15.7 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { networks, Network } from 'bitcoinjs-lib';
2import BN from 'bn.js';
4 * @ignore
5 */
6export declare type UTXO = {
7 value?: number;
8 confirmations?: number;
9 tx_hash: string;
10 tx_output_n: number;
13 * @private
14 * @ignore
15 */
16export declare class BitcoinNetwork {
17 broadcastTransaction(transaction: string): Promise<any>;
18 getBlockHeight(): Promise<number>;
19 getTransactionInfo(txid: string): Promise<{
20 block_height: number;
21 }>;
22 getNetworkedUTXOs(address: string): Promise<Array<UTXO>>;
25 * @private
26 * @ignore
27 */
28export declare class BlockstackNetwork {
29 blockstackAPIUrl: string;
30 broadcastServiceUrl: string;
31 layer1: Network;
32 DUST_MINIMUM: number;
33 includeUtxoMap: {
34 [address: string]: UTXO[];
35 };
36 excludeUtxoSet: Array<UTXO>;
37 btc: BitcoinNetwork;
38 MAGIC_BYTES: string;
39 constructor(apiUrl: string, broadcastServiceUrl: string, bitcoinAPI: BitcoinNetwork, network?: networks.Network);
40 coerceAddress(address: string): string;
41 /**
42 * @ignore
43 */
44 getDefaultBurnAddress(): string;
45 /**
46 * Get the price of a name via the legacy /v1/prices API endpoint.
47 * @param {String} fullyQualifiedName the name to query
48 * @return {Promise} a promise to an Object with { units: String, amount: BigInteger }
49 * @private
50 */
51 getNamePriceV1(fullyQualifiedName: string): Promise<{
52 units: string;
53 amount: BN;
54 }>;
55 /**
56 * Get the price of a namespace via the legacy /v1/prices API endpoint.
57 * @param {String} namespaceID the namespace to query
58 * @return {Promise} a promise to an Object with { units: String, amount: BigInteger }
59 * @private
60 */
61 getNamespacePriceV1(namespaceID: string): Promise<{
62 units: string;
63 amount: BN;
64 }>;
65 /**
66 * Get the price of a name via the /v2/prices API endpoint.
67 * @param {String} fullyQualifiedName the name to query
68 * @return {Promise} a promise to an Object with { units: String, amount: BigInteger }
69 * @private
70 */
71 getNamePriceV2(fullyQualifiedName: string): Promise<{
72 units: string;
73 amount: BN;
74 }>;
75 /**
76 * Get the price of a namespace via the /v2/prices API endpoint.
77 * @param {String} namespaceID the namespace to query
78 * @return {Promise} a promise to an Object with { units: String, amount: BigInteger }
79 * @private
80 */
81 getNamespacePriceV2(namespaceID: string): Promise<{
82 units: string;
83 amount: BN;
84 }>;
85 /**
86 * Get the price of a name.
87 * @param {String} fullyQualifiedName the name to query
88 * @return {Promise} a promise to an Object with { units: String, amount: BigInteger }, where
89 * .units encodes the cryptocurrency units to pay (e.g. BTC, STACKS), and
90 * .amount encodes the number of units, in the smallest denominiated amount
91 * (e.g. if .units is BTC, .amount will be satoshis; if .units is STACKS,
92 * .amount will be microStacks)
93 */
94 getNamePrice(fullyQualifiedName: string): Promise<{
95 units: string;
96 amount: BN;
97 }>;
98 /**
99 * Get the price of a namespace
100 * @param {String} namespaceID the namespace to query
101 * @return {Promise} a promise to an Object with { units: String, amount: BigInteger }, where
102 * .units encodes the cryptocurrency units to pay (e.g. BTC, STACKS), and
103 * .amount encodes the number of units, in the smallest denominiated amount
104 * (e.g. if .units is BTC, .amount will be satoshis; if .units is STACKS,
105 * .amount will be microStacks)
106 */
107 getNamespacePrice(namespaceID: string): Promise<{
108 units: string;
109 amount: BN;
110 }>;
111 /**
112 * How many blocks can pass between a name expiring and the name being able to be
113 * re-registered by a different owner?
114 * @param {string} fullyQualifiedName unused
115 * @return {Promise} a promise to the number of blocks
116 */
117 getGracePeriod(fullyQualifiedName?: string): Promise<number>;
118 /**
119 * Get the names -- both on-chain and off-chain -- owned by an address.
120 * @param {String} address the blockchain address (the hash of the owner public key)
121 * @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to a list of names (Strings)
122 */
123 getNamesOwned(address: string): Promise<string[]>;
124 /**
125 * Get the blockchain address to which a name's registration fee must be sent
126 * (the address will depend on the namespace in which it is registered.)
127 * @param {String} namespace the namespace ID
128 * @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to an address (String)
129 */
130 getNamespaceBurnAddress(namespace: string): Promise<string>;
131 /**
132 * Get WHOIS-like information for a name, including the address that owns it,
133 * the block at which it expires, and the zone file anchored to it (if available).
134 * @param {String} fullyQualifiedName the name to query. Can be on-chain of off-chain.
135 * @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to the WHOIS-like information
136 */
137 getNameInfo(fullyQualifiedName: string): Promise<any>;
138 /**
139 * Get the pricing parameters and creation history of a namespace.
140 * @param {String} namespaceID the namespace to query
141 * @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to the namespace information.
142 */
143 getNamespaceInfo(namespaceID: string): Promise<any>;
144 /**
145 * Get a zone file, given its hash. Throws an exception if the zone file
146 * obtained does not match the hash.
147 * @param {String} zonefileHash the ripemd160(sha256) hash of the zone file
148 * @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to the zone file's text
149 */
150 getZonefile(zonefileHash: string): Promise<string>;
151 /**
152 * Get the status of an account for a particular token holding. This includes its total number of
153 * expenditures and credits, lockup times, last txid, and so on.
154 * @param {String} address the account
155 * @param {String} tokenType the token type to query
156 * @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to an object representing the state of the account
157 * for this token
158 */
159 getAccountStatus(address: string, tokenType: string): Promise<any>;
160 /**
161 * Get a page of an account's transaction history.
162 * @param {String} address the account's address
163 * @param {number} page the page number. Page 0 is the most recent transactions
164 * @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to an Array of Objects, where each Object encodes
165 * states of the account at various block heights (e.g. prior balances, txids, etc)
166 */
167 getAccountHistoryPage(address: string, page: number): Promise<any[]>;
168 /**
169 * Get the state(s) of an account at a particular block height. This includes the state of the
170 * account beginning with this block's transactions, as well as all of the states the account
171 * passed through when this block was processed (if any).
172 * @param {String} address the account's address
173 * @param {Integer} blockHeight the block to query
174 * @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to an Array of Objects, where each Object encodes
175 * states of the account at this block.
176 */
177 getAccountAt(address: string, blockHeight: number): Promise<any[]>;
178 /**
179 * Get the set of token types that this account owns
180 * @param {String} address the account's address
181 * @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to an Array of Strings, where each item encodes the
182 * type of token this account holds (excluding the underlying blockchain's tokens)
183 */
184 getAccountTokens(address: string): Promise<{
185 tokens: string[];
186 }>;
187 /**
188 * Get the number of tokens owned by an account. If the account does not exist or has no
189 * tokens of this type, then 0 will be returned.
190 * @param {String} address the account's address
191 * @param {String} tokenType the type of token to query.
192 * @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to a BigInteger that encodes the number of tokens
193 * held by this account.
194 */
195 getAccountBalance(address: string, tokenType: string): Promise<BN>;
196 /**
197 * Performs a POST request to the given URL
198 * @param {String} endpoint the name of
199 * @param {String} body [description]
200 * @return {Promise<Object|Error>} Returns a `Promise` that resolves to the object requested.
201 * In the event of an error, it rejects with:
202 * * a `RemoteServiceError` if there is a problem
203 * with the transaction broadcast service
204 * * `MissingParameterError` if you call the function without a required
205 * parameter
206 *
207 * @private
208 */
209 broadcastServiceFetchHelper(endpoint: string, body: any): Promise<any | Error>;
210 /**
211 * Broadcasts a signed bitcoin transaction to the network optionally waiting to broadcast the
212 * transaction until a second transaction has a certain number of confirmations.
213 *
214 * @param {string} transaction the hex-encoded transaction to broadcast
215 * @param {string} transactionToWatch the hex transaction id of the transaction to watch for
216 * the specified number of confirmations before broadcasting the `transaction`
217 * @param {number} confirmations the number of confirmations `transactionToWatch` must have
218 * before broadcasting `transaction`.
219 * @return {Promise<Object|Error>} Returns a Promise that resolves to an object with a
220 * `transaction_hash` key containing the transaction hash of the broadcasted transaction.
221 *
222 * In the event of an error, it rejects with:
223 * * a `RemoteServiceError` if there is a problem
224 * with the transaction broadcast service
225 * * `MissingParameterError` if you call the function without a required
226 * parameter
227 * @private
228 */
229 broadcastTransaction(transaction: string, transactionToWatch?: string, confirmations?: number): Promise<any>;
230 /**
231 * Broadcasts a zone file to the Atlas network via the transaction broadcast service.
232 *
233 * @param {String} zoneFile the zone file to be broadcast to the Atlas network
234 * @param {String} transactionToWatch the hex transaction id of the transaction
235 * to watch for confirmation before broadcasting the zone file to the Atlas network
236 * @return {Promise<Object|Error>} Returns a Promise that resolves to an object with a
237 * `transaction_hash` key containing the transaction hash of the broadcasted transaction.
238 *
239 * In the event of an error, it rejects with:
240 * * a `RemoteServiceError` if there is a problem
241 * with the transaction broadcast service
242 * * `MissingParameterError` if you call the function without a required
243 * parameter
244 * @private
245 */
246 broadcastZoneFile(zoneFile?: string, transactionToWatch?: string): Promise<any>;
247 /**
248 * Sends the preorder and registration transactions and zone file
249 * for a Blockstack name registration
250 * along with the to the transaction broadcast service.
251 *
252 * The transaction broadcast:
253 *
254 * * immediately broadcasts the preorder transaction
255 * * broadcasts the register transactions after the preorder transaction
256 * has an appropriate number of confirmations
257 * * broadcasts the zone file to the Atlas network after the register transaction
258 * has an appropriate number of confirmations
259 *
260 * @param {String} preorderTransaction the hex-encoded, signed preorder transaction generated
261 * using the `makePreorder` function
262 * @param {String} registerTransaction the hex-encoded, signed register transaction generated
263 * using the `makeRegister` function
264 * @param {String} zoneFile the zone file to be broadcast to the Atlas network
265 * @return {Promise<Object|Error>} Returns a Promise that resolves to an object with a
266 * `transaction_hash` key containing the transaction hash of the broadcasted transaction.
267 *
268 * In the event of an error, it rejects with:
269 * * a `RemoteServiceError` if there is a problem
270 * with the transaction broadcast service
271 * * `MissingParameterError` if you call the function without a required
272 * parameter
273 * @private
274 */
275 broadcastNameRegistration(preorderTransaction: string, registerTransaction: string, zoneFile: string): Promise<any>;
276 /**
277 * @ignore
278 */
279 getFeeRate(): Promise<number>;
280 /**
281 * @ignore
282 */
283 countDustOutputs(): void;
284 /**
285 * @ignore
286 */
287 getUTXOs(address: string): Promise<Array<UTXO>>;
288 /**
289 * This will modify the network's utxo set to include UTXOs
290 * from the given transaction and exclude UTXOs *spent* in
291 * that transaction
292 * @param {String} txHex - the hex-encoded transaction to use
293 * @return {void} no return value, this modifies the UTXO config state
294 * @private
295 * @ignore
296 */
297 modifyUTXOSetFrom(txHex: string): void;
298 resetUTXOs(address: string): void;
299 /**
300 * @ignore
301 */
302 getConsensusHash(): Promise<any>;
303 getTransactionInfo(txHash: string): Promise<{
304 block_height: number;
305 }>;
306 /**
307 * @ignore
308 */
309 getBlockHeight(): Promise<number>;
310 getNetworkedUTXOs(address: string): Promise<Array<UTXO>>;
313 * @ignore
314 */
315export declare class LocalRegtest extends BlockstackNetwork {
316 constructor(apiUrl: string, broadcastServiceUrl: string, bitcoinAPI: BitcoinNetwork);
317 getFeeRate(): Promise<number>;
320 * @ignore
321 */
322export declare class BitcoindAPI extends BitcoinNetwork {
323 bitcoindUrl: string;
324 bitcoindCredentials: {
325 username: string;
326 password: string;
327 };
328 importedBefore: any;
329 constructor(bitcoindUrl: string, bitcoindCredentials: {
330 username: string;
331 password: string;
332 });
333 broadcastTransaction(transaction: string): Promise<any>;
334 getBlockHeight(): Promise<any>;
335 getTransactionInfo(txHash: string): Promise<{
336 block_height: number;
337 }>;
338 getNetworkedUTXOs(address: string): Promise<Array<UTXO>>;
341 * @ignore
342 */
343export declare class InsightClient extends BitcoinNetwork {
344 apiUrl: string;
345 constructor(insightUrl?: string);
346 broadcastTransaction(transaction: string): Promise<any>;
347 getBlockHeight(): Promise<any>;
348 getTransactionInfo(txHash: string): Promise<{
349 block_height: number;
350 }>;
351 getNetworkedUTXOs(address: string): Promise<Array<UTXO>>;
354 * @ignore
355 */
356export declare class BlockchainInfoApi extends BitcoinNetwork {
357 utxoProviderUrl: string;
358 constructor(blockchainInfoUrl?: string);
359 getBlockHeight(): Promise<any>;
360 getNetworkedUTXOs(address: string): Promise<Array<UTXO>>;
361 getTransactionInfo(txHash: string): Promise<{
362 block_height: number;
363 }>;
364 broadcastTransaction(transaction: string): Promise<string>;
367 * Get WHOIS-like information for a name, including the address that owns it,
368 * the block at which it expires, and the zone file anchored to it (if available).
369 * @param {String} fullyQualifiedName the name to query. Can be on-chain of off-chain.
370 * @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to the WHOIS-like information
371 */
372export declare function getNameInfo(fullyQualifiedName: string): Promise<any>;
374* @ignore
376export declare const network: {
377 BlockstackNetwork: typeof BlockstackNetwork;
378 LocalRegtest: typeof LocalRegtest;
379 BlockchainInfoApi: typeof BlockchainInfoApi;
380 BitcoindAPI: typeof BitcoindAPI;
381 InsightClient: typeof InsightClient;
382 defaults: {
383 LOCAL_REGTEST: LocalRegtest;
384 MAINNET_DEFAULT: BlockstackNetwork;
385 };