6.17 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.0.0-beta8
2void function () {
3 var _, _find, _registry, allStubs, bond, createAnonymousSpy, createReturnSpy, createThroughSpy, enhanceSpy, isFunction, nextTick, registerCleanupHook, registered, registry;
4 _ = require('underscore');
5 isFunction = function (obj) {
6 return typeof obj === 'function';
7 };
8 createThroughSpy = function (getValue, bondApi) {
9 var spy;
10 spy = function () {
11 var args, isConstructor, result;
12 args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
13 spy.calledArgs[spy.called] = args;
14 spy.called++;
15 result = getValue.apply(this, args);
16 isConstructor = this instanceof arguments.callee;
17 if (isConstructor && typeof result !== 'object')
18 return this;
19 return result;
20 };
21 return enhanceSpy(spy, getValue, bondApi);
22 };
23 createReturnSpy = function (getValue, bondApi) {
24 var spy;
25 spy = function () {
26 var args;
27 args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
28 spy.calledArgs[spy.called] = args;
29 spy.called++;
30 return getValue.apply(this, args);
31 };
32 return enhanceSpy(spy, getValue, bondApi);
33 };
34 createAnonymousSpy = function () {
35 var returnValue, spy;
36 returnValue = null;
37 spy = function () {
38 var args;
39 args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
40 spy.calledArgs[spy.called] = args;
41 spy.called++;
42 return returnValue;
43 };
44 enhanceSpy(spy);
45 spy['return'] = function (newReturnValue) {
46 returnValue = newReturnValue;
47 return spy;
48 };
49 return spy;
50 };
51 enhanceSpy = function (spy, original, bondApi) {
52 var k, v;
53 spy.prototype = null != original ? original.prototype : void 0;
54 spy.called = 0;
55 spy.calledArgs = [];
56 spy.calledWith = function (args) {
57 var calledArgs;
58 args = 1 <= arguments.length ? [].slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
59 for (var i$ = 0, length$ = spy.calledArgs.length; i$ < length$; ++i$) {
60 calledArgs = spy.calledArgs[i$];
61 if (_.isEqual(args, calledArgs))
62 return true;
63 }
64 return false;
65 };
66 if (bondApi)
67 for (k in bondApi) {
68 v = bondApi[k];
69 spy[k] = v;
70 }
71 return spy;
72 };
73 nextTick = function () {
74 if (isFunction('undefined' !== typeof process && null != process ? process.nextTick : void 0))
75 return process.nextTick;
76 if ('undefined' !== typeof setImmediate && null != setImmediate && isFunction(setImmediate))
77 return setImmediate;
78 return function (fn) {
79 return setTimeout(fn, 0);
80 };
81 }();
82 _registry = [];
83 _find = function (obj) {
84 var store;
85 for (var i$ = 0, length$ = _registry.length; i$ < length$; ++i$) {
86 store = _registry[i$];
87 if (store.obj === obj)
88 return store;
89 }
90 store = {
91 obj: obj,
92 props: {}
93 };
94 _registry.push(store);
95 return store;
96 };
97 registry = {
98 set: function (obj, prop, value, newValue) {
99 var store;
100 store = _find(obj);
101 if (!(null != store.props[prop]))
102 return store.props[prop] = value;
103 },
104 get: function (obj, prop) {
105 return _find(obj).props[prop];
106 },
107 restore: function (obj, prop) {
108 return obj[prop] = _find(obj).props[prop];
109 },
110 restoreAll: function () {
111 var prop, store, value;
112 for (var i$ = 0, length$ = _registry.length; i$ < length$; ++i$) {
113 store = _registry[i$];
114 for (prop in store.props) {
115 value = store.props[prop];
116 store.obj[prop] = value;
117 }
118 }
119 return _registry = [];
120 }
121 };
122 allStubs = [];
123 registered = false;
124 registerCleanupHook = function () {
125 var after;
126 if (registered)
127 return;
128 after = 'undefined' !== typeof afterEach && null != afterEach ? afterEach : 'undefined' !== typeof testDone && null != testDone ? testDone : null != ('undefined' !== typeof QUnit && null != QUnit ? QUnit.testDone : void 0) ? 'undefined' !== typeof QUnit && null != QUnit ? QUnit.testDone : void 0 : null != bond.cleanup ? bond.cleanup : function () {
129 throw new Error('bond.cleanup must be specified if your test runner does not use afterEach or testDone');
130 };
131 after(function () {
132 return registry.restoreAll();
133 });
134 return registered = true;
135 };
136 bond = function (obj, property) {
137 var asyncReturn, previous, registerRestore, restore, returnMethod, through, to;
138 registerCleanupHook();
139 if (arguments.length === 0)
140 return createAnonymousSpy();
141 previous = obj[property];
142 registerRestore = function () {
143 return registry.set(obj, property, previous);
144 };
145 restore = function () {
146 return registry.restore(obj, property);
147 };
148 to = function (newValue) {
149 registerRestore();
150 if (isFunction(newValue))
151 newValue = createThroughSpy(newValue, this);
152 obj[property] = newValue;
153 return obj[property];
154 };
155 returnMethod = function (returnValue) {
156 var returnValueFn;
157 registerRestore();
158 returnValueFn = function () {
159 return returnValue;
160 };
161 obj[property] = createReturnSpy(returnValueFn, this);
162 return obj[property];
163 };
164 asyncReturn = function (returnValues) {
165 returnValues = 1 <= arguments.length ? [].slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
166 return to(function (callback) {
167 var numArgs$;
168 var args;
169 if ((numArgs$ = arguments.length) > 1) {
170 args = [].slice.call(arguments, 0, numArgs$ - 1);
171 callback = arguments[numArgs$ - 1];
172 } else {
173 args = [];
174 }
175 if (!isFunction(callback))
176 throw new Error('asyncReturn expects last argument to be a function');
177 return nextTick(function () {
178 return callback.apply(null, [].slice.call(returnValues));
179 });
180 });
181 };
182 through = function () {
183 registerRestore();
184 obj[property] = createThroughSpy(previous, this);
185 return obj[property];
186 };
187 return {
188 to: to,
189 'return': returnMethod,
190 asyncReturn: asyncReturn,
191 through: through,
192 restore: restore
193 };
194 };
195 module.exports = bond;