1 | # Bluesky Comments
2 |
3 | Embed Bluesky comments on your website easily.
4 |
5 | **[Write up and demo here](https://coryzue.com/writing/bluesky-comments).**
6 |
7 |
8 | ## Installation via CDNs (easiest)
9 |
10 | There are a few ways to set up the library on your website.
11 |
12 | ### 1. Add the CSS files
13 |
14 | Add the default styles the page `<head>` somewhere in a base template:
15 |
16 | ```html
17 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/bluesky-comments@<VERSION>/dist/bluesky-comments.css">
18 | ```
19 |
20 | ### 2. Add source maps for React
21 |
22 | Add the following importmap to your page anywhere before you use the library:
23 |
24 | ```
25 | <script type="importmap">
26 | {
27 | "imports": {
28 | "react": "https://esm.sh/react@18",
29 | "react-dom": "https://esm.sh/react-dom@18"
30 | }
31 | }
32 | </script>
33 | ```
34 |
35 | ### 3. Import and use the library and any other functions you need in an ES module script:
36 |
37 | ```html
38 | <script type="module">
39 | import BlueskyComments from 'https://unpkg.com/bluesky-comments@0.4.0/dist/bluesky-comments.es.js';
40 | document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
41 | const author = 'you.bsky.social';
42 | if (author) {
43 | BlueskyComments.init('bluesky-comments', {author});
44 | }
45 | });
46 | </script>
47 | ```
48 |
49 | See the [Usage](#usage) section for details on the API.
50 |
51 | ### (Deprecated) Installation using `<script>` tags and UMD
52 |
53 | Previous versions of this library recommended installing like this:
54 |
55 | ```html
56 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/react@18/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
57 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@18/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
58 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/bluesky-comments@<VERSION>/dist/bluesky-comments.umd.js"></script>
59 | ```
60 |
61 | And initializing the comments in a standard `<script>` tag. Both of these approaches work:
62 |
63 | ```html
64 | <script>
65 | document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
66 | const uri = 'https://bsky.social/coryzue.com/posts/3jxgux';
67 | if (uri) {
68 | // New API
69 | BlueskyComments.init('bluesky-comments', {uri});
70 |
71 | // Legacy API (still supported but deprecated)
72 | initBlueskyComments('bluesky-comments', {uri});
73 | }
74 | });
75 | </script>
76 | ```
77 |
78 | This option is now deprecated with the introduction of ES modules and will be removed in a future version.
79 |
80 | ## Usage
81 |
82 | ### Initializing the library based on the author
83 |
84 | ```javascript
85 | const author = 'you.bsky.social';
86 | BlueskyComments.init('bluesky-comments', {author});
87 | ```
88 |
89 | If you use this mode, the comments section will use the most popular post by that author that links
90 | to the current page.
91 |
92 | ### Initializing the library based on a post URL
93 |
94 | ```javascript
95 | const uri = 'https://bsky.social/coryzue.com/posts/3jxgux';
96 | BlueskyComments.init('bluesky-comments', {uri});
97 | ```
98 |
99 | If you use this mode, the comments section will use the exact post you specify.
100 | This usually means you have to add the comments section only *after* you've linked to the article.
101 |
102 |
103 | ### (Advanced) Providing custom default empty states
104 |
105 | You can pass in a `onEmpty` callback to handle the case where there are no comments rendered
106 | (for example, if no post matching the URL is found or there aren't any comments on it yet):
107 |
108 | ```javascript
109 | BlueskyComments.init('bluesky-comments', {
110 | uri,
111 | author,
112 | onEmpty: (details) => {
113 | console.error('Failed to load comments:', details);
114 | document.getElementById('bluesky-comments').innerHTML =
115 | 'No comments on this post yet. Details: ' + details.message;
116 | },
117 | });
118 | ```
119 |
120 | ### (Advanced) Filtering comments
121 |
122 | You can pass in an array of filters to the `commentFilters` option. These are functions that take a comment and return a boolean. If any of the filters return true, the comment will not be shown.
123 |
124 | A few default filters utilities are provided:
125 |
126 | - `BlueskyComments.Filters.NoPins`: Hide comments that are just "📌"
127 | - `BlueskyComments.Filters.NoLikes`: Hide comments with no likes
128 |
129 | You can also use the following utilities to create your own filters:
130 |
131 | - `BlueskyComments.Filters.MinLikeCountFilter`: Hide comments with less than a given number of likes
132 | - `BlueskyComments.Filters.MinCharacterCountFilter`: Hide comments with less than a given number of characters
133 | - `BlueskyComments.Filters.TextContainsFilter`: Hide comments that contain specific text (case insensitive)
134 | - `BlueskyComments.Filters.ExactMatchFilter`: Hide comments that match text exactly (case insensitive)
135 |
136 | Pass filters using the `commentFilters` option:
137 |
138 | ```javascript
139 | BlueskyComments.init('bluesky-comments', {
140 | // other options here
141 | commentFilters: [
142 | BlueskyComments.Filters.NoPins, // Hide pinned comments
143 | BlueskyComments.Filters.MinCharacterCountFilter(10), // Hide comments with less than 10 characters
144 | ],
145 | });
146 | ```
147 |
148 | You can also write your own filters, by returning `true` for comments you want to hide:
149 |
150 | ```javascript
151 | const NoTwitterLinksFilter = (comment) => {
152 | return (comment.post.record.text.includes('https://x.com/') || comment.post.record.text.includes('https://twitter.com/'));
153 | }
154 | BlueskyComments.init('bluesky-comments', {
155 | // other options here
156 | commentFilters: [
157 | NoTwitterLinksFilter,
158 | ]
159 | });
160 | ```
161 |
162 | ## Installation with npm
163 |
164 | ```bash
165 | npm install bluesky-comments
166 | ```
167 |
168 | I don't publish a lot of JavaScript packages, but I think you can import it by doing this!
169 |
170 |
171 | ## Development
172 |
173 | To develop on this package, you can run:
174 |
175 | ```
176 | npm install
177 | npm run watch
178 | ```
179 |
180 | This will watch for changes and copy the built files to the `dist` directory.
181 | From there you can reference the files in your own project and any updates you make
182 | should show up instantly.