59 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * ---------------------------------------------------------
3 * Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
4 * ---------------------------------------------------------
5 *
6 * ---------------------------------------------------------
7 * Generated file, DO NOT EDIT
8 * ---------------------------------------------------------
9 */
10"use strict";
11Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
12exports.TypeInfo = exports.VSCodeWebExtensionStatisicsType = exports.SortOrderType = exports.SortByType = exports.ReviewResourceType = exports.ReviewPatchOperation = exports.ReviewFilterOptions = exports.ReviewEventOperation = exports.RestApiResponseStatus = exports.QnAItemStatus = exports.PublisherState = exports.PublisherRoleAccess = exports.PublisherQueryFlags = exports.PublisherPermissions = exports.PublisherFlags = exports.PublishedExtensionFlags = exports.PagingDirection = exports.NotificationTemplateType = exports.ExtensionVersionFlags = exports.ExtensionStatsAggregateType = exports.ExtensionStatisticOperation = exports.ExtensionQueryFlags = exports.ExtensionQueryFilterType = exports.ExtensionPolicyFlags = exports.ExtensionLifecycleEventType = exports.ExtensionDeploymentTechnology = exports.DraftStateType = exports.DraftPatchOperation = exports.ConcernCategory = exports.AcquisitionOperationType = exports.AcquisitionOperationState = exports.AcquisitionAssignmentType = void 0;
14 * How the acquisition is assigned
15 */
16var AcquisitionAssignmentType;
17(function (AcquisitionAssignmentType) {
18 AcquisitionAssignmentType[AcquisitionAssignmentType["None"] = 0] = "None";
19 /**
20 * Just assign for me
21 */
22 AcquisitionAssignmentType[AcquisitionAssignmentType["Me"] = 1] = "Me";
23 /**
24 * Assign for all users in the account
25 */
26 AcquisitionAssignmentType[AcquisitionAssignmentType["All"] = 2] = "All";
27})(AcquisitionAssignmentType = exports.AcquisitionAssignmentType || (exports.AcquisitionAssignmentType = {}));
28var AcquisitionOperationState;
29(function (AcquisitionOperationState) {
30 /**
31 * Not allowed to use this AcquisitionOperation
32 */
33 AcquisitionOperationState[AcquisitionOperationState["Disallow"] = 0] = "Disallow";
34 /**
35 * Allowed to use this AcquisitionOperation
36 */
37 AcquisitionOperationState[AcquisitionOperationState["Allow"] = 1] = "Allow";
38 /**
39 * Operation has already been completed and is no longer available
40 */
41 AcquisitionOperationState[AcquisitionOperationState["Completed"] = 3] = "Completed";
42})(AcquisitionOperationState = exports.AcquisitionOperationState || (exports.AcquisitionOperationState = {}));
44 * Set of different types of operations that can be requested.
45 */
46var AcquisitionOperationType;
47(function (AcquisitionOperationType) {
48 /**
49 * Not yet used
50 */
51 AcquisitionOperationType[AcquisitionOperationType["Get"] = 0] = "Get";
52 /**
53 * Install this extension into the host provided
54 */
55 AcquisitionOperationType[AcquisitionOperationType["Install"] = 1] = "Install";
56 /**
57 * Buy licenses for this extension and install into the host provided
58 */
59 AcquisitionOperationType[AcquisitionOperationType["Buy"] = 2] = "Buy";
60 /**
61 * Try this extension
62 */
63 AcquisitionOperationType[AcquisitionOperationType["Try"] = 3] = "Try";
64 /**
65 * Request this extension for installation
66 */
67 AcquisitionOperationType[AcquisitionOperationType["Request"] = 4] = "Request";
68 /**
69 * No action found
70 */
71 AcquisitionOperationType[AcquisitionOperationType["None"] = 5] = "None";
72 /**
73 * Request admins for purchasing extension
74 */
75 AcquisitionOperationType[AcquisitionOperationType["PurchaseRequest"] = 6] = "PurchaseRequest";
76})(AcquisitionOperationType = exports.AcquisitionOperationType || (exports.AcquisitionOperationType = {}));
77var ConcernCategory;
78(function (ConcernCategory) {
79 ConcernCategory[ConcernCategory["General"] = 1] = "General";
80 ConcernCategory[ConcernCategory["Abusive"] = 2] = "Abusive";
81 ConcernCategory[ConcernCategory["Spam"] = 4] = "Spam";
82})(ConcernCategory = exports.ConcernCategory || (exports.ConcernCategory = {}));
83var DraftPatchOperation;
84(function (DraftPatchOperation) {
85 DraftPatchOperation[DraftPatchOperation["Publish"] = 1] = "Publish";
86 DraftPatchOperation[DraftPatchOperation["Cancel"] = 2] = "Cancel";
87})(DraftPatchOperation = exports.DraftPatchOperation || (exports.DraftPatchOperation = {}));
88var DraftStateType;
89(function (DraftStateType) {
90 DraftStateType[DraftStateType["Unpublished"] = 1] = "Unpublished";
91 DraftStateType[DraftStateType["Published"] = 2] = "Published";
92 DraftStateType[DraftStateType["Cancelled"] = 3] = "Cancelled";
93 DraftStateType[DraftStateType["Error"] = 4] = "Error";
94})(DraftStateType = exports.DraftStateType || (exports.DraftStateType = {}));
95var ExtensionDeploymentTechnology;
96(function (ExtensionDeploymentTechnology) {
97 ExtensionDeploymentTechnology[ExtensionDeploymentTechnology["Exe"] = 1] = "Exe";
98 ExtensionDeploymentTechnology[ExtensionDeploymentTechnology["Msi"] = 2] = "Msi";
99 ExtensionDeploymentTechnology[ExtensionDeploymentTechnology["Vsix"] = 3] = "Vsix";
100 ExtensionDeploymentTechnology[ExtensionDeploymentTechnology["ReferralLink"] = 4] = "ReferralLink";
101})(ExtensionDeploymentTechnology = exports.ExtensionDeploymentTechnology || (exports.ExtensionDeploymentTechnology = {}));
103 * Type of event
104 */
105var ExtensionLifecycleEventType;
106(function (ExtensionLifecycleEventType) {
107 ExtensionLifecycleEventType[ExtensionLifecycleEventType["Uninstall"] = 1] = "Uninstall";
108 ExtensionLifecycleEventType[ExtensionLifecycleEventType["Install"] = 2] = "Install";
109 ExtensionLifecycleEventType[ExtensionLifecycleEventType["Review"] = 3] = "Review";
110 ExtensionLifecycleEventType[ExtensionLifecycleEventType["Acquisition"] = 4] = "Acquisition";
111 ExtensionLifecycleEventType[ExtensionLifecycleEventType["Sales"] = 5] = "Sales";
112 ExtensionLifecycleEventType[ExtensionLifecycleEventType["Other"] = 999] = "Other";
113})(ExtensionLifecycleEventType = exports.ExtensionLifecycleEventType || (exports.ExtensionLifecycleEventType = {}));
115 * Set of flags that can be associated with a given permission over an extension
116 */
117var ExtensionPolicyFlags;
118(function (ExtensionPolicyFlags) {
119 /**
120 * No permission
121 */
122 ExtensionPolicyFlags[ExtensionPolicyFlags["None"] = 0] = "None";
123 /**
124 * Permission on private extensions
125 */
126 ExtensionPolicyFlags[ExtensionPolicyFlags["Private"] = 1] = "Private";
127 /**
128 * Permission on public extensions
129 */
130 ExtensionPolicyFlags[ExtensionPolicyFlags["Public"] = 2] = "Public";
131 /**
132 * Permission in extensions that are in preview
133 */
134 ExtensionPolicyFlags[ExtensionPolicyFlags["Preview"] = 4] = "Preview";
135 /**
136 * Permission in released extensions
137 */
138 ExtensionPolicyFlags[ExtensionPolicyFlags["Released"] = 8] = "Released";
139 /**
140 * Permission in 1st party extensions
141 */
142 ExtensionPolicyFlags[ExtensionPolicyFlags["FirstParty"] = 16] = "FirstParty";
143 /**
144 * Mask that defines all permissions
145 */
146 ExtensionPolicyFlags[ExtensionPolicyFlags["All"] = 31] = "All";
147})(ExtensionPolicyFlags = exports.ExtensionPolicyFlags || (exports.ExtensionPolicyFlags = {}));
149 * Type of extension filters that are supported in the queries.
150 */
151var ExtensionQueryFilterType;
152(function (ExtensionQueryFilterType) {
153 /**
154 * The values are used as tags. All tags are treated as "OR" conditions with each other. There may be some value put on the number of matched tags from the query.
155 */
156 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["Tag"] = 1] = "Tag";
157 /**
158 * The Values are an ExtensionName or fragment that is used to match other extension names.
159 */
160 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["DisplayName"] = 2] = "DisplayName";
161 /**
162 * The Filter is one or more tokens that define what scope to return private extensions for.
163 */
164 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["Private"] = 3] = "Private";
165 /**
166 * Retrieve a set of extensions based on their id's. The values should be the extension id's encoded as strings.
167 */
168 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["Id"] = 4] = "Id";
169 /**
170 * The category is unlike other filters. It is AND'd with the other filters instead of being a separate query.
171 */
172 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["Category"] = 5] = "Category";
173 /**
174 * Certain contribution types may be indexed to allow for query by type. User defined types can't be indexed at the moment.
175 */
176 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["ContributionType"] = 6] = "ContributionType";
177 /**
178 * Retrieve an set extension based on the name based identifier. This differs from the internal id (which is being deprecated).
179 */
180 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["Name"] = 7] = "Name";
181 /**
182 * The InstallationTarget for an extension defines the target consumer for the extension. This may be something like VS, VSOnline, or VSCode
183 */
184 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["InstallationTarget"] = 8] = "InstallationTarget";
185 /**
186 * Query for featured extensions, no value is allowed when using the query type.
187 */
188 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["Featured"] = 9] = "Featured";
189 /**
190 * The SearchText provided by the user to search for extensions
191 */
192 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["SearchText"] = 10] = "SearchText";
193 /**
194 * Query for extensions that are featured in their own category, The filterValue for this is name of category of extensions.
195 */
196 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["FeaturedInCategory"] = 11] = "FeaturedInCategory";
197 /**
198 * When retrieving extensions from a query, exclude the extensions which are having the given flags. The value specified for this filter should be a string representing the integer values of the flags to be excluded. In case of multiple flags to be specified, a logical OR of the interger values should be given as value for this filter This should be at most one filter of this type. This only acts as a restrictive filter after. In case of having a particular flag in both IncludeWithFlags and ExcludeWithFlags, excludeFlags will remove the included extensions giving empty result for that flag.
199 */
200 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["ExcludeWithFlags"] = 12] = "ExcludeWithFlags";
201 /**
202 * When retrieving extensions from a query, include the extensions which are having the given flags. The value specified for this filter should be a string representing the integer values of the flags to be included. In case of multiple flags to be specified, a logical OR of the integer values should be given as value for this filter This should be at most one filter of this type. This only acts as a restrictive filter after. In case of having a particular flag in both IncludeWithFlags and ExcludeWithFlags, excludeFlags will remove the included extensions giving empty result for that flag. In case of multiple flags given in IncludeWithFlags in ORed fashion, extensions having any of the given flags will be included.
203 */
204 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["IncludeWithFlags"] = 13] = "IncludeWithFlags";
205 /**
206 * Filter the extensions based on the LCID values applicable. Any extensions which are not having any LCID values will also be filtered. This is currently only supported for VS extensions.
207 */
208 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["Lcid"] = 14] = "Lcid";
209 /**
210 * Filter to provide the version of the installation target. This filter will be used along with InstallationTarget filter. The value should be a valid version string. Currently supported only if search text is provided.
211 */
212 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["InstallationTargetVersion"] = 15] = "InstallationTargetVersion";
213 /**
214 * Filter type for specifying a range of installation target version. The filter will be used along with InstallationTarget filter. The value should be a pair of well formed version values separated by hyphen(-). Currently supported only if search text is provided.
215 */
216 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["InstallationTargetVersionRange"] = 16] = "InstallationTargetVersionRange";
217 /**
218 * Filter type for specifying metadata key and value to be used for filtering.
219 */
220 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["VsixMetadata"] = 17] = "VsixMetadata";
221 /**
222 * Filter to get extensions published by a publisher having supplied internal name
223 */
224 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["PublisherName"] = 18] = "PublisherName";
225 /**
226 * Filter to get extensions published by all publishers having supplied display name
227 */
228 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["PublisherDisplayName"] = 19] = "PublisherDisplayName";
229 /**
230 * When retrieving extensions from a query, include the extensions which have a publisher having the given flags. The value specified for this filter should be a string representing the integer values of the flags to be included. In case of multiple flags to be specified, a logical OR of the integer values should be given as value for this filter There should be at most one filter of this type. This only acts as a restrictive filter after. In case of multiple flags given in IncludeWithFlags in ORed fashion, extensions having any of the given flags will be included.
231 */
232 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["IncludeWithPublisherFlags"] = 20] = "IncludeWithPublisherFlags";
233 /**
234 * Filter to get extensions shared with particular organization
235 */
236 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["OrganizationSharedWith"] = 21] = "OrganizationSharedWith";
237 /**
238 * Filter to get VS IDE extensions by Product Architecture
239 */
240 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["ProductArchitecture"] = 22] = "ProductArchitecture";
241 /**
242 * Filter to get VS Code extensions by target platform.
243 */
244 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["TargetPlatform"] = 23] = "TargetPlatform";
245 /**
246 * Retrieve an extension based on the extensionName.
247 */
248 ExtensionQueryFilterType[ExtensionQueryFilterType["ExtensionName"] = 24] = "ExtensionName";
249})(ExtensionQueryFilterType = exports.ExtensionQueryFilterType || (exports.ExtensionQueryFilterType = {}));
251 * Set of flags used to determine which set of information is retrieved when reading published extensions
252 */
253var ExtensionQueryFlags;
254(function (ExtensionQueryFlags) {
255 /**
256 * None is used to retrieve only the basic extension details.
257 */
258 ExtensionQueryFlags[ExtensionQueryFlags["None"] = 0] = "None";
259 /**
260 * IncludeVersions will return version information for extensions returned
261 */
262 ExtensionQueryFlags[ExtensionQueryFlags["IncludeVersions"] = 1] = "IncludeVersions";
263 /**
264 * IncludeFiles will return information about which files were found within the extension that were stored independent of the manifest. When asking for files, versions will be included as well since files are returned as a property of the versions. These files can be retrieved using the path to the file without requiring the entire manifest be downloaded.
265 */
266 ExtensionQueryFlags[ExtensionQueryFlags["IncludeFiles"] = 2] = "IncludeFiles";
267 /**
268 * Include the Categories and Tags that were added to the extension definition.
269 */
270 ExtensionQueryFlags[ExtensionQueryFlags["IncludeCategoryAndTags"] = 4] = "IncludeCategoryAndTags";
271 /**
272 * Include the details about which accounts the extension has been shared with if the extension is a private extension.
273 */
274 ExtensionQueryFlags[ExtensionQueryFlags["IncludeSharedAccounts"] = 8] = "IncludeSharedAccounts";
275 /**
276 * Include properties associated with versions of the extension
277 */
278 ExtensionQueryFlags[ExtensionQueryFlags["IncludeVersionProperties"] = 16] = "IncludeVersionProperties";
279 /**
280 * Excluding non-validated extensions will remove any extension versions that either are in the process of being validated or have failed validation.
281 */
282 ExtensionQueryFlags[ExtensionQueryFlags["ExcludeNonValidated"] = 32] = "ExcludeNonValidated";
283 /**
284 * Include the set of installation targets the extension has requested.
285 */
286 ExtensionQueryFlags[ExtensionQueryFlags["IncludeInstallationTargets"] = 64] = "IncludeInstallationTargets";
287 /**
288 * Include the base uri for assets of this extension
289 */
290 ExtensionQueryFlags[ExtensionQueryFlags["IncludeAssetUri"] = 128] = "IncludeAssetUri";
291 /**
292 * Include the statistics associated with this extension
293 */
294 ExtensionQueryFlags[ExtensionQueryFlags["IncludeStatistics"] = 256] = "IncludeStatistics";
295 /**
296 * When retrieving versions from a query, only include the latest version of the extensions that matched. This is useful when the caller doesn't need all the published versions. It will save a significant size in the returned payload.
297 */
298 ExtensionQueryFlags[ExtensionQueryFlags["IncludeLatestVersionOnly"] = 512] = "IncludeLatestVersionOnly";
299 /**
300 * This flag switches the asset uri to use GetAssetByName instead of CDN When this is used, values of base asset uri and base asset uri fallback are switched When this is used, source of asset files are pointed to Gallery service always even if CDN is available
301 */
302 ExtensionQueryFlags[ExtensionQueryFlags["UseFallbackAssetUri"] = 1024] = "UseFallbackAssetUri";
303 /**
304 * This flag is used to get all the metadata values associated with the extension. This is not applicable to VSTS or VSCode extensions and usage is only internal.
305 */
306 ExtensionQueryFlags[ExtensionQueryFlags["IncludeMetadata"] = 2048] = "IncludeMetadata";
307 /**
308 * This flag is used to indicate to return very small data for extension required by VS IDE. This flag is only compatible when querying is done by VS IDE
309 */
310 ExtensionQueryFlags[ExtensionQueryFlags["IncludeMinimalPayloadForVsIde"] = 4096] = "IncludeMinimalPayloadForVsIde";
311 /**
312 * This flag is used to get Lcid values associated with the extension. This is not applicable to VSTS or VSCode extensions and usage is only internal
313 */
314 ExtensionQueryFlags[ExtensionQueryFlags["IncludeLcids"] = 8192] = "IncludeLcids";
315 /**
316 * Include the details about which organizations the extension has been shared with if the extension is a private extension.
317 */
318 ExtensionQueryFlags[ExtensionQueryFlags["IncludeSharedOrganizations"] = 16384] = "IncludeSharedOrganizations";
319 /**
320 * Include the details if an extension is in conflict list or not Currently being used for VSCode extensions.
321 */
322 ExtensionQueryFlags[ExtensionQueryFlags["IncludeNameConflictInfo"] = 32768] = "IncludeNameConflictInfo";
323 /**
324 * AllAttributes is designed to be a mask that defines all sub-elements of the extension should be returned. NOTE: This is not actually All flags. This is now locked to the set defined since changing this enum would be a breaking change and would change the behavior of anyone using it. Try not to use this value when making calls to the service, instead be explicit about the options required.
325 */
326 ExtensionQueryFlags[ExtensionQueryFlags["AllAttributes"] = 16863] = "AllAttributes";
327})(ExtensionQueryFlags = exports.ExtensionQueryFlags || (exports.ExtensionQueryFlags = {}));
328var ExtensionStatisticOperation;
329(function (ExtensionStatisticOperation) {
330 ExtensionStatisticOperation[ExtensionStatisticOperation["None"] = 0] = "None";
331 ExtensionStatisticOperation[ExtensionStatisticOperation["Set"] = 1] = "Set";
332 ExtensionStatisticOperation[ExtensionStatisticOperation["Increment"] = 2] = "Increment";
333 ExtensionStatisticOperation[ExtensionStatisticOperation["Decrement"] = 3] = "Decrement";
334 ExtensionStatisticOperation[ExtensionStatisticOperation["Delete"] = 4] = "Delete";
335})(ExtensionStatisticOperation = exports.ExtensionStatisticOperation || (exports.ExtensionStatisticOperation = {}));
337 * Stats aggregation type
338 */
339var ExtensionStatsAggregateType;
340(function (ExtensionStatsAggregateType) {
341 ExtensionStatsAggregateType[ExtensionStatsAggregateType["Daily"] = 1] = "Daily";
342})(ExtensionStatsAggregateType = exports.ExtensionStatsAggregateType || (exports.ExtensionStatsAggregateType = {}));
344 * Set of flags that can be associated with a given extension version. These flags apply to a specific version of the extension.
345 */
346var ExtensionVersionFlags;
347(function (ExtensionVersionFlags) {
348 /**
349 * No flags exist for this version.
350 */
351 ExtensionVersionFlags[ExtensionVersionFlags["None"] = 0] = "None";
352 /**
353 * The Validated flag for a version means the extension version has passed validation and can be used..
354 */
355 ExtensionVersionFlags[ExtensionVersionFlags["Validated"] = 1] = "Validated";
356})(ExtensionVersionFlags = exports.ExtensionVersionFlags || (exports.ExtensionVersionFlags = {}));
358 * Type of event
359 */
360var NotificationTemplateType;
361(function (NotificationTemplateType) {
362 /**
363 * Template type for Review Notification.
364 */
365 NotificationTemplateType[NotificationTemplateType["ReviewNotification"] = 1] = "ReviewNotification";
366 /**
367 * Template type for Qna Notification.
368 */
369 NotificationTemplateType[NotificationTemplateType["QnaNotification"] = 2] = "QnaNotification";
370 /**
371 * Template type for Customer Contact Notification.
372 */
373 NotificationTemplateType[NotificationTemplateType["CustomerContactNotification"] = 3] = "CustomerContactNotification";
374 /**
375 * Template type for Publisher Member Notification.
376 */
377 NotificationTemplateType[NotificationTemplateType["PublisherMemberUpdateNotification"] = 4] = "PublisherMemberUpdateNotification";
378})(NotificationTemplateType = exports.NotificationTemplateType || (exports.NotificationTemplateType = {}));
380 * PagingDirection is used to define which set direction to move the returned result set based on a previous query.
381 */
382var PagingDirection;
383(function (PagingDirection) {
384 /**
385 * Backward will return results from earlier in the resultset.
386 */
387 PagingDirection[PagingDirection["Backward"] = 1] = "Backward";
388 /**
389 * Forward will return results from later in the resultset.
390 */
391 PagingDirection[PagingDirection["Forward"] = 2] = "Forward";
392})(PagingDirection = exports.PagingDirection || (exports.PagingDirection = {}));
394 * Set of flags that can be associated with a given extension. These flags apply to all versions of the extension and not to a specific version.
395 */
396var PublishedExtensionFlags;
397(function (PublishedExtensionFlags) {
398 /**
399 * No flags exist for this extension.
400 */
401 PublishedExtensionFlags[PublishedExtensionFlags["None"] = 0] = "None";
402 /**
403 * The Disabled flag for an extension means the extension can't be changed and won't be used by consumers. The disabled flag is managed by the service and can't be supplied by the Extension Developers.
404 */
405 PublishedExtensionFlags[PublishedExtensionFlags["Disabled"] = 1] = "Disabled";
406 /**
407 * BuiltIn Extension are available to all Tenants. An explicit registration is not required. This attribute is reserved and can't be supplied by Extension Developers. BuiltIn extensions are by definition Public. There is no need to set the public flag for extensions marked BuiltIn.
408 */
409 PublishedExtensionFlags[PublishedExtensionFlags["BuiltIn"] = 2] = "BuiltIn";
410 /**
411 * This extension has been validated by the service. The extension meets the requirements specified. This attribute is reserved and can't be supplied by the Extension Developers. Validation is a process that ensures that all contributions are well formed. They meet the requirements defined by the contribution type they are extending. Note this attribute will be updated asynchronously as the extension is validated by the developer of the contribution type. There will be restricted access to the extension while this process is performed.
412 */
413 PublishedExtensionFlags[PublishedExtensionFlags["Validated"] = 4] = "Validated";
414 /**
415 * Trusted extensions are ones that are given special capabilities. These tend to come from Microsoft and can't be published by the general public. Note: BuiltIn extensions are always trusted.
416 */
417 PublishedExtensionFlags[PublishedExtensionFlags["Trusted"] = 8] = "Trusted";
418 /**
419 * The Paid flag indicates that the commerce can be enabled for this extension. Publisher needs to setup Offer/Pricing plan in Azure. If Paid flag is set and a corresponding Offer is not available, the extension will automatically be marked as Preview. If the publisher intends to make the extension Paid in the future, it is mandatory to set the Preview flag. This is currently available only for VSTS extensions only.
420 */
421 PublishedExtensionFlags[PublishedExtensionFlags["Paid"] = 16] = "Paid";
422 /**
423 * This extension registration is public, making its visibility open to the public. This means all tenants have the ability to install this extension. Without this flag the extension will be private and will need to be shared with the tenants that can install it.
424 */
425 PublishedExtensionFlags[PublishedExtensionFlags["Public"] = 256] = "Public";
426 /**
427 * This extension has multiple versions active at one time and version discovery should be done using the defined "Version Discovery" protocol to determine the version available to a specific user or tenant. @TODO: Link to Version Discovery Protocol.
428 */
429 PublishedExtensionFlags[PublishedExtensionFlags["MultiVersion"] = 512] = "MultiVersion";
430 /**
431 * The system flag is reserved, and cant be used by publishers.
432 */
433 PublishedExtensionFlags[PublishedExtensionFlags["System"] = 1024] = "System";
434 /**
435 * The Preview flag indicates that the extension is still under preview (not yet of "release" quality). These extensions may be decorated differently in the gallery and may have different policies applied to them.
436 */
437 PublishedExtensionFlags[PublishedExtensionFlags["Preview"] = 2048] = "Preview";
438 /**
439 * The Unpublished flag indicates that the extension can't be installed/downloaded. Users who have installed such an extension can continue to use the extension.
440 */
441 PublishedExtensionFlags[PublishedExtensionFlags["Unpublished"] = 4096] = "Unpublished";
442 /**
443 * The Trial flag indicates that the extension is in Trial version. The flag is right now being used only with respect to Visual Studio extensions.
444 */
445 PublishedExtensionFlags[PublishedExtensionFlags["Trial"] = 8192] = "Trial";
446 /**
447 * The Locked flag indicates that extension has been locked from Marketplace. Further updates/acquisitions are not allowed on the extension until this is present. This should be used along with making the extension private/unpublished.
448 */
449 PublishedExtensionFlags[PublishedExtensionFlags["Locked"] = 16384] = "Locked";
450 /**
451 * This flag is set for extensions we want to hide from Marketplace home and search pages. This will be used to override the exposure of builtIn flags.
452 */
453 PublishedExtensionFlags[PublishedExtensionFlags["Hidden"] = 32768] = "Hidden";
454})(PublishedExtensionFlags = exports.PublishedExtensionFlags || (exports.PublishedExtensionFlags = {}));
455var PublisherFlags;
456(function (PublisherFlags) {
457 /**
458 * This should never be returned, it is used to represent a publisher who's flags haven't changed during update calls.
459 */
460 PublisherFlags[PublisherFlags["UnChanged"] = 1073741824] = "UnChanged";
461 /**
462 * No flags exist for this publisher.
463 */
464 PublisherFlags[PublisherFlags["None"] = 0] = "None";
465 /**
466 * The Disabled flag for a publisher means the publisher can't be changed and won't be used by consumers, this extends to extensions owned by the publisher as well. The disabled flag is managed by the service and can't be supplied by the Extension Developers.
467 */
468 PublisherFlags[PublisherFlags["Disabled"] = 1] = "Disabled";
469 /**
470 * A verified publisher is one that Microsoft has done some review of and ensured the publisher meets a set of requirements. The requirements to become a verified publisher are not listed here. They can be found in public documentation (TBD).
471 */
472 PublisherFlags[PublisherFlags["Verified"] = 2] = "Verified";
473 /**
474 * A Certified publisher is one that is Microsoft verified and in addition meets a set of requirements for its published extensions. The requirements to become a certified publisher are not listed here. They can be found in public documentation (TBD).
475 */
476 PublisherFlags[PublisherFlags["Certified"] = 4] = "Certified";
477 /**
478 * This is the set of flags that can't be supplied by the developer and is managed by the service itself.
479 */
480 PublisherFlags[PublisherFlags["ServiceFlags"] = 7] = "ServiceFlags";
481})(PublisherFlags = exports.PublisherFlags || (exports.PublisherFlags = {}));
482var PublisherPermissions;
483(function (PublisherPermissions) {
484 /**
485 * This gives the bearer the rights to read Publishers and Extensions.
486 */
487 PublisherPermissions[PublisherPermissions["Read"] = 1] = "Read";
488 /**
489 * This gives the bearer the rights to update, delete, and share Extensions (but not the ability to create them).
490 */
491 PublisherPermissions[PublisherPermissions["UpdateExtension"] = 2] = "UpdateExtension";
492 /**
493 * This gives the bearer the rights to create new Publishers at the root of the namespace.
494 */
495 PublisherPermissions[PublisherPermissions["CreatePublisher"] = 4] = "CreatePublisher";
496 /**
497 * This gives the bearer the rights to create new Extensions within a publisher.
498 */
499 PublisherPermissions[PublisherPermissions["PublishExtension"] = 8] = "PublishExtension";
500 /**
501 * Admin gives the bearer the rights to manage restricted attributes of Publishers and Extensions.
502 */
503 PublisherPermissions[PublisherPermissions["Admin"] = 16] = "Admin";
504 /**
505 * TrustedPartner gives the bearer the rights to publish a extensions with restricted capabilities.
506 */
507 PublisherPermissions[PublisherPermissions["TrustedPartner"] = 32] = "TrustedPartner";
508 /**
509 * PrivateRead is another form of read designed to allow higher privilege accessors the ability to read private extensions.
510 */
511 PublisherPermissions[PublisherPermissions["PrivateRead"] = 64] = "PrivateRead";
512 /**
513 * This gives the bearer the rights to delete any extension.
514 */
515 PublisherPermissions[PublisherPermissions["DeleteExtension"] = 128] = "DeleteExtension";
516 /**
517 * This gives the bearer the rights edit the publisher settings.
518 */
519 PublisherPermissions[PublisherPermissions["EditSettings"] = 256] = "EditSettings";
520 /**
521 * This gives the bearer the rights to see all permissions on the publisher.
522 */
523 PublisherPermissions[PublisherPermissions["ViewPermissions"] = 512] = "ViewPermissions";
524 /**
525 * This gives the bearer the rights to assign permissions on the publisher.
526 */
527 PublisherPermissions[PublisherPermissions["ManagePermissions"] = 1024] = "ManagePermissions";
528 /**
529 * This gives the bearer the rights to delete the publisher.
530 */
531 PublisherPermissions[PublisherPermissions["DeletePublisher"] = 2048] = "DeletePublisher";
532})(PublisherPermissions = exports.PublisherPermissions || (exports.PublisherPermissions = {}));
534 * Set of flags used to define the attributes requested when a publisher is returned. Some API's allow the caller to specify the level of detail needed.
535 */
536var PublisherQueryFlags;
537(function (PublisherQueryFlags) {
538 /**
539 * None is used to retrieve only the basic publisher details.
540 */
541 PublisherQueryFlags[PublisherQueryFlags["None"] = 0] = "None";
542 /**
543 * Is used to include a list of basic extension details for all extensions published by the requested publisher.
544 */
545 PublisherQueryFlags[PublisherQueryFlags["IncludeExtensions"] = 1] = "IncludeExtensions";
546 /**
547 * Is used to include email address of all the users who are marked as owners for the publisher
548 */
549 PublisherQueryFlags[PublisherQueryFlags["IncludeEmailAddress"] = 2] = "IncludeEmailAddress";
550})(PublisherQueryFlags = exports.PublisherQueryFlags || (exports.PublisherQueryFlags = {}));
552 * Access definition for a RoleAssignment.
553 */
554var PublisherRoleAccess;
555(function (PublisherRoleAccess) {
556 /**
557 * Access has been explicitly set.
558 */
559 PublisherRoleAccess[PublisherRoleAccess["Assigned"] = 1] = "Assigned";
560 /**
561 * Access has been inherited from a higher scope.
562 */
563 PublisherRoleAccess[PublisherRoleAccess["Inherited"] = 2] = "Inherited";
564})(PublisherRoleAccess = exports.PublisherRoleAccess || (exports.PublisherRoleAccess = {}));
565var PublisherState;
566(function (PublisherState) {
567 /**
568 * No state exists for this publisher.
569 */
570 PublisherState[PublisherState["None"] = 0] = "None";
571 /**
572 * This state indicates that publisher has applied for Marketplace verification (via UI) and still not been certified. This state would be reset once the publisher is verified.
573 */
574 PublisherState[PublisherState["VerificationPending"] = 1] = "VerificationPending";
575 /**
576 * This state indicates that publisher has applied for Marketplace certification (via UI) and still not been certified. This state would be reset once the publisher is certified.
577 */
578 PublisherState[PublisherState["CertificationPending"] = 2] = "CertificationPending";
579 /**
580 * This state indicates that publisher had applied for Marketplace certification (via UI) but his/her certification got rejected. This state would be reset if and when the publisher is certified.
581 */
582 PublisherState[PublisherState["CertificationRejected"] = 4] = "CertificationRejected";
583 /**
584 * This state indicates that publisher was certified on the Marketplace, but his/her certification got revoked. This state would never be reset, even after publisher gets re-certified. It would indicate that the publisher certification was revoked at least once.
585 */
586 PublisherState[PublisherState["CertificationRevoked"] = 8] = "CertificationRevoked";
587})(PublisherState = exports.PublisherState || (exports.PublisherState = {}));
589 * Denotes the status of the QnA Item
590 */
591var QnAItemStatus;
592(function (QnAItemStatus) {
593 QnAItemStatus[QnAItemStatus["None"] = 0] = "None";
594 /**
595 * The UserEditable flag indicates whether the item is editable by the logged in user.
596 */
597 QnAItemStatus[QnAItemStatus["UserEditable"] = 1] = "UserEditable";
598 /**
599 * The PublisherCreated flag indicates whether the item has been created by extension publisher.
600 */
601 QnAItemStatus[QnAItemStatus["PublisherCreated"] = 2] = "PublisherCreated";
602})(QnAItemStatus = exports.QnAItemStatus || (exports.QnAItemStatus = {}));
604 * The status of a REST Api response status.
605 */
606var RestApiResponseStatus;
607(function (RestApiResponseStatus) {
608 /**
609 * The operation is completed.
610 */
611 RestApiResponseStatus[RestApiResponseStatus["Completed"] = 0] = "Completed";
612 /**
613 * The operation is failed.
614 */
615 RestApiResponseStatus[RestApiResponseStatus["Failed"] = 1] = "Failed";
616 /**
617 * The operation is in progress.
618 */
619 RestApiResponseStatus[RestApiResponseStatus["Inprogress"] = 2] = "Inprogress";
620 /**
621 * The operation is in skipped.
622 */
623 RestApiResponseStatus[RestApiResponseStatus["Skipped"] = 3] = "Skipped";
624})(RestApiResponseStatus = exports.RestApiResponseStatus || (exports.RestApiResponseStatus = {}));
626 * Type of operation
627 */
628var ReviewEventOperation;
629(function (ReviewEventOperation) {
630 ReviewEventOperation[ReviewEventOperation["Create"] = 1] = "Create";
631 ReviewEventOperation[ReviewEventOperation["Update"] = 2] = "Update";
632 ReviewEventOperation[ReviewEventOperation["Delete"] = 3] = "Delete";
633})(ReviewEventOperation = exports.ReviewEventOperation || (exports.ReviewEventOperation = {}));
635 * Options to GetReviews query
636 */
637var ReviewFilterOptions;
638(function (ReviewFilterOptions) {
639 /**
640 * No filtering, all reviews are returned (default option)
641 */
642 ReviewFilterOptions[ReviewFilterOptions["None"] = 0] = "None";
643 /**
644 * Filter out review items with empty review text
645 */
646 ReviewFilterOptions[ReviewFilterOptions["FilterEmptyReviews"] = 1] = "FilterEmptyReviews";
647 /**
648 * Filter out review items with empty usernames
649 */
650 ReviewFilterOptions[ReviewFilterOptions["FilterEmptyUserNames"] = 2] = "FilterEmptyUserNames";
651})(ReviewFilterOptions = exports.ReviewFilterOptions || (exports.ReviewFilterOptions = {}));
653 * Denotes the patch operation type
654 */
655var ReviewPatchOperation;
656(function (ReviewPatchOperation) {
657 /**
658 * Flag a review
659 */
660 ReviewPatchOperation[ReviewPatchOperation["FlagReview"] = 1] = "FlagReview";
661 /**
662 * Update an existing review
663 */
664 ReviewPatchOperation[ReviewPatchOperation["UpdateReview"] = 2] = "UpdateReview";
665 /**
666 * Submit a reply for a review
667 */
668 ReviewPatchOperation[ReviewPatchOperation["ReplyToReview"] = 3] = "ReplyToReview";
669 /**
670 * Submit an admin response
671 */
672 ReviewPatchOperation[ReviewPatchOperation["AdminResponseForReview"] = 4] = "AdminResponseForReview";
673 /**
674 * Delete an Admin Reply
675 */
676 ReviewPatchOperation[ReviewPatchOperation["DeleteAdminReply"] = 5] = "DeleteAdminReply";
677 /**
678 * Delete Publisher Reply
679 */
680 ReviewPatchOperation[ReviewPatchOperation["DeletePublisherReply"] = 6] = "DeletePublisherReply";
681})(ReviewPatchOperation = exports.ReviewPatchOperation || (exports.ReviewPatchOperation = {}));
683 * Type of event
684 */
685var ReviewResourceType;
686(function (ReviewResourceType) {
687 ReviewResourceType[ReviewResourceType["Review"] = 1] = "Review";
688 ReviewResourceType[ReviewResourceType["PublisherReply"] = 2] = "PublisherReply";
689 ReviewResourceType[ReviewResourceType["AdminReply"] = 3] = "AdminReply";
690})(ReviewResourceType = exports.ReviewResourceType || (exports.ReviewResourceType = {}));
692 * Defines the sort order that can be defined for Extensions query
693 */
694var SortByType;
695(function (SortByType) {
696 /**
697 * The results will be sorted by relevance in case search query is given, if no search query resutls will be provided as is
698 */
699 SortByType[SortByType["Relevance"] = 0] = "Relevance";
700 /**
701 * The results will be sorted as per Last Updated date of the extensions with recently updated at the top
702 */
703 SortByType[SortByType["LastUpdatedDate"] = 1] = "LastUpdatedDate";
704 /**
705 * Results will be sorted Alphabetically as per the title of the extension
706 */
707 SortByType[SortByType["Title"] = 2] = "Title";
708 /**
709 * Results will be sorted Alphabetically as per Publisher title
710 */
711 SortByType[SortByType["Publisher"] = 3] = "Publisher";
712 /**
713 * Results will be sorted by Install Count
714 */
715 SortByType[SortByType["InstallCount"] = 4] = "InstallCount";
716 /**
717 * The results will be sorted as per Published date of the extensions
718 */
719 SortByType[SortByType["PublishedDate"] = 5] = "PublishedDate";
720 /**
721 * The results will be sorted as per Average ratings of the extensions
722 */
723 SortByType[SortByType["AverageRating"] = 6] = "AverageRating";
724 /**
725 * The results will be sorted as per Trending Daily Score of the extensions
726 */
727 SortByType[SortByType["TrendingDaily"] = 7] = "TrendingDaily";
728 /**
729 * The results will be sorted as per Trending weekly Score of the extensions
730 */
731 SortByType[SortByType["TrendingWeekly"] = 8] = "TrendingWeekly";
732 /**
733 * The results will be sorted as per Trending monthly Score of the extensions
734 */
735 SortByType[SortByType["TrendingMonthly"] = 9] = "TrendingMonthly";
736 /**
737 * The results will be sorted as per ReleaseDate of the extensions (date on which the extension first went public)
738 */
739 SortByType[SortByType["ReleaseDate"] = 10] = "ReleaseDate";
740 /**
741 * The results will be sorted as per Author defined in the VSix/Metadata. If not defined, publisher name is used This is specifically needed by VS IDE, other (new and old) clients are not encouraged to use this
742 */
743 SortByType[SortByType["Author"] = 11] = "Author";
744 /**
745 * The results will be sorted as per Weighted Rating of the extension.
746 */
747 SortByType[SortByType["WeightedRating"] = 12] = "WeightedRating";
748})(SortByType = exports.SortByType || (exports.SortByType = {}));
750 * Defines the sort order that can be defined for Extensions query
751 */
752var SortOrderType;
753(function (SortOrderType) {
754 /**
755 * Results will be sorted in the default order as per the sorting type defined. The default varies for each type, e.g. for Relevance, default is Descending, for Title default is Ascending etc.
756 */
757 SortOrderType[SortOrderType["Default"] = 0] = "Default";
758 /**
759 * The results will be sorted in Ascending order
760 */
761 SortOrderType[SortOrderType["Ascending"] = 1] = "Ascending";
762 /**
763 * The results will be sorted in Descending order
764 */
765 SortOrderType[SortOrderType["Descending"] = 2] = "Descending";
766})(SortOrderType = exports.SortOrderType || (exports.SortOrderType = {}));
767var VSCodeWebExtensionStatisicsType;
768(function (VSCodeWebExtensionStatisicsType) {
769 VSCodeWebExtensionStatisicsType[VSCodeWebExtensionStatisicsType["Install"] = 1] = "Install";
770 VSCodeWebExtensionStatisicsType[VSCodeWebExtensionStatisicsType["Update"] = 2] = "Update";
771 VSCodeWebExtensionStatisicsType[VSCodeWebExtensionStatisicsType["Uninstall"] = 3] = "Uninstall";
772})(VSCodeWebExtensionStatisicsType = exports.VSCodeWebExtensionStatisicsType || (exports.VSCodeWebExtensionStatisicsType = {}));
773exports.TypeInfo = {
774 AcquisitionAssignmentType: {
775 enumValues: {
776 "none": 0,
777 "me": 1,
778 "all": 2
779 }
780 },
781 AcquisitionOperation: {},
782 AcquisitionOperationState: {
783 enumValues: {
784 "disallow": 0,
785 "allow": 1,
786 "completed": 3
787 }
788 },
789 AcquisitionOperationType: {
790 enumValues: {
791 "get": 0,
792 "install": 1,
793 "buy": 2,
794 "try": 3,
795 "request": 4,
796 "none": 5,
797 "purchaseRequest": 6
798 }
799 },
800 AcquisitionOptions: {},
801 AzureRestApiResponseModel: {},
802 Concern: {},
803 ConcernCategory: {
804 enumValues: {
805 "general": 1,
806 "abusive": 2,
807 "spam": 4
808 }
809 },
810 CustomerLastContact: {},
811 CustomerSupportRequest: {},
812 DraftPatchOperation: {
813 enumValues: {
814 "publish": 1,
815 "cancel": 2
816 }
817 },
818 DraftStateType: {
819 enumValues: {
820 "unpublished": 1,
821 "published": 2,
822 "cancelled": 3,
823 "error": 4
824 }
825 },
826 ExtensionAcquisitionRequest: {},
827 ExtensionDailyStat: {},
828 ExtensionDailyStats: {},
829 ExtensionDeploymentTechnology: {
830 enumValues: {
831 "exe": 1,
832 "msi": 2,
833 "vsix": 3,
834 "referralLink": 4
835 }
836 },
837 ExtensionDraft: {},
838 ExtensionDraftPatch: {},
839 ExtensionEvent: {},
840 ExtensionEvents: {},
841 ExtensionFilterResult: {},
842 ExtensionLifecycleEventType: {
843 enumValues: {
844 "uninstall": 1,
845 "install": 2,
846 "review": 3,
847 "acquisition": 4,
848 "sales": 5,
849 "other": 999
850 }
851 },
852 ExtensionPayload: {},
853 ExtensionPolicy: {},
854 ExtensionPolicyFlags: {
855 enumValues: {
856 "none": 0,
857 "private": 1,
858 "public": 2,
859 "preview": 4,
860 "released": 8,
861 "firstParty": 16,
862 "all": 31
863 }
864 },
865 ExtensionQuery: {},
866 ExtensionQueryFilterType: {
867 enumValues: {
868 "tag": 1,
869 "displayName": 2,
870 "private": 3,
871 "id": 4,
872 "category": 5,
873 "contributionType": 6,
874 "name": 7,
875 "installationTarget": 8,
876 "featured": 9,
877 "searchText": 10,
878 "featuredInCategory": 11,
879 "excludeWithFlags": 12,
880 "includeWithFlags": 13,
881 "lcid": 14,
882 "installationTargetVersion": 15,
883 "installationTargetVersionRange": 16,
884 "vsixMetadata": 17,
885 "publisherName": 18,
886 "publisherDisplayName": 19,
887 "includeWithPublisherFlags": 20,
888 "organizationSharedWith": 21,
889 "productArchitecture": 22,
890 "targetPlatform": 23,
891 "extensionName": 24
892 }
893 },
894 ExtensionQueryFlags: {
895 enumValues: {
896 "none": 0,
897 "includeVersions": 1,
898 "includeFiles": 2,
899 "includeCategoryAndTags": 4,
900 "includeSharedAccounts": 8,
901 "includeVersionProperties": 16,
902 "excludeNonValidated": 32,
903 "includeInstallationTargets": 64,
904 "includeAssetUri": 128,
905 "includeStatistics": 256,
906 "includeLatestVersionOnly": 512,
907 "useFallbackAssetUri": 1024,
908 "includeMetadata": 2048,
909 "includeMinimalPayloadForVsIde": 4096,
910 "includeLcids": 8192,
911 "includeSharedOrganizations": 16384,
912 "includeNameConflictInfo": 32768,
913 "allAttributes": 16863
914 }
915 },
916 ExtensionQueryResult: {},
917 ExtensionStatisticOperation: {
918 enumValues: {
919 "none": 0,
920 "set": 1,
921 "increment": 2,
922 "decrement": 3,
923 "delete": 4
924 }
925 },
926 ExtensionStatisticUpdate: {},
927 ExtensionStatsAggregateType: {
928 enumValues: {
929 "daily": 1
930 }
931 },
932 ExtensionVersion: {},
933 ExtensionVersionFlags: {
934 enumValues: {
935 "none": 0,
936 "validated": 1
937 }
938 },
939 NotificationsData: {},
940 NotificationTemplateType: {
941 enumValues: {
942 "reviewNotification": 1,
943 "qnaNotification": 2,
944 "customerContactNotification": 3,
945 "publisherMemberUpdateNotification": 4
946 }
947 },
948 PagingDirection: {
949 enumValues: {
950 "backward": 1,
951 "forward": 2
952 }
953 },
954 PublishedExtension: {},
955 PublishedExtensionFlags: {
956 enumValues: {
957 "none": 0,
958 "disabled": 1,
959 "builtIn": 2,
960 "validated": 4,
961 "trusted": 8,
962 "paid": 16,
963 "public": 256,
964 "multiVersion": 512,
965 "system": 1024,
966 "preview": 2048,
967 "unpublished": 4096,
968 "trial": 8192,
969 "locked": 16384,
970 "hidden": 32768
971 }
972 },
973 Publisher: {},
974 PublisherBase: {},
975 PublisherFacts: {},
976 PublisherFilterResult: {},
977 PublisherFlags: {
978 enumValues: {
979 "unChanged": 1073741824,
980 "none": 0,
981 "disabled": 1,
982 "verified": 2,
983 "certified": 4,
984 "serviceFlags": 7
985 }
986 },
987 PublisherPermissions: {
988 enumValues: {
989 "read": 1,
990 "updateExtension": 2,
991 "createPublisher": 4,
992 "publishExtension": 8,
993 "admin": 16,
994 "trustedPartner": 32,
995 "privateRead": 64,
996 "deleteExtension": 128,
997 "editSettings": 256,
998 "viewPermissions": 512,
999 "managePermissions": 1024,
1000 "deletePublisher": 2048
1001 }
1002 },
1003 PublisherQuery: {},
1004 PublisherQueryFlags: {
1005 enumValues: {
1006 "none": 0,
1007 "includeExtensions": 1,
1008 "includeEmailAddress": 2
1009 }
1010 },
1011 PublisherQueryResult: {},
1012 PublisherRoleAccess: {
1013 enumValues: {
1014 "assigned": 1,
1015 "inherited": 2
1016 }
1017 },
1018 PublisherRoleAssignment: {},
1019 PublisherState: {
1020 enumValues: {
1021 "none": 0,
1022 "verificationPending": 1,
1023 "certificationPending": 2,
1024 "certificationRejected": 4,
1025 "certificationRevoked": 8
1026 }
1027 },
1028 QnAItem: {},
1029 QnAItemStatus: {
1030 enumValues: {
1031 "none": 0,
1032 "userEditable": 1,
1033 "publisherCreated": 2
1034 }
1035 },
1036 QueryFilter: {},
1037 Question: {},
1038 QuestionsResult: {},
1039 Response: {},
1040 RestApiResponseStatus: {
1041 enumValues: {
1042 "completed": 0,
1043 "failed": 1,
1044 "inprogress": 2,
1045 "skipped": 3
1046 }
1047 },
1048 RestApiResponseStatusModel: {},
1049 Review: {},
1050 ReviewEventOperation: {
1051 enumValues: {
1052 "create": 1,
1053 "update": 2,
1054 "delete": 3
1055 }
1056 },
1057 ReviewEventProperties: {},
1058 ReviewFilterOptions: {
1059 enumValues: {
1060 "none": 0,
1061 "filterEmptyReviews": 1,
1062 "filterEmptyUserNames": 2
1063 }
1064 },
1065 ReviewPatch: {},
1066 ReviewPatchOperation: {
1067 enumValues: {
1068 "flagReview": 1,
1069 "updateReview": 2,
1070 "replyToReview": 3,
1071 "adminResponseForReview": 4,
1072 "deleteAdminReply": 5,
1073 "deletePublisherReply": 6
1074 }
1075 },
1076 ReviewReply: {},
1077 ReviewResourceType: {
1078 enumValues: {
1079 "review": 1,
1080 "publisherReply": 2,
1081 "adminReply": 3
1082 }
1083 },
1084 ReviewsResult: {},
1085 SortByType: {
1086 enumValues: {
1087 "relevance": 0,
1088 "lastUpdatedDate": 1,
1089 "title": 2,
1090 "publisher": 3,
1091 "installCount": 4,
1092 "publishedDate": 5,
1093 "averageRating": 6,
1094 "trendingDaily": 7,
1095 "trendingWeekly": 8,
1096 "trendingMonthly": 9,
1097 "releaseDate": 10,
1098 "author": 11,
1099 "weightedRating": 12
1100 }
1101 },
1102 SortOrderType: {
1103 enumValues: {
1104 "default": 0,
1105 "ascending": 1,
1106 "descending": 2
1107 }
1108 },
1109 UserExtensionPolicy: {},
1110 UserReportedConcern: {},
1111 VSCodeWebExtensionStatisicsType: {
1112 enumValues: {
1113 "install": 1,
1114 "update": 2,
1115 "uninstall": 3
1116 }
1117 },
1119exports.TypeInfo.AcquisitionOperation.fields = {
1120 operationState: {
1121 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.AcquisitionOperationState
1122 },
1123 operationType: {
1124 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.AcquisitionOperationType
1125 }
1127exports.TypeInfo.AcquisitionOptions.fields = {
1128 defaultOperation: {
1129 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AcquisitionOperation
1130 },
1131 operations: {
1132 isArray: true,
1133 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AcquisitionOperation
1134 }
1136exports.TypeInfo.AzureRestApiResponseModel.fields = {
1137 operationStatus: {
1138 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.RestApiResponseStatusModel
1139 }
1141exports.TypeInfo.Concern.fields = {
1142 category: {
1143 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ConcernCategory
1144 },
1145 createdDate: {
1146 isDate: true,
1147 },
1148 status: {
1149 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.QnAItemStatus
1150 },
1151 updatedDate: {
1152 isDate: true,
1153 }
1155exports.TypeInfo.CustomerLastContact.fields = {
1156 lastContactDate: {
1157 isDate: true,
1158 }
1160exports.TypeInfo.CustomerSupportRequest.fields = {
1161 review: {
1162 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Review
1163 }
1165exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionAcquisitionRequest.fields = {
1166 assignmentType: {
1167 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.AcquisitionAssignmentType
1168 },
1169 operationType: {
1170 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.AcquisitionOperationType
1171 }
1173exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionDailyStat.fields = {
1174 statisticDate: {
1175 isDate: true,
1176 }
1178exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionDailyStats.fields = {
1179 dailyStats: {
1180 isArray: true,
1181 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionDailyStat
1182 }
1184exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionDraft.fields = {
1185 createdDate: {
1186 isDate: true,
1187 },
1188 draftState: {
1189 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DraftStateType
1190 },
1191 lastUpdated: {
1192 isDate: true,
1193 },
1194 payload: {
1195 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionPayload
1196 }
1198exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionDraftPatch.fields = {
1199 operation: {
1200 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DraftPatchOperation
1201 }
1203exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionEvent.fields = {
1204 statisticDate: {
1205 isDate: true,
1206 }
1208exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionEvents.fields = {
1209 events: {
1210 isDictionary: true,
1211 dictionaryValueFieldInfo: {
1212 isArray: true,
1213 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionEvent
1214 }
1215 }
1217exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionFilterResult.fields = {
1218 extensions: {
1219 isArray: true,
1220 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.PublishedExtension
1221 }
1223exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionPayload.fields = {
1224 type: {
1225 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionDeploymentTechnology
1226 }
1228exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionPolicy.fields = {
1229 install: {
1230 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionPolicyFlags
1231 },
1232 request: {
1233 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionPolicyFlags
1234 }
1236exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionQuery.fields = {
1237 filters: {
1238 isArray: true,
1239 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.QueryFilter
1240 },
1241 flags: {
1242 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionQueryFlags
1243 }
1245exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionQueryResult.fields = {
1246 results: {
1247 isArray: true,
1248 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionFilterResult
1249 }
1251exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionStatisticUpdate.fields = {
1252 operation: {
1253 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionStatisticOperation
1254 }
1256exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionVersion.fields = {
1257 flags: {
1258 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionVersionFlags
1259 },
1260 lastUpdated: {
1261 isDate: true,
1262 }
1264exports.TypeInfo.NotificationsData.fields = {
1265 type: {
1266 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.NotificationTemplateType
1267 }
1269exports.TypeInfo.PublishedExtension.fields = {
1270 deploymentType: {
1271 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionDeploymentTechnology
1272 },
1273 flags: {
1274 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PublishedExtensionFlags
1275 },
1276 lastUpdated: {
1277 isDate: true,
1278 },
1279 publishedDate: {
1280 isDate: true,
1281 },
1282 publisher: {
1283 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.PublisherFacts
1284 },
1285 releaseDate: {
1286 isDate: true,
1287 },
1288 versions: {
1289 isArray: true,
1290 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionVersion
1291 }
1293exports.TypeInfo.Publisher.fields = {
1294 extensions: {
1295 isArray: true,
1296 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.PublishedExtension
1297 },
1298 flags: {
1299 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PublisherFlags
1300 },
1301 lastUpdated: {
1302 isDate: true,
1303 },
1304 state: {
1305 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PublisherState
1306 }
1308exports.TypeInfo.PublisherBase.fields = {
1309 extensions: {
1310 isArray: true,
1311 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.PublishedExtension
1312 },
1313 flags: {
1314 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PublisherFlags
1315 },
1316 lastUpdated: {
1317 isDate: true,
1318 },
1319 state: {
1320 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PublisherState
1321 }
1323exports.TypeInfo.PublisherFacts.fields = {
1324 flags: {
1325 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PublisherFlags
1326 }
1328exports.TypeInfo.PublisherFilterResult.fields = {
1329 publishers: {
1330 isArray: true,
1331 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Publisher
1332 }
1334exports.TypeInfo.PublisherQuery.fields = {
1335 filters: {
1336 isArray: true,
1337 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.QueryFilter
1338 },
1339 flags: {
1340 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PublisherQueryFlags
1341 }
1343exports.TypeInfo.PublisherQueryResult.fields = {
1344 results: {
1345 isArray: true,
1346 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.PublisherFilterResult
1347 }
1349exports.TypeInfo.PublisherRoleAssignment.fields = {
1350 access: {
1351 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PublisherRoleAccess
1352 }
1354exports.TypeInfo.QnAItem.fields = {
1355 createdDate: {
1356 isDate: true,
1357 },
1358 status: {
1359 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.QnAItemStatus
1360 },
1361 updatedDate: {
1362 isDate: true,
1363 }
1365exports.TypeInfo.QueryFilter.fields = {
1366 direction: {
1367 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PagingDirection
1368 }
1370exports.TypeInfo.Question.fields = {
1371 createdDate: {
1372 isDate: true,
1373 },
1374 responses: {
1375 isArray: true,
1376 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Response
1377 },
1378 status: {
1379 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.QnAItemStatus
1380 },
1381 updatedDate: {
1382 isDate: true,
1383 }
1385exports.TypeInfo.QuestionsResult.fields = {
1386 questions: {
1387 isArray: true,
1388 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Question
1389 }
1391exports.TypeInfo.Response.fields = {
1392 createdDate: {
1393 isDate: true,
1394 },
1395 status: {
1396 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.QnAItemStatus
1397 },
1398 updatedDate: {
1399 isDate: true,
1400 }
1402exports.TypeInfo.RestApiResponseStatusModel.fields = {
1403 status: {
1404 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.RestApiResponseStatus
1405 }
1407exports.TypeInfo.Review.fields = {
1408 adminReply: {
1409 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReviewReply
1410 },
1411 reply: {
1412 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReviewReply
1413 },
1414 updatedDate: {
1415 isDate: true,
1416 }
1418exports.TypeInfo.ReviewEventProperties.fields = {
1419 eventOperation: {
1420 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReviewEventOperation
1421 },
1422 replyDate: {
1423 isDate: true,
1424 },
1425 resourceType: {
1426 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReviewResourceType
1427 },
1428 reviewDate: {
1429 isDate: true,
1430 }
1432exports.TypeInfo.ReviewPatch.fields = {
1433 operation: {
1434 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReviewPatchOperation
1435 },
1436 reportedConcern: {
1437 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.UserReportedConcern
1438 },
1439 reviewItem: {
1440 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Review
1441 }
1443exports.TypeInfo.ReviewReply.fields = {
1444 updatedDate: {
1445 isDate: true,
1446 }
1448exports.TypeInfo.ReviewsResult.fields = {
1449 reviews: {
1450 isArray: true,
1451 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Review
1452 }
1454exports.TypeInfo.UserExtensionPolicy.fields = {
1455 permissions: {
1456 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ExtensionPolicy
1457 }
1459exports.TypeInfo.UserReportedConcern.fields = {
1460 category: {
1461 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ConcernCategory
1462 },
1463 submittedDate: {
1464 isDate: true,
1465 }