1 | # babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx [![CircleCI](https://img.shields.io/circleci/project/vuejs/babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx.svg?maxAge=2592000)](https://circleci.com/gh/vuejs/babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx)
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3 | > Babel plugin for Vue 2.0 JSX
4 |
5 | ### Requirements
6 |
7 | - Assumes you are using Babel with a module bundler e.g. Webpack, because the spread merge helper is imported as a module to avoid duplication.
8 |
9 | - This is mutually exclusive with `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx`.
10 |
11 | ### Usage
12 |
13 | ``` bash
14 | npm install\
15 | babel-plugin-syntax-jsx\
16 | babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx\
17 | babel-helper-vue-jsx-merge-props\
18 | babel-preset-env\
19 | --save-dev
20 | ```
21 |
22 | In your `.babelrc`:
23 |
24 | ``` json
25 | {
26 | "presets": ["env"],
27 | "plugins": ["transform-vue-jsx"]
28 | }
29 | ```
30 |
31 | The plugin transpiles the following JSX:
32 |
33 | ``` jsx
34 | <div id="foo">{this.text}</div>
35 | ```
36 |
37 | To the following JavaScript:
38 |
39 | ``` js
40 | h('div', {
41 | attrs: {
42 | id: 'foo'
43 | }
44 | }, [this.text])
45 | ```
46 |
47 | Note the `h` function, which is a shorthand for a Vue instance's `$createElement` method, must be in the scope where the JSX is. Since this method is passed to component render functions as the first argument, in most cases you'd do this:
48 |
49 | ``` js
50 | Vue.component('jsx-example', {
51 | render (h) { // <-- h must be in scope
52 | return <div id="foo">bar</div>
53 | }
54 | })
55 | ```
56 |
57 | ### `h` auto-injection
58 |
59 | Starting with version 3.4.0 we automatically inject `const h = this.$createElement` in any method and getter (not functions or arrow functions) declared in ES2015 syntax that has JSX so you can drop the `(h)` parameter.
60 |
61 | ``` js
62 |
63 | Vue.component('jsx-example', {
64 | render () { // h will be injected
65 | return <div id="foo">bar</div>
66 | },
67 | myMethod: function () { // h will not be injected
68 | return <div id="foo">bar</div>
69 | },
70 | someOtherMethod: () => { // h will not be injected
71 | return <div id="foo">bar</div>
72 | }
73 | })
74 |
75 | @Component
76 | class App extends Vue {
77 | get computed () { // h will be injected
78 | return <div id="foo">bar</div>
79 | }
80 | }
81 | ```
82 |
83 | ### Difference from React JSX
84 |
85 | First, Vue 2.0's vnode format is different from React's. The second argument to the `createElement` call is a "data object" that accepts nested objects. Each nested object will be then processed by corresponding modules:
86 |
87 | ``` js
88 | render (h) {
89 | return h('div', {
90 | // Component props
91 | props: {
92 | msg: 'hi'
93 | },
94 | // normal HTML attributes
95 | attrs: {
96 | id: 'foo'
97 | },
98 | // DOM props
99 | domProps: {
100 | innerHTML: 'bar'
101 | },
102 | // Event handlers are nested under "on", though
103 | // modifiers such as in v-on:keyup.enter are not
104 | // supported. You'll have to manually check the
105 | // keyCode in the handler instead.
106 | on: {
107 | click: this.clickHandler
108 | },
109 | // For components only. Allows you to listen to
110 | // native events, rather than events emitted from
111 | // the component using vm.$emit.
112 | nativeOn: {
113 | click: this.nativeClickHandler
114 | },
115 | // class is a special module, same API as `v-bind:class`
116 | class: {
117 | foo: true,
118 | bar: false
119 | },
120 | // style is also same as `v-bind:style`
121 | style: {
122 | color: 'red',
123 | fontSize: '14px'
124 | },
125 | // other special top-level properties
126 | key: 'key',
127 | ref: 'ref',
128 | // assign the `ref` is used on elements/components with v-for
129 | refInFor: true,
130 | slot: 'slot'
131 | })
132 | }
133 | ```
134 |
135 | The equivalent of the above in Vue 2.0 JSX is:
136 |
137 | ``` jsx
138 | render (h) {
139 | return (
140 | <div
141 | // normal attributes or component props.
142 | id="foo"
143 | // DOM properties are prefixed with `domProps`
144 | domPropsInnerHTML="bar"
145 | // event listeners are prefixed with `on` or `nativeOn`
146 | onClick={this.clickHandler}
147 | nativeOnClick={this.nativeClickHandler}
148 | // other special top-level properties
149 | class={{ foo: true, bar: false }}
150 | style={{ color: 'red', fontSize: '14px' }}
151 | key="key"
152 | ref="ref"
153 | // assign the `ref` is used on elements/components with v-for
154 | refInFor
155 | slot="slot">
156 | </div>
157 | )
158 | }
159 | ```
160 |
161 | ### Component Tip
162 |
163 | If a custom element starts with lowercase, it will be treated as a string id and used to lookup a registered component. If it starts with uppercase, it will be treated as an identifier, which allows you to do:
164 |
165 | ``` js
166 | import Todo from './Todo.js'
167 |
168 | export default {
169 | render (h) {
170 | return <Todo/> // no need to register Todo via components option
171 | }
172 | }
173 | ```
174 |
175 | ### JSX Spread
176 |
177 | JSX spread is supported, and this plugin will intelligently merge nested data properties. For example:
178 |
179 | ``` jsx
180 | const data = {
181 | class: ['b', 'c']
182 | }
183 | const vnode = <div class="a" {...data}/>
184 | ```
185 |
186 | The merged data will be:
187 |
188 | ``` js
189 | { class: ['a', 'b', 'c'] }
190 | ```
191 |
192 | ### Vue directives
193 |
194 | Note that almost all built-in Vue directives are not supported when using JSX, the sole exception being `v-show`, which can be used with the `v-show={value}` syntax. In most cases there are obvious programmatic equivalents, for example `v-if` is just a ternary expression, and `v-for` is just an `array.map()` expression, etc.
195 |
196 | For custom directives, you can use the `v-name={value}` syntax. However, note that directive arguments and modifiers are not supported using this syntax. There are two workarounds:
197 |
198 | 1. Pass everything as an object via `value`, e.g. `v-name={{ value, modifier: true }}`
199 |
200 | 2. Use the raw vnode directive data format:
201 |
202 | ``` js
203 | const directives = [
204 | { name: 'my-dir', value: 123, modifiers: { abc: true } }
205 | ]
206 |
207 | return <div {...{ directives }}/>
208 | ```