4.55 kBMarkdownView Raw
1# master
3### unreleased
5### [v1.0.0] - 2017-02-09
6- **add:** changes based on Bazze its PR
7- **fix:** flaws
8- **doc:** update license year
9- **doc:** bump version
11### [v0.7.0] - 2016-10-28
12- **doc:** add missing yarn link
13- **add:** feature to add custom total value
14- **doc:** add total option related docs
15- **upg:** several dependencies and dev-dependencies
16- **doc:** update versions
18### [v0.6.3] - 2016-10-12
19- **fix:** hotfix
21### [v0.6.2] - 2016-10-12
22- **fix:** hotfix
24### [v0.6.1] - 2016-10-12
25- **fix:** hotfix
27### [v0.6.0] - 2016-10-12
28- **upg:** several dependencies and dev-dependencies
29- **fix:** linting errors
30- **rmv:** unneeded linting rules
31- **fix:** linting errors
32- **upg:** several dependencies and dev-dependencies
33- **add:** yarn support
34- **doc:** add yarn to README
36### [v0.5.3] - 2016-09-21
37- **upg:** peer dependencies
38- **doc:** update versions
40### [v0.5.2] - 2016-09-21
41- **upg:** several dependencies and dev-dependencies
42- **upg:** several dependencies and dev-dependencies
43- **add:** custom 'arrow-parens' eslint rule
44- **doc:** update versions
46### [v0.5.1] - 2016-07-18
47- **fix:** dependency listing
48- **doc:** fix example
49- **doc:** fix flaws
50- **doc:** update versions
52### [v0.5.0] - 2016-07-17
53- **doc:** add documentation
54- **doc:** improve plugin options related paragraphs
55- **fix:** linting error
56- **add:** self link to links object
57- **fix:** rename links to _links
58- **fix:** adjust tests
59- **doc:** adjust documentation
60- **fix:** make links halicious
61- **fix:** adjust tests
62- **doc:** update versions
63- **fix:** linting errors
64- **fix:** refactor test mocks
65- **fix:** replace querystring with qs
67### [v0.4.0] - 2016-07-16
68- **fix:** version in meta data
69- **add:** plugin related options
70- **fix:** refactor based on new functionality
71- **add:** test specifications based on new functionality
72- **doc:** adjust docs based on new functionality
73- **doc:** fix flaws
74- **doc:** update versions
76### [v0.3.1] - 2016-07-15
77- **upg:** eslint-plugin-import (-> 1.10.0)
78- **upg:** several development dependencies
79- **upg:** several development dependencies
80- **fix:** refactor pagination related tasks
81- **add:** qs for mocking akaya
82- **add:** utils for query parsing
83- **add:** pagination related test specification
84- **fix:** pagination links conditions
85- **doc:** update CHANGELOG.md
87### [v0.3.0] - 2016-06-27
88- **add:** expose localhost
89- **add:** test files for header and validations
90- **fix:** doc block
91- **rmv:** left console logs
92- **doc:** fix flaw
93- **fix:** exposing of result
94- **add:** tests for validate.options
95- **add:** tests for validate.query
96- **fix:** tests for validate.query
97- **rmv:** left console logs
98- **fix:** unset link header if no links are available
99- **add:** tests for header
100- **doc:** update CHANGELOG.md
102### [v0.2.1] - 2016-06-26
103- **fix:** refactor file structure
104- **fix:** order of pagination links
105- **fix:** link header
106- **doc:** update CHANGELOG.md
108### [v0.2.0] - 2016-06-26
109- **fix:** flaws
110- **fix:** errors line breaks
111- **fix:** flaws
112- **fix:** change max-len eslint rule
113- **fix:** wrong tests
114- **fix:** missing left query parameters in HAL navigation links
115- **fix:** flaws
116- **fix:** refactor and cleanup several files
117- **doc:** update CHANGELOG.md
119### [v0.1.2] - 2016-06-25
120- **fix:** fix flaws
121- **fix:** unset page query parameter in href if equals 1
122- **doc:** update CHANGELOG.md
124### [v0.1.1] - 2016-06-25
125- **upg:** akaya (-> 0.1.2)
126- **rmv:** hoek as dependency
127- **add:** akaya as peer dependency
128- **doc:** update CHANGELOG.md
130### [v0.1.0] - 2016-06-25
131- **doc:** fix flaws
132- **doc:** reformat options
133- **doc:** adjust description
134- **doc:** fix flaws
135- **doc:** fix flaws
136- **doc:** fix flaws and extend example
137- **fix:** fix linting errors
138- **add:** test mock data
139- **fix:** adjust test setup
140- **fix:** change camelcase eslint rule
141- **add:** error message file
142- **fix:** adjust test setup
143- **add:** tests for the general usage of the reply interface
144- **fix:** adjust test setup
145- **add:** tests for the options based usage of the reply interface
146- **fix:** add tests for the general usage
147- **fix:** refactor plugin
148- **doc:** adjust and extend docs
149- **doc:** update CHANGELOG.md
151### [v0.0.2] - 2016-06-24
152- **doc:** change logo title
153- **doc:** fix indentation
154- **doc:** remove logo
155- **add:** test specification demo
156- **doc:** remove caching for badges
157- **doc:** fix examples dependencies
158- **doc:** update CHANGELOG.md
160### [v0.0.1] - 2016-06-24
161- **add:** initial files
162- **doc:** update CHANGELOG.md