17 kBYAMLView Raw
2- test: Test help output
3 steps:
4 - in: bn --help
5 out: |-
6 Binaris command line interface
8 Usage: bn <command> [options]
10 Commands:
11 bn create <runtime> <function> [options] Create a function from template
12 bn deploy <function> [options] Deploys a function to the cloud
13 bn remove <function> [options] Remove a previously deployed function
14 bn invoke <function> [options] Invoke a Binaris function
15 bn list [options] List all deployed functions
16 bn perf <function> [options] Measure invocation latency (experimental)
17 bn logs <function> [options] Print the logs of a function
18 bn login Login to your Binaris account using an API key
20 Options:
21 --version Show version number [boolean]
22 --path, -p Use directory dir. "create" will create this directory if needed. [string]
23 --help, -h Show help [boolean]*
24- test: Test list help output
25 steps:
26 - in: bn list --help
27 out: |-
28 Usage: bn list [options]
30 Options:
31 --version Show version number [boolean]
32 --path, -p Use directory dir. "create" will create this directory if needed. [string]
33 --help, -h Show help [boolean]
34 --json Output as JSON*
35- test: Test logs help output (good-path)
36 steps:
37 - in: bn logs --help
38 out: |-
39 Usage: bn logs <function> [options]
41 Positionals:
42 function Function name [string] [required]
44 Options:
45 --version Show version number [boolean]
46 --path, -p Use directory dir. "create" will create this directory if needed. [string]
47 --help, -h Show help [boolean]
48 --tail, -t Outputs logs in "tail -f" fashion [boolean]
49 --since, -s Outputs logs after the given ISO timestamp [string]
51 Examples:
52 // retrieve all logs
53 bn logs foo
55 // tail all logs
56 bn logs foo --tail
58 // ISO
59 bn logs foo --since 2018-03-09T22:12:21.861Z
61 // unix
62 bn logs foo --since 1520816105798
64 // offset format
65 bn logs foo --since 3d
66 bn logs foo --since 13hours
67 bn logs foo --since 9s*
69- test: Test login (good-path)
70 cleanup:
71 - bn remove momentousgiants
72 steps:
73 - in: bn create node8 momentousgiants
74 out: |-
75 Created function * in /home/dockeruser/test
76 (use "bn deploy momentousgiants" to deploy the function)
77 - in: echo "$BINARIS_API_KEY" | bn login
78 out: |-
79 Please enter your Binaris API key to deploy and invoke functions.
80 If you don't have a key, head over to https://binaris.com to request one
81 *? API Key: *
82 *Authentication Succeeded*
83 (use "bn create node8 hello" to create a Node.js template function in your CWD)
84 - in: bn deploy momentousgiants
85 out: |-
86 Deployed function to *
87 (use "bn invoke momentousgiants" to invoke the function)
89- test: Test create (good-path)
90 steps:
91 - in: bn create node8 snowmanolympics
92 out: |-
93 Created function * in /home/dockeruser/test
94 (use "bn deploy *" to deploy the function)
95 - in: bn create node8 purplecannon -p /home/dockeruser/test/purplecannon
96 out: |-
97 Created function purplecannon in /home/dockeruser/test/purplecannon
98 (use "bn deploy -p /home/dockeruser/test/purplecannon purplecannon" to deploy the function)
100- test: Test deploy (good-path)
101 cleanup:
102 - bn remove drybeef
103 steps:
104 - in: bn create node8 drybeef
105 out: |-
106 Created function * in /home/dockeruser/test
107 (use "bn deploy drybeef" to deploy the function)
108 - in: bn deploy drybeef
109 out: |-
110 Deployed function to *
111 (use "bn invoke drybeef" to invoke the function)
112 - in: bn deploy drybeef
113 out: |-
114 Deployed function to *
115 (use "bn invoke drybeef" to invoke the function)
117- test: Test list
118 serial: true
119 setup:
120 - >
121 for i in {1..2};
122 do out="$(bn remove listtest$i 2>&1)";
123 echo "$out";
124 if ! echo "$out" | grep -e "No such function" -e "Removed function"; then false; fi
125 done;
126 cleanup:
127 - >
128 for i in {1..2};
129 do out="$(bn remove listtest$i 2>&1)";
130 echo "$out";
131 if ! echo "$out" | grep -e "No such function" -e "Removed function"; then false; fi
132 done;
133 steps:
134 - in: bn create node8 listtest1
135 - in: bn deploy listtest1
136 - in: bn create node8 listtest2
137 - in: bn deploy listtest2
138 - in: bn list
139 out: |-
141 listtest1 *201*-*-*T*:*:*Z*
142 listtest2 *201*-*-*T*:*:*Z*
143 - in: bn list --json
144 out: |-
145 *[*{"name":"listtest1","lastDeployed":"[20*-*-*T*:*:*Z]"}*,*{"name":"listtest2","lastDeployed":"[20*-*-*T*:*:*Z]"}*]*
147- test: Test invoke (good-path)
148 setup:
149 - |-
150 echo '{"name": "unguessable"}' > invoke.json
151 cleanup:
152 - bn remove extrasmallaunt
153 steps:
154 - in: bn create node8 extrasmallaunt
155 out: |-
156 Created function * in /home/dockeruser/test
157 (use "bn deploy extrasmallaunt" to deploy the function)
158 - in: bn deploy extrasmallaunt
159 out: |-
160 Deployed function to *
161 (use "bn invoke extrasmallaunt" to invoke the function)
162 - in: cd /home/
163 - in: bn invoke extrasmallaunt
164 out: |-
165 "Hello World!"
166 - in: |-
167 bn invoke extrasmallaunt -d '{"name": "unguessable"}'
168 out: |-
169 "Hello unguessable!"
170 - in: bn invoke extrasmallaunt -j ./dockeruser/test/invoke.json
171 out: |-
172 "Hello unguessable!"
174- test: Test logs (good-path)
175 setup:
176 - export FUNC_NAME=rand$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1)
177 - bn create node8 $FUNC_NAME
178 - sed -i '2 a \ console.log(`Hello ${name}!`);' function.js
179 cleanup:
180 - bn remove $FUNC_NAME
181 steps:
182 - in: bn deploy $FUNC_NAME
183 out: |-
184 Deployed function to *
185 (use "bn invoke *" to invoke the function)
186 - in: bn invoke $FUNC_NAME
187 out: |-
188 "Hello World!"
189 - in: sleep 5
190 - in: bn logs $FUNC_NAME
191 out: |-
192 [201*-*-*T*:*:*Z] Hello World!
193 [201*-*-*T*:*:*Z] Function invocation took * us
194 - in: |-
195 bn invoke $FUNC_NAME -d '{"name": "again"}'
196 out: |-
197 "Hello again!"
198 - in: sleep 8
199 - in: bn logs $FUNC_NAME
200 out: |-
201 [201*-*-*T*:*:*Z] Hello World!
202 [201*-*-*T*:*:*Z] Function invocation took * us
203 [201*-*-*T*:*:*Z] Hello again!
204 [201*-*-*T*:*:*Z] Function invocation took * us
205 - in: sleep 15
206 - in: |-
207 bn invoke $FUNC_NAME -d '{"name": "for the last time"}'
208 out: |-
209 "Hello for the last time!"
210 - in: sleep 8
211 - in: bn logs $FUNC_NAME --since 10s
212 out: |-
213 [201*-*-*T*:*:*Z] Hello for the last time!
214 [201*-*-*T*:*:*Z] Function invocation took * us
215 - in: cd /home/
216 - in: bn logs $FUNC_NAME --since 40sec
217 out: |-
218 [201*-*-*T*:*:*Z] Hello again!
219 [201*-*-*T*:*:*Z] Function invocation took * us
220 [201*-*-*T*:*:*Z] Hello for the last time!
221 [201*-*-*T*:*:*Z] Function invocation took * us
223- test: 'Test {PY_VERSION} E2E (good-path)'
224 foreach:
225 - PY_VERSION: python2
226 - PY_VERSION: pypy2
227 setup:
228 - export FUNC_NAME={PY_VERSION}$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1)
229 - 'bn create {PY_VERSION} $FUNC_NAME'
230 - |-
231 cat > function.py <<EOF
232 def handler(body, req):
233 name = req.query.get('name') or body.get('name') or 'World'
234 out = 'Hello {}!'.format(name)
235 print out
236 return out
237 EOF
238 cleanup:
239 - bn remove $FUNC_NAME
240 steps:
241 - in: bn deploy $FUNC_NAME
242 out: |-
243 Deployed function to *
244 (use "bn invoke *" to invoke the function)
245 - in: |-
246 bn invoke $FUNC_NAME -d '{"name": "Binaris"}'
247 out: |-
248 "Hello Binaris!"
249 - in: sleep 5
250 - in: bn logs $FUNC_NAME
251 out: |-
252 [201*-*-*T*:*:*Z] Hello Binaris!
253 [201*-*-*T*:*:*Z] Function invocation took * us
255- test: Test deploy invoke remove cycle commands (good-path)
256 steps:
257 - in: bn create node8 gulliblezebra
258 out: |-
259 Created function * in /home/dockeruser/test
260 (use "bn deploy gulliblezebra" to deploy the function)
261 - in: bn deploy gulliblezebra
262 out: |-
263 Deployed function to *
264 (use "bn invoke gulliblezebra" to invoke the function)
265 - in: bn invoke gulliblezebra
266 out: |-
267 "Hello World!"
268 - in: bn remove gulliblezebra
269 out: |-
270 Removed function *
272- test: "envs: deploy invoke remove with secrets"
273 steps:
274 - in: bn create node8 secretsanta
275 - in: |-
276 cat <<EOF >/home/dockeruser/test/binaris.yml
277 functions:
278 secretsanta:
279 file: function.js
280 entrypoint: handler
281 runtime: node8
282 env:
284 DEFINED_HERE: value
285 BN_FUNCTION: "dont-override"
286 EOF
287 - in: |-
288 cat <<EOF >/home/dockeruser/test/function.js
289 exports.handler = () => [process.env.FORWARD_ME, process.env.DEFINED_HERE, process.env.BN_FUNCTION];
290 EOF
291 - in: FORWARD_ME=please bn deploy secretsanta
292 out: |-
293 Deployed function to *
294 (use "bn invoke secretsanta" to invoke the function)
295 - in: bn invoke secretsanta
296 out: |-
297 *["please","value","*secretsanta"]*
298 - in: bn remove secretsanta
299 out: |-
300 Removed function *
301- test: "envs: fail to deploy if non-string in env"
302 steps:
303 - in: bn create node8 invalidenv
304 - in: |-
305 cat <<EOF >/home/dockeruser/test/binaris.yml
306 functions:
307 invalidenv:
308 file: function.js
309 entrypoint: handler
310 runtime: node8
311 env:
312 A_NUMBER: 6.66
313 EOF
314 - in: bn deploy invalidenv
315 exit: 1
316 err: |-
317 *A_NUMBER's value is not a string*
318- test: "envs: fail to deploy if empty string in env"
319 steps:
320 - in: bn create node8 emptiness
321 - in: |-
322 cat <<EOF >/home/dockeruser/test/binaris.yml
323 functions:
324 emptiness:
325 file: function.js
326 entrypoint: handler
327 runtime: node8
328 env:
329 EMPTY: ""
330 EOF
331 - in: bn deploy emptiness
332 exit: 1
333 err: |-
334 *Empty string *EMPTY not supported.*
335- test: Test login (bad-path)
336 steps:
337 - in: bn create node8 stormysummer
338 - in: echo "9239239" | bn login
339 err: Invalid API key
340 exit: 1
342- test: Test create (bad-path)
343 steps:
344 - in: bn create node8 a*b*c*
345 err: Invalid characters in function name a*b*c*. Use only letters and digits
346 exit: 1
347 - in: bn create node8 a_b%c#d@e+
348 err: Invalid characters in function name a_b%c#d@e+. Use only letters and digits
349 exit: 1
350 - in: bn create node8 a=b~c,d.
351 err: Invalid characters in function name a=b~c,d.. Use only letters and digits
352 exit: 1
353 - in: bn create node8 a:b?c!d-
354 err: Invalid characters in function name a:b?c!d-. Use only letters and digits
355 exit: 1
356 - in: bn create node8 tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolongggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
357 err: Function names cannot be longer than 58 characters.
358 exit: 1
359 - in: bn create
360 err: "*Not enough non-option arguments: got 0, need at least 2"
361 exit: 1
362 - in: bn create node8
363 err: "*Not enough non-option arguments: got 1, need at least 2"
364 exit: 1
365 - in: bn create abcd
366 err: "*Not enough non-option arguments: got 1, need at least 2"
367 exit: 1
368 - in: bn create cpp4096 abcd
369 err: '*Invalid values:*Argument: runtime, Given: "cpp4096", Choices:*'
370 exit: 1
372- test: Test invoke (bad-path)
373 steps:
374 - in: bn create node8 quarrelsometest -p /home/dockeruser/test/alloftheoptions
375 - in: bn invoke quarrelsometest -j myFile.json -d data
376 err: Invoke flags --json(-j) and --data(-d) are mutually exclusive
377 exit: 1
378 - in: bn invoke quarrelsometest -j myFile.json
379 err: "ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'myFile.json'"
380 exit: 1
382- test: Test remove (bad-path)
383 steps:
384 - in: bn create node8 dispensabledrop
385 - in: bn remove dispensabledrop
386 err: No such function
387 exit: 1
388 - in: bn deploy dispensabledrop
389 - in: bn remove dispensabledrop
390 - in: bn remove dispensabledrop
391 err: No such function
392 exit: 1
393 - in: bn remove
394 err: "*Not enough non-option arguments: got 0, need at least 1"
395 exit: 1
397- test: Test logs (bad-path)
398 steps:
399 - in: bn create node8 endlessclue
400 - in: bn logs endlessclue --since h23sdh2
401 err: |-
402 Invalid time format "h23sdh2"
403 exit: 1
404 - in: bn logs endlessclue --since 231213daysf
405 err: |-
406 Invalid offset format, unknown unit "daysf"
407 exit: 1
409- test: Invalid name in binaris.yml (bad-path)
410 setup:
411 - bn create node8 pickypumpkin
412 # replace line 2 of binaris.yml(function name) with a bad function name
413 - sed -i '2 c \ inv@a-d:' binaris.yml
414 steps:
415 - in: bn deploy "inv@a-d"
416 err: Invalid characters in function name inv@a-d. Use only letters and digits
417 exit: 1
419- test: Unknown command (bad-path)
420 steps:
421 - in: bn alwaysbad
422 err: "*Unknown command: 'alwaysbad'"
423 exit: 1
425- test: No permission
426 setup:
427 - mkdir /home/dockeruser/test/securedir
428 - echo binaris | sudo -S chown root:root /home/dockeruser/test/securedir
429 - echo binaris | sudo -S chmod 700 /home/dockeruser/test/securedir
430 steps:
431 - in: bn create node8 orangehero -p /home/dockeruser/test/securedir
432 err: "EACCES: permission denied, unlink '/home/dockeruser/test/securedir/function.js'"
433 exit: 1
435# Disabled until the switch is made to yargs
437# - test: Superfluous output(bad-path)
438# steps:
439# - in: bn create init init
440# err: Argument "*" is not a valid input to *
441# exit: 1
442# - in: bn create sadmksad
443# err: Argument "sadmksad" is not a valid input to create
444# exit: 1
445# - in: bn deploy init
446# err: Argument "init" is not a valid input to deploy
447# exit: 1
448# - in: bn logs notlogs
449# err: Argument "notlogs" is not a valid input to logs
450# exit: 1
452- test: No such path (bad-path)
453 steps:
454 - in: bn deploy livelyhall -p /home/dockeruser/test/bogus/comeon/really/hello.js
455 err: "ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/dockeruser/test/bogus/comeon/really/hello.js/binaris.yml'"
456 exit: 1
458- test: No API key or conf file (bad-path)
459 setup:
460 - unset BINARIS_API_KEY
461 steps:
462 - in: bn create node8 handsomelycalendar
463 - in: bn deploy handsomelycalendar
464 err: Binaris conf file could not be read and BINARIS_API_KEY is undefined, please use "bn login"
465 exit: 1
467- test: Deploy of 200MB function succeeds
468 setup:
469 - bn create python2 largeData200MB
470 - dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1048576 count=200 of=large.data
471 cleanup:
472 - bn remove largeData200MB
473 steps:
474 - in: bn deploy largeData200MB
475 out: |-
476 Deployed function to *
477 (use "bn invoke *" to invoke the function)
478 - in: bn invoke largeData200MB
479 out: |-
480 "Hello World!"
482- test: Deploy of 300MB function fails with significant error message
483 setup:
484 - bn create python2 largeData300MB
485 - dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1048576 count=300 of=very.large.data
486 steps:
487 - in: bn deploy largeData300MB
488 err: Payload too large
489 exit: 1