5.41 kBPlain TextView Raw
1# Cakefile
2# batman
3# Copyright Shopify, 2011
5muffin = require 'muffin'
6fs = require 'fs'
7q = require 'q'
8glob = require 'glob'
9path = require 'path'
12option '-w', '--watch', 'continue to watch the files and rebuild them when they change'
13option '-c', '--commit', 'operate on the git index instead of the working tree'
14option '-d', '--dist', 'compile minified versions of the platform dependent code into lib/dist (build task only)'
15option '-m', '--compare', 'compare to git refs (stat task only)'
16option '-s', '--coverage', 'run jscoverage during tests and report coverage (test task only)'
18task 'build', 'compile Batman.js and all the tools', (options) ->
19 muffin.run
20 files: './src/**/*'
21 options: options
22 map:
23 'src/batman\.coffee' : (matches) -> muffin.compileScript(matches[0], 'lib/batman.js', options)
24 'src/batman\.(.+)\.coffee' : (matches) -> muffin.compileScript(matches[0], "lib/batman.#{matches[1]}.js", options)
25 'src/tools/batman\.coffee' : (matches) -> muffin.compileScript(matches[0], "tools/batman", muffin.extend({bare: true}, options, {mode: 755}))
26 'src/tools/(.+)\.coffee' : (matches) -> muffin.compileScript(matches[0], "tools/#{matches[1]}.js", options)
28 if options.dist
29 temp = require 'temp'
30 tmpdir = temp.mkdirSync()
31 distDir = "lib/dist"
33 # Compile the scripts to the distribution folder by:
34 # 1. Finding each platform specific batman file of the form `batman.platform.coffee`
35 # 2. Concatenating each platform specific file with the main Batman source, and storing that in a temp file.
36 # 3. Compiling each complete platform specific batman distribution into JavaScript in `./lib/dist`
37 # 4. Minify each complete platform specific distribution in to a .min.js file in `./lib/dist`
38 compileDist = (platformName) ->
39 return if platformName == 'node'
40 joinedCoffeePath = "#{tmpdir}/batman.#{platformName}.coffee"
42 # Read the platform specific code
43 platform = muffin.readFile "src/batman.#{platformName}.coffee", options
44 standard = muffin.readFile 'src/batman.coffee', options
45 q.join platform, standard, (platformSource, standardSource) ->
46 # Write the joined coffeescript to a temp dir
47 write = muffin.writeFile(joinedCoffeePath, standardSource + "\n" + platformSource, options)
48 q.when write, (result) ->
49 # Compile the temp coffeescript to the build dir
50 fs.mkdirSync(distDir, 0777) unless path.existsSync(distDir)
51 destination = "#{distDir}/batman#{if platformName is 'solo' then '' else '.' + platformName}.js"
52 compile = muffin.compileScript(joinedCoffeePath, destination, options)
53 compile.then( ->
54 muffin.minifyScript destination, options
55 ).then( ->
56 muffin.notify(destination, "File #{destination} minified and gzipped.")
57 )
59 # Run a task which concats the coffeescript, compiles it, and then minifies it
60 first = true
61 muffin.run
62 files: './src/**/*'
63 options: options
64 map:
65 'src/batman\.(.+)\.coffee': (matches) -> compileDist(matches[1])
66 'src/batman.coffee' : (matches) ->
67 if first
68 first = false
69 return
70 # When the the root batman file changes, compile all the platform files.
71 platformFiles = glob.globSync('./src/batman.*.coffee')
72 for file in platformFiles
73 matches = /src\/batman.(.+).coffee/.exec(file)
74 compileDist(matches[1])
76task 'doc', 'build the Docco documentation', (options) ->
77 muffin.run
78 files: './src/**/*'
79 options: options
80 map:
81 'src/batman.coffee': (matches) -> muffin.doccoFile(matches[0], options)
83task 'test', 'compile Batman.js and the tests and run them on the command line', (options) ->
84 temp = require 'temp'
85 runner = require 'qunit'
86 runner.options.coverage = false
87 tmpdir = temp.mkdirSync()
88 first = false
90 muffin.run
91 files: glob.globSync('./src/**/*.coffee').concat(glob.globSync('./tests/**/*.coffee'))
92 options: options
93 map:
94 'src/batman.coffee' : (matches) -> muffin.compileScript(matches[0], "#{tmpdir}/batman.js", muffin.extend {notify: first}, options)
95 'src/batman.solo.coffee' : (matches) -> muffin.compileScript(matches[0], "#{tmpdir}/batman.solo.js", muffin.extend {notify: first}, options)
96 'tests/batman/(.+)_test.coffee' : (matches) -> muffin.compileScript(matches[0], "#{tmpdir}/#{matches[1]}_test.js", muffin.extend {notify: first}, options)
97 'tests/batman/test_helper.coffee' : (matches) -> muffin.compileScript(matches[0], "#{tmpdir}/test_helper.js", muffin.extend {notify: first}, options)
98 after: ->
99 first = true
100 runner.run
101 code: {namespace: "Batman", path: "#{tmpdir}/batman.js"}
102 deps: ["jsdom", "#{tmpdir}/test_helper.js", "./tests/lib/jquery.js"]
103 tests: glob.globSync("#{tmpdir}/*_test.js")
104 coverage: options.coverage || false
105 , (report) ->
106 unless options.watch
107 exit = -> process.exit report.errors
108 unless process.stdout.flush()
109 process.stdout.once 'drain', exit
110 else
111 exit
113task 'stats', 'compile the files and report on their final size', (options) ->
114 muffin.statFiles(glob.globSync('./src/**/*.coffee').concat(glob.globSync('./lib/**/*.js')), options)