73.9 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * ---------------------------------------------------------
3 * Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
4 * ---------------------------------------------------------
5 *
6 * ---------------------------------------------------------
7 * Generated file, DO NOT EDIT
8 * ---------------------------------------------------------
9 */
10"use strict";
11Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
12exports.TypeInfo = exports.TestSessionState = exports.TestSessionSource = exports.TestRunSubstate = exports.TestRunState = exports.TestRunPublishContext = exports.TestRunOutcome = exports.TestResultsSettingsType = exports.TestResultsSessionState = exports.TestResultsContextType = exports.TestResultGroupBy = exports.TestPointState = exports.TestOutcome = exports.TestLogType = exports.TestLogStoreOperationType = exports.TestLogStoreEndpointType = exports.TestLogStatusCode = exports.TestLogScope = exports.TestConfigurationState = exports.TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus = exports.SuiteExpand = exports.SessionTimelineType = exports.SessionResult = exports.Service = exports.RunType = exports.ResultObjectType = exports.ResultMetaDataDetails = exports.ResultMetadata = exports.ResultGroupType = exports.ResultDetails = exports.OperationType = exports.Metrics = exports.FlakyDetectionType = exports.CustomTestFieldType = exports.CustomTestFieldScope = exports.CoverageSummaryStatus = exports.CoverageStatus = exports.CoverageQueryFlags = exports.CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus = exports.CloneOperationState = exports.AttachmentType = void 0;
13const SystemData = require("../interfaces/common/SystemDataInterfaces");
14const TfsCoreInterfaces = require("../interfaces/CoreInterfaces");
16 * The types of test attachments.
17 */
18var AttachmentType;
19(function (AttachmentType) {
20 /**
21 * Attachment type GeneralAttachment , use this as default type unless you have other type.
22 */
23 AttachmentType[AttachmentType["GeneralAttachment"] = 0] = "GeneralAttachment";
24 AttachmentType[AttachmentType["AfnStrip"] = 1] = "AfnStrip";
25 AttachmentType[AttachmentType["BugFilingData"] = 2] = "BugFilingData";
26 /**
27 * Attachment type CodeCoverage.
28 */
29 AttachmentType[AttachmentType["CodeCoverage"] = 3] = "CodeCoverage";
30 AttachmentType[AttachmentType["IntermediateCollectorData"] = 4] = "IntermediateCollectorData";
31 AttachmentType[AttachmentType["RunConfig"] = 5] = "RunConfig";
32 AttachmentType[AttachmentType["TestImpactDetails"] = 6] = "TestImpactDetails";
33 AttachmentType[AttachmentType["TmiTestRunDeploymentFiles"] = 7] = "TmiTestRunDeploymentFiles";
34 AttachmentType[AttachmentType["TmiTestRunReverseDeploymentFiles"] = 8] = "TmiTestRunReverseDeploymentFiles";
35 AttachmentType[AttachmentType["TmiTestResultDetail"] = 9] = "TmiTestResultDetail";
36 AttachmentType[AttachmentType["TmiTestRunSummary"] = 10] = "TmiTestRunSummary";
37 /**
38 * Attachment type ConsoleLog.
39 */
40 AttachmentType[AttachmentType["ConsoleLog"] = 11] = "ConsoleLog";
41})(AttachmentType = exports.AttachmentType || (exports.AttachmentType = {}));
43 * Enum of type Clone Operation Type.
44 */
45var CloneOperationState;
46(function (CloneOperationState) {
47 /**
48 * value for Failed State
49 */
50 CloneOperationState[CloneOperationState["Failed"] = 2] = "Failed";
51 /**
52 * value for Inprogress state
53 */
54 CloneOperationState[CloneOperationState["InProgress"] = 1] = "InProgress";
55 /**
56 * Value for Queued State
57 */
58 CloneOperationState[CloneOperationState["Queued"] = 0] = "Queued";
59 /**
60 * value for Success state
61 */
62 CloneOperationState[CloneOperationState["Succeeded"] = 3] = "Succeeded";
63})(CloneOperationState = exports.CloneOperationState || (exports.CloneOperationState = {}));
65 * Represents status of code coverage summary for a build
66 */
67var CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus;
68(function (CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus) {
69 /**
70 * No coverage status
71 */
72 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["None"] = 0] = "None";
73 /**
74 * The summary evaluation is in progress
75 */
76 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["InProgress"] = 1] = "InProgress";
77 /**
78 * The summary evaluation is finalized and won't change
79 */
80 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["Finalized"] = 2] = "Finalized";
81 /**
82 * The summary evaluation is pending
83 */
84 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["Pending"] = 3] = "Pending";
85 /**
86 * Summary evaluation may be ongoing but another merge has been requested.
87 */
88 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["UpdateRequestQueued"] = 4] = "UpdateRequestQueued";
89 /**
90 * No coverage modules found
91 */
92 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["NoModulesFound"] = 5] = "NoModulesFound";
93 /**
94 * Number of Files exceeded
95 */
96 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["NumberOfFilesExceeded"] = 6] = "NumberOfFilesExceeded";
97 /**
98 * TNo Input Files
99 */
100 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["NoInputFiles"] = 7] = "NoInputFiles";
101 /**
102 * Build got cancelled by user
103 */
104 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["BuildCancelled"] = 8] = "BuildCancelled";
105 /**
106 * Coverage Jobs failed
107 */
108 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["FailedJobs"] = 9] = "FailedJobs";
109 /**
110 * Module merge Timeout
111 */
112 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["ModuleMergeJobTimeout"] = 10] = "ModuleMergeJobTimeout";
113 /**
114 * Coverage successfully completed
115 */
116 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["CodeCoverageSuccess"] = 11] = "CodeCoverageSuccess";
117 /**
118 * Invalid Build Configuration
119 */
120 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["InvalidBuildConfiguration"] = 12] = "InvalidBuildConfiguration";
121 /**
122 * Coverage Analyzer Build not found
123 */
124 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["CoverageAnalyzerBuildNotFound"] = 13] = "CoverageAnalyzerBuildNotFound";
125 /**
126 * Failed to requeue the build
127 */
128 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["FailedToRequeue"] = 14] = "FailedToRequeue";
129 /**
130 * Build got Bailed out
131 */
132 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["BuildBailedOut"] = 15] = "BuildBailedOut";
133 /**
134 * No Code coverage configured
135 */
136 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["NoCodeCoverageTask"] = 16] = "NoCodeCoverageTask";
137 /**
138 * CoverageMerge Job failed
139 */
140 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["MergeJobFailed"] = 17] = "MergeJobFailed";
141 /**
142 * CoverageMergeInvoker Job failed
143 */
144 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["MergeInvokerJobFailed"] = 18] = "MergeInvokerJobFailed";
145 /**
146 * CoverageMonitor Job failed
147 */
148 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["MonitorJobFailed"] = 19] = "MonitorJobFailed";
149 /**
150 * CoverageMergeInvoker Job timeout
151 */
152 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["ModuleMergeInvokerJobTimeout"] = 20] = "ModuleMergeInvokerJobTimeout";
153 /**
154 * CoverageMonitor Job timeout
155 */
156 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["MonitorJobTimeout"] = 21] = "MonitorJobTimeout";
157 /**
158 * Invalid Coverage Input file
159 */
160 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["InvalidCoverageInput"] = 22] = "InvalidCoverageInput";
161})(CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus = exports.CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus || (exports.CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus = {}));
163 * Used to choose which coverage data is returned by a QueryXXXCoverage() call.
164 */
165var CoverageQueryFlags;
166(function (CoverageQueryFlags) {
167 /**
168 * If set, the Coverage.Modules property will be populated.
169 */
170 CoverageQueryFlags[CoverageQueryFlags["Modules"] = 1] = "Modules";
171 /**
172 * If set, the ModuleCoverage.Functions properties will be populated.
173 */
174 CoverageQueryFlags[CoverageQueryFlags["Functions"] = 2] = "Functions";
175 /**
176 * If set, the ModuleCoverage.CoverageData field will be populated.
177 */
178 CoverageQueryFlags[CoverageQueryFlags["BlockData"] = 4] = "BlockData";
179})(CoverageQueryFlags = exports.CoverageQueryFlags || (exports.CoverageQueryFlags = {}));
180var CoverageStatus;
181(function (CoverageStatus) {
182 CoverageStatus[CoverageStatus["Covered"] = 0] = "Covered";
183 CoverageStatus[CoverageStatus["NotCovered"] = 1] = "NotCovered";
184 CoverageStatus[CoverageStatus["PartiallyCovered"] = 2] = "PartiallyCovered";
185})(CoverageStatus = exports.CoverageStatus || (exports.CoverageStatus = {}));
187 * Represents status of code coverage summary for a build
188 */
189var CoverageSummaryStatus;
190(function (CoverageSummaryStatus) {
191 /**
192 * No coverage status
193 */
194 CoverageSummaryStatus[CoverageSummaryStatus["None"] = 0] = "None";
195 /**
196 * The summary evaluation is in progress
197 */
198 CoverageSummaryStatus[CoverageSummaryStatus["InProgress"] = 1] = "InProgress";
199 /**
200 * The summary evaluation for the previous request is completed. Summary can change in future
201 */
202 CoverageSummaryStatus[CoverageSummaryStatus["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed";
203 /**
204 * The summary evaluation is finalized and won't change
205 */
206 CoverageSummaryStatus[CoverageSummaryStatus["Finalized"] = 3] = "Finalized";
207 /**
208 * The summary evaluation is pending
209 */
210 CoverageSummaryStatus[CoverageSummaryStatus["Pending"] = 4] = "Pending";
211 /**
212 * Summary evaluation may be ongoing but another merge has been requested.
213 */
214 CoverageSummaryStatus[CoverageSummaryStatus["UpdateRequestQueued"] = 5] = "UpdateRequestQueued";
215})(CoverageSummaryStatus = exports.CoverageSummaryStatus || (exports.CoverageSummaryStatus = {}));
216var CustomTestFieldScope;
217(function (CustomTestFieldScope) {
218 CustomTestFieldScope[CustomTestFieldScope["None"] = 0] = "None";
219 CustomTestFieldScope[CustomTestFieldScope["TestRun"] = 1] = "TestRun";
220 CustomTestFieldScope[CustomTestFieldScope["TestResult"] = 2] = "TestResult";
221 CustomTestFieldScope[CustomTestFieldScope["System"] = 4] = "System";
222 CustomTestFieldScope[CustomTestFieldScope["All"] = 7] = "All";
223})(CustomTestFieldScope = exports.CustomTestFieldScope || (exports.CustomTestFieldScope = {}));
224var CustomTestFieldType;
225(function (CustomTestFieldType) {
226 CustomTestFieldType[CustomTestFieldType["Bit"] = 2] = "Bit";
227 CustomTestFieldType[CustomTestFieldType["DateTime"] = 4] = "DateTime";
228 CustomTestFieldType[CustomTestFieldType["Int"] = 8] = "Int";
229 CustomTestFieldType[CustomTestFieldType["Float"] = 6] = "Float";
230 CustomTestFieldType[CustomTestFieldType["String"] = 12] = "String";
231 CustomTestFieldType[CustomTestFieldType["Guid"] = 14] = "Guid";
232})(CustomTestFieldType = exports.CustomTestFieldType || (exports.CustomTestFieldType = {}));
233var FlakyDetectionType;
234(function (FlakyDetectionType) {
235 /**
236 * Custom defines manual detection type.
237 */
238 FlakyDetectionType[FlakyDetectionType["Custom"] = 1] = "Custom";
239 /**
240 * Defines System detection type.
241 */
242 FlakyDetectionType[FlakyDetectionType["System"] = 2] = "System";
243})(FlakyDetectionType = exports.FlakyDetectionType || (exports.FlakyDetectionType = {}));
245 * Test summary metrics.
246 */
247var Metrics;
248(function (Metrics) {
249 /**
250 * To get results of all matrix.
251 */
252 Metrics[Metrics["All"] = 1] = "All";
253 /**
254 * Get results summary by results outcome
255 */
256 Metrics[Metrics["ResultSummary"] = 2] = "ResultSummary";
257 /**
258 * Get results analysis which include failure analysis, increase/decrease in results count analysis.
259 */
260 Metrics[Metrics["ResultsAnalysis"] = 3] = "ResultsAnalysis";
261 /**
262 * Get runs summary
263 */
264 Metrics[Metrics["RunSummary"] = 4] = "RunSummary";
265})(Metrics = exports.Metrics || (exports.Metrics = {}));
266var OperationType;
267(function (OperationType) {
268 OperationType[OperationType["Add"] = 1] = "Add";
269 OperationType[OperationType["Delete"] = 2] = "Delete";
270})(OperationType = exports.OperationType || (exports.OperationType = {}));
272 * Additional details with test result
273 */
274var ResultDetails;
275(function (ResultDetails) {
276 /**
277 * Core fields of test result. Core fields includes State, Outcome, Priority, AutomatedTestName, AutomatedTestStorage, Comments, ErrorMessage etc.
278 */
279 ResultDetails[ResultDetails["None"] = 0] = "None";
280 /**
281 * Test iteration details in a test result.
282 */
283 ResultDetails[ResultDetails["Iterations"] = 1] = "Iterations";
284 /**
285 * Workitems associated with a test result.
286 */
287 ResultDetails[ResultDetails["WorkItems"] = 2] = "WorkItems";
288 /**
289 * Subresults in a test result.
290 */
291 ResultDetails[ResultDetails["SubResults"] = 4] = "SubResults";
292 /**
293 * Point and plan detail in a test result.
294 */
295 ResultDetails[ResultDetails["Point"] = 8] = "Point";
296})(ResultDetails = exports.ResultDetails || (exports.ResultDetails = {}));
298 * Hierarchy type of the result/subresults.
299 */
300var ResultGroupType;
301(function (ResultGroupType) {
302 /**
303 * Leaf node of test result.
304 */
305 ResultGroupType[ResultGroupType["None"] = 0] = "None";
306 /**
307 * Hierarchy type of test result.
308 */
309 ResultGroupType[ResultGroupType["Rerun"] = 1] = "Rerun";
310 /**
311 * Hierarchy type of test result.
312 */
313 ResultGroupType[ResultGroupType["DataDriven"] = 2] = "DataDriven";
314 /**
315 * Hierarchy type of test result.
316 */
317 ResultGroupType[ResultGroupType["OrderedTest"] = 3] = "OrderedTest";
318 /**
319 * Unknown hierarchy type.
320 */
321 ResultGroupType[ResultGroupType["Generic"] = 4] = "Generic";
322})(ResultGroupType = exports.ResultGroupType || (exports.ResultGroupType = {}));
323var ResultMetadata;
324(function (ResultMetadata) {
325 /**
326 * Rerun metadata
327 */
328 ResultMetadata[ResultMetadata["Rerun"] = 1] = "Rerun";
329 /**
330 * Flaky metadata
331 */
332 ResultMetadata[ResultMetadata["Flaky"] = 2] = "Flaky";
333})(ResultMetadata = exports.ResultMetadata || (exports.ResultMetadata = {}));
335 * Additional details with test result metadata
336 */
337var ResultMetaDataDetails;
338(function (ResultMetaDataDetails) {
339 /**
340 * Core fields of test result metadata.
341 */
342 ResultMetaDataDetails[ResultMetaDataDetails["None"] = 0] = "None";
343 /**
344 * Test FlakyIdentifiers details in test result metadata.
345 */
346 ResultMetaDataDetails[ResultMetaDataDetails["FlakyIdentifiers"] = 1] = "FlakyIdentifiers";
347})(ResultMetaDataDetails = exports.ResultMetaDataDetails || (exports.ResultMetaDataDetails = {}));
349 * The top level entity that is being cloned as part of a Clone operation
350 */
351var ResultObjectType;
352(function (ResultObjectType) {
353 /**
354 * Suite Clone
355 */
356 ResultObjectType[ResultObjectType["TestSuite"] = 0] = "TestSuite";
357 /**
358 * Plan Clone
359 */
360 ResultObjectType[ResultObjectType["TestPlan"] = 1] = "TestPlan";
361})(ResultObjectType = exports.ResultObjectType || (exports.ResultObjectType = {}));
362var RunType;
363(function (RunType) {
364 /**
365 * Only used during an update to preserve the existing value.
366 */
367 RunType[RunType["Unspecified"] = 0] = "Unspecified";
368 /**
369 * Normal test run.
370 */
371 RunType[RunType["Normal"] = 1] = "Normal";
372 /**
373 * Test run created for the blocked result when a test point is blocked.
374 */
375 RunType[RunType["Blocking"] = 2] = "Blocking";
376 /**
377 * Test run created from Web.
378 */
379 RunType[RunType["Web"] = 4] = "Web";
380 /**
381 * Run initiated from web through MTR
382 */
383 RunType[RunType["MtrRunInitiatedFromWeb"] = 8] = "MtrRunInitiatedFromWeb";
384 /**
385 * These test run would require DTL environment. These could be either of automated or manual test run.
386 */
387 RunType[RunType["RunWithDtlEnv"] = 16] = "RunWithDtlEnv";
388 /**
389 * These test run may or may not have published test results but it will have summary like total test, passed test, failed test etc. These are automated tests.
390 */
391 RunType[RunType["NoConfigRun"] = 32] = "NoConfigRun";
392})(RunType = exports.RunType || (exports.RunType = {}));
393var Service;
394(function (Service) {
395 Service[Service["Any"] = 0] = "Any";
396 Service[Service["Tcm"] = 1] = "Tcm";
397 Service[Service["Tfs"] = 2] = "Tfs";
398})(Service = exports.Service || (exports.Service = {}));
399var SessionResult;
400(function (SessionResult) {
401 /**
402 * Default
403 */
404 SessionResult[SessionResult["None"] = 0] = "None";
405 /**
406 * Session result with Passed
407 */
408 SessionResult[SessionResult["Passed"] = 1] = "Passed";
409 /**
410 * Session result with Failed
411 */
412 SessionResult[SessionResult["Failed"] = 2] = "Failed";
413})(SessionResult = exports.SessionResult || (exports.SessionResult = {}));
414var SessionTimelineType;
415(function (SessionTimelineType) {
416 /**
417 * Default
418 */
419 SessionTimelineType[SessionTimelineType["None"] = 0] = "None";
420 /**
421 * Timeline type for Queued status
422 */
423 SessionTimelineType[SessionTimelineType["Queued"] = 1] = "Queued";
424 /**
425 * Timeline type for Completed status
426 */
427 SessionTimelineType[SessionTimelineType["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed";
428 /**
429 * Timeline type for Started status
430 */
431 SessionTimelineType[SessionTimelineType["Started"] = 3] = "Started";
432})(SessionTimelineType = exports.SessionTimelineType || (exports.SessionTimelineType = {}));
434 * Option to get details in response
435 */
436var SuiteExpand;
437(function (SuiteExpand) {
438 /**
439 * Include children in response.
440 */
441 SuiteExpand[SuiteExpand["Children"] = 1] = "Children";
442 /**
443 * Include default testers in response.
444 */
445 SuiteExpand[SuiteExpand["DefaultTesters"] = 2] = "DefaultTesters";
446})(SuiteExpand = exports.SuiteExpand || (exports.SuiteExpand = {}));
447var TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus;
448(function (TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus) {
449 /**
450 * Migration Not Started
451 */
452 TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus[TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus["NotStarted"] = 0] = "NotStarted";
453 /**
454 * Migration InProgress
455 */
456 TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus[TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus["InProgress"] = 1] = "InProgress";
457 /**
458 * Migration Completed
459 */
460 TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus[TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed";
461 /**
462 * Migration Failed
463 */
464 TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus[TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus["Failed"] = 3] = "Failed";
465})(TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus = exports.TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus || (exports.TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus = {}));
467 * Represents the state of an ITestConfiguration object.
468 */
469var TestConfigurationState;
470(function (TestConfigurationState) {
471 /**
472 * The configuration can be used for new test runs.
473 */
474 TestConfigurationState[TestConfigurationState["Active"] = 1] = "Active";
475 /**
476 * The configuration has been retired and should not be used for new test runs.
477 */
478 TestConfigurationState[TestConfigurationState["Inactive"] = 2] = "Inactive";
479})(TestConfigurationState = exports.TestConfigurationState || (exports.TestConfigurationState = {}));
481 * Test Log Context
482 */
483var TestLogScope;
484(function (TestLogScope) {
485 /**
486 * Log file is associated with Run, result, subresult
487 */
488 TestLogScope[TestLogScope["Run"] = 0] = "Run";
489 /**
490 * Log File associated with Build
491 */
492 TestLogScope[TestLogScope["Build"] = 1] = "Build";
493 /**
494 * Log File associated with Release
495 */
496 TestLogScope[TestLogScope["Release"] = 2] = "Release";
497})(TestLogScope = exports.TestLogScope || (exports.TestLogScope = {}));
499 * Test Log Status codes.
500 */
501var TestLogStatusCode;
502(function (TestLogStatusCode) {
503 /**
504 * Operation is successful
505 */
506 TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["Success"] = 0] = "Success";
507 /**
508 * Operation failed
509 */
510 TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["Failed"] = 1] = "Failed";
511 /**
512 * Operation failed due to file already exist
513 */
514 TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["FileAlreadyExists"] = 2] = "FileAlreadyExists";
515 /**
516 * Invalid input provided by user
517 */
518 TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["InvalidInput"] = 3] = "InvalidInput";
519 /**
520 * Invalid file name provided by user
521 */
522 TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["InvalidFileName"] = 4] = "InvalidFileName";
523 /**
524 * Error occurred while operating on container
525 */
526 TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["InvalidContainer"] = 5] = "InvalidContainer";
527 /**
528 * Blob Transfer Error
529 */
530 TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["TransferFailed"] = 6] = "TransferFailed";
531 /**
532 * TestLogStore feature is not enabled
533 */
534 TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["FeatureDisabled"] = 7] = "FeatureDisabled";
535 /**
536 * Build for which operation is requested does not exist
537 */
538 TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["BuildDoesNotExist"] = 8] = "BuildDoesNotExist";
539 /**
540 * Run for which operation is requested does not exist
541 */
542 TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["RunDoesNotExist"] = 9] = "RunDoesNotExist";
543 /**
544 * Container cannot be created
545 */
546 TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["ContainerNotCreated"] = 10] = "ContainerNotCreated";
547 /**
548 * Api is not supported
549 */
550 TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["APINotSupported"] = 11] = "APINotSupported";
551 /**
552 * File size is greater than the limitation
553 */
554 TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["FileSizeExceeds"] = 12] = "FileSizeExceeds";
555 /**
556 * Container is not found for which operation is requested
557 */
558 TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["ContainerNotFound"] = 13] = "ContainerNotFound";
559 /**
560 * File cannot be found
561 */
562 TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["FileNotFound"] = 14] = "FileNotFound";
563 /**
564 * Directory cannot be found
565 */
566 TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["DirectoryNotFound"] = 15] = "DirectoryNotFound";
567 /**
568 * Storage capacity exceeded
569 */
570 TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["StorageCapacityExceeded"] = 16] = "StorageCapacityExceeded";
571})(TestLogStatusCode = exports.TestLogStatusCode || (exports.TestLogStatusCode = {}));
573 * Specifies set of possible log store endpoint type.
574 */
575var TestLogStoreEndpointType;
576(function (TestLogStoreEndpointType) {
577 /**
578 * Endpoint type is scoped to root
579 */
580 TestLogStoreEndpointType[TestLogStoreEndpointType["Root"] = 1] = "Root";
581 /**
582 * Endpoint type is scoped to file
583 */
584 TestLogStoreEndpointType[TestLogStoreEndpointType["File"] = 2] = "File";
585})(TestLogStoreEndpointType = exports.TestLogStoreEndpointType || (exports.TestLogStoreEndpointType = {}));
587 * Specifies set of possible operation type on log store.
588 */
589var TestLogStoreOperationType;
590(function (TestLogStoreOperationType) {
591 /**
592 * Operation is scoped to read data only.
593 */
594 TestLogStoreOperationType[TestLogStoreOperationType["Read"] = 1] = "Read";
595 /**
596 * Operation is scoped to create data only.
597 */
598 TestLogStoreOperationType[TestLogStoreOperationType["Create"] = 2] = "Create";
599 /**
600 * Operation is scoped to read and create data.
601 */
602 TestLogStoreOperationType[TestLogStoreOperationType["ReadAndCreate"] = 3] = "ReadAndCreate";
603})(TestLogStoreOperationType = exports.TestLogStoreOperationType || (exports.TestLogStoreOperationType = {}));
605 * Test Log Types
606 */
607var TestLogType;
608(function (TestLogType) {
609 /**
610 * Any gereric attachment.
611 */
612 TestLogType[TestLogType["GeneralAttachment"] = 1] = "GeneralAttachment";
613 /**
614 * Code Coverage files
615 */
616 TestLogType[TestLogType["CodeCoverage"] = 2] = "CodeCoverage";
617 /**
618 * Test Impact details.
619 */
620 TestLogType[TestLogType["TestImpact"] = 3] = "TestImpact";
621 /**
622 * Temporary files
623 */
624 TestLogType[TestLogType["Intermediate"] = 4] = "Intermediate";
625 /**
626 * Subresult Attachment
627 */
628 TestLogType[TestLogType["System"] = 5] = "System";
629 /**
630 * merged Coverage file
631 */
632 TestLogType[TestLogType["MergedCoverageFile"] = 6] = "MergedCoverageFile";
633})(TestLogType = exports.TestLogType || (exports.TestLogType = {}));
635 * Valid TestOutcome values.
636 */
637var TestOutcome;
638(function (TestOutcome) {
639 /**
640 * Only used during an update to preserve the existing value.
641 */
642 TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Unspecified"] = 0] = "Unspecified";
643 /**
644 * Test has not been completed, or the test type does not report pass/failure.
645 */
646 TestOutcome[TestOutcome["None"] = 1] = "None";
647 /**
648 * Test was executed w/o any issues.
649 */
650 TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Passed"] = 2] = "Passed";
651 /**
652 * Test was executed, but there were issues. Issues may involve exceptions or failed assertions.
653 */
654 TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Failed"] = 3] = "Failed";
655 /**
656 * Test has completed, but we can't say if it passed or failed. May be used for aborted tests...
657 */
658 TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Inconclusive"] = 4] = "Inconclusive";
659 /**
660 * The test timed out
661 */
662 TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Timeout"] = 5] = "Timeout";
663 /**
664 * Test was aborted. This was not caused by a user gesture, but rather by a framework decision.
665 */
666 TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Aborted"] = 6] = "Aborted";
667 /**
668 * Test had it chance for been executed but was not, as ITestElement.IsRunnable == false.
669 */
670 TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Blocked"] = 7] = "Blocked";
671 /**
672 * Test was not executed. This was caused by a user gesture - e.g. user hit stop button.
673 */
674 TestOutcome[TestOutcome["NotExecuted"] = 8] = "NotExecuted";
675 /**
676 * To be used by Run level results. This is not a failure.
677 */
678 TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Warning"] = 9] = "Warning";
679 /**
680 * There was a system error while we were trying to execute a test.
681 */
682 TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Error"] = 10] = "Error";
683 /**
684 * Test is Not Applicable for execution.
685 */
686 TestOutcome[TestOutcome["NotApplicable"] = 11] = "NotApplicable";
687 /**
688 * Test is paused.
689 */
690 TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Paused"] = 12] = "Paused";
691 /**
692 * Test is currently executing. Added this for TCM charts
693 */
694 TestOutcome[TestOutcome["InProgress"] = 13] = "InProgress";
695 /**
696 * Test is not impacted. Added fot TIA.
697 */
698 TestOutcome[TestOutcome["NotImpacted"] = 14] = "NotImpacted";
699 TestOutcome[TestOutcome["MaxValue"] = 14] = "MaxValue";
700})(TestOutcome = exports.TestOutcome || (exports.TestOutcome = {}));
701var TestPointState;
702(function (TestPointState) {
703 /**
704 * Default
705 */
706 TestPointState[TestPointState["None"] = 0] = "None";
707 /**
708 * The test point needs to be executed in order for the test pass to be considered complete. Either the test has not been run before or the previous run failed.
709 */
710 TestPointState[TestPointState["Ready"] = 1] = "Ready";
711 /**
712 * The test has passed successfully and does not need to be re-run for the test pass to be considered complete.
713 */
714 TestPointState[TestPointState["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed";
715 /**
716 * The test point needs to be executed but is not able to.
717 */
718 TestPointState[TestPointState["NotReady"] = 3] = "NotReady";
719 /**
720 * The test is being executed.
721 */
722 TestPointState[TestPointState["InProgress"] = 4] = "InProgress";
723 TestPointState[TestPointState["MaxValue"] = 4] = "MaxValue";
724})(TestPointState = exports.TestPointState || (exports.TestPointState = {}));
726 * Group by for results
727 */
728var TestResultGroupBy;
729(function (TestResultGroupBy) {
730 /**
731 * Group the results by branches
732 */
733 TestResultGroupBy[TestResultGroupBy["Branch"] = 1] = "Branch";
734 /**
735 * Group the results by environment
736 */
737 TestResultGroupBy[TestResultGroupBy["Environment"] = 2] = "Environment";
738})(TestResultGroupBy = exports.TestResultGroupBy || (exports.TestResultGroupBy = {}));
739var TestResultsContextType;
740(function (TestResultsContextType) {
741 TestResultsContextType[TestResultsContextType["Build"] = 1] = "Build";
742 TestResultsContextType[TestResultsContextType["Release"] = 2] = "Release";
743 TestResultsContextType[TestResultsContextType["Pipeline"] = 3] = "Pipeline";
744})(TestResultsContextType = exports.TestResultsContextType || (exports.TestResultsContextType = {}));
745var TestResultsSessionState;
746(function (TestResultsSessionState) {
747 /**
748 * Default
749 */
750 TestResultsSessionState[TestResultsSessionState["None"] = 0] = "None";
751 /**
752 * Session state with Running
753 */
754 TestResultsSessionState[TestResultsSessionState["Running"] = 1] = "Running";
755 /**
756 * Session state with Completed
757 */
758 TestResultsSessionState[TestResultsSessionState["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed";
759 /**
760 * Session state with Waiting
761 */
762 TestResultsSessionState[TestResultsSessionState["Waiting"] = 3] = "Waiting";
763 /**
764 * Session state with Cancelled
765 */
766 TestResultsSessionState[TestResultsSessionState["Cancelled"] = 4] = "Cancelled";
767})(TestResultsSessionState = exports.TestResultsSessionState || (exports.TestResultsSessionState = {}));
768var TestResultsSettingsType;
769(function (TestResultsSettingsType) {
770 /**
771 * Returns All Test Settings.
772 */
773 TestResultsSettingsType[TestResultsSettingsType["All"] = 1] = "All";
774 /**
775 * Returns Flaky Test Settings.
776 */
777 TestResultsSettingsType[TestResultsSettingsType["Flaky"] = 2] = "Flaky";
778 /**
779 * Returns whether to log new tests or not
780 */
781 TestResultsSettingsType[TestResultsSettingsType["NewTestLogging"] = 3] = "NewTestLogging";
782})(TestResultsSettingsType = exports.TestResultsSettingsType || (exports.TestResultsSettingsType = {}));
784 * The types of outcomes for test run.
785 */
786var TestRunOutcome;
787(function (TestRunOutcome) {
788 /**
789 * Run with zero failed tests and has at least one impacted test
790 */
791 TestRunOutcome[TestRunOutcome["Passed"] = 0] = "Passed";
792 /**
793 * Run with at-least one failed test.
794 */
795 TestRunOutcome[TestRunOutcome["Failed"] = 1] = "Failed";
796 /**
797 * Run with no impacted tests.
798 */
799 TestRunOutcome[TestRunOutcome["NotImpacted"] = 2] = "NotImpacted";
800 /**
801 * Runs with All tests in other category.
802 */
803 TestRunOutcome[TestRunOutcome["Others"] = 3] = "Others";
804})(TestRunOutcome = exports.TestRunOutcome || (exports.TestRunOutcome = {}));
806 * The types of publish context for run.
807 */
808var TestRunPublishContext;
809(function (TestRunPublishContext) {
810 /**
811 * Run is published for Build Context.
812 */
813 TestRunPublishContext[TestRunPublishContext["Build"] = 1] = "Build";
814 /**
815 * Run is published for Release Context.
816 */
817 TestRunPublishContext[TestRunPublishContext["Release"] = 2] = "Release";
818 /**
819 * Run is published for any Context.
820 */
821 TestRunPublishContext[TestRunPublishContext["All"] = 3] = "All";
822})(TestRunPublishContext = exports.TestRunPublishContext || (exports.TestRunPublishContext = {}));
824 * The types of states for test run.
825 */
826var TestRunState;
827(function (TestRunState) {
828 /**
829 * Only used during an update to preserve the existing value.
830 */
831 TestRunState[TestRunState["Unspecified"] = 0] = "Unspecified";
832 /**
833 * The run is still being created. No tests have started yet.
834 */
835 TestRunState[TestRunState["NotStarted"] = 1] = "NotStarted";
836 /**
837 * Tests are running.
838 */
839 TestRunState[TestRunState["InProgress"] = 2] = "InProgress";
840 /**
841 * All tests have completed or been skipped.
842 */
843 TestRunState[TestRunState["Completed"] = 3] = "Completed";
844 /**
845 * Run is stopped and remaining tests have been aborted
846 */
847 TestRunState[TestRunState["Aborted"] = 4] = "Aborted";
848 /**
849 * Run is currently initializing This is a legacy state and should not be used any more
850 */
851 TestRunState[TestRunState["Waiting"] = 5] = "Waiting";
852 /**
853 * Run requires investigation because of a test point failure This is a legacy state and should not be used any more
854 */
855 TestRunState[TestRunState["NeedsInvestigation"] = 6] = "NeedsInvestigation";
856})(TestRunState = exports.TestRunState || (exports.TestRunState = {}));
858 * The types of sub states for test run. It gives the user more info about the test run beyond the high level test run state
859 */
860var TestRunSubstate;
861(function (TestRunSubstate) {
862 /**
863 * Run with noState.
864 */
865 TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["None"] = 0] = "None";
866 /**
867 * Run state while Creating Environment.
868 */
869 TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["CreatingEnvironment"] = 1] = "CreatingEnvironment";
870 /**
871 * Run state while Running Tests.
872 */
873 TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["RunningTests"] = 2] = "RunningTests";
874 /**
875 * Run state while Creating Environment.
876 */
877 TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["CanceledByUser"] = 3] = "CanceledByUser";
878 /**
879 * Run state when it is Aborted By the System.
880 */
881 TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["AbortedBySystem"] = 4] = "AbortedBySystem";
882 /**
883 * Run state when run has timedOut.
884 */
885 TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["TimedOut"] = 5] = "TimedOut";
886 /**
887 * Run state while Pending Analysis.
888 */
889 TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["PendingAnalysis"] = 6] = "PendingAnalysis";
890 /**
891 * Run state after being Analysed.
892 */
893 TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["Analyzed"] = 7] = "Analyzed";
894 /**
895 * Run state when cancellation is in Progress.
896 */
897 TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["CancellationInProgress"] = 8] = "CancellationInProgress";
898})(TestRunSubstate = exports.TestRunSubstate || (exports.TestRunSubstate = {}));
900 * Represents the source from which the test session was created
901 */
902var TestSessionSource;
903(function (TestSessionSource) {
904 /**
905 * Source of test session uncertain as it is stale
906 */
907 TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown";
908 /**
909 * The session was created from Microsoft Test Manager exploratory desktop tool.
910 */
911 TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["XTDesktop"] = 1] = "XTDesktop";
912 /**
913 * The session was created from feedback client.
914 */
915 TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["FeedbackDesktop"] = 2] = "FeedbackDesktop";
916 /**
917 * The session was created from browser extension.
918 */
919 TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["XTWeb"] = 3] = "XTWeb";
920 /**
921 * The session was created from browser extension.
922 */
923 TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["FeedbackWeb"] = 4] = "FeedbackWeb";
924 /**
925 * The session was created from web access using Microsoft Test Manager exploratory desktop tool.
926 */
927 TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["XTDesktop2"] = 5] = "XTDesktop2";
928 /**
929 * To show sessions from all supported sources.
930 */
931 TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["SessionInsightsForAll"] = 6] = "SessionInsightsForAll";
932})(TestSessionSource = exports.TestSessionSource || (exports.TestSessionSource = {}));
934 * Represents the state of the test session.
935 */
936var TestSessionState;
937(function (TestSessionState) {
938 /**
939 * Only used during an update to preserve the existing value.
940 */
941 TestSessionState[TestSessionState["Unspecified"] = 0] = "Unspecified";
942 /**
943 * The session is still being created.
944 */
945 TestSessionState[TestSessionState["NotStarted"] = 1] = "NotStarted";
946 /**
947 * The session is running.
948 */
949 TestSessionState[TestSessionState["InProgress"] = 2] = "InProgress";
950 /**
951 * The session has paused.
952 */
953 TestSessionState[TestSessionState["Paused"] = 3] = "Paused";
954 /**
955 * The session has completed.
956 */
957 TestSessionState[TestSessionState["Completed"] = 4] = "Completed";
958 /**
959 * This is required for Feedback session which are declined
960 */
961 TestSessionState[TestSessionState["Declined"] = 5] = "Declined";
962})(TestSessionState = exports.TestSessionState || (exports.TestSessionState = {}));
963exports.TypeInfo = {
964 AfnStrip: {},
965 AggregatedDataForResultTrend: {},
966 AggregatedResultDetailsByOutcome: {},
967 AggregatedResultsAnalysis: {},
968 AggregatedResultsByOutcome: {},
969 AggregatedRunsByOutcome: {},
970 AggregatedRunsByState: {},
971 AttachmentType: {
972 enumValues: {
973 "generalAttachment": 0,
974 "afnStrip": 1,
975 "bugFilingData": 2,
976 "codeCoverage": 3,
977 "intermediateCollectorData": 4,
978 "runConfig": 5,
979 "testImpactDetails": 6,
980 "tmiTestRunDeploymentFiles": 7,
981 "tmiTestRunReverseDeploymentFiles": 8,
982 "tmiTestResultDetail": 9,
983 "tmiTestRunSummary": 10,
984 "consoleLog": 11
985 }
986 },
987 BatchResponse: {},
988 BuildConfiguration: {},
989 BuildCoverage: {},
990 BuildReference2: {},
991 BulkResultUpdateRequest: {},
992 CloneOperationInformation: {},
993 CloneOperationState: {
994 enumValues: {
995 "failed": 2,
996 "inProgress": 1,
997 "queued": 0,
998 "succeeded": 3
999 }
1000 },
1001 CodeCoverageSummary: {},
1002 Coverage2: {},
1003 CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus: {
1004 enumValues: {
1005 "none": 0,
1006 "inProgress": 1,
1007 "finalized": 2,
1008 "pending": 3,
1009 "updateRequestQueued": 4,
1010 "noModulesFound": 5,
1011 "numberOfFilesExceeded": 6,
1012 "noInputFiles": 7,
1013 "buildCancelled": 8,
1014 "failedJobs": 9,
1015 "moduleMergeJobTimeout": 10,
1016 "codeCoverageSuccess": 11,
1017 "invalidBuildConfiguration": 12,
1018 "coverageAnalyzerBuildNotFound": 13,
1019 "failedToRequeue": 14,
1020 "buildBailedOut": 15,
1021 "noCodeCoverageTask": 16,
1022 "mergeJobFailed": 17,
1023 "mergeInvokerJobFailed": 18,
1024 "monitorJobFailed": 19,
1025 "moduleMergeInvokerJobTimeout": 20,
1026 "monitorJobTimeout": 21,
1027 "invalidCoverageInput": 22
1028 }
1029 },
1030 CoverageQueryFlags: {
1031 enumValues: {
1032 "modules": 1,
1033 "functions": 2,
1034 "blockData": 4
1035 }
1036 },
1037 CoverageStatus: {
1038 enumValues: {
1039 "covered": 0,
1040 "notCovered": 1,
1041 "partiallyCovered": 2
1042 }
1043 },
1044 CoverageSummaryStatus: {
1045 enumValues: {
1046 "none": 0,
1047 "inProgress": 1,
1048 "completed": 2,
1049 "finalized": 3,
1050 "pending": 4,
1051 "updateRequestQueued": 5
1052 }
1053 },
1054 CreateTestMessageLogEntryRequest: {},
1055 CreateTestResultsRequest: {},
1056 CreateTestRunRequest: {},
1057 CustomTestFieldDefinition: {},
1058 CustomTestFieldScope: {
1059 enumValues: {
1060 "none": 0,
1061 "testRun": 1,
1062 "testResult": 2,
1063 "system": 4,
1064 "all": 7
1065 }
1066 },
1067 CustomTestFieldType: {
1068 enumValues: {
1069 "bit": 2,
1070 "dateTime": 4,
1071 "int": 8,
1072 "float": 6,
1073 "string": 12,
1074 "guid": 14
1075 }
1076 },
1077 DatedTestFieldData: {},
1078 FailingSince: {},
1079 FetchTestResultsResponse: {},
1080 FlakyDetection: {},
1081 FlakyDetectionType: {
1082 enumValues: {
1083 "custom": 1,
1084 "system": 2
1085 }
1086 },
1087 FlakySettings: {},
1088 LastResultDetails: {},
1089 LegacyBuildConfiguration: {},
1090 LegacyReleaseReference: {},
1091 LegacyTestCaseResult: {},
1092 LegacyTestRun: {},
1093 LegacyTestSettings: {},
1094 Metrics: {
1095 enumValues: {
1096 "all": 1,
1097 "resultSummary": 2,
1098 "resultsAnalysis": 3,
1099 "runSummary": 4
1100 }
1101 },
1102 OperationType: {
1103 enumValues: {
1104 "add": 1,
1105 "delete": 2
1106 }
1107 },
1108 PipelineTestMetrics: {},
1109 PointLastResult: {},
1110 PointsResults2: {},
1111 QueryTestActionResultResponse: {},
1112 ReleaseReference: {},
1113 ReleaseReference2: {},
1114 RequirementsToTestsMapping2: {},
1115 Response: {},
1116 ResultDetails: {
1117 enumValues: {
1118 "none": 0,
1119 "iterations": 1,
1120 "workItems": 2,
1121 "subResults": 4,
1122 "point": 8
1123 }
1124 },
1125 ResultGroupType: {
1126 enumValues: {
1127 "none": 0,
1128 "rerun": 1,
1129 "dataDriven": 2,
1130 "orderedTest": 3,
1131 "generic": 4
1132 }
1133 },
1134 ResultMetadata: {
1135 enumValues: {
1136 "rerun": 1,
1137 "flaky": 2
1138 }
1139 },
1140 ResultMetaDataDetails: {
1141 enumValues: {
1142 "none": 0,
1143 "flakyIdentifiers": 1
1144 }
1145 },
1146 ResultObjectType: {
1147 enumValues: {
1148 "testSuite": 0,
1149 "testPlan": 1
1150 }
1151 },
1152 ResultRetentionSettings: {},
1153 ResultsByQueryResponse: {},
1154 ResultsFilter: {},
1155 ResultsSummaryByOutcome: {},
1156 ResultSummary: {},
1157 ResultUpdateRequest: {},
1158 ResultUpdateRequestModel: {},
1159 ResultUpdateResponse: {},
1160 RunCreateModel: {},
1161 RunStatistic: {},
1162 RunSummary: {},
1163 RunSummaryModel: {},
1164 RunType: {
1165 enumValues: {
1166 "unspecified": 0,
1167 "normal": 1,
1168 "blocking": 2,
1169 "web": 4,
1170 "mtrRunInitiatedFromWeb": 8,
1171 "runWithDtlEnv": 16,
1172 "noConfigRun": 32
1173 }
1174 },
1175 RunUpdateModel: {},
1176 Service: {
1177 enumValues: {
1178 "any": 0,
1179 "tcm": 1,
1180 "tfs": 2
1181 }
1182 },
1183 SessionResult: {
1184 enumValues: {
1185 "none": 0,
1186 "passed": 1,
1187 "failed": 2
1188 }
1189 },
1190 SessionTimelineType: {
1191 enumValues: {
1192 "none": 0,
1193 "queued": 1,
1194 "completed": 2,
1195 "started": 3
1196 }
1197 },
1198 SourceViewBuildCoverage: {},
1199 SuiteExpand: {
1200 enumValues: {
1201 "children": 1,
1202 "defaultTesters": 2
1203 }
1204 },
1205 TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus: {
1206 enumValues: {
1207 "notStarted": 0,
1208 "inProgress": 1,
1209 "completed": 2,
1210 "failed": 3
1211 }
1212 },
1213 TestActionResult: {},
1214 TestActionResult2: {},
1215 TestActionResultModel: {},
1216 TestAttachment: {},
1217 TestAuthoringDetails: {},
1218 TestCaseReference2: {},
1219 TestCaseResult: {},
1220 TestConfiguration: {},
1221 TestConfigurationState: {
1222 enumValues: {
1223 "active": 1,
1224 "inactive": 2
1225 }
1226 },
1227 TestExecutionReportData: {},
1228 TestExtensionField: {},
1229 TestExtensionFieldDetails: {},
1230 TestFailuresAnalysis: {},
1231 TestHistoryQuery: {},
1232 TestIterationDetailsModel: {},
1233 TestLog: {},
1234 TestLogReference: {},
1235 TestLogScope: {
1236 enumValues: {
1237 "run": 0,
1238 "build": 1,
1239 "release": 2
1240 }
1241 },
1242 TestLogStatus: {},
1243 TestLogStatusCode: {
1244 enumValues: {
1245 "success": 0,
1246 "failed": 1,
1247 "fileAlreadyExists": 2,
1248 "invalidInput": 3,
1249 "invalidFileName": 4,
1250 "invalidContainer": 5,
1251 "transferFailed": 6,
1252 "featureDisabled": 7,
1253 "buildDoesNotExist": 8,
1254 "runDoesNotExist": 9,
1255 "containerNotCreated": 10,
1256 "apiNotSupported": 11,
1257 "fileSizeExceeds": 12,
1258 "containerNotFound": 13,
1259 "fileNotFound": 14,
1260 "directoryNotFound": 15,
1261 "storageCapacityExceeded": 16
1262 }
1263 },
1264 TestLogStoreAttachment: {},
1265 TestLogStoreEndpointDetails: {},
1266 TestLogStoreEndpointType: {
1267 enumValues: {
1268 "root": 1,
1269 "file": 2
1270 }
1271 },
1272 TestLogStoreOperationType: {
1273 enumValues: {
1274 "read": 1,
1275 "create": 2,
1276 "readAndCreate": 3
1277 }
1278 },
1279 TestLogType: {
1280 enumValues: {
1281 "generalAttachment": 1,
1282 "codeCoverage": 2,
1283 "testImpact": 3,
1284 "intermediate": 4,
1285 "system": 5,
1286 "mergedCoverageFile": 6
1287 }
1288 },
1289 TestMessageLogDetails: {},
1290 TestMessageLogEntry: {},
1291 TestMessageLogEntry2: {},
1292 TestOutcome: {
1293 enumValues: {
1294 "unspecified": 0,
1295 "none": 1,
1296 "passed": 2,
1297 "failed": 3,
1298 "inconclusive": 4,
1299 "timeout": 5,
1300 "aborted": 6,
1301 "blocked": 7,
1302 "notExecuted": 8,
1303 "warning": 9,
1304 "error": 10,
1305 "notApplicable": 11,
1306 "paused": 12,
1307 "inProgress": 13,
1308 "notImpacted": 14,
1309 "maxValue": 14
1310 }
1311 },
1312 TestParameter2: {},
1313 TestPlan: {},
1314 TestPlanCloneRequest: {},
1315 TestPlanHubData: {},
1316 TestPlansWithSelection: {},
1317 TestPoint: {},
1318 TestPointReference: {},
1319 TestPointsEvent: {},
1320 TestPointsQuery: {},
1321 TestPointState: {
1322 enumValues: {
1323 "none": 0,
1324 "ready": 1,
1325 "completed": 2,
1326 "notReady": 3,
1327 "inProgress": 4,
1328 "maxValue": 4
1329 }
1330 },
1331 TestPointsUpdatedEvent: {},
1332 TestResult2: {},
1333 TestResultAcrossProjectResponse: {},
1334 TestResultAttachment: {},
1335 TestResultGroupBy: {
1336 enumValues: {
1337 "branch": 1,
1338 "environment": 2
1339 }
1340 },
1341 TestResultHistory: {},
1342 TestResultHistoryDetailsForGroup: {},
1343 TestResultHistoryForGroup: {},
1344 TestResultModelBase: {},
1345 TestResultReset2: {},
1346 TestResultsContext: {},
1347 TestResultsContextType: {
1348 enumValues: {
1349 "build": 1,
1350 "release": 2,
1351 "pipeline": 3
1352 }
1353 },
1354 TestResultsDetails: {},
1355 TestResultsDetailsForGroup: {},
1356 TestResultsEx2: {},
1357 TestResultsQuery: {},
1358 TestResultsSession: {},
1359 TestResultsSessionState: {
1360 enumValues: {
1361 "none": 0,
1362 "running": 1,
1363 "completed": 2,
1364 "waiting": 3,
1365 "cancelled": 4
1366 }
1367 },
1368 TestResultsSettings: {},
1369 TestResultsSettingsType: {
1370 enumValues: {
1371 "all": 1,
1372 "flaky": 2,
1373 "newTestLogging": 3
1374 }
1375 },
1376 TestResultSummary: {},
1377 TestResultsUpdateSettings: {},
1378 TestResultsWithWatermark: {},
1379 TestResultTrendFilter: {},
1380 TestRun: {},
1381 TestRun2: {},
1382 TestRunCanceledEvent: {},
1383 TestRunCreatedEvent: {},
1384 TestRunEvent: {},
1385 TestRunEx2: {},
1386 TestRunOutcome: {
1387 enumValues: {
1388 "passed": 0,
1389 "failed": 1,
1390 "notImpacted": 2,
1391 "others": 3
1392 }
1393 },
1394 TestRunPublishContext: {
1395 enumValues: {
1396 "build": 1,
1397 "release": 2,
1398 "all": 3
1399 }
1400 },
1401 TestRunStartedEvent: {},
1402 TestRunState: {
1403 enumValues: {
1404 "unspecified": 0,
1405 "notStarted": 1,
1406 "inProgress": 2,
1407 "completed": 3,
1408 "aborted": 4,
1409 "waiting": 5,
1410 "needsInvestigation": 6
1411 }
1412 },
1413 TestRunStatistic: {},
1414 TestRunSubstate: {
1415 enumValues: {
1416 "none": 0,
1417 "creatingEnvironment": 1,
1418 "runningTests": 2,
1419 "canceledByUser": 3,
1420 "abortedBySystem": 4,
1421 "timedOut": 5,
1422 "pendingAnalysis": 6,
1423 "analyzed": 7,
1424 "cancellationInProgress": 8
1425 }
1426 },
1427 TestRunSummary2: {},
1428 TestRunWithDtlEnvEvent: {},
1429 TestSession: {},
1430 TestSessionExploredWorkItemReference: {},
1431 TestSessionSource: {
1432 enumValues: {
1433 "unknown": 0,
1434 "xtDesktop": 1,
1435 "feedbackDesktop": 2,
1436 "xtWeb": 3,
1437 "feedbackWeb": 4,
1438 "xtDesktop2": 5,
1439 "sessionInsightsForAll": 6
1440 }
1441 },
1442 TestSessionState: {
1443 enumValues: {
1444 "unspecified": 0,
1445 "notStarted": 1,
1446 "inProgress": 2,
1447 "paused": 3,
1448 "completed": 4,
1449 "declined": 5
1450 }
1451 },
1452 TestSettings2: {},
1453 TestSubResult: {},
1454 TestSuite: {},
1455 TestSummaryForWorkItem: {},
1456 Timeline: {},
1457 UpdatedProperties: {},
1458 UpdateTestRunRequest: {},
1459 UpdateTestRunResponse: {},
1460 WorkItemToTestLinks: {},
1462exports.TypeInfo.AfnStrip.fields = {
1463 creationDate: {
1464 isDate: true,
1465 }
1467exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedDataForResultTrend.fields = {
1468 resultsByOutcome: {
1469 isDictionary: true,
1470 dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome,
1471 dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsByOutcome
1472 },
1473 runSummaryByState: {
1474 isDictionary: true,
1475 dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunState,
1476 dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedRunsByState
1477 },
1478 testResultsContext: {
1479 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsContext
1480 }
1482exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultDetailsByOutcome.fields = {
1483 outcome: {
1484 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome
1485 }
1487exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsAnalysis.fields = {
1488 notReportedResultsByOutcome: {
1489 isDictionary: true,
1490 dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome,
1491 dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsByOutcome
1492 },
1493 previousContext: {
1494 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsContext
1495 },
1496 resultsByOutcome: {
1497 isDictionary: true,
1498 dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome,
1499 dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsByOutcome
1500 },
1501 runSummaryByOutcome: {
1502 isDictionary: true,
1503 dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunOutcome,
1504 dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedRunsByOutcome
1505 },
1506 runSummaryByState: {
1507 isDictionary: true,
1508 dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunState,
1509 dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedRunsByState
1510 }
1512exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsByOutcome.fields = {
1513 outcome: {
1514 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome
1515 }
1517exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedRunsByOutcome.fields = {
1518 outcome: {
1519 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunOutcome
1520 }
1522exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedRunsByState.fields = {
1523 resultsByOutcome: {
1524 isDictionary: true,
1525 dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome,
1526 dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsByOutcome
1527 },
1528 state: {
1529 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunState
1530 }
1532exports.TypeInfo.BatchResponse.fields = {
1533 responses: {
1534 isArray: true,
1535 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Response
1536 },
1538exports.TypeInfo.BuildConfiguration.fields = {
1539 creationDate: {
1540 isDate: true,
1541 }
1543exports.TypeInfo.BuildCoverage.fields = {
1544 configuration: {
1545 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.BuildConfiguration
1546 }
1548exports.TypeInfo.BuildReference2.fields = {
1549 createdDate: {
1550 isDate: true,
1551 }
1553exports.TypeInfo.BulkResultUpdateRequest.fields = {
1554 requests: {
1555 isArray: true,
1556 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ResultUpdateRequest
1557 }
1559exports.TypeInfo.CloneOperationInformation.fields = {
1560 completionDate: {
1561 isDate: true,
1562 },
1563 creationDate: {
1564 isDate: true,
1565 },
1566 resultObjectType: {
1567 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ResultObjectType
1568 },
1569 state: {
1570 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.CloneOperationState
1571 }
1573exports.TypeInfo.CodeCoverageSummary.fields = {
1574 coverageDetailedSummaryStatus: {
1575 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus
1576 },
1577 status: {
1578 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.CoverageSummaryStatus
1579 }
1581exports.TypeInfo.Coverage2.fields = {
1582 dateCreated: {
1583 isDate: true,
1584 },
1585 dateModified: {
1586 isDate: true,
1587 }
1589exports.TypeInfo.CreateTestMessageLogEntryRequest.fields = {
1590 testMessageLogEntry: {
1591 isArray: true,
1592 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestMessageLogEntry
1593 }
1595exports.TypeInfo.CreateTestResultsRequest.fields = {
1596 results: {
1597 isArray: true,
1598 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestCaseResult
1599 }
1601exports.TypeInfo.CreateTestRunRequest.fields = {
1602 results: {
1603 isArray: true,
1604 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestCaseResult
1605 },
1606 testRun: {
1607 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestRun
1608 },
1609 testSettings: {
1610 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestSettings
1611 }
1613exports.TypeInfo.CustomTestFieldDefinition.fields = {
1614 fieldType: {
1615 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.CustomTestFieldType
1616 },
1617 scope: {
1618 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.CustomTestFieldScope
1619 }
1621exports.TypeInfo.DatedTestFieldData.fields = {
1622 date: {
1623 isDate: true,
1624 }
1626exports.TypeInfo.FailingSince.fields = {
1627 date: {
1628 isDate: true,
1629 },
1630 release: {
1631 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReference
1632 }
1634exports.TypeInfo.FetchTestResultsResponse.fields = {
1635 actionResults: {
1636 isArray: true,
1637 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResult
1638 },
1639 attachments: {
1640 isArray: true,
1641 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultAttachment
1642 },
1643 results: {
1644 isArray: true,
1645 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestCaseResult
1646 }
1648exports.TypeInfo.FlakyDetection.fields = {
1649 flakyDetectionType: {
1650 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.FlakyDetectionType
1651 }
1653exports.TypeInfo.FlakySettings.fields = {
1654 flakyDetection: {
1655 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.FlakyDetection
1656 }
1658exports.TypeInfo.LastResultDetails.fields = {
1659 dateCompleted: {
1660 isDate: true,
1661 }
1663exports.TypeInfo.LegacyBuildConfiguration.fields = {
1664 completedDate: {
1665 isDate: true,
1666 },
1667 createdDate: {
1668 isDate: true,
1669 }
1671exports.TypeInfo.LegacyReleaseReference.fields = {
1672 environmentCreationDate: {
1673 isDate: true,
1674 },
1675 releaseCreationDate: {
1676 isDate: true,
1677 }
1679exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestCaseResult.fields = {
1680 buildReference: {
1681 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyBuildConfiguration
1682 },
1683 creationDate: {
1684 isDate: true,
1685 },
1686 customFields: {
1687 isArray: true,
1688 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestExtensionField
1689 },
1690 dateCompleted: {
1691 isDate: true,
1692 },
1693 dateStarted: {
1694 isDate: true,
1695 },
1696 failingSince: {
1697 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.FailingSince
1698 },
1699 lastUpdated: {
1700 isDate: true,
1701 },
1702 releaseReference: {
1703 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyReleaseReference
1704 },
1705 resultGroupType: {
1706 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ResultGroupType
1707 },
1708 stackTrace: {
1709 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestExtensionField
1710 }
1712exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestRun.fields = {
1713 buildReference: {
1714 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyBuildConfiguration
1715 },
1716 completeDate: {
1717 isDate: true,
1718 },
1719 creationDate: {
1720 isDate: true,
1721 },
1722 customFields: {
1723 isArray: true,
1724 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestExtensionField
1725 },
1726 dueDate: {
1727 isDate: true,
1728 },
1729 lastUpdated: {
1730 isDate: true,
1731 },
1732 releaseReference: {
1733 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyReleaseReference
1734 },
1735 startDate: {
1736 isDate: true,
1737 },
1738 testMessageLogEntries: {
1739 isArray: true,
1740 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestMessageLogDetails
1741 }
1743exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestSettings.fields = {
1744 createdDate: {
1745 isDate: true,
1746 },
1747 lastUpdated: {
1748 isDate: true,
1749 }
1751exports.TypeInfo.PipelineTestMetrics.fields = {
1752 resultSummary: {
1753 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ResultSummary
1754 },
1755 runSummary: {
1756 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.RunSummary
1757 },
1758 summaryAtChild: {
1759 isArray: true,
1760 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.PipelineTestMetrics
1761 }
1763exports.TypeInfo.PointLastResult.fields = {
1764 lastUpdatedDate: {
1765 isDate: true,
1766 }
1768exports.TypeInfo.PointsResults2.fields = {
1769 lastUpdated: {
1770 isDate: true,
1771 }
1773exports.TypeInfo.QueryTestActionResultResponse.fields = {
1774 testActionResults: {
1775 isArray: true,
1776 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResult
1777 },
1778 testAttachments: {
1779 isArray: true,
1780 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultAttachment
1781 }
1783exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReference.fields = {
1784 creationDate: {
1785 isDate: true,
1786 },
1787 environmentCreationDate: {
1788 isDate: true,
1789 }
1791exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReference2.fields = {
1792 environmentCreationDate: {
1793 isDate: true,
1794 },
1795 releaseCreationDate: {
1796 isDate: true,
1797 }
1799exports.TypeInfo.RequirementsToTestsMapping2.fields = {
1800 creationDate: {
1801 isDate: true,
1802 },
1803 deletionDate: {
1804 isDate: true,
1805 }
1807exports.TypeInfo.Response.fields = {};
1808exports.TypeInfo.ResultRetentionSettings.fields = {
1809 lastUpdatedDate: {
1810 isDate: true,
1811 }
1813exports.TypeInfo.ResultsByQueryResponse.fields = {
1814 testResults: {
1815 isArray: true,
1816 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestCaseResult
1817 }
1819exports.TypeInfo.ResultsFilter.fields = {
1820 executedIn: {
1821 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.Service
1822 },
1823 maxCompleteDate: {
1824 isDate: true,
1825 },
1826 testResultsContext: {
1827 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsContext
1828 }
1830exports.TypeInfo.ResultsSummaryByOutcome.fields = {
1831 aggregatedResultDetailsByOutcome: {
1832 isDictionary: true,
1833 dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome,
1834 dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultDetailsByOutcome
1835 }
1837exports.TypeInfo.ResultSummary.fields = {
1838 resultSummaryByRunState: {
1839 isDictionary: true,
1840 dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunState,
1841 dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ResultsSummaryByOutcome
1842 }
1844exports.TypeInfo.ResultUpdateRequest.fields = {
1845 actionResultDeletes: {
1846 isArray: true,
1847 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResult
1848 },
1849 actionResults: {
1850 isArray: true,
1851 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResult
1852 },
1853 attachments: {
1854 isArray: true,
1855 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultAttachment
1856 },
1857 testCaseResult: {
1858 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestCaseResult
1859 }
1861exports.TypeInfo.ResultUpdateRequestModel.fields = {
1862 actionResultDeletes: {
1863 isArray: true,
1864 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResultModel
1865 },
1866 actionResults: {
1867 isArray: true,
1868 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResultModel
1869 }
1871exports.TypeInfo.ResultUpdateResponse.fields = {
1872 lastUpdated: {
1873 isDate: true,
1874 }
1876exports.TypeInfo.RunCreateModel.fields = {
1877 buildReference: {
1878 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.BuildConfiguration
1879 },
1880 releaseReference: {
1881 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReference
1882 },
1883 runSummary: {
1884 isArray: true,
1885 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.RunSummaryModel
1886 }
1888exports.TypeInfo.RunStatistic.fields = {
1889 resultMetadata: {
1890 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ResultMetadata
1891 }
1893exports.TypeInfo.RunSummary.fields = {
1894 runSummaryByOutcome: {
1895 isDictionary: true,
1896 dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunOutcome,
1897 },
1898 runSummaryByState: {
1899 isDictionary: true,
1900 dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunState,
1901 }
1903exports.TypeInfo.RunSummaryModel.fields = {
1904 testOutcome: {
1905 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome
1906 }
1908exports.TypeInfo.RunUpdateModel.fields = {
1909 logEntries: {
1910 isArray: true,
1911 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestMessageLogDetails
1912 },
1913 runSummary: {
1914 isArray: true,
1915 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.RunSummaryModel
1916 },
1917 substate: {
1918 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunSubstate
1919 }
1921exports.TypeInfo.SourceViewBuildCoverage.fields = {
1922 configuration: {
1923 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.BuildConfiguration
1924 }
1926exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResult.fields = {
1927 creationDate: {
1928 isDate: true,
1929 },
1930 dateCompleted: {
1931 isDate: true,
1932 },
1933 dateStarted: {
1934 isDate: true,
1935 },
1936 lastUpdated: {
1937 isDate: true,
1938 }
1940exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResult2.fields = {
1941 creationDate: {
1942 isDate: true,
1943 },
1944 dateCompleted: {
1945 isDate: true,
1946 },
1947 dateStarted: {
1948 isDate: true,
1949 },
1950 lastUpdated: {
1951 isDate: true,
1952 }
1954exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResultModel.fields = {
1955 completedDate: {
1956 isDate: true,
1957 },
1958 startedDate: {
1959 isDate: true,
1960 }
1962exports.TypeInfo.TestAttachment.fields = {
1963 attachmentType: {
1964 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.AttachmentType
1965 },
1966 createdDate: {
1967 isDate: true,
1968 }
1970exports.TypeInfo.TestAuthoringDetails.fields = {
1971 lastUpdated: {
1972 isDate: true,
1973 },
1974 state: {
1975 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestPointState
1976 }
1978exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseReference2.fields = {
1979 creationDate: {
1980 isDate: true,
1981 },
1982 lastRefTestRunDate: {
1983 isDate: true,
1984 }
1986exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseResult.fields = {
1987 completedDate: {
1988 isDate: true,
1989 },
1990 createdDate: {
1991 isDate: true,
1992 },
1993 failingSince: {
1994 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.FailingSince
1995 },
1996 iterationDetails: {
1997 isArray: true,
1998 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestIterationDetailsModel
1999 },
2000 lastUpdatedDate: {
2001 isDate: true,
2002 },
2003 releaseReference: {
2004 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReference
2005 },
2006 resultGroupType: {
2007 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ResultGroupType
2008 },
2009 startedDate: {
2010 isDate: true,
2011 },
2012 subResults: {
2013 isArray: true,
2014 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSubResult
2015 }
2017exports.TypeInfo.TestConfiguration.fields = {
2018 lastUpdatedDate: {
2019 isDate: true,
2020 },
2021 state: {
2022 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestConfigurationState
2023 }
2025exports.TypeInfo.TestExecutionReportData.fields = {
2026 reportData: {
2027 isArray: true,
2028 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.DatedTestFieldData
2029 }
2031exports.TypeInfo.TestExtensionField.fields = {
2032 field: {
2033 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestExtensionFieldDetails
2034 }
2036exports.TypeInfo.TestExtensionFieldDetails.fields = {
2037 type: {
2038 enumType: SystemData.TypeInfo.SqlDbType
2039 }
2041exports.TypeInfo.TestFailuresAnalysis.fields = {
2042 previousContext: {
2043 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsContext
2044 }
2046exports.TypeInfo.TestHistoryQuery.fields = {
2047 groupBy: {
2048 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultGroupBy
2049 },
2050 maxCompleteDate: {
2051 isDate: true,
2052 },
2053 resultsForGroup: {
2054 isArray: true,
2055 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultHistoryForGroup
2056 }
2058exports.TypeInfo.TestIterationDetailsModel.fields = {
2059 actionResults: {
2060 isArray: true,
2061 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResultModel
2062 },
2063 completedDate: {
2064 isDate: true,
2065 },
2066 startedDate: {
2067 isDate: true,
2068 }
2070exports.TypeInfo.TestLog.fields = {
2071 logReference: {
2072 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestLogReference
2073 },
2074 modifiedOn: {
2075 isDate: true,
2076 }
2078exports.TypeInfo.TestLogReference.fields = {
2079 scope: {
2080 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestLogScope
2081 },
2082 type: {
2083 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestLogType
2084 }
2086exports.TypeInfo.TestLogStatus.fields = {
2087 status: {
2088 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestLogStatusCode
2089 }
2091exports.TypeInfo.TestLogStoreAttachment.fields = {
2092 attachmentType: {
2093 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.AttachmentType
2094 },
2095 createdDate: {
2096 isDate: true,
2097 }
2099exports.TypeInfo.TestLogStoreEndpointDetails.fields = {
2100 endpointType: {
2101 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestLogStoreEndpointType
2102 },
2103 status: {
2104 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestLogStatusCode
2105 }
2107exports.TypeInfo.TestMessageLogDetails.fields = {
2108 dateCreated: {
2109 isDate: true,
2110 }
2112exports.TypeInfo.TestMessageLogEntry.fields = {
2113 dateCreated: {
2114 isDate: true,
2115 }
2117exports.TypeInfo.TestMessageLogEntry2.fields = {
2118 dateCreated: {
2119 isDate: true,
2120 }
2122exports.TypeInfo.TestParameter2.fields = {
2123 creationDate: {
2124 isDate: true,
2125 },
2126 dateModified: {
2127 isDate: true,
2128 }
2130exports.TypeInfo.TestPlan.fields = {
2131 endDate: {
2132 isDate: true,
2133 },
2134 startDate: {
2135 isDate: true,
2136 },
2137 updatedDate: {
2138 isDate: true,
2139 }
2141exports.TypeInfo.TestPlanCloneRequest.fields = {
2142 destinationTestPlan: {
2143 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlan
2144 }
2146exports.TypeInfo.TestPlanHubData.fields = {
2147 testPlan: {
2148 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlan
2149 },
2150 testPoints: {
2151 isArray: true,
2152 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPoint
2153 },
2154 testSuites: {
2155 isArray: true,
2156 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuite
2157 }
2159exports.TypeInfo.TestPlansWithSelection.fields = {
2160 plans: {
2161 isArray: true,
2162 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlan
2163 }
2165exports.TypeInfo.TestPoint.fields = {
2166 lastResetToActive: {
2167 isDate: true,
2168 },
2169 lastResultDetails: {
2170 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LastResultDetails
2171 },
2172 lastUpdatedDate: {
2173 isDate: true,
2174 }
2176exports.TypeInfo.TestPointReference.fields = {
2177 state: {
2178 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestPointState
2179 }
2181exports.TypeInfo.TestPointsEvent.fields = {
2182 testPoints: {
2183 isArray: true,
2184 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPointReference
2185 }
2187exports.TypeInfo.TestPointsQuery.fields = {
2188 points: {
2189 isArray: true,
2190 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPoint
2191 }
2193exports.TypeInfo.TestPointsUpdatedEvent.fields = {
2194 testPoints: {
2195 isArray: true,
2196 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPointReference
2197 }
2199exports.TypeInfo.TestResult2.fields = {
2200 creationDate: {
2201 isDate: true,
2202 },
2203 dateCompleted: {
2204 isDate: true,
2205 },
2206 dateStarted: {
2207 isDate: true,
2208 },
2209 lastUpdated: {
2210 isDate: true,
2211 }
2213exports.TypeInfo.TestResultAcrossProjectResponse.fields = {
2214 testResult: {
2215 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestCaseResult
2216 }
2218exports.TypeInfo.TestResultAttachment.fields = {
2219 attachmentType: {
2220 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.AttachmentType
2221 },
2222 creationDate: {
2223 isDate: true,
2224 }
2226exports.TypeInfo.TestResultHistory.fields = {
2227 resultsForGroup: {
2228 isArray: true,
2229 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultHistoryDetailsForGroup
2230 }
2232exports.TypeInfo.TestResultHistoryDetailsForGroup.fields = {
2233 latestResult: {
2234 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseResult
2235 }
2237exports.TypeInfo.TestResultHistoryForGroup.fields = {
2238 results: {
2239 isArray: true,
2240 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseResult
2241 }
2243exports.TypeInfo.TestResultModelBase.fields = {
2244 completedDate: {
2245 isDate: true,
2246 },
2247 startedDate: {
2248 isDate: true,
2249 }
2251exports.TypeInfo.TestResultReset2.fields = {
2252 dateModified: {
2253 isDate: true,
2254 }
2256exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsContext.fields = {
2257 contextType: {
2258 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsContextType
2259 },
2260 release: {
2261 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReference
2262 }
2264exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsDetails.fields = {
2265 resultsForGroup: {
2266 isArray: true,
2267 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsDetailsForGroup
2268 }
2270exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsDetailsForGroup.fields = {
2271 results: {
2272 isArray: true,
2273 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseResult
2274 },
2275 resultsCountByOutcome: {
2276 isDictionary: true,
2277 dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome,
2278 dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsByOutcome
2279 }
2281exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsEx2.fields = {
2282 creationDate: {
2283 isDate: true,
2284 },
2285 dateTimeValue: {
2286 isDate: true,
2287 }
2289exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsQuery.fields = {
2290 results: {
2291 isArray: true,
2292 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseResult
2293 },
2294 resultsFilter: {
2295 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ResultsFilter
2296 }
2298exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsSession.fields = {
2299 endTimeUTC: {
2300 isDate: true,
2301 },
2302 result: {
2303 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.SessionResult
2304 },
2305 startTimeUTC: {
2306 isDate: true,
2307 },
2308 state: {
2309 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsSessionState
2310 },
2312exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsSettings.fields = {
2313 flakySettings: {
2314 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.FlakySettings
2315 }
2317exports.TypeInfo.TestResultSummary.fields = {
2318 aggregatedResultsAnalysis: {
2319 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsAnalysis
2320 },
2321 teamProject: {
2322 typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference
2323 },
2324 testFailures: {
2325 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestFailuresAnalysis
2326 },
2327 testResultsContext: {
2328 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsContext
2329 }
2331exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsUpdateSettings.fields = {
2332 flakySettings: {
2333 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.FlakySettings
2334 }
2336exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsWithWatermark.fields = {
2337 changedDate: {
2338 isDate: true,
2339 },
2340 pointsResults: {
2341 isArray: true,
2342 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.PointsResults2
2343 }
2345exports.TypeInfo.TestResultTrendFilter.fields = {
2346 maxCompleteDate: {
2347 isDate: true,
2348 }
2350exports.TypeInfo.TestRun.fields = {
2351 buildConfiguration: {
2352 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.BuildConfiguration
2353 },
2354 completedDate: {
2355 isDate: true,
2356 },
2357 createdDate: {
2358 isDate: true,
2359 },
2360 dueDate: {
2361 isDate: true,
2362 },
2363 lastUpdatedDate: {
2364 isDate: true,
2365 },
2366 release: {
2367 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReference
2368 },
2369 runStatistics: {
2370 isArray: true,
2371 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.RunStatistic
2372 },
2373 startedDate: {
2374 isDate: true,
2375 },
2376 substate: {
2377 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunSubstate
2378 }
2380exports.TypeInfo.TestRun2.fields = {
2381 completeDate: {
2382 isDate: true,
2383 },
2384 creationDate: {
2385 isDate: true,
2386 },
2387 deletedOn: {
2388 isDate: true,
2389 },
2390 dueDate: {
2391 isDate: true,
2392 },
2393 lastUpdated: {
2394 isDate: true,
2395 },
2396 startDate: {
2397 isDate: true,
2398 }
2400exports.TypeInfo.TestRunCanceledEvent.fields = {
2401 testRun: {
2402 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestRun
2403 }
2405exports.TypeInfo.TestRunCreatedEvent.fields = {
2406 testRun: {
2407 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestRun
2408 }
2410exports.TypeInfo.TestRunEvent.fields = {
2411 testRun: {
2412 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestRun
2413 }
2415exports.TypeInfo.TestRunEx2.fields = {
2416 createdDate: {
2417 isDate: true,
2418 },
2419 dateTimeValue: {
2420 isDate: true,
2421 }
2423exports.TypeInfo.TestRunStartedEvent.fields = {
2424 testRun: {
2425 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestRun
2426 }
2428exports.TypeInfo.TestRunStatistic.fields = {
2429 runStatistics: {
2430 isArray: true,
2431 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.RunStatistic
2432 }
2434exports.TypeInfo.TestRunSummary2.fields = {
2435 testRunCompletedDate: {
2436 isDate: true,
2437 }
2439exports.TypeInfo.TestRunWithDtlEnvEvent.fields = {
2440 testRun: {
2441 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestRun
2442 }
2444exports.TypeInfo.TestSession.fields = {
2445 endDate: {
2446 isDate: true,
2447 },
2448 lastUpdatedDate: {
2449 isDate: true,
2450 },
2451 source: {
2452 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestSessionSource
2453 },
2454 startDate: {
2455 isDate: true,
2456 },
2457 state: {
2458 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestSessionState
2459 }
2461exports.TypeInfo.TestSessionExploredWorkItemReference.fields = {
2462 endTime: {
2463 isDate: true,
2464 },
2465 startTime: {
2466 isDate: true,
2467 }
2469exports.TypeInfo.TestSettings2.fields = {
2470 createdDate: {
2471 isDate: true,
2472 },
2473 lastUpdatedDate: {
2474 isDate: true,
2475 }
2477exports.TypeInfo.TestSubResult.fields = {
2478 completedDate: {
2479 isDate: true,
2480 },
2481 lastUpdatedDate: {
2482 isDate: true,
2483 },
2484 resultGroupType: {
2485 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ResultGroupType
2486 },
2487 startedDate: {
2488 isDate: true,
2489 },
2490 subResults: {
2491 isArray: true,
2492 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSubResult
2493 }
2495exports.TypeInfo.TestSuite.fields = {
2496 children: {
2497 isArray: true,
2498 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuite
2499 },
2500 lastPopulatedDate: {
2501 isDate: true,
2502 },
2503 lastUpdatedDate: {
2504 isDate: true,
2505 }
2507exports.TypeInfo.TestSummaryForWorkItem.fields = {
2508 summary: {
2509 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedDataForResultTrend
2510 }
2512exports.TypeInfo.Timeline.fields = {
2513 timestampUTC: {
2514 isDate: true,
2515 }
2517exports.TypeInfo.UpdatedProperties.fields = {
2518 lastUpdated: {
2519 isDate: true,
2520 }
2522exports.TypeInfo.UpdateTestRunRequest.fields = {
2523 attachmentsToAdd: {
2524 isArray: true,
2525 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultAttachment
2526 },
2527 testRun: {
2528 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestRun
2529 }
2531exports.TypeInfo.UpdateTestRunResponse.fields = {
2532 updatedProperties: {
2533 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.UpdatedProperties
2534 }
2536exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemToTestLinks.fields = {
2537 executedIn: {
2538 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.Service
2539 }