1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 | (function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
11 | if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
12 | module.exports = factory(require("d3-axis"), require("d3-brush"), require("d3-drag"), require("d3-dsv"), require("d3-ease"), require("d3-hierarchy"), require("d3-interpolate"), require("d3-scale"), require("d3-selection"), require("d3-shape"), require("d3-time-format"), require("d3-transition"), require("d3-zoom"));
13 | else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
14 | define(["d3-axis", "d3-brush", "d3-drag", "d3-dsv", "d3-ease", "d3-hierarchy", "d3-interpolate", "d3-scale", "d3-selection", "d3-shape", "d3-time-format", "d3-transition", "d3-zoom"], factory);
15 | else {
16 | var a = typeof exports === 'object' ? factory(require("d3-axis"), require("d3-brush"), require("d3-drag"), require("d3-dsv"), require("d3-ease"), require("d3-hierarchy"), require("d3-interpolate"), require("d3-scale"), require("d3-selection"), require("d3-shape"), require("d3-time-format"), require("d3-transition"), require("d3-zoom")) : factory(root["d3"], root["d3"], root["d3"], root["d3"], root["d3"], root["d3"], root["d3"], root["d3"], root["d3"], root["d3"], root["d3"], root["d3"], root["d3"]);
17 | for(var i in a) (typeof exports === 'object' ? exports : root)[i] = a[i];
18 | }
20 | return (function() {
21 | "use strict";
22 | var __webpack_modules__ = ([
23 | ,
24 | ,
25 |
26 | (function(module) {
27 |
28 | module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__2__;
29 |
30 | }),
31 |
32 | (function(module) {
33 |
34 | module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__3__;
35 |
36 | }),
37 |
38 | (function(module) {
39 |
40 | module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__4__;
41 |
42 | }),
43 |
44 | (function(module) {
45 |
46 | module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__5__;
47 |
48 | }),
49 |
50 | (function(module) {
51 |
52 | module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__6__;
53 |
54 | }),
55 |
56 | (function(module) {
57 |
58 | module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__7__;
59 |
60 | }),
61 |
62 | (function(module) {
63 |
64 | module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__8__;
65 |
66 | }),
67 |
68 | (function(module) {
69 |
70 | module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__9__;
71 |
72 | }),
73 |
74 | (function(module) {
75 |
76 | module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__10__;
77 |
78 | }),
79 |
80 | (function(module) {
81 |
82 | module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__11__;
83 |
84 | }),
85 |
86 | (function(module) {
87 |
88 | module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__12__;
89 |
90 | }),
91 |
92 | (function(module) {
93 |
94 | module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__13__;
95 |
96 | }),
97 |
98 | (function(module) {
99 |
100 | module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__14__;
101 |
102 | })
103 | ]);
104 |
105 |
106 | var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};
107 |
108 |
109 | function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
110 |
111 | var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];
112 | if (cachedModule !== undefined) {
113 | return cachedModule.exports;
114 | }
115 |
116 | var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
117 |
118 |
119 | exports: {}
120 | };
121 |
122 |
123 | __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
124 |
125 |
126 | return module.exports;
127 | }
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 | !function() {
132 |
133 | __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, definition) {
134 | for(var key in definition) {
135 | if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
136 | Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
137 | }
138 | }
139 | };
140 | }();
141 |
142 |
143 | !function() {
144 | __webpack_require__.o = function(obj, prop) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop); }
145 | }();
146 |
147 |
148 | !function() {
149 |
150 | __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {
151 | if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
152 | Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });
153 | }
154 | Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
155 | };
156 | }();
157 |
158 |
159 | var __webpack_exports__ = {};
160 |
161 | !function() {
162 |
163 |
164 | }();
165 |
166 | !function() {
167 |
168 | __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
169 |
170 |
171 | __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
172 | bb: function() { return bb; },
173 | "default": function() { return bb; }
174 | });
175 |
176 |
177 | var resolver_interaction_namespaceObject = {};
178 | __webpack_require__.r(resolver_interaction_namespaceObject);
179 | __webpack_require__.d(resolver_interaction_namespaceObject, {
180 | selection: function() { return selectionModule; },
181 | subchart: function() { return subchartModule; },
182 | zoom: function() { return zoomModule; }
183 | });
184 |
185 |
186 | var resolver_shape_namespaceObject = {};
187 | __webpack_require__.r(resolver_shape_namespaceObject);
188 | __webpack_require__.d(resolver_shape_namespaceObject, {
189 | area: function() { return resolver_shape_area; },
190 | areaLineRange: function() { return areaLineRange; },
191 | areaSpline: function() { return areaSpline; },
192 | areaSplineRange: function() { return areaSplineRange; },
193 | areaStep: function() { return areaStep; },
194 | areaStepRange: function() { return areaStepRange; },
195 | bar: function() { return resolver_shape_bar; },
196 | bubble: function() { return resolver_shape_bubble; },
197 | candlestick: function() { return resolver_shape_candlestick; },
198 | donut: function() { return shape_donut; },
199 | funnel: function() { return resolver_shape_funnel; },
200 | gauge: function() { return resolver_shape_gauge; },
201 | line: function() { return resolver_shape_line; },
202 | pie: function() { return shape_pie; },
203 | polar: function() { return resolver_shape_polar; },
204 | radar: function() { return resolver_shape_radar; },
205 | scatter: function() { return shape_scatter; },
206 | spline: function() { return shape_spline; },
207 | step: function() { return step; },
208 | treemap: function() { return resolver_shape_treemap; }
209 | });
210 |
211 |
212 | var external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(2);
213 |
214 | var external_commonjs_d3_time_format_commonjs2_d3_time_format_amd_d3_time_format_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(3);
215 | ;
216 | var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
217 | var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
218 | var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
219 | var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
220 | var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
221 | var __spreadValues = (a, b) => {
222 | for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
223 | if (__hasOwnProp.call(b, prop))
224 | __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
225 | if (__getOwnPropSymbols)
226 | for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
227 | if (__propIsEnum.call(b, prop))
228 | __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
229 | }
230 | return a;
231 | };
232 | const $COMMON = {
233 | button: "bb-button",
234 | chart: "bb-chart",
235 | empty: "bb-empty",
236 | main: "bb-main",
237 | target: "bb-target",
238 | EXPANDED: "_expanded_"
239 | };
240 | const $ARC = {
241 | arc: "bb-arc",
242 | arcLabelLine: "bb-arc-label-line",
243 | arcRange: "bb-arc-range",
244 | arcs: "bb-arcs",
245 | chartArc: "bb-chart-arc",
246 | chartArcs: "bb-chart-arcs",
247 | chartArcsBackground: "bb-chart-arcs-background",
248 | chartArcsTitle: "bb-chart-arcs-title",
249 | needle: "bb-needle"
250 | };
251 | const $AREA = {
252 | area: "bb-area",
253 | areas: "bb-areas"
254 | };
255 | const $AXIS = {
256 | axis: "bb-axis",
257 | axisX: "bb-axis-x",
258 | axisXLabel: "bb-axis-x-label",
259 | axisY: "bb-axis-y",
260 | axisY2: "bb-axis-y2",
261 | axisY2Label: "bb-axis-y2-label",
262 | axisYLabel: "bb-axis-y-label",
263 | axisXTooltip: "bb-axis-x-tooltip",
264 | axisYTooltip: "bb-axis-y-tooltip",
265 | axisY2Tooltip: "bb-axis-y2-tooltip"
266 | };
267 | const $BAR = {
268 | bar: "bb-bar",
269 | bars: "bb-bars",
270 | chartBar: "bb-chart-bar",
271 | chartBars: "bb-chart-bars"
272 | };
273 | const $CANDLESTICK = {
274 | candlestick: "bb-candlestick",
275 | candlesticks: "bb-candlesticks",
276 | chartCandlestick: "bb-chart-candlestick",
277 | chartCandlesticks: "bb-chart-candlesticks",
278 | valueDown: "bb-value-down",
279 | valueUp: "bb-value-up"
280 | };
281 | const $CIRCLE = {
282 | chartCircles: "bb-chart-circles",
283 | circle: "bb-circle",
284 | circles: "bb-circles"
285 | };
286 | const $COLOR = {
287 | colorPattern: "bb-color-pattern",
288 | colorScale: "bb-colorscale"
289 | };
290 | const $DRAG = {
291 | dragarea: "bb-dragarea",
292 | INCLUDED: "_included_"
293 | };
294 | const $FUNNEL = {
295 | funnel: "bb-funnel",
296 | chartFunnel: "bb-chart-funnel",
297 | chartFunnels: "bb-chart-funnels",
298 | funnelBackground: "bb-funnel-background"
299 | };
300 | const $GAUGE = {
301 | chartArcsGaugeMax: "bb-chart-arcs-gauge-max",
302 | chartArcsGaugeMin: "bb-chart-arcs-gauge-min",
303 | chartArcsGaugeUnit: "bb-chart-arcs-gauge-unit",
304 | chartArcsGaugeTitle: "bb-chart-arcs-gauge-title",
305 | gaugeValue: "bb-gauge-value"
306 | };
307 | const $LEGEND = {
308 | legend: "bb-legend",
309 | legendBackground: "bb-legend-background",
310 | legendItem: "bb-legend-item",
311 | legendItemEvent: "bb-legend-item-event",
312 | legendItemHidden: "bb-legend-item-hidden",
313 | legendItemPoint: "bb-legend-item-point",
314 | legendItemTile: "bb-legend-item-tile"
315 | };
316 | const $LINE = {
317 | chartLine: "bb-chart-line",
318 | chartLines: "bb-chart-lines",
319 | line: "bb-line",
320 | lines: "bb-lines"
321 | };
322 | const $EVENT = {
323 | eventRect: "bb-event-rect",
324 | eventRects: "bb-event-rects",
325 | eventRectsMultiple: "bb-event-rects-multiple",
326 | eventRectsSingle: "bb-event-rects-single"
327 | };
328 | const $FOCUS = {
329 | focused: "bb-focused",
330 | defocused: "bb-defocused",
331 | legendItemFocused: "bb-legend-item-focused",
332 | xgridFocus: "bb-xgrid-focus",
333 | ygridFocus: "bb-ygrid-focus"
334 | };
335 | const $GRID = {
336 | grid: "bb-grid",
337 | gridLines: "bb-grid-lines",
338 | xgrid: "bb-xgrid",
339 | xgridLine: "bb-xgrid-line",
340 | xgridLines: "bb-xgrid-lines",
341 | xgrids: "bb-xgrids",
342 | ygrid: "bb-ygrid",
343 | ygridLine: "bb-ygrid-line",
344 | ygridLines: "bb-ygrid-lines",
345 | ygrids: "bb-ygrids"
346 | };
347 | const $LEVEL = {
348 | level: "bb-level",
349 | levels: "bb-levels"
350 | };
351 | const $RADAR = {
352 | chartRadar: "bb-chart-radar",
353 | chartRadars: "bb-chart-radars"
354 | };
355 | const $REGION = {
356 | region: "bb-region",
357 | regions: "bb-regions"
358 | };
359 | const $SELECT = {
360 | selectedCircle: "bb-selected-circle",
361 | selectedCircles: "bb-selected-circles",
362 | SELECTED: "_selected_"
363 | };
364 | const $SHAPE = {
365 | shape: "bb-shape",
366 | shapes: "bb-shapes"
367 | };
368 | const $SUBCHART = {
369 | brush: "bb-brush",
370 | subchart: "bb-subchart"
371 | };
372 | const $TEXT = {
373 | chartText: "bb-chart-text",
374 | chartTexts: "bb-chart-texts",
375 | text: "bb-text",
376 | texts: "bb-texts",
377 | title: "bb-title",
378 | TextOverlapping: "text-overlapping"
379 | };
380 | const $TOOLTIP = {
381 | tooltip: "bb-tooltip",
382 | tooltipContainer: "bb-tooltip-container",
383 | tooltipName: "bb-tooltip-name"
384 | };
385 | const $TREEMAP = {
386 | treemap: "bb-treemap",
387 | chartTreemap: "bb-chart-treemap",
388 | chartTreemaps: "bb-chart-treemaps"
389 | };
390 | const $ZOOM = {
391 | buttonZoomReset: "bb-zoom-reset",
392 | zoomBrush: "bb-zoom-brush"
393 | };
394 | var classes = (__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, $COMMON), $ARC), $AREA), $AXIS), $BAR), $CANDLESTICK), $CIRCLE), $COLOR), $DRAG), $GAUGE), $LEGEND), $LINE), $EVENT), $FOCUS), $FUNNEL), $GRID), $RADAR), $REGION), $SELECT), $SHAPE), $SUBCHART), $TEXT), $TOOLTIP), $TREEMAP), $ZOOM));
395 |
396 | ;
397 | var boost = ({
398 | |
399 |
400 |
401 |
402 |
403 |
404 |
405 |
406 |
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
411 |
412 |
413 |
414 |
415 |
416 |
417 |
418 | boost_useCssRule: false,
419 | boost_useWorker: false
420 | });
421 |
422 | ;
423 | var color = ({
424 | |
425 |
426 |
427 |
428 |
429 |
430 |
431 |
432 |
433 |
434 |
435 |
436 |
437 |
438 |
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484 |
485 |
486 |
487 |
488 |
489 |
490 |
491 |
492 |
493 |
494 |
495 |
496 |
497 |
498 | color_pattern: [],
499 | color_tiles: void 0,
500 | color_threshold: {},
501 | color_onover: void 0
502 | });
503 |
504 | ;
505 | var legend = ({
506 | |
507 |
508 |
509 |
510 |
511 |
512 |
513 |
514 |
515 |
516 |
517 |
518 |
519 |
520 |
521 |
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637 |
638 |
639 |
640 |
641 |
642 |
643 |
644 |
645 |
646 |
647 |
648 |
649 |
650 |
651 | legend_contents_bindto: void 0,
652 | legend_contents_template: "<span style='color:#fff;padding:5px;background-color:{=COLOR}'>{=TITLE}</span>",
653 | legend_equally: false,
654 | legend_hide: false,
655 | legend_inset_anchor: "top-left",
656 | legend_inset_x: 10,
657 | legend_inset_y: 0,
658 | legend_inset_step: void 0,
659 | legend_item_interaction: true,
660 | legend_item_dblclick: false,
661 | legend_item_onclick: void 0,
662 | legend_item_onover: void 0,
663 | legend_item_onout: void 0,
664 | legend_item_tile_width: 10,
665 | legend_item_tile_height: 10,
666 | legend_item_tile_r: 5,
667 | legend_item_tile_type: "rectangle",
668 | legend_format: void 0,
669 | legend_padding: 0,
670 | legend_position: "bottom",
671 | legend_show: true,
672 | legend_tooltip: false,
673 | legend_usePoint: false
674 | });
675 |
676 | ;
677 | var main = ({
678 | |
679 |
680 |
681 |
682 |
683 |
684 |
685 |
686 |
687 |
688 |
689 |
690 |
691 |
692 |
693 |
694 |
695 |
696 |
697 |
698 |
699 |
700 |
701 |
702 |
703 |
704 | bindto: "#chart",
705 | |
706 |
707 |
708 |
709 |
710 |
711 |
712 |
713 |
714 |
715 |
716 |
717 |
718 |
719 |
720 |
721 |
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723 |
724 | background: {},
725 | |
726 |
727 |
728 |
729 |
730 |
731 |
732 |
733 |
734 |
735 |
736 |
737 |
738 |
739 | clipPath: true,
740 | |
741 |
742 |
743 |
744 |
745 |
746 |
747 |
748 |
749 |
750 |
751 |
752 | svg_classname: void 0,
753 | |
754 |
755 |
756 |
757 |
758 |
759 |
760 |
761 |
762 |
763 |
764 |
765 |
766 |
767 |
768 |
769 | size_width: void 0,
770 | size_height: void 0,
771 | |
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809 |
810 |
811 |
812 |
813 |
814 | padding: true,
815 | padding_mode: void 0,
816 | padding_left: void 0,
817 | padding_right: void 0,
818 | padding_top: void 0,
819 | padding_bottom: void 0,
820 | |
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855 | resize_auto: true,
856 | resize_timer: true,
857 | |
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860 |
861 |
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863 |
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865 |
866 |
867 |
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870 | onclick: void 0,
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884 | onover: void 0,
885 | |
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890 |
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894 |
895 |
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897 |
898 | onout: void 0,
899 | |
900 |
901 |
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903 |
904 |
905 |
906 |
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910 |
911 | onresize: void 0,
912 | |
913 |
914 |
915 |
916 |
917 |
918 |
919 |
920 |
921 |
922 |
923 |
924 | onresized: void 0,
925 | |
926 |
927 |
928 |
929 |
930 |
931 |
932 |
933 |
934 |
935 |
936 |
937 | onbeforeinit: void 0,
938 | |
939 |
940 |
941 |
942 |
943 |
944 |
945 |
946 |
947 |
948 |
949 |
950 | oninit: void 0,
951 | |
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954 |
955 |
956 |
957 |
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959 |
960 |
961 |
962 |
963 | onafterinit: void 0,
964 | |
965 |
966 |
967 |
968 |
969 |
970 |
971 |
972 |
973 |
974 |
975 |
976 | onrendered: void 0,
977 | |
978 |
979 |
980 |
981 |
982 |
983 |
984 |
985 |
986 |
987 |
988 |
989 |
990 | transition_duration: 250,
991 | |
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999 |
1000 |
1001 |
1002 |
1003 | plugins: [],
1004 | |
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1010 |
1011 |
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1047 | render: {},
1048 | |
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1071 |
1072 |
1073 |
1074 |
1075 |
1076 |
1077 |
1078 | regions: []
1079 | });
1080 |
1081 | ;
1082 | var title = ({
1083 | |
1084 |
1085 |
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1088 |
1089 |
1090 |
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1100 |
1101 |
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1103 |
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1106 |
1107 |
1108 |
1109 |
1110 |
1111 |
1112 | title_text: void 0,
1113 | title_padding: {
1114 | top: 0,
1115 | right: 0,
1116 | bottom: 0,
1117 | left: 0
1118 | },
1119 | title_position: "center"
1120 | });
1121 |
1122 | ;
1123 | var tooltip = ({
1124 | |
1125 |
1126 |
1127 |
1128 |
1129 |
1130 |
1131 |
1132 |
1133 |
1134 |
1135 |
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1344 |
1345 |
1346 | tooltip_show: true,
1347 | tooltip_doNotHide: false,
1348 | tooltip_grouped: true,
1349 | tooltip_format_title: void 0,
1350 | tooltip_format_name: void 0,
1351 | tooltip_format_value: void 0,
1352 | tooltip_position: void 0,
1353 | tooltip_contents: {},
1354 | tooltip_init_show: false,
1355 | tooltip_init_x: 0,
1356 | tooltip_init_position: void 0,
1357 | tooltip_linked: false,
1358 | tooltip_linked_name: "",
1359 | tooltip_onshow: () => {
1360 | },
1361 | tooltip_onhide: () => {
1362 | },
1363 | tooltip_onshown: () => {
1364 | },
1365 | tooltip_onhidden: () => {
1366 | },
1367 | tooltip_order: null
1368 | });
1369 |
1370 | ;
1371 | var data = ({
1372 | |
1373 |
1374 |
1375 |
1376 |
1377 |
1378 |
1379 |
1380 |
1381 |
1382 |
1383 |
1384 | data_x: void 0,
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1393 |
1394 |
1395 |
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1400 |
1401 |
1402 |
1403 |
1404 | data_idConverter: (id) => id,
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1406 |
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1408 |
1409 |
1410 |
1411 |
1412 |
1413 |
1414 |
1415 |
1416 |
1417 |
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1420 |
1421 | data_names: {},
1422 | |
1423 |
1424 |
1425 |
1426 |
1427 |
1428 |
1429 |
1430 |
1431 |
1432 |
1433 |
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1437 | data_classes: {},
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1503 | data_type: void 0,
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1554 |
1555 | data_types: {},
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1599 |
1600 |
1601 |
1602 |
1603 |
1604 |
1605 |
1606 | data_order: "desc",
1607 | |
1608 |
1609 |
1610 |
1611 |
1612 |
1613 |
1614 |
1615 |
1616 |
1617 |
1618 |
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1620 |
1621 | data_groups: [],
1622 | |
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1624 |
1625 |
1626 |
1627 |
1628 |
1629 |
1630 |
1631 |
1632 |
1633 |
1634 |
1635 |
1636 |
1637 |
1638 | data_groupsZeroAs: "positive",
1639 | |
1640 |
1641 |
1642 |
1643 |
1644 |
1645 |
1646 |
1647 |
1648 |
1649 |
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1652 | data_color: void 0,
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1670 | data_colors: {},
1671 | |
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1677 |
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1774 |
1775 |
1776 |
1777 |
1778 |
1779 |
1780 |
1781 |
1782 |
1783 | data_labels: {},
1784 | data_labels_backgroundColors: void 0,
1785 | data_labels_colors: void 0,
1786 | data_labels_position: {},
1787 | |
1788 |
1789 |
1790 |
1791 |
1792 |
1793 |
1794 |
1795 |
1796 |
1797 |
1798 |
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1800 |
1801 |
1802 |
1803 | data_hide: false,
1804 | |
1805 |
1806 |
1807 |
1808 |
1809 |
1810 |
1811 |
1812 |
1813 |
1814 |
1815 |
1816 |
1817 |
1818 |
1819 |
1820 |
1821 |
1822 | data_filter: void 0,
1823 | |
1824 |
1825 |
1826 |
1827 |
1828 |
1829 |
1830 |
1831 |
1832 |
1833 |
1834 |
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1837 |
1838 |
1839 |
1840 |
1841 |
1842 | data_onclick: () => {
1843 | },
1844 | |
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1848 |
1849 |
1850 |
1851 |
1852 |
1853 |
1854 |
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1859 |
1860 |
1861 |
1862 |
1863 | data_onover: () => {
1864 | },
1865 | |
1866 |
1867 |
1868 |
1869 |
1870 |
1871 |
1872 |
1873 |
1874 |
1875 |
1876 |
1877 |
1878 |
1879 |
1880 |
1881 |
1882 |
1883 |
1884 | data_onout: () => {
1885 | },
1886 | |
1887 |
1888 |
1889 |
1890 |
1891 |
1892 |
1893 |
1894 |
1895 |
1896 |
1897 |
1898 |
1899 |
1900 |
1901 | data_onshown: void 0,
1902 | |
1903 |
1904 |
1905 |
1906 |
1907 |
1908 |
1909 |
1910 |
1911 |
1912 |
1913 |
1914 |
1915 |
1916 |
1917 | data_onhidden: void 0,
1918 | |
1919 |
1920 |
1921 |
1922 |
1923 |
1924 |
1925 |
1926 |
1927 |
1928 |
1929 |
1930 |
1931 |
1932 | data_onmin: void 0,
1933 | |
1934 |
1935 |
1936 |
1937 |
1938 |
1939 |
1940 |
1941 |
1942 |
1943 |
1944 |
1945 |
1946 |
1947 | data_onmax: void 0,
1948 | |
1949 |
1950 |
1951 |
1952 |
1953 |
1954 |
1955 |
1956 |
1957 |
1958 |
1959 |
1960 | data_url: void 0,
1961 | |
1962 |
1963 |
1964 |
1965 |
1966 |
1967 |
1968 |
1969 |
1970 |
1971 |
1972 |
1973 |
1974 |
1975 |
1976 |
1977 |
1978 | data_headers: void 0,
1979 | |
1980 |
1981 |
1982 |
1983 |
1984 |
1985 |
1986 |
1987 |
1988 |
1989 |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
2004 |
2005 | data_json: void 0,
2006 | |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
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2085 |
2086 |
2087 |
2088 |
2089 |
2090 |
2091 |
2092 |
2093 |
2094 |
2095 |
2096 | data_rows: void 0,
2097 | |
2098 |
2099 |
2100 |
2101 |
2102 |
2103 |
2104 |
2105 |
2106 |
2107 |
2108 |
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2110 |
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2153 |
2154 |
2155 |
2156 |
2157 |
2158 |
2159 |
2160 |
2161 |
2162 |
2163 |
2164 |
2165 | data_columns: void 0,
2166 | |
2167 |
2168 |
2169 |
2170 |
2171 |
2172 |
2173 |
2174 |
2175 |
2176 |
2177 |
2178 |
2179 |
2180 |
2181 | data_mimeType: "csv",
2182 | |
2183 |
2184 |
2185 |
2186 |
2187 |
2188 |
2189 |
2190 |
2191 |
2192 |
2193 |
2194 |
2195 |
2196 |
2197 |
2198 |
2199 |
2200 |
2201 |
2202 |
2203 |
2204 |
2205 |
2206 |
2207 | data_keys: void 0,
2208 | |
2209 |
2210 |
2211 |
2212 |
2213 |
2214 |
2215 |
2216 |
2217 |
2218 |
2219 |
2220 |
2221 |
2222 |
2223 |
2224 | data_empty_label_text: ""
2225 | });
2226 |
2227 | ;
2228 | var interaction = ({
2229 | |
2230 |
2231 |
2232 |
2233 |
2234 |
2235 |
2236 |
2237 |
2238 |
2239 |
2240 |
2241 |
2242 |
2243 |
2244 |
2245 |
2246 |
2247 |
2248 |
2249 |
2250 |
2251 |
2252 |
2253 |
2254 |
2255 |
2256 |
2257 |
2258 |
2259 |
2260 |
2261 |
2262 |
2263 |
2264 |
2265 |
2266 | interaction_enabled: true,
2267 | interaction_brighten: true,
2268 | interaction_inputType_mouse: true,
2269 | interaction_inputType_touch: {},
2270 | interaction_onout: true
2271 | });
2272 |
2273 |
2274 | var external_commonjs_d3_brush_commonjs2_d3_brush_amd_d3_brush_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(4);
2275 | ;
2276 | function getGlobal() {
2277 | return typeof globalThis === "object" && globalThis !== null && globalThis.Object === Object && globalThis || typeof global === "object" && global !== null && global.Object === Object && global || typeof self === "object" && self !== null && self.Object === Object && self || Function("return this")();
2278 | }
2279 | function getFallback(w) {
2280 | const hasRAF = typeof (w == null ? void 0 : w.requestAnimationFrame) === "function" && typeof (w == null ? void 0 : w.cancelAnimationFrame) === "function";
2281 | const hasRIC = typeof (w == null ? void 0 : w.requestIdleCallback) === "function" && typeof (w == null ? void 0 : w.cancelIdleCallback) === "function";
2282 | const request = (cb) => setTimeout(cb, 1);
2283 | const cancel = (id) => clearTimeout(id);
2284 | return [
2285 | hasRAF ? w.requestAnimationFrame : request,
2286 | hasRAF ? w.cancelAnimationFrame : cancel,
2287 | hasRIC ? w.requestIdleCallback : request,
2288 | hasRIC ? w.cancelIdleCallback : cancel
2289 | ];
2290 | }
2291 | const win = getGlobal();
2292 | const browser_doc = win == null ? void 0 : win.document;
2293 | const [
2294 | requestAnimationFrame,
2295 | cancelAnimationFrame,
2296 | requestIdleCallback,
2297 | cancelIdleCallback
2298 | ] = getFallback(win);
2299 |
2300 |
2301 | ;
2302 | var util_defProp = Object.defineProperty;
2303 | var util_getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
2304 | var util_hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
2305 | var util_propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
2306 | var util_defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? util_defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
2307 | var util_spreadValues = (a, b) => {
2308 | for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
2309 | if (util_hasOwnProp.call(b, prop))
2310 | util_defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
2311 | if (util_getOwnPropSymbols)
2312 | for (var prop of util_getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
2313 | if (util_propIsEnum.call(b, prop))
2314 | util_defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
2315 | }
2316 | return a;
2317 | };
2318 |
2319 |
2320 |
2321 |
2322 | const isValue = (v) => v || v === 0;
2323 | const isFunction = (v) => typeof v === "function";
2324 | const isString = (v) => typeof v === "string";
2325 | const isNumber = (v) => typeof v === "number";
2326 | const isUndefined = (v) => typeof v === "undefined";
2327 | const isDefined = (v) => typeof v !== "undefined";
2328 | const isBoolean = (v) => typeof v === "boolean";
2329 | const ceil10 = (v) => Math.ceil(v / 10) * 10;
2330 | const asHalfPixel = (n) => Math.ceil(n) + 0.5;
2331 | const diffDomain = (d) => d[1] - d[0];
2332 | const isObjectType = (v) => typeof v === "object";
2333 | const isEmpty = (o) => isUndefined(o) || o === null || isString(o) && o.length === 0 || isObjectType(o) && !(o instanceof Date) && Object.keys(o).length === 0 || isNumber(o) && isNaN(o);
2334 | const notEmpty = (o) => !isEmpty(o);
2335 | const isArray = (arr) => Array.isArray(arr);
2336 | const isObject = (obj) => obj && !(obj == null ? void 0 : obj.nodeType) && isObjectType(obj) && !isArray(obj);
2337 | function getOption(options, key, defaultValue) {
2338 | return isDefined(options[key]) ? options[key] : defaultValue;
2339 | }
2340 | function hasValue(dict, value) {
2341 | let found = false;
2342 | Object.keys(dict).forEach((key) => dict[key] === value && (found = true));
2343 | return found;
2344 | }
2345 | function callFn(fn, thisArg, ...args) {
2346 | const isFn = isFunction(fn);
2347 | isFn && fn.call(thisArg, ...args);
2348 | return isFn;
2349 | }
2350 | function endall(transition, cb) {
2351 | let n = 0;
2352 | const end = function(...args) {
2353 | !--n && cb.apply(this, ...args);
2354 | };
2355 | if ("duration" in transition) {
2356 | transition.each(() => ++n).on("end", end);
2357 | } else {
2358 | ++n;
2359 | transition.call(end);
2360 | }
2361 | }
2362 | function sanitize(str) {
2363 | return isString(str) ? str.replace(/<(script|img)?/ig, "<").replace(/(script)?>/ig, ">") : str;
2364 | }
2365 | function setTextValue(node, text, dy = [-1, 1], toMiddle = false) {
2366 | if (!node || !isString(text)) {
2367 | return;
2368 | }
2369 | if (text.indexOf("\n") === -1) {
2370 | node.text(text);
2371 | } else {
2372 | const diff = [node.text(), text].map((v) => v.replace(/[\s\n]/g, ""));
2373 | if (diff[0] !== diff[1]) {
2374 | const multiline = text.split("\n");
2375 | const len = toMiddle ? multiline.length - 1 : 1;
2376 | node.html("");
2377 | multiline.forEach((v, i) => {
2378 | node.append("tspan").attr("x", 0).attr("dy", `${i === 0 ? dy[0] * len : dy[1]}em`).text(v);
2379 | });
2380 | }
2381 | }
2382 | }
2383 | function getRectSegList(path) {
2384 | const { x, y, width, height } = path.getBBox();
2385 | return [
2386 | { x, y: y + height },
2387 |
2388 | { x, y },
2389 |
2390 | { x: x + width, y },
2391 |
2392 | { x: x + width, y: y + height }
2393 |
2394 | ];
2395 | }
2396 | function getPathBox(path) {
2397 | const { width, height } = path.getBoundingClientRect();
2398 | const items = getRectSegList(path);
2399 | const x = items[0].x;
2400 | const y = Math.min(items[0].y, items[1].y);
2401 | return {
2402 | x,
2403 | y,
2404 | width,
2405 | height
2406 | };
2407 | }
2408 | function getPointer(event, element) {
2409 | var _a;
2410 | const touches = event && ((_a = event.touches || event.sourceEvent && event.sourceEvent.touches) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]);
2411 | let pointer = [0, 0];
2412 | try {
2413 | pointer = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.pointer)(touches || event, element);
2414 | } catch (e) {
2415 | }
2416 | return pointer.map((v) => isNaN(v) ? 0 : v);
2417 | }
2418 | function getBrushSelection(ctx) {
2419 | const { event, $el } = ctx;
2420 | const main = $el.subchart.main || $el.main;
2421 | let selection;
2422 | if (event && event.type === "brush") {
2423 | selection = event.selection;
2424 | } else if (main && (selection = main.select(".bb-brush").node())) {
2425 | selection = (0,external_commonjs_d3_brush_commonjs2_d3_brush_amd_d3_brush_root_d3_.brushSelection)(selection);
2426 | }
2427 | return selection;
2428 | }
2429 | function getBoundingRect(node) {
2430 | const needEvaluate = !("rect" in node) || "rect" in node && node.hasAttribute("width") && node.rect.width !== +node.getAttribute("width");
2431 | return needEvaluate ? node.rect = node.getBoundingClientRect() : node.rect;
2432 | }
2433 | function getRandom(asStr = true, min = 0, max = 1e4) {
2434 | const crpt = win.crypto || win.msCrypto;
2435 | const rand = crpt ? min + crpt.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0] % (max - min + 1) : Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);
2436 | return asStr ? String(rand) : rand;
2437 | }
2438 | function findIndex(arr, v, start, end, isRotated) {
2439 | if (start > end) {
2440 | return -1;
2441 | }
2442 | const mid = Math.floor((start + end) / 2);
2443 | let { x, w = 0 } = arr[mid];
2444 | if (isRotated) {
2445 | x = arr[mid].y;
2446 | w = arr[mid].h;
2447 | }
2448 | if (v >= x && v <= x + w) {
2449 | return mid;
2450 | }
2451 | return v < x ? findIndex(arr, v, start, mid - 1, isRotated) : findIndex(arr, v, mid + 1, end, isRotated);
2452 | }
2453 | function brushEmpty(ctx) {
2454 | const selection = getBrushSelection(ctx);
2455 | if (selection) {
2456 | return selection[0] === selection[1];
2457 | }
2458 | return true;
2459 | }
2460 | function deepClone(...objectN) {
2461 | const clone = (v) => {
2462 | if (isObject(v) && v.constructor) {
2463 | const r = new v.constructor();
2464 | for (const k in v) {
2465 | r[k] = clone(v[k]);
2466 | }
2467 | return r;
2468 | }
2469 | return v;
2470 | };
2471 | return objectN.map((v) => clone(v)).reduce((a, c) => util_spreadValues(util_spreadValues({}, a), c));
2472 | }
2473 | function extend(target = {}, source) {
2474 | if (isArray(source)) {
2475 | source.forEach((v) => extend(target, v));
2476 | }
2477 | for (const p in source) {
2478 | if (/^\d+$/.test(p) || p in target) {
2479 | continue;
2480 | }
2481 | target[p] = source[p];
2482 | }
2483 | return target;
2484 | }
2485 | const capitalize = (str) => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
2486 | function camelize(str, separator = "-") {
2487 | return str.split(separator).map((v, i) => i ? v.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + v.slice(1).toLowerCase() : v.toLowerCase()).join("");
2488 | }
2489 | const toArray = (v) => [].slice.call(v);
2490 | function addCssRules(style, selector, prop) {
2491 | const { rootSelector = "", sheet } = style;
2492 | const getSelector = (s) => s.replace(/\s?(bb-)/g, ".$1").replace(/\.+/g, ".");
2493 | const rule = `${rootSelector} ${getSelector(selector)} {${prop.join(";")}}`;
2494 | return sheet[sheet.insertRule ? "insertRule" : "addRule"](
2495 | rule,
2496 | sheet.cssRules.length
2497 | );
2498 | }
2499 | function getCssRules(styleSheets) {
2500 | let rules = [];
2501 | styleSheets.forEach((sheet) => {
2502 | var _a;
2503 | try {
2504 | if (sheet.cssRules && sheet.cssRules.length) {
2505 | rules = rules.concat(toArray(sheet.cssRules));
2506 | }
2507 | } catch (e) {
2508 | (_a = win.console) == null ? void 0 : _a.warn(`Error while reading rules from ${sheet.href}: ${e.toString()}`);
2509 | }
2510 | });
2511 | return rules;
2512 | }
2513 | function getScrollPosition(node) {
2514 | var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
2515 | return {
2516 | x: ((_b = (_a = win.pageXOffset) != null ? _a : win.scrollX) != null ? _b : 0) + ((_c = node.scrollLeft) != null ? _c : 0),
2517 | y: ((_e = (_d = win.pageYOffset) != null ? _d : win.scrollY) != null ? _e : 0) + ((_f = node.scrollTop) != null ? _f : 0)
2518 | };
2519 | }
2520 | function getTransformCTM(node, x = 0, y = 0, inverse = true) {
2521 | const point = new DOMPoint(x, y);
2522 | const screen = node.getScreenCTM();
2523 | const res = point.matrixTransform(
2524 | inverse ? screen == null ? void 0 : screen.inverse() : screen
2525 | );
2526 | if (inverse === false) {
2527 | const rect = node.getBoundingClientRect();
2528 | res.x -= rect.x;
2529 | res.y -= rect.y;
2530 | }
2531 | return res;
2532 | }
2533 | function getTranslation(node) {
2534 | const transform = node ? node.transform : null;
2535 | const baseVal = transform && transform.baseVal;
2536 | return baseVal && baseVal.numberOfItems ? baseVal.getItem(0).matrix : { a: 0, b: 0, c: 0, d: 0, e: 0, f: 0 };
2537 | }
2538 | function getUnique(data) {
2539 | const isDate = data[0] instanceof Date;
2540 | const d = (isDate ? data.map(Number) : data).filter((v, i, self) => self.indexOf(v) === i);
2541 | return isDate ? d.map((v) => new Date(v)) : d;
2542 | }
2543 | function mergeArray(arr) {
2544 | return arr && arr.length ? arr.reduce((p, c) => p.concat(c)) : [];
2545 | }
2546 | function mergeObj(target, ...objectN) {
2547 | if (!objectN.length || objectN.length === 1 && !objectN[0]) {
2548 | return target;
2549 | }
2550 | const source = objectN.shift();
2551 | if (isObject(target) && isObject(source)) {
2552 | Object.keys(source).forEach((key) => {
2553 | const value = source[key];
2554 | if (isObject(value)) {
2555 | !target[key] && (target[key] = {});
2556 | target[key] = mergeObj(target[key], value);
2557 | } else {
2558 | target[key] = isArray(value) ? value.concat() : value;
2559 | }
2560 | });
2561 | }
2562 | return mergeObj(target, ...objectN);
2563 | }
2564 | function sortValue(data, isAsc = true) {
2565 | let fn;
2566 | if (data[0] instanceof Date) {
2567 | fn = isAsc ? (a, b) => a - b : (a, b) => b - a;
2568 | } else {
2569 | if (isAsc && !data.every(isNaN)) {
2570 | fn = (a, b) => a - b;
2571 | } else if (!isAsc) {
2572 | fn = (a, b) => a > b && -1 || a < b && 1 || a === b && 0;
2573 | }
2574 | }
2575 | return data.concat().sort(fn);
2576 | }
2577 | function getMinMax(type, data) {
2578 | let res = data.filter((v) => notEmpty(v));
2579 | if (res.length) {
2580 | if (isNumber(res[0])) {
2581 | res = Math[type](...res);
2582 | } else if (res[0] instanceof Date) {
2583 | res = sortValue(res, type === "min")[0];
2584 | }
2585 | } else {
2586 | res = void 0;
2587 | }
2588 | return res;
2589 | }
2590 | const getRange = (start, end, step = 1) => {
2591 | const res = [];
2592 | const n = Math.max(0, Math.ceil((end - start) / step)) | 0;
2593 | for (let i = start; i < n; i++) {
2594 | res.push(start + i * step);
2595 | }
2596 | return res;
2597 | };
2598 | const emulateEvent = {
2599 | mouse: (() => {
2600 | const getParams = () => ({
2601 | bubbles: false,
2602 | cancelable: false,
2603 | screenX: 0,
2604 | screenY: 0,
2605 | clientX: 0,
2606 | clientY: 0
2607 | });
2608 | try {
2609 | new MouseEvent("t");
2610 | return (el, eventType, params = getParams()) => {
2611 | el.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(eventType, params));
2612 | };
2613 | } catch (e) {
2614 | return (el, eventType, params = getParams()) => {
2615 | const mouseEvent = browser_doc.createEvent("MouseEvent");
2616 | mouseEvent.initMouseEvent(
2617 | eventType,
2618 | params.bubbles,
2619 | params.cancelable,
2620 | win,
2621 | 0,
2622 |
2623 | params.screenX,
2624 | params.screenY,
2625 | params.clientX,
2626 | params.clientY,
2627 | false,
2628 | false,
2629 | false,
2630 | false,
2631 | 0,
2632 | null
2633 | );
2634 | el.dispatchEvent(mouseEvent);
2635 | };
2636 | }
2637 | })(),
2638 | touch: (el, eventType, params) => {
2639 | const touchObj = new Touch(mergeObj({
2640 | identifier: Date.now(),
2641 | target: el,
2642 | radiusX: 2.5,
2643 | radiusY: 2.5,
2644 | rotationAngle: 10,
2645 | force: 0.5
2646 | }, params));
2647 | el.dispatchEvent(new TouchEvent(eventType, {
2648 | cancelable: true,
2649 | bubbles: true,
2650 | shiftKey: true,
2651 | touches: [touchObj],
2652 | targetTouches: [],
2653 | changedTouches: [touchObj]
2654 | }));
2655 | }
2656 | };
2657 | function tplProcess(tpl, data) {
2658 | let res = tpl;
2659 | for (const x in data) {
2660 | res = res.replace(new RegExp(`{=${x}}`, "g"), data[x]);
2661 | }
2662 | return res;
2663 | }
2664 | function parseDate(date) {
2665 | var _a;
2666 | let parsedDate;
2667 | if (date instanceof Date) {
2668 | parsedDate = date;
2669 | } else if (isString(date)) {
2670 | const { config, format } = this;
2671 | parsedDate = (_a = format.dataTime(config.data_xFormat)(date)) != null ? _a : new Date(date);
2672 | } else if (isNumber(date) && !isNaN(date)) {
2673 | parsedDate = new Date(+date);
2674 | }
2675 | if (!parsedDate || isNaN(+parsedDate)) {
2676 | console && console.error && console.error(`Failed to parse x '${date}' to Date object`);
2677 | }
2678 | return parsedDate;
2679 | }
2680 | function hasViewBox(svg) {
2681 | const attr = svg.attr("viewBox");
2682 | return attr ? /(\d+(\.\d+)?){3}/.test(attr) : false;
2683 | }
2684 | function hasStyle(node, condition, all = false) {
2685 | const isD3Node = !!node.node;
2686 | let has = false;
2687 | for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(condition)) {
2688 | has = isD3Node ? node.style(key) === value : node.style[key] === value;
2689 | if (all === false && has) {
2690 | break;
2691 | }
2692 | }
2693 | return has;
2694 | }
2695 | function isTabVisible() {
2696 | var _a, _b;
2697 | return ((_a = browser_doc) == null ? void 0 : _a.hidden) === false || ((_b = browser_doc) == null ? void 0 : _b.visibilityState) === "visible";
2698 | }
2699 | function convertInputType(mouse, touch) {
2700 | const { DocumentTouch, matchMedia, navigator } = win;
2701 | const hasPointerCoarse = matchMedia == null ? void 0 : matchMedia("(pointer:coarse)").matches;
2702 | let hasTouch = false;
2703 | if (touch) {
2704 | if (navigator && "maxTouchPoints" in navigator) {
2705 | hasTouch = navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0;
2706 | } else if ("ontouchmove" in win || DocumentTouch && browser_doc instanceof DocumentTouch) {
2707 | hasTouch = true;
2708 | } else {
2709 | if (hasPointerCoarse) {
2710 | hasTouch = true;
2711 | } else {
2712 | const UA = navigator.userAgent;
2713 | hasTouch = /\b(BlackBerry|webOS|iPhone|IEMobile)\b/i.test(UA) || /\b(Android|Windows Phone|iPad|iPod)\b/i.test(UA);
2714 | }
2715 | }
2716 | }
2717 | const hasMouse = mouse && !hasPointerCoarse && (matchMedia == null ? void 0 : matchMedia("(pointer:fine)").matches);
2718 | return hasMouse && "mouse" || hasTouch && "touch" || "mouse";
2719 | }
2720 | function runUntil(fn, conditionFn) {
2721 | if (conditionFn() === false) {
2722 | requestAnimationFrame(() => runUntil(fn, conditionFn));
2723 | } else {
2724 | fn();
2725 | }
2726 | }
2727 |
2728 | ;
2729 | var Options_defProp = Object.defineProperty;
2730 | var Options_getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
2731 | var Options_hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
2732 | var Options_propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
2733 | var Options_defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? Options_defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
2734 | var Options_spreadValues = (a, b) => {
2735 | for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
2736 | if (Options_hasOwnProp.call(b, prop))
2737 | Options_defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
2738 | if (Options_getOwnPropSymbols)
2739 | for (var prop of Options_getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
2740 | if (Options_propIsEnum.call(b, prop))
2741 | Options_defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
2742 | }
2743 | return a;
2744 | };
2745 | var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => Options_defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
2746 |
2747 |
2748 |
2749 |
2750 |
2751 |
2752 |
2753 |
2754 |
2755 | const _Options = class _Options {
2756 | static setOptions(options) {
2757 | this.data = options.reduce((a, c) => Options_spreadValues(Options_spreadValues({}, a), c), this.data);
2758 | }
2759 | constructor() {
2760 | return deepClone(
2761 | main,
2762 | boost,
2763 | data,
2764 | color,
2765 | interaction,
2766 | legend,
2767 | title,
2768 | tooltip,
2769 | _Options.data
2770 | );
2771 | }
2772 | };
2773 | __publicField(_Options, "data", {});
2774 | let Options = _Options;
2775 |
2776 |
2777 | ;
2778 | class Element {
2779 | constructor() {
2780 | const element = {
2781 | chart: null,
2782 | main: null,
2783 | svg: null,
2784 | axis: {
2785 |
2786 | x: null,
2787 | y: null,
2788 | y2: null,
2789 | subX: null
2790 | },
2791 | axisTooltip: {
2792 | x: null,
2793 | y: null,
2794 | y2: null
2795 | },
2796 | defs: null,
2797 | tooltip: null,
2798 | legend: null,
2799 | title: null,
2800 | subchart: {
2801 | main: null,
2802 |
2803 | bar: null,
2804 |
2805 | line: null,
2806 |
2807 | area: null
2808 |
2809 | },
2810 | arcs: null,
2811 | bar: null,
2812 |
2813 | candlestick: null,
2814 | line: null,
2815 |
2816 | area: null,
2817 |
2818 | circle: null,
2819 |
2820 | radar: null,
2821 | text: null,
2822 |
2823 | grid: {
2824 | main: null,
2825 |
2826 | x: null,
2827 |
2828 | y: null
2829 |
2830 | },
2831 | gridLines: {
2832 | main: null,
2833 |
2834 | x: null,
2835 |
2836 | y: null
2837 |
2838 | },
2839 | region: {
2840 | main: null,
2841 |
2842 | list: null
2843 |
2844 | },
2845 | eventRect: null,
2846 | zoomResetBtn: null
2847 |
2848 | };
2849 | return element;
2850 | }
2851 | }
2852 |
2853 | ;
2854 | class State {
2855 | constructor() {
2856 | return {
2857 |
2858 | width: 0,
2859 | width2: 0,
2860 | height: 0,
2861 | height2: 0,
2862 | margin: {
2863 | top: 0,
2864 | bottom: 0,
2865 | left: 0,
2866 | right: 0
2867 | },
2868 | margin2: {
2869 | top: 0,
2870 | bottom: 0,
2871 | left: 0,
2872 | right: 0
2873 | },
2874 | margin3: {
2875 | top: 0,
2876 | bottom: 0,
2877 | left: 0,
2878 | right: 0
2879 | },
2880 | arcWidth: 0,
2881 | arcHeight: 0,
2882 | xAxisHeight: 0,
2883 | hasAxis: false,
2884 | hasFunnel: false,
2885 | hasRadar: false,
2886 | hasTreemap: false,
2887 |
2888 | cssRule: {},
2889 | current: {
2890 |
2891 | domain: void 0,
2892 |
2893 | width: 0,
2894 | height: 0,
2895 | dataMax: 0,
2896 | maxTickSize: {
2897 | x: {
2898 | width: 0,
2899 | height: 0,
2900 | ticks: [],
2901 | clipPath: 0,
2902 | domain: ""
2903 | },
2904 | y: { width: 0, height: 0, domain: "" },
2905 | y2: { width: 0, height: 0, domain: "" }
2906 | },
2907 |
2908 | types: [],
2909 | needle: void 0
2910 |
2911 | },
2912 |
2913 | isLegendRight: false,
2914 | isLegendInset: false,
2915 | isLegendTop: false,
2916 | isLegendLeft: false,
2917 | legendStep: 0,
2918 | legendItemWidth: 0,
2919 | legendItemHeight: 0,
2920 | legendHasRendered: false,
2921 | eventReceiver: {
2922 | currentIdx: -1,
2923 |
2924 | rect: {},
2925 |
2926 | data: [],
2927 |
2928 | coords: []
2929 |
2930 | },
2931 | axis: {
2932 | x: {
2933 | padding: { left: 0, right: 0 },
2934 | tickCount: 0
2935 | }
2936 | },
2937 | rotatedPadding: {
2938 | left: 30,
2939 | right: 0,
2940 | top: 5
2941 | },
2942 | withoutFadeIn: {},
2943 | inputType: "",
2944 | datetimeId: "",
2945 |
2946 | clip: {
2947 | id: "",
2948 | idXAxis: "",
2949 | idYAxis: "",
2950 | idXAxisTickTexts: "",
2951 | idGrid: "",
2952 | idSubchart: "",
2953 |
2954 | path: "",
2955 | pathXAxis: "",
2956 | pathYAxis: "",
2957 | pathXAxisTickTexts: "",
2958 | pathGrid: ""
2959 | },
2960 |
2961 | event: null,
2962 |
2963 | dragStart: null,
2964 | dragging: false,
2965 | flowing: false,
2966 | cancelClick: false,
2967 | mouseover: false,
2968 | rendered: false,
2969 | transiting: false,
2970 | redrawing: false,
2971 |
2972 | resizing: false,
2973 |
2974 | toggling: false,
2975 |
2976 | zooming: false,
2977 | hasNegativeValue: false,
2978 | hasPositiveValue: true,
2979 | orgAreaOpacity: "0.2",
2980 | orgConfig: {},
2981 |
2982 |
2983 | hiddenTargetIds: [],
2984 | hiddenLegendIds: [],
2985 | focusedTargetIds: [],
2986 | defocusedTargetIds: [],
2987 |
2988 | radius: 0,
2989 | innerRadius: 0,
2990 | outerRadius: void 0,
2991 | innerRadiusRatio: 0,
2992 | gaugeArcWidth: 0,
2993 | radiusExpanded: 0,
2994 |
2995 | xgridAttr: {
2996 | x1: null,
2997 | x2: null,
2998 | y1: null,
2999 | y2: null
3000 | }
3001 | };
3002 | }
3003 | }
3004 |
3005 | ;
3006 |
3007 |
3008 | const Store_classes = {
3009 | element: Element,
3010 | state: State
3011 | };
3012 | class Store {
3013 | constructor() {
3014 | Object.keys(Store_classes).forEach((v) => {
3015 | this[v] = new Store_classes[v]();
3016 | });
3017 | }
3018 | getStore(name) {
3019 | return this[name];
3020 | }
3021 | }
3022 |
3023 | ;
3024 | var Cache_defProp = Object.defineProperty;
3025 | var Cache_defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? Cache_defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
3026 | var Cache_publicField = (obj, key, value) => Cache_defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
3027 |
3028 | const KEY = {
3029 | bubbleBaseLength: "$baseLength",
3030 | colorPattern: "__colorPattern__",
3031 | dataMinMax: "$dataMinMax",
3032 | dataTotalSum: "$dataTotalSum",
3033 | dataTotalPerIndex: "$totalPerIndex",
3034 | legendItemTextBox: "legendItemTextBox",
3035 | radarPoints: "$radarPoints",
3036 | radarTextWidth: "$radarTextWidth",
3037 | setOverOut: "setOverOut",
3038 | callOverOutForTouch: "callOverOutForTouch",
3039 | textRect: "textRect"
3040 | };
3041 | class Cache {
3042 | constructor() {
3043 | Cache_publicField(this, "cache", {});
3044 | }
3045 | |
3046 |
3047 |
3048 |
3049 |
3050 |
3051 |
3052 |
3053 | add(key, value, isDataType = false) {
3054 | this.cache[key] = isDataType ? this.cloneTarget(value) : value;
3055 | return this.cache[key];
3056 | }
3057 | |
3058 |
3059 |
3060 |
3061 |
3062 | remove(key) {
3063 | (isString(key) ? [key] : key).forEach((v) => delete this.cache[v]);
3064 | }
3065 | |
3066 |
3067 |
3068 |
3069 |
3070 |
3071 |
3072 | get(key, isDataType = false) {
3073 | if (isDataType && Array.isArray(key)) {
3074 | const targets = [];
3075 | for (let i = 0, id; id = key[i]; i++) {
3076 | if (id in this.cache) {
3077 | targets.push(this.cloneTarget(this.cache[id]));
3078 | }
3079 | }
3080 | return targets;
3081 | } else {
3082 | const value = this.cache[key];
3083 | return isValue(value) ? value : null;
3084 | }
3085 | }
3086 | |
3087 |
3088 |
3089 |
3090 |
3091 | reset(all) {
3092 | const $$ = this;
3093 | for (const x in $$.cache) {
3094 | if (all || /^\$/.test(x)) {
3095 | $$.cache[x] = null;
3096 | }
3097 | }
3098 | }
3099 | |
3100 |
3101 |
3102 |
3103 |
3104 |
3105 | cloneTarget(target) {
3106 | return {
3107 | id: target.id,
3108 | id_org: target.id_org,
3109 | values: target.values.map((d) => ({ x: d.x, value: d.value, id: d.id }))
3110 | };
3111 | }
3112 | }
3113 |
3114 | ;
3115 | const TYPE = {
3116 | AREA: "area",
3117 | AREA_LINE_RANGE: "area-line-range",
3118 | AREA_SPLINE: "area-spline",
3119 | AREA_SPLINE_RANGE: "area-spline-range",
3120 | AREA_STEP: "area-step",
3121 | AREA_STEP_RANGE: "area-step-range",
3122 | BAR: "bar",
3123 | BUBBLE: "bubble",
3124 | CANDLESTICK: "candlestick",
3125 | DONUT: "donut",
3126 | FUNNEL: "funnel",
3127 | GAUGE: "gauge",
3128 | LINE: "line",
3129 | PIE: "pie",
3130 | POLAR: "polar",
3131 | RADAR: "radar",
3132 | SCATTER: "scatter",
3133 | SPLINE: "spline",
3134 | STEP: "step",
3135 | TREEMAP: "treemap"
3136 | };
3137 | const TYPE_METHOD_NEEDED = {
3138 | AREA: "initArea",
3139 | AREA_LINE_RANGE: "initArea",
3140 | AREA_SPLINE: "initArea",
3141 | AREA_SPLINE_RANGE: "initArea",
3142 | AREA_STEP: "initArea",
3143 | AREA_STEP_RANGE: "initArea",
3144 | BAR: "initBar",
3145 | BUBBLE: "initCircle",
3146 | CANDLESTICK: "initCandlestick",
3147 | DONUT: "initArc",
3148 | FUNNEL: "initFunnel",
3149 | GAUGE: "initArc",
3150 | LINE: "initLine",
3151 | PIE: "initArc",
3152 | POLAR: "initPolar",
3153 | RADAR: "initCircle",
3154 | SCATTER: "initCircle",
3155 | SPLINE: "initLine",
3156 | STEP: "initLine",
3157 | TREEMAP: "initTreemap"
3158 | };
3159 | const TYPE_BY_CATEGORY = {
3160 | Area: [
3161 | TYPE.AREA,
3167 | ],
3168 | AreaRange: [
3172 | ],
3173 | Arc: [
3174 | TYPE.PIE,
3175 | TYPE.DONUT,
3176 | TYPE.GAUGE,
3177 | TYPE.POLAR,
3179 | ],
3180 | Line: [
3181 | TYPE.LINE,
3183 | TYPE.AREA,
3187 | TYPE.STEP,
3190 | ],
3191 | Step: [
3192 | TYPE.STEP,
3195 | ],
3196 | Spline: [
3200 | ]
3201 | };
3202 |
3203 | ;
3204 |
3205 |
3206 |
3207 |
3208 | function checkModuleImport(ctx) {
3209 | const $$ = ctx;
3210 | const { config } = $$;
3211 | let type = "";
3212 | if (isEmpty(config.data_type || config.data_types) && !$$[TYPE_METHOD_NEEDED.LINE]) {
3213 | type = "line";
3214 | } else {
3215 | for (const x in TYPE_METHOD_NEEDED) {
3216 | const t = TYPE[x];
3217 | if ($$.hasType(t) && !$$[TYPE_METHOD_NEEDED[x]]) {
3218 | type = t;
3219 | break;
3220 | }
3221 | }
3222 | }
3223 | type && logError(
3224 | `Please, make sure if %c${camelize(type)}`,
3225 | "module has been imported and specified correctly.",
3226 | "https://github.com/naver/billboard.js/wiki/CHANGELOG-v2#modularization-by-its-functionality"
3227 | );
3228 | }
3229 | function logError(head, tail, info) {
3230 | var _a;
3231 | const prefix = "[billboard.js]";
3232 | const hasConsole = (_a = win.console) == null ? void 0 : _a.error;
3233 | if (hasConsole) {
3234 | const tailMsg = tail ? ["background:red;color:white;display:block;font-size:15px", tail] : [];
3235 | console.error(
3236 | `\u274C ${prefix} ${head}`,
3237 | "background:red;color:white;display:block;font-size:15px",
3238 | ...tailMsg
3239 | );
3240 | info && console.info("%c\u2139\uFE0F", "font-size:15px", info);
3241 | }
3242 | throw Error(`${prefix} ${head.replace(/\%c([a-z-]+)/i, "'$1' ")} ${tail != null ? tail : ""}`);
3243 | }
3244 |
3245 | ;
3246 |
3247 |
3248 | const { setTimeout: generator_setTimeout, clearTimeout: generator_clearTimeout } = win;
3249 | function generateResize(option) {
3250 | const fn = [];
3251 | let timeout;
3252 | const callResizeFn = function() {
3253 | callResizeFn.clear();
3254 | if (option === false) {
3255 | requestIdleCallback(() => {
3256 | fn.forEach((f) => f());
3257 | }, { timeout: 200 });
3258 | } else {
3259 | timeout = generator_setTimeout(() => {
3260 | fn.forEach((f) => f());
3261 | }, isNumber(option) ? option : 200);
3262 | }
3263 | };
3264 | callResizeFn.clear = () => {
3265 | if (timeout) {
3266 | generator_clearTimeout(timeout);
3267 | timeout = null;
3268 | }
3269 | };
3270 | callResizeFn.add = (f) => fn.push(f);
3271 | callResizeFn.remove = (f) => fn.splice(fn.indexOf(f), 1);
3272 | return callResizeFn;
3273 | }
3274 | function generateWait() {
3275 | let transitionsToWait = [];
3276 | const f = function(selection, callback) {
3277 | function loop() {
3278 | var _a;
3279 | let done = 0;
3280 | for (let i = 0, t; t = transitionsToWait[i]; i++) {
3281 | if (t === true || ((_a = t.empty) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(t))) {
3282 | done++;
3283 | continue;
3284 | }
3285 | if (isTabVisible() === false) {
3286 | done = transitionsToWait.length;
3287 | break;
3288 | }
3289 | try {
3290 | t.transition();
3291 | } catch (e) {
3292 | done++;
3293 | }
3294 | }
3295 | return done === transitionsToWait.length;
3296 | }
3297 | runUntil(() => {
3298 | callback == null ? void 0 : callback();
3299 | }, loop);
3300 | };
3301 | f.add = function(t) {
3302 | isArray(t) ? transitionsToWait = transitionsToWait.concat(t) : transitionsToWait.push(t);
3303 | };
3304 | return f;
3305 | }
3306 |
3307 | ;
3308 |
3309 | const blob = {};
3310 | function getObjectURL(fn, depsFn) {
3311 | var _a;
3312 | const fnString = fn.toString();
3313 | const key = fnString.replace(/(function|[\s\W\n])/g, "").substring(0, 15);
3314 | if (!(key in blob)) {
3315 | blob[key] = new win.Blob([
3316 | `${(_a = depsFn == null ? void 0 : depsFn.map(String).join(";")) != null ? _a : ""}
3317 |
3318 | self.onmessage=function({data}) {
3319 | const result = (${fnString}).apply(null, data);
3320 | self.postMessage(result);
3321 | };`
3322 | ], {
3323 | type: "text/javascript"
3324 | });
3325 | }
3326 | return win.URL.createObjectURL(blob[key]);
3327 | }
3328 | function getWorker(src) {
3329 | const worker = new win.Worker(src);
3330 | worker.onerror = function(e) {
3331 | console.error ? console.error(e) : console.log(e);
3332 | };
3333 | return worker;
3334 | }
3335 | function runWorker(useWorker = true, fn, callback, depsFn) {
3336 | let runFn = function(...args) {
3337 | const res = fn(...args);
3338 | callback(res);
3339 | };
3340 | if (win.Worker && useWorker) {
3341 | const src = getObjectURL(fn, depsFn);
3342 | const worker = getWorker(src);
3343 | runFn = function(...args) {
3344 | worker.postMessage(args);
3345 | worker.onmessage = function(e) {
3346 | win.URL.revokeObjectURL(src);
3347 | return callback(e.data);
3348 | };
3349 | };
3350 | }
3351 | return runFn;
3352 | }
3353 |
3354 |
3355 | var external_commonjs_d3_dsv_commonjs2_d3_dsv_amd_d3_dsv_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(5);
3356 | ;
3357 |
3358 |
3359 | function columns(columns2) {
3360 | const newRows = [];
3361 | columns2.forEach(function(col, i) {
3362 | const key = col[0];
3363 | col.forEach(function(v, j) {
3364 | if (j > 0) {
3365 | if (typeof newRows[j - 1] === "undefined") {
3366 | newRows[j - 1] = {};
3367 | }
3368 | if (typeof v === "undefined") {
3369 | throw new Error(`Source data is missing a component at (${i}, ${j})!`);
3370 | }
3371 | newRows[j - 1][key] = v;
3372 | }
3373 | });
3374 | });
3375 | return newRows;
3376 | }
3377 | function rows(rows2) {
3378 | const keys = rows2[0];
3379 | const newRows = [];
3380 | rows2.forEach(function(row, i) {
3381 | if (i > 0) {
3382 | const newRow = {};
3383 | row.forEach(function(v, j) {
3384 | if (typeof v === "undefined") {
3385 | throw new Error(`Source data is missing a component at (${i}, ${j})!`);
3386 | }
3387 | newRow[keys[j]] = v;
3388 | });
3389 | newRows.push(newRow);
3390 | }
3391 | });
3392 | return newRows;
3393 | }
3394 | function json(json2, keysParam) {
3395 | const newRows = [];
3396 | let targetKeys;
3397 | let data;
3398 | if (Array.isArray(json2)) {
3399 | const findValueInJson = function(object, path) {
3400 | if (object[path] !== void 0) {
3401 | return object[path];
3402 | }
3403 | const convertedPath = path.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, ".$1");
3404 | const pathArray = convertedPath.replace(/^\./, "").split(".");
3405 | let target = object;
3406 | pathArray.some(function(k) {
3407 | return !(target = target && k in target ? target[k] : void 0);
3408 | });
3409 | return target;
3410 | };
3411 | if (keysParam.x) {
3412 | targetKeys = keysParam.value.concat(keysParam.x);
3413 | } else {
3414 | targetKeys = keysParam.value;
3415 | }
3416 | newRows.push(targetKeys);
3417 | json2.forEach(function(o) {
3418 | const newRow = targetKeys.map(function(key) {
3419 | let v = findValueInJson(o, key);
3420 | if (typeof v === "undefined") {
3421 | v = null;
3422 | }
3423 | return v;
3424 | });
3425 | newRows.push(newRow);
3426 | });
3427 | data = rows(newRows);
3428 | } else {
3429 | Object.keys(json2).forEach(function(key) {
3430 | var _a;
3431 | const tmp = json2[key].concat();
3432 | (_a = tmp.unshift) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(tmp, key);
3433 | newRows.push(tmp);
3434 | });
3435 | data = columns(newRows);
3436 | }
3437 | return data;
3438 | }
3439 | function url(url2, mimeType = "csv", headers, keys, done) {
3440 | const req = new XMLHttpRequest();
3441 | const converter = { csv, tsv, json };
3442 | req.open("GET", url2);
3443 | if (headers) {
3444 | Object.keys(headers).forEach(function(key) {
3445 | req.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]);
3446 | });
3447 | }
3448 | req.onreadystatechange = function() {
3449 | if (req.readyState === 4) {
3450 | if (req.status === 200) {
3451 | const response = req.responseText;
3452 | response && done.call(this, converter[mimeType](
3453 | mimeType === "json" ? JSON.parse(response) : response,
3454 | keys
3455 | ));
3456 | } else {
3457 | throw new Error(`${url2}: Something went wrong loading!`);
3458 | }
3459 | }
3460 | };
3461 | req.send();
3462 | }
3463 | function convertCsvTsvToData(parser, xsv) {
3464 | const rows2 = parser.rows(xsv);
3465 | let d;
3466 | if (rows2.length === 1) {
3467 | d = [{}];
3468 | rows2[0].forEach((id) => {
3469 | d[0][id] = null;
3470 | });
3471 | } else {
3472 | d = parser.parse(xsv);
3473 | }
3474 | return d;
3475 | }
3476 | function csv(xsv) {
3477 | return convertCsvTsvToData({
3478 | rows: external_commonjs_d3_dsv_commonjs2_d3_dsv_amd_d3_dsv_root_d3_.csvParseRows,
3479 | parse: external_commonjs_d3_dsv_commonjs2_d3_dsv_amd_d3_dsv_root_d3_.csvParse
3480 | }, xsv);
3481 | }
3482 | function tsv(tsv2) {
3483 | return convertCsvTsvToData({
3484 | rows: external_commonjs_d3_dsv_commonjs2_d3_dsv_amd_d3_dsv_root_d3_.tsvParseRows,
3485 | parse: external_commonjs_d3_dsv_commonjs2_d3_dsv_amd_d3_dsv_root_d3_.tsvParse
3486 | }, tsv2);
3487 | }
3488 |
3489 | ;
3490 |
3491 |
3492 |
3493 | function getDataKeyForJson(keysParam, config) {
3494 | const keys = keysParam || (config == null ? void 0 : config.data_keys);
3495 | if (keys == null ? void 0 : keys.x) {
3496 | config.data_x = keys.x;
3497 | }
3498 | return keys;
3499 | }
3500 | var convert = ({
3501 | |
3502 |
3503 |
3504 |
3505 |
3506 |
3507 | convertData(args, callback) {
3508 | const { config } = this;
3509 | const useWorker = config.boost_useWorker;
3510 | let data = args;
3511 | if (args.bindto) {
3512 | data = {};
3513 | ["url", "mimeType", "headers", "keys", "json", "keys", "rows", "columns"].forEach((v) => {
3514 | const key = `data_${v}`;
3515 | if (key in args) {
3516 | data[v] = args[key];
3517 | }
3518 | });
3519 | }
3520 | if (data.url && callback) {
3521 | url(
3522 | data.url,
3523 | data.mimeType,
3524 | data.headers,
3525 | getDataKeyForJson(data.keys, config),
3526 | callback
3527 | );
3528 | } else if (data.json) {
3529 | runWorker(useWorker, json, callback, [columns, rows])(
3530 | data.json,
3531 | getDataKeyForJson(data.keys, config)
3532 | );
3533 | } else if (data.rows) {
3534 | runWorker(useWorker, rows, callback)(data.rows);
3535 | } else if (data.columns) {
3536 | runWorker(useWorker, columns, callback)(data.columns);
3537 | } else if (args.bindto) {
3538 | throw Error("url or json or rows or columns is required.");
3539 | }
3540 | },
3541 | convertDataToTargets(data, appendXs) {
3542 | const $$ = this;
3543 | const { axis, config, state } = $$;
3544 | const chartType = config.data_type;
3545 | let isCategorized = false;
3546 | let isTimeSeries = false;
3547 | let isCustomX = false;
3548 | if (axis) {
3549 | isCategorized = axis.isCategorized();
3550 | isTimeSeries = axis.isTimeSeries();
3551 | isCustomX = axis.isCustomX();
3552 | }
3553 | const dataKeys = Object.keys(data[0] || {});
3554 | const ids = dataKeys.length ? dataKeys.filter($$.isNotX, $$) : [];
3555 | const xs = dataKeys.length ? dataKeys.filter($$.isX, $$) : [];
3556 | let xsData;
3557 | ids.forEach((id) => {
3558 | const xKey = this.getXKey(id);
3559 | if (isCustomX || isTimeSeries) {
3560 | if (xs.indexOf(xKey) >= 0) {
3561 | xsData = (appendXs && $$.data.xs[id] || []).concat(
3562 | data.map((d) => d[xKey]).filter(isValue).map((rawX, i) => $$.generateTargetX(rawX, id, i))
3563 | );
3564 | } else if (config.data_x) {
3565 | xsData = this.getOtherTargetXs();
3566 | } else if (notEmpty(config.data_xs)) {
3567 | xsData = $$.getXValuesOfXKey(xKey, $$.data.targets);
3568 | }
3569 | } else {
3570 | xsData = data.map((d, i) => i);
3571 | }
3572 | xsData && (this.data.xs[id] = xsData);
3573 | });
3574 | ids.forEach((id) => {
3575 | if (!this.data.xs[id]) {
3576 | throw new Error(`x is not defined for id = "${id}".`);
3577 | }
3578 | });
3579 | const targets = ids.map((id, index) => {
3580 | const convertedId = config.data_idConverter.bind($$.api)(id);
3581 | const xKey = $$.getXKey(id);
3582 | const isCategory = isCustomX && isCategorized;
3583 | const hasCategory = isCategory && data.map((v) => v.x).every((v) => config.axis_x_categories.indexOf(v) > -1);
3584 | const isDataAppend = data.__append__;
3585 | const xIndex = xKey === null && isDataAppend ? $$.api.data.values(id).length : 0;
3586 | return {
3587 | id: convertedId,
3588 | id_org: id,
3589 | values: data.map((d, i) => {
3590 | const rawX = d[xKey];
3591 | let value = d[id];
3592 | let x;
3593 | value = value !== null && !isNaN(value) && !isObject(value) ? +value : isArray(value) || isObject(value) ? value : null;
3594 | if ((isCategory || state.hasRadar) && index === 0 && !isUndefined(rawX)) {
3595 | if (!hasCategory && index === 0 && i === 0 && !isDataAppend) {
3596 | config.axis_x_categories = [];
3597 | }
3598 | x = config.axis_x_categories.indexOf(rawX);
3599 | if (x === -1) {
3600 | x = config.axis_x_categories.length;
3601 | config.axis_x_categories.push(rawX);
3602 | }
3603 | } else {
3604 | x = $$.generateTargetX(rawX, id, xIndex + i);
3605 | }
3606 | if (isUndefined(value) || $$.data.xs[id].length <= i) {
3607 | x = void 0;
3608 | }
3609 | return {
3610 | x,
3611 | value,
3612 | id: convertedId,
3613 | index: -1
3614 | };
3615 | }).filter((v) => isDefined(v.x))
3616 | };
3617 | });
3618 | targets.forEach((t) => {
3619 | var _a;
3620 | if (config.data_xSort) {
3621 | t.values = t.values.sort((v1, v2) => {
3622 | const x1 = v1.x || v1.x === 0 ? v1.x : Infinity;
3623 | const x2 = v2.x || v2.x === 0 ? v2.x : Infinity;
3624 | return x1 - x2;
3625 | });
3626 | }
3627 | t.values.forEach((v, i) => v.index = i);
3628 | (_a = $$.data.xs[t.id]) == null ? void 0 : _a.sort((v1, v2) => v1 - v2);
3629 | });
3630 | state.hasNegativeValue = $$.hasNegativeValueInTargets(targets);
3631 | state.hasPositiveValue = $$.hasPositiveValueInTargets(targets);
3632 | if (chartType && $$.isValidChartType(chartType)) {
3633 | const targetIds = $$.mapToIds(targets).filter(
3634 | (id) => !(id in config.data_types) || !$$.isValidChartType(config.data_types[id])
3635 | );
3636 | $$.setTargetType(targetIds, chartType);
3637 | }
3638 | targets.forEach((d) => $$.cache.add(d.id_org, d, true));
3639 | return targets;
3640 | }
3641 | });
3642 |
3643 | ;
3644 |
3645 |
3646 |
3647 |
3648 | var data_data = ({
3649 | isX(key) {
3650 | const $$ = this;
3651 | const { config } = $$;
3652 | const dataKey = config.data_x && key === config.data_x;
3653 | const existValue = notEmpty(config.data_xs) && hasValue(config.data_xs, key);
3654 | return dataKey || existValue;
3655 | },
3656 | isNotX(key) {
3657 | return !this.isX(key);
3658 | },
3659 | isStackNormalized() {
3660 | const { config } = this;
3661 | return !!(config.data_stack_normalize && config.data_groups.length);
3662 | },
3663 | |
3664 |
3665 |
3666 |
3667 |
3668 |
3669 | isGrouped(id) {
3670 | const groups = this.config.data_groups;
3671 | return id ? groups.some((v) => v.indexOf(id) >= 0 && v.length > 1) : groups.length > 0;
3672 | },
3673 | getXKey(id) {
3674 | const $$ = this;
3675 | const { config } = $$;
3676 | return config.data_x ? config.data_x : notEmpty(config.data_xs) ? config.data_xs[id] : null;
3677 | },
3678 | getXValuesOfXKey(key, targets) {
3679 | const $$ = this;
3680 | const ids = targets && notEmpty(targets) ? $$.mapToIds(targets) : [];
3681 | let xValues;
3682 | ids.forEach((id) => {
3683 | if ($$.getXKey(id) === key) {
3684 | xValues = $$.data.xs[id];
3685 | }
3686 | });
3687 | return xValues;
3688 | },
3689 | |
3690 |
3691 |
3692 |
3693 |
3694 |
3695 |
3696 | getIndexByX(x, basedX) {
3697 | const $$ = this;
3698 | return basedX ? basedX.indexOf(isString(x) ? x : +x) : ($$.filterByX($$.data.targets, x)[0] || { index: null }).index;
3699 | },
3700 | getXValue(id, i) {
3701 | const $$ = this;
3702 | return id in $$.data.xs && $$.data.xs[id] && isValue($$.data.xs[id][i]) ? $$.data.xs[id][i] : i;
3703 | },
3704 | getOtherTargetXs() {
3705 | const $$ = this;
3706 | const idsForX = Object.keys($$.data.xs);
3707 | return idsForX.length ? $$.data.xs[idsForX[0]] : null;
3708 | },
3709 | getOtherTargetX(index) {
3710 | const xs = this.getOtherTargetXs();
3711 | return xs && index < xs.length ? xs[index] : null;
3712 | },
3713 | addXs(xs) {
3714 | const $$ = this;
3715 | const { config } = $$;
3716 | Object.keys(xs).forEach((id) => {
3717 | config.data_xs[id] = xs[id];
3718 | });
3719 | },
3720 | |
3721 |
3722 |
3723 |
3724 |
3725 | isMultipleX() {
3726 | return !this.config.axis_x_forceAsSingle && (notEmpty(this.config.data_xs) || this.hasType("bubble") || this.hasType("scatter"));
3727 | },
3728 | addName(data) {
3729 | const $$ = this;
3730 | const { config } = $$;
3731 | let name;
3732 | if (data) {
3733 | name = config.data_names[data.id];
3734 | data.name = name !== void 0 ? name : data.id;
3735 | }
3736 | return data;
3737 | },
3738 | |
3739 |
3740 |
3741 |
3742 |
3743 |
3744 |
3745 | getAllValuesOnIndex(index, filterNull = false) {
3746 | const $$ = this;
3747 | let value = $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets).map((t) => $$.addName($$.getValueOnIndex(t.values, index)));
3748 | if (filterNull) {
3749 | value = value.filter((v) => v && "value" in v && isValue(v.value));
3750 | }
3751 | return value;
3752 | },
3753 | getValueOnIndex(values, index) {
3754 | const valueOnIndex = values.filter((v) => v.index === index);
3755 | return valueOnIndex.length ? valueOnIndex[0] : null;
3756 | },
3757 | updateTargetX(targets, x) {
3758 | const $$ = this;
3759 | targets.forEach((t) => {
3760 | t.values.forEach((v, i) => {
3761 | v.x = $$.generateTargetX(x[i], t.id, i);
3762 | });
3763 | $$.data.xs[t.id] = x;
3764 | });
3765 | },
3766 | updateTargetXs(targets, xs) {
3767 | const $$ = this;
3768 | targets.forEach((t) => {
3769 | xs[t.id] && $$.updateTargetX([t], xs[t.id]);
3770 | });
3771 | },
3772 | generateTargetX(rawX, id, index) {
3773 | const $$ = this;
3774 | const { axis } = $$;
3775 | let x = (axis == null ? void 0 : axis.isCategorized()) ? index : rawX || index;
3776 | if (axis == null ? void 0 : axis.isTimeSeries()) {
3777 | const fn = parseDate.bind($$);
3778 | x = rawX ? fn(rawX) : fn($$.getXValue(id, index));
3779 | } else if ((axis == null ? void 0 : axis.isCustomX()) && !(axis == null ? void 0 : axis.isCategorized())) {
3780 | x = isValue(rawX) ? +rawX : $$.getXValue(id, index);
3781 | }
3782 | return x;
3783 | },
3784 | updateXs(values) {
3785 | if (values.length) {
3786 | this.axis.xs = values.map((v) => v.x);
3787 | }
3788 | },
3789 | getPrevX(i) {
3790 | const x = this.axis.xs[i - 1];
3791 | return isDefined(x) ? x : null;
3792 | },
3793 | getNextX(i) {
3794 | const x = this.axis.xs[i + 1];
3795 | return isDefined(x) ? x : null;
3796 | },
3797 | |
3798 |
3799 |
3800 |
3801 |
3802 |
3803 | getBaseValue(data) {
3804 | const $$ = this;
3805 | const { hasAxis } = $$.state;
3806 | let { value } = data;
3807 | if (value && hasAxis) {
3808 | if ($$.isAreaRangeType(data)) {
3809 | value = $$.getRangedData(data, "mid");
3810 | } else if ($$.isBubbleZType(data)) {
3811 | value = $$.getBubbleZData(value, "y");
3812 | }
3813 | }
3814 | return value;
3815 | },
3816 | |
3817 |
3818 |
3819 |
3820 |
3821 |
3822 | getMinMaxValue(data) {
3823 | const getBaseValue = this.getBaseValue.bind(this);
3824 | let min;
3825 | let max;
3826 | (data || this.data.targets.map((t) => t.values)).forEach((v, i) => {
3827 | const value = v.map(getBaseValue).filter(isNumber);
3828 | min = Math.min(i ? min : Infinity, ...value);
3829 | max = Math.max(i ? max : -Infinity, ...value);
3830 | });
3831 | return { min, max };
3832 | },
3833 | |
3834 |
3835 |
3836 |
3837 |
3838 | getMinMaxData() {
3839 | const $$ = this;
3840 | const cacheKey = KEY.dataMinMax;
3841 | let minMaxData = $$.cache.get(cacheKey);
3842 | if (!minMaxData) {
3843 | const data = $$.data.targets.map((t) => t.values);
3844 | const minMax = $$.getMinMaxValue(data);
3845 | let min = [];
3846 | let max = [];
3847 | data.forEach((v) => {
3848 | const minData = $$.getFilteredDataByValue(v, minMax.min);
3849 | const maxData = $$.getFilteredDataByValue(v, minMax.max);
3850 | if (minData.length) {
3851 | min = min.concat(minData);
3852 | }
3853 | if (maxData.length) {
3854 | max = max.concat(maxData);
3855 | }
3856 | });
3857 | $$.cache.add(cacheKey, minMaxData = { min, max });
3858 | }
3859 | return minMaxData;
3860 | },
3861 | |
3862 |
3863 |
3864 |
3865 |
3866 | getTotalPerIndex() {
3867 | const $$ = this;
3868 | const cacheKey = KEY.dataTotalPerIndex;
3869 | let sum = $$.cache.get(cacheKey);
3870 | if (($$.config.data_groups.length || $$.isStackNormalized()) && !sum) {
3871 | sum = [];
3872 | $$.data.targets.forEach((row) => {
3873 | row.values.forEach((v, i) => {
3874 | if (!sum[i]) {
3875 | sum[i] = 0;
3876 | }
3877 | sum[i] += isNumber(v.value) ? v.value : 0;
3878 | });
3879 | });
3880 | }
3881 | return sum;
3882 | },
3883 | |
3884 |
3885 |
3886 |
3887 |
3888 |
3889 | getTotalDataSum(subtractHidden) {
3890 | const $$ = this;
3891 | const cacheKey = KEY.dataTotalSum;
3892 | let total = $$.cache.get(cacheKey);
3893 | if (!isNumber(total)) {
3894 | const sum = mergeArray($$.data.targets.map((t) => t.values)).map((v) => v.value);
3895 | total = sum.length ? sum.reduce((p, c) => p + c) : 0;
3896 | $$.cache.add(cacheKey, total);
3897 | }
3898 | if (subtractHidden) {
3899 | total -= $$.getHiddenTotalDataSum();
3900 | }
3901 | return total;
3902 | },
3903 | |
3904 |
3905 |
3906 |
3907 |
3908 | getHiddenTotalDataSum() {
3909 | const $$ = this;
3910 | const { api, state: { hiddenTargetIds } } = $$;
3911 | let total = 0;
3912 | if (hiddenTargetIds.length) {
3913 | total = api.data.values.bind(api)(hiddenTargetIds).reduce((p, c) => p + c);
3914 | }
3915 | return total;
3916 | },
3917 | |
3918 |
3919 |
3920 |
3921 |
3922 |
3923 |
3924 | getFilteredDataByValue(data, value) {
3925 | return data.filter((t) => this.getBaseValue(t) === value);
3926 | },
3927 | |
3928 |
3929 |
3930 |
3931 |
3932 | getMaxDataCount() {
3933 | return Math.max(...this.data.targets.map((t) => t.values.length), 0);
3934 | },
3935 | getMaxDataCountTarget() {
3936 | let target = this.filterTargetsToShow() || [];
3937 | const length = target.length;
3938 | const isInverted = this.config.axis_x_inverted;
3939 | if (length > 1) {
3940 | target = target.map((t) => t.values).reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b)).map((v) => v.x);
3941 | target = sortValue(getUnique(target)).map((x, index, array) => ({
3942 | x,
3943 | index: isInverted ? array.length - index - 1 : index
3944 | }));
3945 | } else if (length) {
3946 | target = target[0].values.concat();
3947 | }
3948 | return target;
3949 | },
3950 | mapToIds(targets) {
3951 | return targets.map((d) => d.id);
3952 | },
3953 | mapToTargetIds(ids) {
3954 | const $$ = this;
3955 | return ids ? isArray(ids) ? ids.concat() : [ids] : $$.mapToIds($$.data.targets);
3956 | },
3957 | hasTarget(targets, id) {
3958 | const ids = this.mapToIds(targets);
3959 | for (let i = 0, val; val = ids[i]; i++) {
3960 | if (val === id) {
3961 | return true;
3962 | }
3963 | }
3964 | return false;
3965 | },
3966 | isTargetToShow(targetId) {
3967 | return this.state.hiddenTargetIds.indexOf(targetId) < 0;
3968 | },
3969 | isLegendToShow(targetId) {
3970 | return this.state.hiddenLegendIds.indexOf(targetId) < 0;
3971 | },
3972 | filterTargetsToShow(targets) {
3973 | const $$ = this;
3974 | return (targets || $$.data.targets).filter((t) => $$.isTargetToShow(t.id));
3975 | },
3976 | mapTargetsToUniqueXs(targets) {
3977 | const $$ = this;
3978 | const { axis } = $$;
3979 | let xs = [];
3980 | if (targets == null ? void 0 : targets.length) {
3981 | xs = getUnique(
3982 | mergeArray(targets.map((t) => t.values.map((v) => +v.x)))
3983 | );
3984 | xs = (axis == null ? void 0 : axis.isTimeSeries()) ? xs.map((x) => new Date(+x)) : xs.map(Number);
3985 | }
3986 | return sortValue(xs);
3987 | },
3988 | |
3989 |
3990 |
3991 |
3992 |
3993 |
3994 | addTargetIds(type, targetIds) {
3995 | const { state } = this;
3996 | const ids = isArray(targetIds) ? targetIds : [targetIds];
3997 | ids.forEach((v) => {
3998 | state[type].indexOf(v) < 0 && state[type].push(v);
3999 | });
4000 | },
4001 | |
4002 |
4003 |
4004 |
4005 |
4006 |
4007 | removeTargetIds(type, targetIds) {
4008 | const { state } = this;
4009 | const ids = isArray(targetIds) ? targetIds : [targetIds];
4010 | ids.forEach((v) => {
4011 | const index = state[type].indexOf(v);
4012 | index >= 0 && state[type].splice(index, 1);
4013 | });
4014 | },
4015 | addHiddenTargetIds(targetIds) {
4016 | this.addTargetIds("hiddenTargetIds", targetIds);
4017 | },
4018 | removeHiddenTargetIds(targetIds) {
4019 | this.removeTargetIds("hiddenTargetIds", targetIds);
4020 | },
4021 | addHiddenLegendIds(targetIds) {
4022 | this.addTargetIds("hiddenLegendIds", targetIds);
4023 | },
4024 | removeHiddenLegendIds(targetIds) {
4025 | this.removeTargetIds("hiddenLegendIds", targetIds);
4026 | },
4027 | getValuesAsIdKeyed(targets) {
4028 | const $$ = this;
4029 | const { hasAxis } = $$.state;
4030 | const ys = {};
4031 | const isMultipleX = $$.isMultipleX();
4032 | const xs = isMultipleX ? $$.mapTargetsToUniqueXs(targets).map((v) => isString(v) ? v : +v) : null;
4033 | targets.forEach((t) => {
4034 | const data = [];
4035 | t.values.filter(({ value }) => isValue(value) || value === null).forEach((v) => {
4036 | let { value } = v;
4037 | if (value !== null && $$.isCandlestickType(v)) {
4038 | value = isArray(value) ? value.slice(0, 4) : [value.open, value.high, value.low, value.close];
4039 | }
4040 | if (isArray(value)) {
4041 | data.push(...value);
4042 | } else if (isObject(value) && "high" in value) {
4043 | data.push(...Object.values(value));
4044 | } else if ($$.isBubbleZType(v)) {
4045 | data.push(hasAxis && $$.getBubbleZData(value, "y"));
4046 | } else {
4047 | if (isMultipleX) {
4048 | data[$$.getIndexByX(v.x, xs)] = value;
4049 | } else {
4050 | data.push(value);
4051 | }
4052 | }
4053 | });
4054 | ys[t.id] = data;
4055 | });
4056 | return ys;
4057 | },
4058 | checkValueInTargets(targets, checker) {
4059 | const ids = Object.keys(targets);
4060 | let values;
4061 | for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
4062 | values = targets[ids[i]].values;
4063 | for (let j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
4064 | if (checker(values[j].value)) {
4065 | return true;
4066 | }
4067 | }
4068 | }
4069 | return false;
4070 | },
4071 | hasMultiTargets() {
4072 | return this.filterTargetsToShow().length > 1;
4073 | },
4074 | hasNegativeValueInTargets(targets) {
4075 | return this.checkValueInTargets(targets, (v) => v < 0);
4076 | },
4077 | hasPositiveValueInTargets(targets) {
4078 | return this.checkValueInTargets(targets, (v) => v > 0);
4079 | },
4080 | |
4081 |
4082 |
4083 |
4084 |
4085 |
4086 |
4087 | orderTargets(targetsValue) {
4088 | const $$ = this;
4089 | const targets = [...targetsValue];
4090 | const fn = $$.getSortCompareFn();
4091 | fn && targets.sort(fn);
4092 | return targets;
4093 | },
4094 | |
4095 |
4096 |
4097 |
4098 |
4099 |
4100 | getSortCompareFn(isReversed = false) {
4101 | const $$ = this;
4102 | const { config } = $$;
4103 | const order = config.data_order;
4104 | const orderAsc = /asc/i.test(order);
4105 | const orderDesc = /desc/i.test(order);
4106 | let fn;
4107 | if (orderAsc || orderDesc) {
4108 | const reducer = (p, c) => p + Math.abs(c.value);
4109 | const sum = (v) => isNumber(v) ? v : "values" in v ? v.values.reduce(reducer, 0) : v.value;
4110 | fn = (t1, t2) => {
4111 | const t1Sum = sum(t1);
4112 | const t2Sum = sum(t2);
4113 | return isReversed ? orderAsc ? t1Sum - t2Sum : t2Sum - t1Sum : orderAsc ? t2Sum - t1Sum : t1Sum - t2Sum;
4114 | };
4115 | } else if (isFunction(order)) {
4116 | fn = order.bind($$.api);
4117 | }
4118 | return fn || null;
4119 | },
4120 | filterByX(targets, x) {
4121 | return mergeArray(targets.map((t) => t.values)).filter((v) => v.x - x === 0);
4122 | },
4123 | filterRemoveNull(data) {
4124 | return data.filter((d) => isValue(this.getBaseValue(d)));
4125 | },
4126 | filterByXDomain(targets, xDomain) {
4127 | return targets.map((t) => ({
4128 | id: t.id,
4129 | id_org: t.id_org,
4130 | values: t.values.filter((v) => xDomain[0] <= v.x && v.x <= xDomain[1])
4131 | }));
4132 | },
4133 | hasDataLabel() {
4134 | const dataLabels = this.config.data_labels;
4135 | return isBoolean(dataLabels) && dataLabels || isObjectType(dataLabels) && notEmpty(dataLabels);
4136 | },
4137 | |
4138 |
4139 |
4140 |
4141 |
4142 |
4143 | hasNullDataValue(targets) {
4144 | return targets.some(({ value }) => value === null);
4145 | },
4146 | |
4147 |
4148 |
4149 |
4150 |
4151 |
4152 | getDataIndexFromEvent(event) {
4153 | const $$ = this;
4154 | const {
4155 | $el,
4156 | config,
4157 | state: { hasRadar, inputType, eventReceiver: { coords, rect } }
4158 | } = $$;
4159 | let index;
4160 | if (hasRadar) {
4161 | let target = event.target;
4162 | if (/tspan/i.test(target.tagName)) {
4163 | target = target.parentNode;
4164 | }
4165 | const d = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(target).datum();
4166 | index = d && Object.keys(d).length === 1 ? d.index : void 0;
4167 | } else {
4168 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
4169 | const scrollPos = getScrollPosition($el.chart.node());
4170 | const e = inputType === "touch" && event.changedTouches ? event.changedTouches[0] : event;
4171 | let point = isRotated ? e.clientY + scrollPos.y : e.clientX + scrollPos.x;
4172 | if (hasViewBox($el.svg)) {
4173 | const pos = [point, 0];
4174 | isRotated && pos.reverse();
4175 | point = getTransformCTM($el.svg.node(), ...pos)[isRotated ? "y" : "x"];
4176 | } else {
4177 | point -= isRotated ? rect.top : rect.left;
4178 | }
4179 | index = findIndex(
4180 | coords,
4181 | point,
4182 | 0,
4183 | coords.length - 1,
4184 | isRotated
4185 | );
4186 | }
4187 | return index;
4188 | },
4189 | getDataLabelLength(min, max, key) {
4190 | const $$ = this;
4191 | const lengths = [0, 0];
4192 | const paddingCoef = 1.3;
4193 | $$.$el.chart.select("svg").selectAll(".dummy").data([min, max]).enter().append("text").text((d) => $$.dataLabelFormat(d.id)(d)).each(function(d, i) {
4194 | lengths[i] = this.getBoundingClientRect()[key] * paddingCoef;
4195 | }).remove();
4196 | return lengths;
4197 | },
4198 | isNoneArc(d) {
4199 | return this.hasTarget(this.data.targets, d.id);
4200 | },
4201 | isArc(d) {
4202 | return "data" in d && this.hasTarget(this.data.targets, d.data.id);
4203 | },
4204 | findSameXOfValues(values, index) {
4205 | const targetX = values[index].x;
4206 | const sames = [];
4207 | let i;
4208 | for (i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
4209 | if (targetX !== values[i].x) {
4210 | break;
4211 | }
4212 | sames.push(values[i]);
4213 | }
4214 | for (i = index; i < values.length; i++) {
4215 | if (targetX !== values[i].x) {
4216 | break;
4217 | }
4218 | sames.push(values[i]);
4219 | }
4220 | return sames;
4221 | },
4222 | findClosestFromTargets(targets, pos) {
4223 | const $$ = this;
4224 | const candidates = targets.map((target) => $$.findClosest(target.values, pos));
4225 | return $$.findClosest(candidates, pos);
4226 | },
4227 | findClosest(values, pos) {
4228 | const $$ = this;
4229 | const { $el: { main } } = $$;
4230 | const data = values.filter((v) => v && isValue(v.value));
4231 | let minDist;
4232 | let closest;
4233 | data.filter((v) => $$.isBarType(v.id) || $$.isCandlestickType(v.id)).forEach((v) => {
4234 | const selector = $$.isBarType(v.id) ? `.${$BAR.chartBar}.${$COMMON.target}${$$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(v.id)} .${$BAR.bar}-${v.index}` : `.${$CANDLESTICK.chartCandlestick}.${$COMMON.target}${$$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(v.id)} .${$CANDLESTICK.candlestick}-${v.index} path`;
4235 | if (!closest && $$.isWithinBar(main.select(selector).node())) {
4236 | closest = v;
4237 | }
4238 | });
4239 | data.filter((v) => !$$.isBarType(v.id) && !$$.isCandlestickType(v.id)).forEach((v) => {
4240 | const d = $$.dist(v, pos);
4241 | minDist = $$.getPointSensitivity(v);
4242 | if (d < minDist) {
4243 | minDist = d;
4244 | closest = v;
4245 | }
4246 | });
4247 | return closest;
4248 | },
4249 | dist(data, pos) {
4250 | const $$ = this;
4251 | const { config: { axis_rotated: isRotated }, scale } = $$;
4252 | const xIndex = +isRotated;
4253 | const yIndex = +!isRotated;
4254 | const y = $$.circleY(data, data.index);
4255 | const x = (scale.zoom || scale.x)(data.x);
4256 | return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x - pos[xIndex], 2) + Math.pow(y - pos[yIndex], 2));
4257 | },
4258 | |
4259 |
4260 |
4261 |
4262 |
4263 |
4264 | convertValuesToStep(values) {
4265 | const $$ = this;
4266 | const { axis, config } = $$;
4267 | const stepType = config.line_step_type;
4268 | const isCategorized = axis ? axis.isCategorized() : false;
4269 | const converted = isArray(values) ? values.concat() : [values];
4270 | if (!(isCategorized || /step\-(after|before)/.test(stepType))) {
4271 | return values;
4272 | }
4273 | if (converted.length) {
4274 | const head = converted[0];
4275 | const tail = converted[converted.length - 1];
4276 | const { id } = head;
4277 | let { x } = head;
4278 | converted.unshift({ x: --x, value: head.value, id });
4279 | isCategorized && stepType === "step-after" && converted.unshift({ x: --x, value: head.value, id });
4280 | x = tail.x;
4281 | converted.push({ x: ++x, value: tail.value, id });
4282 | isCategorized && stepType === "step-before" && converted.push({ x: ++x, value: tail.value, id });
4283 | }
4284 | return converted;
4285 | },
4286 | convertValuesToRange(values) {
4287 | const converted = isArray(values) ? values.concat() : [values];
4288 | const ranges = [];
4289 | converted.forEach((range) => {
4290 | const { x, id } = range;
4291 | ranges.push({
4292 | x,
4293 | id,
4294 | value: range.value[0]
4295 | });
4296 | ranges.push({
4297 | x,
4298 | id,
4299 | value: range.value[2]
4300 | });
4301 | });
4302 | return ranges;
4303 | },
4304 | updateDataAttributes(name, attrs) {
4305 | const $$ = this;
4306 | const { config } = $$;
4307 | const current = config[`data_${name}`];
4308 | if (isUndefined(attrs)) {
4309 | return current;
4310 | }
4311 | Object.keys(attrs).forEach((id) => {
4312 | current[id] = attrs[id];
4313 | });
4314 | $$.redraw({ withLegend: true });
4315 | return current;
4316 | },
4317 | getRangedData(d, key = "", type = "areaRange") {
4318 | const value = d == null ? void 0 : d.value;
4319 | if (isArray(value)) {
4320 | if (type === "bar") {
4321 | return value.reduce((a, c) => c - a);
4322 | } else {
4323 | const index = {
4324 | areaRange: ["high", "mid", "low"],
4325 | candlestick: ["open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]
4326 | }[type].indexOf(key);
4327 | return index >= 0 && value ? value[index] : void 0;
4328 | }
4329 | } else if (value && key) {
4330 | return value[key];
4331 | }
4332 | return value;
4333 | },
4334 | |
4335 |
4336 |
4337 |
4338 |
4339 | setRatioForGroupedData(data) {
4340 | const $$ = this;
4341 | const { config } = $$;
4342 | if (config.data_groups.length && data.some((d) => $$.isGrouped(d.id))) {
4343 | const setter = (d) => $$.getRatio("index", d, true);
4344 | data.forEach((v) => {
4345 | "values" in v ? v.values.forEach(setter) : setter(v);
4346 | });
4347 | }
4348 | },
4349 | |
4350 |
4351 |
4352 |
4353 |
4354 |
4355 |
4356 |
4357 | getRatio(type, d, asPercent = false) {
4358 | const $$ = this;
4359 | const { config, state } = $$;
4360 | const api = $$.api;
4361 | let ratio = 0;
4362 | if (d && api.data.shown().length) {
4363 | ratio = d.ratio || d.value;
4364 | if (type === "arc") {
4365 | if ($$.pie.padAngle()()) {
4366 | ratio = d.value / $$.getTotalDataSum(true);
4367 | } else {
4368 | const gaugeArcLength = config.gauge_fullCircle ? $$.getArcLength() : $$.getStartingAngle() * -2;
4369 | const arcLength = $$.hasType("gauge") ? gaugeArcLength : Math.PI * 2;
4370 | ratio = (d.endAngle - d.startAngle) / arcLength;
4371 | }
4372 | } else if (type === "index") {
4373 | const dataValues = api.data.values.bind(api);
4374 | let total = this.getTotalPerIndex();
4375 | if (state.hiddenTargetIds.length) {
4376 | let hiddenSum = dataValues(state.hiddenTargetIds, false);
4377 | if (hiddenSum.length) {
4378 | hiddenSum = hiddenSum.reduce(
4379 | (acc, curr) => acc.map((v, i) => (isNumber(v) ? v : 0) + curr[i])
4380 | );
4381 | total = total.map((v, i) => v - hiddenSum[i]);
4382 | }
4383 | }
4384 | const divisor = total[d.index];
4385 | d.ratio = isNumber(d.value) && total && divisor ? d.value / divisor : 0;
4386 | ratio = d.ratio;
4387 | } else if (type === "radar") {
4388 | ratio = parseFloat(String(Math.max(d.value, 0))) / state.current.dataMax * config.radar_size_ratio;
4389 | } else if (type === "bar") {
4390 | const yScale = $$.getYScaleById.bind($$)(d.id);
4391 | const max = yScale.domain().reduce((a, c) => c - a);
4392 | ratio = max === 0 ? 0 : Math.abs(
4393 | $$.getRangedData(d, null, type) / max
4394 | );
4395 | } else if (type === "treemap") {
4396 | ratio /= $$.getTotalDataSum(true);
4397 | }
4398 | }
4399 | return asPercent && ratio ? ratio * 100 : ratio;
4400 | },
4401 | |
4402 |
4403 |
4404 |
4405 |
4406 | updateDataIndexByX(tickValues) {
4407 | const $$ = this;
4408 | const tickValueMap = tickValues.reduce((out, tick, index) => {
4409 | out[Number(tick.x)] = index;
4410 | return out;
4411 | }, {});
4412 | $$.data.targets.forEach((t) => {
4413 | t.values.forEach((value, valueIndex) => {
4414 | let index = tickValueMap[Number(value.x)];
4415 | if (index === void 0) {
4416 | index = valueIndex;
4417 | }
4418 | value.index = index;
4419 | });
4420 | });
4421 | },
4422 | |
4423 |
4424 |
4425 |
4426 |
4427 |
4428 | isBubbleZType(d) {
4429 | const $$ = this;
4430 | return $$.isBubbleType(d) && (isObject(d.value) && ("z" in d.value || "y" in d.value) || isArray(d.value) && d.value.length >= 2);
4431 | },
4432 | |
4433 |
4434 |
4435 |
4436 |
4437 |
4438 | isBarRangeType(d) {
4439 | const $$ = this;
4440 | const { value } = d;
4441 | return $$.isBarType(d) && isArray(value) && value.length >= 2 && value.every((v) => isNumber(v));
4442 | },
4443 | |
4444 |
4445 |
4446 |
4447 |
4448 |
4449 | getDataById(id) {
4450 | var _a;
4451 | const d = this.cache.get(id) || this.api.data(id);
4452 | return (_a = d == null ? void 0 : d[0]) != null ? _a : d;
4453 | }
4454 | });
4455 |
4456 | ;
4457 |
4458 |
4459 | function callDone(fn, resizeAfter = false) {
4460 | const $$ = this;
4461 | const { api } = $$;
4462 | resizeAfter && $$.api.flush(true);
4463 | fn == null ? void 0 : fn.call(api);
4464 | }
4465 | var load = ({
4466 | load(rawTargets, args) {
4467 | const $$ = this;
4468 | const { axis, data, org, scale } = $$;
4469 | const { append } = args;
4470 | const zoomState = {
4471 | domain: null,
4472 | currentDomain: null,
4473 | x: null
4474 | };
4475 | let targets = rawTargets;
4476 | if (targets) {
4477 | if (args.filter) {
4478 | targets = targets.filter(args.filter);
4479 | }
4480 | if (args.type || args.types) {
4481 | targets.forEach((t) => {
4482 | var _a;
4483 | const type = ((_a = args.types) == null ? void 0 : _a[t.id]) || args.type;
4484 | $$.setTargetType(t.id, type);
4485 | });
4486 | }
4487 | data.targets.forEach((d) => {
4488 | for (let i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
4489 | if (d.id === targets[i].id) {
4490 | d.values = append ? d.values.concat(targets[i].values) : targets[i].values;
4491 | targets.splice(i, 1);
4492 | break;
4493 | }
4494 | }
4495 | });
4496 | data.targets = data.targets.concat(targets);
4497 | }
4498 | $$.updateTargets(data.targets);
4499 | if (scale.zoom) {
4500 | zoomState.x = axis.isCategorized() ? scale.x.orgScale() : (org.xScale || scale.x).copy();
4501 | zoomState.domain = $$.getXDomain(data.targets);
4502 | zoomState.x.domain(zoomState.domain);
4503 | zoomState.currentDomain = $$.zoom.getDomain();
4504 | if (!$$.withinRange(zoomState.currentDomain, void 0, zoomState.domain)) {
4505 | scale.x.domain(zoomState.domain);
4506 | scale.zoom = null;
4507 | $$.$el.eventRect.property("__zoom", null);
4508 | }
4509 | }
4510 | $$.redraw({
4511 | withUpdateOrgXDomain: true,
4512 | withUpdateXDomain: true,
4513 | withLegend: true
4514 | });
4515 | if (scale.zoom) {
4516 | org.xDomain = zoomState.domain;
4517 | org.xScale = zoomState.x;
4518 | if (axis.isCategorized()) {
4519 | zoomState.currentDomain = $$.getZoomDomainValue(zoomState.currentDomain);
4520 | org.xDomain = $$.getZoomDomainValue(org.xDomain);
4521 | org.xScale = zoomState.x.domain(org.xDomain);
4522 | }
4523 | $$.updateCurrentZoomTransform(zoomState.x, zoomState.currentDomain);
4524 | } else if (org.xScale) {
4525 | org.xScale.domain(org.xDomain);
4526 | }
4527 | $$.updateTypesElements();
4528 | callDone.call($$, args.done, args.resizeAfter);
4529 | },
4530 | loadFromArgs(args) {
4531 | const $$ = this;
4532 | if (!$$.config) {
4533 | return;
4534 | }
4535 | $$.cache.reset();
4536 | $$.convertData(args, (d) => {
4537 | const data = args.data || d;
4538 | args.append && (data.__append__ = true);
4539 | data && $$.load($$.convertDataToTargets(data), args);
4540 | });
4541 | },
4542 | unload(rawTargetIds, customDoneCb) {
4543 | var _a;
4544 | const $$ = this;
4545 | const { state, $el, $T } = $$;
4546 | const hasLegendDefsPoint = !!((_a = $$.hasLegendDefsPoint) == null ? void 0 : _a.call($$));
4547 | let done = customDoneCb;
4548 | let targetIds = rawTargetIds;
4549 | $$.cache.reset();
4550 | if (!done) {
4551 | done = () => {
4552 | };
4553 | }
4554 | targetIds = targetIds.filter((id) => $$.hasTarget($$.data.targets, id));
4555 | if (!targetIds || targetIds.length === 0) {
4556 | done();
4557 | return;
4558 | }
4559 | const targets = $el.svg.selectAll(targetIds.map((id) => $$.selectorTarget(id)));
4560 | $T(targets).style("opacity", "0").remove().call(endall, done);
4561 | targetIds.forEach((id) => {
4562 | var _a2;
4563 | const suffixId = $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(id);
4564 | state.withoutFadeIn[id] = false;
4565 | if ($el.legend) {
4566 | $el.legend.selectAll(`.${$LEGEND.legendItem}${suffixId}`).remove();
4567 | }
4568 | $$.data.targets = $$.data.targets.filter((t) => t.id !== id);
4569 | hasLegendDefsPoint && ((_a2 = $el.defs) == null ? void 0 : _a2.select(`#${$$.getDefsPointId(suffixId)}`).remove());
4570 | });
4571 | state.hasFunnel && $$.updateFunnel($$.data.targets);
4572 | state.hasTreemap && $$.updateTargetsForTreemap($$.data.targets);
4573 | $$.updateTypesElements();
4574 | }
4575 | });
4576 |
4577 |
4578 | var external_commonjs_d3_drag_commonjs2_d3_drag_amd_d3_drag_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(6);
4579 | ;
4580 |
4581 |
4582 |
4583 |
4584 |
4585 | var interactions_interaction = ({
4586 | |
4587 |
4588 |
4589 |
4590 |
4591 |
4592 |
4593 | setExpand(index, id, reset) {
4594 | const $$ = this;
4595 | const { config, $el: { circle } } = $$;
4596 | circle && config.point_focus_expand_enabled && $$.expandCircles(index, id, reset);
4597 | $$.expandBarTypeShapes(true, index, id, reset);
4598 | },
4599 | |
4600 |
4601 |
4602 |
4603 |
4604 |
4605 |
4606 |
4607 | expandBarTypeShapes(expand = true, i, id, reset) {
4608 | const $$ = this;
4609 | ["bar", "candlestick"].filter((v) => $$.$el[v]).forEach((v) => {
4610 | reset && $$.$el[v].classed($COMMON.EXPANDED, false);
4611 | $$.getShapeByIndex(v, i, id).classed($COMMON.EXPANDED, expand);
4612 | });
4613 | },
4614 | |
4615 |
4616 |
4617 |
4618 |
4619 |
4620 | setOverOut(isOver, d) {
4621 | const $$ = this;
4622 | const { config, state: { hasFunnel, hasRadar, hasTreemap }, $el: { main } } = $$;
4623 | const isArcishData = isObject(d);
4624 | if (isArcishData || d !== -1) {
4625 | const callback = config[isOver ? "data_onover" : "data_onout"].bind($$.api);
4626 | config.color_onover && $$.setOverColor(isOver, d, isArcishData);
4627 | if (isArcishData && "id") {
4628 | const suffix = $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(d.id);
4629 | const selector = hasFunnel || hasTreemap ? `${$COMMON.target + suffix} .${$SHAPE.shape}` : $ARC.arc + suffix;
4630 | callback(d, main.select(`.${selector}`).node());
4631 | } else if (!config.tooltip_grouped) {
4632 | const last = $$.cache.get(KEY.setOverOut) || [];
4633 | const shapesAtIndex = main.selectAll(`.${$SHAPE.shape}-${d}`).filter(function(d2) {
4634 | return $$.isWithinShape(this, d2);
4635 | });
4636 | const shape = shapesAtIndex.filter(function() {
4637 | return last.every((v) => v !== this);
4638 | });
4639 | if (!isOver || shapesAtIndex.empty() || last.length === shape.size() && shape.nodes().every((v, i) => v !== last[i])) {
4640 | while (last.length) {
4641 | const target = last.pop();
4642 | config.data_onout.bind($$.api)((0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(target).datum(), target);
4643 | }
4644 | }
4645 | shape.each(function() {
4646 | if (isOver) {
4647 | callback((0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this).datum(), this);
4648 | last.push(this);
4649 | }
4650 | });
4651 | $$.cache.add(KEY.setOverOut, last);
4652 | } else {
4653 | if (isOver) {
4654 | hasRadar && $$.isPointFocusOnly() ? $$.showCircleFocus($$.getAllValuesOnIndex(d, true)) : $$.setExpand(d, null, true);
4655 | }
4656 | !$$.isMultipleX() && main.selectAll(`.${$SHAPE.shape}-${d}`).each(function(d2) {
4657 | callback(d2, this);
4658 | });
4659 | }
4660 | }
4661 | },
4662 | |
4663 |
4664 |
4665 |
4666 |
4667 | callOverOutForTouch(d) {
4668 | const $$ = this;
4669 | const last = $$.cache.get(KEY.callOverOutForTouch);
4670 | if (isObject(d) && last ? d.id !== last.id : d !== last) {
4671 | (last || isNumber(last)) && $$.setOverOut(false, last);
4672 | (d || isNumber(d)) && $$.setOverOut(true, d);
4673 | $$.cache.add(KEY.callOverOutForTouch, d);
4674 | }
4675 | },
4676 | |
4677 |
4678 |
4679 |
4680 |
4681 | getDraggableSelection() {
4682 | const $$ = this;
4683 | const { config, state } = $$;
4684 | return config.interaction_enabled && config.data_selection_draggable && $$.drag ? (0,external_commonjs_d3_drag_commonjs2_d3_drag_amd_d3_drag_root_d3_.drag)().on("drag", function(event) {
4685 | state.event = event;
4686 | $$.drag(getPointer(event, this));
4687 | }).on("start", function(event) {
4688 | state.event = event;
4689 | $$.dragstart(getPointer(event, this));
4690 | }).on("end", (event) => {
4691 | state.event = event;
4692 | $$.dragend();
4693 | }) : () => {
4694 | };
4695 | },
4696 | |
4697 |
4698 |
4699 |
4700 |
4701 |
4702 |
4703 | dispatchEvent(type, index, mouse) {
4704 | var _a, _b;
4705 | const $$ = this;
4706 | const {
4707 | config,
4708 | state: {
4709 | eventReceiver,
4710 | hasAxis,
4711 | hasFunnel,
4712 | hasRadar,
4713 | hasTreemap
4714 | },
4715 | $el: { eventRect, funnel, radar, svg, treemap }
4716 | } = $$;
4717 | let element = (_b = (hasFunnel || hasTreemap) && eventReceiver.rect || hasRadar && radar.axes.select(`.${$AXIS.axis}-${index} text`) || (eventRect || ((_a = $$.getArcElementByIdOrIndex) == null ? void 0 : _a.call($$, index)))) == null ? void 0 : _b.node();
4718 | if (element) {
4719 | const isMultipleX = $$.isMultipleX();
4720 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
4721 | let { width, left, top } = element.getBoundingClientRect();
4722 | if (hasAxis && !hasRadar && !isMultipleX) {
4723 | const coords = eventReceiver.coords[index];
4724 | if (coords) {
4725 | width = coords.w;
4726 | left += coords.x;
4727 | top += coords.y;
4728 | } else {
4729 | width = 0;
4730 | left = 0;
4731 | top = 0;
4732 | }
4733 | }
4734 | let x = left + (mouse ? mouse[0] : 0) + (isMultipleX || isRotated ? 0 : width / 2);
4735 | let y = top + (mouse ? mouse[1] : 0) + (isRotated ? 4 : 0);
4736 | if (hasViewBox(svg)) {
4737 | const ctm = getTransformCTM($$.$el.svg.node(), x, y, false);
4738 | x = ctm.x;
4739 | y = ctm.y;
4740 | }
4741 | const params = {
4742 | screenX: x,
4743 | screenY: y,
4744 | clientX: x,
4745 | clientY: y,
4746 | bubbles: hasRadar
4747 |
4748 | };
4749 | if (hasFunnel || hasTreemap) {
4750 | element = (funnel != null ? funnel : treemap).node();
4751 | }
4752 | emulateEvent[/^(mouse|click)/.test(type) ? "mouse" : "touch"](
4753 | element,
4754 | type,
4755 | params
4756 | );
4757 | }
4758 | },
4759 | setDragStatus(isDragging) {
4760 | this.state.dragging = isDragging;
4761 | },
4762 | |
4763 |
4764 |
4765 |
4766 | unbindZoomEvent() {
4767 | const $$ = this;
4768 | const { $el: { eventRect, zoomResetBtn } } = $$;
4769 | eventRect == null ? void 0 : eventRect.on(".zoom wheel.zoom .drag", null);
4770 | zoomResetBtn == null ? void 0 : zoomResetBtn.on("click", null).style("display", "none");
4771 | },
4772 | |
4773 |
4774 |
4775 |
4776 | unbindAllEvents() {
4777 | var _a;
4778 | const $$ = this;
4779 | const { $el: { arcs, eventRect, legend, region, svg, treemap }, brush } = $$;
4780 | const list = [
4781 | "wheel",
4782 | "click",
4783 | "mouseover",
4784 | "mousemove",
4785 | "mouseout",
4786 | "touchstart",
4787 | "touchmove",
4788 | "touchend",
4789 | "touchstart.eventRect",
4790 | "touchmove.eventRect",
4791 | "touchend.eventRect",
4792 | ".brush",
4793 | ".drag",
4794 | ".zoom",
4795 | "wheel.zoom",
4796 | "dblclick.zoom"
4797 | ].join(" ");
4798 | [
4799 | svg,
4800 | eventRect,
4801 | region == null ? void 0 : region.list,
4802 | brush == null ? void 0 : brush.getSelection(),
4803 | arcs == null ? void 0 : arcs.selectAll("path"),
4804 | legend == null ? void 0 : legend.selectAll("g"),
4805 | treemap
4806 | ].forEach((v) => v == null ? void 0 : v.on(list, null));
4807 | (_a = $$.unbindZoomEvent) == null ? void 0 : _a.call($$);
4808 | }
4809 | });
4810 |
4811 | ;
4812 | var category = ({
4813 | |
4814 |
4815 |
4816 |
4817 |
4818 |
4819 | categoryName(i) {
4820 | var _a;
4821 | const { axis_x_categories } = this.config;
4822 | return (_a = axis_x_categories == null ? void 0 : axis_x_categories[i]) != null ? _a : i;
4823 | }
4824 | });
4825 |
4826 | ;
4827 |
4828 | var internals_class = ({
4829 | generateClass(prefix, targetId) {
4830 | return ` ${prefix} ${prefix + this.getTargetSelectorSuffix(targetId)}`;
4831 | },
4832 | |
4833 |
4834 |
4835 |
4836 |
4837 |
4838 |
4839 | getClass(type, withShape) {
4840 | const isPlural = /s$/.test(type);
4841 | const useIdKey = /^(area|arc|line|funnel|treemap)s?$/.test(type);
4842 | const key = isPlural ? "id" : "index";
4843 | return (d) => {
4844 | const data = d.data || d;
4845 | const result = (withShape ? this.generateClass(classes[isPlural ? "shapes" : "shape"], data[key]) : "") + this.generateClass(classes[type], data[useIdKey ? "id" : key]);
4846 | return result.trim();
4847 | };
4848 | },
4849 | |
4850 |
4851 |
4852 |
4853 |
4854 |
4855 | getChartClass(type) {
4856 | return (d) => classes[`chart${type}`] + this.classTarget((d.data ? d.data : d).id);
4857 | },
4858 | generateExtraLineClass() {
4859 | const $$ = this;
4860 | const classes = $$.config.line_classes || [];
4861 | const ids = [];
4862 | return function(d) {
4863 | var _a;
4864 | const id = d.id || ((_a = d.data) == null ? void 0 : _a.id) || d;
4865 | if (ids.indexOf(id) < 0) {
4866 | ids.push(id);
4867 | }
4868 | return classes[ids.indexOf(id) % classes.length];
4869 | };
4870 | },
4871 | classRegion(d, i) {
4872 | return `${this.generateClass(classes.region, i)} ${"class" in d ? d.class : ""}`;
4873 | },
4874 | classTarget(id) {
4875 | const additionalClassSuffix = this.config.data_classes[id];
4876 | let additionalClass = "";
4877 | if (additionalClassSuffix) {
4878 | additionalClass = ` ${classes.target}-${additionalClassSuffix}`;
4879 | }
4880 | return this.generateClass(classes.target, id) + additionalClass;
4881 | },
4882 | classFocus(d) {
4883 | return this.classFocused(d) + this.classDefocused(d);
4884 | },
4885 | classFocused(d) {
4886 | return ` ${this.state.focusedTargetIds.indexOf(d.id) >= 0 ? classes.focused : ""}`;
4887 | },
4888 | classDefocused(d) {
4889 | return ` ${this.state.defocusedTargetIds.indexOf(d.id) >= 0 ? classes.defocused : ""}`;
4890 | },
4891 | getTargetSelectorSuffix(targetId) {
4892 | const targetStr = targetId || targetId === 0 ? `-${targetId}` : "";
4893 | return targetStr.replace(/[\x00-\x20\x7F-\xA0\s?!@#$%^&*()_=+,.<>'":;\[\]\/|~`{}\\]/g, "-");
4894 | },
4895 | selectorTarget(id, prefix = "", postfix = "") {
4896 | const target = this.getTargetSelectorSuffix(id);
4897 | return `${prefix}.${classes.target + target} ${postfix}, ${prefix}.${classes.circles + target} ${postfix}`;
4898 | },
4899 | selectorTargets(idsValue, prefix) {
4900 | const ids = idsValue || [];
4901 | return ids.length ? ids.map((id) => this.selectorTarget(id, prefix)) : null;
4902 | },
4903 | selectorLegend(id) {
4904 | return `.${classes.legendItem + this.getTargetSelectorSuffix(id)}`;
4905 | },
4906 | selectorLegends(ids) {
4907 | return (ids == null ? void 0 : ids.length) ? ids.map((id) => this.selectorLegend(id)) : null;
4908 | }
4909 | });
4910 |
4911 |
4912 | var external_commonjs_d3_scale_commonjs2_d3_scale_amd_d3_scale_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(7);
4913 | ;
4914 |
4915 |
4916 |
4917 |
4918 |
4919 |
4920 | const colorizePattern = (pattern, color, id) => {
4921 | const node = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(pattern.cloneNode(true));
4922 | node.attr("id", id).insert("rect", ":first-child").attr("width", node.attr("width")).attr("height", node.attr("height")).style("fill", color);
4923 | return {
4924 | id,
4925 | node: node.node()
4926 | };
4927 | };
4928 | function getColorFromCss(element) {
4929 | const cacheKey = KEY.colorPattern;
4930 | const { body } = browser_doc;
4931 | let pattern = body[cacheKey];
4932 | if (!pattern) {
4933 | const delimiter = ";";
4934 | const content = element.classed($COLOR.colorPattern, true).style("background-image");
4935 | element.classed($COLOR.colorPattern, false);
4936 | if (content.indexOf(delimiter) > -1) {
4937 | pattern = content.replace(/url[^#]*|["'()]|(\s|%20)/g, "").split(delimiter).map((v) => v.trim().replace(/[\"'\s]/g, "")).filter(Boolean);
4938 | body[cacheKey] = pattern;
4939 | }
4940 | }
4941 | return pattern;
4942 | }
4943 | const schemeCategory10 = [
4944 | "#1f77b4",
4945 | "#ff7f0e",
4946 | "#2ca02c",
4947 | "#d62728",
4948 | "#9467bd",
4949 | "#8c564b",
4950 | "#e377c2",
4951 | "#7f7f7f",
4952 | "#bcbd22",
4953 | "#17becf"
4954 | ];
4955 | var internals_color = ({
4956 | generateColor() {
4957 | const $$ = this;
4958 | const { $el, config } = $$;
4959 | const colors = config.data_colors;
4960 | const callback = config.data_color;
4961 | const ids = [];
4962 | let pattern = notEmpty(config.color_pattern) ? config.color_pattern : (0,external_commonjs_d3_scale_commonjs2_d3_scale_amd_d3_scale_root_d3_.scaleOrdinal)(getColorFromCss($el.chart) || schemeCategory10).range();
4963 | const originalColorPattern = pattern;
4964 | if (isFunction(config.color_tiles)) {
4965 | const tiles = config.color_tiles.bind($$.api)();
4966 | const colorizedPatterns = pattern.map((p, index) => {
4967 | const color = p.replace(/[#\(\)\s,]/g, "");
4968 | const id = `${$$.state.datetimeId}-pattern-${color}-${index}`;
4969 | return colorizePattern(tiles[index % tiles.length], p, id);
4970 | });
4971 | pattern = colorizedPatterns.map((p) => `url(#${p.id})`);
4972 | $$.patterns = colorizedPatterns;
4973 | }
4974 | return function(d) {
4975 | var _a;
4976 | const id = d.id || ((_a = d.data) == null ? void 0 : _a.id) || d;
4977 | const isLine = $$.isTypeOf(id, ["line", "spline", "step"]) || !config.data_types[id];
4978 | let color;
4979 | if (isFunction(colors[id])) {
4980 | color = colors[id].bind($$.api)(d);
4981 | } else if (colors[id]) {
4982 | color = colors[id];
4983 | } else {
4984 | if (ids.indexOf(id) < 0) {
4985 | ids.push(id);
4986 | }
4987 | color = isLine ? originalColorPattern[ids.indexOf(id) % originalColorPattern.length] : pattern[ids.indexOf(id) % pattern.length];
4988 | colors[id] = color;
4989 | }
4990 | return isFunction(callback) ? callback.bind($$.api)(color, d) : color;
4991 | };
4992 | },
4993 | generateLevelColor() {
4994 | const $$ = this;
4995 | const { config } = $$;
4996 | const colors = config.color_pattern;
4997 | const threshold = config.color_threshold;
4998 | const asValue = threshold.unit === "value";
4999 | const max = threshold.max || 100;
5000 | const values = threshold.values && threshold.values.length ? threshold.values : [];
5001 | return notEmpty(threshold) ? function(value) {
5002 | const v = asValue ? value : value * 100 / max;
5003 | let color = colors[colors.length - 1];
5004 | for (let i = 0, l = values.length; i < l; i++) {
5005 | if (v <= values[i]) {
5006 | color = colors[i];
5007 | break;
5008 | }
5009 | }
5010 | return color;
5011 | } : null;
5012 | },
5013 | |
5014 |
5015 |
5016 |
5017 |
5018 |
5019 | generateTextBGColorFilter(color, attr = {
5020 | x: 0,
5021 | y: 0,
5022 | width: 1,
5023 | height: 1
5024 | }) {
5025 | const $$ = this;
5026 | const { $el, state } = $$;
5027 | if (color) {
5028 | let ids = [];
5029 | if (isString(color)) {
5030 | ids.push("");
5031 | } else if (isObject(color)) {
5032 | ids = Object.keys(color);
5033 | }
5034 | ids.forEach((v) => {
5035 | const id = `${state.datetimeId}-labels-bg${$$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(v)}${isString(color) ? $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(color) : ""}`;
5036 | $el.defs.append("filter").attr("x", attr.x).attr("y", attr.y).attr("width", attr.width).attr("height", attr.height).attr("id", id).html(
5037 | `<feFlood flood-color="${v === "" ? color : color[v]}" />
5038 | <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" />`
5039 | );
5040 | });
5041 | }
5042 | },
5043 | |
5044 |
5045 |
5046 |
5047 |
5048 |
5049 | getGradienColortUrl(id) {
5050 | return `url(#${this.state.datetimeId}-gradient${this.getTargetSelectorSuffix(id)})`;
5051 | },
5052 | |
5053 |
5054 |
5055 |
5056 |
5057 |
5058 | updateLinearGradient() {
5059 | const $$ = this;
5060 | const { config, data: { targets }, state: { datetimeId }, $el: { defs } } = $$;
5061 | targets.forEach((d) => {
5062 | const id = `${datetimeId}-gradient${$$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(d.id)}`;
5063 | const radialGradient = $$.hasPointType() && config.point_radialGradient;
5064 | const supportedType = $$.isAreaType(d) && "area" || $$.isBarType(d) && "bar";
5065 | if ((radialGradient || supportedType) && defs.select(`#${id}`).empty()) {
5066 | const color = $$.color(d);
5067 | const gradient = {
5068 | defs: null,
5069 | stops: []
5070 | };
5071 | if (radialGradient) {
5072 | const {
5073 | cx = 0.3,
5074 | cy = 0.3,
5075 | r = 0.7,
5076 | stops = [[0.1, color, 0], [0.9, color, 1]]
5077 | } = radialGradient;
5078 | gradient.stops = stops;
5079 | gradient.defs = defs.append("radialGradient").attr("id", `${id}`).attr("cx", cx).attr("cy", cy).attr("r", r);
5080 | } else {
5081 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
5082 | const {
5083 | x = isRotated ? [1, 0] : [0, 0],
5084 | y = isRotated ? [0, 0] : [0, 1],
5085 | stops = [[0, color, 1], [1, color, 0]]
5086 | } = config[`${supportedType}_linearGradient`];
5087 | gradient.stops = stops;
5088 | gradient.defs = defs.append("linearGradient").attr("id", `${id}`).attr("x1", x[0]).attr("x2", x[1]).attr("y1", y[0]).attr("y2", y[1]);
5089 | }
5090 | gradient.stops.forEach((v) => {
5091 | const [offset, stopColor, stopOpacity] = v;
5092 | const colorValue = isFunction(stopColor) ? stopColor.bind($$.api)(d.id) : stopColor;
5093 | gradient.defs && gradient.defs.append("stop").attr("offset", offset).attr("stop-color", colorValue || color).attr("stop-opacity", stopOpacity);
5094 | });
5095 | }
5096 | });
5097 | },
5098 | |
5099 |
5100 |
5101 |
5102 |
5103 |
5104 |
5105 | setOverColor(isOver, d) {
5106 | const $$ = this;
5107 | const { config, $el: { main } } = $$;
5108 | const onover = config.color_onover;
5109 | let color = isOver ? onover : $$.color;
5110 | if (isObject(color)) {
5111 | color = ({ id }) => id in onover ? onover[id] : $$.color(id);
5112 | } else if (isString(color)) {
5113 | color = () => onover;
5114 | } else if (isFunction(onover)) {
5115 | color = color.bind($$.api);
5116 | }
5117 | main.selectAll(
5118 | isObject(d) ? (
5119 |
5120 | `.${$ARC.arc}${$$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(d.id)}`
5121 | ) : `.${$SHAPE.shape}-${d}`
5122 | ).style("fill", color);
5123 | }
5124 | });
5125 |
5126 | ;
5127 |
5128 |
5129 | var domain = ({
5130 | getYDomainMinMax(targets, type) {
5131 | const $$ = this;
5132 | const { axis, config } = $$;
5133 | const isMin = type === "min";
5134 | const dataGroups = config.data_groups;
5135 | const ids = $$.mapToIds(targets);
5136 | const ys = $$.getValuesAsIdKeyed(targets);
5137 | if (dataGroups.length > 0) {
5138 | const hasValue = $$[`has${isMin ? "Negative" : "Positive"}ValueInTargets`](targets);
5139 | dataGroups.forEach((groupIds) => {
5140 | const idsInGroup = groupIds.filter((v) => ids.indexOf(v) >= 0);
5141 | if (idsInGroup.length) {
5142 | const baseId = idsInGroup[0];
5143 | const baseAxisId = axis.getId(baseId);
5144 | if (hasValue && ys[baseId]) {
5145 | ys[baseId] = ys[baseId].map((v) => (isMin ? v < 0 : v > 0) ? v : 0);
5146 | }
5147 | idsInGroup.filter((v, i) => i > 0).forEach((id) => {
5148 | if (ys[id]) {
5149 | const axisId = axis.getId(id);
5150 | ys[id].forEach((v, i) => {
5151 | const val = +v;
5152 | const meetCondition = isMin ? val > 0 : val < 0;
5153 | if (axisId === baseAxisId && !(hasValue && meetCondition)) {
5154 | ys[baseId][i] += val;
5155 | }
5156 | });
5157 | }
5158 | });
5159 | }
5160 | });
5161 | }
5162 | return getMinMax(type, Object.keys(ys).map((key) => getMinMax(type, ys[key])));
5163 | },
5164 | |
5165 |
5166 |
5167 |
5168 |
5169 |
5170 | isHiddenTargetWithYDomain(id) {
5171 | const $$ = this;
5172 | return $$.state.hiddenTargetIds.some((v) => $$.axis.getId(v) === id);
5173 | },
5174 | getYDomain(targets, axisId, xDomain) {
5175 | const $$ = this;
5176 | const { axis, config, scale } = $$;
5177 | const pfx = `axis_${axisId}`;
5178 | if ($$.isStackNormalized()) {
5179 | return [0, 100];
5180 | }
5181 | const isLog = (scale == null ? void 0 : scale[axisId]) && scale[axisId].type === "log";
5182 | const targetsByAxisId = targets.filter((t) => axis.getId(t.id) === axisId);
5183 | const yTargets = xDomain ? $$.filterByXDomain(targetsByAxisId, xDomain) : targetsByAxisId;
5184 | if (yTargets.length === 0) {
5185 | if ($$.isHiddenTargetWithYDomain(axisId)) {
5186 | return scale[axisId].domain();
5187 | } else {
5188 | return axisId === "y2" ? scale.y.domain() : (
5189 |
5190 |
5191 | $$.getYDomain(targets, "y2", xDomain)
5192 | );
5193 | }
5194 | }
5195 | const yMin = config[`${pfx}_min`];
5196 | const yMax = config[`${pfx}_max`];
5197 | const center = config[`${pfx}_center`];
5198 | const isInverted = config[`${pfx}_inverted`];
5199 | const showHorizontalDataLabel = $$.hasDataLabel() && config.axis_rotated;
5200 | const showVerticalDataLabel = $$.hasDataLabel() && !config.axis_rotated;
5201 | let yDomainMin = $$.getYDomainMinMax(yTargets, "min");
5202 | let yDomainMax = $$.getYDomainMinMax(yTargets, "max");
5203 | let isZeroBased = [TYPE.BAR, TYPE.BUBBLE, TYPE.SCATTER, ...TYPE_BY_CATEGORY.Line].some((v) => {
5204 | const type = v.indexOf("area") > -1 ? "area" : v;
5205 | return $$.hasType(v, yTargets, true) && config[`${type}_zerobased`];
5206 | });
5207 | yDomainMin = isValue(yMin) ? yMin : isValue(yMax) ? yDomainMin <= yMax ? yDomainMin : yMax - 10 : yDomainMin;
5208 | yDomainMax = isValue(yMax) ? yMax : isValue(yMin) ? yMin <= yDomainMax ? yDomainMax : yMin + 10 : yDomainMax;
5209 | if (isNaN(yDomainMin)) {
5210 | yDomainMin = 0;
5211 | }
5212 | if (isNaN(yDomainMax)) {
5213 | yDomainMax = yDomainMin;
5214 | }
5215 | if (yDomainMin === yDomainMax) {
5216 | yDomainMin < 0 ? yDomainMax = 0 : yDomainMin = 0;
5217 | }
5218 | const isAllPositive = yDomainMin >= 0 && yDomainMax >= 0;
5219 | const isAllNegative = yDomainMin <= 0 && yDomainMax <= 0;
5220 | if (isValue(yMin) && isAllPositive || isValue(yMax) && isAllNegative) {
5221 | isZeroBased = false;
5222 | }
5223 | if (isZeroBased) {
5224 | isAllPositive && (yDomainMin = 0);
5225 | isAllNegative && (yDomainMax = 0);
5226 | }
5227 | const domainLength = Math.abs(yDomainMax - yDomainMin);
5228 | let padding = { top: domainLength * 0.1, bottom: domainLength * 0.1 };
5229 | if (isDefined(center)) {
5230 | const yDomainAbs = Math.max(Math.abs(yDomainMin), Math.abs(yDomainMax));
5231 | yDomainMax = center + yDomainAbs;
5232 | yDomainMin = center - yDomainAbs;
5233 | }
5234 | if (showHorizontalDataLabel) {
5235 | const diff = diffDomain(scale.y.range());
5236 | const ratio = $$.getDataLabelLength(yDomainMin, yDomainMax, "width").map((v) => v / diff);
5237 | ["bottom", "top"].forEach((v, i) => {
5238 | padding[v] += domainLength * (ratio[i] / (1 - ratio[0] - ratio[1]));
5239 | });
5240 | } else if (showVerticalDataLabel) {
5241 | const lengths = $$.getDataLabelLength(yDomainMin, yDomainMax, "height");
5242 | ["bottom", "top"].forEach((v, i) => {
5243 | padding[v] += $$.convertPixelToScale("y", lengths[i], domainLength);
5244 | });
5245 | }
5246 | padding = $$.getResettedPadding(padding);
5247 | const p = config[`${pfx}_padding`];
5248 | if (notEmpty(p)) {
5249 | ["bottom", "top"].forEach((v) => {
5250 | padding[v] = axis.getPadding(p, v, padding[v], domainLength);
5251 | });
5252 | }
5253 | if (isZeroBased) {
5254 | isAllPositive && (padding.bottom = yDomainMin);
5255 | isAllNegative && (padding.top = -yDomainMax);
5256 | }
5257 | const domain = isLog ? [yDomainMin, yDomainMax].map((v) => v < 0 ? 0 : v) : [yDomainMin - padding.bottom, yDomainMax + padding.top];
5258 | return isInverted ? domain.reverse() : domain;
5259 | },
5260 | getXDomainMinMax(targets, type) {
5261 | var _a;
5262 | const $$ = this;
5263 | const configValue = $$.config[`axis_x_${type}`];
5264 | const dataValue = getMinMax(
5265 | type,
5266 | targets.map((t) => getMinMax(type, t.values.map((v) => v.x)))
5267 | );
5268 | let value = isObject(configValue) ? configValue.value : configValue;
5269 | value = isDefined(value) && ((_a = $$.axis) == null ? void 0 : _a.isTimeSeries()) ? parseDate.bind(this)(value) : value;
5270 | if (isObject(configValue) && configValue.fit && (type === "min" && value < dataValue || type === "max" && value > dataValue)) {
5271 | value = void 0;
5272 | }
5273 | return isDefined(value) ? value : dataValue;
5274 | },
5275 | |
5276 |
5277 |
5278 |
5279 |
5280 |
5281 |
5282 | getXDomainPadding(domain, tickCount) {
5283 | const $$ = this;
5284 | const { axis, config } = $$;
5285 | const padding = config.axis_x_padding;
5286 | const isTimeSeriesTickCount = axis.isTimeSeries() && tickCount;
5287 | const diff = diffDomain(domain);
5288 | let defaultValue;
5289 | if (axis.isCategorized() || isTimeSeriesTickCount) {
5290 | defaultValue = 0;
5291 | } else if ($$.hasType("bar")) {
5292 | const maxDataCount = $$.getMaxDataCount();
5293 | defaultValue = maxDataCount > 1 ? diff / (maxDataCount - 1) / 2 : 0.5;
5294 | } else {
5295 | defaultValue = $$.getResettedPadding(diff * 0.01);
5296 | }
5297 | let { left = defaultValue, right = defaultValue } = isNumber(padding) ? { left: padding, right: padding } : padding;
5298 | if (padding.unit === "px") {
5299 | const domainLength = Math.abs(diff + diff * 0.2);
5300 | left = axis.getPadding(padding, "left", defaultValue, domainLength);
5301 | right = axis.getPadding(padding, "right", defaultValue, domainLength);
5302 | } else {
5303 | const range = diff + left + right;
5304 | if (isTimeSeriesTickCount && range) {
5305 | const relativeTickWidth = diff / tickCount / range;
5306 | left = left / range / relativeTickWidth;
5307 | right = right / range / relativeTickWidth;
5308 | }
5309 | }
5310 | return { left, right };
5311 | },
5312 | |
5313 |
5314 |
5315 |
5316 |
5317 |
5318 | getXDomain(targets) {
5319 | const $$ = this;
5320 | const { axis, config, scale: { x } } = $$;
5321 | const isInverted = config.axis_x_inverted;
5322 | const domain = [
5323 | $$.getXDomainMinMax(targets, "min"),
5324 | $$.getXDomainMinMax(targets, "max")
5325 | ];
5326 | let [min = 0, max = 0] = domain;
5327 | if (x.type !== "log") {
5328 | const isCategorized = axis.isCategorized();
5329 | const isTimeSeries = axis.isTimeSeries();
5330 | const padding = $$.getXDomainPadding(domain);
5331 | let [firstX, lastX] = domain;
5332 | if (firstX - lastX === 0 && !isCategorized) {
5333 | if (isTimeSeries) {
5334 | firstX = new Date(firstX.getTime() * 0.5);
5335 | lastX = new Date(lastX.getTime() * 1.5);
5336 | } else {
5337 | firstX = firstX === 0 ? 1 : firstX * 0.5;
5338 | lastX = lastX === 0 ? -1 : lastX * 1.5;
5339 | }
5340 | }
5341 | if (firstX || firstX === 0) {
5342 | min = isTimeSeries ? new Date(firstX.getTime() - padding.left) : firstX - padding.left;
5343 | }
5344 | if (lastX || lastX === 0) {
5345 | max = isTimeSeries ? new Date(lastX.getTime() + padding.right) : lastX + padding.right;
5346 | }
5347 | }
5348 | return isInverted ? [max, min] : [min, max];
5349 | },
5350 | updateXDomain(targets, withUpdateXDomain, withUpdateOrgXDomain, withTrim, domain) {
5351 | var _a;
5352 | const $$ = this;
5353 | const { config, org, scale: { x, subX } } = $$;
5354 | const zoomEnabled = config.zoom_enabled;
5355 | if (withUpdateOrgXDomain) {
5356 | x.domain(domain || sortValue($$.getXDomain(targets), !config.axis_x_inverted));
5357 | org.xDomain = x.domain();
5358 | subX.domain(x.domain());
5359 | (_a = $$.brush) == null ? void 0 : _a.scale(subX);
5360 | }
5361 | if (withUpdateXDomain) {
5362 | const domainValue = domain || (!$$.brush || brushEmpty($$)) ? org.xDomain : getBrushSelection($$).map(subX.invert);
5363 | x.domain(domainValue);
5364 | }
5365 | if (withUpdateOrgXDomain || withUpdateXDomain) {
5366 | zoomEnabled && $$.zoom.updateScaleExtent();
5367 | }
5368 | withTrim && x.domain($$.trimXDomain(x.orgDomain()));
5369 | return x.domain();
5370 | },
5371 | |
5372 |
5373 |
5374 |
5375 |
5376 |
5377 | trimXDomain(domain) {
5378 | const $$ = this;
5379 | const isInverted = $$.config.axis_x_inverted;
5380 | const zoomDomain = $$.getZoomDomain();
5381 | const [min, max] = zoomDomain;
5382 | if (isInverted ? domain[0] >= min : domain[0] <= min) {
5383 | domain[1] = +domain[1] + (min - domain[0]);
5384 | domain[0] = min;
5385 | }
5386 | if (isInverted ? domain[1] <= max : domain[1] >= max) {
5387 | domain[0] = +domain[0] - (domain[1] - max);
5388 | domain[1] = max;
5389 | }
5390 | return domain;
5391 | },
5392 | |
5393 |
5394 |
5395 |
5396 |
5397 |
5398 |
5399 | getZoomDomain(type = "zoom", getCurrent = false) {
5400 | const $$ = this;
5401 | const { config, scale, org } = $$;
5402 | let [min, max] = getCurrent && scale[type] ? scale[type].domain() : org.xDomain;
5403 | if (type === "zoom") {
5404 | if (isDefined(config.zoom_x_min)) {
5405 | min = getMinMax("min", [min, config.zoom_x_min]);
5406 | }
5407 | if (isDefined(config.zoom_x_max)) {
5408 | max = getMinMax("max", [max, config.zoom_x_max]);
5409 | }
5410 | }
5411 | return [min, max];
5412 | },
5413 | |
5414 |
5415 |
5416 |
5417 |
5418 |
5419 |
5420 | getZoomDomainValue(domainValue) {
5421 | const $$ = this;
5422 | const { config, axis } = $$;
5423 | if (axis.isCategorized() && Array.isArray(domainValue)) {
5424 | const isInverted = config.axis_x_inverted;
5425 | const domain = domainValue.map(
5426 | (v, i) => Number(v) + (i === 0 ? +isInverted : +!isInverted)
5427 | );
5428 | return domain;
5429 | }
5430 | return domainValue;
5431 | },
5432 | |
5433 |
5434 |
5435 |
5436 |
5437 |
5438 |
5439 |
5440 | convertPixelToScale(type, pixels, domainLength) {
5441 | const $$ = this;
5442 | const { config, state } = $$;
5443 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
5444 | let length;
5445 | if (type === "x") {
5446 | length = isRotated ? "height" : "width";
5447 | } else {
5448 | length = isRotated ? "width" : "height";
5449 | }
5450 | return domainLength * (pixels / state[length]);
5451 | },
5452 | |
5453 |
5454 |
5455 |
5456 |
5457 |
5458 |
5459 |
5460 | withinRange(domain, current = [0, 0], range) {
5461 | const $$ = this;
5462 | const isInverted = $$.config.axis_x_inverted;
5463 | const [min, max] = range;
5464 | if (Array.isArray(domain)) {
5465 | const target = [...domain];
5466 | isInverted && target.reverse();
5467 | if (target[0] < target[1]) {
5468 | return domain.every(
5469 | (v, i) => (i === 0 ? isInverted ? +v <= min : +v >= min : isInverted ? +v >= max : +v <= max) && !domain.every((v2, i2) => v2 === current[i2])
5470 | );
5471 | }
5472 | }
5473 | return false;
5474 | }
5475 | });
5476 |
5477 | ;
5478 |
5479 | function getFormat($$, typeValue, v) {
5480 | const { config } = $$;
5481 | const type = `axis_${typeValue}_tick_format`;
5482 | const format = config[type] ? config[type] : $$.defaultValueFormat;
5483 | return format.call($$.api, v);
5484 | }
5485 | var format = ({
5486 | yFormat(v) {
5487 | return getFormat(this, "y", v);
5488 | },
5489 | y2Format(v) {
5490 | return getFormat(this, "y2", v);
5491 | },
5492 | |
5493 |
5494 |
5495 |
5496 |
5497 | getDefaultValueFormat() {
5498 | const $$ = this;
5499 | const { defaultArcValueFormat, yFormat, y2Format } = $$;
5500 | const hasArc = $$.hasArcType(null, ["gauge", "polar", "radar"]);
5501 | return function(v, ratio, id) {
5502 | const format = hasArc ? defaultArcValueFormat : $$.axis && $$.axis.getId(id) === "y2" ? y2Format : yFormat;
5503 | return format.call($$, v, ratio);
5504 | };
5505 | },
5506 | defaultValueFormat(v) {
5507 | return isArray(v) ? v.join("~") : isValue(v) ? +v : "";
5508 | },
5509 | defaultArcValueFormat(v, ratio) {
5510 | return `${(ratio * 100).toFixed(1)}%`;
5511 | },
5512 | defaultPolarValueFormat(v) {
5513 | return `${v}`;
5514 | },
5515 | dataLabelFormat(targetId) {
5516 | const $$ = this;
5517 | const dataLabels = $$.config.data_labels;
5518 | const defaultFormat = (v) => {
5519 | const delimiter = "~";
5520 | let res = v;
5521 | if (isArray(v)) {
5522 | res = v.join(delimiter);
5523 | } else if (isObject(v)) {
5524 | res = Object.values(v).join(delimiter);
5525 | }
5526 | return res;
5527 | };
5528 | let format = defaultFormat;
5529 | if (isFunction(dataLabels.format)) {
5530 | format = dataLabels.format;
5531 | } else if (isObjectType(dataLabels.format)) {
5532 | if (dataLabels.format[targetId]) {
5533 | format = dataLabels.format[targetId] === true ? defaultFormat : dataLabels.format[targetId];
5534 | } else {
5535 | format = () => "";
5536 | }
5537 | }
5538 | return format.bind($$.api);
5539 | }
5540 | });
5541 |
5542 | ;
5543 |
5544 |
5545 |
5546 |
5547 |
5548 | function getLegendColor(id) {
5549 | const $$ = this;
5550 | const data = $$.getDataById(id);
5551 | const color = $$.levelColor ? $$.levelColor(data.values[0].value) : $$.color(data);
5552 | return color;
5553 | }
5554 | function getFormattedText(id, formatted = true) {
5555 | var _a;
5556 | const { config } = this;
5557 | let text = (_a = config.data_names[id]) != null ? _a : id;
5558 | if (formatted && isFunction(config.legend_format)) {
5559 | text = config.legend_format(text, id !== text ? id : void 0);
5560 | }
5561 | return text;
5562 | }
5563 | var internals_legend = ({
5564 | |
5565 |
5566 |
5567 |
5568 | initLegend() {
5569 | const $$ = this;
5570 | const { config, $el } = $$;
5571 | $$.legendItemTextBox = {};
5572 | $$.state.legendHasRendered = false;
5573 | if (config.legend_show) {
5574 | if (!config.legend_contents_bindto) {
5575 | $el.legend = $$.$el.svg.append("g").classed($LEGEND.legend, true).attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("legend"));
5576 | }
5577 | $$.updateLegend();
5578 | } else {
5579 | $$.state.hiddenLegendIds = $$.mapToIds($$.data.targets);
5580 | }
5581 | },
5582 | |
5583 |
5584 |
5585 |
5586 |
5587 |
5588 |
5589 | updateLegend(targetIds, options, transitions) {
5590 | var _a;
5591 | const $$ = this;
5592 | const { config, state, scale, $el } = $$;
5593 | const optionz = options || {
5594 | withTransform: false,
5595 | withTransitionForTransform: false,
5596 | withTransition: false
5597 | };
5598 | optionz.withTransition = getOption(optionz, "withTransition", true);
5599 | optionz.withTransitionForTransform = getOption(optionz, "withTransitionForTransform", true);
5600 | if (config.legend_contents_bindto && config.legend_contents_template) {
5601 | $$.updateLegendTemplate();
5602 | } else if (!state.hasTreemap) {
5603 | $$.updateLegendElement(
5604 | targetIds || $$.mapToIds($$.data.targets),
5605 | optionz,
5606 | transitions
5607 | );
5608 | }
5609 | (_a = $el.legend) == null ? void 0 : _a.selectAll(`.${$LEGEND.legendItem}`).classed($LEGEND.legendItemHidden, function(id) {
5610 | const hide = !$$.isTargetToShow(id);
5611 | if (hide) {
5612 | this.style.opacity = null;
5613 | }
5614 | return hide;
5615 | });
5616 | $$.updateScales(false, !scale.zoom);
5617 | $$.updateSvgSize();
5618 | $$.transformAll(optionz.withTransitionForTransform, transitions);
5619 | state.legendHasRendered = true;
5620 | },
5621 | |
5622 |
5623 |
5624 |
5625 | updateLegendTemplate() {
5626 | const $$ = this;
5627 | const { config, $el } = $$;
5628 | const wrapper = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(config.legend_contents_bindto);
5629 | const template = config.legend_contents_template;
5630 | if (!wrapper.empty()) {
5631 | const targets = $$.mapToIds($$.data.targets);
5632 | const ids = [];
5633 | let html = "";
5634 | targets.forEach((v) => {
5635 | const content = isFunction(template) ? template.bind($$.api)(v, $$.color(v), $$.api.data(v)[0].values) : tplProcess(template, {
5636 | COLOR: $$.color(v),
5637 | TITLE: v
5638 | });
5639 | if (content) {
5640 | ids.push(v);
5641 | html += content;
5642 | }
5643 | });
5644 | const legendItem = wrapper.html(html).selectAll(function() {
5645 | return this.childNodes;
5646 | }).data(ids);
5647 | $$.setLegendItem(legendItem);
5648 | $el.legend = wrapper;
5649 | }
5650 | },
5651 | |
5652 |
5653 |
5654 |
5655 |
5656 | updateSizeForLegend(size) {
5657 | const $$ = this;
5658 | const {
5659 | config,
5660 | state: {
5661 | isLegendTop,
5662 | isLegendLeft,
5663 | isLegendRight,
5664 | isLegendInset,
5665 | current
5666 | }
5667 | } = $$;
5668 | const { width, height } = size;
5669 | const insetLegendPosition = {
5670 | top: isLegendTop ? $$.getCurrentPaddingByDirection("top") + config.legend_inset_y + 5.5 : current.height - height - $$.getCurrentPaddingByDirection("bottom") - config.legend_inset_y,
5671 | left: isLegendLeft ? $$.getCurrentPaddingByDirection("left") + config.legend_inset_x + 0.5 : current.width - width - $$.getCurrentPaddingByDirection("right") - config.legend_inset_x + 0.5
5672 | };
5673 | $$.state.margin3 = {
5674 | top: isLegendRight ? 0 : isLegendInset ? insetLegendPosition.top : current.height - height,
5675 | right: NaN,
5676 | bottom: 0,
5677 | left: isLegendRight ? current.width - width : isLegendInset ? insetLegendPosition.left : 0
5678 | };
5679 | },
5680 | |
5681 |
5682 |
5683 |
5684 |
5685 | transformLegend(withTransition) {
5686 | const $$ = this;
5687 | const { $el: { legend }, $T } = $$;
5688 | $T(legend, withTransition).attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("legend"));
5689 | },
5690 | |
5691 |
5692 |
5693 |
5694 |
5695 | updateLegendStep(step) {
5696 | this.state.legendStep = step;
5697 | },
5698 | |
5699 |
5700 |
5701 |
5702 |
5703 | updateLegendItemWidth(width) {
5704 | this.state.legendItemWidth = width;
5705 | },
5706 | |
5707 |
5708 |
5709 |
5710 |
5711 | updateLegendItemHeight(height) {
5712 | this.state.legendItemHeight = height;
5713 | },
5714 | |
5715 |
5716 |
5717 |
5718 |
5719 |
5720 | updateLegendItemColor(id, color) {
5721 | const { legend } = this.$el;
5722 | if (legend) {
5723 | legend.select(`.${$LEGEND.legendItem}-${id} line`).style("stroke", color);
5724 | }
5725 | },
5726 | |
5727 |
5728 |
5729 |
5730 |
5731 | getLegendWidth() {
5732 | const $$ = this;
5733 | const { current: { width }, isLegendRight, isLegendInset, legendItemWidth, legendStep } = $$.state;
5734 | return $$.config.legend_show ? isLegendRight || isLegendInset ? legendItemWidth * (legendStep + 1) : width : 0;
5735 | },
5736 | |
5737 |
5738 |
5739 |
5740 |
5741 | getLegendHeight() {
5742 | var _a;
5743 | const $$ = this;
5744 | const { current, isLegendRight, legendItemHeight, legendStep } = $$.state;
5745 | const isFitPadding = ((_a = $$.config.padding) == null ? void 0 : _a.mode) === "fit";
5746 | const height = $$.config.legend_show ? isLegendRight ? current.height : Math.max(isFitPadding ? 10 : 20, legendItemHeight) * (legendStep + 1) : 0;
5747 | return height;
5748 | },
5749 | |
5750 |
5751 |
5752 |
5753 |
5754 |
5755 | opacityForUnfocusedLegend(legendItem) {
5756 | return legendItem.classed($LEGEND.legendItemHidden) ? null : "0.3";
5757 | },
5758 | |
5759 |
5760 |
5761 |
5762 |
5763 |
5764 | toggleFocusLegend(targetIds, focus) {
5765 | const $$ = this;
5766 | const { $el: { legend }, $T } = $$;
5767 | const targetIdz = $$.mapToTargetIds(targetIds);
5768 | legend && $T(legend.selectAll(`.${$LEGEND.legendItem}`).filter((id) => targetIdz.indexOf(id) >= 0).classed($FOCUS.legendItemFocused, focus)).style("opacity", function() {
5769 | return focus ? null : $$.opacityForUnfocusedLegend.call($$, (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this));
5770 | });
5771 | },
5772 | |
5773 |
5774 |
5775 |
5776 | revertLegend() {
5777 | const $$ = this;
5778 | const { $el: { legend }, $T } = $$;
5779 | legend && $T(legend.selectAll(`.${$LEGEND.legendItem}`).classed($FOCUS.legendItemFocused, false)).style("opacity", null);
5780 | },
5781 | |
5782 |
5783 |
5784 |
5785 |
5786 | showLegend(targetIds) {
5787 | const $$ = this;
5788 | const { config, $el, $T } = $$;
5789 | if (!config.legend_show) {
5790 | config.legend_show = true;
5791 | $el.legend ? $el.legend.style("visibility", null) : $$.initLegend();
5792 | !$$.state.legendHasRendered && $$.updateLegend();
5793 | }
5794 | $$.removeHiddenLegendIds(targetIds);
5795 | $T(
5796 | $el.legend.selectAll($$.selectorLegends(targetIds)).style("visibility", null)
5797 | ).style("opacity", null);
5798 | },
5799 | |
5800 |
5801 |
5802 |
5803 |
5804 | hideLegend(targetIds) {
5805 | const $$ = this;
5806 | const { config, $el: { legend } } = $$;
5807 | if (config.legend_show && isEmpty(targetIds)) {
5808 | config.legend_show = false;
5809 | legend.style("visibility", "hidden");
5810 | }
5811 | $$.addHiddenLegendIds(targetIds);
5812 | legend.selectAll($$.selectorLegends(targetIds)).style("opacity", "0").style("visibility", "hidden");
5813 | },
5814 | |
5815 |
5816 |
5817 |
5818 |
5819 |
5820 |
5821 | getLegendItemTextBox(id, textElement) {
5822 | const $$ = this;
5823 | const { cache, state } = $$;
5824 | let data;
5825 | const cacheKey = KEY.legendItemTextBox;
5826 | if (id) {
5827 | data = !state.redrawing && cache.get(cacheKey) || {};
5828 | if (!data[id]) {
5829 | data[id] = $$.getTextRect(textElement, $LEGEND.legendItem);
5830 | cache.add(cacheKey, data);
5831 | }
5832 | data = data[id];
5833 | }
5834 | return data;
5835 | },
5836 | |
5837 |
5838 |
5839 |
5840 |
5841 | setLegendItem(item) {
5842 | const $$ = this;
5843 | const { $el, api, config, state } = $$;
5844 | const isTouch = state.inputType === "touch";
5845 | const hasGauge = $$.hasType("gauge");
5846 | const useCssRule = config.boost_useCssRule;
5847 | const interaction = config.legend_item_interaction;
5848 | item.attr("class", function(id) {
5849 | const node = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this);
5850 | const itemClass = !node.empty() && node.attr("class") || "";
5851 | return itemClass + $$.generateClass($LEGEND.legendItem, id);
5852 | }).style("visibility", (id) => $$.isLegendToShow(id) ? null : "hidden");
5853 | if (config.interaction_enabled) {
5854 | if (useCssRule) {
5855 | [
5856 | [`.${$LEGEND.legendItem}`, "cursor:pointer"],
5857 | [`.${$LEGEND.legendItem} text`, "pointer-events:none"],
5858 | [`.${$LEGEND.legendItemPoint} text`, "pointer-events:none"],
5859 | [`.${$LEGEND.legendItemTile}`, "pointer-events:none"],
5860 | [`.${$LEGEND.legendItemEvent}`, "fill-opacity:0"]
5861 | ].forEach((v) => {
5862 | const [selector, props] = v;
5863 | $$.setCssRule(false, selector, [props])($el.legend);
5864 | });
5865 | }
5866 | item.on(
5867 | interaction.dblclick ? "dblclick" : "click",
5868 | interaction || isFunction(config.legend_item_onclick) ? function(event, id) {
5869 | if (!callFn(
5870 | config.legend_item_onclick,
5871 | api,
5872 | id,
5873 | !state.hiddenTargetIds.includes(id)
5874 | )) {
5875 | const { altKey, target, type } = event;
5876 | if (type === "dblclick" || altKey) {
5877 | if (state.hiddenTargetIds.length && target.parentNode.getAttribute("class").indexOf(
5878 | $LEGEND.legendItemHidden
5879 | ) === -1) {
5880 | api.show();
5881 | } else {
5882 | api.hide();
5883 | api.show(id);
5884 | }
5885 | } else {
5886 | api.toggle(id);
5887 | (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this).classed($FOCUS.legendItemFocused, false);
5888 | }
5889 | }
5890 | isTouch && $$.hideTooltip();
5891 | } : null
5892 | );
5893 | !isTouch && item.on("mouseout", interaction || isFunction(config.legend_item_onout) ? function(event, id) {
5894 | if (!callFn(
5895 | config.legend_item_onout,
5896 | api,
5897 | id,
5898 | !state.hiddenTargetIds.includes(id)
5899 | )) {
5900 | (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this).classed($FOCUS.legendItemFocused, false);
5901 | if (hasGauge) {
5902 | $$.undoMarkOverlapped($$, `.${$GAUGE.gaugeValue}`);
5903 | }
5904 | $$.api.revert();
5905 | }
5906 | } : null).on("mouseover", interaction || isFunction(config.legend_item_onover) ? function(event, id) {
5907 | if (!callFn(
5908 | config.legend_item_onover,
5909 | api,
5910 | id,
5911 | !state.hiddenTargetIds.includes(id)
5912 | )) {
5913 | (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this).classed($FOCUS.legendItemFocused, true);
5914 | if (hasGauge) {
5915 | $$.markOverlapped(id, $$, `.${$GAUGE.gaugeValue}`);
5916 | }
5917 | if (!state.transiting && $$.isTargetToShow(id)) {
5918 | api.focus(id);
5919 | }
5920 | }
5921 | } : null);
5922 | !item.empty() && item.on("click mouseout mouseover") && item.style("cursor", $$.getStylePropValue("pointer"));
5923 | }
5924 | },
5925 | |
5926 |
5927 |
5928 |
5929 |
5930 |
5931 | updateLegendElement(targetIds, options) {
5932 | const $$ = this;
5933 | const { config, state, $el: { legend }, $T } = $$;
5934 | const legendType = config.legend_item_tile_type;
5935 | const isRectangle = legendType !== "circle";
5936 | const legendItemR = config.legend_item_tile_r;
5937 | const itemTileSize = {
5938 | width: isRectangle ? config.legend_item_tile_width : legendItemR * 2,
5939 | height: isRectangle ? config.legend_item_tile_height : legendItemR * 2
5940 | };
5941 | const dimension = {
5942 | padding: {
5943 | top: 4,
5944 | right: 10
5945 | },
5946 | max: {
5947 | width: 0,
5948 | height: 0
5949 | },
5950 | posMin: 10,
5951 | step: 0,
5952 | tileWidth: itemTileSize.width + 5,
5953 | totalLength: 0
5954 | };
5955 | const sizes = {
5956 | offsets: {},
5957 | widths: {},
5958 | heights: {},
5959 | margins: [0],
5960 | steps: {}
5961 | };
5962 | let xForLegend;
5963 | let yForLegend;
5964 | let background;
5965 | const targetIdz = targetIds.filter((id) => !isDefined(config.data_names[id]) || config.data_names[id] !== null);
5966 | const withTransition = options.withTransition;
5967 | const updatePositions = $$.getUpdateLegendPositions(targetIdz, dimension, sizes);
5968 | if (state.isLegendInset) {
5969 | dimension.step = config.legend_inset_step ? config.legend_inset_step : targetIdz.length;
5970 | $$.updateLegendStep(dimension.step);
5971 | }
5972 | if (state.isLegendRight) {
5973 | xForLegend = (id) => dimension.max.width * sizes.steps[id];
5974 | yForLegend = (id) => sizes.margins[sizes.steps[id]] + sizes.offsets[id];
5975 | } else if (state.isLegendInset) {
5976 | xForLegend = (id) => dimension.max.width * sizes.steps[id] + 10;
5977 | yForLegend = (id) => sizes.margins[sizes.steps[id]] + sizes.offsets[id];
5978 | } else {
5979 | xForLegend = (id) => sizes.margins[sizes.steps[id]] + sizes.offsets[id];
5980 | yForLegend = (id) => dimension.max.height * sizes.steps[id];
5981 | }
5982 | const posFn = {
5983 | xText: (id, i) => xForLegend(id, i) + 4 + itemTileSize.width,
5984 | xRect: (id, i) => xForLegend(id, i),
5985 | x1Tile: (id, i) => xForLegend(id, i) - 2,
5986 | x2Tile: (id, i) => xForLegend(id, i) - 2 + itemTileSize.width,
5987 | yText: (id, i) => yForLegend(id, i) + 9,
5988 | yRect: (id, i) => yForLegend(id, i) - 5,
5989 | yTile: (id, i) => yForLegend(id, i) + 4
5990 | };
5991 | $$.generateLegendItem(targetIdz, itemTileSize, updatePositions, posFn);
5992 | background = legend.select(`.${$LEGEND.legendBackground} rect`);
5993 | if (state.isLegendInset && dimension.max.width > 0 && background.size() === 0) {
5994 | background = legend.insert("g", `.${$LEGEND.legendItem}`).attr("class", $LEGEND.legendBackground).append("rect");
5995 | }
5996 | if (config.legend_tooltip) {
5997 | legend.selectAll("title").data(targetIdz).text((id) => getFormattedText.bind($$)(id, false));
5998 | }
5999 | const texts = legend.selectAll("text").data(targetIdz).text((id) => getFormattedText.bind($$)(id)).each(function(id, i) {
6000 | updatePositions(this, id, i);
6001 | });
6002 | $T(texts, withTransition).attr("x", posFn.xText).attr("y", posFn.yText);
6003 | const rects = legend.selectAll(`rect.${$LEGEND.legendItemEvent}`).data(targetIdz);
6004 | $T(rects, withTransition).attr("width", (id) => sizes.widths[id]).attr("height", (id) => sizes.heights[id]).attr("x", posFn.xRect).attr("y", posFn.yRect);
6005 | $$.updateLegendItemPos(targetIdz, withTransition, posFn);
6006 | if (background) {
6007 | $T(background, withTransition).attr("height", $$.getLegendHeight() - 12).attr("width", dimension.max.width * (dimension.step + 1) + 10);
6008 | }
6009 | $$.updateLegendItemWidth(dimension.max.width);
6010 | $$.updateLegendItemHeight(dimension.max.height);
6011 | $$.updateLegendStep(dimension.step);
6012 | },
6013 | |
6014 |
6015 |
6016 |
6017 |
6018 |
6019 |
6020 |
6021 | getUpdateLegendPositions(targetIdz, dimension, sizes) {
6022 | const $$ = this;
6023 | const { config, state } = $$;
6024 | const isLegendRightOrInset = state.isLegendRight || state.isLegendInset;
6025 | return function(textElement, id, index) {
6026 | const reset = index === 0;
6027 | const isLast = index === targetIdz.length - 1;
6028 | const box = $$.getLegendItemTextBox(id, textElement);
6029 | const itemWidth = box.width + dimension.tileWidth + (isLast && !isLegendRightOrInset ? 0 : dimension.padding.right) + config.legend_padding;
6030 | const itemHeight = box.height + dimension.padding.top;
6031 | const itemLength = isLegendRightOrInset ? itemHeight : itemWidth;
6032 | const areaLength = isLegendRightOrInset ? $$.getLegendHeight() : $$.getLegendWidth();
6033 | let margin;
6034 | const updateValues = function(id2, withoutStep) {
6035 | if (!withoutStep) {
6036 | margin = (areaLength - dimension.totalLength - itemLength) / 2;
6037 | if (margin < dimension.posMin) {
6038 | margin = (areaLength - itemLength) / 2;
6039 | dimension.totalLength = 0;
6040 | dimension.step++;
6041 | }
6042 | }
6043 | sizes.steps[id2] = dimension.step;
6044 | sizes.margins[dimension.step] = state.isLegendInset ? 10 : margin;
6045 | sizes.offsets[id2] = dimension.totalLength;
6046 | dimension.totalLength += itemLength;
6047 | };
6048 | if (reset) {
6049 | dimension.totalLength = 0;
6050 | dimension.step = 0;
6051 | dimension.max.width = 0;
6052 | dimension.max.height = 0;
6053 | }
6054 | if (config.legend_show && !$$.isLegendToShow(id)) {
6055 | sizes.widths[id] = 0;
6056 | sizes.heights[id] = 0;
6057 | sizes.steps[id] = 0;
6058 | sizes.offsets[id] = 0;
6059 | return;
6060 | }
6061 | sizes.widths[id] = itemWidth;
6062 | sizes.heights[id] = itemHeight;
6063 | if (!dimension.max.width || itemWidth >= dimension.max.width) {
6064 | dimension.max.width = itemWidth;
6065 | }
6066 | if (!dimension.max.height || itemHeight >= dimension.max.height) {
6067 | dimension.max.height = itemHeight;
6068 | }
6069 | const maxLength = isLegendRightOrInset ? dimension.max.height : dimension.max.width;
6070 | if (config.legend_equally) {
6071 | Object.keys(sizes.widths).forEach((id2) => sizes.widths[id2] = dimension.max.width);
6072 | Object.keys(sizes.heights).forEach(
6073 | (id2) => sizes.heights[id2] = dimension.max.height
6074 | );
6075 | margin = (areaLength - maxLength * targetIdz.length) / 2;
6076 | if (margin < dimension.posMin) {
6077 | dimension.totalLength = 0;
6078 | dimension.step = 0;
6079 | targetIdz.forEach((id2) => updateValues(id2));
6080 | } else {
6081 | updateValues(id, true);
6082 | }
6083 | } else {
6084 | updateValues(id);
6085 | }
6086 | };
6087 | },
6088 | |
6089 |
6090 |
6091 |
6092 |
6093 |
6094 |
6095 |
6096 | generateLegendItem(targetIdz, itemTileSize, updatePositions, posFn) {
6097 | const $$ = this;
6098 | const { config, state, $el: { legend } } = $$;
6099 | const usePoint = config.legend_usePoint;
6100 | const legendItemR = config.legend_item_tile_r;
6101 | const legendType = config.legend_item_tile_type;
6102 | const isRectangle = legendType !== "circle";
6103 | const isLegendRightOrInset = state.isLegendRight || state.isLegendInset;
6104 | const pos = -200;
6105 | const l = legend.selectAll(`.${$LEGEND.legendItem}`).data(targetIdz).enter().append("g");
6106 | $$.setLegendItem(l);
6107 | if (config.legend_tooltip) {
6108 | l.append("title").text((id) => id);
6109 | }
6110 | l.append("text").text((id) => getFormattedText.bind($$)(id)).each(function(id, i) {
6111 | updatePositions(this, id, i);
6112 | }).style("pointer-events", $$.getStylePropValue("none")).attr("x", isLegendRightOrInset ? posFn.xText : pos).attr("y", isLegendRightOrInset ? pos : posFn.yText);
6113 | l.append("rect").attr("class", $LEGEND.legendItemEvent).style("fill-opacity", $$.getStylePropValue("0")).attr("x", isLegendRightOrInset ? posFn.xRect : pos).attr("y", isLegendRightOrInset ? pos : posFn.yRect);
6114 | if (usePoint) {
6115 | const ids = [];
6116 | l.append((d) => {
6117 | const pattern = notEmpty(config.point_pattern) ? config.point_pattern : [config.point_type];
6118 | ids.indexOf(d) === -1 && ids.push(d);
6119 | let point = pattern[ids.indexOf(d) % pattern.length];
6120 | if (point === "rectangle") {
6121 | point = "rect";
6122 | }
6123 | return browser_doc.createElementNS(
6124 | external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.namespaces.svg,
6125 | "hasValidPointType" in $$ && $$.hasValidPointType(point) ? point : "use"
6126 | );
6127 | }).attr("class", $LEGEND.legendItemPoint).style("fill", getLegendColor.bind($$)).style("pointer-events", $$.getStylePropValue("none")).attr("href", (data, idx, selection) => {
6128 | const node = selection[idx];
6129 | const nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
6130 | const id = $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(data);
6131 | return nodeName === "use" ? `#${state.datetimeId}-point${id}` : void 0;
6132 | });
6133 | } else {
6134 | l.append(isRectangle ? "line" : legendType).attr("class", $LEGEND.legendItemTile).style("stroke", getLegendColor.bind($$)).style("pointer-events", $$.getStylePropValue("none")).call((selection) => {
6135 | if (legendType === "circle") {
6136 | selection.attr("r", legendItemR).style("fill", getLegendColor.bind($$)).attr("cx", isLegendRightOrInset ? posFn.x2Tile : pos).attr("cy", isLegendRightOrInset ? pos : posFn.yTile);
6137 | } else if (isRectangle) {
6138 | selection.attr("stroke-width", itemTileSize.height).attr("x1", isLegendRightOrInset ? posFn.x1Tile : pos).attr("y1", isLegendRightOrInset ? pos : posFn.yTile).attr("x2", isLegendRightOrInset ? posFn.x2Tile : pos).attr("y2", isLegendRightOrInset ? pos : posFn.yTile);
6139 | }
6140 | });
6141 | }
6142 | },
6143 | |
6144 |
6145 |
6146 |
6147 |
6148 |
6149 |
6150 | updateLegendItemPos(targetIdz, withTransition, posFn) {
6151 | const $$ = this;
6152 | const { config, $el: { legend }, $T } = $$;
6153 | const usePoint = config.legend_usePoint;
6154 | const legendType = config.legend_item_tile_type;
6155 | const isRectangle = legendType !== "circle";
6156 | if (usePoint) {
6157 | const tiles = legend.selectAll(`.${$LEGEND.legendItemPoint}`).data(targetIdz);
6158 | $T(tiles, withTransition).each(function() {
6159 | const nodeName = this.nodeName.toLowerCase();
6160 | const pointR = config.point_r;
6161 | let x = "x";
6162 | let y = "y";
6163 | let xOffset = 2;
6164 | let yOffset = 2.5;
6165 | let radius = null;
6166 | let width = null;
6167 | let height = null;
6168 | if (nodeName === "circle") {
6169 | const size = pointR * 0.2;
6170 | x = "cx";
6171 | y = "cy";
6172 | radius = pointR + size;
6173 | xOffset = pointR * 2;
6174 | yOffset = -size;
6175 | } else if (nodeName === "rect") {
6176 | const size = pointR * 2.5;
6177 | width = size;
6178 | height = size;
6179 | yOffset = 3;
6180 | }
6181 | (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this).attr(x, (d) => posFn.x1Tile(d) + xOffset).attr(y, (d) => posFn.yTile(d) - yOffset).attr("r", radius).attr("width", width).attr("height", height);
6182 | });
6183 | } else {
6184 | const tiles = legend.selectAll(`.${$LEGEND.legendItemTile}`).data(targetIdz);
6185 | $T(tiles, withTransition).style("stroke", getLegendColor.bind($$)).call((selection) => {
6186 | if (legendType === "circle") {
6187 | selection.attr("cx", (d) => {
6188 | const x2 = posFn.x2Tile(d);
6189 | return x2 - (x2 - posFn.x1Tile(d)) / 2;
6190 | }).attr("cy", posFn.yTile);
6191 | } else if (isRectangle) {
6192 | selection.attr("x1", posFn.x1Tile).attr("y1", posFn.yTile).attr("x2", posFn.x2Tile).attr("y2", posFn.yTile);
6193 | }
6194 | });
6195 | }
6196 | }
6197 | });
6198 |
6199 |
6200 | var external_commonjs_d3_transition_commonjs2_d3_transition_amd_d3_transition_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(8);
6201 | ;
6202 |
6203 |
6204 |
6205 |
6206 | var redraw = ({
6207 | redraw(options = {}) {
6208 | var _a, _b, _c, _d;
6209 | const $$ = this;
6210 | const { config, state, $el } = $$;
6211 | const { main, treemap } = $el;
6212 | state.redrawing = true;
6213 | const targetsToShow = $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets);
6214 | const { flow, initializing } = options;
6215 | const wth = $$.getWithOption(options);
6216 | const duration = wth.Transition ? config.transition_duration : 0;
6217 | const durationForExit = wth.TransitionForExit ? duration : 0;
6218 | const durationForAxis = wth.TransitionForAxis ? duration : 0;
6219 | const transitions = (_a = $$.axis) == null ? void 0 : _a.generateTransitions(durationForAxis);
6220 | $$.updateSizes(initializing);
6221 | if (wth.Legend && config.legend_show) {
6222 | options.withTransition = !!duration;
6223 | !treemap && $$.updateLegend($$.mapToIds($$.data.targets), options, transitions);
6224 | } else if (wth.Dimension) {
6225 | $$.updateDimension(true);
6226 | }
6227 | config.data_empty_label_text && main.select(`text.${$TEXT.text}.${$COMMON.empty}`).attr("x", state.width / 2).attr("y", state.height / 2).text(config.data_empty_label_text).style("display", targetsToShow.length ? "none" : null);
6228 | if (state.hasAxis) {
6229 | $$.axis.redrawAxis(targetsToShow, wth, transitions, flow, initializing);
6230 | $$.hasGrid() && $$.updateGrid();
6231 | config.regions.length && $$.updateRegion();
6232 | ["bar", "candlestick", "line", "area"].forEach((v) => {
6233 | const name = capitalize(v);
6234 | if (/^(line|area)$/.test(v) && $$.hasTypeOf(name) || $$.hasType(v)) {
6235 | $$[`update${name}`](wth.TransitionForExit);
6236 | }
6237 | });
6238 | $el.text && main.selectAll(`.${$SELECT.selectedCircles}`).filter($$.isBarType.bind($$)).selectAll("circle").remove();
6239 | if (config.interaction_enabled && !flow && wth.EventRect) {
6240 | $$.redrawEventRect();
6241 | (_b = $$.bindZoomEvent) == null ? void 0 : _b.call($$);
6242 | }
6243 | } else {
6244 | $el.arcs && $$.redrawArc(duration, durationForExit, wth.Transform);
6245 | $el.radar && $$.redrawRadar();
6246 | $el.polar && $$.redrawPolar();
6247 | $el.funnel && $$.redrawFunnel();
6248 | treemap && $$.updateTreemap(durationForExit);
6249 | }
6250 | if (!state.resizing && !treemap && ($$.hasPointType() || state.hasRadar)) {
6251 | $$.updateCircle();
6252 | } else if ((_c = $$.hasLegendDefsPoint) == null ? void 0 : _c.call($$)) {
6253 | $$.data.targets.forEach($$.point("create", this));
6254 | }
6255 | $$.hasDataLabel() && !$$.hasArcType(null, ["radar"]) && $$.updateText();
6256 | (_d = $$.redrawTitle) == null ? void 0 : _d.call($$);
6257 | initializing && $$.updateTypesElements();
6258 | $$.generateRedrawList(targetsToShow, flow, duration, wth.Subchart);
6259 | $$.updateTooltipOnRedraw();
6260 | $$.callPluginHook("$redraw", options, duration);
6261 | },
6262 | |
6263 |
6264 |
6265 |
6266 |
6267 |
6268 |
6269 |
6270 | generateRedrawList(targets, flow, duration, withSubchart) {
6271 | const $$ = this;
6272 | const { config, state } = $$;
6273 | const shape = $$.getDrawShape();
6274 | if (state.hasAxis) {
6275 | config.subchart_show && $$.redrawSubchart(withSubchart, duration, shape);
6276 | }
6277 | const flowFn = flow && $$.generateFlow({
6278 | targets,
6279 | flow,
6280 | duration: flow.duration,
6281 | shape,
6282 | xv: $$.xv.bind($$)
6283 | });
6284 | const withTransition = (duration || flowFn) && isTabVisible();
6285 | const redrawList = $$.getRedrawList(shape, flow, flowFn, withTransition);
6286 | const afterRedraw = () => {
6287 | flowFn && flowFn();
6288 | state.redrawing = false;
6289 | callFn(config.onrendered, $$.api);
6290 | };
6291 | if (afterRedraw) {
6292 | if (withTransition && redrawList.length) {
6293 | const waitForDraw = generateWait();
6294 | (0,external_commonjs_d3_transition_commonjs2_d3_transition_amd_d3_transition_root_d3_.transition)().duration(duration).each(() => {
6295 | redrawList.reduce((acc, t1) => acc.concat(t1), []).forEach((t) => waitForDraw.add(t));
6296 | }).call(waitForDraw, afterRedraw);
6297 | } else if (!state.transiting) {
6298 | afterRedraw();
6299 | }
6300 | }
6301 | $$.mapToIds($$.data.targets).forEach((id) => {
6302 | state.withoutFadeIn[id] = true;
6303 | });
6304 | },
6305 | getRedrawList(shape, flow, flowFn, withTransition) {
6306 | const $$ = this;
6307 | const { config, state: { hasAxis, hasRadar, hasTreemap }, $el: { grid } } = $$;
6308 | const { cx, cy, xForText, yForText } = shape.pos;
6309 | const list = [];
6310 | if (hasAxis) {
6311 | if (config.grid_x_lines.length || config.grid_y_lines.length) {
6312 | list.push($$.redrawGrid(withTransition));
6313 | }
6314 | if (config.regions.length) {
6315 | list.push($$.redrawRegion(withTransition));
6316 | }
6317 | Object.keys(shape.type).forEach((v) => {
6318 | const name = capitalize(v);
6319 | const drawFn = shape.type[v];
6320 | if (/^(area|line)$/.test(v) && $$.hasTypeOf(name) || $$.hasType(v)) {
6321 | list.push($$[`redraw${name}`](drawFn, withTransition));
6322 | }
6323 | });
6324 | !flow && grid.main && list.push($$.updateGridFocus());
6325 | }
6326 | if (!$$.hasArcType() || hasRadar) {
6327 | notEmpty(config.data_labels) && config.data_labels !== false && list.push($$.redrawText(xForText, yForText, flow, withTransition));
6328 | }
6329 | if (($$.hasPointType() || hasRadar) && !$$.isPointFocusOnly()) {
6330 | $$.redrawCircle && list.push($$.redrawCircle(cx, cy, withTransition, flowFn));
6331 | }
6332 | if (hasTreemap) {
6333 | list.push($$.redrawTreemap(withTransition));
6334 | }
6335 | return list;
6336 | },
6337 | updateAndRedraw(options = {}) {
6338 | const $$ = this;
6339 | const { config, state } = $$;
6340 | let transitions;
6341 | options.withTransition = getOption(options, "withTransition", true);
6342 | options.withTransform = getOption(options, "withTransform", false);
6343 | options.withLegend = getOption(options, "withLegend", false);
6344 | options.withUpdateXDomain = true;
6345 | options.withUpdateOrgXDomain = true;
6346 | options.withTransitionForExit = false;
6347 | options.withTransitionForTransform = getOption(
6348 | options,
6349 | "withTransitionForTransform",
6350 | options.withTransition
6351 | );
6352 | if (!(options.withLegend && config.legend_show)) {
6353 | if (state.hasAxis) {
6354 | transitions = $$.axis.generateTransitions(
6355 | options.withTransitionForAxis ? config.transition_duration : 0
6356 | );
6357 | }
6358 | $$.updateScales();
6359 | $$.updateSvgSize();
6360 | $$.transformAll(options.withTransitionForTransform, transitions);
6361 | }
6362 | $$.redraw(options, transitions);
6363 | }
6364 | });
6365 |
6366 | ;
6367 |
6368 |
6369 | function getScale(type = "linear", min, max) {
6370 | const scale = {
6371 | linear: external_commonjs_d3_scale_commonjs2_d3_scale_amd_d3_scale_root_d3_.scaleLinear,
6372 | log: external_commonjs_d3_scale_commonjs2_d3_scale_amd_d3_scale_root_d3_.scaleSymlog,
6373 | _log: external_commonjs_d3_scale_commonjs2_d3_scale_amd_d3_scale_root_d3_.scaleLog,
6374 | time: external_commonjs_d3_scale_commonjs2_d3_scale_amd_d3_scale_root_d3_.scaleTime,
6375 | utc: external_commonjs_d3_scale_commonjs2_d3_scale_amd_d3_scale_root_d3_.scaleUtc
6376 | }[type]();
6377 | scale.type = type;
6378 | /_?log/.test(type) && scale.clamp(true);
6379 | return scale.range([min != null ? min : 0, max != null ? max : 1]);
6380 | }
6381 | var scale = ({
6382 | |
6383 |
6384 |
6385 |
6386 |
6387 |
6388 |
6389 |
6390 |
6391 | getXScale(min, max, domain, offset) {
6392 | const $$ = this;
6393 | const scale = $$.state.loading !== "append" && $$.scale.zoom || getScale($$.axis.getAxisType("x"), min, max);
6394 | return $$.getCustomizedXScale(
6395 | domain ? scale.domain(domain) : scale,
6396 | offset
6397 | );
6398 | },
6399 | |
6400 |
6401 |
6402 |
6403 |
6404 |
6405 |
6406 |
6407 |
6408 | getYScale(id, min, max, domain) {
6409 | const $$ = this;
6410 | const scale = getScale($$.axis.getAxisType(id), min, max);
6411 | domain && scale.domain(domain);
6412 | return scale;
6413 | },
6414 | |
6415 |
6416 |
6417 |
6418 |
6419 |
6420 |
6421 | getYScaleById(id, isSub = false) {
6422 | var _a;
6423 | const isY2 = ((_a = this.axis) == null ? void 0 : _a.getId(id)) === "y2";
6424 | const key = isSub ? isY2 ? "subY2" : "subY" : isY2 ? "y2" : "y";
6425 | return this.scale[key];
6426 | },
6427 | |
6428 |
6429 |
6430 |
6431 |
6432 |
6433 |
6434 | getCustomizedXScale(scaleValue, offsetValue) {
6435 | const $$ = this;
6436 | const offset = offsetValue || (() => $$.axis.x.tickOffset());
6437 | const isInverted = $$.config.axis_x_inverted;
6438 | const scale = function(d) {
6439 | return scaleValue(d) + offset();
6440 | };
6441 | for (const key in scaleValue) {
6442 | scale[key] = scaleValue[key];
6443 | }
6444 | scale.orgDomain = () => scaleValue.domain();
6445 | scale.orgScale = () => scaleValue;
6446 | if ($$.axis.isCategorized()) {
6447 | scale.domain = function(domainValue) {
6448 | let domain = domainValue;
6449 | if (!arguments.length) {
6450 | domain = this.orgDomain();
6451 | return isInverted ? [domain[0] + 1, domain[1]] : [domain[0], domain[1] + 1];
6452 | }
6453 | scaleValue.domain(domain);
6454 | return scale;
6455 | };
6456 | }
6457 | return scale;
6458 | },
6459 | |
6460 |
6461 |
6462 |
6463 |
6464 |
6465 | updateScales(isInit, updateXDomain = true) {
6466 | var _a, _b;
6467 | const $$ = this;
6468 | const {
6469 | axis,
6470 | config,
6471 | format,
6472 | org,
6473 | scale,
6474 | state: { current, width, height, width2, height2, hasAxis, hasTreemap }
6475 | } = $$;
6476 | if (hasAxis) {
6477 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
6478 | const resettedPadding = $$.getResettedPadding(1);
6479 | const min = {
6480 | x: isRotated ? resettedPadding : 0,
6481 | y: isRotated ? 0 : height,
6482 | subX: isRotated ? 1 : 0,
6483 | subY: isRotated ? 0 : height2
6484 | };
6485 | const max = {
6486 | x: isRotated ? height : width,
6487 | y: isRotated ? width : resettedPadding,
6488 | subX: isRotated ? height : width,
6489 | subY: isRotated ? width2 : 1
6490 | };
6491 | const xDomain = updateXDomain && ((_a = scale.x) == null ? void 0 : _a.orgDomain());
6492 | const xSubDomain = updateXDomain && org.xDomain;
6493 | scale.x = $$.getXScale(min.x, max.x, xDomain, () => axis.x.tickOffset());
6494 | scale.subX = $$.getXScale(min.x, max.x, xSubDomain, (d) => {
6495 | var _a2;
6496 | return d % 1 ? 0 : ((_a2 = axis.subX) != null ? _a2 : axis.x).tickOffset();
6497 | });
6498 | format.xAxisTick = axis.getXAxisTickFormat();
6499 | format.subXAxisTick = axis.getXAxisTickFormat(true);
6500 | axis.setAxis("x", scale.x, config.axis_x_tick_outer, isInit);
6501 | if (config.subchart_show) {
6502 | axis.setAxis("subX", scale.subX, config.axis_x_tick_outer, isInit);
6503 | }
6504 | scale.y = $$.getYScale(
6505 | "y",
6506 | min.y,
6507 | max.y,
6508 | scale.y ? scale.y.domain() : config.axis_y_default
6509 | );
6510 | scale.subY = $$.getYScale(
6511 | "y",
6512 | min.subY,
6513 | max.subY,
6514 | scale.subY ? scale.subY.domain() : config.axis_y_default
6515 | );
6516 | axis.setAxis("y", scale.y, config.axis_y_tick_outer, isInit);
6517 | if (config.axis_y2_show) {
6518 | scale.y2 = $$.getYScale(
6519 | "y2",
6520 | min.y,
6521 | max.y,
6522 | scale.y2 ? scale.y2.domain() : config.axis_y2_default
6523 | );
6524 | scale.subY2 = $$.getYScale(
6525 | "y2",
6526 | min.subY,
6527 | max.subY,
6528 | scale.subY2 ? scale.subY2.domain() : config.axis_y2_default
6529 | );
6530 | axis.setAxis("y2", scale.y2, config.axis_y2_tick_outer, isInit);
6531 | }
6532 | } else if (hasTreemap) {
6533 | const padding = $$.getCurrentPadding();
6534 | scale.x = (0,external_commonjs_d3_scale_commonjs2_d3_scale_amd_d3_scale_root_d3_.scaleLinear)().rangeRound([padding.left, current.width - padding.right]);
6535 | scale.y = (0,external_commonjs_d3_scale_commonjs2_d3_scale_amd_d3_scale_root_d3_.scaleLinear)().rangeRound([padding.top, current.height - padding.bottom]);
6536 | } else {
6537 | (_b = $$.updateArc) == null ? void 0 : _b.call($$);
6538 | }
6539 | },
6540 | |
6541 |
6542 |
6543 |
6544 |
6545 |
6546 | xx(d) {
6547 | const $$ = this;
6548 | const { config, scale: { x, zoom } } = $$;
6549 | const fn = config.zoom_enabled && zoom ? zoom : x;
6550 | return d ? fn(isValue(d.x) ? d.x : d) : null;
6551 | },
6552 | xv(d) {
6553 | const $$ = this;
6554 | const { axis, config, scale: { x, zoom } } = $$;
6555 | const fn = config.zoom_enabled && zoom ? zoom : x;
6556 | let value = $$.getBaseValue(d);
6557 | if (axis.isTimeSeries()) {
6558 | value = parseDate.call($$, value);
6559 | } else if (axis.isCategorized() && isString(value)) {
6560 | value = config.axis_x_categories.indexOf(value);
6561 | }
6562 | return fn(value);
6563 | },
6564 | yv(d) {
6565 | const $$ = this;
6566 | const { scale: { y, y2 } } = $$;
6567 | const yScale = d.axis && d.axis === "y2" ? y2 : y;
6568 | return yScale($$.getBaseValue(d));
6569 | },
6570 | subxx(d) {
6571 | return d ? this.scale.subX(d.x) : null;
6572 | }
6573 | });
6574 |
6575 | ;
6576 |
6577 |
6578 |
6579 |
6580 | var size = ({
6581 | |
6582 |
6583 |
6584 |
6585 | setContainerSize() {
6586 | const $$ = this;
6587 | const { state } = $$;
6588 | state.current.width = $$.getCurrentWidth();
6589 | state.current.height = $$.getCurrentHeight();
6590 | },
6591 | getCurrentWidth() {
6592 | const $$ = this;
6593 | return $$.config.size_width || $$.getParentWidth();
6594 | },
6595 | getCurrentHeight() {
6596 | const $$ = this;
6597 | const { config } = $$;
6598 | const h = config.size_height || $$.getParentHeight();
6599 | return h > 0 ? h : 320 / ($$.hasType("gauge") && !config.gauge_fullCircle ? 2 : 1);
6600 | },
6601 | |
6602 |
6603 |
6604 |
6605 |
6606 |
6607 | getParentRectValue(key) {
6608 | const offsetName = `offset${capitalize(key)}`;
6609 | let parent = this.$el.chart.node();
6610 | let v = 0;
6611 | while (v < 30 && parent && parent.tagName !== "BODY") {
6612 | try {
6613 | v = parent.getBoundingClientRect()[key];
6614 | } catch (e) {
6615 | if (offsetName in parent) {
6616 | v = parent[offsetName];
6617 | }
6618 | }
6619 | parent = parent.parentNode;
6620 | }
6621 | const bodySize = browser_doc.body[offsetName];
6622 | v > bodySize && (v = bodySize);
6623 | return v;
6624 | },
6625 | getParentWidth() {
6626 | return this.getParentRectValue("width");
6627 | },
6628 | getParentHeight() {
6629 | const h = this.$el.chart.style("height");
6630 | let height = 0;
6631 | if (h) {
6632 | height = /px$/.test(h) ? parseInt(h, 10) : this.getParentRectValue("height");
6633 | }
6634 | return height;
6635 | },
6636 | getSvgLeft(withoutRecompute) {
6637 | const $$ = this;
6638 | const { config, state: { hasAxis }, $el } = $$;
6639 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
6640 | const hasLeftAxisRect = isRotated || !isRotated && !config.axis_y_inner;
6641 | const leftAxisClass = isRotated ? $AXIS.axisX : $AXIS.axisY;
6642 | const leftAxis = $el.main.select(`.${leftAxisClass}`).node();
6643 | const leftLabel = hasAxis && config[`axis_${isRotated ? "x" : "y"}_label`];
6644 | let labelWidth = 0;
6645 | if (hasAxis && (isString(leftLabel) || isString(leftLabel.text) || /^inner-/.test(leftLabel == null ? void 0 : leftLabel.position))) {
6646 | const label = $el.main.select(`.${leftAxisClass}-label`);
6647 | if (!label.empty()) {
6648 | labelWidth = label.node().getBoundingClientRect().left;
6649 | }
6650 | }
6651 | const svgRect = leftAxis && hasLeftAxisRect ? leftAxis.getBoundingClientRect() : { right: 0 };
6652 | const chartRectLeft = $el.chart.node().getBoundingClientRect().left + labelWidth;
6653 | const hasArc = $$.hasArcType();
6654 | const svgLeft = svgRect.right - chartRectLeft - (hasArc ? 0 : $$.getCurrentPaddingByDirection("left", withoutRecompute));
6655 | return svgLeft > 0 ? svgLeft : 0;
6656 | },
6657 | updateDimension(withoutAxis) {
6658 | var _a;
6659 | const $$ = this;
6660 | const { config, state: { hasAxis }, $el } = $$;
6661 | if (hasAxis && !withoutAxis && $$.axis.x && config.axis_rotated) {
6662 | (_a = $$.axis.subX) == null ? void 0 : _a.create($el.axis.subX);
6663 | }
6664 | $$.updateScales(withoutAxis);
6665 | $$.updateSvgSize();
6666 | $$.transformAll(false);
6667 | },
6668 | updateSvgSize() {
6669 | const $$ = this;
6670 | const { config, state: { clip, current, hasAxis, width, height }, $el: { svg } } = $$;
6671 | if (config.resize_auto === "viewBox") {
6672 | svg.attr("viewBox", `0 0 ${current.width} ${current.height}`);
6673 | } else {
6674 | svg.attr("width", current.width).attr("height", current.height);
6675 | }
6676 | if (hasAxis) {
6677 | const brush = svg.select(`.${$SUBCHART.brush} .overlay`);
6678 | const brushSize = { width: 0, height: 0 };
6679 | if (brush.size()) {
6680 | brushSize.width = +brush.attr("width");
6681 | brushSize.height = +brush.attr("height");
6682 | }
6683 | svg.selectAll([`#${clip.id}`, `#${clip.idGrid}`]).select("rect").attr("width", width).attr("height", height);
6684 | svg.select(`#${clip.idXAxis}`).select("rect").call($$.setXAxisClipPath.bind($$));
6685 | svg.select(`#${clip.idYAxis}`).select("rect").call($$.setYAxisClipPath.bind($$));
6686 | clip.idSubchart && svg.select(`#${clip.idSubchart}`).select("rect").attr("width", width).attr("height", brushSize.height);
6687 | }
6688 | },
6689 | |
6690 |
6691 |
6692 |
6693 |
6694 |
6695 |
6696 |
6697 | getCurrentPaddingByDirection(type, withoutRecompute = false, withXAxisTickTextOverflow = false) {
6698 | var _a;
6699 | const $$ = this;
6700 | const { config, $el, state: { hasAxis } } = $$;
6701 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
6702 | const isFitPadding = ((_a = config.padding) == null ? void 0 : _a.mode) === "fit";
6703 | const paddingOption = isNumber(config[`padding_${type}`]) ? config[`padding_${type}`] : void 0;
6704 | const axisId = hasAxis ? {
6705 | top: isRotated ? "y2" : null,
6706 | bottom: isRotated ? "y" : "x",
6707 | left: isRotated ? "x" : "y",
6708 | right: isRotated ? null : "y2"
6709 | }[type] : null;
6710 | const isLeftRight = /^(left|right)$/.test(type);
6711 | const isAxisInner = axisId && config[`axis_${axisId}_inner`];
6712 | const isAxisShow = axisId && config[`axis_${axisId}_show`];
6713 | const axesLen = axisId ? config[`axis_${axisId}_axes`].length : 0;
6714 | let axisSize = axisId ? isLeftRight ? $$.getAxisWidthByAxisId(axisId, withoutRecompute) : $$.getHorizontalAxisHeight(axisId) : 0;
6715 | const defaultPadding = 20;
6716 | let gap = 0;
6717 | if (!isFitPadding && isLeftRight) {
6718 | axisSize = ceil10(axisSize);
6719 | }
6720 | let padding = hasAxis && isLeftRight && (isAxisInner || isUndefined(paddingOption) && !isAxisShow) ? 0 : isFitPadding ? (isAxisShow ? axisSize : 0) + (paddingOption != null ? paddingOption : 0) : isUndefined(paddingOption) ? axisSize : paddingOption;
6721 | if (isLeftRight && hasAxis) {
6722 | if (axisId && (isFitPadding || isAxisInner) && config[`axis_${axisId}_label`].text) {
6723 | padding += $$.axis.getAxisLabelPosition(axisId).isOuter ? defaultPadding : 0;
6724 | }
6725 | if (type === "right") {
6726 | padding += isRotated ? !isFitPadding && isUndefined(paddingOption) ? 10 : 2 : !isAxisShow || isAxisInner ? isFitPadding ? 2 : 1 : 0;
6727 | padding += withXAxisTickTextOverflow ? $$.axis.getXAxisTickTextY2Overflow(defaultPadding) : 0;
6728 | } else if (type === "left" && isRotated && isUndefined(paddingOption)) {
6729 | padding = !config.axis_x_show ? 1 : isFitPadding ? axisSize : Math.max(axisSize, 40);
6730 | }
6731 | } else {
6732 | if (type === "top") {
6733 | if ($el.title && $el.title.node()) {
6734 | padding += $$.getTitlePadding();
6735 | }
6736 | gap = isRotated && !isAxisInner ? axesLen : 0;
6737 | } else if (type === "bottom" && hasAxis && isRotated && !isAxisShow) {
6738 | padding += 1;
6739 | }
6740 | }
6741 | return padding + axisSize * axesLen - gap;
6742 | },
6743 | getCurrentPadding(withXAxisTickTextOverflow = false) {
6744 | const $$ = this;
6745 | const [top, bottom, left, right] = ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"].map((v) => $$.getCurrentPaddingByDirection(v, null, withXAxisTickTextOverflow));
6746 | return { top, bottom, left, right };
6747 | },
6748 | |
6749 |
6750 |
6751 |
6752 |
6753 |
6754 |
6755 | getResettedPadding(v) {
6756 | const $$ = this;
6757 | const { config } = $$;
6758 | const isNum = isNumber(v);
6759 | let p = isNum ? 0 : {};
6760 | if (config.padding === false) {
6761 | !isNum && Object.keys(v).forEach((key) => {
6762 | p[key] = !isEmpty(config.data_labels) && config.data_labels !== false && key === "top" ? v[key] : 0;
6763 | });
6764 | } else {
6765 | p = v;
6766 | }
6767 | return p;
6768 | },
6769 | |
6770 |
6771 |
6772 |
6773 |
6774 | updateSizes(isInit) {
6775 | var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
6776 | const $$ = this;
6777 | const { config, state, $el: { legend } } = $$;
6778 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
6779 | const isNonAxis = $$.hasArcType() || state.hasFunnel || state.hasTreemap;
6780 | const isFitPadding = ((_a = config.padding) == null ? void 0 : _a.mode) === "fit";
6781 | !isInit && $$.setContainerSize();
6782 | const currLegend = {
6783 | width: legend ? $$.getLegendWidth() : 0,
6784 | height: legend ? $$.getLegendHeight() : 0
6785 | };
6786 | if (!isNonAxis && config.axis_x_show && config.axis_x_tick_autorotate) {
6787 | $$.updateXAxisTickClip();
6788 | }
6789 | const legendSize = {
6790 | right: config.legend_show && state.isLegendRight ? $$.getLegendWidth() + (isFitPadding ? 0 : 20) : 0,
6791 | bottom: !config.legend_show || state.isLegendRight || state.isLegendInset ? 0 : currLegend.height
6792 | };
6793 | const xAxisHeight = isRotated || isNonAxis ? 0 : $$.getHorizontalAxisHeight("x");
6794 | const subchartXAxisHeight = config.subchart_axis_x_show && config.subchart_axis_x_tick_text_show ? xAxisHeight : 30;
6795 | const subchartHeight = config.subchart_show && !isNonAxis ? config.subchart_size_height + subchartXAxisHeight : 0;
6796 | const gaugeHeight = $$.hasType("gauge") && config.arc_needle_show && !config.gauge_fullCircle && !config.gauge_label_show ? 10 : 0;
6797 | const padding = $$.getCurrentPadding(true);
6798 | state.margin = !isNonAxis && isRotated ? {
6799 | top: padding.top,
6800 | right: isNonAxis ? 0 : padding.right + legendSize.right,
6801 | bottom: legendSize.bottom + padding.bottom,
6802 | left: subchartHeight + (isNonAxis ? 0 : padding.left)
6803 | } : {
6804 | top: (isFitPadding ? 0 : 4) + padding.top,
6805 |
6806 | right: isNonAxis ? 0 : padding.right + legendSize.right,
6807 | bottom: gaugeHeight + subchartHeight + legendSize.bottom + padding.bottom,
6808 | left: isNonAxis ? 0 : padding.left
6809 | };
6810 | state.margin = $$.getResettedPadding(state.margin);
6811 | state.margin2 = isRotated ? {
6812 | top: state.margin.top,
6813 | right: NaN,
6814 | bottom: 20 + legendSize.bottom,
6815 | left: $$.state.rotatedPadding.left
6816 | } : {
6817 | top: state.current.height - subchartHeight - legendSize.bottom,
6818 | right: NaN,
6819 | bottom: subchartXAxisHeight + legendSize.bottom,
6820 | left: state.margin.left
6821 | };
6822 | state.margin3 = {
6823 | top: 0,
6824 | right: NaN,
6825 | bottom: 0,
6826 | left: 0
6827 | };
6828 | (_b = $$.updateSizeForLegend) == null ? void 0 : _b.call($$, currLegend);
6829 | state.width = state.current.width - state.margin.left - state.margin.right;
6830 | state.height = state.current.height - state.margin.top - state.margin.bottom;
6831 | if (state.width < 0) {
6832 | state.width = 0;
6833 | }
6834 | if (state.height < 0) {
6835 | state.height = 0;
6836 | }
6837 | state.width2 = isRotated ? state.margin.left - state.rotatedPadding.left - state.rotatedPadding.right : state.width;
6838 | state.height2 = isRotated ? state.height : state.current.height - state.margin2.top - state.margin2.bottom;
6839 | if (state.width2 < 0) {
6840 | state.width2 = 0;
6841 | }
6842 | if (state.height2 < 0) {
6843 | state.height2 = 0;
6844 | }
6845 | if ($$.hasArcType()) {
6846 | const hasGauge = $$.hasType("gauge");
6847 | const isLegendRight = config.legend_show && state.isLegendRight;
6848 | const textWidth = (_c = state.hasRadar && $$.cache.get(KEY.radarTextWidth)) != null ? _c : 0;
6849 | state.arcWidth = state.width - (isLegendRight ? currLegend.width + 10 : 0) - textWidth;
6850 | state.arcHeight = state.height - (isLegendRight && !hasGauge ? 0 : 10);
6851 | if ((_d = config.arc_rangeText_values) == null ? void 0 : _d.length) {
6852 | if (hasGauge) {
6853 | state.arcWidth -= 25;
6854 | state.arcHeight -= 10;
6855 | state.margin.left += 10;
6856 | } else {
6857 | state.arcHeight -= 20;
6858 | state.margin.top += 10;
6859 | }
6860 | }
6861 | if (hasGauge && !config.gauge_fullCircle) {
6862 | state.arcHeight += state.height - $$.getPaddingBottomForGauge();
6863 | }
6864 | (_e = $$.updateRadius) == null ? void 0 : _e.call($$);
6865 | }
6866 | if (state.isLegendRight && isNonAxis) {
6867 | state.margin3.left = state.arcWidth / 2 + state.radiusExpanded * 1.1;
6868 | }
6869 | }
6870 | });
6871 |
6872 | ;
6873 |
6874 |
6875 | var style = ({
6876 | |
6877 |
6878 |
6879 |
6880 |
6881 |
6882 |
6883 |
6884 |
6885 | setCssRule(withShape, selector, props, propsFn) {
6886 | const $$ = this;
6887 | const { config, state: { cssRule, style } } = $$;
6888 | return config.boost_useCssRule ? (selection) => {
6889 | selection.each((d) => {
6890 | const res = propsFn && (propsFn == null ? void 0 : propsFn.call($$, d));
6891 | const shapeSelector = `${withShape ? `.${$SHAPE.shapes + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(d.id)}` : ""}${selector}`;
6892 | selector in cssRule && style.sheet.deleteRule(cssRule[shapeSelector]);
6893 | $$.state.cssRule[shapeSelector] = addCssRules(
6894 | style,
6895 | shapeSelector,
6896 | props.filter(Boolean).map((v) => isString(res) && v.indexOf(":") === -1 ? `${v}: ${res}` : v || "")
6897 | );
6898 | });
6899 | } : () => {
6900 | };
6901 | },
6902 | |
6903 |
6904 |
6905 |
6906 |
6907 |
6908 | getStylePropValue(v) {
6909 | const { config: { boost_useCssRule: useCssRule } } = this;
6910 | return useCssRule ? null : isFunction(v) ? v.bind(this) : v;
6911 | }
6912 | });
6913 |
6914 | ;
6915 |
6916 |
6917 |
6918 |
6919 | function getRotateAnchor(angle) {
6920 | let anchor = "middle";
6921 | if (angle > 0 && angle <= 170) {
6922 | anchor = "end";
6923 | } else if (angle > 190 && angle <= 360) {
6924 | anchor = "start";
6925 | }
6926 | return anchor;
6927 | }
6928 | function setRotatePos(d, pos, anchor, isRotated, isInverted) {
6929 | var _a;
6930 | const $$ = this;
6931 | const { value } = d;
6932 | const isCandlestickType = $$.isCandlestickType(d);
6933 | const isNegative = isNumber(value) && value < 0 || isCandlestickType && !((_a = $$.getCandlestickData(d)) == null ? void 0 : _a._isUp);
6934 | let { x, y } = pos;
6935 | const gap = 4;
6936 | const doubleGap = gap * 2;
6937 | if (isRotated) {
6938 | if (anchor === "start") {
6939 | x += isNegative ? 0 : doubleGap;
6940 | y += gap;
6941 | } else if (anchor === "middle") {
6942 | x += doubleGap;
6943 | y -= doubleGap;
6944 | } else if (anchor === "end") {
6945 | isNegative && (x -= doubleGap);
6946 | y += gap;
6947 | }
6948 | } else {
6949 | if (anchor === "start") {
6950 | x += gap;
6951 | isNegative && (y += doubleGap * 2);
6952 | } else if (anchor === "middle") {
6953 | y -= doubleGap;
6954 | } else if (anchor === "end") {
6955 | x -= gap;
6956 | isNegative && (y += doubleGap * 2);
6957 | }
6958 | if (isInverted) {
6959 | y += isNegative ? -17 : isCandlestickType ? 13 : 7;
6960 | }
6961 | }
6962 | return { x, y };
6963 | }
6964 | function getTextPos(d, type) {
6965 | var _a;
6966 | const position = this.config.data_labels_position;
6967 | const { id, index, value } = d;
6968 | return (_a = isFunction(position) ? position.bind(this.api)(type, value, id, index, this.$el.text) : (id in position ? position[id] : position)[type]) != null ? _a : 0;
6969 | }
6970 | var internals_text = ({
6971 | opacityForText(d) {
6972 | const $$ = this;
6973 | return $$.isBarType(d) && !$$.meetsLabelThreshold(
6974 | Math.abs($$.getRatio("bar", d)),
6975 | "bar"
6976 | ) ? "0" : $$.hasDataLabel ? null : "0";
6977 | },
6978 | |
6979 |
6980 |
6981 |
6982 | initText() {
6983 | const { $el } = this;
6984 | $el.main.select(`.${$COMMON.chart}`).append("g").attr("class", $TEXT.chartTexts).style("pointer-events", $el.funnel || $el.treemap ? "none" : null);
6985 | },
6986 | |
6987 |
6988 |
6989 |
6990 |
6991 | updateTargetsForText(targets) {
6992 | const $$ = this;
6993 | const classChartText = $$.getChartClass("Text");
6994 | const classTexts = $$.getClass("texts", "id");
6995 | const classFocus = $$.classFocus.bind($$);
6996 | const mainTextUpdate = $$.$el.main.select(`.${$TEXT.chartTexts}`).selectAll(`.${$TEXT.chartText}`).data(targets).attr("class", (d) => `${classChartText(d)}${classFocus(d)}`.trim());
6997 | const mainTextEnter = mainTextUpdate.enter().append("g").style("opacity", "0").attr("class", classChartText).call(
6998 | $$.setCssRule(
6999 | true,
7000 | ` .${$TEXT.text}`,
7001 | ["fill", "pointer-events:none"],
7002 | $$.updateTextColor
7003 | )
7004 | );
7005 | mainTextEnter.append("g").attr("class", classTexts);
7006 | },
7007 | |
7008 |
7009 |
7010 |
7011 | updateText() {
7012 | const $$ = this;
7013 | const { $el, $T, config, axis } = $$;
7014 | const classText = $$.getClass("text", "index");
7015 | const labelsCentered = config.data_labels.centered;
7016 | const text = $el.main.selectAll(`.${$TEXT.texts}`).selectAll(`.${$TEXT.text}`).data($$.labelishData.bind($$));
7017 | $T(text.exit()).style("fill-opacity", "0").remove();
7018 | $el.text = text.enter().append("text").merge(text).attr("class", classText).attr("text-anchor", (d) => {
7019 | const isInverted = config[`axis_${axis == null ? void 0 : axis.getId(d.id)}_inverted`];
7020 | let isEndAnchor = isInverted ? d.value > 0 : d.value < 0;
7021 | if ($$.isCandlestickType(d)) {
7022 | const data = $$.getCandlestickData(d);
7023 | isEndAnchor = !(data == null ? void 0 : data._isUp);
7024 | } else if ($$.isTreemapType(d)) {
7025 | return labelsCentered ? "middle" : "start";
7026 | }
7027 | return config.axis_rotated ? isEndAnchor ? "end" : "start" : "middle";
7028 | }).style("fill", $$.getStylePropValue($$.updateTextColor)).style("fill-opacity", "0").each(function(d, i, texts) {
7029 | const node = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this);
7030 | let { value } = d;
7031 | if ($$.isBubbleZType(d)) {
7032 | value = $$.getBubbleZData(value, "z");
7033 | } else if ($$.isCandlestickType(d)) {
7034 | const data = $$.getCandlestickData(d);
7035 | if (data) {
7036 | value = data.close;
7037 | }
7038 | }
7039 | value = $$.isTreemapType(d) ? $$.treemapDataLabelFormat(d)(node) : $$.dataLabelFormat(d.id)(value, d.id, d.index, texts);
7040 | if (isNumber(value)) {
7041 | this.textContent = value;
7042 | } else {
7043 | setTextValue(node, value);
7044 | }
7045 | });
7046 | },
7047 | updateTextColor(d) {
7048 | const $$ = this;
7049 | const { config } = $$;
7050 | const labelColors = config.data_labels_colors;
7051 | const defaultColor = $$.isArcType(d) && !$$.isRadarType(d) || $$.isFunnelType(d) || $$.isTreemapType(d) ? null : $$.color(d);
7052 | let color;
7053 | if (isString(labelColors)) {
7054 | color = labelColors;
7055 | } else if (isObject(labelColors)) {
7056 | const { id } = d.data || d;
7057 | color = labelColors[id];
7058 | } else if (isFunction(labelColors)) {
7059 | color = labelColors.bind($$.api)(defaultColor, d);
7060 | }
7061 | if ($$.isCandlestickType(d) && !isFunction(labelColors)) {
7062 | const value = $$.getCandlestickData(d);
7063 | if (!(value == null ? void 0 : value._isUp)) {
7064 | const downColor = config.candlestick_color_down;
7065 | color = isObject(downColor) ? downColor[d.id] : downColor;
7066 | }
7067 | }
7068 | return color || defaultColor;
7069 | },
7070 | |
7071 |
7072 |
7073 |
7074 |
7075 |
7076 |
7077 | updateTextBGColor(d, option) {
7078 | const $$ = this;
7079 | const { $el } = $$;
7080 | let color = "";
7081 | if (isString(option) || isObject(option)) {
7082 | const id = isString(option) ? "" : $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix("id" in d ? d.id : d.data.id);
7083 | const filter = $el.defs.select(["filter[id*='labels-bg", "']"].join(id));
7084 | if (filter.size()) {
7085 | color = `url(#${filter.attr("id")})`;
7086 | }
7087 | }
7088 | return color || null;
7089 | },
7090 | |
7091 |
7092 |
7093 |
7094 |
7095 |
7096 |
7097 |
7098 |
7099 | redrawText(getX, getY, forFlow, withTransition) {
7100 | const $$ = this;
7101 | const { $T, axis, config, state: { hasTreemap } } = $$;
7102 | const t = getRandom(true);
7103 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
7104 | const angle = config.data_labels.rotate;
7105 | const anchorString = getRotateAnchor(angle);
7106 | const rotateString = angle ? `rotate(${angle})` : "";
7107 | $$.$el.text.style("fill", $$.getStylePropValue($$.updateTextColor)).attr(
7108 | "filter",
7109 | (d) => $$.updateTextBGColor.bind($$)(d, config.data_labels_backgroundColors)
7110 | ).style("fill-opacity", forFlow ? 0 : $$.opacityForText.bind($$)).each(function(d, i) {
7111 | const node = $T(
7112 | hasTreemap && this.childElementCount ? this.parentNode : this,
7113 | !!(withTransition && this.getAttribute("x")),
7114 | t
7115 | );
7116 | const isInverted = config[`axis_${axis == null ? void 0 : axis.getId(d.id)}_inverted`];
7117 | let pos = {
7118 | x: getX.bind(this)(d, i),
7119 | y: getY.bind(this)(d, i)
7120 | };
7121 | if (angle) {
7122 | pos = setRotatePos.bind($$)(d, pos, anchorString, isRotated, isInverted);
7123 | node.attr("text-anchor", anchorString);
7124 | }
7125 | if (this.childElementCount || angle) {
7126 | node.attr("transform", `translate(${pos.x} ${pos.y}) ${rotateString}`);
7127 | } else {
7128 | node.attr("x", pos.x).attr("y", pos.y);
7129 | }
7130 | });
7131 | return true;
7132 | },
7133 | |
7134 |
7135 |
7136 |
7137 |
7138 |
7139 |
7140 | getTextRect(element, className) {
7141 | const $$ = this;
7142 | let base = element.node ? element.node() : element;
7143 | if (!/text/i.test(base.tagName)) {
7144 | base = base.querySelector("text");
7145 | }
7146 | const text = base.textContent;
7147 | const cacheKey = `${KEY.textRect}-${text.replace(/\W/g, "_")}`;
7148 | let rect = $$.cache.get(cacheKey);
7149 | if (!rect) {
7150 | $$.$el.svg.append("text").style("visibility", "hidden").style("font", (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(base).style("font")).classed(className, true).text(text).call((v) => {
7151 | rect = getBoundingRect(v.node());
7152 | }).remove();
7153 | $$.cache.add(cacheKey, rect);
7154 | }
7155 | return rect;
7156 | },
7157 | |
7158 |
7159 |
7160 |
7161 |
7162 |
7163 |
7164 | generateXYForText(indices, forX) {
7165 | const $$ = this;
7166 | const { state: { hasRadar, hasFunnel, hasTreemap } } = $$;
7167 | const types = Object.keys(indices);
7168 | const points = {};
7169 | const getter = forX ? $$.getXForText : $$.getYForText;
7170 | hasFunnel && types.push("funnel");
7171 | hasRadar && types.push("radar");
7172 | hasTreemap && types.push("treemap");
7173 | types.forEach((v) => {
7174 | points[v] = $$[`generateGet${capitalize(v)}Points`](indices[v], false);
7175 | });
7176 | return function(d, i) {
7177 | const type = $$.isAreaType(d) && "area" || $$.isBarType(d) && "bar" || $$.isCandlestickType(d) && "candlestick" || $$.isFunnelType(d) && "funnel" || $$.isRadarType(d) && "radar" || $$.isTreemapType(d) && "treemap" || "line";
7178 | return getter.call($$, points[type](d, i), d, this);
7179 | };
7180 | },
7181 | |
7182 |
7183 |
7184 |
7185 |
7186 |
7187 |
7188 |
7189 |
7190 | getCenteredTextPos(d, points, textElement, type) {
7191 | const $$ = this;
7192 | const { config } = $$;
7193 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
7194 | const isBarType = $$.isBarType(d);
7195 | const isTreemapType = $$.isTreemapType(d);
7196 | if (config.data_labels.centered && (isBarType || isTreemapType)) {
7197 | const rect = getBoundingRect(textElement);
7198 | if (isBarType) {
7199 | const isPositive = $$.getRangedData(d, null, "bar") >= 0;
7200 | if (isRotated) {
7201 | const w = (isPositive ? points[1][1] - points[0][1] : points[0][1] - points[1][1]) / 2 + rect.width / 2;
7202 | return isPositive ? -w - 3 : w + 2;
7203 | } else {
7204 | const h = (isPositive ? points[0][1] - points[1][1] : points[1][1] - points[0][1]) / 2 + rect.height / 2;
7205 | return isPositive ? h : -h - 2;
7206 | }
7207 | } else if (isTreemapType) {
7208 | return type === "x" ? (points[1][0] - points[0][0]) / 2 : (points[1][1] - points[0][1]) / 2 + rect.height / 2;
7209 | }
7210 | }
7211 | return 0;
7212 | },
7213 | |
7214 |
7215 |
7216 |
7217 |
7218 |
7219 |
7220 |
7221 | getXForText(points, d, textElement) {
7222 | var _a;
7223 | const $$ = this;
7224 | const { config } = $$;
7225 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
7226 | const isFunnelType = $$.isFunnelType(d);
7227 | const isTreemapType = $$.isTreemapType(d);
7228 | let xPos = points ? points[0][0] : 0;
7229 | if ($$.isCandlestickType(d)) {
7230 | if (isRotated) {
7231 | xPos = ((_a = $$.getCandlestickData(d)) == null ? void 0 : _a._isUp) ? points[2][2] + 4 : points[2][1] - 4;
7232 | } else {
7233 | xPos += (points[1][0] - xPos) / 2;
7234 | }
7235 | } else if (isFunnelType) {
7236 | xPos += $$.state.current.width / 2;
7237 | } else if (isTreemapType) {
7238 | xPos += config.data_labels.centered ? 0 : 5;
7239 | } else {
7240 | if (isRotated) {
7241 | const isInverted = config[`axis_${$$.axis.getId(d.id)}_inverted`];
7242 | const padding = $$.isBarType(d) ? 4 : 6;
7243 | const value = d.value;
7244 | xPos = points[2][1];
7245 | if (isInverted) {
7246 | xPos -= padding * (value > 0 ? 1 : -1);
7247 | } else {
7248 | xPos += padding * (value < 0 ? -1 : 1);
7249 | }
7250 | } else {
7251 | xPos = $$.hasType("bar") ? (points[2][0] + points[0][0]) / 2 : xPos;
7252 | }
7253 | }
7254 | if (isRotated || isTreemapType) {
7255 | xPos += $$.getCenteredTextPos(d, points, textElement, "x");
7256 | }
7257 | return xPos + getTextPos.call(this, d, "x");
7258 | },
7259 | |
7260 |
7261 |
7262 |
7263 |
7264 |
7265 |
7266 |
7267 | getYForText(points, d, textElement) {
7268 | const $$ = this;
7269 | const { axis, config, state } = $$;
7270 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
7271 | const isInverted = config[`axis_${axis == null ? void 0 : axis.getId(d.id)}_inverted`];
7272 | const isBarType = $$.isBarType(d);
7273 | const isFunnelType = $$.isFunnelType(d);
7274 | const isTreemapType = $$.isTreemapType(d);
7275 | const r = config.point_r;
7276 | const rect = getBoundingRect(textElement);
7277 | let { value } = d;
7278 | let baseY = 3;
7279 | let yPos;
7280 | if ($$.isCandlestickType(d)) {
7281 | value = $$.getCandlestickData(d);
7282 | if (isRotated) {
7283 | yPos = points[0][0];
7284 | yPos += (points[1][0] - yPos) / 2 + baseY;
7285 | } else {
7286 | yPos = value && value._isUp ? points[2][2] - baseY : points[2][1] + baseY * 4;
7287 | if (isInverted) {
7288 | yPos += 15 * (value._isUp ? 1 : -1);
7289 | }
7290 | }
7291 | } else if (isFunnelType) {
7292 | yPos = points ? points[0][1] + (points[1][1] - points[0][1]) / 2 + rect.height / 2 - 3 : 0;
7293 | } else if (isTreemapType) {
7294 | yPos = points[0][1] + (config.data_labels.centered ? 0 : rect.height + 5);
7295 | } else {
7296 | if (isRotated) {
7297 | yPos = (points[0][0] + points[2][0] + rect.height * 0.6) / 2;
7298 | } else {
7299 | yPos = points[2][1];
7300 | if (isNumber(r) && r > 5 && ($$.isLineType(d) || $$.isScatterType(d))) {
7301 | baseY += config.point_r / 2.3;
7302 | }
7303 | if (value < 0 || value === 0 && !state.hasPositiveValue && state.hasNegativeValue) {
7304 | yPos += isInverted ? isBarType ? -3 : -5 : rect.height + (isBarType ? -baseY : baseY);
7305 | } else {
7306 | let diff = -baseY * 2;
7307 | if (isBarType) {
7308 | diff = -baseY;
7309 | } else if ($$.isBubbleType(d)) {
7310 | diff = baseY;
7311 | }
7312 | if (isInverted) {
7313 | diff = isBarType ? 10 : 15;
7314 | }
7315 | yPos += diff;
7316 | }
7317 | }
7318 | }
7319 | if (!isRotated || isTreemapType) {
7320 | yPos += $$.getCenteredTextPos(d, points, textElement, "y");
7321 | }
7322 | return yPos + getTextPos.call(this, d, "y");
7323 | },
7324 | |
7325 |
7326 |
7327 |
7328 |
7329 |
7330 |
7331 |
7332 | markOverlapped(id, $$, selector) {
7333 | const textNodes = $$.$el.arcs.selectAll(selector);
7334 | const filteredTextNodes = textNodes.filter((node) => node.data.id !== id);
7335 | const textNode = textNodes.filter((node) => node.data.id === id);
7336 | const translate = getTranslation(textNode.node());
7337 | const calcHypo = (x, y) => Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2));
7338 | textNode.node() && filteredTextNodes.each(function() {
7339 | const coordinate = getTranslation(this);
7340 | const filteredTextNode = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this);
7341 | const nodeForWidth = calcHypo(translate.e, translate.f) > calcHypo(coordinate.e, coordinate.f) ? textNode : filteredTextNode;
7342 | const overlapsX = Math.ceil(Math.abs(translate.e - coordinate.e)) < Math.ceil(nodeForWidth.node().getComputedTextLength());
7343 | const overlapsY = Math.ceil(Math.abs(translate.f - coordinate.f)) < parseInt(textNode.style("font-size"), 10);
7344 | filteredTextNode.classed($TEXT.TextOverlapping, overlapsX && overlapsY);
7345 | });
7346 | },
7347 | |
7348 |
7349 |
7350 |
7351 |
7352 |
7353 |
7354 | undoMarkOverlapped($$, selector) {
7355 | $$.$el.arcs.selectAll(selector).each(function() {
7356 | (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.selectAll)([this, this.previousSibling]).classed($TEXT.TextOverlapping, false);
7357 | });
7358 | },
7359 | |
7360 |
7361 |
7362 |
7363 |
7364 |
7365 |
7366 | meetsLabelThreshold(ratio = 0, type) {
7367 | const $$ = this;
7368 | const { config } = $$;
7369 | const threshold = config[`${type}_label_threshold`] || 0;
7370 | return ratio >= threshold;
7371 | }
7372 | });
7373 |
7374 | ;
7375 |
7376 |
7377 | function getTextXPos(pos = "left", width) {
7378 | const isNum = isNumber(width);
7379 | let position;
7380 | if (pos.indexOf("center") > -1) {
7381 | position = isNum ? width / 2 : "middle";
7382 | } else if (pos.indexOf("right") > -1) {
7383 | position = isNum ? width : "end";
7384 | } else {
7385 | position = isNum ? 0 : "start";
7386 | }
7387 | return position;
7388 | }
7389 | var internals_title = ({
7390 | |
7391 |
7392 |
7393 |
7394 | initTitle() {
7395 | const $$ = this;
7396 | const { config, $el } = $$;
7397 | if (config.title_text) {
7398 | $el.title = $el.svg.append("g");
7399 | const text = $el.title.append("text").style("text-anchor", getTextXPos(config.title_position)).attr("class", $TEXT.title);
7400 | setTextValue(text, config.title_text, [0.3, 1.5]);
7401 | }
7402 | },
7403 | |
7404 |
7405 |
7406 |
7407 | redrawTitle() {
7408 | const $$ = this;
7409 | const { config, state: { current }, $el: { title } } = $$;
7410 | if (title) {
7411 | const x = getTextXPos(config.title_position, current.width);
7412 | const y = (config.title_padding.top || 0) + $$.getTextRect($$.$el.title, $TEXT.title).height;
7413 | title.attr("transform", `translate(${x}, ${y})`);
7414 | }
7415 | },
7416 | |
7417 |
7418 |
7419 |
7420 |
7421 | getTitlePadding() {
7422 | const $$ = this;
7423 | const { $el: { title }, config } = $$;
7424 | return (config.title_padding.top || 0) + (title ? $$.getTextRect(title, $TEXT.title).height : 0) + (config.title_padding.bottom || 0);
7425 | }
7426 | });
7427 |
7428 | ;
7429 |
7430 |
7431 |
7432 |
7433 | var internals_tooltip = ({
7434 | |
7435 |
7436 |
7437 |
7438 | initTooltip() {
7439 | const $$ = this;
7440 | const { config, $el } = $$;
7441 | $el.tooltip = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(config.tooltip_contents.bindto);
7442 | if ($el.tooltip.empty()) {
7443 | $el.tooltip = $el.chart.append("div").attr("class", $TOOLTIP.tooltipContainer).style("position", "absolute").style("pointer-events", "none").style("display", "none");
7444 | }
7445 | $$.bindTooltipResizePos();
7446 | },
7447 | |
7448 |
7449 |
7450 |
7451 |
7452 | initShowTooltip() {
7453 | var _a;
7454 | const $$ = this;
7455 | const { config, $el, state: { hasAxis, hasRadar } } = $$;
7456 | if (config.tooltip_init_show) {
7457 | const isArc = !(hasAxis || hasRadar);
7458 | if (((_a = $$.axis) == null ? void 0 : _a.isTimeSeries()) && isString(config.tooltip_init_x)) {
7459 | config.tooltip_init_x = parseDate.call($$, config.tooltip_init_x);
7460 | }
7461 | $$.api.tooltip.show({
7462 | data: {
7463 | [isArc ? "index" : "x"]: config.tooltip_init_x
7464 | }
7465 | });
7466 | const position = config.tooltip_init_position;
7467 | if (!config.tooltip_contents.bindto && !isEmpty(position)) {
7468 | const { top = 0, left = 50 } = position;
7469 | $el.tooltip.style("top", isString(top) ? top : `${top}px`).style("left", isString(left) ? left : `${left}px`).style("display", null);
7470 | }
7471 | }
7472 | },
7473 | |
7474 |
7475 |
7476 |
7477 |
7478 |
7479 | getTooltipHTML(...args) {
7480 | const $$ = this;
7481 | const { api, config } = $$;
7482 | return isFunction(config.tooltip_contents) ? config.tooltip_contents.bind(api)(...args) : $$.getTooltipContent(...args);
7483 | },
7484 | |
7485 |
7486 |
7487 |
7488 |
7489 |
7490 |
7491 |
7492 |
7493 | getTooltipContent(d, defaultTitleFormat, defaultValueFormat, color) {
7494 | var _a;
7495 | const $$ = this;
7496 | const { api, config, state, $el } = $$;
7497 | const [titleFn, nameFn, valueFn] = ["title", "name", "value"].map((v) => {
7498 | const fn = config[`tooltip_format_${v}`];
7499 | return isFunction(fn) ? fn.bind(api) : fn;
7500 | });
7501 | const titleFormat = (...arg) => sanitize((titleFn || defaultTitleFormat)(...arg));
7502 | const nameFormat = (...arg) => sanitize((nameFn || ((name) => name))(...arg));
7503 | const valueFormat = (...arg) => {
7504 | const fn = valueFn || (state.hasTreemap || $$.isStackNormalized() ? (v, ratio) => `${(ratio * 100).toFixed(2)}%` : defaultValueFormat);
7505 | return sanitize(fn(...arg));
7506 | };
7507 | const order = config.tooltip_order;
7508 | const getRowValue = (row2) => $$.axis && $$.isBubbleZType(row2) ? $$.getBubbleZData(row2.value, "z") : $$.getBaseValue(row2);
7509 | const getBgColor = $$.levelColor ? (row2) => $$.levelColor(row2.value) : (row2) => color(row2);
7510 | const contents = config.tooltip_contents;
7511 | const tplStr = contents.template;
7512 | const targetIds = $$.mapToTargetIds();
7513 | if (order === null && config.data_groups.length) {
7514 | const ids = $$.orderTargets($$.data.targets).map((i2) => i2.id).reverse();
7515 | d.sort((a, b) => {
7516 | let v1 = a ? a.value : null;
7517 | let v2 = b ? b.value : null;
7518 | if (v1 > 0 && v2 > 0) {
7519 | v1 = a.id ? ids.indexOf(a.id) : null;
7520 | v2 = b.id ? ids.indexOf(b.id) : null;
7521 | }
7522 | return v1 - v2;
7523 | });
7524 | } else if (/^(asc|desc)$/.test(order)) {
7525 | const isAscending = order === "asc";
7526 | d.sort((a, b) => {
7527 | const v1 = a ? getRowValue(a) : null;
7528 | const v2 = b ? getRowValue(b) : null;
7529 | return isAscending ? v1 - v2 : v2 - v1;
7530 | });
7531 | } else if (isFunction(order)) {
7532 | d.sort(order.bind(api));
7533 | }
7534 | const tpl = $$.getTooltipContentTemplate(tplStr);
7535 | const len = d.length;
7536 | let text;
7537 | let row;
7538 | let param;
7539 | let value;
7540 | let i;
7541 | for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
7542 | row = d[i];
7543 | if (!row || !(getRowValue(row) || getRowValue(row) === 0)) {
7544 | continue;
7545 | }
7546 | if (isUndefined(text)) {
7547 | const title = (state.hasAxis || state.hasRadar) && titleFormat(row.x);
7548 | text = tplProcess(tpl[0], {
7549 | CLASS_TOOLTIP: $TOOLTIP.tooltip,
7550 | TITLE: isValue(title) ? tplStr ? title : `<tr><th colspan="2">${title}</th></tr>` : ""
7551 | });
7552 | }
7553 | if (!row.ratio && $el.arcs) {
7554 | param = ["arc", $$.$el.arcs.select(`path.${$ARC.arc}-${row.id}`).data()[0]];
7555 | row.ratio = $$.getRatio(...param);
7556 | }
7557 | param = [row.ratio, row.id, row.index];
7558 | if ($$.isAreaRangeType(row)) {
7559 | const [high, low] = ["high", "low"].map(
7560 | (v) => valueFormat($$.getRangedData(row, v), ...param)
7561 | );
7562 | const mid = valueFormat(getRowValue(row), ...param);
7563 | value = `<b>Mid:</b> ${mid} <b>High:</b> ${high} <b>Low:</b> ${low}`;
7564 | } else if ($$.isCandlestickType(row)) {
7565 | const [open, high, low, close, volume] = ["open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"].map((v) => {
7566 | const value2 = $$.getRangedData(row, v, "candlestick");
7567 | return value2 ? valueFormat(
7568 | $$.getRangedData(row, v, "candlestick"),
7569 | ...param
7570 | ) : void 0;
7571 | });
7572 | value = `<b>Open:</b> ${open} <b>High:</b> ${high} <b>Low:</b> ${low} <b>Close:</b> ${close}${volume ? ` <b>Volume:</b> ${volume}` : ""}`;
7573 | } else if ($$.isBarRangeType(row)) {
7574 | const { value: rangeValue, id, index } = row;
7575 | value = `${valueFormat(rangeValue, void 0, id, index)}`;
7576 | } else {
7577 | value = valueFormat(getRowValue(row), ...param);
7578 | }
7579 | if (value !== void 0) {
7580 | if (row.name === null) {
7581 | continue;
7582 | }
7583 | const name = nameFormat((_a = row.name) != null ? _a : row.id, ...param);
7584 | const color2 = getBgColor(row);
7585 | const contentValue = {
7586 | CLASS_TOOLTIP_NAME: $TOOLTIP.tooltipName + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(row.id),
7587 | COLOR: tplStr || !$$.patterns ? color2 : `<svg><rect style="fill:${color2}" width="10" height="10"></rect></svg>`,
7588 | NAME: name,
7589 | VALUE: value
7590 | };
7591 | if (tplStr && isObject(contents.text)) {
7592 | const index = targetIds.indexOf(row.id);
7593 | Object.keys(contents.text).forEach((key) => {
7594 | contentValue[key] = contents.text[key][index];
7595 | });
7596 | }
7597 | text += tplProcess(tpl[1], contentValue);
7598 | }
7599 | }
7600 | return `${text}</table>`;
7601 | },
7602 | |
7603 |
7604 |
7605 |
7606 |
7607 |
7608 | getTooltipContentTemplate(tplStr) {
7609 | return (tplStr || `<table class="{=CLASS_TOOLTIP}"><tbody>
7610 | {=TITLE}
7611 | {{<tr class="{=CLASS_TOOLTIP_NAME}">
7612 | <td class="name">${this.patterns ? `{=COLOR}` : `<span style="background-color:{=COLOR}"></span>`}{=NAME}</td>
7613 | <td class="value">{=VALUE}</td>
7614 | </tr>}}
7615 | </tbody></table>`).replace(/(\r?\n|\t)/g, "").split(/{{(.*)}}/);
7616 | },
7617 | |
7618 |
7619 |
7620 |
7621 |
7622 |
7623 | setTooltipPosition(dataToShow, eventTarget) {
7624 | var _a, _b;
7625 | const $$ = this;
7626 | const { config, scale, state, $el: { eventRect, tooltip, svg } } = $$;
7627 | const { bindto } = config.tooltip_contents;
7628 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
7629 | const datum = tooltip == null ? void 0 : tooltip.datum();
7630 | if (!bindto && datum) {
7631 | const data = dataToShow != null ? dataToShow : JSON.parse(datum.current);
7632 | const [x, y] = getPointer(state.event, eventTarget != null ? eventTarget : eventRect == null ? void 0 : eventRect.node());
7633 | const currPos = { x, y };
7634 | if (state.hasAxis && scale.x && datum && "x" in datum) {
7635 | const getYPos = (value = 0, id, axisId = "y") => {
7636 | var _a2;
7637 | const scaleFn = scale[id ? (_a2 = $$.axis) == null ? void 0 : _a2.getId(id) : axisId];
7638 | return scaleFn ? scaleFn(value) + (isRotated ? state.margin.left : state.margin.top) : 0;
7639 | };
7640 | currPos.xAxis = scale.x(datum.x) +
7641 | (config.tooltip_position ? isRotated ? state.margin.top : state.margin.left : 0);
7642 | if (data.length === 1) {
7643 | currPos.yAxis = getYPos(data[0].value, data[0].id);
7644 | } else {
7645 | currPos.yAxis = getYPos;
7646 | }
7647 | }
7648 | const { width = 0, height = 0 } = datum;
7649 | const pos = (_b = (_a = config.tooltip_position) == null ? void 0 : _a.bind($$.api)(
7650 | data,
7651 | width,
7652 | height,
7653 | eventRect == null ? void 0 : eventRect.node(),
7654 | currPos
7655 | )) != null ? _b : hasViewBox(svg) ? $$.getTooltipPositionViewBox.bind($$)(width, height, currPos) : $$.getTooltipPosition.bind($$)(width, height, currPos);
7656 | ["top", "left"].forEach((v) => {
7657 | const value = pos[v];
7658 | tooltip.style(v, `${value}px`);
7659 | if (v === "left" && !datum.xPosInPercent) {
7660 | datum.xPosInPercent = value / state.current.width * 100;
7661 | }
7662 | });
7663 | }
7664 | },
7665 | |
7666 |
7667 |
7668 |
7669 |
7670 |
7671 |
7672 | getTooltipPositionViewBox(tWidth, tHeight, currPos) {
7673 | var _a, _b;
7674 | const $$ = this;
7675 | const { $el: { eventRect, svg }, config, state } = $$;
7676 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
7677 | const hasArcType = $$.hasArcType() || state.hasFunnel || state.hasTreemap;
7678 | const target = (_b = (_a = hasArcType ? svg : eventRect) == null ? void 0 : _a.node()) != null ? _b : state.event.target;
7679 | let { x, y } = currPos;
7680 | if (state.hasAxis) {
7681 | x = isRotated ? x : currPos.xAxis;
7682 | y = isRotated ? currPos.xAxis : y;
7683 | }
7684 | const ctm = getTransformCTM(target, x, y, false);
7685 | const rect = target.getBoundingClientRect();
7686 | const size = getTransformCTM(target, 20, 0, false).x;
7687 | let top = ctm.y;
7688 | let left = ctm.x + tWidth / 2 + size;
7689 | if (hasArcType) {
7690 | if (state.hasFunnel || state.hasTreemap || state.hasRadar) {
7691 | left -= tWidth / 2 + size;
7692 | top += tHeight;
7693 | } else {
7694 | top += rect.height / 2;
7695 | left += rect.width / 2 - (tWidth - size);
7696 | }
7697 | }
7698 | if (left + tWidth > rect.width) {
7699 | left = rect.width - tWidth - size;
7700 | }
7701 | if (top + tHeight > rect.height) {
7702 | top -= tHeight * 2;
7703 | }
7704 | return {
7705 | top,
7706 | left
7707 | };
7708 | },
7709 | |
7710 |
7711 |
7712 |
7713 |
7714 |
7715 |
7716 |
7717 | getTooltipPosition(tWidth, tHeight, currPos) {
7718 | var _a, _b, _c;
7719 | const $$ = this;
7720 | const { config, scale, state } = $$;
7721 | const { width, height, current, hasFunnel, hasRadar, hasTreemap, isLegendRight, inputType } = state;
7722 | const hasGauge = $$.hasType("gauge") && !config.gauge_fullCircle;
7723 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
7724 | const hasArcType = $$.hasArcType();
7725 | const svgLeft = $$.getSvgLeft(true);
7726 | let chartRight = svgLeft + current.width - $$.getCurrentPaddingByDirection("right");
7727 | const size = 20;
7728 | let { x, y } = currPos;
7729 | if (hasRadar) {
7730 | x += x >= width / 2 ? 15 : -(tWidth + 15);
7731 | y += 15;
7732 | } else if (hasArcType) {
7733 | const notTouch = inputType !== "touch";
7734 | if (notTouch) {
7735 | let titlePadding = (_b = (_a = $$.getTitlePadding) == null ? void 0 : _a.call($$)) != null ? _b : 0;
7736 | if (titlePadding && hasGauge && ((_c = config.arc_rangeText_values) == null ? void 0 : _c.length)) {
7737 | titlePadding += 10;
7738 | }
7739 | x += (width - (isLegendRight ? $$.getLegendWidth() : 0)) / 2;
7740 | y += (hasGauge ? height : height / 2 + tHeight) + titlePadding;
7741 | }
7742 | } else if (hasFunnel || hasTreemap) {
7743 | y += tHeight;
7744 | } else {
7745 | const padding = {
7746 | top: $$.getCurrentPaddingByDirection("top", true),
7747 | left: $$.getCurrentPaddingByDirection("left", true)
7748 | };
7749 | if (isRotated) {
7750 | x += svgLeft + padding.left + size;
7751 | y = padding.top + currPos.xAxis + size;
7752 | chartRight -= svgLeft;
7753 | } else {
7754 | x = svgLeft + padding.left + size + (scale.zoom ? x : currPos.xAxis);
7755 | y += padding.top - 5;
7756 | }
7757 | }
7758 | if (x + tWidth + 15 > chartRight) {
7759 | x -= tWidth + (hasFunnel || hasTreemap || hasArcType ? 0 : isRotated ? size * 2 : 38);
7760 | }
7761 | if (y + tHeight > current.height) {
7762 | const gap = hasTreemap ? tHeight + 10 : 30;
7763 | y -= hasGauge ? tHeight * 1.5 : tHeight + gap;
7764 | }
7765 | const pos = { top: y, left: x };
7766 | Object.keys(pos).forEach((v) => {
7767 | if (pos[v] < 0) {
7768 | pos[v] = 0;
7769 | }
7770 | });
7771 | return pos;
7772 | },
7773 | |
7774 |
7775 |
7776 |
7777 |
7778 |
7779 | showTooltip(selectedData, eventTarget) {
7780 | const $$ = this;
7781 | const { config, $el: { tooltip } } = $$;
7782 | const dataToShow = selectedData.filter((d) => d && isValue($$.getBaseValue(d)));
7783 | if (!tooltip || dataToShow.length === 0 || !config.tooltip_show) {
7784 | return;
7785 | }
7786 | let datum = tooltip.datum();
7787 | const dataStr = JSON.stringify(selectedData);
7788 | if (!datum || datum.current !== dataStr) {
7789 | const { index, x } = selectedData.concat().sort()[0];
7790 | callFn(config.tooltip_onshow, $$.api, selectedData);
7791 | tooltip.html($$.getTooltipHTML(
7792 | selectedData,
7793 |
7794 | $$.axis ? $$.axis.getXAxisTickFormat() : $$.categoryName.bind($$),
7795 |
7796 | $$.getDefaultValueFormat(),
7797 |
7798 | $$.color
7799 |
7800 | )).style("display", null).style("visibility", null).datum(datum = {
7801 | index,
7802 | x,
7803 | current: dataStr,
7804 | width: tooltip.property("offsetWidth"),
7805 | height: tooltip.property("offsetHeight")
7806 | });
7807 | callFn(config.tooltip_onshown, $$.api, selectedData);
7808 | $$._handleLinkedCharts(true, index);
7809 | }
7810 | $$.setTooltipPosition(dataToShow, eventTarget);
7811 | },
7812 | |
7813 |
7814 |
7815 |
7816 | bindTooltipResizePos() {
7817 | const $$ = this;
7818 | const { resizeFunction, state, $el: { tooltip } } = $$;
7819 | resizeFunction.add(() => {
7820 | if (tooltip.style("display") === "block") {
7821 | const { current } = state;
7822 | const { width, xPosInPercent } = tooltip.datum();
7823 | let value = current.width / 100 * xPosInPercent;
7824 | const diff = current.width - (value + width);
7825 | if (diff < 0) {
7826 | value += diff;
7827 | }
7828 | tooltip.style("left", `${value}px`);
7829 | }
7830 | });
7831 | },
7832 | |
7833 |
7834 |
7835 |
7836 |
7837 | hideTooltip(force) {
7838 | var _a;
7839 | const $$ = this;
7840 | const { api, config, $el: { tooltip } } = $$;
7841 | if (tooltip && tooltip.style("display") !== "none" && (!config.tooltip_doNotHide || force)) {
7842 | const selectedData = JSON.parse((_a = tooltip.datum().current) != null ? _a : {});
7843 | callFn(config.tooltip_onhide, api, selectedData);
7844 | tooltip.style("display", "none").style("visibility", "hidden").datum(null);
7845 | callFn(config.tooltip_onhidden, api, selectedData);
7846 | }
7847 | },
7848 | |
7849 |
7850 |
7851 |
7852 |
7853 |
7854 | _handleLinkedCharts(show, index) {
7855 | const $$ = this;
7856 | const { charts, config, state: { event } } = $$;
7857 | if ((event == null ? void 0 : event.isTrusted) && config.tooltip_linked && charts.length > 1) {
7858 | const linkedName = config.tooltip_linked_name;
7859 | charts.filter((c) => c !== $$.api).forEach((c) => {
7860 | const { config: config2, $el } = c.internal;
7861 | const isLinked = config2.tooltip_linked;
7862 | const name = config2.tooltip_linked_name;
7863 | const isInDom = browser_doc.body.contains($el.chart.node());
7864 | if (isLinked && linkedName === name && isInDom) {
7865 | const data = $el.tooltip.data()[0];
7866 | const isNotSameIndex = index !== (data == null ? void 0 : data.index);
7867 | try {
7868 | c.tooltip[show && isNotSameIndex ? "show" : "hide"]({ index });
7869 | } catch (e) {
7870 | }
7871 | }
7872 | });
7873 | }
7874 | },
7875 | |
7876 |
7877 |
7878 |
7879 |
7880 |
7881 |
7882 | updateTooltipOnRedraw(context, index) {
7883 | var _a;
7884 | const $$ = this;
7885 | const {
7886 | config,
7887 | $el: { eventRect, svg, tooltip },
7888 | state: { event, hasAxis, hasRadar, hasTreemap }
7889 | } = $$;
7890 | if ((tooltip == null ? void 0 : tooltip.style("display")) === "block" && event) {
7891 | const rect = context != null ? context : (_a = hasRadar ? svg : eventRect) == null ? void 0 : _a.node();
7892 | if (hasAxis || hasRadar) {
7893 | if ($$.isMultipleX()) {
7894 | $$.selectRectForMultipleXs(rect, false);
7895 | } else {
7896 | const idx = index != null ? index : $$.getDataIndexFromEvent(event);
7897 | if (index === -1) {
7898 | $$.api.tooltip.hide();
7899 | } else {
7900 | $$.selectRectForSingle(rect, idx);
7901 | $$.setExpand(idx, null, true);
7902 | }
7903 | }
7904 | } else {
7905 | const { clientX, clientY } = event;
7906 | setTimeout(() => {
7907 | let target = [clientX, clientY].every(Number.isFinite) && browser_doc.elementFromPoint(clientX, clientY);
7908 | const data = target && (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(target).datum();
7909 | if (data) {
7910 | const d = $$.hasArcType() ? $$.convertToArcData($$.updateAngle(data)) : data == null ? void 0 : data.data;
7911 | hasTreemap && (target = svg.node());
7912 | d && $$.showTooltip([d], target);
7913 | } else {
7914 | $$.api.tooltip.hide();
7915 | }
7916 | }, config.transition_duration);
7917 | }
7918 | }
7919 | }
7920 | });
7921 |
7922 | ;
7923 |
7924 |
7925 | var transform = ({
7926 | getTranslate(target, index = 0) {
7927 | var _a;
7928 | const $$ = this;
7929 | const { config, state } = $$;
7930 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
7931 | let padding = 0;
7932 | let x;
7933 | let y;
7934 | if (index && /^(x|y2?)$/.test(target)) {
7935 | padding = $$.getAxisSize(target) * index;
7936 | }
7937 | if (target === "main") {
7938 | x = asHalfPixel(state.margin.left);
7939 | y = asHalfPixel(state.margin.top);
7940 | } else if (target === "context") {
7941 | x = asHalfPixel(state.margin2.left);
7942 | y = asHalfPixel(state.margin2.top);
7943 | } else if (target === "legend") {
7944 | x = state.margin3.left;
7945 | y = state.margin3.top;
7946 | } else if (target === "x") {
7947 | x = isRotated ? -padding : 0;
7948 | y = isRotated ? 0 : state.height + padding;
7949 | } else if (target === "y") {
7950 | x = isRotated ? 0 : -padding;
7951 | y = isRotated ? state.height + padding : 0;
7952 | } else if (target === "y2") {
7953 | x = isRotated ? 0 : state.width + padding;
7954 | y = isRotated ? -padding - 1 : 0;
7955 | } else if (target === "subX") {
7956 | x = 0;
7957 | y = isRotated ? 0 : state.height2;
7958 | } else if (target === "arc") {
7959 | x = state.arcWidth / 2;
7960 | y = state.arcHeight / 2;
7961 | if ((_a = config.arc_rangeText_values) == null ? void 0 : _a.length) {
7962 | y += 5 + ($$.hasType("gauge") && config.title_text ? 10 : 0);
7963 | }
7964 | } else if (target === "polar") {
7965 | x = state.arcWidth / 2;
7966 | y = state.arcHeight / 2;
7967 | } else if (target === "radar") {
7968 | const [width, height] = $$.getRadarSize();
7969 | x = state.width / 2 - width;
7970 | y = state.height / 2 - height;
7971 | }
7972 | return `translate(${x}, ${y})`;
7973 | },
7974 | transformMain(withTransition, transitions) {
7975 | const $$ = this;
7976 | const { $el: { main }, $T } = $$;
7977 | const xAxis = (transitions == null ? void 0 : transitions.axisX) ? transitions.axisX : $T(main.select(`.${$AXIS.axisX}`), withTransition);
7978 | const yAxis = (transitions == null ? void 0 : transitions.axisY) ? transitions.axisY : $T(main.select(`.${$AXIS.axisY}`), withTransition);
7979 | const y2Axis = (transitions == null ? void 0 : transitions.axisY2) ? transitions.axisY2 : $T(main.select(`.${$AXIS.axisY2}`), withTransition);
7980 | $T(main, withTransition).attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("main"));
7981 | xAxis.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("x"));
7982 | yAxis.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("y"));
7983 | y2Axis.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("y2"));
7984 | main.select(`.${$ARC.chartArcs}`).attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("arc"));
7985 | },
7986 | transformAll(withTransition, transitions) {
7987 | const $$ = this;
7988 | const { config, state: { hasAxis, hasFunnel, hasTreemap }, $el } = $$;
7989 | !hasFunnel && !hasTreemap && $$.transformMain(withTransition, transitions);
7990 | hasAxis && config.subchart_show && $$.transformContext(withTransition, transitions);
7991 | $el.legend && $$.transformLegend(withTransition);
7992 | }
7993 | });
7994 |
7995 | ;
7996 |
7997 |
7998 | var type = ({
7999 | |
8000 |
8001 |
8002 |
8003 |
8004 |
8005 | isValidChartType(type) {
8006 | return !!(type && Object.values(TYPE).indexOf(type) > -1);
8007 | },
8008 | setTargetType(targetIds, type) {
8009 | const $$ = this;
8010 | const { config, state: { withoutFadeIn } } = $$;
8011 | $$.mapToTargetIds(targetIds).forEach((id) => {
8012 | withoutFadeIn[id] = type === config.data_types[id];
8013 | config.data_types[id] = type;
8014 | });
8015 | if (!targetIds) {
8016 | config.data_type = type;
8017 | }
8018 | },
8019 | |
8020 |
8021 |
8022 |
8023 | updateTypesElements() {
8024 | const $$ = this;
8025 | const { state: { current } } = $$;
8026 | Object.keys(TYPE).forEach((v) => {
8027 | const t = TYPE[v];
8028 | const has = $$.hasType(t, null, true);
8029 | const idx = current.types.indexOf(t);
8030 | if (idx === -1 && has) {
8031 | current.types.push(t);
8032 | } else if (idx > -1 && !has) {
8033 | current.types.splice(idx, 1);
8034 | }
8035 | });
8036 | $$.setChartElements();
8037 | },
8038 | |
8039 |
8040 |
8041 |
8042 |
8043 |
8044 |
8045 |
8046 | hasType(type, targetsValue, checkFromData = false) {
8047 | var _a;
8048 | const $$ = this;
8049 | const { config, state: { current } } = $$;
8050 | const types = config.data_types;
8051 | const targets = targetsValue || $$.data.targets;
8052 | let has = false;
8053 | if (!checkFromData && ((_a = current.types) == null ? void 0 : _a.indexOf(type)) > -1) {
8054 | has = true;
8055 | } else if (targets == null ? void 0 : targets.length) {
8056 | targets.forEach((target) => {
8057 | const t = types[target.id];
8058 | if (t === type || !t && type === "line") {
8059 | has = true;
8060 | }
8061 | });
8062 | } else if (Object.keys(types).length) {
8063 | Object.keys(types).forEach((id) => {
8064 | if (types[id] === type) {
8065 | has = true;
8066 | }
8067 | });
8068 | } else {
8069 | has = config.data_type === type;
8070 | }
8071 | return has;
8072 | },
8073 | |
8074 |
8075 |
8076 |
8077 |
8078 |
8079 |
8080 |
8081 | hasTypeOf(type, targets, exclude = []) {
8082 | if (type in TYPE_BY_CATEGORY) {
8083 | return !TYPE_BY_CATEGORY[type].filter((v) => exclude.indexOf(v) === -1).every((v) => !this.hasType(v, targets));
8084 | }
8085 | return false;
8086 | },
8087 | |
8088 |
8089 |
8090 |
8091 |
8092 |
8093 |
8094 | isTypeOf(d, type) {
8095 | var _a;
8096 | const id = isString(d) ? d : d.id;
8097 | const dataType = this.config && (((_a = this.config.data_types) == null ? void 0 : _a[id]) || this.config.data_type);
8098 | return isArray(type) ? type.indexOf(dataType) >= 0 : dataType === type;
8099 | },
8100 | hasPointType() {
8101 | const $$ = this;
8102 | return $$.hasTypeOf("Line") || $$.hasType("bubble") || $$.hasType("scatter");
8103 | },
8104 | |
8105 |
8106 |
8107 |
8108 |
8109 |
8110 |
8111 | hasArcType(targets, exclude) {
8112 | return this.hasTypeOf("Arc", targets, exclude);
8113 | },
8114 | hasMultiArcGauge() {
8115 | return this.hasType("gauge") && this.config.gauge_type === "multi";
8116 | },
8117 | isLineType(d) {
8118 | const id = isString(d) ? d : d.id;
8119 | return !this.config.data_types[id] || this.isTypeOf(id, TYPE_BY_CATEGORY.Line);
8120 | },
8121 | isStepType(d) {
8122 | return this.isTypeOf(d, TYPE_BY_CATEGORY.Step);
8123 | },
8124 | isSplineType(d) {
8125 | return this.isTypeOf(d, TYPE_BY_CATEGORY.Spline);
8126 | },
8127 | isAreaType(d) {
8128 | return this.isTypeOf(d, TYPE_BY_CATEGORY.Area);
8129 | },
8130 | isAreaRangeType(d) {
8131 | return this.isTypeOf(d, TYPE_BY_CATEGORY.AreaRange);
8132 | },
8133 | isBarType(d) {
8134 | return this.isTypeOf(d, "bar");
8135 | },
8136 | isBubbleType(d) {
8137 | return this.isTypeOf(d, "bubble");
8138 | },
8139 | isCandlestickType(d) {
8140 | return this.isTypeOf(d, "candlestick");
8141 | },
8142 | isScatterType(d) {
8143 | return this.isTypeOf(d, "scatter");
8144 | },
8145 | isTreemapType(d) {
8146 | return this.isTypeOf(d, "treemap");
8147 | },
8148 | isPieType(d) {
8149 | return this.isTypeOf(d, "pie");
8150 | },
8151 | isFunnelType(d) {
8152 | return this.isTypeOf(d, "funnel");
8153 | },
8154 | isGaugeType(d) {
8155 | return this.isTypeOf(d, "gauge");
8156 | },
8157 | isDonutType(d) {
8158 | return this.isTypeOf(d, "donut");
8159 | },
8160 | isPolarType(d) {
8161 | return this.isTypeOf(d, "polar");
8162 | },
8163 | isRadarType(d) {
8164 | return this.isTypeOf(d, "radar");
8165 | },
8166 | isArcType(d) {
8167 | return this.isPieType(d) || this.isDonutType(d) || this.isGaugeType(d) || this.isPolarType(d) || this.isRadarType(d);
8168 | },
8169 |
8170 | isCirclePoint(node) {
8171 | const { config } = this;
8172 | const pattern = config.point_pattern;
8173 | let isCircle = false;
8174 | if ((node == null ? void 0 : node.tagName) === "circle") {
8175 | isCircle = true;
8176 | } else {
8177 | isCircle = config.point_type === "circle" && (!pattern || isArray(pattern) && pattern.length === 0);
8178 | }
8179 | return isCircle;
8180 | },
8181 | lineData(d) {
8182 | return this.isLineType(d) ? [d] : [];
8183 | },
8184 | arcData(d) {
8185 | return this.isArcType(d.data) ? [d] : [];
8186 | },
8187 | |
8188 |
8189 |
8190 |
8191 |
8192 |
8193 | labelishData(d) {
8194 | return this.isBarType(d) || this.isLineType(d) || this.isScatterType(d) || this.isBubbleType(d) || this.isCandlestickType(d) || this.isFunnelType(d) || this.isRadarType(d) || this.isTreemapType(d) ? d.values.filter((v) => isNumber(v.value) || Boolean(v.value)) : [];
8195 | },
8196 | barLineBubbleData(d) {
8197 | return this.isBarType(d) || this.isLineType(d) || this.isBubbleType(d) ? d.values : [];
8198 | },
8199 |
8200 | isInterpolationType(type) {
8201 | return [
8202 | "basis",
8203 | "basis-closed",
8204 | "basis-open",
8205 | "bundle",
8206 | "cardinal",
8207 | "cardinal-closed",
8208 | "cardinal-open",
8209 | "catmull-rom",
8210 | "catmull-rom-closed",
8211 | "catmull-rom-open",
8212 | "linear",
8213 | "linear-closed",
8214 | "monotone-x",
8215 | "monotone-y",
8216 | "natural"
8217 | ].indexOf(type) >= 0;
8218 | }
8219 | });
8220 |
8221 |
8222 | var external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(9);
8223 | ;
8224 |
8225 |
8226 |
8227 |
8228 | function getGroupedDataPointsFn(d) {
8229 | const $$ = this;
8230 | let fn;
8231 | if ($$.isLineType(d)) {
8232 | fn = $$.generateGetLinePoints($$.getShapeIndices($$.isLineType));
8233 | } else if ($$.isBarType(d)) {
8234 | fn = $$.generateGetBarPoints($$.getShapeIndices($$.isBarType));
8235 | }
8236 | return fn;
8237 | }
8238 | var shape = ({
8239 | |
8240 |
8241 |
8242 |
8243 |
8244 | getDrawShape() {
8245 | const $$ = this;
8246 | const isRotated = $$.config.axis_rotated;
8247 | const { hasRadar, hasTreemap } = $$.state;
8248 | const shape = { type: {}, indices: {}, pos: {} };
8249 | !hasTreemap && ["bar", "candlestick", "line", "area"].forEach((v) => {
8250 | const name = capitalize(/^(bubble|scatter)$/.test(v) ? "line" : v);
8251 | if ($$.hasType(v) || $$.hasTypeOf(name) || v === "line" && ($$.hasType("bubble") || $$.hasType("scatter"))) {
8252 | const indices = $$.getShapeIndices($$[`is${name}Type`]);
8253 | const drawFn = $$[`generateDraw${name}`];
8254 | shape.indices[v] = indices;
8255 | shape.type[v] = drawFn ? drawFn.bind($$)(indices, false) : void 0;
8256 | }
8257 | });
8258 | if (!$$.hasArcType() || hasRadar || hasTreemap) {
8259 | let cx;
8260 | let cy;
8261 | if (!hasTreemap) {
8262 | cx = hasRadar ? $$.radarCircleX : isRotated ? $$.circleY : $$.circleX;
8263 | cy = hasRadar ? $$.radarCircleY : isRotated ? $$.circleX : $$.circleY;
8264 | }
8265 | shape.pos = {
8266 | xForText: $$.generateXYForText(shape.indices, true),
8267 | yForText: $$.generateXYForText(shape.indices, false),
8268 | cx: (cx || function() {
8269 | }).bind($$),
8270 | cy: (cy || function() {
8271 | }).bind($$)
8272 | };
8273 | }
8274 | return shape;
8275 | },
8276 | |
8277 |
8278 |
8279 |
8280 |
8281 |
8282 |
8283 |
8284 |
8285 |
8286 |
8287 |
8288 |
8289 | getShapeIndices(typeFilter) {
8290 | const $$ = this;
8291 | const { config } = $$;
8292 | const xs = config.data_xs;
8293 | const hasXs = notEmpty(xs);
8294 | const indices = {};
8295 | let i = hasXs ? {} : 0;
8296 | if (hasXs) {
8297 | getUnique(Object.keys(xs).map((v) => xs[v])).forEach((v) => {
8298 | i[v] = 0;
8299 | indices[v] = {};
8300 | });
8301 | }
8302 | $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets.filter(typeFilter, $$)).forEach((d) => {
8303 | var _a;
8304 | const xKey = d.id in xs ? xs[d.id] : "";
8305 | const ind = xKey ? indices[xKey] : indices;
8306 | for (let j = 0, groups; groups = config.data_groups[j]; j++) {
8307 | if (groups.indexOf(d.id) < 0) {
8308 | continue;
8309 | }
8310 | for (let k = 0, key; key = groups[k]; k++) {
8311 | if (key in ind) {
8312 | ind[d.id] = ind[key];
8313 | break;
8314 | }
8315 | if (d.id !== key && xKey) {
8316 | ind[key] = (_a = ind[d.id]) != null ? _a : i[xKey];
8317 | }
8318 | }
8319 | }
8320 | if (isUndefined(ind[d.id])) {
8321 | ind[d.id] = xKey ? i[xKey]++ : i++;
8322 | ind.__max__ = (xKey ? i[xKey] : i) - 1;
8323 | }
8324 | });
8325 | return indices;
8326 | },
8327 | |
8328 |
8329 |
8330 |
8331 |
8332 |
8333 |
8334 |
8335 | getIndices(indices, d, caller) {
8336 | const $$ = this;
8337 | const { data_xs: xs, bar_indices_removeNull: removeNull } = $$.config;
8338 | const { id, index } = d;
8339 | if ($$.isBarType(id) && removeNull) {
8340 | const ind = {};
8341 | $$.getAllValuesOnIndex(index, true).forEach((v, i) => {
8342 | ind[v.id] = i;
8343 | ind.__max__ = i;
8344 | });
8345 | return ind;
8346 | }
8347 | return notEmpty(xs) ? indices[xs[id]] : indices;
8348 | },
8349 | |
8350 |
8351 |
8352 |
8353 |
8354 |
8355 | getIndicesMax(indices) {
8356 | return notEmpty(this.config.data_xs) ? (
8357 |
8358 | Object.keys(indices).map((v) => indices[v].__max__ || 0).reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr)
8359 | ) : indices.__max__;
8360 | },
8361 | getShapeX(offset, indices, isSub) {
8362 | const $$ = this;
8363 | const { config, scale } = $$;
8364 | const currScale = isSub ? scale.subX : scale.zoom || scale.x;
8365 | const barOverlap = config.bar_overlap;
8366 | const barPadding = config.bar_padding;
8367 | const sum = (p, c) => p + c;
8368 | const halfWidth = isObjectType(offset) && (offset._$total.length ? offset._$total.reduce(sum) / 2 : 0);
8369 | return (d) => {
8370 | const ind = $$.getIndices(indices, d, "getShapeX");
8371 | const index = d.id in ind ? ind[d.id] : 0;
8372 | const targetsNum = (ind.__max__ || 0) + 1;
8373 | let x = 0;
8374 | if (notEmpty(d.x)) {
8375 | const xPos = currScale(d.x, true);
8376 | if (halfWidth) {
8377 | const offsetWidth = offset[d.id] || offset._$width;
8378 | x = barOverlap ? xPos - offsetWidth / 2 : xPos - offsetWidth + offset._$total.slice(0, index + 1).reduce(sum) - halfWidth;
8379 | } else {
8380 | x = xPos - (isNumber(offset) ? offset : offset._$width) * (targetsNum / 2 - (barOverlap ? 1 : index));
8381 | }
8382 | }
8383 | if (offset && x && targetsNum > 1 && barPadding) {
8384 | if (index) {
8385 | x += barPadding * index;
8386 | }
8387 | if (targetsNum > 2) {
8388 | x -= (targetsNum - 1) * barPadding / 2;
8389 | } else if (targetsNum === 2) {
8390 | x -= barPadding / 2;
8391 | }
8392 | }
8393 | return x;
8394 | };
8395 | },
8396 | getShapeY(isSub) {
8397 | const $$ = this;
8398 | const isStackNormalized = $$.isStackNormalized();
8399 | return (d) => {
8400 | let { value } = d;
8401 | if (isNumber(d)) {
8402 | value = d;
8403 | } else if ($$.isAreaRangeType(d)) {
8404 | value = $$.getBaseValue(d, "mid");
8405 | } else if (isStackNormalized) {
8406 | value = $$.getRatio("index", d, true);
8407 | } else if ($$.isBubbleZType(d)) {
8408 | value = $$.getBubbleZData(d.value, "y");
8409 | } else if ($$.isBarRangeType(d)) {
8410 | value = value[1];
8411 | }
8412 | return $$.getYScaleById(d.id, isSub)(value);
8413 | };
8414 | },
8415 | |
8416 |
8417 |
8418 |
8419 |
8420 |
8421 | getShapeYMin(id) {
8422 | const $$ = this;
8423 | const axisId = $$.axis.getId(id);
8424 | const scale = $$.scale[axisId];
8425 | const [yMin] = scale.domain();
8426 | const inverted = $$.config[`axis_${axisId}_inverted`];
8427 | return !$$.isGrouped(id) && !inverted && yMin > 0 ? yMin : 0;
8428 | },
8429 | |
8430 |
8431 |
8432 |
8433 |
8434 |
8435 | getShapeOffsetData(typeFilter) {
8436 | const $$ = this;
8437 | const targets = $$.orderTargets(
8438 | $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets.filter(typeFilter, $$))
8439 | );
8440 | const isStackNormalized = $$.isStackNormalized();
8441 | const shapeOffsetTargets = targets.map((target) => {
8442 | let rowValues = target.values;
8443 | const values = {};
8444 | if ($$.isStepType(target)) {
8445 | rowValues = $$.convertValuesToStep(rowValues);
8446 | }
8447 | const rowValueMapByXValue = rowValues.reduce((out, d) => {
8448 | const key = Number(d.x);
8449 | out[key] = d;
8450 | values[key] = isStackNormalized ? $$.getRatio("index", d, true) : d.value;
8451 | return out;
8452 | }, {});
8453 | return {
8454 | id: target.id,
8455 | rowValues,
8456 | rowValueMapByXValue,
8457 | values
8458 | };
8459 | });
8460 | const indexMapByTargetId = targets.reduce((out, { id }, index) => {
8461 | out[id] = index;
8462 | return out;
8463 | }, {});
8464 | return { indexMapByTargetId, shapeOffsetTargets };
8465 | },
8466 | getShapeOffset(typeFilter, indices, isSub) {
8467 | const $$ = this;
8468 | const { shapeOffsetTargets, indexMapByTargetId } = $$.getShapeOffsetData(
8469 | typeFilter
8470 | );
8471 | const groupsZeroAs = $$.config.data_groupsZeroAs;
8472 | return (d, idx) => {
8473 | const { id, value, x } = d;
8474 | const ind = $$.getIndices(indices, d);
8475 | const scale = $$.getYScaleById(id, isSub);
8476 | if ($$.isBarRangeType(d)) {
8477 | return scale(value[0]);
8478 | }
8479 | const dataXAsNumber = Number(x);
8480 | const y0 = scale(groupsZeroAs === "zero" ? 0 : $$.getShapeYMin(id));
8481 | let offset = y0;
8482 | shapeOffsetTargets.filter((t) => t.id !== id && ind[t.id] === ind[id]).forEach((t) => {
8483 | const {
8484 | id: tid,
8485 | rowValueMapByXValue,
8486 | rowValues,
8487 | values: tvalues
8488 | } = t;
8489 | if (indexMapByTargetId[tid] < indexMapByTargetId[id]) {
8490 | const rValue = tvalues[dataXAsNumber];
8491 | let row = rowValues[idx];
8492 | if (!row || Number(row.x) !== dataXAsNumber) {
8493 | row = rowValueMapByXValue[dataXAsNumber];
8494 | }
8495 | if ((row == null ? void 0 : row.value) * value >= 0 && isNumber(rValue)) {
8496 | const addOffset = value === 0 ? groupsZeroAs === "positive" && rValue > 0 || groupsZeroAs === "negative" && rValue < 0 : true;
8497 | if (addOffset) {
8498 | offset += scale(rValue) - y0;
8499 | }
8500 | }
8501 | }
8502 | });
8503 | return offset;
8504 | };
8505 | },
8506 | |
8507 |
8508 |
8509 |
8510 |
8511 |
8512 |
8513 | circleY(d, i) {
8514 | const $$ = this;
8515 | const id = d.id;
8516 | let points;
8517 | if ($$.isGrouped(id)) {
8518 | points = getGroupedDataPointsFn.bind($$)(d);
8519 | }
8520 | return points ? points(d, i)[0][1] : $$.getYScaleById(id)($$.getBaseValue(d));
8521 | },
8522 | getBarW(type, axis, targetsNum) {
8523 | var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
8524 | const $$ = this;
8525 | const { config, org, scale, state } = $$;
8526 | const maxDataCount = $$.getMaxDataCount();
8527 | const isGrouped = type === "bar" && ((_a = config.data_groups) == null ? void 0 : _a.length);
8528 | const configName = `${type}_width`;
8529 | const { k } = (_c = (_b = $$.getZoomTransform) == null ? void 0 : _b.call($$)) != null ? _c : { k: 1 };
8530 | const xMinMax = [
8531 | (_d = config.axis_x_min) != null ? _d : org.xDomain[0],
8532 | (_e = config.axis_x_max) != null ? _e : org.xDomain[1]
8533 | ].map($$.axis.isTimeSeries() ? parseDate.bind($$) : Number);
8534 | let tickInterval = axis.tickInterval(maxDataCount);
8535 | if (scale.zoom && !$$.axis.isCategorized() && k > 1) {
8536 | const isSameMinMax = xMinMax.every((v, i) => v === org.xDomain[i]);
8537 | tickInterval = org.xDomain.map((v, i) => {
8538 | const value = isSameMinMax ? v : v - Math.abs(xMinMax[i]);
8539 | return scale.zoom(value);
8540 | }).reduce((a, c) => Math.abs(a) + c) / maxDataCount;
8541 | }
8542 | const getWidth = (id) => {
8543 | const width = id ? config[configName][id] : config[configName];
8544 | const ratio = id ? width.ratio : config[`${configName}_ratio`];
8545 | const max = id ? width.max : config[`${configName}_max`];
8546 | const w = isNumber(width) ? width : isFunction(width) ? width.call($$, state.width, targetsNum, maxDataCount) : targetsNum ? tickInterval * ratio / targetsNum : 0;
8547 | return max && w > max ? max : w;
8548 | };
8549 | let result = getWidth();
8550 | if (!isGrouped && isObjectType(config[configName])) {
8551 | result = { _$width: result, _$total: [] };
8552 | $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets).forEach((v) => {
8553 | if (config[configName][v.id]) {
8554 | result[v.id] = getWidth(v.id);
8555 | result._$total.push(result[v.id] || result._$width);
8556 | }
8557 | });
8558 | }
8559 | return result;
8560 | },
8561 | |
8562 |
8563 |
8564 |
8565 |
8566 |
8567 |
8568 |
8569 | getShapeByIndex(shapeName, i, id) {
8570 | const $$ = this;
8571 | const { $el } = $$;
8572 | const suffix = isValue(i) ? `-${i}` : ``;
8573 | let shape = $el[shapeName];
8574 | if (shape && !shape.empty()) {
8575 | shape = shape.filter((d) => id ? d.id === id : true).filter((d) => isValue(i) ? d.index === i : true);
8576 | } else {
8577 | shape = (id ? $el.main.selectAll(
8578 | `.${classes[`${shapeName}s`]}${$$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(id)}`
8579 | ) : $el.main).selectAll(`.${classes[shapeName]}${suffix}`);
8580 | }
8581 | return shape;
8582 | },
8583 | isWithinShape(that, d) {
8584 | var _a;
8585 | const $$ = this;
8586 | const shape = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(that);
8587 | let isWithin;
8588 | if (!$$.isTargetToShow(d.id)) {
8589 | isWithin = false;
8590 | } else if ((_a = $$.hasValidPointType) == null ? void 0 : _a.call($$, that.nodeName)) {
8591 | isWithin = $$.isStepType(d) ? $$.isWithinStep(that, $$.getYScaleById(d.id)($$.getBaseValue(d))) : $$.isWithinCircle(
8592 | that,
8593 | $$.isBubbleType(d) ? $$.pointSelectR(d) * 1.5 : 0
8594 | );
8595 | } else if (that.nodeName === "path") {
8596 | isWithin = shape.classed(classes.bar) ? $$.isWithinBar(that) : true;
8597 | }
8598 | return isWithin;
8599 | },
8600 | getInterpolate(d) {
8601 | const $$ = this;
8602 | const interpolation = $$.getInterpolateType(d);
8603 | return {
8604 | basis: external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.curveBasis,
8605 | "basis-closed": external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.curveBasisClosed,
8606 | "basis-open": external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.curveBasisOpen,
8607 | bundle: external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.curveBundle,
8608 | cardinal: external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.curveCardinal,
8609 | "cardinal-closed": external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.curveCardinalClosed,
8610 | "cardinal-open": external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.curveCardinalOpen,
8611 | "catmull-rom": external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.curveCatmullRom,
8612 | "catmull-rom-closed": external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.curveCatmullRomClosed,
8613 | "catmull-rom-open": external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.curveCatmullRomOpen,
8614 | "monotone-x": external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.curveMonotoneX,
8615 | "monotone-y": external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.curveMonotoneY,
8616 | natural: external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.curveNatural,
8617 | "linear-closed": external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.curveLinearClosed,
8618 | linear: external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.curveLinear,
8619 | step: external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.curveStep,
8620 | "step-after": external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.curveStepAfter,
8621 | "step-before": external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.curveStepBefore
8622 | }[interpolation];
8623 | },
8624 | getInterpolateType(d) {
8625 | const $$ = this;
8626 | const { config } = $$;
8627 | const type = config.spline_interpolation_type;
8628 | const interpolation = $$.isInterpolationType(type) ? type : "cardinal";
8629 | return $$.isSplineType(d) ? interpolation : $$.isStepType(d) ? config.line_step_type : "linear";
8630 | },
8631 | isWithinBar(that) {
8632 | const mouse = getPointer(this.state.event, that);
8633 | const list = getRectSegList(that);
8634 | const [seg0, seg1] = list;
8635 | const x = Math.min(seg0.x, seg1.x);
8636 | const y = Math.min(seg0.y, seg1.y);
8637 | const offset = this.config.bar_sensitivity;
8638 | const { width, height } = that.getBBox();
8639 | const sx = x - offset;
8640 | const ex = x + width + offset;
8641 | const sy = y + height + offset;
8642 | const ey = y - offset;
8643 | const isWithin = sx < mouse[0] && mouse[0] < ex && ey < mouse[1] && mouse[1] < sy;
8644 | return isWithin;
8645 | }
8646 | });
8647 |
8648 | ;
8649 | var ChartInternal_defProp = Object.defineProperty;
8650 | var ChartInternal_defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? ChartInternal_defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
8651 | var ChartInternal_publicField = (obj, key, value) => ChartInternal_defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
8652 |
8653 |
8654 |
8655 |
8656 |
8657 |
8658 |
8659 |
8660 |
8661 |
8662 |
8663 |
8664 |
8665 |
8666 |
8667 |
8668 |
8669 |
8670 |
8671 |
8672 |
8673 |
8674 |
8675 |
8676 |
8677 |
8678 |
8679 |
8680 |
8681 |
8682 | class ChartInternal {
8683 | constructor(api) {
8684 | ChartInternal_publicField(this, "api");
8685 |
8686 | ChartInternal_publicField(this, "config");
8687 |
8688 | ChartInternal_publicField(this, "cache");
8689 |
8690 | ChartInternal_publicField(this, "$el");
8691 |
8692 | ChartInternal_publicField(this, "state");
8693 |
8694 | ChartInternal_publicField(this, "charts");
8695 |
8696 |
8697 | ChartInternal_publicField(this, "data", {
8698 | xs: {},
8699 | targets: []
8700 | });
8701 |
8702 | ChartInternal_publicField(this, "axis");
8703 |
8704 |
8705 | ChartInternal_publicField(this, "scale", {
8706 | x: null,
8707 | y: null,
8708 | y2: null,
8709 | subX: null,
8710 | subY: null,
8711 | subY2: null,
8712 | zoom: null
8713 | });
8714 |
8715 | ChartInternal_publicField(this, "org", {
8716 | xScale: null,
8717 | xDomain: null
8718 | });
8719 |
8720 | ChartInternal_publicField(this, "color");
8721 | ChartInternal_publicField(this, "patterns");
8722 | ChartInternal_publicField(this, "levelColor");
8723 | ChartInternal_publicField(this, "point");
8724 | ChartInternal_publicField(this, "brush");
8725 |
8726 | ChartInternal_publicField(this, "format", {
8727 | extraLineClasses: null,
8728 | xAxisTick: null,
8729 | dataTime: null,
8730 |
8731 | defaultAxisTime: null,
8732 |
8733 | axisTime: null
8734 |
8735 | });
8736 | const $$ = this;
8737 | $$.api = api;
8738 | $$.config = new Options();
8739 | $$.cache = new Cache();
8740 | const store = new Store();
8741 | $$.$el = store.getStore("element");
8742 | $$.state = store.getStore("state");
8743 | $$.$T = $$.$T.bind($$);
8744 | }
8745 | |
8746 |
8747 |
8748 |
8749 |
8750 |
8751 |
8752 |
8753 | $T(selection, force, name) {
8754 | const { config, state } = this;
8755 | const duration = config.transition_duration;
8756 | const subchart = config.subchart_show;
8757 | let t = selection;
8758 | if (t) {
8759 | if ("tagName" in t) {
8760 | t = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(t);
8761 | }
8762 | const transit = (force !== false && duration || force) && (!state.zooming || state.dragging) && !state.resizing && state.rendered && !subchart;
8763 | t = transit ? t.transition(name).duration(duration) : t;
8764 | }
8765 | return t;
8766 | }
8767 | beforeInit() {
8768 | const $$ = this;
8769 | $$.callPluginHook("$beforeInit");
8770 | callFn($$.config.onbeforeinit, $$.api);
8771 | }
8772 | afterInit() {
8773 | const $$ = this;
8774 | $$.callPluginHook("$afterInit");
8775 | callFn($$.config.onafterinit, $$.api);
8776 | }
8777 | init() {
8778 | const $$ = this;
8779 | const { config, state, $el } = $$;
8780 | const useCssRule = config.boost_useCssRule;
8781 | checkModuleImport($$);
8782 | state.hasRadar = !state.hasAxis && $$.hasType("radar");
8783 | state.hasFunnel = !state.hasAxis && $$.hasType("funnel");
8784 | state.hasTreemap = !state.hasAxis && $$.hasType("treemap");
8785 | state.hasAxis = !$$.hasArcType() && !state.hasFunnel && !state.hasTreemap;
8786 | state.datetimeId = `bb-${+/* @__PURE__ */ new Date() * getRandom()}`;
8787 | if (useCssRule) {
8788 | const styleEl = browser_doc.createElement("style");
8789 | styleEl.type = "text/css";
8790 | browser_doc.head.appendChild(styleEl);
8791 | state.style = {
8792 | rootSelctor: `.${state.datetimeId}`,
8793 | sheet: styleEl.sheet
8794 | };
8795 | $el.style = styleEl;
8796 | }
8797 | const bindto = {
8798 | element: config.bindto,
8799 | classname: "bb"
8800 | };
8801 | if (isObject(config.bindto)) {
8802 | bindto.element = config.bindto.element || "#chart";
8803 | bindto.classname = config.bindto.classname || bindto.classname;
8804 | }
8805 | $el.chart = isFunction(bindto.element.node) ? config.bindto.element : (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(bindto.element || []);
8806 | if ($el.chart.empty()) {
8807 | $el.chart = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(browser_doc.body.appendChild(browser_doc.createElement("div")));
8808 | }
8809 | $el.chart.html("").classed(bindto.classname, true).classed(state.datetimeId, useCssRule).style("position", "relative");
8810 | $$.initParams();
8811 | $$.initToRender();
8812 | }
8813 | |
8814 |
8815 |
8816 |
8817 |
8818 | initToRender(forced) {
8819 | const $$ = this;
8820 | const { config, state, $el: { chart } } = $$;
8821 | const isHidden = () => hasStyle(chart, { display: "none", visibility: "hidden" });
8822 | const isLazy = config.render.lazy === false ? false : config.render.lazy || isHidden();
8823 | const MutationObserver = win.MutationObserver;
8824 | if (isLazy && MutationObserver && config.render.observe !== false && !forced) {
8825 | new MutationObserver((mutation, observer) => {
8826 | if (!isHidden()) {
8827 | observer.disconnect();
8828 | !state.rendered && $$.initToRender(true);
8829 | }
8830 | }).observe(chart.node(), {
8831 | attributes: true,
8832 | attributeFilter: ["class", "style"]
8833 | });
8834 | }
8835 | if (!isLazy || forced) {
8836 | $$.convertData(config, (res) => {
8837 | $$.initWithData(res);
8838 | $$.afterInit();
8839 | });
8840 | }
8841 | }
8842 | initParams() {
8843 | var _a;
8844 | const $$ = this;
8845 | const { config, format: format2, state } = $$;
8846 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
8847 | $$.color = $$.generateColor();
8848 | $$.levelColor = $$.generateLevelColor();
8849 | if (config.padding === false) {
8850 | config.axis_x_show = false;
8851 | config.axis_y_show = false;
8852 | config.axis_y2_show = false;
8853 | config.subchart_show = false;
8854 | }
8855 | if ($$.hasPointType() || ((_a = $$.hasLegendDefsPoint) == null ? void 0 : _a.call($$))) {
8856 | $$.point = $$.generatePoint();
8857 | }
8858 | if (state.hasAxis) {
8859 | $$.initClip();
8860 | format2.extraLineClasses = $$.generateExtraLineClass();
8861 | format2.dataTime = config.data_xLocaltime ? external_commonjs_d3_time_format_commonjs2_d3_time_format_amd_d3_time_format_root_d3_.timeParse : external_commonjs_d3_time_format_commonjs2_d3_time_format_amd_d3_time_format_root_d3_.utcParse;
8862 | format2.axisTime = config.axis_x_localtime ? external_commonjs_d3_time_format_commonjs2_d3_time_format_amd_d3_time_format_root_d3_.timeFormat : external_commonjs_d3_time_format_commonjs2_d3_time_format_amd_d3_time_format_root_d3_.utcFormat;
8863 | const isDragZoom = $$.config.zoom_enabled && $$.config.zoom_type === "drag";
8864 | format2.defaultAxisTime = (d) => {
8865 | const { x, zoom } = $$.scale;
8866 | const isZoomed = isDragZoom ? zoom : zoom && x.orgDomain().toString() !== zoom.domain().toString();
8867 | const specifier = d.getMilliseconds() && ".%L" || d.getSeconds() && ".:%S" || d.getMinutes() && "%I:%M" || d.getHours() && "%I %p" || d.getDate() !== 1 && "%b %d" || isZoomed && d.getDate() === 1 && "%b'%y" || d.getMonth() && "%-m/%-d" || "%Y";
8868 | return format2.axisTime(specifier)(d);
8869 | };
8870 | }
8871 | state.isLegendRight = config.legend_position === "right";
8872 | state.isLegendInset = config.legend_position === "inset";
8873 | state.isLegendTop = config.legend_inset_anchor === "top-left" || config.legend_inset_anchor === "top-right";
8874 | state.isLegendLeft = config.legend_inset_anchor === "top-left" || config.legend_inset_anchor === "bottom-left";
8875 | state.rotatedPadding.top = $$.getResettedPadding(state.rotatedPadding.top);
8876 | state.rotatedPadding.right = isRotated && !config.axis_x_show ? 0 : 30;
8877 | state.inputType = convertInputType(
8878 | config.interaction_inputType_mouse,
8879 | config.interaction_inputType_touch
8880 | );
8881 | }
8882 | initWithData(data2) {
8883 | var _a, _b, _c;
8884 | const $$ = this;
8885 | const { config, scale: scale2, state, $el, org } = $$;
8886 | const { hasAxis, hasFunnel, hasTreemap } = state;
8887 | const hasInteraction = config.interaction_enabled;
8888 | const hasPolar = $$.hasType("polar");
8889 | const labelsBGColor = config.data_labels_backgroundColors;
8890 | if (hasAxis) {
8891 | $$.axis = $$.getAxisInstance();
8892 | config.zoom_enabled && $$.initZoom();
8893 | }
8894 | $$.data.xs = {};
8895 | $$.data.targets = $$.convertDataToTargets(data2);
8896 | if (config.data_filter) {
8897 | $$.data.targets = $$.data.targets.filter(config.data_filter.bind($$.api));
8898 | }
8899 | if (config.data_hide) {
8900 | $$.addHiddenTargetIds(
8901 | config.data_hide === true ? $$.mapToIds($$.data.targets) : config.data_hide
8902 | );
8903 | }
8904 | if (config.legend_hide) {
8905 | $$.addHiddenLegendIds(
8906 | config.legend_hide === true ? $$.mapToIds($$.data.targets) : config.legend_hide
8907 | );
8908 | }
8909 | $$.updateSizes();
8910 | $$.updateScales(true);
8911 | if (hasAxis) {
8912 | const { x, y, y2, subX, subY, subY2 } = scale2;
8913 | if (x) {
8914 | x.domain(sortValue($$.getXDomain($$.data.targets), !config.axis_x_inverted));
8915 | subX.domain(x.domain());
8916 | org.xDomain = x.domain();
8917 | }
8918 | if (y) {
8919 | y.domain($$.getYDomain($$.data.targets, "y"));
8920 | subY.domain(y.domain());
8921 | }
8922 | if (y2) {
8923 | y2.domain($$.getYDomain($$.data.targets, "y2"));
8924 | subY2 && subY2.domain(y2.domain());
8925 | }
8926 | }
8927 | $el.svg = $el.chart.append("svg").style("overflow", "hidden").style("display", "block");
8928 | if (hasInteraction && state.inputType) {
8929 | const isTouch = state.inputType === "touch";
8930 | const { onclick, onover, onout } = config;
8931 | $el.svg.on("click", (onclick == null ? void 0 : onclick.bind($$.api)) || null).on(isTouch ? "touchstart" : "mouseenter", (onover == null ? void 0 : onover.bind($$.api)) || null).on(isTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseleave", (onout == null ? void 0 : onout.bind($$.api)) || null);
8932 | }
8933 | config.svg_classname && $el.svg.attr("class", config.svg_classname);
8934 | const hasColorPatterns = isFunction(config.color_tiles) && $$.patterns;
8935 | if (hasAxis || hasColorPatterns || hasPolar || hasTreemap || labelsBGColor || ((_a = $$.hasLegendDefsPoint) == null ? void 0 : _a.call($$))) {
8936 | $el.defs = $el.svg.append("defs");
8937 | if (hasAxis) {
8938 | ["id", "idXAxis", "idYAxis", "idGrid"].forEach((v) => {
8939 | $$.appendClip($el.defs, state.clip[v]);
8940 | });
8941 | }
8942 | $$.generateTextBGColorFilter(labelsBGColor);
8943 | if (hasColorPatterns) {
8944 | $$.patterns.forEach((p) => $el.defs.append(() => p.node));
8945 | }
8946 | }
8947 | $$.updateSvgSize();
8948 | $$.bindResize();
8949 | const main = $el.svg.append("g").classed($COMMON.main, true).attr("transform", hasFunnel || hasTreemap ? null : $$.getTranslate("main"));
8950 | $el.main = main;
8951 | config.subchart_show && $$.initSubchart();
8952 | config.tooltip_show && $$.initTooltip();
8953 | config.title_text && $$.initTitle();
8954 | !hasTreemap && config.legend_show && $$.initLegend();
8955 | if (config.data_empty_label_text) {
8956 | main.append("text").attr("class", `${$TEXT.text} ${$COMMON.empty}`).attr("text-anchor", "middle").attr("dominant-baseline", "middle");
8957 | }
8958 | if (hasAxis) {
8959 | config.regions.length && $$.initRegion();
8960 | !config.clipPath && $$.axis.init();
8961 | }
8962 | main.append("g").classed($COMMON.chart, true).attr("clip-path", hasAxis ? state.clip.path : null);
8963 | $$.callPluginHook("$init");
8964 | $$.initChartElements();
8965 | if (hasAxis) {
8966 | hasInteraction && ((_b = $$.initEventRect) == null ? void 0 : _b.call($$));
8967 | $$.initGrid();
8968 | config.clipPath && ((_c = $$.axis) == null ? void 0 : _c.init());
8969 | }
8970 | $$.updateTargets($$.data.targets);
8971 | $$.updateDimension();
8972 | callFn(config.oninit, $$.api);
8973 | $$.setBackground();
8974 | $$.redraw({
8975 | withTransition: false,
8976 | withTransform: true,
8977 | withUpdateXDomain: true,
8978 | withUpdateOrgXDomain: true,
8979 | withTransitionForAxis: false,
8980 | initializing: true
8981 | });
8982 | if (config.data_onmin || config.data_onmax) {
8983 | const minMax = $$.getMinMaxData();
8984 | callFn(config.data_onmin, $$.api, minMax.min);
8985 | callFn(config.data_onmax, $$.api, minMax.max);
8986 | }
8987 | config.tooltip_show && $$.initShowTooltip();
8988 | state.rendered = true;
8989 | }
8990 | |
8991 |
8992 |
8993 |
8994 | initChartElements() {
8995 | const $$ = this;
8996 | const { hasAxis, hasRadar, hasTreemap } = $$.state;
8997 | const types = [];
8998 | if (hasAxis) {
8999 | const shapes = ["bar", "bubble", "candlestick", "line"];
9000 | if ($$.config.bar_front) {
9001 | shapes.push(shapes.shift());
9002 | }
9003 | shapes.forEach((v) => {
9004 | const name = capitalize(v);
9005 | if (v === "line" && $$.hasTypeOf(name) || $$.hasType(v)) {
9006 | types.push(name);
9007 | }
9008 | });
9009 | } else if (hasTreemap) {
9010 | types.push("Treemap");
9011 | } else if ($$.hasType("funnel")) {
9012 | types.push("Funnel");
9013 | } else {
9014 | const hasPolar = $$.hasType("polar");
9015 | if (!hasRadar) {
9016 | types.push("Arc", "Pie");
9017 | }
9018 | if ($$.hasType("gauge")) {
9019 | types.push("Gauge");
9020 | } else if (hasRadar) {
9021 | types.push("Radar");
9022 | } else if (hasPolar) {
9023 | types.push("Polar");
9024 | }
9025 | }
9026 | types.forEach((v) => {
9027 | $$[`init${v}`]();
9028 | });
9029 | notEmpty($$.config.data_labels) && !$$.hasArcType(null, ["radar"]) && $$.initText();
9030 | }
9031 | |
9032 |
9033 |
9034 |
9035 | setChartElements() {
9036 | const $$ = this;
9037 | const {
9038 | $el: {
9039 | chart,
9040 | svg,
9041 | defs,
9042 | main,
9043 | tooltip: tooltip2,
9044 | legend: legend2,
9045 | title: title2,
9046 | grid,
9047 | needle,
9048 | arcs: arc,
9049 | circle: circles,
9050 | bar: bars,
9051 | candlestick,
9052 | line: lines,
9053 | area: areas,
9054 | text: texts
9055 | }
9056 | } = $$;
9057 | $$.api.$ = {
9058 | chart,
9059 | svg,
9060 | defs,
9061 | main,
9062 | tooltip: tooltip2,
9063 | legend: legend2,
9064 | title: title2,
9065 | grid,
9066 | arc,
9067 | circles,
9068 | bar: { bars },
9069 | candlestick,
9070 | line: { lines, areas },
9071 | needle,
9072 | text: { texts }
9073 | };
9074 | }
9075 | |
9076 |
9077 |
9078 |
9079 | setBackground() {
9080 | const $$ = this;
9081 | const { config: { background: bg }, state, $el: { svg } } = $$;
9082 | if (notEmpty(bg)) {
9083 | const element = svg.select("g").insert(bg.imgUrl ? "image" : "rect", ":first-child");
9084 | if (bg.imgUrl) {
9085 | element.attr("href", bg.imgUrl);
9086 | } else if (bg.color) {
9087 | element.style("fill", bg.color).attr("clip-path", state.clip.path);
9088 | }
9089 | element.attr("class", bg.class || null).attr("width", "100%").attr("height", "100%");
9090 | }
9091 | }
9092 | |
9093 |
9094 |
9095 |
9096 |
9097 | updateTargets(targets) {
9098 | var _a;
9099 | const $$ = this;
9100 | const { hasAxis, hasFunnel, hasRadar, hasTreemap } = $$.state;
9101 | const helper = (type) => $$[`updateTargetsFor${type}`](
9102 | targets.filter($$[`is${type}Type`].bind($$))
9103 | );
9104 | $$.updateTargetsForText(targets);
9105 | if (hasAxis) {
9106 | ["bar", "candlestick", "line"].forEach((v) => {
9107 | const name = capitalize(v);
9108 | if (v === "line" && $$.hasTypeOf(name) || $$.hasType(v)) {
9109 | helper(name);
9110 | }
9111 | });
9112 | $$.updateTargetsForSubchart && $$.updateTargetsForSubchart(targets);
9113 | } else if ($$.hasArcType(targets)) {
9114 | let type = "Arc";
9115 | if (hasRadar) {
9116 | type = "Radar";
9117 | } else if ($$.hasType("polar")) {
9118 | type = "Polar";
9119 | }
9120 | helper(type);
9121 | } else if (hasFunnel) {
9122 | helper("Funnel");
9123 | } else if (hasTreemap) {
9124 | helper("Treemap");
9125 | }
9126 | const hasPointType = $$.hasType("bubble") || $$.hasType("scatter");
9127 | if (hasPointType) {
9128 | (_a = $$.updateTargetForCircle) == null ? void 0 : _a.call($$);
9129 | }
9130 | $$.filterTargetsToShowAtInit(hasPointType);
9131 | }
9132 | |
9133 |
9134 |
9135 |
9136 |
9137 | filterTargetsToShowAtInit(hasPointType = false) {
9138 | const $$ = this;
9139 | const { $el: { svg }, $T } = $$;
9140 | let selector = `.${$COMMON.target}`;
9141 | if (hasPointType) {
9142 | selector += `, .${$CIRCLE.chartCircles} > .${$CIRCLE.circles}`;
9143 | }
9144 | $T(svg.selectAll(selector).filter((d) => $$.isTargetToShow(d.id))).style("opacity", null);
9145 | }
9146 | getWithOption(options) {
9147 | const withOptions = {
9148 | Dimension: true,
9149 | EventRect: true,
9150 | Legend: false,
9151 | Subchart: true,
9152 | Transform: false,
9153 | Transition: true,
9154 | TrimXDomain: true,
9155 | UpdateXAxis: "UpdateXDomain",
9156 | UpdateXDomain: false,
9157 | UpdateOrgXDomain: false,
9158 | TransitionForExit: "Transition",
9159 | TransitionForAxis: "Transition",
9160 | Y: true
9161 | };
9162 | Object.keys(withOptions).forEach((key) => {
9163 | let defVal = withOptions[key];
9164 | if (isString(defVal)) {
9165 | defVal = withOptions[defVal];
9166 | }
9167 | withOptions[key] = getOption(options, `with${key}`, defVal);
9168 | });
9169 | return withOptions;
9170 | }
9171 | initialOpacity(d) {
9172 | const $$ = this;
9173 | const { withoutFadeIn } = $$.state;
9174 | const r = $$.getBaseValue(d) !== null && withoutFadeIn[d.id] ? null : "0";
9175 | return r;
9176 | }
9177 | bindResize() {
9178 | const $$ = this;
9179 | const { config, state } = $$;
9180 | const resizeFunction = generateResize(config.resize_timer);
9181 | const list = [];
9182 | list.push(() => callFn(config.onresize, $$.api));
9183 | if (config.resize_auto === true) {
9184 | list.push(() => {
9185 | state.resizing = true;
9186 | if (config.legend_show) {
9187 | $$.updateSizes();
9188 | $$.updateLegend();
9189 | }
9190 | $$.api.flush(false);
9191 | });
9192 | }
9193 | list.push(() => {
9194 | callFn(config.onresized, $$.api);
9195 | state.resizing = false;
9196 | });
9197 | list.forEach((v) => resizeFunction.add(v));
9198 | $$.resizeFunction = resizeFunction;
9199 | win.addEventListener("resize", $$.resizeFunction = resizeFunction);
9200 | }
9201 | |
9202 |
9203 |
9204 |
9205 |
9206 |
9207 | callPluginHook(phase, ...args) {
9208 | this.config.plugins.forEach((v) => {
9209 | if (phase === "$beforeInit") {
9210 | v.$$ = this;
9211 | this.api.plugins.push(v);
9212 | }
9213 | v[phase](...args);
9214 | });
9215 | }
9216 | }
9217 | extend(ChartInternal.prototype, [
9218 |
9219 | convert,
9220 | data_data,
9221 | load,
9222 | category,
9223 | internals_class,
9224 | internals_color,
9225 | domain,
9226 | interactions_interaction,
9227 | format,
9228 | internals_legend,
9229 | redraw,
9230 | scale,
9231 | shape,
9232 | size,
9233 | style,
9234 | internals_text,
9235 | internals_title,
9236 | internals_tooltip,
9237 | transform,
9238 | type
9239 | ]);
9240 |
9241 | ;
9242 |
9243 | function loadConfig(config) {
9244 | const thisConfig = this.config;
9245 | let target;
9246 | let keys;
9247 | let read;
9248 | const find = () => {
9249 | const key = keys.shift();
9250 | if (key && target && isObjectType(target) && key in target) {
9251 | target = target[key];
9252 | return find();
9253 | } else if (!key) {
9254 | return target;
9255 | }
9256 | return void 0;
9257 | };
9258 | Object.keys(thisConfig).forEach((key) => {
9259 | target = config;
9260 | keys = key.split("_");
9261 | read = find();
9262 | if (isDefined(read)) {
9263 | thisConfig[key] = read;
9264 | }
9265 | });
9266 | if (this.api) {
9267 | this.state.orgConfig = config;
9268 | }
9269 | }
9270 |
9271 | ;
9272 |
9273 |
9274 | var chart = ({
9275 | |
9276 |
9277 |
9278 |
9279 |
9280 |
9281 |
9282 |
9283 |
9284 |
9285 |
9286 |
9287 |
9288 |
9289 |
9290 | resize(size) {
9291 | const $$ = this.internal;
9292 | const { config, state } = $$;
9293 | if (state.rendered) {
9294 | config.size_width = size ? size.width : null;
9295 | config.size_height = size ? size.height : null;
9296 | state.resizing = true;
9297 | this.flush(false);
9298 | $$.resizeFunction();
9299 | }
9300 | },
9301 | |
9302 |
9303 |
9304 |
9305 |
9306 |
9307 |
9308 |
9309 |
9310 |
9311 |
9312 |
9313 |
9314 | flush(soft) {
9315 | var _a, _b;
9316 | const $$ = this.internal;
9317 | const { state, $el: { zoomResetBtn } } = $$;
9318 | if (state.rendered) {
9319 | if (state.resizing) {
9320 | (_a = $$.brush) == null ? void 0 : _a.updateResize();
9321 | } else {
9322 | (_b = $$.axis) == null ? void 0 : _b.setOrient();
9323 | }
9324 | zoomResetBtn == null ? void 0 : zoomResetBtn.style("display", "none");
9325 | $$.scale.zoom = null;
9326 | soft ? $$.redraw({
9327 | withTransform: true,
9328 | withUpdateXDomain: true,
9329 | withUpdateOrgXDomain: true,
9330 | withLegend: true
9331 | }) : $$.updateAndRedraw({
9332 | withLegend: true,
9333 | withTransition: false,
9334 | withTransitionForTransform: false
9335 | });
9336 | if (!state.resizing && $$.brush) {
9337 | $$.brush.getSelection().call($$.brush.move);
9338 | $$.unselectRect();
9339 | }
9340 | } else {
9341 | $$.initToRender(true);
9342 | }
9343 | },
9344 | |
9345 |
9346 |
9347 |
9348 |
9349 |
9350 |
9351 |
9352 |
9353 | destroy() {
9354 | const $$ = this.internal;
9355 | const { $el: { chart, style, svg } } = $$;
9356 | if (notEmpty($$)) {
9357 | $$.callPluginHook("$willDestroy");
9358 | $$.charts.splice($$.charts.indexOf(this), 1);
9359 | $$.unbindAllEvents();
9360 | svg.select("*").interrupt();
9361 | $$.resizeFunction.clear();
9362 | win.removeEventListener("resize", $$.resizeFunction);
9363 | chart.classed("bb", false).style("position", null).selectChildren().remove();
9364 | style && style.parentNode.removeChild(style);
9365 | Object.keys(this).forEach((key) => {
9366 | key === "internal" && Object.keys($$).forEach((k) => {
9367 | $$[k] = null;
9368 | });
9369 | this[key] = null;
9370 | delete this[key];
9371 | });
9372 | for (const key in this) {
9373 | this[key] = () => {
9374 | };
9375 | }
9376 | }
9377 | return null;
9378 | },
9379 | |
9380 |
9381 |
9382 |
9383 |
9384 |
9385 |
9386 |
9387 |
9388 |
9389 |
9390 |
9391 |
9392 |
9393 |
9394 |
9395 |
9396 |
9397 |
9398 |
9399 |
9400 |
9401 |
9402 |
9403 |
9404 |
9405 |
9406 |
9407 |
9408 |
9409 |
9410 |
9411 |
9412 |
9413 |
9414 | config(name, value, redraw) {
9415 | const $$ = this.internal;
9416 | const { config, state } = $$;
9417 | const key = name == null ? void 0 : name.replace(/\./g, "_");
9418 | let res;
9419 | if (name && key in config) {
9420 | if (isDefined(value)) {
9421 | config[key] = value;
9422 | res = value;
9423 | redraw && this.flush();
9424 | } else {
9425 | res = config[key];
9426 | }
9427 | } else if (arguments.length === 0 || isEmpty(name)) {
9428 | res = state.orgConfig;
9429 | }
9430 | return res;
9431 | }
9432 | });
9433 |
9434 | ;
9435 | var api_color = ({
9436 | |
9437 |
9438 |
9439 |
9440 |
9441 |
9442 |
9443 |
9444 |
9445 |
9446 | color(id) {
9447 | return this.internal.color(id);
9448 | }
9449 | });
9450 |
9451 | ;
9452 |
9453 | const api_data_data = function(targetIds) {
9454 | const { targets } = this.internal.data;
9455 | if (!isUndefined(targetIds)) {
9456 | const ids = isArray(targetIds) ? targetIds : [targetIds];
9457 | return targets.filter((t) => ids.some((v) => v === t.id));
9458 | }
9459 | return targets;
9460 | };
9461 | extend(api_data_data, {
9462 | |
9463 |
9464 |
9465 |
9466 |
9467 |
9468 |
9469 |
9470 |
9471 |
9472 |
9473 |
9474 |
9475 |
9476 |
9477 |
9478 |
9479 |
9480 | shown: function(targetIds) {
9481 | return this.internal.filterTargetsToShow(this.data(targetIds));
9482 | },
9483 | |
9484 |
9485 |
9486 |
9487 |
9488 |
9489 |
9490 |
9491 |
9492 |
9493 |
9494 |
9495 |
9496 | values: function(targetIds, flat = true) {
9497 | let values = null;
9498 | if (targetIds) {
9499 | const targets = this.data(targetIds);
9500 | if (isArray(targets)) {
9501 | values = [];
9502 | targets.forEach((v) => {
9503 | const dataValue = v.values.map((d) => d.value);
9504 | flat ? values = values.concat(dataValue) : values.push(dataValue);
9505 | });
9506 | }
9507 | }
9508 | return values;
9509 | },
9510 | |
9511 |
9512 |
9513 |
9514 |
9515 |
9516 |
9517 |
9518 |
9519 |
9520 |
9521 |
9522 |
9523 |
9524 |
9525 |
9526 |
9527 |
9528 | names: function(names) {
9529 | const $$ = this.internal;
9530 | return $$.updateDataAttributes("names", names);
9531 | },
9532 | |
9533 |
9534 |
9535 |
9536 |
9537 |
9538 |
9539 |
9540 |
9541 |
9542 |
9543 |
9544 |
9545 |
9546 |
9547 |
9548 |
9549 |
9550 | colors: function(colors) {
9551 | return this.internal.updateDataAttributes("colors", colors);
9552 | },
9553 | |
9554 |
9555 |
9556 |
9557 |
9558 |
9559 |
9560 |
9561 |
9562 |
9563 |
9564 |
9565 |
9566 |
9567 |
9568 |
9569 |
9570 |
9571 |
9572 | axes: function(axes) {
9573 | return this.internal.updateDataAttributes("axes", axes);
9574 | },
9575 | |
9576 |
9577 |
9578 |
9579 |
9580 |
9581 |
9582 |
9583 |
9584 |
9585 |
9586 | min: function() {
9587 | return this.internal.getMinMaxData().min;
9588 | },
9589 | |
9590 |
9591 |
9592 |
9593 |
9594 |
9595 |
9596 |
9597 |
9598 |
9599 |
9600 | max: function() {
9601 | return this.internal.getMinMaxData().max;
9602 | }
9603 | });
9604 | var api_data = ({ data: api_data_data });
9605 |
9606 | ;
9607 |
9608 |
9609 |
9610 | const b64EncodeUnicode = (str) => {
9611 | var _a, _b;
9612 | return (_b = (_a = win).btoa) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(
9613 | _a,
9614 | encodeURIComponent(str).replace(
9615 | /%([0-9A-F]{2})/g,
9616 | (match, p) => String.fromCharCode(Number(`0x${p}`))
9617 | )
9618 | );
9619 | };
9620 | function nodeToSvgDataUrl(node, option, orgSize) {
9621 | const { width, height } = option || orgSize;
9622 | const serializer = new XMLSerializer();
9623 | const clone = node.cloneNode(true);
9624 | const cssText = getCssRules(toArray(browser_doc.styleSheets)).filter((r) => r.cssText).map((r) => r.cssText);
9625 | clone.setAttribute("xmlns", external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.namespaces.xhtml);
9626 | clone.style.margin = "0";
9627 | clone.style.padding = "0";
9628 | if (option.preserveFontStyle) {
9629 | clone.querySelectorAll("text").forEach((t) => {
9630 | t.innerHTML = "";
9631 | });
9632 | }
9633 | const nodeXml = serializer.serializeToString(clone);
9634 | const style = browser_doc.createElement("style");
9635 | style.appendChild(browser_doc.createTextNode(cssText.join("\n")));
9636 | const styleXml = serializer.serializeToString(style);
9637 | const dataStr = `<svg xmlns="${external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.namespaces.svg}" width="${width}" height="${height}"
9638 | viewBox="0 0 ${orgSize.width} ${orgSize.height}"
9639 | preserveAspectRatio="${(option == null ? void 0 : option.preserveAspectRatio) === false ? "none" : "xMinYMid meet"}">
9640 | <foreignObject width="100%" height="100%">
9641 | ${styleXml}
9642 | ${nodeXml.replace(/(url\()[^#]+/g, "$1")}
9643 | </foreignObject></svg>`;
9644 | return `data:image/svg+xml;base64,${b64EncodeUnicode(dataStr)}`;
9645 | }
9646 | function getCoords(elem, svgOffset) {
9647 | const { top, left } = svgOffset;
9648 | const { x, y } = elem.getBBox();
9649 | const { a, b, c, d, e, f } = elem.getScreenCTM();
9650 | const { width, height } = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
9651 | return {
9652 | x: a * x + c * y + e - left,
9653 | y: b * x + d * y + f - top + (height - Math.round(height / 4)),
9654 | width,
9655 | height
9656 | };
9657 | }
9658 | function getGlyph(svg) {
9659 | const { left, top } = svg.getBoundingClientRect();
9660 | const filterFn = (t) => t.textContent || t.childElementCount;
9661 | const glyph = [];
9662 | toArray(svg.querySelectorAll("text")).filter(filterFn).forEach((t) => {
9663 | const getStyleFn = (ts) => {
9664 | const { fill, fontFamily, fontSize, textAnchor, transform } = win.getComputedStyle(
9665 | ts
9666 | );
9667 | const { x, y, width, height } = getCoords(ts, { left, top });
9668 | return {
9669 | [ts.textContent]: {
9670 | x,
9671 | y,
9672 | width,
9673 | height,
9674 | fill,
9675 | fontFamily,
9676 | fontSize,
9677 | textAnchor,
9678 | transform
9679 | }
9680 | };
9681 | };
9682 | if (t.childElementCount > 1) {
9683 | const text = [];
9684 | toArray(t.querySelectorAll("tspan")).filter(filterFn).forEach((ts) => {
9685 | glyph.push(getStyleFn(ts));
9686 | });
9687 | return text;
9688 | } else {
9689 | glyph.push(getStyleFn(t));
9690 | }
9691 | });
9692 | return glyph;
9693 | }
9694 | function renderText(ctx, glyph) {
9695 | glyph.forEach((g) => {
9696 | Object.keys(g).forEach((key) => {
9697 | const { x, y, width, height, fill, fontFamily, fontSize, transform } = g[key];
9698 | ctx.save();
9699 | ctx.font = `${fontSize} ${fontFamily}`;
9700 | ctx.fillStyle = fill;
9701 | if (transform === "none") {
9702 | ctx.fillText(key, x, y);
9703 | } else {
9704 | const args = transform.replace(/(matrix|\(|\))/g, "").split(",");
9705 | if (args.splice(4).every((v) => +v === 0)) {
9706 | args.push(x + width - width / 4);
9707 | args.push(y - height + height / 3);
9708 | } else {
9709 | args.push(x);
9710 | args.push(y);
9711 | }
9712 | ctx.transform(...args);
9713 | ctx.fillText(key, 0, 0);
9714 | }
9715 | ctx.restore();
9716 | });
9717 | });
9718 | }
9719 | var api_export = ({
9720 | |
9721 |
9722 |
9723 |
9724 |
9725 |
9726 |
9727 |
9728 |
9729 |
9730 |
9731 |
9732 |
9733 |
9734 |
9735 |
9736 |
9737 |
9738 |
9739 |
9740 |
9741 |
9742 |
9743 |
9744 |
9745 |
9746 |
9747 |
9748 |
9749 |
9750 |
9751 |
9752 |
9753 |
9754 |
9755 |
9756 |
9757 |
9758 |
9759 |
9760 |
9761 |
9762 |
9763 |
9764 |
9765 |
9766 |
9767 |
9768 | export(option, callback) {
9769 | const $$ = this.internal;
9770 | const { state, $el: { chart, svg } } = $$;
9771 | const { width, height } = state.current;
9772 | const opt = mergeObj({
9773 | width,
9774 | height,
9775 | preserveAspectRatio: true,
9776 | preserveFontStyle: false,
9777 | mimeType: "image/png"
9778 | }, option);
9779 | const svgDataUrl = nodeToSvgDataUrl(chart.node(), opt, { width, height });
9780 | const glyph = opt.preserveFontStyle ? getGlyph(svg.node()) : [];
9781 | if (callback && isFunction(callback)) {
9782 | const img = new Image();
9783 | img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";
9784 | img.onload = () => {
9785 | const canvas = browser_doc.createElement("canvas");
9786 | const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
9787 | canvas.width = opt.width || width;
9788 | canvas.height = opt.height || height;
9789 | ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
9790 | if (glyph.length) {
9791 | renderText(ctx, glyph);
9792 | glyph.length = 0;
9793 | }
9794 | callback.bind(this)(canvas.toDataURL(opt.mimeType));
9795 | };
9796 | img.src = svgDataUrl;
9797 | }
9798 | return svgDataUrl;
9799 | }
9800 | });
9801 |
9802 | ;
9803 |
9804 |
9805 | var api_focus = ({
9806 | |
9807 |
9808 |
9809 |
9810 |
9811 |
9812 |
9813 |
9814 |
9815 |
9816 |
9817 |
9818 |
9819 |
9820 |
9821 |
9822 |
9823 | focus(targetIdsValue) {
9824 | const $$ = this.internal;
9825 | const { state } = $$;
9826 | const targetIds = $$.mapToTargetIds(targetIdsValue);
9827 | const candidates = $$.$el.svg.selectAll(
9828 | $$.selectorTargets(targetIds.filter($$.isTargetToShow, $$))
9829 | );
9830 | this.revert();
9831 | this.defocus();
9832 | candidates.classed($FOCUS.focused, true).classed($FOCUS.defocused, false);
9833 | if ($$.hasArcType() && !state.hasRadar) {
9834 | $$.expandArc(targetIds);
9835 | $$.hasType("gauge") && $$.markOverlapped(targetIdsValue, $$, `.${$GAUGE.gaugeValue}`);
9836 | }
9837 | $$.toggleFocusLegend(targetIds, true);
9838 | state.focusedTargetIds = targetIds;
9839 | state.defocusedTargetIds = state.defocusedTargetIds.filter((id) => targetIds.indexOf(id) < 0);
9840 | },
9841 | |
9842 |
9843 |
9844 |
9845 |
9846 |
9847 |
9848 |
9849 |
9850 |
9851 |
9852 |
9853 |
9854 |
9855 |
9856 |
9857 |
9858 | defocus(targetIdsValue) {
9859 | const $$ = this.internal;
9860 | const { state } = $$;
9861 | const targetIds = $$.mapToTargetIds(targetIdsValue);
9862 | const candidates = $$.$el.svg.selectAll(
9863 | $$.selectorTargets(targetIds.filter($$.isTargetToShow, $$))
9864 | );
9865 | candidates.classed($FOCUS.focused, false).classed($FOCUS.defocused, true);
9866 | if ($$.hasArcType(null, ["polar"])) {
9867 | $$.unexpandArc(targetIds);
9868 | $$.hasType("gauge") && $$.undoMarkOverlapped($$, `.${$GAUGE.gaugeValue}`);
9869 | }
9870 | $$.toggleFocusLegend(targetIds, false);
9871 | state.focusedTargetIds = state.focusedTargetIds.filter((id) => targetIds.indexOf(id) < 0);
9872 | state.defocusedTargetIds = targetIds;
9873 | },
9874 | |
9875 |
9876 |
9877 |
9878 |
9879 |
9880 |
9881 |
9882 |
9883 |
9884 |
9885 |
9886 |
9887 |
9888 |
9889 |
9890 |
9891 | revert(targetIdsValue) {
9892 | const $$ = this.internal;
9893 | const { config, state, $el } = $$;
9894 | const targetIds = $$.mapToTargetIds(targetIdsValue);
9895 | const candidates = $el.svg.selectAll($$.selectorTargets(targetIds));
9896 | candidates.classed($FOCUS.focused, false).classed($FOCUS.defocused, false);
9897 | $$.hasArcType(null, ["polar"]) && $$.unexpandArc(targetIds);
9898 | if (config.legend_show) {
9899 | $$.showLegend(targetIds.filter($$.isLegendToShow.bind($$)));
9900 | $el.legend.selectAll($$.selectorLegends(targetIds)).filter(function() {
9901 | return (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this).classed($FOCUS.legendItemFocused);
9902 | }).classed($FOCUS.legendItemFocused, false);
9903 | }
9904 | state.focusedTargetIds = [];
9905 | state.defocusedTargetIds = [];
9906 | }
9907 | });
9908 |
9909 | ;
9910 | const legend_legend = {
9911 | |
9912 |
9913 |
9914 |
9915 |
9916 |
9917 |
9918 |
9919 |
9920 |
9921 |
9922 |
9923 |
9924 |
9925 |
9926 |
9927 |
9928 |
9929 |
9930 |
9931 | show: function(targetIds) {
9932 | const $$ = this.internal;
9933 | $$.showLegend($$.mapToTargetIds(targetIds));
9934 | $$.updateAndRedraw({ withLegend: true });
9935 | },
9936 | |
9937 |
9938 |
9939 |
9940 |
9941 |
9942 |
9943 |
9944 |
9945 |
9946 |
9947 |
9948 |
9949 |
9950 |
9951 |
9952 |
9953 |
9954 |
9955 | hide: function(targetIds) {
9956 | const $$ = this.internal;
9957 | $$.hideLegend($$.mapToTargetIds(targetIds));
9958 | $$.updateAndRedraw({ withLegend: true });
9959 | }
9960 | };
9961 | var api_legend = ({ legend: legend_legend });
9962 |
9963 | ;
9964 |
9965 |
9966 |
9967 | var api_load = ({
9968 | |
9969 |
9970 |
9971 |
9972 |
9973 |
9974 |
9975 |
9976 |
9977 |
9978 |
9979 |
9980 |
9981 |
9982 |
9983 |
9984 |
9985 |
9986 |
9987 |
9988 |
9989 |
9990 |
9991 |
9992 |
9993 |
9994 |
9995 |
9996 |
9997 |
9998 |
9999 |
10000 |
10001 |
10002 |
10003 |
10004 |
10005 |
10006 |
10007 |
10008 |
10009 |
10010 |
10011 |
10012 |
10013 |
10014 |
10015 |
10016 |
10017 |
10018 |
10019 |
10020 |
10021 |
10022 |
10023 |
10024 |
10025 |
10026 |
10027 |
10028 |
10029 |
10030 |
10031 |
10032 |
10033 |
10034 |
10035 |
10036 |
10037 |
10038 |
10039 |
10040 |
10041 |
10042 |
10043 |
10044 |
10045 |
10046 |
10047 |
10048 |
10049 |
10050 |
10051 |
10052 |
10053 |
10054 |
10055 |
10056 |
10057 |
10058 |
10059 |
10060 |
10061 |
10062 |
10063 |
10064 |
10065 |
10066 |
10067 |
10068 |
10069 |
10070 |
10071 |
10072 |
10073 |
10074 |
10075 |
10076 |
10077 |
10078 |
10079 |
10080 |
10081 |
10082 |
10083 |
10084 |
10085 |
10086 |
10087 |
10088 |
10089 |
10090 |
10091 |
10092 |
10093 |
10094 |
10095 |
10096 |
10097 |
10098 |
10099 |
10100 |
10101 |
10102 |
10103 |
10104 | load(args) {
10105 | const $$ = this.internal;
10106 | const { config } = $$;
10107 | args.xs && $$.addXs(args.xs);
10108 | "names" in args && this.data.names(args.names);
10109 | "classes" in args && Object.keys(args.classes).forEach((id) => {
10110 | config.data_classes[id] = args.classes[id];
10111 | });
10112 | if ("categories" in args && $$.axis.isCategorized()) {
10113 | config.axis_x_categories = args.categories;
10114 | }
10115 | "axes" in args && Object.keys(args.axes).forEach((id) => {
10116 | config.data_axes[id] = args.axes[id];
10117 | });
10118 | "colors" in args && Object.keys(args.colors).forEach((id) => {
10119 | config.data_colors[id] = args.colors[id];
10120 | });
10121 | if ("unload" in args && args.unload !== false) {
10122 | $$.unload($$.mapToTargetIds(args.unload === true ? null : args.unload), () => {
10123 | requestIdleCallback(() => $$.loadFromArgs(args));
10124 | });
10125 | } else {
10126 | $$.loadFromArgs(args);
10127 | }
10128 | },
10129 | |
10130 |
10131 |
10132 |
10133 |
10134 |
10135 |
10136 |
10137 |
10138 |
10139 |
10140 |
10141 |
10142 |
10143 |
10144 |
10145 |
10146 |
10147 |
10148 |
10149 |
10150 |
10151 |
10152 |
10153 |
10154 | unload(argsValue) {
10155 | const $$ = this.internal;
10156 | let args = argsValue || {};
10157 | isEmpty(args) && this.tooltip.hide();
10158 | if (isArray(args)) {
10159 | args = { ids: args };
10160 | } else if (isString(args)) {
10161 | args = { ids: [args] };
10162 | }
10163 | const ids = $$.mapToTargetIds(args.ids);
10164 | $$.unload(ids, () => {
10165 | $$.redraw({
10166 | withUpdateOrgXDomain: true,
10167 | withUpdateXDomain: true,
10168 | withLegend: true
10169 | });
10170 | $$.cache.remove(ids);
10171 | callDone.call($$, args.done, args.resizeAfter);
10172 | });
10173 | }
10174 | });
10175 |
10176 | ;
10177 |
10178 | function showHide(show, targetIdsValue, options) {
10179 | const $$ = this.internal;
10180 | const targetIds = $$.mapToTargetIds(targetIdsValue);
10181 | const hiddenIds = $$.state.hiddenTargetIds.map((v) => targetIds.indexOf(v) > -1 && v).filter(Boolean);
10182 | $$.state.toggling = true;
10183 | $$[`${show ? "remove" : "add"}HiddenTargetIds`](targetIds);
10184 | const targets = $$.$el.svg.selectAll($$.selectorTargets(targetIds));
10185 | const opacity = show ? null : "0";
10186 | if (show && hiddenIds.length) {
10187 | targets.style("display", null);
10188 | callFn($$.config.data_onshown, this, hiddenIds);
10189 | }
10190 | $$.$T(targets).style("opacity", opacity, "important").call(endall, () => {
10191 | var _a;
10192 | if (!show && hiddenIds.length === 0) {
10193 | targets.style("display", "none");
10194 | callFn((_a = $$.config) == null ? void 0 : _a.data_onhidden, this, targetIds);
10195 | }
10196 | targets.style("opacity", opacity);
10197 | });
10198 | options.withLegend && $$[`${show ? "show" : "hide"}Legend`](targetIds);
10199 | $$.redraw({
10200 | withUpdateOrgXDomain: true,
10201 | withUpdateXDomain: true,
10202 | withLegend: true
10203 | });
10204 | $$.state.toggling = false;
10205 | }
10206 | var show = ({
10207 | |
10208 |
10209 |
10210 |
10211 |
10212 |
10213 |
10214 |
10215 |
10216 |
10217 |
10218 |
10219 |
10220 |
10221 |
10222 |
10223 |
10224 |
10225 |
10226 | show(targetIdsValue, options = {}) {
10227 | showHide.call(this, true, targetIdsValue, options);
10228 | },
10229 | |
10230 |
10231 |
10232 |
10233 |
10234 |
10235 |
10236 |
10237 |
10238 |
10239 |
10240 |
10241 |
10242 |
10243 |
10244 |
10245 |
10246 |
10247 |
10248 | hide(targetIdsValue, options = {}) {
10249 | showHide.call(this, false, targetIdsValue, options);
10250 | },
10251 | |
10252 |
10253 |
10254 |
10255 |
10256 |
10257 |
10258 |
10259 |
10260 |
10261 |
10262 |
10263 |
10264 |
10265 |
10266 |
10267 |
10268 |
10269 |
10270 | toggle(targetIds, options = {}) {
10271 | const $$ = this.internal;
10272 | const targets = { show: [], hide: [] };
10273 | $$.mapToTargetIds(targetIds).forEach((id) => targets[$$.isTargetToShow(id) ? "hide" : "show"].push(id));
10274 | targets.show.length && this.show(targets.show, options);
10275 | targets.hide.length && setTimeout(() => this.hide(targets.hide, options), 0);
10276 | }
10277 | });
10278 |
10279 | ;
10280 |
10281 |
10282 | const tooltip_tooltip = {
10283 | |
10284 |
10285 |
10286 |
10287 |
10288 |
10289 |
10290 |
10291 |
10292 |
10293 |
10294 |
10295 |
10296 |
10297 |
10298 |
10299 |
10300 |
10301 |
10302 |
10303 |
10304 |
10305 |
10306 |
10307 |
10308 |
10309 |
10310 |
10311 |
10312 |
10313 |
10314 |
10315 |
10316 |
10317 |
10318 |
10319 |
10320 |
10321 |
10322 |
10323 |
10324 |
10325 |
10326 |
10327 |
10328 |
10329 |
10330 |
10331 |
10332 |
10333 |
10334 |
10335 |
10336 |
10337 |
10338 |
10339 |
10340 |
10341 |
10342 |
10343 |
10344 | show: function(args) {
10345 | var _a, _b, _c;
10346 | const $$ = this.internal;
10347 | const { $el, config, state: { eventReceiver, hasFunnel, hasTreemap, inputType } } = $$;
10348 | let index;
10349 | let mouse;
10350 | if (args.mouse) {
10351 | mouse = args.mouse;
10352 | }
10353 | if (args.data) {
10354 | const { data } = args;
10355 | const y = (_a = $$.getYScaleById(data.id)) == null ? void 0 : _a(data.value);
10356 | if ((hasFunnel || hasTreemap) && data.id) {
10357 | const selector = $$.selectorTarget(data.id, void 0, `.${$SHAPE.shape}`);
10358 | eventReceiver.rect = $el.main.select(selector);
10359 | } else if ($$.isMultipleX()) {
10360 | mouse = [$$.xx(data), y];
10361 | } else {
10362 | if (!config.tooltip_grouped) {
10363 | mouse = [0, y];
10364 | }
10365 | index = (_c = data.index) != null ? _c : $$.hasArcType() && data.id ? (_b = $$.getArcElementByIdOrIndex(data.id)) == null ? void 0 : _b.datum().index : $$.getIndexByX(data.x);
10366 | }
10367 | } else if (isDefined(args.x)) {
10368 | index = $$.getIndexByX(args.x);
10369 | } else if (isDefined(args.index)) {
10370 | index = args.index;
10371 | }
10372 | (inputType === "mouse" ? ["mouseover", "mousemove"] : ["touchstart"]).forEach((eventName) => {
10373 | $$.dispatchEvent(eventName, index, mouse);
10374 | });
10375 | },
10376 | |
10377 |
10378 |
10379 |
10380 |
10381 |
10382 | hide: function() {
10383 | var _a, _b, _c;
10384 | const $$ = this.internal;
10385 | const { state: { inputType }, $el: { tooltip: tooltip2 } } = $$;
10386 | const data = tooltip2 == null ? void 0 : tooltip2.datum();
10387 | if (data) {
10388 | const { index } = JSON.parse(data.current)[0];
10389 | (inputType === "mouse" ? ["mouseout"] : ["touchend"]).forEach((eventName) => {
10390 | $$.dispatchEvent(eventName, index);
10391 | });
10392 | }
10393 | inputType === "touch" && $$.callOverOutForTouch();
10394 | $$.hideTooltip(true);
10395 | (_a = $$.hideGridFocus) == null ? void 0 : _a.call($$);
10396 | (_b = $$.unexpandCircles) == null ? void 0 : _b.call($$);
10397 | (_c = $$.expandBarTypeShapes) == null ? void 0 : _c.call($$, false);
10398 | }
10399 | };
10400 | var api_tooltip = ({ tooltip: tooltip_tooltip });
10401 |
10402 | ;
10403 | var Chart_defProp = Object.defineProperty;
10404 | var Chart_defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? Chart_defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
10405 | var Chart_publicField = (obj, key, value) => Chart_defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
10406 |
10407 |
10408 |
10409 |
10410 |
10411 |
10412 |
10413 |
10414 |
10415 |
10416 |
10417 |
10418 | class Chart {
10419 | constructor(options) {
10420 | Chart_publicField(this, "plugins", []);
10421 | Chart_publicField(this, "internal");
10422 | const $$ = new ChartInternal(this);
10423 | this.internal = $$;
10424 | (function bindThis(fn, target, argThis) {
10425 | Object.keys(fn).forEach((key) => {
10426 | const isFunc = isFunction(fn[key]);
10427 | const isChild = target !== argThis;
10428 | const isNotNil = notEmpty(fn[key]);
10429 | const hasChild = isNotNil && Object.keys(fn[key]).length > 0;
10430 | if (isFunc && (!isChild && hasChild || isChild)) {
10431 | target[key] = fn[key].bind(argThis);
10432 | } else if (isNotNil && !isFunc) {
10433 | target[key] = {};
10434 | } else {
10435 | target[key] = fn[key];
10436 | }
10437 | hasChild && bindThis(fn[key], target[key], argThis);
10438 | });
10439 | })(Chart.prototype, this, this);
10440 | loadConfig.call($$, options);
10441 | $$.beforeInit();
10442 | $$.init();
10443 | }
10444 | }
10445 | extend(Chart.prototype, [
10446 | chart,
10447 | api_color,
10448 | api_data,
10449 | api_export,
10450 | api_focus,
10451 | api_legend,
10452 | api_load,
10453 | show,
10454 | api_tooltip
10455 | ]);
10456 |
10457 | ;
10458 |
10459 |
10460 |
10461 | function setSelection(isSelection = false, ids, indices, resetOther) {
10462 | const $$ = this;
10463 | const { config, $el: { main } } = $$;
10464 | const selectionGrouped = config.data_selection_grouped;
10465 | const isSelectable = config.data_selection_isselectable.bind($$.api);
10466 | if (!config.data_selection_enabled) {
10467 | return;
10468 | }
10469 | main.selectAll(`.${$SHAPE.shapes}`).selectAll(`.${$SHAPE.shape}`).each(function(d) {
10470 | const shape = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this);
10471 | const { id, index } = d.data ? d.data : d;
10472 | const toggle = $$.getToggle(this, d).bind($$);
10473 | const isTargetId = selectionGrouped || !ids || ids.indexOf(id) >= 0;
10474 | const isTargetIndex = !indices || indices.indexOf(index) >= 0;
10475 | const isSelected = shape.classed($SELECT.SELECTED);
10476 | if (shape.classed($LINE.line) || shape.classed($AREA.area)) {
10477 | return;
10478 | }
10479 | if (isSelection) {
10480 | if (isTargetId && isTargetIndex && isSelectable(d) && !isSelected) {
10481 | toggle(true, shape.classed($SELECT.SELECTED, true), d, index);
10482 | } else if (isDefined(resetOther) && resetOther && isSelected) {
10483 | toggle(false, shape.classed($SELECT.SELECTED, false), d, index);
10484 | }
10485 | } else {
10486 | if (isTargetId && isTargetIndex && isSelectable(d) && isSelected) {
10487 | toggle(false, shape.classed($SELECT.SELECTED, false), d, index);
10488 | }
10489 | }
10490 | });
10491 | }
10492 | var selection = ({
10493 | |
10494 |
10495 |
10496 |
10497 |
10498 |
10499 |
10500 |
10501 |
10502 |
10503 |
10504 |
10505 |
10506 |
10507 |
10508 |
10509 | selected(targetId) {
10510 | const $$ = this.internal;
10511 | const dataPoint = [];
10512 | $$.$el.main.selectAll(`.${$SHAPE.shapes + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(targetId)}`).selectAll(`.${$SHAPE.shape}`).filter(function() {
10513 | return (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this).classed($SELECT.SELECTED);
10514 | }).each((d) => dataPoint.push(d));
10515 | return dataPoint;
10516 | },
10517 | |
10518 |
10519 |
10520 |
10521 |
10522 |
10523 |
10524 |
10525 |
10526 |
10527 |
10528 |
10529 |
10530 |
10531 |
10532 |
10533 |
10534 |
10535 |
10536 |
10537 |
10538 |
10539 |
10540 |
10541 | select(ids, indices, resetOther) {
10542 | const $$ = this.internal;
10543 | setSelection.bind($$)(true, ids, indices, resetOther);
10544 | },
10545 | |
10546 |
10547 |
10548 |
10549 |
10550 |
10551 |
10552 |
10553 |
10554 |
10555 |
10556 |
10557 |
10558 |
10559 |
10560 |
10561 |
10562 | unselect(ids, indices) {
10563 | const $$ = this.internal;
10564 | setSelection.bind($$)(false, ids, indices);
10565 | }
10566 | });
10567 |
10568 | ;
10569 |
10570 |
10571 | const subchart = function(domainValue) {
10572 | var _a;
10573 | const $$ = this.internal;
10574 | const { axis, brush, config, scale: { x, subX }, state } = $$;
10575 | let domain;
10576 | if (config.subchart_show) {
10577 | domain = domainValue;
10578 | if (Array.isArray(domain)) {
10579 | if (axis.isTimeSeries()) {
10580 | domain = domain.map((x2) => parseDate.bind($$)(x2));
10581 | }
10582 | const isWithinRange = $$.withinRange(
10583 | domain,
10584 | $$.getZoomDomain("subX", true),
10585 | $$.getZoomDomain("subX")
10586 | );
10587 | if (isWithinRange) {
10588 | state.domain = domain;
10589 | brush.move(
10590 | brush.getSelection(),
10591 | domain.map(subX)
10592 | );
10593 | }
10594 | } else {
10595 | domain = (_a = state.domain) != null ? _a : x.orgDomain();
10596 | }
10597 | }
10598 | return domain;
10599 | };
10600 | extend(subchart, {
10601 | |
10602 |
10603 |
10604 |
10605 |
10606 |
10607 |
10608 |
10609 |
10610 |
10611 |
10612 |
10613 |
10614 |
10615 |
10616 |
10617 |
10618 |
10619 |
10620 |
10621 |
10622 |
10623 |
10624 | show() {
10625 | var _a, _b;
10626 | const $$ = this.internal;
10627 | const { $el: { subchart: subchart2 }, config } = $$;
10628 | const show = config.subchart_show;
10629 | if (!show) {
10630 | $$.unbindZoomEvent();
10631 | config.subchart_show = !show;
10632 | !subchart2.main && $$.initSubchart();
10633 | let $target = subchart2.main.selectAll(`.${$COMMON.target}`);
10634 | if ($$.data.targets.length !== $target.size()) {
10635 | $$.updateSizes();
10636 | $$.updateTargetsForSubchart($$.data.targets);
10637 | $target = (_a = subchart2.main) == null ? void 0 : _a.selectAll(`.${$COMMON.target}`);
10638 | }
10639 | $target == null ? void 0 : $target.style("opacity", null);
10640 | (_b = subchart2.main) == null ? void 0 : _b.style("display", null);
10641 | this.resize();
10642 | }
10643 | },
10644 | |
10645 |
10646 |
10647 |
10648 |
10649 |
10650 |
10651 |
10652 |
10653 | hide() {
10654 | const $$ = this.internal;
10655 | const { $el: { subchart: { main } }, config } = $$;
10656 | if (config.subchart_show && (main == null ? void 0 : main.style("display")) !== "none") {
10657 | config.subchart_show = false;
10658 | main.style("display", "none");
10659 | this.resize();
10660 | }
10661 | },
10662 | |
10663 |
10664 |
10665 |
10666 |
10667 |
10668 |
10669 |
10670 |
10671 |
10672 |
10673 | toggle() {
10674 | const $$ = this.internal;
10675 | const { config } = $$;
10676 | this.subchart[config.subchart_show ? "hide" : "show"]();
10677 | },
10678 | |
10679 |
10680 |
10681 |
10682 |
10683 |
10684 |
10685 |
10686 |
10687 | reset() {
10688 | const $$ = this.internal;
10689 | const { brush } = $$;
10690 | brush.clear(brush.getSelection());
10691 | }
10692 | });
10693 | var api_subchart = ({
10694 | subchart
10695 | });
10696 |
10697 |
10698 | var external_commonjs_d3_zoom_commonjs2_d3_zoom_amd_d3_zoom_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(10);
10699 | ;
10700 |
10701 |
10702 | const zoom = function(domainValue) {
10703 | var _a;
10704 | const $$ = this.internal;
10705 | const { axis, config, org, scale, state } = $$;
10706 | const isCategorized = axis.isCategorized();
10707 | let domain;
10708 | if (config.zoom_enabled) {
10709 | domain = domainValue;
10710 | if (Array.isArray(domain)) {
10711 | if (axis.isTimeSeries()) {
10712 | domain = domain.map((x) => parseDate.bind($$)(x));
10713 | }
10714 | const isWithinRange = $$.withinRange(
10715 | domain,
10716 | $$.getZoomDomain("zoom", true),
10717 | $$.getZoomDomain("zoom")
10718 | );
10719 | if (isWithinRange) {
10720 | state.domain = domain;
10721 | domain = $$.getZoomDomainValue(domain);
10722 | $$.api.tooltip.hide();
10723 | if (config.subchart_show) {
10724 | const x = scale.zoom || scale.x;
10725 | $$.brush.getSelection().call($$.brush.move, domain.map(x));
10726 | } else {
10727 | const x = isCategorized ? scale.x.orgScale() : org.xScale || scale.x;
10728 | $$.updateCurrentZoomTransform(x, domain);
10729 | }
10730 | $$.setZoomResetButton();
10731 | }
10732 | } else {
10733 | domain = $$.zoom.getDomain();
10734 | }
10735 | }
10736 | return (_a = state.domain) != null ? _a : domain;
10737 | };
10738 | extend(zoom, {
10739 | |
10740 |
10741 |
10742 |
10743 |
10744 |
10745 |
10746 |
10747 |
10748 |
10749 |
10750 |
10751 |
10752 |
10753 |
10754 |
10755 |
10756 |
10757 | enable(enabled) {
10758 | const $$ = this.internal;
10759 | const { config } = $$;
10760 | if (/^(drag|wheel)$/.test(enabled)) {
10761 | config.zoom_type = enabled;
10762 | }
10763 | config.zoom_enabled = !!enabled;
10764 | if (!$$.zoom) {
10765 | $$.initZoom();
10766 | $$.bindZoomEvent();
10767 | } else if (enabled === false) {
10768 | $$.bindZoomEvent(false);
10769 | }
10770 | $$.updateAndRedraw();
10771 | },
10772 | |
10773 |
10774 |
10775 |
10776 |
10777 |
10778 |
10779 |
10780 |
10781 |
10782 |
10783 | max(max) {
10784 | const $$ = this.internal;
10785 | const { config, org: { xDomain } } = $$;
10786 | if (max === 0 || max) {
10787 | config.zoom_x_max = getMinMax("max", [xDomain[1], max]);
10788 | }
10789 | return config.zoom_x_max;
10790 | },
10791 | |
10792 |
10793 |
10794 |
10795 |
10796 |
10797 |
10798 |
10799 |
10800 |
10801 |
10802 | min(min) {
10803 | const $$ = this.internal;
10804 | const { config, org: { xDomain } } = $$;
10805 | if (min === 0 || min) {
10806 | config.zoom_x_min = getMinMax("min", [xDomain[0], min]);
10807 | }
10808 | return config.zoom_x_min;
10809 | },
10810 | |
10811 |
10812 |
10813 |
10814 |
10815 |
10816 |
10817 |
10818 |
10819 |
10820 |
10821 |
10822 |
10823 |
10824 |
10825 |
10826 |
10827 | range(range) {
10828 | const zoom2 = this.zoom;
10829 | if (isObject(range)) {
10830 | const { min, max } = range;
10831 | isDefined(min) && zoom2.min(min);
10832 | isDefined(max) && zoom2.max(max);
10833 | }
10834 | return {
10835 | min: zoom2.min(),
10836 | max: zoom2.max()
10837 | };
10838 | }
10839 | });
10840 | var api_zoom = ({
10841 | zoom,
10842 | |
10843 |
10844 |
10845 |
10846 |
10847 |
10848 |
10849 |
10850 |
10851 | unzoom() {
10852 | const $$ = this.internal;
10853 | const { config, $el: { eventRect, zoomResetBtn }, scale: { zoom: zoom2 }, state } = $$;
10854 | if (zoom2) {
10855 | config.subchart_show ? $$.brush.getSelection().call($$.brush.move, null) : $$.zoom.updateTransformScale(external_commonjs_d3_zoom_commonjs2_d3_zoom_amd_d3_zoom_root_d3_.zoomIdentity);
10856 | $$.updateZoom(true);
10857 | zoomResetBtn == null ? void 0 : zoomResetBtn.style("display", "none");
10858 | if ((0,external_commonjs_d3_zoom_commonjs2_d3_zoom_amd_d3_zoom_root_d3_.zoomTransform)(eventRect.node()) !== external_commonjs_d3_zoom_commonjs2_d3_zoom_amd_d3_zoom_root_d3_.zoomIdentity) {
10859 | $$.zoom.transform(eventRect, external_commonjs_d3_zoom_commonjs2_d3_zoom_amd_d3_zoom_root_d3_.zoomIdentity);
10860 | }
10861 | state.domain = void 0;
10862 | }
10863 | }
10864 | });
10865 |
10866 | ;
10867 |
10868 |
10869 |
10870 |
10871 | var interactions_subchart = ({
10872 | |
10873 |
10874 |
10875 |
10876 | initBrush() {
10877 | const $$ = this;
10878 | const { config, scale, $el: { subchart }, state } = $$;
10879 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
10880 | const height = config.subchart_size_height;
10881 | let lastDomain;
10882 | let lastSelection;
10883 | let timeout;
10884 | $$.brush = (isRotated ? (0,external_commonjs_d3_brush_commonjs2_d3_brush_amd_d3_brush_root_d3_.brushY)() : (0,external_commonjs_d3_brush_commonjs2_d3_brush_amd_d3_brush_root_d3_.brushX)()).handleSize(5);
10885 | $$.brush.on("start brush end", (event) => {
10886 | const { selection, sourceEvent, target, type } = event;
10887 | if (type === "start") {
10888 | $$.state.inputType === "touch" && $$.hideTooltip();
10889 | lastSelection = sourceEvent ? selection : null;
10890 | }
10891 | if (/(start|brush)/.test(type)) {
10892 | type === "brush" && sourceEvent && state.domain && (lastSelection == null ? void 0 : lastSelection.forEach((v, i) => {
10893 | if (v !== selection[i]) {
10894 | state.domain[i] = scale.x.orgDomain()[i];
10895 | }
10896 | }));
10897 | $$.redrawForBrush(type !== "start");
10898 | }
10899 | if (type === "end") {
10900 | lastDomain = scale.x.orgDomain();
10901 | }
10902 | if (target == null ? void 0 : target.handle) {
10903 | if (selection === null) {
10904 | $$.brush.handle.attr("display", "none");
10905 | } else {
10906 | $$.brush.handle.attr("display", null).attr("transform", (d, i) => {
10907 | const pos = [selection[i], height / 2];
10908 | return `translate(${isRotated ? pos.reverse() : pos})`;
10909 | });
10910 | }
10911 | }
10912 | });
10913 | $$.brush.updateResize = function() {
10914 | timeout && clearTimeout(timeout);
10915 | timeout = setTimeout(() => {
10916 | const selection = this.getSelection();
10917 | lastDomain && (0,external_commonjs_d3_brush_commonjs2_d3_brush_amd_d3_brush_root_d3_.brushSelection)(selection.node()) && this.move(selection, lastDomain.map(scale.subX.orgScale()));
10918 | }, 0);
10919 | };
10920 | $$.brush.update = function() {
10921 | var _a;
10922 | const extent = this.extent()();
10923 | if (extent[1].filter((v) => isNaN(v)).length === 0) {
10924 | (_a = subchart.main) == null ? void 0 : _a.select(`.${classes.brush}`).call(this);
10925 | }
10926 | return this;
10927 | };
10928 | $$.brush.scale = function(scale2) {
10929 | const h = config.subchart_size_height;
10930 | let extent = $$.axis.getExtent();
10931 | if (!extent && scale2.range) {
10932 | extent = [[0, 0], [scale2.range()[1], h]];
10933 | } else if (isArray(extent)) {
10934 | extent = extent.map((v, i) => [v, i > 0 ? h : i]);
10935 | }
10936 | isRotated && extent[1].reverse();
10937 | this.extent(extent);
10938 | this.update();
10939 | };
10940 | $$.brush.getSelection = () => (
10941 |
10942 | subchart.main ? subchart.main.select(`.${classes.brush}`) : (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)([])
10943 | );
10944 | },
10945 | |
10946 |
10947 |
10948 |
10949 | initSubchart() {
10950 | const $$ = this;
10951 | const { config, state: { clip, hasAxis }, $el: { defs, svg, subchart, axis } } = $$;
10952 | if (!hasAxis) {
10953 | return;
10954 | }
10955 | const visibility = config.subchart_show ? null : "hidden";
10956 | const clipId = `${clip.id}-subchart`;
10957 | const clipPath = $$.getClipPath(clipId);
10958 | clip.idSubchart = clipId;
10959 | $$.appendClip(defs, clipId);
10960 | $$.initBrush();
10961 | subchart.main = svg.append("g").classed(classes.subchart, true).attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("context"));
10962 | const { main } = subchart;
10963 | main.style("visibility", visibility);
10964 | main.append("g").attr("clip-path", clipPath).attr("class", classes.chart);
10965 | ["bar", "line", "bubble", "candlestick", "scatter"].forEach((v) => {
10966 | const type = capitalize(/^(bubble|scatter)$/.test(v) ? "circle" : v);
10967 | if ($$.hasType(v) || $$.hasTypeOf(type)) {
10968 | const chart = main.select(`.${classes.chart}`);
10969 | const chartClassName = classes[`chart${type}s`];
10970 | if (chart.select(`.${chartClassName}`).empty()) {
10971 | chart.append("g").attr("class", chartClassName);
10972 | }
10973 | }
10974 | });
10975 | const brush = main.append("g").attr("clip-path", clipPath).attr("class", classes.brush).call($$.brush);
10976 | config.subchart_showHandle && $$.addBrushHandle(brush);
10977 | axis.subX = main.append("g").attr("class", classes.axisX).attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("subX")).attr("clip-path", config.axis_rotated ? "" : clip.pathXAxis).style("visibility", config.subchart_axis_x_show ? visibility : "hidden");
10978 | },
10979 | |
10980 |
10981 |
10982 |
10983 |
10984 |
10985 | addBrushHandle(brush) {
10986 | const $$ = this;
10987 | const { config } = $$;
10988 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
10989 | const initRange = config.subchart_init_range;
10990 | const customHandleClass = "handle--custom";
10991 | const path = isRotated ? [
10992 | "M8.5 0 a6 6 0 0 0 -6 -6.5 H-2.5 a 6 6 0 0 0 -6 6.5 z m-5 -2 H-3.5 m7 -2 H-3.5z",
10993 | "M8.5 0 a6 -6 0 0 1 -6 6.5 H-2.5 a 6 -6 0 0 1 -6 -6.5z m-5 2 H-3.5 m7 2 H-3.5z"
10994 | ] : [
10995 | "M0 -8.5 A6 6 0 0 0 -6.5 -3.5 V2.5 A6 6 0 0 0 0 8.5 Z M-2 -3.5 V3.5 M-4 -3.5 V3.5z",
10996 | "M0 -8.5 A6 6 0 0 1 6.5 -3.5 V2.5 A6 6 0 0 1 0 8.5 Z M2 -3.5 V3.5 M4 -3.5 V3.5z"
10997 | ];
10998 | $$.brush.handle = brush.selectAll(`.${customHandleClass}`).data(isRotated ? [{ type: "n" }, { type: "s" }] : [{ type: "w" }, { type: "e" }]).enter().append("path").attr("class", customHandleClass).attr("cursor", `${isRotated ? "ns" : "ew"}-resize`).attr("d", (d) => path[+/[se]/.test(d.type)]).attr("display", initRange ? null : "none");
10999 | },
11000 | |
11001 |
11002 |
11003 |
11004 |
11005 | updateTargetsForSubchart(targets) {
11006 | const $$ = this;
11007 | const { config, state, $el: { subchart: { main } } } = $$;
11008 | if (config.subchart_show) {
11009 | ["bar", "line", "bubble", "candlestick", "scatter"].filter((v) => $$.hasType(v) || $$.hasTypeOf(capitalize(v))).forEach((v) => {
11010 | const isPointType = /^(bubble|scatter)$/.test(v);
11011 | const name = capitalize(isPointType ? "circle" : v);
11012 | const chartClass = $$.getChartClass(name, true);
11013 | const shapeClass = $$.getClass(isPointType ? "circles" : `${v}s`, true);
11014 | const shapeChart = main.select(`.${classes[`chart${`${name}s`}`]}`);
11015 | if (isPointType) {
11016 | const circle = shapeChart.selectAll(`.${classes.circles}`).data(targets.filter($$[`is${capitalize(v)}Type`].bind($$))).attr("class", shapeClass);
11017 | circle.exit().remove();
11018 | circle.enter().append("g").attr("class", shapeClass);
11019 | } else {
11020 | const shapeUpdate = shapeChart.selectAll(`.${classes[`chart${name}`]}`).attr("class", chartClass).data(targets.filter($$[`is${name}Type`].bind($$)));
11021 | const shapeEnter = shapeUpdate.enter().append("g").style("opacity", "0").attr("class", chartClass).append("g").attr("class", shapeClass);
11022 | shapeUpdate.exit().remove();
11023 | v === "line" && $$.hasTypeOf("Area") && shapeEnter.append("g").attr("class", $$.getClass("areas", true));
11024 | }
11025 | });
11026 | main.selectAll(`.${classes.brush} rect`).attr(
11027 | config.axis_rotated ? "width" : "height",
11028 | config.axis_rotated ? state.width2 : state.height2
11029 | );
11030 | }
11031 | },
11032 | |
11033 |
11034 |
11035 |
11036 |
11037 |
11038 |
11039 | redrawSubchart(withSubchart, duration, shape) {
11040 | var _a;
11041 | const $$ = this;
11042 | const { config, $el: { subchart: { main } }, state } = $$;
11043 | const withTransition = !!duration;
11044 | main.style("visibility", config.subchart_show ? null : "hidden");
11045 | if (config.subchart_show) {
11046 | if (((_a = state.event) == null ? void 0 : _a.type) === "zoom") {
11047 | $$.brush.update();
11048 | }
11049 | if (withSubchart) {
11050 | const initRange = config.subchart_init_range;
11051 | !brushEmpty($$) && $$.brush.update();
11052 | Object.keys(shape.type).forEach((v) => {
11053 | const name = capitalize(v);
11054 | const drawFn = $$[`generateDraw${name}`](shape.indices[v], true);
11055 | $$[`update${name}`](withTransition, true);
11056 | $$[`redraw${name}`](drawFn, withTransition, true);
11057 | });
11058 | if ($$.hasType("bubble") || $$.hasType("scatter")) {
11059 | const { cx } = shape.pos;
11060 | const cy = $$.updateCircleY(true);
11061 | $$.updateCircle(true);
11062 | $$.redrawCircle(cx, cy, withTransition, void 0, true);
11063 | }
11064 | if (!state.rendered && initRange) {
11065 | state.domain = initRange;
11066 | $$.brush.move(
11067 | $$.brush.getSelection(),
11068 | initRange.map($$.scale.x)
11069 | );
11070 | }
11071 | }
11072 | }
11073 | },
11074 | |
11075 |
11076 |
11077 |
11078 |
11079 | redrawForBrush(callCallbck = true) {
11080 | var _a;
11081 | const $$ = this;
11082 | const {
11083 | config: {
11084 | subchart_onbrush: onBrush,
11085 | zoom_rescale: withY
11086 | },
11087 | scale,
11088 | state
11089 | } = $$;
11090 | $$.redraw({
11091 | withTransition: false,
11092 | withY,
11093 | withSubchart: false,
11094 | withUpdateXDomain: true,
11095 | withDimension: false
11096 | });
11097 | callCallbck && state.rendered && onBrush.bind($$.api)((_a = state.domain) != null ? _a : scale.x.orgDomain());
11098 | },
11099 | |
11100 |
11101 |
11102 |
11103 |
11104 |
11105 | transformContext(withTransition, transitions) {
11106 | const $$ = this;
11107 | const { $el: { subchart }, $T } = $$;
11108 | const subXAxis = (transitions == null ? void 0 : transitions.axisSubX) ? transitions.axisSubX : $T(subchart.main.select(`.${classes.axisX}`), withTransition);
11109 | subchart.main.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("context"));
11110 | subXAxis.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("subX"));
11111 | }
11112 | });
11113 |
11114 | ;
11115 |
11116 |
11117 |
11118 |
11119 |
11120 | var interactions_zoom = ({
11121 | |
11122 |
11123 |
11124 |
11125 | initZoom() {
11126 | const $$ = this;
11127 | $$.scale.zoom = null;
11128 | $$.generateZoom();
11129 | $$.config.zoom_type === "drag" && $$.initZoomBehaviour();
11130 | },
11131 | |
11132 |
11133 |
11134 |
11135 |
11136 | bindZoomEvent(bind = true) {
11137 | const $$ = this;
11138 | const { config } = $$;
11139 | const zoomEnabled = config.zoom_enabled;
11140 | if (zoomEnabled && bind) {
11141 | !config.subchart_show && $$.bindZoomOnEventRect();
11142 | } else if (bind === false) {
11143 | $$.api.unzoom();
11144 | $$.unbindZoomEvent();
11145 | }
11146 | },
11147 | |
11148 |
11149 |
11150 |
11151 | generateZoom() {
11152 | const $$ = this;
11153 | const { config, org, scale } = $$;
11154 | const zoom = (0,external_commonjs_d3_zoom_commonjs2_d3_zoom_amd_d3_zoom_root_d3_.zoom)().duration(0).on("start", $$.onZoomStart.bind($$)).on("zoom", $$.onZoom.bind($$)).on("end", $$.onZoomEnd.bind($$));
11155 | zoom.orgScaleExtent = () => {
11156 | const extent = config.zoom_extent || [1, 10];
11157 | return [extent[0], Math.max($$.getMaxDataCount() / extent[1], extent[1])];
11158 | };
11159 | zoom.updateScaleExtent = function() {
11160 | const ratio = diffDomain($$.scale.x.orgDomain()) / diffDomain($$.getZoomDomain());
11161 | const extent = this.orgScaleExtent();
11162 | this.scaleExtent([extent[0] * ratio, extent[1] * ratio]);
11163 | return this;
11164 | };
11165 | zoom.updateTransformScale = (transform, correctTransform) => {
11166 | var _a;
11167 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
11168 | (_a = org.xScale) == null ? void 0 : _a.range(scale.x.range());
11169 | const newScale = transform[isRotated ? "rescaleY" : "rescaleX"](org.xScale || scale.x);
11170 | if (newScale.domain().some((v) => /(Invalid Date|NaN)/.test(v.toString()))) {
11171 | return;
11172 | }
11173 | const domain = $$.trimXDomain(newScale.domain());
11174 | const rescale = config.zoom_rescale;
11175 | newScale.domain(domain, org.xDomain);
11176 | if (correctTransform) {
11177 | const t = newScale(scale.x.domain()[0]);
11178 | const tX = isRotated ? transform.x : t;
11179 | const tY = isRotated ? t : transform.y;
11180 | $$.$el.eventRect.property(
11181 | "__zoom",
11182 | external_commonjs_d3_zoom_commonjs2_d3_zoom_amd_d3_zoom_root_d3_.zoomIdentity.translate(tX, tY).scale(transform.k)
11183 | );
11184 | }
11185 | if (!$$.state.xTickOffset) {
11186 | $$.state.xTickOffset = $$.axis.x.tickOffset();
11187 | }
11188 | scale.zoom = $$.getCustomizedXScale(newScale);
11189 | $$.axis.x.scale(scale.zoom);
11190 | if (rescale) {
11191 | !org.xScale && (org.xScale = scale.x.copy());
11192 | scale.x.domain(domain);
11193 | } else if (org.xScale) {
11194 | scale.x.domain(org.xScale.domain());
11195 | org.xScale = null;
11196 | }
11197 | };
11198 | zoom.getDomain = () => {
11199 | const domain = scale[scale.zoom ? "zoom" : "subX"].domain();
11200 | const isCategorized = $$.axis.isCategorized();
11201 | if (isCategorized) {
11202 | domain[1] -= 2;
11203 | }
11204 | return domain;
11205 | };
11206 | $$.zoom = zoom;
11207 | },
11208 | |
11209 |
11210 |
11211 |
11212 |
11213 | onZoomStart(event) {
11214 | const $$ = this;
11215 | const { sourceEvent } = event;
11216 | if (sourceEvent) {
11217 | $$.zoom.startEvent = sourceEvent;
11218 | $$.state.zooming = true;
11219 | callFn($$.config.zoom_onzoomstart, $$.api, event);
11220 | }
11221 | },
11222 | |
11223 |
11224 |
11225 |
11226 |
11227 | onZoom(event) {
11228 | var _a;
11229 | const $$ = this;
11230 | const { config, scale, state, org } = $$;
11231 | const { sourceEvent } = event;
11232 | const isUnZoom = (event == null ? void 0 : event.transform) === external_commonjs_d3_zoom_commonjs2_d3_zoom_amd_d3_zoom_root_d3_.zoomIdentity;
11233 | if (!config.zoom_enabled || $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets).length === 0 || !scale.zoom && (sourceEvent == null ? void 0 : sourceEvent.type.indexOf("touch")) > -1 && (sourceEvent == null ? void 0 : sourceEvent.touches.length) === 1) {
11234 | return;
11235 | }
11236 | if (event.sourceEvent) {
11237 | state.zooming = true;
11238 | state.domain = void 0;
11239 | }
11240 | const isMousemove = (sourceEvent == null ? void 0 : sourceEvent.type) === "mousemove";
11241 | const isZoomOut = (sourceEvent == null ? void 0 : sourceEvent.wheelDelta) < 0;
11242 | const { transform } = event;
11243 | if (!isMousemove && isZoomOut && scale.x.domain().every((v, i) => v !== org.xDomain[i])) {
11244 | scale.x.domain(org.xDomain);
11245 | }
11246 | $$.zoom.updateTransformScale(transform, config.zoom_type === "wheel" && sourceEvent);
11247 | const doTransition = config.transition_duration > 0 && !config.subchart_show && (state.dragging || isUnZoom || !event.sourceEvent);
11248 | $$.redraw({
11249 | withTransition: doTransition,
11250 | withY: config.zoom_rescale,
11251 | withSubchart: false,
11252 | withEventRect: false,
11253 | withDimension: false
11254 | });
11255 | $$.state.cancelClick = isMousemove;
11256 | !isUnZoom && callFn(
11257 | config.zoom_onzoom,
11258 | $$.api,
11259 | (_a = $$.state.domain) != null ? _a : $$.zoom.getDomain()
11260 | );
11261 | },
11262 | |
11263 |
11264 |
11265 |
11266 |
11267 | onZoomEnd(event) {
11268 | var _a, _b;
11269 | const $$ = this;
11270 | const { config, state } = $$;
11271 | let { startEvent } = $$.zoom;
11272 | let e = event == null ? void 0 : event.sourceEvent;
11273 | const isUnZoom = (event == null ? void 0 : event.transform) === external_commonjs_d3_zoom_commonjs2_d3_zoom_amd_d3_zoom_root_d3_.zoomIdentity;
11274 | if ((startEvent == null ? void 0 : startEvent.type.indexOf("touch")) > -1) {
11275 | startEvent = startEvent.changedTouches[0];
11276 | e = (_a = e == null ? void 0 : e.changedTouches) == null ? void 0 : _a[0];
11277 | }
11278 | if (config.zoom_type === "drag" && (e && startEvent.clientX === e.clientX && startEvent.clientY === e.clientY)) {
11279 | return;
11280 | }
11281 | state.zooming = false;
11282 | $$.redrawEventRect();
11283 | $$.updateZoom();
11284 | !isUnZoom && (e || state.dragging) && callFn(
11285 | config.zoom_onzoomend,
11286 | $$.api,
11287 | (_b = $$.state.domain) != null ? _b : $$.zoom.getDomain()
11288 | );
11289 | },
11290 | |
11291 |
11292 |
11293 |
11294 |
11295 | updateZoom(force) {
11296 | const $$ = this;
11297 | const { subX, x, zoom } = $$.scale;
11298 | if (zoom) {
11299 | const zoomDomain = zoom.domain();
11300 | const xDomain = subX.domain();
11301 | const delta = 0.015;
11302 | const isfullyShown = $$.config.axis_x_inverted ? (zoomDomain[0] >= xDomain[0] || zoomDomain[0] + delta >= xDomain[0]) && (xDomain[1] >= zoomDomain[1] || xDomain[1] >= zoomDomain[1] + delta) : (zoomDomain[0] <= xDomain[0] || zoomDomain[0] - delta <= xDomain[0]) && (xDomain[1] <= zoomDomain[1] || xDomain[1] <= zoomDomain[1] - delta);
11303 | if (force || isfullyShown) {
11304 | $$.axis.x.scale(subX);
11305 | x.domain(subX.orgDomain());
11306 | $$.scale.zoom = null;
11307 | }
11308 | }
11309 | },
11310 | |
11311 |
11312 |
11313 |
11314 |
11315 |
11316 | updateCurrentZoomTransform(x, domain) {
11317 | const $$ = this;
11318 | const { $el: { eventRect }, config } = $$;
11319 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
11320 | const translate = [-x(domain[0]), 0];
11321 | const transform = external_commonjs_d3_zoom_commonjs2_d3_zoom_amd_d3_zoom_root_d3_.zoomIdentity.scale(x.range()[1] / (x(domain[1]) - x(domain[0]))).translate(
11322 | ...isRotated ? translate.reverse() : translate
11323 | );
11324 | eventRect.call($$.zoom.transform, transform);
11325 | },
11326 | |
11327 |
11328 |
11329 |
11330 | bindZoomOnEventRect() {
11331 | var _a;
11332 | const $$ = this;
11333 | const { config, $el: { eventRect, svg } } = $$;
11334 | const behaviour = config.zoom_type === "drag" ? $$.zoomBehaviour : $$.zoom;
11335 | if (win.GestureEvent && /^((?!chrome|android|mobile).)*safari/i.test((_a = win.navigator) == null ? void 0 : _a.userAgent)) {
11336 | svg.on("wheel", () => {
11337 | });
11338 | }
11339 | eventRect == null ? void 0 : eventRect.call(behaviour).on("dblclick.zoom", null);
11340 | },
11341 | |
11342 |
11343 |
11344 |
11345 | initZoomBehaviour() {
11346 | const $$ = this;
11347 | const { config, state } = $$;
11348 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
11349 | let start = 0;
11350 | let end = 0;
11351 | let zoomRect;
11352 | let extent;
11353 | const prop = {
11354 | axis: isRotated ? "y" : "x",
11355 | attr: isRotated ? "height" : "width",
11356 | index: isRotated ? 1 : 0
11357 | };
11358 | $$.zoomBehaviour = (0,external_commonjs_d3_drag_commonjs2_d3_drag_amd_d3_drag_root_d3_.drag)().clickDistance(4).on("start", function(event) {
11359 | extent = $$.scale.zoom ? null : $$.axis.getExtent();
11360 | state.event = event;
11361 | $$.setDragStatus(true);
11362 | $$.unselectRect();
11363 | if (!zoomRect) {
11364 | zoomRect = $$.$el.main.append("rect").attr("clip-path", state.clip.path).attr("class", $ZOOM.zoomBrush).attr("width", isRotated ? state.width : 0).attr("height", isRotated ? 0 : state.height);
11365 | }
11366 | start = getPointer(event, this)[prop.index];
11367 | if (extent) {
11368 | if (start < extent[0]) {
11369 | start = extent[0];
11370 | } else if (start > extent[1]) {
11371 | start = extent[1];
11372 | }
11373 | }
11374 | end = start;
11375 | zoomRect.attr(prop.axis, start).attr(prop.attr, 0);
11376 | $$.onZoomStart(event);
11377 | }).on("drag", function(event) {
11378 | end = getPointer(event, this)[prop.index];
11379 | if (extent) {
11380 | if (end > extent[1]) {
11381 | end = extent[1];
11382 | } else if (end < extent[0]) {
11383 | end = extent[0];
11384 | }
11385 | }
11386 | zoomRect.attr(prop.axis, Math.min(start, end)).attr(prop.attr, Math.abs(end - start));
11387 | }).on("end", (event) => {
11388 | const scale = $$.scale.zoom || $$.scale.x;
11389 | state.event = event;
11390 | zoomRect.attr(prop.axis, 0).attr(prop.attr, 0);
11391 | if (start > end) {
11392 | [start, end] = [end, start];
11393 | }
11394 | if (start < 0) {
11395 | end += Math.abs(start);
11396 | start = 0;
11397 | }
11398 | if (start !== end) {
11399 | $$.api.zoom([start, end].map((v) => scale.invert(v)));
11400 | }
11401 | $$.setDragStatus(false);
11402 | });
11403 | },
11404 | setZoomResetButton() {
11405 | const $$ = this;
11406 | const { config, $el } = $$;
11407 | const resetButton = config.zoom_resetButton;
11408 | if (resetButton && config.zoom_type === "drag") {
11409 | if (!$el.zoomResetBtn) {
11410 | $el.zoomResetBtn = $$.$el.chart.append("div").classed($COMMON.button, true).append("span").on("click", function() {
11411 | isFunction(resetButton.onclick) && resetButton.onclick.bind($$.api)(this);
11412 | $$.api.unzoom();
11413 | }).classed($ZOOM.buttonZoomReset, true).text(resetButton.text || "Reset Zoom");
11414 | } else {
11415 | $el.zoomResetBtn.style("display", null);
11416 | }
11417 | }
11418 | },
11419 | getZoomTransform() {
11420 | const $$ = this;
11421 | const { $el: { eventRect } } = $$;
11422 | return (eventRect == null ? void 0 : eventRect.node()) ? (0,external_commonjs_d3_zoom_commonjs2_d3_zoom_amd_d3_zoom_root_d3_.zoomTransform)(eventRect.node()) : { k: 1 };
11423 | }
11424 | });
11425 |
11426 | ;
11427 |
11428 |
11429 |
11430 | var drag = ({
11431 | |
11432 |
11433 |
11434 |
11435 |
11436 |
11437 | drag(mouse) {
11438 | const $$ = this;
11439 | const { config, state, $el: { main } } = $$;
11440 | const isSelectionGrouped = config.data_selection_grouped;
11441 | const isSelectable = config.interaction_enabled && config.data_selection_isselectable;
11442 | if ($$.hasArcType() || !config.data_selection_enabled ||
11443 | config.zoom_enabled && !$$.zoom.altDomain ||
11444 | !config.data_selection_multiple) {
11445 | return;
11446 | }
11447 | const [sx, sy] = state.dragStart || [0, 0];
11448 | const [mx, my] = mouse;
11449 | const minX = Math.min(sx, mx);
11450 | const maxX = Math.max(sx, mx);
11451 | const minY = isSelectionGrouped ? state.margin.top : Math.min(sy, my);
11452 | const maxY = isSelectionGrouped ? state.height : Math.max(sy, my);
11453 | main.select(`.${$DRAG.dragarea}`).attr("x", minX).attr("y", minY).attr("width", maxX - minX).attr("height", maxY - minY);
11454 | main.selectAll(`.${$SHAPE.shapes}`).selectAll(`.${$SHAPE.shape}`).filter((d) => isSelectable == null ? void 0 : isSelectable.bind($$.api)(d)).each(function(d, i) {
11455 | const shape = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this);
11456 | const isSelected = shape.classed($SELECT.SELECTED);
11457 | const isIncluded = shape.classed($DRAG.INCLUDED);
11458 | let isWithin = false;
11459 | let toggle;
11460 | if (shape.classed($CIRCLE.circle)) {
11461 | const x = +shape.attr("cx") * 1;
11462 | const y = +shape.attr("cy") * 1;
11463 | toggle = $$.togglePoint;
11464 | isWithin = minX < x && x < maxX && minY < y && y < maxY;
11465 | } else if (shape.classed($BAR.bar)) {
11466 | const { x, y, width, height } = getPathBox(this);
11467 | toggle = $$.togglePath;
11468 | isWithin = !(maxX < x || x + width < minX) && !(maxY < y || y + height < minY);
11469 | } else {
11470 | return;
11471 | }
11472 | if (isWithin ^ isIncluded) {
11473 | shape.classed($DRAG.INCLUDED, !isIncluded);
11474 | shape.classed($SELECT.SELECTED, !isSelected);
11475 | toggle.call($$, !isSelected, shape, d, i);
11476 | }
11477 | });
11478 | },
11479 | |
11480 |
11481 |
11482 |
11483 |
11484 |
11485 | dragstart(mouse) {
11486 | const $$ = this;
11487 | const { config, state, $el: { main } } = $$;
11488 | if ($$.hasArcType() || !config.data_selection_enabled) {
11489 | return;
11490 | }
11491 | state.dragStart = mouse;
11492 | main.select(`.${$COMMON.chart}`).append("rect").attr("class", $DRAG.dragarea).style("opacity", "0.1");
11493 | $$.setDragStatus(true);
11494 | },
11495 | |
11496 |
11497 |
11498 |
11499 |
11500 | dragend() {
11501 | const $$ = this;
11502 | const { config, $el: { main }, $T } = $$;
11503 | if ($$.hasArcType() || !config.data_selection_enabled) {
11504 | return;
11505 | }
11506 | $T(main.select(`.${$DRAG.dragarea}`)).style("opacity", "0").remove();
11507 | main.selectAll(`.${$SHAPE.shape}`).classed($DRAG.INCLUDED, false);
11508 | $$.setDragStatus(false);
11509 | }
11510 | });
11511 |
11512 | ;
11513 | var selection_defProp = Object.defineProperty;
11514 | var __defProps = Object.defineProperties;
11515 | var __getOwnPropDescs = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors;
11516 | var selection_getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
11517 | var selection_hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
11518 | var selection_propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
11519 | var selection_defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? selection_defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
11520 | var selection_spreadValues = (a, b) => {
11521 | for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
11522 | if (selection_hasOwnProp.call(b, prop))
11523 | selection_defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
11524 | if (selection_getOwnPropSymbols)
11525 | for (var prop of selection_getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
11526 | if (selection_propIsEnum.call(b, prop))
11527 | selection_defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
11528 | }
11529 | return a;
11530 | };
11531 | var __spreadProps = (a, b) => __defProps(a, __getOwnPropDescs(b));
11532 |
11533 |
11534 |
11535 |
11536 | var internals_selection = (__spreadProps(selection_spreadValues({}, drag), {
11537 | |
11538 |
11539 |
11540 |
11541 |
11542 |
11543 |
11544 | selectPoint(target, d, i) {
11545 | const $$ = this;
11546 | const { config, $el: { main }, $T } = $$;
11547 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
11548 | const cx = (isRotated ? $$.circleY : $$.circleX).bind($$);
11549 | const cy = (isRotated ? $$.circleX : $$.circleY).bind($$);
11550 | const r = $$.pointSelectR.bind($$);
11551 | callFn(config.data_onselected, $$.api, d, target.node());
11552 | $T(main.select(`.${$SELECT.selectedCircles}${$$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(d.id)}`).selectAll(`.${$SELECT.selectedCircle}-${i}`).data([d]).enter().append("circle").attr("class", () => $$.generateClass($SELECT.selectedCircle, i)).attr("cx", cx).attr("cy", cy).attr("stroke", $$.color).attr("r", (d2) => $$.pointSelectR(d2) * 1.4)).attr("r", r);
11553 | },
11554 | |
11555 |
11556 |
11557 |
11558 |
11559 |
11560 |
11561 | unselectPoint(target, d, i) {
11562 | const $$ = this;
11563 | const { config, $el: { main }, $T } = $$;
11564 | callFn(config.data_onunselected, $$.api, d, target == null ? void 0 : target.node());
11565 | $T(main.select(`.${$SELECT.selectedCircles}${$$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(d.id)}`).selectAll(`.${$SELECT.selectedCircle}-${i}`)).attr("r", 0).remove();
11566 | },
11567 | |
11568 |
11569 |
11570 |
11571 |
11572 |
11573 |
11574 |
11575 | togglePoint(selected, target, d, i) {
11576 | const method = `${selected ? "" : "un"}selectPoint`;
11577 | this[method](target, d, i);
11578 | },
11579 | |
11580 |
11581 |
11582 |
11583 |
11584 |
11585 | selectPath(target, d) {
11586 | const $$ = this;
11587 | const { config } = $$;
11588 | callFn(config.data_onselected, $$.api, d, target.node());
11589 | if (config.interaction_brighten) {
11590 | target.style("filter", "brightness(1.25)");
11591 | }
11592 | },
11593 | |
11594 |
11595 |
11596 |
11597 |
11598 |
11599 | unselectPath(target, d) {
11600 | const $$ = this;
11601 | const { config } = $$;
11602 | callFn(config.data_onunselected, $$.api, d, target.node());
11603 | if (config.interaction_brighten) {
11604 | target.style("filter", null);
11605 | }
11606 | },
11607 | |
11608 |
11609 |
11610 |
11611 |
11612 |
11613 |
11614 |
11615 | togglePath(selected, target, d, i) {
11616 | this[`${selected ? "" : "un"}selectPath`](target, d, i);
11617 | },
11618 | |
11619 |
11620 |
11621 |
11622 |
11623 |
11624 |
11625 | getToggle(that, d) {
11626 | const $$ = this;
11627 | return that.nodeName === "path" ? $$.togglePath : $$.isStepType(d) ? () => {
11628 | } : (
11629 |
11630 | $$.togglePoint
11631 | );
11632 | },
11633 | |
11634 |
11635 |
11636 |
11637 |
11638 |
11639 |
11640 | toggleShape(that, d, i) {
11641 | var _a;
11642 | const $$ = this;
11643 | const { config, $el: { main } } = $$;
11644 | if (config.data_selection_enabled && config.data_selection_isselectable.bind($$.api)(d)) {
11645 | const shape = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(that);
11646 | const isSelected = shape.classed($SELECT.SELECTED);
11647 | const toggle = $$.getToggle(that, d).bind($$);
11648 | let toggledShape;
11649 | if (!config.data_selection_multiple) {
11650 | const focusOnly = (_a = $$.isPointFocusOnly) == null ? void 0 : _a.call($$);
11651 | let selector = `.${focusOnly ? $SELECT.selectedCircles : $SHAPE.shapes}`;
11652 | if (config.data_selection_grouped) {
11653 | selector += $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(d.id);
11654 | }
11655 | main.selectAll(selector).selectAll(
11656 | focusOnly ? `.${$SELECT.selectedCircle}` : `.${$SHAPE.shape}.${$SELECT.SELECTED}`
11657 | ).classed($SELECT.SELECTED, false).each(function(d2) {
11658 | const shape2 = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this);
11659 | toggledShape = shape2;
11660 | toggle(false, shape2, d2, d2.index);
11661 | });
11662 | }
11663 | if (!toggledShape || toggledShape.node() !== shape.node()) {
11664 | shape.classed($SELECT.SELECTED, !isSelected);
11665 | toggle(!isSelected, shape, d, i);
11666 | }
11667 | }
11668 | }
11669 | }));
11670 |
11671 | ;
11672 | var data_selection = ({
11673 | |
11674 |
11675 |
11676 |
11677 |
11678 |
11679 |
11680 |
11681 |
11682 |
11683 |
11684 |
11685 |
11686 |
11687 |
11688 |
11689 |
11690 |
11691 |
11692 |
11693 |
11694 |
11695 |
11696 |
11697 |
11698 |
11699 |
11700 | data_selection_enabled: false,
11701 | |
11702 |
11703 |
11704 |
11705 |
11706 |
11707 |
11708 |
11709 |
11710 |
11711 |
11712 |
11713 |
11714 |
11715 | data_selection_grouped: false,
11716 | |
11717 |
11718 |
11719 |
11720 |
11721 |
11722 |
11723 |
11724 |
11725 |
11726 |
11727 |
11728 |
11729 |
11730 | data_selection_isselectable: () => true,
11731 | |
11732 |
11733 |
11734 |
11735 |
11736 |
11737 |
11738 |
11739 |
11740 |
11741 |
11742 |
11743 |
11744 |
11745 | data_selection_multiple: true,
11746 | |
11747 |
11748 |
11749 |
11750 |
11751 |
11752 |
11753 |
11754 |
11755 |
11756 |
11757 |
11758 |
11759 |
11760 |
11761 | data_selection_draggable: false,
11762 | |
11763 |
11764 |
11765 |
11766 |
11767 |
11768 |
11769 |
11770 |
11771 |
11772 |
11773 |
11774 |
11775 |
11776 |
11777 | data_onselected: () => {
11778 | },
11779 | |
11780 |
11781 |
11782 |
11783 |
11784 |
11785 |
11786 |
11787 |
11788 |
11789 |
11790 |
11791 |
11792 |
11793 |
11794 | data_onunselected: () => {
11795 | }
11796 | });
11797 |
11798 | ;
11799 | var interaction_subchart = ({
11800 | |
11801 |
11802 |
11803 |
11804 |
11805 |
11806 |
11807 |
11808 |
11809 |
11810 |
11811 |
11812 |
11813 |
11814 |
11815 |
11816 |
11817 |
11818 |
11819 |
11820 |
11821 |
11822 |
11823 |
11824 |
11825 |
11826 |
11827 |
11828 |
11829 |
11830 |
11831 |
11832 |
11833 |
11834 |
11835 |
11836 |
11837 |
11838 |
11839 |
11840 |
11841 |
11842 |
11843 |
11844 |
11845 |
11846 |
11847 |
11848 |
11849 |
11850 |
11851 |
11852 |
11853 |
11854 | subchart_show: false,
11855 | subchart_showHandle: false,
11856 | subchart_size_height: 60,
11857 | subchart_axis_x_show: true,
11858 | subchart_axis_x_tick_show: true,
11859 | subchart_axis_x_tick_format: void 0,
11860 | subchart_axis_x_tick_text_show: true,
11861 | subchart_init_range: void 0,
11862 | subchart_onbrush: () => {
11863 | }
11864 | });
11865 |
11866 | ;
11867 | var interaction_zoom = ({
11868 | |
11869 |
11870 |
11871 |
11872 |
11873 |
11874 |
11875 |
11876 |
11877 |
11878 |
11879 |
11880 |
11881 |
11882 |
11883 |
11884 |
11885 |
11886 |
11887 |
11888 |
11889 |
11890 |
11891 |
11892 |
11893 |
11894 |
11895 |
11896 |
11897 |
11898 |
11899 |
11900 |
11901 |
11902 |
11903 |
11904 |
11905 |
11906 |
11907 |
11908 |
11909 |
11910 |
11911 |
11912 |
11913 |
11914 |
11915 |
11916 |
11917 |
11918 |
11919 |
11920 |
11921 |
11922 |
11923 |
11924 |
11925 |
11926 |
11927 |
11928 |
11929 |
11930 |
11931 |
11932 |
11933 |
11934 | zoom_enabled: false,
11935 | zoom_type: "wheel",
11936 | zoom_extent: void 0,
11937 | zoom_privileged: false,
11938 | zoom_rescale: false,
11939 | zoom_onzoom: void 0,
11940 | zoom_onzoomstart: void 0,
11941 | zoom_onzoomend: void 0,
11942 | zoom_resetButton: true,
11943 | zoom_x_min: void 0,
11944 | zoom_x_max: void 0
11945 | });
11946 |
11947 | ;
11948 |
11949 |
11950 |
11951 |
11952 |
11953 |
11954 |
11955 |
11956 |
11957 |
11958 |
11959 |
11960 |
11961 |
11962 | let selectionModule = () => {
11963 | extend(ChartInternal.prototype, internals_selection);
11964 | extend(Chart.prototype, selection);
11965 | Options.setOptions([data_selection]);
11966 | return (selectionModule = () => true)();
11967 | };
11968 | let subchartModule = () => {
11969 | extend(ChartInternal.prototype, interactions_subchart);
11970 | extend(Chart.prototype, api_subchart);
11971 | Options.setOptions([interaction_subchart]);
11972 | return (subchartModule = () => true)();
11973 | };
11974 | let zoomModule = () => {
11975 | extend(ChartInternal.prototype, interactions_zoom);
11976 | extend(Chart.prototype, api_zoom);
11977 | Options.setOptions([interaction_zoom]);
11978 | return (zoomModule = () => true)();
11979 | };
11980 |
11981 | ;
11982 |
11983 | function setMinMax($$, type, value) {
11984 | const { config } = $$;
11985 | const helper = (key, value2) => {
11986 | const v = isNumber(value2) ? value2 : value2 === false ? void 0 : null;
11987 | if (v !== null) {
11988 | config[`axis_${key}_${type}`] = v;
11989 | }
11990 | };
11991 | if (isDefined(value)) {
11992 | if (isObjectType(value)) {
11993 | Object.keys(value).forEach((key) => {
11994 | helper(key, value[key]);
11995 | });
11996 | } else if (isNumber(value) || value === false) {
11997 | ["y", "y2"].forEach((key) => {
11998 | helper(key, value);
11999 | });
12000 | }
12001 | $$.redraw({
12002 | withUpdateOrgXDomain: true,
12003 | withUpdateXDomain: true
12004 | });
12005 | }
12006 | }
12007 | function axis_getMinMax($$, type) {
12008 | const { config } = $$;
12009 | return {
12010 | x: config[`axis_x_${type}`],
12011 | y: config[`axis_y_${type}`],
12012 | y2: config[`axis_y2_${type}`]
12013 | };
12014 | }
12015 | const axis = {
12016 | |
12017 |
12018 |
12019 |
12020 |
12021 |
12022 |
12023 |
12024 |
12025 |
12026 |
12027 |
12028 |
12029 |
12030 |
12031 |
12032 |
12033 |
12034 |
12035 |
12036 |
12037 |
12038 |
12039 |
12040 |
12041 |
12042 | labels: function(labels) {
12043 | const $$ = this.internal;
12044 | let labelText;
12045 | if (labels) {
12046 | Object.keys(labels).forEach((axisId) => {
12047 | $$.axis.setLabelText(axisId, labels[axisId]);
12048 | });
12049 | $$.axis.updateLabels();
12050 | }
12051 | ["x", "y", "y2"].forEach((v) => {
12052 | const text = $$.axis.getLabelText(v);
12053 | if (text) {
12054 | !labelText && (labelText = {});
12055 | labelText[v] = text;
12056 | }
12057 | });
12058 | return labelText;
12059 | },
12060 | |
12061 |
12062 |
12063 |
12064 |
12065 |
12066 |
12067 |
12068 |
12069 |
12070 |
12071 |
12072 |
12073 |
12074 |
12075 |
12076 |
12077 |
12078 |
12079 |
12080 |
12081 |
12082 |
12083 |
12084 |
12085 |
12086 |
12087 |
12088 |
12089 |
12090 | min: function(min) {
12091 | const $$ = this.internal;
12092 | return isValue(min) || min === false ? setMinMax($$, "min", min) : axis_getMinMax($$, "min");
12093 | },
12094 | |
12095 |
12096 |
12097 |
12098 |
12099 |
12100 |
12101 |
12102 |
12103 |
12104 |
12105 |
12106 |
12107 |
12108 |
12109 |
12110 |
12111 |
12112 |
12113 |
12114 |
12115 |
12116 |
12117 |
12118 |
12119 |
12120 |
12121 |
12122 |
12123 |
12124 | max: function(max) {
12125 | const $$ = this.internal;
12126 | return isValue(max) || max === false ? setMinMax($$, "max", max) : axis_getMinMax($$, "max");
12127 | },
12128 | |
12129 |
12130 |
12131 |
12132 |
12133 |
12134 |
12135 |
12136 |
12137 |
12138 |
12139 |
12140 |
12141 |
12142 |
12143 |
12144 |
12145 |
12146 |
12147 |
12148 |
12149 |
12150 |
12151 |
12152 |
12153 |
12154 |
12155 |
12156 |
12157 |
12158 |
12159 |
12160 |
12161 |
12162 |
12163 |
12164 |
12165 |
12166 |
12167 |
12168 |
12169 |
12170 |
12171 | range: function(range) {
12172 | const { axis: axis2 } = this;
12173 | if (arguments.length) {
12174 | const { min, max } = range;
12175 | isDefined(max) && axis2.max(max);
12176 | isDefined(min) && axis2.min(min);
12177 | } else {
12178 | return {
12179 | max: axis2.max(),
12180 | min: axis2.min()
12181 | };
12182 | }
12183 | return void 0;
12184 | }
12185 | };
12186 | var api_axis = ({ axis });
12187 |
12188 | ;
12189 |
12190 | var api_category = ({
12191 | |
12192 |
12193 |
12194 |
12195 |
12196 |
12197 |
12198 |
12199 |
12200 |
12201 |
12202 | category(i, category) {
12203 | const $$ = this.internal;
12204 | const { config } = $$;
12205 | if (arguments.length > 1) {
12206 | config.axis_x_categories[i] = category;
12207 | $$.redraw();
12208 | }
12209 | return config.axis_x_categories[i];
12210 | },
12211 | |
12212 |
12213 |
12214 |
12215 |
12216 |
12217 |
12218 |
12219 |
12220 |
12221 |
12222 |
12223 | categories(categories) {
12224 | const $$ = this.internal;
12225 | const { config } = $$;
12226 | if (!categories || !Array.isArray(categories)) {
12227 | const cat = config.axis_x_categories;
12228 | return isEmpty(cat) ? Object.values($$.data.xs)[0] : cat;
12229 | }
12230 | config.axis_x_categories = categories;
12231 | $$.redraw();
12232 | return config.axis_x_categories;
12233 | }
12234 | });
12235 |
12236 | ;
12237 |
12238 | var flow = ({
12239 | |
12240 |
12241 |
12242 |
12243 |
12244 |
12245 |
12246 |
12247 |
12248 |
12249 |
12250 |
12251 |
12252 |
12253 |
12254 |
12255 |
12256 |
12257 |
12258 |
12259 |
12260 |
12261 |
12262 |
12263 |
12264 |
12265 |
12266 |
12267 |
12268 |
12269 |
12270 |
12271 |
12272 |
12273 |
12274 |
12275 |
12276 |
12277 |
12278 |
12279 |
12280 |
12281 |
12282 |
12283 |
12284 |
12285 |
12286 |
12287 |
12288 | flow(args) {
12289 | const $$ = this.internal;
12290 | let data;
12291 | if (args.json || args.rows || args.columns) {
12292 | $$.convertData(args, (res) => {
12293 | data = res;
12294 | _();
12295 | });
12296 | }
12297 | function _() {
12298 | let domain;
12299 | let length = 0;
12300 | let tail = 0;
12301 | let diff;
12302 | let to;
12303 | if ($$.state.redrawing || !data || !isTabVisible()) {
12304 | return;
12305 | }
12306 | const notfoundIds = [];
12307 | const orgDataCount = $$.getMaxDataCount();
12308 | const targets = $$.convertDataToTargets(data, true);
12309 | const isTimeSeries = $$.axis.isTimeSeries();
12310 | $$.data.targets.forEach((t) => {
12311 | let found = false;
12312 | for (let i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
12313 | if (t.id === targets[i].id) {
12314 | found = true;
12315 | if (t.values[t.values.length - 1]) {
12316 | tail = t.values[t.values.length - 1].index + 1;
12317 | }
12318 | length = targets[i].values.length;
12319 | for (let j = 0; j < length; j++) {
12320 | targets[i].values[j].index = tail + j;
12321 | if (!isTimeSeries) {
12322 | targets[i].values[j].x = tail + j;
12323 | }
12324 | }
12325 | t.values = t.values.concat(targets[i].values);
12326 | targets.splice(i, 1);
12327 | break;
12328 | }
12329 | }
12330 | !found && notfoundIds.push(t.id);
12331 | });
12332 | $$.data.targets.forEach((t) => {
12333 | for (let i = 0; i < notfoundIds.length; i++) {
12334 | if (t.id === notfoundIds[i]) {
12335 | tail = t.values[t.values.length - 1].index + 1;
12336 | for (let j = 0; j < length; j++) {
12337 | t.values.push({
12338 | id: t.id,
12339 | index: tail + j,
12340 | x: isTimeSeries ? $$.getOtherTargetX(tail + j) : tail + j,
12341 | value: null
12342 | });
12343 | }
12344 | }
12345 | }
12346 | });
12347 | if ($$.data.targets.length) {
12348 | targets.forEach((t) => {
12349 | const missing = [];
12350 | for (let i = $$.data.targets[0].values[0].index; i < tail; i++) {
12351 | missing.push({
12352 | id: t.id,
12353 | index: i,
12354 | x: isTimeSeries ? $$.getOtherTargetX(i) : i,
12355 | value: null
12356 | });
12357 | }
12358 | t.values.forEach((v) => {
12359 | v.index += tail;
12360 | if (!isTimeSeries) {
12361 | v.x += tail;
12362 | }
12363 | });
12364 | t.values = missing.concat(t.values);
12365 | });
12366 | }
12367 | $$.data.targets = $$.data.targets.concat(targets);
12368 | const baseTarget = $$.data.targets[0];
12369 | const baseValue = baseTarget.values[0];
12370 | if (isDefined(args.to)) {
12371 | length = 0;
12372 | to = isTimeSeries ? parseDate.call($$, args.to) : args.to;
12373 | baseTarget.values.forEach((v) => {
12374 | v.x < to && length++;
12375 | });
12376 | } else if (isDefined(args.length)) {
12377 | length = args.length;
12378 | }
12379 | if (!orgDataCount) {
12380 | if (isTimeSeries) {
12381 | diff = baseTarget.values.length > 1 ? baseTarget.values[baseTarget.values.length - 1].x - baseValue.x : baseValue.x - $$.getXDomain($$.data.targets)[0];
12382 | } else {
12383 | diff = 1;
12384 | }
12385 | domain = [baseValue.x - diff, baseValue.x];
12386 | } else if (orgDataCount === 1 && isTimeSeries) {
12387 | diff = (baseTarget.values[baseTarget.values.length - 1].x - baseValue.x) / 2;
12388 | domain = [new Date(+baseValue.x - diff), new Date(+baseValue.x + diff)];
12389 | }
12390 | domain && $$.updateXDomain(null, true, true, false, domain);
12391 | $$.updateTargets($$.data.targets);
12392 | $$.redraw({
12393 | flow: {
12394 | index: baseValue.index,
12395 | length,
12396 | duration: isValue(args.duration) ? args.duration : $$.config.transition_duration,
12397 | done: args.done,
12398 | orgDataCount
12399 | },
12400 | withLegend: true,
12401 | withTransition: orgDataCount > 1,
12402 | withTrimXDomain: false,
12403 | withUpdateXAxis: true
12404 | });
12405 | }
12406 | }
12407 | });
12408 |
12409 | ;
12410 |
12411 | function grid(grids, axisId) {
12412 | const $$ = this.internal;
12413 | const { config } = $$;
12414 | const withTransition = config.transition_duration && isTabVisible();
12415 | const gridPropLines = `grid_${axisId}_lines`;
12416 | if (!grids) {
12417 | return config[gridPropLines];
12418 | }
12419 | config[gridPropLines] = grids;
12420 | $$.updateGrid();
12421 | $$.redrawGrid(withTransition);
12422 | return config[gridPropLines];
12423 | }
12424 | function add(grids, axisId) {
12425 | const gridPropLines = `grid_${axisId}_lines`;
12426 | return grid.bind(this)(
12427 | this.internal.config[gridPropLines].concat(grids || []),
12428 | axisId
12429 | );
12430 | }
12431 | function remove(grids, isXAxis) {
12432 | this.internal.removeGridLines(grids, isXAxis);
12433 | }
12434 | const xgrids = function(grids) {
12435 | return grid.bind(this)(grids, "x");
12436 | };
12437 | extend(xgrids, {
12438 | |
12439 |
12440 |
12441 |
12442 |
12443 |
12444 |
12445 |
12446 |
12447 |
12448 |
12449 |
12450 |
12451 |
12452 |
12453 |
12454 |
12455 |
12456 |
12457 |
12458 | add(grids) {
12459 | return add.bind(this)(grids, "x");
12460 | },
12461 | |
12462 |
12463 |
12464 |
12465 |
12466 |
12467 |
12468 |
12469 |
12470 |
12471 |
12472 |
12473 |
12474 |
12475 |
12476 |
12477 |
12478 |
12479 |
12480 |
12481 |
12482 |
12483 | remove(grids) {
12484 | return remove.bind(this)(grids, true);
12485 | }
12486 | });
12487 | const ygrids = function(grids) {
12488 | return grid.bind(this)(grids, "y");
12489 | };
12490 | extend(ygrids, {
12491 | |
12492 |
12493 |
12494 |
12495 |
12496 |
12497 |
12498 |
12499 |
12500 |
12501 |
12502 |
12503 |
12504 |
12505 |
12506 |
12507 |
12508 |
12509 |
12510 |
12511 | add(grids) {
12512 | return add.bind(this)(grids, "y");
12513 | },
12514 | |
12515 |
12516 |
12517 |
12518 |
12519 |
12520 |
12521 |
12522 |
12523 |
12524 |
12525 |
12526 |
12527 |
12528 |
12529 |
12530 |
12531 |
12532 |
12533 |
12534 |
12535 |
12536 | remove(grids) {
12537 | return remove.bind(this)(grids, false);
12538 | }
12539 | });
12540 | var api_grid = ({ xgrids, ygrids });
12541 |
12542 | ;
12543 |
12544 | var group = ({
12545 | |
12546 |
12547 |
12548 |
12549 |
12550 |
12551 |
12552 |
12553 |
12554 |
12555 |
12556 |
12557 |
12558 | groups(groups) {
12559 | const $$ = this.internal;
12560 | const { config } = $$;
12561 | if (isUndefined(groups)) {
12562 | return config.data_groups;
12563 | }
12564 | config.data_groups = groups;
12565 | $$.redraw();
12566 | return config.data_groups;
12567 | }
12568 | });
12569 |
12570 | ;
12571 |
12572 |
12573 | function regionsFn(regions2, isAdd = false) {
12574 | const $$ = this.internal;
12575 | const { config } = $$;
12576 | const withTransition = config.transition_duration && isTabVisible();
12577 | if (!regions2) {
12578 | return config.regions;
12579 | }
12580 | config.regions = isAdd ? config.regions.concat(regions2) : regions2;
12581 | $$.updateRegion();
12582 | $$.redrawRegion(withTransition);
12583 | return isAdd ? config.regions : regions2;
12584 | }
12585 | const regions = function(regions2) {
12586 | return regionsFn.bind(this)(regions2);
12587 | };
12588 | extend(regions, {
12589 | |
12590 |
12591 |
12592 |
12593 |
12594 |
12595 |
12596 |
12597 |
12598 |
12599 |
12600 |
12601 |
12602 |
12603 |
12604 |
12605 |
12606 |
12607 |
12608 |
12609 |
12610 |
12611 |
12612 |
12613 |
12614 |
12615 |
12616 |
12617 |
12618 |
12619 |
12620 |
12621 |
12622 |
12623 |
12624 | add: function(regions2) {
12625 | return regionsFn.bind(this)(regions2, true);
12626 | },
12627 | |
12628 |
12629 |
12630 |
12631 |
12632 |
12633 |
12634 |
12635 |
12636 |
12637 |
12638 |
12639 |
12640 |
12641 |
12642 |
12643 |
12644 |
12645 |
12646 | remove: function(optionsValue) {
12647 | const $$ = this.internal;
12648 | const { config, $T } = $$;
12649 | const options = optionsValue || {};
12650 | const classes = getOption(options, "classes", [$REGION.region]);
12651 | let regions2 = $$.$el.main.select(`.${$REGION.regions}`).selectAll(classes.map((c) => `.${c}`));
12652 | $T(regions2).style("opacity", "0").remove();
12653 | regions2 = config.regions;
12654 | if (Object.keys(options).length) {
12655 | regions2 = regions2.filter((region) => {
12656 | let found = false;
12657 | if (!region.class) {
12658 | return true;
12659 | }
12660 | region.class.split(" ").forEach((c) => {
12661 | if (classes.indexOf(c) >= 0) {
12662 | found = true;
12663 | }
12664 | });
12665 | return !found;
12666 | });
12667 | config.regions = regions2;
12668 | } else {
12669 | config.regions = [];
12670 | }
12671 | return regions2;
12672 | }
12673 | });
12674 | var api_regions = ({ regions });
12675 |
12676 | ;
12677 |
12678 | var x = ({
12679 | |
12680 |
12681 |
12682 |
12683 |
12684 |
12685 |
12686 |
12687 |
12688 |
12689 |
12690 |
12691 |
12692 |
12693 | x(x) {
12694 | const $$ = this.internal;
12695 | const { axis, data } = $$;
12696 | const isCategorized = axis.isCustomX() && axis.isCategorized();
12697 | if (isArray(x)) {
12698 | if (isCategorized) {
12699 | this.categories(x);
12700 | } else {
12701 | $$.updateTargetX(data.targets, x);
12702 | $$.redraw({
12703 | withUpdateOrgXDomain: true,
12704 | withUpdateXDomain: true
12705 | });
12706 | }
12707 | }
12708 | return isCategorized ? this.categories() : data.xs;
12709 | },
12710 | |
12711 |
12712 |
12713 |
12714 |
12715 |
12716 |
12717 |
12718 |
12719 |
12720 |
12721 |
12722 |
12723 |
12724 |
12725 |
12726 |
12727 | xs(xs) {
12728 | const $$ = this.internal;
12729 | if (isObject(xs)) {
12730 | $$.updateTargetXs($$.data.targets, xs);
12731 | $$.redraw({
12732 | withUpdateOrgXDomain: true,
12733 | withUpdateXDomain: true
12734 | });
12735 | }
12736 | return $$.data.xs;
12737 | }
12738 | });
12739 |
12740 |
12741 | var external_commonjs_d3_axis_commonjs2_d3_axis_amd_d3_axis_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(11);
12742 | ;
12743 | var AxisRendererHelper_defProp = Object.defineProperty;
12744 | var AxisRendererHelper_defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? AxisRendererHelper_defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
12745 | var AxisRendererHelper_publicField = (obj, key, value) => AxisRendererHelper_defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
12746 |
12747 |
12748 | class AxisRendererHelper {
12749 | constructor(owner) {
12750 | AxisRendererHelper_publicField(this, "owner");
12751 | AxisRendererHelper_publicField(this, "config");
12752 | AxisRendererHelper_publicField(this, "scale");
12753 | const scale = getScale();
12754 | const { config, params } = owner;
12755 | this.owner = owner;
12756 | this.config = config;
12757 | this.scale = scale;
12758 | if (config.noTransition || !params.config.transition_duration) {
12759 | config.withoutTransition = true;
12760 | }
12761 | config.range = this.scaleExtent((params.orgXScale || scale).range());
12762 | }
12763 | |
12764 |
12765 |
12766 |
12767 |
12768 |
12769 |
12770 | static getSizeFor1Char(text, memoize = true) {
12771 | const size = {
12772 | w: 5.5,
12773 | h: 11.5
12774 | };
12775 | !text.empty() && text.text("0").call((el) => {
12776 | try {
12777 | const { width, height } = el.node().getBBox();
12778 | if (width && height) {
12779 | size.w = width;
12780 | size.h = height;
12781 | }
12782 | } finally {
12783 | el.text("");
12784 | }
12785 | });
12786 | if (memoize) {
12787 | this.getSizeFor1Char = () => size;
12788 | }
12789 | return size;
12790 | }
12791 | |
12792 |
12793 |
12794 |
12795 |
12796 |
12797 | getTickTransformSetter(id) {
12798 | const { config } = this;
12799 | const fn = id === "x" ? (value) => `translate(${value + config.tickOffset},0)` : (value) => `translate(0,${value})`;
12800 | return (selection, scale) => {
12801 | selection.attr("transform", (d) => {
12802 | const x = scale(d);
12803 | return isValue(d) ? fn(x) : null;
12804 | });
12805 | };
12806 | }
12807 | scaleExtent(domain) {
12808 | const start = domain[0];
12809 | const stop = domain[domain.length - 1];
12810 | return start < stop ? [start, stop] : [stop, start];
12811 | }
12812 | generateTicks(scale, isYAxes) {
12813 | const { tickStepSize } = this.owner.params;
12814 | const [start, end] = scale.domain();
12815 | let ticks = [];
12816 | if (isYAxes && tickStepSize) {
12817 | let interval = Math.round(start);
12818 | while (interval <= end) {
12819 | ticks.push(interval);
12820 | interval += tickStepSize;
12821 | }
12822 | } else if (scale.ticks) {
12823 | const { tickArguments } = this.config;
12824 | if (scale.type === "log" && !tickArguments) {
12825 | const s = getScale("_log").domain([start > 0 ? start : 1, end]).range(scale.range());
12826 | ticks = s.ticks();
12827 | for (let cnt = end.toFixed().length; ticks.length > 15; cnt--) {
12828 | ticks = s.ticks(cnt);
12829 | }
12830 | ticks.splice(0, 1, start);
12831 | ticks.splice(ticks.length - 1, 1, end);
12832 | } else {
12833 | ticks = scale.ticks(...this.config.tickArguments || []);
12834 | }
12835 | ticks = ticks.map((v) => {
12836 | const r = isString(v) && isNumber(v) && !isNaN(v) && Math.round(v * 10) / 10 || v;
12837 | return r;
12838 | });
12839 | }
12840 | return ticks;
12841 | }
12842 | copyScale() {
12843 | const newScale = this.scale.copy();
12844 | if (!newScale.domain().length) {
12845 | newScale.domain(this.scale.domain());
12846 | }
12847 | newScale.type = this.scale.type;
12848 | return newScale;
12849 | }
12850 | textFormatted(v) {
12851 | const tickFormat = this.config.tickFormat;
12852 | const value = /\d+\.\d+0{5,}\d$/.test(v) ? +String(v).replace(/0+\d$/, "") : v;
12853 | const formatted = tickFormat ? tickFormat(value) : value;
12854 | return isDefined(formatted) ? formatted : "";
12855 | }
12856 | transitionise(selection) {
12857 | const { config } = this;
12858 | let transitionSelection = selection;
12859 | if (config.withoutTransition) {
12860 | transitionSelection = selection.interrupt();
12861 | } else if (config.transition || !this.owner.params.noTransition) {
12862 | try {
12863 | transitionSelection = selection.transition(config.transition);
12864 | } catch (e) {
12865 | }
12866 | }
12867 | return transitionSelection;
12868 | }
12869 | }
12870 |
12871 | ;
12872 | var AxisRenderer_defProp = Object.defineProperty;
12873 | var AxisRenderer_defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? AxisRenderer_defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
12874 | var AxisRenderer_publicField = (obj, key, value) => AxisRenderer_defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
12875 |
12876 |
12877 |
12878 | class AxisRenderer {
12879 | constructor(params = {}) {
12880 | AxisRenderer_publicField(this, "helper");
12881 | AxisRenderer_publicField(this, "config");
12882 | AxisRenderer_publicField(this, "params");
12883 | AxisRenderer_publicField(this, "g");
12884 | AxisRenderer_publicField(this, "generatedTicks");
12885 | const config = {
12886 | innerTickSize: 6,
12887 | outerTickSize: params.outerTick ? 6 : 0,
12888 | orient: "bottom",
12889 | range: [],
12890 | tickArguments: null,
12891 | tickCentered: null,
12892 | tickCulling: true,
12893 | tickFormat: null,
12894 | tickLength: 9,
12895 | tickOffset: 0,
12896 | tickPadding: 3,
12897 | tickValues: null,
12898 | transition: null,
12899 | noTransition: params.noTransition
12900 | };
12901 | config.tickLength = Math.max(config.innerTickSize, 0) + config.tickPadding;
12902 | this.config = config;
12903 | this.params = params;
12904 | this.helper = new AxisRendererHelper(this);
12905 | }
12906 | |
12907 |
12908 |
12909 |
12910 |
12911 | create(g) {
12912 | const ctx = this;
12913 | const { config, helper, params } = ctx;
12914 | const { scale } = helper;
12915 | const { orient } = config;
12916 | const splitTickText = this.splitTickText.bind(ctx);
12917 | const isLeftRight = /^(left|right)$/.test(orient);
12918 | const isTopBottom = /^(top|bottom)$/.test(orient);
12919 | const tickTransform = helper.getTickTransformSetter(isTopBottom ? "x" : "y");
12920 | const axisPx = tickTransform === helper.axisX ? "y" : "x";
12921 | const sign = /^(top|left)$/.test(orient) ? -1 : 1;
12922 | const rotate = params.tickTextRotate;
12923 | this.config.range = scale.rangeExtent ? scale.rangeExtent() : helper.scaleExtent((params.orgXScale || scale).range());
12924 | const { innerTickSize, tickLength, range } = config;
12925 | const id = params.id;
12926 | const tickTextPos = id && /^(x|y|y2)$/.test(id) ? params.config[`axis_${id}_tick_text_position`] : { x: 0, y: 0 };
12927 | const prefix = id === "subX" ? `subchart_axis_x` : `axis_${id}`;
12928 | const axisShow = params.config[`${prefix}_show`];
12929 | const tickShow = {
12930 | tick: axisShow ? params.config[`${prefix}_tick_show`] : false,
12931 | text: axisShow ? params.config[`${prefix}_tick_text_show`] : false
12932 | };
12933 | const evalTextSize = params.config.axis_evalTextSize;
12934 | let $g;
12935 | g.each(function() {
12936 | const g2 = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this);
12937 | let scale0 = this.__chart__ || scale;
12938 | let scale1 = helper.copyScale();
12939 | $g = g2;
12940 | this.__chart__ = scale1;
12941 | config.tickOffset = params.isCategory ? (scale1(1) - scale1(0)) / 2 : 0;
12942 | const path = g2.selectAll(".domain").data([0]);
12943 | path.enter().append("path").attr("class", "domain").merge(path).attr("d", () => {
12944 | const outerTickSized = config.outerTickSize * sign;
12945 | return isTopBottom ? `M${range[0]},${outerTickSized}V0H${range[1]}V${outerTickSized}` : `M${outerTickSized},${range[0]}H0V${range[1]}H${outerTickSized}`;
12946 | });
12947 | if (tickShow.tick || tickShow.text) {
12948 | const ticks = config.tickValues || helper.generateTicks(scale1, isLeftRight);
12949 | ctx.generatedTicks = ticks;
12950 | let tick = g2.selectAll(".tick").data(ticks, scale1);
12951 | const tickEnter = tick.enter().insert("g", ".domain").attr("class", "tick");
12952 | const tickExit = tick.exit().remove();
12953 | tick = tickEnter.merge(tick);
12954 | tickShow.tick && tickEnter.append("line");
12955 | tickShow.text && tickEnter.append("text");
12956 | const tickText = tick.select("text");
12957 | const sizeFor1Char = isFunction(evalTextSize) ? evalTextSize.bind(ctx.params.owner.api)(tickText.node()) : AxisRendererHelper.getSizeFor1Char(tickText, evalTextSize);
12958 | const counts = [];
12959 | let tspan = tickText.selectAll("tspan").data((d, index) => {
12960 | const split = params.tickMultiline ? splitTickText(d, scale1, ticks, isLeftRight, sizeFor1Char.w) : isArray(helper.textFormatted(d)) ? helper.textFormatted(d).concat() : [helper.textFormatted(d)];
12961 | counts[index] = split.length;
12962 | return split.map((splitted) => ({ index, splitted }));
12963 | });
12964 | tspan.exit().remove();
12965 | tspan = tspan.enter().append("tspan").merge(tspan).text((d) => d.splitted);
12966 | tspan.attr("x", isTopBottom ? 0 : tickLength * sign).attr("dx", (() => {
12967 | let dx = 0;
12968 | if (/(top|bottom)/.test(orient) && rotate) {
12969 | dx = 8 * Math.sin(Math.PI * (rotate / 180)) * (orient === "top" ? -1 : 1);
12970 | }
12971 | return dx + (tickTextPos.x || 0);
12972 | })()).attr("dy", (d, i) => {
12973 | const defValue = ".71em";
12974 | let dy = 0;
12975 | if (orient !== "top") {
12976 | dy = sizeFor1Char.h;
12977 | if (i === 0) {
12978 | dy = isLeftRight ? -((counts[d.index] - 1) * (sizeFor1Char.h / 2) - 3) : tickTextPos.y === 0 ? defValue : 0;
12979 | }
12980 | }
12981 | return isNumber(dy) && tickTextPos.y ? dy + tickTextPos.y : dy || defValue;
12982 | });
12983 | const lineUpdate = tick.select("line");
12984 | const textUpdate = tick.select("text");
12985 | tickEnter.select("line").attr(`${axisPx}2`, innerTickSize * sign);
12986 | tickEnter.select("text").attr(axisPx, tickLength * sign);
12987 | ctx.setTickLineTextPosition(lineUpdate, textUpdate);
12988 | if (params.tickTitle) {
12989 | const title = textUpdate.select("title");
12990 | (title.empty() ? textUpdate.append("title") : title).text((index) => params.tickTitle[index]);
12991 | }
12992 | if (scale1.bandwidth) {
12993 | const x = scale1;
12994 | const dx = x.bandwidth() / 2;
12995 | scale0 = (d) => x(d) + dx;
12996 | scale1 = scale0;
12997 | } else if (scale0.bandwidth) {
12998 | scale0 = scale1;
12999 | } else {
13000 | tickTransform(tickExit, scale1);
13001 | }
13002 | tick = params.owner.state.flowing ? helper.transitionise(tick) : params.owner.$T(tick);
13003 | tickTransform(tickEnter, scale0);
13004 | tickTransform(tick.style("opacity", null), scale1);
13005 | }
13006 | });
13007 | this.g = $g;
13008 | }
13009 | |
13010 |
13011 |
13012 |
13013 |
13014 |
13015 | getGeneratedTicks(count) {
13016 | var _a;
13017 | const len = ((_a = this.generatedTicks) == null ? void 0 : _a.length) - 1;
13018 | let res = this.generatedTicks;
13019 | if (len > count) {
13020 | const interval = Math.round(len / count + 0.1);
13021 | res = this.generatedTicks.map((v, i) => i % interval === 0 ? v : null).filter((v) => v !== null).splice(0, count);
13022 | }
13023 | return res;
13024 | }
13025 | |
13026 |
13027 |
13028 |
13029 |
13030 | getTickXY() {
13031 | const { config } = this;
13032 | const pos = { x: 0, y: 0 };
13033 | if (this.params.isCategory) {
13034 | pos.x = config.tickCentered ? 0 : config.tickOffset;
13035 | pos.y = config.tickCentered ? config.tickOffset : 0;
13036 | }
13037 | return pos;
13038 | }
13039 | |
13040 |
13041 |
13042 |
13043 |
13044 |
13045 | getTickSize(d) {
13046 | const { scale } = this.helper;
13047 | const { config } = this;
13048 | const { innerTickSize, range } = config;
13049 | const tickPosition = scale(d) + (config.tickCentered ? 0 : config.tickOffset);
13050 | return range[0] < tickPosition && tickPosition < range[1] ? innerTickSize : 0;
13051 | }
13052 | |
13053 |
13054 |
13055 |
13056 |
13057 |
13058 | setTickLineTextPosition(lineUpdate, textUpdate) {
13059 | const tickPos = this.getTickXY();
13060 | const { innerTickSize, orient, tickLength, tickOffset } = this.config;
13061 | const rotate = this.params.tickTextRotate;
13062 | const textAnchorForText = (r) => {
13063 | const value = ["start", "end"];
13064 | orient === "top" && value.reverse();
13065 | return !r ? "middle" : value[r > 0 ? 0 : 1];
13066 | };
13067 | const textTransform = (r) => r ? `rotate(${r})` : null;
13068 | const yForText = (r) => {
13069 | const r2 = r / (orient === "bottom" ? 15 : 23);
13070 | return r ? 11.5 - 2.5 * r2 * (r > 0 ? 1 : -1) : tickLength;
13071 | };
13072 | const {
13073 | config: {
13074 | axis_rotated: isRotated,
13075 | axis_x_tick_text_inner: inner
13076 | }
13077 | } = this.params.owner;
13078 | switch (orient) {
13079 | case "bottom":
13080 | lineUpdate.attr("x1", tickPos.x).attr("x2", tickPos.x).attr("y2", this.getTickSize.bind(this));
13081 | textUpdate.attr("x", 0).attr("y", yForText(rotate)).style("text-anchor", textAnchorForText(rotate)).style("text-anchor", (d, i, { length }) => {
13082 | if (!isRotated && i === 0 && (inner === true || inner.first)) {
13083 | return "start";
13084 | } else if (!isRotated && i === length - 1 && (inner === true || inner.last)) {
13085 | return "end";
13086 | }
13087 | return textAnchorForText(rotate);
13088 | }).attr("transform", textTransform(rotate));
13089 | break;
13090 | case "top":
13091 | lineUpdate.attr("x2", 0).attr("y2", -innerTickSize);
13092 | textUpdate.attr("x", 0).attr("y", -yForText(rotate) * 2).style("text-anchor", textAnchorForText(rotate)).attr("transform", textTransform(rotate));
13093 | break;
13094 | case "left":
13095 | lineUpdate.attr("x2", -innerTickSize).attr("y1", tickPos.y).attr("y2", tickPos.y);
13096 | textUpdate.attr("x", -tickLength).attr("y", tickOffset).style("text-anchor", "end");
13097 | break;
13098 | case "right":
13099 | lineUpdate.attr("x2", innerTickSize).attr("y2", 0);
13100 | textUpdate.attr("x", tickLength).attr("y", 0).style("text-anchor", "start");
13101 | }
13102 | }
13103 |
13104 | splitTickText(d, scale, ticks, isLeftRight, charWidth) {
13105 | const { params } = this;
13106 | const tickText = this.helper.textFormatted(d);
13107 | const splitted = isString(tickText) && tickText.indexOf("\n") > -1 ? tickText.split("\n") : [];
13108 | if (splitted.length) {
13109 | return splitted;
13110 | }
13111 | if (isArray(tickText)) {
13112 | return tickText;
13113 | }
13114 | let tickWidth = params.tickWidth;
13115 | if (!tickWidth || tickWidth <= 0) {
13116 | tickWidth = isLeftRight ? 95 : params.isCategory ? (params.isInverted ? scale(ticks[0]) - scale(ticks[1]) : scale(ticks[1]) - scale(ticks[0])) - 12 : 110;
13117 | }
13118 | function split(splitted2, text) {
13119 | let subtext;
13120 | let spaceIndex;
13121 | let textWidth;
13122 | for (let i = 1; i < text.length; i++) {
13123 | if (text.charAt(i) === " ") {
13124 | spaceIndex = i;
13125 | }
13126 | subtext = text.substr(0, i + 1);
13127 | textWidth = charWidth * subtext.length;
13128 | if (tickWidth < textWidth) {
13129 | return split(
13130 | splitted2.concat(text.substr(0, spaceIndex || i)),
13131 | text.slice(spaceIndex ? spaceIndex + 1 : i)
13132 | );
13133 | }
13134 | }
13135 | return splitted2.concat(text);
13136 | }
13137 | return split(splitted, String(tickText));
13138 | }
13139 | scale(x) {
13140 | if (!arguments.length) {
13141 | return this.helper.scale;
13142 | }
13143 | this.helper.scale = x;
13144 | return this;
13145 | }
13146 | orient(x) {
13147 | if (!arguments.length) {
13148 | return this.config.orient;
13149 | }
13150 | this.config.orient = x in {
13151 | top: 1,
13152 | right: 1,
13153 | bottom: 1,
13154 | left: 1
13155 | } ? String(x) : "bottom";
13156 | return this;
13157 | }
13158 | tickFormat(format) {
13159 | const { config } = this;
13160 | if (!arguments.length) {
13161 | return config.tickFormat;
13162 | }
13163 | config.tickFormat = format;
13164 | return this;
13165 | }
13166 | tickCentered(isCentered) {
13167 | const { config } = this;
13168 | if (!arguments.length) {
13169 | return config.tickCentered;
13170 | }
13171 | config.tickCentered = isCentered;
13172 | return this;
13173 | }
13174 | |
13175 |
13176 |
13177 |
13178 |
13179 |
13180 | tickOffset() {
13181 | return this.config.tickOffset;
13182 | }
13183 | |
13184 |
13185 |
13186 |
13187 |
13188 |
13189 | tickInterval(size) {
13190 | var _a;
13191 | const { outerTickSize, tickOffset, tickValues } = this.config;
13192 | let interval;
13193 | if (this.params.isCategory) {
13194 | interval = tickOffset * 2;
13195 | } else {
13196 | const scale = (_a = this.params.owner.scale.zoom) != null ? _a : this.helper.scale;
13197 | const length = this.g.select("path.domain").node().getTotalLength() - outerTickSize * 2;
13198 | interval = length / (size || this.g.selectAll("line").size());
13199 | const intervalByValue = tickValues ? tickValues.map((v, i, arr) => {
13200 | const next = i + 1;
13201 | return next < arr.length ? scale(arr[next]) - scale(v) : null;
13202 | }).filter(Boolean) : [];
13203 | interval = Math.min(...intervalByValue, interval);
13204 | }
13205 | return interval === Infinity ? 0 : interval;
13206 | }
13207 | ticks(...args) {
13208 | const { config } = this;
13209 | if (!args.length) {
13210 | return config.tickArguments;
13211 | }
13212 | config.tickArguments = toArray(args);
13213 | return this;
13214 | }
13215 | tickCulling(culling) {
13216 | const { config } = this;
13217 | if (!arguments.length) {
13218 | return config.tickCulling;
13219 | }
13220 | config.tickCulling = culling;
13221 | return this;
13222 | }
13223 | tickValues(x) {
13224 | const { config } = this;
13225 | if (isFunction(x)) {
13226 | config.tickValues = () => x(this.helper.scale.domain());
13227 | } else {
13228 | if (!arguments.length) {
13229 | return config.tickValues;
13230 | }
13231 | config.tickValues = x;
13232 | }
13233 | return this;
13234 | }
13235 | setTransition(t) {
13236 | this.config.transition = t;
13237 | return this;
13238 | }
13239 | }
13240 |
13241 | ;
13242 | var Axis_defProp = Object.defineProperty;
13243 | var Axis_defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? Axis_defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
13244 | var Axis_publicField = (obj, key, value) => Axis_defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
13245 |
13246 |
13247 |
13248 |
13249 |
13250 | var Axis = ({
13251 | getAxisInstance: function() {
13252 | return this.axis || new Axis_Axis(this);
13253 | }
13254 | });
13255 | class Axis_Axis {
13256 | constructor(owner) {
13257 | Axis_publicField(this, "owner");
13258 | Axis_publicField(this, "x");
13259 | Axis_publicField(this, "subX");
13260 | Axis_publicField(this, "y");
13261 | Axis_publicField(this, "y2");
13262 | Axis_publicField(this, "axesList", {});
13263 | Axis_publicField(this, "tick", {
13264 | x: null,
13265 | y: null,
13266 | y2: null
13267 | });
13268 | Axis_publicField(this, "xs", []);
13269 | Axis_publicField(this, "orient", {
13270 | x: "bottom",
13271 | y: "left",
13272 | y2: "right",
13273 | subX: "bottom"
13274 | });
13275 | this.owner = owner;
13276 | this.setOrient();
13277 | }
13278 | getAxisClassName(id) {
13279 | return `${$AXIS.axis} ${$AXIS[`axis${capitalize(id)}`]}`;
13280 | }
13281 | isHorizontal($$, forHorizontal) {
13282 | const isRotated = $$.config.axis_rotated;
13283 | return forHorizontal ? isRotated : !isRotated;
13284 | }
13285 | isCategorized() {
13286 | const { config, state } = this.owner;
13287 | return config.axis_x_type.indexOf("category") >= 0 || state.hasRadar;
13288 | }
13289 | isCustomX() {
13290 | const { config } = this.owner;
13291 | return !this.isTimeSeries() && (config.data_x || notEmpty(config.data_xs));
13292 | }
13293 | isTimeSeries(id = "x") {
13294 | return this.owner.config[`axis_${id}_type`] === "timeseries";
13295 | }
13296 | isLog(id = "x") {
13297 | return this.owner.config[`axis_${id}_type`] === "log";
13298 | }
13299 | isTimeSeriesY() {
13300 | return this.isTimeSeries("y");
13301 | }
13302 | getAxisType(id = "x") {
13303 | let type = "linear";
13304 | if (this.isTimeSeries(id)) {
13305 | type = this.owner.config.axis_x_localtime ? "time" : "utc";
13306 | } else if (this.isLog(id)) {
13307 | type = "log";
13308 | }
13309 | return type;
13310 | }
13311 | |
13312 |
13313 |
13314 |
13315 |
13316 | getExtent() {
13317 | const $$ = this.owner;
13318 | const { config, scale } = $$;
13319 | let extent = config.axis_x_extent;
13320 | if (extent) {
13321 | if (isFunction(extent)) {
13322 | extent = extent.bind($$.api)($$.getXDomain($$.data.targets), scale.subX);
13323 | } else if (this.isTimeSeries() && extent.every(isNaN)) {
13324 | const fn = parseDate.bind($$);
13325 | extent = extent.map((v) => scale.subX(fn(v)));
13326 | }
13327 | }
13328 | return extent;
13329 | }
13330 | init() {
13331 | const $$ = this.owner;
13332 | const { config, $el: { main, axis }, state: { clip } } = $$;
13333 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
13334 | const target = ["x", "y"];
13335 | config.axis_y2_show && target.push("y2");
13336 | target.forEach((v) => {
13337 | const classAxis = this.getAxisClassName(v);
13338 | const classLabel = $AXIS[`axis${v.toUpperCase()}Label`];
13339 | axis[v] = main.append("g").attr("class", classAxis).attr("clip-path", () => {
13340 | let res = null;
13341 | if (v === "x") {
13342 | res = clip.pathXAxis;
13343 | } else if (v === "y") {
13344 | res = clip.pathYAxis;
13345 | }
13346 | return res;
13347 | }).attr("transform", $$.getTranslate(v)).style("visibility", config[`axis_${v}_show`] ? null : "hidden");
13348 | axis[v].append("text").attr("class", classLabel).attr("transform", ["rotate(-90)", null][v === "x" ? +!isRotated : +isRotated]).style("text-anchor", () => this.textAnchorForAxisLabel(v));
13349 | this.generateAxes(v);
13350 | });
13351 | config.axis_tooltip && this.setAxisTooltip();
13352 | }
13353 | |
13354 |
13355 |
13356 |
13357 | setOrient() {
13358 | const $$ = this.owner;
13359 | const {
13360 | axis_rotated: isRotated,
13361 | axis_y_inner: yInner,
13362 | axis_y2_inner: y2Inner
13363 | } = $$.config;
13364 | this.orient = {
13365 | x: isRotated ? "left" : "bottom",
13366 | y: isRotated ? yInner ? "top" : "bottom" : yInner ? "right" : "left",
13367 | y2: isRotated ? y2Inner ? "bottom" : "top" : y2Inner ? "left" : "right",
13368 | subX: isRotated ? "left" : "bottom"
13369 | };
13370 | }
13371 | |
13372 |
13373 |
13374 |
13375 |
13376 |
13377 | generateAxes(id) {
13378 | const $$ = this.owner;
13379 | const { config } = $$;
13380 | const axes = [];
13381 | const axesConfig = config[`axis_${id}_axes`];
13382 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
13383 | let d3Axis;
13384 | if (id === "x") {
13385 | d3Axis = isRotated ? external_commonjs_d3_axis_commonjs2_d3_axis_amd_d3_axis_root_d3_.axisLeft : external_commonjs_d3_axis_commonjs2_d3_axis_amd_d3_axis_root_d3_.axisBottom;
13386 | } else if (id === "y") {
13387 | d3Axis = isRotated ? external_commonjs_d3_axis_commonjs2_d3_axis_amd_d3_axis_root_d3_.axisBottom : external_commonjs_d3_axis_commonjs2_d3_axis_amd_d3_axis_root_d3_.axisLeft;
13388 | } else if (id === "y2") {
13389 | d3Axis = isRotated ? external_commonjs_d3_axis_commonjs2_d3_axis_amd_d3_axis_root_d3_.axisTop : external_commonjs_d3_axis_commonjs2_d3_axis_amd_d3_axis_root_d3_.axisRight;
13390 | }
13391 | if (axesConfig.length) {
13392 | axesConfig.forEach((v) => {
13393 | const tick = v.tick || {};
13394 | const scale = $$.scale[id].copy();
13395 | v.domain && scale.domain(v.domain);
13396 | axes.push(
13397 | d3Axis(scale).ticks(tick.count).tickFormat(
13398 | isFunction(tick.format) ? tick.format.bind($$.api) : (x) => x
13399 | ).tickValues(tick.values).tickSizeOuter(tick.outer === false ? 0 : 6)
13400 | );
13401 | });
13402 | }
13403 | this.axesList[id] = axes;
13404 | }
13405 | |
13406 |
13407 |
13408 |
13409 | updateAxes() {
13410 | const $$ = this.owner;
13411 | const { config, $el: { main }, $T } = $$;
13412 | Object.keys(this.axesList).forEach((id) => {
13413 | const axesConfig = config[`axis_${id}_axes`];
13414 | const scale = $$.scale[id].copy();
13415 | const range = scale.range();
13416 | this.axesList[id].forEach((v, i) => {
13417 | const axisRange = v.scale().range();
13418 | if (!range.every((v2, i2) => v2 === axisRange[i2])) {
13419 | v.scale().range(range);
13420 | }
13421 | const className = `${this.getAxisClassName(id)}-${i + 1}`;
13422 | let g = main.select(`.${className.replace(/\s/, ".")}`);
13423 | if (g.empty()) {
13424 | g = main.append("g").attr("class", className).style("visibility", config[`axis_${id}_show`] ? null : "hidden").call(v);
13425 | } else {
13426 | axesConfig[i].domain && scale.domain(axesConfig[i].domain);
13427 | $T(g).call(v.scale(scale));
13428 | }
13429 | g.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate(id, i + 1));
13430 | });
13431 | });
13432 | }
13433 | |
13434 |
13435 |
13436 |
13437 |
13438 |
13439 |
13440 |
13441 |
13442 | setAxis(id, scale, outerTick, noTransition) {
13443 | const $$ = this.owner;
13444 | if (id !== "subX") {
13445 | this.tick[id] = this.getTickValues(id);
13446 | }
13447 | this[id] = this.getAxis(
13448 | id,
13449 | scale,
13450 | outerTick,
13451 |
13452 |
13453 | id === "x" && ($$.scale.zoom || $$.config.subchart_show || $$.state.resizing) ? true : noTransition
13454 | );
13455 | }
13456 |
13457 | getAxis(id, scale, outerTick, noTransition, noTickTextRotate) {
13458 | const $$ = this.owner;
13459 | const { config } = $$;
13460 | const isX = /^(x|subX)$/.test(id);
13461 | const type = isX ? "x" : id;
13462 | const isCategory = isX && this.isCategorized();
13463 | const orient = this.orient[id];
13464 | const tickTextRotate = noTickTextRotate ? 0 : $$.getAxisTickRotate(type);
13465 | let tickFormat;
13466 | if (isX) {
13467 | tickFormat = id === "subX" ? $$.format.subXAxisTick : $$.format.xAxisTick;
13468 | } else {
13469 | const fn = config[`axis_${id}_tick_format`];
13470 | if (isFunction(fn)) {
13471 | tickFormat = fn.bind($$.api);
13472 | }
13473 | }
13474 | let tickValues = this.tick[type];
13475 | const axisParams = mergeObj({
13476 | outerTick,
13477 | noTransition,
13478 | config,
13479 | id,
13480 | tickTextRotate,
13481 | owner: $$
13482 | }, isX && {
13483 | isCategory,
13484 | isInverted: config.axis_x_inverted,
13485 | tickMultiline: config.axis_x_tick_multiline,
13486 | tickWidth: config.axis_x_tick_width,
13487 | tickTitle: isCategory && config.axis_x_tick_tooltip && $$.api.categories(),
13488 | orgXScale: $$.scale.x
13489 | });
13490 | if (!isX) {
13491 | axisParams.tickStepSize = config[`axis_${type}_tick_stepSize`];
13492 | }
13493 | const axis = new AxisRenderer(axisParams).scale(isX && $$.scale.zoom || scale).orient(orient);
13494 | if (isX && this.isTimeSeries() && tickValues && !isFunction(tickValues)) {
13495 | const fn = parseDate.bind($$);
13496 | tickValues = tickValues.map((v) => fn(v));
13497 | } else if (!isX && this.isTimeSeriesY()) {
13498 | axis.ticks(config.axis_y_tick_time_value);
13499 | tickValues = null;
13500 | }
13501 | tickValues && axis.tickValues(tickValues);
13502 | axis.tickFormat(
13503 | tickFormat || !isX && ($$.isStackNormalized() && ((x) => `${x}%`))
13504 | );
13505 | if (isCategory) {
13506 | axis.tickCentered(config.axis_x_tick_centered);
13507 | if (isEmpty(config.axis_x_tick_culling)) {
13508 | config.axis_x_tick_culling = false;
13509 | }
13510 | }
13511 | const tickCount = config[`axis_${type}_tick_count`];
13512 | tickCount && axis.ticks(tickCount);
13513 | return axis;
13514 | }
13515 | updateXAxisTickValues(targets, axis) {
13516 | var _a;
13517 | const $$ = this.owner;
13518 | const { config } = $$;
13519 | const fit = config.axis_x_tick_fit;
13520 | let count = config.axis_x_tick_count;
13521 | let values;
13522 | if (fit || count && fit) {
13523 | values = $$.mapTargetsToUniqueXs(targets);
13524 | if (this.isCategorized() && count > values.length) {
13525 | count = values.length;
13526 | }
13527 | values = this.generateTickValues(
13528 | values,
13529 | count,
13530 | this.isTimeSeries()
13531 | );
13532 | }
13533 | if (axis) {
13534 | axis.tickValues(values);
13535 | } else if (this.x) {
13536 | this.x.tickValues(values);
13537 | (_a = this.subX) == null ? void 0 : _a.tickValues(values);
13538 | }
13539 | return values;
13540 | }
13541 | getId(id) {
13542 | const { config, scale } = this.owner;
13543 | let axis = config.data_axes[id];
13544 | if (!axis || !scale[axis]) {
13545 | axis = "y";
13546 | }
13547 | return axis;
13548 | }
13549 | getXAxisTickFormat(forSubchart) {
13550 | const $$ = this.owner;
13551 | const { config, format } = $$;
13552 | const tickFormat = forSubchart ? config.subchart_axis_x_tick_format || config.axis_x_tick_format : config.axis_x_tick_format;
13553 | const isTimeSeries = this.isTimeSeries();
13554 | const isCategorized = this.isCategorized();
13555 | let currFormat;
13556 | if (tickFormat) {
13557 | if (isFunction(tickFormat)) {
13558 | currFormat = tickFormat.bind($$.api);
13559 | } else if (isTimeSeries) {
13560 | currFormat = (date) => date ? format.axisTime(tickFormat)(date) : "";
13561 | }
13562 | } else {
13563 | currFormat = isTimeSeries ? format.defaultAxisTime : isCategorized ? $$.categoryName : (v) => v < 0 ? v.toFixed(0) : v;
13564 | }
13565 | return isFunction(currFormat) ? (v) => currFormat.apply($$, isCategorized ? [v, $$.categoryName(v)] : [v]) : currFormat;
13566 | }
13567 | getTickValues(id) {
13568 | const $$ = this.owner;
13569 | const tickValues = $$.config[`axis_${id}_tick_values`];
13570 | const axis = $$[`${id}Axis`];
13571 | return (isFunction(tickValues) ? tickValues.call($$.api) : tickValues) || (axis ? axis.tickValues() : void 0);
13572 | }
13573 | getLabelOptionByAxisId(id) {
13574 | return this.owner.config[`axis_${id}_label`];
13575 | }
13576 | getLabelText(id) {
13577 | const option = this.getLabelOptionByAxisId(id);
13578 | return isString(option) ? option : option ? option.text : null;
13579 | }
13580 | setLabelText(id, text) {
13581 | const $$ = this.owner;
13582 | const { config } = $$;
13583 | const option = this.getLabelOptionByAxisId(id);
13584 | if (isString(option)) {
13585 | config[`axis_${id}_label`] = text;
13586 | } else if (option) {
13587 | option.text = text;
13588 | }
13589 | }
13590 | getLabelPosition(id, defaultPosition) {
13591 | const isRotated = this.owner.config.axis_rotated;
13592 | const option = this.getLabelOptionByAxisId(id);
13593 | const position = isObjectType(option) && option.position ? option.position : defaultPosition[+!isRotated];
13594 | const has = (v) => !!~position.indexOf(v);
13595 | return {
13596 | isInner: has("inner"),
13597 | isOuter: has("outer"),
13598 | isLeft: has("left"),
13599 | isCenter: has("center"),
13600 | isRight: has("right"),
13601 | isTop: has("top"),
13602 | isMiddle: has("middle"),
13603 | isBottom: has("bottom")
13604 | };
13605 | }
13606 | getAxisLabelPosition(id) {
13607 | return this.getLabelPosition(
13608 | id,
13609 | id === "x" ? ["inner-top", "inner-right"] : ["inner-right", "inner-top"]
13610 | );
13611 | }
13612 | getLabelPositionById(id) {
13613 | return this.getAxisLabelPosition(id);
13614 | }
13615 | xForAxisLabel(id) {
13616 | const $$ = this.owner;
13617 | const { state: { width, height } } = $$;
13618 | const position = this.getAxisLabelPosition(id);
13619 | let x = position.isMiddle ? -height / 2 : 0;
13620 | if (this.isHorizontal($$, id !== "x")) {
13621 | x = position.isLeft ? 0 : position.isCenter ? width / 2 : width;
13622 | } else if (position.isBottom) {
13623 | x = -height;
13624 | }
13625 | return x;
13626 | }
13627 | dxForAxisLabel(id) {
13628 | const $$ = this.owner;
13629 | const position = this.getAxisLabelPosition(id);
13630 | let dx = position.isBottom ? "0.5em" : "0";
13631 | if (this.isHorizontal($$, id !== "x")) {
13632 | dx = position.isLeft ? "0.5em" : position.isRight ? "-0.5em" : "0";
13633 | } else if (position.isTop) {
13634 | dx = "-0.5em";
13635 | }
13636 | return dx;
13637 | }
13638 | textAnchorForAxisLabel(id) {
13639 | const $$ = this.owner;
13640 | const position = this.getAxisLabelPosition(id);
13641 | let anchor = position.isMiddle ? "middle" : "end";
13642 | if (this.isHorizontal($$, id !== "x")) {
13643 | anchor = position.isLeft ? "start" : position.isCenter ? "middle" : "end";
13644 | } else if (position.isBottom) {
13645 | anchor = "start";
13646 | }
13647 | return anchor;
13648 | }
13649 | dyForAxisLabel(id) {
13650 | const $$ = this.owner;
13651 | const { config } = $$;
13652 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
13653 | const isInner = this.getAxisLabelPosition(id).isInner;
13654 | const tickRotate = config[`axis_${id}_tick_rotate`] ? $$.getHorizontalAxisHeight(id) : 0;
13655 | const { width: maxTickWidth } = this.getMaxTickSize(id);
13656 | let dy;
13657 | if (id === "x") {
13658 | const xHeight = config.axis_x_height;
13659 | if (isRotated) {
13660 | dy = isInner ? "1.2em" : -25 - maxTickWidth;
13661 | } else if (isInner) {
13662 | dy = "-0.5em";
13663 | } else if (xHeight) {
13664 | dy = xHeight - 10;
13665 | } else if (tickRotate) {
13666 | dy = tickRotate - 10;
13667 | } else {
13668 | dy = "3em";
13669 | }
13670 | } else {
13671 | dy = {
13672 | y: ["-0.5em", 10, "3em", "1.2em", 10],
13673 | y2: ["1.2em", -20, "-2.2em", "-0.5em", 15]
13674 | }[id];
13675 | if (isRotated) {
13676 | if (isInner) {
13677 | dy = dy[0];
13678 | } else if (tickRotate) {
13679 | dy = tickRotate * (id === "y2" ? -1 : 1) - dy[1];
13680 | } else {
13681 | dy = dy[2];
13682 | }
13683 | } else {
13684 | dy = isInner ? dy[3] : (dy[4] + (config[`axis_${id}_inner`] ? 0 : maxTickWidth + dy[4])) * (id === "y" ? -1 : 1);
13685 | }
13686 | }
13687 | return dy;
13688 | }
13689 | |
13690 |
13691 |
13692 |
13693 |
13694 |
13695 |
13696 | getMaxTickSize(id, withoutRecompute) {
13697 | const $$ = this.owner;
13698 | const { config, state: { current }, $el: { svg, chart } } = $$;
13699 | const currentTickMax = current.maxTickSize[id];
13700 | const configPrefix = `axis_${id}`;
13701 | const max = {
13702 | width: 0,
13703 | height: 0
13704 | };
13705 | if (withoutRecompute || !config[`${configPrefix}_show`] || currentTickMax.width > 0 && $$.filterTargetsToShow().length === 0) {
13706 | return currentTickMax;
13707 | }
13708 | if (svg) {
13709 | const isYAxis = /^y2?$/.test(id);
13710 | const targetsToShow = $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets);
13711 | const scale = $$.scale[id].copy().domain(
13712 | $$[`get${isYAxis ? "Y" : "X"}Domain`](targetsToShow, id)
13713 | );
13714 | const domain = scale.domain();
13715 | const isDomainSame = domain[0] === domain[1] && domain.every((v) => v > 0);
13716 | const isCurrentMaxTickDomainSame = isArray(currentTickMax.domain) && currentTickMax.domain[0] === currentTickMax.domain[1] && currentTickMax.domain.every((v) => v > 0);
13717 | if (isDomainSame || isCurrentMaxTickDomainSame) {
13718 | return currentTickMax.size;
13719 | } else {
13720 | currentTickMax.domain = domain;
13721 | }
13722 | if (!isYAxis) {
13723 | currentTickMax.ticks.splice(0);
13724 | }
13725 | const axis = this.getAxis(id, scale, false, false, true);
13726 | const tickRotate = config[`${configPrefix}_tick_rotate`];
13727 | const tickCount = config[`${configPrefix}_tick_count`];
13728 | const tickValues = config[`${configPrefix}_tick_values`];
13729 | if (!tickValues && tickCount) {
13730 | axis.tickValues(
13731 | this.generateTickValues(
13732 | domain,
13733 | tickCount,
13734 | isYAxis ? this.isTimeSeriesY() : this.isTimeSeries()
13735 | )
13736 | );
13737 | }
13738 | !isYAxis && this.updateXAxisTickValues(targetsToShow, axis);
13739 | const dummy = chart.append("svg").style("visibility", "hidden").style("position", "fixed").style("top", "0").style("left", "0");
13740 | axis.create(dummy);
13741 | dummy.selectAll("text").attr("transform", isNumber(tickRotate) ? `rotate(${tickRotate})` : null).each(function(d, i) {
13742 | const { width, height } = this.getBoundingClientRect();
13743 | max.width = Math.max(max.width, width);
13744 | max.height = Math.max(max.height, height);
13745 | if (!isYAxis) {
13746 | currentTickMax.ticks[i] = width;
13747 | }
13748 | });
13749 | dummy.remove();
13750 | }
13751 | Object.keys(max).forEach((key) => {
13752 | if (max[key] > 0) {
13753 | currentTickMax[key] = max[key];
13754 | }
13755 | });
13756 | return currentTickMax;
13757 | }
13758 | getXAxisTickTextY2Overflow(defaultPadding) {
13759 | const $$ = this.owner;
13760 | const { axis, config, state: { current, isLegendRight, legendItemWidth } } = $$;
13761 | const xAxisTickRotate = $$.getAxisTickRotate("x");
13762 | const positiveRotation = xAxisTickRotate > 0 && xAxisTickRotate < 90;
13763 | if ((axis.isCategorized() || axis.isTimeSeries()) && config.axis_x_tick_fit && (!config.axis_x_tick_culling || isEmpty(config.axis_x_tick_culling)) && !config.axis_x_tick_multiline && positiveRotation) {
13764 | const y2AxisWidth = config.axis_y2_show && current.maxTickSize.y2.width || 0;
13765 | const legendWidth = isLegendRight && legendItemWidth || 0;
13766 | const widthWithoutCurrentPaddingLeft = current.width - $$.getCurrentPaddingByDirection("left");
13767 | const maxOverflow = this.getXAxisTickMaxOverflow(
13768 | xAxisTickRotate,
13769 | widthWithoutCurrentPaddingLeft - defaultPadding
13770 | ) - y2AxisWidth - legendWidth;
13771 | const xAxisTickTextY2Overflow = Math.max(0, maxOverflow) + defaultPadding;
13772 | return Math.min(xAxisTickTextY2Overflow, widthWithoutCurrentPaddingLeft / 2);
13773 | }
13774 | return 0;
13775 | }
13776 | getXAxisTickMaxOverflow(xAxisTickRotate, widthWithoutCurrentPaddingLeft) {
13777 | const $$ = this.owner;
13778 | const { axis, config, state } = $$;
13779 | const isTimeSeries = axis.isTimeSeries();
13780 | const tickTextWidths = state.current.maxTickSize.x.ticks;
13781 | const tickCount = tickTextWidths.length;
13782 | const { left, right } = state.axis.x.padding;
13783 | let maxOverflow = 0;
13784 | const remaining = tickCount - (isTimeSeries && config.axis_x_tick_fit ? 0.5 : 0);
13785 | for (let i = 0; i < tickCount; i++) {
13786 | const tickIndex = i + 1;
13787 | const rotatedTickTextWidth = Math.cos(Math.PI * xAxisTickRotate / 180) * tickTextWidths[i];
13788 | const ticksBeforeTickText = tickIndex - (isTimeSeries ? 1 : 0.5) + left;
13789 | if (ticksBeforeTickText <= 0) {
13790 | continue;
13791 | }
13792 | const xAxisLengthWithoutTickTextWidth = widthWithoutCurrentPaddingLeft - rotatedTickTextWidth;
13793 | const tickLength = xAxisLengthWithoutTickTextWidth / ticksBeforeTickText;
13794 | const remainingTicks = remaining - tickIndex;
13795 | const paddingRightLength = right * tickLength;
13796 | const remainingTickWidth = remainingTicks * tickLength + paddingRightLength;
13797 | const overflow = rotatedTickTextWidth - tickLength / 2 - remainingTickWidth;
13798 | maxOverflow = Math.max(maxOverflow, overflow);
13799 | }
13800 | const filteredTargets = $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets);
13801 | let tickOffset = 0;
13802 | if (!isTimeSeries && config.axis_x_tick_count <= filteredTargets.length && filteredTargets[0].values.length) {
13803 | const scale = getScale(
13804 | $$.axis.getAxisType("x"),
13805 | 0,
13806 | widthWithoutCurrentPaddingLeft - maxOverflow
13807 | ).domain([
13808 | left * -1,
13809 | $$.getXDomainMax($$.data.targets) + 1 + right
13810 | ]);
13811 | tickOffset = (scale(1) - scale(0)) / 2;
13812 | }
13813 | return maxOverflow + tickOffset;
13814 | }
13815 | updateLabels(withTransition) {
13816 | const $$ = this.owner;
13817 | const { $el: { main }, $T } = $$;
13818 | const labels = {
13819 | x: main.select(`.${$AXIS.axisX} .${$AXIS.axisXLabel}`),
13820 | y: main.select(`.${$AXIS.axisY} .${$AXIS.axisYLabel}`),
13821 | y2: main.select(`.${$AXIS.axisY2} .${$AXIS.axisY2Label}`)
13822 | };
13823 | Object.keys(labels).filter((id) => !labels[id].empty()).forEach((v) => {
13824 | const node = labels[v];
13825 | $T(node, withTransition).attr("x", () => this.xForAxisLabel(v)).attr("dx", () => this.dxForAxisLabel(v)).attr("dy", () => this.dyForAxisLabel(v)).text(() => this.getLabelText(v));
13826 | });
13827 | }
13828 | |
13829 |
13830 |
13831 |
13832 |
13833 |
13834 |
13835 |
13836 |
13837 | getPadding(padding, key, defaultValue, domainLength) {
13838 | const p = isNumber(padding) ? padding : padding[key];
13839 | if (!isValue(p)) {
13840 | return defaultValue;
13841 | }
13842 | return this.owner.convertPixelToScale(
13843 | /(bottom|top)/.test(key) ? "y" : "x",
13844 | p,
13845 | domainLength
13846 | );
13847 | }
13848 | generateTickValues(values, tickCount, forTimeSeries) {
13849 | let tickValues = values;
13850 | if (tickCount) {
13851 | const targetCount = isFunction(tickCount) ? tickCount() : tickCount;
13852 | if (targetCount === 1) {
13853 | tickValues = [values[0]];
13854 | } else if (targetCount === 2) {
13855 | tickValues = [values[0], values[values.length - 1]];
13856 | } else if (targetCount > 2) {
13857 | const isCategorized = this.isCategorized();
13858 | const count = targetCount - 2;
13859 | const start = values[0];
13860 | const end = values[values.length - 1];
13861 | const interval = (end - start) / (count + 1);
13862 | let tickValue;
13863 | tickValues = [start];
13864 | for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
13865 | tickValue = +start + interval * (i + 1);
13866 | tickValues.push(
13867 | forTimeSeries ? new Date(tickValue) : isCategorized ? Math.round(tickValue) : tickValue
13868 | );
13869 | }
13870 | tickValues.push(end);
13871 | }
13872 | }
13873 | if (!forTimeSeries) {
13874 | tickValues = tickValues.sort((a, b) => a - b);
13875 | }
13876 | return tickValues;
13877 | }
13878 | generateTransitions(withTransition) {
13879 | const $$ = this.owner;
13880 | const { $el: { axis }, $T } = $$;
13881 | const [axisX, axisY, axisY2, axisSubX] = ["x", "y", "y2", "subX"].map((v) => $T(axis[v], withTransition));
13882 | return { axisX, axisY, axisY2, axisSubX };
13883 | }
13884 | redraw(transitions, isHidden, isInit) {
13885 | const $$ = this.owner;
13886 | const { config, $el } = $$;
13887 | const opacity = isHidden ? "0" : null;
13888 | ["x", "y", "y2", "subX"].forEach((id) => {
13889 | const axis = this[id];
13890 | const $axis = $el.axis[id];
13891 | if (axis && $axis) {
13892 | if (!isInit && !config.transition_duration) {
13893 | axis.config.withoutTransition = true;
13894 | }
13895 | $axis.style("opacity", opacity);
13896 | axis.create(transitions[`axis${capitalize(id)}`]);
13897 | }
13898 | });
13899 | this.updateAxes();
13900 | }
13901 | |
13902 |
13903 |
13904 |
13905 |
13906 |
13907 |
13908 |
13909 |
13910 | redrawAxis(targetsToShow, wth, transitions, flow, isInit) {
13911 | var _a, _b, _c;
13912 | const $$ = this.owner;
13913 | const { config, scale, $el } = $$;
13914 | const hasZoom = !!scale.zoom;
13915 | let xDomainForZoom;
13916 | if (!hasZoom && this.isCategorized() && targetsToShow.length === 0) {
13917 | scale.x.domain([0, $el.axis.x.selectAll(".tick").size()]);
13918 | }
13919 | if (scale.x && targetsToShow.length) {
13920 | !hasZoom && $$.updateXDomain(
13921 | targetsToShow,
13922 | wth.UpdateXDomain,
13923 | wth.UpdateOrgXDomain,
13924 | wth.TrimXDomain
13925 | );
13926 | if (!config.axis_x_tick_values) {
13927 | this.updateXAxisTickValues(targetsToShow);
13928 | }
13929 | } else if (this.x) {
13930 | this.x.tickValues([]);
13931 | (_a = this.subX) == null ? void 0 : _a.tickValues([]);
13932 | }
13933 | if (config.zoom_rescale && !flow) {
13934 | xDomainForZoom = scale.x.orgDomain();
13935 | }
13936 | ["y", "y2"].forEach((key) => {
13937 | const prefix = `axis_${key}_`;
13938 | const axisScale = scale[key];
13939 | if (axisScale) {
13940 | const tickValues = config[`${prefix}tick_values`];
13941 | const tickCount = config[`${prefix}tick_count`];
13942 | axisScale.domain($$.getYDomain(targetsToShow, key, xDomainForZoom));
13943 | if (!tickValues && tickCount) {
13944 | const axis = $$.axis[key];
13945 | const domain = axisScale.domain();
13946 | axis.tickValues(
13947 | this.generateTickValues(
13948 | domain,
13949 | domain.every((v) => v === 0) ? 1 : tickCount,
13950 | this.isTimeSeriesY()
13951 | )
13952 | );
13953 | }
13954 | }
13955 | });
13956 | this.redraw(transitions, $$.hasArcType(), isInit);
13957 | this.updateLabels(wth.Transition);
13958 | if ((wth.UpdateXDomain || wth.UpdateXAxis || wth.Y) && targetsToShow.length) {
13959 | this.setCulling();
13960 | }
13961 | if (wth.Y) {
13962 | (_b = scale.subY) == null ? void 0 : _b.domain($$.getYDomain(targetsToShow, "y"));
13963 | (_c = scale.subY2) == null ? void 0 : _c.domain($$.getYDomain(targetsToShow, "y2"));
13964 | }
13965 | }
13966 | |
13967 |
13968 |
13969 |
13970 | setCulling() {
13971 | const $$ = this.owner;
13972 | const { config, state: { clip, current }, $el } = $$;
13973 | ["subX", "x", "y", "y2"].forEach((type) => {
13974 | const axis = $el.axis[type];
13975 | const id = type === "subX" ? "x" : type;
13976 | const cullingOptionPrefix = `axis_${id}_tick_culling`;
13977 | const toCull = config[cullingOptionPrefix];
13978 | if (axis && toCull) {
13979 | const tickNodes = axis.selectAll(".tick");
13980 | const tickValues = sortValue(tickNodes.data());
13981 | const tickSize = tickValues.length;
13982 | const cullingMax = config[`${cullingOptionPrefix}_max`];
13983 | const lines = config[`${cullingOptionPrefix}_lines`];
13984 | let intervalForCulling;
13985 | if (tickSize) {
13986 | for (let i = 1; i < tickSize; i++) {
13987 | if (tickSize / i < cullingMax) {
13988 | intervalForCulling = i;
13989 | break;
13990 | }
13991 | }
13992 | tickNodes.each(function(d) {
13993 | const node = lines ? this.querySelector("text") : this;
13994 | if (node) {
13995 | node.style.display = tickValues.indexOf(d) % intervalForCulling ? "none" : null;
13996 | }
13997 | });
13998 | } else {
13999 | tickNodes.style("display", null);
14000 | }
14001 | if (type === "x") {
14002 | const clipPath = current.maxTickSize.x.clipPath ? clip.pathXAxisTickTexts : null;
14003 | $el.svg.selectAll(`.${$AXIS.axisX} .tick text`).attr("clip-path", clipPath);
14004 | }
14005 | }
14006 | });
14007 | }
14008 | |
14009 |
14010 |
14011 |
14012 | setAxisTooltip() {
14013 | var _a;
14014 | const $$ = this.owner;
14015 | const { config: { axis_rotated: isRotated, axis_tooltip }, $el: { axis, axisTooltip } } = $$;
14016 | const bgColor = (_a = axis_tooltip.backgroundColor) != null ? _a : "black";
14017 | $$.generateTextBGColorFilter(
14018 | bgColor,
14019 | {
14020 | x: -0.15,
14021 | y: -0.2,
14022 | width: 1.3,
14023 | height: 1.3
14024 | }
14025 | );
14026 | ["x", "y", "y2"].forEach((v) => {
14027 | var _a2, _b, _c;
14028 | axisTooltip[v] = (_a2 = axis[v]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.append("text").classed($AXIS[`axis${v.toUpperCase()}Tooltip`], true).attr("filter", $$.updateTextBGColor({ id: v }, bgColor));
14029 | if (isRotated) {
14030 | const pos = v === "x" ? "x" : "y";
14031 | const val = v === "y" ? "1.15em" : v === "x" ? "-0.3em" : "-0.4em";
14032 | (_b = axisTooltip[v]) == null ? void 0 : _b.attr(pos, val).attr(`d${v === "x" ? "y" : "x"}`, v === "x" ? "0.4em" : "-1.3em").style("text-anchor", v === "x" ? "end" : null);
14033 | } else {
14034 | const pos = v === "x" ? "y" : "x";
14035 | const val = v === "x" ? "1.15em" : `${v === "y" ? "-" : ""}0.4em`;
14036 | (_c = axisTooltip[v]) == null ? void 0 : _c.attr(pos, val).attr(`d${v === "x" ? "x" : "y"}`, v === "x" ? "-1em" : "0.3em").style("text-anchor", v === "y" ? "end" : null);
14037 | }
14038 | });
14039 | }
14040 | }
14041 |
14042 | ;
14043 |
14044 |
14045 | var eventrect = ({
14046 | |
14047 |
14048 |
14049 |
14050 |
14051 | initEventRect() {
14052 | const $$ = this;
14053 | $$.$el.main.select(`.${$COMMON.chart}`).append("g").attr("class", $EVENT.eventRects).style("fill-opacity", "0");
14054 | },
14055 | |
14056 |
14057 |
14058 |
14059 | redrawEventRect() {
14060 | var _a;
14061 | const $$ = this;
14062 | const { config, state, $el } = $$;
14063 | const isMultipleX = $$.isMultipleX();
14064 | const isInverted = config.axis_x_inverted;
14065 | if ($el.eventRect) {
14066 | $$.updateEventRect($el.eventRect, true);
14067 | } else if ($$.data.targets.length) {
14068 | const eventRects = $$.$el.main.select(`.${$EVENT.eventRects}`).style("cursor", config.zoom_enabled && config.zoom_type !== "drag" ? config.axis_rotated ? "ns-resize" : "ew-resize" : null).classed($EVENT.eventRectsMultiple, isMultipleX).classed($EVENT.eventRectsSingle, !isMultipleX);
14069 | const eventRectUpdate = eventRects.selectAll(`.${$EVENT.eventRect}`).data([0]).enter().append("rect");
14070 | $$.updateEventRect(eventRectUpdate);
14071 | $$.updateEventType(eventRectUpdate);
14072 | eventRectUpdate.call($$.getDraggableSelection());
14073 | $el.eventRect = eventRectUpdate;
14074 | if ($$.state.inputType === "touch" && !$el.svg.on("touchstart.eventRect") && !$$.hasArcType()) {
14075 | $$.bindTouchOnEventRect();
14076 | }
14077 | state.rendered && $$.updateEventRect($el.eventRect, true);
14078 | }
14079 | if (!isMultipleX) {
14080 | const xAxisTickValues = $$.getMaxDataCountTarget();
14081 | if (!config.data_xSort || isInverted) {
14082 | xAxisTickValues.sort((a, b) => isInverted ? b.x - a.x : a.x - b.x);
14083 | }
14084 | $$.updateDataIndexByX(xAxisTickValues);
14085 | $$.updateXs(xAxisTickValues);
14086 | (_a = $$.updatePointClass) == null ? void 0 : _a.call($$, true);
14087 | state.eventReceiver.data = xAxisTickValues;
14088 | }
14089 | $$.updateEventRectData();
14090 | },
14091 | bindTouchOnEventRect() {
14092 | const $$ = this;
14093 | const { config, state, $el: { eventRect, svg } } = $$;
14094 | const selectRect = (context) => {
14095 | if ($$.isMultipleX()) {
14096 | $$.selectRectForMultipleXs(context);
14097 | } else {
14098 | const index = $$.getDataIndexFromEvent(state.event);
14099 | $$.callOverOutForTouch(index);
14100 | index === -1 ? $$.unselectRect() : $$.selectRectForSingle(context, index);
14101 | }
14102 | };
14103 | const unselectRect = () => {
14104 | $$.unselectRect();
14105 | $$.callOverOutForTouch();
14106 | };
14107 | const preventDefault = config.interaction_inputType_touch.preventDefault;
14108 | const isPrevented = isBoolean(preventDefault) && preventDefault || false;
14109 | const preventThreshold = !isNaN(preventDefault) && preventDefault || null;
14110 | let startPx;
14111 | const preventEvent = (event) => {
14112 | const eventType = event.type;
14113 | const touch = event.changedTouches[0];
14114 | const currentXY = touch[`client${config.axis_rotated ? "Y" : "X"}`];
14115 | if (eventType === "touchstart") {
14116 | if (isPrevented) {
14117 | event.preventDefault();
14118 | } else if (preventThreshold !== null) {
14119 | startPx = currentXY;
14120 | }
14121 | } else if (eventType === "touchmove") {
14122 | if (isPrevented || startPx === true || preventThreshold !== null && Math.abs(startPx - currentXY) >= preventThreshold) {
14123 | startPx = true;
14124 | event.preventDefault();
14125 | }
14126 | }
14127 | };
14128 | eventRect.on("touchstart", (event) => {
14129 | state.event = event;
14130 | $$.updateEventRect();
14131 | }).on("touchstart.eventRect touchmove.eventRect", (event) => {
14132 | state.event = event;
14133 | if (!eventRect.empty() && eventRect.classed($EVENT.eventRect)) {
14134 | if (state.dragging || state.flowing || $$.hasArcType() || event.touches.length > 1) {
14135 | return;
14136 | }
14137 | preventEvent(event);
14138 | selectRect(eventRect.node());
14139 | } else {
14140 | unselectRect();
14141 | }
14142 | }, true).on("touchend.eventRect", (event) => {
14143 | state.event = event;
14144 | if (!eventRect.empty() && eventRect.classed($EVENT.eventRect)) {
14145 | if ($$.hasArcType() || !$$.toggleShape || state.cancelClick) {
14146 | state.cancelClick && (state.cancelClick = false);
14147 | }
14148 | }
14149 | }, true);
14150 | svg.on("touchstart", (event) => {
14151 | state.event = event;
14152 | const { target } = event;
14153 | if (target && target !== eventRect.node()) {
14154 | unselectRect();
14155 | }
14156 | });
14157 | },
14158 | |
14159 |
14160 |
14161 |
14162 |
14163 |
14164 | updateEventRect(eventRect, force = false) {
14165 | const $$ = this;
14166 | const { state, $el } = $$;
14167 | const { eventReceiver, width, height, rendered, resizing } = state;
14168 | const rectElement = eventRect || $el.eventRect;
14169 | const updateClientRect = () => {
14170 | if (eventReceiver) {
14171 | const scrollPos = getScrollPosition($el.chart.node());
14172 | eventReceiver.rect = rectElement.node().getBoundingClientRect().toJSON();
14173 | eventReceiver.rect.top += scrollPos.y;
14174 | eventReceiver.rect.left += scrollPos.x;
14175 | }
14176 | };
14177 | if (!rendered || resizing || force) {
14178 | rectElement.attr("x", 0).attr("y", 0).attr("width", width).attr("height", height);
14179 | if (!rendered || force) {
14180 | rectElement.classed($EVENT.eventRect, true);
14181 | }
14182 | }
14183 | updateClientRect();
14184 | },
14185 | |
14186 |
14187 |
14188 |
14189 | updateEventType(target) {
14190 | const $$ = this;
14191 | const isRebindCall = isBoolean(target);
14192 | const eventRect = isRebindCall ? $$.$el.eventRect : target;
14193 | const unbindEvent = isRebindCall ? target !== (eventRect == null ? void 0 : eventRect.datum().multipleX) : false;
14194 | if (eventRect) {
14195 | unbindEvent && (eventRect == null ? void 0 : eventRect.on("mouseover mousemove mouseout click", null));
14196 | $$.isMultipleX() ? $$.generateEventRectsForMultipleXs(eventRect) : $$.generateEventRectsForSingleX(eventRect);
14197 | }
14198 | },
14199 | |
14200 |
14201 |
14202 |
14203 | updateEventRectData() {
14204 | const $$ = this;
14205 | const { config, scale, state } = $$;
14206 | const xScale = scale.zoom || scale.x;
14207 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
14208 | const isMultipleX = $$.isMultipleX();
14209 | let x;
14210 | let y;
14211 | let w;
14212 | let h;
14213 | $$.updateEventType(isMultipleX);
14214 | if (isMultipleX) {
14215 | x = 0;
14216 | y = 0;
14217 | w = state.width;
14218 | h = state.height;
14219 | } else {
14220 | let rectW;
14221 | let rectX;
14222 | if ($$.axis.isCategorized()) {
14223 | rectW = $$.getEventRectWidth();
14224 | rectX = (d) => xScale(d.x) - rectW / 2;
14225 | } else {
14226 | const getPrevNextX = ({ index }) => ({
14227 | prev: $$.getPrevX(index),
14228 | next: $$.getNextX(index)
14229 | });
14230 | rectW = (d) => {
14231 | const x2 = getPrevNextX(d);
14232 | const xDomain = xScale.domain();
14233 | let val;
14234 | if (x2.prev === null && x2.next === null) {
14235 | val = isRotated ? state.height : state.width;
14236 | } else if (x2.prev === null) {
14237 | val = (xScale(x2.next) + xScale(d.x)) / 2;
14238 | } else if (x2.next === null) {
14239 | val = xScale(xDomain[1]) - (xScale(x2.prev) + xScale(d.x)) / 2;
14240 | } else {
14241 | Object.keys(x2).forEach((key, i) => {
14242 | var _a;
14243 | x2[key] = (_a = x2[key]) != null ? _a : xDomain[i];
14244 | });
14245 | val = Math.max(0, (xScale(x2.next) - xScale(x2.prev)) / 2);
14246 | }
14247 | return val;
14248 | };
14249 | rectX = (d) => {
14250 | const x2 = getPrevNextX(d);
14251 | let val;
14252 | if (x2.prev === null && x2.next === null) {
14253 | val = 0;
14254 | } else if (x2.prev === null) {
14255 | val = xScale(xScale.domain()[0]);
14256 | } else {
14257 | val = (xScale(d.x) + xScale(x2.prev)) / 2;
14258 | }
14259 | return val;
14260 | };
14261 | }
14262 | x = isRotated ? 0 : rectX;
14263 | y = isRotated ? rectX : 0;
14264 | w = isRotated ? state.width : rectW;
14265 | h = isRotated ? rectW : state.height;
14266 | }
14267 | const { eventReceiver } = state;
14268 | const call = (fn, v) => isFunction(fn) ? fn(v) : fn;
14269 | eventReceiver.coords.splice(eventReceiver.data.length);
14270 | eventReceiver.data.forEach((d, i) => {
14271 | eventReceiver.coords[i] = {
14272 | x: call(x, d),
14273 | y: call(y, d),
14274 | w: call(w, d),
14275 | h: call(h, d)
14276 | };
14277 | });
14278 | },
14279 | |
14280 |
14281 |
14282 |
14283 |
14284 |
14285 | selectRectForSingle(context, index) {
14286 | var _a, _b;
14287 | const $$ = this;
14288 | const { config, $el: { main, circle } } = $$;
14289 | const isSelectionEnabled = config.data_selection_enabled;
14290 | const isSelectionGrouped = config.data_selection_grouped;
14291 | const isSelectable = config.data_selection_isselectable;
14292 | const isTooltipGrouped = config.tooltip_grouped;
14293 | const selectedData = $$.getAllValuesOnIndex(index);
14294 | if (isTooltipGrouped) {
14295 | $$.showTooltip(selectedData, context);
14296 | (_a = $$.showGridFocus) == null ? void 0 : _a.call($$, selectedData);
14297 | if (!isSelectionEnabled || isSelectionGrouped) {
14298 | return;
14299 | }
14300 | }
14301 | !circle && main.selectAll(`.${$COMMON.EXPANDED}:not(.${$SHAPE.shape}-${index})`).classed(
14303 | false
14304 | );
14305 | const shapeAtIndex = main.selectAll(`.${$SHAPE.shape}-${index}`).classed($COMMON.EXPANDED, true).style("cursor", isSelectable ? "pointer" : null).filter(function(d) {
14306 | return $$.isWithinShape(this, d);
14307 | });
14308 | if (shapeAtIndex.empty() && !isTooltipGrouped && config.interaction_onout) {
14309 | (_b = $$.hideGridFocus) == null ? void 0 : _b.call($$);
14310 | $$.hideTooltip();
14311 | !isSelectionGrouped && $$.setExpand(index);
14312 | }
14313 | shapeAtIndex.call((selected) => {
14314 | var _a2, _b2;
14315 | const d = selected.data();
14316 | if (isSelectionEnabled && (isSelectionGrouped || (isSelectable == null ? void 0 : isSelectable.bind($$.api)(d)))) {
14317 | context.style.cursor = "pointer";
14318 | }
14319 | if (!isTooltipGrouped) {
14320 | $$.showTooltip(d, context);
14321 | (_a2 = $$.showGridFocus) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call($$, d);
14322 | (_b2 = $$.unexpandCircles) == null ? void 0 : _b2.call($$);
14323 | selected.each((d2) => $$.setExpand(index, d2.id));
14324 | }
14325 | });
14326 | },
14327 | |
14328 |
14329 |
14330 |
14331 |
14332 |
14333 | selectRectForMultipleXs(context, triggerEvent = true) {
14334 | const $$ = this;
14335 | const { config, state } = $$;
14336 | const targetsToShow = $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets);
14337 | if (state.dragging || $$.hasArcType(targetsToShow)) {
14338 | return;
14339 | }
14340 | const mouse = getPointer(state.event, context);
14341 | const closest = $$.findClosestFromTargets(targetsToShow, mouse);
14342 | if (triggerEvent && state.mouseover && (!closest || closest.id !== state.mouseover.id)) {
14343 | config.data_onout.call($$.api, state.mouseover);
14344 | state.mouseover = void 0;
14345 | }
14346 | if (!closest) {
14347 | $$.unselectRect();
14348 | return;
14349 | }
14350 | const sameXData = $$.isBubbleType(closest) || $$.isScatterType(closest) || !config.tooltip_grouped ? [closest] : $$.filterByX(targetsToShow, closest.x);
14351 | const selectedData = sameXData.map((d) => $$.addName(d));
14352 | $$.showTooltip(selectedData, context);
14353 | $$.setExpand(closest.index, closest.id, true);
14354 | $$.showGridFocus(selectedData);
14355 | const dist = $$.dist(closest, mouse);
14356 | if ($$.isBarType(closest.id) || dist < $$.getPointSensitivity(closest)) {
14357 | $$.$el.svg.select(`.${$EVENT.eventRect}`).style("cursor", "pointer");
14358 | if (triggerEvent && !state.mouseover) {
14359 | config.data_onover.call($$.api, closest);
14360 | state.mouseover = closest;
14361 | }
14362 | }
14363 | },
14364 | |
14365 |
14366 |
14367 |
14368 | unselectRect() {
14369 | const $$ = this;
14370 | const { $el: { circle, tooltip } } = $$;
14371 | $$.$el.svg.select(`.${$EVENT.eventRect}`).style("cursor", null);
14372 | $$.hideGridFocus();
14373 | if (tooltip) {
14374 | $$.hideTooltip();
14375 | $$._handleLinkedCharts(false);
14376 | }
14377 | circle && !$$.isPointFocusOnly() && $$.unexpandCircles();
14378 | $$.expandBarTypeShapes(false);
14379 | },
14380 | |
14381 |
14382 |
14383 |
14384 |
14385 |
14386 |
14387 | generateEventRectsForSingleX(eventRectEnter) {
14388 | const $$ = this;
14389 | const { config, state } = $$;
14390 | const { eventReceiver } = state;
14391 | const rect = eventRectEnter.style(
14392 | "cursor",
14393 | config.data_selection_enabled && config.data_selection_grouped ? "pointer" : null
14394 | ).on("click", function(event) {
14395 | state.event = event;
14396 | const { currentIdx, data } = eventReceiver;
14397 | const d = data[currentIdx === -1 ? $$.getDataIndexFromEvent(event) : currentIdx];
14398 | $$.clickHandlerForSingleX.bind(this)(d, $$);
14399 | }).datum({ multipleX: false });
14400 | if (state.inputType === "mouse") {
14401 | const getData = (event) => {
14402 | const index = event ? $$.getDataIndexFromEvent(event) : eventReceiver.currentIdx;
14403 | return index > -1 ? eventReceiver.data[index] : null;
14404 | };
14405 | rect.on("mouseover", (event) => {
14406 | state.event = event;
14407 | $$.updateEventRect();
14408 | Object.values($$.$el.axisTooltip).forEach((v) => v == null ? void 0 : v.style("display", null));
14409 | }).on("mousemove", function(event) {
14410 | const d = getData(event);
14411 | state.event = event;
14412 | if (!d) {
14413 | return;
14414 | }
14415 | let { index } = d;
14416 | const stepType = config.line_step_type;
14417 | if (config.line_step_tooltipMatch && $$.hasType("step") && /^step\-(before|after)$/.test(stepType)) {
14418 | const scale = $$.scale.zoom || $$.scale.x;
14419 | const xs = $$.axis.xs[index];
14420 | const inverted = scale.invert(getPointer(event, this)[0]);
14421 | if (stepType === "step-after" && inverted < xs) {
14422 | index -= 1;
14423 | } else if (stepType === "step-before" && inverted > xs) {
14424 | index += 1;
14425 | }
14426 | }
14427 | $$.showAxisGridFocus();
14428 | const eventOnSameIdx = config.tooltip_grouped && index === eventReceiver.currentIdx;
14429 | if (state.dragging || state.flowing || $$.hasArcType() || eventOnSameIdx) {
14430 | config.tooltip_show && eventOnSameIdx && $$.setTooltipPosition();
14431 | return;
14432 | }
14433 | if (index !== eventReceiver.currentIdx) {
14434 | $$.setOverOut(false, eventReceiver.currentIdx);
14435 | eventReceiver.currentIdx = index;
14436 | }
14437 | index === -1 ? $$.unselectRect() : $$.selectRectForSingle(this, index);
14438 | $$.setOverOut(index !== -1, index);
14439 | }).on("mouseout", (event) => {
14440 | state.event = event;
14441 | if (!config || $$.hasArcType() || eventReceiver.currentIdx === -1 || !config.interaction_onout) {
14442 | return;
14443 | }
14444 | $$.hideAxisGridFocus();
14445 | $$.unselectRect();
14446 | $$.setOverOut(false, eventReceiver.currentIdx);
14447 | eventReceiver.currentIdx = -1;
14448 | });
14449 | }
14450 | return rect;
14451 | },
14452 | clickHandlerForSingleX(d, ctx) {
14453 | const $$ = ctx;
14454 | const { config, state, $el: { main } } = $$;
14455 | if (!d || $$.hasArcType() || state.cancelClick) {
14456 | state.cancelClick && (state.cancelClick = false);
14457 | return;
14458 | }
14459 | const { index } = d;
14460 | main.selectAll(`.${$SHAPE.shape}-${index}`).each(function(d2) {
14461 | var _a;
14462 | if (config.data_selection_grouped || $$.isWithinShape(this, d2)) {
14463 | (_a = $$.toggleShape) == null ? void 0 : _a.call($$, this, d2, index);
14464 | config.data_onclick.bind($$.api)(d2, this);
14465 | }
14466 | });
14467 | },
14468 | |
14469 |
14470 |
14471 |
14472 |
14473 |
14474 | generateEventRectsForMultipleXs(eventRectEnter) {
14475 | const $$ = this;
14476 | const { config, state } = $$;
14477 | eventRectEnter.on("click", function(event) {
14478 | state.event = event;
14479 | $$.clickHandlerForMultipleXS.bind(this)($$);
14480 | }).datum({ multipleX: true });
14481 | if (state.inputType === "mouse") {
14482 | eventRectEnter.on("mouseover mousemove", function(event) {
14483 | state.event = event;
14484 | $$.selectRectForMultipleXs(this);
14485 | }).on("mouseout", (event) => {
14486 | state.event = event;
14487 | if (!$$.config || $$.hasArcType() || !config.interaction_onout) {
14488 | return;
14489 | }
14490 | $$.unselectRect();
14491 | });
14492 | }
14493 | },
14494 | clickHandlerForMultipleXS(ctx) {
14495 | const $$ = ctx;
14496 | const { config, state } = $$;
14497 | const targetsToShow = $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets);
14498 | if ($$.hasArcType(targetsToShow)) {
14499 | return;
14500 | }
14501 | const mouse = getPointer(state.event, this);
14502 | const closest = $$.findClosestFromTargets(targetsToShow, mouse);
14503 | const sensitivity = $$.getPointSensitivity(closest);
14504 | if (!closest) {
14505 | return;
14506 | }
14507 | if ($$.isBarType(closest.id) || $$.dist(closest, mouse) < sensitivity) {
14508 | $$.$el.main.selectAll(`.${$SHAPE.shapes}${$$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(closest.id)}`).selectAll(`.${$SHAPE.shape}-${closest.index}`).each(function() {
14509 | var _a;
14510 | if (config.data_selection_grouped || $$.isWithinShape(this, closest)) {
14511 | (_a = $$.toggleShape) == null ? void 0 : _a.call($$, this, closest, closest.index);
14512 | config.data_onclick.bind($$.api)(closest, this);
14513 | }
14514 | });
14515 | }
14516 | }
14517 | });
14518 |
14519 |
14520 | var external_commonjs_d3_ease_commonjs2_d3_ease_amd_d3_ease_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(12);
14521 | ;
14522 |
14523 |
14524 |
14525 |
14526 | var interactions_flow = ({
14527 | |
14528 |
14529 |
14530 |
14531 |
14532 |
14533 | generateFlow(args) {
14534 | const $$ = this;
14535 | const { data, state, $el } = $$;
14536 | return function() {
14537 | const flowLength = args.flow.length;
14538 | state.flowing = true;
14539 | data.targets.forEach((d) => {
14540 | d.values.splice(0, flowLength);
14541 | });
14542 | if ($$.updateXGrid) {
14543 | $$.updateXGrid(true);
14544 | }
14545 | const elements = {};
14546 | [
14547 | "axis.x",
14548 | "grid.x",
14549 | "gridLines.x",
14550 | "region.list",
14551 | "text",
14552 | "bar",
14553 | "line",
14554 | "area",
14555 | "circle"
14556 | ].forEach((v) => {
14557 | const name = v.split(".");
14558 | let node = $el[name[0]];
14559 | if (node && name.length > 1) {
14560 | node = node[name[1]];
14561 | }
14562 | if (node == null ? void 0 : node.size()) {
14563 | elements[v] = node;
14564 | }
14565 | });
14566 | $$.hideGridFocus();
14567 | $$.setFlowList(elements, args);
14568 | };
14569 | },
14570 | |
14571 |
14572 |
14573 |
14574 |
14575 |
14576 | setFlowList(elements, args) {
14577 | const $$ = this;
14578 | const { flow, targets } = args;
14579 | const {
14580 | duration = args.duration,
14581 | index: flowIndex,
14582 | length: flowLength,
14583 | orgDataCount
14584 | } = flow;
14585 | const transform = $$.getFlowTransform(targets, orgDataCount, flowIndex, flowLength);
14586 | const wait = generateWait();
14587 | let n;
14588 | wait.add(Object.keys(elements).map((v) => {
14589 | n = elements[v].transition().ease(external_commonjs_d3_ease_commonjs2_d3_ease_amd_d3_ease_root_d3_.easeLinear).duration(duration);
14590 | if (v === "axis.x") {
14591 | n = n.call((g) => {
14592 | $$.axis.x.setTransition(g).create(g);
14593 | });
14594 | } else if (v === "region.list") {
14595 | n = n.filter($$.isRegionOnX).attr("transform", transform);
14596 | } else {
14597 | n = n.attr("transform", transform);
14598 | }
14599 | return n;
14600 | }));
14601 | n.call(wait, () => {
14602 | $$.cleanUpFlow(elements, args);
14603 | });
14604 | },
14605 | |
14606 |
14607 |
14608 |
14609 |
14610 |
14611 | cleanUpFlow(elements, args) {
14612 | const $$ = this;
14613 | const { config, state, $el: { svg } } = $$;
14614 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
14615 | const { flow, shape, xv } = args;
14616 | const { cx, cy, xForText, yForText } = shape.pos;
14617 | const {
14618 | done = () => {
14619 | },
14620 | length: flowLength
14621 | } = flow;
14622 | if (flowLength) {
14623 | ["circle", "text", "shape", "eventRect"].forEach((v) => {
14624 | const target = [];
14625 | for (let i = 0; i < flowLength; i++) {
14626 | target.push(`.${classes[v]}-${i}`);
14627 | }
14628 | svg.selectAll(`.${classes[`${v}s`]}`).selectAll(target).remove();
14629 | });
14630 | svg.select(`.${classes.xgrid}`).remove();
14631 | }
14632 | Object.keys(elements).forEach((v) => {
14633 | const n = elements[v];
14634 | if (v !== "axis.x") {
14635 | n.attr("transform", null);
14636 | }
14637 | if (v === "grid.x") {
14638 | n.attr(state.xgridAttr);
14639 | } else if (v === "gridLines.x") {
14640 | n.attr("x1", isRotated ? 0 : xv).attr("x2", isRotated ? state.width : xv);
14641 | n.select("text").attr("x", isRotated ? state.width : 0).attr("y", xv);
14642 | } else if (/^(area|bar|line)$/.test(v)) {
14643 | n.attr("d", shape.type[v]);
14644 | } else if (v === "text") {
14645 | n.attr("x", xForText).attr("y", yForText).style("fill-opacity", $$.opacityForText.bind($$));
14646 | } else if (v === "circle") {
14647 | if ($$.isCirclePoint()) {
14648 | n.attr("cx", cx).attr("cy", cy);
14649 | } else {
14650 | const xFunc = (d) => cx(d) - config.point_r;
14651 | const yFunc = (d) => cy(d) - config.point_r;
14652 | n.attr("x", xFunc).attr("y", yFunc);
14653 | }
14654 | } else if (v === "region.list") {
14655 | n.select("rect").filter($$.isRegionOnX).attr("x", $$.regionX.bind($$)).attr("width", $$.regionWidth.bind($$));
14656 | }
14657 | });
14658 | config.interaction_enabled && $$.redrawEventRect();
14659 | done.call($$.api);
14660 | state.flowing = false;
14661 | },
14662 | |
14663 |
14664 |
14665 |
14666 |
14667 |
14668 |
14669 |
14670 |
14671 | getFlowTransform(targets, orgDataCount, flowIndex, flowLength) {
14672 | const $$ = this;
14673 | const { data, scale: { x } } = $$;
14674 | const dataValues = data.targets[0].values;
14675 | let flowStart = $$.getValueOnIndex(dataValues, flowIndex);
14676 | let flowEnd = $$.getValueOnIndex(dataValues, flowIndex + flowLength);
14677 | let translateX;
14678 | const orgDomain = x.domain();
14679 | const domain = $$.updateXDomain(targets, true, true);
14680 | if (!orgDataCount) {
14681 | if (dataValues.length !== 1) {
14682 | translateX = x(orgDomain[0]) - x(domain[0]);
14683 | } else {
14684 | if ($$.axis.isTimeSeries()) {
14685 | flowStart = $$.getValueOnIndex(dataValues, 0);
14686 | flowEnd = $$.getValueOnIndex(dataValues, dataValues.length - 1);
14687 | translateX = x(flowStart.x) - x(flowEnd.x);
14688 | } else {
14689 | translateX = diffDomain(domain) / 2;
14690 | }
14691 | }
14692 | } else if (orgDataCount === 1 || (flowStart == null ? void 0 : flowStart.x) === (flowEnd == null ? void 0 : flowEnd.x)) {
14693 | translateX = x(orgDomain[0]) - x(domain[0]);
14694 | } else {
14695 | translateX = $$.axis.isTimeSeries() ? x(orgDomain[0]) - x(domain[0]) : x((flowStart == null ? void 0 : flowStart.x) || 0) - x(flowEnd.x);
14696 | }
14697 | const scaleX = diffDomain(orgDomain) / diffDomain(domain);
14698 | return `translate(${translateX},0) scale(${scaleX},1)`;
14699 | }
14700 | });
14701 |
14702 | ;
14703 | var clip = ({
14704 | initClip() {
14705 | const $$ = this;
14706 | const { clip, datetimeId } = $$.state;
14707 | clip.id = `${datetimeId}-clip`;
14708 | clip.idXAxis = `${clip.id}-xaxis`;
14709 | clip.idYAxis = `${clip.id}-yaxis`;
14710 | clip.idGrid = `${clip.id}-grid`;
14711 | clip.path = $$.getClipPath(clip.id);
14712 | clip.pathXAxis = $$.getClipPath(clip.idXAxis);
14713 | clip.pathYAxis = $$.getClipPath(clip.idYAxis);
14714 | clip.pathGrid = $$.getClipPath(clip.idGrid);
14715 | },
14716 | getClipPath(id) {
14717 | const $$ = this;
14718 | const { config } = $$;
14719 | if (!config.clipPath && /-clip$/.test(id) || !config.axis_x_clipPath && /-clip-xaxis$/.test(id) || !config.axis_y_clipPath && /-clip-yaxis$/.test(id)) {
14720 | return null;
14721 | }
14722 | return `url(#${id})`;
14723 | },
14724 | appendClip(parent, id) {
14725 | id && parent.append("clipPath").attr("id", id).append("rect");
14726 | },
14727 | |
14728 |
14729 |
14730 |
14731 |
14732 | setXAxisClipPath(node) {
14733 | const $$ = this;
14734 | const { config, state: { margin, width, height } } = $$;
14735 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
14736 | const left = Math.max(30, margin.left) - (isRotated ? 0 : 20);
14737 | const h = (isRotated ? margin.top + height + 10 : margin.bottom) + 20;
14738 | const x = isRotated ? -(1 + left) : -(left - 1);
14739 | const y = -15;
14740 | const w = isRotated ? margin.left + 20 : width + 10 + left;
14741 | node.attr("x", x).attr("y", y).attr("width", w).attr("height", h);
14742 | },
14743 | |
14744 |
14745 |
14746 |
14747 |
14748 | setYAxisClipPath(node) {
14749 | const $$ = this;
14750 | const { config, state: { margin, width, height } } = $$;
14751 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
14752 | const left = Math.max(30, margin.left) - (isRotated ? 20 : 0);
14753 | const isInner = config.axis_y_inner;
14754 | const x = isInner && !isRotated ? config.axis_y_label.text ? -20 : -1 : isRotated ? -(1 + left) : -(left - 1);
14755 | const y = -(isRotated ? 20 : margin.top);
14756 | const w = (isRotated ? width + 15 + left : margin.left + 20) + (isInner ? 20 : 0);
14757 | const h = (isRotated ? margin.bottom + 10 : margin.top + height) + 10;
14758 | node.attr("x", x).attr("y", y).attr("width", w).attr("height", h);
14759 | },
14760 | updateXAxisTickClip() {
14761 | const $$ = this;
14762 | const { config, state: { clip, xAxisHeight }, $el: { defs } } = $$;
14763 | const newXAxisHeight = $$.getHorizontalAxisHeight("x");
14764 | if (defs && !clip.idXAxisTickTexts) {
14765 | const clipId = `${clip.id}-xaxisticktexts`;
14766 | $$.appendClip(defs, clipId);
14767 | clip.pathXAxisTickTexts = $$.getClipPath(clip.idXAxisTickTexts);
14768 | clip.idXAxisTickTexts = clipId;
14769 | }
14770 | if (!config.axis_x_tick_multiline && $$.getAxisTickRotate("x") && newXAxisHeight !== xAxisHeight) {
14771 | $$.setXAxisTickClipWidth();
14772 | $$.setXAxisTickTextClipPathWidth();
14773 | }
14774 | $$.state.xAxisHeight = newXAxisHeight;
14775 | },
14776 | setXAxisTickClipWidth() {
14777 | const $$ = this;
14778 | const { config, state: { current: { maxTickSize } } } = $$;
14779 | const xAxisTickRotate = $$.getAxisTickRotate("x");
14780 | if (!config.axis_x_tick_multiline && xAxisTickRotate) {
14781 | const sinRotation = Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * Math.abs(xAxisTickRotate));
14782 | maxTickSize.x.clipPath = ($$.getHorizontalAxisHeight("x") - 20) / sinRotation;
14783 | } else {
14784 | maxTickSize.x.clipPath = null;
14785 | }
14786 | },
14787 | setXAxisTickTextClipPathWidth() {
14788 | const $$ = this;
14789 | const { state: { clip, current }, $el: { svg } } = $$;
14790 | if (svg) {
14791 | svg.select(`#${clip.idXAxisTickTexts} rect`).attr("width", current.maxTickSize.x.clipPath).attr("height", 30);
14792 | }
14793 | }
14794 | });
14795 |
14796 | ;
14797 |
14798 |
14799 |
14800 | const getGridTextAnchor = (d) => isValue(d.position) || "end";
14801 | const getGridTextDx = (d) => d.position === "start" ? 4 : d.position === "middle" ? 0 : -4;
14802 | function getGridTextX(isX, width, height) {
14803 | return (d) => {
14804 | let x = isX ? 0 : width;
14805 | if (d.position === "start") {
14806 | x = isX ? -height : 0;
14807 | } else if (d.position === "middle") {
14808 | x = (isX ? -height : width) / 2;
14809 | }
14810 | return x;
14811 | };
14812 | }
14813 | function smoothLines(el, type) {
14814 | if (type === "grid") {
14815 | el.each(function() {
14816 | const g = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this);
14817 | ["x1", "x2", "y1", "y2"].forEach((v) => g.attr(v, +g.attr(v)));
14818 | });
14819 | }
14820 | }
14821 | var internals_grid = ({
14822 | hasGrid() {
14823 | const { config } = this;
14824 | return ["x", "y"].some((v) => config[`grid_${v}_show`] || config[`grid_${v}_lines`].length);
14825 | },
14826 | initGrid() {
14827 | const $$ = this;
14828 | $$.hasGrid() && $$.initGridLines();
14829 | $$.initFocusGrid();
14830 | },
14831 | initGridLines() {
14832 | const $$ = this;
14833 | const { config, state: { clip }, $el } = $$;
14834 | if (config.grid_x_lines.length || config.grid_y_lines.length) {
14835 | $el.gridLines.main = $el.main.insert(
14836 | "g",
14837 | `.${$COMMON.chart}${config.grid_lines_front ? " + *" : ""}`
14838 | ).attr("clip-path", clip.pathGrid).attr("class", `${$GRID.grid} ${$GRID.gridLines}`);
14839 | $el.gridLines.main.append("g").attr("class", $GRID.xgridLines);
14840 | $el.gridLines.main.append("g").attr("class", $GRID.ygridLines);
14841 | $el.gridLines.x = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.selectAll)([]);
14842 | }
14843 | },
14844 | updateXGrid(withoutUpdate) {
14845 | const $$ = this;
14846 | const { config, scale, state, $el: { main, grid } } = $$;
14847 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
14848 | const xgridData = $$.generateGridData(config.grid_x_type, scale.x);
14849 | const tickOffset = $$.axis.isCategorized() ? $$.axis.x.tickOffset() : 0;
14850 | const pos = (d) => (scale.zoom || scale.x)(d) + tickOffset * (isRotated ? -1 : 1);
14851 | state.xgridAttr = isRotated ? {
14852 | x1: 0,
14853 | x2: state.width,
14854 | y1: pos,
14855 | y2: pos
14856 | } : {
14857 | x1: pos,
14858 | x2: pos,
14859 | y1: 0,
14860 | y2: state.height
14861 | };
14862 | grid.x = main.select(`.${$GRID.xgrids}`).selectAll(`.${$GRID.xgrid}`).data(xgridData);
14863 | grid.x.exit().remove();
14864 | grid.x = grid.x.enter().append("line").attr("class", $GRID.xgrid).merge(grid.x);
14865 | if (!withoutUpdate) {
14866 | grid.x.each(function() {
14867 | const grid2 = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this);
14868 | Object.keys(state.xgridAttr).forEach((id) => {
14869 | grid2.attr(id, state.xgridAttr[id]).style("opacity", () => grid2.attr(isRotated ? "y1" : "x1") === (isRotated ? state.height : 0) ? "0" : null);
14870 | });
14871 | });
14872 | }
14873 | },
14874 | updateYGrid() {
14875 | const $$ = this;
14876 | const { axis, config, scale, state, $el: { grid, main } } = $$;
14877 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
14878 | const pos = (d) => scale.y(d);
14879 | const gridValues = axis.y.getGeneratedTicks(config.grid_y_ticks) || $$.scale.y.ticks(config.grid_y_ticks);
14880 | grid.y = main.select(`.${$GRID.ygrids}`).selectAll(`.${$GRID.ygrid}`).data(gridValues);
14881 | grid.y.exit().remove();
14882 | grid.y = grid.y.enter().append("line").attr("class", $GRID.ygrid).merge(grid.y);
14883 | grid.y.attr("x1", isRotated ? pos : 0).attr("x2", isRotated ? pos : state.width).attr("y1", isRotated ? 0 : pos).attr("y2", isRotated ? state.height : pos);
14884 | smoothLines(grid.y, "grid");
14885 | },
14886 | updateGrid() {
14887 | const $$ = this;
14888 | const { $el: { grid, gridLines } } = $$;
14889 | !gridLines.main && $$.initGridLines();
14890 | grid.main.style("visibility", $$.hasArcType() ? "hidden" : null);
14891 | $$.hideGridFocus();
14892 | $$.updateGridLines("x");
14893 | $$.updateGridLines("y");
14894 | },
14895 | |
14896 |
14897 |
14898 |
14899 |
14900 | updateGridLines(type) {
14901 | const $$ = this;
14902 | const { config, $el: { gridLines, main }, $T } = $$;
14903 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
14904 | const isX = type === "x";
14905 | config[`grid_${type}_show`] && $$[`update${type.toUpperCase()}Grid`]();
14906 | let lines = main.select(`.${$GRID[`${type}gridLines`]}`).selectAll(`.${$GRID[`${type}gridLine`]}`).data(config[`grid_${type}_lines`]);
14907 | $T(lines.exit()).style("opacity", "0").remove();
14908 | const gridLine = lines.enter().append("g");
14909 | gridLine.append("line").style("opacity", "0");
14910 | lines = gridLine.merge(lines);
14911 | lines.each(function(d) {
14912 | const g = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this);
14913 | if (g.select("text").empty() && d.text) {
14914 | g.append("text").style("opacity", "0");
14915 | }
14916 | });
14917 | $T(lines.attr("class", (d) => `${$GRID[`${type}gridLine`]} ${d.class || ""}`.trim()).select("text").attr("text-anchor", getGridTextAnchor).attr(
14918 | "transform",
14919 | () => isX ? isRotated ? null : "rotate(-90)" : isRotated ? "rotate(-90)" : null
14920 | ).attr("dx", getGridTextDx).attr("dy", -5)).text(function(d) {
14921 | var _a;
14922 | return (_a = d.text) != null ? _a : this.remove();
14923 | });
14924 | gridLines[type] = lines;
14925 | },
14926 | redrawGrid(withTransition) {
14927 | const $$ = this;
14928 | const {
14929 | config: { axis_rotated: isRotated },
14930 | state: { width, height },
14931 | $el: { gridLines },
14932 | $T
14933 | } = $$;
14934 | const xv = $$.xv.bind($$);
14935 | const yv = $$.yv.bind($$);
14936 | let xLines = gridLines.x.select("line");
14937 | let xTexts = gridLines.x.select("text");
14938 | let yLines = gridLines.y.select("line");
14939 | let yTexts = gridLines.y.select("text");
14940 | xLines = $T(xLines, withTransition).attr("x1", isRotated ? 0 : xv).attr("x2", isRotated ? width : xv).attr("y1", isRotated ? xv : 0).attr("y2", isRotated ? xv : height);
14941 | xTexts = $T(xTexts, withTransition).attr("x", getGridTextX(!isRotated, width, height)).attr("y", xv);
14942 | yLines = $T(yLines, withTransition).attr("x1", isRotated ? yv : 0).attr("x2", isRotated ? yv : width).attr("y1", isRotated ? 0 : yv).attr("y2", isRotated ? height : yv);
14943 | yTexts = $T(yTexts, withTransition).attr("x", getGridTextX(isRotated, width, height)).attr("y", yv);
14944 | return [
14945 | xLines.style("opacity", null),
14946 | xTexts.style("opacity", null),
14947 | yLines.style("opacity", null),
14948 | yTexts.style("opacity", null)
14949 | ];
14950 | },
14951 | initFocusGrid() {
14952 | const $$ = this;
14953 | const { config, state: { clip }, $el } = $$;
14954 | const isFront = config.grid_front;
14955 | const className = `.${isFront && $el.gridLines.main ? $GRID.gridLines : $COMMON.chart}${isFront ? " + *" : ""}`;
14956 | const grid = $el.main.insert("g", className).attr("clip-path", clip.pathGrid).attr("class", $GRID.grid);
14957 | $el.grid.main = grid;
14958 | config.grid_x_show && grid.append("g").attr("class", $GRID.xgrids);
14959 | config.grid_y_show && grid.append("g").attr("class", $GRID.ygrids);
14960 | if (config.axis_tooltip) {
14961 | const axis = grid.append("g").attr("class", "bb-axis-tooltip");
14962 | axis.append("line").attr("class", "bb-axis-tooltip-x");
14963 | axis.append("line").attr("class", "bb-axis-tooltip-y");
14964 | }
14965 | if (config.interaction_enabled && config.grid_focus_show && !config.axis_tooltip) {
14966 | grid.append("g").attr("class", $FOCUS.xgridFocus).append("line").attr("class", $FOCUS.xgridFocus);
14967 | if (config.grid_focus_y && !config.tooltip_grouped) {
14968 | grid.append("g").attr("class", $FOCUS.ygridFocus).append("line").attr("class", $FOCUS.ygridFocus);
14969 | }
14970 | }
14971 | },
14972 | showAxisGridFocus() {
14973 | var _a, _b;
14974 | const $$ = this;
14975 | const { config, format, state: { event, width, height } } = $$;
14976 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
14977 | const [x, y] = getPointer(event, (_a = $$.$el.eventRect) == null ? void 0 : _a.node());
14978 | const pos = { x, y };
14979 | for (const [axis, node] of Object.entries($$.$el.axisTooltip)) {
14980 | const attr = axis === "x" && !isRotated || axis !== "x" && isRotated ? "x" : "y";
14981 | const value = pos[attr];
14982 | let scaleText = (_b = $$.scale[axis]) == null ? void 0 : _b.invert(value);
14983 | if (scaleText) {
14984 | scaleText = axis === "x" && $$.axis.isTimeSeries() ? format.xAxisTick(scaleText) : scaleText == null ? void 0 : scaleText.toFixed(2);
14985 | node == null ? void 0 : node.attr(attr, value).text(scaleText);
14986 | }
14987 | }
14988 | $$.$el.main.selectAll(
14989 | `line.bb-axis-tooltip-x, line.bb-axis-tooltip-y`
14990 | ).style("visibility", null).each(function(d, i) {
14991 | const line = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this);
14992 | if (i === 0) {
14993 | line.attr("x1", x).attr("x2", x).attr("y1", i ? 0 : height).attr("y2", i ? height : 0);
14994 | } else {
14995 | line.attr("x1", i ? 0 : width).attr("x2", i ? width : 0).attr("y1", y).attr("y2", y);
14996 | }
14997 | });
14998 | },
14999 | hideAxisGridFocus() {
15000 | const $$ = this;
15001 | $$.$el.main.selectAll(
15002 | `line.bb-axis-tooltip-x, line.bb-axis-tooltip-y`
15003 | ).style("visibility", "hidden");
15004 | Object.values($$.$el.axisTooltip).forEach((v) => v == null ? void 0 : v.style("display", "none"));
15005 | },
15006 | |
15007 |
15008 |
15009 |
15010 |
15011 | showGridFocus(data) {
15012 | var _a;
15013 | const $$ = this;
15014 | const { config, state: { width, height } } = $$;
15015 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
15016 | const focusEl = $$.$el.main.selectAll(
15017 | `line.${$FOCUS.xgridFocus}, line.${$FOCUS.ygridFocus}`
15018 | );
15019 | const dataToShow = (data || [focusEl.datum()]).filter(
15020 | (d) => d && isValue($$.getBaseValue(d))
15021 | );
15022 | if (!config.tooltip_show || dataToShow.length === 0 || !config.axis_x_forceAsSingle && $$.hasType("bubble") || $$.hasArcType()) {
15023 | return;
15024 | }
15025 | const isEdge = config.grid_focus_edge && !config.tooltip_grouped;
15026 | const xx = $$.xx.bind($$);
15027 | focusEl.style("visibility", null).data(dataToShow.concat(dataToShow)).each(function(d) {
15028 | const el = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this);
15029 | const pos = {
15030 | x: xx(d),
15031 | y: $$.getYScaleById(d.id)(d.value)
15032 | };
15033 | let xy;
15034 | if (el.classed($FOCUS.xgridFocus)) {
15035 | xy = isRotated ? [
15036 | null,
15037 |
15038 | pos.x,
15039 |
15040 | isEdge ? pos.y : width,
15041 |
15042 | pos.x
15043 |
15044 | ] : [
15045 | pos.x,
15046 | isEdge ? pos.y : null,
15047 | pos.x,
15048 | height
15049 | ];
15050 | } else {
15051 | const isY2 = $$.axis.getId(d.id) === "y2";
15052 | xy = isRotated ? [
15053 | pos.y,
15054 |
15055 | isEdge && !isY2 ? pos.x : null,
15056 |
15057 | pos.y,
15058 |
15059 | isEdge && isY2 ? pos.x : height
15060 |
15061 | ] : [
15062 | isEdge && isY2 ? pos.x : null,
15063 | pos.y,
15064 | isEdge && !isY2 ? pos.x : width,
15065 | pos.y
15066 | ];
15067 | }
15068 | ["x1", "y1", "x2", "y2"].forEach((v, i) => el.attr(v, xy[i]));
15069 | });
15070 | smoothLines(focusEl, "grid");
15071 | (_a = $$.showCircleFocus) == null ? void 0 : _a.call($$, data);
15072 | },
15073 | hideGridFocus() {
15074 | var _a;
15075 | const $$ = this;
15076 | const { state: { inputType, resizing }, $el: { main } } = $$;
15077 | if (inputType === "mouse" || !resizing) {
15078 | main.selectAll(`line.${$FOCUS.xgridFocus}, line.${$FOCUS.ygridFocus}`).style("visibility", "hidden");
15079 | (_a = $$.hideCircleFocus) == null ? void 0 : _a.call($$);
15080 | }
15081 | },
15082 | updateGridFocus() {
15083 | var _a;
15084 | const $$ = this;
15085 | const { state: { inputType, width, height, resizing }, $el: { grid } } = $$;
15086 | const xgridFocus = grid.main.select(`line.${$FOCUS.xgridFocus}`);
15087 | if (inputType === "touch") {
15088 | if (xgridFocus.empty()) {
15089 | resizing && ((_a = $$.showCircleFocus) == null ? void 0 : _a.call($$));
15090 | } else {
15091 | $$.showGridFocus();
15092 | }
15093 | } else {
15094 | const isRotated = $$.config.axis_rotated;
15095 | xgridFocus.attr("x1", isRotated ? 0 : -10).attr("x2", isRotated ? width : -10).attr("y1", isRotated ? -10 : 0).attr("y2", isRotated ? -10 : height);
15096 | }
15097 | return true;
15098 | },
15099 | generateGridData(type, scale) {
15100 | const $$ = this;
15101 | const tickNum = $$.$el.main.select(`.${$AXIS.axisX}`).selectAll(".tick").size();
15102 | let gridData = [];
15103 | if (type === "year") {
15104 | const xDomain = $$.getXDomain();
15105 | const [firstYear, lastYear] = xDomain.map((v) => v.getFullYear());
15106 | for (let i = firstYear; i <= lastYear; i++) {
15107 | gridData.push( new Date(`${i}-01-01 00:00:00`));
15108 | }
15109 | } else {
15110 | gridData = scale.ticks(10);
15111 | if (gridData.length > tickNum) {
15112 | gridData = gridData.filter((d) => String(d).indexOf(".") < 0);
15113 | }
15114 | }
15115 | return gridData;
15116 | },
15117 | getGridFilterToRemove(params) {
15118 | return params ? (line) => {
15119 | let found = false;
15120 | (isArray(params) ? params.concat() : [params]).forEach((param) => {
15121 | if ("value" in param && line.value === param.value || "class" in param && line.class === param.class) {
15122 | found = true;
15123 | }
15124 | });
15125 | return found;
15126 | } : () => true;
15127 | },
15128 | removeGridLines(params, forX) {
15129 | const $$ = this;
15130 | const { config, $T } = $$;
15131 | const toRemove = $$.getGridFilterToRemove(params);
15132 | const toShow = (line) => !toRemove(line);
15133 | const classLines = forX ? $GRID.xgridLines : $GRID.ygridLines;
15134 | const classLine = forX ? $GRID.xgridLine : $GRID.ygridLine;
15135 | $T($$.$el.main.select(`.${classLines}`).selectAll(`.${classLine}`).filter(toRemove)).style("opacity", "0").remove();
15136 | const gridLines = `grid_${forX ? "x" : "y"}_lines`;
15137 | config[gridLines] = config[gridLines].filter(toShow);
15138 | }
15139 | });
15140 |
15141 | ;
15142 |
15143 |
15144 |
15145 | var region = ({
15146 | initRegion() {
15147 | const $$ = this;
15148 | const { $el } = $$;
15149 | $el.region.main = $el.main.insert("g", ":first-child").attr("clip-path", $$.state.clip.path).attr("class", $REGION.regions);
15150 | },
15151 | updateRegion() {
15152 | const $$ = this;
15153 | const { config, $el: { region }, $T } = $$;
15154 | if (!region.main) {
15155 | $$.initRegion();
15156 | }
15157 | region.main.style("visibility", $$.hasArcType() ? "hidden" : null);
15158 | const regions = region.main.selectAll(`.${$REGION.region}`).data(config.regions);
15159 | $T(regions.exit()).style("opacity", "0").remove();
15160 | const regionsEnter = regions.enter().append("g");
15161 | regionsEnter.append("rect").style("fill-opacity", "0");
15162 | region.list = regionsEnter.merge(regions).attr("class", $$.classRegion.bind($$));
15163 | region.list.each(function(d) {
15164 | var _a;
15165 | const g = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this);
15166 | if (g.select("text").empty() && ((_a = d.label) == null ? void 0 : _a.text)) {
15167 | (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this).append("text").style("opacity", "0");
15168 | }
15169 | });
15170 | },
15171 | redrawRegion(withTransition) {
15172 | const $$ = this;
15173 | const { $el: { region }, $T } = $$;
15174 | let regions = region.list.select("rect");
15175 | let label = region.list.selectAll("text");
15176 | regions = $T(regions, withTransition).attr("x", $$.regionX.bind($$)).attr("y", $$.regionY.bind($$)).attr("width", $$.regionWidth.bind($$)).attr("height", $$.regionHeight.bind($$));
15177 | label = $T(label, withTransition).attr("transform", (d) => {
15178 | var _a;
15179 | const { x = 0, y = 0, rotated = false } = (_a = d.label) != null ? _a : {};
15180 | return `translate(${$$.regionX.bind($$)(d) + x}, ${$$.regionY.bind($$)(d) + y})${rotated ? ` rotate(-90)` : ``}`;
15181 | }).attr("text-anchor", (d) => {
15182 | var _a;
15183 | return ((_a = d.label) == null ? void 0 : _a.rotated) ? "end" : null;
15184 | }).attr("dy", "1em").style("fill", (d) => {
15185 | var _a, _b;
15186 | return (_b = (_a = d.label) == null ? void 0 : _a.color) != null ? _b : null;
15187 | }).text((d) => {
15188 | var _a;
15189 | return (_a = d.label) == null ? void 0 : _a.text;
15190 | });
15191 | return [
15192 | regions.style("fill-opacity", (d) => isValue(d.opacity) ? d.opacity : null).on("end", function() {
15193 | (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this.parentNode).selectAll("rect:not([x])").remove();
15194 | }),
15195 | label.style("opacity", null)
15196 | ];
15197 | },
15198 | getRegionXY(type, d) {
15199 | const $$ = this;
15200 | const { config, scale } = $$;
15201 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
15202 | const isX = type === "x";
15203 | let key = "start";
15204 | let currScale;
15205 | let pos = 0;
15206 | if (d.axis === "y" || d.axis === "y2") {
15207 | if (!isX) {
15208 | key = "end";
15209 | }
15210 | if ((isX ? isRotated : !isRotated) && key in d) {
15211 | currScale = scale[d.axis];
15212 | pos = currScale(d[key]);
15213 | }
15214 | } else if ((isX ? !isRotated : isRotated) && key in d) {
15215 | currScale = scale.zoom || scale.x;
15216 | pos = currScale($$.axis.isTimeSeries() ? parseDate.call($$, d[key]) : d[key]);
15217 | }
15218 | return pos;
15219 | },
15220 | regionX(d) {
15221 | return this.getRegionXY("x", d);
15222 | },
15223 | regionY(d) {
15224 | return this.getRegionXY("y", d);
15225 | },
15226 | getRegionSize(type, d) {
15227 | const $$ = this;
15228 | const { config, scale, state } = $$;
15229 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
15230 | const isWidth = type === "width";
15231 | const start = $$[isWidth ? "regionX" : "regionY"](d);
15232 | let currScale;
15233 | let key = "end";
15234 | let end = state[type];
15235 | if (d.axis === "y" || d.axis === "y2") {
15236 | if (!isWidth) {
15237 | key = "start";
15238 | }
15239 | if ((isWidth ? isRotated : !isRotated) && key in d) {
15240 | currScale = scale[d.axis];
15241 | end = currScale(d[key]);
15242 | }
15243 | } else if ((isWidth ? !isRotated : isRotated) && key in d) {
15244 | currScale = scale.zoom || scale.x;
15245 | end = currScale($$.axis.isTimeSeries() ? parseDate.call($$, d[key]) : d[key]);
15246 | }
15247 | return end < start ? 0 : end - start;
15248 | },
15249 | regionWidth(d) {
15250 | return this.getRegionSize("width", d);
15251 | },
15252 | regionHeight(d) {
15253 | return this.getRegionSize("height", d);
15254 | },
15255 | isRegionOnX(d) {
15256 | return !d.axis || d.axis === "x";
15257 | }
15258 | });
15259 |
15260 | ;
15261 |
15262 | var size_axis = ({
15263 | |
15264 |
15265 |
15266 |
15267 |
15268 |
15269 | getAxisSize(id) {
15270 | const $$ = this;
15271 | const isRotated = $$.config.axis_rotated;
15272 | return isRotated && id === "x" || !isRotated && /y2?/.test(id) ? $$.getAxisWidthByAxisId(id, true) : $$.getHorizontalAxisHeight(id);
15273 | },
15274 | getAxisWidthByAxisId(id, withoutRecompute) {
15275 | var _a, _b;
15276 | const $$ = this;
15277 | if ($$.axis) {
15278 | const position = (_a = $$.axis) == null ? void 0 : _a.getLabelPositionById(id);
15279 | const { width } = $$.axis.getMaxTickSize(id, withoutRecompute);
15280 | const gap = width === 0 ? 0.5 : 0;
15281 | return width + (((_b = $$.config.padding) == null ? void 0 : _b.mode) === "fit" ? position.isInner ? 10 + gap : 10 : position.isInner ? 20 + gap : 40);
15282 | } else {
15283 | return 40;
15284 | }
15285 | },
15286 | getHorizontalAxisHeight(id) {
15287 | var _a, _b;
15288 | const $$ = this;
15289 | const { config, state } = $$;
15290 | const { rotatedPadding, isLegendRight, isLegendInset } = state;
15291 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
15292 | const isFitPadding = ((_a = config.padding) == null ? void 0 : _a.mode) === "fit";
15293 | const isInner = config[`axis_${id}_inner`];
15294 | const hasLabelText = config[`axis_${id}_label`].text;
15295 | const defaultHeight = 13;
15296 | let h = ((_b = config.padding) == null ? void 0 : _b.mode) === "fit" ? isInner && !hasLabelText ? id === "y" ? 1 : 0 : 20 : 30;
15297 | if (id === "x" && !config.axis_x_show) {
15298 | return 8;
15299 | }
15300 | if (id === "x" && isNumber(config.axis_x_height)) {
15301 | return config.axis_x_height;
15302 | }
15303 | if (id === "y" && !config.axis_y_show) {
15304 | return config.legend_show && !isLegendRight && !isLegendInset ? 10 : 1;
15305 | }
15306 | if (id === "y2" && !config.axis_y2_show) {
15307 | return isFitPadding ? 0 : rotatedPadding.top;
15308 | }
15309 | const maxtickSize = $$.axis.getMaxTickSize(id);
15310 | const isXAxisTickRotated = Math.abs(config.axis_x_tick_rotate) > 0 && (!config.axis_x_tick_autorotate || $$.needToRotateXAxisTickTexts());
15311 | if ((config.axis_x_tick_multiline || isXAxisTickRotated) && maxtickSize.height > defaultHeight) {
15312 | h += maxtickSize.height - defaultHeight;
15313 | }
15314 | return h + ($$.axis.getLabelPositionById(id).isInner ? 0 : 10) + (id === "y2" && !isRotated ? -10 : 0);
15315 | },
15316 | getEventRectWidth() {
15317 | const $$ = this;
15318 | const { config, axis } = $$;
15319 | const isInverted = config.axis_x_inverted;
15320 | const tickInterval = axis.x.tickInterval();
15321 | return Math.max(0, isInverted ? Math.abs(tickInterval) : tickInterval);
15322 | },
15323 | |
15324 |
15325 |
15326 |
15327 |
15328 |
15329 | getAxisTickRotate(id) {
15330 | const $$ = this;
15331 | const { axis, config, state, $el } = $$;
15332 | let rotate = config[`axis_${id}_tick_rotate`];
15333 | if (id === "x") {
15334 | const allowedXAxisTypes = axis.isCategorized() || axis.isTimeSeries();
15335 | if (config.axis_x_tick_fit && allowedXAxisTypes) {
15336 | const xTickCount = config.axis_x_tick_count;
15337 | const currentXTicksLength = state.current.maxTickSize.x.ticks.length;
15338 | let tickCount = 0;
15339 | if (xTickCount) {
15340 | tickCount = xTickCount > currentXTicksLength ? currentXTicksLength : xTickCount;
15341 | } else if (currentXTicksLength) {
15342 | tickCount = currentXTicksLength;
15343 | }
15344 | if (tickCount !== state.axis.x.tickCount) {
15345 | const { targets } = $$.data;
15346 | state.axis.x.padding = $$.getXDomainPadding([
15347 | $$.getXDomainMinMax(targets, "min"),
15348 | $$.getXDomainMinMax(targets, "max")
15349 | ], tickCount);
15350 | }
15351 | state.axis.x.tickCount = tickCount;
15352 | }
15353 | if ($el.svg && config.axis_x_tick_autorotate && config.axis_x_tick_fit && !config.axis_x_tick_multiline && !config.axis_x_tick_culling && allowedXAxisTypes) {
15354 | rotate = $$.needToRotateXAxisTickTexts() ? config.axis_x_tick_rotate : 0;
15355 | }
15356 | }
15357 | return rotate;
15358 | },
15359 | |
15360 |
15361 |
15362 |
15363 |
15364 | needToRotateXAxisTickTexts() {
15365 | const $$ = this;
15366 | const { state: { axis, current, isLegendRight, legendItemWidth } } = $$;
15367 | const legendWidth = isLegendRight && legendItemWidth;
15368 | const xAxisLength = current.width - legendWidth - $$.getCurrentPaddingByDirection("left") - $$.getCurrentPaddingByDirection("right");
15369 | const tickCountWithPadding = axis.x.tickCount + axis.x.padding.left + axis.x.padding.right;
15370 | const { width } = $$.axis.getMaxTickSize("x");
15371 | const tickLength = tickCountWithPadding ? xAxisLength / tickCountWithPadding : 0;
15372 | return width > tickLength;
15373 | }
15374 | });
15375 |
15376 | ;
15377 | var axis_x = ({
15378 | |
15379 |
15380 |
15381 |
15382 |
15383 |
15384 |
15385 |
15386 |
15387 |
15388 |
15389 | axis_x_clipPath: true,
15390 | |
15391 |
15392 |
15393 |
15394 |
15395 |
15396 |
15397 |
15398 |
15399 |
15400 |
15401 |
15402 |
15403 | axis_x_show: true,
15404 | |
15405 |
15406 |
15407 |
15408 |
15409 |
15410 |
15411 |
15412 |
15413 |
15414 |
15415 |
15416 |
15417 |
15418 |
15419 |
15420 |
15421 |
15422 |
15423 |
15424 | axis_x_forceAsSingle: false,
15425 | |
15426 |
15427 |
15428 |
15429 |
15430 |
15431 |
15432 |
15433 |
15434 |
15435 |
15436 |
15437 |
15438 |
15439 |
15440 |
15441 |
15442 |
15443 |
15444 |
15445 |
15446 |
15447 |
15448 |
15449 |
15450 |
15451 |
15452 |
15453 | axis_x_type: "indexed",
15454 | |
15455 |
15456 |
15457 |
15458 |
15459 |
15460 |
15461 |
15462 |
15463 |
15464 |
15465 |
15466 |
15467 |
15468 | axis_x_localtime: true,
15469 | |
15470 |
15471 |
15472 |
15473 |
15474 |
15475 |
15476 |
15477 |
15478 |
15479 |
15480 |
15481 |
15482 |
15483 | axis_x_categories: [],
15484 | |
15485 |
15486 |
15487 |
15488 |
15489 |
15490 |
15491 |
15492 |
15493 |
15494 |
15495 |
15496 |
15497 |
15498 |
15499 | axis_x_tick_centered: false,
15500 | |
15501 |
15502 |
15503 |
15504 |
15505 |
15506 |
15507 |
15508 |
15509 |
15510 |
15511 |
15512 |
15513 |
15514 |
15515 |
15516 |
15517 |
15518 |
15519 |
15520 |
15521 |
15522 |
15523 |
15524 |
15525 |
15526 |
15527 | axis_x_tick_format: void 0,
15528 | |
15529 |
15530 |
15531 |
15532 |
15533 |
15534 |
15535 |
15536 |
15537 |
15538 |
15539 |
15540 |
15541 |
15542 |
15543 |
15544 |
15545 |
15546 |
15547 |
15548 | axis_x_tick_culling: {},
15549 | |
15550 |
15551 |
15552 |
15553 |
15554 |
15555 |
15556 |
15557 |
15558 |
15559 |
15560 |
15561 |
15562 |
15563 |
15564 |
15565 |
15566 | axis_x_tick_culling_max: 10,
15567 | |
15568 |
15569 |
15570 |
15571 |
15572 |
15573 |
15574 |
15575 |
15576 |
15577 |
15578 |
15579 |
15580 |
15581 |
15582 |
15583 |
15584 | axis_x_tick_culling_lines: true,
15585 | |
15586 |
15587 |
15588 |
15589 |
15590 |
15591 |
15592 |
15593 |
15594 |
15595 |
15596 |
15597 |
15598 |
15599 |
15600 |
15601 | axis_x_tick_count: void 0,
15602 | |
15603 |
15604 |
15605 |
15606 |
15607 |
15608 |
15609 |
15610 |
15611 |
15612 |
15613 |
15614 |
15615 |
15616 |
15617 |
15618 | axis_x_tick_show: true,
15619 | |
15620 |
15621 |
15622 |
15623 |
15624 |
15625 |
15626 |
15627 |
15628 |
15629 |
15630 |
15631 |
15632 |
15633 |
15634 |
15635 |
15636 |
15637 | axis_x_tick_text_show: true,
15638 | |
15639 |
15640 |
15641 |
15642 |
15643 |
15644 |
15645 |
15646 |
15647 |
15648 |
15649 |
15650 |
15651 |
15652 |
15653 |
15654 |
15655 |
15656 |
15657 |
15658 |
15659 |
15660 |
15661 |
15662 | axis_x_tick_text_inner: false,
15663 | |
15664 |
15665 |
15666 |
15667 |
15668 |
15669 |
15670 |
15671 |
15672 |
15673 |
15674 |
15675 |
15676 |
15677 |
15678 |
15679 |
15680 |
15681 |
15682 |
15683 | axis_x_tick_text_position: { x: 0, y: 0 },
15684 | |
15685 |
15686 |
15687 |
15688 |
15689 |
15690 |
15691 |
15692 |
15693 |
15694 |
15695 |
15696 |
15697 |
15698 |
15699 |
15700 |
15701 |
15702 |
15703 | axis_x_tick_fit: true,
15704 | |
15705 |
15706 |
15707 |
15708 |
15709 |
15710 |
15711 |
15712 |
15713 |
15714 |
15715 |
15716 |
15717 |
15718 |
15719 |
15720 |
15721 |
15722 |
15723 |
15724 |
15725 |
15726 | axis_x_tick_values: null,
15727 | |
15728 |
15729 |
15730 |
15731 |
15732 |
15733 |
15734 |
15735 |
15736 |
15737 |
15738 |
15739 |
15740 |
15741 |
15742 |
15743 |
15744 |
15745 |
15746 |
15747 |
15748 |
15749 |
15750 |
15751 |
15752 |
15753 |
15754 | axis_x_tick_autorotate: false,
15755 | |
15756 |
15757 |
15758 |
15759 |
15760 |
15761 |
15762 |
15763 |
15764 |
15765 |
15766 |
15767 |
15768 |
15769 |
15770 |
15771 |
15772 |
15773 |
15774 | axis_x_tick_rotate: 0,
15775 | |
15776 |
15777 |
15778 |
15779 |
15780 |
15781 |
15782 |
15783 |
15784 |
15785 |
15786 |
15787 |
15788 |
15789 |
15790 | axis_x_tick_outer: true,
15791 | |
15792 |
15793 |
15794 |
15795 |
15796 |
15797 |
15798 |
15799 |
15800 |
15801 |
15802 |
15803 |
15804 |
15805 |
15806 |
15807 |
15808 |
15809 |
15810 |
15811 |
15812 |
15813 |
15814 |
15815 |
15816 |
15817 |
15818 |
15819 | axis_x_tick_multiline: true,
15820 | |
15821 |
15822 |
15823 |
15824 |
15825 |
15826 |
15827 |
15828 |
15829 |
15830 |
15831 |
15832 |
15833 |
15834 |
15835 |
15836 |
15837 | axis_x_tick_width: null,
15838 | |
15839 |
15840 |
15841 |
15842 |
15843 |
15844 |
15845 |
15846 |
15847 |
15848 |
15849 |
15850 |
15851 |
15852 |
15853 |
15854 | axis_x_tick_tooltip: false,
15855 | |
15856 |
15857 |
15858 |
15859 |
15860 |
15861 |
15862 |
15863 |
15864 |
15865 |
15866 |
15867 |
15868 |
15869 |
15870 |
15871 |
15872 |
15873 |
15874 |
15875 |
15876 |
15877 |
15878 | axis_x_max: void 0,
15879 | |
15880 |
15881 |
15882 |
15883 |
15884 |
15885 |
15886 |
15887 |
15888 |
15889 |
15890 |
15891 |
15892 |
15893 |
15894 |
15895 |
15896 |
15897 |
15898 |
15899 |
15900 |
15901 |
15902 | axis_x_min: void 0,
15903 | |
15904 |
15905 |
15906 |
15907 |
15908 |
15909 |
15910 |
15911 |
15912 |
15913 |
15914 |
15915 |
15916 |
15917 |
15918 | axis_x_inverted: false,
15919 | |
15920 |
15921 |
15922 |
15923 |
15924 |
15925 |
15926 |
15927 |
15928 |
15929 |
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15949 |
15950 |
15951 |
15952 |
15953 |
15954 |
15955 |
15956 |
15957 |
15958 |
15959 |
15960 |
15961 | axis_x_padding: {},
15962 | |
15963 |
15964 |
15965 |
15966 |
15967 |
15968 |
15969 |
15970 |
15971 |
15972 |
15973 |
15974 |
15975 |
15976 | axis_x_height: void 0,
15977 | |
15978 |
15979 |
15980 |
15981 |
15982 |
15983 |
15984 |
15985 |
15986 |
15987 |
15988 |
15989 |
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15993 |
15994 |
15995 |
15996 |
15997 |
15998 |
15999 |
16000 |
16001 |
16002 |
16003 |
16004 |
16005 |
16006 | axis_x_extent: void 0,
16007 | |
16008 |
16009 |
16010 |
16011 |
16012 |
16013 |
16014 |
16015 |
16016 |
16017 |
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16037 |
16038 |
16039 |
16040 |
16041 |
16042 |
16043 |
16044 |
16045 |
16046 |
16047 |
16048 | axis_x_label: {},
16049 | |
16050 |
16051 |
16052 |
16053 |
16054 |
16055 |
16056 |
16057 |
16058 |
16059 |
16060 |
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16074 |
16075 |
16076 |
16077 |
16078 |
16079 |
16080 |
16081 |
16082 |
16083 |
16084 |
16085 |
16086 | axis_x_axes: []
16087 | });
16088 |
16089 | ;
16090 | var y = ({
16091 | |
16092 |
16093 |
16094 |
16095 |
16096 |
16097 |
16098 |
16099 |
16100 |
16101 |
16102 | axis_y_clipPath: true,
16103 | |
16104 |
16105 |
16106 |
16107 |
16108 |
16109 |
16110 |
16111 |
16112 |
16113 |
16114 |
16115 |
16116 | axis_y_show: true,
16117 | |
16118 |
16119 |
16120 |
16121 |
16122 |
16123 |
16124 |
16125 |
16126 |
16127 |
16128 |
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16130 |
16131 |
16132 |
16133 |
16134 |
16135 |
16136 |
16137 |
16138 |
16139 |
16140 |
16141 |
16142 | axis_y_type: "indexed",
16143 | |
16144 |
16145 |
16146 |
16147 |
16148 |
16149 |
16150 |
16151 |
16152 |
16153 |
16154 |
16155 |
16156 |
16157 | axis_y_max: void 0,
16158 | |
16159 |
16160 |
16161 |
16162 |
16163 |
16164 |
16165 |
16166 |
16167 |
16168 |
16169 |
16170 |
16171 |
16172 |
16173 | axis_y_min: void 0,
16174 | |
16175 |
16176 |
16177 |
16178 |
16179 |
16180 |
16181 |
16182 |
16183 |
16184 |
16185 |
16186 |
16187 |
16188 |
16189 | axis_y_inverted: false,
16190 | |
16191 |
16192 |
16193 |
16194 |
16195 |
16196 |
16197 |
16198 |
16199 |
16200 |
16201 |
16202 |
16203 | axis_y_center: void 0,
16204 | |
16205 |
16206 |
16207 |
16208 |
16209 |
16210 |
16211 |
16212 |
16213 |
16214 |
16215 |
16216 |
16217 | axis_y_inner: false,
16218 | |
16219 |
16220 |
16221 |
16222 |
16223 |
16224 |
16225 |
16226 |
16227 |
16228 |
16229 |
16230 |
16231 |
16232 |
16233 |
16234 |
16235 |
16236 |
16237 |
16238 |
16239 |
16240 |
16241 |
16242 | axis_y_label: {},
16243 | |
16244 |
16245 |
16246 |
16247 |
16248 |
16249 |
16250 |
16251 |
16252 |
16253 |
16254 |
16255 |
16256 |
16257 |
16258 |
16259 |
16260 |
16261 | axis_y_tick_format: void 0,
16262 | |
16263 |
16264 |
16265 |
16266 |
16267 |
16268 |
16269 |
16270 |
16271 |
16272 |
16273 |
16274 |
16275 |
16276 |
16277 |
16278 |
16279 |
16280 |
16281 | axis_y_tick_culling: false,
16282 | |
16283 |
16284 |
16285 |
16286 |
16287 |
16288 |
16289 |
16290 |
16291 |
16292 |
16293 |
16294 |
16295 |
16296 |
16297 |
16298 |
16299 | axis_y_tick_culling_max: 5,
16300 | |
16301 |
16302 |
16303 |
16304 |
16305 |
16306 |
16307 |
16308 |
16309 |
16310 |
16311 |
16312 |
16313 |
16314 |
16315 |
16316 |
16317 | axis_y_tick_culling_lines: true,
16318 | |
16319 |
16320 |
16321 |
16322 |
16323 |
16324 |
16325 |
16326 |
16327 |
16328 |
16329 |
16330 |
16331 |
16332 |
16333 | axis_y_tick_outer: true,
16334 | |
16335 |
16336 |
16337 |
16338 |
16339 |
16340 |
16341 |
16342 |
16343 |
16344 |
16345 |
16346 |
16347 |
16348 |
16349 |
16350 |
16351 |
16352 |
16353 |
16354 | axis_y_tick_values: null,
16355 | |
16356 |
16357 |
16358 |
16359 |
16360 |
16361 |
16362 |
16363 |
16364 |
16365 |
16366 |
16367 |
16368 |
16369 |
16370 |
16371 |
16372 | axis_y_tick_rotate: 0,
16373 | |
16374 |
16375 |
16376 |
16377 |
16378 |
16379 |
16380 |
16381 |
16382 |
16383 |
16384 |
16385 |
16386 |
16387 |
16388 |
16389 | axis_y_tick_count: void 0,
16390 | |
16391 |
16392 |
16393 |
16394 |
16395 |
16396 |
16397 |
16398 |
16399 |
16400 |
16401 |
16402 |
16403 |
16404 |
16405 |
16406 | axis_y_tick_show: true,
16407 | |
16408 |
16409 |
16410 |
16411 |
16412 |
16413 |
16414 |
16415 |
16416 |
16417 |
16418 |
16419 |
16420 |
16421 |
16422 |
16423 |
16424 |
16425 | axis_y_tick_stepSize: null,
16426 | |
16427 |
16428 |
16429 |
16430 |
16431 |
16432 |
16433 |
16434 |
16435 |
16436 |
16437 |
16438 |
16439 |
16440 |
16441 |
16442 |
16443 |
16444 | axis_y_tick_text_show: true,
16445 | |
16446 |
16447 |
16448 |
16449 |
16450 |
16451 |
16452 |
16453 |
16454 |
16455 |
16456 |
16457 |
16458 |
16459 |
16460 |
16461 |
16462 |
16463 |
16464 |
16465 | axis_y_tick_text_position: { x: 0, y: 0 },
16466 | |
16467 |
16468 |
16469 |
16470 |
16471 |
16472 |
16473 |
16474 |
16475 |
16476 |
16477 |
16478 |
16479 |
16480 |
16481 |
16482 |
16483 |
16484 |
16485 |
16486 |
16487 |
16488 |
16489 | axis_y_tick_time_value: void 0,
16490 | |
16491 |
16492 |
16493 |
16494 |
16495 |
16496 |
16497 |
16498 |
16499 |
16500 |
16501 |
16502 |
16503 |
16504 |
16505 |
16506 |
16507 |
16508 |
16509 |
16510 |
16511 |
16512 |
16513 |
16514 |
16515 | axis_y_padding: {},
16516 | |
16517 |
16518 |
16519 |
16520 |
16521 |
16522 |
16523 |
16524 |
16525 |
16526 |
16527 |
16528 |
16529 |
16530 | axis_y_default: void 0,
16531 | |
16532 |
16533 |
16534 |
16535 |
16536 |
16537 |
16538 |
16539 |
16540 |
16541 |
16542 |
16543 |
16544 |
16545 |
16546 |
16547 |
16548 |
16549 |
16550 |
16551 |
16552 |
16553 |
16554 |
16555 |
16556 |
16557 |
16558 |
16559 |
16560 |
16561 |
16562 |
16563 |
16564 |
16565 |
16566 |
16567 |
16568 | axis_y_axes: []
16569 | });
16570 |
16571 | ;
16572 | var y2 = ({
16573 | |
16574 |
16575 |
16576 |
16577 |
16578 |
16579 |
16580 |
16581 |
16582 |
16583 |
16584 |
16585 |
16586 |
16587 |
16588 |
16589 | axis_y2_show: false,
16590 | |
16591 |
16592 |
16593 |
16594 |
16595 |
16596 |
16597 |
16598 |
16599 |
16600 |
16601 |
16602 |
16603 |
16604 |
16605 |
16606 |
16607 |
16608 |
16609 |
16610 |
16611 |
16612 |
16613 |
16614 |
16615 | axis_y2_type: "indexed",
16616 | |
16617 |
16618 |
16619 |
16620 |
16621 |
16622 |
16623 |
16624 |
16625 |
16626 |
16627 |
16628 |
16629 | axis_y2_max: void 0,
16630 | |
16631 |
16632 |
16633 |
16634 |
16635 |
16636 |
16637 |
16638 |
16639 |
16640 |
16641 |
16642 |
16643 | axis_y2_min: void 0,
16644 | |
16645 |
16646 |
16647 |
16648 |
16649 |
16650 |
16651 |
16652 |
16653 |
16654 |
16655 |
16656 |
16657 |
16658 |
16659 | axis_y2_inverted: false,
16660 | |
16661 |
16662 |
16663 |
16664 |
16665 |
16666 |
16667 |
16668 |
16669 |
16670 |
16671 |
16672 |
16673 | axis_y2_center: void 0,
16674 | |
16675 |
16676 |
16677 |
16678 |
16679 |
16680 |
16681 |
16682 |
16683 |
16684 |
16685 |
16686 |
16687 | axis_y2_inner: false,
16688 | |
16689 |
16690 |
16691 |
16692 |
16693 |
16694 |
16695 |
16696 |
16697 |
16698 |
16699 |
16700 |
16701 |
16702 |
16703 |
16704 |
16705 |
16706 |
16707 |
16708 |
16709 |
16710 |
16711 |
16712 | axis_y2_label: {},
16713 | |
16714 |
16715 |
16716 |
16717 |
16718 |
16719 |
16720 |
16721 |
16722 |
16723 |
16724 |
16725 |
16726 |
16727 |
16728 |
16729 |
16730 | axis_y2_tick_format: void 0,
16731 | |
16732 |
16733 |
16734 |
16735 |
16736 |
16737 |
16738 |
16739 |
16740 |
16741 |
16742 |
16743 |
16744 |
16745 |
16746 |
16747 |
16748 |
16749 |
16750 | axis_y2_tick_culling: false,
16751 | |
16752 |
16753 |
16754 |
16755 |
16756 |
16757 |
16758 |
16759 |
16760 |
16761 |
16762 |
16763 |
16764 |
16765 |
16766 |
16767 |
16768 | axis_y2_tick_culling_max: 5,
16769 | |
16770 |
16771 |
16772 |
16773 |
16774 |
16775 |
16776 |
16777 |
16778 |
16779 |
16780 |
16781 |
16782 |
16783 |
16784 |
16785 |
16786 | axis_y2_tick_culling_lines: true,
16787 | |
16788 |
16789 |
16790 |
16791 |
16792 |
16793 |
16794 |
16795 |
16796 |
16797 |
16798 |
16799 |
16800 |
16801 |
16802 | axis_y2_tick_outer: true,
16803 | |
16804 |
16805 |
16806 |
16807 |
16808 |
16809 |
16810 |
16811 |
16812 |
16813 |
16814 |
16815 |
16816 |
16817 |
16818 |
16819 |
16820 |
16821 |
16822 |
16823 | axis_y2_tick_values: null,
16824 | |
16825 |
16826 |
16827 |
16828 |
16829 |
16830 |
16831 |
16832 |
16833 |
16834 |
16835 |
16836 |
16837 |
16838 |
16839 |
16840 |
16841 | axis_y2_tick_rotate: 0,
16842 | |
16843 |
16844 |
16845 |
16846 |
16847 |
16848 |
16849 |
16850 |
16851 |
16852 |
16853 |
16854 |
16855 |
16856 |
16857 |
16858 | axis_y2_tick_count: void 0,
16859 | |
16860 |
16861 |
16862 |
16863 |
16864 |
16865 |
16866 |
16867 |
16868 |
16869 |
16870 |
16871 |
16872 |
16873 |
16874 |
16875 | axis_y2_tick_show: true,
16876 | |
16877 |
16878 |
16879 |
16880 |
16881 |
16882 |
16883 |
16884 |
16885 |
16886 |
16887 |
16888 |
16889 |
16890 |
16891 |
16892 |
16893 |
16894 | axis_y2_tick_stepSize: null,
16895 | |
16896 |
16897 |
16898 |
16899 |
16900 |
16901 |
16902 |
16903 |
16904 |
16905 |
16906 |
16907 |
16908 |
16909 |
16910 |
16911 |
16912 |
16913 | axis_y2_tick_text_show: true,
16914 | |
16915 |
16916 |
16917 |
16918 |
16919 |
16920 |
16921 |
16922 |
16923 |
16924 |
16925 |
16926 |
16927 |
16928 |
16929 |
16930 |
16931 |
16932 |
16933 |
16934 | axis_y2_tick_text_position: { x: 0, y: 0 },
16935 | |
16936 |
16937 |
16938 |
16939 |
16940 |
16941 |
16942 |
16943 |
16944 |
16945 |
16946 |
16947 |
16948 |
16949 |
16950 |
16951 |
16952 |
16953 |
16954 |
16955 |
16956 |
16957 |
16958 |
16959 | axis_y2_padding: {},
16960 | |
16961 |
16962 |
16963 |
16964 |
16965 |
16966 |
16967 |
16968 |
16969 |
16970 |
16971 |
16972 |
16973 |
16974 | axis_y2_default: void 0,
16975 | |
16976 |
16977 |
16978 |
16979 |
16980 |
16981 |
16982 |
16983 |
16984 |
16985 |
16986 |
16987 |
16988 |
16989 |
16990 |
16991 |
16992 |
16993 |
16994 |
16995 |
16996 |
16997 |
16998 |
16999 |
17000 |
17001 |
17002 |
17003 |
17004 |
17005 |
17006 |
17007 |
17008 |
17009 |
17010 |
17011 |
17012 | axis_y2_axes: []
17013 | });
17014 |
17015 | ;
17016 | var axis_defProp = Object.defineProperty;
17017 | var axis_getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
17018 | var axis_hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
17019 | var axis_propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
17020 | var axis_defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? axis_defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
17021 | var axis_spreadValues = (a, b) => {
17022 | for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
17023 | if (axis_hasOwnProp.call(b, prop))
17024 | axis_defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
17025 | if (axis_getOwnPropSymbols)
17026 | for (var prop of axis_getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
17027 | if (axis_propIsEnum.call(b, prop))
17028 | axis_defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
17029 | }
17030 | return a;
17031 | };
17032 |
17033 |
17034 |
17035 | var axis_axis = (axis_spreadValues(axis_spreadValues(axis_spreadValues({
17036 | |
17037 |
17038 |
17039 |
17040 |
17041 |
17042 |
17043 |
17044 |
17045 |
17046 |
17047 |
17048 |
17049 |
17050 |
17051 |
17052 |
17053 |
17054 |
17055 |
17056 |
17057 |
17058 |
17059 |
17060 |
17061 |
17062 |
17063 |
17064 | axis_evalTextSize: true,
17065 | |
17066 |
17067 |
17068 |
17069 |
17070 |
17071 |
17072 |
17073 |
17074 |
17075 |
17076 | axis_rotated: false,
17077 | |
17078 |
17079 |
17080 |
17081 |
17082 |
17083 |
17084 |
17085 |
17086 |
17087 |
17088 |
17089 |
17090 |
17091 |
17092 |
17093 |
17094 |
17095 |
17096 |
17097 |
17098 |
17099 |
17100 |
17101 |
17102 |
17103 |
17104 |
17105 |
17106 |
17107 |
17108 |
17109 | axis_tooltip: false
17110 | }, axis_x), y), y2));
17111 |
17112 | ;
17113 | var common_grid = ({
17114 | |
17115 |
17116 |
17117 |
17118 |
17119 |
17120 |
17121 |
17122 |
17123 |
17124 |
17125 |
17126 |
17127 |
17128 |
17129 |
17130 |
17131 |
17132 |
17133 |
17134 |
17135 |
17136 |
17137 |
17138 |
17139 |
17140 |
17141 |
17142 |
17143 |
17144 |
17145 |
17146 |
17147 |
17148 |
17149 |
17150 |
17151 |
17152 |
17153 |
17154 |
17155 |
17156 |
17157 |
17158 |
17159 |
17160 |
17161 |
17162 |
17163 |
17164 |
17165 |
17166 |
17167 |
17168 |
17169 |
17170 |
17171 |
17172 | grid_x_show: false,
17173 | grid_x_type: "tick",
17174 | grid_x_lines: [],
17175 | grid_y_show: false,
17176 | grid_y_lines: [],
17177 | grid_y_ticks: void 0,
17178 | grid_focus_edge: false,
17179 | grid_focus_show: true,
17180 | grid_focus_y: false,
17181 | grid_front: false,
17182 | grid_lines_front: true
17183 | });
17184 |
17185 | ;
17186 | var data_axis = ({
17187 | |
17188 |
17189 |
17190 |
17191 |
17192 |
17193 |
17194 |
17195 |
17196 |
17197 |
17198 |
17199 |
17200 |
17201 |
17202 | data_xs: {},
17203 | |
17204 |
17205 |
17206 |
17207 |
17208 |
17209 |
17210 |
17211 |
17212 |
17213 |
17214 |
17215 |
17216 |
17217 |
17218 |
17219 |
17220 |
17221 |
17222 |
17223 |
17224 |
17225 |
17226 | data_xFormat: "%Y-%m-%d",
17227 | |
17228 |
17229 |
17230 |
17231 |
17232 |
17233 |
17234 |
17235 |
17236 |
17237 |
17238 | data_xLocaltime: true,
17239 | |
17240 |
17241 |
17242 |
17243 |
17244 |
17245 |
17246 |
17247 |
17248 |
17249 |
17250 |
17251 |
17252 |
17253 |
17254 |
17255 |
17256 |
17257 |
17258 |
17259 | data_xSort: true,
17260 | |
17261 |
17262 |
17263 |
17264 |
17265 |
17266 |
17267 |
17268 |
17269 |
17270 |
17271 |
17272 |
17273 |
17274 |
17275 | data_axes: {},
17276 | |
17277 |
17278 |
17279 |
17280 |
17281 |
17282 |
17283 |
17284 |
17285 |
17286 |
17287 |
17288 |
17289 |
17290 |
17291 |
17292 |
17293 |
17294 |
17295 |
17296 |
17297 |
17298 |
17299 |
17300 |
17301 |
17302 |
17303 |
17304 |
17305 |
17306 |
17307 |
17308 | data_regions: {},
17309 | |
17310 |
17311 |
17312 |
17313 |
17314 |
17315 |
17316 |
17317 |
17318 |
17319 |
17320 |
17321 |
17322 |
17323 |
17324 |
17325 |
17326 |
17327 | data_stack_normalize: false
17328 | });
17329 |
17330 | ;
17331 |
17332 |
17333 |
17334 |
17335 |
17336 |
17337 |
17338 |
17339 |
17340 |
17341 |
17342 |
17343 |
17344 |
17345 |
17346 |
17347 |
17348 | const api = [
17349 | api_axis,
17350 | api_category,
17351 | flow,
17352 | api_grid,
17353 | group,
17354 | api_regions,
17355 | x
17356 | ];
17357 | const internal = {
17358 | axis: Axis,
17359 | clip: clip,
17360 | eventrect: eventrect,
17361 | flow: interactions_flow,
17362 | grid: internals_grid,
17363 | region: region,
17364 | sizeAxis: size_axis
17365 | };
17366 | const options = {
17367 | optDataAxis: data_axis,
17368 | optAxis: axis_axis,
17369 | optGrid: common_grid
17370 | };
17371 |
17372 |
17373 | var external_commonjs_d3_interpolate_commonjs2_d3_interpolate_amd_d3_interpolate_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(13);
17374 | ;
17375 | var arc_defProp = Object.defineProperty;
17376 | var arc_defProps = Object.defineProperties;
17377 | var arc_getOwnPropDescs = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors;
17378 | var arc_getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
17379 | var arc_hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
17380 | var arc_propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
17381 | var arc_defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? arc_defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
17382 | var arc_spreadValues = (a, b) => {
17383 | for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
17384 | if (arc_hasOwnProp.call(b, prop))
17385 | arc_defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
17386 | if (arc_getOwnPropSymbols)
17387 | for (var prop of arc_getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
17388 | if (arc_propIsEnum.call(b, prop))
17389 | arc_defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
17390 | }
17391 | return a;
17392 | };
17393 | var arc_spreadProps = (a, b) => arc_defProps(a, arc_getOwnPropDescs(b));
17394 |
17395 |
17396 |
17397 |
17398 |
17399 |
17400 | function getRadiusFn(expandRate = 0) {
17401 | const $$ = this;
17402 | const { config, state } = $$;
17403 | const hasMultiArcGauge = $$.hasMultiArcGauge();
17404 | const singleArcWidth = state.gaugeArcWidth / $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets).length;
17405 | const expandWidth = expandRate ? Math.min(
17406 | state.radiusExpanded * expandRate - state.radius,
17407 | singleArcWidth * 0.8 - (1 - expandRate) * 100
17408 | ) : 0;
17409 | return {
17410 | |
17411 |
17412 |
17413 |
17414 |
17415 |
17416 | inner(d) {
17417 | const { innerRadius } = $$.getRadius(d);
17418 | return hasMultiArcGauge ? state.radius - singleArcWidth * (d.index + 1) : isNumber(innerRadius) ? innerRadius : 0;
17419 | },
17420 | |
17421 |
17422 |
17423 |
17424 |
17425 |
17426 | outer(d) {
17427 | const { outerRadius } = $$.getRadius(d);
17428 | let radius;
17429 | if (hasMultiArcGauge) {
17430 | radius = state.radius - singleArcWidth * d.index + expandWidth;
17431 | } else if ($$.hasType("polar") && !expandRate) {
17432 | radius = $$.getPolarOuterRadius(d, outerRadius);
17433 | } else {
17434 | radius = outerRadius;
17435 | if (expandRate) {
17436 | let { radiusExpanded } = state;
17437 | if (state.radius !== outerRadius) {
17438 | radiusExpanded -= Math.abs(state.radius - outerRadius);
17439 | }
17440 | radius = radiusExpanded * expandRate;
17441 | }
17442 | }
17443 | return radius;
17444 | },
17445 | |
17446 |
17447 |
17448 |
17449 |
17450 |
17451 |
17452 | corner(d, outerRadius) {
17453 | const {
17454 | arc_cornerRadius_ratio: ratio = 0,
17455 | arc_cornerRadius: cornerRadius = 0
17456 | } = config;
17457 | const { data: { id }, value } = d;
17458 | let corner = 0;
17459 | if (ratio) {
17460 | corner = ratio * outerRadius;
17461 | } else {
17462 | corner = isNumber(cornerRadius) ? cornerRadius : cornerRadius.call($$.api, id, value, outerRadius);
17463 | }
17464 | return corner;
17465 | }
17466 | };
17467 | }
17468 | function getAttrTweenFn(fn) {
17469 | return function(d) {
17470 | const getAngleKeyValue = ({ startAngle = 0, endAngle = 0, padAngle = 0 }) => ({
17471 | startAngle,
17472 | endAngle,
17473 | padAngle
17474 | });
17475 | const interpolate = (0,external_commonjs_d3_interpolate_commonjs2_d3_interpolate_amd_d3_interpolate_root_d3_.interpolate)(
17476 | getAngleKeyValue(this._current),
17477 | getAngleKeyValue(d)
17478 | );
17479 | this._current = d;
17480 | return function(t) {
17481 | const interpolated = interpolate(t);
17482 | const { data, index, value } = d;
17483 | return fn(arc_spreadProps(arc_spreadValues({}, interpolated), { data, index, value }));
17484 | };
17485 | };
17486 | }
17487 | var arc = ({
17488 | initPie() {
17489 | const $$ = this;
17490 | const { config } = $$;
17491 | const dataType = config.data_type;
17492 | const padding = config[`${dataType}_padding`];
17493 | const startingAngle = config[`${dataType}_startingAngle`] || 0;
17494 | const padAngle = (padding ? padding * 0.01 : config[`${dataType}_padAngle`]) || 0;
17495 | $$.pie = (0,external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.pie)().startAngle(startingAngle).endAngle(startingAngle + 2 * Math.PI).padAngle(padAngle).value((d) => {
17496 | var _a, _b;
17497 | return (_b = (_a = d.values) == null ? void 0 : _a.reduce((a, b) => a + b.value, 0)) != null ? _b : d;
17498 | }).sort($$.getSortCompareFn.bind($$)(true));
17499 | },
17500 | updateRadius() {
17501 | const $$ = this;
17502 | const { config, state } = $$;
17503 | const dataType = config.data_type;
17504 | const padding = config[`${dataType}_padding`];
17505 | const w = config.gauge_width || config.donut_width;
17506 | const gaugeArcWidth = $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets).length * config.gauge_arcs_minWidth;
17507 | state.radiusExpanded = Math.min(state.arcWidth, state.arcHeight) / 2 * ($$.hasMultiArcGauge() && config.gauge_label_show ? 0.85 : 1);
17508 | state.radius = state.radiusExpanded * 0.95;
17509 | state.innerRadiusRatio = w ? (state.radius - w) / state.radius : 0.6;
17510 | state.gaugeArcWidth = w || (gaugeArcWidth <= state.radius - state.innerRadius ? state.radius - state.innerRadius : gaugeArcWidth <= state.radius ? gaugeArcWidth : state.radius);
17511 | const innerRadius = config.pie_innerRadius || (padding ? padding * (state.innerRadiusRatio + 0.1) : 0);
17512 | state.outerRadius = config.pie_outerRadius;
17513 | state.innerRadius = $$.hasType("donut") || $$.hasType("gauge") ? state.radius * state.innerRadiusRatio : innerRadius;
17514 | },
17515 | |
17516 |
17517 |
17518 |
17519 |
17520 |
17521 | getRadius(d) {
17522 | const $$ = this;
17523 | const data = d == null ? void 0 : d.data;
17524 | let { innerRadius, outerRadius } = $$.state;
17525 | if (!isNumber(innerRadius) && data) {
17526 | innerRadius = innerRadius[data.id] || 0;
17527 | }
17528 | if (isObject(outerRadius) && data && data.id in outerRadius) {
17529 | outerRadius = outerRadius[data.id];
17530 | } else if (!isNumber(outerRadius)) {
17531 | outerRadius = $$.state.radius;
17532 | }
17533 | return { innerRadius, outerRadius };
17534 | },
17535 | updateArc() {
17536 | const $$ = this;
17537 | $$.updateRadius();
17538 | $$.svgArc = $$.getSvgArc();
17539 | $$.svgArcExpanded = $$.getSvgArcExpanded();
17540 | },
17541 | getArcLength() {
17542 | const $$ = this;
17543 | const { config } = $$;
17544 | const arcLengthInPercent = config.gauge_arcLength * 3.6;
17545 | let len = 2 * (arcLengthInPercent / 360);
17546 | if (arcLengthInPercent < -360) {
17547 | len = -2;
17548 | } else if (arcLengthInPercent > 360) {
17549 | len = 2;
17550 | }
17551 | return len * Math.PI;
17552 | },
17553 | getStartingAngle() {
17554 | const $$ = this;
17555 | const { config } = $$;
17556 | const dataType = config.data_type;
17557 | const isFullCircle = $$.hasType("gauge") ? config.gauge_fullCircle : false;
17558 | const defaultStartAngle = -1 * Math.PI / 2;
17559 | const defaultEndAngle = Math.PI / 2;
17560 | let startAngle = config[`${dataType}_startingAngle`] || 0;
17561 | if (!isFullCircle && startAngle <= defaultStartAngle) {
17562 | startAngle = defaultStartAngle;
17563 | } else if (!isFullCircle && startAngle >= defaultEndAngle) {
17564 | startAngle = defaultEndAngle;
17565 | } else if (startAngle > Math.PI || startAngle < -1 * Math.PI) {
17566 | startAngle = Math.PI;
17567 | }
17568 | return startAngle;
17569 | },
17570 | |
17571 |
17572 |
17573 |
17574 |
17575 |
17576 |
17577 | updateAngle(dValue, forRange = false) {
17578 | var _a;
17579 | const $$ = this;
17580 | const { config, state } = $$;
17581 | const hasGauge = forRange && $$.hasType("gauge");
17582 | let { pie } = $$;
17583 | let d = dValue;
17584 | let found = false;
17585 | if (!config) {
17586 | return null;
17587 | }
17588 | const gStart = $$.getStartingAngle();
17589 | const radius = config.gauge_fullCircle || forRange && !hasGauge ? $$.getArcLength() : gStart * -2;
17590 | if (d.data && $$.isGaugeType(d.data) && !$$.hasMultiArcGauge()) {
17591 | const { gauge_min: gMin, gauge_max: gMax } = config;
17592 | const totalSum = $$.getTotalDataSum(state.rendered);
17593 | const gEnd = radius * ((totalSum - gMin) / (gMax - gMin));
17594 | pie = pie.startAngle(gStart).endAngle(gEnd + gStart);
17595 | }
17596 | if (forRange === false) {
17597 | pie($$.filterTargetsToShow()).forEach((t, i) => {
17598 | var _a2;
17599 | if (!found && t.data.id === ((_a2 = d.data) == null ? void 0 : _a2.id)) {
17600 | found = true;
17601 | d = t;
17602 | d.index = i;
17603 | }
17604 | });
17605 | }
17606 | if (isNaN(d.startAngle)) {
17607 | d.startAngle = 0;
17608 | }
17609 | if (isNaN(d.endAngle)) {
17610 | d.endAngle = d.startAngle;
17611 | }
17612 | if (forRange || d.data && (config.gauge_enforceMinMax || $$.hasMultiArcGauge())) {
17613 | const { gauge_min: gMin, gauge_max: gMax } = config;
17614 | const max = forRange && !hasGauge ? $$.getTotalDataSum(state.rendered) : gMax;
17615 | const gTic = radius / (max - gMin);
17616 | const value = (_a = d.value) != null ? _a : 0;
17617 | const gValue = value < gMin ? 0 : value < max ? value - gMin : max - gMin;
17618 | d.startAngle = gStart;
17619 | d.endAngle = gStart + gTic * gValue;
17620 | }
17621 | return found || forRange ? d : null;
17622 | },
17623 | getSvgArc() {
17624 | const $$ = this;
17625 | const { inner, outer, corner } = getRadiusFn.call($$);
17626 | const arc = (0,external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.arc)().innerRadius(inner).outerRadius(outer);
17627 | const newArc = function(d, withoutUpdate) {
17628 | var _a;
17629 | let path = "M 0 0";
17630 | if (d.value || d.data) {
17631 | const data = withoutUpdate ? d : (_a = $$.updateAngle(d)) != null ? _a : null;
17632 | if (data) {
17633 | path = arc.cornerRadius(
17634 | corner(data, outer(data))
17635 | )(data);
17636 | }
17637 | }
17638 | return path;
17639 | };
17640 | newArc.centroid = arc.centroid;
17641 | return newArc;
17642 | },
17643 | |
17644 |
17645 |
17646 |
17647 |
17648 |
17649 | getSvgArcExpanded(rate = 1) {
17650 | const $$ = this;
17651 | const { inner, outer, corner } = getRadiusFn.call($$, rate);
17652 | const arc = (0,external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.arc)().innerRadius(inner).outerRadius(outer);
17653 | return (d) => {
17654 | const updated = $$.updateAngle(d);
17655 | const outerR = outer(updated);
17656 | let cornerR = 0;
17657 | if (updated) {
17658 | cornerR = corner(updated, outerR);
17659 | }
17660 | return updated ? arc.cornerRadius(cornerR)(updated) : "M 0 0";
17661 | };
17662 | },
17663 | getArc(d, withoutUpdate, force) {
17664 | return force || this.isArcType(d.data) ? this.svgArc(d, withoutUpdate) : "M 0 0";
17665 | },
17666 | |
17667 |
17668 |
17669 |
17670 | redrawArcRangeText() {
17671 | const $$ = this;
17672 | const { config, $el: { arcs }, state, $T } = $$;
17673 | const format = config.arc_rangeText_format;
17674 | const fixed = $$.hasType("gauge") && config.arc_rangeText_fixed;
17675 | let values = config.arc_rangeText_values;
17676 | if (values == null ? void 0 : values.length) {
17677 | const isPercent = config.arc_rangeText_unit === "%";
17678 | const totalSum = $$.getTotalDataSum(state.rendered);
17679 | if (isPercent) {
17680 | values = values.map((v) => totalSum / 100 * v);
17681 | }
17682 | const pieData = $$.pie(values).map((d, i) => (d.index = i, d));
17683 | let rangeText = arcs.selectAll(`.${$ARC.arcRange}`).data(values);
17684 | rangeText.exit();
17685 | rangeText = $T(rangeText.enter().append("text").attr("class", $ARC.arcRange).style("text-anchor", "middle").style("pointer-events", "none").style("opacity", "0").text((v) => {
17686 | const range = isPercent ? v / totalSum * 100 : v;
17687 | return isFunction(format) ? format(range) : `${range}${isPercent ? "%" : ""}`;
17688 | }).merge(rangeText));
17689 | if ((!state.rendered || state.rendered && !fixed) && totalSum > 0) {
17690 | rangeText.attr("transform", (d, i) => $$.transformForArcLabel(pieData[i], true));
17691 | }
17692 | rangeText.style(
17693 | "opacity",
17694 | (d) => !fixed && (d > totalSum || totalSum === 0) ? "0" : null
17695 | );
17696 | }
17697 | },
17698 | |
17699 |
17700 |
17701 |
17702 |
17703 |
17704 |
17705 | transformForArcLabel(d, forRange = false) {
17706 | var _a, _b, _c;
17707 | const $$ = this;
17708 | const { config, state: { radiusExpanded } } = $$;
17709 | const updated = $$.updateAngle(d, forRange);
17710 | let translate = "";
17711 | if (updated) {
17712 | if (forRange || $$.hasMultiArcGauge()) {
17713 | const y1 = Math.sin(updated.endAngle - Math.PI / 2);
17714 | const rangeTextPosition = config.arc_rangeText_position;
17715 | let x = Math.cos(updated.endAngle - Math.PI / 2) * (radiusExpanded + (forRange ? 5 : 25));
17716 | let y = y1 * (radiusExpanded + 15 - Math.abs(y1 * 10)) + 3;
17717 | if (forRange && rangeTextPosition) {
17718 | const rangeValues = config.arc_rangeText_values;
17719 | const pos = isFunction(rangeTextPosition) ? rangeTextPosition(rangeValues[d.index]) : rangeTextPosition;
17720 | x += (_a = pos == null ? void 0 : pos.x) != null ? _a : 0;
17721 | y += (_b = pos == null ? void 0 : pos.y) != null ? _b : 0;
17722 | }
17723 | translate = `translate(${x},${y})`;
17724 | } else if (!$$.hasType("gauge") || $$.data.targets.length > 1) {
17725 | let { outerRadius } = $$.getRadius(d);
17726 | if ($$.hasType("polar")) {
17727 | outerRadius = $$.getPolarOuterRadius(d, outerRadius);
17728 | }
17729 | const c = this.svgArc.centroid(updated);
17730 | const [x, y] = c.map((v) => isNaN(v) ? 0 : v);
17731 | const h = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
17732 | let ratio = (_c = ["donut", "gauge", "pie", "polar"].filter($$.hasType.bind($$)).map((v) => config[`${v}_label_ratio`])) == null ? void 0 : _c[0];
17733 | if (ratio) {
17734 | ratio = isFunction(ratio) ? ratio.bind($$.api)(d, outerRadius, h) : ratio;
17735 | } else {
17736 | ratio = outerRadius && (h ? (36 / outerRadius > 0.375 ? 1.175 - 36 / outerRadius : 0.8) * outerRadius / h : 0);
17737 | }
17738 | translate = `translate(${x * ratio},${y * ratio})`;
17739 | }
17740 | }
17741 | return translate;
17742 | },
17743 | convertToArcData(d) {
17744 | return this.addName({
17745 | id: "data" in d ? d.data.id : d.id,
17746 | value: d.value,
17747 | ratio: this.getRatio("arc", d),
17748 | index: d.index
17749 | });
17750 | },
17751 | textForArcLabel(selection) {
17752 | const $$ = this;
17753 | const hasGauge = $$.hasType("gauge");
17754 | if ($$.shouldShowArcLabel()) {
17755 | selection.style("fill", $$.updateTextColor.bind($$)).attr("filter", (d) => $$.updateTextBGColor.bind($$)(d, $$.config.data_labels_backgroundColors)).each(function(d) {
17756 | var _a;
17757 | const node = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this);
17758 | const updated = $$.updateAngle(d);
17759 | const ratio = $$.getRatio("arc", updated);
17760 | const isUnderThreshold = $$.meetsLabelThreshold(
17761 | ratio,
17762 | (_a = ["donut", "gauge", "pie", "polar"].filter($$.hasType.bind($$))) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]
17763 | );
17764 | if (isUnderThreshold) {
17765 | const { value } = updated || d;
17766 | const text = ($$.getArcLabelFormat() || $$.defaultArcValueFormat)(value, ratio, d.data.id).toString();
17767 | setTextValue(node, text, [-1, 1], hasGauge);
17768 | } else {
17769 | node.text("");
17770 | }
17771 | });
17772 | }
17773 | },
17774 | expandArc(targetIds) {
17775 | const $$ = this;
17776 | const { state: { transiting }, $el } = $$;
17777 | if (transiting) {
17778 | const interval = setInterval(() => {
17779 | if (!transiting) {
17780 | clearInterval(interval);
17781 | $el.legend.selectAll(`.${$FOCUS.legendItemFocused}`).size() > 0 && $$.expandArc(targetIds);
17782 | }
17783 | }, 10);
17784 | return;
17785 | }
17786 | const newTargetIds = $$.mapToTargetIds(targetIds);
17787 | $el.svg.selectAll($$.selectorTargets(newTargetIds, `.${$ARC.chartArc}`)).each(function(d) {
17788 | if (!$$.shouldExpand(d.data.id)) {
17789 | return;
17790 | }
17791 | const expandDuration = $$.getExpandConfig(d.data.id, "duration");
17792 | const svgArcExpandedSub = $$.getSvgArcExpanded(
17793 | $$.getExpandConfig(d.data.id, "rate")
17794 | );
17795 | (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this).selectAll("path").transition().duration(expandDuration).attrTween("d", getAttrTweenFn($$.svgArcExpanded.bind($$))).transition().duration(expandDuration * 2).attrTween("d", getAttrTweenFn(svgArcExpandedSub.bind($$)));
17796 | });
17797 | },
17798 | unexpandArc(targetIds) {
17799 | const $$ = this;
17800 | const { state: { transiting }, $el: { svg } } = $$;
17801 | if (transiting) {
17802 | return;
17803 | }
17804 | const newTargetIds = $$.mapToTargetIds(targetIds);
17805 | svg.selectAll($$.selectorTargets(newTargetIds, `.${$ARC.chartArc}`)).selectAll("path").transition().duration((d) => $$.getExpandConfig(d.data.id, "duration")).attrTween("d", getAttrTweenFn($$.svgArc.bind($$)));
17806 | svg.selectAll(`${$ARC.arc}`).style("opacity", null);
17807 | },
17808 | |
17809 |
17810 |
17811 |
17812 |
17813 |
17814 |
17815 | getExpandConfig(id, key) {
17816 | const $$ = this;
17817 | const { config } = $$;
17818 | const def = {
17819 | duration: 50,
17820 | rate: 0.98
17821 | };
17822 | let type;
17823 | if ($$.isDonutType(id)) {
17824 | type = "donut";
17825 | } else if ($$.isGaugeType(id)) {
17826 | type = "gauge";
17827 | } else if ($$.isPieType(id)) {
17828 | type = "pie";
17829 | }
17830 | return type ? config[`${type}_expand_${key}`] : def[key];
17831 | },
17832 | shouldExpand(id) {
17833 | const $$ = this;
17834 | const { config } = $$;
17835 | return $$.isDonutType(id) && config.donut_expand || $$.isGaugeType(id) && config.gauge_expand || $$.isPieType(id) && config.pie_expand;
17836 | },
17837 | shouldShowArcLabel() {
17838 | const $$ = this;
17839 | const { config } = $$;
17840 | return ["donut", "gauge", "pie", "polar"].some((v) => $$.hasType(v) && config[`${v}_label_show`]);
17841 | },
17842 | getArcLabelFormat() {
17843 | const $$ = this;
17844 | const { config } = $$;
17845 | let format = (v) => v;
17846 | ["donut", "gauge", "pie", "polar"].filter($$.hasType.bind($$)).forEach((v) => {
17847 | format = config[`${v}_label_format`];
17848 | });
17849 | return isFunction(format) ? format.bind($$.api) : format;
17850 | },
17851 | updateTargetsForArc(targets) {
17852 | const $$ = this;
17853 | const { $el } = $$;
17854 | const hasGauge = $$.hasType("gauge");
17855 | const classChartArc = $$.getChartClass("Arc");
17856 | const classArcs = $$.getClass("arcs", true);
17857 | const classFocus = $$.classFocus.bind($$);
17858 | const chartArcs = $el.main.select(`.${$ARC.chartArcs}`);
17859 | const mainPieUpdate = chartArcs.selectAll(`.${$ARC.chartArc}`).data($$.pie(targets)).attr("class", (d) => classChartArc(d) + classFocus(d.data));
17860 | const mainPieEnter = mainPieUpdate.enter().append("g").attr("class", classChartArc).call(
17861 | this.setCssRule(false, `.${$ARC.chartArcs} text`, [
17862 | "pointer-events:none",
17863 | "text-anchor:middle"
17864 | ])
17865 | );
17866 | mainPieEnter.append("g").attr("class", classArcs).merge(mainPieUpdate);
17867 | mainPieEnter.append("text").attr("dy", hasGauge && !$$.hasMultiTargets() ? "-.1em" : ".35em").style("opacity", "0").style("text-anchor", $$.getStylePropValue("middle")).style("pointer-events", $$.getStylePropValue("none"));
17868 | $el.text = chartArcs.selectAll(`.${$COMMON.target} text`);
17869 | },
17870 | initArc() {
17871 | const $$ = this;
17872 | const { $el } = $$;
17873 | $el.arcs = $el.main.select(`.${$COMMON.chart}`).append("g").attr("class", $ARC.chartArcs).attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("arc"));
17874 | $$.setArcTitle();
17875 | },
17876 | |
17877 |
17878 |
17879 |
17880 |
17881 | setArcTitle(str) {
17882 | const $$ = this;
17883 | const title = str || $$.getArcTitle();
17884 | const hasGauge = $$.hasType("gauge");
17885 | if (title) {
17886 | const className = hasGauge ? $GAUGE.chartArcsGaugeTitle : $ARC.chartArcsTitle;
17887 | let text = $$.$el.arcs.select(`.${className}`);
17888 | if (text.empty()) {
17889 | text = $$.$el.arcs.append("text").attr("class", className).style("text-anchor", "middle");
17890 | }
17891 | hasGauge && text.attr("dy", "-0.3em");
17892 | setTextValue(text, title, hasGauge ? void 0 : [-0.6, 1.35], true);
17893 | }
17894 | },
17895 | |
17896 |
17897 |
17898 |
17899 |
17900 | getArcTitle() {
17901 | const $$ = this;
17902 | const type = $$.hasType("donut") && "donut" || $$.hasType("gauge") && "gauge";
17903 | return type ? $$.config[`${type}_title`] : "";
17904 | },
17905 | |
17906 |
17907 |
17908 |
17909 |
17910 | getArcTitleWithNeedleValue() {
17911 | const $$ = this;
17912 | const { config, state } = $$;
17913 | const title = $$.getArcTitle();
17914 | if (title && $$.config.arc_needle_show && /{=[A-Z_]+}/.test(title)) {
17915 | let value = state.current.needle;
17916 | if (!isNumber(value)) {
17917 | value = config.arc_needle_value;
17918 | }
17919 | return tplProcess(title, {
17920 | NEEDLE_VALUE: isNumber(value) ? value : 0
17921 | });
17922 | }
17923 | return false;
17924 | },
17925 | redrawArc(duration, durationForExit, withTransform) {
17926 | const $$ = this;
17927 | const { config, state, $el: { main } } = $$;
17928 | const hasInteraction = config.interaction_enabled;
17929 | const isSelectable = hasInteraction && config.data_selection_isselectable;
17930 | let mainArc = main.selectAll(`.${$ARC.arcs}`).selectAll(`.${$ARC.arc}`).data($$.arcData.bind($$));
17931 | mainArc.exit().transition().duration(durationForExit).style("opacity", "0").remove();
17932 | mainArc = mainArc.enter().append("path").attr("class", $$.getClass("arc", true)).style("fill", (d) => $$.color(d.data)).style("cursor", (d) => {
17933 | var _a;
17934 | return ((_a = isSelectable == null ? void 0 : isSelectable.bind) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(isSelectable, $$.api)(d)) ? "pointer" : null;
17935 | }).style("opacity", "0").each(function(d) {
17936 | if ($$.isGaugeType(d.data)) {
17937 | d.startAngle = config.gauge_startingAngle;
17938 | d.endAngle = config.gauge_startingAngle;
17939 | }
17940 | this._current = d;
17941 | }).merge(mainArc);
17942 | if ($$.hasType("gauge")) {
17943 | $$.updateGaugeMax();
17944 | $$.hasMultiArcGauge() && $$.redrawArcGaugeLine();
17945 | }
17946 | mainArc.attr("transform", (d) => !$$.isGaugeType(d.data) && withTransform ? "scale(0)" : "").style("opacity", function(d) {
17947 | return d === this._current ? "0" : null;
17948 | }).each(() => {
17949 | state.transiting = true;
17950 | }).transition().duration(duration).attrTween("d", function(d) {
17951 | const updated = $$.updateAngle(d);
17952 | if (!updated) {
17953 | return () => "M 0 0";
17954 | }
17955 | if (isNaN(this._current.startAngle)) {
17956 | this._current.startAngle = 0;
17957 | }
17958 | if (isNaN(this._current.endAngle)) {
17959 | this._current.endAngle = this._current.startAngle;
17960 | }
17961 | const interpolate = (0,external_commonjs_d3_interpolate_commonjs2_d3_interpolate_amd_d3_interpolate_root_d3_.interpolate)(this._current, updated);
17962 | this._current = interpolate(0);
17963 | return function(t) {
17964 | const interpolated = interpolate(t);
17965 | interpolated.data = d.data;
17966 | return $$.getArc(interpolated, true);
17967 | };
17968 | }).attr("transform", withTransform ? "scale(1)" : "").style("fill", (d) => {
17969 | let color;
17970 | if ($$.levelColor) {
17971 | color = $$.levelColor(d.data.values[0].value);
17972 | config.data_colors[d.data.id] = color;
17973 | } else {
17974 | color = $$.color(d.data);
17975 | }
17976 | return color;
17977 | }).style("opacity", null).call(endall, function() {
17978 | if ($$.levelColor) {
17979 | const path = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this);
17980 | const d = path.datum(this._current);
17981 | $$.updateLegendItemColor(d.data.id, path.style("fill"));
17982 | }
17983 | state.transiting = false;
17984 | callFn(config.onrendered, $$.api);
17985 | });
17986 | hasInteraction && $$.bindArcEvent(mainArc);
17987 | $$.hasType("polar") && $$.redrawPolar();
17988 | $$.hasType("gauge") && $$.redrawBackgroundArcs();
17989 | config.arc_needle_show && $$.redrawNeedle();
17990 | $$.redrawArcText(duration);
17991 | $$.redrawArcRangeText();
17992 | },
17993 | |
17994 |
17995 |
17996 |
17997 | redrawNeedle() {
17998 | const $$ = this;
17999 | const { $el, config, state: { hiddenTargetIds, radius } } = $$;
18000 | const length = (radius - 1) / 100 * config.arc_needle_length;
18001 | const hasDataToShow = hiddenTargetIds.length !== $$.data.targets.length;
18002 | let needle = $$.$el.arcs.select(`.${$ARC.needle}`);
18003 | const pathFn = config.arc_needle_path;
18004 | const baseWidth = config.arc_needle_bottom_width / 2;
18005 | const topWidth = config.arc_needle_top_width / 2;
18006 | const topRx = config.arc_needle_top_rx;
18007 | const topRy = config.arc_needle_top_ry;
18008 | const bottomLen = config.arc_needle_bottom_len;
18009 | const bottomRx = config.arc_needle_bottom_rx;
18010 | const bottomRy = config.arc_needle_bottom_ry;
18011 | const needleAngle = $$.getNeedleAngle();
18012 | const updateNeedleValue = () => {
18013 | const title = $$.getArcTitleWithNeedleValue();
18014 | title && $$.setArcTitle(title);
18015 | };
18016 | updateNeedleValue();
18017 | if (needle.empty()) {
18018 | needle = $el.arcs.append("path").classed($ARC.needle, true);
18019 | $el.needle = needle;
18020 | $el.needle.updateHelper = (v, updateConfig = false) => {
18021 | if ($el.needle.style("display") !== "none") {
18022 | $$.$T($el.needle).style("transform", `rotate(${$$.getNeedleAngle(v)}deg)`).call(endall, () => {
18023 | updateConfig && (config.arc_needle_value = v);
18024 | updateNeedleValue();
18025 | });
18026 | }
18027 | };
18028 | }
18029 | if (hasDataToShow) {
18030 | const path = isFunction(pathFn) ? pathFn.call($$, length) : `M-${baseWidth} ${bottomLen} A${bottomRx} ${bottomRy} 0 0 0 ${baseWidth} ${bottomLen} L${topWidth} -${length} A${topRx} ${topRy} 0 0 0 -${topWidth} -${length} L-${baseWidth} ${bottomLen} Z`;
18031 | $$.$T(needle).attr("d", path).style("fill", config.arc_needle_color).style("display", null).style("transform", `rotate(${needleAngle}deg)`);
18032 | } else {
18033 | needle.style("display", "none");
18034 | }
18035 | },
18036 | |
18037 |
18038 |
18039 |
18040 |
18041 |
18042 | getNeedleAngle(v) {
18043 | const $$ = this;
18044 | const { config, state } = $$;
18045 | const arcLength = $$.getArcLength();
18046 | const hasGauge = $$.hasType("gauge");
18047 | const total = $$.getTotalDataSum(true);
18048 | let value = isDefined(v) ? v : config.arc_needle_value;
18049 | let startingAngle = config[`${config.data_type}_startingAngle`] || 0;
18050 | let radian = 0;
18051 | if (!isNumber(value)) {
18052 | value = hasGauge && $$.data.targets.length === 1 ? total : 0;
18053 | }
18054 | state.current.needle = value;
18055 | if (hasGauge) {
18056 | startingAngle = $$.getStartingAngle();
18057 | const radius = config.gauge_fullCircle ? arcLength : startingAngle * -2;
18058 | const { gauge_min: min, gauge_max: max } = config;
18059 | radian = radius * ((value - min) / (max - min));
18060 | } else {
18061 | radian = arcLength * (value / total);
18062 | }
18063 | return (startingAngle + radian) * (180 / Math.PI);
18064 | },
18065 | redrawBackgroundArcs() {
18066 | const $$ = this;
18067 | const { config, state } = $$;
18068 | const hasMultiArcGauge = $$.hasMultiArcGauge();
18069 | const isFullCircle = config.gauge_fullCircle;
18070 | const showEmptyTextLabel = $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets).length === 0 && !!config.data_empty_label_text;
18071 | const startAngle = $$.getStartingAngle();
18072 | const endAngle = isFullCircle ? startAngle + $$.getArcLength() : startAngle * -1;
18073 | let backgroundArc = $$.$el.arcs.select(
18074 | `${hasMultiArcGauge ? "g" : ""}.${$ARC.chartArcsBackground}`
18075 | );
18076 | if (hasMultiArcGauge) {
18077 | let index = 0;
18078 | backgroundArc = backgroundArc.selectAll(`path.${$ARC.chartArcsBackground}`).data($$.data.targets);
18079 | backgroundArc.enter().append("path").attr("class", (d, i) => `${$ARC.chartArcsBackground} ${$ARC.chartArcsBackground}-${i}`).merge(backgroundArc).style("fill", config.gauge_background || null).attr("d", ({ id }) => {
18080 | if (showEmptyTextLabel || state.hiddenTargetIds.indexOf(id) >= 0) {
18081 | return "M 0 0";
18082 | }
18083 | const d = {
18084 | data: [{ value: config.gauge_max }],
18085 | startAngle,
18086 | endAngle,
18087 | index: index++
18088 | };
18089 | return $$.getArc(d, true, true);
18090 | });
18091 | backgroundArc.exit().remove();
18092 | } else {
18093 | backgroundArc.attr("d", showEmptyTextLabel ? "M 0 0" : () => {
18094 | const d = {
18095 | data: [{ value: config.gauge_max }],
18096 | startAngle,
18097 | endAngle
18098 | };
18099 | return $$.getArc(d, true, true);
18100 | });
18101 | }
18102 | },
18103 | bindArcEvent(arc) {
18104 | const $$ = this;
18105 | const { config, state } = $$;
18106 | const isTouch = state.inputType === "touch";
18107 | const isMouse = state.inputType === "mouse";
18108 | function selectArc(_this, arcData, id) {
18109 | $$.expandArc(id);
18110 | $$.api.focus(id);
18111 | $$.toggleFocusLegend(id, true);
18112 | $$.showTooltip([arcData], _this);
18113 | }
18114 | function unselectArc(arcData) {
18115 | const id = (arcData == null ? void 0 : arcData.id) || void 0;
18116 | $$.unexpandArc(id);
18117 | $$.api.revert();
18118 | $$.revertLegend();
18119 | $$.hideTooltip();
18120 | }
18121 | arc.on("click", function(event, d, i) {
18122 | var _a;
18123 | const updated = $$.updateAngle(d);
18124 | let arcData;
18125 | if (updated) {
18126 | arcData = $$.convertToArcData(updated);
18127 | (_a = $$.toggleShape) == null ? void 0 : _a.call($$, this, arcData, i);
18128 | config.data_onclick.bind($$.api)(arcData, this);
18129 | }
18130 | });
18131 | if (isMouse) {
18132 | arc.on("mouseover", function(event, d) {
18133 | if (state.transiting) {
18134 | return;
18135 | }
18136 | state.event = event;
18137 | const updated = $$.updateAngle(d);
18138 | const arcData = updated ? $$.convertToArcData(updated) : null;
18139 | const id = (arcData == null ? void 0 : arcData.id) || void 0;
18140 | selectArc(this, arcData, id);
18141 | $$.setOverOut(true, arcData);
18142 | }).on("mouseout", (event, d) => {
18143 | if (state.transiting || !config.interaction_onout) {
18144 | return;
18145 | }
18146 | state.event = event;
18147 | const updated = $$.updateAngle(d);
18148 | const arcData = updated ? $$.convertToArcData(updated) : null;
18149 | unselectArc();
18150 | $$.setOverOut(false, arcData);
18151 | }).on("mousemove", function(event, d) {
18152 | const updated = $$.updateAngle(d);
18153 | const arcData = updated ? $$.convertToArcData(updated) : null;
18154 | state.event = event;
18155 | $$.showTooltip([arcData], this);
18156 | });
18157 | }
18158 | if (isTouch && $$.hasArcType() && !$$.radars) {
18159 | const getEventArc = (event) => {
18160 | var _a, _b;
18161 | const { clientX, clientY } = (_b = (_a = event.changedTouches) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]) != null ? _b : { clientX: 0, clientY: 0 };
18162 | const eventArc = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(browser_doc.elementFromPoint(clientX, clientY));
18163 | return eventArc;
18164 | };
18165 | $$.$el.svg.on("touchstart touchmove", function(event) {
18166 | if (state.transiting) {
18167 | return;
18168 | }
18169 | state.event = event;
18170 | const eventArc = getEventArc(event);
18171 | const datum = eventArc.datum();
18172 | const updated = (datum == null ? void 0 : datum.data) && datum.data.id ? $$.updateAngle(datum) : null;
18173 | const arcData = updated ? $$.convertToArcData(updated) : null;
18174 | const id = (arcData == null ? void 0 : arcData.id) || void 0;
18175 | $$.callOverOutForTouch(arcData);
18176 | isUndefined(id) ? unselectArc() : selectArc(this, arcData, id);
18177 | });
18178 | }
18179 | },
18180 | redrawArcText(duration) {
18181 | const $$ = this;
18182 | const { config, state, $el: { main, arcs } } = $$;
18183 | const hasGauge = $$.hasType("gauge");
18184 | const hasMultiArcGauge = $$.hasMultiArcGauge();
18185 | let text;
18186 | if (!(hasGauge && $$.data.targets.length === 1 && config.gauge_title)) {
18187 | text = main.selectAll(`.${$ARC.chartArc}`).select("text").style("opacity", "0").attr("class", (d) => $$.isGaugeType(d.data) ? $GAUGE.gaugeValue : null).call($$.textForArcLabel.bind($$)).attr("transform", (d) => $$.transformForArcLabel.bind($$)(d)).style("font-size", (d) => $$.isGaugeType(d.data) && $$.data.targets.length === 1 && !hasMultiArcGauge ? `${Math.round(state.radius / 5)}px` : null).transition().duration(duration).style(
18188 | "opacity",
18189 | (d) => $$.isTargetToShow(d.data.id) && $$.isArcType(d.data) ? null : "0"
18190 | );
18191 | hasMultiArcGauge && text.attr("dy", "-.1em");
18192 | }
18193 | main.select(`.${$ARC.chartArcsTitle}`).style("opacity", $$.hasType("donut") || hasGauge ? null : "0");
18194 | if (hasGauge) {
18195 | const isFullCircle = config.gauge_fullCircle;
18196 | isFullCircle && (text == null ? void 0 : text.attr("dy", `${hasMultiArcGauge ? 0 : Math.round(state.radius / 14)}`));
18197 | if (config.gauge_label_show) {
18198 | arcs.select(`.${$GAUGE.chartArcsGaugeUnit}`).attr("dy", `${isFullCircle ? 1.5 : 0.75}em`).text(config.gauge_units);
18199 | arcs.select(`.${$GAUGE.chartArcsGaugeMin}`).attr("dx", `${-1 * (state.innerRadius + (state.radius - state.innerRadius) / (isFullCircle ? 1 : 2))}px`).attr("dy", "1.2em").text($$.textForGaugeMinMax(config.gauge_min, false));
18200 | !isFullCircle && arcs.select(`.${$GAUGE.chartArcsGaugeMax}`).attr("dx", `${state.innerRadius + (state.radius - state.innerRadius) / 2}px`).attr("dy", "1.2em").text($$.textForGaugeMinMax(config.gauge_max, true));
18201 | }
18202 | }
18203 | },
18204 | |
18205 |
18206 |
18207 |
18208 |
18209 |
18210 | getArcElementByIdOrIndex(value) {
18211 | const $$ = this;
18212 | const { $el: { arcs } } = $$;
18213 | const filterFn = isNumber(value) ? (d) => d.index === value : (d) => d.data.id === value;
18214 | return arcs == null ? void 0 : arcs.selectAll(`.${$COMMON.target} path`).filter(filterFn);
18215 | }
18216 | });
18217 |
18218 | ;
18219 |
18220 |
18221 |
18222 |
18223 | var shape_area = ({
18224 | initArea(mainLine) {
18225 | const $$ = this;
18226 | const { config } = $$;
18227 | mainLine.insert("g", `.${config.area_front ? $CIRCLE.circles : $LINE.lines}`).attr("class", $$.getClass("areas", true));
18228 | },
18229 | |
18230 |
18231 |
18232 |
18233 |
18234 |
18235 | updateAreaColor(d) {
18236 | const $$ = this;
18237 | return $$.config.area_linearGradient ? $$.getGradienColortUrl(d.id) : $$.color(d);
18238 | },
18239 | |
18240 |
18241 |
18242 |
18243 |
18244 |
18245 | updateArea(withTransition, isSub = false) {
18246 | const $$ = this;
18247 | const { config, state, $el, $T } = $$;
18248 | const $root = isSub ? $el.subchart : $el;
18249 | config.area_linearGradient && $$.updateLinearGradient();
18250 | const area = $root.main.selectAll(`.${$AREA.areas}`).selectAll(`.${$AREA.area}`).data($$.lineData.bind($$));
18251 | $T(area.exit(), withTransition).style("opacity", "0").remove();
18252 | $root.area = area.enter().append("path").attr("class", $$.getClass("area", true)).style("fill", $$.updateAreaColor.bind($$)).style("opacity", function() {
18253 | state.orgAreaOpacity = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this).style("opacity");
18254 | return "0";
18255 | }).merge(area);
18256 | area.style("opacity", state.orgAreaOpacity);
18257 | $$.setRatioForGroupedData($root.area.data());
18258 | },
18259 | |
18260 |
18261 |
18262 |
18263 |
18264 |
18265 |
18266 | redrawArea(drawFn, withTransition, isSub = false) {
18267 | const $$ = this;
18268 | const { area } = isSub ? this.$el.subchart : this.$el;
18269 | const { orgAreaOpacity } = $$.state;
18270 | return [
18271 | $$.$T(area, withTransition, getRandom()).attr("d", drawFn).style("fill", $$.updateAreaColor.bind($$)).style(
18272 | "opacity",
18273 | (d) => String($$.isAreaRangeType(d) ? orgAreaOpacity / 1.75 : orgAreaOpacity)
18274 | )
18275 | ];
18276 | },
18277 | |
18278 |
18279 |
18280 |
18281 |
18282 |
18283 |
18284 | generateDrawArea(areaIndices, isSub) {
18285 | const $$ = this;
18286 | const { config } = $$;
18287 | const lineConnectNull = config.line_connectNull;
18288 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
18289 | const getPoints = $$.generateGetAreaPoints(areaIndices, isSub);
18290 | const yScale = $$.getYScaleById.bind($$);
18291 | const xValue = (d) => (isSub ? $$.subxx : $$.xx).call($$, d);
18292 | const value0 = (d, i) => $$.isGrouped(d.id) ? getPoints(d, i)[0][1] : yScale(d.id, isSub)(
18293 | $$.isAreaRangeType(d) ? $$.getRangedData(d, "high") : $$.getShapeYMin(d.id)
18294 | );
18295 | const value1 = (d, i) => $$.isGrouped(d.id) ? getPoints(d, i)[1][1] : yScale(d.id, isSub)(
18296 | $$.isAreaRangeType(d) ? $$.getRangedData(d, "low") : d.value
18297 | );
18298 | return (d) => {
18299 | let values = lineConnectNull ? $$.filterRemoveNull(d.values) : d.values;
18300 | let x0 = 0;
18301 | let y0 = 0;
18302 | let path;
18303 | if ($$.isAreaType(d)) {
18304 | let area = (0,external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.area)();
18305 | area = isRotated ? area.y(xValue).x0(value0).x1(value1) : area.x(xValue).y0(config.area_above ? 0 : config.area_below ? $$.state.height : value0).y1(value1);
18306 | if (!lineConnectNull) {
18307 | area = area.defined((d2) => $$.getBaseValue(d2) !== null);
18308 | }
18309 | if ($$.isStepType(d)) {
18310 | values = $$.convertValuesToStep(values);
18311 | }
18312 | path = area.curve($$.getCurve(d))(values);
18313 | } else {
18314 | if (values[0]) {
18315 | x0 = $$.scale.x(values[0].x);
18316 | y0 = $$.getYScaleById(d.id)(values[0].value);
18317 | }
18318 | path = isRotated ? `M ${y0} ${x0}` : `M ${x0} ${y0}`;
18319 | }
18320 | return path || "M 0 0";
18321 | };
18322 | },
18323 | generateGetAreaPoints(areaIndices, isSub) {
18324 | const $$ = this;
18325 | const { config } = $$;
18326 | const x = $$.getShapeX(0, areaIndices, isSub);
18327 | const y = $$.getShapeY(!!isSub);
18328 | const areaOffset = $$.getShapeOffset($$.isAreaType, areaIndices, isSub);
18329 | const yScale = $$.getYScaleById.bind($$);
18330 | return function(d, i) {
18331 | const y0 = yScale.call($$, d.id, isSub)($$.getShapeYMin(d.id));
18332 | const offset = areaOffset(d, i) || y0;
18333 | const posX = x(d);
18334 | const value = d.value;
18335 | let posY = y(d);
18336 | if (config.axis_rotated && (value > 0 && posY < y0 || value < 0 && y0 < posY)) {
18337 | posY = y0;
18338 | }
18339 | return [
18340 | [posX, offset],
18341 | [posX, posY - (y0 - offset)],
18342 | [posX, posY - (y0 - offset)],
18343 |
18344 | [posX, offset]
18345 |
18346 | ];
18347 | };
18348 | }
18349 | });
18350 |
18351 | ;
18352 |
18353 |
18354 | var bar = ({
18355 | initBar() {
18356 | const { $el, config, state: { clip } } = this;
18357 | $el.bar = $el.main.select(`.${$COMMON.chart}`);
18358 | $el.bar = config.bar_front ? $el.bar.append("g") : $el.bar.insert("g", ":first-child");
18359 | $el.bar.attr("class", $BAR.chartBars).call(this.setCssRule(false, `.${$BAR.chartBars}`, ["pointer-events:none"]));
18360 | if (config.clipPath === false && (config.bar_radius || config.bar_radius_ratio)) {
18361 | $el.bar.attr("clip-path", clip.pathXAxis.replace(/#[^)]*/, `#${clip.id}`));
18362 | }
18363 | },
18364 | updateTargetsForBar(targets) {
18365 | const $$ = this;
18366 | const { config, $el } = $$;
18367 | const classChartBar = $$.getChartClass("Bar");
18368 | const classBars = $$.getClass("bars", true);
18369 | const classFocus = $$.classFocus.bind($$);
18370 | const isSelectable = config.interaction_enabled && config.data_selection_isselectable;
18371 | if (!$el.bar) {
18372 | $$.initBar();
18373 | }
18374 | const mainBarUpdate = $el.main.select(`.${$BAR.chartBars}`).selectAll(`.${$BAR.chartBar}`).data(
18375 |
18376 | targets.filter(
18377 | (v) => v.values.some((d) => isNumber(d.value) || $$.isBarRangeType(d))
18378 | )
18379 | ).attr("class", (d) => classChartBar(d) + classFocus(d));
18380 | const mainBarEnter = mainBarUpdate.enter().append("g").attr("class", classChartBar).style("opacity", "0").style("pointer-events", $$.getStylePropValue("none"));
18381 | mainBarEnter.append("g").attr("class", classBars).style("cursor", (d) => {
18382 | var _a;
18383 | return ((_a = isSelectable == null ? void 0 : isSelectable.bind) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(isSelectable, $$.api)(d)) ? "pointer" : null;
18384 | }).call($$.setCssRule(true, ` .${$BAR.bar}`, ["fill"], $$.color));
18385 | },
18386 | |
18387 |
18388 |
18389 |
18390 |
18391 |
18392 | updateBar(withTransition, isSub = false) {
18393 | const $$ = this;
18394 | const { config, $el, $T } = $$;
18395 | const $root = isSub ? $el.subchart : $el;
18396 | const classBar = $$.getClass("bar", true);
18397 | const initialOpacity = $$.initialOpacity.bind($$);
18398 | config.bar_linearGradient && $$.updateLinearGradient();
18399 | const bar = $root.main.selectAll(`.${$BAR.bars}`).selectAll(`.${$BAR.bar}`).data($$.labelishData.bind($$));
18400 | $T(bar.exit(), withTransition).style("opacity", "0").remove();
18401 | $root.bar = bar.enter().append("path").attr("class", classBar).style("fill", $$.updateBarColor.bind($$)).merge(bar).style("opacity", initialOpacity);
18402 | $$.setRatioForGroupedData($root.bar.data());
18403 | },
18404 | |
18405 |
18406 |
18407 |
18408 |
18409 |
18410 | updateBarColor(d) {
18411 | const $$ = this;
18412 | const fn = $$.getStylePropValue($$.color);
18413 | return $$.config.bar_linearGradient ? $$.getGradienColortUrl(d.id) : fn ? fn(d) : null;
18414 | },
18415 | |
18416 |
18417 |
18418 |
18419 |
18420 |
18421 |
18422 |
18423 | redrawBar(drawFn, withTransition, isSub = false) {
18424 | const $$ = this;
18425 | const { bar } = isSub ? $$.$el.subchart : $$.$el;
18426 | return [
18427 | $$.$T(bar, withTransition, getRandom()).attr("d", (d) => (isNumber(d.value) || $$.isBarRangeType(d)) && drawFn(d)).style("fill", $$.updateBarColor.bind($$)).style("clip-path", (d) => d.clipPath).style("opacity", null)
18428 | ];
18429 | },
18430 | |
18431 |
18432 |
18433 |
18434 |
18435 |
18436 |
18437 |
18438 |
18439 |
18440 |
18441 |
18442 |
18443 |
18444 |
18445 |
18446 |
18447 |
18448 |
18449 |
18450 | generateDrawBar(barIndices, isSub) {
18451 | const $$ = this;
18452 | const { config } = $$;
18453 | const getPoints = $$.generateGetBarPoints(barIndices, isSub);
18454 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
18455 | const barRadius = config.bar_radius;
18456 | const barRadiusRatio = config.bar_radius_ratio;
18457 | const getRadius = isNumber(barRadius) && barRadius > 0 ? () => barRadius : isNumber(barRadiusRatio) ? (w) => w * barRadiusRatio : null;
18458 | return (d, i) => {
18459 | const points = getPoints(d, i);
18460 | const indexX = +isRotated;
18461 | const indexY = +!indexX;
18462 | const isUnderZero = d.value < 0;
18463 | const isInverted = config[`axis_${$$.axis.getId(d.id)}_inverted`];
18464 | const isNegative = !isInverted && isUnderZero || isInverted && !isUnderZero;
18465 | const pathRadius = ["", ""];
18466 | const isGrouped = $$.isGrouped(d.id);
18467 | const isRadiusData = getRadius && isGrouped ? $$.isStackingRadiusData(d) : false;
18468 | const init = [
18469 | points[0][indexX],
18470 | points[0][indexY]
18471 | ];
18472 | let radius = 0;
18473 | d.clipPath = null;
18474 | if (getRadius) {
18475 | const index = isRotated ? indexY : indexX;
18476 | const barW = points[2][index] - points[0][index];
18477 | radius = !isGrouped || isRadiusData ? getRadius(barW) : 0;
18478 | const arc = `a${radius} ${radius} ${isNegative ? `1 0 0` : `0 0 1`} `;
18479 | pathRadius[+!isRotated] = `${arc}${radius},${radius}`;
18480 | pathRadius[+isRotated] = `${arc}${[-radius, radius][isRotated ? "sort" : "reverse"]()}`;
18481 | isNegative && pathRadius.reverse();
18482 | }
18483 | const pos = isRotated ? points[1][indexX] + (isNegative ? radius : -radius) : points[1][indexY] + (isNegative ? -radius : radius);
18484 | if (radius) {
18485 | let clipPath = "";
18486 | if (isRotated) {
18487 | if (isNegative && init[0] < pos) {
18488 | clipPath = `0 ${pos - init[0]}px 0 0`;
18489 | } else if (!isNegative && init[0] > pos) {
18490 | clipPath = `0 0 0 ${init[0] - pos}px`;
18491 | }
18492 | } else {
18493 | if (isNegative && init[1] > pos) {
18494 | clipPath = `${init[1] - pos}px 0 0 0`;
18495 | } else if (!isNegative && init[1] < pos) {
18496 | clipPath = `0 0 ${pos - init[1]}px 0`;
18497 | }
18498 | }
18499 | if (clipPath) {
18500 | d.clipPath = `inset(${clipPath})`;
18501 | }
18502 | }
18503 | const path = isRotated ? `H${pos} ${pathRadius[0]}V${points[2][indexY] - radius} ${pathRadius[1]}H${points[3][indexX]}` : `V${pos} ${pathRadius[0]}H${points[2][indexX] - radius} ${pathRadius[1]}V${points[3][indexY]}`;
18504 | return `M${points[0][indexX]},${points[0][indexY]}${path}z`;
18505 | };
18506 | },
18507 | |
18508 |
18509 |
18510 |
18511 |
18512 | isStackingRadiusData(d) {
18513 | const $$ = this;
18514 | const { $el, config, data, state } = $$;
18515 | const { id, index, value } = d;
18516 | if (state.hiddenTargetIds.indexOf(id) > -1) {
18517 | const target = $el.bar.filter((d2) => d2.id === id && d2.value === value);
18518 | return !target.empty() && /a\d+/i.test(target.attr("d"));
18519 | }
18520 | const keys = config.data_groups.find((v) => v.indexOf(id) > -1);
18521 | const sortedList = $$.orderTargets(
18522 | $$.filterTargetsToShow(data.targets.filter($$.isBarType, $$))
18523 | ).filter((v) => keys.indexOf(v.id) > -1);
18524 | const sortedIds = sortedList.map(
18525 | (v) => v.values.filter(
18526 | (v2) => v2.index === index && (isNumber(value) && value > 0 ? v2.value > 0 : v2.value < 0)
18527 | )[0]
18528 | ).filter(Boolean).map((v) => v.id);
18529 | return value !== 0 && sortedIds.indexOf(id) === sortedIds.length - 1;
18530 | },
18531 | |
18532 |
18533 |
18534 |
18535 |
18536 |
18537 |
18538 | generateGetBarPoints(barIndices, isSub) {
18539 | const $$ = this;
18540 | const { config } = $$;
18541 | const axis = isSub ? $$.axis.subX : $$.axis.x;
18542 | const barTargetsNum = $$.getIndicesMax(barIndices) + 1;
18543 | const barW = $$.getBarW("bar", axis, barTargetsNum);
18544 | const barX = $$.getShapeX(barW, barIndices, !!isSub);
18545 | const barY = $$.getShapeY(!!isSub);
18546 | const barOffset = $$.getShapeOffset($$.isBarType, barIndices, !!isSub);
18547 | const yScale = $$.getYScaleById.bind($$);
18548 | return (d, i) => {
18549 | const { id } = d;
18550 | const y0 = yScale.call($$, id, isSub)($$.getShapeYMin(id));
18551 | const offset = barOffset(d, i) || y0;
18552 | const width = isNumber(barW) ? barW : barW[d.id] || barW._$width;
18553 | const isInverted = config[`axis_${$$.axis.getId(id)}_inverted`];
18554 | const value = d.value;
18555 | const posX = barX(d);
18556 | let posY = barY(d);
18557 | if (config.axis_rotated && !isInverted && (value > 0 && posY < y0 || value < 0 && y0 < posY)) {
18558 | posY = y0;
18559 | }
18560 | if (!$$.isBarRangeType(d)) {
18561 | posY -= y0 - offset;
18562 | }
18563 | const startPosX = posX + width;
18564 | return [
18565 | [posX, offset],
18566 | [posX, posY],
18567 | [startPosX, posY],
18568 | [startPosX, offset]
18569 | ];
18570 | };
18571 | }
18572 | });
18573 |
18574 | ;
18575 |
18576 |
18577 | var bubble = ({
18578 | |
18579 |
18580 |
18581 |
18582 | initBubble() {
18583 | const $$ = this;
18584 | const { config } = $$;
18585 | if ($$.hasType("bubble")) {
18586 | config.point_show = true;
18587 | config.point_type = "circle";
18588 | }
18589 | },
18590 | |
18591 |
18592 |
18593 |
18594 |
18595 | getBaseLength() {
18596 | const $$ = this;
18597 | const { width, height } = $$.state;
18598 | const cacheKey = KEY.bubbleBaseLength;
18599 | let baseLength = $$.cache.get(cacheKey);
18600 | if (!baseLength) {
18601 | $$.cache.add(cacheKey, baseLength = getMinMax("min", [width, height]));
18602 | }
18603 | return baseLength;
18604 | },
18605 | |
18606 |
18607 |
18608 |
18609 |
18610 |
18611 | getBubbleR(d) {
18612 | const $$ = this;
18613 | let maxR = $$.config.bubble_maxR;
18614 | if (isFunction(maxR)) {
18615 | maxR = maxR.bind($$.api)(d);
18616 | } else if (!isNumber(maxR)) {
18617 | maxR = $$.getBaseLength() / ($$.getMaxDataCount() * 2) + 12;
18618 | }
18619 | const max = getMinMax("max", $$.getMinMaxData().max.map((d2) => $$.isBubbleZType(d2) ? $$.getBubbleZData(d2.value, "y") : isObject(d2.value) ? d2.value.mid : d2.value));
18620 | const maxArea = maxR * maxR * Math.PI;
18621 | const area = ($$.isBubbleZType(d) ? $$.getBubbleZData(d.value, "z") : d.value) * (maxArea / max);
18622 | return Math.sqrt(area / Math.PI);
18623 | },
18624 | |
18625 |
18626 |
18627 |
18628 |
18629 |
18630 |
18631 | getBubbleZData(d, type) {
18632 | return isObject(d) ? d[type] : d[type === "y" ? 0 : 1];
18633 | }
18634 | });
18635 |
18636 | ;
18637 | var candlestick_defProp = Object.defineProperty;
18638 | var candlestick_getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
18639 | var candlestick_hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
18640 | var candlestick_propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
18641 | var candlestick_defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? candlestick_defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
18642 | var candlestick_spreadValues = (a, b) => {
18643 | for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
18644 | if (candlestick_hasOwnProp.call(b, prop))
18645 | candlestick_defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
18646 | if (candlestick_getOwnPropSymbols)
18647 | for (var prop of candlestick_getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
18648 | if (candlestick_propIsEnum.call(b, prop))
18649 | candlestick_defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
18650 | }
18651 | return a;
18652 | };
18653 |
18654 |
18655 |
18656 | var candlestick = ({
18657 | initCandlestick() {
18658 | const { $el } = this;
18659 | $el.candlestick = $el.main.select(`.${$COMMON.chart}`).append("g").attr("class", $CANDLESTICK.chartCandlesticks);
18660 | },
18661 | |
18662 |
18663 |
18664 |
18665 |
18666 |
18667 | updateTargetsForCandlestick(targets) {
18668 | const $$ = this;
18669 | const { $el } = $$;
18670 | const classChart = $$.getChartClass("Candlestick");
18671 | if (!$el.candlestick) {
18672 | $$.initCandlestick();
18673 | }
18674 | const mainUpdate = $$.$el.main.select(`.${$CANDLESTICK.chartCandlesticks}`).selectAll(`.${$CANDLESTICK.chartCandlestick}`).data(targets);
18675 | mainUpdate.enter().append("g").attr("class", classChart).style("pointer-events", "none");
18676 | },
18677 | |
18678 |
18679 |
18680 |
18681 |
18682 |
18683 | updateCandlestick(withTransition, isSub = false) {
18684 | const $$ = this;
18685 | const { $el, $T } = $$;
18686 | const $root = isSub ? $el.subchart : $el;
18687 | const classSetter = $$.getClass("candlestick", true);
18688 | const initialOpacity = $$.initialOpacity.bind($$);
18689 | const candlestick = $root.main.selectAll(`.${$CANDLESTICK.chartCandlestick}`).selectAll(`.${$CANDLESTICK.candlestick}`).data($$.labelishData.bind($$));
18690 | $T(candlestick.exit(), withTransition).style("opacity", "0").remove();
18691 | const candlestickEnter = candlestick.enter().filter((d) => d.value).append("g").attr("class", classSetter);
18692 | candlestickEnter.append("line");
18693 | candlestickEnter.append("path");
18694 | $root.candlestick = candlestick.merge(candlestickEnter).style("opacity", initialOpacity);
18695 | },
18696 | |
18697 |
18698 |
18699 |
18700 |
18701 |
18702 |
18703 | generateDrawCandlestick(indices, isSub) {
18704 | const $$ = this;
18705 | const { config } = $$;
18706 | const getPoints = $$.generateGetCandlestickPoints(indices, isSub);
18707 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
18708 | const downColor = config.candlestick_color_down;
18709 | return (d, i, g) => {
18710 | const points = getPoints(d, i);
18711 | const value = $$.getCandlestickData(d);
18712 | const isUp = value == null ? void 0 : value._isUp;
18713 | const indexX = +isRotated;
18714 | const indexY = +!indexX;
18715 | if (g.classed) {
18716 | g.classed($CANDLESTICK[isUp ? "valueUp" : "valueDown"], true);
18717 | }
18718 | const path = isRotated ? `H${points[1][1]} V${points[1][0]} H${points[0][1]}` : `V${points[1][1]} H${points[1][0]} V${points[0][1]}`;
18719 | g.select("path").attr("d", `M${points[0][indexX]},${points[0][indexY]}${path}z`).style("fill", (d2) => {
18720 | const color = isUp ? $$.color(d2) : isObject(downColor) ? downColor[d2.id] : downColor;
18721 | return color || $$.color(d2);
18722 | });
18723 | const line = g.select("line");
18724 | const pos = isRotated ? {
18725 | x1: points[2][1],
18726 | x2: points[2][2],
18727 | y1: points[2][0],
18728 | y2: points[2][0]
18729 | } : {
18730 | x1: points[2][0],
18731 | x2: points[2][0],
18732 | y1: points[2][1],
18733 | y2: points[2][2]
18734 | };
18735 | for (const x in pos) {
18736 | line.attr(x, pos[x]);
18737 | }
18738 | };
18739 | },
18740 | |
18741 |
18742 |
18743 |
18744 |
18745 |
18746 | generateGetCandlestickPoints(indices, isSub = false) {
18747 | const $$ = this;
18748 | const axis = isSub ? $$.axis.subX : $$.axis.x;
18749 | const targetsNum = $$.getIndicesMax(indices) + 1;
18750 | const barW = $$.getBarW("candlestick", axis, targetsNum);
18751 | const x = $$.getShapeX(barW, indices, !!isSub);
18752 | const y = $$.getShapeY(!!isSub);
18753 | const shapeOffset = $$.getShapeOffset($$.isBarType, indices, !!isSub);
18754 | const yScale = $$.getYScaleById.bind($$);
18755 | return (d, i) => {
18756 | const y0 = yScale.call($$, d.id, isSub)($$.getShapeYMin(d.id));
18757 | const offset = shapeOffset(d, i) || y0;
18758 | const width = isNumber(barW) ? barW : barW[d.id] || barW._$width;
18759 | const value = $$.getCandlestickData(d);
18760 | let points;
18761 | if (value && isNumber(value.open) && isNumber(value.close)) {
18762 | const posX = {
18763 | start: x(d),
18764 | end: 0
18765 | };
18766 | posX.end = posX.start + width;
18767 | const posY = {
18768 | start: y(value.open),
18769 | end: y(value.close)
18770 | };
18771 | const posLine = {
18772 | x: posX.start + width / 2,
18773 | high: y(value.high),
18774 | low: y(value.low)
18775 | };
18776 | posY.start -= y0 - offset;
18777 | points = [
18778 | [posX.start, posY.start],
18779 | [posX.end, posY.end],
18780 | [posLine.x, posLine.low, posLine.high]
18781 | ];
18782 | } else {
18783 | points = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0, 0]];
18784 | }
18785 | return points;
18786 | };
18787 | },
18788 | |
18789 |
18790 |
18791 |
18792 |
18793 |
18794 |
18795 | redrawCandlestick(drawFn, withTransition, isSub = false) {
18796 | const $$ = this;
18797 | const { $el, $T } = $$;
18798 | const { candlestick } = isSub ? $el.subchart : $el;
18799 | const rand = getRandom(true);
18800 | return [
18801 | candlestick.each(function(d, i) {
18802 | const g = $T((0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this), withTransition, rand);
18803 | drawFn(d, i, g);
18804 | }).style("opacity", null)
18805 | ];
18806 | },
18807 | |
18808 |
18809 |
18810 |
18811 |
18812 |
18813 |
18814 | getCandlestickData({ value }) {
18815 | let d;
18816 | if (isArray(value)) {
18817 | const [open, high, low, close, volume = false] = value;
18818 | d = { open, high, low, close };
18819 | if (volume !== false) {
18820 | d.volume = volume;
18821 | }
18822 | } else if (isObject(value)) {
18823 | d = candlestick_spreadValues({}, value);
18824 | }
18825 | if (d) {
18826 | d._isUp = d.close >= d.open;
18827 | }
18828 | return d || null;
18829 | }
18830 | });
18831 |
18832 | ;
18833 | var funnel_defProp = Object.defineProperty;
18834 | var funnel_getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
18835 | var funnel_hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
18836 | var funnel_propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
18837 | var funnel_defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? funnel_defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
18838 | var funnel_spreadValues = (a, b) => {
18839 | for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
18840 | if (funnel_hasOwnProp.call(b, prop))
18841 | funnel_defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
18842 | if (funnel_getOwnPropSymbols)
18843 | for (var prop of funnel_getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
18844 | if (funnel_propIsEnum.call(b, prop))
18845 | funnel_defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
18846 | }
18847 | return a;
18848 | };
18849 |
18850 |
18851 |
18852 | function getSize(checkNeck = false) {
18853 | const $$ = this;
18854 | const { config, state: { current: { width, height } } } = $$;
18855 | const padding = $$.getCurrentPadding();
18856 | const size = funnel_spreadValues({
18857 | width: width - (padding.left + padding.right),
18858 | height: height - (config.legend_show ? $$.getLegendHeight() + 10 : 0) - (padding.top + padding.bottom)
18859 | }, padding);
18860 | if (checkNeck) {
18861 | const { width: neckWidth, height: neckHeight } = getNecklSize.call($$, {
18862 | width: size.width,
18863 | height: size.height
18864 | });
18865 | if (size.width < neckWidth) {
18866 | size.width = neckWidth;
18867 | }
18868 | if (size.height < neckHeight) {
18869 | size.height = neckHeight;
18870 | }
18871 | }
18872 | return size;
18873 | }
18874 | function getNecklSize(current) {
18875 | const $$ = this;
18876 | const { config } = $$;
18877 | let width = config.funnel_neck_width;
18878 | let height = config.funnel_neck_height;
18879 | [width, height] = [width, height].map((v, i) => {
18880 | let size = v;
18881 | if (isObject(v)) {
18882 | size = current[i ? "height" : "width"] * v.ratio;
18883 | }
18884 | return size;
18885 | });
18886 | return {
18887 | width,
18888 | height
18889 | };
18890 | }
18891 | function getCoord(d) {
18892 | const $$ = this;
18893 | const { top, left, width } = getSize.call($$, true);
18894 | const coords = [];
18895 | d.forEach((d2, i) => {
18896 | const { ratio } = d2;
18897 | const y = i > 0 ? coords[i - 1][2][1] : top;
18898 | coords.push(d2.coords = [
18899 | [left, y],
18900 |
18901 | [left + width, y],
18902 |
18903 | [left + width, i > 0 ? ratio + y : ratio + top],
18904 |
18905 | [left, i > 0 ? ratio + y : ratio + top],
18906 |
18907 | [left, y]
18908 |
18909 | ]);
18910 | });
18911 | return coords;
18912 | }
18913 | function getClipPath(forBackground = false) {
18914 | const $$ = this;
18915 | const { width, height, top, left } = getSize.call($$, true);
18916 | const neck = getNecklSize.call($$, { width, height });
18917 | const leftX = (width - neck.width) / 2;
18918 | const rightX = (width + neck.width) / 2;
18919 | const bodyHeigth = height - neck.height;
18920 | const coords = [
18921 | [0, 0],
18922 |
18923 | [width, 0],
18924 |
18925 | [rightX, bodyHeigth],
18926 |
18927 | [rightX, height],
18928 |
18929 | [leftX, height],
18930 |
18931 | [leftX, bodyHeigth],
18932 |
18933 | [0, 0]
18934 |
18935 | ];
18936 | if (forBackground) {
18937 | coords.forEach((d) => {
18938 | d[0] += left;
18939 | d[1] += top;
18940 | });
18941 | }
18942 | return `M${coords.join("L")}z`;
18943 | }
18944 | function getFunnelData(d) {
18945 | const $$ = this;
18946 | const { config } = $$;
18947 | const data = d.map((d2) => ({
18948 | id: d2.id,
18949 | value: d2.values.reduce((a, b) => a + b.value, 0)
18950 | }));
18951 | if (config.data_order) {
18952 | data.sort($$.getSortCompareFn.bind($$)(true));
18953 | }
18954 | return updateRatio.call($$, data);
18955 | }
18956 | function updateRatio(data) {
18957 | const $$ = this;
18958 | const { height } = getSize.call($$);
18959 | const total = $$.getTotalDataSum(true);
18960 | data.forEach((d) => {
18961 | d.ratio = d.value / total * height;
18962 | });
18963 | return data;
18964 | }
18965 | var funnel = ({
18966 | |
18967 |
18968 |
18969 |
18970 | initFunnel() {
18971 | const $$ = this;
18972 | const { $el } = $$;
18973 | $el.funnel = $el.main.select(`.${$COMMON.chart}`).append("g").classed($FUNNEL.chartFunnels, true);
18974 | $el.funnel.background = $el.funnel.append("path").classed($FUNNEL.funnelBackground, true);
18975 | $$.bindFunnelEvent();
18976 | },
18977 | |
18978 |
18979 |
18980 |
18981 | bindFunnelEvent() {
18982 | const $$ = this;
18983 | const { $el: { funnel }, config, state } = $$;
18984 | const getTarget = (event) => {
18985 | var _a;
18986 | const target = event.isTrusted ? event.target : (_a = state.eventReceiver.rect) == null ? void 0 : _a.node();
18987 | let data;
18988 | if (/^path$/i.test(target.tagName)) {
18989 | state.event = event;
18990 | data = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(target).datum();
18991 | }
18992 | return data;
18993 | };
18994 | if (config.interaction_enabled) {
18995 | const isTouch = state.inputType === "touch";
18996 | funnel.on(isTouch ? "touchstart" : "mouseover mousemove", (event) => {
18997 | const data = getTarget(event);
18998 | if (data) {
18999 | $$.showTooltip([data], event.target);
19000 | /^(touchstart|mouseover)$/.test(event.type) && $$.setOverOut(true, data);
19001 | }
19002 | }).on(isTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseout", (event) => {
19003 | const data = getTarget(event);
19004 | if (config.interaction_onout) {
19005 | $$.hideTooltip();
19006 | $$.setOverOut(false, data);
19007 | }
19008 | });
19009 | }
19010 | },
19011 | |
19012 |
19013 |
19014 |
19015 |
19016 | updateTargetsForFunnel(t) {
19017 | const $$ = this;
19018 | const { $el: { funnel } } = $$;
19019 | const classChartFunnel = $$.getChartClass("Funnel");
19020 | const classFunnel = $$.getClass("funnel", true);
19021 | if (!funnel) {
19022 | $$.initFunnel();
19023 | }
19024 | const targets = getFunnelData.call($$, t.filter($$.isFunnelType.bind($$)));
19025 | const mainFunnelUpdate = funnel.selectAll(`.${$FUNNEL.chartFunnel}`).data(targets);
19026 | mainFunnelUpdate.exit().remove();
19027 | const mainFunnelEnter = mainFunnelUpdate.enter().insert("g", `.${$FUNNEL.funnelBackground}`);
19028 | mainFunnelEnter.append("path");
19029 | funnel.path = mainFunnelEnter.merge(mainFunnelUpdate).attr("class", (d) => classChartFunnel(d)).select("path").attr("class", classFunnel).style("opacity", "0").style("fill", $$.color);
19030 | },
19031 | |
19032 |
19033 |
19034 |
19035 |
19036 | updateFunnel(targets) {
19037 | const $$ = this;
19038 | const { $el: { funnel } } = $$;
19039 | const targetIds = targets.map(({ id }) => id);
19040 | funnel.path = funnel.path.filter((d) => targetIds.indexOf(d.id) >= 0);
19041 | },
19042 | |
19043 |
19044 |
19045 |
19046 |
19047 | generateGetFunnelPoints() {
19048 | const $$ = this;
19049 | const { $el: { funnel } } = $$;
19050 | const targets = $$.filterTargetsToShow(funnel.path);
19051 | const { top, left, right } = getSize.call($$);
19052 | const center = (left - right) / 2;
19053 | const points = {};
19054 | let accumulatedHeight = top != null ? top : 0;
19055 | targets.each((d, i) => {
19056 | var _a;
19057 | points[d.id] = [
19058 | [center, accumulatedHeight],
19059 | [center, accumulatedHeight += ((_a = targets == null ? void 0 : targets[i]) != null ? _a : d).ratio]
19060 | ];
19061 | });
19062 | return (d) => points[d.id];
19063 | },
19064 | |
19065 |
19066 |
19067 |
19068 | redrawFunnel() {
19069 | const $$ = this;
19070 | const { $T, $el: { funnel } } = $$;
19071 | const targets = $$.filterTargetsToShow(funnel.path);
19072 | const coords = getCoord.call($$, updateRatio.call($$, targets.data()));
19073 | funnel.attr("clip-path", `path('${getClipPath.bind($$)()}')`);
19074 | funnel.background.attr("d", getClipPath.call($$, true));
19075 | $T(targets).attr("d", (d, i) => `M${coords[i].join("L")}z`).style("opacity", "1");
19076 | funnel.selectAll("g").style("opacity", null);
19077 | }
19078 | });
19079 |
19080 | ;
19081 |
19082 |
19083 |
19084 | var gauge = ({
19085 | initGauge() {
19086 | const $$ = this;
19087 | const { config, $el: { arcs } } = $$;
19088 | const appendText = (className = null, value = "") => {
19089 | arcs.append("text").attr("class", className).style("text-anchor", "middle").style("pointer-events", "none").text(value);
19090 | };
19091 | if ($$.hasType("gauge")) {
19092 | const hasMulti = $$.hasMultiArcGauge();
19093 | arcs.append(hasMulti ? "g" : "path").attr("class", $ARC.chartArcsBackground).style("fill", !hasMulti && config.gauge_background || null);
19094 | config.gauge_units && appendText($GAUGE.chartArcsGaugeUnit);
19095 | if (config.gauge_label_show) {
19096 | appendText($GAUGE.chartArcsGaugeMin);
19097 | !config.gauge_fullCircle && appendText($GAUGE.chartArcsGaugeMax);
19098 | }
19099 | }
19100 | },
19101 | updateGaugeMax() {
19102 | const $$ = this;
19103 | const { config, state } = $$;
19104 | const hasMultiGauge = $$.hasMultiArcGauge();
19105 | const max = hasMultiGauge ? $$.getMinMaxData().max[0].value : $$.getTotalDataSum(state.rendered);
19106 | if (!config.gauge_enforceMinMax && max + config.gauge_min * (config.gauge_min > 0 ? -1 : 1) > config.gauge_max) {
19107 | config.gauge_max = max - config.gauge_min;
19108 | }
19109 | },
19110 | redrawArcGaugeLine() {
19111 | const $$ = this;
19112 | const { config, state, $el } = $$;
19113 | const { hiddenTargetIds } = $$.state;
19114 | const arcLabelLines = $el.main.selectAll(`.${$ARC.arcs}`).selectAll(`.${$ARC.arcLabelLine}`).data($$.arcData.bind($$));
19115 | const mainArcLabelLine = arcLabelLines.enter().append("rect").attr(
19116 | "class",
19117 | (d) => `${$ARC.arcLabelLine} ${$COMMON.target} ${$COMMON.target}-${d.data.id}`
19118 | ).merge(arcLabelLines);
19119 | mainArcLabelLine.style(
19120 | "fill",
19121 | (d) => $$.levelColor ? $$.levelColor(d.data.values[0].value) : $$.color(d.data)
19122 | ).style("display", config.gauge_label_show ? null : "none").each(function(d) {
19123 | let lineLength = 0;
19124 | const lineThickness = 2;
19125 | let x = 0;
19126 | let y = 0;
19127 | let transform = "";
19128 | if (hiddenTargetIds.indexOf(d.data.id) < 0) {
19129 | const updated = $$.updateAngle(d);
19130 | const innerLineLength = state.gaugeArcWidth / $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets).length * (updated.index + 1);
19131 | const lineAngle = updated.endAngle - Math.PI / 2;
19132 | const arcInnerRadius = state.radius - innerLineLength;
19133 | const linePositioningAngle = lineAngle - (arcInnerRadius === 0 ? 0 : 1 / arcInnerRadius);
19134 | lineLength = state.radiusExpanded - state.radius + innerLineLength;
19135 | x = Math.cos(linePositioningAngle) * arcInnerRadius;
19136 | y = Math.sin(linePositioningAngle) * arcInnerRadius;
19137 | transform = `rotate(${lineAngle * 180 / Math.PI}, ${x}, ${y})`;
19138 | }
19139 | (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this).attr("x", x).attr("y", y).attr("width", lineLength).attr("height", lineThickness).attr("transform", transform).style("stroke-dasharray", `0, ${lineLength + lineThickness}, 0`);
19140 | });
19141 | },
19142 | textForGaugeMinMax(value, isMax) {
19143 | const $$ = this;
19144 | const { config } = $$;
19145 | const format = config.gauge_label_extents;
19146 | return isFunction(format) ? format.bind($$.api)(value, isMax) : value;
19147 | },
19148 | getGaugeLabelHeight() {
19149 | const { config } = this;
19150 | return this.config.gauge_label_show && !config.gauge_fullCircle ? 20 : 0;
19151 | },
19152 | getPaddingBottomForGauge() {
19153 | const $$ = this;
19154 | return $$.getGaugeLabelHeight() * ($$.config.gauge_label_show ? 2 : 2.5);
19155 | }
19156 | });
19157 |
19158 | ;
19159 |
19160 |
19161 |
19162 |
19163 | function getStrokeDashArray(start, end, pattern, isLastX = false) {
19164 | const dash = start ? [start, 0] : pattern;
19165 | for (let i = start ? start : pattern.reduce((a, c) => a + c); i <= end; ) {
19166 | pattern.forEach((v) => {
19167 | if (i + v <= end) {
19168 | dash.push(v);
19169 | }
19170 | i += v;
19171 | });
19172 | }
19173 | dash.length % 2 !== 0 && dash.push(isLastX ? pattern[1] : 0);
19174 | return {
19175 | dash: dash.join(" "),
19176 | length: dash.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)
19177 | };
19178 | }
19179 | function getRegions(d, _regions, isTimeSeries) {
19180 | const $$ = this;
19181 | const regions = [];
19182 | const dasharray = "2 2";
19183 | if (isDefined(_regions)) {
19184 | const getValue = (v, def) => isUndefined(v) ? def : isTimeSeries ? parseDate.call($$, v) : v;
19185 | for (let i = 0, reg; reg = _regions[i]; i++) {
19186 | const start = getValue(reg.start, d[0].x);
19187 | const end = getValue(reg.end, d[d.length - 1].x);
19188 | const style = reg.style || { dasharray };
19189 | regions[i] = { start, end, style };
19190 | }
19191 | }
19192 | return regions;
19193 | }
19194 | var line = ({
19195 | initLine() {
19196 | const { $el } = this;
19197 | $el.line = $el.main.select(`.${$COMMON.chart}`).append("g").attr("class", $LINE.chartLines).call(this.setCssRule(false, `.${$LINE.chartLines}`, ["pointer-events:none"]));
19198 | },
19199 | updateTargetsForLine(t) {
19200 | const $$ = this;
19201 | const { $el: { area, line, main } } = $$;
19202 | const classChartLine = $$.getChartClass("Line");
19203 | const classLines = $$.getClass("lines", true);
19204 | const classFocus = $$.classFocus.bind($$);
19205 | if (!line) {
19206 | $$.initLine();
19207 | }
19208 | const targets = t.filter((d) => !($$.isScatterType(d) || $$.isBubbleType(d)));
19209 | const mainLineUpdate = main.select(`.${$LINE.chartLines}`).selectAll(`.${$LINE.chartLine}`).data(targets).attr("class", (d) => classChartLine(d) + classFocus(d));
19210 | const mainLineEnter = mainLineUpdate.enter().append("g").attr("class", classChartLine).style("opacity", "0").style("pointer-events", $$.getStylePropValue("none"));
19211 | mainLineEnter.append("g").attr("class", classLines);
19212 | if ($$.hasTypeOf("Area")) {
19213 | const mainLine = (!area && mainLineEnter.empty() ? mainLineUpdate : mainLineEnter).filter($$.isAreaType.bind($$));
19214 | $$.initArea(mainLine);
19215 | }
19216 | $$.updateTargetForCircle(targets, mainLineEnter);
19217 | },
19218 | |
19219 |
19220 |
19221 |
19222 |
19223 |
19224 | updateLine(withTransition, isSub = false) {
19225 | const $$ = this;
19226 | const { format: { extraLineClasses }, $el, $T } = $$;
19227 | const $root = isSub ? $el.subchart : $el;
19228 | const line = $root.main.selectAll(`.${$LINE.lines}`).selectAll(`.${$LINE.line}`).data($$.lineData.bind($$));
19229 | $T(line.exit(), withTransition).style("opacity", "0").remove();
19230 | $root.line = line.enter().append("path").attr("class", (d) => `${$$.getClass("line", true)(d)} ${extraLineClasses(d) || ""}`).style("stroke", $$.color).merge(line).style("opacity", $$.initialOpacity.bind($$)).attr("transform", null);
19231 | },
19232 | |
19233 |
19234 |
19235 |
19236 |
19237 |
19238 |
19239 |
19240 | redrawLine(drawFn, withTransition, isSub = false) {
19241 | const $$ = this;
19242 | const { $el, $T } = $$;
19243 | const { line } = isSub ? $el.subchart : $el;
19244 | return [
19245 | $T(line, withTransition, getRandom()).attr("d", drawFn).style("stroke", this.color).style("opacity", null)
19246 | ];
19247 | },
19248 | |
19249 |
19250 |
19251 |
19252 |
19253 |
19254 | getCurve(d) {
19255 | const $$ = this;
19256 | const isRotatedStepType = $$.config.axis_rotated && $$.isStepType(d);
19257 | return isRotatedStepType ? (context) => {
19258 | const step = $$.getInterpolate(d)(context);
19259 | step.orgPoint = step.point;
19260 | step.pointRotated = function(x, y) {
19261 | this._point === 1 && (this._point = 2);
19262 | const y1 = this._y * (1 - this._t) + y * this._t;
19263 | this._context.lineTo(this._x, y1);
19264 | this._context.lineTo(x, y1);
19265 | this._x = x;
19266 | this._y = y;
19267 | };
19268 | step.point = function(x, y) {
19269 | this._point === 0 ? this.orgPoint(x, y) : this.pointRotated(x, y);
19270 | };
19271 | return step;
19272 | } : $$.getInterpolate(d);
19273 | },
19274 | generateDrawLine(lineIndices, isSub) {
19275 | const $$ = this;
19276 | const { config, scale } = $$;
19277 | const lineConnectNull = config.line_connectNull;
19278 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
19279 | const getPoints = $$.generateGetLinePoints(lineIndices, isSub);
19280 | const yScale = $$.getYScaleById.bind($$);
19281 | const xValue = (d) => (isSub ? $$.subxx : $$.xx).call($$, d);
19282 | const yValue = (d, i) => $$.isGrouped(d.id) ? getPoints(d, i)[0][1] : yScale(d.id, isSub)($$.getBaseValue(d));
19283 | let line = (0,external_commonjs_d3_shape_commonjs2_d3_shape_amd_d3_shape_root_d3_.line)();
19284 | line = isRotated ? line.x(yValue).y(xValue) : line.x(xValue).y(yValue);
19285 | if (!lineConnectNull) {
19286 | line = line.defined((d) => $$.getBaseValue(d) !== null);
19287 | }
19288 | const x = isSub ? scale.subX : scale.x;
19289 | return (d) => {
19290 | const y = yScale(d.id, isSub);
19291 | let values = lineConnectNull ? $$.filterRemoveNull(d.values) : d.values;
19292 | let x0 = 0;
19293 | let y0 = 0;
19294 | let path;
19295 | if ($$.isLineType(d)) {
19296 | const regions = config.data_regions[d.id];
19297 | if (regions) {
19298 | path = $$.lineWithRegions(values, scale.zoom || x, y, regions);
19299 | } else {
19300 | if ($$.isStepType(d)) {
19301 | values = $$.convertValuesToStep(values);
19302 | }
19303 | path = line.curve($$.getCurve(d))(values);
19304 | }
19305 | } else {
19306 | if (values[0]) {
19307 | x0 = x(values[0].x);
19308 | y0 = y(values[0].value);
19309 | }
19310 | path = isRotated ? `M ${y0} ${x0}` : `M ${x0} ${y0}`;
19311 | }
19312 | return path || "M 0 0";
19313 | };
19314 | },
19315 | |
19316 |
19317 |
19318 |
19319 |
19320 |
19321 |
19322 |
19323 |
19324 | lineWithRegions(d, x, y, _regions) {
19325 | const $$ = this;
19326 | const { config } = $$;
19327 | const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
19328 | const isTimeSeries = $$.axis.isTimeSeries();
19329 | const dasharray = "2 2";
19330 | const regions = getRegions.bind($$)(d, _regions, isTimeSeries);
19331 | const hasNullDataValue = $$.hasNullDataValue(d);
19332 | let xp;
19333 | let yp;
19334 | let diff;
19335 | let diffx2;
19336 | const xValue = isRotated ? (dt) => y(dt.value) : (dt) => x(dt.x);
19337 | const yValue = isRotated ? (dt) => x(dt.x) : (dt) => y(dt.value);
19338 | const generateM = (points) => `M${points[0][0]},${points[0][1]}L${points[1][0]},${points[1][1]}`;
19339 | const sWithRegion = isTimeSeries ? (d0, d1, k, timeseriesDiff) => {
19340 | const x0 = d0.x.getTime();
19341 | const xDiff = d1.x - d0.x;
19342 | const xv0 = new Date(x0 + xDiff * k);
19343 | const xv1 = new Date(x0 + xDiff * (k + timeseriesDiff));
19344 | const points = isRotated ? [[y(yp(k)), x(xv0)], [y(yp(k + diff)), x(xv1)]] : [[x(xv0), y(yp(k))], [x(xv1), y(yp(k + diff))]];
19345 | return generateM(points);
19346 | } : (d0, d1, k, otherDiff) => {
19347 | const x0 = x(d1.x, !isRotated);
19348 | const y0 = y(d1.value, isRotated);
19349 | const gap = k + otherDiff;
19350 | const xValue2 = x(xp(k), !isRotated);
19351 | const yValue2 = y(yp(k), isRotated);
19352 | let xDiff = x(xp(gap), !isRotated);
19353 | let yDiff = y(yp(gap), isRotated);
19354 | if (xDiff > x0) {
19355 | xDiff = x0;
19356 | }
19357 | if (d0.value > d1.value && (isRotated ? yDiff < y0 : yDiff > y0)) {
19358 | yDiff = y0;
19359 | }
19360 | const points = [
19361 | [xValue2, yValue2],
19362 | [xDiff, yDiff]
19363 | ];
19364 | isRotated && points.forEach((v) => v.reverse());
19365 | return generateM(points);
19366 | };
19367 | const axisType = { x: $$.axis.getAxisType("x"), y: $$.axis.getAxisType("y") };
19368 | let path = "";
19369 | const target = $$.$el.line.filter(({ id }) => id === d[0].id);
19370 | const tempNode = target.clone().style("display", "none");
19371 | const getLength = (node, path2) => node.attr("d", path2).node().getTotalLength();
19372 | const dashArray = {
19373 | dash: [],
19374 | lastLength: 0
19375 | };
19376 | let isLastX = false;
19377 | for (let i = 0, data; data = d[i]; i++) {
19378 | const prevData = d[i - 1];
19379 | const hasPrevData = prevData && isValue(prevData.value);
19380 | let style = $$.isWithinRegions(data.x, regions);
19381 | if (!isValue(data.value)) {
19382 | continue;
19383 | }
19384 | if (isUndefined(regions) || !style || !hasPrevData) {
19385 | path += `${i && hasPrevData ? "L" : "M"}${xValue(data)},${yValue(data)}`;
19386 | } else if (hasPrevData) {
19387 | style = ((style == null ? void 0 : style.dasharray) || dasharray).split(" ").map(Number);
19388 | xp = getScale(axisType.x, prevData.x, data.x);
19389 | yp = getScale(axisType.y, prevData.value, data.value);
19390 | if (hasNullDataValue) {
19391 | const dx = x(data.x) - x(prevData.x);
19392 | const dy = y(data.value) - y(prevData.value);
19393 | const dd = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dx, 2) + Math.pow(dy, 2));
19394 | diff = style[0] / dd;
19395 | diffx2 = diff * style[1];
19396 | for (let j = diff; j <= 1; j += diffx2) {
19397 | path += sWithRegion(prevData, data, j, diff);
19398 | if (j + diffx2 >= 1) {
19399 | path += sWithRegion(prevData, data, 1, 0);
19400 | }
19401 | }
19402 | } else {
19403 | let points = [];
19404 | isLastX = data.x === d[d.length - 1].x;
19405 | if (isTimeSeries) {
19406 | const x0 = +prevData.x;
19407 | const xv0 = new Date(x0);
19408 | const xv1 = new Date(x0 + (+data.x - x0));
19409 | points = [
19410 | [x(xv0), y(yp(0))],
19411 |
19412 | [x(xv1), y(yp(1))]
19413 |
19414 | ];
19415 | } else {
19416 | points = [
19417 | [x(xp(0)), y(yp(0))],
19418 |
19419 | [x(xp(1)), y(yp(1))]
19420 |
19421 | ];
19422 | }
19423 | isRotated && points.forEach((v) => v.reverse());
19424 | const startLength = getLength(tempNode, path);
19425 | const endLength = getLength(tempNode, path += `L${points[1].join(",")}`);
19426 | const strokeDashArray = getStrokeDashArray(
19427 | startLength - dashArray.lastLength,
19428 | endLength - dashArray.lastLength,
19429 | style,
19430 | isLastX
19431 | );
19432 | dashArray.lastLength += strokeDashArray.length;
19433 | dashArray.dash.push(strokeDashArray.dash);
19434 | }
19435 | }
19436 | }
19437 | if (dashArray.dash.length) {
19438 | !isLastX && dashArray.dash.push(getLength(tempNode, path));
19439 | tempNode.remove();
19440 | target.attr("stroke-dasharray", dashArray.dash.join(" "));
19441 | }
19442 | return path;
19443 | },
19444 | isWithinRegions(withinX, withinRegions) {
19445 | for (let i = 0, reg; reg = withinRegions[i]; i++) {
19446 | if (reg.start < withinX && withinX <= reg.end) {
19447 | return reg.style;
19448 | }
19449 | }
19450 | return false;
19451 | },
19452 | isWithinStep(that, y) {
19453 | return Math.abs(y - getPointer(this.state.event, that)[1]) < 30;
19454 | },
19455 | shouldDrawPointsForLine(d) {
19456 | const linePoint = this.config.line_point;
19457 | return linePoint === true || isArray(linePoint) && linePoint.indexOf(d.id) !== -1;
19458 | }
19459 | });
19460 |
19461 | ;
19462 |
19463 |
19464 |
19465 | const getTransitionName = () => getRandom();
19466 | var point = ({
19467 | initialOpacityForCircle(d) {
19468 | const { config, state: { withoutFadeIn } } = this;
19469 | let opacity = config.point_opacity;
19470 | if (isUndefined(opacity)) {
19471 | opacity = this.getBaseValue(d) !== null && withoutFadeIn[d.id] ? this.opacityForCircle(d) : "0";
19472 | }
19473 | return opacity;
19474 | },
19475 | opacityForCircle(d) {
19476 | var _a;
19477 | const { config } = this;
19478 | let opacity = config.point_opacity;
19479 | if (isUndefined(opacity)) {
19480 | opacity = config.point_show && !((_a = this.isPointFocusOnly) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(this)) ? null : "0";
19481 | opacity = isValue(this.getBaseValue(d)) ? this.isBubbleType(d) || this.isScatterType(d) ? "0.5" : opacity : "0";
19482 | }
19483 | return opacity;
19484 | },
19485 | initCircle() {
19486 | const $$ = this;
19487 | const { $el: { main } } = $$;
19488 | !$$.point && ($$.point = $$.generatePoint());
19489 | if (($$.hasType("bubble") || $$.hasType("scatter")) && main.select(`.${$COMMON.chart} > .${$CIRCLE.chartCircles}`).empty()) {
19490 | main.select(`.${$COMMON.chart}`).append("g").attr("class", $CIRCLE.chartCircles);
19491 | }
19492 | },
19493 | updateTargetForCircle(targetsValue, enterNodeValue) {
19494 | const $$ = this;
19495 | const { config, data, $el } = $$;
19496 | const selectionEnabled = config.interaction_enabled && config.data_selection_enabled;
19497 | const isSelectable = selectionEnabled && config.data_selection_isselectable;
19498 | const classCircles = $$.getClass("circles", true);
19499 | if (!config.point_show) {
19500 | return;
19501 | }
19502 | $$.initCircle();
19503 | let targets = targetsValue;
19504 | let enterNode = enterNodeValue;
19505 | if (!targets) {
19506 | targets = data.targets.filter((d) => this.isScatterType(d) || this.isBubbleType(d));
19507 | const mainCircle = $el.main.select(`.${$CIRCLE.chartCircles}`).style("pointer-events", "none").selectAll(`.${$CIRCLE.circles}`).data(targets);
19508 | mainCircle.exit().remove();
19509 | enterNode = mainCircle.enter();
19510 | }
19511 | selectionEnabled && enterNode.append("g").attr("class", (d) => $$.generateClass($SELECT.selectedCircles, d.id));
19512 | enterNode.append("g").attr("class", classCircles).call((selection) => {
19513 | $$.setCssRule(true, `.${$CIRCLE.circles}`, ["cursor:pointer"], isSelectable)(
19514 | selection
19515 | );
19516 | $$.setCssRule(true, ` .${$CIRCLE.circle}`, ["fill", "stroke"], $$.color)(selection);
19517 | }).style("opacity", function() {
19518 | const parent = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this.parentNode);
19519 | return parent.attr("class").indexOf($CIRCLE.chartCircles) > -1 ? "0" : null;
19520 | });
19521 | selectionEnabled && targets.forEach((t) => {
19522 | $el.main.selectAll(`.${$SELECT.selectedCircles}${$$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(t.id)}`).selectAll(`${$SELECT.selectedCircle}`).each((d) => {
19523 | d.value = t.values[d.index].value;
19524 | });
19525 | });
19526 | },
19527 | updateCircle(isSub = false) {
19528 | const $$ = this;
19529 | const { config, state, $el } = $$;
19530 | const focusOnly = $$.isPointFocusOnly();
19531 | const $root = isSub ? $el.subchart : $el;
19532 | if (config.point_show && !state.toggling) {
19533 | config.point_radialGradient && $$.updateLinearGradient();
19534 | const circles = $root.main.selectAll(`.${$CIRCLE.circles}`).selectAll(`.${$CIRCLE.circle}`).data((d) => $$.isLineType(d) && $$.shouldDrawPointsForLine(d) || $$.isBubbleType(d) || $$.isRadarType(d) || $$.isScatterType(d) ? focusOnly ? [d.values[0]] : d.values : []);
19535 | circles.exit().remove();
19536 | circles.enter().filter(Boolean).append(
19537 | $$.point("create", this, $$.pointR.bind($$), $$.updateCircleColor.bind($$))
19538 | );
19539 | $root.circle = $root.main.selectAll(`.${$CIRCLE.circles} .${$CIRCLE.circle}`).style("stroke", $$.getStylePropValue($$.color)).style("opacity", $$.initialOpacityForCircle.bind($$));
19540 | }
19541 | },
19542 | |
19543 |
19544 |
19545 |
19546 |
19547 |
19548 | updateCircleColor(d) {
19549 | const $$ = this;
19550 | const fn = $$.getStylePropValue($$.color);
19551 | return $$.config.point_radialGradient ? $$.getGradienColortUrl(d.id) : fn ? fn(d) : null;
19552 | },
19553 | redrawCircle(cx, cy, withTransition, flow, isSub = false) {
19554 | const $$ = this;
19555 | const { state: { rendered }, $el, $T } = $$;
19556 | const $root = isSub ? $el.subchart : $el;
19557 | const selectedCircles = $root.main.selectAll(`.${$SELECT.selectedCircle}`);
19558 | if (!$$.config.point_show) {
19559 | return [];
19560 | }
19561 | const fn = $$.point(
19562 | "update",
19563 | $$,
19564 | cx,
19565 | cy,
19566 | $$.updateCircleColor.bind($$),
19567 | withTransition,
19568 | flow,
19569 | selectedCircles
19570 | );
19571 | const posAttr = $$.isCirclePoint() ? "c" : "";
19572 | const t = getRandom();
19573 | const opacityStyleFn = $$.opacityForCircle.bind($$);
19574 | const mainCircles = [];
19575 | $root.circle.each(function(d) {
19576 | let result = fn.bind(this)(d);
19577 | result = $T(result, withTransition || !rendered, t).style("opacity", opacityStyleFn);
19578 | mainCircles.push(result);
19579 | });
19580 | return [
19581 | mainCircles,
19582 | $T(selectedCircles, withTransition).attr(`${posAttr}x`, cx).attr(`${posAttr}y`, cy)
19583 | ];
19584 | },
19585 | |
19586 |
19587 |
19588 |
19589 |
19590 | showCircleFocus(d) {
19591 | const $$ = this;
19592 | const { state: { hasRadar, resizing, toggling, transiting }, $el } = $$;
19593 | let { circle } = $el;
19594 | if (transiting === false && circle && $$.isPointFocusOnly()) {
19595 | const cx = (hasRadar ? $$.radarCircleX : $$.circleX).bind($$);
19596 | const cy = (hasRadar ? $$.radarCircleY : $$.circleY).bind($$);
19597 | const withTransition = toggling || isUndefined(d);
19598 | const fn = $$.point(
19599 | "update",
19600 | $$,
19601 | cx,
19602 | cy,
19603 | $$.getStylePropValue($$.color),
19604 | resizing ? false : withTransition
19605 | );
19606 | if (d) {
19607 | circle = circle.filter(function(t) {
19608 | var _a;
19609 | const data = (_a = d.filter) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(d, (v) => v.id === t.id);
19610 | return data.length ? (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this).datum(data[0]) : false;
19611 | });
19612 | }
19613 | circle.attr("class", this.updatePointClass.bind(this)).style("opacity", null).each(function(d2) {
19614 | const { id, index, value } = d2;
19615 | let visibility = "hidden";
19616 | if (isValue(value)) {
19617 | fn.bind(this)(d2);
19618 | $$.expandCircles(index, id);
19619 | visibility = "";
19620 | }
19621 | this.style.visibility = visibility;
19622 | });
19623 | }
19624 | },
19625 | |
19626 |
19627 |
19628 |
19629 | hideCircleFocus() {
19630 | const $$ = this;
19631 | const { $el: { circle } } = $$;
19632 | if ($$.isPointFocusOnly() && circle) {
19633 | $$.unexpandCircles();
19634 | circle.style("visibility", "hidden");
19635 | }
19636 | },
19637 | circleX(d) {
19638 | return this.xx(d);
19639 | },
19640 | updateCircleY(isSub = false) {
19641 | const $$ = this;
19642 | const getPoints = $$.generateGetLinePoints($$.getShapeIndices($$.isLineType), isSub);
19643 | return (d, i) => {
19644 | const id = d.id;
19645 | return $$.isGrouped(id) ? getPoints(d, i)[0][1] : $$.getYScaleById(id, isSub)($$.getBaseValue(d));
19646 | };
19647 | },
19648 | expandCircles(i, id, reset) {
19649 | const $$ = this;
19650 | const r = $$.pointExpandedR.bind($$);
19651 | reset && $$.unexpandCircles();
19652 | const circles = $$.getShapeByIndex("circle", i, id).classed($COMMON.EXPANDED, true);
19653 | const scale = r(circles) / $$.config.point_r;
19654 | const ratio = 1 - scale;
19655 | if ($$.isCirclePoint()) {
19656 | circles.attr("r", r);
19657 | } else {
19658 | circles.each(function() {
19659 | const point = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this);
19660 | if (this.tagName === "circle") {
19661 | point.attr("r", r);
19662 | } else {
19663 | const { width, height } = this.getBBox();
19664 | const x = ratio * (+point.attr("x") + width / 2);
19665 | const y = ratio * (+point.attr("y") + height / 2);
19666 | point.attr("transform", `translate(${x} ${y}) scale(${scale})`);
19667 | }
19668 | });
19669 | }
19670 | },
19671 | unexpandCircles(i) {
19672 | const $$ = this;
19673 | const r = $$.pointR.bind($$);
19674 | const circles = $$.getShapeByIndex("circle", i).filter(function() {
19675 | return (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this).classed($COMMON.EXPANDED);
19676 | }).classed($COMMON.EXPANDED, false);
19677 | circles.attr("r", r);
19678 | if (!$$.isCirclePoint()) {
19679 | const scale = r(circles) / $$.config.point_r;
19680 | circles.attr("transform", scale !== 1 ? `scale(${scale})` : null);
19681 | }
19682 | },
19683 | pointR(d) {
19684 | const $$ = this;
19685 | const { config } = $$;
19686 | const pointR = config.point_r;
19687 | let r = pointR;
19688 | if ($$.isBubbleType(d)) {
19689 | r = $$.getBubbleR(d);
19690 | } else if (isFunction(pointR)) {
19691 | r = pointR.bind($$.api)(d);
19692 | }
19693 | d.r = r;
19694 | return r;
19695 | },
19696 | pointExpandedR(d) {
19697 | const $$ = this;
19698 | const { config } = $$;
19699 | const scale = $$.isBubbleType(d) ? 1.15 : 1.75;
19700 | return config.point_focus_expand_enabled ? config.point_focus_expand_r || $$.pointR(d) * scale : $$.pointR(d);
19701 | },
19702 | pointSelectR(d) {
19703 | const $$ = this;
19704 | const selectR = $$.config.point_select_r;
19705 | return isFunction(selectR) ? selectR(d) : selectR || $$.pointR(d) * 4;
19706 | },
19707 | |
19708 |
19709 |
19710 |
19711 |
19712 | isPointFocusOnly() {
19713 | const $$ = this;
19714 | return $$.config.point_focus_only && !$$.hasType("bubble") && !$$.hasType("scatter") && !$$.hasArcType(null, ["radar"]);
19715 | },
19716 | isWithinCircle(node, r) {
19717 | const { state } = this;
19718 | const mouse = getPointer(state.event, node);
19719 | const element = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(node);
19720 | const prefix = this.isCirclePoint(node) ? "c" : "";
19721 | const pointSensitivity = this.getPointSensitivity(element == null ? void 0 : element.datum());
19722 | let cx = +element.attr(`${prefix}x`);
19723 | let cy = +element.attr(`${prefix}y`);
19724 | if (!(cx || cy) && node.nodeType === 1) {
19725 | const { x, y } = getBoundingRect(node);
19726 | cx = x;
19727 | cy = y;
19728 | }
19729 | return Math.sqrt(
19730 | Math.pow(cx - mouse[0], 2) + Math.pow(cy - mouse[1], 2)
19731 | ) < (r || pointSensitivity);
19732 | },
19733 | |
19734 |
19735 |
19736 |
19737 |
19738 | getPointSensitivity(d) {
19739 | const $$ = this;
19740 | let sensitivity = $$.config.point_sensitivity;
19741 | if (!d) {
19742 | return sensitivity;
19743 | } else if (isFunction(sensitivity)) {
19744 | sensitivity = sensitivity.call($$.api, d);
19745 | } else if (sensitivity === "radius") {
19746 | sensitivity = d.r;
19747 | }
19748 | return sensitivity;
19749 | },
19750 | updatePointClass(d) {
19751 | const $$ = this;
19752 | const { circle } = $$.$el;
19753 | let pointClass = false;
19754 | if (isObject(d) || circle) {
19755 | pointClass = d === true ? circle.each(function(d2) {
19756 | let className = $$.getClass("circle", true)(d2);
19757 | if (this.getAttribute("class").indexOf($COMMON.EXPANDED) > -1) {
19758 | className += ` ${$COMMON.EXPANDED}`;
19759 | }
19760 | this.setAttribute("class", className);
19761 | }) : $$.getClass("circle", true)(d);
19762 | }
19763 | return pointClass;
19764 | },
19765 | generateGetLinePoints(lineIndices, isSub) {
19766 | const $$ = this;
19767 | const { config } = $$;
19768 | const x = $$.getShapeX(0, lineIndices, isSub);
19769 | const y = $$.getShapeY(isSub);
19770 | const lineOffset = $$.getShapeOffset($$.isLineType, lineIndices, isSub);
19771 | const yScale = $$.getYScaleById.bind($$);
19772 | return (d, i) => {
19773 | const y0 = yScale.call($$, d.id, isSub)($$.getShapeYMin(d.id));
19774 | const offset = lineOffset(d, i) || y0;
19775 | const posX = x(d);
19776 | let posY = y(d);
19777 | if (config.axis_rotated && (d.value > 0 && posY < y0 || d.value < 0 && y0 < posY)) {
19778 | posY = y0;
19779 | }
19780 | const point = [posX, posY - (y0 - offset)];
19781 | return [
19782 | point,
19783 | point,
19784 |
19785 | point,
19786 | point
19787 | ];
19788 | };
19789 | },
19790 | custom: {
19791 | create(element, id, fillStyleFn) {
19792 | return element.append("use").attr("xlink:href", `#${id}`).attr("class", this.updatePointClass.bind(this)).style("fill", fillStyleFn).node();
19793 | },
19794 | update(element, xPosFn, yPosFn, fillStyleFn, withTransition, flow, selectedCircles) {
19795 | const $$ = this;
19796 | const { width, height } = element.node().getBBox();
19797 | const xPosFn2 = (d) => isValue(d.value) ? xPosFn(d) - width / 2 : 0;
19798 | const yPosFn2 = (d) => isValue(d.value) ? yPosFn(d) - height / 2 : 0;
19799 | let mainCircles = element;
19800 | if (withTransition) {
19801 | flow && mainCircles.attr("x", xPosFn2);
19802 | mainCircles = $$.$T(mainCircles, withTransition, getTransitionName());
19803 | selectedCircles && $$.$T(selectedCircles, withTransition, getTransitionName());
19804 | }
19805 | return mainCircles.attr("x", xPosFn2).attr("y", yPosFn2).style("fill", fillStyleFn);
19806 | }
19807 | },
19808 |
19809 | circle: {
19810 | create(element, sizeFn, fillStyleFn) {
19811 | return element.append("circle").attr("class", this.updatePointClass.bind(this)).attr("r", sizeFn).style("fill", fillStyleFn).node();
19812 | },
19813 | update(element, xPosFn, yPosFn, fillStyleFn, withTransition, flow, selectedCircles) {
19814 | const $$ = this;
19815 | let mainCircles = element;
19816 | if ($$.hasType("bubble")) {
19817 | mainCircles.attr("r", $$.pointR.bind($$));
19818 | }
19819 | if (withTransition) {
19820 | flow && mainCircles.attr("cx", xPosFn);
19821 | if (mainCircles.attr("cx")) {
19822 | mainCircles = $$.$T(mainCircles, withTransition, getTransitionName());
19823 | }
19824 | selectedCircles && $$.$T(mainCircles, withTransition, getTransitionName());
19825 | }
19826 | return mainCircles.attr("cx", xPosFn).attr("cy", yPosFn).style("fill", fillStyleFn);
19827 | }
19828 | },
19829 |
19830 | rectangle: {
19831 | create(element, sizeFn, fillStyleFn) {
19832 | const rectSizeFn = (d) => sizeFn(d) * 2;
19833 | return element.append("rect").attr("class", this.updatePointClass.bind(this)).attr("width", rectSizeFn).attr("height", rectSizeFn).style("fill", fillStyleFn).node();
19834 | },
19835 | update(element, xPosFn, yPosFn, fillStyleFn, withTransition, flow, selectedCircles) {
19836 | const $$ = this;
19837 | const r = $$.config.point_r;
19838 | const rectXPosFn = (d) => xPosFn(d) - r;
19839 | const rectYPosFn = (d) => yPosFn(d) - r;
19840 | let mainCircles = element;
19841 | if (withTransition) {
19842 | flow && mainCircles.attr("x", rectXPosFn);
19843 | mainCircles = $$.$T(mainCircles, withTransition, getTransitionName());
19844 | selectedCircles && $$.$T(selectedCircles, withTransition, getTransitionName());
19845 | }
19846 | return mainCircles.attr("x", rectXPosFn).attr("y", rectYPosFn).style("fill", fillStyleFn);
19847 | }
19848 | }
19849 | });
19850 |
19851 | ;
19852 |
19853 |
19854 |
19855 | function hasValidPointDrawMethods(point) {
19856 | return isObjectType(point) && isFunction(point.create) && isFunction(point.update);
19857 | }
19858 | function insertPointInfoDefs(point, id) {
19859 | var _a;
19860 | const $$ = this;
19861 | const copyAttr = (from, target) => {
19862 | const attribs = from.attributes;
19863 | for (let i = 0, name; name = attribs[i]; i++) {
19864 | name = name.name;
19865 | target.setAttribute(name, from.getAttribute(name));
19866 | }
19867 | };
19868 | const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(point, "image/svg+xml");
19869 | const node = doc.documentElement;
19870 | const clone = browser_doc.createElementNS(external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.namespaces.svg, node.nodeName.toLowerCase());
19871 | clone.id = id;
19872 | clone.style.fill = "inherit";
19873 | clone.style.stroke = "inherit";
19874 | copyAttr(node, clone);
19875 | if ((_a = node.childNodes) == null ? void 0 : _a.length) {
19876 | const parent = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(clone);
19877 | if ("innerHTML" in clone) {
19878 | parent.html(node.innerHTML);
19879 | } else {
19880 | toArray(node.childNodes).forEach((v) => {
19881 | copyAttr(v, parent.append(v.tagName).node());
19882 | });
19883 | }
19884 | }
19885 | $$.$el.defs.node().appendChild(clone);
19886 | }
19887 | var point_common = ({
19888 | |
19889 |
19890 |
19891 |
19892 |
19893 |
19894 | hasValidPointType(type) {
19895 | return /^(circle|rect(angle)?|polygon|ellipse|use)$/i.test(type || this.config.point_type);
19896 | },
19897 | |
19898 |
19899 |
19900 |
19901 |
19902 | hasLegendDefsPoint() {
19903 | var _a;
19904 | const { config } = this;
19905 | return config.legend_show && ((_a = config.point_pattern) == null ? void 0 : _a.length) && config.legend_usePoint;
19906 | },
19907 | getDefsPointId(id) {
19908 | const { state: { datetimeId } } = this;
19909 | return `${datetimeId}-point${id}`;
19910 | },
19911 | |
19912 |
19913 |
19914 |
19915 |
19916 | generatePoint() {
19917 | const $$ = this;
19918 | const { $el, config } = $$;
19919 | const ids = [];
19920 | const pattern = notEmpty(config.point_pattern) ? config.point_pattern : [config.point_type];
19921 | return function(method, context, ...args) {
19922 | return function(d) {
19923 | var _a, _b, _c, _d;
19924 | const id = $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(d.id || ((_a = d.data) == null ? void 0 : _a.id) || d);
19925 | const element = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this);
19926 | ids.indexOf(id) < 0 && ids.push(id);
19927 | let point = pattern[ids.indexOf(id) % pattern.length];
19928 | if ($$.hasValidPointType(point)) {
19929 | point = $$[point];
19930 | } else if (!hasValidPointDrawMethods(point || config.point_type)) {
19931 | const pointId = $$.getDefsPointId(id);
19932 | const defsPoint = $el.defs.select(`#${pointId}`);
19933 | if (defsPoint.size() < 1) {
19934 | insertPointInfoDefs.bind($$)(point, pointId);
19935 | }
19936 | if (method === "create") {
19937 | return (_b = $$.custom) == null ? void 0 : _b.create.bind(context)(element, pointId, ...args);
19938 | } else if (method === "update") {
19939 | return (_c = $$.custom) == null ? void 0 : _c.update.bind(context)(element, ...args);
19940 | }
19941 | }
19942 | return (_d = point[method]) == null ? void 0 : _d.bind(context)(element, ...args);
19943 | };
19944 | };
19945 | }
19946 | });
19947 |
19948 | ;
19949 |
19950 |
19951 | function getDataMax($$) {
19952 | const levelMax = $$.config.polar_level_max;
19953 | let dataMax = $$.getMinMaxData().max[0].value;
19954 | if (levelMax && levelMax > dataMax) {
19955 | dataMax = levelMax;
19956 | }
19957 | return dataMax;
19958 | }
19959 | var polar = ({
19960 | |
19961 |
19962 |
19963 |
19964 | initPolar() {
19965 | const $$ = this;
19966 | const { $el: { arcs }, config } = $$;
19967 | const levelTextShow = config.polar_level_text_show;
19968 | const levelTextBgColor = config.polar_level_text_backgroundColor;
19969 | arcs.levels = arcs.append("g").attr("class", $LEVEL.levels);
19970 | if (levelTextShow && levelTextBgColor) {
19971 | $$.generateTextBGColorFilter(levelTextBgColor);
19972 | }
19973 | },
19974 | |
19975 |
19976 |
19977 |
19978 |
19979 |
19980 |
19981 | getPolarOuterRadius(d, outerRadius) {
19982 | var _a;
19983 | const dataMax = getDataMax(this);
19984 | return ((_a = d == null ? void 0 : d.data.values[0].value) != null ? _a : 0) / dataMax * outerRadius;
19985 | },
19986 | |
19987 |
19988 |
19989 |
19990 |
19991 | updateTargetsForPolar(targets) {
19992 | this.updateTargetsForArc(targets);
19993 | },
19994 | |
19995 |
19996 |
19997 |
19998 | redrawPolar() {
19999 | const $$ = this;
20000 | const { config } = $$;
20001 | config.polar_level_show && $$.updatePolarLevel();
20002 | },
20003 | |
20004 |
20005 |
20006 |
20007 | updatePolarLevel() {
20008 | const $$ = this;
20009 | const { config, state, $el: { arcs: { levels } } } = $$;
20010 | const depth = config.polar_level_depth;
20011 | const dataMax = getDataMax($$);
20012 | const levelData = getRange(0, depth);
20013 | const outerRadius = state.radius;
20014 | const levelRatio = levelData.map((l) => outerRadius * ((l + 1) / depth));
20015 | const levelTextFormat = (config.polar_level_text_format || function() {
20016 | }).bind($$.api);
20017 | const level = levels.selectAll(`.${$LEVEL.level}`).data(levelData);
20018 | level.exit().remove();
20019 | const levelEnter = level.enter().append("g").attr("class", (d, i) => `${$LEVEL.level} ${$LEVEL.level}-${i}`);
20020 | levelEnter.append("circle");
20021 | levelEnter.merge(level).selectAll("circle").style("visibility", config.polar_level_show ? null : "hidden").attr("cx", 0).attr("cy", 0).attr("r", (d) => levelRatio[d]);
20022 | if (config.polar_level_text_show) {
20023 | const levelTextBackgroundColor = config.polar_level_text_backgroundColor;
20024 | const defsId = `#${state.datetimeId}-labels-bg${$$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(levelTextBackgroundColor)}`;
20025 | levelEnter.append("text").style("text-anchor", "middle");
20026 | levelEnter.merge(level).selectAll("text").attr("dy", (d) => -levelRatio[d] + 5).attr("filter", levelTextBackgroundColor ? `url(${defsId})` : null).text((d) => levelTextFormat(dataMax / levelData.length * (d + 1)));
20027 | }
20028 | }
20029 | });
20030 |
20031 | ;
20032 |
20033 |
20034 |
20035 |
20036 | function getPosition(isClockwise, type, edge, pos, range, ratio) {
20037 | const index = isClockwise && pos > 0 ? edge - pos : pos;
20038 | const r = 2 * Math.PI;
20039 | const func = type === "x" ? Math.sin : Math.cos;
20040 | return range * (1 - ratio * func(index * r / edge));
20041 | }
20042 | const cacheKeyPoints = KEY.radarPoints;
20043 | const cacheKeyTextWidth = KEY.radarTextWidth;
20044 | var radar = ({
20045 | initRadar() {
20046 | const $$ = this;
20047 | const { config, state: { current }, $el } = $$;
20048 | if ($$.hasType("radar")) {
20049 | $el.radar = $el.main.select(`.${$COMMON.chart}`).append("g").attr("class", $RADAR.chartRadars);
20050 | $el.radar.levels = $el.radar.append("g").attr("class", $LEVEL.levels);
20051 | $el.radar.axes = $el.radar.append("g").attr("class", $AXIS.axis);
20052 | $el.radar.shapes = $el.radar.append("g").attr("class", $SHAPE.shapes);
20053 | current.dataMax = config.radar_axis_max || $$.getMinMaxData().max[0].value;
20054 | if (config.radar_axis_text_show) {
20055 | config.interaction_enabled && $$.bindRadarEvent();
20056 | $$.updateRadarLevel();
20057 | $$.updateRadarAxes();
20058 | }
20059 | }
20060 | },
20061 | getRadarSize() {
20062 | const $$ = this;
20063 | const { config, state: { arcWidth, arcHeight } } = $$;
20064 | const padding = config.axis_x_categories.length < 4 ? -20 : 10;
20065 | const size = (Math.min(arcWidth, arcHeight) - padding) / 2;
20066 | return [size, size];
20067 | },
20068 | updateTargetsForRadar(targets) {
20069 | const $$ = this;
20070 | const { config } = $$;
20071 | if (isEmpty(config.axis_x_categories)) {
20072 | config.axis_x_categories = getRange(0, getMinMax("max", targets.map(
20073 | (v) => v.values.length
20074 | )));
20075 | }
20076 | $$.generateRadarPoints();
20077 | },
20078 | getRadarPosition(type, index, range, ratio) {
20079 | const $$ = this;
20080 | const { config } = $$;
20081 | const [width, height] = $$.getRadarSize();
20082 | const edge = config.axis_x_categories.length;
20083 | const isClockwise = config.radar_direction_clockwise;
20084 | const pos = toArray(type).map(
20085 | (v) => getPosition(
20086 | isClockwise,
20087 | v,
20088 | edge,
20089 | index,
20090 | isDefined(range) ? range : type === "x" ? width : height,
20091 | isNumber(ratio) ? ratio : config.radar_size_ratio
20092 | )
20093 | );
20094 | return pos.length === 1 ? pos[0] : pos;
20095 | },
20096 | |
20097 |
20098 |
20099 |
20100 | generateRadarPoints() {
20101 | const $$ = this;
20102 | const targets = $$.data.targets;
20103 | const [width, height] = $$.getRadarSize();
20104 | const points = $$.cache.get(cacheKeyPoints) || {};
20105 | const size = points._size;
20106 | if (!size || size.width !== width && size.height !== height) {
20107 | targets.forEach((d) => {
20108 | points[d.id] = d.values.map((v, i) => $$.getRadarPosition(["x", "y"], i, void 0, $$.getRatio("radar", v)));
20109 | });
20110 | points._size = { width, height };
20111 | $$.cache.add(cacheKeyPoints, points);
20112 | }
20113 | },
20114 | redrawRadar() {
20115 | const $$ = this;
20116 | const { radar, main } = $$.$el;
20117 | const translate = $$.getTranslate("radar");
20118 | if (translate) {
20119 | radar.attr("transform", translate);
20120 | main.select(`.${$TEXT.chartTexts}`).attr("transform", translate);
20121 | $$.generateRadarPoints();
20122 | $$.updateRadarLevel();
20123 | $$.updateRadarAxes();
20124 | $$.updateRadarShape();
20125 | }
20126 | },
20127 | generateGetRadarPoints() {
20128 | const points = this.cache.get(cacheKeyPoints);
20129 | return (d, i) => {
20130 | const point = points[d.id][i];
20131 | return [
20132 | point,
20133 | point,
20134 | point,
20135 | point
20136 | ];
20137 | };
20138 | },
20139 | updateRadarLevel() {
20140 | const $$ = this;
20141 | const { config, state, $el: { radar } } = $$;
20142 | const [width, height] = $$.getRadarSize();
20143 | const depth = config.radar_level_depth;
20144 | const edge = config.axis_x_categories.length;
20145 | const showText = config.radar_level_text_show;
20146 | const radarLevels = radar.levels;
20147 | const levelData = getRange(0, depth);
20148 | const radius = config.radar_size_ratio * Math.min(width, height);
20149 | const levelRatio = levelData.map((l) => radius * ((l + 1) / depth));
20150 | const levelTextFormat = (config.radar_level_text_format || function() {
20151 | }).bind($$.api);
20152 | const points = levelData.map((v) => {
20153 | const range = levelRatio[v];
20154 | const pos = getRange(0, edge).map(
20155 | (i) => $$.getRadarPosition(["x", "y"], i, range, 1).join(",")
20156 | );
20157 | return pos.join(" ");
20158 | });
20159 | const level = radarLevels.selectAll(`.${$LEVEL.level}`).data(levelData);
20160 | level.exit().remove();
20161 | const levelEnter = level.enter().append("g").attr("class", (d, i) => `${$LEVEL.level} ${$LEVEL.level}-${i}`);
20162 | levelEnter.append("polygon").style("visibility", config.radar_level_show ? null : "hidden");
20163 | if (showText) {
20164 | if (radarLevels.select("text").empty()) {
20165 | radarLevels.append("text").attr("dx", "-.5em").attr("dy", "-.7em").style("text-anchor", "end").text(() => levelTextFormat(0));
20166 | }
20167 | levelEnter.append("text").attr("dx", "-.5em").style("text-anchor", "end").text(
20168 | (d) => levelTextFormat(
20169 | state.current.dataMax / levelData.length * (d + 1)
20170 | )
20171 | );
20172 | }
20173 | levelEnter.merge(level).attr(
20174 | "transform",
20175 | (d) => `translate(${width - levelRatio[d]}, ${height - levelRatio[d]})`
20176 | ).selectAll("polygon").attr("points", (d) => points[d]);
20177 | if (showText) {
20178 | radarLevels.selectAll("text").attr("x", (d) => isUndefined(d) ? width : points[d].split(",")[0]).attr("y", (d) => isUndefined(d) ? height : 0);
20179 | }
20180 | },
20181 | updateRadarAxes() {
20182 | const $$ = this;
20183 | const { config, $el: { radar } } = $$;
20184 | const [width, height] = $$.getRadarSize();
20185 | const categories = config.axis_x_categories;
20186 | let axis = radar.axes.selectAll("g").data(categories);
20187 | axis.exit().remove();
20188 | const axisEnter = axis.enter().append("g").attr("class", (d, i) => `${$AXIS.axis}-${i}`);
20189 | config.radar_axis_line_show && axisEnter.append("line");
20190 | config.radar_axis_text_show && axisEnter.append("text");
20191 | axis = axisEnter.merge(axis);
20192 | if (config.radar_axis_line_show) {
20193 | axis.select("line").attr("x1", width).attr("y1", height).attr("x2", (d, i) => $$.getRadarPosition("x", i)).attr("y2", (d, i) => $$.getRadarPosition("y", i));
20194 | }
20195 | if (config.radar_axis_text_show) {
20196 | const { x = 0, y = 0 } = config.radar_axis_text_position;
20197 | const textWidth = $$.cache.get(cacheKeyTextWidth) || 0;
20198 | axis.select("text").style("text-anchor", "middle").attr("dy", ".5em").call((selection) => {
20199 | selection.each(function(d) {
20200 | setTextValue((0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(this), String(d), [-0.6, 1.2]);
20201 | });
20202 | }).datum((d, i) => ({ index: i })).attr("transform", function(d) {
20203 | if (isUndefined(this.width)) {
20204 | this.width = this.getBoundingClientRect().width / 2;
20205 | }
20206 | let posX = $$.getRadarPosition("x", d.index, void 0, 1);
20207 | let posY = Math.round($$.getRadarPosition("y", d.index, void 0, 1));
20208 | if (posX > width) {
20209 | posX += this.width + x;
20210 | } else if (Math.round(posX) < width) {
20211 | posX -= this.width + x;
20212 | }
20213 | if (posY > height) {
20214 | if (posY / 2 === height && this.firstChild.tagName === "tspan") {
20215 | this.firstChild.setAttribute("dy", "0em");
20216 | }
20217 | posY += y;
20218 | } else if (posY < height) {
20219 | posY -= y;
20220 | }
20221 | return `translate(${posX} ${posY})`;
20222 | });
20223 | if (!textWidth) {
20224 | const widths = [radar.axes, radar.levels].map((v) => getPathBox(v.node()).width);
20225 | if (widths.every((v) => v > 0)) {
20226 | $$.cache.add(cacheKeyTextWidth, widths[0] - widths[1]);
20227 | }
20228 | }
20229 | }
20230 | },
20231 | bindRadarEvent() {
20232 | const $$ = this;
20233 | const { config, state, $el: { radar, svg } } = $$;
20234 | const focusOnly = $$.isPointFocusOnly();
20235 | const { inputType, transiting } = state;
20236 | const isMouse = inputType === "mouse";
20237 | const hide = (event) => {
20238 | state.event = event;
20239 | if (!config.interaction_onout) {
20240 | return;
20241 | }
20242 | const index = $$.getDataIndexFromEvent(event);
20243 | const noIndex = isUndefined(index);
20244 | if (isMouse || noIndex) {
20245 | $$.hideTooltip();
20246 | focusOnly ? $$.hideCircleFocus() : $$.unexpandCircles();
20247 | if (isMouse) {
20248 | $$.setOverOut(false, index);
20249 | } else if (noIndex) {
20250 | $$.callOverOutForTouch();
20251 | }
20252 | }
20253 | };
20254 | radar.axes.on(isMouse ? "mouseover " : "touchstart", (event) => {
20255 | if (transiting) {
20256 | return;
20257 | }
20258 | state.event = event;
20259 | const index = $$.getDataIndexFromEvent(event);
20260 | $$.selectRectForSingle(svg.node(), index);
20261 | isMouse ? $$.setOverOut(true, index) : $$.callOverOutForTouch(index);
20262 | }).on("mouseout", isMouse ? hide : null);
20263 | if (!isMouse) {
20264 | svg.on("touchstart", hide);
20265 | }
20266 | },
20267 | updateRadarShape() {
20268 | const $$ = this;
20269 | const targets = $$.data.targets.filter((d) => $$.isRadarType(d));
20270 | const points = $$.cache.get(cacheKeyPoints);
20271 | const areas = $$.$el.radar.shapes.selectAll("polygon").data(targets);
20272 | const areasEnter = areas.enter().append("g").attr("class", $$.getChartClass("Radar"));
20273 | $$.$T(areas.exit()).remove();
20274 | areasEnter.append("polygon").merge(areas).style("fill", $$.color).style("stroke", $$.color).attr("points", (d) => points[d.id].join(" "));
20275 | $$.updateTargetForCircle(targets, areasEnter);
20276 | },
20277 | |
20278 |
20279 |
20280 |
20281 |
20282 |
20283 | radarCircleX(d) {
20284 | return this.cache.get(cacheKeyPoints)[d.id][d.index][0];
20285 | },
20286 | |
20287 |
20288 |
20289 |
20290 |
20291 |
20292 | radarCircleY(d) {
20293 | return this.cache.get(cacheKeyPoints)[d.id][d.index][1];
20294 | }
20295 | });
20296 |
20297 |
20298 | var external_commonjs_d3_hierarchy_commonjs2_d3_hierarchy_amd_d3_hierarchy_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(14);
20299 | ;
20300 |
20301 |
20302 |
20303 |
20304 | function position(group, root) {
20305 | const $$ = this;
20306 | const { scale: { x, y }, state: { width } } = $$;
20307 | group.selectAll("g").attr("transform", (d) => `translate(${d === root ? "0,0" : `${x(d.x0)},${y(d.y0)}`})`).select("rect").attr("width", (d) => d === root ? width : x(d.x1) - x(d.x0)).attr("height", (d) => d === root ? 0 : y(d.y1) - y(d.y0));
20308 | }
20309 | function convertDataToTreemapData(data) {
20310 | const $$ = this;
20311 | return data.map((d) => {
20312 | const { id, values } = d;
20313 | const { value } = values[0];
20314 | return {
20315 | name: id,
20316 | id,
20317 |
20318 | value,
20319 | ratio: $$.getRatio("treemap", values[0])
20320 | };
20321 | });
20322 | }
20323 | function getHierachyData(data) {
20324 | const $$ = this;
20325 | const hierarchyData = (0,external_commonjs_d3_hierarchy_commonjs2_d3_hierarchy_amd_d3_hierarchy_root_d3_.hierarchy)(data).sum((d) => d.value);
20326 | const sortFn = $$.getSortCompareFn(true);
20327 | return [
20328 | $$.treemap(
20329 | sortFn ? hierarchyData.sort(sortFn) : hierarchyData
20330 | )
20331 | ];
20332 | }
20333 | var treemap = ({
20334 | initTreemap() {
20335 | const $$ = this;
20336 | const {
20337 | $el,
20338 | state: {
20339 | current: { width, height },
20340 | clip,
20341 | datetimeId
20342 | }
20343 | } = $$;
20344 | clip.id = `${datetimeId}-clip`;
20345 | $$.treemap = (0,external_commonjs_d3_hierarchy_commonjs2_d3_hierarchy_amd_d3_hierarchy_root_d3_.treemap)().tile($$.getTreemapTile());
20346 | $el.defs.append("clipPath").attr("id", clip.id).append("rect").attr("width", width).attr("height", height);
20347 | $el.treemap = $el.main.select(`.${$COMMON.chart}`).attr("clip-path", `url(#${clip.id})`).append("g").classed($TREEMAP.chartTreemaps, true);
20348 | $$.bindTreemapEvent();
20349 | },
20350 | |
20351 |
20352 |
20353 |
20354 | bindTreemapEvent() {
20355 | const $$ = this;
20356 | const { $el, config, state } = $$;
20357 | const getTarget = (event) => {
20358 | var _a;
20359 | const target = event.isTrusted ? event.target : (_a = state.eventReceiver.rect) == null ? void 0 : _a.node();
20360 | let data;
20361 | if (/^rect$/i.test(target.tagName)) {
20362 | state.event = event;
20363 | data = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.select)(target).datum();
20364 | }
20365 | return data == null ? void 0 : data.data;
20366 | };
20367 | if (config.interaction_enabled) {
20368 | const isTouch = state.inputType === "touch";
20369 | $el.treemap.on(isTouch ? "touchstart" : "mouseover mousemove", (event) => {
20370 | const data = getTarget(event);
20371 | if (data) {
20372 | $$.showTooltip([data], event.currentTarget);
20373 | /^(touchstart|mouseover)$/.test(event.type) && $$.setOverOut(true, data);
20374 | }
20375 | }).on(isTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseout", (event) => {
20376 | const data = getTarget(event);
20377 | if (config.interaction_onout) {
20378 | $$.hideTooltip();
20379 | $$.setOverOut(false, data);
20380 | }
20381 | });
20382 | }
20383 | },
20384 | |
20385 |
20386 |
20387 |
20388 |
20389 | getTreemapTile() {
20390 | var _a, _b;
20391 | const $$ = this;
20392 | const { config, state: { current: { width, height } } } = $$;
20393 | const tile = (_b = {
20394 | binary: external_commonjs_d3_hierarchy_commonjs2_d3_hierarchy_amd_d3_hierarchy_root_d3_.treemapBinary,
20395 | dice: external_commonjs_d3_hierarchy_commonjs2_d3_hierarchy_amd_d3_hierarchy_root_d3_.treemapDice,
20396 | slice: external_commonjs_d3_hierarchy_commonjs2_d3_hierarchy_amd_d3_hierarchy_root_d3_.treemapSlice,
20397 | sliceDice: external_commonjs_d3_hierarchy_commonjs2_d3_hierarchy_amd_d3_hierarchy_root_d3_.treemapSliceDice,
20398 | squarify: external_commonjs_d3_hierarchy_commonjs2_d3_hierarchy_amd_d3_hierarchy_root_d3_.treemapSquarify,
20399 | resquarify: external_commonjs_d3_hierarchy_commonjs2_d3_hierarchy_amd_d3_hierarchy_root_d3_.treemapResquarify
20400 | }[(_a = config.treemap_tile) != null ? _a : "binary"]) != null ? _b : external_commonjs_d3_hierarchy_commonjs2_d3_hierarchy_amd_d3_hierarchy_root_d3_.treemapBinary;
20401 | return (node, x0, y0, x1, y1) => {
20402 | tile(node, 0, 0, width, height);
20403 | for (const child of node.children) {
20404 | child.x0 = x0 + child.x0 / width * (x1 - x0);
20405 | child.x1 = x0 + child.x1 / width * (x1 - x0);
20406 | child.y0 = y0 + child.y0 / height * (y1 - y0);
20407 | child.y1 = y0 + child.y1 / height * (y1 - y0);
20408 | }
20409 | };
20410 | },
20411 | |
20412 |
20413 |
20414 |
20415 |
20416 |
20417 | getTreemapData(targets) {
20418 | const $$ = this;
20419 | return {
20420 | name: "root",
20421 | children: convertDataToTreemapData.bind($$)(
20422 | $$.filterTargetsToShow(targets.filter($$.isTreemapType, $$))
20423 | )
20424 | };
20425 | },
20426 | |
20427 |
20428 |
20429 |
20430 |
20431 | updateTargetsForTreemap(targets) {
20432 | const $$ = this;
20433 | const { $el: { treemap } } = $$;
20434 | const treemapData = getHierachyData.call($$, $$.getTreemapData(targets != null ? targets : $$.data.targets));
20435 | treemap.data(treemapData);
20436 | },
20437 | |
20438 |
20439 |
20440 |
20441 |
20442 | updateTreemap(durationForExit) {
20443 | const $$ = this;
20444 | const { $el, $T } = $$;
20445 | const data = $el.treemap.datum();
20446 | const classChartTreemap = $$.getChartClass("Treemap");
20447 | const classTreemap = $$.getClass("treemap", true);
20448 | const treemap = $el.treemap.selectAll("g").data(data.children);
20449 | $T(treemap.exit(), durationForExit).style("opacity", "0").remove();
20450 | treemap.enter().append("g").append("rect");
20451 | $el.treemap.selectAll("g").attr("class", classChartTreemap).select("rect").attr("class", classTreemap).attr("fill", (d) => $$.color(d.data.name));
20452 | },
20453 | |
20454 |
20455 |
20456 |
20457 |
20458 | generateGetTreemapPoints() {
20459 | const $$ = this;
20460 | const { $el, scale: { x, y } } = $$;
20461 | const points = {};
20462 | $el.treemap.selectAll("g").each((d) => {
20463 | points[d.data.name] = [
20464 | [x(d.x0), y(d.y0)],
20465 | [x(d.x1), y(d.y1)]
20466 | ];
20467 | });
20468 | return (d) => points[d.id];
20469 | },
20470 | |
20471 |
20472 |
20473 |
20474 |
20475 |
20476 | redrawTreemap(withTransition) {
20477 | const $$ = this;
20478 | const { $el, state: { current: { width, height } } } = $$;
20479 | $el.defs.select("rect").attr("width", width).attr("height", height);
20480 | return [
20481 | $$.$T($el.treemap, withTransition, getRandom()).call(position.bind($$), $el.treemap.datum())
20482 | ];
20483 | },
20484 | |
20485 |
20486 |
20487 |
20488 |
20489 |
20490 | treemapDataLabelFormat(d) {
20491 | const $$ = this;
20492 | const { config } = $$;
20493 | const { id, value } = d;
20494 | const format = config.treemap_label_format;
20495 | const ratio = $$.getRatio("treemap", d);
20496 | const percentValue = (ratio * 100).toFixed(2);
20497 | const meetLabelThreshold = config.treemap_label_show && $$.meetsLabelThreshold(
20498 | ratio,
20499 | "treemap"
20500 | ) ? null : "0";
20501 | return function(node) {
20502 | node.style("opacity", meetLabelThreshold);
20503 | return isFunction(format) ? format.bind($$.api)(value, ratio, id) : `${id}
20504 | ${percentValue}%`;
20505 | };
20506 | }
20507 | });
20508 |
20509 | ;
20510 | var common_point = ({
20511 | |
20512 |
20513 |
20514 |
20515 |
20516 |
20517 |
20518 |
20519 |
20520 |
20521 |
20522 |
20523 |
20524 |
20525 |
20526 |
20527 |
20528 |
20529 |
20530 |
20531 |
20532 |
20533 |
20534 |
20535 |
20536 |
20537 |
20538 |
20539 |
20540 |
20541 |
20542 |
20543 |
20544 |
20545 |
20546 |
20547 |
20548 |
20549 |
20550 |
20551 |
20552 |
20553 |
20554 |
20555 |
20556 |
20557 |
20558 |
20559 |
20560 |
20561 |
20562 |
20563 |
20564 |
20565 |
20566 |
20567 |
20568 |
20569 |
20570 |
20571 |
20572 |
20573 |
20574 |
20575 |
20576 |
20577 |
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20584 |
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20588 |
20589 |
20590 |
20591 |
20592 |
20593 |
20594 |
20595 |
20596 |
20597 |
20598 |
20599 |
20600 |
20601 |
20602 |
20603 |
20604 |
20605 |
20606 |
20607 |
20608 |
20609 |
20610 |
20611 |
20612 |
20613 |
20614 |
20615 |
20616 |
20617 |
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20639 |
20640 |
20641 |
20642 |
20643 |
20644 |
20645 |
20646 |
20647 |
20648 |
20649 |
20650 |
20651 |
20652 | point_show: true,
20653 | point_r: 2.5,
20654 | point_radialGradient: false,
20655 | point_sensitivity: 10,
20656 | point_focus_expand_enabled: true,
20657 | point_focus_expand_r: void 0,
20658 | point_focus_only: false,
20659 | point_opacity: void 0,
20660 | point_pattern: [],
20661 | point_select_r: void 0,
20662 | point_type: "circle"
20663 | });
20664 |
20665 | ;
20666 | var Options_shape_area = ({
20667 | |
20668 |
20669 |
20670 |
20671 |
20672 |
20673 |
20674 |
20675 |
20676 |
20677 |
20678 |
20679 |
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20682 |
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20685 |
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20698 |
20699 |
20700 |
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20712 |
20713 |
20714 |
20715 |
20716 |
20717 |
20718 |
20719 |
20720 |
20721 |
20722 |
20723 |
20724 | area_above: false,
20725 | area_below: false,
20726 | area_front: true,
20727 | area_linearGradient: false,
20728 | area_zerobased: true
20729 | });
20730 |
20731 | ;
20732 | var shape_bar = ({
20733 | |
20734 |
20735 |
20736 |
20737 |
20738 |
20739 |
20740 |
20741 |
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20848 |
20849 |
20850 |
20851 |
20852 |
20853 |
20854 |
20855 |
20856 |
20857 |
20858 |
20859 | bar_front: false,
20860 | bar_indices_removeNull: false,
20861 | bar_label_threshold: 0,
20862 | bar_linearGradient: false,
20863 | bar_overlap: false,
20864 | bar_padding: 0,
20865 | bar_radius: void 0,
20866 | bar_radius_ratio: void 0,
20867 | bar_sensitivity: 2,
20868 | bar_width: void 0,
20869 | bar_width_ratio: 0.6,
20870 | bar_width_max: void 0,
20871 | bar_zerobased: true
20872 | });
20873 |
20874 | ;
20875 | var shape_bubble = ({
20876 | |
20877 |
20878 |
20879 |
20880 |
20881 |
20882 |
20883 |
20884 |
20885 |
20886 |
20887 |
20888 |
20889 |
20890 |
20891 |
20892 |
20893 |
20894 |
20895 |
20896 |
20897 |
20898 |
20899 | bubble_maxR: 35,
20900 | bubble_zerobased: false
20901 | });
20902 |
20903 | ;
20904 | var shape_candlestick = ({
20905 | |
20906 |
20907 |
20908 |
20909 |
20910 |
20911 |
20912 |
20913 |
20914 |
20915 |
20916 |
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20940 |
20941 |
20942 |
20943 |
20944 |
20945 |
20946 |
20947 |
20948 |
20949 |
20950 |
20951 |
20952 | candlestick_width: void 0,
20953 | candlestick_width_ratio: 0.6,
20954 | candlestick_width_max: void 0,
20955 | candlestick_color_down: "red"
20956 | });
20957 |
20958 | ;
20959 | var shape_line = ({
20960 | |
20961 |
20962 |
20963 |
20964 |
20965 |
20966 |
20967 |
20968 |
20969 |
20970 |
20971 |
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20990 |
20991 |
20992 |
20993 |
20994 |
20995 |
20996 |
20997 |
20998 |
20999 |
21000 |
21001 |
21002 | line_connectNull: false,
21003 | line_step_type: "step",
21004 | line_step_tooltipMatch: false,
21005 | line_zerobased: false,
21006 | line_classes: void 0,
21007 | line_point: true
21008 | });
21009 |
21010 | ;
21011 | var scatter = ({
21012 | |
21013 |
21014 |
21015 |
21016 |
21017 |
21018 |
21019 |
21020 |
21021 |
21022 |
21023 |
21024 |
21025 |
21026 |
21027 |
21028 |
21029 |
21030 |
21031 |
21032 |
21033 |
21034 |
21035 |
21036 |
21037 | scatter_zerobased: false
21038 | });
21039 |
21040 | ;
21041 | var spline = ({
21042 | |
21043 |
21044 |
21045 |
21046 |
21047 |
21048 |
21049 |
21050 |
21051 |
21052 |
21053 |
21054 |
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21059 |
21060 |
21061 |
21062 |
21063 |
21064 |
21065 |
21066 |
21067 |
21068 |
21069 |
21070 |
21071 |
21072 |
21073 |
21074 |
21075 |
21076 |
21077 | spline_interpolation_type: "cardinal"
21078 | });
21079 |
21080 | ;
21081 | var shape_arc = ({
21082 | |
21083 |
21084 |
21085 |
21086 |
21087 |
21088 |
21089 |
21090 |
21091 |
21092 |
21093 |
21094 |
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21163 |
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21191 |
21192 |
21193 |
21194 |
21195 |
21196 |
21197 |
21198 |
21199 |
21200 |
21201 |
21202 |
21203 | arc_cornerRadius: 0,
21204 | arc_cornerRadius_ratio: 0,
21205 | arc_needle_show: false,
21206 | arc_needle_color: void 0,
21207 | arc_needle_value: void 0,
21208 | arc_needle_path: void 0,
21209 | arc_needle_length: 100,
21210 | arc_needle_top_rx: 0,
21211 | arc_needle_top_ry: 0,
21212 | arc_needle_top_width: 0,
21213 | arc_needle_bottom_rx: 1,
21214 | arc_needle_bottom_ry: 1,
21215 | arc_needle_bottom_width: 15,
21216 | arc_needle_bottom_len: 0,
21217 | arc_rangeText_values: void 0,
21218 | arc_rangeText_unit: "absolute",
21219 | arc_rangeText_fixed: false,
21220 | arc_rangeText_format: void 0,
21221 | arc_rangeText_position: void 0
21222 | });
21223 |
21224 | ;
21225 | var donut = ({
21226 | |
21227 |
21228 |
21229 |
21230 |
21231 |
21232 |
21233 |
21234 |
21235 |
21236 |
21237 |
21238 |
21239 |
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21279 |
21280 |
21281 |
21282 |
21283 |
21284 |
21285 |
21286 |
21287 |
21288 |
21289 |
21290 |
21291 |
21292 | donut_label_show: true,
21293 | donut_label_format: void 0,
21294 | donut_label_threshold: 0.05,
21295 | donut_label_ratio: void 0,
21296 | donut_width: void 0,
21297 | donut_title: "",
21298 | donut_expand: {},
21299 | donut_expand_rate: 0.98,
21300 | donut_expand_duration: 50,
21301 | donut_padAngle: 0,
21302 | donut_startingAngle: 0
21303 | });
21304 |
21305 | ;
21306 | var shape_funnel = ({
21307 | |
21308 |
21309 |
21310 |
21311 |
21312 |
21313 |
21314 |
21315 |
21316 |
21317 |
21318 |
21319 |
21320 |
21321 |
21322 |
21323 |
21324 |
21325 |
21326 |
21327 |
21328 |
21329 |
21330 |
21331 |
21332 |
21333 |
21334 | funnel_neck_width: 0,
21335 | funnel_neck_height: 0
21336 | });
21337 |
21338 | ;
21339 | var shape_gauge = ({
21340 | |
21341 |
21342 |
21343 |
21344 |
21345 |
21346 |
21347 |
21348 |
21349 |
21350 |
21351 |
21352 |
21353 |
21354 |
21355 |
21356 |
21357 |
21358 |
21359 |
21360 |
21361 |
21362 |
21363 |
21364 |
21365 |
21366 |
21367 |
21368 |
21369 |
21370 |
21371 |
21372 |
21373 |
21374 |
21375 |
21376 |
21377 |
21378 |
21379 |
21380 |
21381 |
21382 |
21383 |
21384 |
21385 |
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21388 |
21389 |
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21393 |
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21397 |
21398 |
21399 |
21400 |
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21403 |
21404 |
21405 |
21406 |
21407 |
21408 |
21409 |
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21413 |
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21415 |
21416 |
21417 |
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21419 |
21420 |
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21424 |
21425 |
21426 |
21427 |
21428 |
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21430 |
21431 |
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21447 |
21448 |
21449 |
21450 |
21451 |
21452 |
21453 |
21454 |
21455 |
21456 |
21457 |
21458 |
21459 |
21460 | gauge_background: "",
21461 | gauge_fullCircle: false,
21462 | gauge_label_show: true,
21463 | gauge_label_extents: void 0,
21464 | gauge_label_format: void 0,
21465 | gauge_label_ratio: void 0,
21466 | gauge_label_threshold: 0,
21467 | gauge_enforceMinMax: false,
21468 | gauge_min: 0,
21469 | gauge_max: 100,
21470 | gauge_type: "single",
21471 | gauge_startingAngle: -1 * Math.PI / 2,
21472 | gauge_arcLength: 100,
21473 | gauge_title: "",
21474 | gauge_units: void 0,
21475 | gauge_width: void 0,
21476 | gauge_arcs_minWidth: 5,
21477 | gauge_expand: {},
21478 | gauge_expand_rate: 0.98,
21479 | gauge_expand_duration: 50
21480 | });
21481 |
21482 | ;
21483 | var pie = ({
21484 | |
21485 |
21486 |
21487 |
21488 |
21489 |
21490 |
21491 |
21492 |
21493 |
21494 |
21495 |
21496 |
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21499 |
21500 |
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21506 |
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21509 |
21510 |
21511 |
21512 |
21513 |
21514 |
21515 |
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21527 |
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21530 |
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21536 |
21537 |
21538 |
21539 |
21540 |
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21544 |
21545 |
21546 |
21547 |
21548 |
21549 |
21550 |
21551 |
21552 |
21553 |
21554 |
21555 |
21556 |
21557 |
21558 |
21559 |
21560 |
21561 |
21562 | pie_label_show: true,
21563 | pie_label_format: void 0,
21564 | pie_label_ratio: void 0,
21565 | pie_label_threshold: 0.05,
21566 | pie_expand: {},
21567 | pie_expand_rate: 0.98,
21568 | pie_expand_duration: 50,
21569 | pie_innerRadius: 0,
21570 | pie_outerRadius: void 0,
21571 | pie_padAngle: 0,
21572 | pie_padding: 0,
21573 | pie_startingAngle: 0
21574 | });
21575 |
21576 | ;
21577 | var shape_polar = ({
21578 | |
21579 |
21580 |
21581 |
21582 |
21583 |
21584 |
21585 |
21586 |
21587 |
21588 |
21589 |
21590 |
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21592 |
21593 |
21594 |
21595 |
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21597 |
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21599 |
21600 |
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21610 |
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21614 |
21615 |
21616 |
21617 |
21618 |
21619 |
21620 |
21621 |
21622 |
21623 |
21624 |
21625 |
21626 |
21627 |
21628 |
21629 |
21630 |
21631 |
21632 |
21633 |
21634 |
21635 |
21636 |
21637 | polar_label_show: true,
21638 | polar_label_format: void 0,
21639 | polar_label_threshold: 0.05,
21640 | polar_label_ratio: void 0,
21641 | polar_level_depth: 3,
21642 | polar_level_max: void 0,
21643 | polar_level_show: true,
21644 | polar_level_text_backgroundColor: "#fff",
21645 | polar_level_text_format: (x) => x % 1 === 0 ? x : x.toFixed(2),
21646 | polar_level_text_show: true,
21647 | polar_padAngle: 0,
21648 | polar_padding: 0,
21649 | polar_startingAngle: 0
21650 | });
21651 |
21652 | ;
21653 | var shape_radar = ({
21654 | |
21655 |
21656 |
21657 |
21658 |
21659 |
21660 |
21661 |
21662 |
21663 |
21664 |
21665 |
21666 |
21667 |
21668 |
21669 |
21670 |
21671 |
21672 |
21673 |
21674 |
21675 |
21676 |
21677 |
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21679 |
21680 |
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21685 |
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21687 |
21688 |
21689 |
21690 |
21691 |
21692 |
21693 |
21694 |
21695 |
21696 |
21697 |
21698 |
21699 |
21700 |
21701 |
21702 |
21703 |
21704 |
21705 |
21706 |
21707 |
21708 |
21709 |
21710 | radar_axis_max: void 0,
21711 | radar_axis_line_show: true,
21712 | radar_axis_text_show: true,
21713 | radar_axis_text_position: {},
21714 | radar_level_depth: 3,
21715 | radar_level_show: true,
21716 | radar_level_text_format: (x) => x % 1 === 0 ? x : x.toFixed(2),
21717 | radar_level_text_show: true,
21718 | radar_size_ratio: 0.87,
21719 | radar_direction_clockwise: false
21720 | });
21721 |
21722 | ;
21723 | var shape_treemap = ({
21724 | |
21725 |
21726 |
21727 |
21728 |
21729 |
21730 |
21731 |
21732 |
21733 |
21734 |
21735 |
21736 |
21737 |
21738 |
21739 |
21740 |
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21742 |
21743 |
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21746 |
21747 |
21748 |
21749 |
21750 |
21751 |
21752 |
21753 |
21754 |
21755 |
21756 |
21757 |
21758 |
21759 |
21760 |
21761 |
21762 |
21763 |
21764 | treemap_tile: "binary",
21765 | treemap_label_format: void 0,
21766 | treemap_label_threshold: 0.05,
21767 | treemap_label_show: true
21768 | });
21769 |
21770 | ;
21771 |
21772 |
21773 |
21774 |
21775 |
21776 |
21777 |
21778 |
21779 |
21780 |
21781 |
21782 |
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21795 |
21796 |
21797 |
21798 |
21799 |
21800 |
21801 |
21802 |
21803 |
21804 |
21805 |
21806 |
21807 | function extendAxis(module, option) {
21808 | extend(ChartInternal.prototype, Object.values(internal).concat(module));
21809 | extend(Chart.prototype, api);
21810 | Options.setOptions(Object.values(options).concat(option || []));
21811 | }
21812 | function extendLine(module, option) {
21813 | extendAxis([point_common, point, line].concat(module || []));
21814 | Options.setOptions([common_point, shape_line].concat(option || []));
21815 | }
21816 | function extendArc(module, option) {
21817 | extend(ChartInternal.prototype, [arc, point_common].concat(module || []));
21818 | Options.setOptions([common_point].concat(option || []));
21819 | }
21820 | let resolver_shape_area = () => (extendLine(shape_area, [Options_shape_area]), (resolver_shape_area = () => TYPE.AREA)());
21821 | let areaLineRange = () => (extendLine(shape_area, [Options_shape_area]), (areaLineRange = () => TYPE.AREA_LINE_RANGE)());
21822 | let areaStepRange = () => (extendLine(shape_area, [Options_shape_area]), (areaStepRange = () => TYPE.AREA_STEP_RANGE)());
21823 | let areaSpline = () => (extendLine(shape_area, [Options_shape_area, spline]), (areaSpline = () => TYPE.AREA_SPLINE)());
21824 | let areaSplineRange = () => (extendLine(shape_area, [Options_shape_area, spline]), (areaSplineRange = () => TYPE.AREA_SPLINE_RANGE)());
21825 | let areaStep = () => (extendLine(shape_area, [Options_shape_area]), (areaStep = () => TYPE.AREA_STEP)());
21826 | let resolver_shape_line = () => (extendLine(), (resolver_shape_line = () => TYPE.LINE)());
21827 | let shape_spline = () => (extendLine(void 0, [spline]), (shape_spline = () => TYPE.SPLINE)());
21828 | let step = () => (extendLine(), (step = () => TYPE.STEP)());
21829 | let shape_donut = () => (extendArc(void 0, [shape_arc, donut]), (shape_donut = () => TYPE.DONUT)());
21830 | let resolver_shape_gauge = () => (extendArc([gauge], [shape_arc, shape_gauge]), (resolver_shape_gauge = () => TYPE.GAUGE)());
21831 | let shape_pie = () => (extendArc(void 0, [shape_arc, pie]), (shape_pie = () => TYPE.PIE)());
21832 | let resolver_shape_polar = () => (extendArc([polar], [shape_arc, shape_polar]), (resolver_shape_polar = () => TYPE.POLAR)());
21833 | let resolver_shape_radar = () => (extendArc(
21834 | [internal.eventrect, point, radar],
21835 | [common_point, shape_radar, { axis_x_categories: options.optAxis.axis_x_categories }]
21836 | ), (resolver_shape_radar = () => TYPE.RADAR)());
21837 | let resolver_shape_bar = () => (extendAxis([bar, point_common], [shape_bar, common_point]), (resolver_shape_bar = () => TYPE.BAR)());
21838 | let resolver_shape_bubble = () => (extendAxis(
21839 | [point_common, point, bubble],
21840 | [shape_bubble, common_point]
21841 | ), (resolver_shape_bubble = () => TYPE.BUBBLE)());
21842 | let resolver_shape_candlestick = () => (extendAxis(
21843 | [candlestick, point_common],
21844 | [shape_candlestick, common_point]
21845 | ), (resolver_shape_candlestick = () => TYPE.CANDLESTICK)());
21846 | let shape_scatter = () => (extendAxis(
21847 | [point_common, point],
21848 | [common_point, scatter]
21849 | ), (shape_scatter = () => TYPE.SCATTER)());
21850 | let resolver_shape_funnel = () => (extendArc([funnel], [shape_funnel]), (resolver_shape_funnel = () => TYPE.FUNNEL)());
21851 | let resolver_shape_treemap = () => (extendAxis([treemap], [shape_treemap]), (resolver_shape_treemap = () => TYPE.TREEMAP)());
21852 |
21853 | ;
21854 |
21855 |
21856 | let defaults = {};
21857 | const bb = {
21858 | |
21859 |
21860 |
21861 |
21862 |
21863 |
21864 |
21865 | version: "3.14.2",
21866 | |
21867 |
21868 |
21869 |
21870 |
21871 |
21872 |
21873 |
21874 |
21875 |
21876 |
21877 |
21878 |
21879 |
21880 |
21881 |
21882 |
21883 |
21884 |
21885 |
21886 |
21887 |
21888 |
21889 |
21890 |
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21936 | generate(config) {
21937 | const options = mergeObj({}, defaults, config);
21938 | const inst = new Chart(options);
21939 | inst.internal.charts = this.instance;
21940 | this.instance.push(inst);
21941 | return inst;
21942 | },
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21965 | defaults(options) {
21966 | if (isObject(options)) {
21967 | defaults = options;
21968 | }
21969 | return defaults;
21970 | },
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21982 | instance: [],
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21991 | plugin: {}
21992 | };
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21995 | ;
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21998 | Object.keys(resolver_shape_namespaceObject).forEach((v) => resolver_shape_namespaceObject[v]());
21999 | Object.keys(resolver_interaction_namespaceObject).forEach((v) => resolver_interaction_namespaceObject[v]());
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22002 | }();
22003 | return __webpack_exports__;
22004 | })()
22005 | ;
22006 | }); |
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