1.88 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
2export declare const typeforce: any;
3export declare function isPoint(p: Buffer | number | undefined | null): boolean;
4export declare function UInt31(value: number): boolean;
5export declare function BIP32Path(value: string): boolean;
6export declare namespace BIP32Path {
7 var toJSON: () => string;
9export declare function Signer(obj: any): boolean;
10export declare function Satoshi(value: number): boolean;
11export declare const ECPoint: any;
12export declare const Network: any;
13export interface XOnlyPointAddTweakResult {
14 parity: 1 | 0;
15 xOnlyPubkey: Uint8Array;
17export interface Tapleaf {
18 output: Buffer;
19 version?: number;
21export declare const TAPLEAF_VERSION_MASK = 254;
22export declare function isTapleaf(o: any): o is Tapleaf;
24 * Binary tree repsenting script path spends for a Taproot input.
25 * Each node is either a single Tapleaf, or a pair of Tapleaf | Taptree.
26 * The tree has no balancing requirements.
27 */
28export type Taptree = [Taptree | Tapleaf, Taptree | Tapleaf] | Tapleaf;
29export declare function isTaptree(scriptTree: any): scriptTree is Taptree;
30export interface TinySecp256k1Interface {
31 isXOnlyPoint(p: Uint8Array): boolean;
32 xOnlyPointAddTweak(p: Uint8Array, tweak: Uint8Array): XOnlyPointAddTweakResult | null;
34export declare const Buffer256bit: any;
35export declare const Hash160bit: any;
36export declare const Hash256bit: any;
37export declare const Number: any;
38export declare const Array: any;
39export declare const Boolean: any;
40export declare const String: any;
41export declare const Buffer: any;
42export declare const Hex: any;
43export declare const maybe: any;
44export declare const tuple: any;
45export declare const UInt8: any;
46export declare const UInt32: any;
47export declare const Function: any;
48export declare const BufferN: any;
49export declare const Null: any;
50export declare const oneOf: any;