8.86 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import React from 'react';
2import Column from './Column';
3import ColumnGroup from './ColumnGroup';
4import Icon from 'bee-icon';
7export default class ColumnManager {
8 _cached = {}
10 constructor(columns, elements,originWidth,rowDraggAble,showRowNum) {
11 columns = this.addDragHandleColumn(columns,rowDraggAble);
12 columns = this.addOrderColumn(columns,showRowNum);
13 columns = this.deleteColumnNotShow(columns);
14 this.columns = columns || this.normalize(elements);
16 this.originWidth = originWidth;
17 }
19 // 向数据列中添加一列:行拖拽标识
20 addDragHandleColumn = (columns, rowDraggAble) => {
21 if(!rowDraggAble){
22 return columns
23 }
24 let dragHandleColumn =[{
25 className: "drag-handle-column",
26 title: "",
27 key: "dragHandle",
28 dataIndex: "dragHandle",
29 width: 49,
30 draggable: true,
31 render: () => {
32 return <Icon type="uf-navmenu" />
33 }
34 }]
35 columns = dragHandleColumn.concat(columns);
36 return columns;
37 }
39 // delete the column which does not show
40 deleteColumnNotShow = (columns) => {
41 let len = columns.length;
42 for(let i=0; i < len; i++) {
43 if(columns && columns[i] && columns[i].isShow === false){
44 columns.splice(i,1);
45 i--;
46 }
47 }
48 return columns;
49 }
51 // 向数据列中添加一列:序号
52 addOrderColumn = (columns, showRowNum) => {
53 if(!showRowNum){
54 return columns
55 }
56 let { key, fixed, width, name, type, base } = showRowNum;
57 let order = {
58 dataIndex: key || '_index',
59 key:'_index',
60 fixed:fixed || 'left',
61 width:width || 50,
62 title: name || '序号',
63 render:(text, record, index)=>{
64 switch( type ){
65 case 'ascii':{
66 return (String.fromCharCode((base || 'a').charCodeAt() + index));
67 }
68 case 'number':
69 default:{
70 return ( (base || 0) + index);
71 }
72 }
73 }
74 }
75 if(columns.length > 0 && columns[0].dataIndex !== 'checkbox' && columns[0].dataIndex !== 'radio'){ // 多选表格/单选表格时放在第二列,其他情况放到第一列
76 columns = [order].concat(columns);
77 }
78 else{
79 columns.splice(1,0,order); // splice方法改变原数组,返回切割出的数组,此处为[]
80 }
81 return columns;
82 }
84 isAnyColumnsFixed() {
85 return this._cache('isAnyColumnsFixed', () => {
86 return this.columns.some(column => !!column.fixed);
87 });
88 }
90 isAnyColumnsLeftFixed() {
91 return this._cache('isAnyColumnsLeftFixed', () => {
92 return this.columns.some(
93 column => column.fixed === 'left' || column.fixed === true
94 );
95 });
96 }
98 isAnyColumnsRightFixed() {
99 return this._cache('isAnyColumnsRightFixed', () => {
100 return this.columns.some(
101 column => column.fixed === 'right'
102 );
103 });
104 }
106 leftColumns() {
107 return this._cache('leftColumns', () => {
108 return this.groupedColumns().filter(
109 column => column.fixed === 'left' || column.fixed === true
110 );
111 });
112 }
114 rightColumns() {
115 return this._cache('rightColumns', () => {
116 return this.groupedColumns().filter(
117 column => column.fixed === 'right'
118 );
119 });
120 }
122 centerColumns() {
123 return this._cache('centerColumns', () => {
124 return this.groupedColumns().filter(
125 column => !column.fixed
126 );
127 });
128 }
130 leafColumns() {
131 return this._cache('leafColumns', () =>
132 this._leafColumns(this.columns)
133 );
134 }
136 leftLeafColumns() {
137 return this._cache('leftLeafColumns', () =>
138 this._leafColumns(this.leftColumns())
139 );
140 }
142 rightLeafColumns() {
143 return this._cache('rightLeafColumns', () =>
144 this._leafColumns(this.rightColumns())
145 );
146 }
147 centerLeafColumns() {
148 return this._cache('centerLeafColumns', () =>
149 this._leafColumns(this.centerColumns())
150 );
151 }
153 // add appropriate rowspan and colspan to column
154 groupedColumns(type) {
155 return this._cache('groupedColumns', () => {
156 const _groupColumns = (columns, currentRow = 0, parentColumn = {}, rows = []) => {
157 // track how many rows we got
158 rows[currentRow] = rows[currentRow] || [];
159 const grouped = [];
160 const setRowSpan = column => {
161 const rowSpan = rows.length - currentRow;
162 if (column &&
163 !column.children && // parent columns are supposed to be one row
164 rowSpan > 1 &&
165 (!column.rowSpan || column.rowSpan < rowSpan)
166 ) {
167 column.rowSpan = rowSpan;
168 }
169 };
170 columns.forEach((column, index) => {
171 let defaultOpt= {
172 ifshow:true
173 }
174 if(!this.originWidth){
175 defaultOpt.width = 200
176 }
177 //获取非固定列
178 if(type=='nofixed' && column.fixed){
179 return false;
180 }
181 const newColumn = { ...defaultOpt,...column };
182 rows[currentRow].push(newColumn);
183 parentColumn.colSpan = parentColumn.colSpan || 0;
184 if (newColumn.children && newColumn.children.length > 0) {
185 newColumn.children = _groupColumns(newColumn.children, currentRow + 1, newColumn, rows);
186 parentColumn.colSpan = parentColumn.colSpan + newColumn.colSpan;
187 } else {
188 parentColumn.colSpan++;
189 }
190 // update rowspan to all same row columns
191 for (let i = 0; i < rows[currentRow].length - 1; ++i) {
192 setRowSpan(rows[currentRow][i]);
193 }
194 // last column, update rowspan immediately
195 if (index + 1 === columns.length) {
196 setRowSpan(newColumn);
197 }
198 grouped.push(newColumn);
199 });
200 return grouped;
201 };
202 return _groupColumns(this.columns);
203 });
204 }
206 normalize(elements) {
207 const columns = [];
208 React.Children.forEach(elements, element => {
209 if (!this.isColumnElement(element)) return;
210 const column = { ...element.props };
211 if (element.key) {
212 column.key = element.key;
213 }
214 if (element.type === ColumnGroup) {
215 column.children = this.normalize(column.children);
216 }
217 columns.push(column);
218 });
219 return columns;
220 }
222 isColumnElement(element) {
223 return element && (element.type === Column || element.type === ColumnGroup);
224 }
226 reset(columns, elements, showRowNum, rowDraggAble) {
227 columns = this.addDragHandleColumn(columns,rowDraggAble);
228 columns = this.addOrderColumn(columns,showRowNum);
229 columns = this.deleteColumnNotShow(columns);
230 this.columns = columns || this.normalize(elements);
231 this._cached = {};
232 }
233 getColumnWidth(contentWidth){
234 let columns = this.leafColumns();
235 let res={computeWidth:0,lastShowIndex:-1};
236 columns.forEach((col,index)=>{
237 //如果列显示
238 if(col.ifshow){
239 let width = col.width;
240 if(typeof(width) == 'string' && width.includes('%') ){
241 width = contentWidth * parseInt(col.width) /100;
242 }
243 res.computeWidth += parseInt(width);
244 if(!col.fixed){
245 res.lastShowIndex = index;
246 }
247 }
248 })
249 return res;
250 }
252 getLeftColumnsWidth(contentWidth=1) {
253 return this._cache('leftColumnsWidth', () => {
254 let leftColumnsWidth =0;
255 this.groupedColumns().forEach(column =>{
256 if (column.fixed === 'left' || column.fixed === true){
257 let width = column.width;
258 if(typeof(width) == 'string' && width.includes('%') ){
259 width = contentWidth * parseInt(column.width) /100;
260 }
261 leftColumnsWidth += parseInt(width)
262 }
263 });
264 return leftColumnsWidth;
265 });
266 }
268 getRightColumnsWidth(contentWidth=1) {
269 return this._cache('rightColumnsWidth', () => {
270 let rightColumnsWidth =0;
271 this.groupedColumns().forEach(column =>{
272 if (column.fixed === 'right'){
273 let width = column.width;
274 if(typeof(width) == 'string' && width.includes('%') ){
275 width = contentWidth * parseInt(column.width) /100;
276 }
277 rightColumnsWidth += parseInt(width)
278 }
279 });
280 return rightColumnsWidth;
281 });
282 }
284 _cache(name, fn) {
285 if (name in this._cached) {
286 return this._cached[name];
287 }
288 this._cached[name] = fn();
289 return this._cached[name];
290 }
292 //todo 含有children的宽度计算
293 _leafColumns(columns) {
294 const leafColumns = [];
296 columns.forEach(column => {
297 if (!column.children) {
299 let defaultOpt= {
300 ifshow:true
301 }
302 if(!this.originWidth){
303 defaultOpt.width = 200
304 }
305 const newColumn = { ...defaultOpt,...column };
306 leafColumns.push(newColumn);
307 } else {
308 leafColumns.push(...this._leafColumns(column.children));
309 }
310 });
311 return leafColumns;
312 }
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