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1var expect = require('chai').expect;
3const AWSUtility = require('../utils/AWSS3Utils');
5describe("AWSUtility Testing", function () {
8 it('should get s3 file content', async function () {
10 // use await to wait until the promise is fulfilled
11 return AWSUtility.getS3File('hpgimages', 'hello.html')
12 .then((file)=>{
13 expect(file).to.be.a('string');
14 })
16 // .that.matches(/^[a-z]$/)
17 // .and.equal('Hello world');
18 }),
19 it('should get error in case of undefined bucket name', async function () {
20 var file = await AWSUtility.getS3File(undefined, 'hello.html')
21 .then((file)=>{
22 console.log('test')
23 })
24 .catch(function (error) {
25 expect(function () { throw error }).to.throw(Error, 'bucket name is invalid');
26 });
27 }),
28 it('should get error in case of undefined bucket name', async function () {
29 AWSUtility.getS3File('hpgimages', undefined)
30 .catch(function (error) {
31 expect(function () { throw error })
32 .to.throw(Error, 'file name is invalid');
33 });
34 }),
35 it('should get error in case of invalid bucket name', async function () {
36 AWSUtility.getS3File('hpgimageds', 'hhgh')
37 .catch(function (error) {
38 expect(function () { throw error })
39 .to.throw(Error, 'The specified bucket does not exist');
40 });
41 }),
42 it('should get error in case of invalid file name', async function () {
43 await AWSUtility.getS3File('hpgimages', 'hhgh')
44 .catch(function (error) {
45 expect(function () { throw error })
46 .to.throw(Error, 'The specified key does not exist');
47 });
48 }),
49 it('should upload content to s3 - put', async function () {
50 var file = await AWSUtility.getS3File('hpgimages', 'hello.html');
51 AWSUtility.putS3File('hpgimages', 'testput.html',file)
52 .then((response)=>{
53 console.log('response - '+ response)
54 expect(response).to.be.a('string')
55 })
57 }),
58 it('should get error in case of undefined bucket name - put', async function () {
59 var file = await AWSUtility.getS3File('hpgimages', 'hello.html');
60 await AWSUtility.putS3File(undefined,'hpgimages',file)
61 .catch(function (error) {
62 expect(function () { throw error })
63 .to.throw(Error, 'bucket name is invalid');
64 });
65 }),
66 it('should get error in case of undefined file name - put', async function () {
67 var file = await AWSUtility.getS3File('hpgimages', 'hello.html');
68 await AWSUtility.putS3File('hpgimages', undefined,file)
70 .catch(function (error) {
71 expect(function () { throw error })
72 .to.throw(Error, 'file name is invalid');
73 });
74 }),
75 it('should get error in case of invalid file name - put', async function () {
76 var file = await AWSUtility.getS3File('hpgimages', 'hello.html');
77 AWSUtility.putS3File('hpgimages', 'ooo', undefined)
78 .catch(function (error) {
79 expect(function () { throw error })
80 .to.throw(Error, 'content is invalid');
81 });
82 }),
83 it('should get error in case of invalid bucket name - put', async function () {
84 var file = await AWSUtility.getS3File('hpgimages', 'hello.html');
85 await AWSUtility.putS3File('xyz', 'hello.html', file)
86 .catch(function (error) {
87 expect(function () { throw error })
88 .to.throw(Error, 'The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint.');
89 })
91 })