following Dolby Atmos setting: Left only/Right only (Lo/Ro surround). MediaConvert uses this value for downmixing. How the service uses this value depends on the value that you choose for Stereo downmix (Eac3AtmosStereoDownmix). Valid values: -1.5, -3.0, -4.5, -6.0, and -60. The value -60 mutes the channel.
1534 */
1535 LoRoSurroundMixLevel?: __doubleMinNegative60MaxNegative1;
1536 /**
1537 * Specify a value for the following Dolby Atmos setting: Left total/Right total center mix (Lt/Rt center). MediaConvert uses this value for downmixing. How the service uses this value depends on the value that you choose for Stereo downmix (Eac3AtmosStereoDownmix). Valid values: 3.0, 1.5, 0.0, -1.5, -3.0, -4.5, and -6.0.
1538 */
1539 LtRtCenterMixLevel?: __doubleMinNegative6Max3;
1540 /**
1541 * Specify a value for the following Dolby Atmos setting: Left total/Right total surround mix (Lt/Rt surround). MediaConvert uses this value for downmixing. How the service uses this value depends on the value that you choose for Stereo downmix (Eac3AtmosStereoDownmix). Valid values: -1.5, -3.0, -4.5, -6.0, and -60. The value -60 mutes the channel.
1542 */
1543 LtRtSurroundMixLevel?: __doubleMinNegative60MaxNegative1;
1544 /**
1545 * Choose how the service meters the loudness of your audio.
1546 */
1547 MeteringMode?: Eac3AtmosMeteringMode;
1548 /**
1549 * This value is always 48000. It represents the sample rate in Hz.
1550 */
1551 SampleRate?: __integerMin48000Max48000;
1552 /**
1553 * Specify the percentage of audio content that must be speech before the encoder uses the measured speech loudness as the overall program loudness.
1554 */
1555 SpeechThreshold?: __integerMin1Max100;
1556 /**
1557 * Choose how the service does stereo downmixing.
1558 */
1559 StereoDownmix?: Eac3AtmosStereoDownmix;
1560 /**
1561 * Specify whether your input audio has an additional center rear surround channel matrix encoded into your left and right surround channels.
1562 */
1563 SurroundExMode?: Eac3AtmosSurroundExMode;
1564 }
1565 export type Eac3AtmosStereoDownmix = "NOT_INDICATED"|"STEREO"|"SURROUND"|"DPL2"|string;
1566 export type Eac3AtmosSurroundExMode = "NOT_INDICATED"|"ENABLED"|"DISABLED"|string;
1567 export type Eac3AttenuationControl = "ATTENUATE_3_DB"|"NONE"|string;
1569 export type Eac3CodingMode = "CODING_MODE_1_0"|"CODING_MODE_2_0"|"CODING_MODE_3_2"|string;
1570 export type Eac3DcFilter = "ENABLED"|"DISABLED"|string;
1571 export type Eac3DynamicRangeCompressionLine = "NONE"|"FILM_STANDARD"|"FILM_LIGHT"|"MUSIC_STANDARD"|"MUSIC_LIGHT"|"SPEECH"|string;
1572 export type Eac3DynamicRangeCompressionRf = "NONE"|"FILM_STANDARD"|"FILM_LIGHT"|"MUSIC_STANDARD"|"MUSIC_LIGHT"|"SPEECH"|string;
1573 export type Eac3LfeControl = "LFE"|"NO_LFE"|string;
1574 export type Eac3LfeFilter = "ENABLED"|"DISABLED"|string;
1575 export type Eac3MetadataControl = "FOLLOW_INPUT"|"USE_CONFIGURED"|string;
1576 export type Eac3PassthroughControl = "WHEN_POSSIBLE"|"NO_PASSTHROUGH"|string;
1577 export type Eac3PhaseControl = "SHIFT_90_DEGREES"|"NO_SHIFT"|string;
1578 export interface Eac3Settings {
1579 /**
1580 * If set to ATTENUATE_3_DB, applies a 3 dB attenuation to the surround channels. Only used for 3/2 coding mode.
1581 */
1582 AttenuationControl?: Eac3AttenuationControl;
1583 /**
1584 * Specify the average bitrate in bits per second. Valid bitrates depend on the coding mode.
1585 */
1586 Bitrate?: __integerMin64000Max640000;
1587 /**
1588 * Specify the bitstream mode for the E-AC-3 stream that the encoder emits. For more information about the EAC3 bitstream mode, see ATSC A/52-2012 (Annex E).
1589 */
1590 BitstreamMode?: Eac3BitstreamMode;
1591 /**
1592 * Dolby Digital Plus coding mode. Determines number of channels.
1593 */
1594 CodingMode?: Eac3CodingMode;
1595 /**
1596 * Activates a DC highpass filter for all input channels.
1597 */
1598 DcFilter?: Eac3DcFilter;
1599 /**
1600 * Sets the dialnorm for the output. If blank and input audio is Dolby Digital Plus, dialnorm will be passed through.
1601 */
1602 Dialnorm?: __integerMin1Max31;
1603 /**
1604 * Specify the absolute peak level for a signal with dynamic range compression.
1605 */
1606 DynamicRangeCompressionLine?: Eac3DynamicRangeCompressionLine;
1607 /**
1608 * Specify how the service limits the audio dynamic range when compressing the audio.
1609 */
1610 DynamicRangeCompressionRf?: Eac3DynamicRangeCompressionRf;
1611 /**
1612 * When encoding 3/2 audio, controls whether the LFE channel is enabled
1613 */
1614 LfeControl?: Eac3LfeControl;
1615 /**
1616 * Applies a 120Hz lowpass filter to the LFE channel prior to encoding. Only valid with 3_2_LFE coding mode.
1617 */
1618 LfeFilter?: Eac3LfeFilter;
1619 /**
1620 * Specify a value for the following Dolby Digital Plus setting: Left only/Right only center mix (Lo/Ro center). MediaConvert uses this value for downmixing. How the service uses this value depends on the value that you choose for Stereo downmix (Eac3StereoDownmix). Valid values: 3.0, 1.5, 0.0, -1.5, -3.0, -4.5, -6.0, and -60. The value -60 mutes the channel. This setting applies only if you keep the default value of 3/2 - L, R, C, Ls, Rs (CODING_MODE_3_2) for the setting Coding mode (Eac3CodingMode). If you choose a different value for Coding mode, the service ignores Left only/Right only center (loRoCenterMixLevel).
1621 */
1622 LoRoCenterMixLevel?: __doubleMinNegative60Max3;
1623 /**
1624 * Specify a value for the following Dolby Digital Plus setting: Left only/Right only (Lo/Ro surround). MediaConvert uses this value for downmixing. How the service uses this value depends on the value that you choose for Stereo downmix (Eac3StereoDownmix). Valid values: -1.5, -3.0, -4.5, -6.0, and -60. The value -60 mutes the channel. This setting applies only if you keep the default value of 3/2 - L, R, C, Ls, Rs (CODING_MODE_3_2) for the setting Coding mode (Eac3CodingMode). If you choose a different value for Coding mode, the service ignores Left only/Right only surround (loRoSurroundMixLevel).
1625 */
1626 LoRoSurroundMixLevel?: __doubleMinNegative60MaxNegative1;
1627 /**
1628 * Specify a value for the following Dolby Digital Plus setting: Left total/Right total center mix (Lt/Rt center). MediaConvert uses this value for downmixing. How the service uses this value depends on the value that you choose for Stereo downmix (Eac3StereoDownmix). Valid values: 3.0, 1.5, 0.0, -1.5, -3.0, -4.5, -6.0, and -60. The value -60 mutes the channel. This setting applies only if you keep the default value of 3/2 - L, R, C, Ls, Rs (CODING_MODE_3_2) for the setting Coding mode (Eac3CodingMode). If you choose a different value for Coding mode, the service ignores Left total/Right total center (ltRtCenterMixLevel).
1629 */
1630 LtRtCenterMixLevel?: __doubleMinNegative60Max3;
1631 /**
1632 * Specify a value for the following Dolby Digital Plus setting: Left total/Right total surround mix (Lt/Rt surround). MediaConvert uses this value for downmixing. How the service uses this value depends on the value that you choose for Stereo downmix (Eac3StereoDownmix). Valid values: -1.5, -3.0, -4.5, -6.0, and -60. The value -60 mutes the channel. This setting applies only if you keep the default value of 3/2 - L, R, C, Ls, Rs (CODING_MODE_3_2) for the setting Coding mode (Eac3CodingMode). If you choose a different value for Coding mode, the service ignores Left total/Right total surround (ltRtSurroundMixLevel).
1633 */
1634 LtRtSurroundMixLevel?: __doubleMinNegative60MaxNegative1;
1635 /**
1636 * When set to FOLLOW_INPUT, encoder metadata will be sourced from the DD, DD+, or DolbyE decoder that supplied this audio data. If audio was not supplied from one of these streams, then the static metadata settings will be used.
1637 */
1638 MetadataControl?: Eac3MetadataControl;
1639 /**
1640 * When set to WHEN_POSSIBLE, input DD+ audio will be passed through if it is present on the input. this detection is dynamic over the life of the transcode. Inputs that alternate between DD+ and non-DD+ content will have a consistent DD+ output as the system alternates between passthrough and encoding.
1641 */
1642 PassthroughControl?: Eac3PassthroughControl;
1643 /**
1644 * Controls the amount of phase-shift applied to the surround channels. Only used for 3/2 coding mode.
1645 */
1646 PhaseControl?: Eac3PhaseControl;
1647 /**
1648 * This value is always 48000. It represents the sample rate in Hz.
1649 */
1650 SampleRate?: __integerMin48000Max48000;
1651 /**
1652 * Choose how the service does stereo downmixing. This setting only applies if you keep the default value of 3/2 - L, R, C, Ls, Rs (CODING_MODE_3_2) for the setting Coding mode (Eac3CodingMode). If you choose a different value for Coding mode, the service ignores Stereo downmix (Eac3StereoDownmix).
1653 */
1654 StereoDownmix?: Eac3StereoDownmix;
1655 /**
1656 * When encoding 3/2 audio, sets whether an extra center back surround channel is matrix encoded into the left and right surround channels.
1657 */
1658 SurroundExMode?: Eac3SurroundExMode;
1659 /**
1660 * When encoding 2/0 audio, sets whether Dolby Surround is matrix encoded into the two channels.
1661 */
1662 SurroundMode?: Eac3SurroundMode;
1663 }
1664 export type Eac3StereoDownmix = "NOT_INDICATED"|"LO_RO"|"LT_RT"|"DPL2"|string;
1665 export type Eac3SurroundExMode = "NOT_INDICATED"|"ENABLED"|"DISABLED"|string;
1666 export type Eac3SurroundMode = "NOT_INDICATED"|"ENABLED"|"DISABLED"|string;
1667 export type EmbeddedConvert608To708 = "UPCONVERT"|"DISABLED"|string;
1668 export interface EmbeddedDestinationSettings {
1669 /**
1670 * Ignore this setting unless your input captions are SCC format and your output captions are embedded in the video stream. Specify a CC number for each captions channel in this output. If you have two channels, choose CC numbers that aren't in the same field. For example, choose 1 and 3. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/mediaconvert/dual-scc-to-embedded.
1671 */
1672 Destination608ChannelNumber?: __integerMin1Max4;
1673 /**
1674 * Ignore this setting unless your input captions are SCC format and you want both 608 and 708 captions embedded in your output stream. Optionally, specify the 708 service number for each output captions channel. Choose a different number for each channel. To use this setting, also set Force 608 to 708 upconvert (Convert608To708) to Upconvert (UPCONVERT) in your input captions selector settings. If you choose to upconvert but don't specify a 708 service number, MediaConvert uses the number that you specify for CC channel number (destination608ChannelNumber) for the 708 service number. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/mediaconvert/dual-scc-to-embedded.
1675 */
1676 Destination708ServiceNumber?: __integerMin1Max6;
1677 }
1678 export interface EmbeddedSourceSettings {
1679 /**
1680 * Specify whether this set of input captions appears in your outputs in both 608 and 708 format. If you choose Upconvert (UPCONVERT), MediaConvert includes the captions data in two ways: it passes the 608 data through using the 608 compatibility bytes fields of the 708 wrapper, and it also translates the 608 data into 708.
1681 */
1682 Convert608To708?: EmbeddedConvert608To708;
1683 /**
1684 * Specifies the 608/708 channel number within the video track from which to extract captions. Unused for passthrough.
1685 */
1686 Source608ChannelNumber?: __integerMin1Max4;
1687 /**
1688 * Specifies the video track index used for extracting captions. The system only supports one input video track, so this should always be set to '1'.
1689 */
1690 Source608TrackNumber?: __integerMin1Max1;
1691 /**
1692 * By default, the service terminates any unterminated captions at the end of each input. If you want the caption to continue onto your next input, disable this setting.
1693 */
1694 TerminateCaptions?: EmbeddedTerminateCaptions;
1695 }
1696 export type EmbeddedTerminateCaptions = "END_OF_INPUT"|"DISABLED"|string;
1697 export interface Endpoint {
1698 /**
1699 * URL of endpoint
1700 */
1701 Url?: __string;
1702 }
1703 export interface EsamManifestConfirmConditionNotification {
1704 /**
1705 * Provide your ESAM ManifestConfirmConditionNotification XML document inside your JSON job settings. Form the XML document as per OC-SP-ESAM-API-I03-131025. The transcoder will use the Manifest Conditioning instructions in the message that you supply.
1706 */
1707 MccXml?: __stringPatternSNManifestConfirmConditionNotificationNS;
1708 }
1709 export interface EsamSettings {
1710 /**
1711 * Specifies an ESAM ManifestConfirmConditionNotification XML as per OC-SP-ESAM-API-I03-131025. The transcoder uses the manifest conditioning instructions that you provide in the setting MCC XML (mccXml).
1712 */
1713 ManifestConfirmConditionNotification?: EsamManifestConfirmConditionNotification;
1714 /**
1715 * Specifies the stream distance, in milliseconds, between the SCTE 35 messages that the transcoder places and the splice points that they refer to. If the time between the start of the asset and the SCTE-35 message is less than this value, then the transcoder places the SCTE-35 marker at the beginning of the stream.
1716 */
1717 ResponseSignalPreroll?: __integerMin0Max30000;
1718 /**
1719 * Specifies an ESAM SignalProcessingNotification XML as per OC-SP-ESAM-API-I03-131025. The transcoder uses the signal processing instructions that you provide in the setting SCC XML (sccXml).
1720 */
1721 SignalProcessingNotification?: EsamSignalProcessingNotification;
1722 }
1723 export interface EsamSignalProcessingNotification {
1724 /**
1725 * Provide your ESAM SignalProcessingNotification XML document inside your JSON job settings. Form the XML document as per OC-SP-ESAM-API-I03-131025. The transcoder will use the signal processing instructions in the message that you supply. Provide your ESAM SignalProcessingNotification XML document inside your JSON job settings. For your MPEG2-TS file outputs, if you want the service to place SCTE-35 markers at the insertion points you specify in the XML document, you must also enable SCTE-35 ESAM (scte35Esam). Note that you can either specify an ESAM XML document or enable SCTE-35 passthrough. You can't do both.
1726 */
1727 SccXml?: __stringPatternSNSignalProcessingNotificationNS;
1728 }
1729 export type F4vMoovPlacement = "PROGRESSIVE_DOWNLOAD"|"NORMAL"|string;
1730 export interface F4vSettings {
1731 /**
1732 * If set to PROGRESSIVE_DOWNLOAD, the MOOV atom is relocated to the beginning of the archive as required for progressive downloading. Otherwise it is placed normally at the end.
1733 */
1734 MoovPlacement?: F4vMoovPlacement;
1735 }
1736 export interface FileGroupSettings {
1737 /**
1738 * Use Destination (Destination) to specify the S3 output location and the output filename base. Destination accepts format identifiers. If you do not specify the base filename in the URI, the service will use the filename of the input file. If your job has multiple inputs, the service uses the filename of the first input file.
1739 */
1740 Destination?: __stringPatternS3;
1741 /**
1742 * Settings associated with the destination. Will vary based on the type of destination
1743 */
1744 DestinationSettings?: DestinationSettings;
1745 }
1746 export type FileSourceConvert608To708 = "UPCONVERT"|"DISABLED"|string;
1747 export interface FileSourceSettings {
1748 /**
1749 * Specify whether this set of input captions appears in your outputs in both 608 and 708 format. If you choose Upconvert (UPCONVERT), MediaConvert includes the captions data in two ways: it passes the 608 data through using the 608 compatibility bytes fields of the 708 wrapper, and it also translates the 608 data into 708.
1750 */
1751 Convert608To708?: FileSourceConvert608To708;
1752 /**
1753 * Ignore this setting unless your input captions format is SCC. To have the service compensate for differing framerates between your input captions and input video, specify the framerate of the captions file. Specify this value as a fraction, using the settings Framerate numerator (framerateNumerator) and Framerate denominator (framerateDenominator). For example, you might specify 24 / 1 for 24 fps, 25 / 1 for 25 fps, 24000 / 1001 for 23.976 fps, or 30000 / 1001 for 29.97 fps.
1754 */
1755 Framerate?: CaptionSourceFramerate;
1756 /**
1757 * External caption file used for loading captions. Accepted file extensions are 'scc', 'ttml', 'dfxp', 'stl', 'srt', 'xml', and 'smi'.
1758 */
1759 SourceFile?: __stringMin14PatternS3SccSCCTtmlTTMLDfxpDFXPStlSTLSrtSRTXmlXMLSmiSMIHttpsSccSCCTtmlTTMLDfxpDFXPStlSTLSrtSRTXmlXMLSmiSMI;
1760 /**
1761 * Specifies a time delta in seconds to offset the captions from the source file.
1762 */
1763 TimeDelta?: __integerMinNegative2147483648Max2147483647;
1764 }
1765 export type FontScript = "AUTOMATIC"|"HANS"|"HANT"|string;
1766 export interface FrameCaptureSettings {
1767 /**
1768 * Frame capture will encode the first frame of the output stream, then one frame every framerateDenominator/framerateNumerator seconds. For example, settings of framerateNumerator = 1 and framerateDenominator = 3 (a rate of 1/3 frame per second) will capture the first frame, then 1 frame every 3s. Files will be named as filename.n.jpg where n is the 0-based sequence number of each Capture.
1769 */
1770 FramerateDenominator?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
1771 /**
1772 * Frame capture will encode the first frame of the output stream, then one frame every framerateDenominator/framerateNumerator seconds. For example, settings of framerateNumerator = 1 and framerateDenominator = 3 (a rate of 1/3 frame per second) will capture the first frame, then 1 frame every 3s. Files will be named as filename.NNNNNNN.jpg where N is the 0-based frame sequence number zero padded to 7 decimal places.
1773 */
1774 FramerateNumerator?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
1775 /**
1776 * Maximum number of captures (encoded jpg output files).
1777 */
1778 MaxCaptures?: __integerMin1Max10000000;
1779 /**
1780 * JPEG Quality - a higher value equals higher quality.
1781 */
1782 Quality?: __integerMin1Max100;
1783 }
1784 export interface GetJobRequest {
1785 /**
1786 * the job ID of the job.
1787 */
1788 Id: __string;
1789 }
1790 export interface GetJobResponse {
1791 /**
1792 * Each job converts an input file into an output file or files. For more information, see the User Guide at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/what-is.html
1793 */
1794 Job?: Job;
1795 }
1796 export interface GetJobTemplateRequest {
1797 /**
1798 * The name of the job template.
1799 */
1800 Name: __string;
1801 }
1802 export interface GetJobTemplateResponse {
1803 /**
1804 * A job template is a pre-made set of encoding instructions that you can use to quickly create a job.
1805 */
1806 JobTemplate?: JobTemplate;
1807 }
1808 export interface GetPresetRequest {
1809 /**
1810 * The name of the preset.
1811 */
1812 Name: __string;
1813 }
1814 export interface GetPresetResponse {
1815 /**
1816 * A preset is a collection of preconfigured media conversion settings that you want MediaConvert to apply to the output during the conversion process.
1817 */
1818 Preset?: Preset;
1819 }
1820 export interface GetQueueRequest {
1821 /**
1822 * The name of the queue that you want information about.
1823 */
1824 Name: __string;
1825 }
1826 export interface GetQueueResponse {
1827 /**
1828 * You can use queues to manage the resources that are available to your AWS account for running multiple transcoding jobs at the same time. If you don't specify a queue, the service sends all jobs through the default queue. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/working-with-queues.html.
1829 */
1830 Queue?: Queue;
1831 }
1832 export type H264AdaptiveQuantization = "OFF"|"LOW"|"MEDIUM"|"HIGH"|"HIGHER"|"MAX"|string;
1833 export type H264CodecLevel = "AUTO"|"LEVEL_1"|"LEVEL_1_1"|"LEVEL_1_2"|"LEVEL_1_3"|"LEVEL_2"|"LEVEL_2_1"|"LEVEL_2_2"|"LEVEL_3"|"LEVEL_3_1"|"LEVEL_3_2"|"LEVEL_4"|"LEVEL_4_1"|"LEVEL_4_2"|"LEVEL_5"|"LEVEL_5_1"|"LEVEL_5_2"|string;
1834 export type H264CodecProfile = "BASELINE"|"HIGH"|"HIGH_10BIT"|"HIGH_422"|"HIGH_422_10BIT"|"MAIN"|string;
1835 export type H264DynamicSubGop = "ADAPTIVE"|"STATIC"|string;
1836 export type H264EntropyEncoding = "CABAC"|"CAVLC"|string;
1837 export type H264FieldEncoding = "PAFF"|"FORCE_FIELD"|string;
1838 export type H264FlickerAdaptiveQuantization = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
1839 export type H264FramerateControl = "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE"|"SPECIFIED"|string;
1840 export type H264FramerateConversionAlgorithm = "DUPLICATE_DROP"|"INTERPOLATE"|string;
1841 export type H264GopBReference = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
1842 export type H264GopSizeUnits = "FRAMES"|"SECONDS"|string;
1844 export type H264ParControl = "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE"|"SPECIFIED"|string;
1845 export type H264QualityTuningLevel = "SINGLE_PASS"|"SINGLE_PASS_HQ"|"MULTI_PASS_HQ"|string;
1846 export interface H264QvbrSettings {
1847 /**
1848 * Use this setting only when Rate control mode is QVBR and Quality tuning level is Multi-pass HQ. For Max average bitrate values suited to the complexity of your input video, the service limits the average bitrate of the video part of this output to the value that you choose. That is, the total size of the video element is less than or equal to the value you set multiplied by the number of seconds of encoded output.
1849 */
1850 MaxAverageBitrate?: __integerMin1000Max1152000000;
1851 /**
1852 * Required when you use QVBR rate control mode. That is, when you specify qvbrSettings within h264Settings. Specify the general target quality level for this output, from 1 to 10. Use higher numbers for greater quality. Level 10 results in nearly lossless compression. The quality level for most broadcast-quality transcodes is between 6 and 9. Optionally, to specify a value between whole numbers, also provide a value for the setting qvbrQualityLevelFineTune. For example, if you want your QVBR quality level to be 7.33, set qvbrQualityLevel to 7 and set qvbrQualityLevelFineTune to .33.
1853 */
1854 QvbrQualityLevel?: __integerMin1Max10;
1855 /**
1856 * Optional. Specify a value here to set the QVBR quality to a level that is between whole numbers. For example, if you want your QVBR quality level to be 7.33, set qvbrQualityLevel to 7 and set qvbrQualityLevelFineTune to .33. MediaConvert rounds your QVBR quality level to the nearest third of a whole number. For example, if you set qvbrQualityLevel to 7 and you set qvbrQualityLevelFineTune to .25, your actual QVBR quality level is 7.33.
1857 */
1858 QvbrQualityLevelFineTune?: __doubleMin0Max1;
1859 }
1860 export type H264RateControlMode = "VBR"|"CBR"|"QVBR"|string;
1861 export type H264RepeatPps = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
1862 export type H264SceneChangeDetect = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|"TRANSITION_DETECTION"|string;
1863 export interface H264Settings {
1864 /**
1865 * Adaptive quantization. Allows intra-frame quantizers to vary to improve visual quality.
1866 */
1867 AdaptiveQuantization?: H264AdaptiveQuantization;
1868 /**
1869 * Specify the average bitrate in bits per second. Required for VBR and CBR. For MS Smooth outputs, bitrates must be unique when rounded down to the nearest multiple of 1000.
1870 */
1871 Bitrate?: __integerMin1000Max1152000000;
1872 /**
1873 * Specify an H.264 level that is consistent with your output video settings. If you aren't sure what level to specify, choose Auto (AUTO).
1874 */
1875 CodecLevel?: H264CodecLevel;
1876 /**
1877 * H.264 Profile. High 4:2:2 and 10-bit profiles are only available with the AVC-I License.
1878 */
1879 CodecProfile?: H264CodecProfile;
1880 /**
1881 * Choose Adaptive to improve subjective video quality for high-motion content. This will cause the service to use fewer B-frames (which infer information based on other frames) for high-motion portions of the video and more B-frames for low-motion portions. The maximum number of B-frames is limited by the value you provide for the setting B frames between reference frames (numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames).
1882 */
1883 DynamicSubGop?: H264DynamicSubGop;
1884 /**
1885 * Entropy encoding mode. Use CABAC (must be in Main or High profile) or CAVLC.
1886 */
1887 EntropyEncoding?: H264EntropyEncoding;
1888 /**
1889 * Choosing FORCE_FIELD disables PAFF encoding for interlaced outputs.
1890 */
1891 FieldEncoding?: H264FieldEncoding;
1892 /**
1893 * Adjust quantization within each frame to reduce flicker or 'pop' on I-frames.
1894 */
1895 FlickerAdaptiveQuantization?: H264FlickerAdaptiveQuantization;
1896 /**
1897 * If you are using the console, use the Framerate setting to specify the frame rate for this output. If you want to keep the same frame rate as the input video, choose Follow source. If you want to do frame rate conversion, choose a frame rate from the dropdown list or choose Custom. The framerates shown in the dropdown list are decimal approximations of fractions. If you choose Custom, specify your frame rate as a fraction. If you are creating your transcoding job specification as a JSON file without the console, use FramerateControl to specify which value the service uses for the frame rate for this output. Choose INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE if you want the service to use the frame rate from the input. Choose SPECIFIED if you want the service to use the frame rate you specify in the settings FramerateNumerator and FramerateDenominator.
1898 */
1899 FramerateControl?: H264FramerateControl;
1900 /**
1901 * When set to INTERPOLATE, produces smoother motion during frame rate conversion.
1902 */
1903 FramerateConversionAlgorithm?: H264FramerateConversionAlgorithm;
1904 /**
1905 * When you use the API for transcode jobs that use frame rate conversion, specify the frame rate as a fraction. For example, 24000 / 1001 = 23.976 fps. Use FramerateDenominator to specify the denominator of this fraction. In this example, use 1001 for the value of FramerateDenominator. When you use the console for transcode jobs that use frame rate conversion, provide the value as a decimal number for Framerate. In this example, specify 23.976.
1906 */
1907 FramerateDenominator?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
1908 /**
1909 * Frame rate numerator - frame rate is a fraction, e.g. 24000 / 1001 = 23.976 fps.
1910 */
1911 FramerateNumerator?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
1912 /**
1913 * If enable, use reference B frames for GOP structures that have B frames > 1.
1914 */
1915 GopBReference?: H264GopBReference;
1916 /**
1917 * Frequency of closed GOPs. In streaming applications, it is recommended that this be set to 1 so a decoder joining mid-stream will receive an IDR frame as quickly as possible. Setting this value to 0 will break output segmenting.
1918 */
1919 GopClosedCadence?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
1920 /**
1921 * GOP Length (keyframe interval) in frames or seconds. Must be greater than zero.
1922 */
1923 GopSize?: __doubleMin0;
1924 /**
1925 * Indicates if the GOP Size in H264 is specified in frames or seconds. If seconds the system will convert the GOP Size into a frame count at run time.
1926 */
1927 GopSizeUnits?: H264GopSizeUnits;
1928 /**
1929 * Percentage of the buffer that should initially be filled (HRD buffer model).
1930 */
1931 HrdBufferInitialFillPercentage?: __integerMin0Max100;
1932 /**
1933 * Size of buffer (HRD buffer model) in bits. For example, enter five megabits as 5000000.
1934 */
1935 HrdBufferSize?: __integerMin0Max1152000000;
1936 /**
1937 * Use Interlace mode (InterlaceMode) to choose the scan line type for the output. * Top Field First (TOP_FIELD) and Bottom Field First (BOTTOM_FIELD) produce interlaced output with the entire output having the same field polarity (top or bottom first). * Follow, Default Top (FOLLOW_TOP_FIELD) and Follow, Default Bottom (FOLLOW_BOTTOM_FIELD) use the same field polarity as the source. Therefore, behavior depends on the input scan type, as follows.
1938 - If the source is interlaced, the output will be interlaced with the same polarity as the source (it will follow the source). The output could therefore be a mix of "top field first" and "bottom field first".
1939 - If the source is progressive, the output will be interlaced with "top field first" or "bottom field first" polarity, depending on which of the Follow options you chose.
1940 */
1941 InterlaceMode?: H264InterlaceMode;
1942 /**
1943 * Maximum bitrate in bits/second. For example, enter five megabits per second as 5000000. Required when Rate control mode is QVBR.
1944 */
1945 MaxBitrate?: __integerMin1000Max1152000000;
1946 /**
1947 * Enforces separation between repeated (cadence) I-frames and I-frames inserted by Scene Change Detection. If a scene change I-frame is within I-interval frames of a cadence I-frame, the GOP is shrunk and/or stretched to the scene change I-frame. GOP stretch requires enabling lookahead as well as setting I-interval. The normal cadence resumes for the next GOP. This setting is only used when Scene Change Detect is enabled. Note: Maximum GOP stretch = GOP size + Min-I-interval - 1
1948 */
1949 MinIInterval?: __integerMin0Max30;
1950 /**
1951 * Number of B-frames between reference frames.
1952 */
1953 NumberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames?: __integerMin0Max7;
1954 /**
1955 * Number of reference frames to use. The encoder may use more than requested if using B-frames and/or interlaced encoding.
1956 */
1957 NumberReferenceFrames?: __integerMin1Max6;
1958 /**
1959 * Using the API, enable ParFollowSource if you want the service to use the pixel aspect ratio from the input. Using the console, do this by choosing Follow source for Pixel aspect ratio.
1960 */
1961 ParControl?: H264ParControl;
1962 /**
1963 * Pixel Aspect Ratio denominator.
1964 */
1965 ParDenominator?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
1966 /**
1967 * Pixel Aspect Ratio numerator.
1968 */
1969 ParNumerator?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
1970 /**
1971 * Use Quality tuning level (H264QualityTuningLevel) to specifiy whether to use fast single-pass, high-quality singlepass, or high-quality multipass video encoding.
1972 */
1973 QualityTuningLevel?: H264QualityTuningLevel;
1974 /**
1975 * Settings for quality-defined variable bitrate encoding with the H.264 codec. Required when you set Rate control mode to QVBR. Not valid when you set Rate control mode to a value other than QVBR, or when you don't define Rate control mode.
1976 */
1977 QvbrSettings?: H264QvbrSettings;
1978 /**
1979 * Use this setting to specify whether this output has a variable bitrate (VBR), constant bitrate (CBR) or quality-defined variable bitrate (QVBR).
1980 */
1981 RateControlMode?: H264RateControlMode;
1982 /**
1983 * Places a PPS header on each encoded picture, even if repeated.
1984 */
1985 RepeatPps?: H264RepeatPps;
1986 /**
1987 * Enable this setting to insert I-frames at scene changes that the service automatically detects. This improves video quality and is enabled by default. If this output uses QVBR, choose Transition detection (TRANSITION_DETECTION) for further video quality improvement. For more information about QVBR, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/mediaconvert/cbr-vbr-qvbr.
1988 */
1989 SceneChangeDetect?: H264SceneChangeDetect;
1990 /**
1991 * Number of slices per picture. Must be less than or equal to the number of macroblock rows for progressive pictures, and less than or equal to half the number of macroblock rows for interlaced pictures.
1992 */
1993 Slices?: __integerMin1Max32;
1994 /**
1995 * Enables Slow PAL rate conversion. 23.976fps and 24fps input is relabeled as 25fps, and audio is sped up correspondingly.
1996 */
1997 SlowPal?: H264SlowPal;
1998 /**
1999 * Softness. Selects quantizer matrix, larger values reduce high-frequency content in the encoded image.
2000 */
2001 Softness?: __integerMin0Max128;
2002 /**
2003 * Adjust quantization within each frame based on spatial variation of content complexity.
2004 */
2005 SpatialAdaptiveQuantization?: H264SpatialAdaptiveQuantization;
2006 /**
2007 * Produces a bitstream compliant with SMPTE RP-2027.
2008 */
2009 Syntax?: H264Syntax;
2010 /**
2011 * This field applies only if the Streams > Advanced > Framerate (framerate) field is set to 29.970. This field works with the Streams > Advanced > Preprocessors > Deinterlacer field (deinterlace_mode) and the Streams > Advanced > Interlaced Mode field (interlace_mode) to identify the scan type for the output: Progressive, Interlaced, Hard Telecine or Soft Telecine. - Hard: produces 29.97i output from 23.976 input. - Soft: produces 23.976; the player converts this output to 29.97i.
2012 */
2013 Telecine?: H264Telecine;
2014 /**
2015 * Adjust quantization within each frame based on temporal variation of content complexity.
2016 */
2017 TemporalAdaptiveQuantization?: H264TemporalAdaptiveQuantization;
2018 /**
2019 * Inserts timecode for each frame as 4 bytes of an unregistered SEI message.
2020 */
2021 UnregisteredSeiTimecode?: H264UnregisteredSeiTimecode;
2022 }
2023 export type H264SlowPal = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
2024 export type H264SpatialAdaptiveQuantization = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
2025 export type H264Syntax = "DEFAULT"|"RP2027"|string;
2026 export type H264Telecine = "NONE"|"SOFT"|"HARD"|string;
2027 export type H264TemporalAdaptiveQuantization = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
2028 export type H264UnregisteredSeiTimecode = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
2029 export type H265AdaptiveQuantization = "OFF"|"LOW"|"MEDIUM"|"HIGH"|"HIGHER"|"MAX"|string;
2030 export type H265AlternateTransferFunctionSei = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
2031 export type H265CodecLevel = "AUTO"|"LEVEL_1"|"LEVEL_2"|"LEVEL_2_1"|"LEVEL_3"|"LEVEL_3_1"|"LEVEL_4"|"LEVEL_4_1"|"LEVEL_5"|"LEVEL_5_1"|"LEVEL_5_2"|"LEVEL_6"|"LEVEL_6_1"|"LEVEL_6_2"|string;
2032 export type H265CodecProfile = "MAIN_MAIN"|"MAIN_HIGH"|"MAIN10_MAIN"|"MAIN10_HIGH"|"MAIN_422_8BIT_MAIN"|"MAIN_422_8BIT_HIGH"|"MAIN_422_10BIT_MAIN"|"MAIN_422_10BIT_HIGH"|string;
2033 export type H265DynamicSubGop = "ADAPTIVE"|"STATIC"|string;
2034 export type H265FlickerAdaptiveQuantization = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
2035 export type H265FramerateControl = "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE"|"SPECIFIED"|string;
2036 export type H265FramerateConversionAlgorithm = "DUPLICATE_DROP"|"INTERPOLATE"|string;
2037 export type H265GopBReference = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
2038 export type H265GopSizeUnits = "FRAMES"|"SECONDS"|string;
2040 export type H265ParControl = "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE"|"SPECIFIED"|string;
2041 export type H265QualityTuningLevel = "SINGLE_PASS"|"SINGLE_PASS_HQ"|"MULTI_PASS_HQ"|string;
2042 export interface H265QvbrSettings {
2043 /**
2044 * Use this setting only when Rate control mode is QVBR and Quality tuning level is Multi-pass HQ. For Max average bitrate values suited to the complexity of your input video, the service limits the average bitrate of the video part of this output to the value that you choose. That is, the total size of the video element is less than or equal to the value you set multiplied by the number of seconds of encoded output.
2045 */
2046 MaxAverageBitrate?: __integerMin1000Max1466400000;
2047 /**
2048 * Required when you use QVBR rate control mode. That is, when you specify qvbrSettings within h265Settings. Specify the general target quality level for this output, from 1 to 10. Use higher numbers for greater quality. Level 10 results in nearly lossless compression. The quality level for most broadcast-quality transcodes is between 6 and 9. Optionally, to specify a value between whole numbers, also provide a value for the setting qvbrQualityLevelFineTune. For example, if you want your QVBR quality level to be 7.33, set qvbrQualityLevel to 7 and set qvbrQualityLevelFineTune to .33.
2049 */
2050 QvbrQualityLevel?: __integerMin1Max10;
2051 /**
2052 * Optional. Specify a value here to set the QVBR quality to a level that is between whole numbers. For example, if you want your QVBR quality level to be 7.33, set qvbrQualityLevel to 7 and set qvbrQualityLevelFineTune to .33. MediaConvert rounds your QVBR quality level to the nearest third of a whole number. For example, if you set qvbrQualityLevel to 7 and you set qvbrQualityLevelFineTune to .25, your actual QVBR quality level is 7.33.
2053 */
2054 QvbrQualityLevelFineTune?: __doubleMin0Max1;
2055 }
2056 export type H265RateControlMode = "VBR"|"CBR"|"QVBR"|string;
2057 export type H265SampleAdaptiveOffsetFilterMode = "DEFAULT"|"ADAPTIVE"|"OFF"|string;
2058 export type H265SceneChangeDetect = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|"TRANSITION_DETECTION"|string;
2059 export interface H265Settings {
2060 /**
2061 * Adaptive quantization. Allows intra-frame quantizers to vary to improve visual quality.
2062 */
2063 AdaptiveQuantization?: H265AdaptiveQuantization;
2064 /**
2065 * Enables Alternate Transfer Function SEI message for outputs using Hybrid Log Gamma (HLG) Electro-Optical Transfer Function (EOTF).
2066 */
2067 AlternateTransferFunctionSei?: H265AlternateTransferFunctionSei;
2068 /**
2069 * Specify the average bitrate in bits per second. Required for VBR and CBR. For MS Smooth outputs, bitrates must be unique when rounded down to the nearest multiple of 1000.
2070 */
2071 Bitrate?: __integerMin1000Max1466400000;
2072 /**
2073 * H.265 Level.
2074 */
2075 CodecLevel?: H265CodecLevel;
2076 /**
2077 * Represents the Profile and Tier, per the HEVC (H.265) specification. Selections are grouped as [Profile] / [Tier], so "Main/High" represents Main Profile with High Tier. 4:2:2 profiles are only available with the HEVC 4:2:2 License.
2078 */
2079 CodecProfile?: H265CodecProfile;
2080 /**
2081 * Choose Adaptive to improve subjective video quality for high-motion content. This will cause the service to use fewer B-frames (which infer information based on other frames) for high-motion portions of the video and more B-frames for low-motion portions. The maximum number of B-frames is limited by the value you provide for the setting B frames between reference frames (numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames).
2082 */
2083 DynamicSubGop?: H265DynamicSubGop;
2084 /**
2085 * Adjust quantization within each frame to reduce flicker or 'pop' on I-frames.
2086 */
2087 FlickerAdaptiveQuantization?: H265FlickerAdaptiveQuantization;
2088 /**
2089 * If you are using the console, use the Framerate setting to specify the frame rate for this output. If you want to keep the same frame rate as the input video, choose Follow source. If you want to do frame rate conversion, choose a frame rate from the dropdown list or choose Custom. The framerates shown in the dropdown list are decimal approximations of fractions. If you choose Custom, specify your frame rate as a fraction. If you are creating your transcoding job sepecification as a JSON file without the console, use FramerateControl to specify which value the service uses for the frame rate for this output. Choose INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE if you want the service to use the frame rate from the input. Choose SPECIFIED if you want the service to use the frame rate you specify in the settings FramerateNumerator and FramerateDenominator.
2090 */
2091 FramerateControl?: H265FramerateControl;
2092 /**
2093 * When set to INTERPOLATE, produces smoother motion during frame rate conversion.
2094 */
2095 FramerateConversionAlgorithm?: H265FramerateConversionAlgorithm;
2096 /**
2097 * Frame rate denominator.
2098 */
2099 FramerateDenominator?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
2100 /**
2101 * Frame rate numerator - frame rate is a fraction, e.g. 24000 / 1001 = 23.976 fps.
2102 */
2103 FramerateNumerator?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
2104 /**
2105 * If enable, use reference B frames for GOP structures that have B frames > 1.
2106 */
2107 GopBReference?: H265GopBReference;
2108 /**
2109 * Frequency of closed GOPs. In streaming applications, it is recommended that this be set to 1 so a decoder joining mid-stream will receive an IDR frame as quickly as possible. Setting this value to 0 will break output segmenting.
2110 */
2111 GopClosedCadence?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
2112 /**
2113 * GOP Length (keyframe interval) in frames or seconds. Must be greater than zero.
2114 */
2115 GopSize?: __doubleMin0;
2116 /**
2117 * Indicates if the GOP Size in H265 is specified in frames or seconds. If seconds the system will convert the GOP Size into a frame count at run time.
2118 */
2119 GopSizeUnits?: H265GopSizeUnits;
2120 /**
2121 * Percentage of the buffer that should initially be filled (HRD buffer model).
2122 */
2123 HrdBufferInitialFillPercentage?: __integerMin0Max100;
2124 /**
2125 * Size of buffer (HRD buffer model) in bits. For example, enter five megabits as 5000000.
2126 */
2127 HrdBufferSize?: __integerMin0Max1466400000;
2128 /**
2129 * Choose the scan line type for the output. Choose Progressive (PROGRESSIVE) to create a progressive output, regardless of the scan type of your input. Choose Top Field First (TOP_FIELD) or Bottom Field First (BOTTOM_FIELD) to create an output that's interlaced with the same field polarity throughout. Choose Follow, Default Top (FOLLOW_TOP_FIELD) or Follow, Default Bottom (FOLLOW_BOTTOM_FIELD) to create an interlaced output with the same field polarity as the source. If the source is interlaced, the output will be interlaced with the same polarity as the source (it will follow the source). The output could therefore be a mix of "top field first" and "bottom field first". If the source is progressive, your output will be interlaced with "top field first" or "bottom field first" polarity, depending on which of the Follow options you chose. If you don't choose a value, the service will default to Progressive (PROGRESSIVE).
2130 */
2131 InterlaceMode?: H265InterlaceMode;
2132 /**
2133 * Maximum bitrate in bits/second. For example, enter five megabits per second as 5000000. Required when Rate control mode is QVBR.
2134 */
2135 MaxBitrate?: __integerMin1000Max1466400000;
2136 /**
2137 * Enforces separation between repeated (cadence) I-frames and I-frames inserted by Scene Change Detection. If a scene change I-frame is within I-interval frames of a cadence I-frame, the GOP is shrunk and/or stretched to the scene change I-frame. GOP stretch requires enabling lookahead as well as setting I-interval. The normal cadence resumes for the next GOP. This setting is only used when Scene Change Detect is enabled. Note: Maximum GOP stretch = GOP size + Min-I-interval - 1
2138 */
2139 MinIInterval?: __integerMin0Max30;
2140 /**
2141 * Number of B-frames between reference frames.
2142 */
2143 NumberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames?: __integerMin0Max7;
2144 /**
2145 * Number of reference frames to use. The encoder may use more than requested if using B-frames and/or interlaced encoding.
2146 */
2147 NumberReferenceFrames?: __integerMin1Max6;
2148 /**
2149 * Using the API, enable ParFollowSource if you want the service to use the pixel aspect ratio from the input. Using the console, do this by choosing Follow source for Pixel aspect ratio.
2150 */
2151 ParControl?: H265ParControl;
2152 /**
2153 * Pixel Aspect Ratio denominator.
2154 */
2155 ParDenominator?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
2156 /**
2157 * Pixel Aspect Ratio numerator.
2158 */
2159 ParNumerator?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
2160 /**
2161 * Use Quality tuning level (H265QualityTuningLevel) to specifiy whether to use fast single-pass, high-quality singlepass, or high-quality multipass video encoding.
2162 */
2163 QualityTuningLevel?: H265QualityTuningLevel;
2164 /**
2165 * Settings for quality-defined variable bitrate encoding with the H.265 codec. Required when you set Rate control mode to QVBR. Not valid when you set Rate control mode to a value other than QVBR, or when you don't define Rate control mode.
2166 */
2167 QvbrSettings?: H265QvbrSettings;
2168 /**
2169 * Use this setting to specify whether this output has a variable bitrate (VBR), constant bitrate (CBR) or quality-defined variable bitrate (QVBR).
2170 */
2171 RateControlMode?: H265RateControlMode;
2172 /**
2173 * Specify Sample Adaptive Offset (SAO) filter strength. Adaptive mode dynamically selects best strength based on content
2174 */
2175 SampleAdaptiveOffsetFilterMode?: H265SampleAdaptiveOffsetFilterMode;
2176 /**
2177 * Enable this setting to insert I-frames at scene changes that the service automatically detects. This improves video quality and is enabled by default. If this output uses QVBR, choose Transition detection (TRANSITION_DETECTION) for further video quality improvement. For more information about QVBR, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/mediaconvert/cbr-vbr-qvbr.
2178 */
2179 SceneChangeDetect?: H265SceneChangeDetect;
2180 /**
2181 * Number of slices per picture. Must be less than or equal to the number of macroblock rows for progressive pictures, and less than or equal to half the number of macroblock rows for interlaced pictures.
2182 */
2183 Slices?: __integerMin1Max32;
2184 /**
2185 * Enables Slow PAL rate conversion. 23.976fps and 24fps input is relabeled as 25fps, and audio is sped up correspondingly.
2186 */
2187 SlowPal?: H265SlowPal;
2188 /**
2189 * Adjust quantization within each frame based on spatial variation of content complexity.
2190 */
2191 SpatialAdaptiveQuantization?: H265SpatialAdaptiveQuantization;
2192 /**
2193 * This field applies only if the Streams > Advanced > Framerate (framerate) field is set to 29.970. This field works with the Streams > Advanced > Preprocessors > Deinterlacer field (deinterlace_mode) and the Streams > Advanced > Interlaced Mode field (interlace_mode) to identify the scan type for the output: Progressive, Interlaced, Hard Telecine or Soft Telecine. - Hard: produces 29.97i output from 23.976 input. - Soft: produces 23.976; the player converts this output to 29.97i.
2194 */
2195 Telecine?: H265Telecine;
2196 /**
2197 * Adjust quantization within each frame based on temporal variation of content complexity.
2198 */
2199 TemporalAdaptiveQuantization?: H265TemporalAdaptiveQuantization;
2200 /**
2201 * Enables temporal layer identifiers in the encoded bitstream. Up to 3 layers are supported depending on GOP structure: I- and P-frames form one layer, reference B-frames can form a second layer and non-reference b-frames can form a third layer. Decoders can optionally decode only the lower temporal layers to generate a lower frame rate output. For example, given a bitstream with temporal IDs and with b-frames = 1 (i.e. IbPbPb display order), a decoder could decode all the frames for full frame rate output or only the I and P frames (lowest temporal layer) for a half frame rate output.
2202 */
2203 TemporalIds?: H265TemporalIds;
2204 /**
2205 * Enable use of tiles, allowing horizontal as well as vertical subdivision of the encoded pictures.
2206 */
2207 Tiles?: H265Tiles;
2208 /**
2209 * Inserts timecode for each frame as 4 bytes of an unregistered SEI message.
2210 */
2211 UnregisteredSeiTimecode?: H265UnregisteredSeiTimecode;
2212 /**
2213 * If the location of parameter set NAL units doesn't matter in your workflow, ignore this setting. Use this setting only with CMAF or DASH outputs, or with standalone file outputs in an MPEG-4 container (MP4 outputs). Choose HVC1 to mark your output as HVC1. This makes your output compliant with the following specification: ISO IECJTC1 SC29 N13798 Text ISO/IEC FDIS 14496-15 3rd Edition. For these outputs, the service stores parameter set NAL units in the sample headers but not in the samples directly. For MP4 outputs, when you choose HVC1, your output video might not work properly with some downstream systems and video players. The service defaults to marking your output as HEV1. For these outputs, the service writes parameter set NAL units directly into the samples.
2214 */
2215 WriteMp4PackagingType?: H265WriteMp4PackagingType;
2216 }
2217 export type H265SlowPal = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
2218 export type H265SpatialAdaptiveQuantization = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
2219 export type H265Telecine = "NONE"|"SOFT"|"HARD"|string;
2220 export type H265TemporalAdaptiveQuantization = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
2221 export type H265TemporalIds = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
2222 export type H265Tiles = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
2223 export type H265UnregisteredSeiTimecode = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
2224 export type H265WriteMp4PackagingType = "HVC1"|"HEV1"|string;
2225 export interface Hdr10Metadata {
2226 /**
2227 * HDR Master Display Information must be provided by a color grader, using color grading tools. Range is 0 to 50,000, each increment represents 0.00002 in CIE1931 color coordinate. Note that this setting is not for color correction.
2228 */
2229 BluePrimaryX?: __integerMin0Max50000;
2230 /**
2231 * HDR Master Display Information must be provided by a color grader, using color grading tools. Range is 0 to 50,000, each increment represents 0.00002 in CIE1931 color coordinate. Note that this setting is not for color correction.
2232 */
2233 BluePrimaryY?: __integerMin0Max50000;
2234 /**
2235 * HDR Master Display Information must be provided by a color grader, using color grading tools. Range is 0 to 50,000, each increment represents 0.00002 in CIE1931 color coordinate. Note that this setting is not for color correction.
2236 */
2237 GreenPrimaryX?: __integerMin0Max50000;
2238 /**
2239 * HDR Master Display Information must be provided by a color grader, using color grading tools. Range is 0 to 50,000, each increment represents 0.00002 in CIE1931 color coordinate. Note that this setting is not for color correction.
2240 */
2241 GreenPrimaryY?: __integerMin0Max50000;
2242 /**
2243 * Maximum light level among all samples in the coded video sequence, in units of candelas per square meter. This setting doesn't have a default value; you must specify a value that is suitable for the content.
2244 */
2245 MaxContentLightLevel?: __integerMin0Max65535;
2246 /**
2247 * Maximum average light level of any frame in the coded video sequence, in units of candelas per square meter. This setting doesn't have a default value; you must specify a value that is suitable for the content.
2248 */
2249 MaxFrameAverageLightLevel?: __integerMin0Max65535;
2250 /**
2251 * Nominal maximum mastering display luminance in units of of 0.0001 candelas per square meter.
2252 */
2253 MaxLuminance?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
2254 /**
2255 * Nominal minimum mastering display luminance in units of of 0.0001 candelas per square meter
2256 */
2257 MinLuminance?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
2258 /**
2259 * HDR Master Display Information must be provided by a color grader, using color grading tools. Range is 0 to 50,000, each increment represents 0.00002 in CIE1931 color coordinate. Note that this setting is not for color correction.
2260 */
2261 RedPrimaryX?: __integerMin0Max50000;
2262 /**
2263 * HDR Master Display Information must be provided by a color grader, using color grading tools. Range is 0 to 50,000, each increment represents 0.00002 in CIE1931 color coordinate. Note that this setting is not for color correction.
2264 */
2265 RedPrimaryY?: __integerMin0Max50000;
2266 /**
2267 * HDR Master Display Information must be provided by a color grader, using color grading tools. Range is 0 to 50,000, each increment represents 0.00002 in CIE1931 color coordinate. Note that this setting is not for color correction.
2268 */
2269 WhitePointX?: __integerMin0Max50000;
2270 /**
2271 * HDR Master Display Information must be provided by a color grader, using color grading tools. Range is 0 to 50,000, each increment represents 0.00002 in CIE1931 color coordinate. Note that this setting is not for color correction.
2272 */
2273 WhitePointY?: __integerMin0Max50000;
2274 }
2275 export type HlsAdMarkers = "ELEMENTAL"|"ELEMENTAL_SCTE35"|string;
2276 export interface HlsAdditionalManifest {
2277 /**
2278 * Specify a name modifier that the service adds to the name of this manifest to make it different from the file names of the other main manifests in the output group. For example, say that the default main manifest for your HLS group is film-name.m3u8. If you enter "-no-premium" for this setting, then the file name the service generates for this top-level manifest is film-name-no-premium.m3u8. For HLS output groups, specify a manifestNameModifier that is different from the nameModifier of the output. The service uses the output name modifier to create unique names for the individual variant manifests.
2279 */
2280 ManifestNameModifier?: __stringMin1;
2281 /**
2282 * Specify the outputs that you want this additional top-level manifest to reference.
2283 */
2284 SelectedOutputs?: __listOf__stringMin1;
2285 }
2286 export type HlsAudioOnlyContainer = "AUTOMATIC"|"M2TS"|string;
2288 export interface HlsCaptionLanguageMapping {
2289 /**
2290 * Caption channel.
2291 */
2292 CaptionChannel?: __integerMinNegative2147483648Max2147483647;
2293 /**
2294 * Specify the language for this captions channel, using the ISO 639-2 or ISO 639-3 three-letter language code
2295 */
2296 CustomLanguageCode?: __stringMin3Max3PatternAZaZ3;
2297 /**
2298 * Specify the language, using the ISO 639-2 three-letter code listed at https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php.
2299 */
2300 LanguageCode?: LanguageCode;
2301 /**
2302 * Caption language description.
2303 */
2304 LanguageDescription?: __string;
2305 }
2306 export type HlsCaptionLanguageSetting = "INSERT"|"OMIT"|"NONE"|string;
2307 export type HlsClientCache = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
2308 export type HlsCodecSpecification = "RFC_6381"|"RFC_4281"|string;
2309 export type HlsDirectoryStructure = "SINGLE_DIRECTORY"|"SUBDIRECTORY_PER_STREAM"|string;
2310 export interface HlsEncryptionSettings {
2311 /**
2312 * This is a 128-bit, 16-byte hex value represented by a 32-character text string. If this parameter is not set then the Initialization Vector will follow the segment number by default.
2313 */
2314 ConstantInitializationVector?: __stringMin32Max32Pattern09aFAF32;
2315 /**
2316 * Encrypts the segments with the given encryption scheme. Leave blank to disable. Selecting 'Disabled' in the web interface also disables encryption.
2317 */
2318 EncryptionMethod?: HlsEncryptionType;
2319 /**
2320 * The Initialization Vector is a 128-bit number used in conjunction with the key for encrypting blocks. If set to INCLUDE, Initialization Vector is listed in the manifest. Otherwise Initialization Vector is not in the manifest.
2321 */
2322 InitializationVectorInManifest?: HlsInitializationVectorInManifest;
2323 /**
2324 * Enable this setting to insert the EXT-X-SESSION-KEY element into the master playlist. This allows for offline Apple HLS FairPlay content protection.
2325 */
2326 OfflineEncrypted?: HlsOfflineEncrypted;
2327 /**
2328 * If your output group type is HLS, DASH, or Microsoft Smooth, use these settings when doing DRM encryption with a SPEKE-compliant key provider. If your output group type is CMAF, use the SpekeKeyProviderCmaf settings instead.
2329 */
2330 SpekeKeyProvider?: SpekeKeyProvider;
2331 /**
2332 * Use these settings to set up encryption with a static key provider.
2333 */
2334 StaticKeyProvider?: StaticKeyProvider;
2335 /**
2336 * Specify whether your DRM encryption key is static or from a key provider that follows the SPEKE standard. For more information about SPEKE, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/speke/latest/documentation/what-is-speke.html.
2337 */
2338 Type?: HlsKeyProviderType;
2339 }
2340 export type HlsEncryptionType = "AES128"|"SAMPLE_AES"|string;
2341 export interface HlsGroupSettings {
2342 /**
2343 * Choose one or more ad marker types to decorate your Apple HLS manifest. This setting does not determine whether SCTE-35 markers appear in the outputs themselves.
2344 */
2345 AdMarkers?: __listOfHlsAdMarkers;
2346 /**
2347 * By default, the service creates one top-level .m3u8 HLS manifest for each HLS output group in your job. This default manifest references every output in the output group. To create additional top-level manifests that reference a subset of the outputs in the output group, specify a list of them here.
2348 */
2349 AdditionalManifests?: __listOfHlsAdditionalManifest;
2350 /**
2351 * A partial URI prefix that will be prepended to each output in the media .m3u8 file. Can be used if base manifest is delivered from a different URL than the main .m3u8 file.
2352 */
2353 BaseUrl?: __string;
2354 /**
2355 * Language to be used on Caption outputs
2356 */
2357 CaptionLanguageMappings?: __listOfHlsCaptionLanguageMapping;
2358 /**
2359 * Applies only to 608 Embedded output captions. Insert: Include CLOSED-CAPTIONS lines in the manifest. Specify at least one language in the CC1 Language Code field. One CLOSED-CAPTION line is added for each Language Code you specify. Make sure to specify the languages in the order in which they appear in the original source (if the source is embedded format) or the order of the caption selectors (if the source is other than embedded). Otherwise, languages in the manifest will not match up properly with the output captions. None: Include CLOSED-CAPTIONS=NONE line in the manifest. Omit: Omit any CLOSED-CAPTIONS line from the manifest.
2360 */
2361 CaptionLanguageSetting?: HlsCaptionLanguageSetting;
2362 /**
2363 * When set to ENABLED, sets #EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE:no tag, which prevents client from saving media segments for later replay.
2364 */
2365 ClientCache?: HlsClientCache;
2366 /**
2367 * Specification to use (RFC-6381 or the default RFC-4281) during m3u8 playlist generation.
2368 */
2369 CodecSpecification?: HlsCodecSpecification;
2370 /**
2371 * Use Destination (Destination) to specify the S3 output location and the output filename base. Destination accepts format identifiers. If you do not specify the base filename in the URI, the service will use the filename of the input file. If your job has multiple inputs, the service uses the filename of the first input file.
2372 */
2373 Destination?: __stringPatternS3;
2374 /**
2375 * Settings associated with the destination. Will vary based on the type of destination
2376 */
2377 DestinationSettings?: DestinationSettings;
2378 /**
2379 * Indicates whether segments should be placed in subdirectories.
2380 */
2381 DirectoryStructure?: HlsDirectoryStructure;
2382 /**
2383 * DRM settings.
2384 */
2385 Encryption?: HlsEncryptionSettings;
2386 /**
2387 * When set to GZIP, compresses HLS playlist.
2388 */
2389 ManifestCompression?: HlsManifestCompression;
2390 /**
2391 * Indicates whether the output manifest should use floating point values for segment duration.
2392 */
2393 ManifestDurationFormat?: HlsManifestDurationFormat;
2394 /**
2395 * Keep this setting at the default value of 0, unless you are troubleshooting a problem with how devices play back the end of your video asset. If you know that player devices are hanging on the final segment of your video because the length of your final segment is too short, use this setting to specify a minimum final segment length, in seconds. Choose a value that is greater than or equal to 1 and less than your segment length. When you specify a value for this setting, the encoder will combine any final segment that is shorter than the length that you specify with the previous segment. For example, your segment length is 3 seconds and your final segment is .5 seconds without a minimum final segment length; when you set the minimum final segment length to 1, your final segment is 3.5 seconds.
2396 */
2397 MinFinalSegmentLength?: __doubleMin0Max2147483647;
2398 /**
2399 * When set, Minimum Segment Size is enforced by looking ahead and back within the specified range for a nearby avail and extending the segment size if needed.
2400 */
2401 MinSegmentLength?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
2402 /**
2403 * Indicates whether the .m3u8 manifest file should be generated for this HLS output group.
2404 */
2405 OutputSelection?: HlsOutputSelection;
2406 /**
2407 * Includes or excludes EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tag in .m3u8 manifest files. The value is calculated as follows: either the program date and time are initialized using the input timecode source, or the time is initialized using the input timecode source and the date is initialized using the timestamp_offset.
2408 */
2409 ProgramDateTime?: HlsProgramDateTime;
2410 /**
2411 * Period of insertion of EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME entry, in seconds.
2412 */
2413 ProgramDateTimePeriod?: __integerMin0Max3600;
2414 /**
2415 * When set to SINGLE_FILE, emits program as a single media resource (.ts) file, uses #EXT-X-BYTERANGE tags to index segment for playback.
2416 */
2417 SegmentControl?: HlsSegmentControl;
2418 /**
2419 * Length of MPEG-2 Transport Stream segments to create (in seconds). Note that segments will end on the next keyframe after this number of seconds, so actual segment length may be longer.
2420 */
2421 SegmentLength?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
2422 /**
2423 * Number of segments to write to a subdirectory before starting a new one. directoryStructure must be SINGLE_DIRECTORY for this setting to have an effect.
2424 */
2425 SegmentsPerSubdirectory?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
2426 /**
2427 * Include or exclude RESOLUTION attribute for video in EXT-X-STREAM-INF tag of variant manifest.
2428 */
2429 StreamInfResolution?: HlsStreamInfResolution;
2430 /**
2431 * Indicates ID3 frame that has the timecode.
2432 */
2433 TimedMetadataId3Frame?: HlsTimedMetadataId3Frame;
2434 /**
2435 * Timed Metadata interval in seconds.
2436 */
2437 TimedMetadataId3Period?: __integerMinNegative2147483648Max2147483647;
2438 /**
2439 * Provides an extra millisecond delta offset to fine tune the timestamps.
2440 */
2441 TimestampDeltaMilliseconds?: __integerMinNegative2147483648Max2147483647;
2442 }
2443 export type HlsIFrameOnlyManifest = "INCLUDE"|"EXCLUDE"|string;
2444 export type HlsInitializationVectorInManifest = "INCLUDE"|"EXCLUDE"|string;
2445 export type HlsKeyProviderType = "SPEKE"|"STATIC_KEY"|string;
2446 export type HlsManifestCompression = "GZIP"|"NONE"|string;
2447 export type HlsManifestDurationFormat = "FLOATING_POINT"|"INTEGER"|string;
2448 export type HlsOfflineEncrypted = "ENABLED"|"DISABLED"|string;
2449 export type HlsOutputSelection = "MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS"|"SEGMENTS_ONLY"|string;
2450 export type HlsProgramDateTime = "INCLUDE"|"EXCLUDE"|string;
2451 export type HlsSegmentControl = "SINGLE_FILE"|"SEGMENTED_FILES"|string;
2452 export interface HlsSettings {
2453 /**
2454 * Specifies the group to which the audio Rendition belongs.
2455 */
2456 AudioGroupId?: __string;
2457 /**
2458 * Use this setting only in audio-only outputs. Choose MPEG-2 Transport Stream (M2TS) to create a file in an MPEG2-TS container. Keep the default value Automatic (AUTOMATIC) to create an audio-only file in a raw container. Regardless of the value that you specify here, if this output has video, the service will place the output into an MPEG2-TS container.
2459 */
2460 AudioOnlyContainer?: HlsAudioOnlyContainer;
2461 /**
2462 * List all the audio groups that are used with the video output stream. Input all the audio GROUP-IDs that are associated to the video, separate by ','.
2463 */
2464 AudioRenditionSets?: __string;
2465 /**
2466 * Four types of audio-only tracks are supported: Audio-Only Variant Stream The client can play back this audio-only stream instead of video in low-bandwidth scenarios. Represented as an EXT-X-STREAM-INF in the HLS manifest. Alternate Audio, Auto Select, Default Alternate rendition that the client should try to play back by default. Represented as an EXT-X-MEDIA in the HLS manifest with DEFAULT=YES, AUTOSELECT=YES Alternate Audio, Auto Select, Not Default Alternate rendition that the client may try to play back by default. Represented as an EXT-X-MEDIA in the HLS manifest with DEFAULT=NO, AUTOSELECT=YES Alternate Audio, not Auto Select Alternate rendition that the client will not try to play back by default. Represented as an EXT-X-MEDIA in the HLS manifest with DEFAULT=NO, AUTOSELECT=NO
2467 */
2468 AudioTrackType?: HlsAudioTrackType;
2469 /**
2470 * When set to INCLUDE, writes I-Frame Only Manifest in addition to the HLS manifest
2471 */
2472 IFrameOnlyManifest?: HlsIFrameOnlyManifest;
2473 /**
2474 * Use this setting to add an identifying string to the filename of each segment. The service adds this string between the name modifier and segment index number. You can use format identifiers in the string. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/using-variables-in-your-job-settings.html
2475 */
2476 SegmentModifier?: __string;
2477 }
2478 export type HlsStreamInfResolution = "INCLUDE"|"EXCLUDE"|string;
2479 export type HlsTimedMetadataId3Frame = "NONE"|"PRIV"|"TDRL"|string;
2480 export interface HopDestination {
2481 /**
2482 * Optional. When you set up a job to use queue hopping, you can specify a different relative priority for the job in the destination queue. If you don't specify, the relative priority will remain the same as in the previous queue.
2483 */
2484 Priority?: __integerMinNegative50Max50;
2485 /**
2486 * Optional unless the job is submitted on the default queue. When you set up a job to use queue hopping, you can specify a destination queue. This queue cannot be the original queue to which the job is submitted. If the original queue isn't the default queue and you don't specify the destination queue, the job will move to the default queue.
2487 */
2488 Queue?: __string;
2489 /**
2490 * Required for setting up a job to use queue hopping. Minimum wait time in minutes until the job can hop to the destination queue. Valid range is 1 to 1440 minutes, inclusive.
2491 */
2492 WaitMinutes?: __integer;
2493 }
2494 export interface Id3Insertion {
2495 /**
2496 * Use ID3 tag (Id3) to provide a tag value in base64-encode format.
2497 */
2498 Id3?: __stringPatternAZaZ0902;
2499 /**
2500 * Provide a Timecode (TimeCode) in HH:MM:SS:FF or HH:MM:SS;FF format.
2501 */
2502 Timecode?: __stringPattern010920405090509092;
2503 }
2504 export interface ImageInserter {
2505 /**
2506 * Specify the images that you want to overlay on your video. The images must be PNG or TGA files.
2507 */
2508 InsertableImages?: __listOfInsertableImage;
2509 }
2510 export interface ImscDestinationSettings {
2511 /**
2512 * Keep this setting enabled to have MediaConvert use the font style and position information from the captions source in the output. This option is available only when your input captions are CFF-TT, IMSC, SMPTE-TT, or TTML. Disable this setting for simplified output captions.
2513 */
2514 StylePassthrough?: ImscStylePassthrough;
2515 }
2516 export type ImscStylePassthrough = "ENABLED"|"DISABLED"|string;
2517 export interface Input {
2518 /**
2519 * Specifies set of audio selectors within an input to combine. An input may have multiple audio selector groups. See "Audio Selector Group":#inputs-audio_selector_group for more information.
2520 */
2521 AudioSelectorGroups?: __mapOfAudioSelectorGroup;
2522 /**
2523 * Use Audio selectors (AudioSelectors) to specify a track or set of tracks from the input that you will use in your outputs. You can use mutiple Audio selectors per input.
2524 */
2525 AudioSelectors?: __mapOfAudioSelector;
2526 /**
2527 * Use Captions selectors (CaptionSelectors) to specify the captions data from the input that you will use in your outputs. You can use mutiple captions selectors per input.
2528 */
2529 CaptionSelectors?: __mapOfCaptionSelector;
2530 /**
2531 * Use Cropping selection (crop) to specify the video area that the service will include in the output video frame. If you specify a value here, it will override any value that you specify in the output setting Cropping selection (crop).
2532 */
2533 Crop?: Rectangle;
2534 /**
2535 * Enable Deblock (InputDeblockFilter) to produce smoother motion in the output. Default is disabled. Only manaully controllable for MPEG2 and uncompressed video inputs.
2536 */
2537 DeblockFilter?: InputDeblockFilter;
2538 /**
2539 * Settings for decrypting any input files that you encrypt before you upload them to Amazon S3. MediaConvert can decrypt files only when you use AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to encrypt the data key that you use to encrypt your content.
2540 */
2541 DecryptionSettings?: InputDecryptionSettings;
2542 /**
2543 * Enable Denoise (InputDenoiseFilter) to filter noise from the input. Default is disabled. Only applicable to MPEG2, H.264, H.265, and uncompressed video inputs.
2544 */
2545 DenoiseFilter?: InputDenoiseFilter;
2546 /**
2547 * Specify the source file for your transcoding job. You can use multiple inputs in a single job. The service concatenates these inputs, in the order that you specify them in the job, to create the outputs. If your input format is IMF, specify your input by providing the path to your CPL. For example, "s3://bucket/vf/cpl.xml". If the CPL is in an incomplete IMP, make sure to use *Supplemental IMPs* (SupplementalImps) to specify any supplemental IMPs that contain assets referenced by the CPL.
2548 */
2550 /**
2551 * Use Filter enable (InputFilterEnable) to specify how the transcoding service applies the denoise and deblock filters. You must also enable the filters separately, with Denoise (InputDenoiseFilter) and Deblock (InputDeblockFilter). * Auto - The transcoding service determines whether to apply filtering, depending on input type and quality. * Disable - The input is not filtered. This is true even if you use the API to enable them in (InputDeblockFilter) and (InputDeblockFilter). * Force - The in put is filtered regardless of input type.
2552 */
2553 FilterEnable?: InputFilterEnable;
2554 /**
2555 * Use Filter strength (FilterStrength) to adjust the magnitude the input filter settings (Deblock and Denoise). The range is -5 to 5. Default is 0.
2556 */
2557 FilterStrength?: __integerMinNegative5Max5;
2558 /**
2559 * Enable the image inserter feature to include a graphic overlay on your video. Enable or disable this feature for each input individually. This setting is disabled by default.
2560 */
2561 ImageInserter?: ImageInserter;
2562 /**
2563 * (InputClippings) contains sets of start and end times that together specify a portion of the input to be used in the outputs. If you provide only a start time, the clip will be the entire input from that point to the end. If you provide only an end time, it will be the entire input up to that point. When you specify more than one input clip, the transcoding service creates the job outputs by stringing the clips together in the order you specify them.
2564 */
2565 InputClippings?: __listOfInputClipping;
2566 /**
2567 * Use Selection placement (position) to define the video area in your output frame. The area outside of the rectangle that you specify here is black. If you specify a value here, it will override any value that you specify in the output setting Selection placement (position). If you specify a value here, this will override any AFD values in your input, even if you set Respond to AFD (RespondToAfd) to Respond (RESPOND). If you specify a value here, this will ignore anything that you specify for the setting Scaling Behavior (scalingBehavior).
2568 */
2569 Position?: Rectangle;
2570 /**
2571 * Use Program (programNumber) to select a specific program from within a multi-program transport stream. Note that Quad 4K is not currently supported. Default is the first program within the transport stream. If the program you specify doesn't exist, the transcoding service will use this default.
2572 */
2573 ProgramNumber?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
2574 /**
2575 * Set PSI control (InputPsiControl) for transport stream inputs to specify which data the demux process to scans. * Ignore PSI - Scan all PIDs for audio and video. * Use PSI - Scan only PSI data.
2576 */
2577 PsiControl?: InputPsiControl;
2578 /**
2579 * Provide a list of any necessary supplemental IMPs. You need supplemental IMPs if the CPL that you're using for your input is in an incomplete IMP. Specify either the supplemental IMP directories with a trailing slash or the ASSETMAP.xml files. For example ["s3://bucket/ov/", "s3://bucket/vf2/ASSETMAP.xml"]. You don't need to specify the IMP that contains your input CPL, because the service automatically detects it.
2580 */
2581 SupplementalImps?: __listOf__stringPatternS3ASSETMAPXml;
2582 /**
2583 * Use this Timecode source setting, located under the input settings (InputTimecodeSource), to specify how the service counts input video frames. This input frame count affects only the behavior of features that apply to a single input at a time, such as input clipping and synchronizing some captions formats. Choose Embedded (EMBEDDED) to use the timecodes in your input video. Choose Start at zero (ZEROBASED) to start the first frame at zero. Choose Specified start (SPECIFIEDSTART) to start the first frame at the timecode that you specify in the setting Start timecode (timecodeStart). If you don't specify a value for Timecode source, the service will use Embedded by default. For more information about timecodes, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/mediaconvert/timecode.
2584 */
2585 TimecodeSource?: InputTimecodeSource;
2586 /**
2587 * Specify the timecode that you want the service to use for this input's initial frame. To use this setting, you must set the Timecode source setting, located under the input settings (InputTimecodeSource), to Specified start (SPECIFIEDSTART). For more information about timecodes, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/mediaconvert/timecode.
2588 */
2589 TimecodeStart?: __stringMin11Max11Pattern01D20305D205D;
2590 /**
2591 * Selector for video.
2592 */
2593 VideoSelector?: VideoSelector;
2594 }
2595 export interface InputClipping {
2596 /**
2597 * Set End timecode (EndTimecode) to the end of the portion of the input you are clipping. The frame corresponding to the End timecode value is included in the clip. Start timecode or End timecode may be left blank, but not both. Use the format HH:MM:SS:FF or HH:MM:SS;FF, where HH is the hour, MM is the minute, SS is the second, and FF is the frame number. When choosing this value, take into account your setting for timecode source under input settings (InputTimecodeSource). For example, if you have embedded timecodes that start at 01:00:00:00 and you want your clip to end six minutes into the video, use 01:06:00:00.
2598 */
2599 EndTimecode?: __stringPattern010920405090509092;
2600 /**
2601 * Set Start timecode (StartTimecode) to the beginning of the portion of the input you are clipping. The frame corresponding to the Start timecode value is included in the clip. Start timecode or End timecode may be left blank, but not both. Use the format HH:MM:SS:FF or HH:MM:SS;FF, where HH is the hour, MM is the minute, SS is the second, and FF is the frame number. When choosing this value, take into account your setting for Input timecode source. For example, if you have embedded timecodes that start at 01:00:00:00 and you want your clip to begin five minutes into the video, use 01:05:00:00.
2602 */
2603 StartTimecode?: __stringPattern010920405090509092;
2604 }
2605 export type InputDeblockFilter = "ENABLED"|"DISABLED"|string;
2606 export interface InputDecryptionSettings {
2607 /**
2608 * Specify the encryption mode that you used to encrypt your input files.
2609 */
2610 DecryptionMode?: DecryptionMode;
2611 /**
2612 * Warning! Don't provide your encryption key in plaintext. Your job settings could be intercepted, making your encrypted content vulnerable. Specify the encrypted version of the data key that you used to encrypt your content. The data key must be encrypted by AWS Key Management Service (KMS). The key can be 128, 192, or 256 bits.
2613 */
2614 EncryptedDecryptionKey?: __stringMin24Max512PatternAZaZ0902;
2615 /**
2616 * Specify the initialization vector that you used when you encrypted your content before uploading it to Amazon S3. You can use a 16-byte initialization vector with any encryption mode. Or, you can use a 12-byte initialization vector with GCM or CTR. MediaConvert accepts only initialization vectors that are base64-encoded.
2617 */
2618 InitializationVector?: __stringMin16Max24PatternAZaZ0922AZaZ0916;
2619 /**
2620 * Specify the AWS Region for AWS Key Management Service (KMS) that you used to encrypt your data key, if that Region is different from the one you are using for AWS Elemental MediaConvert.
2621 */
2622 KmsKeyRegion?: __stringMin9Max19PatternAZ26EastWestCentralNorthSouthEastWest1912;
2623 }
2624 export type InputDenoiseFilter = "ENABLED"|"DISABLED"|string;
2625 export type InputFilterEnable = "AUTO"|"DISABLE"|"FORCE"|string;
2626 export type InputPsiControl = "IGNORE_PSI"|"USE_PSI"|string;
2627 export type InputRotate = "DEGREE_0"|"DEGREES_90"|"DEGREES_180"|"DEGREES_270"|"AUTO"|string;
2628 export interface InputTemplate {
2629 /**
2630 * Specifies set of audio selectors within an input to combine. An input may have multiple audio selector groups. See "Audio Selector Group":#inputs-audio_selector_group for more information.
2631 */
2632 AudioSelectorGroups?: __mapOfAudioSelectorGroup;
2633 /**
2634 * Use Audio selectors (AudioSelectors) to specify a track or set of tracks from the input that you will use in your outputs. You can use mutiple Audio selectors per input.
2635 */
2636 AudioSelectors?: __mapOfAudioSelector;
2637 /**
2638 * Use Captions selectors (CaptionSelectors) to specify the captions data from the input that you will use in your outputs. You can use mutiple captions selectors per input.
2639 */
2640 CaptionSelectors?: __mapOfCaptionSelector;
2641 /**
2642 * Use Cropping selection (crop) to specify the video area that the service will include in the output video frame. If you specify a value here, it will override any value that you specify in the output setting Cropping selection (crop).
2643 */
2644 Crop?: Rectangle;
2645 /**
2646 * Enable Deblock (InputDeblockFilter) to produce smoother motion in the output. Default is disabled. Only manaully controllable for MPEG2 and uncompressed video inputs.
2647 */
2648 DeblockFilter?: InputDeblockFilter;
2649 /**
2650 * Enable Denoise (InputDenoiseFilter) to filter noise from the input. Default is disabled. Only applicable to MPEG2, H.264, H.265, and uncompressed video inputs.
2651 */
2652 DenoiseFilter?: InputDenoiseFilter;
2653 /**
2654 * Use Filter enable (InputFilterEnable) to specify how the transcoding service applies the denoise and deblock filters. You must also enable the filters separately, with Denoise (InputDenoiseFilter) and Deblock (InputDeblockFilter). * Auto - The transcoding service determines whether to apply filtering, depending on input type and quality. * Disable - The input is not filtered. This is true even if you use the API to enable them in (InputDeblockFilter) and (InputDeblockFilter). * Force - The in put is filtered regardless of input type.
2655 */
2656 FilterEnable?: InputFilterEnable;
2657 /**
2658 * Use Filter strength (FilterStrength) to adjust the magnitude the input filter settings (Deblock and Denoise). The range is -5 to 5. Default is 0.
2659 */
2660 FilterStrength?: __integerMinNegative5Max5;
2661 /**
2662 * Enable the image inserter feature to include a graphic overlay on your video. Enable or disable this feature for each input individually. This setting is disabled by default.
2663 */
2664 ImageInserter?: ImageInserter;
2665 /**
2666 * (InputClippings) contains sets of start and end times that together specify a portion of the input to be used in the outputs. If you provide only a start time, the clip will be the entire input from that point to the end. If you provide only an end time, it will be the entire input up to that point. When you specify more than one input clip, the transcoding service creates the job outputs by stringing the clips together in the order you specify them.
2667 */
2668 InputClippings?: __listOfInputClipping;
2669 /**
2670 * Use Selection placement (position) to define the video area in your output frame. The area outside of the rectangle that you specify here is black. If you specify a value here, it will override any value that you specify in the output setting Selection placement (position). If you specify a value here, this will override any AFD values in your input, even if you set Respond to AFD (RespondToAfd) to Respond (RESPOND). If you specify a value here, this will ignore anything that you specify for the setting Scaling Behavior (scalingBehavior).
2671 */
2672 Position?: Rectangle;
2673 /**
2674 * Use Program (programNumber) to select a specific program from within a multi-program transport stream. Note that Quad 4K is not currently supported. Default is the first program within the transport stream. If the program you specify doesn't exist, the transcoding service will use this default.
2675 */
2676 ProgramNumber?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
2677 /**
2678 * Set PSI control (InputPsiControl) for transport stream inputs to specify which data the demux process to scans. * Ignore PSI - Scan all PIDs for audio and video. * Use PSI - Scan only PSI data.
2679 */
2680 PsiControl?: InputPsiControl;
2681 /**
2682 * Use this Timecode source setting, located under the input settings (InputTimecodeSource), to specify how the service counts input video frames. This input frame count affects only the behavior of features that apply to a single input at a time, such as input clipping and synchronizing some captions formats. Choose Embedded (EMBEDDED) to use the timecodes in your input video. Choose Start at zero (ZEROBASED) to start the first frame at zero. Choose Specified start (SPECIFIEDSTART) to start the first frame at the timecode that you specify in the setting Start timecode (timecodeStart). If you don't specify a value for Timecode source, the service will use Embedded by default. For more information about timecodes, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/mediaconvert/timecode.
2683 */
2684 TimecodeSource?: InputTimecodeSource;
2685 /**
2686 * Specify the timecode that you want the service to use for this input's initial frame. To use this setting, you must set the Timecode source setting, located under the input settings (InputTimecodeSource), to Specified start (SPECIFIEDSTART). For more information about timecodes, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/mediaconvert/timecode.
2687 */
2688 TimecodeStart?: __stringMin11Max11Pattern01D20305D205D;
2689 /**
2690 * Selector for video.
2691 */
2692 VideoSelector?: VideoSelector;
2693 }
2694 export type InputTimecodeSource = "EMBEDDED"|"ZEROBASED"|"SPECIFIEDSTART"|string;
2695 export interface InsertableImage {
2696 /**
2697 * Specify the time, in milliseconds, for the image to remain on the output video. This duration includes fade-in time but not fade-out time.
2698 */
2699 Duration?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
2700 /**
2701 * Specify the length of time, in milliseconds, between the Start time that you specify for the image insertion and the time that the image appears at full opacity. Full opacity is the level that you specify for the opacity setting. If you don't specify a value for Fade-in, the image will appear abruptly at the overlay start time.
2702 */
2703 FadeIn?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
2704 /**
2705 * Specify the length of time, in milliseconds, between the end of the time that you have specified for the image overlay Duration and when the overlaid image has faded to total transparency. If you don't specify a value for Fade-out, the image will disappear abruptly at the end of the inserted image duration.
2706 */
2707 FadeOut?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
2708 /**
2709 * Specify the height of the inserted image in pixels. If you specify a value that's larger than the video resolution height, the service will crop your overlaid image to fit. To use the native height of the image, keep this setting blank.
2710 */
2711 Height?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
2712 /**
2713 * Specify the HTTP, HTTPS, or Amazon S3 location of the image that you want to overlay on the video. Use a PNG or TGA file.
2714 */
2715 ImageInserterInput?: __stringMin14PatternS3BmpBMPPngPNGTgaTGAHttpsBmpBMPPngPNGTgaTGA;
2716 /**
2717 * Specify the distance, in pixels, between the inserted image and the left edge of the video frame. Required for any image overlay that you specify.
2718 */
2719 ImageX?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
2720 /**
2721 * Specify the distance, in pixels, between the overlaid image and the top edge of the video frame. Required for any image overlay that you specify.
2722 */
2723 ImageY?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
2724 /**
2725 * Specify how overlapping inserted images appear. Images with higher values for Layer appear on top of images with lower values for Layer.
2726 */
2727 Layer?: __integerMin0Max99;
2728 /**
2729 * Use Opacity (Opacity) to specify how much of the underlying video shows through the inserted image. 0 is transparent and 100 is fully opaque. Default is 50.
2730 */
2731 Opacity?: __integerMin0Max100;
2732 /**
2733 * Specify the timecode of the frame that you want the overlay to first appear on. This must be in timecode (HH:MM:SS:FF or HH:MM:SS;FF) format. Remember to take into account your timecode source settings.
2734 */
2735 StartTime?: __stringPattern01D20305D205D;
2736 /**
2737 * Specify the width of the inserted image in pixels. If you specify a value that's larger than the video resolution width, the service will crop your overlaid image to fit. To use the native width of the image, keep this setting blank.
2738 */
2739 Width?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
2740 }
2741 export interface Job {
2742 /**
2743 * Accelerated transcoding can significantly speed up jobs with long, visually complex content.
2744 */
2745 AccelerationSettings?: AccelerationSettings;
2746 /**
2747 * Describes whether the current job is running with accelerated transcoding. For jobs that have Acceleration (AccelerationMode) set to DISABLED, AccelerationStatus is always NOT_APPLICABLE. For jobs that have Acceleration (AccelerationMode) set to ENABLED or PREFERRED, AccelerationStatus is one of the other states. AccelerationStatus is IN_PROGRESS initially, while the service determines whether the input files and job settings are compatible with accelerated transcoding. If they are, AcclerationStatus is ACCELERATED. If your input files and job settings aren't compatible with accelerated transcoding, the service either fails your job or runs it without accelerated transcoding, depending on how you set Acceleration (AccelerationMode). When the service runs your job without accelerated transcoding, AccelerationStatus is NOT_ACCELERATED.
2748 */
2749 AccelerationStatus?: AccelerationStatus;
2750 /**
2751 * An identifier for this resource that is unique within all of AWS.
2752 */
2753 Arn?: __string;
2754 /**
2755 * The tag type that AWS Billing and Cost Management will use to sort your AWS Elemental MediaConvert costs on any billing report that you set up.
2756 */
2757 BillingTagsSource?: BillingTagsSource;
2758 /**
2759 * The time, in Unix epoch format in seconds, when the job got created.
2760 */
2761 CreatedAt?: __timestampUnix;
2762 /**
2763 * A job's phase can be PROBING, TRANSCODING OR UPLOADING
2764 */
2765 CurrentPhase?: JobPhase;
2766 /**
2767 * Error code for the job
2768 */
2769 ErrorCode?: __integer;
2770 /**
2771 * Error message of Job
2772 */
2773 ErrorMessage?: __string;
2774 /**
2775 * Optional list of hop destinations.
2776 */
2777 HopDestinations?: __listOfHopDestination;
2778 /**
2779 * A portion of the job's ARN, unique within your AWS Elemental MediaConvert resources
2780 */
2781 Id?: __string;
2782 /**
2783 * An estimate of how far your job has progressed. This estimate is shown as a percentage of the total time from when your job leaves its queue to when your output files appear in your output Amazon S3 bucket. AWS Elemental MediaConvert provides jobPercentComplete in CloudWatch STATUS_UPDATE events and in the response to GetJob and ListJobs requests. The jobPercentComplete estimate is reliable for the following input containers: Quicktime, Transport Stream, MP4, and MXF. For some jobs, the service can't provide information about job progress. In those cases, jobPercentComplete returns a null value.
2784 */
2785 JobPercentComplete?: __integer;
2786 /**
2787 * The job template that the job is created from, if it is created from a job template.
2788 */
2789 JobTemplate?: __string;
2790 /**
2791 * Provides messages from the service about jobs that you have already successfully submitted.
2792 */
2793 Messages?: JobMessages;
2794 /**
2795 * List of output group details
2796 */
2797 OutputGroupDetails?: __listOfOutputGroupDetail;
2798 /**
2799 * Relative priority on the job.
2800 */
2801 Priority?: __integerMinNegative50Max50;
2802 /**
2803 * When you create a job, you can specify a queue to send it to. If you don't specify, the job will go to the default queue. For more about queues, see the User Guide topic at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/what-is.html
2804 */
2805 Queue?: __string;
2806 /**
2807 * The job's queue hopping history.
2808 */
2809 QueueTransitions?: __listOfQueueTransition;
2810 /**
2811 * The number of times that the service automatically attempted to process your job after encountering an error.
2812 */
2813 RetryCount?: __integer;
2814 /**
2815 * The IAM role you use for creating this job. For details about permissions, see the User Guide topic at the User Guide at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/iam-role.html
2816 */
2817 Role: __string;
2818 /**
2819 * JobSettings contains all the transcode settings for a job.
2820 */
2821 Settings: JobSettings;
2822 /**
2823 * Enable this setting when you run a test job to estimate how many reserved transcoding slots (RTS) you need. When this is enabled, MediaConvert runs your job from an on-demand queue with similar performance to what you will see with one RTS in a reserved queue. This setting is disabled by default.
2824 */
2825 SimulateReservedQueue?: SimulateReservedQueue;
2826 /**
2828 */
2829 Status?: JobStatus;
2830 /**
2831 * Specify how often MediaConvert sends STATUS_UPDATE events to Amazon CloudWatch Events. Set the interval, in seconds, between status updates. MediaConvert sends an update at this interval from the time the service begins processing your job to the time it completes the transcode or encounters an error.
2832 */
2833 StatusUpdateInterval?: StatusUpdateInterval;
2834 /**
2835 * Information about when jobs are submitted, started, and finished is specified in Unix epoch format in seconds.
2836 */
2837 Timing?: Timing;
2838 /**
2839 * User-defined metadata that you want to associate with an MediaConvert job. You specify metadata in key/value pairs.
2840 */
2841 UserMetadata?: __mapOf__string;
2842 }
2843 export interface JobMessages {
2844 /**
2845 * List of messages that are informational only and don't indicate a problem with your job.
2846 */
2847 Info?: __listOf__string;
2848 /**
2849 * List of messages that warn about conditions that might cause your job not to run or to fail.
2850 */
2851 Warning?: __listOf__string;
2852 }
2853 export type JobPhase = "PROBING"|"TRANSCODING"|"UPLOADING"|string;
2854 export interface JobSettings {
2855 /**
2856 * When specified, this offset (in milliseconds) is added to the input Ad Avail PTS time.
2857 */
2858 AdAvailOffset?: __integerMinNegative1000Max1000;
2859 /**
2860 * Settings for ad avail blanking. Video can be blanked or overlaid with an image, and audio muted during SCTE-35 triggered ad avails.
2861 */
2862 AvailBlanking?: AvailBlanking;
2863 /**
2864 * Settings for Event Signaling And Messaging (ESAM).
2865 */
2866 Esam?: EsamSettings;
2867 /**
2868 * Use Inputs (inputs) to define source file used in the transcode job. There can be multiple inputs add in a job. These inputs will be concantenated together to create the output.
2869 */
2870 Inputs?: __listOfInput;
2871 /**
2872 * Overlay motion graphics on top of your video. The motion graphics that you specify here appear on all outputs in all output groups.
2873 */
2874 MotionImageInserter?: MotionImageInserter;
2875 /**
2876 * Settings for your Nielsen configuration. If you don't do Nielsen measurement and analytics, ignore these settings. When you enable Nielsen configuration (nielsenConfiguration), MediaConvert enables PCM to ID3 tagging for all outputs in the job. To enable Nielsen configuration programmatically, include an instance of nielsenConfiguration in your JSON job specification. Even if you don't include any children of nielsenConfiguration, you still enable the setting.
2877 */
2878 NielsenConfiguration?: NielsenConfiguration;
2879 /**
2880 * (OutputGroups) contains one group of settings for each set of outputs that share a common package type. All unpackaged files (MPEG-4, MPEG-2 TS, Quicktime, MXF, and no container) are grouped in a single output group as well. Required in (OutputGroups) is a group of settings that apply to the whole group. This required object depends on the value you set for (Type) under (OutputGroups)>(OutputGroupSettings). Type, settings object pairs are as follows. * FILE_GROUP_SETTINGS, FileGroupSettings * HLS_GROUP_SETTINGS, HlsGroupSettings * DASH_ISO_GROUP_SETTINGS, DashIsoGroupSettings * MS_SMOOTH_GROUP_SETTINGS, MsSmoothGroupSettings * CMAF_GROUP_SETTINGS, CmafGroupSettings
2881 */
2882 OutputGroups?: __listOfOutputGroup;
2883 /**
2884 * Contains settings used to acquire and adjust timecode information from inputs.
2885 */
2886 TimecodeConfig?: TimecodeConfig;
2887 /**
2888 * Enable Timed metadata insertion (TimedMetadataInsertion) to include ID3 tags in your job. To include timed metadata, you must enable it here, enable it in each output container, and specify tags and timecodes in ID3 insertion (Id3Insertion) objects.
2889 */
2890 TimedMetadataInsertion?: TimedMetadataInsertion;
2891 }
2892 export type JobStatus = "SUBMITTED"|"PROGRESSING"|"COMPLETE"|"CANCELED"|"ERROR"|string;
2893 export interface JobTemplate {
2894 /**
2895 * Accelerated transcoding can significantly speed up jobs with long, visually complex content.
2896 */
2897 AccelerationSettings?: AccelerationSettings;
2898 /**
2899 * An identifier for this resource that is unique within all of AWS.
2900 */
2901 Arn?: __string;
2902 /**
2903 * An optional category you create to organize your job templates.
2904 */
2905 Category?: __string;
2906 /**
2907 * The timestamp in epoch seconds for Job template creation.
2908 */
2909 CreatedAt?: __timestampUnix;
2910 /**
2911 * An optional description you create for each job template.
2912 */
2913 Description?: __string;
2914 /**
2915 * Optional list of hop destinations.
2916 */
2917 HopDestinations?: __listOfHopDestination;
2918 /**
2919 * The timestamp in epoch seconds when the Job template was last updated.
2920 */
2921 LastUpdated?: __timestampUnix;
2922 /**
2923 * A name you create for each job template. Each name must be unique within your account.
2924 */
2925 Name: __string;
2926 /**
2927 * Relative priority on the job.
2928 */
2929 Priority?: __integerMinNegative50Max50;
2930 /**
2931 * Optional. The queue that jobs created from this template are assigned to. If you don't specify this, jobs will go to the default queue.
2932 */
2933 Queue?: __string;
2934 /**
2935 * JobTemplateSettings contains all the transcode settings saved in the template that will be applied to jobs created from it.
2936 */
2937 Settings: JobTemplateSettings;
2938 /**
2939 * Specify how often MediaConvert sends STATUS_UPDATE events to Amazon CloudWatch Events. Set the interval, in seconds, between status updates. MediaConvert sends an update at this interval from the time the service begins processing your job to the time it completes the transcode or encounters an error.
2940 */
2941 StatusUpdateInterval?: StatusUpdateInterval;
2942 /**
2943 * A job template can be of two types: system or custom. System or built-in job templates can't be modified or deleted by the user.
2944 */
2945 Type?: Type;
2946 }
2947 export type JobTemplateListBy = "NAME"|"CREATION_DATE"|"SYSTEM"|string;
2948 export interface JobTemplateSettings {
2949 /**
2950 * When specified, this offset (in milliseconds) is added to the input Ad Avail PTS time.
2951 */
2952 AdAvailOffset?: __integerMinNegative1000Max1000;
2953 /**
2954 * Settings for ad avail blanking. Video can be blanked or overlaid with an image, and audio muted during SCTE-35 triggered ad avails.
2955 */
2956 AvailBlanking?: AvailBlanking;
2957 /**
2958 * Settings for Event Signaling And Messaging (ESAM).
2959 */
2960 Esam?: EsamSettings;
2961 /**
2962 * Use Inputs (inputs) to define the source file used in the transcode job. There can only be one input in a job template. Using the API, you can include multiple inputs when referencing a job template.
2963 */
2964 Inputs?: __listOfInputTemplate;
2965 /**
2966 * Overlay motion graphics on top of your video. The motion graphics that you specify here appear on all outputs in all output groups.
2967 */
2968 MotionImageInserter?: MotionImageInserter;
2969 /**
2970 * Settings for your Nielsen configuration. If you don't do Nielsen measurement and analytics, ignore these settings. When you enable Nielsen configuration (nielsenConfiguration), MediaConvert enables PCM to ID3 tagging for all outputs in the job. To enable Nielsen configuration programmatically, include an instance of nielsenConfiguration in your JSON job specification. Even if you don't include any children of nielsenConfiguration, you still enable the setting.
2971 */
2972 NielsenConfiguration?: NielsenConfiguration;
2973 /**
2974 * (OutputGroups) contains one group of settings for each set of outputs that share a common package type. All unpackaged files (MPEG-4, MPEG-2 TS, Quicktime, MXF, and no container) are grouped in a single output group as well. Required in (OutputGroups) is a group of settings that apply to the whole group. This required object depends on the value you set for (Type) under (OutputGroups)>(OutputGroupSettings). Type, settings object pairs are as follows. * FILE_GROUP_SETTINGS, FileGroupSettings * HLS_GROUP_SETTINGS, HlsGroupSettings * DASH_ISO_GROUP_SETTINGS, DashIsoGroupSettings * MS_SMOOTH_GROUP_SETTINGS, MsSmoothGroupSettings * CMAF_GROUP_SETTINGS, CmafGroupSettings
2975 */
2976 OutputGroups?: __listOfOutputGroup;
2977 /**
2978 * Contains settings used to acquire and adjust timecode information from inputs.
2979 */
2980 TimecodeConfig?: TimecodeConfig;
2981 /**
2982 * Enable Timed metadata insertion (TimedMetadataInsertion) to include ID3 tags in your job. To include timed metadata, you must enable it here, enable it in each output container, and specify tags and timecodes in ID3 insertion (Id3Insertion) objects.
2983 */
2984 TimedMetadataInsertion?: TimedMetadataInsertion;
2985 }
2986 export type LanguageCode = "ENG"|"SPA"|"FRA"|"DEU"|"GER"|"ZHO"|"ARA"|"HIN"|"JPN"|"RUS"|"POR"|"ITA"|"URD"|"VIE"|"KOR"|"PAN"|"ABK"|"AAR"|"AFR"|"AKA"|"SQI"|"AMH"|"ARG"|"HYE"|"ASM"|"AVA"|"AVE"|"AYM"|"AZE"|"BAM"|"BAK"|"EUS"|"BEL"|"BEN"|"BIH"|"BIS"|"BOS"|"BRE"|"BUL"|"MYA"|"CAT"|"KHM"|"CHA"|"CHE"|"NYA"|"CHU"|"CHV"|"COR"|"COS"|"CRE"|"HRV"|"CES"|"DAN"|"DIV"|"NLD"|"DZO"|"ENM"|"EPO"|"EST"|"EWE"|"FAO"|"FIJ"|"FIN"|"FRM"|"FUL"|"GLA"|"GLG"|"LUG"|"KAT"|"ELL"|"GRN"|"GUJ"|"HAT"|"HAU"|"HEB"|"HER"|"HMO"|"HUN"|"ISL"|"IDO"|"IBO"|"IND"|"INA"|"ILE"|"IKU"|"IPK"|"GLE"|"JAV"|"KAL"|"KAN"|"KAU"|"KAS"|"KAZ"|"KIK"|"KIN"|"KIR"|"KOM"|"KON"|"KUA"|"KUR"|"LAO"|"LAT"|"LAV"|"LIM"|"LIN"|"LIT"|"LUB"|"LTZ"|"MKD"|"MLG"|"MSA"|"MAL"|"MLT"|"GLV"|"MRI"|"MAR"|"MAH"|"MON"|"NAU"|"NAV"|"NDE"|"NBL"|"NDO"|"NEP"|"SME"|"NOR"|"NOB"|"NNO"|"OCI"|"OJI"|"ORI"|"ORM"|"OSS"|"PLI"|"FAS"|"POL"|"PUS"|"QUE"|"QAA"|"RON"|"ROH"|"RUN"|"SMO"|"SAG"|"SAN"|"SRD"|"SRB"|"SNA"|"III"|"SND"|"SIN"|"SLK"|"SLV"|"SOM"|"SOT"|"SUN"|"SWA"|"SSW"|"SWE"|"TGL"|"TAH"|"TGK"|"TAM"|"TAT"|"TEL"|"THA"|"BOD"|"TIR"|"TON"|"TSO"|"TSN"|"TUR"|"TUK"|"TWI"|"UIG"|"UKR"|"UZB"|"VEN"|"VOL"|"WLN"|"CYM"|"FRY"|"WOL"|"XHO"|"YID"|"YOR"|"ZHA"|"ZUL"|"ORJ"|"QPC"|"TNG"|string;
2987 export interface ListJobTemplatesRequest {
2988 /**
2989 * Optionally, specify a job template category to limit responses to only job templates from that category.
2990 */
2991 Category?: __string;
2992 /**
2993 * Optional. When you request a list of job templates, you can choose to list them alphabetically by NAME or chronologically by CREATION_DATE. If you don't specify, the service will list them by name.
2994 */
2995 ListBy?: JobTemplateListBy;
2996 /**
2997 * Optional. Number of job templates, up to twenty, that will be returned at one time.
2998 */
2999 MaxResults?: __integerMin1Max20;
3000 /**
3001 * Use this string, provided with the response to a previous request, to request the next batch of job templates.
3002 */
3003 NextToken?: __string;
3004 /**
3005 * Optional. When you request lists of resources, you can specify whether they are sorted in ASCENDING or DESCENDING order. Default varies by resource.
3006 */
3007 Order?: Order;
3008 }
3009 export interface ListJobTemplatesResponse {
3010 /**
3011 * List of Job templates.
3012 */
3013 JobTemplates?: __listOfJobTemplate;
3014 /**
3015 * Use this string to request the next batch of job templates.
3016 */
3017 NextToken?: __string;
3018 }
3019 export interface ListJobsRequest {
3020 /**
3021 * Optional. Number of jobs, up to twenty, that will be returned at one time.
3022 */
3023 MaxResults?: __integerMin1Max20;
3024 /**
3025 * Optional. Use this string, provided with the response to a previous request, to request the next batch of jobs.
3026 */
3027 NextToken?: __string;
3028 /**
3029 * Optional. When you request lists of resources, you can specify whether they are sorted in ASCENDING or DESCENDING order. Default varies by resource.
3030 */
3031 Order?: Order;
3032 /**
3033 * Optional. Provide a queue name to get back only jobs from that queue.
3034 */
3035 Queue?: __string;
3036 /**
3037 * Optional. A job's status can be SUBMITTED, PROGRESSING, COMPLETE, CANCELED, or ERROR.
3038 */
3039 Status?: JobStatus;
3040 }
3041 export interface ListJobsResponse {
3042 /**
3043 * List of jobs
3044 */
3045 Jobs?: __listOfJob;
3046 /**
3047 * Use this string to request the next batch of jobs.
3048 */
3049 NextToken?: __string;
3050 }
3051 export interface ListPresetsRequest {
3052 /**
3053 * Optionally, specify a preset category to limit responses to only presets from that category.
3054 */
3055 Category?: __string;
3056 /**
3057 * Optional. When you request a list of presets, you can choose to list them alphabetically by NAME or chronologically by CREATION_DATE. If you don't specify, the service will list them by name.
3058 */
3059 ListBy?: PresetListBy;
3060 /**
3061 * Optional. Number of presets, up to twenty, that will be returned at one time
3062 */
3063 MaxResults?: __integerMin1Max20;
3064 /**
3065 * Use this string, provided with the response to a previous request, to request the next batch of presets.
3066 */
3067 NextToken?: __string;
3068 /**
3069 * Optional. When you request lists of resources, you can specify whether they are sorted in ASCENDING or DESCENDING order. Default varies by resource.
3070 */
3071 Order?: Order;
3072 }
3073 export interface ListPresetsResponse {
3074 /**
3075 * Use this string to request the next batch of presets.
3076 */
3077 NextToken?: __string;
3078 /**
3079 * List of presets
3080 */
3081 Presets?: __listOfPreset;
3082 }
3083 export interface ListQueuesRequest {
3084 /**
3085 * Optional. When you request a list of queues, you can choose to list them alphabetically by NAME or chronologically by CREATION_DATE. If you don't specify, the service will list them by creation date.
3086 */
3087 ListBy?: QueueListBy;
3088 /**
3089 * Optional. Number of queues, up to twenty, that will be returned at one time.
3090 */
3091 MaxResults?: __integerMin1Max20;
3092 /**
3093 * Use this string, provided with the response to a previous request, to request the next batch of queues.
3094 */
3095 NextToken?: __string;
3096 /**
3097 * Optional. When you request lists of resources, you can specify whether they are sorted in ASCENDING or DESCENDING order. Default varies by resource.
3098 */
3099 Order?: Order;
3100 }
3101 export interface ListQueuesResponse {
3102 /**
3103 * Use this string to request the next batch of queues.
3104 */
3105 NextToken?: __string;
3106 /**
3107 * List of queues.
3108 */
3109 Queues?: __listOfQueue;
3110 }
3111 export interface ListTagsForResourceRequest {
3112 /**
3113 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource that you want to list tags for. To get the ARN, send a GET request with the resource name.
3114 */
3115 Arn: __string;
3116 }
3117 export interface ListTagsForResourceResponse {
3118 /**
3119 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and tags for an AWS Elemental MediaConvert resource.
3120 */
3121 ResourceTags?: ResourceTags;
3122 }
3123 export type M2tsAudioBufferModel = "DVB"|"ATSC"|string;
3124 export type M2tsBufferModel = "MULTIPLEX"|"NONE"|string;
3125 export type M2tsEbpAudioInterval = "VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS"|"VIDEO_INTERVAL"|string;
3126 export type M2tsEbpPlacement = "VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS"|"VIDEO_PID"|string;
3127 export type M2tsEsRateInPes = "INCLUDE"|"EXCLUDE"|string;
3128 export type M2tsForceTsVideoEbpOrder = "FORCE"|"DEFAULT"|string;
3129 export type M2tsNielsenId3 = "INSERT"|"NONE"|string;
3130 export type M2tsPcrControl = "PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET"|"CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD"|string;
3131 export type M2tsRateMode = "VBR"|"CBR"|string;
3132 export interface M2tsScte35Esam {
3133 /**
3134 * Packet Identifier (PID) of the SCTE-35 stream in the transport stream generated by ESAM.
3135 */
3136 Scte35EsamPid?: __integerMin32Max8182;
3137 }
3138 export type M2tsScte35Source = "PASSTHROUGH"|"NONE"|string;
3139 export type M2tsSegmentationMarkers = "NONE"|"RAI_SEGSTART"|"RAI_ADAPT"|"PSI_SEGSTART"|"EBP"|"EBP_LEGACY"|string;
3140 export type M2tsSegmentationStyle = "MAINTAIN_CADENCE"|"RESET_CADENCE"|string;
3141 export interface M2tsSettings {
3142 /**
3143 * Selects between the DVB and ATSC buffer models for Dolby Digital audio.
3144 */
3145 AudioBufferModel?: M2tsAudioBufferModel;
3146 /**
3147 * The number of audio frames to insert for each PES packet.
3148 */
3149 AudioFramesPerPes?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
3150 /**
3151 * Specify the packet identifiers (PIDs) for any elementary audio streams you include in this output. Specify multiple PIDs as a JSON array. Default is the range 482-492.
3152 */
3153 AudioPids?: __listOf__integerMin32Max8182;
3154 /**
3155 * Specify the output bitrate of the transport stream in bits per second. Setting to 0 lets the muxer automatically determine the appropriate bitrate. Other common values are 3750000, 7500000, and 15000000.
3156 */
3157 Bitrate?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
3158 /**
3159 * Controls what buffer model to use for accurate interleaving. If set to MULTIPLEX, use multiplex buffer model. If set to NONE, this can lead to lower latency, but low-memory devices may not be able to play back the stream without interruptions.
3160 */
3161 BufferModel?: M2tsBufferModel;
3162 /**
3163 * Inserts DVB Network Information Table (NIT) at the specified table repetition interval.
3164 */
3165 DvbNitSettings?: DvbNitSettings;
3166 /**
3167 * Inserts DVB Service Description Table (NIT) at the specified table repetition interval.
3168 */
3169 DvbSdtSettings?: DvbSdtSettings;
3170 /**
3171 * Specify the packet identifiers (PIDs) for DVB subtitle data included in this output. Specify multiple PIDs as a JSON array. Default is the range 460-479.
3172 */
3173 DvbSubPids?: __listOf__integerMin32Max8182;
3174 /**
3175 * Inserts DVB Time and Date Table (TDT) at the specified table repetition interval.
3176 */
3177 DvbTdtSettings?: DvbTdtSettings;
3178 /**
3179 * Specify the packet identifier (PID) for DVB teletext data you include in this output. Default is 499.
3180 */
3181 DvbTeletextPid?: __integerMin32Max8182;
3182 /**
3183 * When set to VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, audio EBP markers will be added to partitions 3 and 4. The interval between these additional markers will be fixed, and will be slightly shorter than the video EBP marker interval. When set to VIDEO_INTERVAL, these additional markers will not be inserted. Only applicable when EBP segmentation markers are is selected (segmentationMarkers is EBP or EBP_LEGACY).
3184 */
3185 EbpAudioInterval?: M2tsEbpAudioInterval;
3186 /**
3187 * Selects which PIDs to place EBP markers on. They can either be placed only on the video PID, or on both the video PID and all audio PIDs. Only applicable when EBP segmentation markers are is selected (segmentationMarkers is EBP or EBP_LEGACY).
3188 */
3189 EbpPlacement?: M2tsEbpPlacement;
3190 /**
3191 * Controls whether to include the ES Rate field in the PES header.
3192 */
3193 EsRateInPes?: M2tsEsRateInPes;
3194 /**
3195 * Keep the default value (DEFAULT) unless you know that your audio EBP markers are incorrectly appearing before your video EBP markers. To correct this problem, set this value to Force (FORCE).
3196 */
3197 ForceTsVideoEbpOrder?: M2tsForceTsVideoEbpOrder;
3198 /**
3199 * The length, in seconds, of each fragment. Only used with EBP markers.
3200 */
3201 FragmentTime?: __doubleMin0;
3202 /**
3203 * Specify the maximum time, in milliseconds, between Program Clock References (PCRs) inserted into the transport stream.
3204 */
3205 MaxPcrInterval?: __integerMin0Max500;
3206 /**
3207 * When set, enforces that Encoder Boundary Points do not come within the specified time interval of each other by looking ahead at input video. If another EBP is going to come in within the specified time interval, the current EBP is not emitted, and the segment is "stretched" to the next marker. The lookahead value does not add latency to the system. The Live Event must be configured elsewhere to create sufficient latency to make the lookahead accurate.
3208 */
3209 MinEbpInterval?: __integerMin0Max10000;
3210 /**
3211 * If INSERT, Nielsen inaudible tones for media tracking will be detected in the input audio and an equivalent ID3 tag will be inserted in the output.
3212 */
3213 NielsenId3?: M2tsNielsenId3;
3214 /**
3215 * Value in bits per second of extra null packets to insert into the transport stream. This can be used if a downstream encryption system requires periodic null packets.
3216 */
3217 NullPacketBitrate?: __doubleMin0;
3218 /**
3219 * The number of milliseconds between instances of this table in the output transport stream.
3220 */
3221 PatInterval?: __integerMin0Max1000;
3222 /**
3223 * When set to PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET, a Program Clock Reference value is inserted for every Packetized Elementary Stream (PES) header. This is effective only when the PCR PID is the same as the video or audio elementary stream.
3224 */
3225 PcrControl?: M2tsPcrControl;
3226 /**
3227 * Specify the packet identifier (PID) for the program clock reference (PCR) in this output. If you do not specify a value, the service will use the value for Video PID (VideoPid).
3228 */
3229 PcrPid?: __integerMin32Max8182;
3230 /**
3231 * Specify the number of milliseconds between instances of the program map table (PMT) in the output transport stream.
3232 */
3233 PmtInterval?: __integerMin0Max1000;
3234 /**
3235 * Specify the packet identifier (PID) for the program map table (PMT) itself. Default is 480.
3236 */
3237 PmtPid?: __integerMin32Max8182;
3238 /**
3239 * Specify the packet identifier (PID) of the private metadata stream. Default is 503.
3240 */
3241 PrivateMetadataPid?: __integerMin32Max8182;
3242 /**
3243 * Use Program number (programNumber) to specify the program number used in the program map table (PMT) for this output. Default is 1. Program numbers and program map tables are parts of MPEG-2 transport stream containers, used for organizing data.
3244 */
3245 ProgramNumber?: __integerMin0Max65535;
3246 /**
3247 * When set to CBR, inserts null packets into transport stream to fill specified bitrate. When set to VBR, the bitrate setting acts as the maximum bitrate, but the output will not be padded up to that bitrate.
3248 */
3249 RateMode?: M2tsRateMode;
3250 /**
3251 * Include this in your job settings to put SCTE-35 markers in your HLS and transport stream outputs at the insertion points that you specify in an ESAM XML document. Provide the document in the setting SCC XML (sccXml).
3252 */
3253 Scte35Esam?: M2tsScte35Esam;
3254 /**
3255 * Specify the packet identifier (PID) of the SCTE-35 stream in the transport stream.
3256 */
3257 Scte35Pid?: __integerMin32Max8182;
3258 /**
3259 * For SCTE-35 markers from your input-- Choose Passthrough (PASSTHROUGH) if you want SCTE-35 markers that appear in your input to also appear in this output. Choose None (NONE) if you don't want SCTE-35 markers in this output. For SCTE-35 markers from an ESAM XML document-- Choose None (NONE). Also provide the ESAM XML as a string in the setting Signal processing notification XML (sccXml). Also enable ESAM SCTE-35 (include the property scte35Esam).
3260 */
3261 Scte35Source?: M2tsScte35Source;
3262 /**
3263 * Inserts segmentation markers at each segmentation_time period. rai_segstart sets the Random Access Indicator bit in the adaptation field. rai_adapt sets the RAI bit and adds the current timecode in the private data bytes. psi_segstart inserts PAT and PMT tables at the start of segments. ebp adds Encoder Boundary Point information to the adaptation field as per OpenCable specification OC-SP-EBP-I01-130118. ebp_legacy adds Encoder Boundary Point information to the adaptation field using a legacy proprietary format.
3264 */
3265 SegmentationMarkers?: M2tsSegmentationMarkers;
3266 /**
3267 * The segmentation style parameter controls how segmentation markers are inserted into the transport stream. With avails, it is possible that segments may be truncated, which can influence where future segmentation markers are inserted. When a segmentation style of "reset_cadence" is selected and a segment is truncated due to an avail, we will reset the segmentation cadence. This means the subsequent segment will have a duration of of $segmentation_time seconds. When a segmentation style of "maintain_cadence" is selected and a segment is truncated due to an avail, we will not reset the segmentation cadence. This means the subsequent segment will likely be truncated as well. However, all segments after that will have a duration of $segmentation_time seconds. Note that EBP lookahead is a slight exception to this rule.
3268 */
3269 SegmentationStyle?: M2tsSegmentationStyle;
3270 /**
3271 * Specify the length, in seconds, of each segment. Required unless markers is set to _none_.
3272 */
3273 SegmentationTime?: __doubleMin0;
3274 /**
3275 * Specify the packet identifier (PID) for timed metadata in this output. Default is 502.
3276 */
3277 TimedMetadataPid?: __integerMin32Max8182;
3278 /**
3279 * Specify the ID for the transport stream itself in the program map table for this output. Transport stream IDs and program map tables are parts of MPEG-2 transport stream containers, used for organizing data.
3280 */
3281 TransportStreamId?: __integerMin0Max65535;
3282 /**
3283 * Specify the packet identifier (PID) of the elementary video stream in the transport stream.
3284 */
3285 VideoPid?: __integerMin32Max8182;
3286 }
3287 export type M3u8NielsenId3 = "INSERT"|"NONE"|string;
3288 export type M3u8PcrControl = "PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET"|"CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD"|string;
3289 export type M3u8Scte35Source = "PASSTHROUGH"|"NONE"|string;
3290 export interface M3u8Settings {
3291 /**
3292 * The number of audio frames to insert for each PES packet.
3293 */
3294 AudioFramesPerPes?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
3295 /**
3296 * Packet Identifier (PID) of the elementary audio stream(s) in the transport stream. Multiple values are accepted, and can be entered in ranges and/or by comma separation.
3297 */
3298 AudioPids?: __listOf__integerMin32Max8182;
3299 /**
3300 * If INSERT, Nielsen inaudible tones for media tracking will be detected in the input audio and an equivalent ID3 tag will be inserted in the output.
3301 */
3302 NielsenId3?: M3u8NielsenId3;
3303 /**
3304 * The number of milliseconds between instances of this table in the output transport stream.
3305 */
3306 PatInterval?: __integerMin0Max1000;
3307 /**
3308 * When set to PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET a Program Clock Reference value is inserted for every Packetized Elementary Stream (PES) header. This parameter is effective only when the PCR PID is the same as the video or audio elementary stream.
3309 */
3310 PcrControl?: M3u8PcrControl;
3311 /**
3312 * Packet Identifier (PID) of the Program Clock Reference (PCR) in the transport stream. When no value is given, the encoder will assign the same value as the Video PID.
3313 */
3314 PcrPid?: __integerMin32Max8182;
3315 /**
3316 * The number of milliseconds between instances of this table in the output transport stream.
3317 */
3318 PmtInterval?: __integerMin0Max1000;
3319 /**
3320 * Packet Identifier (PID) for the Program Map Table (PMT) in the transport stream.
3321 */
3322 PmtPid?: __integerMin32Max8182;
3323 /**
3324 * Packet Identifier (PID) of the private metadata stream in the transport stream.
3325 */
3326 PrivateMetadataPid?: __integerMin32Max8182;
3327 /**
3328 * The value of the program number field in the Program Map Table.
3329 */
3330 ProgramNumber?: __integerMin0Max65535;
3331 /**
3332 * Packet Identifier (PID) of the SCTE-35 stream in the transport stream.
3333 */
3334 Scte35Pid?: __integerMin32Max8182;
3335 /**
3336 * For SCTE-35 markers from your input-- Choose Passthrough (PASSTHROUGH) if you want SCTE-35 markers that appear in your input to also appear in this output. Choose None (NONE) if you don't want SCTE-35 markers in this output. For SCTE-35 markers from an ESAM XML document-- Choose None (NONE) if you don't want manifest conditioning. Choose Passthrough (PASSTHROUGH) and choose Ad markers (adMarkers) if you do want manifest conditioning. In both cases, also provide the ESAM XML as a string in the setting Signal processing notification XML (sccXml).
3337 */
3338 Scte35Source?: M3u8Scte35Source;
3339 /**
3340 * Applies only to HLS outputs. Use this setting to specify whether the service inserts the ID3 timed metadata from the input in this output.
3341 */
3342 TimedMetadata?: TimedMetadata;
3343 /**
3344 * Packet Identifier (PID) of the timed metadata stream in the transport stream.
3345 */
3346 TimedMetadataPid?: __integerMin32Max8182;
3347 /**
3348 * The value of the transport stream ID field in the Program Map Table.
3349 */
3350 TransportStreamId?: __integerMin0Max65535;
3351 /**
3352 * Packet Identifier (PID) of the elementary video stream in the transport stream.
3353 */
3354 VideoPid?: __integerMin32Max8182;
3355 }
3356 export interface MotionImageInserter {
3357 /**
3358 * If your motion graphic asset is a .mov file, keep this setting unspecified. If your motion graphic asset is a series of .png files, specify the frame rate of the overlay in frames per second, as a fraction. For example, specify 24 fps as 24/1. Make sure that the number of images in your series matches the frame rate and your intended overlay duration. For example, if you want a 30-second overlay at 30 fps, you should have 900 .png images. This overlay frame rate doesn't need to match the frame rate of the underlying video.
3359 */
3360 Framerate?: MotionImageInsertionFramerate;
3361 /**
3362 * Specify the .mov file or series of .png files that you want to overlay on your video. For .png files, provide the file name of the first file in the series. Make sure that the names of the .png files end with sequential numbers that specify the order that they are played in. For example, overlay_000.png, overlay_001.png, overlay_002.png, and so on. The sequence must start at zero, and each image file name must have the same number of digits. Pad your initial file names with enough zeros to complete the sequence. For example, if the first image is overlay_0.png, there can be only 10 images in the sequence, with the last image being overlay_9.png. But if the first image is overlay_00.png, there can be 100 images in the sequence.
3363 */
3364 Input?: __stringMin14Max1285PatternS3Mov09PngHttpsMov09Png;
3365 /**
3366 * Choose the type of motion graphic asset that you are providing for your overlay. You can choose either a .mov file or a series of .png files.
3367 */
3368 InsertionMode?: MotionImageInsertionMode;
3369 /**
3370 * Use Offset to specify the placement of your motion graphic overlay on the video frame. Specify in pixels, from the upper-left corner of the frame. If you don't specify an offset, the service scales your overlay to the full size of the frame. Otherwise, the service inserts the overlay at its native resolution and scales the size up or down with any video scaling.
3371 */
3372 Offset?: MotionImageInsertionOffset;
3373 /**
3374 * Specify whether your motion graphic overlay repeats on a loop or plays only once.
3375 */
3376 Playback?: MotionImagePlayback;
3377 /**
3378 * Specify when the motion overlay begins. Use timecode format (HH:MM:SS:FF or HH:MM:SS;FF). Make sure that the timecode you provide here takes into account how you have set up your timecode configuration under both job settings and input settings. The simplest way to do that is to set both to start at 0. If you need to set up your job to follow timecodes embedded in your source that don't start at zero, make sure that you specify a start time that is after the first embedded timecode. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/setting-up-timecode.html Find job-wide and input timecode configuration settings in your JSON job settings specification at settings>timecodeConfig>source and settings>inputs>timecodeSource.
3379 */
3380 StartTime?: __stringMin11Max11Pattern01D20305D205D;
3381 }
3382 export interface MotionImageInsertionFramerate {
3383 /**
3384 * The bottom of the fraction that expresses your overlay frame rate. For example, if your frame rate is 24 fps, set this value to 1.
3385 */
3386 FramerateDenominator?: __integerMin1Max17895697;
3387 /**
3388 * The top of the fraction that expresses your overlay frame rate. For example, if your frame rate is 24 fps, set this value to 24.
3389 */
3390 FramerateNumerator?: __integerMin1Max2147483640;
3391 }
3392 export type MotionImageInsertionMode = "MOV"|"PNG"|string;
3393 export interface MotionImageInsertionOffset {
3394 /**
3395 * Set the distance, in pixels, between the overlay and the left edge of the video frame.
3396 */
3397 ImageX?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
3398 /**
3399 * Set the distance, in pixels, between the overlay and the top edge of the video frame.
3400 */
3401 ImageY?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
3402 }
3403 export type MotionImagePlayback = "ONCE"|"REPEAT"|string;
3404 export type MovClapAtom = "INCLUDE"|"EXCLUDE"|string;
3405 export type MovCslgAtom = "INCLUDE"|"EXCLUDE"|string;
3406 export type MovMpeg2FourCCControl = "XDCAM"|"MPEG"|string;
3407 export type MovPaddingControl = "OMNEON"|"NONE"|string;
3408 export type MovReference = "SELF_CONTAINED"|"EXTERNAL"|string;
3409 export interface MovSettings {
3410 /**
3411 * When enabled, include 'clap' atom if appropriate for the video output settings.
3412 */
3413 ClapAtom?: MovClapAtom;
3414 /**
3415 * When enabled, file composition times will start at zero, composition times in the 'ctts' (composition time to sample) box for B-frames will be negative, and a 'cslg' (composition shift least greatest) box will be included per 14496-1 amendment 1. This improves compatibility with Apple players and tools.
3416 */
3417 CslgAtom?: MovCslgAtom;
3418 /**
3419 * When set to XDCAM, writes MPEG2 video streams into the QuickTime file using XDCAM fourcc codes. This increases compatibility with Apple editors and players, but may decrease compatibility with other players. Only applicable when the video codec is MPEG2.
3420 */
3421 Mpeg2FourCCControl?: MovMpeg2FourCCControl;
3422 /**
3423 * If set to OMNEON, inserts Omneon-compatible padding
3424 */
3425 PaddingControl?: MovPaddingControl;
3426 /**
3427 * Always keep the default value (SELF_CONTAINED) for this setting.
3428 */
3429 Reference?: MovReference;
3430 }
3431 export interface Mp2Settings {
3432 /**
3433 * Specify the average bitrate in bits per second.
3434 */
3435 Bitrate?: __integerMin32000Max384000;
3436 /**
3437 * Set Channels to specify the number of channels in this output audio track. Choosing Mono in the console will give you 1 output channel; choosing Stereo will give you 2. In the API, valid values are 1 and 2.
3438 */
3439 Channels?: __integerMin1Max2;
3440 /**
3441 * Sample rate in hz.
3442 */
3443 SampleRate?: __integerMin32000Max48000;
3444 }
3445 export type Mp3RateControlMode = "CBR"|"VBR"|string;
3446 export interface Mp3Settings {
3447 /**
3448 * Specify the average bitrate in bits per second.
3449 */
3450 Bitrate?: __integerMin16000Max320000;
3451 /**
3452 * Specify the number of channels in this output audio track. Choosing Mono on the console gives you 1 output channel; choosing Stereo gives you 2. In the API, valid values are 1 and 2.
3453 */
3454 Channels?: __integerMin1Max2;
3455 /**
3456 * Specify whether the service encodes this MP3 audio output with a constant bitrate (CBR) or a variable bitrate (VBR).
3457 */
3458 RateControlMode?: Mp3RateControlMode;
3459 /**
3460 * Sample rate in hz.
3461 */
3462 SampleRate?: __integerMin22050Max48000;
3463 /**
3464 * Required when you set Bitrate control mode (rateControlMode) to VBR. Specify the audio quality of this MP3 output from 0 (highest quality) to 9 (lowest quality).
3465 */
3466 VbrQuality?: __integerMin0Max9;
3467 }
3468 export type Mp4CslgAtom = "INCLUDE"|"EXCLUDE"|string;
3469 export type Mp4FreeSpaceBox = "INCLUDE"|"EXCLUDE"|string;
3470 export type Mp4MoovPlacement = "PROGRESSIVE_DOWNLOAD"|"NORMAL"|string;
3471 export interface Mp4Settings {
3472 /**
3473 * When enabled, file composition times will start at zero, composition times in the 'ctts' (composition time to sample) box for B-frames will be negative, and a 'cslg' (composition shift least greatest) box will be included per 14496-1 amendment 1. This improves compatibility with Apple players and tools.
3474 */
3475 CslgAtom?: Mp4CslgAtom;
3476 /**
3477 * Ignore this setting unless compliance to the CTTS box version specification matters in your workflow. Specify a value of 1 to set your CTTS box version to 1 and make your output compliant with the specification. When you specify a value of 1, you must also set CSLG atom (cslgAtom) to the value INCLUDE. Keep the default value 0 to set your CTTS box version to 0. This can provide backward compatibility for some players and packagers.
3478 */
3479 CttsVersion?: __integerMin0Max1;
3480 /**
3481 * Inserts a free-space box immediately after the moov box.
3482 */
3483 FreeSpaceBox?: Mp4FreeSpaceBox;
3484 /**
3485 * If set to PROGRESSIVE_DOWNLOAD, the MOOV atom is relocated to the beginning of the archive as required for progressive downloading. Otherwise it is placed normally at the end.
3486 */
3487 MoovPlacement?: Mp4MoovPlacement;
3488 /**
3489 * Overrides the "Major Brand" field in the output file. Usually not necessary to specify.
3490 */
3491 Mp4MajorBrand?: __string;
3492 }
3493 export type MpdCaptionContainerType = "RAW"|"FRAGMENTED_MP4"|string;
3494 export type MpdScte35Esam = "INSERT"|"NONE"|string;
3495 export type MpdScte35Source = "PASSTHROUGH"|"NONE"|string;
3496 export interface MpdSettings {
3497 /**
3498 * Use this setting only in DASH output groups that include sidecar TTML or IMSC captions. You specify sidecar captions in a separate output from your audio and video. Choose Raw (RAW) for captions in a single XML file in a raw container. Choose Fragmented MPEG-4 (FRAGMENTED_MP4) for captions in XML format contained within fragmented MP4 files. This set of fragmented MP4 files is separate from your video and audio fragmented MP4 files.
3499 */
3500 CaptionContainerType?: MpdCaptionContainerType;
3501 /**
3502 * Use this setting only when you specify SCTE-35 markers from ESAM. Choose INSERT to put SCTE-35 markers in this output at the insertion points that you specify in an ESAM XML document. Provide the document in the setting SCC XML (sccXml).
3503 */
3504 Scte35Esam?: MpdScte35Esam;
3505 /**
3506 * Ignore this setting unless you have SCTE-35 markers in your input video file. Choose Passthrough (PASSTHROUGH) if you want SCTE-35 markers that appear in your input to also appear in this output. Choose None (NONE) if you don't want those SCTE-35 markers in this output.
3507 */
3508 Scte35Source?: MpdScte35Source;
3509 }
3510 export type Mpeg2AdaptiveQuantization = "OFF"|"LOW"|"MEDIUM"|"HIGH"|string;
3511 export type Mpeg2CodecLevel = "AUTO"|"LOW"|"MAIN"|"HIGH1440"|"HIGH"|string;
3512 export type Mpeg2CodecProfile = "MAIN"|"PROFILE_422"|string;
3513 export type Mpeg2DynamicSubGop = "ADAPTIVE"|"STATIC"|string;
3514 export type Mpeg2FramerateControl = "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE"|"SPECIFIED"|string;
3515 export type Mpeg2FramerateConversionAlgorithm = "DUPLICATE_DROP"|"INTERPOLATE"|string;
3516 export type Mpeg2GopSizeUnits = "FRAMES"|"SECONDS"|string;
3518 export type Mpeg2IntraDcPrecision = "AUTO"|"INTRA_DC_PRECISION_8"|"INTRA_DC_PRECISION_9"|"INTRA_DC_PRECISION_10"|"INTRA_DC_PRECISION_11"|string;
3519 export type Mpeg2ParControl = "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE"|"SPECIFIED"|string;
3520 export type Mpeg2QualityTuningLevel = "SINGLE_PASS"|"MULTI_PASS"|string;
3521 export type Mpeg2RateControlMode = "VBR"|"CBR"|string;
3522 export type Mpeg2SceneChangeDetect = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
3523 export interface Mpeg2Settings {
3524 /**
3525 * Adaptive quantization. Allows intra-frame quantizers to vary to improve visual quality.
3526 */
3527 AdaptiveQuantization?: Mpeg2AdaptiveQuantization;
3528 /**
3529 * Specify the average bitrate in bits per second. Required for VBR and CBR. For MS Smooth outputs, bitrates must be unique when rounded down to the nearest multiple of 1000.
3530 */
3531 Bitrate?: __integerMin1000Max288000000;
3532 /**
3533 * Use Level (Mpeg2CodecLevel) to set the MPEG-2 level for the video output.
3534 */
3535 CodecLevel?: Mpeg2CodecLevel;
3536 /**
3537 * Use Profile (Mpeg2CodecProfile) to set the MPEG-2 profile for the video output.
3538 */
3539 CodecProfile?: Mpeg2CodecProfile;
3540 /**
3541 * Choose Adaptive to improve subjective video quality for high-motion content. This will cause the service to use fewer B-frames (which infer information based on other frames) for high-motion portions of the video and more B-frames for low-motion portions. The maximum number of B-frames is limited by the value you provide for the setting B frames between reference frames (numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames).
3542 */
3543 DynamicSubGop?: Mpeg2DynamicSubGop;
3544 /**
3545 * If you are using the console, use the Framerate setting to specify the frame rate for this output. If you want to keep the same frame rate as the input video, choose Follow source. If you want to do frame rate conversion, choose a frame rate from the dropdown list or choose Custom. The framerates shown in the dropdown list are decimal approximations of fractions. If you choose Custom, specify your frame rate as a fraction. If you are creating your transcoding job sepecification as a JSON file without the console, use FramerateControl to specify which value the service uses for the frame rate for this output. Choose INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE if you want the service to use the frame rate from the input. Choose SPECIFIED if you want the service to use the frame rate you specify in the settings FramerateNumerator and FramerateDenominator.
3546 */
3547 FramerateControl?: Mpeg2FramerateControl;
3548 /**
3549 * When set to INTERPOLATE, produces smoother motion during frame rate conversion.
3550 */
3551 FramerateConversionAlgorithm?: Mpeg2FramerateConversionAlgorithm;
3552 /**
3553 * Frame rate denominator.
3554 */
3555 FramerateDenominator?: __integerMin1Max1001;
3556 /**
3557 * Frame rate numerator - frame rate is a fraction, e.g. 24000 / 1001 = 23.976 fps.
3558 */
3559 FramerateNumerator?: __integerMin24Max60000;
3560 /**
3561 * Frequency of closed GOPs. In streaming applications, it is recommended that this be set to 1 so a decoder joining mid-stream will receive an IDR frame as quickly as possible. Setting this value to 0 will break output segmenting.
3562 */
3563 GopClosedCadence?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
3564 /**
3565 * GOP Length (keyframe interval) in frames or seconds. Must be greater than zero.
3566 */
3567 GopSize?: __doubleMin0;
3568 /**
3569 * Indicates if the GOP Size in MPEG2 is specified in frames or seconds. If seconds the system will convert the GOP Size into a frame count at run time.
3570 */
3571 GopSizeUnits?: Mpeg2GopSizeUnits;
3572 /**
3573 * Percentage of the buffer that should initially be filled (HRD buffer model).
3574 */
3575 HrdBufferInitialFillPercentage?: __integerMin0Max100;
3576 /**
3577 * Size of buffer (HRD buffer model) in bits. For example, enter five megabits as 5000000.
3578 */
3579 HrdBufferSize?: __integerMin0Max47185920;
3580 /**
3581 * Use Interlace mode (InterlaceMode) to choose the scan line type for the output. * Top Field First (TOP_FIELD) and Bottom Field First (BOTTOM_FIELD) produce interlaced output with the entire output having the same field polarity (top or bottom first). * Follow, Default Top (FOLLOW_TOP_FIELD) and Follow, Default Bottom (FOLLOW_BOTTOM_FIELD) use the same field polarity as the source. Therefore, behavior depends on the input scan type.
3582 - If the source is interlaced, the output will be interlaced with the same polarity as the source (it will follow the source). The output could therefore be a mix of "top field first" and "bottom field first".
3583 - If the source is progressive, the output will be interlaced with "top field first" or "bottom field first" polarity, depending on which of the Follow options you chose.
3584 */
3585 InterlaceMode?: Mpeg2InterlaceMode;
3586 /**
3587 * Use Intra DC precision (Mpeg2IntraDcPrecision) to set quantization precision for intra-block DC coefficients. If you choose the value auto, the service will automatically select the precision based on the per-frame compression ratio.
3588 */
3589 IntraDcPrecision?: Mpeg2IntraDcPrecision;
3590 /**
3591 * Maximum bitrate in bits/second. For example, enter five megabits per second as 5000000.
3592 */
3593 MaxBitrate?: __integerMin1000Max300000000;
3594 /**
3595 * Enforces separation between repeated (cadence) I-frames and I-frames inserted by Scene Change Detection. If a scene change I-frame is within I-interval frames of a cadence I-frame, the GOP is shrunk and/or stretched to the scene change I-frame. GOP stretch requires enabling lookahead as well as setting I-interval. The normal cadence resumes for the next GOP. This setting is only used when Scene Change Detect is enabled. Note: Maximum GOP stretch = GOP size + Min-I-interval - 1
3596 */
3597 MinIInterval?: __integerMin0Max30;
3598 /**
3599 * Number of B-frames between reference frames.
3600 */
3601 NumberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames?: __integerMin0Max7;
3602 /**
3603 * Using the API, enable ParFollowSource if you want the service to use the pixel aspect ratio from the input. Using the console, do this by choosing Follow source for Pixel aspect ratio.
3604 */
3605 ParControl?: Mpeg2ParControl;
3606 /**
3607 * Pixel Aspect Ratio denominator.
3608 */
3609 ParDenominator?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
3610 /**
3611 * Pixel Aspect Ratio numerator.
3612 */
3613 ParNumerator?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
3614 /**
3615 * Use Quality tuning level (Mpeg2QualityTuningLevel) to specifiy whether to use single-pass or multipass video encoding.
3616 */
3617 QualityTuningLevel?: Mpeg2QualityTuningLevel;
3618 /**
3619 * Use Rate control mode (Mpeg2RateControlMode) to specifiy whether the bitrate is variable (vbr) or constant (cbr).
3620 */
3621 RateControlMode?: Mpeg2RateControlMode;
3622 /**
3623 * Enable this setting to insert I-frames at scene changes that the service automatically detects. This improves video quality and is enabled by default.
3624 */
3625 SceneChangeDetect?: Mpeg2SceneChangeDetect;
3626 /**
3627 * Enables Slow PAL rate conversion. 23.976fps and 24fps input is relabeled as 25fps, and audio is sped up correspondingly.
3628 */
3629 SlowPal?: Mpeg2SlowPal;
3630 /**
3631 * Softness. Selects quantizer matrix, larger values reduce high-frequency content in the encoded image.
3632 */
3633 Softness?: __integerMin0Max128;
3634 /**
3635 * Adjust quantization within each frame based on spatial variation of content complexity.
3636 */
3637 SpatialAdaptiveQuantization?: Mpeg2SpatialAdaptiveQuantization;
3638 /**
3639 * Produces a Type D-10 compatible bitstream (SMPTE 356M-2001).
3640 */
3641 Syntax?: Mpeg2Syntax;
3642 /**
3643 * Only use Telecine (Mpeg2Telecine) when you set Framerate (Framerate) to 29.970. Set Telecine (Mpeg2Telecine) to Hard (hard) to produce a 29.97i output from a 23.976 input. Set it to Soft (soft) to produce 23.976 output and leave converstion to the player.
3644 */
3645 Telecine?: Mpeg2Telecine;
3646 /**
3647 * Adjust quantization within each frame based on temporal variation of content complexity.
3648 */
3649 TemporalAdaptiveQuantization?: Mpeg2TemporalAdaptiveQuantization;
3650 }
3651 export type Mpeg2SlowPal = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
3652 export type Mpeg2SpatialAdaptiveQuantization = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
3653 export type Mpeg2Syntax = "DEFAULT"|"D_10"|string;
3654 export type Mpeg2Telecine = "NONE"|"SOFT"|"HARD"|string;
3655 export type Mpeg2TemporalAdaptiveQuantization = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
3656 export interface MsSmoothAdditionalManifest {
3657 /**
3658 * Specify a name modifier that the service adds to the name of this manifest to make it different from the file names of the other main manifests in the output group. For example, say that the default main manifest for your Microsoft Smooth group is film-name.ismv. If you enter "-no-premium" for this setting, then the file name the service generates for this top-level manifest is film-name-no-premium.ismv.
3659 */
3660 ManifestNameModifier?: __stringMin1;
3661 /**
3662 * Specify the outputs that you want this additional top-level manifest to reference.
3663 */
3664 SelectedOutputs?: __listOf__stringMin1;
3665 }
3666 export type MsSmoothAudioDeduplication = "COMBINE_DUPLICATE_STREAMS"|"NONE"|string;
3667 export interface MsSmoothEncryptionSettings {
3668 /**
3669 * If your output group type is HLS, DASH, or Microsoft Smooth, use these settings when doing DRM encryption with a SPEKE-compliant key provider. If your output group type is CMAF, use the SpekeKeyProviderCmaf settings instead.
3670 */
3671 SpekeKeyProvider?: SpekeKeyProvider;
3672 }
3673 export interface MsSmoothGroupSettings {
3674 /**
3675 * By default, the service creates one .ism Microsoft Smooth Streaming manifest for each Microsoft Smooth Streaming output group in your job. This default manifest references every output in the output group. To create additional manifests that reference a subset of the outputs in the output group, specify a list of them here.
3676 */
3677 AdditionalManifests?: __listOfMsSmoothAdditionalManifest;
3678 /**
3679 * COMBINE_DUPLICATE_STREAMS combines identical audio encoding settings across a Microsoft Smooth output group into a single audio stream.
3680 */
3681 AudioDeduplication?: MsSmoothAudioDeduplication;
3682 /**
3683 * Use Destination (Destination) to specify the S3 output location and the output filename base. Destination accepts format identifiers. If you do not specify the base filename in the URI, the service will use the filename of the input file. If your job has multiple inputs, the service uses the filename of the first input file.
3684 */
3685 Destination?: __stringPatternS3;
3686 /**
3687 * Settings associated with the destination. Will vary based on the type of destination
3688 */
3689 DestinationSettings?: DestinationSettings;
3690 /**
3691 * If you are using DRM, set DRM System (MsSmoothEncryptionSettings) to specify the value SpekeKeyProvider.
3692 */
3693 Encryption?: MsSmoothEncryptionSettings;
3694 /**
3695 * Use Fragment length (FragmentLength) to specify the mp4 fragment sizes in seconds. Fragment length must be compatible with GOP size and frame rate.
3696 */
3697 FragmentLength?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
3698 /**
3699 * Use Manifest encoding (MsSmoothManifestEncoding) to specify the encoding format for the server and client manifest. Valid options are utf8 and utf16.
3700 */
3701 ManifestEncoding?: MsSmoothManifestEncoding;
3702 }
3703 export type MsSmoothManifestEncoding = "UTF8"|"UTF16"|string;
3704 export interface NielsenConfiguration {
3705 /**
3706 * Nielsen has discontinued the use of breakout code functionality. If you must include this property, set the value to zero.
3707 */
3708 BreakoutCode?: __integerMin0Max0;
3709 /**
3710 * Use Distributor ID (DistributorID) to specify the distributor ID that is assigned to your organization by Neilsen.
3711 */
3712 DistributorId?: __string;
3713 }
3714 export interface NoiseReducer {
3715 /**
3716 * Use Noise reducer filter (NoiseReducerFilter) to select one of the following spatial image filtering functions. To use this setting, you must also enable Noise reducer (NoiseReducer). * Bilateral preserves edges while reducing noise. * Mean (softest), Gaussian, Lanczos, and Sharpen (sharpest) do convolution filtering. * Conserve does min/max noise reduction. * Spatial does frequency-domain filtering based on JND principles. * Temporal optimizes video quality for complex motion.
3717 */
3718 Filter?: NoiseReducerFilter;
3719 /**
3720 * Settings for a noise reducer filter
3721 */
3722 FilterSettings?: NoiseReducerFilterSettings;
3723 /**
3724 * Noise reducer filter settings for spatial filter.
3725 */
3726 SpatialFilterSettings?: NoiseReducerSpatialFilterSettings;
3727 /**
3728 * Noise reducer filter settings for temporal filter.
3729 */
3730 TemporalFilterSettings?: NoiseReducerTemporalFilterSettings;
3731 }
3732 export type NoiseReducerFilter = "BILATERAL"|"MEAN"|"GAUSSIAN"|"LANCZOS"|"SHARPEN"|"CONSERVE"|"SPATIAL"|"TEMPORAL"|string;
3733 export interface NoiseReducerFilterSettings {
3734 /**
3735 * Relative strength of noise reducing filter. Higher values produce stronger filtering.
3736 */
3737 Strength?: __integerMin0Max3;
3738 }
3739 export interface NoiseReducerSpatialFilterSettings {
3740 /**
3741 * Specify strength of post noise reduction sharpening filter, with 0 disabling the filter and 3 enabling it at maximum strength.
3742 */
3743 PostFilterSharpenStrength?: __integerMin0Max3;
3744 /**
3745 * The speed of the filter, from -2 (lower speed) to 3 (higher speed), with 0 being the nominal value.
3746 */
3747 Speed?: __integerMinNegative2Max3;
3748 /**
3749 * Relative strength of noise reducing filter. Higher values produce stronger filtering.
3750 */
3751 Strength?: __integerMin0Max16;
3752 }
3753 export interface NoiseReducerTemporalFilterSettings {
3754 /**
3755 * Use Aggressive mode for content that has complex motion. Higher values produce stronger temporal filtering. This filters highly complex scenes more aggressively and creates better VQ for low bitrate outputs.
3756 */
3757 AggressiveMode?: __integerMin0Max4;
3758 /**
3759 * The speed of the filter (higher number is faster). Low setting reduces bit rate at the cost of transcode time, high setting improves transcode time at the cost of bit rate.
3760 */
3761 Speed?: __integerMinNegative1Max3;
3762 /**
3763 * Specify the strength of the noise reducing filter on this output. Higher values produce stronger filtering. We recommend the following value ranges, depending on the result that you want: * 0-2 for complexity reduction with minimal sharpness loss * 2-8 for complexity reduction with image preservation * 8-16 for a high level of complexity reduction
3764 */
3765 Strength?: __integerMin0Max16;
3766 }
3767 export type Order = "ASCENDING"|"DESCENDING"|string;
3768 export interface Output {
3769 /**
3770 * (AudioDescriptions) contains groups of audio encoding settings organized by audio codec. Include one instance of (AudioDescriptions) per output. (AudioDescriptions) can contain multiple groups of encoding settings.
3771 */
3772 AudioDescriptions?: __listOfAudioDescription;
3773 /**
3774 * (CaptionDescriptions) contains groups of captions settings. For each output that has captions, include one instance of (CaptionDescriptions). (CaptionDescriptions) can contain multiple groups of captions settings.
3775 */
3776 CaptionDescriptions?: __listOfCaptionDescription;
3777 /**
3778 * Container specific settings.
3779 */
3780 ContainerSettings?: ContainerSettings;
3781 /**
3782 * Use Extension (Extension) to specify the file extension for outputs in File output groups. If you do not specify a value, the service will use default extensions by container type as follows * MPEG-2 transport stream, m2ts * Quicktime, mov * MXF container, mxf * MPEG-4 container, mp4 * No Container, the service will use codec extensions (e.g. AAC, H265, H265, AC3)
3783 */
3784 Extension?: __string;
3785 /**
3786 * Use Name modifier (NameModifier) to have the service add a string to the end of each output filename. You specify the base filename as part of your destination URI. When you create multiple outputs in the same output group, Name modifier (NameModifier) is required. Name modifier also accepts format identifiers. For DASH ISO outputs, if you use the format identifiers $Number$ or $Time$ in one output, you must use them in the same way in all outputs of the output group.
3787 */
3788 NameModifier?: __stringMin1;
3789 /**
3790 * Specific settings for this type of output.
3791 */
3792 OutputSettings?: OutputSettings;
3793 /**
3794 * Use Preset (Preset) to specifiy a preset for your transcoding settings. Provide the system or custom preset name. You can specify either Preset (Preset) or Container settings (ContainerSettings), but not both.
3795 */
3796 Preset?: __stringMin0;
3797 /**
3798 * (VideoDescription) contains a group of video encoding settings. The specific video settings depend on the video codec that you choose when you specify a value for Video codec (codec). Include one instance of (VideoDescription) per output.
3799 */
3800 VideoDescription?: VideoDescription;
3801 }
3802 export interface OutputChannelMapping {
3803 /**
3804 * List of input channels
3805 */
3806 InputChannels?: __listOf__integerMinNegative60Max6;
3807 }
3808 export interface OutputDetail {
3809 /**
3810 * Duration in milliseconds
3811 */
3812 DurationInMs?: __integer;
3813 /**
3814 * Contains details about the output's video stream
3815 */
3816 VideoDetails?: VideoDetail;
3817 }
3818 export interface OutputGroup {
3819 /**
3820 * Use Custom Group Name (CustomName) to specify a name for the output group. This value is displayed on the console and can make your job settings JSON more human-readable. It does not affect your outputs. Use up to twelve characters that are either letters, numbers, spaces, or underscores.
3821 */
3822 CustomName?: __string;
3823 /**
3824 * Name of the output group
3825 */
3826 Name?: __string;
3827 /**
3828 * Output Group settings, including type
3829 */
3830 OutputGroupSettings?: OutputGroupSettings;
3831 /**
3832 * This object holds groups of encoding settings, one group of settings per output.
3833 */
3834 Outputs?: __listOfOutput;
3835 }
3836 export interface OutputGroupDetail {
3837 /**
3838 * Details about the output
3839 */
3840 OutputDetails?: __listOfOutputDetail;
3841 }
3842 export interface OutputGroupSettings {
3843 /**
3844 * Required when you set (Type) under (OutputGroups)>(OutputGroupSettings) to CMAF_GROUP_SETTINGS. Each output in a CMAF Output Group may only contain a single video, audio, or caption output.
3845 */
3846 CmafGroupSettings?: CmafGroupSettings;
3847 /**
3848 * Required when you set (Type) under (OutputGroups)>(OutputGroupSettings) to DASH_ISO_GROUP_SETTINGS.
3849 */
3850 DashIsoGroupSettings?: DashIsoGroupSettings;
3851 /**
3852 * Required when you set (Type) under (OutputGroups)>(OutputGroupSettings) to FILE_GROUP_SETTINGS.
3853 */
3854 FileGroupSettings?: FileGroupSettings;
3855 /**
3856 * Required when you set (Type) under (OutputGroups)>(OutputGroupSettings) to HLS_GROUP_SETTINGS.
3857 */
3858 HlsGroupSettings?: HlsGroupSettings;
3859 /**
3860 * Required when you set (Type) under (OutputGroups)>(OutputGroupSettings) to MS_SMOOTH_GROUP_SETTINGS.
3861 */
3862 MsSmoothGroupSettings?: MsSmoothGroupSettings;
3863 /**
3864 * Type of output group (File group, Apple HLS, DASH ISO, Microsoft Smooth Streaming, CMAF)
3865 */
3866 Type?: OutputGroupType;
3867 }
3869 export type OutputSdt = "SDT_FOLLOW"|"SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT"|"SDT_MANUAL"|"SDT_NONE"|string;
3870 export interface OutputSettings {
3871 /**
3872 * Settings for HLS output groups
3873 */
3874 HlsSettings?: HlsSettings;
3875 }
3876 export interface Preset {
3877 /**
3878 * An identifier for this resource that is unique within all of AWS.
3879 */
3880 Arn?: __string;
3881 /**
3882 * An optional category you create to organize your presets.
3883 */
3884 Category?: __string;
3885 /**
3886 * The timestamp in epoch seconds for preset creation.
3887 */
3888 CreatedAt?: __timestampUnix;
3889 /**
3890 * An optional description you create for each preset.
3891 */
3892 Description?: __string;
3893 /**
3894 * The timestamp in epoch seconds when the preset was last updated.
3895 */
3896 LastUpdated?: __timestampUnix;
3897 /**
3898 * A name you create for each preset. Each name must be unique within your account.
3899 */
3900 Name: __string;
3901 /**
3902 * Settings for preset
3903 */
3904 Settings: PresetSettings;
3905 /**
3906 * A preset can be of two types: system or custom. System or built-in preset can't be modified or deleted by the user.
3907 */
3908 Type?: Type;
3909 }
3910 export type PresetListBy = "NAME"|"CREATION_DATE"|"SYSTEM"|string;
3911 export interface PresetSettings {
3912 /**
3913 * (AudioDescriptions) contains groups of audio encoding settings organized by audio codec. Include one instance of (AudioDescriptions) per output. (AudioDescriptions) can contain multiple groups of encoding settings.
3914 */
3915 AudioDescriptions?: __listOfAudioDescription;
3916 /**
3917 * Caption settings for this preset. There can be multiple caption settings in a single output.
3918 */
3919 CaptionDescriptions?: __listOfCaptionDescriptionPreset;
3920 /**
3921 * Container specific settings.
3922 */
3923 ContainerSettings?: ContainerSettings;
3924 /**
3925 * (VideoDescription) contains a group of video encoding settings. The specific video settings depend on the video codec that you choose when you specify a value for Video codec (codec). Include one instance of (VideoDescription) per output.
3926 */
3927 VideoDescription?: VideoDescription;
3928 }
3929 export type PricingPlan = "ON_DEMAND"|"RESERVED"|string;
3930 export type ProresCodecProfile = "APPLE_PRORES_422"|"APPLE_PRORES_422_HQ"|"APPLE_PRORES_422_LT"|"APPLE_PRORES_422_PROXY"|string;
3931 export type ProresFramerateControl = "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE"|"SPECIFIED"|string;
3932 export type ProresFramerateConversionAlgorithm = "DUPLICATE_DROP"|"INTERPOLATE"|string;
3933 export type ProresInterlaceMode = "PROGRESSIVE"|"TOP_FIELD"|"BOTTOM_FIELD"|"FOLLOW_TOP_FIELD"|"FOLLOW_BOTTOM_FIELD"|string;
3934 export type ProresParControl = "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE"|"SPECIFIED"|string;
3935 export interface ProresSettings {
3936 /**
3937 * Use Profile (ProResCodecProfile) to specifiy the type of Apple ProRes codec to use for this output.
3938 */
3939 CodecProfile?: ProresCodecProfile;
3940 /**
3941 * If you are using the console, use the Framerate setting to specify the frame rate for this output. If you want to keep the same frame rate as the input video, choose Follow source. If you want to do frame rate conversion, choose a frame rate from the dropdown list or choose Custom. The framerates shown in the dropdown list are decimal approximations of fractions. If you choose Custom, specify your frame rate as a fraction. If you are creating your transcoding job sepecification as a JSON file without the console, use FramerateControl to specify which value the service uses for the frame rate for this output. Choose INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE if you want the service to use the frame rate from the input. Choose SPECIFIED if you want the service to use the frame rate you specify in the settings FramerateNumerator and FramerateDenominator.
3942 */
3943 FramerateControl?: ProresFramerateControl;
3944 /**
3945 * When set to INTERPOLATE, produces smoother motion during frame rate conversion.
3946 */
3947 FramerateConversionAlgorithm?: ProresFramerateConversionAlgorithm;
3948 /**
3949 * Frame rate denominator.
3950 */
3951 FramerateDenominator?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
3952 /**
3953 * When you use the API for transcode jobs that use frame rate conversion, specify the frame rate as a fraction. For example, 24000 / 1001 = 23.976 fps. Use FramerateNumerator to specify the numerator of this fraction. In this example, use 24000 for the value of FramerateNumerator.
3954 */
3955 FramerateNumerator?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
3956 /**
3957 * Use Interlace mode (InterlaceMode) to choose the scan line type for the output. * Top Field First (TOP_FIELD) and Bottom Field First (BOTTOM_FIELD) produce interlaced output with the entire output having the same field polarity (top or bottom first). * Follow, Default Top (FOLLOW_TOP_FIELD) and Follow, Default Bottom (FOLLOW_BOTTOM_FIELD) use the same field polarity as the source. Therefore, behavior depends on the input scan type.
3958 - If the source is interlaced, the output will be interlaced with the same polarity as the source (it will follow the source). The output could therefore be a mix of "top field first" and "bottom field first".
3959 - If the source is progressive, the output will be interlaced with "top field first" or "bottom field first" polarity, depending on which of the Follow options you chose.
3960 */
3961 InterlaceMode?: ProresInterlaceMode;
3962 /**
3963 * Use (ProresParControl) to specify how the service determines the pixel aspect ratio. Set to Follow source (INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE) to use the pixel aspect ratio from the input. To specify a different pixel aspect ratio: Using the console, choose it from the dropdown menu. Using the API, set ProresParControl to (SPECIFIED) and provide for (ParNumerator) and (ParDenominator).
3964 */
3965 ParControl?: ProresParControl;
3966 /**
3967 * Pixel Aspect Ratio denominator.
3968 */
3969 ParDenominator?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
3970 /**
3971 * Pixel Aspect Ratio numerator.
3972 */
3973 ParNumerator?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
3974 /**
3975 * Enables Slow PAL rate conversion. 23.976fps and 24fps input is relabeled as 25fps, and audio is sped up correspondingly.
3976 */
3977 SlowPal?: ProresSlowPal;
3978 /**
3979 * Only use Telecine (ProresTelecine) when you set Framerate (Framerate) to 29.970. Set Telecine (ProresTelecine) to Hard (hard) to produce a 29.97i output from a 23.976 input. Set it to Soft (soft) to produce 23.976 output and leave converstion to the player.
3980 */
3981 Telecine?: ProresTelecine;
3982 }
3983 export type ProresSlowPal = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
3984 export type ProresTelecine = "NONE"|"HARD"|string;
3985 export interface Queue {
3986 /**
3987 * An identifier for this resource that is unique within all of AWS.
3988 */
3989 Arn?: __string;
3990 /**
3991 * The timestamp in epoch seconds for when you created the queue.
3992 */
3993 CreatedAt?: __timestampUnix;
3994 /**
3995 * An optional description that you create for each queue.
3996 */
3997 Description?: __string;
3998 /**
3999 * The timestamp in epoch seconds for when you most recently updated the queue.
4000 */
4001 LastUpdated?: __timestampUnix;
4002 /**
4003 * A name that you create for each queue. Each name must be unique within your account.
4004 */
4005 Name: __string;
4006 /**
4007 * Specifies whether the pricing plan for the queue is on-demand or reserved. For on-demand, you pay per minute, billed in increments of .01 minute. For reserved, you pay for the transcoding capacity of the entire queue, regardless of how much or how little you use it. Reserved pricing requires a 12-month commitment.
4008 */
4009 PricingPlan?: PricingPlan;
4010 /**
4011 * The estimated number of jobs with a PROGRESSING status.
4012 */
4013 ProgressingJobsCount?: __integer;
4014 /**
4015 * Details about the pricing plan for your reserved queue. Required for reserved queues and not applicable to on-demand queues.
4016 */
4017 ReservationPlan?: ReservationPlan;
4018 /**
4019 * Queues can be ACTIVE or PAUSED. If you pause a queue, the service won't begin processing jobs in that queue. Jobs that are running when you pause the queue continue to run until they finish or result in an error.
4020 */
4021 Status?: QueueStatus;
4022 /**
4023 * The estimated number of jobs with a SUBMITTED status.
4024 */
4025 SubmittedJobsCount?: __integer;
4026 /**
4027 * Specifies whether this on-demand queue is system or custom. System queues are built in. You can't modify or delete system queues. You can create and modify custom queues.
4028 */
4029 Type?: Type;
4030 }
4031 export type QueueListBy = "NAME"|"CREATION_DATE"|string;
4032 export type QueueStatus = "ACTIVE"|"PAUSED"|string;
4033 export interface QueueTransition {
4034 /**
4035 * The queue that the job was on after the transition.
4036 */
4037 DestinationQueue?: __string;
4038 /**
4039 * The queue that the job was on before the transition.
4040 */
4041 SourceQueue?: __string;
4042 /**
4043 * The time, in Unix epoch format, that the job moved from the source queue to the destination queue.
4044 */
4045 Timestamp?: __timestampUnix;
4046 }
4047 export interface Rectangle {
4048 /**
4049 * Height of rectangle in pixels. Specify only even numbers.
4050 */
4051 Height?: __integerMin2Max2147483647;
4052 /**
4053 * Width of rectangle in pixels. Specify only even numbers.
4054 */
4055 Width?: __integerMin2Max2147483647;
4056 /**
4057 * The distance, in pixels, between the rectangle and the left edge of the video frame. Specify only even numbers.
4058 */
4059 X?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
4060 /**
4061 * The distance, in pixels, between the rectangle and the top edge of the video frame. Specify only even numbers.
4062 */
4063 Y?: __integerMin0Max2147483647;
4064 }
4065 export interface RemixSettings {
4066 /**
4067 * Channel mapping (ChannelMapping) contains the group of fields that hold the remixing value for each channel. Units are in dB. Acceptable values are within the range from -60 (mute) through 6. A setting of 0 passes the input channel unchanged to the output channel (no attenuation or amplification).
4068 */
4069 ChannelMapping?: ChannelMapping;
4070 /**
4071 * Specify the number of audio channels from your input that you want to use in your output. With remixing, you might combine or split the data in these channels, so the number of channels in your final output might be different.
4072 */
4073 ChannelsIn?: __integerMin1Max64;
4074 /**
4075 * Specify the number of channels in this output after remixing. Valid values: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8... 64. (1 and even numbers to 64.)
4076 */
4077 ChannelsOut?: __integerMin1Max64;
4078 }
4079 export type RenewalType = "AUTO_RENEW"|"EXPIRE"|string;
4080 export interface ReservationPlan {
4081 /**
4082 * The length of the term of your reserved queue pricing plan commitment.
4083 */
4084 Commitment?: Commitment;
4085 /**
4086 * The timestamp in epoch seconds for when the current pricing plan term for this reserved queue expires.
4087 */
4088 ExpiresAt?: __timestampUnix;
4089 /**
4090 * The timestamp in epoch seconds for when you set up the current pricing plan for this reserved queue.
4091 */
4092 PurchasedAt?: __timestampUnix;
4093 /**
4094 * Specifies whether the term of your reserved queue pricing plan is automatically extended (AUTO_RENEW) or expires (EXPIRE) at the end of the term.
4095 */
4096 RenewalType?: RenewalType;
4097 /**
4098 * Specifies the number of reserved transcode slots (RTS) for this queue. The number of RTS determines how many jobs the queue can process in parallel; each RTS can process one job at a time. When you increase this number, you extend your existing commitment with a new 12-month commitment for a larger number of RTS. The new commitment begins when you purchase the additional capacity. You can't decrease the number of RTS in your reserved queue.
4099 */
4100 ReservedSlots?: __integer;
4101 /**
4102 * Specifies whether the pricing plan for your reserved queue is ACTIVE or EXPIRED.
4103 */
4104 Status?: ReservationPlanStatus;
4105 }
4106 export interface ReservationPlanSettings {
4107 /**
4108 * The length of the term of your reserved queue pricing plan commitment.
4109 */
4110 Commitment: Commitment;
4111 /**
4112 * Specifies whether the term of your reserved queue pricing plan is automatically extended (AUTO_RENEW) or expires (EXPIRE) at the end of the term. When your term is auto renewed, you extend your commitment by 12 months from the auto renew date. You can cancel this commitment.
4113 */
4114 RenewalType: RenewalType;
4115 /**
4116 * Specifies the number of reserved transcode slots (RTS) for this queue. The number of RTS determines how many jobs the queue can process in parallel; each RTS can process one job at a time. You can't decrease the number of RTS in your reserved queue. You can increase the number of RTS by extending your existing commitment with a new 12-month commitment for the larger number. The new commitment begins when you purchase the additional capacity. You can't cancel your commitment or revert to your original commitment after you increase the capacity.
4117 */
4118 ReservedSlots: __integer;
4119 }
4120 export type ReservationPlanStatus = "ACTIVE"|"EXPIRED"|string;
4121 export interface ResourceTags {
4122 /**
4123 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
4124 */
4125 Arn?: __string;
4126 /**
4127 * The tags for the resource.
4128 */
4129 Tags?: __mapOf__string;
4130 }
4131 export type RespondToAfd = "NONE"|"RESPOND"|"PASSTHROUGH"|string;
4132 export interface S3DestinationAccessControl {
4133 /**
4134 * Choose an Amazon S3 canned ACL for MediaConvert to apply to this output.
4135 */
4136 CannedAcl?: S3ObjectCannedAcl;
4137 }
4138 export interface S3DestinationSettings {
4139 /**
4140 * Optional. Have MediaConvert automatically apply Amazon S3 access control for the outputs in this output group. When you don't use this setting, S3 automatically applies the default access control list PRIVATE.
4141 */
4142 AccessControl?: S3DestinationAccessControl;
4143 /**
4144 * Settings for how your job outputs are encrypted as they are uploaded to Amazon S3.
4145 */
4146 Encryption?: S3EncryptionSettings;
4147 }
4148 export interface S3EncryptionSettings {
4149 /**
4150 * Specify how you want your data keys managed. AWS uses data keys to encrypt your content. AWS also encrypts the data keys themselves, using a customer master key (CMK), and then stores the encrypted data keys alongside your encrypted content. Use this setting to specify which AWS service manages the CMK. For simplest set up, choose Amazon S3 (SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_S3). If you want your master key to be managed by AWS Key Management Service (KMS), choose AWS KMS (SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KMS). By default, when you choose AWS KMS, KMS uses the AWS managed customer master key (CMK) associated with Amazon S3 to encrypt your data keys. You can optionally choose to specify a different, customer managed CMK. Do so by specifying the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the key for the setting KMS ARN (kmsKeyArn).
4151 */
4152 EncryptionType?: S3ServerSideEncryptionType;
4153 /**
4154 * Optionally, specify the customer master key (CMK) that you want to use to encrypt the data key that AWS uses to encrypt your output content. Enter the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CMK. To use this setting, you must also set Server-side encryption (S3ServerSideEncryptionType) to AWS KMS (SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KMS). If you set Server-side encryption to AWS KMS but don't specify a CMK here, AWS uses the AWS managed CMK associated with Amazon S3.
4155 */
4156 KmsKeyArn?: __stringPatternArnAwsUsGovCnKmsAZ26EastWestCentralNorthSouthEastWest1912D12KeyAFAF098AFAF094AFAF094AFAF094AFAF0912;
4157 }
4159 export type S3ServerSideEncryptionType = "SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_S3"|"SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KMS"|string;
4160 export type ScalingBehavior = "DEFAULT"|"STRETCH_TO_OUTPUT"|string;
4161 export type SccDestinationFramerate = "FRAMERATE_23_97"|"FRAMERATE_24"|"FRAMERATE_25"|"FRAMERATE_29_97_DROPFRAME"|"FRAMERATE_29_97_NON_DROPFRAME"|string;
4162 export interface SccDestinationSettings {
4163 /**
4164 * Set Framerate (SccDestinationFramerate) to make sure that the captions and the video are synchronized in the output. Specify a frame rate that matches the frame rate of the associated video. If the video frame rate is 29.97, choose 29.97 dropframe (FRAMERATE_29_97_DROPFRAME) only if the video has video_insertion=true and drop_frame_timecode=true; otherwise, choose 29.97 non-dropframe (FRAMERATE_29_97_NON_DROPFRAME).
4165 */
4166 Framerate?: SccDestinationFramerate;
4167 }
4168 export type SimulateReservedQueue = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|string;
4169 export interface SpekeKeyProvider {
4170 /**
4171 * If you want your key provider to encrypt the content keys that it provides to MediaConvert, set up a certificate with a master key using AWS Certificate Manager. Specify the certificate's Amazon Resource Name (ARN) here.
4172 */
4173 CertificateArn?: __stringPatternArnAwsUsGovAcm;
4174 /**
4175 * Specify the resource ID that your SPEKE-compliant key provider uses to identify this content.
4176 */
4177 ResourceId?: __string;
4178 /**
4179 * Relates to SPEKE implementation. DRM system identifiers. DASH output groups support a max of two system ids. Other group types support one system id. See
4180 https://dashif.org/identifiers/content_protection/ for more details.
4181 */
4182 SystemIds?: __listOf__stringPattern09aFAF809aFAF409aFAF409aFAF409aFAF12;
4183 /**
4184 * Specify the URL to the key server that your SPEKE-compliant DRM key provider uses to provide keys for encrypting your content.
4185 */
4186 Url?: __stringPatternHttps;
4187 }
4188 export interface SpekeKeyProviderCmaf {
4189 /**
4190 * If you want your key provider to encrypt the content keys that it provides to MediaConvert, set up a certificate with a master key using AWS Certificate Manager. Specify the certificate's Amazon Resource Name (ARN) here.
4191 */
4192 CertificateArn?: __stringPatternArnAwsUsGovAcm;
4193 /**
4194 * Specify the DRM system IDs that you want signaled in the DASH manifest that MediaConvert creates as part of this CMAF package. The DASH manifest can currently signal up to three system IDs. For more information, see https://dashif.org/identifiers/content_protection/.
4195 */
4196 DashSignaledSystemIds?: __listOf__stringMin36Max36Pattern09aFAF809aFAF409aFAF409aFAF409aFAF12;
4197 /**
4198 * Specify the DRM system ID that you want signaled in the HLS manifest that MediaConvert creates as part of this CMAF package. The HLS manifest can currently signal only one system ID. For more information, see https://dashif.org/identifiers/content_protection/.
4199 */
4200 HlsSignaledSystemIds?: __listOf__stringMin36Max36Pattern09aFAF809aFAF409aFAF409aFAF409aFAF12;
4201 /**
4202 * Specify the resource ID that your SPEKE-compliant key provider uses to identify this content.
4203 */
4204 ResourceId?: __stringPatternW;
4205 /**
4206 * Specify the URL to the key server that your SPEKE-compliant DRM key provider uses to provide keys for encrypting your content.
4207 */
4208 Url?: __stringPatternHttps;
4209 }
4210 export interface StaticKeyProvider {
4211 /**
4212 * Relates to DRM implementation. Sets the value of the KEYFORMAT attribute. Must be 'identity' or a reverse DNS string. May be omitted to indicate an implicit value of 'identity'.
4213 */
4214 KeyFormat?: __stringPatternIdentityAZaZ26AZaZ09163;
4215 /**
4216 * Relates to DRM implementation. Either a single positive integer version value or a slash delimited list of version values (1/2/3).
4217 */
4218 KeyFormatVersions?: __stringPatternDD;
4219 /**
4220 * Relates to DRM implementation. Use a 32-character hexidecimal string to specify Key Value (StaticKeyValue).
4221 */
4222 StaticKeyValue?: __stringPatternAZaZ0932;
4223 /**
4224 * Relates to DRM implementation. The location of the license server used for protecting content.
4225 */
4226 Url?: __string;
4227 }
4228 export type StatusUpdateInterval = "SECONDS_10"|"SECONDS_12"|"SECONDS_15"|"SECONDS_20"|"SECONDS_30"|"SECONDS_60"|"SECONDS_120"|"SECONDS_180"|"SECONDS_240"|"SECONDS_300"|"SECONDS_360"|"SECONDS_420"|"SECONDS_480"|"SECONDS_540"|"SECONDS_600"|string;
4229 export interface TagResourceRequest {
4230 /**
4231 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource that you want to tag. To get the ARN, send a GET request with the resource name.
4232 */
4233 Arn: __string;
4234 /**
4235 * The tags that you want to add to the resource. You can tag resources with a key-value pair or with only a key.
4236 */
4237 Tags: __mapOf__string;
4238 }
4239 export interface TagResourceResponse {
4240 }
4241 export interface TeletextDestinationSettings {
4242 /**
4243 * Set pageNumber to the Teletext page number for the destination captions for this output. This value must be a three-digit hexadecimal string; strings ending in -FF are invalid. If you are passing through the entire set of Teletext data, do not use this field.
4244 */
4245 PageNumber?: __stringMin3Max3Pattern1809aFAF09aEAE;
4246 /**
4247 * Specify the page types for this Teletext page. If you don't specify a value here, the service sets the page type to the default value Subtitle (PAGE_TYPE_SUBTITLE). If you pass through the entire set of Teletext data, don't use this field. When you pass through a set of Teletext pages, your output has the same page types as your input.
4248 */
4249 PageTypes?: __listOfTeletextPageType;
4250 }
4252 export interface TeletextSourceSettings {
4253 /**
4254 * Use Page Number (PageNumber) to specify the three-digit hexadecimal page number that will be used for Teletext captions. Do not use this setting if you are passing through teletext from the input source to output.
4255 */
4256 PageNumber?: __stringMin3Max3Pattern1809aFAF09aEAE;
4257 }
4258 export interface TimecodeBurnin {
4259 /**
4260 * Use Font Size (FontSize) to set the font size of any burned-in timecode. Valid values are 10, 16, 32, 48.
4261 */
4262 FontSize?: __integerMin10Max48;
4263 /**
4264 * Use Position (Position) under under Timecode burn-in (TimecodeBurnIn) to specify the location the burned-in timecode on output video.
4265 */
4266 Position?: TimecodeBurninPosition;
4267 /**
4268 * Use Prefix (Prefix) to place ASCII characters before any burned-in timecode. For example, a prefix of "EZ-" will result in the timecode "EZ-00:00:00:00". Provide either the characters themselves or the ASCII code equivalents. The supported range of characters is 0x20 through 0x7e. This includes letters, numbers, and all special characters represented on a standard English keyboard.
4269 */
4270 Prefix?: __stringPattern;
4271 }
4273 export interface TimecodeConfig {
4274 /**
4275 * If you use an editing platform that relies on an anchor timecode, use Anchor Timecode (Anchor) to specify a timecode that will match the input video frame to the output video frame. Use 24-hour format with frame number, (HH:MM:SS:FF) or (HH:MM:SS;FF). This setting ignores frame rate conversion. System behavior for Anchor Timecode varies depending on your setting for Source (TimecodeSource). * If Source (TimecodeSource) is set to Specified Start (SPECIFIEDSTART), the first input frame is the specified value in Start Timecode (Start). Anchor Timecode (Anchor) and Start Timecode (Start) are used calculate output timecode. * If Source (TimecodeSource) is set to Start at 0 (ZEROBASED) the first frame is 00:00:00:00. * If Source (TimecodeSource) is set to Embedded (EMBEDDED), the first frame is the timecode value on the first input frame of the input.
4276 */
4277 Anchor?: __stringPattern010920405090509092;
4278 /**
4279 * Use Source (TimecodeSource) to set how timecodes are handled within this job. To make sure that your video, audio, captions, and markers are synchronized and that time-based features, such as image inserter, work correctly, choose the Timecode source option that matches your assets. All timecodes are in a 24-hour format with frame number (HH:MM:SS:FF). * Embedded (EMBEDDED) - Use the timecode that is in the input video. If no embedded timecode is in the source, the service will use Start at 0 (ZEROBASED) instead. * Start at 0 (ZEROBASED) - Set the timecode of the initial frame to 00:00:00:00. * Specified Start (SPECIFIEDSTART) - Set the timecode of the initial frame to a value other than zero. You use Start timecode (Start) to provide this value.
4280 */
4281 Source?: TimecodeSource;
4282 /**
4283 * Only use when you set Source (TimecodeSource) to Specified start (SPECIFIEDSTART). Use Start timecode (Start) to specify the timecode for the initial frame. Use 24-hour format with frame number, (HH:MM:SS:FF) or (HH:MM:SS;FF).
4284 */
4285 Start?: __stringPattern010920405090509092;
4286 /**
4287 * Only applies to outputs that support program-date-time stamp. Use Timestamp offset (TimestampOffset) to overwrite the timecode date without affecting the time and frame number. Provide the new date as a string in the format "yyyy-mm-dd". To use Time stamp offset, you must also enable Insert program-date-time (InsertProgramDateTime) in the output settings. For example, if the date part of your timecodes is 2002-1-25 and you want to change it to one year later, set Timestamp offset (TimestampOffset) to 2003-1-25.
4288 */
4289 TimestampOffset?: __stringPattern0940191020191209301;
4290 }
4291 export type TimecodeSource = "EMBEDDED"|"ZEROBASED"|"SPECIFIEDSTART"|string;
4292 export type TimedMetadata = "PASSTHROUGH"|"NONE"|string;
4293 export interface TimedMetadataInsertion {
4294 /**
4295 * Id3Insertions contains the array of Id3Insertion instances.
4296 */
4297 Id3Insertions?: __listOfId3Insertion;
4298 }
4299 export interface Timing {
4300 /**
4301 * The time, in Unix epoch format, that the transcoding job finished
4302 */
4303 FinishTime?: __timestampUnix;
4304 /**
4305 * The time, in Unix epoch format, that transcoding for the job began.
4306 */
4307 StartTime?: __timestampUnix;
4308 /**
4309 * The time, in Unix epoch format, that you submitted the job.
4310 */
4311 SubmitTime?: __timestampUnix;
4312 }
4313 export interface TrackSourceSettings {
4314 /**
4315 * Use this setting to select a single captions track from a source. Track numbers correspond to the order in the captions source file. For IMF sources, track numbering is based on the order that the captions appear in the CPL. For example, use 1 to select the captions asset that is listed first in the CPL. To include more than one captions track in your job outputs, create multiple input captions selectors. Specify one track per selector.
4316 */
4317 TrackNumber?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
4318 }
4319 export interface TtmlDestinationSettings {
4320 /**
4321 * Pass through style and position information from a TTML-like input source (TTML, SMPTE-TT, CFF-TT) to the CFF-TT output or TTML output.
4322 */
4323 StylePassthrough?: TtmlStylePassthrough;
4324 }
4325 export type TtmlStylePassthrough = "ENABLED"|"DISABLED"|string;
4326 export type Type = "SYSTEM"|"CUSTOM"|string;
4327 export interface UntagResourceRequest {
4328 /**
4329 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource that you want to remove tags from. To get the ARN, send a GET request with the resource name.
4330 */
4331 Arn: __string;
4332 /**
4333 * The keys of the tags that you want to remove from the resource.
4334 */
4335 TagKeys?: __listOf__string;
4336 }
4337 export interface UntagResourceResponse {
4338 }
4339 export interface UpdateJobTemplateRequest {
4340 /**
4341 * Accelerated transcoding can significantly speed up jobs with long, visually complex content. Outputs that use this feature incur pro-tier pricing. For information about feature limitations, see the AWS Elemental MediaConvert User Guide.
4342 */
4343 AccelerationSettings?: AccelerationSettings;
4344 /**
4345 * The new category for the job template, if you are changing it.
4346 */
4347 Category?: __string;
4348 /**
4349 * The new description for the job template, if you are changing it.
4350 */
4351 Description?: __string;
4352 /**
4353 * Optional list of hop destinations.
4354 */
4355 HopDestinations?: __listOfHopDestination;
4356 /**
4357 * The name of the job template you are modifying
4358 */
4359 Name: __string;
4360 /**
4361 * Specify the relative priority for this job. In any given queue, the service begins processing the job with the highest value first. When more than one job has the same priority, the service begins processing the job that you submitted first. If you don't specify a priority, the service uses the default value 0.
4362 */
4363 Priority?: __integerMinNegative50Max50;
4364 /**
4365 * The new queue for the job template, if you are changing it.
4366 */
4367 Queue?: __string;
4368 /**
4369 * JobTemplateSettings contains all the transcode settings saved in the template that will be applied to jobs created from it.
4370 */
4371 Settings?: JobTemplateSettings;
4372 /**
4373 * Specify how often MediaConvert sends STATUS_UPDATE events to Amazon CloudWatch Events. Set the interval, in seconds, between status updates. MediaConvert sends an update at this interval from the time the service begins processing your job to the time it completes the transcode or encounters an error.
4374 */
4375 StatusUpdateInterval?: StatusUpdateInterval;
4376 }
4377 export interface UpdateJobTemplateResponse {
4378 /**
4379 * A job template is a pre-made set of encoding instructions that you can use to quickly create a job.
4380 */
4381 JobTemplate?: JobTemplate;
4382 }
4383 export interface UpdatePresetRequest {
4384 /**
4385 * The new category for the preset, if you are changing it.
4386 */
4387 Category?: __string;
4388 /**
4389 * The new description for the preset, if you are changing it.
4390 */
4391 Description?: __string;
4392 /**
4393 * The name of the preset you are modifying.
4394 */
4395 Name: __string;
4396 /**
4397 * Settings for preset
4398 */
4399 Settings?: PresetSettings;
4400 }
4401 export interface UpdatePresetResponse {
4402 /**
4403 * A preset is a collection of preconfigured media conversion settings that you want MediaConvert to apply to the output during the conversion process.
4404 */
4405 Preset?: Preset;
4406 }
4407 export interface UpdateQueueRequest {
4408 /**
4409 * The new description for the queue, if you are changing it.
4410 */
4411 Description?: __string;
4412 /**
4413 * The name of the queue that you are modifying.
4414 */
4415 Name: __string;
4416 /**
4417 * The new details of your pricing plan for your reserved queue. When you set up a new pricing plan to replace an expired one, you enter into another 12-month commitment. When you add capacity to your queue by increasing the number of RTS, you extend the term of your commitment to 12 months from when you add capacity. After you make these commitments, you can't cancel them.
4418 */
4419 ReservationPlanSettings?: ReservationPlanSettings;
4420 /**
4421 * Pause or activate a queue by changing its status between ACTIVE and PAUSED. If you pause a queue, jobs in that queue won't begin. Jobs that are running when you pause the queue continue to run until they finish or result in an error.
4422 */
4423 Status?: QueueStatus;
4424 }
4425 export interface UpdateQueueResponse {
4426 /**
4427 * You can use queues to manage the resources that are available to your AWS account for running multiple transcoding jobs at the same time. If you don't specify a queue, the service sends all jobs through the default queue. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/working-with-queues.html.
4428 */
4429 Queue?: Queue;
4430 }
4431 export type VideoCodec = "FRAME_CAPTURE"|"AV1"|"H_264"|"H_265"|"MPEG2"|"PRORES"|string;
4432 export interface VideoCodecSettings {
4433 /**
4434 * Required when you set Codec, under VideoDescription>CodecSettings to the value AV1.
4435 */
4436 Av1Settings?: Av1Settings;
4437 /**
4438 * Specifies the video codec. This must be equal to one of the enum values defined by the object VideoCodec.
4439 */
4440 Codec?: VideoCodec;
4441 /**
4442 * Required when you set (Codec) under (VideoDescription)>(CodecSettings) to the value FRAME_CAPTURE.
4443 */
4444 FrameCaptureSettings?: FrameCaptureSettings;
4445 /**
4446 * Required when you set (Codec) under (VideoDescription)>(CodecSettings) to the value H_264.
4447 */
4448 H264Settings?: H264Settings;
4449 /**
4450 * Settings for H265 codec
4451 */
4452 H265Settings?: H265Settings;
4453 /**
4454 * Required when you set (Codec) under (VideoDescription)>(CodecSettings) to the value MPEG2.
4455 */
4456 Mpeg2Settings?: Mpeg2Settings;
4457 /**
4458 * Required when you set (Codec) under (VideoDescription)>(CodecSettings) to the value PRORES.
4459 */
4460 ProresSettings?: ProresSettings;
4461 }
4462 export interface VideoDescription {
4463 /**
4464 * This setting only applies to H.264, H.265, and MPEG2 outputs. Use Insert AFD signaling (AfdSignaling) to specify whether the service includes AFD values in the output video data and what those values are. * Choose None to remove all AFD values from this output. * Choose Fixed to ignore input AFD values and instead encode the value specified in the job. * Choose Auto to calculate output AFD values based on the input AFD scaler data.
4465 */
4466 AfdSignaling?: AfdSignaling;
4467 /**
4468 * The anti-alias filter is automatically applied to all outputs. The service no longer accepts the value DISABLED for AntiAlias. If you specify that in your job, the service will ignore the setting.
4469 */
4470 AntiAlias?: AntiAlias;
4471 /**
4472 * Video codec settings, (CodecSettings) under (VideoDescription), contains the group of settings related to video encoding. The settings in this group vary depending on the value that you choose for Video codec (Codec). For each codec enum that you choose, define the corresponding settings object. The following lists the codec enum, settings object pairs. * FRAME_CAPTURE, FrameCaptureSettings * AV1, Av1Settings * H_264, H264Settings * H_265, H265Settings * MPEG2, Mpeg2Settings * PRORES, ProresSettings
4473 */
4474 CodecSettings?: VideoCodecSettings;
4475 /**
4476 * Choose Insert (INSERT) for this setting to include color metadata in this output. Choose Ignore (IGNORE) to exclude color metadata from this output. If you don't specify a value, the service sets this to Insert by default.
4477 */
4478 ColorMetadata?: ColorMetadata;
4479 /**
4480 * Use Cropping selection (crop) to specify the video area that the service will include in the output video frame.
4481 */
4482 Crop?: Rectangle;
4483 /**
4484 * Applies only to 29.97 fps outputs. When this feature is enabled, the service will use drop-frame timecode on outputs. If it is not possible to use drop-frame timecode, the system will fall back to non-drop-frame. This setting is enabled by default when Timecode insertion (TimecodeInsertion) is enabled.
4485 */
4486 DropFrameTimecode?: DropFrameTimecode;
4487 /**
4488 * Applies only if you set AFD Signaling(AfdSignaling) to Fixed (FIXED). Use Fixed (FixedAfd) to specify a four-bit AFD value which the service will write on all frames of this video output.
4489 */
4490 FixedAfd?: __integerMin0Max15;
4491 /**
4492 * Use the Height (Height) setting to define the video resolution height for this output. Specify in pixels. If you don't provide a value here, the service will use the input height.
4493 */
4494 Height?: __integerMin32Max8192;
4495 /**
4496 * Use Selection placement (position) to define the video area in your output frame. The area outside of the rectangle that you specify here is black.
4497 */
4498 Position?: Rectangle;
4499 /**
4500 * Use Respond to AFD (RespondToAfd) to specify how the service changes the video itself in response to AFD values in the input. * Choose Respond to clip the input video frame according to the AFD value, input display aspect ratio, and output display aspect ratio. * Choose Passthrough to include the input AFD values. Do not choose this when AfdSignaling is set to (NONE). A preferred implementation of this workflow is to set RespondToAfd to (NONE) and set AfdSignaling to (AUTO). * Choose None to remove all input AFD values from this output.
4501 */
4502 RespondToAfd?: RespondToAfd;
4503 /**
4504 * Specify how the service handles outputs that have a different aspect ratio from the input aspect ratio. Choose Stretch to output (STRETCH_TO_OUTPUT) to have the service stretch your video image to fit. Keep the setting Default (DEFAULT) to have the service letterbox your video instead. This setting overrides any value that you specify for the setting Selection placement (position) in this output.
4505 */
4506 ScalingBehavior?: ScalingBehavior;
4507 /**
4508 * Use Sharpness (Sharpness) setting to specify the strength of anti-aliasing. This setting changes the width of the anti-alias filter kernel used for scaling. Sharpness only applies if your output resolution is different from your input resolution. 0 is the softest setting, 100 the sharpest, and 50 recommended for most content.
4509 */
4510 Sharpness?: __integerMin0Max100;
4511 /**
4512 * Applies only to H.264, H.265, MPEG2, and ProRes outputs. Only enable Timecode insertion when the input frame rate is identical to the output frame rate. To include timecodes in this output, set Timecode insertion (VideoTimecodeInsertion) to PIC_TIMING_SEI. To leave them out, set it to DISABLED. Default is DISABLED. When the service inserts timecodes in an output, by default, it uses any embedded timecodes from the input. If none are present, the service will set the timecode for the first output frame to zero. To change this default behavior, adjust the settings under Timecode configuration (TimecodeConfig). In the console, these settings are located under Job > Job settings > Timecode configuration. Note - Timecode source under input settings (InputTimecodeSource) does not affect the timecodes that are inserted in the output. Source under Job settings > Timecode configuration (TimecodeSource) does.
4513 */
4514 TimecodeInsertion?: VideoTimecodeInsertion;
4515 /**
4516 * Find additional transcoding features under Preprocessors (VideoPreprocessors). Enable the features at each output individually. These features are disabled by default.
4517 */
4518 VideoPreprocessors?: VideoPreprocessor;
4519 /**
4520 * Use Width (Width) to define the video resolution width, in pixels, for this output. If you don't provide a value here, the service will use the input width.
4521 */
4522 Width?: __integerMin32Max8192;
4523 }
4524 export interface VideoDetail {
4525 /**
4526 * Height in pixels for the output
4527 */
4528 HeightInPx?: __integer;
4529 /**
4530 * Width in pixels for the output
4531 */
4532 WidthInPx?: __integer;
4533 }
4534 export interface VideoPreprocessor {
4535 /**
4536 * Enable the Color corrector (ColorCorrector) feature if necessary. Enable or disable this feature for each output individually. This setting is disabled by default.
4537 */
4538 ColorCorrector?: ColorCorrector;
4539 /**
4540 * Use Deinterlacer (Deinterlacer) to produce smoother motion and a clearer picture.
4541 */
4542 Deinterlacer?: Deinterlacer;
4543 /**
4544 * Enable Dolby Vision feature to produce Dolby Vision compatible video output.
4545 */
4546 DolbyVision?: DolbyVision;
4547 /**
4548 * Enable the Image inserter (ImageInserter) feature to include a graphic overlay on your video. Enable or disable this feature for each output individually. This setting is disabled by default.
4549 */
4550 ImageInserter?: ImageInserter;
4551 /**
4552 * Enable the Noise reducer (NoiseReducer) feature to remove noise from your video output if necessary. Enable or disable this feature for each output individually. This setting is disabled by default.
4553 */
4554 NoiseReducer?: NoiseReducer;
4555 /**
4556 * Timecode burn-in (TimecodeBurnIn)--Burns the output timecode and specified prefix into the output.
4557 */
4558 TimecodeBurnin?: TimecodeBurnin;
4559 }
4560 export interface VideoSelector {
4561 /**
4562 * Ignore this setting unless this input is a QuickTime animation with an alpha channel. Use this setting to create separate Key and Fill outputs. In each output, specify which part of the input MediaConvert uses. Leave this setting at the default value DISCARD to delete the alpha channel and preserve the video. Set it to REMAP_TO_LUMA to delete the video and map the alpha channel to the luma channel of your outputs.
4563 */
4564 AlphaBehavior?: AlphaBehavior;
4565 /**
4566 * If your input video has accurate color space metadata, or if you don't know about color space, leave this set to the default value Follow (FOLLOW). The service will automatically detect your input color space. If your input video has metadata indicating the wrong color space, specify the accurate color space here. If your input video is HDR 10 and the SMPTE ST 2086 Mastering Display Color Volume static metadata isn't present in your video stream, or if that metadata is present but not accurate, choose Force HDR 10 (FORCE_HDR10) here and specify correct values in the input HDR 10 metadata (Hdr10Metadata) settings. For more information about MediaConvert HDR jobs, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/mediaconvert/hdr.
4567 */
4568 ColorSpace?: ColorSpace;
4569 /**
4570 * There are two sources for color metadata, the input file and the job input settings Color space (ColorSpace) and HDR master display information settings(Hdr10Metadata). The Color space usage setting determines which takes precedence. Choose Force (FORCE) to use color metadata from the input job settings. If you don't specify values for those settings, the service defaults to using metadata from your input. FALLBACK - Choose Fallback (FALLBACK) to use color metadata from the source when it is present. If there's no color metadata in your input file, the service defaults to using values you specify in the input settings.
4571 */
4572 ColorSpaceUsage?: ColorSpaceUsage;
4573 /**
4574 * Use these settings to provide HDR 10 metadata that is missing or inaccurate in your input video. Appropriate values vary depending on the input video and must be provided by a color grader. The color grader generates these values during the HDR 10 mastering process. The valid range for each of these settings is 0 to 50,000. Each increment represents 0.00002 in CIE1931 color coordinate. Related settings - When you specify these values, you must also set Color space (ColorSpace) to HDR 10 (HDR10). To specify whether the the values you specify here take precedence over the values in the metadata of your input file, set Color space usage (ColorSpaceUsage). To specify whether color metadata is included in an output, set Color metadata (ColorMetadata). For more information about MediaConvert HDR jobs, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/console/mediaconvert/hdr.
4575 */
4576 Hdr10Metadata?: Hdr10Metadata;
4577 /**
4578 * Use PID (Pid) to select specific video data from an input file. Specify this value as an integer; the system automatically converts it to the hexidecimal value. For example, 257 selects PID 0x101. A PID, or packet identifier, is an identifier for a set of data in an MPEG-2 transport stream container.
4579 */
4580 Pid?: __integerMin1Max2147483647;
4581 /**
4582 * Selects a specific program from within a multi-program transport stream. Note that Quad 4K is not currently supported.
4583 */
4584 ProgramNumber?: __integerMinNegative2147483648Max2147483647;
4585 /**
4586 * Use Rotate (InputRotate) to specify how the service rotates your video. You can choose automatic rotation or specify a rotation. You can specify a clockwise rotation of 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees. If your input video container is .mov or .mp4 and your input has rotation metadata, you can choose Automatic to have the service rotate your video according to the rotation specified in the metadata. The rotation must be within one degree of 90, 180, or 270 degrees. If the rotation metadata specifies any other rotation, the service will default to no rotation. By default, the service does no rotation, even if your input video has rotation metadata. The service doesn't pass through rotation metadata.
4587 */
4588 Rotate?: InputRotate;
4589 }
4590 export type VideoTimecodeInsertion = "DISABLED"|"PIC_TIMING_SEI"|string;
4591 export type WavFormat = "RIFF"|"RF64"|string;
4592 export interface WavSettings {
4593 /**
4594 * Specify Bit depth (BitDepth), in bits per sample, to choose the encoding quality for this audio track.
4595 */
4596 BitDepth?: __integerMin16Max24;
4597 /**
4598 * Specify the number of channels in this output audio track. Valid values are 1 and even numbers up to 64. For example, 1, 2, 4, 6, and so on, up to 64.
4599 */
4600 Channels?: __integerMin1Max64;
4601 /**
4602 * The service defaults to using RIFF for WAV outputs. If your output audio is likely to exceed 4 GB in file size, or if you otherwise need the extended support of the RF64 format, set your output WAV file format to RF64.
4603 */
4604 Format?: WavFormat;
4605 /**
4606 * Sample rate in Hz.
4607 */
4608 SampleRate?: __integerMin8000Max192000;
4609 }
4610 export type __doubleMin0 = number;
4611 export type __doubleMin0Max1 = number;
4612 export type __doubleMin0Max2147483647 = number;
4613 export type __doubleMinNegative59Max0 = number;
4614 export type __doubleMinNegative60Max3 = number;
4615 export type __doubleMinNegative60MaxNegative1 = number;
4616 export type __doubleMinNegative6Max3 = number;
4617 export type __integer = number;
4618 export type __integerMin0Max0 = number;
4619 export type __integerMin0Max1 = number;
4620 export type __integerMin0Max10 = number;
4621 export type __integerMin0Max100 = number;
4622 export type __integerMin0Max1000 = number;
4623 export type __integerMin0Max10000 = number;
4624 export type __integerMin0Max1152000000 = number;
4625 export type __integerMin0Max128 = number;
4626 export type __integerMin0Max1466400000 = number;
4627 export type __integerMin0Max15 = number;
4628 export type __integerMin0Max16 = number;
4629 export type __integerMin0Max2147483647 = number;
4630 export type __integerMin0Max255 = number;
4631 export type __integerMin0Max3 = number;
4632 export type __integerMin0Max30 = number;
4633 export type __integerMin0Max30000 = number;
4634 export type __integerMin0Max3600 = number;
4635 export type __integerMin0Max4 = number;
4636 export type __integerMin0Max47185920 = number;
4637 export type __integerMin0Max500 = number;
4638 export type __integerMin0Max50000 = number;
4639 export type __integerMin0Max65535 = number;
4640 export type __integerMin0Max7 = number;
4641 export type __integerMin0Max8 = number;
4642 export type __integerMin0Max9 = number;
4643 export type __integerMin0Max96 = number;
4644 export type __integerMin0Max99 = number;
4645 export type __integerMin1000Max1152000000 = number;
4646 export type __integerMin1000Max1466400000 = number;
4647 export type __integerMin1000Max288000000 = number;
4648 export type __integerMin1000Max30000 = number;
4649 export type __integerMin1000Max300000000 = number;
4650 export type __integerMin10Max48 = number;
4651 export type __integerMin16000Max320000 = number;
4652 export type __integerMin16Max24 = number;
4653 export type __integerMin1Max1 = number;
4654 export type __integerMin1Max10 = number;
4655 export type __integerMin1Max100 = number;
4656 export type __integerMin1Max10000000 = number;
4657 export type __integerMin1Max1001 = number;
4658 export type __integerMin1Max17895697 = number;
4659 export type __integerMin1Max2 = number;
4660 export type __integerMin1Max20 = number;
4661 export type __integerMin1Max2147483640 = number;
4662 export type __integerMin1Max2147483647 = number;
4663 export type __integerMin1Max31 = number;
4664 export type __integerMin1Max32 = number;
4665 export type __integerMin1Max4 = number;
4666 export type __integerMin1Max6 = number;
4667 export type __integerMin1Max60000 = number;
4668 export type __integerMin1Max64 = number;
4669 export type __integerMin22050Max48000 = number;
4670 export type __integerMin24Max60000 = number;
4671 export type __integerMin25Max10000 = number;
4672 export type __integerMin25Max2000 = number;
4673 export type __integerMin2Max2147483647 = number;
4674 export type __integerMin32000Max384000 = number;
4675 export type __integerMin32000Max48000 = number;
4676 export type __integerMin32Max8182 = number;
4677 export type __integerMin32Max8192 = number;
4678 export type __integerMin384000Max768000 = number;
4679 export type __integerMin48000Max48000 = number;
4680 export type __integerMin6000Max1024000 = number;
4681 export type __integerMin64000Max640000 = number;
4682 export type __integerMin7Max15 = number;
4683 export type __integerMin8000Max192000 = number;
4684 export type __integerMin8000Max96000 = number;
4685 export type __integerMin96Max600 = number;
4686 export type __integerMinNegative1000Max1000 = number;
4687 export type __integerMinNegative180Max180 = number;
4688 export type __integerMinNegative1Max3 = number;
4689 export type __integerMinNegative2147483648Max2147483647 = number;
4690 export type __integerMinNegative2Max3 = number;
4691 export type __integerMinNegative50Max50 = number;
4692 export type __integerMinNegative5Max5 = number;
4693 export type __integerMinNegative60Max6 = number;
4694 export type __integerMinNegative70Max0 = number;
4695 export type __listOfAudioDescription = AudioDescription[];
4696 export type __listOfCaptionDescription = CaptionDescription[];
4697 export type __listOfCaptionDescriptionPreset = CaptionDescriptionPreset[];
4698 export type __listOfCmafAdditionalManifest = CmafAdditionalManifest[];
4699 export type __listOfDashAdditionalManifest = DashAdditionalManifest[];
4700 export type __listOfEndpoint = Endpoint[];
4701 export type __listOfHlsAdMarkers = HlsAdMarkers[];
4702 export type __listOfHlsAdditionalManifest = HlsAdditionalManifest[];
4703 export type __listOfHlsCaptionLanguageMapping = HlsCaptionLanguageMapping[];
4704 export type __listOfHopDestination = HopDestination[];
4705 export type __listOfId3Insertion = Id3Insertion[];
4706 export type __listOfInput = Input[];
4707 export type __listOfInputClipping = InputClipping[];
4708 export type __listOfInputTemplate = InputTemplate[];
4709 export type __listOfInsertableImage = InsertableImage[];
4710 export type __listOfJob = Job[];
4711 export type __listOfJobTemplate = JobTemplate[];
4712 export type __listOfMsSmoothAdditionalManifest = MsSmoothAdditionalManifest[];
4713 export type __listOfOutput = Output[];
4714 export type __listOfOutputChannelMapping = OutputChannelMapping[];
4715 export type __listOfOutputDetail = OutputDetail[];
4716 export type __listOfOutputGroup = OutputGroup[];
4717 export type __listOfOutputGroupDetail = OutputGroupDetail[];
4718 export type __listOfPreset = Preset[];
4719 export type __listOfQueue = Queue[];
4720 export type __listOfQueueTransition = QueueTransition[];
4721 export type __listOfTeletextPageType = TeletextPageType[];
4722 export type __listOf__integerMin1Max2147483647 = __integerMin1Max2147483647[];
4723 export type __listOf__integerMin32Max8182 = __integerMin32Max8182[];
4724 export type __listOf__integerMinNegative60Max6 = __integerMinNegative60Max6[];
4725 export type __listOf__string = __string[];
4726 export type __listOf__stringMin1 = __stringMin1[];
4727 export type __listOf__stringMin36Max36Pattern09aFAF809aFAF409aFAF409aFAF409aFAF12 = __stringMin36Max36Pattern09aFAF809aFAF409aFAF409aFAF409aFAF12[];
4728 export type __listOf__stringPattern09aFAF809aFAF409aFAF409aFAF409aFAF12 = __stringPattern09aFAF809aFAF409aFAF409aFAF409aFAF12[];
4729 export type __listOf__stringPatternS3ASSETMAPXml = __stringPatternS3ASSETMAPXml[];
4730 export type __mapOfAudioSelector = {[key: string]: AudioSelector};
4731 export type __mapOfAudioSelectorGroup = {[key: string]: AudioSelectorGroup};
4732 export type __mapOfCaptionSelector = {[key: string]: CaptionSelector};
4733 export type __mapOf__string = {[key: string]: __string};
4734 export type __string = string;
4735 export type __stringMin0 = string;
4736 export type __stringMin1 = string;
4737 export type __stringMin11Max11Pattern01D20305D205D = string;
4738 export type __stringMin14Max1285PatternS3Mov09PngHttpsMov09Png = string;
4739 export type __stringMin14PatternS3BmpBMPPngPNGHttpsBmpBMPPngPNG = string;
4740 export type __stringMin14PatternS3BmpBMPPngPNGTgaTGAHttpsBmpBMPPngPNGTgaTGA = string;
4741 export type __stringMin14PatternS3SccSCCTtmlTTMLDfxpDFXPStlSTLSrtSRTXmlXMLSmiSMIHttpsSccSCCTtmlTTMLDfxpDFXPStlSTLSrtSRTXmlXMLSmiSMI = string;
4742 export type __stringMin16Max24PatternAZaZ0922AZaZ0916 = string;
4743 export type __stringMin1Max256 = string;
4744 export type __stringMin24Max512PatternAZaZ0902 = string;
4745 export type __stringMin32Max32Pattern09aFAF32 = string;
4746 export type __stringMin36Max36Pattern09aFAF809aFAF409aFAF409aFAF409aFAF12 = string;
4747 export type __stringMin3Max3Pattern1809aFAF09aEAE = string;
4748 export type __stringMin3Max3PatternAZaZ3 = string;
4749 export type __stringMin9Max19PatternAZ26EastWestCentralNorthSouthEastWest1912 = string;
4750 export type __stringPattern = string;
4751 export type __stringPattern010920405090509092 = string;
4752 export type __stringPattern01D20305D205D = string;
4753 export type __stringPattern0940191020191209301 = string;
4754 export type __stringPattern09aFAF809aFAF409aFAF409aFAF409aFAF12 = string;
4755 export type __stringPatternAZaZ0902 = string;
4756 export type __stringPatternAZaZ0932 = string;
4757 export type __stringPatternAZaZ23AZaZ = string;
4758 export type __stringPatternArnAwsUsGovAcm = string;
4759 export type __stringPatternArnAwsUsGovCnKmsAZ26EastWestCentralNorthSouthEastWest1912D12KeyAFAF098AFAF094AFAF094AFAF094AFAF0912 = string;
4760 export type __stringPatternDD = string;
4761 export type __stringPatternHttps = string;
4762 export type __stringPatternIdentityAZaZ26AZaZ09163 = string;
4763 export type __stringPatternS3 = string;
4764 export type __stringPatternS3ASSETMAPXml = string;
4767 export type __stringPatternSNManifestConfirmConditionNotificationNS = string;
4768 export type __stringPatternSNSignalProcessingNotificationNS = string;
4769 export type __stringPatternW = string;
4770 export type __stringPatternWS = string;
4771 export type __timestampUnix = Date;
4772 /**
4773 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
4774 */
4775 export type apiVersion = "2017-08-29"|"latest"|string;
4776 export interface ClientApiVersions {
4777 /**
4778 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
4779 */
4780 apiVersion?: apiVersion;
4781 }
4782 export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
4783 /**
4784 * Contains interfaces for use with the MediaConvert client.
4785 */
4786 export import Types = MediaConvert;
4788export = MediaConvert;