4.81 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
3var chai = require("chai");
4var assert = chai.assert;
5var should = chai.should();
6var expect = chai.expect;
7var Bex = require("../lib/bkmexpress");
8var fs = require("fs");
10describe("BKM Express SDK version 2", function () {
11 var merchantSecretKey = fs.readFileSync("./test/" + process.env.merchantSecretKey).toString();
12 var environment = Bex.Environment[process.env.environment];
13 var merchantId = process.env.merchantId;
14 var testString = "This is test string";
15 var privateKey = fs.readFileSync("./test/privatePKCS8.pem").toString();
16 var publicKey = fs.readFileSync("./test/public.pem").toString();
17 var config;
18 var token;
20 describe("pre-requisites", function () {
21 it("merchantSecretKey", function () {
22 merchantSecretKey.should.be.a("string");
23 });
24 it("environment", function () {
25 environment.should.be.equal(Bex.Environment.DEV);
26 });
27 it("merchantId", function () {
28 merchantId.should.be.a("string").with.lengthOf(36);
29 });
30 it("BKM sdk version", function () {
31 Bex.version.should.be.a("string");
32 });
33 });
35 describe("Utilities", function () {
36 var sample = [
37 {k: 10004.788, v: "10004,79"},
38 {k: 1000.78, v: "1000,78"},
39 {k: 1000.7, v: "1000,70"},
40 {k: 54.768, v: "54,77"},
41 {k: 23.78, v: "23,78"},
42 {k: 23.3, v: "23,30"},
43 {k: 32, v: "32,00"},
44 {k: 1, v: "1,00"},
45 ];
46 it("Float to TRY", function () {
47 for (var i = 0; i < sample.length; i++) {
48 var test = sample[i];
49 Bex.MoneyUtils.toTRY(test.k).should.be.an.equal(test.v);
50 }
51 });
52 it("TRY to Float", function () {
53 for (var i = 0; i < sample.length; i++) {
54 var test = sample[i];
55 Bex.MoneyUtils.toNumber(test.v).should.be.an.equal(Math.round(test.k * 100) / 100);
56 }
57 });
58 });
60 describe("Encryption Utilities", function () {
61 it("Base64 encode decode", function () {
62 var encoded = Bex.EncryptionUtil.encode64(testString);
63 var decoded = Bex.EncryptionUtil.decode64(encoded);
64 decoded.should.be.equal(testString);
65 });
66 it("Sign and verify with keys", function () {
67 var signature = Bex.EncryptionUtil.sign(privateKey, testString);
68 signature.should.be.a("string");
69 var verify = Bex.EncryptionUtil.verify(publicKey, testString, signature);
70 verify.should.be.a("boolean").with.equal(true);
71 });
72 it("Encrypt and decrypt with keys", function () {
73 var encrypted = Bex.EncryptionUtil.encrypt(publicKey, testString);
74 encrypted.should.be.a("string");
75 var dencrypted = Bex.EncryptionUtil.decrypt(privateKey, encrypted, true);
76 dencrypted.should.be.a("string").with.equal(testString);
77 });
78 });
80 config = Bex.BexPayment.startBexPayment(Bex.Environment.DEV, merchantId, privateKey);
81 // config = new Bex.BexPayment(Bex.Environment.DEV, merchantId, merchantSecretKey);
83 describe("Bex Config", function () {
84 it("BexPayment configuration unknown environment", function () {
85 try {
86 new Bex.BexPayment(null, merchantId, merchantSecretKey);
87 }
88 catch (err) {
89 err.should.be.instanceof(Error);
90 }
91 });
92 it("BexPayment instanceof Configuration", function () {
93 config.should.be.instanceof(Bex.Configuration);
94 config.Environment.should.be.equal(environment);
95 });
96 it("BexPayment Properties", function () {
97 config.should.have.property("Environment");
98 config.should.have.property("BexApiConfiguration");
99 config.should.have.property("MerchantId");
100 config.should.have.property("MerchantPrivateKey");
101 });
102 it("BexPayment.BexApiConfiguration", function () {
103 config.BexApiConfiguration.should.have.property("BaseUrl");
104 config.BexApiConfiguration.should.have.property("BaseJs");
105 config.BexApiConfiguration.BaseUrl.should.be.a("string");
106 config.BexApiConfiguration.BaseJs.should.be.a("string");
107 });
108 });
110 //describe("Get Connection Token", () => {
111 // console.log("Get Connection Token");
112 // let merchantService = new Bex.MerchantService(config);
113 // return merchantService.login()
114 // .then((response: Bex.Token) => {
115 // console.log("Token", response);
116 // token = response;
117 // return response.should.be.instanceof(Bex.Token);
118 // })
119 //});