46.5 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp.
3 * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license
4 *
5 * billboard.js, JavaScript chart library
6 * https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/
7 *
8 * @version 3.14.2
9 * @requires billboard.js
10 * @summary billboard.js plugin
11 */
12(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
13 if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
14 module.exports = factory(require("d3-color"), require("d3-interpolate"), require("d3-scale"), require("d3-brush"), require("d3-selection"), require("d3-axis"), require("d3-format"));
15 else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
16 define("bb", ["d3-color", "d3-interpolate", "d3-scale", "d3-brush", "d3-selection", "d3-axis", "d3-format"], factory);
17 else if(typeof exports === 'object')
18 exports["bb"] = factory(require("d3-color"), require("d3-interpolate"), require("d3-scale"), require("d3-brush"), require("d3-selection"), require("d3-axis"), require("d3-format"));
19 else
20 root["bb"] = root["bb"] || {}, root["bb"]["plugin"] = root["bb"]["plugin"] || {}, root["bb"]["plugin"]["stanford"] = factory(root["d3"], root["d3"], root["d3"], root["d3"], root["d3"], root["d3"], root["d3"]);
22return /******/ (function() { // webpackBootstrap
23/******/ "use strict";
24/******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ([
25/* 0 */,
26/* 1 */
27/***/ (function(module) {
29module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__1__;
31/***/ }),
32/* 2 */,
33/* 3 */
34/***/ (function(module) {
36module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__3__;
38/***/ }),
39/* 4 */,
40/* 5 */
41/***/ (function(module) {
43module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__5__;
45/***/ }),
46/* 6 */
47/***/ (function(module) {
49module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__6__;
51/***/ }),
52/* 7 */
53/***/ (function(module) {
55module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__7__;
57/***/ }),
58/* 8 */
59/***/ (function(module) {
61module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__8__;
63/***/ }),
64/* 9 */
65/***/ (function(module) {
67module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__9__;
69/***/ })
70/******/ ]);
72/******/ // The module cache
73/******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};
75/******/ // The require function
76/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
77/******/ // Check if module is in cache
78/******/ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];
79/******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) {
80/******/ return cachedModule.exports;
81/******/ }
82/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
83/******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
84/******/ // no module.id needed
85/******/ // no module.loaded needed
86/******/ exports: {}
87/******/ };
89/******/ // Execute the module function
90/******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
92/******/ // Return the exports of the module
93/******/ return module.exports;
94/******/ }
97/******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
98/******/ !function() {
99/******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports
100/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, definition) {
101/******/ for(var key in definition) {
102/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
103/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
104/******/ }
105/******/ }
106/******/ };
107/******/ }();
109/******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
110/******/ !function() {
111/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(obj, prop) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop); }
112/******/ }();
115var __webpack_exports__ = {};
116// This entry needs to be wrapped in an IIFE because it needs to be isolated against other modules in the chunk.
117!function() {
120__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
121 "default": function() { return /* binding */ Stanford; }
124// EXTERNAL MODULE: external {"commonjs":"d3-color","commonjs2":"d3-color","amd":"d3-color","root":"d3"}
125var external_commonjs_d3_color_commonjs2_d3_color_amd_d3_color_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(5);
126// EXTERNAL MODULE: external {"commonjs":"d3-interpolate","commonjs2":"d3-interpolate","amd":"d3-interpolate","root":"d3"}
127var external_commonjs_d3_interpolate_commonjs2_d3_interpolate_amd_d3_interpolate_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(6);
128// EXTERNAL MODULE: external {"commonjs":"d3-scale","commonjs2":"d3-scale","amd":"d3-scale","root":"d3"}
129var external_commonjs_d3_scale_commonjs2_d3_scale_amd_d3_scale_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(7);
130;// ./src/config/classes.ts
131var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
132var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
133var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
134var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
135var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
136var __spreadValues = (a, b) => {
137 for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
138 if (__hasOwnProp.call(b, prop))
139 __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
140 if (__getOwnPropSymbols)
141 for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
142 if (__propIsEnum.call(b, prop))
143 __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
144 }
145 return a;
147const $COMMON = {
148 button: "bb-button",
149 chart: "bb-chart",
150 empty: "bb-empty",
151 main: "bb-main",
152 target: "bb-target",
153 EXPANDED: "_expanded_"
155const $ARC = {
156 arc: "bb-arc",
157 arcLabelLine: "bb-arc-label-line",
158 arcRange: "bb-arc-range",
159 arcs: "bb-arcs",
160 chartArc: "bb-chart-arc",
161 chartArcs: "bb-chart-arcs",
162 chartArcsBackground: "bb-chart-arcs-background",
163 chartArcsTitle: "bb-chart-arcs-title",
164 needle: "bb-needle"
166const $AREA = {
167 area: "bb-area",
168 areas: "bb-areas"
170const $AXIS = {
171 axis: "bb-axis",
172 axisX: "bb-axis-x",
173 axisXLabel: "bb-axis-x-label",
174 axisY: "bb-axis-y",
175 axisY2: "bb-axis-y2",
176 axisY2Label: "bb-axis-y2-label",
177 axisYLabel: "bb-axis-y-label",
178 axisXTooltip: "bb-axis-x-tooltip",
179 axisYTooltip: "bb-axis-y-tooltip",
180 axisY2Tooltip: "bb-axis-y2-tooltip"
182const $BAR = {
183 bar: "bb-bar",
184 bars: "bb-bars",
185 chartBar: "bb-chart-bar",
186 chartBars: "bb-chart-bars"
188const $CANDLESTICK = {
189 candlestick: "bb-candlestick",
190 candlesticks: "bb-candlesticks",
191 chartCandlestick: "bb-chart-candlestick",
192 chartCandlesticks: "bb-chart-candlesticks",
193 valueDown: "bb-value-down",
194 valueUp: "bb-value-up"
196const $CIRCLE = {
197 chartCircles: "bb-chart-circles",
198 circle: "bb-circle",
199 circles: "bb-circles"
201const $COLOR = {
202 colorPattern: "bb-color-pattern",
203 colorScale: "bb-colorscale"
205const $DRAG = {
206 dragarea: "bb-dragarea",
207 INCLUDED: "_included_"
209const $FUNNEL = {
210 funnel: "bb-funnel",
211 chartFunnel: "bb-chart-funnel",
212 chartFunnels: "bb-chart-funnels",
213 funnelBackground: "bb-funnel-background"
215const $GAUGE = {
216 chartArcsGaugeMax: "bb-chart-arcs-gauge-max",
217 chartArcsGaugeMin: "bb-chart-arcs-gauge-min",
218 chartArcsGaugeUnit: "bb-chart-arcs-gauge-unit",
219 chartArcsGaugeTitle: "bb-chart-arcs-gauge-title",
220 gaugeValue: "bb-gauge-value"
222const $LEGEND = {
223 legend: "bb-legend",
224 legendBackground: "bb-legend-background",
225 legendItem: "bb-legend-item",
226 legendItemEvent: "bb-legend-item-event",
227 legendItemHidden: "bb-legend-item-hidden",
228 legendItemPoint: "bb-legend-item-point",
229 legendItemTile: "bb-legend-item-tile"
231const $LINE = {
232 chartLine: "bb-chart-line",
233 chartLines: "bb-chart-lines",
234 line: "bb-line",
235 lines: "bb-lines"
237const $EVENT = {
238 eventRect: "bb-event-rect",
239 eventRects: "bb-event-rects",
240 eventRectsMultiple: "bb-event-rects-multiple",
241 eventRectsSingle: "bb-event-rects-single"
243const $FOCUS = {
244 focused: "bb-focused",
245 defocused: "bb-defocused",
246 legendItemFocused: "bb-legend-item-focused",
247 xgridFocus: "bb-xgrid-focus",
248 ygridFocus: "bb-ygrid-focus"
250const $GRID = {
251 grid: "bb-grid",
252 gridLines: "bb-grid-lines",
253 xgrid: "bb-xgrid",
254 xgridLine: "bb-xgrid-line",
255 xgridLines: "bb-xgrid-lines",
256 xgrids: "bb-xgrids",
257 ygrid: "bb-ygrid",
258 ygridLine: "bb-ygrid-line",
259 ygridLines: "bb-ygrid-lines",
260 ygrids: "bb-ygrids"
262const $LEVEL = {
263 level: "bb-level",
264 levels: "bb-levels"
266const $RADAR = {
267 chartRadar: "bb-chart-radar",
268 chartRadars: "bb-chart-radars"
270const $REGION = {
271 region: "bb-region",
272 regions: "bb-regions"
274const $SELECT = {
275 selectedCircle: "bb-selected-circle",
276 selectedCircles: "bb-selected-circles",
277 SELECTED: "_selected_"
279const $SHAPE = {
280 shape: "bb-shape",
281 shapes: "bb-shapes"
283const $SUBCHART = {
284 brush: "bb-brush",
285 subchart: "bb-subchart"
287const $TEXT = {
288 chartText: "bb-chart-text",
289 chartTexts: "bb-chart-texts",
290 text: "bb-text",
291 texts: "bb-texts",
292 title: "bb-title",
293 TextOverlapping: "text-overlapping"
295const $TOOLTIP = {
296 tooltip: "bb-tooltip",
297 tooltipContainer: "bb-tooltip-container",
298 tooltipName: "bb-tooltip-name"
300const $TREEMAP = {
301 treemap: "bb-treemap",
302 chartTreemap: "bb-chart-treemap",
303 chartTreemaps: "bb-chart-treemaps"
305const $ZOOM = {
306 buttonZoomReset: "bb-zoom-reset",
307 zoomBrush: "bb-zoom-brush"
309/* harmony default export */ var classes = (__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, $COMMON), $ARC), $AREA), $AXIS), $BAR), $CANDLESTICK), $CIRCLE), $COLOR), $DRAG), $GAUGE), $LEGEND), $LINE), $EVENT), $FOCUS), $FUNNEL), $GRID), $RADAR), $REGION), $SELECT), $SHAPE), $SUBCHART), $TEXT), $TOOLTIP), $TREEMAP), $ZOOM));
311// EXTERNAL MODULE: external {"commonjs":"d3-brush","commonjs2":"d3-brush","amd":"d3-brush","root":"d3"}
312var external_commonjs_d3_brush_commonjs2_d3_brush_amd_d3_brush_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(3);
313// EXTERNAL MODULE: external {"commonjs":"d3-selection","commonjs2":"d3-selection","amd":"d3-selection","root":"d3"}
314var external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(1);
315;// ./src/module/browser.ts
316function getGlobal() {
317 return typeof globalThis === "object" && globalThis !== null && globalThis.Object === Object && globalThis || typeof global === "object" && global !== null && global.Object === Object && global || typeof self === "object" && self !== null && self.Object === Object && self || Function("return this")();
319function getFallback(w) {
320 const hasRAF = typeof (w == null ? void 0 : w.requestAnimationFrame) === "function" && typeof (w == null ? void 0 : w.cancelAnimationFrame) === "function";
321 const hasRIC = typeof (w == null ? void 0 : w.requestIdleCallback) === "function" && typeof (w == null ? void 0 : w.cancelIdleCallback) === "function";
322 const request = (cb) => setTimeout(cb, 1);
323 const cancel = (id) => clearTimeout(id);
324 return [
325 hasRAF ? w.requestAnimationFrame : request,
326 hasRAF ? w.cancelAnimationFrame : cancel,
327 hasRIC ? w.requestIdleCallback : request,
328 hasRIC ? w.cancelIdleCallback : cancel
329 ];
331const win = getGlobal();
332const doc = win == null ? void 0 : win.document;
333const [
334 requestAnimationFrame,
335 cancelAnimationFrame,
336 requestIdleCallback,
337 cancelIdleCallback
338] = getFallback(win);
341;// ./src/module/util.ts
342var util_defProp = Object.defineProperty;
343var util_getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
344var util_hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
345var util_propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
346var util_defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? util_defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
347var util_spreadValues = (a, b) => {
348 for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
349 if (util_hasOwnProp.call(b, prop))
350 util_defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
351 if (util_getOwnPropSymbols)
352 for (var prop of util_getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
353 if (util_propIsEnum.call(b, prop))
354 util_defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
355 }
356 return a;
362const isValue = (v) => v || v === 0;
363const isFunction = (v) => typeof v === "function";
364const isString = (v) => typeof v === "string";
365const isNumber = (v) => typeof v === "number";
366const isUndefined = (v) => typeof v === "undefined";
367const isDefined = (v) => typeof v !== "undefined";
368const isBoolean = (v) => typeof v === "boolean";
369const ceil10 = (v) => Math.ceil(v / 10) * 10;
370const asHalfPixel = (n) => Math.ceil(n) + 0.5;
371const diffDomain = (d) => d[1] - d[0];
372const isObjectType = (v) => typeof v === "object";
373const isEmpty = (o) => isUndefined(o) || o === null || isString(o) && o.length === 0 || isObjectType(o) && !(o instanceof Date) && Object.keys(o).length === 0 || isNumber(o) && isNaN(o);
374const notEmpty = (o) => !isEmpty(o);
375const isArray = (arr) => Array.isArray(arr);
376const isObject = (obj) => obj && !(obj == null ? void 0 : obj.nodeType) && isObjectType(obj) && !isArray(obj);
377function getOption(options, key, defaultValue) {
378 return isDefined(options[key]) ? options[key] : defaultValue;
380function hasValue(dict, value) {
381 let found = false;
382 Object.keys(dict).forEach((key) => dict[key] === value && (found = true));
383 return found;
385function callFn(fn, thisArg, ...args) {
386 const isFn = isFunction(fn);
387 isFn && fn.call(thisArg, ...args);
388 return isFn;
390function endall(transition, cb) {
391 let n = 0;
392 const end = function(...args) {
393 !--n && cb.apply(this, ...args);
394 };
395 if ("duration" in transition) {
396 transition.each(() => ++n).on("end", end);
397 } else {
398 ++n;
399 transition.call(end);
400 }
402function sanitize(str) {
403 return isString(str) ? str.replace(/<(script|img)?/ig, "&lt;").replace(/(script)?>/ig, "&gt;") : str;
405function setTextValue(node, text, dy = [-1, 1], toMiddle = false) {
406 if (!node || !isString(text)) {
407 return;
408 }
409 if (text.indexOf("\n") === -1) {
410 node.text(text);
411 } else {
412 const diff = [node.text(), text].map((v) => v.replace(/[\s\n]/g, ""));
413 if (diff[0] !== diff[1]) {
414 const multiline = text.split("\n");
415 const len = toMiddle ? multiline.length - 1 : 1;
416 node.html("");
417 multiline.forEach((v, i) => {
418 node.append("tspan").attr("x", 0).attr("dy", `${i === 0 ? dy[0] * len : dy[1]}em`).text(v);
419 });
420 }
421 }
423function getRectSegList(path) {
424 const { x, y, width, height } = path.getBBox();
425 return [
426 { x, y: y + height },
427 // seg0
428 { x, y },
429 // seg1
430 { x: x + width, y },
431 // seg2
432 { x: x + width, y: y + height }
433 // seg3
434 ];
436function getPathBox(path) {
437 const { width, height } = path.getBoundingClientRect();
438 const items = getRectSegList(path);
439 const x = items[0].x;
440 const y = Math.min(items[0].y, items[1].y);
441 return {
442 x,
443 y,
444 width,
445 height
446 };
448function getPointer(event, element) {
449 var _a;
450 const touches = event && ((_a = event.touches || event.sourceEvent && event.sourceEvent.touches) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]);
451 let pointer = [0, 0];
452 try {
453 pointer = (0,external_commonjs_d3_selection_commonjs2_d3_selection_amd_d3_selection_root_d3_.pointer)(touches || event, element);
454 } catch (e) {
455 }
456 return pointer.map((v) => isNaN(v) ? 0 : v);
458function getBrushSelection(ctx) {
459 const { event, $el } = ctx;
460 const main = $el.subchart.main || $el.main;
461 let selection;
462 if (event && event.type === "brush") {
463 selection = event.selection;
464 } else if (main && (selection = main.select(".bb-brush").node())) {
465 selection = (0,external_commonjs_d3_brush_commonjs2_d3_brush_amd_d3_brush_root_d3_.brushSelection)(selection);
466 }
467 return selection;
469function getBoundingRect(node) {
470 const needEvaluate = !("rect" in node) || "rect" in node && node.hasAttribute("width") && node.rect.width !== +node.getAttribute("width");
471 return needEvaluate ? node.rect = node.getBoundingClientRect() : node.rect;
473function getRandom(asStr = true, min = 0, max = 1e4) {
474 const crpt = win.crypto || win.msCrypto;
475 const rand = crpt ? min + crpt.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0] % (max - min + 1) : Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);
476 return asStr ? String(rand) : rand;
478function findIndex(arr, v, start, end, isRotated) {
479 if (start > end) {
480 return -1;
481 }
482 const mid = Math.floor((start + end) / 2);
483 let { x, w = 0 } = arr[mid];
484 if (isRotated) {
485 x = arr[mid].y;
486 w = arr[mid].h;
487 }
488 if (v >= x && v <= x + w) {
489 return mid;
490 }
491 return v < x ? findIndex(arr, v, start, mid - 1, isRotated) : findIndex(arr, v, mid + 1, end, isRotated);
493function brushEmpty(ctx) {
494 const selection = getBrushSelection(ctx);
495 if (selection) {
496 return selection[0] === selection[1];
497 }
498 return true;
500function deepClone(...objectN) {
501 const clone = (v) => {
502 if (isObject(v) && v.constructor) {
503 const r = new v.constructor();
504 for (const k in v) {
505 r[k] = clone(v[k]);
506 }
507 return r;
508 }
509 return v;
510 };
511 return objectN.map((v) => clone(v)).reduce((a, c) => util_spreadValues(util_spreadValues({}, a), c));
513function extend(target = {}, source) {
514 if (isArray(source)) {
515 source.forEach((v) => extend(target, v));
516 }
517 for (const p in source) {
518 if (/^\d+$/.test(p) || p in target) {
519 continue;
520 }
521 target[p] = source[p];
522 }
523 return target;
525const capitalize = (str) => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
526function camelize(str, separator = "-") {
527 return str.split(separator).map((v, i) => i ? v.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + v.slice(1).toLowerCase() : v.toLowerCase()).join("");
529const toArray = (v) => [].slice.call(v);
530function addCssRules(style, selector, prop) {
531 const { rootSelector = "", sheet } = style;
532 const getSelector = (s) => s.replace(/\s?(bb-)/g, ".$1").replace(/\.+/g, ".");
533 const rule = `${rootSelector} ${getSelector(selector)} {${prop.join(";")}}`;
534 return sheet[sheet.insertRule ? "insertRule" : "addRule"](
535 rule,
536 sheet.cssRules.length
537 );
539function getCssRules(styleSheets) {
540 let rules = [];
541 styleSheets.forEach((sheet) => {
542 var _a;
543 try {
544 if (sheet.cssRules && sheet.cssRules.length) {
545 rules = rules.concat(toArray(sheet.cssRules));
546 }
547 } catch (e) {
548 (_a = win.console) == null ? void 0 : _a.warn(`Error while reading rules from ${sheet.href}: ${e.toString()}`);
549 }
550 });
551 return rules;
553function getScrollPosition(node) {
554 var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
555 return {
556 x: ((_b = (_a = win.pageXOffset) != null ? _a : win.scrollX) != null ? _b : 0) + ((_c = node.scrollLeft) != null ? _c : 0),
557 y: ((_e = (_d = win.pageYOffset) != null ? _d : win.scrollY) != null ? _e : 0) + ((_f = node.scrollTop) != null ? _f : 0)
558 };
560function getTransformCTM(node, x = 0, y = 0, inverse = true) {
561 const point = new DOMPoint(x, y);
562 const screen = node.getScreenCTM();
563 const res = point.matrixTransform(
564 inverse ? screen == null ? void 0 : screen.inverse() : screen
565 );
566 if (inverse === false) {
567 const rect = node.getBoundingClientRect();
568 res.x -= rect.x;
569 res.y -= rect.y;
570 }
571 return res;
573function getTranslation(node) {
574 const transform = node ? node.transform : null;
575 const baseVal = transform && transform.baseVal;
576 return baseVal && baseVal.numberOfItems ? baseVal.getItem(0).matrix : { a: 0, b: 0, c: 0, d: 0, e: 0, f: 0 };
578function getUnique(data) {
579 const isDate = data[0] instanceof Date;
580 const d = (isDate ? data.map(Number) : data).filter((v, i, self) => self.indexOf(v) === i);
581 return isDate ? d.map((v) => new Date(v)) : d;
583function mergeArray(arr) {
584 return arr && arr.length ? arr.reduce((p, c) => p.concat(c)) : [];
586function mergeObj(target, ...objectN) {
587 if (!objectN.length || objectN.length === 1 && !objectN[0]) {
588 return target;
589 }
590 const source = objectN.shift();
591 if (isObject(target) && isObject(source)) {
592 Object.keys(source).forEach((key) => {
593 const value = source[key];
594 if (isObject(value)) {
595 !target[key] && (target[key] = {});
596 target[key] = mergeObj(target[key], value);
597 } else {
598 target[key] = isArray(value) ? value.concat() : value;
599 }
600 });
601 }
602 return mergeObj(target, ...objectN);
604function sortValue(data, isAsc = true) {
605 let fn;
606 if (data[0] instanceof Date) {
607 fn = isAsc ? (a, b) => a - b : (a, b) => b - a;
608 } else {
609 if (isAsc && !data.every(isNaN)) {
610 fn = (a, b) => a - b;
611 } else if (!isAsc) {
612 fn = (a, b) => a > b && -1 || a < b && 1 || a === b && 0;
613 }
614 }
615 return data.concat().sort(fn);
617function getMinMax(type, data) {
618 let res = data.filter((v) => notEmpty(v));
619 if (res.length) {
620 if (isNumber(res[0])) {
621 res = Math[type](...res);
622 } else if (res[0] instanceof Date) {
623 res = sortValue(res, type === "min")[0];
624 }
625 } else {
626 res = void 0;
627 }
628 return res;
630const getRange = (start, end, step = 1) => {
631 const res = [];
632 const n = Math.max(0, Math.ceil((end - start) / step)) | 0;
633 for (let i = start; i < n; i++) {
634 res.push(start + i * step);
635 }
636 return res;
638const emulateEvent = {
639 mouse: (() => {
640 const getParams = () => ({
641 bubbles: false,
642 cancelable: false,
643 screenX: 0,
644 screenY: 0,
645 clientX: 0,
646 clientY: 0
647 });
648 try {
649 new MouseEvent("t");
650 return (el, eventType, params = getParams()) => {
651 el.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(eventType, params));
652 };
653 } catch (e) {
654 return (el, eventType, params = getParams()) => {
655 const mouseEvent = doc.createEvent("MouseEvent");
656 mouseEvent.initMouseEvent(
657 eventType,
658 params.bubbles,
659 params.cancelable,
660 win,
661 0,
662 // the event's mouse click count
663 params.screenX,
664 params.screenY,
665 params.clientX,
666 params.clientY,
667 false,
668 false,
669 false,
670 false,
671 0,
672 null
673 );
674 el.dispatchEvent(mouseEvent);
675 };
676 }
677 })(),
678 touch: (el, eventType, params) => {
679 const touchObj = new Touch(mergeObj({
680 identifier: Date.now(),
681 target: el,
682 radiusX: 2.5,
683 radiusY: 2.5,
684 rotationAngle: 10,
685 force: 0.5
686 }, params));
687 el.dispatchEvent(new TouchEvent(eventType, {
688 cancelable: true,
689 bubbles: true,
690 shiftKey: true,
691 touches: [touchObj],
692 targetTouches: [],
693 changedTouches: [touchObj]
694 }));
695 }
697function tplProcess(tpl, data) {
698 let res = tpl;
699 for (const x in data) {
700 res = res.replace(new RegExp(`{=${x}}`, "g"), data[x]);
701 }
702 return res;
704function parseDate(date) {
705 var _a;
706 let parsedDate;
707 if (date instanceof Date) {
708 parsedDate = date;
709 } else if (isString(date)) {
710 const { config, format } = this;
711 parsedDate = (_a = format.dataTime(config.data_xFormat)(date)) != null ? _a : new Date(date);
712 } else if (isNumber(date) && !isNaN(date)) {
713 parsedDate = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(+date);
714 }
715 if (!parsedDate || isNaN(+parsedDate)) {
716 console && console.error && console.error(`Failed to parse x '${date}' to Date object`);
717 }
718 return parsedDate;
720function hasViewBox(svg) {
721 const attr = svg.attr("viewBox");
722 return attr ? /(\d+(\.\d+)?){3}/.test(attr) : false;
724function hasStyle(node, condition, all = false) {
725 const isD3Node = !!node.node;
726 let has = false;
727 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(condition)) {
728 has = isD3Node ? node.style(key) === value : node.style[key] === value;
729 if (all === false && has) {
730 break;
731 }
732 }
733 return has;
735function isTabVisible() {
736 var _a, _b;
737 return ((_a = doc) == null ? void 0 : _a.hidden) === false || ((_b = doc) == null ? void 0 : _b.visibilityState) === "visible";
739function convertInputType(mouse, touch) {
740 const { DocumentTouch, matchMedia, navigator } = win;
741 const hasPointerCoarse = matchMedia == null ? void 0 : matchMedia("(pointer:coarse)").matches;
742 let hasTouch = false;
743 if (touch) {
744 if (navigator && "maxTouchPoints" in navigator) {
745 hasTouch = navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0;
746 } else if ("ontouchmove" in win || DocumentTouch && doc instanceof DocumentTouch) {
747 hasTouch = true;
748 } else {
749 if (hasPointerCoarse) {
750 hasTouch = true;
751 } else {
752 const UA = navigator.userAgent;
753 hasTouch = /\b(BlackBerry|webOS|iPhone|IEMobile)\b/i.test(UA) || /\b(Android|Windows Phone|iPad|iPod)\b/i.test(UA);
754 }
755 }
756 }
757 const hasMouse = mouse && !hasPointerCoarse && (matchMedia == null ? void 0 : matchMedia("(pointer:fine)").matches);
758 return hasMouse && "mouse" || hasTouch && "touch" || "mouse";
760function runUntil(fn, conditionFn) {
761 if (conditionFn() === false) {
762 requestAnimationFrame(() => runUntil(fn, conditionFn));
763 } else {
764 fn();
765 }
768;// ./src/config/config.ts
770function loadConfig(config) {
771 const thisConfig = this.config;
772 let target;
773 let keys;
774 let read;
775 const find = () => {
776 const key = keys.shift();
777 if (key && target && isObjectType(target) && key in target) {
778 target = target[key];
779 return find();
780 } else if (!key) {
781 return target;
782 }
783 return void 0;
784 };
785 Object.keys(thisConfig).forEach((key) => {
786 target = config;
787 keys = key.split("_");
788 read = find();
789 if (isDefined(read)) {
790 thisConfig[key] = read;
791 }
792 });
793 if (this.api) {
794 this.state.orgConfig = config;
795 }
798;// ./src/Plugin/Plugin.ts
799var Plugin_defProp = Object.defineProperty;
800var Plugin_defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? Plugin_defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
801var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => Plugin_defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
802class Plugin {
803 /**
804 * Constructor
805 * @param {Any} options config option object
806 * @private
807 */
808 constructor(options = {}) {
809 __publicField(this, "$$");
810 __publicField(this, "options");
811 this.options = options;
812 }
813 /**
814 * Lifecycle hook for 'beforeInit' phase.
815 * @private
816 */
817 $beforeInit() {
818 }
819 /**
820 * Lifecycle hook for 'init' phase.
821 * @private
822 */
823 $init() {
824 }
825 /**
826 * Lifecycle hook for 'afterInit' phase.
827 * @private
828 */
829 $afterInit() {
830 }
831 /**
832 * Lifecycle hook for 'redraw' phase.
833 * @private
834 */
835 $redraw() {
836 }
837 /**
838 * Lifecycle hook for 'willDestroy' phase.
839 * @private
840 */
841 $willDestroy() {
842 Object.keys(this).forEach((key) => {
843 this[key] = null;
844 delete this[key];
845 });
846 }
848__publicField(Plugin, "version", "3.14.2");
850// EXTERNAL MODULE: external {"commonjs":"d3-axis","commonjs2":"d3-axis","amd":"d3-axis","root":"d3"}
851var external_commonjs_d3_axis_commonjs2_d3_axis_amd_d3_axis_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(8);
852// EXTERNAL MODULE: external {"commonjs":"d3-format","commonjs2":"d3-format","amd":"d3-format","root":"d3"}
853var external_commonjs_d3_format_commonjs2_d3_format_amd_d3_format_root_d3_ = __webpack_require__(9);
854;// ./src/Plugin/stanford/classes.ts
855/* harmony default export */ var stanford_classes = ({
856 colorScale: "bb-colorscale",
857 stanfordElements: "bb-stanford-elements",
858 stanfordLine: "bb-stanford-line",
859 stanfordLines: "bb-stanford-lines",
860 stanfordRegion: "bb-stanford-region",
861 stanfordRegions: "bb-stanford-regions"
864;// ./src/Plugin/stanford/ColorScale.ts
865var ColorScale_defProp = Object.defineProperty;
866var ColorScale_defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? ColorScale_defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
867var ColorScale_publicField = (obj, key, value) => ColorScale_defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
873class ColorScale {
874 constructor(owner) {
875 ColorScale_publicField(this, "owner");
876 ColorScale_publicField(this, "colorScale");
877 this.owner = owner;
878 }
879 drawColorScale() {
880 const { $$, config } = this.owner;
881 const target = $$.data.targets[0];
882 const height = $$.state.height - config.padding_bottom - config.padding_top;
883 const barWidth = config.scale_width;
884 const barHeight = 5;
885 const points = getRange(config.padding_bottom, height, barHeight);
886 const inverseScale = (0,external_commonjs_d3_scale_commonjs2_d3_scale_amd_d3_scale_root_d3_.scaleSequential)(target.colors).domain([points[points.length - 1], points[0]]);
887 if (this.colorScale) {
888 this.colorScale.remove();
889 }
890 this.colorScale = $$.$el.svg.append("g").attr("width", 50).attr("height", height).attr("class", stanford_classes.colorScale);
891 this.colorScale.append("g").attr("transform", `translate(0, ${config.padding_top})`).selectAll("bars").data(points).enter().append("rect").attr("y", (d, i) => i * barHeight).attr("x", 0).attr("width", barWidth).attr("height", barHeight).attr("fill", (d) => inverseScale(d));
892 const axisScale = (0,external_commonjs_d3_scale_commonjs2_d3_scale_amd_d3_scale_root_d3_.scaleSymlog)().domain([target.minEpochs, target.maxEpochs]).range([
893 points[0] + config.padding_top + points[points.length - 1] + barHeight - 1,
894 points[0] + config.padding_top
895 ]);
896 const legendAxis = (0,external_commonjs_d3_axis_commonjs2_d3_axis_amd_d3_axis_root_d3_.axisRight)(axisScale);
897 const scaleFormat = config.scale_format;
898 if (scaleFormat === "pow10") {
899 legendAxis.tickValues([1, 10, 100, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7]);
900 } else if (isFunction(scaleFormat)) {
901 legendAxis.tickFormat(scaleFormat);
902 } else {
903 legendAxis.tickFormat((0,external_commonjs_d3_format_commonjs2_d3_format_amd_d3_format_root_d3_.format)("d"));
904 }
905 const axis = this.colorScale.append("g").attr("class", "legend axis").attr("transform", `translate(${barWidth},0)`).call(legendAxis);
906 if (scaleFormat === "pow10") {
907 axis.selectAll(".tick text").text(null).filter((d) => d / Math.pow(10, Math.ceil(Math.log(d) / Math.LN10 - 1e-12)) === 1).text(10).append("tspan").attr("dy", "-.7em").text((d) => Math.round(Math.log(d) / Math.LN10));
908 }
909 this.colorScale.attr(
910 "transform",
911 `translate(${$$.state.current.width - this.xForColorScale()}, 0)`
912 );
913 }
914 xForColorScale() {
915 return this.owner.config.padding_right + this.colorScale.node().getBBox().width;
916 }
917 getColorScalePadding() {
918 return this.xForColorScale() + this.owner.config.padding_left + 20;
919 }
922;// ./src/Plugin/stanford/util.ts
924function pointInRegion(point, region) {
925 const x = point.x;
926 const y = point.value;
927 let inside = false;
928 for (let i = 0, j = region.length - 1; i < region.length; j = i++) {
929 const xi = region[i].x;
930 const yi = region[i].y;
931 const xj = region[j].x;
932 const yj = region[j].y;
933 const intersect = yi > y !== yj > y && x < (xj - xi) * (y - yi) / (yj - yi) + xi;
934 if (intersect) {
935 inside = !inside;
936 }
937 }
938 return inside;
940function compareEpochs(a, b) {
941 if (a.epochs < b.epochs) {
942 return -1;
943 }
944 if (a.epochs > b.epochs) {
945 return 1;
946 }
947 return 0;
949function getRegionArea(points) {
950 let area = 0;
951 let point1;
952 let point2;
953 for (let i = 0, l = points.length, j = l - 1; i < l; j = i, i++) {
954 point1 = points[i];
955 point2 = points[j];
956 area += point1.x * point2.y;
957 area -= point1.y * point2.x;
958 }
959 area /= 2;
960 return area;
962function getCentroid(points) {
963 const area = getRegionArea(points);
964 let x = 0;
965 let y = 0;
966 let f;
967 for (let i = 0, l = points.length, j = l - 1; i < l; j = i, i++) {
968 const point1 = points[i];
969 const point2 = points[j];
970 f = point1.x * point2.y - point2.x * point1.y;
971 x += (point1.x + point2.x) * f;
972 y += (point1.y + point2.y) * f;
973 }
974 f = area * 6;
975 return {
976 x: x / f,
977 y: y / f
978 };
982;// ./src/Plugin/stanford/Elements.ts
983var Elements_defProp = Object.defineProperty;
984var Elements_defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? Elements_defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
985var Elements_publicField = (obj, key, value) => Elements_defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
988class Elements {
989 constructor(owner) {
990 Elements_publicField(this, "owner");
991 this.owner = owner;
992 const elements = owner.$$.$el.main.select(".bb-chart").append("g").attr("class", stanford_classes.stanfordElements);
993 elements.append("g").attr("class", stanford_classes.stanfordLines);
994 elements.append("g").attr("class", stanford_classes.stanfordRegions);
995 }
996 updateStanfordLines(duration) {
997 const { $$ } = this.owner;
998 const { config, $el: { main } } = $$;
999 const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
1000 const xvCustom = this.xvCustom.bind($$);
1001 const yvCustom = this.yvCustom.bind($$);
1002 const stanfordLine = main.select(`.${stanford_classes.stanfordLines}`).style("shape-rendering", "geometricprecision").selectAll(`.${stanford_classes.stanfordLine}`).data(this.owner.config.lines);
1003 stanfordLine.exit().transition().duration(duration).style("opacity", "0").remove();
1004 const stanfordLineEnter = stanfordLine.enter().append("g");
1005 stanfordLineEnter.append("line").style("opacity", "0");
1006 stanfordLineEnter.merge(stanfordLine).attr("class", (d) => stanford_classes.stanfordLine + (d.class ? ` ${d.class}` : "")).select("line").transition().duration(duration).attr("x1", (d) => {
1007 const v = isRotated ? yvCustom(d, "y1") : xvCustom(d, "x1");
1008 return v;
1009 }).attr("x2", (d) => isRotated ? yvCustom(d, "y2") : xvCustom(d, "x2")).attr("y1", (d) => {
1010 const v = isRotated ? xvCustom(d, "x1") : yvCustom(d, "y1");
1011 return v;
1012 }).attr("y2", (d) => isRotated ? xvCustom(d, "x2") : yvCustom(d, "y2")).transition().style("opacity", null);
1013 }
1014 updateStanfordRegions(duration) {
1015 const { $$ } = this.owner;
1016 const { config, $el: { main } } = $$;
1017 const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
1018 const xvCustom = this.xvCustom.bind($$);
1019 const yvCustom = this.yvCustom.bind($$);
1020 const countPointsInRegion = this.owner.countEpochsInRegion.bind($$);
1021 let stanfordRegion = main.select(`.${stanford_classes.stanfordRegions}`).selectAll(`.${stanford_classes.stanfordRegion}`).data(this.owner.config.regions);
1022 stanfordRegion.exit().transition().duration(duration).style("opacity", "0").remove();
1023 const stanfordRegionEnter = stanfordRegion.enter().append("g");
1024 stanfordRegionEnter.append("polygon").style("opacity", "0");
1025 stanfordRegionEnter.append("text").attr("transform", isRotated ? "rotate(-90)" : "").style("opacity", "0");
1026 stanfordRegion = stanfordRegionEnter.merge(stanfordRegion);
1027 stanfordRegion.attr("class", (d) => stanford_classes.stanfordRegion + (d.class ? ` ${d.class}` : "")).select("polygon").transition().duration(duration).attr("points", (d) => d.points.map(
1028 (value) => [
1029 isRotated ? yvCustom(value, "y") : xvCustom(value, "x"),
1030 isRotated ? xvCustom(value, "x") : yvCustom(value, "y")
1031 ].join(",")
1032 ).join(" ")).transition().style("opacity", (d) => String(d.opacity ? d.opacity : 0.2));
1033 stanfordRegion.select("text").transition().duration(duration).attr(
1034 "x",
1035 (d) => isRotated ? yvCustom(getCentroid(d.points), "y") : xvCustom(getCentroid(d.points), "x")
1036 ).attr(
1037 "y",
1038 (d) => isRotated ? xvCustom(getCentroid(d.points), "x") : yvCustom(getCentroid(d.points), "y")
1039 ).text((d) => {
1040 if (d.text) {
1041 const { value, percentage } = countPointsInRegion(d.points);
1042 return d.text(value, percentage);
1043 }
1044 return "";
1045 }).attr("text-anchor", "middle").attr("dominant-baseline", "middle").transition().style("opacity", null);
1046 }
1047 updateStanfordElements(duration = 0) {
1048 this.updateStanfordLines(duration);
1049 this.updateStanfordRegions(duration);
1050 }
1051 xvCustom(d, xyValue) {
1052 const $$ = this;
1053 const { axis, config } = $$;
1054 let value = xyValue ? d[xyValue] : $$.getBaseValue(d);
1055 if (axis.isTimeSeries()) {
1056 value = parseDate.call($$, value);
1057 } else if (axis.isCategorized() && isString(value)) {
1058 value = config.axis_x_categories.indexOf(d.value);
1059 }
1060 return $$.scale.x(value);
1061 }
1062 yvCustom(d, xyValue) {
1063 const $$ = this;
1064 const yScale = d.axis && d.axis === "y2" ? $$.scale.y2 : $$.scale.y;
1065 const value = xyValue ? d[xyValue] : $$.getBaseValue(d);
1066 return yScale(value);
1067 }
1070;// ./src/Plugin/stanford/Options.ts
1071class Options {
1072 constructor() {
1073 return {
1074 /**
1075 * Set the color of the color scale. This function receives a value between 0 and 1, and should return a color.
1076 * @name colors
1077 * @memberof plugin-stanford
1078 * @type {Function}
1079 * @default undefined
1080 * @example
1081 * colors: d3.interpolateHslLong(
1082 * d3.hsl(250, 1, 0.5), d3.hsl(0, 1, 0.5)
1083 * )
1084 */
1085 colors: void 0,
1086 /**
1087 * Specify the key of epochs values in the data.
1088 * @name epochs
1089 * @memberof plugin-stanford
1090 * @type {Array}
1091 * @default []
1092 * @example
1093 * epochs: [ 1, 1, 2, 2, ... ]
1094 */
1095 epochs: [],
1096 /**
1097 * Show additional lines anywhere on the chart.
1098 * - Each line object should consist with following options:
1099 *
1100 * | Key | Type | Description |
1101 * | --- | --- | --- |
1102 * | x1 | Number | Starting position on the x axis |
1103 * | y1 | Number | Starting position on the y axis |
1104 * | x2 | Number | Ending position on the x axis |
1105 * | y2 | Number | Ending position on the y axis |
1106 * | class | String | Optional value. Set a custom css class to this line. |
1107 * @type {Array}
1108 * @memberof plugin-stanford
1109 * @default []
1110 * @example
1111 * lines: [
1112 * { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 65, y2: 65, class: "line1" },
1113 * { x1: 0, x2: 65, y1: 40, y2: 40, class: "line2" }
1114 * ]
1115 */
1116 lines: [],
1117 /**
1118 * Set scale values
1119 * @name scale
1120 * @memberof plugin-stanford
1121 * @type {object}
1122 * @property {object} [scale] scale object
1123 * @property {number} [scale.min=undefined] Minimum value of the color scale. Default: lowest value in epochs
1124 * @property {number} [scale.max=undefined] Maximum value of the color scale. Default: highest value in epochs
1125 * @property {number} [scale.width=20] Width of the color scale
1126 * @property {string|Function} [scale.format=undefined] Format of the axis of the color scale. Use 'pow10' to format as powers of 10 or a custom function. Example: d3.format("d")
1127 * @example
1128 * scale: {
1129 * max: 10000,
1130 * min: 1,
1131 * width: 500,
1132 *
1133 * // specify 'pow10' to format as powers of 10
1134 * format: "pow10",
1135 *
1136 * // or specify a format function
1137 * format: function(x) {
1138 * return x +"%";
1139 * }
1140 * },
1141 */
1142 scale_min: void 0,
1143 scale_max: void 0,
1144 scale_width: 20,
1145 scale_format: void 0,
1146 /**
1147 * The padding for color scale element
1148 * @name padding
1149 * @memberof plugin-stanford
1150 * @type {object}
1151 * @property {object} [padding] padding object
1152 * @property {number} [padding.top=0] Top padding value.
1153 * @property {number} [padding.right=0] Right padding value.
1154 * @property {number} [padding.bottom=0] Bottom padding value.
1155 * @property {number} [padding.left=0] Left padding value.
1156 * @example
1157 * padding: {
1158 * top: 15,
1159 * right: 0,
1160 * bottom: 0,
1161 * left: 0
1162 * },
1163 */
1164 padding_top: 0,
1165 padding_right: 0,
1166 padding_bottom: 0,
1167 padding_left: 0,
1168 /**
1169 * Show additional regions anywhere on the chart.
1170 * - Each region object should consist with following options:
1171 *
1172 * | Key | Type | Default | Attributes | Description |
1173 * | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
1174 * | points | Array | | | Accepts a group of objects that has x and y.<br>These points should be added in a counter-clockwise fashion to make a closed polygon. |
1175 * | opacity | Number | `0.2` | &lt;optional> | Sets the opacity of the region as value between 0 and 1 |
1176 * | text | Function | | &lt;optional> | This function receives a value and percentage of the number of epochs in this region.<br>Return a string to place text in the middle of the region. |
1177 * | class | String | | &lt;optional> | Se a custom css class to this region, use the fill property in css to set a background color. |
1178 * @name regions
1179 * @memberof plugin-stanford
1180 * @type {Array}
1181 * @default []
1182 * @example
1183 * regions: [
1184 * {
1185 * points: [ // add points counter-clockwise
1186 * { x: 0, y: 0 },
1187 * { x: 40, y: 40 },
1188 * { x: 0, y: 40 },
1189 * ],
1190 * text: function (value, percentage) {
1191 * return `Normal Operations: ${value} (${percentage}%)`;
1192 * },
1193 * opacity: 0.2, // 0 to 1
1194 * class: "test-polygon1"
1195 * },
1196 * ...
1197 * ]
1198 */
1199 regions: []
1200 };
1201 }
1204;// ./src/Plugin/stanford/index.ts
1205var stanford_defProp = Object.defineProperty;
1206var stanford_defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? stanford_defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
1207var stanford_publicField = (obj, key, value) => stanford_defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
1218class Stanford extends Plugin {
1219 constructor(options) {
1220 super(options);
1221 stanford_publicField(this, "config");
1222 stanford_publicField(this, "colorScale");
1223 stanford_publicField(this, "elements");
1224 this.config = new Options();
1225 return this;
1226 }
1227 $beforeInit() {
1228 const { $$ } = this;
1229 $$.config.data_xSort = false;
1230 $$.isMultipleX = () => true;
1231 $$.showGridFocus = () => {
1232 };
1233 $$.labelishData = (d) => d.values;
1234 $$.opacityForCircle = () => 1;
1235 const getCurrentPadding = $$.getCurrentPadding.bind($$);
1236 $$.getCurrentPadding = () => {
1237 const padding = getCurrentPadding();
1238 padding.right += this.colorScale ? this.colorScale.getColorScalePadding() : 0;
1239 return padding;
1240 };
1241 }
1242 $init() {
1243 const { $$ } = this;
1244 loadConfig.call(this, this.options);
1245 $$.color = this.getStanfordPointColor.bind($$);
1246 this.colorScale = new ColorScale(this);
1247 this.elements = new Elements(this);
1248 this.convertData();
1249 this.initStanfordData();
1250 this.setStanfordTooltip();
1251 this.colorScale.drawColorScale();
1252 $$.right += this.colorScale ? this.colorScale.getColorScalePadding() : 0;
1253 this.$redraw();
1254 }
1255 $redraw(duration) {
1256 var _a, _b;
1257 (_a = this.colorScale) == null ? void 0 : _a.drawColorScale();
1258 (_b = this.elements) == null ? void 0 : _b.updateStanfordElements(duration);
1259 }
1260 getOptions() {
1261 return new Options();
1262 }
1263 convertData() {
1264 const data = this.$$.data.targets;
1265 const epochs = this.options.epochs;
1266 data.forEach((d) => {
1267 d.values.forEach((v, i) => {
1268 v.epochs = epochs[i];
1269 });
1270 d.minEpochs = void 0;
1271 d.maxEpochs = void 0;
1272 d.colors = void 0;
1273 d.colorscale = void 0;
1274 });
1275 }
1276 initStanfordData() {
1277 const { config } = this;
1278 const target = this.$$.data.targets[0];
1279 target.values.sort(compareEpochs);
1280 const epochs = target.values.map((a) => a.epochs);
1281 target.minEpochs = !isNaN(config.scale_min) ? config.scale_min : Math.min(...epochs);
1282 target.maxEpochs = !isNaN(config.scale_max) ? config.scale_max : Math.max(...epochs);
1283 target.colors = isFunction(config.colors) ? config.colors : (0,external_commonjs_d3_interpolate_commonjs2_d3_interpolate_amd_d3_interpolate_root_d3_.interpolateHslLong)((0,external_commonjs_d3_color_commonjs2_d3_color_amd_d3_color_root_d3_.hsl)(250, 1, 0.5), (0,external_commonjs_d3_color_commonjs2_d3_color_amd_d3_color_root_d3_.hsl)(0, 1, 0.5));
1284 target.colorscale = (0,external_commonjs_d3_scale_commonjs2_d3_scale_amd_d3_scale_root_d3_.scaleSequentialLog)(target.colors).domain([target.minEpochs, target.maxEpochs]);
1285 }
1286 getStanfordPointColor(d) {
1287 const target = this.data.targets[0];
1288 return target.colorscale(d.epochs);
1289 }
1290 setStanfordTooltip() {
1291 const { config } = this.$$;
1292 if (isEmpty(config.tooltip_contents)) {
1293 config.tooltip_contents = function(d, defaultTitleFormat, defaultValueFormat, color) {
1294 const { data_x } = config;
1295 let html = `<table class="${$TOOLTIP.tooltip}"><tbody>`;
1296 d.forEach((v) => {
1297 const { id = "", value = 0, epochs = 0, x = "" } = v;
1298 html += `<tr>
1299 <th>${data_x || ""}</th>
1300 <th class="value">${defaultTitleFormat(x)}</th>
1301 </tr>
1302 <tr>
1303 <th>${v.id}</th>
1304 <th class="value">${defaultValueFormat(value)}</th>
1305 </tr>
1306 <tr class="${$TOOLTIP.tooltipName}-${id}">
1307 <td class="name"><span style="background-color:${color(v)}"></span>Epochs</td>
1308 <td class="value">${defaultValueFormat(epochs)}</td>
1309 </tr>`;
1310 });
1311 return `${html}</tbody></table>`;
1312 };
1313 }
1314 }
1315 countEpochsInRegion(region) {
1316 const $$ = this;
1317 const target = $$.data.targets[0];
1318 const total = target.values.reduce(
1319 (accumulator, currentValue) => accumulator + Number(currentValue.epochs),
1320 0
1321 );
1322 const value = target.values.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => {
1323 if (pointInRegion(currentValue, region)) {
1324 return accumulator + Number(currentValue.epochs);
1325 }
1326 return accumulator;
1327 }, 0);
1328 return {
1329 value,
1330 percentage: value !== 0 ? +(value / total * 100).toFixed(1) : 0
1331 };
1332 }
1336__webpack_exports__ = __webpack_exports__["default"];
1337/******/ return __webpack_exports__;
1338/******/ })()
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