1 | import IdentitiesInterfaces = require("../interfaces/IdentitiesInterfaces");
2 | import VSSInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces");
3 | export interface CategorizedWebApiTeams {
4 | /**
5 | * Teams that the user is a member of.
6 | */
7 | myTeams?: WebApiTeam[];
8 | /**
9 | * Teams that the user can read but is not member of.
10 | */
11 | otherReadableTeams?: WebApiTeam[];
12 | }
13 | export declare enum ConnectedServiceKind {
14 | /**
15 | * Custom or unknown service
16 | */
17 | Custom = 0,
18 | /**
19 | * Azure Subscription
20 | */
21 | AzureSubscription = 1,
22 | /**
23 | * Chef Connection
24 | */
25 | Chef = 2,
26 | /**
27 | * Generic Connection
28 | */
29 | Generic = 3
30 | }
31 | export interface IdentityData {
32 | identityIds?: string[];
33 | }
34 | export interface Process extends ProcessReference {
35 | _links?: any;
36 | description?: string;
37 | id?: string;
38 | isDefault?: boolean;
39 | type?: ProcessType;
40 | }
41 | /**
42 | * Type of process customization on a collection.
43 | */
44 | export declare enum ProcessCustomizationType {
45 | /**
46 | * Process customization can't be computed.
47 | */
48 | Unknown = -1,
49 | /**
50 | * Customization based on project-scoped xml customization
51 | */
52 | Xml = 0,
53 | /**
54 | * Customization based on process inheritance
55 | */
56 | Inherited = 1
57 | }
58 | export interface ProcessReference {
59 | name?: string;
60 | url?: string;
61 | }
62 | export declare enum ProcessType {
63 | System = 0,
64 | Custom = 1,
65 | Inherited = 2
66 | }
67 | /**
68 | * Contains the image data for project avatar.
69 | */
70 | export interface ProjectAvatar {
71 | /**
72 | * The avatar image represented as a byte array.
73 | */
74 | image?: number[];
75 | }
76 | export declare enum ProjectChangeType {
77 | Modified = 0,
78 | Deleted = 1,
79 | Added = 2
80 | }
81 | /**
82 | * Contains information describing a project.
83 | */
84 | export interface ProjectInfo {
85 | /**
86 | * The abbreviated name of the project.
87 | */
88 | abbreviation?: string;
89 | /**
90 | * The description of the project.
91 | */
92 | description?: string;
93 | /**
94 | * The id of the project.
95 | */
96 | id?: string;
97 | /**
98 | * The time that this project was last updated.
99 | */
100 | lastUpdateTime?: Date;
101 | /**
102 | * The name of the project.
103 | */
104 | name?: string;
105 | /**
106 | * A set of name-value pairs storing additional property data related to the project.
107 | */
108 | properties?: ProjectProperty[];
109 | /**
110 | * The current revision of the project.
111 | */
112 | revision?: number;
113 | /**
114 | * The current state of the project.
115 | */
116 | state?: any;
117 | /**
118 | * A Uri that can be used to refer to this project.
119 | */
120 | uri?: string;
121 | /**
122 | * The version number of the project.
123 | */
124 | version?: number;
125 | /**
126 | * Indicates whom the project is visible to.
127 | */
128 | visibility?: ProjectVisibility;
129 | }
130 | export interface ProjectMessage {
131 | project?: ProjectInfo;
132 | projectChangeType?: ProjectChangeType;
133 | shouldInvalidateSystemStore?: boolean;
134 | }
135 | export interface ProjectProperties {
136 | /**
137 | * The team project Id
138 | */
139 | projectId?: string;
140 | /**
141 | * The collection of team project properties
142 | */
143 | properties?: ProjectProperty[];
144 | }
145 | /**
146 | * A named value associated with a project.
147 | */
148 | export interface ProjectProperty {
149 | /**
150 | * The name of the property.
151 | */
152 | name?: string;
153 | /**
154 | * The value of the property.
155 | */
156 | value?: any;
157 | }
158 | export declare enum ProjectVisibility {
159 | Unchanged = -1,
160 | /**
161 | * The project is only visible to users with explicit access.
162 | */
163 | Private = 0,
164 | /**
165 | * Enterprise level project visibility
166 | */
167 | Organization = 1,
168 | /**
169 | * The project is visible to all.
170 | */
171 | Public = 2,
172 | SystemPrivate = 3
173 | }
174 | export interface Proxy {
175 | authorization?: ProxyAuthorization;
176 | /**
177 | * This is a description string
178 | */
179 | description?: string;
180 | /**
181 | * The friendly name of the server
182 | */
183 | friendlyName?: string;
184 | globalDefault?: boolean;
185 | /**
186 | * This is a string representation of the site that the proxy server is located in (e.g. "NA-WA-RED")
187 | */
188 | site?: string;
189 | siteDefault?: boolean;
190 | /**
191 | * The URL of the proxy server
192 | */
193 | url?: string;
194 | }
195 | export interface ProxyAuthorization {
196 | /**
197 | * Gets or sets the endpoint used to obtain access tokens from the configured token service.
198 | */
199 | authorizationUrl?: string;
200 | /**
201 | * Gets or sets the client identifier for this proxy.
202 | */
203 | clientId?: string;
204 | /**
205 | * Gets or sets the user identity to authorize for on-prem.
206 | */
207 | identity?: IdentitiesInterfaces.IdentityDescriptor;
208 | /**
209 | * Gets or sets the public key used to verify the identity of this proxy. Only specify on hosted.
210 | */
211 | publicKey?: VSSInterfaces.PublicKey;
212 | }
213 | export declare enum SourceControlTypes {
214 | Tfvc = 1,
215 | Git = 2
216 | }
217 | /**
218 | * The Team Context for an operation.
219 | */
220 | export interface TeamContext {
221 | /**
222 | * The team project Id or name. Ignored if ProjectId is set.
223 | */
224 | project?: string;
225 | /**
226 | * The Team Project ID. Required if Project is not set.
227 | */
228 | projectId?: string;
229 | /**
230 | * The Team Id or name. Ignored if TeamId is set.
231 | */
232 | team?: string;
233 | /**
234 | * The Team Id
235 | */
236 | teamId?: string;
237 | }
238 | /**
239 | * Represents a Team Project object.
240 | */
241 | export interface TeamProject extends TeamProjectReference {
242 | /**
243 | * The links to other objects related to this object.
244 | */
245 | _links?: any;
246 | /**
247 | * Set of capabilities this project has (such as process template & version control).
248 | */
249 | capabilities?: {
250 | [key: string]: {
251 | [key: string]: string;
252 | };
253 | };
254 | /**
255 | * The shallow ref to the default team.
256 | */
257 | defaultTeam?: WebApiTeamRef;
258 | }
259 | /**
260 | * Data contract for a TeamProjectCollection.
261 | */
262 | export interface TeamProjectCollection extends TeamProjectCollectionReference {
263 | /**
264 | * The links to other objects related to this object.
265 | */
266 | _links?: any;
267 | /**
268 | * Project collection description.
269 | */
270 | description?: string;
271 | /**
272 | * Process customization type on this collection. It can be Xml or Inherited.
273 | */
274 | processCustomizationType?: ProcessCustomizationType;
275 | /**
276 | * Project collection state.
277 | */
278 | state?: string;
279 | }
280 | /**
281 | * Reference object for a TeamProjectCollection.
282 | */
283 | export interface TeamProjectCollectionReference {
284 | /**
285 | * Collection avatar Url.
286 | */
287 | avatarUrl?: string;
288 | /**
289 | * Collection Id.
290 | */
291 | id?: string;
292 | /**
293 | * Collection Name.
294 | */
295 | name?: string;
296 | /**
297 | * Collection REST Url.
298 | */
299 | url?: string;
300 | }
301 | /**
302 | * Represents a shallow reference to a TeamProject.
303 | */
304 | export interface TeamProjectReference {
305 | /**
306 | * Project abbreviation.
307 | */
308 | abbreviation?: string;
309 | /**
310 | * Url to default team identity image.
311 | */
312 | defaultTeamImageUrl?: string;
313 | /**
314 | * The project's description (if any).
315 | */
316 | description?: string;
317 | /**
318 | * Project identifier.
319 | */
320 | id?: string;
321 | /**
322 | * Project last update time.
323 | */
324 | lastUpdateTime?: Date;
325 | /**
326 | * Project name.
327 | */
328 | name?: string;
329 | /**
330 | * Project revision.
331 | */
332 | revision?: number;
333 | /**
334 | * Project state.
335 | */
336 | state?: any;
337 | /**
338 | * Url to the full version of the object.
339 | */
340 | url?: string;
341 | /**
342 | * Project visibility.
343 | */
344 | visibility?: ProjectVisibility;
345 | }
346 | /**
347 | * A data transfer object that stores the metadata associated with the creation of temporary data.
348 | */
349 | export interface TemporaryDataCreatedDTO extends TemporaryDataDTO {
350 | /**
351 | * Temporary data expiration date.
352 | */
353 | expirationDate?: Date;
354 | /**
355 | * Temporary data id.
356 | */
357 | id?: string;
358 | /**
359 | * Rest url for the temporary data.
360 | */
361 | url?: string;
362 | }
363 | /**
364 | * A data transfer object that stores the metadata associated with the temporary data.
365 | */
366 | export interface TemporaryDataDTO {
367 | /**
368 | * Temporary data expire in seconds
369 | */
370 | expirationSeconds?: number;
371 | /**
372 | * Temporary data origin
373 | */
374 | origin?: string;
375 | /**
376 | * Temporary data.
377 | */
378 | value?: any;
379 | }
380 | /**
381 | * Updateable properties for a WebApiTeam.
382 | */
383 | export interface UpdateTeam {
384 | /**
385 | * New description for the team.
386 | */
387 | description?: string;
388 | /**
389 | * New name for the team.
390 | */
391 | name?: string;
392 | }
393 | export interface WebApiConnectedService extends WebApiConnectedServiceRef {
394 | /**
395 | * The user who did the OAuth authentication to created this service
396 | */
397 | authenticatedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
398 | /**
399 | * Extra description on the service.
400 | */
401 | description?: string;
402 | /**
403 | * Friendly Name of service connection
404 | */
405 | friendlyName?: string;
406 | /**
407 | * Id/Name of the connection service. For Ex: Subscription Id for Azure Connection
408 | */
409 | id?: string;
410 | /**
411 | * The kind of service.
412 | */
413 | kind?: string;
414 | /**
415 | * The project associated with this service
416 | */
417 | project?: TeamProjectReference;
418 | /**
419 | * Optional uri to connect directly to the service such as https://windows.azure.com
420 | */
421 | serviceUri?: string;
422 | }
423 | export interface WebApiConnectedServiceDetails extends WebApiConnectedServiceRef {
424 | /**
425 | * Meta data for service connection
426 | */
427 | connectedServiceMetaData?: WebApiConnectedService;
428 | /**
429 | * Credential info
430 | */
431 | credentialsXml?: string;
432 | /**
433 | * Optional uri to connect directly to the service such as https://windows.azure.com
434 | */
435 | endPoint?: string;
436 | }
437 | export interface WebApiConnectedServiceRef {
438 | id?: string;
439 | url?: string;
440 | }
441 | /**
442 | * The representation of data needed to create a tag definition which is sent across the wire.
443 | */
444 | export interface WebApiCreateTagRequestData {
445 | /**
446 | * Name of the tag definition that will be created.
447 | */
448 | name: string;
449 | }
450 | export interface WebApiProject extends TeamProjectReference {
451 | /**
452 | * Set of capabilities this project has
453 | */
454 | capabilities?: {
455 | [key: string]: {
456 | [key: string]: string;
457 | };
458 | };
459 | /**
460 | * Reference to collection which contains this project
461 | */
462 | collection?: WebApiProjectCollectionRef;
463 | /**
464 | * Default team for this project
465 | */
466 | defaultTeam?: WebApiTeamRef;
467 | }
468 | export interface WebApiProjectCollection extends WebApiProjectCollectionRef {
469 | /**
470 | * Project collection description
471 | */
472 | description?: string;
473 | /**
474 | * Project collection state
475 | */
476 | state?: string;
477 | }
478 | export interface WebApiProjectCollectionRef {
479 | /**
480 | * Collection Tfs Url (Host Url)
481 | */
482 | collectionUrl?: string;
483 | /**
484 | * Collection Guid
485 | */
486 | id?: string;
487 | /**
488 | * Collection Name
489 | */
490 | name?: string;
491 | /**
492 | * Collection REST Url
493 | */
494 | url?: string;
495 | }
496 | /**
497 | * The representation of a tag definition which is sent across the wire.
498 | */
499 | export interface WebApiTagDefinition {
500 | /**
501 | * Whether or not the tag definition is active.
502 | */
503 | active?: boolean;
504 | /**
505 | * ID of the tag definition.
506 | */
507 | id?: string;
508 | /**
509 | * The name of the tag definition.
510 | */
511 | name?: string;
512 | /**
513 | * Resource URL for the Tag Definition.
514 | */
515 | url?: string;
516 | }
517 | export interface WebApiTeam extends WebApiTeamRef {
518 | /**
519 | * Team description
520 | */
521 | description?: string;
522 | /**
523 | * Team identity.
524 | */
525 | identity?: IdentitiesInterfaces.Identity;
526 | /**
527 | * Identity REST API Url to this team
528 | */
529 | identityUrl?: string;
530 | projectId?: string;
531 | projectName?: string;
532 | }
533 | export interface WebApiTeamRef {
534 | /**
535 | * Team (Identity) Guid. A Team Foundation ID.
536 | */
537 | id?: string;
538 | /**
539 | * Team name
540 | */
541 | name?: string;
542 | /**
543 | * Team REST API Url
544 | */
545 | url?: string;
546 | }
547 | export declare var TypeInfo: {
548 | ConnectedServiceKind: {
549 | enumValues: {
550 | custom: number;
551 | azureSubscription: number;
552 | chef: number;
553 | generic: number;
554 | };
555 | };
556 | Process: any;
557 | ProcessCustomizationType: {
558 | enumValues: {
559 | unknown: number;
560 | xml: number;
561 | inherited: number;
562 | };
563 | };
564 | ProcessType: {
565 | enumValues: {
566 | system: number;
567 | custom: number;
568 | inherited: number;
569 | };
570 | };
571 | ProjectChangeType: {
572 | enumValues: {
573 | modified: number;
574 | deleted: number;
575 | added: number;
576 | };
577 | };
578 | ProjectInfo: any;
579 | ProjectMessage: any;
580 | ProjectVisibility: {
581 | enumValues: {
582 | private: number;
583 | organization: number;
584 | public: number;
585 | };
586 | };
587 | SourceControlTypes: {
588 | enumValues: {
589 | tfvc: number;
590 | git: number;
591 | };
592 | };
593 | TeamProject: any;
594 | TeamProjectCollection: any;
595 | TeamProjectReference: any;
596 | TemporaryDataCreatedDTO: any;
597 | WebApiConnectedService: any;
598 | WebApiConnectedServiceDetails: any;
599 | WebApiProject: any;
600 | };