6.97 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * Created by chief on 17/4/6.
3 */
5import YearPanel from "./rc-calendar/year/YearPanel";
6import { KeyCode } from 'tinper-bee-core';
7import zhCN from "./locale/zh_CN";
8import React, { Component } from "react";
9import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
10import Picker from "./rc-calendar/Picker";
11import FormControl from "bee-form-control";
12import InputGroup from 'bee-input-group';
13import Icon from "bee-icon";
14import classnames from 'classnames';
15import moment from "moment";
16import omit from 'omit.js';
19Picker.prototype.componentDidUpdate = ()=>{}
21class YearPicker extends Component {
22 constructor(props, context) {
23 super(props, context);
25 this.state = {
26 type: "year",
27 value: this.initValue(props) ,
28 open: props.open||false,
29 showClose: false
30 };
31 }
33 initValue=(props)=>{
34 let value = props.value || props.defaultValue;
35 if(value){
36 if(typeof value == 'string'){
37 if(moment(value).isValid()){
38 value = moment(value);
39 }else{
40 console.error('value is not in the correct format');
41 value = ''
42 }
43 }else if(value.format&&value.isValid()){
44 value = value;
45 }else{
46 console.error('value is not in the correct format');
47 value = ''
48 }
49 }
50 return value;
51 }
52 componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
53 if ("value" in nextProps) {
54 this.setState({
55 value: this.initValue(nextProps)
56 });
57 }
58 if ("open" in nextProps) {
59 this.setState({
60 open: nextProps.open
61 });
62 }
63 if ("renderIcon" in nextProps) {
64 this.setState({
65 renderIcon: nextProps.renderIcon
66 });
67 }
69 }
71 onChange = value => {
72 this.setState({
73 value
74 });
75 };
77 inputFocus=()=>{
78 const self = this;
79 let input = document.querySelector('.rc-calendar-input');
80 if(input){
81 if(input.value){
82 input.select()
83 }else{
84 input.focus()
85 }
86 input.onkeydown=(e)=>{
87 if(e.keyCode == KeyCode.DELETE){
88 input.value = '';
89 self.props.onChange&&self.props.onChange('','');
90 }else if(e.keyCode == KeyCode.ESC){
91 self.setState({
92 open:false
93 });
94 let v = self.state.value;
95 self.props.onOpenChange&&self.props.onOpenChange(false,v, (v && v.format(self.props.format)) || '');
96 ReactDOM.findDOMNode(self.outInput).focus();// 按esc时候焦点回到input输入框
97 }
98 }
99 }
100 }
101 onOpenChange = open => {
102 const self = this;
103 this.setState({
104 open
105 });
106 if(open){
107 setTimeout(()=>{
108 self.inputFocus()
109 },200)
110 }
111 };
113 handleChange = value => {
114 const props = this.props;
115 this.setState({
116 value: value && Object.assign(value, {_type:'year'}) || value
117 });
118 props.onChange&&props.onChange(value, (value && value.format(props.format)) || '');
119 }
120 onMouseLeave = (e) => {
121 this.setState({
122 showClose: false
123 })
124 }
125 onMouseEnter = (e) => {
126 this.setState({
127 showClose: true
128 })
129 }
130 clear = (e) => {
131 e.stopPropagation();
132 this.setState({
133 value: ''
134 })
135 this.props.onChange && this.props.onChange('', '');
136 }
138 onSelect=(value)=>{
139 let { onSelect,format } = this.props;
140 this.setState({
141 open:false
142 });
143 onSelect&&onSelect(value,value?value.format(format):'');
144 ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.outInput).focus();
145 }
147 render() {
148 let state = this.state;
149 let props = this.props;
150 const { showClose, ...others } = props;
151 let value = state.value;
153 const Calendar = <YearPanel
154 prefixCls={'rc-calendar-picker'}
155 rootPrefixCls={'rc-calendar'}
156 {...props} focus={()=>{}}
157 value={this.state.value}
158 onSelect={this.onSelect}
159 showDateInput={true}
160 />;
161 let classes = classnames(props.className, "datepicker-container");
162 return (
163 <div className={classes}
164 {...omit(others, [
165 'closeIcon',
166 'renderIcon',
167 'disabled',
168 'format',
169 'locale',
170 'placeholder'
171 ])}
172 >
173 <Picker
174 animation="slide-up"
175 {...props}
176 onOpenChange={this.onOpenChange}
177 onChange={this.handleChange}
178 calendar={Calendar}
179 prefixCls={'rc-calendar'}
180 value={state.value}
181 open={this.state.open}
182 >
183 {({ }) => {
184 return (
185 <InputGroup simple className="datepicker-input-group"
186 onMouseEnter={this.onMouseEnter}
187 onMouseLeave={this.onMouseLeave}
188 >
189 <FormControl
190 ref = { ref => this.outInput = ref }
191 placeholder={this.props.placeholder}
192 className={this.props.className}
193 disabled={props.disabled}
194 readOnly
195 value={(value && value.format(props.format)) || ""}
196 />
197 {
198 showClose&&this.state.value&&this.state.showClose&&(!props.disabled)?(
199 <InputGroup.Button shape="border"
200 onClick={this.clear}>
201 { props.closeIcon() }
202 </InputGroup.Button>
203 ):<InputGroup.Button shape="border">
204 { props.renderIcon() }
205 </InputGroup.Button>
206 }
207 </InputGroup>
208 );
209 }}
210 </Picker>
211 </div>
212 );
213 }
217YearPicker.defaultProps = {
218 closeIcon:()=><Icon type="uf-close-c"/>,
219 renderIcon: () => <Icon type="uf-calendar" />,
220 disabled:false,
221 showClose:true,
222 locale:zhCN,
223 format:'YYYY',
224 validatorFunc:()=>{
225 return true;
226 }
229export default YearPicker;