1 | # Bellhop [![Actions Status](https://github.com/SpringRoll/Bellhop/workflows/Node%20CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/SpringRoll/Bellhop/actions) [![Dependency Status](https://david-dm.org/SpringRoll/Bellhop.svg?style=flat)](https://david-dm.org/SpringRoll/Bellhop)
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3 | Bellhop is a simple event-based communication layer between the page DOM and an iframe. It doesn't require any additional dependencies. Super easy to use and setup.
4 |
5 | ## Installation
6 |
7 | ```bash
8 | npm install bellhop-iframe
9 | ```
10 |
11 | ## Importing Bellhop
12 |
13 | The Bellhop module contains support for ES6 modules, CommonJS and browser global definitions. To import with ES6,
14 |
15 | ```javascript
16 | import { Bellhop } from 'bellhop-iframe';
17 | ```
18 |
19 | To import with CommonJS, refer instead to the UMD build
20 |
21 | ```javascript
22 | const Bellhop = require('bellhop-iframe/dist/bellhop-umd.js');
23 | ```
24 |
25 | You can also import the UMD version by using import
26 |
27 | ```javascript
28 | import { Bellhop } from 'bellhop-iframe/dist/bellhop-umd.js'
29 | ```
30 |
31 | Lastly, the UMD module can also be directly included on an HTML page. This will declare Bellhop and attach it directly
32 | to `window`
33 |
34 | ```html
35 | <script src="node_modules/bellhop-iframe/dist/bellhop-umd.js"></script>
36 | ```
37 |
38 | ## Basic Usage
39 |
40 | Here's a very simple example to get started. We have two pages `index.html` and `child.html`. This is the minimum you need to get them talking to each other.
41 |
42 | ### Contents of `index.html`
43 |
44 | ```html
45 | <iframe src="child.html" id="page" width="200" height="200"></iframe>
46 | <script>
47 |
48 | // Create the bellhop object
49 | const bellhop = new Bellhop();
50 |
51 | // Pass in the iframe DOM object
52 | bellhop.connect(document.getElementById("page"));
53 |
54 | // Listen for the 'init' event from the iframe
55 | bellhop.on('init', function(event){
56 | // Handle the event here!
57 | });
58 |
59 | // Send data to the iframe
60 | bellhop.send('user', {
61 | "name" : "Dave Smith",
62 | "age" : 16,
63 | "city" : "Boston"
64 | });
65 | </script>
66 | ```
67 |
68 | ### Contents of `child.html`
69 |
70 | ```html
71 | <script>
72 |
73 | // Create the bellhop object
74 | const bellhop = new Bellhop();
75 | bellhop.connect();
76 |
77 | // An example event to sent to the parent
78 | bellhop.send('init');
79 |
80 | // Handle events from the parent
81 | bellhop.on('user', function(event){
82 | // Capture the data from the event
83 | const user = event.data;
84 | });
85 | </script>
86 | ```
87 |
88 | ## Available Methods
89 |
90 | ### `new Bellhop`
91 |
92 | The constructor creates a new `Bellhop` instance, taking an optional unique identifier for this instance. If no id is provided, a random one is selected
93 |
94 | ### `connect`
95 |
96 | Connects a `Bellhop` instance to an iframe, or it's containing window. For instance, given a `Bellhop` instance `bellhop`:
97 |
98 | ```javascript
99 | bellhop.connect();
100 | ```
101 |
102 | will connect a child iframe to it's parent, allowing it to emit messages _out_ of the iframe. However,
103 |
104 | ```javascript
105 | var iframe = document.querySelector('iframe');
106 | bellhop.connect(iframe);
107 | ```
108 |
109 | allows a containing page to connect with an interior iframe and emit message _into_ the iframe.
110 |
111 | ### `destroy`
112 |
113 | `disconnect` removes any listener for events from another frame, and stops listening for messages altogether
114 |
115 | ### `off`
116 |
117 | Removes an event listener previously added by the `.on()` method, or removes a given callback method from a listener. When deleting a callback, the function passed in is required to be the original function passed into the `.on()` method.
118 | ```javascript
119 | bellhop.off(‘init’); // removes the listener ‘init’ and all callbacks assigned to it
120 |
121 | bellhop.off(‘init’, callback) // removes the specific callback provided without removing the listener
122 | ```
123 |
124 | ### `send`
125 |
126 | Sends a named message to another iframe:
127 |
128 | ```javascript
129 | bellhop.send('newHighscore', { value: 100 });
130 | ```
131 |
132 | ### `fetch` and `respond`
133 |
134 | Convenience methods for automating response of values between the interior and exterior of frames. For instance:
135 |
136 | ```javascript
137 | // index.html
138 | var iframe = document.querySelector('iframe');
139 | var bellhop = new Bellhop(iframe);
140 | bellhop.connect();
141 | bellhop.respond('config', { difficulty: 'hard', theme: 'dark' });
142 |
143 |
144 | // child.html
145 | var bellhop = new Bellhop();
146 | bellhop.connect();
147 | bellhop.fetch('config', function(result) {
148 | console.log(result); // { difficulty: 'hard', theme: 'dark' }
149 | });
150 | ```
151 |
152 | Additionally, object passed to respond() can be a function, whose result will be returned in the callback of the fetch function.
153 |
154 | ```javascript
155 | // index.html
156 | var functionExample = function(){
157 | return "result of functionExample";
158 | };
159 | bellhop.respond('function', functionExample);
160 |
161 | // child.html
162 | bellhop.fetch('function', function(result) {
163 | console.log(result.data); //result of functionExample
164 | });
165 | ```
166 |
167 | Furthermore, respond() accepts a plain object, string, or number. If a function is passed, it will be called and the function's return-value sent. If a promise is passed in or returned from a function that was passed in, that promise will be await-ed before it's value returned.
168 |
169 | For example, the following all return `"data"` to `bellhop.fetch()`
170 |
171 | ```javascript
172 |
173 | //(example)
174 | bellhop.respond('example', "data");
175 |
176 | //OR (promise example)
177 | let promiseData = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
178 | resolve("data")
179 | });
180 | bellhop.respond('example', promiseData)
181 |
182 | //OR (function example)
183 | var functionExample = function(){
184 | return "data";
185 | };
186 | bellhop.respond('example', functionExample);
187 |
188 | //OR (function that returns a promise)
189 | var functionPromiseExample = function(){
190 | return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
191 | resolve("data")
192 | });
193 | };
194 | bellhop.respond('example', functionPromiseExample);
195 | ```
196 |
197 | ### `trigger`
198 |
199 | Triggers any event handlers for a given event type optionally passing data to other areas in the app that are listening for this event
200 |
201 | ``` javascript
202 | bellhop.trigger('eventType', {data: 'example'}); // triggers the event 'eventType' passing data to it's handlers
203 | ```
204 |
205 | ### `Debug Mode`
206 |
207 | Bellhop has a debug mode which enables additional logging when an instance sends or receives
208 | a message. It can be enabled by simply setting the `debug` flag to `true`:
209 |
210 | ```javascript
211 | bellhop.debug = true;
212 | ```
213 |
214 | By default (above method) it will print a message outlining whether the bellhop instance was a
215 | child or parent, whether the message was sent or received, and the contents of the message. If you require additional or custom logging you can also pass a function as the flag.
216 |
217 | ```javascript
218 | const log = () => {console.log('Hello World!');}
219 | bellhop.debug = log; // Hello World!
220 | ```
221 |
222 | If you pass a function to debug three parameters* are passed to help fill out the log statements if required:
223 |
224 | ```javascript
225 | const log = ({isChild, received, message}) => {
226 | console.log(isChild); // (boolean) whether the instance is a child or parent.
227 | console.log(received); // (boolean) whether the instance has received a message or sent one.
228 | console.log(message); // (object) the content of the message.
229 | }
230 | ```
231 |
232 | *Note: the names must be identical, but you are able to omit any or all if they're not required.
233 |
234 | ### `target`
235 |
236 | Property for retrieving the iframe element through which this `Bellhop` instance is communicating:
237 |
238 | ```javascript
239 | var iframe = document.querySelector('iframe');
240 | var bellhop = new Bellhop(iframe);
241 |
242 | console.log(bellhop.target === iframe.contentWindow); // true
243 | ```
244 |
245 | ## License
246 |
247 | Copyright (c) 2021 [Springroll](https://github.com/SpringRoll)
248 |
249 | Released under the MIT License.