1 | blob-util [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/nolanlawson/blob-util.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/nolanlawson/blob-util) [![TypeScript](https://img.shields.io/badge/%3C%2F%3E-typescript-blue.svg)](http://www.typescriptlang.org/)
2 | =====
3 |
4 | `blob-util` is a [Blob](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Blob?redirectlocale=en-US&redirectslug=DOM%2FBlob) library for busy people.
5 |
6 | It offers a small set of cross-browser utilities for translating Blobs to and from different formats:
7 |
8 | * `<img/>` tags
9 | * base 64 strings
10 | * binary strings
11 | * ArrayBuffers
12 | * data URLs
13 | * canvas
14 |
15 | It's also a good pairing with the attachment API in [PouchDB](http://pouchdb.com).
16 |
17 | **Note**: this is a browser library. For Node.js, see [Buffers](http://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html).
18 |
19 | **Topics**:
20 |
21 | * [Install](#usage)
22 | * [Browser support](#browser-support)
23 | * [Tutorial](#tutorial)
24 | * [Playground](http://nolanlawson.github.io/blob-util)
25 | * [API](#api)
26 |
27 | Install
28 | ------
29 |
30 | Via npm:
31 |
32 | ```bash
33 | npm install blob-util
34 | ```
35 |
36 | ES modules are supported:
37 |
38 | ```js
39 | import { canvasToBlob } from 'blob-util'
40 | canvasToBlob(canvas, 'image/png').then(/* ... */)
41 | ```
42 |
43 | Or as a script tag:
44 |
45 | ```html
46 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/blob-util/dist/blob-util.min.js"></script>
47 | ```
48 |
49 | Then it's available as a global `blobUtil` object:
50 |
51 | ```js
52 | blobUtil.canvasToBlob(canvas, 'image/png').then(/* ... */)
53 | ```
54 |
55 | Browser support
56 | -----
57 |
58 | As of v2.0.0, a built-in `Promise` polyfill is no longer provided. Assuming you provide a `Promise`
59 | polyfill, the supported browsers are:
60 |
61 | * Firefox
62 | * Chrome
63 | * Edge
64 | * IE 10+
65 | * Safari 6+
66 | * iOS 6+
67 | * Android 4+
68 | * Any browser with either `Blob` or the older `BlobBuilder`; see [caniuse](http://caniuse.com/#search=blob) for details.
69 |
70 | Tutorial
71 | --------
72 |
73 | Blobs (<strong>b</strong>inary <strong>l</strong>arge <strong>ob</strong>jects) are the modern way of working with binary data in the browser. The browser support is [very good](http://caniuse.com/#search=blob).
74 |
75 | Once you have a Blob, you can make it available offline by storing it in [IndexedDB](http://www.w3.org/TR/IndexedDB/), [PouchDB](http://pouchdb.com/), [LocalForage](https://mozilla.github.io/localForage/), or other in-browser databases. So it's the perfect format for working with offline images, sound, and video.
76 |
77 | A [File](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File) is also a Blob. So if you have an `<input type="file">` in your page, you can let your users upload any file and then work with it as a Blob.
78 |
79 | ### Example
80 |
81 | Here's Kirby. He's a famous little Blob.
82 |
83 | <img id="kirby" alt="Kirby" src="./test/kirby.gif"/>
84 |
85 | So let's fulfill his destiny, and convert him to a real `Blob` object.
86 |
87 | ```js
88 | var img = document.getElementById('kirby');
89 |
90 | blobUtil.imgSrcToBlob(img.src).then(function (blob) {
91 | // ladies and gents, we have a blob
92 | }).catch(function (err) {
93 | // image failed to load
94 | });
95 | ```
96 |
97 | (Don't worry, this won't download the image twice, because browsers are smart.)
98 |
99 | Now that we have a `Blob`, we can convert it to a URL and use that as the source for another `<img/>` tag:
100 |
101 | ```js
102 | var blobURL = blobUtil.createObjectURL(blob);
103 |
104 | var newImg = document.createElement('img');
105 | newImg.src = blobURL;
106 |
107 | document.body.appendChild(newImg);
108 | ```
109 |
110 | So now we have two Kirbys - one with a normal URL, and the other with a blob URL. You can try this out yourself in the [blob-util playground](http://nolanlawson.github.io/blob-util). Super fun!
111 |
112 | <img src="blob-util.gif"/>
113 |
114 |
115 | API
116 | -------
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 | ## Index
121 |
122 | ### Functions
123 |
124 | * [arrayBufferToBinaryString](#arraybuffertobinarystring)
125 | * [arrayBufferToBlob](#arraybuffertoblob)
126 | * [base64StringToBlob](#base64stringtoblob)
127 | * [binaryStringToArrayBuffer](#binarystringtoarraybuffer)
128 | * [binaryStringToBlob](#binarystringtoblob)
129 | * [blobToArrayBuffer](#blobtoarraybuffer)
130 | * [blobToBase64String](#blobtobase64string)
131 | * [blobToBinaryString](#blobtobinarystring)
132 | * [blobToDataURL](#blobtodataurl)
133 | * [canvasToBlob](#canvastoblob)
134 | * [createBlob](#createblob)
135 | * [createObjectURL](#createobjecturl)
136 | * [dataURLToBlob](#dataurltoblob)
137 | * [imgSrcToBlob](#imgsrctoblob)
138 | * [imgSrcToDataURL](#imgsrctodataurl)
139 | * [revokeObjectURL](#revokeobjecturl)
140 |
141 | ---
142 |
143 | ## Functions
144 |
145 | <a id="arraybuffertobinarystring"></a>
146 |
147 | ### arrayBufferToBinaryString
148 |
149 | ▸ **arrayBufferToBinaryString**(buffer: *`ArrayBuffer`*): `string`
150 |
151 | Convert an `ArrayBuffer` to a binary string.
152 |
153 | Example:
154 |
155 | ```js
156 | var myString = blobUtil.arrayBufferToBinaryString(arrayBuff)
157 | ```
158 |
159 | **Parameters:**
160 |
161 | | Param | Type | Description |
162 | | ------ | ------ | ------ |
163 | | buffer | `ArrayBuffer` | array buffer |
164 |
165 | **Returns:** `string`
166 | binary string
167 |
168 | ___
169 | <a id="arraybuffertoblob"></a>
170 |
171 | ### arrayBufferToBlob
172 |
173 | ▸ **arrayBufferToBlob**(buffer: *`ArrayBuffer`*, type?: *`string`*): `Blob`
174 |
175 | Convert an `ArrayBuffer` to a `Blob`.
176 |
177 | Example:
178 |
179 | ```js
180 | var blob = blobUtil.arrayBufferToBlob(arrayBuff, 'audio/mpeg');
181 | ```
182 |
183 | **Parameters:**
184 |
185 | | Param | Type | Description |
186 | | ------ | ------ | ------ |
187 | | buffer | `ArrayBuffer` | - |
188 | | `Optional` type | `string` | the content type (optional) |
189 |
190 | **Returns:** `Blob`
191 | Blob
192 |
193 | ___
194 | <a id="base64stringtoblob"></a>
195 |
196 | ### base64StringToBlob
197 |
198 | ▸ **base64StringToBlob**(base64: *`string`*, type?: *`string`*): `Blob`
199 |
200 | Convert a base64-encoded string to a `Blob`.
201 |
202 | Example:
203 |
204 | ```js
205 | var blob = blobUtil.base64StringToBlob(base64String);
206 | ```
207 |
208 | **Parameters:**
209 |
210 | | Param | Type | Description |
211 | | ------ | ------ | ------ |
212 | | base64 | `string` | base64-encoded string |
213 | | `Optional` type | `string` | the content type (optional) |
214 |
215 | **Returns:** `Blob`
216 | Blob
217 |
218 | ___
219 | <a id="binarystringtoarraybuffer"></a>
220 |
221 | ### binaryStringToArrayBuffer
222 |
223 | ▸ **binaryStringToArrayBuffer**(binary: *`string`*): `ArrayBuffer`
224 |
225 | Convert a binary string to an `ArrayBuffer`.
226 |
227 | ```js
228 | var myBuffer = blobUtil.binaryStringToArrayBuffer(binaryString)
229 | ```
230 |
231 | **Parameters:**
232 |
233 | | Param | Type | Description |
234 | | ------ | ------ | ------ |
235 | | binary | `string` | binary string |
236 |
237 | **Returns:** `ArrayBuffer`
238 | array buffer
239 |
240 | ___
241 | <a id="binarystringtoblob"></a>
242 |
243 | ### binaryStringToBlob
244 |
245 | ▸ **binaryStringToBlob**(binary: *`string`*, type?: *`string`*): `Blob`
246 |
247 | Convert a binary string to a `Blob`.
248 |
249 | Example:
250 |
251 | ```js
252 | var blob = blobUtil.binaryStringToBlob(binaryString);
253 | ```
254 |
255 | **Parameters:**
256 |
257 | | Param | Type | Description |
258 | | ------ | ------ | ------ |
259 | | binary | `string` | binary string |
260 | | `Optional` type | `string` | the content type (optional) |
261 |
262 | **Returns:** `Blob`
263 | Blob
264 |
265 | ___
266 | <a id="blobtoarraybuffer"></a>
267 |
268 | ### blobToArrayBuffer
269 |
270 | ▸ **blobToArrayBuffer**(blob: *`Blob`*): `Promise`<`ArrayBuffer`>
271 |
272 | Convert a `Blob` to an `ArrayBuffer`.
273 |
274 | Example:
275 |
276 | ```js
277 | blobUtil.blobToArrayBuffer(blob).then(function (arrayBuff) {
278 | // success
279 | }).catch(function (err) {
280 | // error
281 | });
282 | ```
283 |
284 | **Parameters:**
285 |
286 | | Param | Type | Description |
287 | | ------ | ------ | ------ |
288 | | blob | `Blob` | - |
289 |
290 | **Returns:** `Promise`<`ArrayBuffer`>
291 | Promise that resolves with the `ArrayBuffer`
292 |
293 | ___
294 | <a id="blobtobase64string"></a>
295 |
296 | ### blobToBase64String
297 |
298 | ▸ **blobToBase64String**(blob: *`Blob`*): `Promise`<`string`>
299 |
300 | Convert a `Blob` to a binary string.
301 |
302 | Example:
303 |
304 | ```js
305 | blobUtil.blobToBase64String(blob).then(function (base64String) {
306 | // success
307 | }).catch(function (err) {
308 | // error
309 | });
310 | ```
311 |
312 | **Parameters:**
313 |
314 | | Param | Type | Description |
315 | | ------ | ------ | ------ |
316 | | blob | `Blob` | - |
317 |
318 | **Returns:** `Promise`<`string`>
319 | Promise that resolves with the binary string
320 |
321 | ___
322 | <a id="blobtobinarystring"></a>
323 |
324 | ### blobToBinaryString
325 |
326 | ▸ **blobToBinaryString**(blob: *`Blob`*): `Promise`<`string`>
327 |
328 | Convert a `Blob` to a binary string.
329 |
330 | Example:
331 |
332 | ```js
333 | blobUtil.blobToBinaryString(blob).then(function (binaryString) {
334 | // success
335 | }).catch(function (err) {
336 | // error
337 | });
338 | ```
339 |
340 | **Parameters:**
341 |
342 | | Param | Type | Description |
343 | | ------ | ------ | ------ |
344 | | blob | `Blob` | - |
345 |
346 | **Returns:** `Promise`<`string`>
347 | Promise that resolves with the binary string
348 |
349 | ___
350 | <a id="blobtodataurl"></a>
351 |
352 | ### blobToDataURL
353 |
354 | ▸ **blobToDataURL**(blob: *`Blob`*): `Promise`<`string`>
355 |
356 | Convert a `Blob` to a data URL string (e.g. `'...'`).
357 |
358 | Example:
359 |
360 | ```js
361 | var dataURL = blobUtil.blobToDataURL(blob);
362 | ```
363 |
364 | **Parameters:**
365 |
366 | | Param | Type | Description |
367 | | ------ | ------ | ------ |
368 | | blob | `Blob` | - |
369 |
370 | **Returns:** `Promise`<`string`>
371 | Promise that resolves with the data URL string
372 |
373 | ___
374 | <a id="canvastoblob"></a>
375 |
376 | ### canvasToBlob
377 |
378 | ▸ **canvasToBlob**(canvas: *`HTMLCanvasElement`*, type?: *`string`*, quality?: *`number`*): `Promise`<`Blob`>
379 |
380 | Convert a `canvas` to a `Blob`.
381 |
382 | Examples:
383 |
384 | ```js
385 | blobUtil.canvasToBlob(canvas).then(function (blob) {
386 | // success
387 | }).catch(function (err) {
388 | // error
389 | });
390 | ```
391 |
392 | Most browsers support converting a canvas to both `'image/png'` and `'image/jpeg'`. You may also want to try `'image/webp'`, which will work in some browsers like Chrome (and in other browsers, will just fall back to `'image/png'`):
393 |
394 | ```js
395 | blobUtil.canvasToBlob(canvas, 'image/webp').then(function (blob) {
396 | // success
397 | }).catch(function (err) {
398 | // error
399 | });
400 | ```
401 |
402 | **Parameters:**
403 |
404 | | Param | Type | Description |
405 | | ------ | ------ | ------ |
406 | | canvas | `HTMLCanvasElement` | HTMLCanvasElement |
407 | | `Optional` type | `string` | the content type (optional, defaults to 'image/png') |
408 | | `Optional` quality | `number` | a number between 0 and 1 indicating image quality if the requested type is 'image/jpeg' or 'image/webp' |
409 |
410 | **Returns:** `Promise`<`Blob`>
411 | Promise that resolves with the `Blob`
412 |
413 | ___
414 | <a id="createblob"></a>
415 |
416 | ### createBlob
417 |
418 | ▸ **createBlob**(parts: *`Array`<`any`>*, properties?: * `BlobPropertyBag` | `string`*): `Blob`
419 |
420 | Shim for [`new Blob()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Blob.Blob) to support [older browsers that use the deprecated `BlobBuilder` API](http://caniuse.com/blob).
421 |
422 | Example:
423 |
424 | ```js
425 | var myBlob = blobUtil.createBlob(['hello world'], {type: 'text/plain'});
426 | ```
427 |
428 | **Parameters:**
429 |
430 | | Param | Type | Description |
431 | | ------ | ------ | ------ |
432 | | parts | `Array`<`any`> | content of the Blob |
433 | | `Optional` properties | `BlobPropertyBag` | `string`| usually `{type: myContentType}`, you can also pass a string for the content type |
434 |
435 | **Returns:** `Blob`
436 | Blob
437 |
438 | ___
439 | <a id="createobjecturl"></a>
440 |
441 | ### createObjectURL
442 |
443 | ▸ **createObjectURL**(blob: *`Blob`*): `string`
444 |
445 | Shim for [`URL.createObjectURL()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/URL.createObjectURL) to support browsers that only have the prefixed `webkitURL` (e.g. Android <4.4).
446 |
447 | Example:
448 |
449 | ```js
450 | var myUrl = blobUtil.createObjectURL(blob);
451 | ```
452 |
453 | **Parameters:**
454 |
455 | | Param | Type | Description |
456 | | ------ | ------ | ------ |
457 | | blob | `Blob` | - |
458 |
459 | **Returns:** `string`
460 | url
461 |
462 | ___
463 | <a id="dataurltoblob"></a>
464 |
465 | ### dataURLToBlob
466 |
467 | ▸ **dataURLToBlob**(dataURL: *`string`*): `Blob`
468 |
469 | Convert a data URL string (e.g. `'...'`) to a `Blob`.
470 |
471 | Example:
472 |
473 | ```js
474 | var blob = blobUtil.dataURLToBlob(dataURL);
475 | ```
476 |
477 | **Parameters:**
478 |
479 | | Param | Type | Description |
480 | | ------ | ------ | ------ |
481 | | dataURL | `string` | dataURL-encoded string |
482 |
483 | **Returns:** `Blob`
484 | Blob
485 |
486 | ___
487 | <a id="imgsrctoblob"></a>
488 |
489 | ### imgSrcToBlob
490 |
491 | ▸ **imgSrcToBlob**(src: *`string`*, type?: *`string`*, crossOrigin?: *`string`*, quality?: *`number`*): `Promise`<`Blob`>
492 |
493 | Convert an image's `src` URL to a `Blob` by loading the image and painting it to a `canvas`.
494 |
495 | Note: this will coerce the image to the desired content type, and it will only paint the first frame of an animated GIF.
496 |
497 | Examples:
498 |
499 | ```js
500 | blobUtil.imgSrcToBlob('http://mysite.com/img.png').then(function (blob) {
501 | // success
502 | }).catch(function (err) {
503 | // error
504 | });
505 | ```
506 | ```js
507 | blobUtil.imgSrcToBlob('http://some-other-site.com/img.jpg', 'image/jpeg',
508 | 'Anonymous', 1.0).then(function (blob) {
509 | // success
510 | }).catch(function (err) {
511 | // error
512 | });
513 | ```
514 |
515 | **Parameters:**
516 |
517 | | Param | Type | Description |
518 | | ------ | ------ | ------ |
519 | | src | `string` | image src |
520 | | `Optional` type | `string` | the content type (optional, defaults to 'image/png') |
521 | | `Optional` crossOrigin | `string` | for CORS-enabled images, set this to 'Anonymous' to avoid "tainted canvas" errors |
522 | | `Optional` quality | `number` | a number between 0 and 1 indicating image quality if the requested type is 'image/jpeg' or 'image/webp' |
523 |
524 | **Returns:** `Promise`<`Blob`>
525 | Promise that resolves with the `Blob`
526 |
527 | ___
528 | <a id="imgsrctodataurl"></a>
529 |
530 | ### imgSrcToDataURL
531 |
532 | ▸ **imgSrcToDataURL**(src: *`string`*, type?: *`string`*, crossOrigin?: *`string`*, quality?: *`number`*): `Promise`<`string`>
533 |
534 | Convert an image's `src` URL to a data URL by loading the image and painting it to a `canvas`.
535 |
536 | Note: this will coerce the image to the desired content type, and it will only paint the first frame of an animated GIF.
537 |
538 | Examples:
539 |
540 | ```js
541 | blobUtil.imgSrcToDataURL('http://mysite.com/img.png').then(function (dataURL) {
542 | // success
543 | }).catch(function (err) {
544 | // error
545 | });
546 | ```
547 | ```js
548 | blobUtil.imgSrcToDataURL('http://some-other-site.com/img.jpg', 'image/jpeg',
549 | 'Anonymous', 1.0).then(function (dataURL) {
550 | // success
551 | }).catch(function (err) {
552 | // error
553 | });
554 | ```
555 |
556 | **Parameters:**
557 |
558 | | Param | Type | Description |
559 | | ------ | ------ | ------ |
560 | | src | `string` | image src |
561 | | `Optional` type | `string` | the content type (optional, defaults to 'image/png') |
562 | | `Optional` crossOrigin | `string` | for CORS-enabled images, set this to 'Anonymous' to avoid "tainted canvas" errors |
563 | | `Optional` quality | `number` | a number between 0 and 1 indicating image quality if the requested type is 'image/jpeg' or 'image/webp' |
564 |
565 | **Returns:** `Promise`<`string`>
566 | Promise that resolves with the data URL string
567 |
568 | ___
569 | <a id="revokeobjecturl"></a>
570 |
571 | ### revokeObjectURL
572 |
573 | ▸ **revokeObjectURL**(url: *`string`*): `void`
574 |
575 | Shim for [`URL.revokeObjectURL()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/URL.revokeObjectURL) to support browsers that only have the prefixed `webkitURL` (e.g. Android <4.4).
576 |
577 | Example:
578 |
579 | ```js
580 | blobUtil.revokeObjectURL(myUrl);
581 | ```
582 |
583 | **Parameters:**
584 |
585 | | Param | Type | Description |
586 | | ------ | ------ | ------ |
587 | | url | `string` | |
588 |
589 | **Returns:** `void`
590 |
591 | ___
592 |
593 |
594 |
595 |
596 |
597 | Credits
598 | ----
599 |
600 | Thanks to the rest of [the PouchDB team](https://github.com/pouchdb/pouchdb/graphs/contributors) for figuring most of this crazy stuff out.
601 |
602 | Building the library
603 | ----
604 |
605 | npm install
606 | npm run build
607 |
608 | Testing the library
609 | ----
610 |
611 | npm install
612 |
613 | Then to test in the browser using Saucelabs:
614 |
615 | npm test
616 |
617 | Or to test locally in your browser of choice:
618 |
619 | npm run test-local
620 |
621 | To build the API docs and insert them in the README:
622 |
623 | npm run doc |
\ | No newline at end of file |