1 | import TFS_TestManagement_Contracts = require("../interfaces/TestInterfaces");
2 | import TfsCoreInterfaces = require("../interfaces/CoreInterfaces");
3 | import VSSInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces");
4 | /**
5 | * The build definition reference resource
6 | */
7 | export interface BuildDefinitionReference {
8 | /**
9 | * ID of the build definition
10 | */
11 | id?: number;
12 | /**
13 | * Name of the build definition
14 | */
15 | name?: string;
16 | }
17 | /**
18 | * Common Response for clone operation
19 | */
20 | export interface CloneOperationCommonResponse {
21 | /**
22 | * Various statistics related to the clone operation
23 | */
24 | cloneStatistics?: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.CloneStatistics;
25 | /**
26 | * Completion data of the operation
27 | */
28 | completionDate?: Date;
29 | /**
30 | * Creation data of the operation
31 | */
32 | creationDate?: Date;
33 | /**
34 | * Reference links
35 | */
36 | links?: any;
37 | /**
38 | * Message related to the job
39 | */
40 | message?: string;
41 | /**
42 | * Clone operation Id
43 | */
44 | opId: number;
45 | /**
46 | * Clone operation state
47 | */
48 | state?: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.CloneOperationState;
49 | }
50 | export interface CloneTestCaseOperationInformation {
51 | /**
52 | * Various information related to the clone
53 | */
54 | cloneOperationResponse: CloneOperationCommonResponse;
55 | /**
56 | * Test Plan Clone create parameters
57 | */
58 | cloneOptions?: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.CloneTestCaseOptions;
59 | /**
60 | * Information of destination Test Suite
61 | */
62 | destinationTestSuite: TestSuiteReferenceWithProject;
63 | /**
64 | * Information of source Test Suite
65 | */
66 | sourceTestSuite: SourceTestSuiteResponse;
67 | }
68 | /**
69 | * Parameters for Test Suite clone operation
70 | */
71 | export interface CloneTestCaseParams {
72 | /**
73 | * Test Case Clone create parameters
74 | */
75 | cloneOptions?: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.CloneTestCaseOptions;
76 | /**
77 | * Information about destination Test Plan
78 | */
79 | destinationTestPlan: TestPlanReference;
80 | /**
81 | * Information about destination Test Suite
82 | */
83 | destinationTestSuite: DestinationTestSuiteInfo;
84 | /**
85 | * Information about source Test Plan
86 | */
87 | sourceTestPlan: TestPlanReference;
88 | /**
89 | * Information about source Test Suite
90 | */
91 | sourceTestSuite: SourceTestSuiteInfo;
92 | /**
93 | * Test Case IDs
94 | */
95 | testCaseIds?: number[];
96 | }
97 | /**
98 | * Response for Test Plan clone operation
99 | */
100 | export interface CloneTestPlanOperationInformation {
101 | /**
102 | * Various information related to the clone
103 | */
104 | cloneOperationResponse: CloneOperationCommonResponse;
105 | /**
106 | * Test Plan Clone create parameters
107 | */
108 | cloneOptions?: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.CloneOptions;
109 | /**
110 | * Information of destination Test Plan
111 | */
112 | destinationTestPlan: TestPlan;
113 | /**
114 | * Information of source Test Plan
115 | */
116 | sourceTestPlan: SourceTestplanResponse;
117 | }
118 | /**
119 | * Parameters for Test Plan clone operation
120 | */
121 | export interface CloneTestPlanParams {
122 | /**
123 | * Test Plan Clone create parameters
124 | */
125 | cloneOptions?: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.CloneOptions;
126 | /**
127 | * Information about destination Test Plan
128 | */
129 | destinationTestPlan: DestinationTestPlanCloneParams;
130 | /**
131 | * Information about source Test Plan
132 | */
133 | sourceTestPlan: SourceTestPlanInfo;
134 | }
135 | /**
136 | * Response for Test Suite clone operation
137 | */
138 | export interface CloneTestSuiteOperationInformation {
139 | /**
140 | * Information of newly cloned Test Suite
141 | */
142 | clonedTestSuite?: TestSuiteReferenceWithProject;
143 | /**
144 | * Various information related to the clone
145 | */
146 | cloneOperationResponse: CloneOperationCommonResponse;
147 | /**
148 | * Test Plan Clone create parameters
149 | */
150 | cloneOptions?: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.CloneOptions;
151 | /**
152 | * Information of destination Test Suite
153 | */
154 | destinationTestSuite: TestSuiteReferenceWithProject;
155 | /**
156 | * Information of source Test Suite
157 | */
158 | sourceTestSuite: TestSuiteReferenceWithProject;
159 | }
160 | /**
161 | * Parameters for Test Suite clone operation
162 | */
163 | export interface CloneTestSuiteParams {
164 | /**
165 | * Test Plan Clone create parameters
166 | */
167 | cloneOptions?: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.CloneOptions;
168 | /**
169 | * Information about destination Test Suite
170 | */
171 | destinationTestSuite: DestinationTestSuiteInfo;
172 | /**
173 | * Information about source Test Suite
174 | */
175 | sourceTestSuite: SourceTestSuiteInfo;
176 | }
177 | /**
178 | * Configuration of the Test Point
179 | */
180 | export interface Configuration {
181 | /**
182 | * Id of the Configuration Assigned to the Test Point
183 | */
184 | configurationId?: number;
185 | }
186 | /**
187 | * Destination Test Plan create parameters
188 | */
189 | export interface DestinationTestPlanCloneParams extends TestPlanCreateParams {
190 | /**
191 | * Destination Project Name
192 | */
193 | project?: string;
194 | }
195 | /**
196 | * Destination Test Suite information for Test Suite clone operation
197 | */
198 | export interface DestinationTestSuiteInfo {
199 | /**
200 | * Destination Suite Id
201 | */
202 | id: number;
203 | /**
204 | * Destination Project Name
205 | */
206 | project?: string;
207 | }
208 | /**
209 | * Exclude Flags for suite test case object. Exclude Flags exclude various objects from payload depending on the value passed
210 | */
211 | export declare enum ExcludeFlags {
212 | /**
213 | * To exclude nothing
214 | */
215 | None = 0,
216 | /**
217 | * To exclude point assignments, pass exclude = 1
218 | */
219 | PointAssignments = 1,
220 | /**
221 | * To exclude extra information (links, test plan, test suite), pass exclude = 2
222 | */
223 | ExtraInformation = 2
224 | }
225 | /**
226 | * Parameters for test case export operation
227 | */
228 | export interface ExportTestCaseParams {
229 | /**
230 | * Test Case IDs to exported
231 | */
232 | testCaseIds: number[];
233 | /**
234 | * ID of test plan containing test cases
235 | */
236 | testPlanId: number;
237 | /**
238 | * ID of test suite containing test cases
239 | */
240 | testSuiteId: number;
241 | }
242 | export declare enum FailureType {
243 | None = 0,
244 | Regression = 1,
245 | New_Issue = 2,
246 | Known_Issue = 3,
247 | Unknown = 4,
248 | Null_Value = 5,
249 | MaxValue = 5
250 | }
251 | export declare enum LastResolutionState {
252 | None = 0,
253 | NeedsInvestigation = 1,
254 | TestIssue = 2,
255 | ProductIssue = 3,
256 | ConfigurationIssue = 4,
257 | NullValue = 5,
258 | MaxValue = 5
259 | }
260 | /**
261 | * Enum representing the return code of data provider.
262 | */
263 | export declare enum LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode {
264 | Success = 0,
265 | Error = 1
266 | }
267 | /**
268 | * This data model is used in Work item-based tabs of Test Plans Library.
269 | */
270 | export interface LibraryWorkItemsData {
271 | /**
272 | * Specifies the column option field names
273 | */
274 | columnOptions?: string[];
275 | /**
276 | * Continuation token to fetch next set of elements. Present only when HasMoreElements is true.
277 | */
278 | continuationToken?: string;
279 | /**
280 | * Boolean indicating if the WIQL query has exceeded the limit of items returned.
281 | */
282 | exceededWorkItemQueryLimit: boolean;
283 | /**
284 | * Boolean indicating if there are more elements present than what are being sent.
285 | */
286 | hasMoreElements: boolean;
287 | /**
288 | * Specifies if there was an error while execution of data provider.
289 | */
290 | returnCode: LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode;
291 | /**
292 | * List of work items returned when OrderByField is sent something other than Id.
293 | */
294 | workItemIds?: number[];
295 | /**
296 | * List of work items to be returned.
297 | */
298 | workItems: WorkItemDetails[];
299 | }
300 | /**
301 | * This is the request data contract for LibraryTestCaseDataProvider.
302 | */
303 | export interface LibraryWorkItemsDataProviderRequest {
304 | /**
305 | * Specifies the list of column options to show in test cases table.
306 | */
307 | columnOptions?: string[];
308 | /**
309 | * The continuation token required for paging of work items. This is required when getting subsequent sets of work items when OrderByField is Id.
310 | */
311 | continuationToken?: string;
312 | /**
313 | * List of filter values to be supplied. Currently supported filters are Title, State, AssignedTo, Priority, AreaPath.
314 | */
315 | filterValues?: TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilter[];
316 | /**
317 | * Whether the data is to be sorted in ascending or descending order. When not supplied, defaults to descending.
318 | */
319 | isAscending?: boolean;
320 | /**
321 | * The type of query to run.
322 | */
323 | libraryQueryType?: TestPlansLibraryQuery;
324 | /**
325 | * Work item field on which to order the results. When not supplied, defaults to work item IDs.
326 | */
327 | orderByField?: string;
328 | /**
329 | * List of work items to query for field details. This is required when getting subsequent sets of work item fields when OrderByField is other than Id.
330 | */
331 | workItemIds?: number[];
332 | }
333 | export declare enum Outcome {
334 | /**
335 | * Only used during an update to preserve the existing value.
336 | */
337 | Unspecified = 0,
338 | /**
339 | * Test has not been completed, or the test type does not report pass/failure.
340 | */
341 | None = 1,
342 | /**
343 | * Test was executed w/o any issues.
344 | */
345 | Passed = 2,
346 | /**
347 | * Test was executed, but there were issues. Issues may involve exceptions or failed assertions.
348 | */
349 | Failed = 3,
350 | /**
351 | * Test has completed, but we can't say if it passed or failed. May be used for aborted tests...
352 | */
353 | Inconclusive = 4,
354 | /**
355 | * The test timed out
356 | */
357 | Timeout = 5,
358 | /**
359 | * Test was aborted. This was not caused by a user gesture, but rather by a framework decision.
360 | */
361 | Aborted = 6,
362 | /**
363 | * Test had it chance for been executed but was not, as ITestElement.IsRunnable == false.
364 | */
365 | Blocked = 7,
366 | /**
367 | * Test was not executed. This was caused by a user gesture - e.g. user hit stop button.
368 | */
369 | NotExecuted = 8,
370 | /**
371 | * To be used by Run level results. This is not a failure.
372 | */
373 | Warning = 9,
374 | /**
375 | * There was a system error while we were trying to execute a test.
376 | */
377 | Error = 10,
378 | /**
379 | * Test is Not Applicable for execution.
380 | */
381 | NotApplicable = 11,
382 | /**
383 | * Test is paused.
384 | */
385 | Paused = 12,
386 | /**
387 | * Test is currently executing. Added this for TCM charts
388 | */
389 | InProgress = 13,
390 | /**
391 | * Test is not impacted. Added fot TIA.
392 | */
393 | NotImpacted = 14,
394 | MaxValue = 14
395 | }
396 | /**
397 | * Assignments for the Test Point
398 | */
399 | export interface PointAssignment extends Configuration {
400 | /**
401 | * Name of the Configuration Assigned to the Test Point
402 | */
403 | configurationName?: string;
404 | /**
405 | * Id of the Test Point
406 | */
407 | id?: number;
408 | /**
409 | * Tester Assigned to the Test Point
410 | */
411 | tester?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
412 | }
413 | export declare enum PointState {
414 | /**
415 | * Default
416 | */
417 | None = 0,
418 | /**
419 | * The test point needs to be executed in order for the test pass to be considered complete. Either the test has not been run before or the previous run failed.
420 | */
421 | Ready = 1,
422 | /**
423 | * The test has passed successfully and does not need to be re-run for the test pass to be considered complete.
424 | */
425 | Completed = 2,
426 | /**
427 | * The test point needs to be executed but is not able to.
428 | */
429 | NotReady = 3,
430 | /**
431 | * The test is being executed.
432 | */
433 | InProgress = 4,
434 | MaxValue = 4
435 | }
436 | /**
437 | * Results class for Test Point
438 | */
439 | export interface Results {
440 | /**
441 | * Outcome of the Test Point
442 | */
443 | outcome?: Outcome;
444 | }
445 | export declare enum ResultState {
446 | /**
447 | * Only used during an update to preserve the existing value.
448 | */
449 | Unspecified = 0,
450 | /**
451 | * Test is in the execution queue, was not started yet.
452 | */
453 | Pending = 1,
454 | /**
455 | * Test has been queued. This is applicable when a test case is queued for execution
456 | */
457 | Queued = 2,
458 | /**
459 | * Test is currently executing.
460 | */
461 | InProgress = 3,
462 | /**
463 | * Test has been paused. This is applicable when a test case is paused by the user (For e.g. Manual Tester can pause the execution of the manual test case)
464 | */
465 | Paused = 4,
466 | /**
467 | * Test has completed, but there is no quantitative measure of completeness. This may apply to load tests.
468 | */
469 | Completed = 5,
470 | MaxValue = 5
471 | }
472 | /**
473 | * Source Test Plan information for Test Plan clone operation
474 | */
475 | export interface SourceTestPlanInfo {
476 | /**
477 | * ID of the source Test Plan
478 | */
479 | id: number;
480 | /**
481 | * Id of suites to be cloned inside source Test Plan
482 | */
483 | suiteIds?: number[];
484 | }
485 | /**
486 | * Source Test Plan Response for Test Plan clone operation
487 | */
488 | export interface SourceTestplanResponse extends TestPlanReference {
489 | /**
490 | * project reference
491 | */
492 | project: TfsCoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference;
493 | /**
494 | * Id of suites to be cloned inside source Test Plan
495 | */
496 | suiteIds?: number[];
497 | }
498 | /**
499 | * Source Test Suite information for Test Suite clone operation
500 | */
501 | export interface SourceTestSuiteInfo {
502 | /**
503 | * Id of the Source Test Suite
504 | */
505 | id: number;
506 | }
507 | /**
508 | * Source Test Suite Response for Test Case clone operation
509 | */
510 | export interface SourceTestSuiteResponse extends TestSuiteReference {
511 | /**
512 | * project reference
513 | */
514 | project: TfsCoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference;
515 | /**
516 | * Id of suites to be cloned inside source Test Plan
517 | */
518 | testCaseIds?: number[];
519 | }
520 | /**
521 | * A suite entry defines properties for a test suite.
522 | */
523 | export interface SuiteEntry extends SuiteEntryUpdateParams {
524 | /**
525 | * Id for the test suite.
526 | */
527 | suiteId?: number;
528 | }
529 | export declare enum SuiteEntryTypes {
530 | /**
531 | * Test Case
532 | */
533 | TestCase = 0,
534 | /**
535 | * Child Suite
536 | */
537 | Suite = 1
538 | }
539 | /**
540 | * A suite entry defines properties for a test suite.
541 | */
542 | export interface SuiteEntryUpdateParams {
543 | /**
544 | * Id of the suite entry in the test suite: either a test case id or child suite id.
545 | */
546 | id?: number;
547 | /**
548 | * Sequence number for the suite entry object in the test suite.
549 | */
550 | sequenceNumber?: number;
551 | /**
552 | * Defines whether the entry is of type test case or suite.
553 | */
554 | suiteEntryType?: SuiteEntryTypes;
555 | }
556 | /**
557 | * Option to get details in response
558 | */
559 | export declare enum SuiteExpand {
560 | /**
561 | * Dont include any of the expansions in output.
562 | */
563 | None = 0,
564 | /**
565 | * Include children in response.
566 | */
567 | Children = 1,
568 | /**
569 | * Include default testers in response.
570 | */
571 | DefaultTesters = 2
572 | }
573 | /**
574 | * Create and Update Suite Test Case Parameters
575 | */
576 | export interface SuiteTestCaseCreateUpdateParameters {
577 | /**
578 | * Configurations Ids
579 | */
580 | pointAssignments?: Configuration[];
581 | /**
582 | * Id of Test Case to be updated or created
583 | */
584 | workItem?: WorkItem;
585 | }
586 | /**
587 | * Test Case Class
588 | */
589 | export interface TestCase {
590 | /**
591 | * Reference links
592 | */
593 | links: any;
594 | /**
595 | * Order of the TestCase in the Suite
596 | */
597 | order?: number;
598 | /**
599 | * List of Points associated with the Test Case
600 | */
601 | pointAssignments?: PointAssignment[];
602 | /**
603 | * Project under which the Test Case is
604 | */
605 | project?: TfsCoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference;
606 | /**
607 | * Test Plan under which the Test Case is
608 | */
609 | testPlan?: TestPlanReference;
610 | /**
611 | * Test Suite under which the Test Case is
612 | */
613 | testSuite?: TestSuiteReference;
614 | /**
615 | * Work Item details of the TestCase
616 | */
617 | workItem?: WorkItemDetails;
618 | }
619 | export interface TestCaseAssociatedResult {
620 | completedDate: Date;
621 | configuration: TestConfigurationReference;
622 | outcome: UserFriendlyTestOutcome;
623 | plan: TestPlanReference;
624 | pointId?: number;
625 | resultId: number;
626 | runBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
627 | runId: number;
628 | suite: TestSuiteReference;
629 | tester: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
630 | }
631 | /**
632 | * Test Case Reference
633 | */
634 | export interface TestCaseReference {
635 | /**
636 | * Identity to whom the test case is assigned
637 | */
638 | assignedTo?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
639 | /**
640 | * Test Case Id
641 | */
642 | id: number;
643 | /**
644 | * Test Case Name
645 | */
646 | name: string;
647 | /**
648 | * State of the test case work item
649 | */
650 | state?: string;
651 | }
652 | /**
653 | * This data model is used in TestCaseResultsDataProvider and populates the data required for initial page load
654 | */
655 | export interface TestCaseResultsData {
656 | /**
657 | * Point information from where the execution history was viewed. Used to set initial filters.
658 | */
659 | contextPoint?: TestPointDetailedReference;
660 | /**
661 | * Use to store the results displayed in the table
662 | */
663 | results: TestCaseAssociatedResult[];
664 | /**
665 | * Test Case Name to be displayed in the table header
666 | */
667 | testCaseName: string;
668 | }
669 | /**
670 | * Test configuration
671 | */
672 | export interface TestConfiguration extends TestConfigurationCreateUpdateParameters {
673 | /**
674 | * Id of the configuration
675 | */
676 | id: number;
677 | /**
678 | * Id of the test configuration variable
679 | */
680 | project?: TfsCoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference;
681 | }
682 | /**
683 | * Test Configuration Create or Update Parameters
684 | */
685 | export interface TestConfigurationCreateUpdateParameters {
686 | /**
687 | * Description of the configuration
688 | */
689 | description?: string;
690 | /**
691 | * Is the configuration a default for the test plans
692 | */
693 | isDefault?: boolean;
694 | /**
695 | * Name of the configuration
696 | */
697 | name: string;
698 | /**
699 | * State of the configuration
700 | */
701 | state?: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.TestConfigurationState;
702 | /**
703 | * Dictionary of Test Variable, Selected Value
704 | */
705 | values?: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.NameValuePair[];
706 | }
707 | /**
708 | * Test Configuration Reference
709 | */
710 | export interface TestConfigurationReference {
711 | /**
712 | * Id of the configuration
713 | */
714 | id: number;
715 | /**
716 | * Name of the configuration
717 | */
718 | name: string;
719 | }
720 | /**
721 | * Test Entity Count Used to store test cases count (define tab) and test point count (execute tab) Used to store test cases count (define tab) and test point count (execute tab)
722 | */
723 | export interface TestEntityCount {
724 | /**
725 | * Test Entity Count
726 | */
727 | count?: number;
728 | /**
729 | * Test Plan under which the Test Entities are
730 | */
731 | testPlanId?: number;
732 | /**
733 | * Test Suite under which the Test Entities are
734 | */
735 | testSuiteId?: number;
736 | /**
737 | * Total test entities in the suite without the applied filters
738 | */
739 | totalCount?: number;
740 | }
741 | export declare enum TestEntityTypes {
742 | TestCase = 0,
743 | TestPoint = 1
744 | }
745 | /**
746 | * The test plan resource.
747 | */
748 | export interface TestPlan extends TestPlanUpdateParams {
749 | /**
750 | * Relevant links
751 | */
752 | _links: any;
753 | /**
754 | * ID of the test plan.
755 | */
756 | id: number;
757 | /**
758 | * Previous build Id associated with the test plan
759 | */
760 | previousBuildId?: number;
761 | /**
762 | * Project which contains the test plan.
763 | */
764 | project?: TfsCoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference;
765 | /**
766 | * Root test suite of the test plan.
767 | */
768 | rootSuite: TestSuiteReference;
769 | /**
770 | * Identity Reference for the last update of the test plan
771 | */
772 | updatedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
773 | /**
774 | * Updated date of the test plan
775 | */
776 | updatedDate?: Date;
777 | }
778 | /**
779 | * The test plan create parameters.
780 | */
781 | export interface TestPlanCreateParams {
782 | /**
783 | * Area of the test plan.
784 | */
785 | areaPath?: string;
786 | automatedTestEnvironment?: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.TestEnvironment;
787 | automatedTestSettings?: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.TestSettings;
788 | /**
789 | * The Build Definition that generates a build associated with this test plan.
790 | */
791 | buildDefinition?: BuildDefinitionReference;
792 | /**
793 | * Build to be tested.
794 | */
795 | buildId?: number;
796 | /**
797 | * Description of the test plan.
798 | */
799 | description?: string;
800 | /**
801 | * End date for the test plan.
802 | */
803 | endDate?: Date;
804 | /**
805 | * Iteration path of the test plan.
806 | */
807 | iteration: string;
808 | manualTestEnvironment?: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.TestEnvironment;
809 | manualTestSettings?: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.TestSettings;
810 | /**
811 | * Name of the test plan.
812 | */
813 | name: string;
814 | /**
815 | * Owner of the test plan.
816 | */
817 | owner?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
818 | /**
819 | * Release Environment to be used to deploy the build and run automated tests from this test plan.
820 | */
821 | releaseEnvironmentDefinition?: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.ReleaseEnvironmentDefinitionReference;
822 | /**
823 | * Start date for the test plan.
824 | */
825 | startDate?: Date;
826 | /**
827 | * State of the test plan.
828 | */
829 | state?: string;
830 | /**
831 | * Value to configure how same tests across test suites under a test plan need to behave
832 | */
833 | testOutcomeSettings?: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.TestOutcomeSettings;
834 | }
835 | /**
836 | * The test plan detailed reference resource. Contains additional workitem realted information
837 | */
838 | export interface TestPlanDetailedReference extends TestPlanReference {
839 | /**
840 | * Area of the test plan.
841 | */
842 | areaPath?: string;
843 | /**
844 | * End date for the test plan.
845 | */
846 | endDate?: Date;
847 | /**
848 | * Iteration path of the test plan.
849 | */
850 | iteration?: string;
851 | /**
852 | * Root Suite Id
853 | */
854 | rootSuiteId: number;
855 | /**
856 | * Start date for the test plan.
857 | */
858 | startDate?: Date;
859 | }
860 | /**
861 | * The test plan reference resource.
862 | */
863 | export interface TestPlanReference {
864 | /**
865 | * ID of the test plan.
866 | */
867 | id: number;
868 | /**
869 | * Name of the test plan.
870 | */
871 | name: string;
872 | }
873 | /**
874 | * This data model is used in TestPlansHubRefreshDataProvider and populates the data required for initial page load
875 | */
876 | export interface TestPlansHubRefreshData {
877 | defineColumnOptionFields?: string[];
878 | defineTabCustomColumnFieldMap?: {
879 | [key: string]: string;
880 | };
881 | errorMessage?: string;
882 | executeColumnOptionFields?: string[];
883 | executeTabCustomColumnFieldMap?: {
884 | [key: string]: string;
885 | };
886 | isAdvancedExtensionEnabled?: boolean;
887 | selectedPivotId?: string;
888 | selectedSuiteId?: number;
889 | testCasePageSize: number;
890 | testCases?: TestCase[];
891 | testCasesContinuationToken?: string;
892 | testPlan: TestPlanDetailedReference;
893 | testPointPageSize: number;
894 | testPoints?: TestPoint[];
895 | testPointsContinuationToken?: string;
896 | testSuites: TestSuite[];
897 | testSuitesContinuationToken?: string;
898 | }
899 | /**
900 | * Enum used to define the queries used in Test Plans Library.
901 | */
902 | export declare enum TestPlansLibraryQuery {
903 | None = 0,
904 | AllTestCases = 1,
905 | TestCasesWithActiveBugs = 2,
906 | TestCasesNotLinkedToRequirements = 3,
907 | TestCasesLinkedToRequirements = 4,
908 | AllSharedSteps = 11,
909 | SharedStepsNotLinkedToRequirement = 12
910 | }
911 | /**
912 | * Container to hold information about a filter being applied in Test Plans Library.
913 | */
914 | export interface TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilter {
915 | /**
916 | * Work item field name on which the items are to be filtered.
917 | */
918 | fieldName: string;
919 | /**
920 | * Work item field values corresponding to the field name.
921 | */
922 | fieldValues: string[];
923 | /**
924 | * Mode of the filter.
925 | */
926 | filterMode?: TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode;
927 | }
928 | export declare enum TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode {
929 | /**
930 | * Default. Have the field values separated by an OR clause.
931 | */
932 | Or = 0,
933 | /**
934 | * Have the field values separated by an AND clause.
935 | */
936 | And = 1
937 | }
938 | /**
939 | * The test plan update parameters.
940 | */
941 | export interface TestPlanUpdateParams extends TestPlanCreateParams {
942 | /**
943 | * Revision of the test plan.
944 | */
945 | revision?: number;
946 | }
947 | /**
948 | * Test Point Class
949 | */
950 | export interface TestPoint {
951 | /**
952 | * Comment associated to the Test Point
953 | */
954 | comment?: string;
955 | /**
956 | * Configuration associated with the Test Point
957 | */
958 | configuration: TestConfigurationReference;
959 | /**
960 | * Id of the Test Point
961 | */
962 | id: number;
963 | /**
964 | * Variable to decide whether the test case is Active or not
965 | */
966 | isActive: boolean;
967 | /**
968 | * Is the Test Point for Automated Test Case or Manual
969 | */
970 | isAutomated?: boolean;
971 | /**
972 | * Last Reset to Active Time Stamp for the Test Point
973 | */
974 | lastResetToActive?: Date;
975 | /**
976 | * Last Updated details for the Test Point
977 | */
978 | lastUpdatedBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
979 | /**
980 | * Last Update Time Stamp for the Test Point
981 | */
982 | lastUpdatedDate: Date;
983 | /**
984 | * Reference links
985 | */
986 | links: any;
987 | /**
988 | * Project under which the Test Point is
989 | */
990 | project: TfsCoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference;
991 | /**
992 | * Results associated to the Test Point
993 | */
994 | results: TestPointResults;
995 | /**
996 | * Test Case Reference
997 | */
998 | testCaseReference: TestCaseReference;
999 | /**
1000 | * Tester associated with the Test Point
1001 | */
1002 | tester?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
1003 | /**
1004 | * Test Plan under which the Test Point is
1005 | */
1006 | testPlan: TestPlanReference;
1007 | /**
1008 | * Test Suite under which the Test Point is
1009 | */
1010 | testSuite: TestSuiteReference;
1011 | }
1012 | export interface TestPointDetailedReference {
1013 | configuration: TestConfigurationReference;
1014 | plan: TestPlanReference;
1015 | pointId?: number;
1016 | suite: TestSuiteReference;
1017 | tester: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
1018 | }
1019 | /**
1020 | * Test Point Results
1021 | */
1022 | export interface TestPointResults {
1023 | /**
1024 | * Failure Type for the Test Point
1025 | */
1026 | failureType?: FailureType;
1027 | /**
1028 | * Last Resolution State Id for the Test Point
1029 | */
1030 | lastResolutionState?: LastResolutionState;
1031 | /**
1032 | * Last Result Details for the Test Point
1033 | */
1034 | lastResultDetails?: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.LastResultDetails;
1035 | /**
1036 | * Last Result Id
1037 | */
1038 | lastResultId?: number;
1039 | /**
1040 | * Last Result State of the Test Point
1041 | */
1042 | lastResultState?: ResultState;
1043 | /**
1044 | * Last RUn Build Number for the Test Point
1045 | */
1046 | lastRunBuildNumber?: string;
1047 | /**
1048 | * Last Test Run Id for the Test Point
1049 | */
1050 | lastTestRunId?: number;
1051 | /**
1052 | * Outcome of the Test Point
1053 | */
1054 | outcome: Outcome;
1055 | /**
1056 | * State of the Test Point
1057 | */
1058 | state?: PointState;
1059 | }
1060 | /**
1061 | * Test Point Update Parameters
1062 | */
1063 | export interface TestPointUpdateParams {
1064 | /**
1065 | * Id of Test Point to be updated
1066 | */
1067 | id?: number;
1068 | /**
1069 | * Reset the Test Point to Active
1070 | */
1071 | isActive?: boolean;
1072 | /**
1073 | * Results of the test point
1074 | */
1075 | results?: Results;
1076 | /**
1077 | * Tester of the Test Point
1078 | */
1079 | tester?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
1080 | }
1081 | /**
1082 | * Test suite
1083 | */
1084 | export interface TestSuite extends TestSuiteCreateParams {
1085 | /**
1086 | * Links: self, testPoints, testCases, parent
1087 | */
1088 | _links: any;
1089 | /**
1090 | * Child test suites of current test suite.
1091 | */
1092 | children?: TestSuite[];
1093 | /**
1094 | * Boolean value dictating if Child test suites are present
1095 | */
1096 | hasChildren?: boolean;
1097 | /**
1098 | * Id of test suite.
1099 | */
1100 | id: number;
1101 | /**
1102 | * Last error for test suite.
1103 | */
1104 | lastError?: string;
1105 | /**
1106 | * Last populated date.
1107 | */
1108 | lastPopulatedDate?: Date;
1109 | /**
1110 | * IdentityRef of user who has updated test suite recently.
1111 | */
1112 | lastUpdatedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
1113 | /**
1114 | * Last update date.
1115 | */
1116 | lastUpdatedDate?: Date;
1117 | /**
1118 | * Test plan to which the test suite belongs.
1119 | */
1120 | plan: TestPlanReference;
1121 | /**
1122 | * Test suite project shallow reference.
1123 | */
1124 | project?: TfsCoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference;
1125 | /**
1126 | * Test suite revision.
1127 | */
1128 | revision?: number;
1129 | }
1130 | /**
1131 | * Test suite Create Parameters
1132 | */
1133 | export interface TestSuiteCreateParams extends TestSuiteCreateUpdateCommonParams {
1134 | /**
1135 | * Test suite requirement id.
1136 | */
1137 | requirementId?: number;
1138 | /**
1139 | * Test suite type.
1140 | */
1141 | suiteType?: TestSuiteType;
1142 | }
1143 | /**
1144 | * Test Suite Create/Update Common Parameters
1145 | */
1146 | export interface TestSuiteCreateUpdateCommonParams {
1147 | /**
1148 | * Test suite default configurations.
1149 | */
1150 | defaultConfigurations?: TestConfigurationReference[];
1151 | /**
1152 | * Test suite default testers.
1153 | */
1154 | defaultTesters?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[];
1155 | /**
1156 | * Default configuration was inherited or not.
1157 | */
1158 | inheritDefaultConfigurations?: boolean;
1159 | /**
1160 | * Name of test suite.
1161 | */
1162 | name: string;
1163 | /**
1164 | * Test suite parent shallow reference.
1165 | */
1166 | parentSuite?: TestSuiteReference;
1167 | /**
1168 | * Test suite query string, for dynamic suites.
1169 | */
1170 | queryString?: string;
1171 | }
1172 | /**
1173 | * The test suite reference resource.
1174 | */
1175 | export interface TestSuiteReference {
1176 | /**
1177 | * ID of the test suite.
1178 | */
1179 | id: number;
1180 | /**
1181 | * Name of the test suite.
1182 | */
1183 | name: string;
1184 | }
1185 | /**
1186 | * Test Suite Reference with Project
1187 | */
1188 | export interface TestSuiteReferenceWithProject extends TestSuiteReference {
1189 | /**
1190 | * Reference of destination Project
1191 | */
1192 | project: TfsCoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference;
1193 | }
1194 | /**
1195 | * Type of TestSuite
1196 | */
1197 | export declare enum TestSuiteType {
1198 | /**
1199 | * Default suite type
1200 | */
1201 | None = 0,
1202 | /**
1203 | * Query Based test Suite
1204 | */
1205 | DynamicTestSuite = 1,
1206 | /**
1207 | * Static Test Suite
1208 | */
1209 | StaticTestSuite = 2,
1210 | /**
1211 | * Requirement based Test Suite
1212 | */
1213 | RequirementTestSuite = 3
1214 | }
1215 | /**
1216 | * Test Suite Update Parameters
1217 | */
1218 | export interface TestSuiteUpdateParams extends TestSuiteCreateUpdateCommonParams {
1219 | /**
1220 | * Test suite revision.
1221 | */
1222 | revision?: number;
1223 | }
1224 | /**
1225 | * Test Variable
1226 | */
1227 | export interface TestVariable extends TestVariableCreateUpdateParameters {
1228 | /**
1229 | * Id of the test variable
1230 | */
1231 | id: number;
1232 | /**
1233 | * Id of the test variable
1234 | */
1235 | project?: TfsCoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference;
1236 | }
1237 | /**
1238 | * Test Variable Create or Update Parameters
1239 | */
1240 | export interface TestVariableCreateUpdateParameters {
1241 | /**
1242 | * Description of the test variable
1243 | */
1244 | description?: string;
1245 | /**
1246 | * Name of the test variable
1247 | */
1248 | name: string;
1249 | /**
1250 | * List of allowed values
1251 | */
1252 | values?: string[];
1253 | }
1254 | export declare enum UserFriendlyTestOutcome {
1255 | InProgress = 0,
1256 | Blocked = 1,
1257 | Failed = 2,
1258 | Passed = 3,
1259 | Ready = 4,
1260 | NotApplicable = 5,
1261 | Paused = 6,
1262 | Timeout = 7,
1263 | Warning = 8,
1264 | Error = 9,
1265 | NotExecuted = 10,
1266 | Inconclusive = 11,
1267 | Aborted = 12,
1268 | None = 13,
1269 | NotImpacted = 14,
1270 | Unspecified = 15,
1271 | MaxValue = 15
1272 | }
1273 | /**
1274 | * Work Item
1275 | */
1276 | export interface WorkItem {
1277 | /**
1278 | * Id of the Work Item
1279 | */
1280 | id?: number;
1281 | }
1282 | /**
1283 | * Work Item Class
1284 | */
1285 | export interface WorkItemDetails {
1286 | /**
1287 | * Work Item Id
1288 | */
1289 | id: number;
1290 | /**
1291 | * Work Item Name
1292 | */
1293 | name: string;
1294 | /**
1295 | * Work Item Fields
1296 | */
1297 | workItemFields?: any[];
1298 | }
1299 | export declare var TypeInfo: {
1300 | CloneOperationCommonResponse: any;
1301 | CloneTestCaseOperationInformation: any;
1302 | CloneTestPlanOperationInformation: any;
1303 | CloneTestPlanParams: any;
1304 | CloneTestSuiteOperationInformation: any;
1305 | DestinationTestPlanCloneParams: any;
1306 | ExcludeFlags: {
1307 | enumValues: {
1308 | none: number;
1309 | pointAssignments: number;
1310 | extraInformation: number;
1311 | };
1312 | };
1313 | FailureType: {
1314 | enumValues: {
1315 | none: number;
1316 | regression: number;
1317 | new_Issue: number;
1318 | known_Issue: number;
1319 | unknown: number;
1320 | null_Value: number;
1321 | maxValue: number;
1322 | };
1323 | };
1324 | LastResolutionState: {
1325 | enumValues: {
1326 | none: number;
1327 | needsInvestigation: number;
1328 | testIssue: number;
1329 | productIssue: number;
1330 | configurationIssue: number;
1331 | nullValue: number;
1332 | maxValue: number;
1333 | };
1334 | };
1335 | LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode: {
1336 | enumValues: {
1337 | success: number;
1338 | error: number;
1339 | };
1340 | };
1341 | LibraryWorkItemsData: any;
1342 | LibraryWorkItemsDataProviderRequest: any;
1343 | Outcome: {
1344 | enumValues: {
1345 | unspecified: number;
1346 | none: number;
1347 | passed: number;
1348 | failed: number;
1349 | inconclusive: number;
1350 | timeout: number;
1351 | aborted: number;
1352 | blocked: number;
1353 | notExecuted: number;
1354 | warning: number;
1355 | error: number;
1356 | notApplicable: number;
1357 | paused: number;
1358 | inProgress: number;
1359 | notImpacted: number;
1360 | maxValue: number;
1361 | };
1362 | };
1363 | PointState: {
1364 | enumValues: {
1365 | none: number;
1366 | ready: number;
1367 | completed: number;
1368 | notReady: number;
1369 | inProgress: number;
1370 | maxValue: number;
1371 | };
1372 | };
1373 | Results: any;
1374 | ResultState: {
1375 | enumValues: {
1376 | unspecified: number;
1377 | pending: number;
1378 | queued: number;
1379 | inProgress: number;
1380 | paused: number;
1381 | completed: number;
1382 | maxValue: number;
1383 | };
1384 | };
1385 | SourceTestplanResponse: any;
1386 | SourceTestSuiteResponse: any;
1387 | SuiteEntry: any;
1388 | SuiteEntryTypes: {
1389 | enumValues: {
1390 | testCase: number;
1391 | suite: number;
1392 | };
1393 | };
1394 | SuiteEntryUpdateParams: any;
1395 | SuiteExpand: {
1396 | enumValues: {
1397 | none: number;
1398 | children: number;
1399 | defaultTesters: number;
1400 | };
1401 | };
1402 | TestCase: any;
1403 | TestCaseAssociatedResult: any;
1404 | TestCaseResultsData: any;
1405 | TestConfiguration: any;
1406 | TestConfigurationCreateUpdateParameters: any;
1407 | TestEntityTypes: {
1408 | enumValues: {
1409 | testCase: number;
1410 | testPoint: number;
1411 | };
1412 | };
1413 | TestPlan: any;
1414 | TestPlanCreateParams: any;
1415 | TestPlanDetailedReference: any;
1416 | TestPlansHubRefreshData: any;
1417 | TestPlansLibraryQuery: {
1418 | enumValues: {
1419 | none: number;
1420 | allTestCases: number;
1421 | testCasesWithActiveBugs: number;
1422 | testCasesNotLinkedToRequirements: number;
1423 | testCasesLinkedToRequirements: number;
1424 | allSharedSteps: number;
1425 | sharedStepsNotLinkedToRequirement: number;
1426 | };
1427 | };
1428 | TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilter: any;
1429 | TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode: {
1430 | enumValues: {
1431 | or: number;
1432 | and: number;
1433 | };
1434 | };
1435 | TestPlanUpdateParams: any;
1436 | TestPoint: any;
1437 | TestPointResults: any;
1438 | TestPointUpdateParams: any;
1439 | TestSuite: any;
1440 | TestSuiteCreateParams: any;
1441 | TestSuiteReferenceWithProject: any;
1442 | TestSuiteType: {
1443 | enumValues: {
1444 | none: number;
1445 | dynamicTestSuite: number;
1446 | staticTestSuite: number;
1447 | requirementTestSuite: number;
1448 | };
1449 | };
1450 | TestVariable: any;
1451 | UserFriendlyTestOutcome: {
1452 | enumValues: {
1453 | inProgress: number;
1454 | blocked: number;
1455 | failed: number;
1456 | passed: number;
1457 | ready: number;
1458 | notApplicable: number;
1459 | paused: number;
1460 | timeout: number;
1461 | warning: number;
1462 | error: number;
1463 | notExecuted: number;
1464 | inconclusive: number;
1465 | aborted: number;
1466 | none: number;
1467 | notImpacted: number;
1468 | unspecified: number;
1469 | maxValue: number;
1470 | };
1471 | };
1472 | };