3.13 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { ECPair } from 'bitcoinjs-lib';
3 * @ignore
4 */
5export declare const BLOCKSTACK_HANDLER = "blockstack";
7 * Time
8 * @private
9 * @ignore
10 */
11export declare function nextYear(): Date;
13 * Time
14 * @private
15 * @ignore
16 */
17export declare function nextMonth(): Date;
19 * Time
20 * @private
21 * @ignore
22 */
23export declare function nextHour(): Date;
25 * Query Strings
26 * @private
27 * @ignore
28 */
29export declare function updateQueryStringParameter(uri: string, key: string, value: string): string;
31 * Versioning
32 * @param {string} v1 - the left half of the version inequality
33 * @param {string} v2 - right half of the version inequality
34 * @returns {bool} iff v1 >= v2
35 * @private
36 * @ignore
37 */
38export declare function isLaterVersion(v1: string, v2: string): boolean;
40 * Time
41 * @private
42 * @ignore
43 */
44export declare function hexStringToECPair(skHex: string): ECPair.ECPairInterface;
46 *
47 * @ignore
48 */
49export declare function ecPairToHexString(secretKey: ECPair.ECPairInterface): string;
51 * Time
52 * @private
53 * @ignore
54 */
55export declare function ecPairToAddress(keyPair: ECPair.ECPairInterface): string;
57 * UUIDs
58 * @private
59 * @ignore
60 */
61export declare function makeUUID4(): string;
63 * Checks if both urls pass the same origin check & are absolute
64 * @param {[type]} uri1 first uri to check
65 * @param {[type]} uri2 second uri to check
66 * @return {Boolean} true if they pass the same origin check
67 * @private
68 * @ignore
69 */
70export declare function isSameOriginAbsoluteUrl(uri1: string, uri2: string): boolean;
71interface GetGlobalObjectOptions {
72 /**
73 * Throw an error if the object is not found.
74 * @default false
75 */
76 throwIfUnavailable?: boolean;
77 /**
78 * Additional information to include in an error if thrown.
79 */
80 usageDesc?: string;
81 /**
82 * If the object is not found, return an new empty object instead of undefined.
83 * Requires [[throwIfUnavailable]] to be falsey.
84 * @default false
85 */
86 returnEmptyObject?: boolean;
89 * Returns an object from the global scope (`Window` or `WorkerGlobalScope`) if it
90 * is available within the currently executing environment.
91 * When executing within the Node.js runtime these APIs are unavailable and will be
92 * `undefined` unless the API is provided via polyfill.
93 * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/self
94 * @ignore
95 */
96export declare function getGlobalObject<K extends keyof Window>(name: K, { throwIfUnavailable, usageDesc, returnEmptyObject }?: GetGlobalObjectOptions): Window[K];
98 * Returns a specified subset of objects from the global scope (`Window` or `WorkerGlobalScope`)
99 * if they are available within the currently executing environment.
100 * When executing within the Node.js runtime these APIs are unavailable will be `undefined`
101 * unless the API is provided via polyfill.
102 * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/self
103 * @ignore
104 */
105export declare function getGlobalObjects<K extends keyof Window>(names: K[], { throwIfUnavailable, usageDesc, returnEmptyObject }?: GetGlobalObjectOptions): Pick<Window, K>;
106export {};