1 | import GalleryInterfaces = require("../interfaces/GalleryInterfaces");
2 | import VSSInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces");
3 | /**
4 | * How the acquisition is assigned
5 | */
6 | export declare enum AcquisitionAssignmentType {
7 | None = 0,
8 | /**
9 | * Just assign for me
10 | */
11 | Me = 1,
12 | /**
13 | * Assign for all users in the account
14 | */
15 | All = 2
16 | }
17 | export interface AcquisitionOperation {
18 | /**
19 | * State of the AcquisitionOperation for the current user
20 | */
21 | operationState?: AcquisitionOperationState;
22 | /**
23 | * AcquisitionOperationType: install, request, buy, etc...
24 | */
25 | operationType?: AcquisitionOperationType;
26 | /**
27 | * Optional reason to justify current state. Typically used with Disallow state.
28 | */
29 | reason?: string;
30 | /**
31 | * List of reasons indicating why the operation is not allowed.
32 | */
33 | reasons?: AcquisitionOperationDisallowReason[];
34 | }
35 | export interface AcquisitionOperationDisallowReason {
36 | /**
37 | * User-friendly message clarifying the reason for disallowance
38 | */
39 | message?: string;
40 | /**
41 | * Type of reason for disallowance - AlreadyInstalled, UnresolvedDemand, etc.
42 | */
43 | type?: string;
44 | }
45 | export declare enum AcquisitionOperationState {
46 | /**
47 | * Not allowed to use this AcquisitionOperation
48 | */
49 | Disallow = 0,
50 | /**
51 | * Allowed to use this AcquisitionOperation
52 | */
53 | Allow = 1,
54 | /**
55 | * Operation has already been completed and is no longer available
56 | */
57 | Completed = 3
58 | }
59 | /**
60 | * Set of different types of operations that can be requested.
61 | */
62 | export declare enum AcquisitionOperationType {
63 | /**
64 | * Not yet used
65 | */
66 | Get = 0,
67 | /**
68 | * Install this extension into the host provided
69 | */
70 | Install = 1,
71 | /**
72 | * Buy licenses for this extension and install into the host provided
73 | */
74 | Buy = 2,
75 | /**
76 | * Try this extension
77 | */
78 | Try = 3,
79 | /**
80 | * Request this extension for installation
81 | */
82 | Request = 4,
83 | /**
84 | * No action found
85 | */
86 | None = 5,
87 | /**
88 | * Request admins for purchasing extension
89 | */
90 | PurchaseRequest = 6
91 | }
92 | /**
93 | * Market item acquisition options (install, buy, etc) for an installation target.
94 | */
95 | export interface AcquisitionOptions {
96 | /**
97 | * Default Operation for the ItemId in this target
98 | */
99 | defaultOperation?: AcquisitionOperation;
100 | /**
101 | * The item id that this options refer to
102 | */
103 | itemId?: string;
104 | /**
105 | * Operations allowed for the ItemId in this target
106 | */
107 | operations?: AcquisitionOperation[];
108 | /**
109 | * Additional properties which can be added to the request.
110 | */
111 | properties?: any;
112 | /**
113 | * The target that this options refer to
114 | */
115 | target?: string;
116 | }
117 | /**
118 | * Representation of a ContributionNode that can be used for serialized to clients.
119 | */
120 | export interface ClientContribution {
121 | /**
122 | * Description of the contribution/type
123 | */
124 | description?: string;
125 | /**
126 | * Fully qualified identifier of the contribution/type
127 | */
128 | id?: string;
129 | /**
130 | * Includes is a set of contributions that should have this contribution included in their targets list.
131 | */
132 | includes?: string[];
133 | /**
134 | * Properties/attributes of this contribution
135 | */
136 | properties?: any;
137 | /**
138 | * The ids of the contribution(s) that this contribution targets. (parent contributions)
139 | */
140 | targets?: string[];
141 | /**
142 | * Id of the Contribution Type
143 | */
144 | type?: string;
145 | }
146 | /**
147 | * Representation of a ContributionNode that can be used for serialized to clients.
148 | */
149 | export interface ClientContributionNode {
150 | /**
151 | * List of ids for contributions which are children to the current contribution.
152 | */
153 | children?: string[];
154 | /**
155 | * Contribution associated with this node.
156 | */
157 | contribution?: ClientContribution;
158 | /**
159 | * List of ids for contributions which are parents to the current contribution.
160 | */
161 | parents?: string[];
162 | }
163 | export interface ClientContributionProviderDetails {
164 | /**
165 | * Friendly name for the provider.
166 | */
167 | displayName?: string;
168 | /**
169 | * Unique identifier for this provider. The provider name can be used to cache the contribution data and refer back to it when looking for changes
170 | */
171 | name?: string;
172 | /**
173 | * Properties associated with the provider
174 | */
175 | properties?: {
176 | [key: string]: string;
177 | };
178 | /**
179 | * Version of contributions associated with this contribution provider.
180 | */
181 | version?: string;
182 | }
183 | /**
184 | * A client data provider are the details needed to make the data provider request from the client.
185 | */
186 | export interface ClientDataProviderQuery extends DataProviderQuery {
187 | /**
188 | * The Id of the service instance type that should be communicated with in order to resolve the data providers from the client given the query values.
189 | */
190 | queryServiceInstanceType?: string;
191 | }
192 | /**
193 | * An individual contribution made by an extension
194 | */
195 | export interface Contribution extends ContributionBase {
196 | /**
197 | * List of constraints (filters) that should be applied to the availability of this contribution
198 | */
199 | constraints?: ContributionConstraint[];
200 | /**
201 | * Includes is a set of contributions that should have this contribution included in their targets list.
202 | */
203 | includes?: string[];
204 | /**
205 | * Properties/attributes of this contribution
206 | */
207 | properties?: any;
208 | /**
209 | * List of demanded claims in order for the user to see this contribution (like anonymous, public, member...).
210 | */
211 | restrictedTo?: string[];
212 | /**
213 | * The ids of the contribution(s) that this contribution targets. (parent contributions)
214 | */
215 | targets?: string[];
216 | /**
217 | * Id of the Contribution Type
218 | */
219 | type?: string;
220 | }
221 | /**
222 | * Base class shared by contributions and contribution types
223 | */
224 | export interface ContributionBase {
225 | /**
226 | * Description of the contribution/type
227 | */
228 | description?: string;
229 | /**
230 | * Fully qualified identifier of the contribution/type
231 | */
232 | id?: string;
233 | /**
234 | * VisibleTo can be used to restrict whom can reference a given contribution/type. This value should be a list of publishers or extensions access is restricted too. Examples: "ms" - Means only the "ms" publisher can reference this. "ms.vss-web" - Means only the "vss-web" extension from the "ms" publisher can reference this.
235 | */
236 | visibleTo?: string[];
237 | }
238 | /**
239 | * Specifies a constraint that can be used to dynamically include/exclude a given contribution
240 | */
241 | export interface ContributionConstraint {
242 | /**
243 | * An optional property that can be specified to group constraints together. All constraints within a group are AND'd together (all must be evaluate to True in order for the contribution to be included). Different groups of constraints are OR'd (only one group needs to evaluate to True for the contribution to be included).
244 | */
245 | group?: number;
246 | /**
247 | * Fully qualified identifier of a shared constraint
248 | */
249 | id?: string;
250 | /**
251 | * If true, negate the result of the filter (include the contribution if the applied filter returns false instead of true)
252 | */
253 | inverse?: boolean;
254 | /**
255 | * Name of the IContributionFilter plugin
256 | */
257 | name?: string;
258 | /**
259 | * Properties that are fed to the contribution filter class
260 | */
261 | properties?: any;
262 | /**
263 | * Constraints can be optionally be applied to one or more of the relationships defined in the contribution. If no relationships are defined then all relationships are associated with the constraint. This means the default behaviour will eliminate the contribution from the tree completely if the constraint is applied.
264 | */
265 | relationships?: string[];
266 | }
267 | /**
268 | * Represents different ways of including contributions based on licensing
269 | */
270 | export declare enum ContributionLicensingBehaviorType {
271 | /**
272 | * Default value - only include the contribution if the user is licensed for the extension
273 | */
274 | OnlyIfLicensed = 0,
275 | /**
276 | * Only include the contribution if the user is NOT licensed for the extension
277 | */
278 | OnlyIfUnlicensed = 1,
279 | /**
280 | * Always include the contribution regardless of whether or not the user is licensed for the extension
281 | */
282 | AlwaysInclude = 2
283 | }
284 | /**
285 | * A query that can be issued for contribution nodes
286 | */
287 | export interface ContributionNodeQuery {
288 | /**
289 | * The contribution ids of the nodes to find.
290 | */
291 | contributionIds?: string[];
292 | /**
293 | * Contextual information that can be leveraged by contribution constraints
294 | */
295 | dataProviderContext?: DataProviderContext;
296 | /**
297 | * Indicator if contribution provider details should be included in the result.
298 | */
299 | includeProviderDetails?: boolean;
300 | /**
301 | * Query options tpo be used when fetching ContributionNodes
302 | */
303 | queryOptions?: ContributionQueryOptions;
304 | }
305 | /**
306 | * Result of a contribution node query. Wraps the resulting contribution nodes and provider details.
307 | */
308 | export interface ContributionNodeQueryResult {
309 | /**
310 | * Map of contribution ids to corresponding node.
311 | */
312 | nodes?: {
313 | [key: string]: ClientContributionNode;
314 | };
315 | /**
316 | * Map of provider ids to the corresponding provider details object.
317 | */
318 | providerDetails?: {
319 | [key: string]: ClientContributionProviderDetails;
320 | };
321 | }
322 | /**
323 | * Description about a property of a contribution type
324 | */
325 | export interface ContributionPropertyDescription {
326 | /**
327 | * Description of the property
328 | */
329 | description?: string;
330 | /**
331 | * Name of the property
332 | */
333 | name?: string;
334 | /**
335 | * True if this property is required
336 | */
337 | required?: boolean;
338 | /**
339 | * The type of value used for this property
340 | */
341 | type?: ContributionPropertyType;
342 | }
343 | /**
344 | * The type of value used for a property
345 | */
346 | export declare enum ContributionPropertyType {
347 | /**
348 | * Contribution type is unknown (value may be anything)
349 | */
350 | Unknown = 0,
351 | /**
352 | * Value is a string
353 | */
354 | String = 1,
355 | /**
356 | * Value is a Uri
357 | */
358 | Uri = 2,
359 | /**
360 | * Value is a GUID
361 | */
362 | Guid = 4,
363 | /**
364 | * Value is True or False
365 | */
366 | Boolean = 8,
367 | /**
368 | * Value is an integer
369 | */
370 | Integer = 16,
371 | /**
372 | * Value is a double
373 | */
374 | Double = 32,
375 | /**
376 | * Value is a DateTime object
377 | */
378 | DateTime = 64,
379 | /**
380 | * Value is a generic Dictionary/JObject/property bag
381 | */
382 | Dictionary = 128,
383 | /**
384 | * Value is an array
385 | */
386 | Array = 256,
387 | /**
388 | * Value is an arbitrary/custom object
389 | */
390 | Object = 512
391 | }
392 | export interface ContributionProviderDetails {
393 | /**
394 | * Friendly name for the provider.
395 | */
396 | displayName?: string;
397 | /**
398 | * Unique identifier for this provider. The provider name can be used to cache the contribution data and refer back to it when looking for changes
399 | */
400 | name?: string;
401 | /**
402 | * Properties associated with the provider
403 | */
404 | properties?: {
405 | [key: string]: string;
406 | };
407 | /**
408 | * Version of contributions associated with this contribution provider.
409 | */
410 | version?: string;
411 | }
412 | /**
413 | * Options that control the contributions to include in a query
414 | */
415 | export declare enum ContributionQueryOptions {
416 | None = 0,
417 | /**
418 | * Include the direct contributions that have the ids queried.
419 | */
420 | IncludeSelf = 16,
421 | /**
422 | * Include the contributions that directly target the contributions queried.
423 | */
424 | IncludeChildren = 32,
425 | /**
426 | * Include the contributions from the entire sub-tree targeting the contributions queried.
427 | */
428 | IncludeSubTree = 96,
429 | /**
430 | * Include the contribution being queried as well as all contributions that target them recursively.
431 | */
432 | IncludeAll = 112,
433 | /**
434 | * Some callers may want the entire tree back without constraint evaluation being performed.
435 | */
436 | IgnoreConstraints = 256
437 | }
438 | /**
439 | * A contribution type, given by a json schema
440 | */
441 | export interface ContributionType extends ContributionBase {
442 | /**
443 | * Controls whether or not contributions of this type have the type indexed for queries. This allows clients to find all extensions that have a contribution of this type. NOTE: Only TrustedPartners are allowed to specify indexed contribution types.
444 | */
445 | indexed?: boolean;
446 | /**
447 | * Friendly name of the contribution/type
448 | */
449 | name?: string;
450 | /**
451 | * Describes the allowed properties for this contribution type
452 | */
453 | properties?: {
454 | [key: string]: ContributionPropertyDescription;
455 | };
456 | }
457 | /**
458 | * Contextual information that data providers can examine when populating their data
459 | */
460 | export interface DataProviderContext {
461 | /**
462 | * Generic property bag that contains context-specific properties that data providers can use when populating their data dictionary
463 | */
464 | properties?: {
465 | [key: string]: any;
466 | };
467 | }
468 | export interface DataProviderExceptionDetails {
469 | /**
470 | * The type of the exception that was thrown.
471 | */
472 | exceptionType?: string;
473 | /**
474 | * Message that is associated with the exception.
475 | */
476 | message?: string;
477 | /**
478 | * The StackTrace from the exception turned into a string.
479 | */
480 | stackTrace?: string;
481 | }
482 | /**
483 | * A query that can be issued for data provider data
484 | */
485 | export interface DataProviderQuery {
486 | /**
487 | * Contextual information to pass to the data providers
488 | */
489 | context?: DataProviderContext;
490 | /**
491 | * The contribution ids of the data providers to resolve
492 | */
493 | contributionIds?: string[];
494 | }
495 | /**
496 | * Result structure from calls to GetDataProviderData
497 | */
498 | export interface DataProviderResult {
499 | /**
500 | * This is the set of data providers that were requested, but either they were defined as client providers, or as remote providers that failed and may be retried by the client.
501 | */
502 | clientProviders?: {
503 | [key: string]: ClientDataProviderQuery;
504 | };
505 | /**
506 | * Property bag of data keyed off of the data provider contribution id
507 | */
508 | data?: {
509 | [key: string]: any;
510 | };
511 | /**
512 | * Set of exceptions that occurred resolving the data providers.
513 | */
514 | exceptions?: {
515 | [key: string]: DataProviderExceptionDetails;
516 | };
517 | /**
518 | * List of data providers resolved in the data-provider query
519 | */
520 | resolvedProviders?: ResolvedDataProvider[];
521 | /**
522 | * Scope name applied to this data provider result.
523 | */
524 | scopeName?: string;
525 | /**
526 | * Scope value applied to this data provider result.
527 | */
528 | scopeValue?: string;
529 | /**
530 | * Property bag of shared data that was contributed to by any of the individual data providers
531 | */
532 | sharedData?: {
533 | [key: string]: any;
534 | };
535 | }
536 | /**
537 | * Data bag that any data provider can contribute to. This shared dictionary is returned in the data provider result.
538 | */
539 | export interface DataProviderSharedData {
540 | }
541 | /**
542 | * Contract for handling the extension acquisition process
543 | */
544 | export interface ExtensionAcquisitionRequest {
545 | /**
546 | * How the item is being assigned
547 | */
548 | assignmentType?: AcquisitionAssignmentType;
549 | /**
550 | * The id of the subscription used for purchase
551 | */
552 | billingId?: string;
553 | /**
554 | * The marketplace id (publisherName.extensionName) for the item
555 | */
556 | itemId?: string;
557 | /**
558 | * The type of operation, such as install, request, purchase
559 | */
560 | operationType?: AcquisitionOperationType;
561 | /**
562 | * Additional properties which can be added to the request.
563 | */
564 | properties?: any;
565 | /**
566 | * How many licenses should be purchased
567 | */
568 | quantity?: number;
569 | }
570 | /**
571 | * Audit log for an extension
572 | */
573 | export interface ExtensionAuditLog {
574 | /**
575 | * Collection of audit log entries
576 | */
577 | entries?: ExtensionAuditLogEntry[];
578 | /**
579 | * Extension that the change was made for
580 | */
581 | extensionName?: string;
582 | /**
583 | * Publisher that the extension is part of
584 | */
585 | publisherName?: string;
586 | }
587 | /**
588 | * An audit log entry for an extension
589 | */
590 | export interface ExtensionAuditLogEntry {
591 | /**
592 | * Change that was made to extension
593 | */
594 | auditAction?: string;
595 | /**
596 | * Date at which the change was made
597 | */
598 | auditDate?: Date;
599 | /**
600 | * Extra information about the change
601 | */
602 | comment?: string;
603 | /**
604 | * Represents the user who made the change
605 | */
606 | updatedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
607 | }
608 | export interface ExtensionAuthorization {
609 | id?: string;
610 | scopes?: string[];
611 | }
612 | /**
613 | * Represents a single collection for extension data documents
614 | */
615 | export interface ExtensionDataCollection {
616 | /**
617 | * The name of the collection
618 | */
619 | collectionName?: string;
620 | /**
621 | * A list of documents belonging to the collection
622 | */
623 | documents?: any[];
624 | /**
625 | * The type of the collection's scope, such as Default or User
626 | */
627 | scopeType?: string;
628 | /**
629 | * The value of the collection's scope, such as Current or Me
630 | */
631 | scopeValue?: string;
632 | }
633 | /**
634 | * Represents a query to receive a set of extension data collections
635 | */
636 | export interface ExtensionDataCollectionQuery {
637 | /**
638 | * A list of collections to query
639 | */
640 | collections?: ExtensionDataCollection[];
641 | }
642 | export interface ExtensionEvent {
643 | /**
644 | * The extension which has been updated
645 | */
646 | extension?: GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension;
647 | /**
648 | * The current version of the extension that was updated
649 | */
650 | extensionVersion?: string;
651 | /**
652 | * Name of the collection for which the extension was requested
653 | */
654 | host?: ExtensionHost;
655 | /**
656 | * Gallery host url
657 | */
658 | links?: ExtensionEventUrls;
659 | /**
660 | * Represents the user who initiated the update
661 | */
662 | modifiedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
663 | /**
664 | * The type of update that was made
665 | */
666 | updateType?: ExtensionUpdateType;
667 | }
668 | /**
669 | * Base class for an event callback for an extension
670 | */
671 | export interface ExtensionEventCallback {
672 | /**
673 | * The uri of the endpoint that is hit when an event occurs
674 | */
675 | uri?: string;
676 | }
677 | /**
678 | * Collection of event callbacks - endpoints called when particular extension events occur.
679 | */
680 | export interface ExtensionEventCallbackCollection {
681 | /**
682 | * Optional. Defines an endpoint that gets called via a POST request to notify that an extension disable has occurred.
683 | */
684 | postDisable?: ExtensionEventCallback;
685 | /**
686 | * Optional. Defines an endpoint that gets called via a POST request to notify that an extension enable has occurred.
687 | */
688 | postEnable?: ExtensionEventCallback;
689 | /**
690 | * Optional. Defines an endpoint that gets called via a POST request to notify that an extension install has completed.
691 | */
692 | postInstall?: ExtensionEventCallback;
693 | /**
694 | * Optional. Defines an endpoint that gets called via a POST request to notify that an extension uninstall has occurred.
695 | */
696 | postUninstall?: ExtensionEventCallback;
697 | /**
698 | * Optional. Defines an endpoint that gets called via a POST request to notify that an extension update has occurred.
699 | */
700 | postUpdate?: ExtensionEventCallback;
701 | /**
702 | * Optional. Defines an endpoint that gets called via a POST request to notify that an extension install is about to occur. Response indicates whether to proceed or abort.
703 | */
704 | preInstall?: ExtensionEventCallback;
705 | /**
706 | * For multi-version extensions, defines an endpoint that gets called via an OPTIONS request to determine the particular version of the extension to be used
707 | */
708 | versionCheck?: ExtensionEventCallback;
709 | }
710 | export interface ExtensionEventUrls extends ExtensionUrls {
711 | /**
712 | * Url of the extension management page
713 | */
714 | manageExtensionsPage?: string;
715 | }
716 | /**
717 | * Set of flags applied to extensions that are relevant to contribution consumers
718 | */
719 | export declare enum ExtensionFlags {
720 | /**
721 | * A built-in extension is installed for all VSTS accounts by default
722 | */
723 | BuiltIn = 1,
724 | /**
725 | * The extension comes from a fully-trusted publisher
726 | */
727 | Trusted = 2
728 | }
729 | export interface ExtensionHost {
730 | id?: string;
731 | name?: string;
732 | }
733 | /**
734 | * How an extension should handle including contributions based on licensing
735 | */
736 | export interface ExtensionLicensing {
737 | /**
738 | * A list of contributions which deviate from the default licensing behavior
739 | */
740 | overrides?: LicensingOverride[];
741 | }
742 | /**
743 | * Base class for extension properties which are shared by the extension manifest and the extension model
744 | */
745 | export interface ExtensionManifest {
746 | /**
747 | * Uri used as base for other relative uri's defined in extension
748 | */
749 | baseUri?: string;
750 | /**
751 | * List of shared constraints defined by this extension
752 | */
753 | constraints?: ContributionConstraint[];
754 | /**
755 | * List of contributions made by this extension
756 | */
757 | contributions?: Contribution[];
758 | /**
759 | * List of contribution types defined by this extension
760 | */
761 | contributionTypes?: ContributionType[];
762 | /**
763 | * List of explicit demands required by this extension
764 | */
765 | demands?: string[];
766 | /**
767 | * Collection of endpoints that get called when particular extension events occur
768 | */
769 | eventCallbacks?: ExtensionEventCallbackCollection;
770 | /**
771 | * Secondary location that can be used as base for other relative uri's defined in extension
772 | */
773 | fallbackBaseUri?: string;
774 | /**
775 | * Language Culture Name set by the Gallery
776 | */
777 | language?: string;
778 | /**
779 | * How this extension behaves with respect to licensing
780 | */
781 | licensing?: ExtensionLicensing;
782 | /**
783 | * Version of the extension manifest format/content
784 | */
785 | manifestVersion?: number;
786 | /**
787 | * Default user claims applied to all contributions (except the ones which have been specified restrictedTo explicitly) to control the visibility of a contribution.
788 | */
789 | restrictedTo?: string[];
790 | /**
791 | * List of all oauth scopes required by this extension
792 | */
793 | scopes?: string[];
794 | /**
795 | * The ServiceInstanceType(Guid) of the VSTS service that must be available to an account in order for the extension to be installed
796 | */
797 | serviceInstanceType?: string;
798 | }
799 | /**
800 | * A request for an extension (to be installed or have a license assigned)
801 | */
802 | export interface ExtensionRequest {
803 | /**
804 | * Required message supplied if the request is rejected
805 | */
806 | rejectMessage?: string;
807 | /**
808 | * Date at which the request was made
809 | */
810 | requestDate?: Date;
811 | /**
812 | * Represents the user who made the request
813 | */
814 | requestedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
815 | /**
816 | * Optional message supplied by the requester justifying the request
817 | */
818 | requestMessage?: string;
819 | /**
820 | * Represents the state of the request
821 | */
822 | requestState?: ExtensionRequestState;
823 | /**
824 | * Date at which the request was resolved
825 | */
826 | resolveDate?: Date;
827 | /**
828 | * Represents the user who resolved the request
829 | */
830 | resolvedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
831 | }
832 | export interface ExtensionRequestEvent {
833 | /**
834 | * The extension which has been requested
835 | */
836 | extension?: GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension;
837 | /**
838 | * Information about the host for which this extension is requested
839 | */
840 | host?: ExtensionHost;
841 | /**
842 | * Name of the collection for which the extension was requested
843 | */
844 | hostName?: string;
845 | /**
846 | * Gallery host url
847 | */
848 | links?: ExtensionRequestUrls;
849 | /**
850 | * The extension request object
851 | */
852 | request?: ExtensionRequest;
853 | /**
854 | * The type of update that was made
855 | */
856 | updateType?: ExtensionRequestUpdateType;
857 | }
858 | export interface ExtensionRequestsEvent {
859 | /**
860 | * The extension which has been requested
861 | */
862 | extension?: GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension;
863 | /**
864 | * Information about the host for which this extension is requested
865 | */
866 | host?: ExtensionHost;
867 | /**
868 | * Gallery host url
869 | */
870 | links?: ExtensionRequestUrls;
871 | /**
872 | * The extension request object
873 | */
874 | requests?: ExtensionRequest[];
875 | /**
876 | * The type of update that was made
877 | */
878 | updateType?: ExtensionRequestUpdateType;
879 | }
880 | /**
881 | * Represents the state of an extension request
882 | */
883 | export declare enum ExtensionRequestState {
884 | /**
885 | * The request has been opened, but not yet responded to
886 | */
887 | Open = 0,
888 | /**
889 | * The request was accepted (extension installed or license assigned)
890 | */
891 | Accepted = 1,
892 | /**
893 | * The request was rejected (extension not installed or license not assigned)
894 | */
895 | Rejected = 2
896 | }
897 | export declare enum ExtensionRequestUpdateType {
898 | Created = 1,
899 | Approved = 2,
900 | Rejected = 3,
901 | Deleted = 4
902 | }
903 | export interface ExtensionRequestUrls extends ExtensionUrls {
904 | /**
905 | * Link to view the extension request
906 | */
907 | requestPage?: string;
908 | }
909 | /**
910 | * The state of an extension
911 | */
912 | export interface ExtensionState extends InstalledExtensionState {
913 | extensionName?: string;
914 | /**
915 | * The time at which the version was last checked
916 | */
917 | lastVersionCheck?: Date;
918 | publisherName?: string;
919 | version?: string;
920 | }
921 | /**
922 | * States of an extension Note: If you add value to this enum, you need to do 2 other things. First add the back compat enum in value src\Vssf\Sdk\Server\Contributions\InstalledExtensionMessage.cs. Second, you can not send the new value on the message bus. You need to remove it from the message bus event prior to being sent.
923 | */
924 | export declare enum ExtensionStateFlags {
925 | /**
926 | * No flags set
927 | */
928 | None = 0,
929 | /**
930 | * Extension is disabled
931 | */
932 | Disabled = 1,
933 | /**
934 | * Extension is a built in
935 | */
936 | BuiltIn = 2,
937 | /**
938 | * Extension has multiple versions
939 | */
940 | MultiVersion = 4,
941 | /**
942 | * Extension is not installed. This is for builtin extensions only and can not otherwise be set.
943 | */
944 | UnInstalled = 8,
945 | /**
946 | * Error performing version check
947 | */
948 | VersionCheckError = 16,
949 | /**
950 | * Trusted extensions are ones that are given special capabilities. These tend to come from Microsoft and can't be published by the general public. Note: BuiltIn extensions are always trusted.
951 | */
952 | Trusted = 32,
953 | /**
954 | * Extension is currently in an error state
955 | */
956 | Error = 64,
957 | /**
958 | * Extension scopes have changed and the extension requires re-authorization
959 | */
960 | NeedsReauthorization = 128,
961 | /**
962 | * Error performing auto-upgrade. For example, if the new version has demands not supported the extension cannot be auto-upgraded.
963 | */
964 | AutoUpgradeError = 256,
965 | /**
966 | * Extension is currently in a warning state, that can cause a degraded experience. The degraded experience can be caused for example by some installation issues detected such as implicit demands not supported.
967 | */
968 | Warning = 512
969 | }
970 | export declare enum ExtensionUpdateType {
971 | Installed = 1,
972 | Uninstalled = 2,
973 | Enabled = 3,
974 | Disabled = 4,
975 | VersionUpdated = 5,
976 | ActionRequired = 6,
977 | ActionResolved = 7
978 | }
979 | export interface ExtensionUrls {
980 | /**
981 | * Url of the extension icon
982 | */
983 | extensionIcon?: string;
984 | /**
985 | * Link to view the extension details page
986 | */
987 | extensionPage?: string;
988 | }
989 | /**
990 | * Represents a VSTS extension along with its installation state
991 | */
992 | export interface InstalledExtension extends ExtensionManifest {
993 | /**
994 | * The friendly extension id for this extension - unique for a given publisher.
995 | */
996 | extensionId?: string;
997 | /**
998 | * The display name of the extension.
999 | */
1000 | extensionName?: string;
1001 | /**
1002 | * This is the set of files available from the extension.
1003 | */
1004 | files?: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionFile[];
1005 | /**
1006 | * Extension flags relevant to contribution consumers
1007 | */
1008 | flags?: ExtensionFlags;
1009 | /**
1010 | * Information about this particular installation of the extension
1011 | */
1012 | installState?: InstalledExtensionState;
1013 | /**
1014 | * This represents the date/time the extensions was last updated in the gallery. This doesnt mean this version was updated the value represents changes to any and all versions of the extension.
1015 | */
1016 | lastPublished?: Date;
1017 | /**
1018 | * Unique id of the publisher of this extension
1019 | */
1020 | publisherId?: string;
1021 | /**
1022 | * The display name of the publisher
1023 | */
1024 | publisherName?: string;
1025 | /**
1026 | * Unique id for this extension (the same id is used for all versions of a single extension)
1027 | */
1028 | registrationId?: string;
1029 | /**
1030 | * Version of this extension
1031 | */
1032 | version?: string;
1033 | }
1034 | export interface InstalledExtensionQuery {
1035 | assetTypes?: string[];
1036 | monikers?: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionIdentifier[];
1037 | }
1038 | /**
1039 | * The state of an installed extension
1040 | */
1041 | export interface InstalledExtensionState {
1042 | /**
1043 | * States of an installed extension
1044 | */
1045 | flags?: ExtensionStateFlags;
1046 | /**
1047 | * List of installation issues
1048 | */
1049 | installationIssues?: InstalledExtensionStateIssue[];
1050 | /**
1051 | * The time at which this installation was last updated
1052 | */
1053 | lastUpdated?: Date;
1054 | }
1055 | /**
1056 | * Represents an installation issue
1057 | */
1058 | export interface InstalledExtensionStateIssue {
1059 | /**
1060 | * The error message
1061 | */
1062 | message?: string;
1063 | /**
1064 | * Source of the installation issue, for example "Demands"
1065 | */
1066 | source?: string;
1067 | /**
1068 | * Installation issue type (Warning, Error)
1069 | */
1070 | type?: InstalledExtensionStateIssueType;
1071 | }
1072 | /**
1073 | * Installation issue type (Warning, Error)
1074 | */
1075 | export declare enum InstalledExtensionStateIssueType {
1076 | /**
1077 | * Represents an installation warning, for example an implicit demand not supported
1078 | */
1079 | Warning = 0,
1080 | /**
1081 | * Represents an installation error, for example an explicit demand not supported
1082 | */
1083 | Error = 1
1084 | }
1085 | /**
1086 | * Maps a contribution to a licensing behavior
1087 | */
1088 | export interface LicensingOverride {
1089 | /**
1090 | * How the inclusion of this contribution should change based on licensing
1091 | */
1092 | behavior?: ContributionLicensingBehaviorType;
1093 | /**
1094 | * Fully qualified contribution id which we want to define licensing behavior for
1095 | */
1096 | id?: string;
1097 | }
1098 | /**
1099 | * A request for an extension (to be installed or have a license assigned)
1100 | */
1101 | export interface RequestedExtension {
1102 | /**
1103 | * The unique name of the extension
1104 | */
1105 | extensionName?: string;
1106 | /**
1107 | * A list of each request for the extension
1108 | */
1109 | extensionRequests?: ExtensionRequest[];
1110 | /**
1111 | * DisplayName of the publisher that owns the extension being published.
1112 | */
1113 | publisherDisplayName?: string;
1114 | /**
1115 | * Represents the Publisher of the requested extension
1116 | */
1117 | publisherName?: string;
1118 | /**
1119 | * The total number of requests for an extension
1120 | */
1121 | requestCount?: number;
1122 | }
1123 | /**
1124 | * Entry for a specific data provider's resulting data
1125 | */
1126 | export interface ResolvedDataProvider {
1127 | /**
1128 | * The total time the data provider took to resolve its data (in milliseconds)
1129 | */
1130 | duration?: number;
1131 | error?: string;
1132 | id?: string;
1133 | }
1134 | export interface Scope {
1135 | description?: string;
1136 | title?: string;
1137 | value?: string;
1138 | }
1139 | /**
1140 | * Information about the extension
1141 | */
1142 | export interface SupportedExtension {
1143 | /**
1144 | * Unique Identifier for this extension
1145 | */
1146 | extension?: string;
1147 | /**
1148 | * Unique Identifier for this publisher
1149 | */
1150 | publisher?: string;
1151 | /**
1152 | * Supported version for this extension
1153 | */
1154 | version?: string;
1155 | }
1156 | export declare var TypeInfo: {
1157 | AcquisitionAssignmentType: {
1158 | enumValues: {
1159 | none: number;
1160 | me: number;
1161 | all: number;
1162 | };
1163 | };
1164 | AcquisitionOperation: any;
1165 | AcquisitionOperationState: {
1166 | enumValues: {
1167 | disallow: number;
1168 | allow: number;
1169 | completed: number;
1170 | };
1171 | };
1172 | AcquisitionOperationType: {
1173 | enumValues: {
1174 | get: number;
1175 | install: number;
1176 | buy: number;
1177 | try: number;
1178 | request: number;
1179 | none: number;
1180 | purchaseRequest: number;
1181 | };
1182 | };
1183 | AcquisitionOptions: any;
1184 | ContributionLicensingBehaviorType: {
1185 | enumValues: {
1186 | onlyIfLicensed: number;
1187 | onlyIfUnlicensed: number;
1188 | alwaysInclude: number;
1189 | };
1190 | };
1191 | ContributionNodeQuery: any;
1192 | ContributionPropertyDescription: any;
1193 | ContributionPropertyType: {
1194 | enumValues: {
1195 | unknown: number;
1196 | string: number;
1197 | uri: number;
1198 | guid: number;
1199 | boolean: number;
1200 | integer: number;
1201 | double: number;
1202 | dateTime: number;
1203 | dictionary: number;
1204 | array: number;
1205 | object: number;
1206 | };
1207 | };
1208 | ContributionQueryOptions: {
1209 | enumValues: {
1210 | none: number;
1211 | includeSelf: number;
1212 | includeChildren: number;
1213 | includeSubTree: number;
1214 | includeAll: number;
1215 | ignoreConstraints: number;
1216 | };
1217 | };
1218 | ContributionType: any;
1219 | ExtensionAcquisitionRequest: any;
1220 | ExtensionAuditLog: any;
1221 | ExtensionAuditLogEntry: any;
1222 | ExtensionEvent: any;
1223 | ExtensionFlags: {
1224 | enumValues: {
1225 | builtIn: number;
1226 | trusted: number;
1227 | };
1228 | };
1229 | ExtensionLicensing: any;
1230 | ExtensionManifest: any;
1231 | ExtensionRequest: any;
1232 | ExtensionRequestEvent: any;
1233 | ExtensionRequestsEvent: any;
1234 | ExtensionRequestState: {
1235 | enumValues: {
1236 | open: number;
1237 | accepted: number;
1238 | rejected: number;
1239 | };
1240 | };
1241 | ExtensionRequestUpdateType: {
1242 | enumValues: {
1243 | created: number;
1244 | approved: number;
1245 | rejected: number;
1246 | deleted: number;
1247 | };
1248 | };
1249 | ExtensionState: any;
1250 | ExtensionStateFlags: {
1251 | enumValues: {
1252 | none: number;
1253 | disabled: number;
1254 | builtIn: number;
1255 | multiVersion: number;
1256 | unInstalled: number;
1257 | versionCheckError: number;
1258 | trusted: number;
1259 | error: number;
1260 | needsReauthorization: number;
1261 | autoUpgradeError: number;
1262 | warning: number;
1263 | };
1264 | };
1265 | ExtensionUpdateType: {
1266 | enumValues: {
1267 | installed: number;
1268 | uninstalled: number;
1269 | enabled: number;
1270 | disabled: number;
1271 | versionUpdated: number;
1272 | actionRequired: number;
1273 | actionResolved: number;
1274 | };
1275 | };
1276 | InstalledExtension: any;
1277 | InstalledExtensionState: any;
1278 | InstalledExtensionStateIssue: any;
1279 | InstalledExtensionStateIssueType: {
1280 | enumValues: {
1281 | warning: number;
1282 | error: number;
1283 | };
1284 | };
1285 | LicensingOverride: any;
1286 | RequestedExtension: any;
1287 | };