1.77 kBYAMLView Raw
2- test: No binaris.yml in directory (bad-path)
3 setup:
4 - mkdir -p /home/dockeruser/test/trollycopter
5 steps:
6 - in: bn deploy -p /home/dockeruser/test/trollycopter icydiceymolecule
7 err: "ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/dockeruser/test/trollycopter/binaris.yml'"
8 exit: 1
10- test: No matching function (bad-path)
11 steps:
12 - in: bn create node8 unrelatedname
13 - in: bn deploy grouchybear
14 err: Cannot find function 'grouchybear' in binaris.yml
15 exit: 1
17- test: No Binaris backend (bad-path)
18 setup:
19 - export BINARIS_DEPLOY_ENDPOINT=fake.binaris.neverworks
20 steps:
21 - in: bn create node8 naughtyvegetable
22 - in: bn deploy naughtyvegetable
23 err: Could not connect to Binaris backend
24 exit: 1
25 - in: bn remove naughtyvegetable
26 err: Could not connect to Binaris backend
27 exit: 1
29- test: Corrupt binaris conf file (bad-path)
30 setup:
31 - echo 'INVALIDCONF' | tee /home/dockeruser/.binaris.yml > /dev/null
32 - unset BINARIS_API_KEY
33 steps:
34 - in: bn create node8 didacticbrothers
35 - in: bn deploy didacticbrothers
36 err: Invalid Binaris conf file (missing API key) /home/dockeruser/.binaris.yml
37 exit: 1
39- test: create function with template name
40 steps:
41 - in: bn create node8 hello -p /home/dockeruser/test/hello
42 out: |-
43 Created function hello in /home/dockeruser/test/hello
44 (use "bn deploy -p /home/dockeruser/test/hello hello" to deploy the function)
46- test: Missing info in binaris.yml (bad-path)
47 steps:
48 - in: bn create node8 missfield
49 - in: sed -i '5d' binaris.yml
50 - in: bn deploy missfield
51 err: "binaris.yml: missing field <runtime>"
52 exit: 1