1 | <h1 align="center">bankai</h1>
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3 | <div align="center">
4 | <strong>Streaming {js,html,css} compiler</strong>
5 | </div>
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7 | ---
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9 | <div align="center">
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41 |
42 | ## Philosophy
43 | Building things takes time. Configuring tooling takes time. We believe that by
44 | taking modular tools, and wrapping them in a zero-configuration package we
45 | can help people iterate faster and produce better results. And once people are
46 | deep enough into a project that they might need something different, we make
47 | sure they can easily create their own tooling from the components we use.
48 |
49 | ## Usage
50 | ```txt
51 | Usage:
52 | $ bankai <command> [options]
53 |
54 | Commands:
55 | <default> Run 'bankai start'
56 | start <filename> Start a bankai server
57 | build <filename> <directory> Compile and export files to a directory
58 | inspect <filename> Visualize the dependency tree
59 |
60 | Options:
61 | -a, --assets=<directory> Serve static assets [default: assets]
62 | -A, --address=<ip> Ip address to listen [default: localhost]
63 | -c, --css=<subargs> Pass subarguments to sheetify
64 | -d, --debug Include sourcemaps [default: false]
65 | -e, --electron Enable electron mode for the bundler
66 | -h, --help Print usage
67 | -H, --html=<subargs> Pass subarguments to create-html
68 | -j, --js=<subargs> Pass subarguments to browserify
69 | -o, --open=<browser> Open html in a browser [default: system default]
70 | -p, --port=<n> Bind bankai to a port [default: 8080]
71 | -V, --verbose Include debug messages
72 | -w, --watch <bool> Toggle watch mode
73 | -u, --uglify <bool> Toggle uglifyify. [default: true]
74 |
75 | Examples:
76 | $ bankai index.js -p 8080 # start bankai on port 8080
77 | $ bankai index.js --open # open html in the browser
78 | $ bankai -c [ -u sheetify-cssnext ] # use cssnext in sheetify
79 | $ bankai -j [ -t brfs ] # use brfs in browserify
80 | $ bankai build index.js dist/ # compile and export to dist/
81 |
82 | Notes:
83 | When specifying both --watch and --uglify using the long form, you must omit
84 | the = when specifying them to be turned off.
85 |
86 | Examples:
87 | bankai example.js --open=firefox-aurora -p 3000
88 | bankai example.js --uglify false -w false
89 | ```
90 |
91 | ## API
92 | ### assets = bankai(entryFile, [opts])
93 | Create a new instance of `bankai`. The first argument is a route to the entry
94 | file that is compiled by `browserify`. The second argument is optional and can
95 | take the following options:
96 | - __opts.js:__ (default: `{}`). Pass options to `browserify`. Cannot be
97 | disabled
98 | - __opts.css:__ (default: `{}`). Pass options to `sheetify`. Set to `false` to
99 | disable
100 | - __opts.html:__ (default: `{}`). Pass options to `create-html`. Set to `false`
101 | to disable
102 | - __opts.watch:__ Disable livereload scripts
103 | - __opts.electron:__ (default `false`). Enable [electron][electron] mode for
104 | the bundler. Relies on `index.html` being served as a static file using
105 | `file://` to ensure `require()` paths are resolved correctly
106 |
107 | ### readableStream = assets.js([req], [res])
108 | Return a `js` stream. Sets correct header values if `req` and `res` are passed.
109 | Uses [browserify][browserify] and [watchify][watchify] under the hood.
110 |
111 | ### readableStream = assets.html([req], [res])
112 | Return a `html` stream. Sets correct header values if `req` and `res` are
113 | passed. Uses [create-html][chtml] under the hood.
114 |
115 | ### readableStream = assets.css([req], [res])
116 | Return a `css` stream. Sets correct header values if `req` and `res` are
117 | passed. Uses [sheetify][sheetify] under the hood.
118 |
119 | ## Installation
120 | ```sh
121 | $ npm install bankai
122 | ```
123 |
124 | ## Uglify toggle
125 | Uglify only supports JavaScript syntax up to ES5. If you want to use later
126 | syntax you'll need to either disable the uglifyify transform with
127 | `--uglify=false` or add a compiler to convert your ES5+ syntax down to ES5.
128 |
129 | ## See Also
130 | - [stackcss/sheetify][sheetify]
131 | - [substack/browserify][browserify]
132 | - [sethvincent/create-html][chtml]
133 |
134 | ## Similar Packages
135 | - [mattdesl/budo](https://www.npmjs.com/package/budo)
136 | - [maxogden/wzrd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/wzrd)
137 | - [chrisdickinson/beefy](https://www.npmjs.com/package/beefy)
138 |
139 | ## License
140 | [MIT](https://tldrlegal.com/license/mit-license)
141 |
142 | [0]: https://img.shields.io/badge/stability-experimental-orange.svg?style=flat-square
143 | [1]: https://nodejs.org/api/documentation.html#documentation_stability_index
144 | [2]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/bankai.svg?style=flat-square
145 | [3]: https://npmjs.org/package/bankai
146 | [4]: https://img.shields.io/travis/yoshuawuyts/bankai/master.svg?style=flat-square
147 | [5]: https://travis-ci.org/yoshuawuyts/bankai
148 | [8]: http://img.shields.io/npm/dm/bankai.svg?style=flat-square
149 | [9]: https://npmjs.org/package/bankai
150 | [10]: https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-standard-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-square
151 | [11]: https://github.com/feross/standard
152 | [electron]: https://github.com/electron/electron
153 | [sheetify]: https://github.com/stackcss/sheetify
154 | [watchify]: https://github.com/substack/watchify
155 | [browserify]: https://github.com/substack/node-browserify
156 | [chtml]: https://github.com/sethvincent/create-html