385 kBJSONView Raw
2 "id": 0,
3 "name": "blockstack.js 19.2.3 Library Reference",
4 "kind": 0,
5 "flags": {},
6 "children": [
7 {
8 "id": 1,
9 "name": "AuthScope",
10 "kind": 4,
11 "kindString": "Enumeration",
12 "flags": {
13 "isExported": true
14 },
15 "comment": {
16 "shortText": "Non-exhaustive list of common permission scopes."
17 },
18 "children": [
19 {
20 "id": 4,
21 "name": "email",
22 "kind": 16,
23 "kindString": "Enumeration member",
24 "flags": {
25 "isExported": true
26 },
27 "comment": {
28 "shortText": "Request the user's email if available."
29 },
30 "sources": [
31 {
32 "fileName": "auth/authConstants.ts",
33 "line": 33,
34 "character": 7
35 }
36 ],
37 "defaultValue": "\"email\""
38 },
39 {
40 "id": 3,
41 "name": "publish_data",
42 "kind": 16,
43 "kindString": "Enumeration member",
44 "flags": {
45 "isExported": true
46 },
47 "comment": {
48 "shortText": "Publish data so that other users of the app can discover and interact with the user.\nThe user's files stored on Gaia hub are made visible to others via the `apps` property in the\nuser’s `profile.json` file."
49 },
50 "sources": [
51 {
52 "fileName": "auth/authConstants.ts",
53 "line": 29,
54 "character": 14
55 }
56 ],
57 "defaultValue": "\"publish_data\""
58 },
59 {
60 "id": 2,
61 "name": "store_write",
62 "kind": 16,
63 "kindString": "Enumeration member",
64 "flags": {
65 "isExported": true
66 },
67 "comment": {
68 "shortText": "Read and write data to the user's Gaia hub in an app-specific storage bucket.\nThis is the default scope."
69 },
70 "sources": [
71 {
72 "fileName": "auth/authConstants.ts",
73 "line": 23,
74 "character": 13
75 }
76 ],
77 "defaultValue": "\"store_write\""
78 }
79 ],
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81 {
82 "title": "Enumeration members",
83 "kind": 16,
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85 4,
86 3,
87 2
88 ]
89 }
90 ],
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92 {
93 "fileName": "auth/authConstants.ts",
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96 }
97 ]
98 },
99 {
100 "id": 643,
101 "name": "AppConfig",
102 "kind": 128,
103 "kindString": "Class",
104 "flags": {
105 "isExported": true
106 },
107 "comment": {
108 "shortText": "Configuration data for the current app.",
109 "text": "On browser platforms, creating an instance of this\nclass without any arguments will use\n`window.location.origin` as the app domain.\nOn non-browser platforms, you need to\nspecify an app domain as the second argument.\n\n"
110 },
111 "children": [
112 {
113 "id": 650,
114 "name": "constructor",
115 "kind": 512,
116 "kindString": "Constructor",
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118 "isExported": true
119 },
120 "comment": {},
121 "signatures": [
122 {
123 "id": 651,
124 "name": "new AppConfig",
125 "kind": 16384,
126 "kindString": "Constructor signature",
127 "flags": {},
128 "comment": {},
129 "parameters": [
130 {
131 "id": 652,
132 "name": "scopes",
133 "kind": 32768,
134 "kindString": "Parameter",
135 "flags": {},
136 "comment": {
137 "shortText": "permissions this app is requesting"
138 },
139 "type": {
140 "type": "reference",
141 "name": "Array",
142 "typeArguments": [
143 {
144 "type": "intrinsic",
145 "name": "string"
146 }
147 ]
148 },
149 "defaultValue": " DEFAULT_SCOPE.slice()"
150 },
151 {
152 "id": 653,
153 "name": "appDomain",
154 "kind": 32768,
155 "kindString": "Parameter",
156 "flags": {},
157 "comment": {
158 "shortText": "the app domain"
159 },
160 "type": {
161 "type": "intrinsic",
162 "name": "string"
163 },
164 "defaultValue": " getGlobalObject('location', { returnEmptyObject: true }).origin"
165 },
166 {
167 "id": 654,
168 "name": "redirectPath",
169 "kind": 32768,
170 "kindString": "Parameter",
171 "flags": {},
172 "comment": {
173 "shortText": "path on app domain to redirect users to after authentication"
174 },
175 "type": {
176 "type": "intrinsic",
177 "name": "string"
178 },
179 "defaultValue": "\"\""
180 },
181 {
182 "id": 655,
183 "name": "manifestPath",
184 "kind": 32768,
185 "kindString": "Parameter",
186 "flags": {},
187 "comment": {
188 "shortText": "path relative to app domain of app's manifest file"
189 },
190 "type": {
191 "type": "intrinsic",
192 "name": "string"
193 },
194 "defaultValue": "\"/manifest.json\""
195 },
196 {
197 "id": 656,
198 "name": "coreNode",
199 "kind": 32768,
200 "kindString": "Parameter",
201 "flags": {},
202 "comment": {
203 "shortText": "override the default or user selected core node"
204 },
205 "type": {
206 "type": "union",
207 "types": [
208 {
209 "type": "intrinsic",
210 "name": "string"
211 },
212 {
213 "type": "intrinsic",
214 "name": "null"
215 }
216 ]
217 },
218 "defaultValue": " null"
219 },
220 {
221 "id": 657,
222 "name": "authenticatorURL",
223 "kind": 32768,
224 "kindString": "Parameter",
225 "flags": {},
226 "comment": {
227 "shortText": "the web-based fall back authenticator\n([[DEFAULT_BLOCKSTACK_HOST]])\n"
228 },
229 "type": {
230 "type": "intrinsic",
231 "name": "string"
232 },
233 "defaultValue": " DEFAULT_BLOCKSTACK_HOST"
234 }
235 ],
236 "type": {
237 "type": "reference",
238 "name": "AppConfig",
239 "id": 643
240 }
241 }
242 ],
243 "sources": [
244 {
245 "fileName": "auth/appConfig.ts",
246 "line": 59,
247 "character": 27
248 }
249 ]
250 },
251 {
252 "id": 644,
253 "name": "appDomain",
254 "kind": 1024,
255 "kindString": "Property",
256 "flags": {
257 "isExported": true
258 },
259 "comment": {
260 "shortText": "Blockstack apps are uniquely identified by their app domain."
261 },
262 "sources": [
263 {
264 "fileName": "auth/appConfig.ts",
265 "line": 20,
266 "character": 11
267 }
268 ],
269 "type": {
270 "type": "intrinsic",
271 "name": "string"
272 }
273 },
274 {
275 "id": 649,
276 "name": "authenticatorURL",
277 "kind": 1024,
278 "kindString": "Property",
279 "flags": {
280 "isExported": true,
281 "isOptional": true
282 },
283 "comment": {
284 "shortText": "The URL of a web-based Blockstack Authenticator to use in the event\nthe user doesn't have Blockstack installed on their machine. If this\nis not specified, the current default in this library will be used."
285 },
286 "sources": [
287 {
288 "fileName": "auth/appConfig.ts",
289 "line": 59,
290 "character": 18
291 }
292 ],
293 "type": {
294 "type": "intrinsic",
295 "name": "string"
296 }
297 },
298 {
299 "id": 648,
300 "name": "coreNode",
301 "kind": 1024,
302 "kindString": "Property",
303 "flags": {
304 "isExported": true
305 },
306 "comment": {
307 "shortText": "The URL of Blockstack core node to use for this app. If this is\n`null`, the core node specified by the user or default core node\nwill be used."
308 },
309 "sources": [
310 {
311 "fileName": "auth/appConfig.ts",
312 "line": 51,
313 "character": 10
314 }
315 ],
316 "type": {
317 "type": "intrinsic",
318 "name": "string"
319 }
320 },
321 {
322 "id": 647,
323 "name": "manifestPath",
324 "kind": 1024,
325 "kindString": "Property",
326 "flags": {
327 "isExported": true
328 },
329 "comment": {
330 "shortText": "Path relative to app domain of app's manifest file.",
331 "text": "This file needs to have CORS headers set so that it can be fetched\nfrom any origin. Typically this means return the header `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *`.\n\n"
332 },
333 "sources": [
334 {
335 "fileName": "auth/appConfig.ts",
336 "line": 43,
337 "character": 14
338 }
339 ],
340 "type": {
341 "type": "intrinsic",
342 "name": "string"
343 }
344 },
345 {
346 "id": 646,
347 "name": "redirectPath",
348 "kind": 1024,
349 "kindString": "Property",
350 "flags": {
351 "isExported": true
352 },
353 "comment": {
354 "shortText": "Path on app domain to redirect users to after authentication. The\nauthentication response token will be postpended in a query."
355 },
356 "sources": [
357 {
358 "fileName": "auth/appConfig.ts",
359 "line": 34,
360 "character": 14
361 }
362 ],
363 "type": {
364 "type": "intrinsic",
365 "name": "string"
366 }
367 },
368 {
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370 "name": "scopes",
371 "kind": 1024,
372 "kindString": "Property",
373 "flags": {
374 "isExported": true
375 },
376 "comment": {
377 "shortText": "An array of string representing permissions requested by the app."
378 },
379 "sources": [
380 {
381 "fileName": "auth/appConfig.ts",
382 "line": 26,
383 "character": 8
384 }
385 ],
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388 "name": "Array",
389 "typeArguments": [
390 {
391 "type": "union",
392 "types": [
393 {
394 "type": "reference",
395 "name": "AuthScope",
396 "id": 1
397 },
398 {
399 "type": "intrinsic",
400 "name": "string"
401 }
402 ]
403 }
404 ]
405 }
406 },
407 {
408 "id": 660,
409 "name": "manifestURI",
410 "kind": 2048,
411 "kindString": "Method",
412 "flags": {
413 "isExported": true
414 },
415 "signatures": [
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417 "id": 661,
418 "name": "manifestURI",
419 "kind": 4096,
420 "kindString": "Call signature",
421 "flags": {},
422 "comment": {
423 "shortText": "The location of the app's manifest file.",
424 "returns": "- URI\n"
425 },
426 "type": {
427 "type": "intrinsic",
428 "name": "string"
429 }
430 }
431 ],
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433 {
434 "fileName": "auth/appConfig.ts",
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437 }
438 ]
439 },
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447 },
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452 "kind": 4096,
453 "kindString": "Call signature",
454 "flags": {},
455 "comment": {
456 "shortText": "The location to which the authenticator should\nredirect the user.",
457 "returns": "- URI\n"
458 },
459 "type": {
460 "type": "intrinsic",
461 "name": "string"
462 }
463 }
464 ],
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466 {
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470 }
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538 }
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543 }
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551 }
552 ],
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556 }
557 },
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565 },
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583 }
584 }
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589 },
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593 }
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601 }
602 ],
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606 }
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706 }
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715 },
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785 }
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793 }
794 ],
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798 }
799 },
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807 },
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818 },
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822 }
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844 },
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873 }
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895 }
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910 ],
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992 }
993 },
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1001 },
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1019 }
1020 }
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1025 },
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1029 }
1030 }
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3935 "text": "A signed in user has access to two major pieces of information\nabout the user, the user's private key for that app and the location\nof the user's gaia storage bucket for the app.\n\nA user can be signed in either directly through the interactive\nsign in process or by directly providing the app private key.\n\n\n\n"
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3946 "comment": {
3947 "shortText": "Creates a UserSession object"
3948 },
3949 "signatures": [
3950 {
3951 "id": 1548,
3952 "name": "new UserSession",
3953 "kind": 16384,
3954 "kindString": "Constructor signature",
3955 "flags": {},
3956 "comment": {
3957 "shortText": "Creates a UserSession object"
3958 },
3959 "parameters": [
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3961 "id": 1549,
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3964 "kindString": "Parameter",
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3967 },
3968 "comment": {
3969 "shortText": "\n"
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3971 "type": {
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3977 "kindString": "Type literal",
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3987 },
3988 "sources": [
3989 {
3990 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
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3993 }
3994 ],
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3996 "type": "reference",
3997 "name": "AppConfig",
3998 "id": 643
3999 }
4000 },
4001 {
4002 "id": 1553,
4003 "name": "sessionOptions",
4004 "kind": 32,
4005 "kindString": "Variable",
4006 "flags": {
4007 "isOptional": true
4008 },
4009 "sources": [
4010 {
4011 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4012 "line": 52,
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4014 }
4015 ],
4016 "type": {
4017 "type": "reference",
4018 "name": "SessionOptions",
4019 "id": 823
4020 }
4021 },
4022 {
4023 "id": 1552,
4024 "name": "sessionStore",
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4028 "isOptional": true
4029 },
4030 "sources": [
4031 {
4032 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4033 "line": 51,
4034 "character": 16
4035 }
4036 ],
4037 "type": {
4038 "type": "reference",
4039 "name": "SessionDataStore",
4040 "id": 858
4041 }
4042 }
4043 ],
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4061 ]
4062 }
4063 }
4064 }
4065 ],
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4067 "type": "reference",
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4069 "id": 1544
4070 }
4071 }
4072 ],
4073 "sources": [
4074 {
4075 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4076 "line": 42,
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4078 }
4079 ]
4080 },
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4082 "id": 1545,
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4099 "id": 643
4100 }
4101 },
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4103 "id": 1546,
4104 "name": "store",
4105 "kind": 1024,
4106 "kindString": "Property",
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4108 "isExported": true
4109 },
4110 "sources": [
4111 {
4112 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4113 "line": 42,
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4115 }
4116 ],
4117 "type": {
4118 "type": "reference",
4119 "name": "SessionDataStore",
4120 "id": 858
4121 }
4122 },
4123 {
4124 "id": 1594,
4125 "name": "decryptContent",
4126 "kind": 2048,
4127 "kindString": "Method",
4128 "flags": {
4129 "isExported": true
4130 },
4131 "signatures": [
4132 {
4133 "id": 1595,
4134 "name": "decryptContent",
4135 "kind": 4096,
4136 "kindString": "Call signature",
4137 "flags": {},
4138 "comment": {
4139 "shortText": "Decrypts data encrypted with `encryptContent` with the\ntransit private key.",
4140 "returns": "decrypted content.\n"
4141 },
4142 "parameters": [
4143 {
4144 "id": 1596,
4145 "name": "content",
4146 "kind": 32768,
4147 "kindString": "Parameter",
4148 "flags": {},
4149 "comment": {
4150 "text": "encrypted content."
4151 },
4152 "type": {
4153 "type": "intrinsic",
4154 "name": "string"
4155 }
4156 },
4157 {
4158 "id": 1597,
4159 "name": "options",
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4161 "kindString": "Parameter",
4162 "flags": {
4163 "isOptional": true
4164 },
4165 "type": {
4166 "type": "reflection",
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4168 "id": 1598,
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4170 "kind": 65536,
4171 "kindString": "Type literal",
4172 "flags": {},
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4175 "id": 1599,
4176 "name": "privateKey",
4177 "kind": 32,
4178 "kindString": "Variable",
4179 "flags": {
4180 "isOptional": true
4181 },
4182 "comment": {
4183 "text": "The hex string of the ECDSA private\nkey to use for decryption. If not provided, will use user's appPrivateKey."
4184 },
4185 "sources": [
4186 {
4187 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4188 "line": 284,
4189 "character": 55
4190 }
4191 ],
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4230 }
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4235 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4236 "line": 284,
4237 "character": 16
4238 }
4239 ]
4240 },
4241 {
4242 "id": 1619,
4243 "name": "deleteFile",
4244 "kind": 2048,
4245 "kindString": "Method",
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4247 "isPublic": true,
4248 "isExported": true
4249 },
4250 "signatures": [
4251 {
4252 "id": 1620,
4253 "name": "deleteFile",
4254 "kind": 4096,
4255 "kindString": "Call signature",
4256 "flags": {},
4257 "comment": {
4258 "shortText": "Deletes the specified file from the app's data store.",
4259 "returns": "Resolves when the file has been removed or rejects with an error.\n"
4260 },
4261 "parameters": [
4262 {
4263 "id": 1621,
4264 "name": "path",
4265 "kind": 32768,
4266 "kindString": "Parameter",
4267 "flags": {},
4268 "comment": {
4269 "text": "The path to the file to delete."
4270 },
4271 "type": {
4272 "type": "intrinsic",
4273 "name": "string"
4274 }
4275 },
4276 {
4277 "id": 1622,
4278 "name": "options",
4279 "kind": 32768,
4280 "kindString": "Parameter",
4281 "flags": {
4282 "isOptional": true
4283 },
4284 "comment": {
4285 "text": "Optional options object."
4286 },
4287 "type": {
4288 "type": "reflection",
4289 "declaration": {
4290 "id": 1623,
4291 "name": "__type",
4292 "kind": 65536,
4293 "kindString": "Type literal",
4294 "flags": {},
4295 "children": [
4296 {
4297 "id": 1624,
4298 "name": "wasSigned",
4299 "kind": 32,
4300 "kindString": "Variable",
4301 "flags": {
4302 "isOptional": true
4303 },
4304 "comment": {
4305 "text": "Set to true if the file was originally signed\nin order for the corresponding signature file to also be deleted."
4306 },
4307 "sources": [
4308 {
4309 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4310 "line": 345,
4311 "character": 55
4312 }
4313 ],
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4317 }
4318 }
4319 ],
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4325 1624
4326 ]
4327 }
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4331 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
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4334 }
4335 ]
4336 }
4337 }
4338 }
4339 ],
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4347 }
4348 ]
4349 }
4350 }
4351 ],
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4354 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4355 "line": 345,
4356 "character": 19
4357 }
4358 ]
4359 },
4360 {
4361 "id": 1588,
4362 "name": "encryptContent",
4363 "kind": 2048,
4364 "kindString": "Method",
4365 "flags": {
4366 "isExported": true
4367 },
4368 "signatures": [
4369 {
4370 "id": 1589,
4371 "name": "encryptContent",
4372 "kind": 4096,
4373 "kindString": "Call signature",
4374 "flags": {},
4375 "comment": {
4376 "shortText": "Encrypts the data provided with the app public key.",
4377 "returns": "Stringified ciphertext object\n"
4378 },
4379 "parameters": [
4380 {
4381 "id": 1590,
4382 "name": "content",
4383 "kind": 32768,
4384 "kindString": "Parameter",
4385 "flags": {},
4386 "comment": {
4387 "text": "the data to encrypt"
4388 },
4389 "type": {
4390 "type": "union",
4391 "types": [
4392 {
4393 "type": "intrinsic",
4394 "name": "string"
4395 },
4396 {
4397 "type": "reference",
4398 "name": "Buffer"
4399 }
4400 ]
4401 }
4402 },
4403 {
4404 "id": 1591,
4405 "name": "options",
4406 "kind": 32768,
4407 "kindString": "Parameter",
4408 "flags": {
4409 "isOptional": true
4410 },
4411 "type": {
4412 "type": "reflection",
4413 "declaration": {
4414 "id": 1592,
4415 "name": "__type",
4416 "kind": 65536,
4417 "kindString": "Type literal",
4418 "flags": {},
4419 "children": [
4420 {
4421 "id": 1593,
4422 "name": "publicKey",
4423 "kind": 32,
4424 "kindString": "Variable",
4425 "flags": {
4426 "isOptional": true
4427 },
4428 "comment": {
4429 "text": "the hex string of the ECDSA public\nkey to use for encryption. If not provided, will use user's appPrivateKey.\n"
4430 },
4431 "sources": [
4432 {
4433 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4434 "line": 271,
4435 "character": 24
4436 }
4437 ],
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4441 }
4442 }
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4449 1593
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4451 }
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4455 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4456 "line": 271,
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4458 }
4459 ]
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4472 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4473 "line": 269,
4474 "character": 16
4475 }
4476 ]
4477 },
4478 {
4479 "id": 1572,
4480 "name": "generateAndStoreTransitKey",
4481 "kind": 2048,
4482 "kindString": "Method",
4483 "flags": {
4484 "isExported": true
4485 },
4486 "signatures": [
4487 {
4488 "id": 1573,
4489 "name": "generateAndStoreTransitKey",
4490 "kind": 4096,
4491 "kindString": "Call signature",
4492 "flags": {},
4493 "comment": {
4494 "shortText": "Generates a ECDSA keypair to\nuse as the ephemeral app transit private key\nand store in the session.",
4495 "returns": "the hex encoded private key\n\n"
4496 },
4497 "type": {
4498 "type": "intrinsic",
4499 "name": "string"
4500 }
4501 }
4502 ],
4503 "sources": [
4504 {
4505 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4506 "line": 189,
4507 "character": 28
4508 }
4509 ]
4510 },
4511 {
4512 "id": 1574,
4513 "name": "getAuthResponseToken",
4514 "kind": 2048,
4515 "kindString": "Method",
4516 "flags": {
4517 "isExported": true
4518 },
4519 "signatures": [
4520 {
4521 "id": 1575,
4522 "name": "getAuthResponseToken",
4523 "kind": 4096,
4524 "kindString": "Call signature",
4525 "flags": {},
4526 "comment": {
4527 "shortText": "Retrieve the authentication token from the URL query.",
4528 "returns": "the authentication token if it exists otherwise `null`\n"
4529 },
4530 "type": {
4531 "type": "intrinsic",
4532 "name": "string"
4533 }
4534 }
4535 ],
4536 "sources": [
4537 {
4538 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4539 "line": 202,
4540 "character": 22
4541 }
4542 ]
4543 },
4544 {
4545 "id": 1605,
4546 "name": "getFile",
4547 "kind": 2048,
4548 "kindString": "Method",
4549 "flags": {
4550 "isExported": true
4551 },
4552 "signatures": [
4553 {
4554 "id": 1606,
4555 "name": "getFile",
4556 "kind": 4096,
4557 "kindString": "Call signature",
4558 "flags": {},
4559 "comment": {
4560 "shortText": "Retrieves the specified file from the app's data store.",
4561 "returns": "that resolves to the raw data in the file\nor rejects with an error\n"
4562 },
4563 "parameters": [
4564 {
4565 "id": 1607,
4566 "name": "path",
4567 "kind": 32768,
4568 "kindString": "Parameter",
4569 "flags": {},
4570 "comment": {
4571 "text": "the path to the file to read"
4572 },
4573 "type": {
4574 "type": "intrinsic",
4575 "name": "string"
4576 }
4577 },
4578 {
4579 "id": 1608,
4580 "name": "options",
4581 "kind": 32768,
4582 "kindString": "Parameter",
4583 "flags": {
4584 "isOptional": true
4585 },
4586 "comment": {
4587 "text": "a [[GetFileOptions]] object\n"
4588 },
4589 "type": {
4590 "type": "reference",
4591 "name": "GetFileOptions",
4592 "id": 1434
4593 }
4594 }
4595 ],
4596 "type": {
4597 "type": "reference",
4598 "name": "Promise",
4599 "typeArguments": [
4600 {
4601 "type": "union",
4602 "types": [
4603 {
4604 "type": "intrinsic",
4605 "name": "string"
4606 },
4607 {
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4609 "name": "ArrayBuffer"
4610 }
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4612 }
4613 ]
4614 }
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4619 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4620 "line": 310,
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4622 }
4623 ]
4624 },
4625 {
4626 "id": 1609,
4627 "name": "getFileUrl",
4628 "kind": 2048,
4629 "kindString": "Method",
4630 "flags": {
4631 "isExported": true
4632 },
4633 "signatures": [
4634 {
4635 "id": 1610,
4636 "name": "getFileUrl",
4637 "kind": 4096,
4638 "kindString": "Call signature",
4639 "flags": {},
4640 "comment": {
4641 "shortText": "Get the URL for reading a file from an app's data store.",
4642 "returns": "that resolves to the URL or rejects with an error\n"
4643 },
4644 "parameters": [
4645 {
4646 "id": 1611,
4647 "name": "path",
4648 "kind": 32768,
4649 "kindString": "Parameter",
4650 "flags": {},
4651 "comment": {
4652 "text": "the path to the file to read\n"
4653 },
4654 "type": {
4655 "type": "intrinsic",
4656 "name": "string"
4657 }
4658 },
4659 {
4660 "id": 1612,
4661 "name": "options",
4662 "kind": 32768,
4663 "kindString": "Parameter",
4664 "flags": {
4665 "isOptional": true
4666 },
4667 "type": {
4668 "type": "reference",
4669 "name": "GetFileUrlOptions",
4670 "id": 1430
4671 }
4672 }
4673 ],
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4677 "typeArguments": [
4678 {
4679 "type": "intrinsic",
4680 "name": "string"
4681 }
4682 ]
4683 }
4684 }
4685 ],
4686 "sources": [
4687 {
4688 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4689 "line": 321,
4690 "character": 12
4691 }
4692 ]
4693 },
4694 {
4695 "id": 1625,
4696 "name": "getOrSetLocalGaiaHubConnection",
4697 "kind": 2048,
4698 "kindString": "Method",
4699 "flags": {
4700 "isExported": true
4701 },
4702 "signatures": [
4703 {
4704 "id": 1626,
4705 "name": "getOrSetLocalGaiaHubConnection",
4706 "kind": 4096,
4707 "kindString": "Call signature",
4708 "flags": {},
4709 "comment": {
4710 "shortText": " @ignore"
4711 },
4712 "type": {
4713 "type": "reference",
4714 "name": "Promise",
4715 "typeArguments": [
4716 {
4717 "type": "reference",
4718 "name": "GaiaHubConfig",
4719 "id": 784
4720 }
4721 ]
4722 }
4723 }
4724 ],
4725 "sources": [
4726 {
4727 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4728 "line": 353,
4729 "character": 32
4730 }
4731 ]
4732 },
4733 {
4734 "id": 1580,
4735 "name": "handlePendingSignIn",
4736 "kind": 2048,
4737 "kindString": "Method",
4738 "flags": {
4739 "isExported": true
4740 },
4741 "signatures": [
4742 {
4743 "id": 1581,
4744 "name": "handlePendingSignIn",
4745 "kind": 4096,
4746 "kindString": "Call signature",
4747 "flags": {},
4748 "comment": {
4749 "shortText": "Try to process any pending sign in request by returning a `Promise` that resolves\nto the user data object if the sign in succeeds.",
4750 "returns": "that resolves to the user data object if successful and rejects\nif handling the sign in request fails or there was no pending sign in request.\n"
4751 },
4752 "parameters": [
4753 {
4754 "id": 1582,
4755 "name": "authResponseToken",
4756 "kind": 32768,
4757 "kindString": "Parameter",
4758 "flags": {},
4759 "comment": {
4760 "text": "the signed authentication response token"
4761 },
4762 "type": {
4763 "type": "intrinsic",
4764 "name": "string"
4765 },
4766 "defaultValue": " this.getAuthResponseToken()"
4767 }
4768 ],
4769 "type": {
4770 "type": "reference",
4771 "name": "Promise",
4772 "typeArguments": [
4773 {
4774 "type": "reference",
4775 "name": "UserData",
4776 "id": 1680
4777 }
4778 ]
4779 }
4780 }
4781 ],
4782 "sources": [
4783 {
4784 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4785 "line": 232,
4786 "character": 21
4787 }
4788 ]
4789 },
4790 {
4791 "id": 1576,
4792 "name": "isSignInPending",
4793 "kind": 2048,
4794 "kindString": "Method",
4795 "flags": {
4796 "isExported": true
4797 },
4798 "signatures": [
4799 {
4800 "id": 1577,
4801 "name": "isSignInPending",
4802 "kind": 4096,
4803 "kindString": "Call signature",
4804 "flags": {},
4805 "comment": {
4806 "shortText": "Check if there is a authentication request that hasn't been handled.",
4807 "tags": [
4808 {
4809 "tag": "returns{boolean}",
4810 "text": "`true` if there is a pending sign in, otherwise `false`\n"
4811 }
4812 ]
4813 },
4814 "type": {
4815 "type": "intrinsic",
4816 "name": "boolean"
4817 }
4818 }
4819 ],
4820 "sources": [
4821 {
4822 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4823 "line": 211,
4824 "character": 17
4825 }
4826 ]
4827 },
4828 {
4829 "id": 1578,
4830 "name": "isUserSignedIn",
4831 "kind": 2048,
4832 "kindString": "Method",
4833 "flags": {
4834 "isExported": true
4835 },
4836 "signatures": [
4837 {
4838 "id": 1579,
4839 "name": "isUserSignedIn",
4840 "kind": 4096,
4841 "kindString": "Call signature",
4842 "flags": {},
4843 "comment": {
4844 "shortText": "Check if a user is currently signed in.",
4845 "returns": "`true` if the user is signed in, `false` if not.\n"
4846 },
4847 "type": {
4848 "type": "intrinsic",
4849 "name": "boolean"
4850 }
4851 }
4852 ],
4853 "sources": [
4854 {
4855 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4856 "line": 220,
4857 "character": 16
4858 }
4859 ]
4860 },
4861 {
4862 "id": 1613,
4863 "name": "listFiles",
4864 "kind": 2048,
4865 "kindString": "Method",
4866 "flags": {
4867 "isExported": true
4868 },
4869 "signatures": [
4870 {
4871 "id": 1614,
4872 "name": "listFiles",
4873 "kind": 4096,
4874 "kindString": "Call signature",
4875 "flags": {},
4876 "comment": {
4877 "shortText": "List the set of files in this application's Gaia storage bucket.",
4878 "returns": "that resolves to the number of files listed\n"
4879 },
4880 "parameters": [
4881 {
4882 "id": 1615,
4883 "name": "callback",
4884 "kind": 32768,
4885 "kindString": "Parameter",
4886 "flags": {},
4887 "comment": {
4888 "text": "a callback to invoke on each named file that\nreturns `true` to continue the listing operation or `false` to end it\n"
4889 },
4890 "type": {
4891 "type": "reflection",
4892 "declaration": {
4893 "id": 1616,
4894 "name": "__type",
4895 "kind": 65536,
4896 "kindString": "Type literal",
4897 "flags": {},
4898 "signatures": [
4899 {
4900 "id": 1617,
4901 "name": "__call",
4902 "kind": 4096,
4903 "kindString": "Call signature",
4904 "flags": {},
4905 "parameters": [
4906 {
4907 "id": 1618,
4908 "name": "name",
4909 "kind": 32768,
4910 "kindString": "Parameter",
4911 "flags": {},
4912 "type": {
4913 "type": "intrinsic",
4914 "name": "string"
4915 }
4916 }
4917 ],
4918 "type": {
4919 "type": "intrinsic",
4920 "name": "boolean"
4921 }
4922 }
4923 ],
4924 "sources": [
4925 {
4926 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4927 "line": 333,
4928 "character": 21
4929 }
4930 ]
4931 }
4932 }
4933 }
4934 ],
4935 "type": {
4936 "type": "reference",
4937 "name": "Promise",
4938 "typeArguments": [
4939 {
4940 "type": "intrinsic",
4941 "name": "number"
4942 }
4943 ]
4944 }
4945 }
4946 ],
4947 "sources": [
4948 {
4949 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4950 "line": 333,
4951 "character": 11
4952 }
4953 ]
4954 },
4955 {
4956 "id": 1583,
4957 "name": "loadUserData",
4958 "kind": 2048,
4959 "kindString": "Method",
4960 "flags": {
4961 "isExported": true
4962 },
4963 "signatures": [
4964 {
4965 "id": 1584,
4966 "name": "loadUserData",
4967 "kind": 4096,
4968 "kindString": "Call signature",
4969 "flags": {},
4970 "comment": {
4971 "shortText": "Retrieves the user data object. The user's profile is stored in the key [[Profile]].",
4972 "returns": "User data object.\n"
4973 },
4974 "type": {
4975 "type": "reference",
4976 "name": "UserData",
4977 "id": 1680
4978 }
4979 }
4980 ],
4981 "sources": [
4982 {
4983 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
4984 "line": 243,
4985 "character": 14
4986 }
4987 ]
4988 },
4989 {
4990 "id": 1563,
4991 "name": "makeAuthRequest",
4992 "kind": 2048,
4993 "kindString": "Method",
4994 "flags": {
4995 "isExported": true
4996 },
4997 "signatures": [
4998 {
4999 "id": 1564,
5000 "name": "makeAuthRequest",
5001 "kind": 4096,
5002 "kindString": "Call signature",
5003 "flags": {},
5004 "comment": {
5005 "shortText": "Generates an authentication request that can be sent to the Blockstack\nbrowser for the user to approve sign in. This authentication request can\nthen be used for sign in by passing it to the [[redirectToSignInWithAuthRequest]]\nmethod.",
5006 "text": "*Note*: This method should only be used if you want to use a customized authentication\nflow. Typically, you'd use [[redirectToSignIn]] which is the default sign in method.\n",
5007 "returns": "the authentication request\n"
5008 },
5009 "parameters": [
5010 {
5011 "id": 1565,
5012 "name": "transitKey",
5013 "kind": 32768,
5014 "kindString": "Parameter",
5015 "flags": {
5016 "isOptional": true
5017 },
5018 "comment": {
5019 "text": "A HEX encoded transit private key."
5020 },
5021 "type": {
5022 "type": "intrinsic",
5023 "name": "string"
5024 }
5025 },
5026 {
5027 "id": 1566,
5028 "name": "redirectURI",
5029 "kind": 32768,
5030 "kindString": "Parameter",
5031 "flags": {
5032 "isOptional": true
5033 },
5034 "comment": {
5035 "text": "Location to redirect the user to after sign in approval."
5036 },
5037 "type": {
5038 "type": "intrinsic",
5039 "name": "string"
5040 }
5041 },
5042 {
5043 "id": 1567,
5044 "name": "manifestURI",
5045 "kind": 32768,
5046 "kindString": "Parameter",
5047 "flags": {
5048 "isOptional": true
5049 },
5050 "comment": {
5051 "text": "Location of this app's manifest file."
5052 },
5053 "type": {
5054 "type": "intrinsic",
5055 "name": "string"
5056 }
5057 },
5058 {
5059 "id": 1568,
5060 "name": "scopes",
5061 "kind": 32768,
5062 "kindString": "Parameter",
5063 "flags": {
5064 "isOptional": true
5065 },
5066 "comment": {
5067 "text": "The permissions this app is requesting. The default is `store_write`."
5068 },
5069 "type": {
5070 "type": "reference",
5071 "name": "Array",
5072 "typeArguments": [
5073 {
5074 "type": "union",
5075 "types": [
5076 {
5077 "type": "reference",
5078 "name": "AuthScope",
5079 "id": 1
5080 },
5081 {
5082 "type": "intrinsic",
5083 "name": "string"
5084 }
5085 ]
5086 }
5087 ]
5088 }
5089 },
5090 {
5091 "id": 1569,
5092 "name": "appDomain",
5093 "kind": 32768,
5094 "kindString": "Parameter",
5095 "flags": {
5096 "isOptional": true
5097 },
5098 "comment": {
5099 "text": "The origin of the app."
5100 },
5101 "type": {
5102 "type": "intrinsic",
5103 "name": "string"
5104 }
5105 },
5106 {
5107 "id": 1570,
5108 "name": "expiresAt",
5109 "kind": 32768,
5110 "kindString": "Parameter",
5111 "flags": {},
5112 "comment": {
5113 "text": "The time at which this request is no longer valid."
5114 },
5115 "type": {
5116 "type": "intrinsic",
5117 "name": "number"
5118 },
5119 "defaultValue": " nextHour().getTime()"
5120 },
5121 {
5122 "id": 1571,
5123 "name": "extraParams",
5124 "kind": 32768,
5125 "kindString": "Parameter",
5126 "flags": {},
5127 "comment": {
5128 "text": "Any extra parameters to pass to the authenticator. Use this to\npass options that aren't part of the Blockstack authentication specification,\nbut might be supported by special authenticators.\n"
5129 },
5130 "type": {
5131 "type": "intrinsic",
5132 "name": "any"
5133 },
5134 "defaultValue": " {}"
5135 }
5136 ],
5137 "type": {
5138 "type": "intrinsic",
5139 "name": "string"
5140 }
5141 }
5142 ],
5143 "sources": [
5144 {
5145 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
5146 "line": 158,
5147 "character": 17
5148 }
5149 ]
5150 },
5151 {
5152 "id": 1600,
5153 "name": "putFile",
5154 "kind": 2048,
5155 "kindString": "Method",
5156 "flags": {
5157 "isExported": true
5158 },
5159 "signatures": [
5160 {
5161 "id": 1601,
5162 "name": "putFile",
5163 "kind": 4096,
5164 "kindString": "Call signature",
5165 "flags": {},
5166 "comment": {
5167 "shortText": "Stores the data provided in the app's data store to to the file specified.",
5168 "returns": "that resolves if the operation succeed and rejects\nif it failed\n"
5169 },
5170 "parameters": [
5171 {
5172 "id": 1602,
5173 "name": "path",
5174 "kind": 32768,
5175 "kindString": "Parameter",
5176 "flags": {},
5177 "comment": {
5178 "text": "the path to store the data in"
5179 },
5180 "type": {
5181 "type": "intrinsic",
5182 "name": "string"
5183 }
5184 },
5185 {
5186 "id": 1603,
5187 "name": "content",
5188 "kind": 32768,
5189 "kindString": "Parameter",
5190 "flags": {},
5191 "comment": {
5192 "text": "the data to store in the file"
5193 },
5194 "type": {
5195 "type": "union",
5196 "types": [
5197 {
5198 "type": "intrinsic",
5199 "name": "string"
5200 },
5201 {
5202 "type": "reference",
5203 "name": "Buffer"
5204 }
5205 ]
5206 }
5207 },
5208 {
5209 "id": 1604,
5210 "name": "options",
5211 "kind": 32768,
5212 "kindString": "Parameter",
5213 "flags": {
5214 "isOptional": true
5215 },
5216 "comment": {
5217 "text": "a [[PutFileOptions]] object\n"
5218 },
5219 "type": {
5220 "type": "reference",
5221 "name": "PutFileOptions",
5222 "id": 1426
5223 }
5224 }
5225 ],
5226 "type": {
5227 "type": "reference",
5228 "name": "Promise",
5229 "typeArguments": [
5230 {
5231 "type": "intrinsic",
5232 "name": "string"
5233 }
5234 ]
5235 }
5236 }
5237 ],
5238 "sources": [
5239 {
5240 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
5241 "line": 297,
5242 "character": 9
5243 }
5244 ]
5245 },
5246 {
5247 "id": 1554,
5248 "name": "redirectToSignIn",
5249 "kind": 2048,
5250 "kindString": "Method",
5251 "flags": {
5252 "isExported": true
5253 },
5254 "signatures": [
5255 {
5256 "id": 1555,
5257 "name": "redirectToSignIn",
5258 "kind": 4096,
5259 "kindString": "Call signature",
5260 "flags": {},
5261 "comment": {
5262 "shortText": "Generates an authentication request and redirects the user to the Blockstack\nbrowser to approve the sign in request.",
5263 "text": "Please note that this requires that the web browser properly handles the\n`blockstack:` URL protocol handler.\n\nMost applications should use this\nmethod for sign in unless they require more fine grained control over how the\nauthentication request is generated. If your app falls into this category,\nuse [[generateAndStoreTransitKey]], [[makeAuthRequest]],\nand [[redirectToSignInWithAuthRequest]] to build your own sign in process.\n",
5264 "returns": "\n"
5265 },
5266 "parameters": [
5267 {
5268 "id": 1556,
5269 "name": "redirectURI",
5270 "kind": 32768,
5271 "kindString": "Parameter",
5272 "flags": {
5273 "isOptional": true
5274 },
5275 "comment": {
5276 "text": "Location of your application."
5277 },
5278 "type": {
5279 "type": "intrinsic",
5280 "name": "string"
5281 }
5282 },
5283 {
5284 "id": 1557,
5285 "name": "manifestURI",
5286 "kind": 32768,
5287 "kindString": "Parameter",
5288 "flags": {
5289 "isOptional": true
5290 },
5291 "comment": {
5292 "text": "Location of the manifest.json file"
5293 },
5294 "type": {
5295 "type": "intrinsic",
5296 "name": "string"
5297 }
5298 },
5299 {
5300 "id": 1558,
5301 "name": "scopes",
5302 "kind": 32768,
5303 "kindString": "Parameter",
5304 "flags": {
5305 "isOptional": true
5306 },
5307 "comment": {
5308 "text": "Permissions requested by the application. Possible values are\n `store_write` (default) or `publish_data`.\n"
5309 },
5310 "type": {
5311 "type": "reference",
5312 "name": "Array",
5313 "typeArguments": [
5314 {
5315 "type": "union",
5316 "types": [
5317 {
5318 "type": "reference",
5319 "name": "AuthScope",
5320 "id": 1
5321 },
5322 {
5323 "type": "intrinsic",
5324 "name": "string"
5325 }
5326 ]
5327 }
5328 ]
5329 }
5330 }
5331 ],
5332 "type": {
5333 "type": "intrinsic",
5334 "name": "void"
5335 }
5336 }
5337 ],
5338 "sources": [
5339 {
5340 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
5341 "line": 104,
5342 "character": 18
5343 }
5344 ]
5345 },
5346 {
5347 "id": 1559,
5348 "name": "redirectToSignInWithAuthRequest",
5349 "kind": 2048,
5350 "kindString": "Method",
5351 "flags": {
5352 "isExported": true
5353 },
5354 "signatures": [
5355 {
5356 "id": 1560,
5357 "name": "redirectToSignInWithAuthRequest",
5358 "kind": 4096,
5359 "kindString": "Call signature",
5360 "flags": {},
5361 "comment": {
5362 "shortText": "Redirects the user to the Blockstack browser to approve the sign in request.\nTo construct a request see the [[makeAuthRequest]] function.",
5363 "text": "The user is redirected to the authenticator URL specified in the `AppConfig`\nif the `blockstack:` protocol handler is not detected.\nPlease note that the protocol handler detection does not work on all browsers.\n"
5364 },
5365 "parameters": [
5366 {
5367 "id": 1561,
5368 "name": "authRequest",
5369 "kind": 32768,
5370 "kindString": "Parameter",
5371 "flags": {
5372 "isOptional": true
5373 },
5374 "comment": {
5375 "text": "A request string built by the [[makeAuthRequest]] function"
5376 },
5377 "type": {
5378 "type": "intrinsic",
5379 "name": "string"
5380 }
5381 },
5382 {
5383 "id": 1562,
5384 "name": "blockstackIDHost",
5385 "kind": 32768,
5386 "kindString": "Parameter",
5387 "flags": {
5388 "isOptional": true
5389 },
5390 "comment": {
5391 "text": "The ID of the Blockstack Browser application.\n\n"
5392 },
5393 "type": {
5394 "type": "intrinsic",
5395 "name": "string"
5396 }
5397 }
5398 ],
5399 "type": {
5400 "type": "intrinsic",
5401 "name": "void"
5402 }
5403 }
5404 ],
5405 "sources": [
5406 {
5407 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
5408 "line": 127,
5409 "character": 33
5410 }
5411 ]
5412 },
5413 {
5414 "id": 1627,
5415 "name": "setLocalGaiaHubConnection",
5416 "kind": 2048,
5417 "kindString": "Method",
5418 "flags": {
5419 "isPrivate": true,
5420 "isExported": true
5421 },
5422 "signatures": [
5423 {
5424 "id": 1628,
5425 "name": "setLocalGaiaHubConnection",
5426 "kind": 4096,
5427 "kindString": "Call signature",
5428 "flags": {
5429 "isPrivate": true
5430 },
5431 "comment": {
5432 "shortText": "These two functions are app-specific connections to gaia hub,\n they read the user data object for information on setting up\n a hub connection, and store the hub config to localstorage",
5433 "returns": "that resolves to the new gaia hub connection\n"
5434 },
5435 "type": {
5436 "type": "reference",
5437 "name": "Promise",
5438 "typeArguments": [
5439 {
5440 "type": "reference",
5441 "name": "GaiaHubConfig",
5442 "id": 784
5443 }
5444 ]
5445 }
5446 }
5447 ],
5448 "sources": [
5449 {
5450 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
5451 "line": 373,
5452 "character": 33
5453 }
5454 ]
5455 },
5456 {
5457 "id": 1585,
5458 "name": "signUserOut",
5459 "kind": 2048,
5460 "kindString": "Method",
5461 "flags": {
5462 "isExported": true
5463 },
5464 "signatures": [
5465 {
5466 "id": 1586,
5467 "name": "signUserOut",
5468 "kind": 4096,
5469 "kindString": "Call signature",
5470 "flags": {},
5471 "comment": {
5472 "shortText": "Sign the user out and optionally redirect to given location."
5473 },
5474 "parameters": [
5475 {
5476 "id": 1587,
5477 "name": "redirectURL",
5478 "kind": 32768,
5479 "kindString": "Parameter",
5480 "flags": {
5481 "isOptional": true
5482 },
5483 "comment": {
5484 "text": "Location to redirect user to after sign out.\nOnly used in environments with `window` available\n"
5485 },
5486 "type": {
5487 "type": "intrinsic",
5488 "name": "string"
5489 }
5490 }
5491 ],
5492 "type": {
5493 "type": "intrinsic",
5494 "name": "void"
5495 }
5496 }
5497 ],
5498 "sources": [
5499 {
5500 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
5501 "line": 257,
5502 "character": 13
5503 }
5504 ]
5505 }
5506 ],
5507 "groups": [
5508 {
5509 "title": "Constructors",
5510 "kind": 512,
5511 "children": [
5512 1547
5513 ]
5514 },
5515 {
5516 "title": "Properties",
5517 "kind": 1024,
5518 "children": [
5519 1545,
5520 1546
5521 ]
5522 },
5523 {
5524 "title": "Methods",
5525 "kind": 2048,
5526 "children": [
5527 1594,
5528 1619,
5529 1588,
5530 1572,
5531 1574,
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5533 1609,
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5536 1576,
5537 1578,
5538 1613,
5539 1583,
5540 1563,
5541 1600,
5542 1554,
5543 1559,
5544 1627,
5545 1585
5546 ]
5547 }
5548 ],
5549 "sources": [
5550 {
5551 "fileName": "auth/userSession.ts",
5552 "line": 39,
5553 "character": 24
5554 }
5555 ]
5556 },
5557 {
5558 "id": 784,
5559 "name": "GaiaHubConfig",
5560 "kind": 256,
5561 "kindString": "Interface",
5562 "flags": {
5563 "isExported": true
5564 },
5565 "comment": {
5566 "shortText": "The configuration for the user's Gaia storage provider."
5567 },
5568 "children": [
5569 {
5570 "id": 785,
5571 "name": "address",
5572 "kind": 1024,
5573 "kindString": "Property",
5574 "flags": {
5575 "isExported": true
5576 },
5577 "sources": [
5578 {
5579 "fileName": "storage/hub.ts",
5580 "line": 22,
5581 "character": 9
5582 }
5583 ],
5584 "type": {
5585 "type": "intrinsic",
5586 "name": "string"
5587 }
5588 },
5589 {
5590 "id": 788,
5591 "name": "server",
5592 "kind": 1024,
5593 "kindString": "Property",
5594 "flags": {
5595 "isExported": true
5596 },
5597 "sources": [
5598 {
5599 "fileName": "storage/hub.ts",
5600 "line": 25,
5601 "character": 8
5602 }
5603 ],
5604 "type": {
5605 "type": "intrinsic",
5606 "name": "string"
5607 }
5608 },
5609 {
5610 "id": 787,
5611 "name": "token",
5612 "kind": 1024,
5613 "kindString": "Property",
5614 "flags": {
5615 "isExported": true
5616 },
5617 "sources": [
5618 {
5619 "fileName": "storage/hub.ts",
5620 "line": 24,
5621 "character": 7
5622 }
5623 ],
5624 "type": {
5625 "type": "intrinsic",
5626 "name": "string"
5627 }
5628 },
5629 {
5630 "id": 786,
5631 "name": "url_prefix",
5632 "kind": 1024,
5633 "kindString": "Property",
5634 "flags": {
5635 "isExported": true
5636 },
5637 "sources": [
5638 {
5639 "fileName": "storage/hub.ts",
5640 "line": 23,
5641 "character": 12
5642 }
5643 ],
5644 "type": {
5645 "type": "intrinsic",
5646 "name": "string"
5647 }
5648 }
5649 ],
5650 "groups": [
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5652 "title": "Properties",
5653 "kind": 1024,
5654 "children": [
5655 785,
5656 788,
5657 787,
5658 786
5659 ]
5660 }
5661 ],
5662 "sources": [
5663 {
5664 "fileName": "storage/hub.ts",
5665 "line": 21,
5666 "character": 30
5667 }
5668 ]
5669 },
5670 {
5671 "id": 1434,
5672 "name": "GetFileOptions",
5673 "kind": 256,
5674 "kindString": "Interface",
5675 "flags": {
5676 "isExported": true
5677 },
5678 "comment": {
5679 "shortText": "Used to pass options to [[UserSession.getFile]]"
5680 },
5681 "children": [
5682 {
5683 "id": 1438,
5684 "name": "app",
5685 "kind": 1024,
5686 "kindString": "Property",
5687 "flags": {
5688 "isExported": true,
5689 "isOptional": true
5690 },
5691 "comment": {
5692 "shortText": "The app to lookup for multi-player storage - defaults to current origin.",
5693 "tags": [
5694 {
5695 "tag": "default",
5696 "text": "`window.location.origin`\nOnly if available in the executing environment, otherwise `undefined`.\n"
5697 }
5698 ]
5699 },
5700 "sources": [
5701 {
5702 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
5703 "line": 393,
5704 "character": 5
5705 }
5706 ],
5707 "type": {
5708 "type": "intrinsic",
5709 "name": "string"
5710 },
5711 "inheritedFrom": {
5712 "type": "reference",
5713 "name": "GetFileUrlOptions.app",
5714 "id": 1432
5715 }
5716 },
5717 {
5718 "id": 1435,
5719 "name": "decrypt",
5720 "kind": 1024,
5721 "kindString": "Property",
5722 "flags": {
5723 "isExported": true,
5724 "isOptional": true
5725 },
5726 "comment": {
5727 "shortText": "Try to decrypt the data with the app private key.",
5728 "tags": [
5729 {
5730 "tag": "default",
5731 "text": "true\n"
5732 }
5733 ]
5734 },
5735 "sources": [
5736 {
5737 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
5738 "line": 409,
5739 "character": 9
5740 }
5741 ],
5742 "type": {
5743 "type": "intrinsic",
5744 "name": "boolean"
5745 }
5746 },
5747 {
5748 "id": 1437,
5749 "name": "username",
5750 "kind": 1024,
5751 "kindString": "Property",
5752 "flags": {
5753 "isExported": true,
5754 "isOptional": true
5755 },
5756 "comment": {
5757 "shortText": "The Blockstack ID to lookup for multi-player storage.\nIf not specified, the currently signed in username is used."
5758 },
5759 "sources": [
5760 {
5761 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
5762 "line": 387,
5763 "character": 10
5764 }
5765 ],
5766 "type": {
5767 "type": "intrinsic",
5768 "name": "string"
5769 },
5770 "inheritedFrom": {
5771 "type": "reference",
5772 "name": "GetFileUrlOptions.username",
5773 "id": 1431
5774 }
5775 },
5776 {
5777 "id": 1436,
5778 "name": "verify",
5779 "kind": 1024,
5780 "kindString": "Property",
5781 "flags": {
5782 "isExported": true,
5783 "isOptional": true
5784 },
5785 "comment": {
5786 "shortText": "Whether the content should be verified, only to be used\nwhen [[UserSession.putFile]] was set to `sign = true`.",
5787 "tags": [
5788 {
5789 "tag": "default",
5790 "text": "false\n"
5791 }
5792 ]
5793 },
5794 "sources": [
5795 {
5796 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
5797 "line": 415,
5798 "character": 8
5799 }
5800 ],
5801 "type": {
5802 "type": "intrinsic",
5803 "name": "boolean"
5804 }
5805 },
5806 {
5807 "id": 1439,
5808 "name": "zoneFileLookupURL",
5809 "kind": 1024,
5810 "kindString": "Property",
5811 "flags": {
5812 "isExported": true,
5813 "isOptional": true
5814 },
5815 "comment": {
5816 "shortText": "The URL to use for zonefile lookup. If falsey, this will use\nthe blockstack.js's [[getNameInfo]] function instead."
5817 },
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5819 {
5820 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
5821 "line": 398,
5822 "character": 19
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5827 "name": "string"
5828 },
5829 "inheritedFrom": {
5830 "type": "reference",
5831 "name": "GetFileUrlOptions.zoneFileLookupURL",
5832 "id": 1433
5833 }
5834 }
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5882 "comment": {
5883 "shortText": "The app to lookup for multi-player storage - defaults to current origin.",
5884 "tags": [
5885 {
5886 "tag": "default",
5887 "text": "`window.location.origin`\nOnly if available in the executing environment, otherwise `undefined`.\n"
5888 }
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5894 "line": 393,
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5908 "flags": {
5909 "isExported": true,
5910 "isOptional": true
5911 },
5912 "comment": {
5913 "shortText": "The Blockstack ID to lookup for multi-player storage.\nIf not specified, the currently signed in username is used."
5914 },
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5916 {
5917 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
5918 "line": 387,
5919 "character": 10
5920 }
5921 ],
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5933 "isExported": true,
5934 "isOptional": true
5935 },
5936 "comment": {
5937 "shortText": "The URL to use for zonefile lookup. If falsey, this will use\nthe blockstack.js's [[getNameInfo]] function instead."
5938 },
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5990 "flags": {
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5992 },
5993 "comment": {
5994 "shortText": "If the object is not found, return an new empty object instead of undefined.\nRequires [[throwIfUnavailable]] to be falsey.",
5995 "tags": [
5996 {
5997 "tag": "default",
5998 "text": "false\n"
5999 }
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6013 },
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6018 "kindString": "Property",
6019 "flags": {
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6021 },
6022 "comment": {
6023 "shortText": "Throw an error if the object is not found.",
6024 "tags": [
6025 {
6026 "tag": "default",
6027 "text": "false\n"
6028 }
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6030 },
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6047 "kindString": "Property",
6048 "flags": {
6049 "isOptional": true
6050 },
6051 "comment": {
6052 "shortText": "Additional information to include in an error if thrown."
6053 },
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6057 "line": 238,
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6059 }
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6085 },
6086 {
6087 "id": 1426,
6088 "name": "PutFileOptions",
6089 "kind": 256,
6090 "kindString": "Interface",
6091 "flags": {
6092 "isExported": true
6093 },
6094 "comment": {
6095 "shortText": "Specify a valid MIME type, encryption, and whether to sign the [[UserSession.putFile]]."
6096 },
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6103 "flags": {
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6106 },
6107 "comment": {
6108 "shortText": "Set a Content-Type header for unencrypted data."
6109 },
6110 "sources": [
6111 {
6112 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
6113 "line": 46,
6114 "character": 13
6115 }
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6130 },
6131 "comment": {
6132 "shortText": "Encrypt the data with the app public key.\nIf a string is specified, it is used as the public key.\nIf the boolean `true` is specified then the current user's app public key is used.",
6133 "tags": [
6134 {
6135 "tag": "default",
6136 "text": "true\n"
6137 }
6138 ]
6139 },
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6169 },
6170 "comment": {
6171 "shortText": "Sign the data using ECDSA on SHA256 hashes with the user's app private key.\nIf a string is specified, it is used as the private key.",
6172 "tags": [
6173 {
6174 "tag": "default",
6175 "text": "false\n"
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7546 "comment": {
7547 "shortText": "This logic is in a separate file with no dependencies so that it can be\nloaded and executed as soon as possible to fulfill the purpose of the protocol\ndetection technique. The effectiveness of this is obviously subject to how web\napps bundle/consume the blockstack.js lib."
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7780 "sources": [
7781 {
7782 "fileName": "operations/utils.ts",
7783 "line": 40,
7784 "character": 20
7785 }
7786 ],
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7789 "name": "number"
7790 },
7791 "defaultValue": " 8 + 1"
7792 },
7793 {
7794 "id": 1873,
7795 "name": "TX_OUTPUT_PUBKEYHASH",
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7800 },
7801 "sources": [
7802 {
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7807 ],
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7810 "name": "25"
7811 },
7812 "defaultValue": "25"
7813 },
7814 {
7815 "id": 1629,
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7818 "kindString": "Variable",
7819 "flags": {
7820 "isConst": true
7821 },
7822 "sources": [
7823 {
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7827 }
7828 ],
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7831 "value": "1.3.1"
7832 },
7833 "defaultValue": "\"1.3.1\""
7834 },
7835 {
7836 "id": 2037,
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7840 "flags": {
7841 "isConst": true
7842 },
7843 "sources": [
7844 {
7845 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
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7848 }
7849 ],
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7852 "value": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
7853 },
7854 "defaultValue": "\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\""
7855 },
7856 {
7857 "id": 2038,
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7859 "kind": 32,
7860 "kindString": "Variable",
7861 "flags": {
7862 "isConst": true
7863 },
7864 "sources": [
7865 {
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7873 "value": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"
7874 },
7875 "defaultValue": "\"ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\""
7876 },
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7882 "flags": {
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7884 },
7885 "sources": [
7886 {
7887 "fileName": "encryption/ec.ts",
7888 "line": 7,
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7891 ],
7892 "type": {
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7894 "name": "ec"
7895 },
7896 "defaultValue": " new EllipticCurve('secp256k1')"
7897 },
7898 {
7899 "id": 191,
7900 "name": "intToLevel",
7901 "kind": 32,
7902 "kindString": "Variable",
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7905 },
7906 "sources": [
7907 {
7908 "fileName": "logger.ts",
7909 "line": 12,
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7950 "line": 12,
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7953 ]
7954 }
7955 }
7956 },
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7958 "id": 187,
7959 "name": "levelToInt",
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7964 },
7965 "sources": [
7966 {
7967 "fileName": "logger.ts",
7968 "line": 11,
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7979 "flags": {},
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7988 {
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7992 "kindString": "Parameter",
7993 "flags": {},
7994 "type": {
7995 "type": "intrinsic",
7996 "name": "string"
7997 }
7998 }
7999 ],
8000 "type": {
8001 "type": "intrinsic",
8002 "name": "number"
8003 }
8004 }
8005 ],
8006 "sources": [
8007 {
8008 "fileName": "logger.ts",
8009 "line": 11,
8010 "character": 17
8011 }
8012 ]
8013 }
8014 }
8015 },
8016 {
8017 "id": 186,
8018 "name": "levels",
8019 "kind": 32,
8020 "kindString": "Variable",
8021 "flags": {
8022 "isConst": true
8023 },
8024 "sources": [
8025 {
8026 "fileName": "logger.ts",
8027 "line": 3,
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8029 }
8030 ],
8031 "type": {
8032 "type": "array",
8033 "elementType": {
8034 "type": "intrinsic",
8035 "name": "string"
8036 }
8037 },
8038 "defaultValue": " [\n 'debug',\n 'info',\n 'warn',\n 'error',\n 'none'\n]"
8039 },
8040 {
8041 "id": 1454,
8042 "name": "decryptContent",
8043 "kind": 64,
8044 "kindString": "Function",
8045 "flags": {
8046 "isExported": true
8047 },
8048 "signatures": [
8049 {
8050 "id": 1455,
8051 "name": "decryptContent",
8052 "kind": 4096,
8053 "kindString": "Call signature",
8054 "flags": {},
8055 "comment": {
8056 "returns": "decrypted content.\n",
8057 "tags": [
8058 {
8059 "tag": "deprecated",
8060 "text": "\n#### v19 Use [[UserSession.decryptContent]].\n\nDecrypts data encrypted with `encryptContent` with the\ntransit private key."
8061 }
8062 ]
8063 },
8064 "parameters": [
8065 {
8066 "id": 1456,
8067 "name": "content",
8068 "kind": 32768,
8069 "kindString": "Parameter",
8070 "flags": {},
8071 "comment": {
8072 "text": "encrypted content."
8073 },
8074 "type": {
8075 "type": "intrinsic",
8076 "name": "string"
8077 }
8078 },
8079 {
8080 "id": 1457,
8081 "name": "options",
8082 "kind": 32768,
8083 "kindString": "Parameter",
8084 "flags": {
8085 "isOptional": true
8086 },
8087 "type": {
8088 "type": "reflection",
8089 "declaration": {
8090 "id": 1458,
8091 "name": "__type",
8092 "kind": 65536,
8093 "kindString": "Type literal",
8094 "flags": {},
8095 "children": [
8096 {
8097 "id": 1459,
8098 "name": "privateKey",
8099 "kind": 32,
8100 "kindString": "Variable",
8101 "flags": {
8102 "isOptional": true
8103 },
8104 "comment": {
8105 "text": "the hex string of the ECDSA private\nkey to use for decryption. If not provided, will use user's appPrivateKey."
8106 },
8107 "sources": [
8108 {
8109 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
8110 "line": 123,
8111 "character": 14
8112 }
8113 ],
8114 "type": {
8115 "type": "intrinsic",
8116 "name": "string"
8117 }
8118 }
8119 ],
8120 "groups": [
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8122 "title": "Variables",
8123 "kind": 32,
8124 "children": [
8125 1459
8126 ]
8127 }
8128 ],
8129 "sources": [
8130 {
8131 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
8132 "line": 122,
8133 "character": 11
8134 }
8135 ]
8136 }
8137 }
8138 },
8139 {
8140 "id": 1460,
8141 "name": "caller",
8142 "kind": 32768,
8143 "kindString": "Parameter",
8144 "flags": {
8145 "isOptional": true
8146 },
8147 "type": {
8148 "type": "reference",
8149 "name": "UserSession",
8150 "id": 1544
8151 }
8152 }
8153 ],
8154 "type": {
8155 "type": "union",
8156 "types": [
8157 {
8158 "type": "intrinsic",
8159 "name": "string"
8160 },
8161 {
8162 "type": "reference",
8163 "name": "Buffer"
8164 }
8165 ]
8166 }
8167 }
8168 ],
8169 "sources": [
8170 {
8171 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
8172 "line": 120,
8173 "character": 30
8174 }
8175 ]
8176 },
8177 {
8178 "id": 1515,
8179 "name": "deleteFile",
8180 "kind": 64,
8181 "kindString": "Function",
8182 "flags": {
8183 "isExported": true
8184 },
8185 "signatures": [
8186 {
8187 "id": 1516,
8188 "name": "deleteFile",
8189 "kind": 4096,
8190 "kindString": "Call signature",
8191 "flags": {},
8192 "comment": {
8193 "shortText": "Deletes the specified file from the app's data store.",
8194 "returns": "Resolves when the file has been removed or rejects with an error.\n"
8195 },
8196 "parameters": [
8197 {
8198 "id": 1517,
8199 "name": "path",
8200 "kind": 32768,
8201 "kindString": "Parameter",
8202 "flags": {},
8203 "comment": {
8204 "text": "The path to the file to delete."
8205 },
8206 "type": {
8207 "type": "intrinsic",
8208 "name": "string"
8209 }
8210 },
8211 {
8212 "id": 1518,
8213 "name": "options",
8214 "kind": 32768,
8215 "kindString": "Parameter",
8216 "flags": {
8217 "isOptional": true
8218 },
8219 "comment": {
8220 "text": "Optional options object."
8221 },
8222 "type": {
8223 "type": "reflection",
8224 "declaration": {
8225 "id": 1519,
8226 "name": "__type",
8227 "kind": 65536,
8228 "kindString": "Type literal",
8229 "flags": {},
8230 "children": [
8231 {
8232 "id": 1520,
8233 "name": "wasSigned",
8234 "kind": 32,
8235 "kindString": "Variable",
8236 "flags": {
8237 "isOptional": true
8238 },
8239 "comment": {
8240 "text": "Set to true if the file was originally signed\nin order for the corresponding signature file to also be deleted."
8241 },
8242 "sources": [
8243 {
8244 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
8245 "line": 586,
8246 "character": 13
8247 }
8248 ],
8249 "type": {
8250 "type": "intrinsic",
8251 "name": "boolean"
8252 }
8253 }
8254 ],
8255 "groups": [
8256 {
8257 "title": "Variables",
8258 "kind": 32,
8259 "children": [
8260 1520
8261 ]
8262 }
8263 ],
8264 "sources": [
8265 {
8266 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
8267 "line": 585,
8268 "character": 11
8269 }
8270 ]
8271 }
8272 }
8273 },
8274 {
8275 "id": 1521,
8276 "name": "caller",
8277 "kind": 32768,
8278 "kindString": "Parameter",
8279 "flags": {
8280 "isOptional": true
8281 },
8282 "type": {
8283 "type": "reference",
8284 "name": "UserSession",
8285 "id": 1544
8286 }
8287 }
8288 ],
8289 "type": {
8290 "type": "reference",
8291 "name": "Promise",
8292 "typeArguments": [
8293 {
8294 "type": "intrinsic",
8295 "name": "void"
8296 }
8297 ]
8298 }
8299 }
8300 ],
8301 "sources": [
8302 {
8303 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
8304 "line": 583,
8305 "character": 32
8306 }
8307 ]
8308 },
8309 {
8310 "id": 796,
8311 "name": "deleteFromGaiaHub",
8312 "kind": 64,
8313 "kindString": "Function",
8314 "flags": {
8315 "isExported": true
8316 },
8317 "signatures": [
8318 {
8319 "id": 797,
8320 "name": "deleteFromGaiaHub",
8321 "kind": 4096,
8322 "kindString": "Call signature",
8323 "flags": {},
8324 "parameters": [
8325 {
8326 "id": 798,
8327 "name": "filename",
8328 "kind": 32768,
8329 "kindString": "Parameter",
8330 "flags": {},
8331 "type": {
8332 "type": "intrinsic",
8333 "name": "string"
8334 }
8335 },
8336 {
8337 "id": 799,
8338 "name": "hubConfig",
8339 "kind": 32768,
8340 "kindString": "Parameter",
8341 "flags": {},
8342 "type": {
8343 "type": "reference",
8344 "name": "GaiaHubConfig",
8345 "id": 784
8346 }
8347 }
8348 ],
8349 "type": {
8350 "type": "reference",
8351 "name": "Promise",
8352 "typeArguments": [
8353 {
8354 "type": "intrinsic",
8355 "name": "void"
8356 }
8357 ]
8358 }
8359 }
8360 ],
8361 "sources": [
8362 {
8363 "fileName": "storage/hub.ts",
8364 "line": 61,
8365 "character": 39
8366 }
8367 ]
8368 },
8369 {
8370 "id": 1447,
8371 "name": "encryptContent",
8372 "kind": 64,
8373 "kindString": "Function",
8374 "flags": {
8375 "isExported": true
8376 },
8377 "signatures": [
8378 {
8379 "id": 1448,
8380 "name": "encryptContent",
8381 "kind": 4096,
8382 "kindString": "Call signature",
8383 "flags": {},
8384 "comment": {
8385 "returns": "Stringified ciphertext object\n",
8386 "tags": [
8387 {
8388 "tag": "deprecated",
8389 "text": "\n#### v19 Use [[UserSession.encryptContent]].\n\nEncrypts the data provided with the app public key."
8390 }
8391 ]
8392 },
8393 "parameters": [
8394 {
8395 "id": 1449,
8396 "name": "content",
8397 "kind": 32768,
8398 "kindString": "Parameter",
8399 "flags": {},
8400 "comment": {
8401 "text": "data to encrypt"
8402 },
8403 "type": {
8404 "type": "union",
8405 "types": [
8406 {
8407 "type": "intrinsic",
8408 "name": "string"
8409 },
8410 {
8411 "type": "reference",
8412 "name": "Buffer"
8413 }
8414 ]
8415 }
8416 },
8417 {
8418 "id": 1450,
8419 "name": "options",
8420 "kind": 32768,
8421 "kindString": "Parameter",
8422 "flags": {
8423 "isOptional": true
8424 },
8425 "type": {
8426 "type": "reflection",
8427 "declaration": {
8428 "id": 1451,
8429 "name": "__type",
8430 "kind": 65536,
8431 "kindString": "Type literal",
8432 "flags": {},
8433 "children": [
8434 {
8435 "id": 1452,
8436 "name": "publicKey",
8437 "kind": 32,
8438 "kindString": "Variable",
8439 "flags": {
8440 "isOptional": true
8441 },
8442 "comment": {
8443 "text": "the hex string of the ECDSA public\nkey to use for encryption. If not provided, will use user's appPublicKey."
8444 },
8445 "sources": [
8446 {
8447 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
8448 "line": 94,
8449 "character": 13
8450 }
8451 ],
8452 "type": {
8453 "type": "intrinsic",
8454 "name": "string"
8455 }
8456 }
8457 ],
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8460 "title": "Variables",
8461 "kind": 32,
8462 "children": [
8463 1452
8464 ]
8465 }
8466 ],
8467 "sources": [
8468 {
8469 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
8470 "line": 93,
8471 "character": 11
8472 }
8473 ]
8474 }
8475 }
8476 },
8477 {
8478 "id": 1453,
8479 "name": "caller",
8480 "kind": 32768,
8481 "kindString": "Parameter",
8482 "flags": {
8483 "isOptional": true
8484 },
8485 "type": {
8486 "type": "reference",
8487 "name": "UserSession",
8488 "id": 1544
8489 }
8490 }
8491 ],
8492 "type": {
8493 "type": "intrinsic",
8494 "name": "string"
8495 }
8496 }
8497 ],
8498 "sources": [
8499 {
8500 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
8501 "line": 91,
8502 "character": 30
8503 }
8504 ]
8505 },
8506 {
8507 "id": 2125,
8508 "name": "estimateAnnounce",
8509 "kind": 64,
8510 "kindString": "Function",
8511 "flags": {
8512 "isPrivate": true
8513 },
8514 "signatures": [
8515 {
8516 "id": 2126,
8517 "name": "estimateAnnounce",
8518 "kind": 4096,
8519 "kindString": "Call signature",
8520 "flags": {
8521 "isPrivate": true
8522 },
8523 "comment": {
8524 "shortText": "Estimates the cost of an announce transaction",
8525 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the satoshi cost\n to fund this announce transaction"
8526 },
8527 "parameters": [
8528 {
8529 "id": 2127,
8530 "name": "messageHash",
8531 "kind": 32768,
8532 "kindString": "Parameter",
8533 "flags": {},
8534 "comment": {
8535 "text": "the hash of the message"
8536 },
8537 "type": {
8538 "type": "intrinsic",
8539 "name": "string"
8540 }
8541 },
8542 {
8543 "id": 2128,
8544 "name": "senderUtxos",
8545 "kind": 32768,
8546 "kindString": "Parameter",
8547 "flags": {},
8548 "comment": {
8549 "text": "the number of utxos we expect will\n be required from the importer address"
8550 },
8551 "type": {
8552 "type": "intrinsic",
8553 "name": "number"
8554 },
8555 "defaultValue": "1"
8556 }
8557 ],
8558 "type": {
8559 "type": "reference",
8560 "name": "Promise",
8561 "typeArguments": [
8562 {
8563 "type": "intrinsic",
8564 "name": "number"
8565 }
8566 ]
8567 }
8568 }
8569 ],
8570 "sources": [
8571 {
8572 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
8573 "line": 432,
8574 "character": 25
8575 }
8576 ]
8577 },
8578 {
8579 "id": 2119,
8580 "name": "estimateNameImport",
8581 "kind": 64,
8582 "kindString": "Function",
8583 "flags": {
8584 "isPrivate": true
8585 },
8586 "signatures": [
8587 {
8588 "id": 2120,
8589 "name": "estimateNameImport",
8590 "kind": 4096,
8591 "kindString": "Call signature",
8592 "flags": {
8593 "isPrivate": true
8594 },
8595 "comment": {
8596 "shortText": "Estimates the cost of a name-import transaction",
8597 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the satoshi cost\n to fund this name-import transaction"
8598 },
8599 "parameters": [
8600 {
8601 "id": 2121,
8602 "name": "name",
8603 "kind": 32768,
8604 "kindString": "Parameter",
8605 "flags": {},
8606 "comment": {
8607 "text": "the fully-qualified name"
8608 },
8609 "type": {
8610 "type": "intrinsic",
8611 "name": "string"
8612 }
8613 },
8614 {
8615 "id": 2122,
8616 "name": "recipientAddr",
8617 "kind": 32768,
8618 "kindString": "Parameter",
8619 "flags": {},
8620 "comment": {
8621 "text": "the recipient"
8622 },
8623 "type": {
8624 "type": "intrinsic",
8625 "name": "string"
8626 }
8627 },
8628 {
8629 "id": 2123,
8630 "name": "zonefileHash",
8631 "kind": 32768,
8632 "kindString": "Parameter",
8633 "flags": {},
8634 "comment": {
8635 "text": "the zone file hash"
8636 },
8637 "type": {
8638 "type": "intrinsic",
8639 "name": "string"
8640 }
8641 },
8642 {
8643 "id": 2124,
8644 "name": "importUtxos",
8645 "kind": 32768,
8646 "kindString": "Parameter",
8647 "flags": {},
8648 "comment": {
8649 "text": "the number of UTXOs we expect will\n be required from the importer address"
8650 },
8651 "type": {
8652 "type": "intrinsic",
8653 "name": "number"
8654 },
8655 "defaultValue": "1"
8656 }
8657 ],
8658 "type": {
8659 "type": "reference",
8660 "name": "Promise",
8661 "typeArguments": [
8662 {
8663 "type": "intrinsic",
8664 "name": "number"
8665 }
8666 ]
8667 }
8668 }
8669 ],
8670 "sources": [
8671 {
8672 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
8673 "line": 407,
8674 "character": 27
8675 }
8676 ]
8677 },
8678 {
8679 "id": 2103,
8680 "name": "estimateNamespacePreorder",
8681 "kind": 64,
8682 "kindString": "Function",
8683 "flags": {
8684 "isPrivate": true
8685 },
8686 "signatures": [
8687 {
8688 "id": 2104,
8689 "name": "estimateNamespacePreorder",
8690 "kind": 4096,
8691 "kindString": "Call signature",
8692 "flags": {
8693 "isPrivate": true
8694 },
8695 "comment": {
8696 "shortText": "Estimates cost of a namespace preorder transaction for a namespace",
8697 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the satoshi cost to fund\n the preorder. This includes a 5500 satoshi dust output for the preorder.\n Even though this is a change output, the payer must supply enough funds\n to generate this output, so we include it in the cost."
8698 },
8699 "parameters": [
8700 {
8701 "id": 2105,
8702 "name": "namespaceID",
8703 "kind": 32768,
8704 "kindString": "Parameter",
8705 "flags": {},
8706 "comment": {
8707 "text": "the namespace to preorder"
8708 },
8709 "type": {
8710 "type": "intrinsic",
8711 "name": "string"
8712 }
8713 },
8714 {
8715 "id": 2106,
8716 "name": "revealAddress",
8717 "kind": 32768,
8718 "kindString": "Parameter",
8719 "flags": {},
8720 "comment": {
8721 "text": "the address to receive the namespace (this\n must be passed as the 'revealAddress' in the namespace-reveal transaction)"
8722 },
8723 "type": {
8724 "type": "intrinsic",
8725 "name": "string"
8726 }
8727 },
8728 {
8729 "id": 2107,
8730 "name": "paymentAddress",
8731 "kind": 32768,
8732 "kindString": "Parameter",
8733 "flags": {},
8734 "comment": {
8735 "text": "the address funding the preorder"
8736 },
8737 "type": {
8738 "type": "intrinsic",
8739 "name": "string"
8740 }
8741 },
8742 {
8743 "id": 2108,
8744 "name": "paymentUtxos",
8745 "kind": 32768,
8746 "kindString": "Parameter",
8747 "flags": {},
8748 "comment": {
8749 "text": "the number of UTXOs we expect will be required\n from the payment address."
8750 },
8751 "type": {
8752 "type": "intrinsic",
8753 "name": "number"
8754 },
8755 "defaultValue": "1"
8756 }
8757 ],
8758 "type": {
8759 "type": "reference",
8760 "name": "Promise",
8761 "typeArguments": [
8762 {
8763 "type": "intrinsic",
8764 "name": "number"
8765 }
8766 ]
8767 }
8768 }
8769 ],
8770 "sources": [
8771 {
8772 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
8773 "line": 320,
8774 "character": 34
8775 }
8776 ]
8777 },
8778 {
8779 "id": 2115,
8780 "name": "estimateNamespaceReady",
8781 "kind": 64,
8782 "kindString": "Function",
8783 "flags": {
8784 "isPrivate": true
8785 },
8786 "signatures": [
8787 {
8788 "id": 2116,
8789 "name": "estimateNamespaceReady",
8790 "kind": 4096,
8791 "kindString": "Call signature",
8792 "flags": {
8793 "isPrivate": true
8794 },
8795 "comment": {
8796 "shortText": "Estimates the cost of a namespace-ready transaction for a namespace",
8797 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the satoshi cost to\n fund this namespacey-ready transaction."
8798 },
8799 "parameters": [
8800 {
8801 "id": 2117,
8802 "name": "namespaceID",
8803 "kind": 32768,
8804 "kindString": "Parameter",
8805 "flags": {},
8806 "comment": {
8807 "text": "the namespace to ready"
8808 },
8809 "type": {
8810 "type": "intrinsic",
8811 "name": "string"
8812 }
8813 },
8814 {
8815 "id": 2118,
8816 "name": "revealUtxos",
8817 "kind": 32768,
8818 "kindString": "Parameter",
8819 "flags": {},
8820 "comment": {
8821 "text": "the number of UTXOs we expect will\n be required from the reveal address"
8822 },
8823 "type": {
8824 "type": "intrinsic",
8825 "name": "number"
8826 },
8827 "defaultValue": "1"
8828 }
8829 ],
8830 "type": {
8831 "type": "reference",
8832 "name": "Promise",
8833 "typeArguments": [
8834 {
8835 "type": "intrinsic",
8836 "name": "number"
8837 }
8838 ]
8839 }
8840 }
8841 ],
8842 "sources": [
8843 {
8844 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
8845 "line": 382,
8846 "character": 31
8847 }
8848 ]
8849 },
8850 {
8851 "id": 2109,
8852 "name": "estimateNamespaceReveal",
8853 "kind": 64,
8854 "kindString": "Function",
8855 "flags": {
8856 "isPrivate": true
8857 },
8858 "signatures": [
8859 {
8860 "id": 2110,
8861 "name": "estimateNamespaceReveal",
8862 "kind": 4096,
8863 "kindString": "Call signature",
8864 "flags": {
8865 "isPrivate": true
8866 },
8867 "comment": {
8868 "shortText": "Estimates cost of a namesapce reveal transaction for a namespace",
8869 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the satoshi cost to\n fund the reveal. This includes a 5500 satoshi dust output for the\n preorder. Even though this is a change output, the payer must have\n enough funds to generate this output, so we include it in the cost."
8870 },
8871 "parameters": [
8872 {
8873 "id": 2111,
8874 "name": "namespace",
8875 "kind": 32768,
8876 "kindString": "Parameter",
8877 "flags": {},
8878 "comment": {
8879 "text": "the namespace to reveal"
8880 },
8881 "type": {
8882 "type": "reference",
8883 "name": "BlockstackNamespace"
8884 }
8885 },
8886 {
8887 "id": 2112,
8888 "name": "revealAddress",
8889 "kind": 32768,
8890 "kindString": "Parameter",
8891 "flags": {},
8892 "comment": {
8893 "text": "the address to receive the namespace\n (this must have been passed as 'revealAddress' to a prior namespace\n preorder)"
8894 },
8895 "type": {
8896 "type": "intrinsic",
8897 "name": "string"
8898 }
8899 },
8900 {
8901 "id": 2113,
8902 "name": "paymentAddress",
8903 "kind": 32768,
8904 "kindString": "Parameter",
8905 "flags": {},
8906 "comment": {
8907 "text": "the address that pays for this transaction"
8908 },
8909 "type": {
8910 "type": "intrinsic",
8911 "name": "string"
8912 }
8913 },
8914 {
8915 "id": 2114,
8916 "name": "paymentUtxos",
8917 "kind": 32768,
8918 "kindString": "Parameter",
8919 "flags": {},
8920 "comment": {
8921 "text": "the number of UTXOs we expect will be required\n from the payment address"
8922 },
8923 "type": {
8924 "type": "intrinsic",
8925 "name": "number"
8926 },
8927 "defaultValue": "1"
8928 }
8929 ],
8930 "type": {
8931 "type": "reference",
8932 "name": "Promise",
8933 "typeArguments": [
8934 {
8935 "type": "intrinsic",
8936 "name": "number"
8937 }
8938 ]
8939 }
8940 }
8941 ],
8942 "sources": [
8943 {
8944 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
8945 "line": 356,
8946 "character": 32
8947 }
8948 ]
8949 },
8950 {
8951 "id": 2063,
8952 "name": "estimatePreorder",
8953 "kind": 64,
8954 "kindString": "Function",
8955 "flags": {
8956 "isPrivate": true
8957 },
8958 "signatures": [
8959 {
8960 "id": 2064,
8961 "name": "estimatePreorder",
8962 "kind": 4096,
8963 "kindString": "Call signature",
8964 "flags": {
8965 "isPrivate": true
8966 },
8967 "comment": {
8968 "shortText": "Estimates cost of a preorder transaction for a domain name.",
8969 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the satoshi cost to fund\n the preorder. This includes a 5500 satoshi dust output for the preorder.\n Even though this is a change output, the payer must supply enough funds\n to generate this output, so we include it in the cost."
8970 },
8971 "parameters": [
8972 {
8973 "id": 2065,
8974 "name": "fullyQualifiedName",
8975 "kind": 32768,
8976 "kindString": "Parameter",
8977 "flags": {},
8978 "comment": {
8979 "text": "the name to preorder"
8980 },
8981 "type": {
8982 "type": "intrinsic",
8983 "name": "string"
8984 }
8985 },
8986 {
8987 "id": 2066,
8988 "name": "destinationAddress",
8989 "kind": 32768,
8990 "kindString": "Parameter",
8991 "flags": {},
8992 "comment": {
8993 "text": "the address to receive the name (this\n must be passed as the 'registrationAddress' in the register transaction)"
8994 },
8995 "type": {
8996 "type": "intrinsic",
8997 "name": "string"
8998 }
8999 },
9000 {
9001 "id": 2067,
9002 "name": "paymentAddress",
9003 "kind": 32768,
9004 "kindString": "Parameter",
9005 "flags": {},
9006 "comment": {
9007 "text": "the address funding the preorder"
9008 },
9009 "type": {
9010 "type": "intrinsic",
9011 "name": "string"
9012 }
9013 },
9014 {
9015 "id": 2068,
9016 "name": "paymentUtxos",
9017 "kind": 32768,
9018 "kindString": "Parameter",
9019 "flags": {},
9020 "comment": {
9021 "text": "the number of UTXOs we expect will be required\n from the payment address."
9022 },
9023 "type": {
9024 "type": "intrinsic",
9025 "name": "number"
9026 },
9027 "defaultValue": "1"
9028 }
9029 ],
9030 "type": {
9031 "type": "reference",
9032 "name": "Promise",
9033 "typeArguments": [
9034 {
9035 "type": "intrinsic",
9036 "name": "number"
9037 }
9038 ]
9039 }
9040 }
9041 ],
9042 "sources": [
9043 {
9044 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
9045 "line": 108,
9046 "character": 25
9047 }
9048 ]
9049 },
9050 {
9051 "id": 2069,
9052 "name": "estimateRegister",
9053 "kind": 64,
9054 "kindString": "Function",
9055 "flags": {
9056 "isPrivate": true
9057 },
9058 "signatures": [
9059 {
9060 "id": 2070,
9061 "name": "estimateRegister",
9062 "kind": 4096,
9063 "kindString": "Call signature",
9064 "flags": {
9065 "isPrivate": true
9066 },
9067 "comment": {
9068 "shortText": "Estimates cost of a register transaction for a domain name.",
9069 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the satoshi cost to fund\n the register."
9070 },
9071 "parameters": [
9072 {
9073 "id": 2071,
9074 "name": "fullyQualifiedName",
9075 "kind": 32768,
9076 "kindString": "Parameter",
9077 "flags": {},
9078 "comment": {
9079 "text": "the name to register"
9080 },
9081 "type": {
9082 "type": "intrinsic",
9083 "name": "string"
9084 }
9085 },
9086 {
9087 "id": 2072,
9088 "name": "registerAddress",
9089 "kind": 32768,
9090 "kindString": "Parameter",
9091 "flags": {},
9092 "comment": {
9093 "text": "the address to receive the name"
9094 },
9095 "type": {
9096 "type": "intrinsic",
9097 "name": "string"
9098 }
9099 },
9100 {
9101 "id": 2073,
9102 "name": "paymentAddress",
9103 "kind": 32768,
9104 "kindString": "Parameter",
9105 "flags": {},
9106 "comment": {
9107 "text": "the address funding the register"
9108 },
9109 "type": {
9110 "type": "intrinsic",
9111 "name": "string"
9112 }
9113 },
9114 {
9115 "id": 2074,
9116 "name": "includingZonefile",
9117 "kind": 32768,
9118 "kindString": "Parameter",
9119 "flags": {},
9120 "comment": {
9121 "text": "whether or not we will broadcast\n a zonefile hash as part of the register"
9122 },
9123 "type": {
9124 "type": "intrinsic",
9125 "name": "boolean"
9126 },
9127 "defaultValue": "false"
9128 },
9129 {
9130 "id": 2075,
9131 "name": "paymentUtxos",
9132 "kind": 32768,
9133 "kindString": "Parameter",
9134 "flags": {},
9135 "comment": {
9136 "text": "the number of UTXOs we expect will be required\n from the payment address."
9137 },
9138 "type": {
9139 "type": "intrinsic",
9140 "name": "number"
9141 },
9142 "defaultValue": "1"
9143 }
9144 ],
9145 "type": {
9146 "type": "reference",
9147 "name": "Promise",
9148 "typeArguments": [
9149 {
9150 "type": "intrinsic",
9151 "name": "number"
9152 }
9153 ]
9154 }
9155 }
9156 ],
9157 "sources": [
9158 {
9159 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
9160 "line": 142,
9161 "character": 25
9162 }
9163 ]
9164 },
9165 {
9166 "id": 2089,
9167 "name": "estimateRenewal",
9168 "kind": 64,
9169 "kindString": "Function",
9170 "flags": {
9171 "isPrivate": true
9172 },
9173 "signatures": [
9174 {
9175 "id": 2090,
9176 "name": "estimateRenewal",
9177 "kind": 4096,
9178 "kindString": "Call signature",
9179 "flags": {
9180 "isPrivate": true
9181 },
9182 "comment": {
9183 "shortText": "Estimates cost of an transfer transaction for a domain name.",
9184 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the satoshi cost to fund\n the transfer."
9185 },
9186 "parameters": [
9187 {
9188 "id": 2091,
9189 "name": "fullyQualifiedName",
9190 "kind": 32768,
9191 "kindString": "Parameter",
9192 "flags": {},
9193 "comment": {
9194 "text": "the name to renew"
9195 },
9196 "type": {
9197 "type": "intrinsic",
9198 "name": "string"
9199 }
9200 },
9201 {
9202 "id": 2092,
9203 "name": "destinationAddress",
9204 "kind": 32768,
9205 "kindString": "Parameter",
9206 "flags": {},
9207 "comment": {
9208 "text": "the next owner of the name"
9209 },
9210 "type": {
9211 "type": "intrinsic",
9212 "name": "string"
9213 }
9214 },
9215 {
9216 "id": 2093,
9217 "name": "ownerAddress",
9218 "kind": 32768,
9219 "kindString": "Parameter",
9220 "flags": {},
9221 "comment": {
9222 "text": "the current owner of the name"
9223 },
9224 "type": {
9225 "type": "intrinsic",
9226 "name": "string"
9227 }
9228 },
9229 {
9230 "id": 2094,
9231 "name": "paymentAddress",
9232 "kind": 32768,
9233 "kindString": "Parameter",
9234 "flags": {},
9235 "comment": {
9236 "text": "the address funding the transfer"
9237 },
9238 "type": {
9239 "type": "intrinsic",
9240 "name": "string"
9241 }
9242 },
9243 {
9244 "id": 2095,
9245 "name": "includingZonefile",
9246 "kind": 32768,
9247 "kindString": "Parameter",
9248 "flags": {},
9249 "comment": {
9250 "text": "whether or not we will broadcast a zonefile hash\nin the renewal operation"
9251 },
9252 "type": {
9253 "type": "intrinsic",
9254 "name": "boolean"
9255 },
9256 "defaultValue": "false"
9257 },
9258 {
9259 "id": 2096,
9260 "name": "paymentUtxos",
9261 "kind": 32768,
9262 "kindString": "Parameter",
9263 "flags": {},
9264 "comment": {
9265 "text": "the number of UTXOs we expect will be required\n from the payment address."
9266 },
9267 "type": {
9268 "type": "intrinsic",
9269 "name": "number"
9270 },
9271 "defaultValue": "1"
9272 }
9273 ],
9274 "type": {
9275 "type": "reference",
9276 "name": "Promise",
9277 "typeArguments": [
9278 {
9279 "type": "intrinsic",
9280 "name": "number"
9281 }
9282 ]
9283 }
9284 }
9285 ],
9286 "sources": [
9287 {
9288 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
9289 "line": 247,
9290 "character": 24
9291 }
9292 ]
9293 },
9294 {
9295 "id": 2097,
9296 "name": "estimateRevoke",
9297 "kind": 64,
9298 "kindString": "Function",
9299 "flags": {
9300 "isPrivate": true
9301 },
9302 "signatures": [
9303 {
9304 "id": 2098,
9305 "name": "estimateRevoke",
9306 "kind": 4096,
9307 "kindString": "Call signature",
9308 "flags": {
9309 "isPrivate": true
9310 },
9311 "comment": {
9312 "shortText": "Estimates cost of a revoke transaction for a domain name.",
9313 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the satoshi cost to fund the\n revoke."
9314 },
9315 "parameters": [
9316 {
9317 "id": 2099,
9318 "name": "fullyQualifiedName",
9319 "kind": 32768,
9320 "kindString": "Parameter",
9321 "flags": {},
9322 "comment": {
9323 "text": "the name to revoke"
9324 },
9325 "type": {
9326 "type": "intrinsic",
9327 "name": "string"
9328 }
9329 },
9330 {
9331 "id": 2100,
9332 "name": "ownerAddress",
9333 "kind": 32768,
9334 "kindString": "Parameter",
9335 "flags": {},
9336 "comment": {
9337 "text": "the current owner of the name"
9338 },
9339 "type": {
9340 "type": "intrinsic",
9341 "name": "string"
9342 }
9343 },
9344 {
9345 "id": 2101,
9346 "name": "paymentAddress",
9347 "kind": 32768,
9348 "kindString": "Parameter",
9349 "flags": {},
9350 "comment": {
9351 "text": "the address funding the revoke"
9352 },
9353 "type": {
9354 "type": "intrinsic",
9355 "name": "string"
9356 }
9357 },
9358 {
9359 "id": 2102,
9360 "name": "paymentUtxos",
9361 "kind": 32768,
9362 "kindString": "Parameter",
9363 "flags": {},
9364 "comment": {
9365 "text": "the number of UTXOs we expect will be required\n from the payment address."
9366 },
9367 "type": {
9368 "type": "intrinsic",
9369 "name": "number"
9370 },
9371 "defaultValue": "1"
9372 }
9373 ],
9374 "type": {
9375 "type": "reference",
9376 "name": "Promise",
9377 "typeArguments": [
9378 {
9379 "type": "intrinsic",
9380 "name": "number"
9381 }
9382 ]
9383 }
9384 }
9385 ],
9386 "sources": [
9387 {
9388 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
9389 "line": 288,
9390 "character": 23
9391 }
9392 ]
9393 },
9394 {
9395 "id": 2129,
9396 "name": "estimateTokenTransfer",
9397 "kind": 64,
9398 "kindString": "Function",
9399 "flags": {
9400 "isPrivate": true
9401 },
9402 "signatures": [
9403 {
9404 "id": 2130,
9405 "name": "estimateTokenTransfer",
9406 "kind": 4096,
9407 "kindString": "Call signature",
9408 "flags": {
9409 "isPrivate": true
9410 },
9411 "comment": {
9412 "shortText": "Estimates the cost of a token-transfer transaction",
9413 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the satoshi cost to\n fund this token-transfer transaction"
9414 },
9415 "parameters": [
9416 {
9417 "id": 2131,
9418 "name": "recipientAddress",
9419 "kind": 32768,
9420 "kindString": "Parameter",
9421 "flags": {},
9422 "comment": {
9423 "text": "the recipient of the tokens"
9424 },
9425 "type": {
9426 "type": "intrinsic",
9427 "name": "string"
9428 }
9429 },
9430 {
9431 "id": 2132,
9432 "name": "tokenType",
9433 "kind": 32768,
9434 "kindString": "Parameter",
9435 "flags": {},
9436 "comment": {
9437 "text": "the type of token to spend"
9438 },
9439 "type": {
9440 "type": "intrinsic",
9441 "name": "string"
9442 }
9443 },
9444 {
9445 "id": 2133,
9446 "name": "tokenAmount",
9447 "kind": 32768,
9448 "kindString": "Parameter",
9449 "flags": {},
9450 "comment": {
9451 "text": "a 64-bit unsigned BigInteger encoding the number of tokens\n to spend"
9452 },
9453 "type": {
9454 "type": "reference",
9455 "name": "BN"
9456 }
9457 },
9458 {
9459 "id": 2134,
9460 "name": "scratchArea",
9461 "kind": 32768,
9462 "kindString": "Parameter",
9463 "flags": {},
9464 "comment": {
9465 "text": "an arbitrary string to store with the transaction"
9466 },
9467 "type": {
9468 "type": "intrinsic",
9469 "name": "string"
9470 }
9471 },
9472 {
9473 "id": 2135,
9474 "name": "senderUtxos",
9475 "kind": 32768,
9476 "kindString": "Parameter",
9477 "flags": {},
9478 "comment": {
9479 "text": "the number of utxos we expect will\n be required from the importer address"
9480 },
9481 "type": {
9482 "type": "intrinsic",
9483 "name": "number"
9484 },
9485 "defaultValue": "1"
9486 },
9487 {
9488 "id": 2136,
9489 "name": "additionalOutputs",
9490 "kind": 32768,
9491 "kindString": "Parameter",
9492 "flags": {},
9493 "comment": {
9494 "text": "the number of outputs we expect to add beyond\n just the recipient output (default = 1, if the token owner is also the bitcoin funder)"
9495 },
9496 "type": {
9497 "type": "intrinsic",
9498 "name": "number"
9499 },
9500 "defaultValue": "1"
9501 }
9502 ],
9503 "type": {
9504 "type": "reference",
9505 "name": "Promise",
9506 "typeArguments": [
9507 {
9508 "type": "intrinsic",
9509 "name": "number"
9510 }
9511 ]
9512 }
9513 }
9514 ],
9515 "sources": [
9516 {
9517 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
9518 "line": 461,
9519 "character": 30
9520 }
9521 ]
9522 },
9523 {
9524 "id": 2082,
9525 "name": "estimateTransfer",
9526 "kind": 64,
9527 "kindString": "Function",
9528 "flags": {
9529 "isPrivate": true
9530 },
9531 "signatures": [
9532 {
9533 "id": 2083,
9534 "name": "estimateTransfer",
9535 "kind": 4096,
9536 "kindString": "Call signature",
9537 "flags": {
9538 "isPrivate": true
9539 },
9540 "comment": {
9541 "shortText": "Estimates cost of an transfer transaction for a domain name.",
9542 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the satoshi cost to fund\n the transfer."
9543 },
9544 "parameters": [
9545 {
9546 "id": 2084,
9547 "name": "fullyQualifiedName",
9548 "kind": 32768,
9549 "kindString": "Parameter",
9550 "flags": {},
9551 "comment": {
9552 "text": "the name to transfer"
9553 },
9554 "type": {
9555 "type": "intrinsic",
9556 "name": "string"
9557 }
9558 },
9559 {
9560 "id": 2085,
9561 "name": "destinationAddress",
9562 "kind": 32768,
9563 "kindString": "Parameter",
9564 "flags": {},
9565 "comment": {
9566 "text": "the next owner of the name"
9567 },
9568 "type": {
9569 "type": "intrinsic",
9570 "name": "string"
9571 }
9572 },
9573 {
9574 "id": 2086,
9575 "name": "ownerAddress",
9576 "kind": 32768,
9577 "kindString": "Parameter",
9578 "flags": {},
9579 "comment": {
9580 "text": "the current owner of the name"
9581 },
9582 "type": {
9583 "type": "intrinsic",
9584 "name": "string"
9585 }
9586 },
9587 {
9588 "id": 2087,
9589 "name": "paymentAddress",
9590 "kind": 32768,
9591 "kindString": "Parameter",
9592 "flags": {},
9593 "comment": {
9594 "text": "the address funding the transfer"
9595 },
9596 "type": {
9597 "type": "intrinsic",
9598 "name": "string"
9599 }
9600 },
9601 {
9602 "id": 2088,
9603 "name": "paymentUtxos",
9604 "kind": 32768,
9605 "kindString": "Parameter",
9606 "flags": {},
9607 "comment": {
9608 "text": "the number of UTXOs we expect will be required\n from the payment address."
9609 },
9610 "type": {
9611 "type": "intrinsic",
9612 "name": "number"
9613 },
9614 "defaultValue": "1"
9615 }
9616 ],
9617 "type": {
9618 "type": "reference",
9619 "name": "Promise",
9620 "typeArguments": [
9621 {
9622 "type": "intrinsic",
9623 "name": "number"
9624 }
9625 ]
9626 }
9627 }
9628 ],
9629 "sources": [
9630 {
9631 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
9632 "line": 212,
9633 "character": 25
9634 }
9635 ]
9636 },
9637 {
9638 "id": 2076,
9639 "name": "estimateUpdate",
9640 "kind": 64,
9641 "kindString": "Function",
9642 "flags": {
9643 "isPrivate": true
9644 },
9645 "signatures": [
9646 {
9647 "id": 2077,
9648 "name": "estimateUpdate",
9649 "kind": 4096,
9650 "kindString": "Call signature",
9651 "flags": {
9652 "isPrivate": true
9653 },
9654 "comment": {
9655 "shortText": "Estimates cost of an update transaction for a domain name.",
9656 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the satoshi cost to fund\n the update."
9657 },
9658 "parameters": [
9659 {
9660 "id": 2078,
9661 "name": "fullyQualifiedName",
9662 "kind": 32768,
9663 "kindString": "Parameter",
9664 "flags": {},
9665 "comment": {
9666 "text": "the name to update"
9667 },
9668 "type": {
9669 "type": "intrinsic",
9670 "name": "string"
9671 }
9672 },
9673 {
9674 "id": 2079,
9675 "name": "ownerAddress",
9676 "kind": 32768,
9677 "kindString": "Parameter",
9678 "flags": {},
9679 "comment": {
9680 "text": "the owner of the name"
9681 },
9682 "type": {
9683 "type": "intrinsic",
9684 "name": "string"
9685 }
9686 },
9687 {
9688 "id": 2080,
9689 "name": "paymentAddress",
9690 "kind": 32768,
9691 "kindString": "Parameter",
9692 "flags": {},
9693 "comment": {
9694 "text": "the address funding the update"
9695 },
9696 "type": {
9697 "type": "intrinsic",
9698 "name": "string"
9699 }
9700 },
9701 {
9702 "id": 2081,
9703 "name": "paymentUtxos",
9704 "kind": 32768,
9705 "kindString": "Parameter",
9706 "flags": {},
9707 "comment": {
9708 "text": "the number of UTXOs we expect will be required\n from the payment address."
9709 },
9710 "type": {
9711 "type": "intrinsic",
9712 "name": "number"
9713 },
9714 "defaultValue": "1"
9715 }
9716 ],
9717 "type": {
9718 "type": "reference",
9719 "name": "Promise",
9720 "typeArguments": [
9721 {
9722 "type": "intrinsic",
9723 "name": "number"
9724 }
9725 ]
9726 }
9727 }
9728 ],
9729 "sources": [
9730 {
9731 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
9732 "line": 179,
9733 "character": 23
9734 }
9735 ]
9736 },
9737 {
9738 "id": 912,
9739 "name": "extractProfile",
9740 "kind": 64,
9741 "kindString": "Function",
9742 "flags": {
9743 "isExported": true
9744 },
9745 "signatures": [
9746 {
9747 "id": 913,
9748 "name": "extractProfile",
9749 "kind": 4096,
9750 "kindString": "Call signature",
9751 "flags": {},
9752 "comment": {
9753 "shortText": "Extracts a profile from an encoded token and optionally verifies it,\nif `publicKeyOrAddress` is provided.",
9754 "returns": "- the profile extracted from the encoded token",
9755 "tags": [
9756 {
9757 "tag": "throws",
9758 "text": "{Error} - if the token isn't signed by the provided `publicKeyOrAddress`\n"
9759 }
9760 ]
9761 },
9762 "parameters": [
9763 {
9764 "id": 914,
9765 "name": "token",
9766 "kind": 32768,
9767 "kindString": "Parameter",
9768 "flags": {},
9769 "comment": {
9770 "text": "the token to be extracted"
9771 },
9772 "type": {
9773 "type": "intrinsic",
9774 "name": "string"
9775 }
9776 },
9777 {
9778 "id": 915,
9779 "name": "publicKeyOrAddress",
9780 "kind": 32768,
9781 "kindString": "Parameter",
9782 "flags": {},
9783 "comment": {
9784 "text": "the public key or address of the\n keypair that is thought to have signed the token"
9785 },
9786 "type": {
9787 "type": "union",
9788 "types": [
9789 {
9790 "type": "intrinsic",
9791 "name": "string"
9792 },
9793 {
9794 "type": "intrinsic",
9795 "name": "null"
9796 }
9797 ]
9798 },
9799 "defaultValue": " null"
9800 }
9801 ],
9802 "type": {
9803 "type": "reflection",
9804 "declaration": {
9805 "id": 916,
9806 "name": "__type",
9807 "kind": 65536,
9808 "kindString": "Type literal",
9809 "flags": {}
9810 }
9811 }
9812 }
9813 ],
9814 "sources": [
9815 {
9816 "fileName": "profiles/profileTokens.ts",
9817 "line": 142,
9818 "character": 30
9819 }
9820 ]
9821 },
9822 {
9823 "id": 620,
9824 "name": "getAPIUsageErrorMessage",
9825 "kind": 64,
9826 "kindString": "Function",
9827 "flags": {},
9828 "signatures": [
9829 {
9830 "id": 621,
9831 "name": "getAPIUsageErrorMessage",
9832 "kind": 4096,
9833 "kindString": "Call signature",
9834 "flags": {},
9835 "parameters": [
9836 {
9837 "id": 622,
9838 "name": "scopeObject",
9839 "kind": 32768,
9840 "kindString": "Parameter",
9841 "flags": {},
9842 "type": {
9843 "type": "intrinsic",
9844 "name": "unknown"
9845 }
9846 },
9847 {
9848 "id": 623,
9849 "name": "apiName",
9850 "kind": 32768,
9851 "kindString": "Parameter",
9852 "flags": {},
9853 "type": {
9854 "type": "intrinsic",
9855 "name": "string"
9856 }
9857 },
9858 {
9859 "id": 624,
9860 "name": "usageDesc",
9861 "kind": 32768,
9862 "kindString": "Parameter",
9863 "flags": {
9864 "isOptional": true
9865 },
9866 "type": {
9867 "type": "intrinsic",
9868 "name": "string"
9869 }
9870 }
9871 ],
9872 "type": {
9873 "type": "intrinsic",
9874 "name": "string"
9875 }
9876 }
9877 ],
9878 "sources": [
9879 {
9880 "fileName": "utils.ts",
9881 "line": 217,
9882 "character": 32
9883 }
9884 ]
9885 },
9886 {
9887 "id": 1522,
9888 "name": "getAppBucketUrl",
9889 "kind": 64,
9890 "kindString": "Function",
9891 "flags": {
9892 "isExported": true
9893 },
9894 "signatures": [
9895 {
9896 "id": 1523,
9897 "name": "getAppBucketUrl",
9898 "kind": 4096,
9899 "kindString": "Call signature",
9900 "flags": {},
9901 "comment": {
9902 "shortText": "Get the app storage bucket URL",
9903 "returns": "That resolves to the URL of the app index file\nor rejects if it fails\n"
9904 },
9905 "parameters": [
9906 {
9907 "id": 1524,
9908 "name": "gaiaHubUrl",
9909 "kind": 32768,
9910 "kindString": "Parameter",
9911 "flags": {},
9912 "comment": {
9913 "text": "the gaia hub URL"
9914 },
9915 "type": {
9916 "type": "intrinsic",
9917 "name": "string"
9918 }
9919 },
9920 {
9921 "id": 1525,
9922 "name": "appPrivateKey",
9923 "kind": 32768,
9924 "kindString": "Parameter",
9925 "flags": {},
9926 "comment": {
9927 "text": "the app private key used to generate the app address"
9928 },
9929 "type": {
9930 "type": "intrinsic",
9931 "name": "string"
9932 }
9933 }
9934 ],
9935 "type": {
9936 "type": "reference",
9937 "name": "Promise",
9938 "typeArguments": [
9939 {
9940 "type": "intrinsic",
9941 "name": "string"
9942 }
9943 ]
9944 }
9945 }
9946 ],
9947 "sources": [
9948 {
9949 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
9950 "line": 622,
9951 "character": 31
9952 }
9953 ]
9954 },
9955 {
9956 "id": 1704,
9957 "name": "getAuthResponseToken",
9958 "kind": 64,
9959 "kindString": "Function",
9960 "flags": {
9961 "isExported": true
9962 },
9963 "signatures": [
9964 {
9965 "id": 1705,
9966 "name": "getAuthResponseToken",
9967 "kind": 4096,
9968 "kindString": "Call signature",
9969 "flags": {},
9970 "comment": {
9971 "returns": "the authentication token if it exists otherwise `null`\n",
9972 "tags": [
9973 {
9974 "tag": "deprecated",
9975 "text": "\n#### v19 Use [[UserSession.getAuthResponseToken]] instead.\n\nRetrieve the authentication token from the URL query"
9976 }
9977 ]
9978 },
9979 "type": {
9980 "type": "intrinsic",
9981 "name": "string"
9982 }
9983 }
9984 ],
9985 "sources": [
9986 {
9987 "fileName": "auth/authApp.ts",
9988 "line": 154,
9989 "character": 36
9990 }
9991 ]
9992 },
9993 {
9994 "id": 1504,
9995 "name": "getFile",
9996 "kind": 64,
9997 "kindString": "Function",
9998 "flags": {
9999 "isExported": true
10000 },
10001 "signatures": [
10002 {
10003 "id": 1505,
10004 "name": "getFile",
10005 "kind": 4096,
10006 "kindString": "Call signature",
10007 "flags": {},
10008 "comment": {
10009 "shortText": "Retrieves the specified file from the app's data store.",
10010 "returns": "that resolves to the raw data in the file\nor rejects with an error\n"
10011 },
10012 "parameters": [
10013 {
10014 "id": 1506,
10015 "name": "path",
10016 "kind": 32768,
10017 "kindString": "Parameter",
10018 "flags": {},
10019 "comment": {
10020 "text": "the path to the file to read"
10021 },
10022 "type": {
10023 "type": "intrinsic",
10024 "name": "string"
10025 }
10026 },
10027 {
10028 "id": 1507,
10029 "name": "options",
10030 "kind": 32768,
10031 "kindString": "Parameter",
10032 "flags": {
10033 "isOptional": true
10034 },
10035 "type": {
10036 "type": "reference",
10037 "name": "GetFileOptions",
10038 "id": 1434
10039 }
10040 },
10041 {
10042 "id": 1508,
10043 "name": "caller",
10044 "kind": 32768,
10045 "kindString": "Parameter",
10046 "flags": {
10047 "isOptional": true
10048 },
10049 "type": {
10050 "type": "reference",
10051 "name": "UserSession",
10052 "id": 1544
10053 }
10054 }
10055 ],
10056 "type": {
10057 "type": "reference",
10058 "name": "Promise",
10059 "typeArguments": [
10060 {
10061 "type": "union",
10062 "types": [
10063 {
10064 "type": "intrinsic",
10065 "name": "string"
10066 },
10067 {
10068 "type": "reference",
10069 "name": "ArrayBuffer"
10070 }
10071 ]
10072 }
10073 ]
10074 }
10075 }
10076 ],
10077 "sources": [
10078 {
10079 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
10080 "line": 424,
10081 "character": 23
10082 }
10083 ]
10084 },
10085 {
10086 "id": 1483,
10087 "name": "getFileContents",
10088 "kind": 64,
10089 "kindString": "Function",
10090 "flags": {},
10091 "signatures": [
10092 {
10093 "id": 1484,
10094 "name": "getFileContents",
10095 "kind": 4096,
10096 "kindString": "Call signature",
10097 "flags": {},
10098 "parameters": [
10099 {
10100 "id": 1485,
10101 "name": "path",
10102 "kind": 32768,
10103 "kindString": "Parameter",
10104 "flags": {},
10105 "type": {
10106 "type": "intrinsic",
10107 "name": "string"
10108 }
10109 },
10110 {
10111 "id": 1486,
10112 "name": "app",
10113 "kind": 32768,
10114 "kindString": "Parameter",
10115 "flags": {},
10116 "type": {
10117 "type": "intrinsic",
10118 "name": "string"
10119 }
10120 },
10121 {
10122 "id": 1487,
10123 "name": "username",
10124 "kind": 32768,
10125 "kindString": "Parameter",
10126 "flags": {},
10127 "type": {
10128 "type": "union",
10129 "types": [
10130 {
10131 "type": "intrinsic",
10132 "name": "string"
10133 },
10134 {
10135 "type": "intrinsic",
10136 "name": "undefined"
10137 }
10138 ]
10139 }
10140 },
10141 {
10142 "id": 1488,
10143 "name": "zoneFileLookupURL",
10144 "kind": 32768,
10145 "kindString": "Parameter",
10146 "flags": {},
10147 "type": {
10148 "type": "union",
10149 "types": [
10150 {
10151 "type": "intrinsic",
10152 "name": "string"
10153 },
10154 {
10155 "type": "intrinsic",
10156 "name": "undefined"
10157 }
10158 ]
10159 }
10160 },
10161 {
10162 "id": 1489,
10163 "name": "forceText",
10164 "kind": 32768,
10165 "kindString": "Parameter",
10166 "flags": {},
10167 "type": {
10168 "type": "intrinsic",
10169 "name": "boolean"
10170 }
10171 },
10172 {
10173 "id": 1490,
10174 "name": "caller",
10175 "kind": 32768,
10176 "kindString": "Parameter",
10177 "flags": {
10178 "isOptional": true
10179 },
10180 "type": {
10181 "type": "reference",
10182 "name": "UserSession",
10183 "id": 1544
10184 }
10185 }
10186 ],
10187 "type": {
10188 "type": "reference",
10189 "name": "Promise",
10190 "typeArguments": [
10191 {
10192 "type": "union",
10193 "types": [
10194 {
10195 "type": "intrinsic",
10196 "name": "string"
10197 },
10198 {
10199 "type": "reference",
10200 "name": "ArrayBuffer"
10201 },
10202 {
10203 "type": "intrinsic",
10204 "name": "null"
10205 }
10206 ]
10207 }
10208 ]
10209 }
10210 }
10211 ],
10212 "sources": [
10213 {
10214 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
10215 "line": 233,
10216 "character": 24
10217 }
10218 ]
10219 },
10220 {
10221 "id": 1491,
10222 "name": "getFileSignedUnencrypted",
10223 "kind": 64,
10224 "kindString": "Function",
10225 "flags": {},
10226 "signatures": [
10227 {
10228 "id": 1492,
10229 "name": "getFileSignedUnencrypted",
10230 "kind": 4096,
10231 "kindString": "Call signature",
10232 "flags": {},
10233 "parameters": [
10234 {
10235 "id": 1493,
10236 "name": "path",
10237 "kind": 32768,
10238 "kindString": "Parameter",
10239 "flags": {},
10240 "type": {
10241 "type": "intrinsic",
10242 "name": "string"
10243 }
10244 },
10245 {
10246 "id": 1494,
10247 "name": "opt",
10248 "kind": 32768,
10249 "kindString": "Parameter",
10250 "flags": {},
10251 "type": {
10252 "type": "reference",
10253 "name": "GetFileOptions",
10254 "id": 1434
10255 }
10256 },
10257 {
10258 "id": 1495,
10259 "name": "caller",
10260 "kind": 32768,
10261 "kindString": "Parameter",
10262 "flags": {
10263 "isOptional": true
10264 },
10265 "type": {
10266 "type": "reference",
10267 "name": "UserSession",
10268 "id": 1544
10269 }
10270 }
10271 ],
10272 "type": {
10273 "type": "reference",
10274 "name": "Promise",
10275 "typeArguments": [
10276 {
10277 "type": "union",
10278 "types": [
10279 {
10280 "type": "intrinsic",
10281 "name": "string"
10282 },
10283 {
10284 "type": "reference",
10285 "name": "ArrayBuffer"
10286 }
10287 ]
10288 }
10289 ]
10290 }
10291 }
10292 ],
10293 "sources": [
10294 {
10295 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
10296 "line": 269,
10297 "character": 33
10298 }
10299 ]
10300 },
10301 {
10302 "id": 1478,
10303 "name": "getFileUrl",
10304 "kind": 64,
10305 "kindString": "Function",
10306 "flags": {
10307 "isExported": true
10308 },
10309 "signatures": [
10310 {
10311 "id": 1479,
10312 "name": "getFileUrl",
10313 "kind": 4096,
10314 "kindString": "Call signature",
10315 "flags": {},
10316 "comment": {
10317 "returns": "that resolves to the URL or rejects with an error\n",
10318 "tags": [
10319 {
10320 "tag": "deprecated",
10321 "text": "\n#### v19 Use [[UserSession.getFileUrl]] instead.\n"
10322 }
10323 ]
10324 },
10325 "parameters": [
10326 {
10327 "id": 1480,
10328 "name": "path",
10329 "kind": 32768,
10330 "kindString": "Parameter",
10331 "flags": {},
10332 "comment": {
10333 "text": "the path to the file to read"
10334 },
10335 "type": {
10336 "type": "intrinsic",
10337 "name": "string"
10338 }
10339 },
10340 {
10341 "id": 1481,
10342 "name": "options",
10343 "kind": 32768,
10344 "kindString": "Parameter",
10345 "flags": {
10346 "isOptional": true
10347 },
10348 "type": {
10349 "type": "reference",
10350 "name": "GetFileUrlOptions",
10351 "id": 1430
10352 }
10353 },
10354 {
10355 "id": 1482,
10356 "name": "caller",
10357 "kind": 32768,
10358 "kindString": "Parameter",
10359 "flags": {
10360 "isOptional": true
10361 },
10362 "type": {
10363 "type": "reference",
10364 "name": "UserSession",
10365 "id": 1544
10366 }
10367 }
10368 ],
10369 "type": {
10370 "type": "reference",
10371 "name": "Promise",
10372 "typeArguments": [
10373 {
10374 "type": "intrinsic",
10375 "name": "string"
10376 }
10377 ]
10378 }
10379 }
10380 ],
10381 "sources": [
10382 {
10383 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
10384 "line": 206,
10385 "character": 32
10386 }
10387 ]
10388 },
10389 {
10390 "id": 1461,
10391 "name": "getGaiaAddress",
10392 "kind": 64,
10393 "kindString": "Function",
10394 "flags": {},
10395 "signatures": [
10396 {
10397 "id": 1462,
10398 "name": "getGaiaAddress",
10399 "kind": 4096,
10400 "kindString": "Call signature",
10401 "flags": {},
10402 "parameters": [
10403 {
10404 "id": 1463,
10405 "name": "app",
10406 "kind": 32768,
10407 "kindString": "Parameter",
10408 "flags": {},
10409 "type": {
10410 "type": "intrinsic",
10411 "name": "string"
10412 }
10413 },
10414 {
10415 "id": 1464,
10416 "name": "username",
10417 "kind": 32768,
10418 "kindString": "Parameter",
10419 "flags": {
10420 "isOptional": true
10421 },
10422 "type": {
10423 "type": "intrinsic",
10424 "name": "string"
10425 }
10426 },
10427 {
10428 "id": 1465,
10429 "name": "zoneFileLookupURL",
10430 "kind": 32768,
10431 "kindString": "Parameter",
10432 "flags": {
10433 "isOptional": true
10434 },
10435 "type": {
10436 "type": "intrinsic",
10437 "name": "string"
10438 }
10439 },
10440 {
10441 "id": 1466,
10442 "name": "caller",
10443 "kind": 32768,
10444 "kindString": "Parameter",
10445 "flags": {
10446 "isOptional": true
10447 },
10448 "type": {
10449 "type": "reference",
10450 "name": "UserSession",
10451 "id": 1544
10452 }
10453 }
10454 ],
10455 "type": {
10456 "type": "reference",
10457 "name": "Promise",
10458 "typeArguments": [
10459 {
10460 "type": "intrinsic",
10461 "name": "string"
10462 }
10463 ]
10464 }
10465 }
10466 ],
10467 "sources": [
10468 {
10469 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
10470 "line": 150,
10471 "character": 29
10472 }
10473 ]
10474 },
10475 {
10476 "id": 618,
10477 "name": "getGlobalScope",
10478 "kind": 64,
10479 "kindString": "Function",
10480 "flags": {},
10481 "signatures": [
10482 {
10483 "id": 619,
10484 "name": "getGlobalScope",
10485 "kind": 4096,
10486 "kindString": "Call signature",
10487 "flags": {},
10488 "comment": {
10489 "shortText": "Returns the global scope `Window`, `WorkerGlobalScope`, or `NodeJS.Global` if available in the\ncurrently executing environment.",
10490 "tags": [
10491 {
10492 "tag": "see",
10493 "text": "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/self"
10494 },
10495 {
10496 "tag": "see",
10497 "text": "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WorkerGlobalScope/self"
10498 },
10499 {
10500 "tag": "see",
10501 "text": "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope\n\nThis could be switched to `globalThis` once it is standardized and widely available."
10502 },
10503 {
10504 "tag": "see",
10505 "text": "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/globalThis\n"
10506 }
10507 ]
10508 },
10509 "type": {
10510 "type": "reference",
10511 "name": "Window"
10512 }
10513 }
10514 ],
10515 "sources": [
10516 {
10517 "fileName": "utils.ts",
10518 "line": 199,
10519 "character": 23
10520 }
10521 ]
10522 },
10523 {
10524 "id": 1194,
10525 "name": "getName",
10526 "kind": 64,
10527 "kindString": "Function",
10528 "flags": {
10529 "isExported": true
10530 },
10531 "signatures": [
10532 {
10533 "id": 1195,
10534 "name": "getName",
10535 "kind": 4096,
10536 "kindString": "Call signature",
10537 "flags": {},
10538 "parameters": [
10539 {
10540 "id": 1196,
10541 "name": "profile",
10542 "kind": 32768,
10543 "kindString": "Parameter",
10544 "flags": {},
10545 "type": {
10546 "type": "intrinsic",
10547 "name": "any"
10548 }
10549 }
10550 ],
10551 "type": {
10552 "type": "intrinsic",
10553 "name": "any"
10554 }
10555 }
10556 ],
10557 "sources": [
10558 {
10559 "fileName": "profiles/profileSchemas/personUtils.ts",
10560 "line": 1,
10561 "character": 23
10562 }
10563 ]
10564 },
10565 {
10566 "id": 569,
10567 "name": "getNameInfo",
10568 "kind": 64,
10569 "kindString": "Function",
10570 "flags": {
10571 "isExported": true
10572 },
10573 "signatures": [
10574 {
10575 "id": 570,
10576 "name": "getNameInfo",
10577 "kind": 4096,
10578 "kindString": "Call signature",
10579 "flags": {},
10580 "comment": {
10581 "shortText": "Get WHOIS-like information for a name, including the address that owns it,\nthe block at which it expires, and the zone file anchored to it (if available).",
10582 "returns": "a promise that resolves to the WHOIS-like information\n"
10583 },
10584 "parameters": [
10585 {
10586 "id": 571,
10587 "name": "fullyQualifiedName",
10588 "kind": 32768,
10589 "kindString": "Parameter",
10590 "flags": {},
10591 "comment": {
10592 "text": "the name to query. Can be on-chain of off-chain."
10593 },
10594 "type": {
10595 "type": "intrinsic",
10596 "name": "string"
10597 }
10598 }
10599 ],
10600 "type": {
10601 "type": "reference",
10602 "name": "Promise",
10603 "typeArguments": [
10604 {
10605 "type": "intrinsic",
10606 "name": "any"
10607 }
10608 ]
10609 }
10610 }
10611 ],
10612 "sources": [
10613 {
10614 "fileName": "network.ts",
10615 "line": 1253,
10616 "character": 27
10617 }
10618 ]
10619 },
10620 {
10621 "id": 1892,
10622 "name": "getTransaction",
10623 "kind": 64,
10624 "kindString": "Function",
10625 "flags": {},
10626 "signatures": [
10627 {
10628 "id": 1893,
10629 "name": "getTransaction",
10630 "kind": 4096,
10631 "kindString": "Call signature",
10632 "flags": {},
10633 "parameters": [
10634 {
10635 "id": 1894,
10636 "name": "txIn",
10637 "kind": 32768,
10638 "kindString": "Parameter",
10639 "flags": {},
10640 "type": {
10641 "type": "union",
10642 "types": [
10643 {
10644 "type": "reference",
10645 "name": "Transaction"
10646 },
10647 {
10648 "type": "reference",
10649 "name": "TransactionBuilder"
10650 }
10651 ]
10652 }
10653 }
10654 ],
10655 "type": {
10656 "type": "reference",
10657 "name": "Transaction"
10658 }
10659 }
10660 ],
10661 "sources": [
10662 {
10663 "fileName": "operations/utils.ts",
10664 "line": 77,
10665 "character": 23
10666 }
10667 ]
10668 },
10669 {
10670 "id": 1441,
10671 "name": "getUserAppFileUrl",
10672 "kind": 64,
10673 "kindString": "Function",
10674 "flags": {
10675 "isExported": true
10676 },
10677 "signatures": [
10678 {
10679 "id": 1442,
10680 "name": "getUserAppFileUrl",
10681 "kind": 4096,
10682 "kindString": "Call signature",
10683 "flags": {},
10684 "comment": {
10685 "shortText": "Fetch the public read URL of a user file for the specified app.",
10686 "returns": "that resolves to the public read URL of the file\nor rejects with an error\n"
10687 },
10688 "parameters": [
10689 {
10690 "id": 1443,
10691 "name": "path",
10692 "kind": 32768,
10693 "kindString": "Parameter",
10694 "flags": {},
10695 "comment": {
10696 "text": "the path to the file to read"
10697 },
10698 "type": {
10699 "type": "intrinsic",
10700 "name": "string"
10701 }
10702 },
10703 {
10704 "id": 1444,
10705 "name": "username",
10706 "kind": 32768,
10707 "kindString": "Parameter",
10708 "flags": {},
10709 "comment": {
10710 "text": "The Blockstack ID of the user to look up"
10711 },
10712 "type": {
10713 "type": "intrinsic",
10714 "name": "string"
10715 }
10716 },
10717 {
10718 "id": 1445,
10719 "name": "appOrigin",
10720 "kind": 32768,
10721 "kindString": "Parameter",
10722 "flags": {},
10723 "comment": {
10724 "text": "The app origin"
10725 },
10726 "type": {
10727 "type": "intrinsic",
10728 "name": "string"
10729 }
10730 },
10731 {
10732 "id": 1446,
10733 "name": "zoneFileLookupURL",
10734 "kind": 32768,
10735 "kindString": "Parameter",
10736 "flags": {
10737 "isOptional": true
10738 },
10739 "type": {
10740 "type": "intrinsic",
10741 "name": "string"
10742 }
10743 }
10744 ],
10745 "type": {
10746 "type": "reference",
10747 "name": "Promise",
10748 "typeArguments": [
10749 {
10750 "type": "union",
10751 "types": [
10752 {
10753 "type": "intrinsic",
10754 "name": "string"
10755 },
10756 {
10757 "type": "intrinsic",
10758 "name": "null"
10759 }
10760 ]
10761 }
10762 ]
10763 }
10764 }
10765 ],
10766 "sources": [
10767 {
10768 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
10769 "line": 62,
10770 "character": 39
10771 }
10772 ]
10773 },
10774 {
10775 "id": 1716,
10776 "name": "handlePendingSignIn",
10777 "kind": 64,
10778 "kindString": "Function",
10779 "flags": {
10780 "isExported": true
10781 },
10782 "signatures": [
10783 {
10784 "id": 1717,
10785 "name": "handlePendingSignIn",
10786 "kind": 4096,
10787 "kindString": "Call signature",
10788 "flags": {},
10789 "comment": {
10790 "returns": "that resolves to the user data object if successful and rejects\nif handling the sign in request fails or there was no pending sign in request.\n",
10791 "tags": [
10792 {
10793 "tag": "deprecated",
10794 "text": "\n#### v19 Use [[UserSession.handlePendingSignIn]] instead.\n\nTry to process any pending sign in request by returning a `Promise` that resolves\nto the user data object if the sign in succeeds.\n"
10795 }
10796 ]
10797 },
10798 "parameters": [
10799 {
10800 "id": 1718,
10801 "name": "nameLookupURL",
10802 "kind": 32768,
10803 "kindString": "Parameter",
10804 "flags": {},
10805 "comment": {
10806 "text": "the endpoint against which to verify public\nkeys match claimed username"
10807 },
10808 "type": {
10809 "type": "intrinsic",
10810 "name": "string"
10811 },
10812 "defaultValue": "\"\""
10813 },
10814 {
10815 "id": 1719,
10816 "name": "authResponseToken",
10817 "kind": 32768,
10818 "kindString": "Parameter",
10819 "flags": {},
10820 "comment": {
10821 "text": "the signed authentication response token"
10822 },
10823 "type": {
10824 "type": "intrinsic",
10825 "name": "string"
10826 },
10827 "defaultValue": " getAuthResponseToken()"
10828 },
10829 {
10830 "id": 1720,
10831 "name": "transitKey",
10832 "kind": 32768,
10833 "kindString": "Parameter",
10834 "flags": {
10835 "isOptional": true
10836 },
10837 "comment": {
10838 "text": "the transit private key that corresponds to the transit public key\nthat was provided in the authentication request"
10839 },
10840 "type": {
10841 "type": "intrinsic",
10842 "name": "string"
10843 }
10844 },
10845 {
10846 "id": 1721,
10847 "name": "caller",
10848 "kind": 32768,
10849 "kindString": "Parameter",
10850 "flags": {
10851 "isOptional": true
10852 },
10853 "type": {
10854 "type": "reference",
10855 "name": "UserSession",
10856 "id": 1544
10857 }
10858 }
10859 ],
10860 "type": {
10861 "type": "reference",
10862 "name": "Promise",
10863 "typeArguments": [
10864 {
10865 "type": "reference",
10866 "name": "UserData",
10867 "id": 1680
10868 }
10869 ]
10870 }
10871 }
10872 ],
10873 "sources": [
10874 {
10875 "fileName": "auth/authApp.ts",
10876 "line": 260,
10877 "character": 41
10878 }
10879 ]
10880 },
10881 {
10882 "id": 1496,
10883 "name": "handleSignedEncryptedContents",
10884 "kind": 64,
10885 "kindString": "Function",
10886 "flags": {},
10887 "signatures": [
10888 {
10889 "id": 1497,
10890 "name": "handleSignedEncryptedContents",
10891 "kind": 4096,
10892 "kindString": "Call signature",
10893 "flags": {},
10894 "parameters": [
10895 {
10896 "id": 1498,
10897 "name": "caller",
10898 "kind": 32768,
10899 "kindString": "Parameter",
10900 "flags": {},
10901 "type": {
10902 "type": "reference",
10903 "name": "UserSession",
10904 "id": 1544
10905 }
10906 },
10907 {
10908 "id": 1499,
10909 "name": "path",
10910 "kind": 32768,
10911 "kindString": "Parameter",
10912 "flags": {},
10913 "type": {
10914 "type": "intrinsic",
10915 "name": "string"
10916 }
10917 },
10918 {
10919 "id": 1500,
10920 "name": "storedContents",
10921 "kind": 32768,
10922 "kindString": "Parameter",
10923 "flags": {},
10924 "type": {
10925 "type": "intrinsic",
10926 "name": "string"
10927 }
10928 },
10929 {
10930 "id": 1501,
10931 "name": "app",
10932 "kind": 32768,
10933 "kindString": "Parameter",
10934 "flags": {},
10935 "type": {
10936 "type": "intrinsic",
10937 "name": "string"
10938 }
10939 },
10940 {
10941 "id": 1502,
10942 "name": "username",
10943 "kind": 32768,
10944 "kindString": "Parameter",
10945 "flags": {
10946 "isOptional": true
10947 },
10948 "type": {
10949 "type": "intrinsic",
10950 "name": "string"
10951 }
10952 },
10953 {
10954 "id": 1503,
10955 "name": "zoneFileLookupURL",
10956 "kind": 32768,
10957 "kindString": "Parameter",
10958 "flags": {
10959 "isOptional": true
10960 },
10961 "type": {
10962 "type": "intrinsic",
10963 "name": "string"
10964 }
10965 }
10966 ],
10967 "type": {
10968 "type": "reference",
10969 "name": "Promise",
10970 "typeArguments": [
10971 {
10972 "type": "union",
10973 "types": [
10974 {
10975 "type": "intrinsic",
10976 "name": "string"
10977 },
10978 {
10979 "type": "reference",
10980 "name": "Buffer"
10981 }
10982 ]
10983 }
10984 ]
10985 }
10986 }
10987 ],
10988 "sources": [
10989 {
10990 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
10991 "line": 330,
10992 "character": 38
10993 }
10994 ]
10995 },
10996 {
10997 "id": 1879,
10998 "name": "inputBytes",
10999 "kind": 64,
11000 "kindString": "Function",
11001 "flags": {},
11002 "signatures": [
11003 {
11004 "id": 1880,
11005 "name": "inputBytes",
11006 "kind": 4096,
11007 "kindString": "Call signature",
11008 "flags": {},
11009 "parameters": [
11010 {
11011 "id": 1881,
11012 "name": "input",
11013 "kind": 32768,
11014 "kindString": "Parameter",
11015 "flags": {},
11016 "type": {
11017 "type": "union",
11018 "types": [
11019 {
11020 "type": "reference",
11021 "name": "txPoint",
11022 "id": 1874
11023 },
11024 {
11025 "type": "intrinsic",
11026 "name": "null"
11027 }
11028 ]
11029 }
11030 }
11031 ],
11032 "type": {
11033 "type": "intrinsic",
11034 "name": "number"
11035 }
11036 }
11037 ],
11038 "sources": [
11039 {
11040 "fileName": "operations/utils.ts",
11041 "line": 47,
11042 "character": 19
11043 }
11044 ]
11045 },
11046 {
11047 "id": 1702,
11048 "name": "isSignInPending",
11049 "kind": 64,
11050 "kindString": "Function",
11051 "flags": {
11052 "isExported": true
11053 },
11054 "signatures": [
11055 {
11056 "id": 1703,
11057 "name": "isSignInPending",
11058 "kind": 4096,
11059 "kindString": "Call signature",
11060 "flags": {},
11061 "comment": {
11062 "returns": "`true` if there is a pending sign in, otherwise `false`\n",
11063 "tags": [
11064 {
11065 "tag": "deprecated",
11066 "text": "\n#### v19 Use [[UserSession.isSignInPending]] instead.\n\nCheck if there is a authentication request that hasn't been handled.\n\nAlso checks for a protocol echo reply (which if detected then the page\nwill be automatically redirected after this call).\n"
11067 }
11068 ]
11069 },
11070 "type": {
11071 "type": "intrinsic",
11072 "name": "boolean"
11073 }
11074 }
11075 ],
11076 "sources": [
11077 {
11078 "fileName": "auth/authApp.ts",
11079 "line": 133,
11080 "character": 31
11081 }
11082 ]
11083 },
11084 {
11085 "id": 1695,
11086 "name": "isUserSignedIn",
11087 "kind": 64,
11088 "kindString": "Function",
11089 "flags": {
11090 "isExported": true
11091 },
11092 "signatures": [
11093 {
11094 "id": 1696,
11095 "name": "isUserSignedIn",
11096 "kind": 4096,
11097 "kindString": "Call signature",
11098 "flags": {},
11099 "comment": {
11100 "returns": "`true` if the user is signed in, `false` if not.\n",
11101 "tags": [
11102 {
11103 "tag": "deprecated",
11104 "text": "\n#### v19 Use [[UserSession.isUserSignedIn]] instead.\n\nCheck if a user is currently signed in."
11105 }
11106 ]
11107 },
11108 "type": {
11109 "type": "intrinsic",
11110 "name": "boolean"
11111 }
11112 }
11113 ],
11114 "sources": [
11115 {
11116 "fileName": "auth/authApp.ts",
11117 "line": 77,
11118 "character": 30
11119 }
11120 ]
11121 },
11122 {
11123 "id": 1671,
11124 "name": "launchCustomProtocol",
11125 "kind": 64,
11126 "kindString": "Function",
11127 "flags": {
11128 "isExported": true
11129 },
11130 "signatures": [
11131 {
11132 "id": 1672,
11133 "name": "launchCustomProtocol",
11134 "kind": 4096,
11135 "kindString": "Call signature",
11136 "flags": {},
11137 "comment": {
11138 "shortText": "Detects if the native auth-browser is installed and is successfully\nlaunched via a custom protocol URI.",
11139 "returns": "\n"
11140 },
11141 "parameters": [
11142 {
11143 "id": 1673,
11144 "name": "authRequest",
11145 "kind": 32768,
11146 "kindString": "Parameter",
11147 "flags": {},
11148 "comment": {
11149 "text": "\nThe encoded authRequest to be used as a query param in the custom URI."
11150 },
11151 "type": {
11152 "type": "intrinsic",
11153 "name": "string"
11154 }
11155 },
11156 {
11157 "id": 1674,
11158 "name": "successCallback",
11159 "kind": 32768,
11160 "kindString": "Parameter",
11161 "flags": {},
11162 "comment": {
11163 "text": "\nThe callback that is invoked when the protocol handler was detected."
11164 },
11165 "type": {
11166 "type": "reflection",
11167 "declaration": {
11168 "id": 1675,
11169 "name": "__type",
11170 "kind": 65536,
11171 "kindString": "Type literal",
11172 "flags": {},
11173 "signatures": [
11174 {
11175 "id": 1676,
11176 "name": "__call",
11177 "kind": 4096,
11178 "kindString": "Call signature",
11179 "flags": {},
11180 "type": {
11181 "type": "intrinsic",
11182 "name": "void"
11183 }
11184 }
11185 ],
11186 "sources": [
11187 {
11188 "fileName": "auth/protocolLaunch.ts",
11189 "line": 17,
11190 "character": 18
11191 }
11192 ]
11193 }
11194 }
11195 },
11196 {
11197 "id": 1677,
11198 "name": "failCallback",
11199 "kind": 32768,
11200 "kindString": "Parameter",
11201 "flags": {},
11202 "comment": {
11203 "text": "\nThe callback that is invoked when the protocol handler was not detected."
11204 },
11205 "type": {
11206 "type": "reflection",
11207 "declaration": {
11208 "id": 1678,
11209 "name": "__type",
11210 "kind": 65536,
11211 "kindString": "Type literal",
11212 "flags": {},
11213 "signatures": [
11214 {
11215 "id": 1679,
11216 "name": "__call",
11217 "kind": 4096,
11218 "kindString": "Call signature",
11219 "flags": {},
11220 "type": {
11221 "type": "intrinsic",
11222 "name": "void"
11223 }
11224 }
11225 ],
11226 "sources": [
11227 {
11228 "fileName": "auth/protocolLaunch.ts",
11229 "line": 18,
11230 "character": 15
11231 }
11232 ]
11233 }
11234 }
11235 }
11236 ],
11237 "type": {
11238 "type": "intrinsic",
11239 "name": "void"
11240 }
11241 }
11242 ],
11243 "sources": [
11244 {
11245 "fileName": "auth/protocolLaunch.ts",
11246 "line": 15,
11247 "character": 36
11248 }
11249 ]
11250 },
11251 {
11252 "id": 1537,
11253 "name": "listFiles",
11254 "kind": 64,
11255 "kindString": "Function",
11256 "flags": {
11257 "isExported": true
11258 },
11259 "signatures": [
11260 {
11261 "id": 1538,
11262 "name": "listFiles",
11263 "kind": 4096,
11264 "kindString": "Call signature",
11265 "flags": {},
11266 "comment": {
11267 "shortText": "List the set of files in this application's Gaia storage bucket.",
11268 "returns": "that resolves to the number of files listed\n"
11269 },
11270 "parameters": [
11271 {
11272 "id": 1539,
11273 "name": "callback",
11274 "kind": 32768,
11275 "kindString": "Parameter",
11276 "flags": {},
11277 "comment": {
11278 "text": "a callback to invoke on each named file that\nreturns `true` to continue the listing operation or `false` to end it"
11279 },
11280 "type": {
11281 "type": "reflection",
11282 "declaration": {
11283 "id": 1540,
11284 "name": "__type",
11285 "kind": 65536,
11286 "kindString": "Type literal",
11287 "flags": {},
11288 "signatures": [
11289 {
11290 "id": 1541,
11291 "name": "__call",
11292 "kind": 4096,
11293 "kindString": "Call signature",
11294 "flags": {},
11295 "parameters": [
11296 {
11297 "id": 1542,
11298 "name": "name",
11299 "kind": 32768,
11300 "kindString": "Parameter",
11301 "flags": {},
11302 "type": {
11303 "type": "intrinsic",
11304 "name": "string"
11305 }
11306 }
11307 ],
11308 "type": {
11309 "type": "intrinsic",
11310 "name": "boolean"
11311 }
11312 }
11313 ],
11314 "sources": [
11315 {
11316 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
11317 "line": 714,
11318 "character": 11
11319 }
11320 ]
11321 }
11322 }
11323 },
11324 {
11325 "id": 1543,
11326 "name": "caller",
11327 "kind": 32768,
11328 "kindString": "Parameter",
11329 "flags": {
11330 "isOptional": true
11331 },
11332 "type": {
11333 "type": "reference",
11334 "name": "UserSession",
11335 "id": 1544
11336 }
11337 }
11338 ],
11339 "type": {
11340 "type": "reference",
11341 "name": "Promise",
11342 "typeArguments": [
11343 {
11344 "type": "intrinsic",
11345 "name": "number"
11346 }
11347 ]
11348 }
11349 }
11350 ],
11351 "sources": [
11352 {
11353 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
11354 "line": 713,
11355 "character": 25
11356 }
11357 ]
11358 },
11359 {
11360 "id": 1706,
11361 "name": "loadUserData",
11362 "kind": 64,
11363 "kindString": "Function",
11364 "flags": {
11365 "isExported": true
11366 },
11367 "signatures": [
11368 {
11369 "id": 1707,
11370 "name": "loadUserData",
11371 "kind": 4096,
11372 "kindString": "Call signature",
11373 "flags": {},
11374 "comment": {
11375 "returns": "User data object.\n",
11376 "tags": [
11377 {
11378 "tag": "deprecated",
11379 "text": "\n#### v19 Use [[UserSession.loadUserData]] instead.\n\nRetrieves the user data object. The user's profile is stored in the key `profile`."
11380 }
11381 ]
11382 },
11383 "type": {
11384 "type": "reference",
11385 "name": "UserData",
11386 "id": 1680
11387 }
11388 }
11389 ],
11390 "sources": [
11391 {
11392 "fileName": "auth/authApp.ts",
11393 "line": 170,
11394 "character": 28
11395 }
11396 ]
11397 },
11398 {
11399 "id": 1422,
11400 "name": "lookupProfile",
11401 "kind": 64,
11402 "kindString": "Function",
11403 "flags": {
11404 "isExported": true
11405 },
11406 "signatures": [
11407 {
11408 "id": 1423,
11409 "name": "lookupProfile",
11410 "kind": 4096,
11411 "kindString": "Call signature",
11412 "flags": {},
11413 "comment": {
11414 "shortText": "Look up a user profile by blockstack ID",
11415 "returns": "that resolves to a profile object\n"
11416 },
11417 "parameters": [
11418 {
11419 "id": 1424,
11420 "name": "username",
11421 "kind": 32768,
11422 "kindString": "Parameter",
11423 "flags": {},
11424 "comment": {
11425 "text": "The Blockstack ID of the profile to look up"
11426 },
11427 "type": {
11428 "type": "intrinsic",
11429 "name": "string"
11430 }
11431 },
11432 {
11433 "id": 1425,
11434 "name": "zoneFileLookupURL",
11435 "kind": 32768,
11436 "kindString": "Parameter",
11437 "flags": {
11438 "isOptional": true
11439 },
11440 "type": {
11441 "type": "intrinsic",
11442 "name": "string"
11443 }
11444 }
11445 ],
11446 "type": {
11447 "type": "reference",
11448 "name": "Promise",
11449 "typeArguments": [
11450 {
11451 "type": "intrinsic",
11452 "name": "any"
11453 }
11454 ]
11455 }
11456 }
11457 ],
11458 "sources": [
11459 {
11460 "fileName": "profiles/profileLookup.ts",
11461 "line": 15,
11462 "character": 29
11463 }
11464 ]
11465 },
11466 {
11467 "id": 2206,
11468 "name": "makeAnnounce",
11469 "kind": 64,
11470 "kindString": "Function",
11471 "flags": {
11472 "isPrivate": true
11473 },
11474 "signatures": [
11475 {
11476 "id": 2207,
11477 "name": "makeAnnounce",
11478 "kind": 4096,
11479 "kindString": "Call signature",
11480 "flags": {
11481 "isPrivate": true
11482 },
11483 "comment": {
11484 "shortText": "Generates an announce transaction",
11485 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the hex-encoded transaction.\nthis function does not perform the requisite safety checks -- please see the\nsafety module for those."
11486 },
11487 "parameters": [
11488 {
11489 "id": 2208,
11490 "name": "messageHash",
11491 "kind": 32768,
11492 "kindString": "Parameter",
11493 "flags": {},
11494 "comment": {
11495 "text": "the hash of the message to send. Should be\n an already-announced zone file hash"
11496 },
11497 "type": {
11498 "type": "intrinsic",
11499 "name": "string"
11500 }
11501 },
11502 {
11503 "id": 2209,
11504 "name": "senderKeyIn",
11505 "kind": 32768,
11506 "kindString": "Parameter",
11507 "flags": {},
11508 "comment": {
11509 "text": "the private key\n that pays for the transaction. Should be the key that owns the\n name that the message recipients subscribe to"
11510 },
11511 "type": {
11512 "type": "union",
11513 "types": [
11514 {
11515 "type": "intrinsic",
11516 "name": "string"
11517 },
11518 {
11519 "type": "reference",
11520 "name": "TransactionSigner"
11521 }
11522 ]
11523 }
11524 },
11525 {
11526 "id": 2210,
11527 "name": "buildIncomplete",
11528 "kind": 32768,
11529 "kindString": "Parameter",
11530 "flags": {},
11531 "comment": {
11532 "text": "optional boolean, defaults to false,\nindicating whether the function should attempt to return an unsigned (or not fully signed)\ntransaction. Useful for passing around a TX for multi-sig input signing."
11533 },
11534 "type": {
11535 "type": "intrinsic",
11536 "name": "boolean"
11537 },
11538 "defaultValue": "false"
11539 }
11540 ],
11541 "type": {
11542 "type": "reference",
11543 "name": "Promise",
11544 "typeArguments": [
11545 {
11546 "type": "intrinsic",
11547 "name": "string"
11548 }
11549 ]
11550 }
11551 }
11552 ],
11553 "sources": [
11554 {
11555 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
11556 "line": 1029,
11557 "character": 21
11558 }
11559 ]
11560 },
11561 {
11562 "id": 1636,
11563 "name": "makeAuthRequest",
11564 "kind": 64,
11565 "kindString": "Function",
11566 "flags": {
11567 "isExported": true
11568 },
11569 "signatures": [
11570 {
11571 "id": 1637,
11572 "name": "makeAuthRequest",
11573 "kind": 4096,
11574 "kindString": "Call signature",
11575 "flags": {},
11576 "comment": {
11577 "shortText": "Generates an authentication request that can be sent to the Blockstack\nbrowser for the user to approve sign in. This authentication request can\nthen be used for sign in by passing it to the `redirectToSignInWithAuthRequest`\nmethod.",
11578 "text": "*Note: This method should only be used if you want to roll your own authentication\nflow. Typically you'd use `redirectToSignIn` which takes care of this\nunder the hood.*\n",
11579 "returns": "the authentication request\n"
11580 },
11581 "parameters": [
11582 {
11583 "id": 1638,
11584 "name": "transitPrivateKey",
11585 "kind": 32768,
11586 "kindString": "Parameter",
11587 "flags": {
11588 "isOptional": true
11589 },
11590 "comment": {
11591 "text": "hex encoded transit private key"
11592 },
11593 "type": {
11594 "type": "intrinsic",
11595 "name": "string"
11596 }
11597 },
11598 {
11599 "id": 1639,
11600 "name": "redirectURI",
11601 "kind": 32768,
11602 "kindString": "Parameter",
11603 "flags": {
11604 "isOptional": true
11605 },
11606 "comment": {
11607 "text": "location to redirect user to after sign in approval"
11608 },
11609 "type": {
11610 "type": "intrinsic",
11611 "name": "string"
11612 }
11613 },
11614 {
11615 "id": 1640,
11616 "name": "manifestURI",
11617 "kind": 32768,
11618 "kindString": "Parameter",
11619 "flags": {
11620 "isOptional": true
11621 },
11622 "comment": {
11623 "text": "location of this app's manifest file"
11624 },
11625 "type": {
11626 "type": "intrinsic",
11627 "name": "string"
11628 }
11629 },
11630 {
11631 "id": 1641,
11632 "name": "scopes",
11633 "kind": 32768,
11634 "kindString": "Parameter",
11635 "flags": {},
11636 "comment": {
11637 "text": "the permissions this app is requesting"
11638 },
11639 "type": {
11640 "type": "reference",
11641 "name": "Array",
11642 "typeArguments": [
11643 {
11644 "type": "union",
11645 "types": [
11646 {
11647 "type": "reference",
11648 "name": "AuthScope",
11649 "id": 1
11650 },
11651 {
11652 "type": "intrinsic",
11653 "name": "string"
11654 }
11655 ]
11656 }
11657 ]
11658 },
11659 "defaultValue": " DEFAULT_SCOPE.slice()"
11660 },
11661 {
11662 "id": 1642,
11663 "name": "appDomain",
11664 "kind": 32768,
11665 "kindString": "Parameter",
11666 "flags": {
11667 "isOptional": true
11668 },
11669 "comment": {
11670 "text": "the origin of this app"
11671 },
11672 "type": {
11673 "type": "intrinsic",
11674 "name": "string"
11675 }
11676 },
11677 {
11678 "id": 1643,
11679 "name": "expiresAt",
11680 "kind": 32768,
11681 "kindString": "Parameter",
11682 "flags": {},
11683 "comment": {
11684 "text": "the time at which this request is no longer valid"
11685 },
11686 "type": {
11687 "type": "intrinsic",
11688 "name": "number"
11689 },
11690 "defaultValue": " nextMonth().getTime()"
11691 },
11692 {
11693 "id": 1644,
11694 "name": "extraParams",
11695 "kind": 32768,
11696 "kindString": "Parameter",
11697 "flags": {},
11698 "comment": {
11699 "text": "Any extra parameters you'd like to pass to the authenticator.\nUse this to pass options that aren't part of the Blockstack auth spec, but might be supported\nby special authenticators."
11700 },
11701 "type": {
11702 "type": "intrinsic",
11703 "name": "any"
11704 },
11705 "defaultValue": " {}"
11706 }
11707 ],
11708 "type": {
11709 "type": "intrinsic",
11710 "name": "string"
11711 }
11712 }
11713 ],
11714 "sources": [
11715 {
11716 "fileName": "auth/authMessages.ts",
11717 "line": 57,
11718 "character": 31
11719 }
11720 ]
11721 },
11722 {
11723 "id": 2220,
11724 "name": "makeBitcoinSpend",
11725 "kind": 64,
11726 "kindString": "Function",
11727 "flags": {
11728 "isPrivate": true
11729 },
11730 "signatures": [
11731 {
11732 "id": 2221,
11733 "name": "makeBitcoinSpend",
11734 "kind": 4096,
11735 "kindString": "Call signature",
11736 "flags": {
11737 "isPrivate": true
11738 },
11739 "comment": {
11740 "shortText": "Generates a bitcoin spend to a specified address. This will fund up to `amount`\n of satoshis from the payer's UTXOs. It will generate a change output if and only\n if the amount of leftover change is *greater* than the additional fees associated\n with the extra output. If the requested amount is not enough to fund the transaction's\n associated fees, then this will reject with a InvalidAmountError",
11741 "text": "UTXOs are selected largest to smallest, and UTXOs which cannot fund the fees associated\n with their own input will not be included.\n\nIf you specify an amount > the total balance of the payer address, then this will\n generate a maximum spend transaction\n",
11742 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the hex-encoded transaction."
11743 },
11744 "parameters": [
11745 {
11746 "id": 2222,
11747 "name": "destinationAddress",
11748 "kind": 32768,
11749 "kindString": "Parameter",
11750 "flags": {},
11751 "comment": {
11752 "text": "the address to receive the bitcoin payment"
11753 },
11754 "type": {
11755 "type": "intrinsic",
11756 "name": "string"
11757 }
11758 },
11759 {
11760 "id": 2223,
11761 "name": "paymentKeyIn",
11762 "kind": 32768,
11763 "kindString": "Parameter",
11764 "flags": {},
11765 "comment": {
11766 "text": "the private key\n used to fund the bitcoin spend"
11767 },
11768 "type": {
11769 "type": "union",
11770 "types": [
11771 {
11772 "type": "intrinsic",
11773 "name": "string"
11774 },
11775 {
11776 "type": "reference",
11777 "name": "TransactionSigner"
11778 }
11779 ]
11780 }
11781 },
11782 {
11783 "id": 2224,
11784 "name": "amount",
11785 "kind": 32768,
11786 "kindString": "Parameter",
11787 "flags": {},
11788 "comment": {
11789 "text": "the amount in satoshis for the payment address to\n spend in this transaction"
11790 },
11791 "type": {
11792 "type": "intrinsic",
11793 "name": "number"
11794 }
11795 },
11796 {
11797 "id": 2225,
11798 "name": "buildIncomplete",
11799 "kind": 32768,
11800 "kindString": "Parameter",
11801 "flags": {},
11802 "comment": {
11803 "text": "optional boolean, defaults to false,\nindicating whether the function should attempt to return an unsigned (or not fully signed)\ntransaction. Useful for passing around a TX for multi-sig input signing."
11804 },
11805 "type": {
11806 "type": "intrinsic",
11807 "name": "boolean"
11808 },
11809 "defaultValue": "false"
11810 }
11811 ],
11812 "type": {
11813 "type": "reference",
11814 "name": "Promise",
11815 "typeArguments": [
11816 {
11817 "type": "intrinsic",
11818 "name": "string"
11819 }
11820 ]
11821 }
11822 }
11823 ],
11824 "sources": [
11825 {
11826 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
11827 "line": 1136,
11828 "character": 25
11829 }
11830 ]
11831 },
11832 {
11833 "id": 2199,
11834 "name": "makeNameImport",
11835 "kind": 64,
11836 "kindString": "Function",
11837 "flags": {
11838 "isPrivate": true
11839 },
11840 "signatures": [
11841 {
11842 "id": 2200,
11843 "name": "makeNameImport",
11844 "kind": 4096,
11845 "kindString": "Call signature",
11846 "flags": {
11847 "isPrivate": true
11848 },
11849 "comment": {
11850 "shortText": "Generates a name import transaction for a namespace",
11851 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the hex-encoded transaction.\nthis function does not perform the requisite safety checks -- please see\nthe safety module for those."
11852 },
11853 "parameters": [
11854 {
11855 "id": 2201,
11856 "name": "name",
11857 "kind": 32768,
11858 "kindString": "Parameter",
11859 "flags": {},
11860 "comment": {
11861 "text": "the name to import"
11862 },
11863 "type": {
11864 "type": "intrinsic",
11865 "name": "string"
11866 }
11867 },
11868 {
11869 "id": 2202,
11870 "name": "recipientAddr",
11871 "kind": 32768,
11872 "kindString": "Parameter",
11873 "flags": {},
11874 "comment": {
11875 "text": "the address to receive the name"
11876 },
11877 "type": {
11878 "type": "intrinsic",
11879 "name": "string"
11880 }
11881 },
11882 {
11883 "id": 2203,
11884 "name": "zonefileHash",
11885 "kind": 32768,
11886 "kindString": "Parameter",
11887 "flags": {},
11888 "comment": {
11889 "text": "the hash of the zonefile to give this name"
11890 },
11891 "type": {
11892 "type": "intrinsic",
11893 "name": "string"
11894 }
11895 },
11896 {
11897 "id": 2204,
11898 "name": "importerKeyIn",
11899 "kind": 32768,
11900 "kindString": "Parameter",
11901 "flags": {},
11902 "comment": {
11903 "text": "the private key\nthat pays for the import"
11904 },
11905 "type": {
11906 "type": "union",
11907 "types": [
11908 {
11909 "type": "intrinsic",
11910 "name": "string"
11911 },
11912 {
11913 "type": "reference",
11914 "name": "TransactionSigner"
11915 }
11916 ]
11917 }
11918 },
11919 {
11920 "id": 2205,
11921 "name": "buildIncomplete",
11922 "kind": 32768,
11923 "kindString": "Parameter",
11924 "flags": {},
11925 "comment": {
11926 "text": "optional boolean, defaults to false,\nindicating whether the function should attempt to return an unsigned (or not fully signed)\ntransaction. Useful for passing around a TX for multi-sig input signing."
11927 },
11928 "type": {
11929 "type": "intrinsic",
11930 "name": "boolean"
11931 },
11932 "defaultValue": "false"
11933 }
11934 ],
11935 "type": {
11936 "type": "reference",
11937 "name": "Promise",
11938 "typeArguments": [
11939 {
11940 "type": "intrinsic",
11941 "name": "string"
11942 }
11943 ]
11944 }
11945 }
11946 ],
11947 "sources": [
11948 {
11949 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
11950 "line": 991,
11951 "character": 23
11952 }
11953 ]
11954 },
11955 {
11956 "id": 2194,
11957 "name": "makeNamespaceReady",
11958 "kind": 64,
11959 "kindString": "Function",
11960 "flags": {
11961 "isPrivate": true
11962 },
11963 "signatures": [
11964 {
11965 "id": 2195,
11966 "name": "makeNamespaceReady",
11967 "kind": 4096,
11968 "kindString": "Call signature",
11969 "flags": {
11970 "isPrivate": true
11971 },
11972 "comment": {
11973 "shortText": "Generates a namespace ready transaction for a namespace",
11974 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the hex-encoded transaction.\n this function *does not* perform the requisite safety checks -- please see\n the safety module for those."
11975 },
11976 "parameters": [
11977 {
11978 "id": 2196,
11979 "name": "namespaceID",
11980 "kind": 32768,
11981 "kindString": "Parameter",
11982 "flags": {},
11983 "comment": {
11984 "text": "the namespace to launch"
11985 },
11986 "type": {
11987 "type": "intrinsic",
11988 "name": "string"
11989 }
11990 },
11991 {
11992 "id": 2197,
11993 "name": "revealKeyIn",
11994 "kind": 32768,
11995 "kindString": "Parameter",
11996 "flags": {},
11997 "comment": {
11998 "text": "the private key\n of the 'revealAddress' used to reveal the namespace"
11999 },
12000 "type": {
12001 "type": "union",
12002 "types": [
12003 {
12004 "type": "intrinsic",
12005 "name": "string"
12006 },
12007 {
12008 "type": "reference",
12009 "name": "TransactionSigner"
12010 }
12011 ]
12012 }
12013 },
12014 {
12015 "id": 2198,
12016 "name": "buildIncomplete",
12017 "kind": 32768,
12018 "kindString": "Parameter",
12019 "flags": {},
12020 "comment": {
12021 "text": "optional boolean, defaults to false,\n indicating whether the function should attempt to return an unsigned (or not fully signed)\n transaction. Useful for passing around a TX for multi-sig input signing."
12022 },
12023 "type": {
12024 "type": "intrinsic",
12025 "name": "boolean"
12026 },
12027 "defaultValue": "false"
12028 }
12029 ],
12030 "type": {
12031 "type": "reference",
12032 "name": "Promise",
12033 "typeArguments": [
12034 {
12035 "type": "intrinsic",
12036 "name": "string"
12037 }
12038 ]
12039 }
12040 }
12041 ],
12042 "sources": [
12043 {
12044 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
12045 "line": 954,
12046 "character": 27
12047 }
12048 ]
12049 },
12050 {
12051 "id": 2188,
12052 "name": "makeNamespaceReveal",
12053 "kind": 64,
12054 "kindString": "Function",
12055 "flags": {
12056 "isPrivate": true
12057 },
12058 "signatures": [
12059 {
12060 "id": 2189,
12061 "name": "makeNamespaceReveal",
12062 "kind": 4096,
12063 "kindString": "Call signature",
12064 "flags": {
12065 "isPrivate": true
12066 },
12067 "comment": {
12068 "shortText": "Generates a namespace reveal transaction for a namespace",
12069 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the hex-encoded transaction.\n this function *does not* perform the requisite safety checks -- please see\n the safety module for those."
12070 },
12071 "parameters": [
12072 {
12073 "id": 2190,
12074 "name": "namespace",
12075 "kind": 32768,
12076 "kindString": "Parameter",
12077 "flags": {},
12078 "comment": {
12079 "text": "the namespace to reveal"
12080 },
12081 "type": {
12082 "type": "reference",
12083 "name": "BlockstackNamespace"
12084 }
12085 },
12086 {
12087 "id": 2191,
12088 "name": "revealAddress",
12089 "kind": 32768,
12090 "kindString": "Parameter",
12091 "flags": {},
12092 "comment": {
12093 "text": "the address to receive the namespace (this\n must be passed as the 'revealAddress' in the namespace-reveal transaction)"
12094 },
12095 "type": {
12096 "type": "intrinsic",
12097 "name": "string"
12098 }
12099 },
12100 {
12101 "id": 2192,
12102 "name": "paymentKeyIn",
12103 "kind": 32768,
12104 "kindString": "Parameter",
12105 "flags": {},
12106 "comment": {
12107 "text": "a hex string (or\n a TransactionSigner object) of the private key used to fund the\n transaction"
12108 },
12109 "type": {
12110 "type": "union",
12111 "types": [
12112 {
12113 "type": "intrinsic",
12114 "name": "string"
12115 },
12116 {
12117 "type": "reference",
12118 "name": "TransactionSigner"
12119 }
12120 ]
12121 }
12122 },
12123 {
12124 "id": 2193,
12125 "name": "buildIncomplete",
12126 "kind": 32768,
12127 "kindString": "Parameter",
12128 "flags": {},
12129 "comment": {
12130 "text": "optional boolean, defaults to false,\n indicating whether the function should attempt to return an unsigned (or not fully signed)\n transaction. Useful for passing around a TX for multi-sig input signing."
12131 },
12132 "type": {
12133 "type": "intrinsic",
12134 "name": "boolean"
12135 },
12136 "defaultValue": "false"
12137 }
12138 ],
12139 "type": {
12140 "type": "reference",
12141 "name": "Promise",
12142 "typeArguments": [
12143 {
12144 "type": "intrinsic",
12145 "name": "string"
12146 }
12147 ]
12148 }
12149 }
12150 ],
12151 "sources": [
12152 {
12153 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
12154 "line": 911,
12155 "character": 28
12156 }
12157 ]
12158 },
12159 {
12160 "id": 2137,
12161 "name": "makePreorder",
12162 "kind": 64,
12163 "kindString": "Function",
12164 "flags": {
12165 "isPrivate": true
12166 },
12167 "signatures": [
12168 {
12169 "id": 2138,
12170 "name": "makePreorder",
12171 "kind": 4096,
12172 "kindString": "Call signature",
12173 "flags": {
12174 "isPrivate": true
12175 },
12176 "comment": {
12177 "shortText": "Generates a preorder transaction for a domain name.",
12178 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the hex-encoded transaction.\n this function *does not* perform the requisite safety checks -- please see\n the safety module for those."
12179 },
12180 "parameters": [
12181 {
12182 "id": 2139,
12183 "name": "fullyQualifiedName",
12184 "kind": 32768,
12185 "kindString": "Parameter",
12186 "flags": {},
12187 "comment": {
12188 "text": "the name to pre-order"
12189 },
12190 "type": {
12191 "type": "intrinsic",
12192 "name": "string"
12193 }
12194 },
12195 {
12196 "id": 2140,
12197 "name": "destinationAddress",
12198 "kind": 32768,
12199 "kindString": "Parameter",
12200 "flags": {},
12201 "comment": {
12202 "text": "the address to receive the name (this\n must be passed as the 'registrationAddress' in the register transaction)"
12203 },
12204 "type": {
12205 "type": "intrinsic",
12206 "name": "string"
12207 }
12208 },
12209 {
12210 "id": 2141,
12211 "name": "paymentKeyIn",
12212 "kind": 32768,
12213 "kindString": "Parameter",
12214 "flags": {},
12215 "comment": {
12216 "text": "a hex string of\n the private key used to fund the transaction or a transaction signer object"
12217 },
12218 "type": {
12219 "type": "union",
12220 "types": [
12221 {
12222 "type": "intrinsic",
12223 "name": "string"
12224 },
12225 {
12226 "type": "reference",
12227 "name": "TransactionSigner"
12228 }
12229 ]
12230 }
12231 },
12232 {
12233 "id": 2142,
12234 "name": "buildIncomplete",
12235 "kind": 32768,
12236 "kindString": "Parameter",
12237 "flags": {},
12238 "comment": {
12239 "text": "optional boolean, defaults to false,\nindicating whether the function should attempt to return an unsigned (or not fully signed)\ntransaction. Useful for passing around a TX for multi-sig input signing."
12240 },
12241 "type": {
12242 "type": "intrinsic",
12243 "name": "boolean"
12244 },
12245 "defaultValue": "false"
12246 }
12247 ],
12248 "type": {
12249 "type": "reference",
12250 "name": "Promise",
12251 "typeArguments": [
12252 {
12253 "type": "intrinsic",
12254 "name": "string"
12255 }
12256 ]
12257 }
12258 }
12259 ],
12260 "sources": [
12261 {
12262 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
12263 "line": 495,
12264 "character": 21
12265 }
12266 ]
12267 },
12268 {
12269 "id": 2151,
12270 "name": "makeRegister",
12271 "kind": 64,
12272 "kindString": "Function",
12273 "flags": {
12274 "isPrivate": true
12275 },
12276 "signatures": [
12277 {
12278 "id": 2152,
12279 "name": "makeRegister",
12280 "kind": 4096,
12281 "kindString": "Call signature",
12282 "flags": {
12283 "isPrivate": true
12284 },
12285 "comment": {
12286 "shortText": "Generates a register transaction for a domain name.",
12287 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the hex-encoded transaction.\n this function *does not* perform the requisite safety checks -- please see\n the safety module for those."
12288 },
12289 "parameters": [
12290 {
12291 "id": 2153,
12292 "name": "fullyQualifiedName",
12293 "kind": 32768,
12294 "kindString": "Parameter",
12295 "flags": {},
12296 "comment": {
12297 "text": "the name to register"
12298 },
12299 "type": {
12300 "type": "intrinsic",
12301 "name": "string"
12302 }
12303 },
12304 {
12305 "id": 2154,
12306 "name": "registerAddress",
12307 "kind": 32768,
12308 "kindString": "Parameter",
12309 "flags": {},
12310 "comment": {
12311 "text": "the address to receive the name (this\n must have been passed as the 'destinationAddress' in the preorder transaction)\n this address will receive a dust UTXO"
12312 },
12313 "type": {
12314 "type": "intrinsic",
12315 "name": "string"
12316 }
12317 },
12318 {
12319 "id": 2155,
12320 "name": "paymentKeyIn",
12321 "kind": 32768,
12322 "kindString": "Parameter",
12323 "flags": {},
12324 "comment": {
12325 "text": "a hex string of\n the private key (or a TransactionSigner object) used to fund the\n transaction (this *must* be the same as the payment address used\n to fund the preorder)"
12326 },
12327 "type": {
12328 "type": "union",
12329 "types": [
12330 {
12331 "type": "intrinsic",
12332 "name": "string"
12333 },
12334 {
12335 "type": "reference",
12336 "name": "TransactionSigner"
12337 }
12338 ]
12339 }
12340 },
12341 {
12342 "id": 2156,
12343 "name": "zonefile",
12344 "kind": 32768,
12345 "kindString": "Parameter",
12346 "flags": {},
12347 "comment": {
12348 "text": "the zonefile data to include (this will be hashed\n to include in the transaction), the zonefile itself must be published\n after the UPDATE propagates."
12349 },
12350 "type": {
12351 "type": "intrinsic",
12352 "name": "string"
12353 },
12354 "defaultValue": " null"
12355 },
12356 {
12357 "id": 2157,
12358 "name": "valueHash",
12359 "kind": 32768,
12360 "kindString": "Parameter",
12361 "flags": {},
12362 "comment": {
12363 "text": "the hash of the zone file data to include.\n It will be used instead of zonefile, if given"
12364 },
12365 "type": {
12366 "type": "intrinsic",
12367 "name": "string"
12368 },
12369 "defaultValue": " null"
12370 },
12371 {
12372 "id": 2158,
12373 "name": "buildIncomplete",
12374 "kind": 32768,
12375 "kindString": "Parameter",
12376 "flags": {},
12377 "comment": {
12378 "text": "optional boolean, defaults to false,\n indicating whether the function should attempt to return an unsigned (or not fully signed)\n transaction. Useful for passing around a TX for multi-sig input signing."
12379 },
12380 "type": {
12381 "type": "intrinsic",
12382 "name": "boolean"
12383 },
12384 "defaultValue": "false"
12385 }
12386 ],
12387 "type": {
12388 "type": "reference",
12389 "name": "Promise",
12390 "typeArguments": [
12391 {
12392 "type": "intrinsic",
12393 "name": "string"
12394 }
12395 ]
12396 }
12397 }
12398 ],
12399 "sources": [
12400 {
12401 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
12402 "line": 626,
12403 "character": 21
12404 }
12405 ]
12406 },
12407 {
12408 "id": 2173,
12409 "name": "makeRenewal",
12410 "kind": 64,
12411 "kindString": "Function",
12412 "flags": {
12413 "isPrivate": true
12414 },
12415 "signatures": [
12416 {
12417 "id": 2174,
12418 "name": "makeRenewal",
12419 "kind": 4096,
12420 "kindString": "Call signature",
12421 "flags": {
12422 "isPrivate": true
12423 },
12424 "comment": {
12425 "shortText": "Generates a renewal transaction for a domain name.",
12426 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the hex-encoded transaction.\n this function *does not* perform the requisite safety checks -- please see\n the safety module for those."
12427 },
12428 "parameters": [
12429 {
12430 "id": 2175,
12431 "name": "fullyQualifiedName",
12432 "kind": 32768,
12433 "kindString": "Parameter",
12434 "flags": {},
12435 "comment": {
12436 "text": "the name to transfer"
12437 },
12438 "type": {
12439 "type": "intrinsic",
12440 "name": "string"
12441 }
12442 },
12443 {
12444 "id": 2176,
12445 "name": "destinationAddress",
12446 "kind": 32768,
12447 "kindString": "Parameter",
12448 "flags": {},
12449 "comment": {
12450 "text": "the address to receive the name after renewal\n this address will receive a dust UTXO"
12451 },
12452 "type": {
12453 "type": "intrinsic",
12454 "name": "string"
12455 }
12456 },
12457 {
12458 "id": 2177,
12459 "name": "ownerKeyIn",
12460 "kind": 32768,
12461 "kindString": "Parameter",
12462 "flags": {},
12463 "comment": {
12464 "text": "a hex string of\n the current owner's private key (or a TransactionSigner object)"
12465 },
12466 "type": {
12467 "type": "union",
12468 "types": [
12469 {
12470 "type": "intrinsic",
12471 "name": "string"
12472 },
12473 {
12474 "type": "reference",
12475 "name": "TransactionSigner"
12476 }
12477 ]
12478 }
12479 },
12480 {
12481 "id": 2178,
12482 "name": "paymentKeyIn",
12483 "kind": 32768,
12484 "kindString": "Parameter",
12485 "flags": {},
12486 "comment": {
12487 "text": "a hex string of\n the private key used to fund the renewal (or a TransactionSigner\n object)"
12488 },
12489 "type": {
12490 "type": "union",
12491 "types": [
12492 {
12493 "type": "intrinsic",
12494 "name": "string"
12495 },
12496 {
12497 "type": "reference",
12498 "name": "TransactionSigner"
12499 }
12500 ]
12501 }
12502 },
12503 {
12504 "id": 2179,
12505 "name": "zonefile",
12506 "kind": 32768,
12507 "kindString": "Parameter",
12508 "flags": {},
12509 "comment": {
12510 "text": "the zonefile data to include, if given (this will be hashed\n to include in the transaction), the zonefile itself must be published\n after the RENEWAL propagates."
12511 },
12512 "type": {
12513 "type": "intrinsic",
12514 "name": "string"
12515 },
12516 "defaultValue": " null"
12517 },
12518 {
12519 "id": 2180,
12520 "name": "valueHash",
12521 "kind": 32768,
12522 "kindString": "Parameter",
12523 "flags": {},
12524 "comment": {
12525 "text": "the raw zone file hash to include (this will be used\n instead of zonefile, if given)."
12526 },
12527 "type": {
12528 "type": "intrinsic",
12529 "name": "string"
12530 },
12531 "defaultValue": " null"
12532 },
12533 {
12534 "id": 2181,
12535 "name": "buildIncomplete",
12536 "kind": 32768,
12537 "kindString": "Parameter",
12538 "flags": {},
12539 "comment": {
12540 "text": "optional boolean, defaults to false,\n indicating whether the function should attempt to return an unsigned (or not fully signed)\n transaction. Useful for passing around a TX for multi-sig input signing."
12541 },
12542 "type": {
12543 "type": "intrinsic",
12544 "name": "boolean"
12545 },
12546 "defaultValue": "false"
12547 }
12548 ],
12549 "type": {
12550 "type": "reference",
12551 "name": "Promise",
12552 "typeArguments": [
12553 {
12554 "type": "intrinsic",
12555 "name": "string"
12556 }
12557 ]
12558 }
12559 }
12560 ],
12561 "sources": [
12562 {
12563 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
12564 "line": 788,
12565 "character": 20
12566 }
12567 ]
12568 },
12569 {
12570 "id": 2167,
12571 "name": "makeRevoke",
12572 "kind": 64,
12573 "kindString": "Function",
12574 "flags": {
12575 "isPrivate": true
12576 },
12577 "signatures": [
12578 {
12579 "id": 2168,
12580 "name": "makeRevoke",
12581 "kind": 4096,
12582 "kindString": "Call signature",
12583 "flags": {
12584 "isPrivate": true
12585 },
12586 "comment": {
12587 "shortText": "Generates a revoke transaction for a domain name.",
12588 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the hex-encoded transaction.\n this function *does not* perform the requisite safety checks -- please see\n the safety module for those."
12589 },
12590 "parameters": [
12591 {
12592 "id": 2169,
12593 "name": "fullyQualifiedName",
12594 "kind": 32768,
12595 "kindString": "Parameter",
12596 "flags": {},
12597 "comment": {
12598 "text": "the name to revoke"
12599 },
12600 "type": {
12601 "type": "intrinsic",
12602 "name": "string"
12603 }
12604 },
12605 {
12606 "id": 2170,
12607 "name": "ownerKeyIn",
12608 "kind": 32768,
12609 "kindString": "Parameter",
12610 "flags": {},
12611 "comment": {
12612 "text": "a hex string of\n the current owner's private key (or a TransactionSigner object)"
12613 },
12614 "type": {
12615 "type": "union",
12616 "types": [
12617 {
12618 "type": "intrinsic",
12619 "name": "string"
12620 },
12621 {
12622 "type": "reference",
12623 "name": "TransactionSigner"
12624 }
12625 ]
12626 }
12627 },
12628 {
12629 "id": 2171,
12630 "name": "paymentKeyIn",
12631 "kind": 32768,
12632 "kindString": "Parameter",
12633 "flags": {},
12634 "comment": {
12635 "text": "a hex string of\n the private key used to fund the transaction (or a\n TransactionSigner object)"
12636 },
12637 "type": {
12638 "type": "union",
12639 "types": [
12640 {
12641 "type": "intrinsic",
12642 "name": "string"
12643 },
12644 {
12645 "type": "reference",
12646 "name": "TransactionSigner"
12647 }
12648 ]
12649 }
12650 },
12651 {
12652 "id": 2172,
12653 "name": "buildIncomplete",
12654 "kind": 32768,
12655 "kindString": "Parameter",
12656 "flags": {},
12657 "comment": {
12658 "text": "optional boolean, defaults to false,\n indicating whether the function should attempt to return an unsigned (or not fully signed)\n transaction. Useful for passing around a TX for multi-sig input signing."
12659 },
12660 "type": {
12661 "type": "intrinsic",
12662 "name": "boolean"
12663 },
12664 "defaultValue": "false"
12665 }
12666 ],
12667 "type": {
12668 "type": "reference",
12669 "name": "Promise",
12670 "typeArguments": [
12671 {
12672 "type": "intrinsic",
12673 "name": "string"
12674 }
12675 ]
12676 }
12677 }
12678 ],
12679 "sources": [
12680 {
12681 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
12682 "line": 736,
12683 "character": 19
12684 }
12685 ]
12686 },
12687 {
12688 "id": 2211,
12689 "name": "makeTokenTransfer",
12690 "kind": 64,
12691 "kindString": "Function",
12692 "flags": {
12693 "isPrivate": true
12694 },
12695 "signatures": [
12696 {
12697 "id": 2212,
12698 "name": "makeTokenTransfer",
12699 "kind": 4096,
12700 "kindString": "Call signature",
12701 "flags": {
12702 "isPrivate": true
12703 },
12704 "comment": {
12705 "shortText": "Generates a token-transfer transaction",
12706 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the hex-encoded transaction.\nThis function does not perform the requisite safety checks -- please see the\nsafety module for those."
12707 },
12708 "parameters": [
12709 {
12710 "id": 2213,
12711 "name": "recipientAddress",
12712 "kind": 32768,
12713 "kindString": "Parameter",
12714 "flags": {},
12715 "comment": {
12716 "text": "the address to receive the tokens"
12717 },
12718 "type": {
12719 "type": "intrinsic",
12720 "name": "string"
12721 }
12722 },
12723 {
12724 "id": 2214,
12725 "name": "tokenType",
12726 "kind": 32768,
12727 "kindString": "Parameter",
12728 "flags": {},
12729 "comment": {
12730 "text": "the type of tokens to send"
12731 },
12732 "type": {
12733 "type": "intrinsic",
12734 "name": "string"
12735 }
12736 },
12737 {
12738 "id": 2215,
12739 "name": "tokenAmount",
12740 "kind": 32768,
12741 "kindString": "Parameter",
12742 "flags": {},
12743 "comment": {
12744 "text": "the BigInteger encoding of an unsigned 64-bit number of\n tokens to send"
12745 },
12746 "type": {
12747 "type": "reference",
12748 "name": "BN"
12749 }
12750 },
12751 {
12752 "id": 2216,
12753 "name": "scratchArea",
12754 "kind": 32768,
12755 "kindString": "Parameter",
12756 "flags": {},
12757 "comment": {
12758 "text": "an arbitrary string to include with the transaction"
12759 },
12760 "type": {
12761 "type": "intrinsic",
12762 "name": "string"
12763 }
12764 },
12765 {
12766 "id": 2217,
12767 "name": "senderKeyIn",
12768 "kind": 32768,
12769 "kindString": "Parameter",
12770 "flags": {},
12771 "comment": {
12772 "text": "the hex-encoded private key to send\n the tokens"
12773 },
12774 "type": {
12775 "type": "union",
12776 "types": [
12777 {
12778 "type": "intrinsic",
12779 "name": "string"
12780 },
12781 {
12782 "type": "reference",
12783 "name": "TransactionSigner"
12784 }
12785 ]
12786 }
12787 },
12788 {
12789 "id": 2218,
12790 "name": "btcFunderKeyIn",
12791 "kind": 32768,
12792 "kindString": "Parameter",
12793 "flags": {
12794 "isOptional": true
12795 },
12796 "comment": {
12797 "text": "the hex-encoded private key to fund\n the bitcoin fees for the transaction. Optional -- if not passed, will attempt to\n fund with sender key."
12798 },
12799 "type": {
12800 "type": "union",
12801 "types": [
12802 {
12803 "type": "intrinsic",
12804 "name": "string"
12805 },
12806 {
12807 "type": "reference",
12808 "name": "TransactionSigner"
12809 }
12810 ]
12811 }
12812 },
12813 {
12814 "id": 2219,
12815 "name": "buildIncomplete",
12816 "kind": 32768,
12817 "kindString": "Parameter",
12818 "flags": {},
12819 "comment": {
12820 "text": "optional boolean, defaults to false,\n indicating whether the function should attempt to return an unsigned (or not fully signed)\n transaction. Useful for passing around a TX for multi-sig input signing."
12821 },
12822 "type": {
12823 "type": "intrinsic",
12824 "name": "boolean"
12825 },
12826 "defaultValue": "false"
12827 }
12828 ],
12829 "type": {
12830 "type": "reference",
12831 "name": "Promise",
12832 "typeArguments": [
12833 {
12834 "type": "intrinsic",
12835 "name": "string"
12836 }
12837 ]
12838 }
12839 }
12840 ],
12841 "sources": [
12842 {
12843 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
12844 "line": 1070,
12845 "character": 26
12846 }
12847 ]
12848 },
12849 {
12850 "id": 2159,
12851 "name": "makeTransfer",
12852 "kind": 64,
12853 "kindString": "Function",
12854 "flags": {
12855 "isPrivate": true
12856 },
12857 "signatures": [
12858 {
12859 "id": 2160,
12860 "name": "makeTransfer",
12861 "kind": 4096,
12862 "kindString": "Call signature",
12863 "flags": {
12864 "isPrivate": true
12865 },
12866 "comment": {
12867 "shortText": "Generates a transfer transaction for a domain name.",
12868 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the hex-encoded transaction.\n this function *does not* perform the requisite safety checks -- please see\n the safety module for those."
12869 },
12870 "parameters": [
12871 {
12872 "id": 2161,
12873 "name": "fullyQualifiedName",
12874 "kind": 32768,
12875 "kindString": "Parameter",
12876 "flags": {},
12877 "comment": {
12878 "text": "the name to transfer"
12879 },
12880 "type": {
12881 "type": "intrinsic",
12882 "name": "string"
12883 }
12884 },
12885 {
12886 "id": 2162,
12887 "name": "destinationAddress",
12888 "kind": 32768,
12889 "kindString": "Parameter",
12890 "flags": {},
12891 "comment": {
12892 "text": "the address to receive the name.\n this address will receive a dust UTXO"
12893 },
12894 "type": {
12895 "type": "intrinsic",
12896 "name": "string"
12897 }
12898 },
12899 {
12900 "id": 2163,
12901 "name": "ownerKeyIn",
12902 "kind": 32768,
12903 "kindString": "Parameter",
12904 "flags": {},
12905 "comment": {
12906 "text": "a hex string of\n the current owner's private key (or a TransactionSigner object)"
12907 },
12908 "type": {
12909 "type": "union",
12910 "types": [
12911 {
12912 "type": "intrinsic",
12913 "name": "string"
12914 },
12915 {
12916 "type": "reference",
12917 "name": "TransactionSigner"
12918 }
12919 ]
12920 }
12921 },
12922 {
12923 "id": 2164,
12924 "name": "paymentKeyIn",
12925 "kind": 32768,
12926 "kindString": "Parameter",
12927 "flags": {},
12928 "comment": {
12929 "text": "a hex string of\n the private key used to fund the transaction (or a\n TransactionSigner object)"
12930 },
12931 "type": {
12932 "type": "union",
12933 "types": [
12934 {
12935 "type": "intrinsic",
12936 "name": "string"
12937 },
12938 {
12939 "type": "reference",
12940 "name": "TransactionSigner"
12941 }
12942 ]
12943 }
12944 },
12945 {
12946 "id": 2165,
12947 "name": "keepZonefile",
12948 "kind": 32768,
12949 "kindString": "Parameter",
12950 "flags": {},
12951 "comment": {
12952 "text": "if true, then preserve the name's zone file"
12953 },
12954 "type": {
12955 "type": "intrinsic",
12956 "name": "boolean"
12957 },
12958 "defaultValue": "false"
12959 },
12960 {
12961 "id": 2166,
12962 "name": "buildIncomplete",
12963 "kind": 32768,
12964 "kindString": "Parameter",
12965 "flags": {},
12966 "comment": {
12967 "text": "optional boolean, defaults to false,\n indicating whether the function should attempt to return an unsigned (or not fully signed)\n transaction. Useful for passing around a TX for multi-sig input signing."
12968 },
12969 "type": {
12970 "type": "intrinsic",
12971 "name": "boolean"
12972 },
12973 "defaultValue": "false"
12974 }
12975 ],
12976 "type": {
12977 "type": "reference",
12978 "name": "Promise",
12979 "typeArguments": [
12980 {
12981 "type": "intrinsic",
12982 "name": "string"
12983 }
12984 ]
12985 }
12986 }
12987 ],
12988 "sources": [
12989 {
12990 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
12991 "line": 682,
12992 "character": 21
12993 }
12994 ]
12995 },
12996 {
12997 "id": 2143,
12998 "name": "makeUpdate",
12999 "kind": 64,
13000 "kindString": "Function",
13001 "flags": {
13002 "isPrivate": true
13003 },
13004 "signatures": [
13005 {
13006 "id": 2144,
13007 "name": "makeUpdate",
13008 "kind": 4096,
13009 "kindString": "Call signature",
13010 "flags": {
13011 "isPrivate": true
13012 },
13013 "comment": {
13014 "shortText": "Generates an update transaction for a domain name.",
13015 "returns": "- a promise which resolves to the hex-encoded transaction.\n this function *does not* perform the requisite safety checks -- please see\n the safety module for those."
13016 },
13017 "parameters": [
13018 {
13019 "id": 2145,
13020 "name": "fullyQualifiedName",
13021 "kind": 32768,
13022 "kindString": "Parameter",
13023 "flags": {},
13024 "comment": {
13025 "text": "the name to update"
13026 },
13027 "type": {
13028 "type": "intrinsic",
13029 "name": "string"
13030 }
13031 },
13032 {
13033 "id": 2146,
13034 "name": "ownerKeyIn",
13035 "kind": 32768,
13036 "kindString": "Parameter",
13037 "flags": {},
13038 "comment": {
13039 "text": "a hex string of the\n owner key, or a transaction signer object. This will provide one\n UTXO input, and also recieve a dust output."
13040 },
13041 "type": {
13042 "type": "union",
13043 "types": [
13044 {
13045 "type": "intrinsic",
13046 "name": "string"
13047 },
13048 {
13049 "type": "reference",
13050 "name": "TransactionSigner"
13051 }
13052 ]
13053 }
13054 },
13055 {
13056 "id": 2147,
13057 "name": "paymentKeyIn",
13058 "kind": 32768,
13059 "kindString": "Parameter",
13060 "flags": {},
13061 "comment": {
13062 "text": "a hex string, or a\n transaction signer object, of the private key used to fund the\n transaction's txfees"
13063 },
13064 "type": {
13065 "type": "union",
13066 "types": [
13067 {
13068 "type": "intrinsic",
13069 "name": "string"
13070 },
13071 {
13072 "type": "reference",
13073 "name": "TransactionSigner"
13074 }
13075 ]
13076 }
13077 },
13078 {
13079 "id": 2148,
13080 "name": "zonefile",
13081 "kind": 32768,
13082 "kindString": "Parameter",
13083 "flags": {},
13084 "comment": {
13085 "text": "the zonefile data to update (this will be hashed\n to include in the transaction), the zonefile itself must be published\n after the UPDATE propagates."
13086 },
13087 "type": {
13088 "type": "intrinsic",
13089 "name": "string"
13090 }
13091 },
13092 {
13093 "id": 2149,
13094 "name": "valueHash",
13095 "kind": 32768,
13096 "kindString": "Parameter",
13097 "flags": {},
13098 "comment": {
13099 "text": "if given, this is the hash to store (instead of\n zonefile). zonefile will be ignored if this is given."
13100 },
13101 "type": {
13102 "type": "intrinsic",
13103 "name": "string"
13104 },
13105 "defaultValue": "\"\""
13106 },
13107 {
13108 "id": 2150,
13109 "name": "buildIncomplete",
13110 "kind": 32768,
13111 "kindString": "Parameter",
13112 "flags": {},
13113 "comment": {
13114 "text": "optional boolean, defaults to false,\n indicating whether the function should attempt to return an unsigned (or not fully signed)\n transaction. Useful for passing around a TX for multi-sig input signing."
13115 },
13116 "type": {
13117 "type": "intrinsic",
13118 "name": "boolean"
13119 },
13120 "defaultValue": "false"
13121 }
13122 ],
13123 "type": {
13124 "type": "reference",
13125 "name": "Promise",
13126 "typeArguments": [
13127 {
13128 "type": "intrinsic",
13129 "name": "string"
13130 }
13131 ]
13132 }
13133 }
13134 ],
13135 "sources": [
13136 {
13137 "fileName": "operations/txbuild.ts",
13138 "line": 551,
13139 "character": 19
13140 }
13141 ]
13142 },
13143 {
13144 "id": 1882,
13145 "name": "outputBytes",
13146 "kind": 64,
13147 "kindString": "Function",
13148 "flags": {},
13149 "signatures": [
13150 {
13151 "id": 1883,
13152 "name": "outputBytes",
13153 "kind": 4096,
13154 "kindString": "Call signature",
13155 "flags": {},
13156 "parameters": [
13157 {
13158 "id": 1884,
13159 "name": "output",
13160 "kind": 32768,
13161 "kindString": "Parameter",
13162 "flags": {},
13163 "type": {
13164 "type": "union",
13165 "types": [
13166 {
13167 "type": "reference",
13168 "name": "txPoint",
13169 "id": 1874
13170 },
13171 {
13172 "type": "intrinsic",
13173 "name": "null"
13174 }
13175 ]
13176 }
13177 }
13178 ],
13179 "type": {
13180 "type": "intrinsic",
13181 "name": "number"
13182 }
13183 }
13184 ],
13185 "sources": [
13186 {
13187 "fileName": "operations/utils.ts",
13188 "line": 55,
13189 "character": 20
13190 }
13191 ]
13192 },
13193 {
13194 "id": 1509,
13195 "name": "putFile",
13196 "kind": 64,
13197 "kindString": "Function",
13198 "flags": {
13199 "isExported": true
13200 },
13201 "signatures": [
13202 {
13203 "id": 1510,
13204 "name": "putFile",
13205 "kind": 4096,
13206 "kindString": "Call signature",
13207 "flags": {},
13208 "comment": {
13209 "shortText": "Stores the data provided in the app's data store to to the file specified.",
13210 "returns": "that resolves if the operation succeed and rejects\nif it failed\n"
13211 },
13212 "parameters": [
13213 {
13214 "id": 1511,
13215 "name": "path",
13216 "kind": 32768,
13217 "kindString": "Parameter",
13218 "flags": {},
13219 "comment": {
13220 "text": "the path to store the data in"
13221 },
13222 "type": {
13223 "type": "intrinsic",
13224 "name": "string"
13225 }
13226 },
13227 {
13228 "id": 1512,
13229 "name": "content",
13230 "kind": 32768,
13231 "kindString": "Parameter",
13232 "flags": {},
13233 "comment": {
13234 "text": "the data to store in the file"
13235 },
13236 "type": {
13237 "type": "union",
13238 "types": [
13239 {
13240 "type": "intrinsic",
13241 "name": "string"
13242 },
13243 {
13244 "type": "reference",
13245 "name": "Buffer"
13246 }
13247 ]
13248 }
13249 },
13250 {
13251 "id": 1513,
13252 "name": "options",
13253 "kind": 32768,
13254 "kindString": "Parameter",
13255 "flags": {
13256 "isOptional": true
13257 },
13258 "type": {
13259 "type": "reference",
13260 "name": "PutFileOptions",
13261 "id": 1426
13262 }
13263 },
13264 {
13265 "id": 1514,
13266 "name": "caller",
13267 "kind": 32768,
13268 "kindString": "Parameter",
13269 "flags": {
13270 "isOptional": true
13271 },
13272 "type": {
13273 "type": "reference",
13274 "name": "UserSession",
13275 "id": 1544
13276 }
13277 }
13278 ],
13279 "type": {
13280 "type": "reference",
13281 "name": "Promise",
13282 "typeArguments": [
13283 {
13284 "type": "intrinsic",
13285 "name": "string"
13286 }
13287 ]
13288 }
13289 }
13290 ],
13291 "sources": [
13292 {
13293 "fileName": "storage/index.ts",
13294 "line": 478,
13295 "character": 29
13296 }
13297 ]
13298 },
13299 {
13300 "id": 1697,
13301 "name": "redirectToSignIn",
13302 "kind": 64,
13303 "kindString": "Function",
13304 "flags": {
13305 "isExported": true
13306 },
13307 "signatures": [
13308 {
13309 "id": 1698,
13310 "name": "redirectToSignIn",
13311 "kind": 4096,
13312 "kindString": "Call signature",
13313 "flags": {},
13314 "comment": {
13315 "returns": "\n",
13316 "tags": [
13317 {
13318 "tag": "deprecated",
13319 "text": "\n#### v19 Use [[UserSession.isUserSignedIn]] instead.\n\nGenerates an authentication request and redirects the user to the Blockstack\nbrowser to approve the sign in request.\n\nPlease note that this requires that the web browser properly handles the\n`blockstack:` URL protocol handler.\n\nMost applications should use this\nmethod for sign in unless they require more fine grained control over how the\nauthentication request is generated. If your app falls into this category,\nuse `makeAuthRequest` and `redirectToSignInWithAuthRequest` to build your own sign in process.\n"
13320 }
13321 ]
13322 },
13323 "parameters": [
13324 {
13325 "id": 1699,
13326 "name": "redirectURI",
13327 "kind": 32768,
13328 "kindString": "Parameter",
13329 "flags": {
13330 "isOptional": true
13331 },
13332 "type": {
13333 "type": "intrinsic",
13334 "name": "string"
13335 }
13336 },
13337 {
13338 "id": 1700,
13339 "name": "manifestURI",
13340 "kind": 32768,
13341 "kindString": "Parameter",
13342 "flags": {
13343 "isOptional": true
13344 },
13345 "type": {
13346 "type": "intrinsic",
13347 "name": "string"
13348 }
13349 },
13350 {
13351 "id": 1701,
13352 "name": "scopes",
13353 "kind": 32768,
13354 "kindString": "Parameter",
13355 "flags": {
13356 "isOptional": true
13357 },
13358 "type": {
13359 "type": "reference",
13360 "name": "Array",
13361 "typeArguments": [
13362 {
13363 "type": "union",
13364 "types": [
13365 {
13366 "type": "reference",
13367 "name": "AuthScope",
13368 "id": 1
13369 },
13370 {
13371 "type": "intrinsic",
13372 "name": "string"
13373 }
13374 ]
13375 }
13376 ]
13377 }
13378 }
13379 ],
13380 "type": {
13381 "type": "intrinsic",
13382 "name": "void"
13383 }
13384 }
13385 ],
13386 "sources": [
13387 {
13388 "fileName": "auth/authApp.ts",
13389 "line": 112,
13390 "character": 32
13391 }
13392 ]
13393 },
13394 {
13395 "id": 1712,
13396 "name": "redirectToSignInWithAuthRequest",
13397 "kind": 64,
13398 "kindString": "Function",
13399 "flags": {
13400 "isExported": true
13401 },
13402 "signatures": [
13403 {
13404 "id": 1713,
13405 "name": "redirectToSignInWithAuthRequest",
13406 "kind": 4096,
13407 "kindString": "Call signature",
13408 "flags": {},
13409 "comment": {
13410 "returns": "\n",
13411 "tags": [
13412 {
13413 "tag": "deprecated",
13414 "text": "\n#### v19 Use [[UserSession.redirectToSignInWithAuthRequest]] instead.\n\nRedirects the user to the Blockstack browser to approve the sign in request\ngiven.\n\nThe user is redirected to the `blockstackIDHost` if the `blockstack:`\nprotocol handler is not detected. Please note that the protocol handler detection\ndoes not work on all browsers."
13415 }
13416 ]
13417 },
13418 "parameters": [
13419 {
13420 "id": 1714,
13421 "name": "authRequest",
13422 "kind": 32768,
13423 "kindString": "Parameter",
13424 "flags": {
13425 "isOptional": true
13426 },
13427 "comment": {
13428 "text": "the authentication request generated by `makeAuthRequest`"
13429 },
13430 "type": {
13431 "type": "intrinsic",
13432 "name": "string"
13433 }
13434 },
13435 {
13436 "id": 1715,
13437 "name": "blockstackIDHost",
13438 "kind": 32768,
13439 "kindString": "Parameter",
13440 "flags": {},
13441 "comment": {
13442 "text": "the URL to redirect the user to if the blockstack\n protocol handler is not detected"
13443 },
13444 "type": {
13445 "type": "intrinsic",
13446 "name": "string"
13447 },
13448 "defaultValue": " DEFAULT_BLOCKSTACK_HOST"
13449 }
13450 ],
13451 "type": {
13452 "type": "intrinsic",
13453 "name": "void"
13454 }
13455 }
13456 ],
13457 "sources": [
13458 {
13459 "fileName": "auth/authApp.ts",
13460 "line": 213,
13461 "character": 47
13462 }
13463 ]
13464 },
13465 {
13466 "id": 1913,
13467 "name": "signInputs",
13468 "kind": 64,
13469 "kindString": "Function",
13470 "flags": {
13471 "isExported": true
13472 },
13473 "signatures": [
13474 {
13475 "id": 1914,
13476 "name": "signInputs",
13477 "kind": 4096,
13478 "kindString": "Call signature",
13479 "flags": {},
13480 "parameters": [
13481 {
13482 "id": 1915,
13483 "name": "txB",
13484 "kind": 32768,
13485 "kindString": "Parameter",
13486 "flags": {},
13487 "type": {
13488 "type": "reference",
13489 "name": "TransactionBuilder"
13490 }
13491 },
13492 {
13493 "id": 1916,
13494 "name": "defaultSigner",
13495 "kind": 32768,
13496 "kindString": "Parameter",
13497 "flags": {},
13498 "type": {
13499 "type": "reference",
13500 "name": "TransactionSigner"
13501 }
13502 },
13503 {
13504 "id": 1917,
13505 "name": "otherSigners",
13506 "kind": 32768,
13507 "kindString": "Parameter",
13508 "flags": {
13509 "isOptional": true
13510 },
13511 "type": {
13512 "type": "reference",
13513 "name": "Array",
13514 "typeArguments": [
13515 {
13516 "type": "reflection",
13517 "declaration": {
13518 "id": 1918,
13519 "name": "__type",
13520 "kind": 65536,
13521 "kindString": "Type literal",
13522 "flags": {},
13523 "children": [
13524 {
13525 "id": 1919,
13526 "name": "index",
13527 "kind": 32,
13528 "kindString": "Variable",
13529 "flags": {},
13530 "sources": [
13531 {
13532 "fileName": "operations/utils.ts",
13533 "line": 212,
13534 "character": 54
13535 }
13536 ],
13537 "type": {
13538 "type": "intrinsic",
13539 "name": "number"
13540 }
13541 },
13542 {
13543 "id": 1920,
13544 "name": "signer",
13545 "kind": 32,
13546 "kindString": "Variable",
13547 "flags": {},
13548 "sources": [
13549 {
13550 "fileName": "operations/utils.ts",
13551 "line": 212,
13552 "character": 70
13553 }
13554 ],
13555 "type": {
13556 "type": "reference",
13557 "name": "TransactionSigner"
13558 }
13559 }
13560 ],
13561 "groups": [
13562 {
13563 "title": "Variables",
13564 "kind": 32,
13565 "children": [
13566 1919,
13567 1920
13568 ]
13569 }
13570 ],
13571 "sources": [
13572 {
13573 "fileName": "operations/utils.ts",
13574 "line": 212,
13575 "character": 48
13576 }
13577 ]
13578 }
13579 }
13580 ]
13581 }
13582 }
13583 ],
13584 "type": {
13585 "type": "reference",
13586 "name": "Promise",
13587 "typeArguments": [
13588 {
13589 "type": "reference",
13590 "name": "TransactionBuilder"
13591 }
13592 ]
13593 }
13594 }
13595 ],
13596 "sources": [
13597 {
13598 "fileName": "operations/utils.ts",
13599 "line": 210,
13600 "character": 26
13601 }
13602 ]
13603 },
13604 {
13605 "id": 893,
13606 "name": "signProfileToken",
13607 "kind": 64,
13608 "kindString": "Function",
13609 "flags": {
13610 "isExported": true
13611 },
13612 "signatures": [
13613 {
13614 "id": 894,
13615 "name": "signProfileToken",
13616 "kind": 4096,
13617 "kindString": "Call signature",
13618 "flags": {},
13619 "comment": {
13620 "shortText": "Signs a profile token",
13621 "returns": "- the signed profile token\n\n"
13622 },
13623 "parameters": [
13624 {
13625 "id": 895,
13626 "name": "profile",
13627 "kind": 32768,
13628 "kindString": "Parameter",
13629 "flags": {},
13630 "comment": {
13631 "text": "the JSON of the profile to be signed"
13632 },
13633 "type": {
13634 "type": "intrinsic",
13635 "name": "any"
13636 }
13637 },
13638 {
13639 "id": 896,
13640 "name": "privateKey",
13641 "kind": 32768,
13642 "kindString": "Parameter",
13643 "flags": {},
13644 "comment": {
13645 "text": "the signing private key"
13646 },
13647 "type": {
13648 "type": "intrinsic",
13649 "name": "string"
13650 }
13651 },
13652 {
13653 "id": 897,
13654 "name": "subject",
13655 "kind": 32768,
13656 "kindString": "Parameter",
13657 "flags": {
13658 "isOptional": true
13659 },
13660 "comment": {
13661 "text": "the entity that the information is about"
13662 },
13663 "type": {
13664 "type": "intrinsic",
13665 "name": "any"
13666 }
13667 },
13668 {
13669 "id": 898,
13670 "name": "issuer",
13671 "kind": 32768,
13672 "kindString": "Parameter",
13673 "flags": {
13674 "isOptional": true
13675 },
13676 "comment": {
13677 "text": "the entity that is issuing the token"
13678 },
13679 "type": {
13680 "type": "intrinsic",
13681 "name": "any"
13682 }
13683 },
13684 {
13685 "id": 899,
13686 "name": "signingAlgorithm",
13687 "kind": 32768,
13688 "kindString": "Parameter",
13689 "flags": {},
13690 "comment": {
13691 "text": "the signing algorithm to use"
13692 },
13693 "type": {
13694 "type": "intrinsic",
13695 "name": "string"
13696 },
13697 "defaultValue": "\"ES256K\""
13698 },
13699 {
13700 "id": 900,
13701 "name": "issuedAt",
13702 "kind": 32768,
13703 "kindString": "Parameter",
13704 "flags": {},
13705 "comment": {
13706 "text": "the time of issuance of the token"
13707 },
13708 "type": {
13709 "type": "reference",
13710 "name": "Date"
13711 },
13712 "defaultValue": " new Date()"
13713 },
13714 {
13715 "id": 901,
13716 "name": "expiresAt",
13717 "kind": 32768,
13718 "kindString": "Parameter",
13719 "flags": {},
13720 "comment": {
13721 "text": "the time of expiration of the token"
13722 },
13723 "type": {
13724 "type": "reference",
13725 "name": "Date"
13726 },
13727 "defaultValue": " nextYear()"
13728 }
13729 ],
13730 "type": {
13731 "type": "intrinsic",
13732 "name": "any"
13733 }
13734 }
13735 ],
13736 "sources": [
13737 {
13738 "fileName": "profiles/profileTokens.ts",
13739 "line": 20,
13740 "character": 32
13741 }
13742 ]
13743 },
13744 {
13745 "id": 1708,
13746 "name": "signUserOut",
13747 "kind": 64,
13748 "kindString": "Function",
13749 "flags": {
13750 "isExported": true
13751 },
13752 "signatures": [
13753 {
13754 "id": 1709,
13755 "name": "signUserOut",
13756 "kind": 4096,
13757 "kindString": "Call signature",
13758 "flags": {},
13759 "comment": {
13760 "tags": [
13761 {
13762 "tag": "deprecated",
13763 "text": "\n#### v19 Use [[UserSession.signUserOut]] instead.\n\nSign the user out and optionally redirect to given location."
13764 }
13765 ]
13766 },
13767 "parameters": [
13768 {
13769 "id": 1710,
13770 "name": "redirectURL",
13771 "kind": 32768,
13772 "kindString": "Parameter",
13773 "flags": {
13774 "isOptional": true
13775 },
13776 "comment": {
13777 "text": "\nLocation to redirect user to after sign out.\nOnly used in environments with `window` available\n"
13778 },
13779 "type": {
13780 "type": "intrinsic",
13781 "name": "string"
13782 }
13783 },
13784 {
13785 "id": 1711,
13786 "name": "caller",
13787 "kind": 32768,
13788 "kindString": "Parameter",
13789 "flags": {
13790 "isOptional": true
13791 },
13792 "type": {
13793 "type": "reference",
13794 "name": "UserSession",
13795 "id": 1544
13796 }
13797 }
13798 ],
13799 "type": {
13800 "type": "intrinsic",
13801 "name": "void"
13802 }
13803 }
13804 ],
13805 "sources": [
13806 {
13807 "fileName": "auth/authApp.ts",
13808 "line": 187,
13809 "character": 27
13810 }
13811 ]
13812 },
13813 {
13814 "id": 1885,
13815 "name": "transactionBytes",
13816 "kind": 64,
13817 "kindString": "Function",
13818 "flags": {},
13819 "signatures": [
13820 {
13821 "id": 1886,
13822 "name": "transactionBytes",
13823 "kind": 4096,
13824 "kindString": "Call signature",
13825 "flags": {},
13826 "parameters": [
13827 {
13828 "id": 1887,
13829 "name": "inputs",
13830 "kind": 32768,
13831 "kindString": "Parameter",
13832 "flags": {},
13833 "type": {
13834 "type": "reference",
13835 "name": "Array",
13836 "typeArguments": [
13837 {
13838 "type": "union",
13839 "types": [
13840 {
13841 "type": "reference",
13842 "name": "txPoint",
13843 "id": 1874
13844 },
13845 {
13846 "type": "intrinsic",
13847 "name": "null"
13848 }
13849 ]
13850 }
13851 ]
13852 }
13853 },
13854 {
13855 "id": 1888,
13856 "name": "outputs",
13857 "kind": 32768,
13858 "kindString": "Parameter",
13859 "flags": {},
13860 "type": {
13861 "type": "reference",
13862 "name": "Array",
13863 "typeArguments": [
13864 {
13865 "type": "union",
13866 "types": [
13867 {
13868 "type": "reference",
13869 "name": "txPoint",
13870 "id": 1874
13871 },
13872 {
13873 "type": "intrinsic",
13874 "name": "null"
13875 }
13876 ]
13877 }
13878 ]
13879 }
13880 }
13881 ],
13882 "type": {
13883 "type": "intrinsic",
13884 "name": "number"
13885 }
13886 }
13887 ],
13888 "sources": [
13889 {
13890 "fileName": "operations/utils.ts",
13891 "line": 63,
13892 "character": 25
13893 }
13894 ]
13895 },
13896 {
13897 "id": 1122,
13898 "name": "validateProofs",
13899 "kind": 64,
13900 "kindString": "Function",
13901 "flags": {
13902 "isExported": true
13903 },
13904 "signatures": [
13905 {
13906 "id": 1123,
13907 "name": "validateProofs",
13908 "kind": 4096,
13909 "kindString": "Call signature",
13910 "flags": {},
13911 "comment": {
13912 "shortText": "Validates the social proofs in a user's profile. Currently supports validation of\nFacebook, Twitter, GitHub, Instagram, LinkedIn and HackerNews accounts.",
13913 "returns": "that resolves to an array of validated proof objects\n"
13914 },
13915 "parameters": [
13916 {
13917 "id": 1124,
13918 "name": "profile",
13919 "kind": 32768,
13920 "kindString": "Parameter",
13921 "flags": {},
13922 "comment": {
13923 "text": "The JSON of the profile to be validated"
13924 },
13925 "type": {
13926 "type": "intrinsic",
13927 "name": "any"
13928 }
13929 },
13930 {
13931 "id": 1125,
13932 "name": "ownerAddress",
13933 "kind": 32768,
13934 "kindString": "Parameter",
13935 "flags": {},
13936 "comment": {
13937 "text": "The owner bitcoin address to be validated"
13938 },
13939 "type": {
13940 "type": "intrinsic",
13941 "name": "string"
13942 }
13943 },
13944 {
13945 "id": 1126,
13946 "name": "name",
13947 "kind": 32768,
13948 "kindString": "Parameter",
13949 "flags": {},
13950 "type": {
13951 "type": "intrinsic",
13952 "name": "string"
13953 },
13954 "defaultValue": " null"
13955 }
13956 ],
13957 "type": {
13958 "type": "reference",
13959 "name": "Promise",
13960 "typeArguments": [
13961 {
13962 "type": "array",
13963 "elementType": {
13964 "type": "intrinsic",
13965 "name": "any"
13966 }
13967 }
13968 ]
13969 }
13970 }
13971 ],
13972 "sources": [
13973 {
13974 "fileName": "profiles/profileProofs.ts",
13975 "line": 12,
13976 "character": 30
13977 }
13978 ]
13979 },
13980 {
13981 "id": 908,
13982 "name": "verifyProfileToken",
13983 "kind": 64,
13984 "kindString": "Function",
13985 "flags": {
13986 "isExported": true
13987 },
13988 "signatures": [
13989 {
13990 "id": 909,
13991 "name": "verifyProfileToken",
13992 "kind": 4096,
13993 "kindString": "Call signature",
13994 "flags": {},
13995 "comment": {
13996 "shortText": "Verifies a profile token",
13997 "returns": "- the verified, decoded profile token",
13998 "tags": [
13999 {
14000 "tag": "throws",
14001 "text": "{Error} - throws an error if token verification fails\n"
14002 }
14003 ]
14004 },
14005 "parameters": [
14006 {
14007 "id": 910,
14008 "name": "token",
14009 "kind": 32768,
14010 "kindString": "Parameter",
14011 "flags": {},
14012 "comment": {
14013 "text": "the token to be verified"
14014 },
14015 "type": {
14016 "type": "intrinsic",
14017 "name": "string"
14018 }
14019 },
14020 {
14021 "id": 911,
14022 "name": "publicKeyOrAddress",
14023 "kind": 32768,
14024 "kindString": "Parameter",
14025 "flags": {},
14026 "comment": {
14027 "text": "the public key or address of the\n keypair that is thought to have signed the token"
14028 },
14029 "type": {
14030 "type": "intrinsic",
14031 "name": "string"
14032 }
14033 }
14034 ],
14035 "type": {
14036 "type": "intrinsic",
14037 "name": "any"
14038 }
14039 }
14040 ],
14041 "sources": [
14042 {
14043 "fileName": "profiles/profileTokens.ts",
14044 "line": 75,
14045 "character": 34
14046 }
14047 ]
14048 },
14049 {
14050 "id": 902,
14051 "name": "wrapProfileToken",
14052 "kind": 64,
14053 "kindString": "Function",
14054 "flags": {
14055 "isExported": true
14056 },
14057 "signatures": [
14058 {
14059 "id": 903,
14060 "name": "wrapProfileToken",
14061 "kind": 4096,
14062 "kindString": "Call signature",
14063 "flags": {},
14064 "comment": {
14065 "shortText": "Wraps a token for a profile token file",
14066 "returns": "- including `token` and `decodedToken`\n"
14067 },
14068 "parameters": [
14069 {
14070 "id": 904,
14071 "name": "token",
14072 "kind": 32768,
14073 "kindString": "Parameter",
14074 "flags": {},
14075 "comment": {
14076 "text": "the token to be wrapped"
14077 },
14078 "type": {
14079 "type": "intrinsic",
14080 "name": "string"
14081 }
14082 }
14083 ],
14084 "type": {
14085 "type": "reflection",
14086 "declaration": {
14087 "id": 905,
14088 "name": "__type",
14089 "kind": 65536,
14090 "kindString": "Type literal",
14091 "flags": {},
14092 "children": [
14093 {
14094 "id": 907,
14095 "name": "decodedToken",
14096 "kind": 32,
14097 "kindString": "Variable",
14098 "flags": {},
14099 "sources": [
14100 {
14101 "fileName": "profiles/profileTokens.ts",
14102 "line": 63,
14103 "character": 16
14104 }
14105 ],
14106 "type": {
14107 "type": "intrinsic",
14108 "name": "any"
14109 },
14110 "defaultValue": " decodeToken(token)"
14111 },
14112 {
14113 "id": 906,
14114 "name": "token",
14115 "kind": 32,
14116 "kindString": "Variable",
14117 "flags": {},
14118 "sources": [
14119 {
14120 "fileName": "profiles/profileTokens.ts",
14121 "line": 62,
14122 "character": 9
14123 }
14124 ],
14125 "type": {
14126 "type": "intrinsic",
14127 "name": "string"
14128 }
14129 }
14130 ],
14131 "groups": [
14132 {
14133 "title": "Variables",
14134 "kind": 32,
14135 "children": [
14136 907,
14137 906
14138 ]
14139 }
14140 ]
14141 }
14142 }
14143 }
14144 ],
14145 "sources": [
14146 {
14147 "fileName": "profiles/profileTokens.ts",
14148 "line": 60,
14149 "character": 32
14150 }
14151 ]
14152 },
14153 {
14154 "id": 1692,
14155 "name": "DEFAULT_PROFILE",
14156 "kind": 2097152,
14157 "kindString": "Object literal",
14158 "flags": {
14159 "isConst": true
14160 },
14161 "children": [
14162 {
14163 "id": 1694,
14164 "name": "@context",
14165 "kind": 32,
14166 "kindString": "Variable",
14167 "flags": {},
14168 "sources": [
14169 {
14170 "fileName": "auth/authApp.ts",
14171 "line": 28,
14172 "character": 12
14173 }
14174 ],
14175 "type": {
14176 "type": "intrinsic",
14177 "name": "string"
14178 },
14179 "defaultValue": "\"http://schema.org\""
14180 },
14181 {
14182 "id": 1693,
14183 "name": "@type",
14184 "kind": 32,
14185 "kindString": "Variable",
14186 "flags": {},
14187 "sources": [
14188 {
14189 "fileName": "auth/authApp.ts",
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