1.7 kBPlain TextView Raw
1node {
2 checkout scm;
3 properties([
4 parameters([
5 stringParam(
6 defaultValue: "false",
7 description: 'build docker without cache',
8 name: 'NO_CACHE'
9 ),
10 booleanParam(
11 defaultValue: false,
12 description: 'whether to avoid triggering precious at the end',
13 name: 'NO_PRECIOUS'
14 ),
15 ]),
16 ]);
17 try {
18 ansiColor('xterm') {
19 def env = ["tag=${BUILD_TAG}", "NO_CACHE=${params.NO_CACHE}"]
20 withEnv(env) {
21 stage('Build') {
22 echo 'Building docker image';
23 sh "make build"
24 }
25 stage('Lint') {
26 echo 'Linting'
27 sh "make lint"
28 }
29 stage('Tag') {
30 echo 'Tagging local images';
31 sh "make tag"
32 }
33 stage('Push') {
34 echo 'Pushing images to ECR'
35 build(
36 job: 'cli/push-cli',
37 wait: true,
38 parameters: [
39 string(name: 'TRIGGER_BRANCH', value: BRANCH_NAME),
40 string(name: 'BUILD_TAG', value: BUILD_TAG)
41 ]
42 )
43 }
44 }
45 }
46 if (!params.NO_PRECIOUS) {
47 trigger_precious("${BRANCH_NAME}", "${JOB_NAME}");
48 }
49 slack('SUCCESS');
50 } catch (err) {
51 slack('FAILURE');
52 throw err;
53 }