1 | "use strict";
2 |
3 |
4 | var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
5 | function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
6 | return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
7 | function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
8 | function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
9 | function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
10 | step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
11 | });
12 | };
13 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
14 | exports.WebApi = exports.getHandlerFromToken = exports.getPersonalAccessTokenHandler = exports.getBearerHandler = exports.getNtlmHandler = exports.getBasicHandler = void 0;
15 | const alertm = require("./AlertApi");
16 | const buildm = require("./BuildApi");
17 | const corem = require("./CoreApi");
18 | const dashboardm = require("./DashboardApi");
19 | const extmgmtm = require("./ExtensionManagementApi");
20 | const featuremgmtm = require("./FeatureManagementApi");
21 | const filecontainerm = require("./FileContainerApi");
22 | const gallerym = require("./GalleryApi");
23 | const gitm = require("./GitApi");
24 | const locationsm = require("./LocationsApi");
25 | const managementm = require("./ManagementApi");
26 | const notificationm = require("./NotificationApi");
27 | const policym = require("./PolicyApi");
28 | const profilem = require("./ProfileApi");
29 | const projectm = require("./ProjectAnalysisApi");
30 | const releasem = require("./ReleaseApi");
31 | const securityrolesm = require("./SecurityRolesApi");
32 | const taskagentm = require("./TaskAgentApi");
33 | const taskm = require("./TaskApi");
34 | const testm = require("./TestApi");
35 | const testplanm = require("./TestPlanApi");
36 | const testresultsm = require("./TestResultsApi");
37 | const tfvcm = require("./TfvcApi");
38 | const wikim = require("./WikiApi");
39 | const workm = require("./WorkApi");
40 | const pipelinesm = require("./PipelinesApi");
41 | const cixm = require("./CIXApi");
42 | const workitemtrackingm = require("./WorkItemTrackingApi");
43 | const workitemtrackingprocessm = require("./WorkItemTrackingProcessApi");
44 | const workitemtrackingprocessdefinitionm = require("./WorkItemTrackingProcessDefinitionsApi");
45 | const basicm = require("./handlers/basiccreds");
46 | const bearm = require("./handlers/bearertoken");
47 | const ntlmm = require("./handlers/ntlm");
48 | const patm = require("./handlers/personalaccesstoken");
49 | const rm = require("typed-rest-client/RestClient");
50 | const vsom = require("./VsoClient");
51 | const crypto = require("crypto");
52 | const fs = require("fs");
53 | const os = require("os");
54 | const url = require("url");
55 | const path = require("path");
56 | const isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined';
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 | function getBasicHandler(username, password, allowCrossOriginAuthentication) {
61 | return new basicm.BasicCredentialHandler(username, password, allowCrossOriginAuthentication);
62 | }
63 | exports.getBasicHandler = getBasicHandler;
64 | function getNtlmHandler(username, password, workstation, domain) {
65 | return new ntlmm.NtlmCredentialHandler(username, password, workstation, domain);
66 | }
67 | exports.getNtlmHandler = getNtlmHandler;
68 | function getBearerHandler(token, allowCrossOriginAuthentication) {
69 | return new bearm.BearerCredentialHandler(token, allowCrossOriginAuthentication);
70 | }
71 | exports.getBearerHandler = getBearerHandler;
72 | function getPersonalAccessTokenHandler(token, allowCrossOriginAuthentication) {
73 | return new patm.PersonalAccessTokenCredentialHandler(token, allowCrossOriginAuthentication);
74 | }
75 | exports.getPersonalAccessTokenHandler = getPersonalAccessTokenHandler;
76 | function getHandlerFromToken(token, allowCrossOriginAuthentication) {
77 | if (token.length === 52) {
78 | return getPersonalAccessTokenHandler(token, allowCrossOriginAuthentication);
79 | }
80 | else {
81 | return getBearerHandler(token, allowCrossOriginAuthentication);
82 | }
83 | }
84 | exports.getHandlerFromToken = getHandlerFromToken;
85 | ;
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 | class WebApi {
91 | |
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 | constructor(defaultUrl, authHandler, options, requestSettings) {
97 | |
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 | this.isNoProxyHost = function (_url) {
102 | if (!process.env.no_proxy) {
103 | return false;
104 | }
105 | const noProxyDomains = (process.env.no_proxy || '')
106 | .split(',')
107 | .map(v => v.toLowerCase());
108 | const serverUrl = url.parse(_url).host.toLowerCase();
109 |
110 | return noProxyDomains.indexOf(serverUrl) !== -1;
111 | };
112 | this.serverUrl = defaultUrl;
113 | this.authHandler = authHandler;
114 | this.options = options || {};
115 | if (!this.isNoProxyHost(this.serverUrl)) {
116 |
117 | if (!this.options.proxy || !this.options.proxy.proxyUrl) {
118 | if (global['_vsts_task_lib_proxy']) {
119 | let proxyFromEnv = {
120 | proxyUrl: global['_vsts_task_lib_proxy_url'],
121 | proxyUsername: global['_vsts_task_lib_proxy_username'],
122 | proxyPassword: this._readTaskLibSecrets(global['_vsts_task_lib_proxy_password']),
123 | proxyBypassHosts: JSON.parse(global['_vsts_task_lib_proxy_bypass'] || "[]"),
124 | };
125 | this.options.proxy = proxyFromEnv;
126 | }
127 | }
128 | }
129 |
130 | if (!this.options.cert) {
131 | if (global['_vsts_task_lib_cert']) {
132 | let certFromEnv = {
133 | caFile: global['_vsts_task_lib_cert_ca'],
134 | certFile: global['_vsts_task_lib_cert_clientcert'],
135 | keyFile: global['_vsts_task_lib_cert_key'],
136 | passphrase: this._readTaskLibSecrets(global['_vsts_task_lib_cert_passphrase']),
137 | };
138 | this.options.cert = certFromEnv;
139 | }
140 | }
141 |
142 | if (!this.options.ignoreSslError) {
143 | this.options.ignoreSslError = !!global['_vsts_task_lib_skip_cert_validation'];
144 | }
145 | let userAgent;
146 | const nodeApiName = 'azure-devops-node-api';
147 | if (isBrowser) {
148 | if (requestSettings) {
149 | userAgent = `${requestSettings.productName}/${requestSettings.productVersion} (${nodeApiName}; ${window.navigator.userAgent})`;
150 | }
151 | else {
152 | userAgent = `${nodeApiName} (${window.navigator.userAgent})`;
153 | }
154 | }
155 | else {
156 | let nodeApiVersion = 'unknown';
157 | const packageJsonPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'package.json');
158 | if (fs.existsSync(packageJsonPath)) {
159 | nodeApiVersion = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJsonPath, 'utf8')).version;
160 | }
161 | const osName = os.platform();
162 | const osVersion = os.release();
163 | if (requestSettings) {
164 | userAgent = `${requestSettings.productName}/${requestSettings.productVersion} (${nodeApiName} ${nodeApiVersion}; ${osName} ${osVersion})`;
165 | }
166 | else {
167 | userAgent = `${nodeApiName}/${nodeApiVersion} (${osName} ${osVersion})`;
168 | }
169 | }
170 | this.rest = new rm.RestClient(userAgent, null, [this.authHandler], this.options);
171 | this.vsoClient = new vsom.VsoClient(defaultUrl, this.rest);
172 | }
173 | |
174 |
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 | static createWithBearerToken(defaultUrl, token, options) {
179 | let bearerHandler = getBearerHandler(token);
180 | return new this(defaultUrl, bearerHandler, options);
181 | }
182 | connect() {
183 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
184 | return new Promise((resolve, reject) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
185 | try {
186 | let res;
187 | res = yield this.rest.get(this.vsoClient.resolveUrl('/_apis/connectionData'));
188 | resolve(res.result);
189 | }
190 | catch (err) {
191 | reject(err);
192 | }
193 | }));
194 | });
195 | }
196 | |
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 | getAlertApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
201 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
202 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "0f2ca920-f269-4545-b1f4-5b4173aa784e");
203 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
204 | return new alertm.AlertApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
205 | });
206 | }
207 | getBuildApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
208 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
209 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, buildm.BuildApi.RESOURCE_AREA_ID);
210 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
211 | return new buildm.BuildApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
212 | });
213 | }
214 | getCoreApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
215 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
216 |
217 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "79134c72-4a58-4b42-976c-04e7115f32bf");
218 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
219 | return new corem.CoreApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
220 | });
221 | }
222 | getDashboardApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
223 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
224 |
225 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "31c84e0a-3ece-48fd-a29d-100849af99ba");
226 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
227 | return new dashboardm.DashboardApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
228 | });
229 | }
230 | getExtensionManagementApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
231 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
232 |
233 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "6c2b0933-3600-42ae-bf8b-93d4f7e83594");
234 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
235 | return new extmgmtm.ExtensionManagementApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
236 | });
237 | }
238 | getFeatureManagementApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
239 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
240 |
241 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "");
242 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
243 | return new featuremgmtm.FeatureManagementApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
244 | });
245 | }
246 | getFileContainerApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
247 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
248 |
249 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "");
250 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
251 | return new filecontainerm.FileContainerApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
252 | });
253 | }
254 | getGalleryApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
255 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
256 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, gallerym.GalleryApi.RESOURCE_AREA_ID);
257 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
258 | return new gallerym.GalleryApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
259 | });
260 | }
261 | getGitApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
262 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
263 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, gitm.GitApi.RESOURCE_AREA_ID);
264 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
265 | return new gitm.GitApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
266 | });
267 | }
268 |
269 | getLocationsApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
270 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
271 | let optionsClone = Object.assign({}, this.options);
272 | optionsClone.allowRetries = true;
273 | optionsClone.maxRetries = 5;
274 | serverUrl = (yield serverUrl) || this.serverUrl;
275 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
276 | return new locationsm.LocationsApi(serverUrl, handlers, optionsClone);
277 | });
278 | }
279 | getManagementApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
280 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
281 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "f101720c-9790-45a6-9fb3-494a09fddeeb");
282 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
283 | return new managementm.ManagementApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
284 | });
285 | }
286 | getNotificationApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
287 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
288 |
289 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "");
290 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
291 | return new notificationm.NotificationApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
292 | });
293 | }
294 | getPolicyApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
295 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
296 |
297 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "fb13a388-40dd-4a04-b530-013a739c72ef");
298 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
299 | return new policym.PolicyApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
300 | });
301 | }
302 | getProfileApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
303 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
304 |
305 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "8ccfef3d-2b87-4e99-8ccb-66e343d2daa8");
306 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
307 | return new profilem.ProfileApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
308 | });
309 | }
310 | getProjectAnalysisApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
311 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
312 |
313 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "7658fa33-b1bf-4580-990f-fac5896773d3");
314 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
315 | return new projectm.ProjectAnalysisApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
316 | });
317 | }
318 | getSecurityRolesApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
319 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
320 |
321 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "");
322 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
323 | return new securityrolesm.SecurityRolesApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
324 | });
325 | }
326 | getReleaseApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
327 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
328 |
329 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "efc2f575-36ef-48e9-b672-0c6fb4a48ac5");
330 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
331 | return new releasem.ReleaseApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
332 | });
333 | }
334 | getTaskApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
335 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
336 |
337 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "");
338 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
339 | return new taskm.TaskApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
340 | });
341 | }
342 | getTaskAgentApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
343 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
344 |
345 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "a85b8835-c1a1-4aac-ae97-1c3d0ba72dbd");
346 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
347 | return new taskagentm.TaskAgentApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
348 | });
349 | }
350 | getTestApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
351 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
352 |
353 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "c2aa639c-3ccc-4740-b3b6-ce2a1e1d984e");
354 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
355 | return new testm.TestApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
356 | });
357 | }
358 | getTestPlanApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
359 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
360 |
361 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "e4c27205-9d23-4c98-b958-d798bc3f9cd4");
362 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
363 | return new testplanm.TestPlanApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
364 | });
365 | }
366 | getTestResultsApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
367 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
368 |
369 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "c83eaf52-edf3-4034-ae11-17d38f25404c");
370 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
371 | return new testresultsm.TestResultsApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
372 | });
373 | }
374 | getTfvcApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
375 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
376 |
377 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "8aa40520-446d-40e6-89f6-9c9f9ce44c48");
378 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
379 | return new tfvcm.TfvcApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
380 | });
381 | }
382 | getWikiApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
383 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
384 |
385 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "bf7d82a0-8aa5-4613-94ef-6172a5ea01f3");
386 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
387 | return new wikim.WikiApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
388 | });
389 | }
390 | getWorkApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
391 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
392 |
393 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "1d4f49f9-02b9-4e26-b826-2cdb6195f2a9");
394 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
395 | return new workm.WorkApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
396 | });
397 | }
398 | getWorkItemTrackingApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
399 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
400 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, workitemtrackingm.WorkItemTrackingApi.RESOURCE_AREA_ID);
401 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
402 | return new workitemtrackingm.WorkItemTrackingApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
403 | });
404 | }
405 | getWorkItemTrackingProcessApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
406 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
407 |
408 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "5264459e-e5e0-4bd8-b118-0985e68a4ec5");
409 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
410 | return new workitemtrackingprocessm.WorkItemTrackingProcessApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
411 | });
412 | }
413 | getWorkItemTrackingProcessDefinitionApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
414 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
415 |
416 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "5264459e-e5e0-4bd8-b118-0985e68a4ec5");
417 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
418 | return new workitemtrackingprocessdefinitionm.WorkItemTrackingProcessDefinitionsApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
419 | });
420 | }
421 | getPipelinesApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
422 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
423 |
424 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "5264459e-e5e0-4bd8-b118-0985e68a4ec5");
425 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
426 | return new pipelinesm.PipelinesApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
427 | });
428 | }
429 | getCixApi(serverUrl, handlers) {
430 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
431 |
432 | serverUrl = yield this._getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl || this.serverUrl, "5264459e-e5e0-4bd8-b118-0985e68a4ec5");
433 | handlers = handlers || [this.authHandler];
434 | return new cixm.CixApi(serverUrl, handlers, this.options);
435 | });
436 | }
437 | _getResourceAreaUrl(serverUrl, resourceId) {
438 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
439 | if (!resourceId) {
440 | return serverUrl;
441 | }
442 |
443 | const resourceAreas = yield this._getResourceAreas();
444 | if (resourceAreas === undefined) {
445 | throw new Error((`Failed to retrieve resource areas ' + 'from server: ${serverUrl}`));
446 | }
447 |
448 |
449 |
450 |
451 | if (!resourceAreas || resourceAreas.length === 0 || resourceAreas.count === 0) {
452 |
453 | return serverUrl;
454 | }
455 | for (var resourceArea of resourceAreas) {
456 | if (resourceArea.id.toLowerCase() === resourceId.toLowerCase()) {
457 | return resourceArea.locationUrl;
458 | }
459 | }
460 | throw new Error((`Could not find information for resource area ${resourceId} ' + 'from server: ${serverUrl}`));
461 | });
462 | }
463 | _getResourceAreas() {
464 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
465 | if (!this._resourceAreas) {
466 | const locationClient = yield this.getLocationsApi();
467 | this._resourceAreas = yield locationClient.getResourceAreas();
468 | }
469 | return this._resourceAreas;
470 | });
471 | }
472 | _readTaskLibSecrets(lookupKey) {
473 | if (isBrowser) {
474 | throw new Error("Browsers can't securely keep secrets");
475 | }
476 |
477 |
478 | if (lookupKey && lookupKey.indexOf(':') > 0) {
479 | let lookupInfo = lookupKey.split(':', 2);
480 |
481 | let keyFile = new Buffer(lookupInfo[0], 'base64').toString('utf8');
482 | let encryptKey = new Buffer(fs.readFileSync(keyFile, 'utf8'), 'base64');
483 | let encryptedContent = new Buffer(lookupInfo[1], 'base64').toString('utf8');
484 | let decipher = crypto.createDecipher("aes-256-ctr", encryptKey);
485 | let decryptedContent = decipher.update(encryptedContent, 'hex', 'utf8');
486 | decryptedContent += decipher.final('utf8');
487 | return decryptedContent;
488 | }
489 | }
490 | }
491 | exports.WebApi = WebApi;