1 | bkmrkd
2 | ======
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4 | [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mike-engel/bkmrkd.svg?branch=redux-tests-43)](https://travis-ci.org/mike-engel/bkmrkd)
5 | ![Dependencies](https://david-dm.org/mike-engel/bkmrkd.svg)
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7 | bkmrkd is a self-hosted, lightweight bookmarking service running on [node.js](https://nodejs.org), [react](https://facebook.github.io/react), and [rethinkdb](https://rethinkdb.com).
8 |
9 | [screenshots](#screenshots)
10 | [installation](#installation)
11 | [running in a production environment](#running-in-a-production-environment)
12 | [migrating from 1.0 to 2.0](#migrating-from-10-to-20)
13 | [contributing](#contributing)
14 | [license](LICENSE.md)
15 |
16 | # screenshots
17 | ## desktop
18 | ![Home page](screenshots/desktop.png)
19 |
20 | ## mobile
21 | ![Mobile](screenshots/mobile.png)
22 |
23 | ## colophon
24 | ![Colophon](screenshots/colophon.png)
25 |
26 | # installation
27 |
28 | ## assumptons
29 |
30 | 1. You have node.js >= 4.2 installed
31 | 2. You have rethinkdb installed and running
32 |
33 | ## running bkmrkd
34 |
35 | With version `2.3.0`, there are a couple of options to run bkmrkd. You can run it with one of the npm scripts, programmatically, or as a global command.
36 |
37 | ### npm script
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39 | There are npm scripts for development, staging, and production. This is the only one that doesn't work if you're using this from npm.
40 |
41 | ```shell
42 | # install the required modules
43 | npm install
44 |
45 | # if you want to run locally
46 | npm start
47 |
48 | # for testing daemonized with pm2
49 | npm run stage
50 | npm run stage:restart
51 | npm run stage:stop
52 |
53 | # for production daemonized with pm2
54 | # unless you put your SSL certs in the `ssl` directory
55 | # you'll want to provide the path with an env variable
56 | BKMRKD_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/config/file npm run prod
57 | BKMRKD_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/config/file npm run prod:restart
58 | npm run prod:stop
59 | ```
60 |
61 | ### programmatically
62 |
63 | If you'd like to mount bkmrkd inside another app/node script, this is totally do-able too. The module exports both the express app and the [SPDY](https://github.com/indutny/node-spdy) server.
64 |
65 | It's important to note here, however, that if you want to use the SPDY server bundled, you need to either move your certs into `./ssl/server.crt` and `./ssl/server.key`. You can also specify the path to your config (relative to your cwd) by setting the `BKMRKD_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable.
66 |
67 | ```javascript
68 | const bkmrkdApp = require('bkmrkd').app
69 | const bkmrkdServer = require('bkmrkd').server
70 |
71 | // mount the app as you will
72 | app.use('/bkmrkd', bkmrkdApp)
73 |
74 | // run the server with some other logic around it
75 | bkmrkdServer.listen(3000)
76 | ```
77 |
78 | ### global command
79 |
80 | Upon installation, npm will symlink a bkmrkd binary into a folder in your path. The command is `bkmrkd`, and there are a few options you can provide.
81 |
82 | ```shell
83 | Usage:
84 | bkmrkd [options]
85 |
86 | Options:
87 | --daemon, -d Daemonize the bkmrkd process with pm2
88 | --config, -c The path to your config file for bkmrkd
89 | --port, -p The port that bkmrkd should bind to. Defaults to 3000. Precedence is given to the config file
90 | --help, -h Print this help info
91 | ```
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93 | ## saving
94 |
95 | Simply drag the bookmarklet to your bookmarks bar and click it on a webpage you want to save. Simple.
96 |
97 | # running in a production environment
98 | So you want to run this for real. On the web. That's awesome. Everyone will want this to be setup differently, but this is how I've approached it.
99 |
100 | 1. Proxy through nginx. Listen on port 80 for a domain/subdomain and proxy_pass to the app running on port 3000.
101 | 2. Use SSL certs to avoid a new window opening when bookmarking things.
102 | 3. Use a variety of [startup scripts](#running-bkmrkd) and [backup](http://rethinkdb.com/docs/backup/) scripts.
103 |
104 | # developing
105 |
106 | To work on bkmrkd locally, you'll want to start the node server and run gulp.
107 |
108 | ```shell
109 | # make sure rethinkdb is running
110 | rethinkdb --daemon
111 |
112 | # start the server in development mode
113 | npm start
114 |
115 | # in another window or tab, start gulp and watch for file changes
116 | gulp
117 | ```
118 |
119 | # migrating from 1.0 to 2.0
120 |
121 | I don't think there are enough instances of bkmrkd (plus it didn't work that well) to warrant an upgrade guide. If you want one though, let me know and I'll create a guide. You can also check out migrating from mongodb to rethinkdb.
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123 | # contributing
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125 | Please make a pull request! bkmrkd follows the [js standard](https://github.com/feross/standard) styleguide.
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127 | # Roadmap
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129 | To keep track of the roadmap, I'm using [issues](https://github.com/mike-engel/bkmrkd/issues), and more specifically, [milestones](https://github.com/mike-engel/bkmrkd/milestones).
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131 | # [changelog](CHANGELOG.md)
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133 | # license
134 | [MIT](LICENSE.md)