1.01 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @prettier
3 */
4import * as common from './common';
5export * from './bitgo';
6export declare const bitcoin: any;
7export declare const sjcl: any;
8export declare const bs58: any;
9export { Buffer } from 'buffer';
10import * as errors from './errors';
11export declare const Environments: common.Environments;
12export declare const Errors: typeof errors;
13export { GlobalCoinFactory, CoinConstructor } from './v2/coinFactory';
14export { V1Network, V1RmgNetwork } from './v2/types';
15export { EnvironmentName } from './v2/environments';
16export * from './v2';
18 * Set the network, i.e. either "bitcoin" for production with real bitcoin, or
19 * "testnet" for development with testnet bitcoin.
20 *
21 * @deprecated
22 */
23export declare function setNetwork(network: any): void;
25 * Get the network. Returns either "bitcoin" or "testnet".
26 *
27 * @deprecated
28 */
29export declare function getNetwork(): import("./v2").V1Network;
31 * @deprecated
32 */
33export declare function getNetworkObj(): any;
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