5.55 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3const expect = require('chai').expect;
4const Context = require('../lib/Context');
5const Method = require('../lib/Method');
7describe('class Context', function() {
8 let context, method;
9 let noop = function() {};
11 beforeEach(function() {
12 method = new Method('test', {
13 params: [
14 { name: 'username', type: 'string' },
15 { name: 'age', type: 'number' },
16 { name: 'randomDate', type: 'date' }
17 ]
18 }, noop);
19 context = new Context({}, {}, method, {});
20 });
22 describe('constructor(req, res, method, options)', function() {
23 it('should raise an error if req is invalid', function() {
24 expect(function() {
25 new Context();
26 }).to.throw(Error).have.property('message', 'req is invalid');
27 });
29 it('should raise an error if res is invalid', function() {
30 expect(function() {
31 new Context({});
32 }).to.throw(Error).have.property('message', 'res is invalid');
33 });
35 it('should raise an error if method is invalid', function() {
36 expect(function() {
37 new Context({}, {});
38 }).to.throw(Error).have.property('message', 'method must be an instance of Method');
39 });
41 [
42 ['request', function() { return { context }; }],
43 ['req', function() { return { context }; }],
44 ['response', function() { return { context }; }],
45 ['res', function() { return { context }; }],
46 ['options', {}],
47 ['_method', function() { return method; }],
48 ['methodName', 'test'],
49 ['fullPath', '/'],
50 ['argsBuilt', false],
51 ['args', {}],
52 ['_done', false],
53 ['state', {}]
54 ].forEach(function(prop) {
55 it(`should have property '${prop[0]}' and corresponding value`, function() {
56 let value = typeof prop[1] === 'function' ? prop[1]() : prop[1];
57 expect(context).to.have.property(prop[0]).deep.eq(value);
58 });
59 });
61 it('should parse arrayItemDelimiters options as regexp', function() {
62 let context = new Context({}, {}, method, { arrayItemDelimiters: [',', ' '] });
63 expect(context).to.have.deep.property('options.arrayItemDelimiters').eq(/,| /g);
64 });
65 });
67 describe('buildArgs()', function() {
68 it('should build args by method params config', function() {
69 let date = new Date('1998-01-01');
70 context.args = { name: 'Felix', username: 'lyfeyaj', age: 27, randomDate: date };
71 expect(context.buildArgs()).to.deep.eq({ username: 'lyfeyaj', age: 27, randomDate: date });
72 });
74 it('should convert args to specific type', function() {
75 context.args = { name: 'Felix', username: 'lyfeyaj', age: '27', randomDate: '1998-01-01' };
76 expect(context.buildArgs()).to.deep.eq({ username: 'lyfeyaj', age: 27, randomDate: new Date('1998-01-01') });
77 });
79 it('should build and convert inner params', function() {
80 let method = new Method('test', {
81 params: [
82 { name: 'username', type: 'string' },
83 { name: 'age', type: 'number' },
84 { name: 'randomDate', type: 'date' },
85 {
86 name: 'profile',
87 type: 'object',
88 params: [
89 { name: 'gender', type: 'number' },
90 { name: 'hobbies', type: ['string'] },
91 { name: 'tags', type: ['string'] }
92 ]
93 }
94 ]
95 }, noop);
96 let context = new Context({}, {}, method, { arrayItemDelimiters: ',' });
97 context.args = {
98 name: 'Felix',
99 username: 'lyfeyaj',
100 age: '27',
101 randomDate: '1998-01-01',
102 profile: {
103 gender: '0',
104 hobbies: 'pingpong',
105 tags: 'programmer,writer'
106 }
107 };
108 expect(context.buildArgs()).to.deep.eq(
109 {
110 username: 'lyfeyaj',
111 age: 27,
112 randomDate: new Date('1998-01-01'),
113 profile: {
114 gender: 0,
115 hobbies: ['pingpong'],
116 tags: ['programmer', 'writer']
117 }
118 }
119 );
120 });
122 it('should split string into array by options.arrayItemDelimiters', function() {
123 let method = new Method('test', {
124 params: [
125 { name: 'hobbies', type: ['string'] }
126 ]
127 }, noop);
128 let context = new Context({}, {}, method, { arrayItemDelimiters: ',' });
129 context.args = { hobbies: 'pingpong,table tennis,swimming,badminton' };
130 expect(context.buildArgs()).to.deep.eq({ hobbies: ['pingpong', 'table tennis', 'swimming', 'badminton'] });
131 });
132 });
134 describe('param(name)', function() {
135 it('should return param by name', function() {
136 context.args = { name: 'Felix' };
137 expect(context.param('name')).eq('Felix');
138 });
140 it('should support deep key query', function() {
141 context.args = { profile: { name: 'Felix' } };
142 expect(context.param('profile.name')).eq('Felix');
143 });
144 });
146 describe('throw()', function() {
147 it('should throw error on http status code', function() {
148 expect(function() {
149 context.throw(404);
150 }).to.throw(Error).have.property('message', 'Not Found');
151 });
152 });
154 describe('isFinished()', function() {
155 it('should throw error for not implement', function() {
156 expect(function() {
157 context.isFinished();
158 }).to.throw(Error).have.property('message', 'Not Implement');
159 });
160 });
162 describe('done()', function() {
163 it('should throw error for not implement', function() {
164 expect(function() {
165 context.done();
166 }).to.throw(Error).have.property('message', 'Not Implement');
167 });
168 });