1 | Changelog
2 | ---------
3 |
4 | <table>
5 | <tr>
6 | <td>0.4.5</td>
7 | <td>
8 | <ul>
9 | <li>log filename when file fails to parse using esprima, thanks to @djorg83</li>
10 | <li>swap fileset for glob (security fix), thanks to @popomore and @graingert</li>
11 | </ul>
12 | </td>
13 | </tr>
14 | <tr>
15 | <td>0.4.4</td>
16 | <td>
17 | <ul>
18 | <li>Handle ExportNamedDeclaration, thanks to @VictoryStick</li>
19 | <li>Use tmpdir setting in temp store, thanks to @inversion</li>
20 | <li>Set "medium" coverage CSS color scheme to yellow, thanks to @JamesMGreene</li>
21 | <li>use os.tmpdir() instead of os.tmpDir(), thanks to @ChALkeR</li>
22 | </ul>
23 | </td>
24 | </tr>
25 | <tr>
26 | <td>0.4.3</td>
27 | <td>
28 | <ul>
29 | <li>Create new handlebars instance for the HTML report, thanks to @doowb</li>
30 | <li>MetaProperty support thanks to @steve-gray</li>
31 | <li>Use ansi colors from 16-color palette for better console support, thanks to @jtangelder</li>
32 | <li>Misc doc/ css fixes thanks to @pra85, @abejfehr</li>
33 | </ul>
34 | </td>
35 | </tr>
36 | <tr>
37 | <td>0.4.2</td>
38 | <td>Fix confusing error message on check-coverage failures, thanks to @isaacs/td>
39 | </tr>
40 | <tr>
41 | <td>v0.4.1</td>
42 | <td>
43 | <ul>
44 | <li>Update esprima to 2.7.x, thanks to @ariya</li>
45 | <li>Make table header clickable in HTML report, thanks to @iphands</li>
46 | <li>Fix strict mode issues thanks to @kpdecker</li>
47 | <li>update ignore code example for UMD, thanks to @pgurnee</li>
48 | <li>misc build fixes, no user visible changes, thanks to @ariya</li>
49 | </ul>
50 | </td>
51 | </tr>
52 | <tr>
53 | <td>v0.4.0</td>
54 | <td>
55 | <ul>
56 | <li>HTML report design, thanks a bunch to @tmcw</li>
57 | <li>"loading config file" message on the console is now tied to the verbose state, thanks @asa-git</li>
58 | <li>Add the `l` property to documentation, thanks @kitsonk</li>
59 |
60 | </ul>
61 | </td>
62 | </tr>
63 | <tr>
64 | <td>v0.3.21</td>
65 | <td>
66 | <ul>
67 | <li>Updated dependencies to the latest</li>
68 | </ul>
69 | </td>
70 | </tr>
71 | <tr>
72 | <td>v0.3.20</td>
73 | <td>
74 | <ul>
75 | <li>Fix broken es6 `super` support, thanks @sterlinghw</li>
76 | <li>Improve readability via better lineHeight, thanks @dhoko</li>
77 | <li>Adding ability to set custom block name in teamcity report, thanks @aryelu</li>
78 | <li>Replaced deprecated util.puts with console.log, thanks @arty-name
79 | </ul>
80 | </td>
81 | </tr>
82 | <tr>
83 | <td>v0.3.19</td>
84 | <td>Fix instrumenter for multiple blank array positions, thanks @alexdunphy</td>
85 | </tr>
86 | <tr>
87 | <tr>
88 | <td>v0.3.18</td>
89 | <td>Upgrade esprima, get support for more ES6 features</td>
90 | </tr>
91 | <tr>
92 | <td>v0.3.17</td>
93 | <td>Upgrade esprima, get correct for-of support</td>
94 | </tr>
95 | <tr>
96 | <td>v0.3.16</td>
97 | <td>
98 | <ul>
99 | <li>upgrades to filset and async modules, thanks to @roderickhsiao, @popomore</li>
100 | <li>updated text reporter so that it displays a list of the lines missing coverage, thanks @bcoe</li>
101 | </ul>
102 | </td>
103 | </tr>
104 | <tr>
105 | <td>v0.3.15</td>
106 | <td>
107 | <ul>
108 | <li>Fix #375: add nodir option to exclude directory for *.js matcher thanks to @yurenju</li>
109 | <li>Fix #362: When setting up the `reportDir` add it to `reporter.dir`</li>
110 | <li>Fixes #238 (added a poorman's clone)</li>
111 | <li>Incrementing hits on ignored statements implemented</li>
112 | <li>`a:visited color: #777` (a nice gray color)</li>
113 | </ul>
114 | </td>
115 | </tr>
116 | <tr>
117 | <td>v0.3.14</td>
118 | <td>
119 | Add text-lcov report format to emit lcov to console, thanks to @bcoe
120 | </td>
121 | </tr>
122 | <tr>
123 | <td>v0.3.13</td>
124 | <td>
125 | Fix #339
126 | </td>
127 | </tr>
128 | <tr>
129 | <td>v0.3.12</td>
130 | <td>
131 | Allow other-than-dot-js files to be hooked, thanks to @sethpollack
132 | </td>
133 | </tr>
134 | <tr>
135 | <td>v0.3.11</td>
136 | <td>
137 | Avoid modification of global objects, thanks to @dominykas
138 | </td>
139 | </tr>
140 | <tr>
141 | <td>v0.3.10</td>
142 | <td>
143 | Update escodegen to 1.6.x and add browser download script
144 | </td>
145 | </tr>
146 | <tr>
147 | <td>v0.3.9</td>
148 | <td>
149 | <ul>
150 | <li>Merge harmony branch and start adding ES6 features to istanbul</li>
151 | <li>Arrow functions are the only feature of interest now</li>
152 | <li>`for-of` and `yield` support exist but not present in mainline esprima yet</li>
153 | </ul>
154 | </td>
155 | </tr>
156 | <tr>
157 | <td>v0.3.8</td>
158 | <td>
159 | <ul>
160 | <li>Fail check coverage command when no coverage files found, thanks to @nexus-uw</li>
161 | <li>handle relative paths in check-coverage, thanks to @dragn</li>
162 | <li>support explicit includes for cover, thanks to @tonylukasavage</li>
163 | </ul>
164 | </td>
165 | </tr>
166 | <tr>
167 | <td>v0.3.7</td>
168 | <td>
169 | Fix asset paths on windows, thanks to @juangabreil
170 | </td>
171 | </tr>
172 | <tr>
173 | <td>v0.3.6</td>
174 | <td>
175 | <ul>
176 | <li>Update to Esprima 2.0</li>
177 | <li>Remove YUI dependency and provide custom sort code. No network access needed for HTML report view</li>
178 | <li>use supports-color module to colorize output, thanks to @gustavnikolaj</li>
179 | <li>Fix tests to work on Windows, thanks to @dougwilson</li>
180 | <li>Docs: "Instrument code" API example correction thanks to @robatron</li>
181 | <li>Extracted embedded CSS and JavaScript and made them external files, thanks to @booleangate</td>
182 | </ul>
183 | </td>
184 | </tr>
185 | <tr>
186 | <td>v0.3.5</td>
187 | <td>
188 | <p>Merge #275 - `--include-all-sources` option. Thanks @gustavnikolaj</p>
189 | <p>
190 | The `--preload-sources` option is now deprecated and superseded by the
191 | `--include-all-sources` option instead. This provides a better coverage representation
192 | of the code that has not been included for testing.
193 | </p>
194 | </td>
195 | </tr>
196 | <tr>
197 | <td>v0.3.4</td>
198 | <td>Merge #219 - Support reporting within symlink/junction. Thanks to @dougwilson</td>
199 | </tr>
200 | <tr>
201 | <td>v0.3.3</td>
202 | <td>Merge #268 - per file coverage enforcement. Thanks to @ryan-roemer</td>
203 | </tr>
204 | <tr>
205 | <td>v0.3.2</td>
206 | <td>Republish 0.3.1 because of bad shasum</td>
207 | </tr>
208 | <tr>
209 | <td>v0.3.1</td>
210 | <td>Fixes #249</td>
211 | </tr>
212 | <tr>
213 | <td>v0.3.0</td>
214 | <td>
215 | The *reports* release. **Potentially backwards-incompatible** if you are using
216 | undocumented features or custom report implementations.
217 | <ul>
218 | <li>Change report command line to support multiple reports, add back-compat processing with warnings</li>
219 | <li>Enable `report` command to read report list from config, thanks to @piuccio</li>
220 | <li>Support multiple reports for `cover` and `report` commands</li>
221 | <li>Support per-report config options in configuration file</li>
222 | <li>Turn reports into event emitters so they can signal `done`</li>
223 | <li>Add `Reporter` class to be able to generate multiple reports</li>
224 | <li>Add a bunch of API docs, refactor README</li>
225 | </ul>
226 | </td>
227 | </tr>
228 | <tr>
229 | <td>v0.2.16</td><td>Make YUI links https-always since relative links break local
230 | filesystem use-case
231 | </td>
232 | </tr>
233 | <tr>
234 | <td>v0.2.15</td><td>make link protocols relative so they don't break on https connections
235 | (thanks to @yasyf)
236 | </td>
237 | </tr>
238 | <tr>
239 | <td>v0.2.14</td><td>Fix hook to deal with non-string/ missing filenames
240 | (thanks to @jason0x43), update dependencies
241 | </td>
242 | </tr>
243 | <tr>
244 | <td>v0.2.13</td><td>Add `--preload-sources` option to `cover` command to make
245 | code not required by tests to appear in the coverage report.
246 | </td>
247 | </tr>
248 | <tr>
249 | <td>v0.2.12</td><td>Text summary as valid markdown, thanks to @smikes</td>
250 | </tr>
251 | <tr>
252 | <td>v0.2.11</td><td>Allow source map generation, thanks to @jason0x43</td>
253 | </tr>
254 | <tr>
255 | <td>v0.2.10</td><td>Add flag to handle sigints and dump coverage, thanks to @samccone</td>
256 | </tr>
257 | <tr>
258 | <td>v0.2.9</td><td>Fix #202</td>
259 | </tr>
260 | <tr>
261 | <tr>
262 | <td>v0.2.8</td><td>Upgrade esprima</td>
263 | </tr>
264 | <tr>
265 | <td>v0.2.7</td><td><ul>
266 | <li>Upgrade esprima</li>
267 | <li>Misc jshint fixes</li>
268 | </ul></td>
269 | </tr>
270 | <tr>
271 | <td>v0.2.6</td><td><ul>
272 | <li>Revert bad commit for tree summarizer</li>
273 | </ul></td>
274 | </tr>
275 | <tr>
276 | <td>v0.2.5</td><td><ul>
277 | <li>Add clover report, thanks to @bixdeng, @mpderbec</li>
278 | <li>Fix cobertura report bug for relative paths, thanks to @jxiaodev</li>
279 | <li>Run self-coverage on tests always</li>
280 | <li>Fix tree summarizer when relative paths are involved, thanks to @Swatinem</li>
281 | </ul></td>
282 | </tr>
283 | <tr>
284 | <td>v0.2.4</td><td><ul>
285 | <li>Fix line-split algo to handle Mac lin separators, thanks to @asifrc</li>
286 | <li>Update README for quick intro to ignoring code for coverage, thanks to @gergelyke</li>
287 | </ul></td>
288 | </tr>
289 | <tr>
290 | <td>v0.2.3</td><td><ul>
291 | <li>Add YAML config file. `istanbul help config` has more details</li>
292 | <li>Support custom reporting thresholds using the `watermarks` section of the config file</li>
293 | </ul></td>
294 | </tr>
295 | <tr><td>v0.2.2</td><td>update escodegen, handlebars and resolve dependency versions</td></tr>
296 | <tr>
297 | <td>v0.2.1</td><td><ul>
298 | <li>Add ability to skip branches and other hard-to-test code using comments.
299 | See <a href="https://github.com/gotwarlost/istanbul/blob/master/ignoring-code-for-coverage.md">the doc</a> for more details</li>
300 | <li>Turn `util.error` into `console.error` for node 0.11 compatibility, thanks to @pornel</li>
301 | </ul></td>
302 | </tr>
303 | <tr><td>v0.2.0</td><td><ul>
304 | <li>Add --preserve-comments to instrumenter options, thanks to @arikon</li>
305 | <li>Support 'use strict;' in file scope, thanks to @pornel</li>
306 | </ul>
307 | Up minor version due to the new way in which the global object is accessed.
308 | This _should_ be backwards-compatible but has not been tested in the wild.
309 | </td></tr>
310 | <tr><td>v0.1.46</td><td>Fix #114</td></tr>
311 | <tr><td>v0.1.45</td><td>Add teamcity reporter, thanks to @chrisgladd</td></tr>
312 | <tr><td>v0.1.44</td><td>Fix inconsistency in processing empty switch with latest esprima, up deps</td></tr>
313 | <tr><td>v0.1.43</td><td>Add colors to text report thanks to @runk</td></tr>
314 | <tr><td>v0.1.42</td><td>fix #78: embed source regression introduced in v0.1.38. Fix broken test for this</td></tr>
315 | <tr><td>v0.1.41</td><td>add json report to dump coverage object for certain use cases</td></tr>
316 | <tr><td>v0.1.40</td><td>forward sourceStore from lcov to html report, pull request by @vojtajina</td></tr>
317 | <tr><td>v0.1.39</td><td>add <source> tag to cobertura report, pull request by @jhansche</td></tr>
318 | <tr><td>v0.1.38</td><td><ul>
319 | <li>factor out AST instrumentation into own instrumentASTSync method</li>
320 | <li>always set function declaration coverage stats to 1 since every such declaration is "executed" exactly one time by the compiler</li>
321 | </ul></td></tr>
322 | <tr><td>v0.1.37</td><td>--complete-copy flag contrib from @kami, correct strict mode semantics for instrumented functions</td></tr>
323 | <tr><td>v0.1.36</td><td>real quiet when --print=none specified, add repo URL to package.json, add contributors</td></tr>
324 | <tr><td>v0.1.35</td><td>accept cobertura contrib from @nbrownus, fix #52</td></tr>
325 | <tr><td>v0.1.34</td><td>fix async reporting, update dependencies, accept html cleanup contrib from @mathiasbynens</td></tr>
326 | <tr><td>v0.1.33</td><td>initialize global coverage object before running tests to workaround mocha leak detection</td></tr>
327 | <tr><td>v0.1.32</td><td>Fix for null nodes in array expressions, add @unindented as contributor</td></tr>
328 | <tr><td>v0.1.31</td><td>Misc internal fixes and test changes</td></tr>
329 | <tr><td>v0.1.30</td><td>Write standard blurbs ("writing coverage object..." etc.) to stderr rather than stdout</td></tr>
330 | <tr><td>v0.1.29</td><td>Allow --post-require-hook to be a module that can be `require`-d</td></tr>
331 | <tr><td>v0.1.28</td><td>Add --post-require-hook switch to support use-cases similar to the YUI loader</td></tr>
332 | <tr><td>v0.1.27</td><td>Add --hook-run-in-context switch to support RequireJS modules. Thanks to @millermedeiros for the pull request</td></tr>
333 | <tr><td>v0.1.26</td><td>Add support for minimum uncovered unit for check-coverage. Fixes #25</td></tr>
334 | <tr><td>v0.1.25</td><td>Allow for relative paths in the YUI loader hook</td></tr>
335 | <tr><td>v0.1.24</td><td>Add lcov summaries. Fixes issue #20</td></tr>
336 | <tr><td>v0.1.23</td><td>Add ability to save a baseline coverage file for the instrument command. Fixes issue #19</td></tr>
337 | <tr><td>v0.1.22</td><td>Add signature attribute to cobertura method tags to fix NPE by the Hudson publisher</td></tr>
338 | <tr><td>v0.1.21</td><td>Add cobertura XML report format; exprimental for now</td></tr>
339 | <tr><td>v0.1.20</td><td>Fix HTML/ lcov report interface to be more customizable for middleware needs</td></tr>
340 | <tr><td>v0.1.19</td><td>make all hooking non-destructive in that already loaded modules are never reloaded. Add self-test mode so that already loaded istanbul modules can be unloaded prior to hooking.</td></tr>
341 | <tr><td>v0.1.18</td><td>Add option to hook in non-destructive mode; i.e. the require cache is not unloaded when hooking</td></tr>
342 | <tr><td>v0.1.17</td><td>Export some more objects; undocumented for now</td></tr>
343 | <tr><td>v0.1.16</td><td>Fix npm keywords for istanbul which expects an array of strings but was being fed a single string with keywords instead</td></tr>
344 | <tr><td>v0.1.15</td><td>Add the 'check-coverage' command so that Istanbul can be used as a posttest script to enforce minimum coverage</td></tr>
345 | <tr><td>v0.1.14</td><td>Expose the experimental YUI load hook in the interface</td></tr>
346 | <tr><td>v0.1.13</td><td>Internal jshint cleanup, no features or fixes</td></tr>
347 | <tr><td>v0.1.12</td><td>Give npm the README that was getting inadvertently excluded</td></tr>
348 | <tr><td>v0.1.11</td><td>Merge pull request #14 for HTML tweaks. Thanks @davglass. Add @davglass and @nowamasa as contributors in `package.json`</td></tr>
349 | <tr><td>v0.1.10</td><td>Fix to issue #12. Do not install `uncaughtException` handler and pass input error back to CLI using a callback as opposed to throwing.</td></tr>
350 | <tr><td>v0.1.9</td><td>Attempt to create reporting directory again just before writing coverage in addition to initial creation</td></tr>
351 | <tr><td>v0.1.8</td><td>Fix issue #11.</td></tr>
352 | <tr><td>v0.1.7</td><td>Add text summary and detailed reporting available as --print [summary|detail|both|none]. summary is the default if nothing specified.</td></tr>
353 | <tr><td>v0.1.6</td><td>Handle backslashes in the file path correctly in emitted code. Fixes #9. Thanks to @nowamasa for bug report and fix</td></tr>
354 | <tr><td>v0.1.5</td><td>make object-utils.js work on a browser as-is</td></tr>
355 | <tr><td>v0.1.4</td><td>partial fix for issue #4; add titles to missing coverage spans, remove negative margin for missing if/else indicators</td></tr>
356 | <tr><td>v0.1.3</td><td>Set the environment variable running_under_istanbul to 1 when that is the case. This allows test runners that use istanbul as a library to back off on using it when set.</td></tr>
357 | <tr><td>v0.1.2</td><td>HTML reporting cosmetics. Reports now show syntax-colored JS using `prettify`. Summary tables no longer wrap in awkward places.</td></tr>
358 | <tr><td>v0.1.1</td><td>Fixes issue #1. HTML reports use sources embedded inside the file coverage objects if found rather than reading from the filesystem</td></tr>
359 | <tr><td>v0.1.0</td><td>Initial version</td></tr>
360 | </td></tr>
361 | </table>
362 |