5.74 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.4.0
2(function() {
3 var arg, argv, bfdocs, destDir, fs, generateIndex, generateManifest, handleManifest, loadManifests, lock, manifests, options, parts, path, startServer, switches, v, _, _i, _len, _ref;
5 bfdocs = require('..');
7 fs = require('fs');
9 path = require('path');
11 _ = require('underscore');
13 switches = {
14 help: ['--help', 'Display the help information'],
15 server: ['--server', 'Create an HTTP server to access the generated documentation'],
16 port: ['--port', 'The port on which the HTTP server shoud listen'],
17 watch: ['--watch', 'Watch files for modifications and reload them automatically'],
18 manifestsOnly: ['--manifests-only', 'Do not treat the last argument as the output dir but also as a manifest'],
19 title: ['--title', 'Title of the index page'],
20 noHeader: ['--no-header', 'Hides the header'],
21 noToc: ['--no-toc', 'Hides the table of content sidebar'],
22 baseUrl: ['--base-url', 'Base url of all links'],
23 indexOnly: ['--index-only', 'Only generate the index file. The last argument should be the filename of the index'],
24 version: ['--version', 'Display the installed version of beautiful-docs'],
25 templatesDir: ['--templates-dir', 'Directory of custom templates']
26 };
28 argv = [];
30 options = {
31 help: false,
32 server: false,
33 port: 8080,
34 watch: false,
35 manifestsOnly: false,
36 title: 'Beautiful Docs',
37 baseUrl: '',
38 noHeader: false,
39 noToc: false,
40 indexOnly: false,
41 version: false
42 };
44 _ref = process.argv.slice(2);
45 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
46 arg = _ref[_i];
47 if (arg.substr(0, 2) === '--') {
48 parts = arg.split('=');
49 v = parts[1] || true;
50 if (v === 'false') {
51 v = false;
52 }
53 _.forEach(switches, function(sw, name) {
54 if (sw[0] === parts[0]) {
55 return options[name] = v;
56 }
57 });
58 } else {
59 argv.push(arg);
60 }
61 }
63 if (options.help) {
64 console.log("Usage: bfdocs [options] [/path/to/manifest.json] [/path/to/output/dir]\n");
65 console.log("Available options:");
66 _.forEach(switches, function(sw) {
67 return console.log(" " + sw[0] + "\t\t\t" + sw[1]);
68 });
69 process.exit(0);
70 }
72 if (options.version) {
73 console.log(bfdocs.version);
74 process.exit(0);
75 }
77 destDir = options.indexOnly ? './index.html' : './out';
79 if (argv.length === 0) {
80 argv.push('.');
81 } else if (argv.length > 1 && !options.manifestsOnly) {
82 destDir = _.last(argv);
83 argv = _.initial(argv);
84 }
86 lock = argv.length;
88 manifests = [];
90 generateManifest = function(manifest, callback) {
91 var dest, opts;
92 if (callback == null) {
93 callback = null;
94 }
95 dest = destDir;
96 opts = _.extend({}, options);
97 if (argv.length > 1) {
98 dest = path.join(destDir, manifest.slug);
99 _.extend(opts, {
100 baseUrl: options.baseUrl + '/' + manifest.slug
101 });
102 }
103 return bfdocs.generate(manifest, dest, opts, callback);
104 };
106 generateIndex = function(filename, callback) {
107 if (callback == null) {
108 callback = null;
109 }
110 return bfdocs.generateIndex(options.title || 'Beautiful docs', manifests, filename, options, callback);
111 };
113 startServer = function(err) {
114 if (options.server) {
115 console.log("Starting server on port " + options.port);
116 return bfdocs.serveStaticDir(destDir, options.port);
117 } else if (options.watch) {
118 console.log("Press Ctrl+C to quit");
119 return setInterval((function() {
120 return 1;
121 }), 100);
122 }
123 };
125 handleManifest = function(err, manifest) {
126 var indexFilename;
127 if (err) {
128 console.log("An error occured while opening a manifest: " + err);
129 return;
130 }
131 manifests.push(manifest);
132 if (options.indexOnly) {
133 if (--lock === 0) {
134 generateIndex(destDir);
135 }
136 return;
137 }
138 indexFilename = path.join(destDir, 'index.html');
139 return generateManifest(manifest, function(err) {
140 if (err) {
141 lock--;
142 console.log("An error occured while generating a manifest: " + err);
143 return;
144 }
145 if (options.watch) {
146 manifest.watch(function() {
147 console.log("Changes detected to '" + manifest.uri + "'");
148 return generateManifest(manifest, function(err) {
149 if (err) {
150 return;
151 }
152 if (argv.length > 1) {
153 return generateIndex(indexFilename);
154 }
155 });
156 });
157 }
158 if (--lock === 0) {
159 if (argv.length > 1) {
160 return generateIndex(indexFilename, startServer);
161 } else {
162 return startServer();
163 }
164 }
165 });
166 };
168 loadManifests = function() {
169 var filename, _j, _len1, _results;
170 _results = [];
171 for (_j = 0, _len1 = argv.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
172 filename = argv[_j];
173 if (fs.statSync(filename).isDirectory()) {
174 console.log("Generating documentation from directory '" + filename + "'");
175 _results.push(bfdocs.createManifestFromDir(filename, handleManifest));
176 } else {
177 console.log("Generating documentation from manifest '" + filename + "'");
178 _results.push(bfdocs.open(filename, handleManifest));
179 }
180 }
181 return _results;
182 };
184 if (options.indexOnly) {
185 loadManifests();
186 } else {
187 fs.exists(destDir, function(exists) {
188 if (!exists) {
189 return fs.mkdir(destDir, function(err) {
190 if (err) {
191 return console.log("An error occured while creating '" + destDir + "': " + err);
192 }
193 return loadManifests();
194 });
195 } else {
196 return loadManifests();
197 }
198 });
199 }