1 | # babel-plugin-transform-es2015-classes
2 |
3 | > Compile ES2015 classes to ES5
4 |
5 | ## Caveats
6 |
7 | Built-in classes such as `Date`, `Array`, `DOM` etc cannot be properly subclassed
8 | due to limitations in ES5 (for the [es2015-classes](http://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/transform-es2015-classes) plugin).
9 | You can try to use [babel-plugin-transform-builtin-extend](https://github.com/loganfsmyth/babel-plugin-transform-builtin-extend) based on `Object.setPrototypeOf` and `Reflect.construct`, but it also has some limitations.
10 |
11 | ## Installation
12 |
13 | ```sh
14 | npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-es2015-classes
15 | ```
16 |
17 | ## Usage
18 |
19 | ### Via `.babelrc` (Recommended)
20 |
21 | **.babelrc**
22 |
23 | ```js
24 | // without options
25 | {
26 | "plugins": ["transform-es2015-classes"]
27 | }
28 |
29 | // with options
30 | {
31 | "plugins": [
32 | ["transform-es2015-classes", {
33 | "loose": true
34 | }]
35 | ]
36 | }
37 | ```
38 |
39 | ### Via CLI
40 |
41 | ```sh
42 | babel --plugins transform-es2015-classes script.js
43 | ```
44 |
45 | ### Via Node API
46 |
47 | ```javascript
48 | require("babel-core").transform("code", {
49 | plugins: ["transform-es2015-classes"]
50 | });
51 | ```
52 |
53 | ## Options
54 |
55 | ### `loose`
56 |
57 | `boolean`, defaults to `false`.
58 |
59 | #### Method enumerability
60 |
61 | Please note that in loose mode class methods **are** enumerable. This is not in line
62 | with the spec and you may run into issues.
63 |
64 | #### Method assignment
65 |
66 | Under loose mode, methods are defined on the class prototype with simple assignments
67 | instead of being defined. This can result in the following not working:
68 |
69 | ```javascript
70 | class Foo {
71 | set bar() {
72 | throw new Error("foo!");
73 | }
74 | }
75 |
76 | class Bar extends Foo {
77 | bar() {
78 | // will throw an error when this method is defined
79 | }
80 | }
81 | ```
82 |
83 | When `Bar.prototype.foo` is defined it triggers the setter on `Foo`. This is a
84 | case that is very unlikely to appear in production code however it's something
85 | to keep in mind.