1 | stages:
2 | - test
3 | - deploy
4 |
5 | jobs:
6 | include:
7 | - stage: test
8 | language: node_js
9 | node_js:
10 | - 10
11 | name: "Lint src and check docs"
12 | script: npm run pre-commit
13 | if: type = pull_request
14 |
15 | - stage: deploy
16 | name: "Deploy docs"
17 | language: ruby
18 | rvm:
19 | - 2.4.1
20 | script: ./deploy.sh
21 | if: branch = master AND type = push
22 | cache: bundler
23 |
24 | env:
25 | global:
26 | - ENCRYPTION_LABEL: "5453d0fdf68a"
27 | - COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL: "wenzhixin2010@gmail.com"