16.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * ---------------------------------------------------------
3 * Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
4 * ---------------------------------------------------------
5 *
6 * ---------------------------------------------------------
7 * Generated file, DO NOT EDIT
8 * ---------------------------------------------------------
9 */
10"use strict";
11Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
12exports.TypeInfo = exports.TimelineTeamStatusCode = exports.TimelineIterationStatusCode = exports.TimelineCriteriaStatusCode = exports.TimeFrame = exports.PlanUserPermissions = exports.PlanType = exports.IdentityDisplayFormat = exports.FieldType = exports.BugsBehavior = exports.BoardColumnType = exports.BoardBadgeColumnOptions = exports.BacklogType = void 0;
13const SystemInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/System");
15 * Definition of the type of backlog level
16 */
17var BacklogType;
18(function (BacklogType) {
19 /**
20 * Portfolio backlog level
21 */
22 BacklogType[BacklogType["Portfolio"] = 0] = "Portfolio";
23 /**
24 * Requirement backlog level
25 */
26 BacklogType[BacklogType["Requirement"] = 1] = "Requirement";
27 /**
28 * Task backlog level
29 */
30 BacklogType[BacklogType["Task"] = 2] = "Task";
31})(BacklogType = exports.BacklogType || (exports.BacklogType = {}));
33 * Determines what columns to include on the board badge
34 */
35var BoardBadgeColumnOptions;
36(function (BoardBadgeColumnOptions) {
37 /**
38 * Only include In Progress columns
39 */
40 BoardBadgeColumnOptions[BoardBadgeColumnOptions["InProgressColumns"] = 0] = "InProgressColumns";
41 /**
42 * Include all columns
43 */
44 BoardBadgeColumnOptions[BoardBadgeColumnOptions["AllColumns"] = 1] = "AllColumns";
45 /**
46 * Include a custom set of columns
47 */
48 BoardBadgeColumnOptions[BoardBadgeColumnOptions["CustomColumns"] = 2] = "CustomColumns";
49})(BoardBadgeColumnOptions = exports.BoardBadgeColumnOptions || (exports.BoardBadgeColumnOptions = {}));
50var BoardColumnType;
51(function (BoardColumnType) {
52 BoardColumnType[BoardColumnType["Incoming"] = 0] = "Incoming";
53 BoardColumnType[BoardColumnType["InProgress"] = 1] = "InProgress";
54 BoardColumnType[BoardColumnType["Outgoing"] = 2] = "Outgoing";
55})(BoardColumnType = exports.BoardColumnType || (exports.BoardColumnType = {}));
57 * The behavior of the work item types that are in the work item category specified in the BugWorkItems section in the Process Configuration
58 */
59var BugsBehavior;
60(function (BugsBehavior) {
61 BugsBehavior[BugsBehavior["Off"] = 0] = "Off";
62 BugsBehavior[BugsBehavior["AsRequirements"] = 1] = "AsRequirements";
63 BugsBehavior[BugsBehavior["AsTasks"] = 2] = "AsTasks";
64})(BugsBehavior = exports.BugsBehavior || (exports.BugsBehavior = {}));
65var FieldType;
66(function (FieldType) {
67 FieldType[FieldType["String"] = 0] = "String";
68 FieldType[FieldType["PlainText"] = 1] = "PlainText";
69 FieldType[FieldType["Integer"] = 2] = "Integer";
70 FieldType[FieldType["DateTime"] = 3] = "DateTime";
71 FieldType[FieldType["TreePath"] = 4] = "TreePath";
72 FieldType[FieldType["Boolean"] = 5] = "Boolean";
73 FieldType[FieldType["Double"] = 6] = "Double";
74})(FieldType = exports.FieldType || (exports.FieldType = {}));
76 * Enum for the various modes of identity picker
77 */
78var IdentityDisplayFormat;
79(function (IdentityDisplayFormat) {
80 /**
81 * Display avatar only
82 */
83 IdentityDisplayFormat[IdentityDisplayFormat["AvatarOnly"] = 0] = "AvatarOnly";
84 /**
85 * Display Full name only
86 */
87 IdentityDisplayFormat[IdentityDisplayFormat["FullName"] = 1] = "FullName";
88 /**
89 * Display Avatar and Full name
90 */
91 IdentityDisplayFormat[IdentityDisplayFormat["AvatarAndFullName"] = 2] = "AvatarAndFullName";
92})(IdentityDisplayFormat = exports.IdentityDisplayFormat || (exports.IdentityDisplayFormat = {}));
94 * Enum for the various types of plans
95 */
96var PlanType;
97(function (PlanType) {
98 PlanType[PlanType["DeliveryTimelineView"] = 0] = "DeliveryTimelineView";
99})(PlanType = exports.PlanType || (exports.PlanType = {}));
101 * Flag for permissions a user can have for this plan.
102 */
103var PlanUserPermissions;
104(function (PlanUserPermissions) {
105 /**
106 * None
107 */
108 PlanUserPermissions[PlanUserPermissions["None"] = 0] = "None";
109 /**
110 * Permission to view this plan.
111 */
112 PlanUserPermissions[PlanUserPermissions["View"] = 1] = "View";
113 /**
114 * Permission to update this plan.
115 */
116 PlanUserPermissions[PlanUserPermissions["Edit"] = 2] = "Edit";
117 /**
118 * Permission to delete this plan.
119 */
120 PlanUserPermissions[PlanUserPermissions["Delete"] = 4] = "Delete";
121 /**
122 * Permission to manage this plan.
123 */
124 PlanUserPermissions[PlanUserPermissions["Manage"] = 8] = "Manage";
125 /**
126 * Full control permission for this plan.
127 */
128 PlanUserPermissions[PlanUserPermissions["AllPermissions"] = 15] = "AllPermissions";
129})(PlanUserPermissions = exports.PlanUserPermissions || (exports.PlanUserPermissions = {}));
130var TimeFrame;
131(function (TimeFrame) {
132 TimeFrame[TimeFrame["Past"] = 0] = "Past";
133 TimeFrame[TimeFrame["Current"] = 1] = "Current";
134 TimeFrame[TimeFrame["Future"] = 2] = "Future";
135})(TimeFrame = exports.TimeFrame || (exports.TimeFrame = {}));
136var TimelineCriteriaStatusCode;
137(function (TimelineCriteriaStatusCode) {
138 /**
139 * No error - filter is good.
140 */
141 TimelineCriteriaStatusCode[TimelineCriteriaStatusCode["OK"] = 0] = "OK";
142 /**
143 * One of the filter clause is invalid.
144 */
145 TimelineCriteriaStatusCode[TimelineCriteriaStatusCode["InvalidFilterClause"] = 1] = "InvalidFilterClause";
146 /**
147 * Unknown error.
148 */
149 TimelineCriteriaStatusCode[TimelineCriteriaStatusCode["Unknown"] = 2] = "Unknown";
150})(TimelineCriteriaStatusCode = exports.TimelineCriteriaStatusCode || (exports.TimelineCriteriaStatusCode = {}));
151var TimelineIterationStatusCode;
152(function (TimelineIterationStatusCode) {
153 /**
154 * No error - iteration data is good.
155 */
156 TimelineIterationStatusCode[TimelineIterationStatusCode["OK"] = 0] = "OK";
157 /**
158 * This iteration overlaps with another iteration, no data is returned for this iteration.
159 */
160 TimelineIterationStatusCode[TimelineIterationStatusCode["IsOverlapping"] = 1] = "IsOverlapping";
161})(TimelineIterationStatusCode = exports.TimelineIterationStatusCode || (exports.TimelineIterationStatusCode = {}));
162var TimelineTeamStatusCode;
163(function (TimelineTeamStatusCode) {
164 /**
165 * No error - all data for team is good.
166 */
167 TimelineTeamStatusCode[TimelineTeamStatusCode["OK"] = 0] = "OK";
168 /**
169 * Team does not exist or access is denied.
170 */
171 TimelineTeamStatusCode[TimelineTeamStatusCode["DoesntExistOrAccessDenied"] = 1] = "DoesntExistOrAccessDenied";
172 /**
173 * Maximum number of teams was exceeded. No team data will be returned for this team.
174 */
175 TimelineTeamStatusCode[TimelineTeamStatusCode["MaxTeamsExceeded"] = 2] = "MaxTeamsExceeded";
176 /**
177 * Maximum number of team fields (ie Area paths) have been exceeded. No team data will be returned for this team.
178 */
179 TimelineTeamStatusCode[TimelineTeamStatusCode["MaxTeamFieldsExceeded"] = 3] = "MaxTeamFieldsExceeded";
180 /**
181 * Backlog does not exist or is missing crucial information.
182 */
183 TimelineTeamStatusCode[TimelineTeamStatusCode["BacklogInError"] = 4] = "BacklogInError";
184 /**
185 * Team field value is not set for this team. No team data will be returned for this team
186 */
187 TimelineTeamStatusCode[TimelineTeamStatusCode["MissingTeamFieldValue"] = 5] = "MissingTeamFieldValue";
188 /**
189 * Team does not have a single iteration with date range.
190 */
191 TimelineTeamStatusCode[TimelineTeamStatusCode["NoIterationsExist"] = 6] = "NoIterationsExist";
192})(TimelineTeamStatusCode = exports.TimelineTeamStatusCode || (exports.TimelineTeamStatusCode = {}));
193exports.TypeInfo = {
194 BacklogConfiguration: {},
195 BacklogLevelConfiguration: {},
196 BacklogType: {
197 enumValues: {
198 "portfolio": 0,
199 "requirement": 1,
200 "task": 2
201 }
202 },
203 Board: {},
204 BoardBadgeColumnOptions: {
205 enumValues: {
206 "inProgressColumns": 0,
207 "allColumns": 1,
208 "customColumns": 2
209 }
210 },
211 BoardColumn: {},
212 BoardColumnType: {
213 enumValues: {
214 "incoming": 0,
215 "inProgress": 1,
216 "outgoing": 2
217 }
218 },
219 BugsBehavior: {
220 enumValues: {
221 "off": 0,
222 "asRequirements": 1,
223 "asTasks": 2
224 }
225 },
226 CapacityContractBase: {},
227 CapacityPatch: {},
228 CardFieldSettings: {},
229 CardSettings: {},
230 CreatePlan: {},
231 DateRange: {},
232 DeliveryViewData: {},
233 DeliveryViewPropertyCollection: {},
234 FieldInfo: {},
235 FieldType: {
236 enumValues: {
237 "string": 0,
238 "plainText": 1,
239 "integer": 2,
240 "dateTime": 3,
241 "treePath": 4,
242 "boolean": 5,
243 "double": 6
244 }
245 },
246 IdentityDisplayFormat: {
247 enumValues: {
248 "avatarOnly": 0,
249 "fullName": 1,
250 "avatarAndFullName": 2
251 }
252 },
253 Marker: {},
254 Plan: {},
255 PlanMetadata: {},
256 PlanType: {
257 enumValues: {
258 "deliveryTimelineView": 0
259 }
260 },
261 PlanUserPermissions: {
262 enumValues: {
263 "none": 0,
264 "view": 1,
265 "edit": 2,
266 "delete": 4,
267 "manage": 8,
268 "allPermissions": 15
269 }
270 },
271 TeamCapacity: {},
272 TeamIterationAttributes: {},
273 TeamMemberCapacity: {},
274 TeamMemberCapacityIdentityRef: {},
275 TeamSetting: {},
276 TeamSettingsDaysOff: {},
277 TeamSettingsDaysOffPatch: {},
278 TeamSettingsIteration: {},
279 TeamSettingsPatch: {},
280 TimeFrame: {
281 enumValues: {
282 "past": 0,
283 "current": 1,
284 "future": 2
285 }
286 },
287 TimelineCriteriaStatus: {},
288 TimelineCriteriaStatusCode: {
289 enumValues: {
290 "ok": 0,
291 "invalidFilterClause": 1,
292 "unknown": 2
293 }
294 },
295 TimelineIterationStatus: {},
296 TimelineIterationStatusCode: {
297 enumValues: {
298 "ok": 0,
299 "isOverlapping": 1
300 }
301 },
302 TimelineTeamData: {},
303 TimelineTeamIteration: {},
304 TimelineTeamStatus: {},
305 TimelineTeamStatusCode: {
306 enumValues: {
307 "ok": 0,
308 "doesntExistOrAccessDenied": 1,
309 "maxTeamsExceeded": 2,
310 "maxTeamFieldsExceeded": 3,
311 "backlogInError": 4,
312 "missingTeamFieldValue": 5,
313 "noIterationsExist": 6
314 }
315 },
316 UpdatePlan: {},
318exports.TypeInfo.BacklogConfiguration.fields = {
319 bugsBehavior: {
320 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.BugsBehavior
321 },
322 portfolioBacklogs: {
323 isArray: true,
324 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.BacklogLevelConfiguration
325 },
326 requirementBacklog: {
327 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.BacklogLevelConfiguration
328 },
329 taskBacklog: {
330 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.BacklogLevelConfiguration
331 }
333exports.TypeInfo.BacklogLevelConfiguration.fields = {
334 type: {
335 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.BacklogType
336 }
338exports.TypeInfo.Board.fields = {
339 columns: {
340 isArray: true,
341 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.BoardColumn
342 }
344exports.TypeInfo.BoardColumn.fields = {
345 columnType: {
346 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.BoardColumnType
347 }
349exports.TypeInfo.CapacityContractBase.fields = {
350 daysOff: {
351 isArray: true,
352 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.DateRange
353 }
355exports.TypeInfo.CapacityPatch.fields = {
356 daysOff: {
357 isArray: true,
358 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.DateRange
359 }
361exports.TypeInfo.CardFieldSettings.fields = {
362 additionalFields: {
363 isArray: true,
364 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.FieldInfo
365 },
366 assignedToDisplayFormat: {
367 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.IdentityDisplayFormat
368 },
369 coreFields: {
370 isArray: true,
371 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.FieldInfo
372 }
374exports.TypeInfo.CardSettings.fields = {
375 fields: {
376 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.CardFieldSettings
377 }
379exports.TypeInfo.CreatePlan.fields = {
380 type: {
381 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PlanType
382 }
384exports.TypeInfo.DateRange.fields = {
385 end: {
386 isDate: true,
387 },
388 start: {
389 isDate: true,
390 }
392exports.TypeInfo.DeliveryViewData.fields = {
393 criteriaStatus: {
394 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TimelineCriteriaStatus
395 },
396 endDate: {
397 isDate: true,
398 },
399 startDate: {
400 isDate: true,
401 },
402 teams: {
403 isArray: true,
404 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TimelineTeamData
405 }
407exports.TypeInfo.DeliveryViewPropertyCollection.fields = {
408 cardSettings: {
409 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.CardSettings
410 },
411 markers: {
412 isArray: true,
413 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Marker
414 }
416exports.TypeInfo.FieldInfo.fields = {
417 fieldType: {
418 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.FieldType
419 }
421exports.TypeInfo.Marker.fields = {
422 date: {
423 isDate: true,
424 }
426exports.TypeInfo.Plan.fields = {
427 createdDate: {
428 isDate: true,
429 },
430 lastAccessed: {
431 isDate: true,
432 },
433 modifiedDate: {
434 isDate: true,
435 },
436 type: {
437 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PlanType
438 },
439 userPermissions: {
440 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PlanUserPermissions
441 }
443exports.TypeInfo.PlanMetadata.fields = {
444 modifiedDate: {
445 isDate: true,
446 },
447 userPermissions: {
448 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PlanUserPermissions
449 }
451exports.TypeInfo.TeamCapacity.fields = {
452 teamMembers: {
453 isArray: true,
454 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TeamMemberCapacityIdentityRef
455 }
457exports.TypeInfo.TeamIterationAttributes.fields = {
458 finishDate: {
459 isDate: true,
460 },
461 startDate: {
462 isDate: true,
463 },
464 timeFrame: {
465 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TimeFrame
466 }
468exports.TypeInfo.TeamMemberCapacity.fields = {
469 daysOff: {
470 isArray: true,
471 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.DateRange
472 }
474exports.TypeInfo.TeamMemberCapacityIdentityRef.fields = {
475 daysOff: {
476 isArray: true,
477 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.DateRange
478 }
480exports.TypeInfo.TeamSetting.fields = {
481 backlogIteration: {
482 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TeamSettingsIteration
483 },
484 bugsBehavior: {
485 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.BugsBehavior
486 },
487 defaultIteration: {
488 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TeamSettingsIteration
489 },
490 workingDays: {
491 isArray: true,
492 enumType: SystemInterfaces.TypeInfo.DayOfWeek
493 }
495exports.TypeInfo.TeamSettingsDaysOff.fields = {
496 daysOff: {
497 isArray: true,
498 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.DateRange
499 }
501exports.TypeInfo.TeamSettingsDaysOffPatch.fields = {
502 daysOff: {
503 isArray: true,
504 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.DateRange
505 }
507exports.TypeInfo.TeamSettingsIteration.fields = {
508 attributes: {
509 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TeamIterationAttributes
510 }
512exports.TypeInfo.TeamSettingsPatch.fields = {
513 bugsBehavior: {
514 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.BugsBehavior
515 },
516 workingDays: {
517 isArray: true,
518 enumType: SystemInterfaces.TypeInfo.DayOfWeek
519 }
521exports.TypeInfo.TimelineCriteriaStatus.fields = {
522 type: {
523 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TimelineCriteriaStatusCode
524 }
526exports.TypeInfo.TimelineIterationStatus.fields = {
527 type: {
528 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TimelineIterationStatusCode
529 }
531exports.TypeInfo.TimelineTeamData.fields = {
532 iterations: {
533 isArray: true,
534 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TimelineTeamIteration
535 },
536 status: {
537 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TimelineTeamStatus
538 }
540exports.TypeInfo.TimelineTeamIteration.fields = {
541 finishDate: {
542 isDate: true,
543 },
544 startDate: {
545 isDate: true,
546 },
547 status: {
548 typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TimelineIterationStatus
549 }
551exports.TypeInfo.TimelineTeamStatus.fields = {
552 type: {
553 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TimelineTeamStatusCode
554 }
556exports.TypeInfo.UpdatePlan.fields = {
557 type: {
558 enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PlanType
559 }