23.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * ---------------------------------------------------------
3 * Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
4 * ---------------------------------------------------------
5 *
6 * ---------------------------------------------------------
7 * Generated file, DO NOT EDIT
8 * ---------------------------------------------------------
9 */
10"use strict";
11Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
12exports.TypeInfo = exports.UserFriendlyTestOutcome = exports.TestSuiteType = exports.TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode = exports.TestPlansLibraryQuery = exports.TestEntityTypes = exports.SuiteExpand = exports.SuiteEntryTypes = exports.ResultState = exports.PointState = exports.Outcome = exports.LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode = exports.LastResolutionState = exports.FailureType = exports.ExcludeFlags = void 0;
13const TFS_TestManagement_Contracts = require("../interfaces/TestInterfaces");
14const TfsCoreInterfaces = require("../interfaces/CoreInterfaces");
16 * Exclude Flags for suite test case object. Exclude Flags exclude various objects from payload depending on the value passed
17 */
18var ExcludeFlags;
19(function (ExcludeFlags) {
20 /**
21 * To exclude nothing
22 */
23 ExcludeFlags[ExcludeFlags["None"] = 0] = "None";
24 /**
25 * To exclude point assignments, pass exclude = 1
26 */
27 ExcludeFlags[ExcludeFlags["PointAssignments"] = 1] = "PointAssignments";
28 /**
29 * To exclude extra information (links, test plan, test suite), pass exclude = 2
30 */
31 ExcludeFlags[ExcludeFlags["ExtraInformation"] = 2] = "ExtraInformation";
32})(ExcludeFlags = exports.ExcludeFlags || (exports.ExcludeFlags = {}));
33var FailureType;
34(function (FailureType) {
35 FailureType[FailureType["None"] = 0] = "None";
36 FailureType[FailureType["Regression"] = 1] = "Regression";
37 FailureType[FailureType["New_Issue"] = 2] = "New_Issue";
38 FailureType[FailureType["Known_Issue"] = 3] = "Known_Issue";
39 FailureType[FailureType["Unknown"] = 4] = "Unknown";
40 FailureType[FailureType["Null_Value"] = 5] = "Null_Value";
41 FailureType[FailureType["MaxValue"] = 5] = "MaxValue";
42})(FailureType = exports.FailureType || (exports.FailureType = {}));
43var LastResolutionState;
44(function (LastResolutionState) {
45 LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["None"] = 0] = "None";
46 LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["NeedsInvestigation"] = 1] = "NeedsInvestigation";
47 LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["TestIssue"] = 2] = "TestIssue";
48 LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["ProductIssue"] = 3] = "ProductIssue";
49 LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["ConfigurationIssue"] = 4] = "ConfigurationIssue";
50 LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["NullValue"] = 5] = "NullValue";
51 LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["MaxValue"] = 5] = "MaxValue";
52})(LastResolutionState = exports.LastResolutionState || (exports.LastResolutionState = {}));
54 * Enum representing the return code of data provider.
55 */
56var LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode;
57(function (LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode) {
58 LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode[LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode["Success"] = 0] = "Success";
59 LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode[LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode["Error"] = 1] = "Error";
60})(LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode = exports.LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode || (exports.LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode = {}));
61var Outcome;
62(function (Outcome) {
63 /**
64 * Only used during an update to preserve the existing value.
65 */
66 Outcome[Outcome["Unspecified"] = 0] = "Unspecified";
67 /**
68 * Test has not been completed, or the test type does not report pass/failure.
69 */
70 Outcome[Outcome["None"] = 1] = "None";
71 /**
72 * Test was executed w/o any issues.
73 */
74 Outcome[Outcome["Passed"] = 2] = "Passed";
75 /**
76 * Test was executed, but there were issues. Issues may involve exceptions or failed assertions.
77 */
78 Outcome[Outcome["Failed"] = 3] = "Failed";
79 /**
80 * Test has completed, but we can't say if it passed or failed. May be used for aborted tests...
81 */
82 Outcome[Outcome["Inconclusive"] = 4] = "Inconclusive";
83 /**
84 * The test timed out
85 */
86 Outcome[Outcome["Timeout"] = 5] = "Timeout";
87 /**
88 * Test was aborted. This was not caused by a user gesture, but rather by a framework decision.
89 */
90 Outcome[Outcome["Aborted"] = 6] = "Aborted";
91 /**
92 * Test had it chance for been executed but was not, as ITestElement.IsRunnable == false.
93 */
94 Outcome[Outcome["Blocked"] = 7] = "Blocked";
95 /**
96 * Test was not executed. This was caused by a user gesture - e.g. user hit stop button.
97 */
98 Outcome[Outcome["NotExecuted"] = 8] = "NotExecuted";
99 /**
100 * To be used by Run level results. This is not a failure.
101 */
102 Outcome[Outcome["Warning"] = 9] = "Warning";
103 /**
104 * There was a system error while we were trying to execute a test.
105 */
106 Outcome[Outcome["Error"] = 10] = "Error";
107 /**
108 * Test is Not Applicable for execution.
109 */
110 Outcome[Outcome["NotApplicable"] = 11] = "NotApplicable";
111 /**
112 * Test is paused.
113 */
114 Outcome[Outcome["Paused"] = 12] = "Paused";
115 /**
116 * Test is currently executing. Added this for TCM charts
117 */
118 Outcome[Outcome["InProgress"] = 13] = "InProgress";
119 /**
120 * Test is not impacted. Added fot TIA.
121 */
122 Outcome[Outcome["NotImpacted"] = 14] = "NotImpacted";
123 Outcome[Outcome["MaxValue"] = 14] = "MaxValue";
124})(Outcome = exports.Outcome || (exports.Outcome = {}));
125var PointState;
126(function (PointState) {
127 /**
128 * Default
129 */
130 PointState[PointState["None"] = 0] = "None";
131 /**
132 * The test point needs to be executed in order for the test pass to be considered complete. Either the test has not been run before or the previous run failed.
133 */
134 PointState[PointState["Ready"] = 1] = "Ready";
135 /**
136 * The test has passed successfully and does not need to be re-run for the test pass to be considered complete.
137 */
138 PointState[PointState["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed";
139 /**
140 * The test point needs to be executed but is not able to.
141 */
142 PointState[PointState["NotReady"] = 3] = "NotReady";
143 /**
144 * The test is being executed.
145 */
146 PointState[PointState["InProgress"] = 4] = "InProgress";
147 PointState[PointState["MaxValue"] = 4] = "MaxValue";
148})(PointState = exports.PointState || (exports.PointState = {}));
149var ResultState;
150(function (ResultState) {
151 /**
152 * Only used during an update to preserve the existing value.
153 */
154 ResultState[ResultState["Unspecified"] = 0] = "Unspecified";
155 /**
156 * Test is in the execution queue, was not started yet.
157 */
158 ResultState[ResultState["Pending"] = 1] = "Pending";
159 /**
160 * Test has been queued. This is applicable when a test case is queued for execution
161 */
162 ResultState[ResultState["Queued"] = 2] = "Queued";
163 /**
164 * Test is currently executing.
165 */
166 ResultState[ResultState["InProgress"] = 3] = "InProgress";
167 /**
168 * Test has been paused. This is applicable when a test case is paused by the user (For e.g. Manual Tester can pause the execution of the manual test case)
169 */
170 ResultState[ResultState["Paused"] = 4] = "Paused";
171 /**
172 * Test has completed, but there is no quantitative measure of completeness. This may apply to load tests.
173 */
174 ResultState[ResultState["Completed"] = 5] = "Completed";
175 ResultState[ResultState["MaxValue"] = 5] = "MaxValue";
176})(ResultState = exports.ResultState || (exports.ResultState = {}));
177var SuiteEntryTypes;
178(function (SuiteEntryTypes) {
179 /**
180 * Test Case
181 */
182 SuiteEntryTypes[SuiteEntryTypes["TestCase"] = 0] = "TestCase";
183 /**
184 * Child Suite
185 */
186 SuiteEntryTypes[SuiteEntryTypes["Suite"] = 1] = "Suite";
187})(SuiteEntryTypes = exports.SuiteEntryTypes || (exports.SuiteEntryTypes = {}));
189 * Option to get details in response
190 */
191var SuiteExpand;
192(function (SuiteExpand) {
193 /**
194 * Dont include any of the expansions in output.
195 */
196 SuiteExpand[SuiteExpand["None"] = 0] = "None";
197 /**
198 * Include children in response.
199 */
200 SuiteExpand[SuiteExpand["Children"] = 1] = "Children";
201 /**
202 * Include default testers in response.
203 */
204 SuiteExpand[SuiteExpand["DefaultTesters"] = 2] = "DefaultTesters";
205})(SuiteExpand = exports.SuiteExpand || (exports.SuiteExpand = {}));
206var TestEntityTypes;
207(function (TestEntityTypes) {
208 TestEntityTypes[TestEntityTypes["TestCase"] = 0] = "TestCase";
209 TestEntityTypes[TestEntityTypes["TestPoint"] = 1] = "TestPoint";
210})(TestEntityTypes = exports.TestEntityTypes || (exports.TestEntityTypes = {}));
212 * Enum used to define the queries used in Test Plans Library.
213 */
214var TestPlansLibraryQuery;
215(function (TestPlansLibraryQuery) {
216 TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["None"] = 0] = "None";
217 TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["AllTestCases"] = 1] = "AllTestCases";
218 TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["TestCasesWithActiveBugs"] = 2] = "TestCasesWithActiveBugs";
219 TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["TestCasesNotLinkedToRequirements"] = 3] = "TestCasesNotLinkedToRequirements";
220 TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["TestCasesLinkedToRequirements"] = 4] = "TestCasesLinkedToRequirements";
221 TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["AllSharedSteps"] = 11] = "AllSharedSteps";
222 TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["SharedStepsNotLinkedToRequirement"] = 12] = "SharedStepsNotLinkedToRequirement";
223})(TestPlansLibraryQuery = exports.TestPlansLibraryQuery || (exports.TestPlansLibraryQuery = {}));
224var TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode;
225(function (TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode) {
226 /**
227 * Default. Have the field values separated by an OR clause.
228 */
229 TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode[TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode["Or"] = 0] = "Or";
230 /**
231 * Have the field values separated by an AND clause.
232 */
233 TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode[TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode["And"] = 1] = "And";
234})(TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode = exports.TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode || (exports.TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode = {}));
236 * Type of TestSuite
237 */
238var TestSuiteType;
239(function (TestSuiteType) {
240 /**
241 * Default suite type
242 */
243 TestSuiteType[TestSuiteType["None"] = 0] = "None";
244 /**
245 * Query Based test Suite
246 */
247 TestSuiteType[TestSuiteType["DynamicTestSuite"] = 1] = "DynamicTestSuite";
248 /**
249 * Static Test Suite
250 */
251 TestSuiteType[TestSuiteType["StaticTestSuite"] = 2] = "StaticTestSuite";
252 /**
253 * Requirement based Test Suite
254 */
255 TestSuiteType[TestSuiteType["RequirementTestSuite"] = 3] = "RequirementTestSuite";
256})(TestSuiteType = exports.TestSuiteType || (exports.TestSuiteType = {}));
257var UserFriendlyTestOutcome;
258(function (UserFriendlyTestOutcome) {
259 UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["InProgress"] = 0] = "InProgress";
260 UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Blocked"] = 1] = "Blocked";
261 UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Failed"] = 2] = "Failed";
262 UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Passed"] = 3] = "Passed";
263 UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Ready"] = 4] = "Ready";
264 UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["NotApplicable"] = 5] = "NotApplicable";
265 UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Paused"] = 6] = "Paused";
266 UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Timeout"] = 7] = "Timeout";
267 UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Warning"] = 8] = "Warning";
268 UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Error"] = 9] = "Error";
269 UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["NotExecuted"] = 10] = "NotExecuted";
270 UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Inconclusive"] = 11] = "Inconclusive";
271 UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Aborted"] = 12] = "Aborted";
272 UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["None"] = 13] = "None";
273 UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["NotImpacted"] = 14] = "NotImpacted";
274 UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Unspecified"] = 15] = "Unspecified";
275 UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["MaxValue"] = 15] = "MaxValue";
276})(UserFriendlyTestOutcome = exports.UserFriendlyTestOutcome || (exports.UserFriendlyTestOutcome = {}));
277exports.TypeInfo = {
278 CloneOperationCommonResponse: {},
279 CloneTestCaseOperationInformation: {},
280 CloneTestPlanOperationInformation: {},
281 CloneTestPlanParams: {},
282 CloneTestSuiteOperationInformation: {},
283 DestinationTestPlanCloneParams: {},
284 ExcludeFlags: {
285 enumValues: {
286 "none": 0,
287 "pointAssignments": 1,
288 "extraInformation": 2
289 }
290 },
291 FailureType: {
292 enumValues: {
293 "none": 0,
294 "regression": 1,
295 "new_Issue": 2,
296 "known_Issue": 3,
297 "unknown": 4,
298 "null_Value": 5,
299 "maxValue": 5
300 }
301 },
302 LastResolutionState: {
303 enumValues: {
304 "none": 0,
305 "needsInvestigation": 1,
306 "testIssue": 2,
307 "productIssue": 3,
308 "configurationIssue": 4,
309 "nullValue": 5,
310 "maxValue": 5
311 }
312 },
313 LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode: {
314 enumValues: {
315 "success": 0,
316 "error": 1
317 }
318 },
319 LibraryWorkItemsData: {},
320 LibraryWorkItemsDataProviderRequest: {},
321 Outcome: {
322 enumValues: {
323 "unspecified": 0,
324 "none": 1,
325 "passed": 2,
326 "failed": 3,
327 "inconclusive": 4,
328 "timeout": 5,
329 "aborted": 6,
330 "blocked": 7,
331 "notExecuted": 8,
332 "warning": 9,
333 "error": 10,
334 "notApplicable": 11,
335 "paused": 12,
336 "inProgress": 13,
337 "notImpacted": 14,
338 "maxValue": 14
339 }
340 },
341 PointState: {
342 enumValues: {
343 "none": 0,
344 "ready": 1,
345 "completed": 2,
346 "notReady": 3,
347 "inProgress": 4,
348 "maxValue": 4
349 }
350 },
351 Results: {},
352 ResultState: {
353 enumValues: {
354 "unspecified": 0,
355 "pending": 1,
356 "queued": 2,
357 "inProgress": 3,
358 "paused": 4,
359 "completed": 5,
360 "maxValue": 5
361 }
362 },
363 SourceTestplanResponse: {},
364 SourceTestSuiteResponse: {},
365 SuiteEntry: {},
366 SuiteEntryTypes: {
367 enumValues: {
368 "testCase": 0,
369 "suite": 1
370 }
371 },
372 SuiteEntryUpdateParams: {},
373 SuiteExpand: {
374 enumValues: {
375 "none": 0,
376 "children": 1,
377 "defaultTesters": 2
378 }
379 },
380 TestCase: {},
381 TestCaseAssociatedResult: {},
382 TestCaseResultsData: {},
383 TestConfiguration: {},
384 TestConfigurationCreateUpdateParameters: {},
385 TestEntityTypes: {
386 enumValues: {
387 "testCase": 0,
388 "testPoint": 1
389 }
390 },
391 TestPlan: {},
392 TestPlanCreateParams: {},
393 TestPlanDetailedReference: {},
394 TestPlansHubRefreshData: {},
395 TestPlansLibraryQuery: {
396 enumValues: {
397 "none": 0,
398 "allTestCases": 1,
399 "testCasesWithActiveBugs": 2,
400 "testCasesNotLinkedToRequirements": 3,
401 "testCasesLinkedToRequirements": 4,
402 "allSharedSteps": 11,
403 "sharedStepsNotLinkedToRequirement": 12
404 }
405 },
406 TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilter: {},
407 TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode: {
408 enumValues: {
409 "or": 0,
410 "and": 1
411 }
412 },
413 TestPlanUpdateParams: {},
414 TestPoint: {},
415 TestPointResults: {},
416 TestPointUpdateParams: {},
417 TestSuite: {},
418 TestSuiteCreateParams: {},
419 TestSuiteReferenceWithProject: {},
420 TestSuiteType: {
421 enumValues: {
422 "none": 0,
423 "dynamicTestSuite": 1,
424 "staticTestSuite": 2,
425 "requirementTestSuite": 3
426 }
427 },
428 TestVariable: {},
429 UserFriendlyTestOutcome: {
430 enumValues: {
431 "inProgress": 0,
432 "blocked": 1,
433 "failed": 2,
434 "passed": 3,
435 "ready": 4,
436 "notApplicable": 5,
437 "paused": 6,
438 "timeout": 7,
439 "warning": 8,
440 "error": 9,
441 "notExecuted": 10,
442 "inconclusive": 11,
443 "aborted": 12,
444 "none": 13,
445 "notImpacted": 14,
446 "unspecified": 15,
447 "maxValue": 15
448 }
449 },
451exports.TypeInfo.CloneOperationCommonResponse.fields = {
452 completionDate: {
453 isDate: true,
454 },
455 creationDate: {
456 isDate: true,
457 },
458 state: {
459 enumType: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.TypeInfo.CloneOperationState
460 }
462exports.TypeInfo.CloneTestCaseOperationInformation.fields = {
463 cloneOperationResponse: {
464 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.CloneOperationCommonResponse
465 },
466 destinationTestSuite: {
467 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteReferenceWithProject
468 },
469 sourceTestSuite: {
470 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.SourceTestSuiteResponse
471 }
473exports.TypeInfo.CloneTestPlanOperationInformation.fields = {
474 cloneOperationResponse: {
475 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.CloneOperationCommonResponse
476 },
477 destinationTestPlan: {
478 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlan
479 },
480 sourceTestPlan: {
481 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.SourceTestplanResponse
482 }
484exports.TypeInfo.CloneTestPlanParams.fields = {
485 destinationTestPlan: {
486 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.DestinationTestPlanCloneParams
487 }
489exports.TypeInfo.CloneTestSuiteOperationInformation.fields = {
490 clonedTestSuite: {
491 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteReferenceWithProject
492 },
493 cloneOperationResponse: {
494 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.CloneOperationCommonResponse
495 },
496 destinationTestSuite: {
497 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteReferenceWithProject
498 },
499 sourceTestSuite: {
500 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteReferenceWithProject
501 }
503exports.TypeInfo.DestinationTestPlanCloneParams.fields = {
504 endDate: {
505 isDate: true,
506 },
507 startDate: {
508 isDate: true,
509 }
511exports.TypeInfo.LibraryWorkItemsData.fields = {
512 returnCode: {
513 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode
514 }
516exports.TypeInfo.LibraryWorkItemsDataProviderRequest.fields = {
517 filterValues: {
518 isArray: true,
519 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilter
520 },
521 libraryQueryType: {
522 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlansLibraryQuery
523 }
525exports.TypeInfo.Results.fields = {
526 outcome: {
527 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.Outcome
528 }
530exports.TypeInfo.SourceTestplanResponse.fields = {
531 project: {
532 typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference
533 }
535exports.TypeInfo.SourceTestSuiteResponse.fields = {
536 project: {
537 typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference
538 }
540exports.TypeInfo.SuiteEntry.fields = {
541 suiteEntryType: {
542 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.SuiteEntryTypes
543 }
545exports.TypeInfo.SuiteEntryUpdateParams.fields = {
546 suiteEntryType: {
547 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.SuiteEntryTypes
548 }
550exports.TypeInfo.TestCase.fields = {
551 project: {
552 typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference
553 }
555exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseAssociatedResult.fields = {
556 completedDate: {
557 isDate: true,
558 },
559 outcome: {
560 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.UserFriendlyTestOutcome
561 }
563exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseResultsData.fields = {
564 results: {
565 isArray: true,
566 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseAssociatedResult
567 }
569exports.TypeInfo.TestConfiguration.fields = {
570 project: {
571 typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference
572 },
573 state: {
574 enumType: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.TypeInfo.TestConfigurationState
575 }
577exports.TypeInfo.TestConfigurationCreateUpdateParameters.fields = {
578 state: {
579 enumType: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.TypeInfo.TestConfigurationState
580 }
582exports.TypeInfo.TestPlan.fields = {
583 endDate: {
584 isDate: true,
585 },
586 project: {
587 typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference
588 },
589 startDate: {
590 isDate: true,
591 },
592 updatedDate: {
593 isDate: true,
594 }
596exports.TypeInfo.TestPlanCreateParams.fields = {
597 endDate: {
598 isDate: true,
599 },
600 startDate: {
601 isDate: true,
602 }
604exports.TypeInfo.TestPlanDetailedReference.fields = {
605 endDate: {
606 isDate: true,
607 },
608 startDate: {
609 isDate: true,
610 }
612exports.TypeInfo.TestPlansHubRefreshData.fields = {
613 testCases: {
614 isArray: true,
615 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestCase
616 },
617 testPlan: {
618 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlanDetailedReference
619 },
620 testPoints: {
621 isArray: true,
622 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPoint
623 },
624 testSuites: {
625 isArray: true,
626 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuite
627 }
629exports.TypeInfo.TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilter.fields = {
630 filterMode: {
631 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode
632 }
634exports.TypeInfo.TestPlanUpdateParams.fields = {
635 endDate: {
636 isDate: true,
637 },
638 startDate: {
639 isDate: true,
640 }
642exports.TypeInfo.TestPoint.fields = {
643 lastResetToActive: {
644 isDate: true,
645 },
646 lastUpdatedDate: {
647 isDate: true,
648 },
649 project: {
650 typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference
651 },
652 results: {
653 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPointResults
654 }
656exports.TypeInfo.TestPointResults.fields = {
657 failureType: {
658 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.FailureType
659 },
660 lastResolutionState: {
661 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.LastResolutionState
662 },
663 lastResultDetails: {
664 typeInfo: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.TypeInfo.LastResultDetails
665 },
666 lastResultState: {
667 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ResultState
668 },
669 outcome: {
670 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.Outcome
671 },
672 state: {
673 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PointState
674 }
676exports.TypeInfo.TestPointUpdateParams.fields = {
677 results: {
678 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Results
679 }
681exports.TypeInfo.TestSuite.fields = {
682 children: {
683 isArray: true,
684 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuite
685 },
686 lastPopulatedDate: {
687 isDate: true,
688 },
689 lastUpdatedDate: {
690 isDate: true,
691 },
692 project: {
693 typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference
694 },
695 suiteType: {
696 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteType
697 }
699exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteCreateParams.fields = {
700 suiteType: {
701 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteType
702 }
704exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteReferenceWithProject.fields = {
705 project: {
706 typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference
707 }
709exports.TypeInfo.TestVariable.fields = {
710 project: {
711 typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference
712 }