1 | ChangeLog
2 | ---------
3 |
4 | ### 1.21.1
5 |
6 | #### Core
7 |
8 | - **Update:** Improved `updateCell` to update one HTML cell only.
9 | - **Update:** Updated `fr-FR` locale.
10 | - **Update:** Added missing locales for aria-label.
11 |
12 | #### Extensions
13 |
14 | - **Update(export):** Added missing locales for aria-label.
15 |
16 | ### 1.21.0
17 |
18 | #### Core
19 |
20 | - **New:** Added `sortEmptyLast` option to allow sorting empty data.
21 | - **Update:** Fixed bug on nested search with null child.
22 | - **Update:** Fixed detail view with filter click error.
23 | - **Update:** Fixed header does not center correctly for the sortable column.
24 | - **Update:** Fixed `regexpCompare` bug when filtering columns.
25 | - **Update:** Fixed `showToogle` title display error.
26 | - **Update:** Fixed `remove` and `removeByUnqiueId` using object param bug.
27 | - **Update:** Fixed `searchHighlight` bug while using `searchAccentNeutralise`.
28 | - **Update:** Fixed missing sort for `customSearch` option.
29 | - **Update:** Removed duplicated escaping of the column value.
30 | - **Update:** Updated `uk-UA` locale.
31 |
32 | #### Extensions
33 |
34 | - **New(cookie):** : Added `hiddenColumns` cookie to prevent issues with new added columns.
35 | - **New(editable):** Added `field` param to `noEditFormatter` option.
36 | - **New(export):** Added `onExportStarted` event.
37 | - **New(filter-control):** Added accent normalization check.
38 | - **New(filter-control):** Added `filterControlMultipleSearch` and `filterControlMultipleSearchDelimiter` options.
39 | - **Update(custom-by):** Fixed the custom view attributes.
40 | - **Update(group-by):** Fixed not handle complex objects bug.
41 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed select values not clear bug after search.
42 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed the select sorting error.
43 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed wrong selector for caching values with multiple tables.
44 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed the `filterDefault` option bug as filter if multiple filters exists.
45 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed filter control special char.
46 | - **Update(filter-control):** Updated default value to false of `filterStrictSearch`.
47 | - **Update(filter-control):** Supported not visible columns when using `filterControlContainer` option.
48 | - **Update(multiple-sort):** Fixed `showMultiSortButton` option bug.
49 | - **Update(print):** Fixed not handle complex objects bug.
50 | - **Update(print):** Removed switched-off columns from printed table.
51 |
52 | ### 1.20.2
53 |
54 | #### Core
55 |
56 | - **Update:** Fixed small memory leak.
57 | - **Update:** Fixed the detail view bug with the `td` instead of `icon`.
58 |
59 | #### Extensions
60 |
61 | - **Update(export):** Fixed XSS vulnerability bug by onCellHtmlData.
62 | - **Update(export):** Fixed export footer bug without setting height.
63 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed the comparison of dates when using the `datepicker`.
64 |
65 | ### 1.20.1
66 |
67 | #### Core
68 |
69 | - **Update:** Fixed toggle column bug with complex headers.
70 | - **Update:** Fixed icons option cannot work bug when it's a string.
71 | - **Update:** Updated TypeScript definitions.
72 |
73 | #### Extensions
74 |
75 | - **Update(cookie):** Fixed cookie extension error with multiple-sort.
76 | - **Update(export):** Fixed the `exportOptions` option cannot support the data attribute.
77 | - **Update(reorder-rows):** Fixed reorder-rows cannot work because of missing default functions.
78 |
79 |
80 | ### 1.20.0
81 |
82 | #### Core
83 |
84 | - **New:** Used `bootstrap5` as the default theme.
85 | - **New:** Added column-switch-all event of toggle all columns.
86 | - **New:** Added hi-IN and lb-LU locales.
87 | - **Update:** Fixed the toolbar cannot refresh search bug.
88 | - **Update:** Fixed the card view align style bug.
89 | - **Update:** Fixed custom search filter bug if the value is Object.
90 | - **Update:** Fixed table border displays bug when setting height.
91 | - **Update:** Fixed error when the column events are undefined.
92 | - **Update:** Fixed escape column option doesn't override table option bug.
93 | - **Update:** Fixed toggle all columns error when column switchable is false.
94 | - **Update:** Fixed check if the column is visible on card view.
95 | - **Update:** Fixed hide loading bug when canceling the request.
96 | - **Update:** Fixed default value of `clickToSelect` column option.
97 | - **Update:** Fixed `onVirtualScroll` not define default method.
98 | - **Update:** Updated cs-CZ, ko-KR, nl-NL, nl-BE, bg-BG, fr-LU locales.
99 |
100 | #### Extensions
101 |
102 | - **New(filter-control):** New version of filter-control with new features.
103 | - **New(reorder-rows):**: Added `onAllowDrop` and `onDragStop` options.
104 | - **Update(cookie):** Fixed `sortName` and `sortOrder` bug with cookie.
105 | - **Update(cookie):** Fixed the toggle column bug with the cookie.
106 | - **Update(export):** Fixed selector error if only one export type is defined.
107 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed new input class `form-select` of bootstrap 5.
108 | - **Update(multiple-sort):** Fixed the modal cannot close after sorting.
109 | - **Update(print):** Fixed missing print button for bootstrap 5.
110 | - **Update(print):** Fixed `printPageBuilder` option cannot define in html attribute.
111 | - **Update(toolbar):** Fixed toolbar extension modal bug with bootstrap 5.
112 |
113 | ### 1.19.1
114 |
115 | #### Core
116 |
117 | - **Update:** Fixed the CVE security problem.
118 | - **Update:** Fixed cannot search for special characters when using `searchHighlight`.
119 |
120 | #### Extensions
121 |
122 | - **Update(auto-refresh):** Updated the `showAutoRefresh` option as default.
123 | - **Update(export):** Fixed export with only one export type bug.
124 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed filter-control cannot work bug.
125 | - **Update(filter-control):** Prevent duplicated elements for filter-control.
126 |
127 | ### 1.19.0
128 |
129 | #### Core
130 |
131 | - **New:** Added `onlyCurrentPage` param for `checkBy/uncheckBy` methods.
132 | - **New:** Used `bootstrap icons` as default icons for bootstrap v5.
133 | - **New:** Added `regexSearch` option which allows to filter the table using regex.
134 | - **New:** Added support for allow importing stylesheets.
135 | - **New:** Added `toggle-pagination` event.
136 | - **New:** Added `virtual-scroll` event.
137 | - **Update:** Fixed `vue` component cannot work.
138 | - **Update:** Fixed infinite loop error with wrong server-side pagination metadata.
139 | - **Update:** Improved the behavior of `ajax` abort.
140 | - **Update:** Fixed click bug when paginationLoop is false.
141 | - **Update:** Fixed the highlighting bug when using radio/checkboxes.
142 | - **Update:** Fixed width bug caused by loading css.
143 | - **Update:** Removed the `input-group-append` class for bootstrap v5.
144 | - **Update:** Fixed duplicate definition `id` bug.
145 | - **Update:** Fixed the comparison of search inputs.
146 | - **Update:** Fixed broken page-list selector.
147 | - **Update:** Fixed overwrite custom locale function bug.
148 | - **Update:** Fixed bug with server side pagination and the page size `all`.
149 | - **Update:** Fixed all checkbox not auto check after pagination changed.
150 | - **Update:** Updated the `es-MX` locate.
151 |
152 | #### Extensions
153 |
154 | - **New(cookie):** Added `Multiple Sort order` stored in cookie extension.
155 | - **New(cookie):** Added `Card view state` stored in cookie extension.
156 | - **New(copy):** Added `ignoreCopy` column option to prevent copying the column data.
157 | - **New(copy):** Added `rawCopy` column option to copy the raw value instead of the formatted value.
158 | - **Update(cookie):** Fixed `switchable` column bug with the cookie extension.
159 | - **Update(export):** Fixed the export dropdown cannot be closed bug.
160 | - **Update(filter-control):** Updated `filterMultipleSelectOptions` to `filterControlMultipleSelectOptions` option.
161 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed bug with cookie deletion of none filter cookies.
162 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed bug when using the `load` method.
163 | - **Update(group-by):** Fixed overwriting the column classes bug on group collapsed rows.
164 | - **Update(multiple-sort):** Fixed hide/show column error with no sortPriority defined.
165 | - **Update(page-jump-to):** Fixed jump-to display bug in bootstrap v3.
166 | - **Update(print):** Fixed print formatter bug.
167 | - **Update(reorder-rows):** Fixed `reorder-rows` not work property.
168 | - **Update(reorder-rows):** Fixed the drag selector to prevent a checkbox bug on mobile.
169 | - **Update(resizable):** Fixed the reinitialization after the table changed.
170 | - **Update(sticky-header):** Fixed sticky-header not work property with group header.
171 | - **Update(treegrid):** Fixed bug of treegrid from html.
172 |
173 | ### 1.18.3
174 |
175 | #### Core
176 |
177 | - **Update:** Fixed negative number bug when searching with comparison.
178 | - **Update:** Fixed non-conform HTML-Standard problems.
179 | - **Update:** Fixed `td` width bug using card view.
180 | - **Update:** Fixed exact match problem when searching term with accent.
181 | - **Update:** Update `pt-PT` and `fa-IR` locales.
182 |
183 | #### Extensions
184 |
185 | - **New(page-jump-to):** Added `showJumpToByPages` option.
186 | - **Update(auth-refresh):** Fixed auto refresh not clear interval bug.
187 | - **Update(multiple-sort):** Fixed multiple-sort cannot support iconSize bug.
188 | - **Update(sticky-header):** Fixed `stickyHeaderOffsetY` option cannot work.
189 | - **Update(sticky-header):** Updated the stickyHeader `offset` options to number.
190 |
191 | ### 1.18.2
192 |
193 | #### Core
194 |
195 | - **Update:** Fixed bootstrap5 cannot work bug.
196 | - **Update:** Fixed checkbox display bug when using `formatter`.
197 | - **Update:** Fixed search highlight bug.
198 | - **Update:** Updated `ru-RU` and `de-DE` locales.
199 |
200 | #### Extensions
201 |
202 | - **New(filter-control):** Added support for flat JSON.
203 | - **Update(cookie):** Fixed not deleted cookie bug when the sort was reset.
204 | - **Update(export):** Not export the detail view icon column.
205 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed not working when using `filterControlContainer`.
206 | - **Update(multiple-sort):** Fixed multiple-sort cannot work bug.
207 | - **Update(resizable):** Fixed resizable cannot work in modal.
208 |
209 | ### 1.18.1
210 |
211 | #### Core
212 |
213 | - **New(locale):** Added short locales based on [ISO Language](http://www.lingoes.net/en/translator/langcode.htm).
214 | - **Update:** Updated `sk-SK`, `fr-FR`, `de-DE`, and `es-*` locales.
215 | - **Update:** Fixed `toggleCheck`, `getSelections` and `remove` bug.
216 | - **Update:** Fixed `buttons` option bug using in data attribute.
217 | - **Update:** Fixed custom `icons` option bug.
218 | - **Update:** Fixed `cellStyle` column option not work in card view.
219 | - **Update:** Fixed getSelection bug when using search.
220 | - **Update:** Fixed `pageList` option with `all` display bug using `smartDisplay`.
221 | - **Update:** Fixed search highlight cannot work bug when data field is number.
222 | - **Update:** Fixed `updateColumnTitle` is undo bug after pagination.
223 | - **Update:** Fixed `multipleSelectRow` option bug.
224 | - **Update:** Fixed `icon-size` option bug with pagination.
225 |
226 | #### Extensions
227 |
228 | - **New(page-jump-to):** Added `min`, `max` and enter support for jump input.
229 | - **Update(export):** Fixed export cannot work with `materialize` and `foundation` themes.
230 | - **Update(filter-control):** Updated `filterDatepickerOptions` to support datepicker option.
231 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed select bug when using `&` in the value.
232 | - **Update(fixed-columns):** Fixed `toggleView` display bug.
233 | - **Update(group-by):** Fixed not collapse detail view expanded row bug.
234 | - **Update(group-by):** Fixed display error using `formatter` column option.
235 | - **Update(group-by):** Fixed `groupByFormatter` option bug using in data attribute.
236 | - **Update(multiple-sort):** Fixed cannot work bug using in server `sidePagination`.
237 | - **Update(page-jump-to):** Fixed page jump input and button bug with `icon-size` option.
238 | - **Update(print):** Fixed print with `rowspan` or `colspan`.
239 | - **Update(reorder-columns):** Fixed reorder column when a column is removed or added.
240 |
241 | ### 1.18.0
242 |
243 | #### Core
244 |
245 | - **New(option):** Added `buttons` to add custom buttons to the button bar.
246 | - **New(option):** Added `footerField` to support `server` side pagination.
247 | - **New(option):** Added new parameter `value` to `footerFormatter`.
248 | - **New(option):** Added `searchHighlight` and `searchHighlightFormatter`.
249 | - **New(option):** Added `searchSelector` to custom the search input.
250 | - **New(event):** Added `BootstrapTable` object as last parameter to all `event`.
251 | - **New(css):** Added CSS transitions for loading style.
252 | - **New:** Added support for `style` attribute of `tr` or `td`.
253 | - **New:** Added ability to use `colspan` in the footer.
254 | - **Update:** Updated search input type from `text` to `search`.
255 | - **Update:** Fixed `normalize` not string bug when using `searchAccentNeutralise`.
256 | - **Update:** Fixed complex group header bug.
257 | - **Update:** Fixed `resize` and `scroll` event bug with multiple tables.
258 | - **Update:** Fixed `getScrollPosition` bug when using group-by extension.
259 | - **Update:** Fixed `updateRow` with `customSearch` and `sortReset` bug.
260 | - **Update:** Fixed `colspan` and `mergeCell` bug when using `detailFormatter`.
261 | - **Update:** Fixed `init` bug when using `onPostBody`.
262 | - **Update:** Fixed sort bug when the `field` is set to `0`.
263 | - **Update:** Fixed `showFooter` display bug after resize table width.
264 | - **Update:** Fixed not update selected rows bug when using `checkAll`/`uncheckAll`.
265 | - **Update:** Fixed `checked` property bug using `formatter` when the field has a value.
266 | - **Update:** Fixed default data shared bug with multiple tables.
267 | - **Remove(method):** Removed `getAllSelections` method.
268 |
269 | #### Extensions
270 |
271 | - **New(addrbar):** Added support for `client` side pagination.
272 | - **New(cookie):** Added `cookieSameSite` option to prevent breaking changes.
273 | - **New(group-by):** Added `groupByToggle` and `groupByShowToggleIcon` options.
274 | - **New(group-by):** Added `groupByCollapsedGroups` option to allow collapse groups.
275 | - **Update(cookie):** Fixed cookie size is too big bug when saving columns.
276 | - **Update(cookie):** Fixed checkbox column disappears bug.
277 | - **Update(export):** Fixed cannot export `all` data bug with pagination.
278 | - **Update(group-by):** Fixed `scrollTo` not working properly bug.
279 | - **Update(multiple-sort):** Fixed cannot work bug.
280 | - **Update(sticky-header):** Fixed vertical scroll cannot work bug.
281 |
282 | ### 1.17.1
283 |
284 | #### Core
285 |
286 | - **New:** Added `bootstrap-table` theme without any framework.
287 | - **New:** Added support for Bootstrap v5.
288 | - **New:** Added `$index` field for `remove` method.
289 | - **New:** Added `on-all` event for vue component.
290 | - **New:** Added `bg-BG` locale.
291 | - **New:** Added `loadingFontSize` option.
292 | - **New:** Added `loadingTemplate` option.
293 | - **New:** Added `detailView` support for `cardView`.
294 | - **New:** Added the `searchable` columns to the query params for server side.
295 | - **New:** Added `collapseRowByUniqueId` and `expandRowByUniqueId` methods.
296 | - **New:** Added `detailViewAlign` option for the detail view icon.
297 | - **New:** Added tr `class` support for `thead`.
298 | - **New:** Added `formatted` parameter for `getData` method to get formatted data.
299 | - **New:** Added `paginationParts` option instead of `onlyInfoPagination`.
300 | - **New:** Added `sortReset` option to reset sort on third click.
301 | - **New:** Added support for auto merge the table body cells.
302 | - **Update:** Fixed `updateByUniqueId` method cannot update multiple rows bug.
303 | - **Update:** Fixed `insertRow` not write to source data array bug.
304 | - **Update:** Fixed events bug with `detailViewIcon` option.
305 | - **Update:** Fixed server side pagination sort bug.
306 | - **Update:** Fixed the `page-change` event before init server.
307 | - **Update:** Fixed no records found `colspan` error.
308 | - **Update:** Fixed the `page-change` event before init server.
309 | - **Update:** Fixed `font-size` of the loading text.
310 | - **Update:** Fixed table `border` bug when table is hidden.
311 | - **Update:** Fixed `showRow` method show all hidden rows bug.
312 | - **Update:** Fixed columnsSearch non-unique id warning.
313 | - **Remove:** Removed the `onlyInfoPagination` option.
314 | - **Remove:** Removed accent neutralise extension and moved it to core.
315 |
316 | #### Extensions
317 |
318 | - **New(cookie)**: Added support for toggle all columns options.
319 | - **New(custom-view):** Added `custom-view` extension.
320 | - **New(editable):** Added `alwaysUseFormatter` option.
321 | - **New(export):** Added `forceHide` column option.
322 | - **New(filter-control):** Added `filterOrderBy` column option support order by `server`.
323 | - **New(filter-control):** Added radio support for `filterControlContainer`.
324 | - **New(filter-control):** Added support for array filter.
325 | - **New(filter-control):** Added `filterControlVisible` option and `toggleFilterControl` method.
326 | - **New(filter-control):** Added `showFilterControlSwitch` option.
327 | - **New(fixed-columns):** Added support for sticky-header.
328 | - **New(pipeline):** Added `pipeline` extension.
329 | - **New(print):** Added support for print footer and merge cells.
330 | - **Update(accent-neutralise):** Fixed comparison with arrays.
331 | - **Update(cookie):** Updated cookie columns to always visible when `switchable` is `false`.
332 | - **Update(cookie):** Fixed cookie value from existing options bug.
333 | - **Update(copy-rows):** Fixed copy rows bug with fixed-column.
334 | - **Update(editable):** Fixed not handle quotation marks bug.
335 | - **Update(editable):** Updated `noeditFormatter` to `noEditFormatter`.
336 | - **Update(export):** Fixed export error with `maintainMetaData` and `clientSidePagination`.
337 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed not work with `height` option.
338 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed not work in multiple tables.
339 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed ignore default search text bug.
340 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed not work with html formatter.
341 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed reset `filterBy` method bug.
342 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed issue with a custom filter control container.
343 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed filter control disappear after column switched.
344 | - **Update(fixed-columns):** Fixed loading message not hide bug.
345 | - **Update(group-by):** Fixed params error of `checkAll`/`uncheckAll`.
346 | - **Update(multiple-sort):** Fixed not working with multiple level field bug.
347 | - **Update(reorder-columns):** Fixed cannot work bug.
348 | - **Update(reorder-rows):** Fixed `this` context of `onPostBody` error.
349 | - **Update(treegrid):** Fixed treegrid `destroy` bug.
350 |
351 | ### 1.16.0
352 |
353 | #### Core
354 |
355 | - **New:** Added `buttonsOrder` option.
356 | - **New:** Added `headerStyle` option.
357 | - **New:** Added `showColumnsSearch` option.
358 | - **New:** Added `serverSort` option.
359 | - **New:** Added `unfiltered` parameter for `getData` method.
360 | - **Update:** Updated `event` name to lowercase hyphen format for vue component.
361 | - **Update:** Updated `es-AR` locale.
362 | - **Update:** Updated the default classes of semantic theme.
363 | - **Update:** Improved the `resize` problem with multiple tables.
364 | - **Update:** Fixed `checkAll` event bug with sortable checkbox field.
365 | - **Update:** Fixed `checkbox` and not-found td style errors.
366 | - **Update:** Fixed `customSearch` return empty array bug.
367 | - **Update:** Fixed column checkboxes not being disabled when using `toggleAll`.
368 | - **Update:** Fixed `flat` not polyfilled error in vue cli3.
369 | - **Update:** Fixed `height` and `border` not aligned bug.
370 | - **Update:** Fixed `jqXHR` `undefined` error using custom ajax.
371 | - **Update:** Fixed `pageSize` set to all bug with filter.
372 | - **Update:** Fixed `refreshOptions` bug with radio and checkbox.
373 | - **Update:** Fixed `removeAll` bug in the last page when sidePagination is server.
374 | - **Update:** Fixed `search` not always trigger in IE11 bug.
375 | - **Update:** Fixed `search` width `escape` bug.
376 | - **Update:** Fixed `showColumns` cannot work of foundation theme.
377 | - **Update:** Fixed `showFullscreen` bug when setting height.
378 | - **Update:** Fixed `sort` cannot work after searching.
379 | - **Update:** Fixed `sortable` style error when using `table-sm`.
380 | - **Update:** Fixed `sortStable` not work bug.
381 | - **Update:** Fixed `triggerSearch` not work bug.
382 | - **Update:** Supported build cross all platforms.
383 | - **Remove:** Removed `resetWidth` method and use `resetView` instead.
384 |
385 | #### Extensions
386 |
387 | - **New(cookie):** Added new options to get/set/delete the values by a custom function.
388 | - **New(cookie):** Added save re-order and resize support.
389 | - **New(filter-control):** Added `filterControlContainer` option.
390 | - **New(filter-control):** Added `filterCustomSearch` option.
391 | - **New(filter-control):** Added object and function support in `filterData` column option.
392 | - **New(filter-control):** Added support for using sticky-header extension.
393 | - **New(filter-control):** Added support comparisons search(<, >, <=, =<, >=, =>).
394 | - **New(fixed-columns):** Added all themes support.
395 | - **New(fixed-columns):** Added `fixedRightNumber` option.
396 | - **New(fixed-columns):** Added support for using filter-control extension.
397 | - **New(group-by):** Add `Array` support for `groupByField` option.
398 | - **New(group-by):** Added `customSort` option support.
399 | - **New(multiple-sort):** Added custom `sorter` support.
400 | - **New(multiple-sort):** Added `multiSortStrictSort` option.
401 | - **New(multiple-sort):** Added `multiSort` method.
402 | - **New(print):** Added `printFormatter` data-attribute support.
403 | - **New(reorder-columns):** Added `orderColumns` method.
404 | - **New(reorder-rows):** Added `search` and `cardView` supported.
405 | - **New(sticky-header):** Added support for all themes.
406 | - **New(toolbar):** Added support for all themes.
407 | - **New(reorder-rows):** Added `search` and `cardView` support.
408 | - **Update(cookie):** Fixed cookie localeStorage not work bug with filter-control.
409 | - **Update(cookie):** Fixed `minimumCountColumns` not working bug.
410 | - **Update(cookie):** Improved `cookiesEnabled` to support ' in `data-attribute`.
411 | - **Update(editable):** Fixed `formatter` bug if the column was edited.
412 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed `hideUnusedSelectOptions` not work bug.
413 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed filter not work bug with `undefined`.
414 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed missing parameter of `resetSearch` and `filterDataType`.
415 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed `search` with filter-control `search` bug.
416 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed the `value` of select display error using editable.
417 | - **Update(fixed-columns):** Fixed checkbox bug with fixed columns.
418 | - **Update(fixed-columns):** Updated default value to `0` of `fixedNumber` option.
419 | - **Update(group-by):** Improved `number` type support.
420 | - **Update(group-by):** Fixed new table using modal bug.
421 | - **Update(group-by):** Fixed `scrollTo` method using group-by.
422 | - **Update(mobile):** Fixed input keyboard bug.
423 | - **Update(multiple-sort):** Fixed not destroy bug.
424 | - **Update(multiple-sort):** Fixed sort not work with `boolean` bug.
425 | - **Update(print):** Improved to use `undefinedText` option.
426 | - **Update(print):** Fixed IE11 not work bug.
427 | - **Update(reorder-columns):** Fixed detail view column reorder bug.
428 | - **Update(resizable):** Fixed columns resizing not work bug.
429 | - **Update(resizable):** Fixed not work via JavaScript.
430 | - **Update(sticky-header):** Fixed not work bug with fullscreen.
431 | - **Update(treegrid):** Fixed `virtualScroll` option bug.
432 | - **Remove:** Removed natural-sorting extension.
433 |
434 | ### 1.15.5
435 |
436 | - **New:** Added `jqXHR` for `responseHandler` option and `onLoadSuccess` event.
437 | - **New:** Added `stickyHeaderOffsetLeft` and `stickyHeaderOffsetRight` for sticky-header.
438 | - **New:** Added Serbian RS cyrillic and latin locales.
439 | - **Update:** Improved `export` button when there is only one type.
440 | - **Update:** Fixed column events click error with `detailView`.
441 | - **Update:** Fixed bug for `searchOnEnterKey` and `showSearchButton` are true.
442 | - **Update:** Fixed `onScrollBody` event and added parameter.
443 | - **Update:** Fixed search input size bug with `iconSize` option.
444 | - **Update:** Fixed filter control select cannot work more than one table.
445 | - **Update:** Fixed virtual scroll to top error when using `append` method.
446 | - **Update:** Fixed `events` cannot work on virtual scroll.
447 | - **Update:** Fixed bottom border bug with `height` option.
448 | - **Update:** Fixed min version throw cannot convert object to primitive value error.
449 |
450 | ### 1.15.4
451 |
452 | - **New:** Added `query` to `queryParams` option.
453 | - **New:** Added `filter` parameter of `customSearch` option.
454 | - **Update:** Fixed search bug in hidden columns.
455 | - **Update:** Fixed table zoom width calculating bug.
456 | - **Update:** Fixed events of column formatted by nested table.
457 | - **Update:** Fixed checkbox style display bug.
458 | - **Update:** Fixed stack overflow error of `checkBy` method.
459 | - **Update:** Fixed `showSearchButton` and `showSearchClearButton` style bug.
460 | - **Update:** Fixed filter-control select `null` value handle error.
461 | - **Update:** Fixed `showSearchClearButton` bug in filter-control extension.
462 | - **Update:** Fixed `print` button appears twice bug.
463 |
464 | ### 1.15.3
465 |
466 | - **New:** Added nl-BE, fr-CH and fr-LU locale.
467 | - **Update:** Updated nl-NL, pt-BR, fr-BE, fr-FR, nl-BE and nl-NL locale.
468 | - **Update:** Fixed treegrid duplicate rows bug.
469 | - **Update:** Fixed `updateCellByUniqueId` method bug on a filtered table.
470 | - **Update:** Fixed colspan group header display bug.
471 | - **Update:** Fixed table footer display bug in some case.
472 | - **Update:** Fixed `getOptions` bug.
473 | - **Update:** Fixed `detailView` bug when hiding columns.
474 | - **Update:** Fixed IE minify bug.
475 | - **Update:** Fixed full screen scrolling bug.
476 |
477 | ### 1.15.2
478 |
479 | #### Core
480 |
481 | - **New:** Added `virtualScroll` and `virtualScrollItemHeight` options to support large data.
482 | - **New:** Added vue component support.
483 | - **New:** Added support comparisons search(<, >, <=, =<, >=, =>).
484 | - **New:** Added `detailViewByClick` table option and `detailFormatter` column option.
485 | - **New:** Added `showExtendedPagination` and `totalNotFilteredField` table options.
486 | - **New:** Added `widthUnit` option to allow any unit.
487 | - **New:** Added `multipleSelectRow` option to support ctrl and shift select.
488 | - **New:** Added `onPostFooter`(`post-footer.bs.table`) event.
489 | - **New:** Added `detailViewIcon` and `toggleDetailView` method to hide the show/hide icons.
490 | - **New:** Added `showSearchButton` and `showSearchClearButton` options to improve the search.
491 | - **New:** Added `showButtonIcons` and `showButtonText` options to improve the icons display.
492 | - **New:** Added `visibleSearch` option search only on displayed/visible columns.
493 | - **New:** Added `showColumnsToggleAll` option to toggle all columns.
494 | - **New:** Added `cellStyle` to support checkbox field.
495 | - **New:** Added checkbox and radio auto checked from html support.
496 | - **New:** Added screen reader support for pagination.
497 | - **New:** Added travis lint src and check docs scripts.
498 | - **New:** Added webpack support and user rollup to build the src.
499 | - **New:** Added a version number property.
500 | - **New:** Improved `filterBy` method with `or` condition and custom filter algorithm.
501 | - **New:** Improved `showColumn` and `hideColumn` methods with array of fields.
502 | - **New:** Improved `scrollTo` method to allow `rows` units.
503 | - **Update:** Rewrote all code to ES6.
504 | - **Update:** Improved `pageList` options to support localization.
505 | - **Update:** Improved the `totalRows` option.
506 | - **Update:** Improved table footer.
507 | - **Update:** Improved `getSelections` and `getAllSelections` methods.
508 | - **Update:** Improved css frameworks themes.
509 | - **Update:** Updated parameters of the `getData` method.
510 | - **Update:** Updated parameters of the (un)checkAll events to `rowsAfter, rowsBefore`.
511 | - **Update:** Updated parameters of the `updateRow` method to support `replace`.
512 | - **Update:** Updated page number to 1 while making a server side sort.
513 | - **Update:** Renamed table `maintainSelected` option to `maintainMetaData`.
514 | - **Update:** Renamed method `refreshColumnTitle` to `updateColumnTitle`.
515 | - **Update:** Fixed card view value to be aligned incorrectly bug.
516 | - **Update:** Fixed `smartDisplay` option pagination bug.
517 | - **Update:** Fixed data-* attribute is an object bug.
518 | - **Update:** Fixed page separators click bug.
519 | - **Update:** Fixed scrolling bug in IE11.
520 | - **Update:** Fixed initHeader error caused by toggleColumn.
521 | - **Update:** Fixed search input trigger multiple times bug.
522 | - **Update:** Fix Pagination/totalRows not updated on `hideRow`.
523 | - **Update:** Fixed columns title error.
524 |
525 | #### Extensions
526 |
527 | - **New(editable):** Added `onExportSaved` event.
528 | - **New(export):** Added `forceExport` column option force export columns with hidden.
529 | - **New(export):** Added function support of `fileName` option.
530 | - **New(filter-control):** Added `filterDataCollector` to control the filter select options.
531 | - **New(filter-control):** Added `filterOrderBy` and filterDefault column options.
532 | - **New(multiple-sort):** Added bootstrap v4 theme support.
533 | - **New(print):** Added RTL dir support.
534 | - **Remove:** Removed group-by, multi-column-toggle, multiple-search, multiple-selection-row, select2-filter and tree-column extensions.
535 | - **Update(cookie):** Fixed cookie search cannot work bug.
536 | - **Update(editable):** Updated parameters of `onEditableSave` to `field, row, rowIndex, oldValue, $el`.
537 | - **Update(editable):** Fixed editable rerender bug after saving data.
538 | - **Update(export):** Updated to only export table header.
539 | - **Update(export):** Fixed bug with the footer extensions while sorting.
540 | - **Update(filter-control):** Added ability to handle boolean.
541 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed DatePicker of filter-control does not work bug.
542 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed clear filterControl with Cookie bug.
543 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed loading screen with filter control.
544 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed overwriting the searchText bug.
545 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed filtering does not work json sub-object.
546 | - **Update(filter-control):** Fixed select filter with formatter.
547 | - **Update(multiple-sort):** Fixed multiple-sort does not work with data-query-params bug.
548 | - **Update(page-jump-to):** Fixed `click` bug when paginationVAlign is 'both'.
549 | - **Update(reorder-columns):** Fixed reorder columns cannot work bug.
550 | - **Update(reorder-columns):** Fix search and columns bug after reorder columns.
551 | - **Update(treegrid):** Fixed treegrid cannot work bug.
552 |
553 | ### 1.14.2
554 |
555 | - **New(fixed-columns extension):** Added new version fixed-columns extension.
556 | - **New(js):** Updated the style of loading message.
557 | - **Update(js):** Updated refresh event params.
558 | - **Update(locale):** Updated all locale translation with English as default.
559 | - **Update(export extension):** Fixed export all rows to pdf bug.
560 | - **Update(export extension):** Disabled export button when exportDataType is 'selected' and selection empty.
561 | - **Update(addrbar extension):** Fixed addrbar extension remove hash from url bug.
562 |
563 | ### 1.14.1
564 |
565 | - **New(css):** Added CSS Frameworks supported.
566 | - **New(css):** Added [Semantic UI](http://semantic-ui.com) theme.
567 | - **New(css):** Added [Bulma](http://bulma.io) theme.
568 | - **New(css):** Added [Materialize](https://materializecss.com/) theme.
569 | - **New(css):** Added [Foundation](https://foundation.zurb.com/) theme.
570 | - **New(js):** Added data attribute support for `ignoreClickToSelectOn` option.
571 | - **Update(js):** Fixed `detailView` find td elements bug.
572 | - **Update(js):** Fixed `showColumns` close dropdown bug when item label clicking.
573 | - **Update(js):** Fixed reset width error after `toggleFullscreen`.
574 | - **Update(js):** Fixed `cardView` click event bug.
575 |
576 | ### 1.13.5
577 |
578 | - **New(auto-refresh extension):** Rewrote auto-refresh extension to ES6.
579 | - **Update(js):** Fixed showFullscreen cannot work bug.
580 | - **Update(js):** Redefined customSearch option.
581 | - **Update(js):** Fixed show footer cannot work bug.
582 | - **Update(js):** Updated the parameter of `footerStyle`.
583 | - **Update(js):** Added classes supported for `footerStyle`.
584 | - **Update(js):** Fixed IE11 transform bug.
585 | - **Update(js):** Removed beginning and end whitespace from td.
586 | - **Update(export extension):** Fixed export selected bug.
587 |
588 | ### 1.13.4
589 |
590 | - **New(sticky-header extension):** Rewrote sticky-header extension to ES6.
591 | - **New(sticky-header extension):** Added to support bootstrap v4 and `theadClasses` option.
592 | - **New(auto-refresh extension):** Icons update to font-awesome 5.
593 | - **New(examples):** Added examples Algolia search.
594 | - **Update(js):** Fixed `theadClasses` is not set when a `thead` exists.
595 | - **Update(js):** Fixed table resize after mergeCell the first row.
596 | - **Update(cookie extension):** Fixed cookie extension broken bug.
597 | - **Update(cookie extension):** Fixed cookie extension unicode encode bug.
598 | - **Update(package):** Added `sass` devDependencies.
599 |
600 | ### 1.13.3
601 |
602 | - **New(js):** Supported full table classes of bootstrap v4.
603 | - **New(css):** Rewrote bootstrap-table.css to scss.
604 | - **New(accent-neutralise extension):** Rewrote accent-neutralise extension to ES6.
605 | - **New(addrbar extension):** Rewrote addrbar extension to ES6 and supported attribute option.
606 | - **New(group-by-v2 extension):** New `groupByFormatter` option.
607 | - **New(pipeline extension):** New pipeline extension `bootstrap-table-pipeline`.
608 | - **Remove(js):** Removed `striped` option and use classes instead.
609 | - **Update(js):** Fixed `locale` option bug.
610 | - **Update(js):** Fixed `sortClass` option bug.
611 | - **Update(js):** Fixed `sortStable` option cannot work bug.
612 | - **Update(js):** Improved built-in sort function and `customSort` logic.
613 | - **Update(js):** Fixed horizontal scrollbar bug.
614 | - **Update(cookie extension):** Improved cookie extension code.
615 |
616 | ### 1.13.2
617 |
618 | - **New(js):** Added `paginationSuccessivelySize`, `paginationPagesBySide` and `paginationUseIntermediate` pagination options.
619 | - **New(cookie extension):** Rewrote cookie extension to ES6.
620 | - **New(cookie extension):** Saved `filterBy` method.
621 | - **New(filter-control extension):** Added `placeholder` as a empty option to the select controls.
622 | - **New(filter-control extension):** Added `clearFilterControl` method in order to clear all filter controls.
623 | - **New(docs)** Added Algolia search.
624 | - **Update(js):** Fixed sort column shows hidden rows in `server` side pagination bug.
625 | - **Update(js):** Fixed `scrollTo` bug.
626 | - **Update(css):** Fixed no-bordered problem of bootstrap v4.
627 | - **Update(filter-control extension):** Added bootstrap v4 icon support.
628 |
629 | ### 1.13.1
630 |
631 | - feat(js): add `theadClasses` option to support bootstrap v4
632 | - feat(js): fix #3727, icons update to font-awesome 5
633 | - feat(locale): rewrite all locales to ES6
634 | - feat(editable extension): rewrite bootstrap-table-editable to ES6
635 | - feat(filter-control extension): rewrite bootstrap-table-filter-control to ES6
636 | - feat(treegrid extension): add `rootParentId` option
637 | - fix(js): fix #3653, getHiddenRows method bug
638 | - fix(js): fix #4066, `getOptions` method remove data property
639 | - fix(js): fix #4088, no matches display error
640 | - fix(js): fix eslint warning and error
641 | - fix(locale): fix #3999, improve es-ES locale
642 | - fix(filter-control extension): fix #3474, multiple choice bug
643 | - fix(filter-control extension): fix #4008, select all rows and `keyup` event error
644 | - fix(export extension): fix #4086, export in cardView display error
645 |
646 | ### 1.13.0
647 |
648 | - feat(js): rewrite bootstrap-table to ES6
649 | - feat(locale): add fi-FI.js locale
650 | - feat(build): use babel instead grunt
651 | - feat(filter-control): add `created-controls.bs.table` event to filter-control
652 | - feat(export extension): rewrite export extension to ES6
653 | - feat(export extension): export extension support bootstrap v4
654 | - feat(export extension): add `exportTable` method
655 | - feat(toolbar extension): rewrite toolbar extension to ES6
656 | - feat(toolbar extension): toolbar extension supports bootstrap v4
657 | - feat(toolbar extension): add server sidePagination support
658 | - feat(resizable extension): new resizable extension version 2.0.0
659 | - feat(editable extension): allow different x-editable configuration per table row
660 | - feat(addrbar extension): add addrbar extension
661 | - fix(js): fix #1769, improve check/uncheck methods
662 | - fix(js): fix #1983, cookie with pageNumber and searchText bug
663 | - fix(js): fix #2485, selections bugs
664 | - fix(js): fix #2545, customSearch support data attribute
665 | - fix(js): fix #3696, can't search data with formatter
666 | - fix(js): fix #4081, getRowByUniqueId error when row unique id is undefined
667 | - fix(js): fix older bootstrap version bug
668 | - fix(css): fix #1848, remove toolbar line-height
669 | - fix(css): limit fullscreen CSS rule scope
670 | - fix(editable extension): fix #1819, #2072, editable formatter bug
671 | - fix(extension): fix #3720, fix #3682, bug with export extension together
672 | - fix(extension): remove lick-edit-row and flat-json extensions
673 |
674 | ### 1.12.2
675 |
676 | - fix(js): fix #3656, toggle icon typo release error
677 |
678 | ### 1.12.1
679 |
680 | - fix(js): fix #3656, toggle icon typo
681 | - fix(js): fix #3657, opencollective postinstall error
682 | - fix(group-by-v2 extension): fix #3598, detailView display bug
683 | - feat(tree-grid extension): fix #3607, add `rowStyle` support
684 |
685 | ### 1.12.0
686 |
687 | - fix(js): fix zoom header width bug
688 | - fix(js): fix #3452, reset the table data when url loaded error
689 | - fix(js): fix #3380, check-all was wrong with the sub-table
690 | - fix(js): fix #2963, singleSelect, maintainSelected and pagination bug
691 | - fix(js): fix #3342, remove limit when it is 0
692 | - fix(js): fix #3472, group header style bug
693 | - fix(js): fix #3310, searchText causes two requests
694 | - fix(js): fix #3029, IE8 does not support getOwnPropertyNames
695 | - fix(js): fix #3204, sortName cannot work in server side pagination
696 | - fix(js): fix #3163, `showToolbar` bug when using extensions
697 | - fix(js): fix #3087, only send pagination parameters when `sidePagination` is `server`
698 | - fix(export extension): fix #3477, server pagination mode cannot export all data
699 | - fix(filter-control extension): fix #3271, duplicate select option with fixed header and client pagination
700 | - feat(js): add `detailFilter` option
701 | - feat(js): add `rememberOrder` option
702 | - feat(js): improve pageList `All` option locale independent
703 | - feat(js): add `Bootstrap v4.0` support
704 | - feat(js): add `row` data to sorter function
705 | - feat(js): add `ignoreClickToSelectOn` option
706 | - feat(js): add `onScrollBody` / `scroll-body.bs.table` event
707 | - feat(js): add `showFullscreen` option
708 | - feat(js): add `showSelectTitle` column option
709 | - feat(js): add `$el` to collapse-row
710 | - feat(locale): add `eu-EU` locale
711 | - feat(export extension): add `exportFooter` option
712 | - feat(multiple-sort extension): add `showMultiSortButton` option
713 | - feat(filter-control extension): add `searchOnEnterKey` option
714 | - feat(page-jump-to extension): add `page-jump-to` extension
715 | - feat(resizable extension): add `resizeMode` option
716 | - feat(sticky-header extension): add `Bootstrap v4.0` support
717 | - feat(treegrid extension): add `treegrid` extension
718 | - feat(print extension): add support to print complex table
719 | - feat(extension): add cookie in combination with filter-control and strict search
720 |
721 | #### Breaking changes in 1.12.0
722 |
723 | - feat(js): add `toggleOn` and `toggleOff` icons instead `toggle` icon
724 |
725 |
726 | ### 1.11.1
727 |
728 | - fix(js): fix #2439, `filterBy` cannot filter array keys
729 | - fix(js): fix #2424, from html with checkbox bug
730 | - fix(js): fix #2385, checkbox render bug with formatter
731 | - fix(js): fix #750, showRow and hideRow bug
732 | - fix(js): fix #2387, page list bug
733 | - fix(js): decrement totalRows on remove if using server side pagination
734 | - fix(js): bug in the calculation of toolbar and pagination heights
735 | - feat(js): fix #2414, add `paginationLoop` option
736 | - feat(js): update method `getRowsHidden` to `getHiddenRows`
737 | - feat(js): add `sortClass` option
738 | - feat(js): add `totalField` Option
739 | - feat(js): add 'pageNumber' and 'pageSize' to 'refresh' method
740 | - feat(js): add `escape` column option
741 | - fix(js): fix #2461, adding the initPagination call to updateByUniqueId and updateRow methods
742 | - fix(js): fix #2879, IE8 bug
743 | - fix(js): fix #2719, remove `tabindex`
744 | - fix(css): fix #2208, dropdown-menu style bug
745 | - fix(filter-control extension): fix #2418, `height` cause datepicker not display the selected date
746 | - fix(export extension): fix #2220, selected rows does not work when data-pagination-side is server
747 | - fix(reorder-row extension): fix #1343, reorder rows bug with pagination
748 | - fix(cookie extension): correction regex to match 'mi'
749 | - feat(locale): fix #2759, add es-CL and uz-UZ locales
750 | - feat(cookie extension): fix #2386, add `getCookies` method
751 | - feat(cookie extension): fix #2371, add `cookieStorage` option
752 | - feat(multiple-selection-row extension): add multiple-selection-row extension
753 | - feat(filter-control extension): fix #1540, disable unnecessary/unused values from select options
754 | - feat(filter-control extension): fix #2448, create a css file which contains the style for this extension
755 | - feat(filter-control extension): fix #2189, set placeholder of the filter-control input
756 | - feat(print extension): add print extension
757 | - feat(auto-refresh extension): add auto refresh extension
758 | - feat(tree-column extension): add tree column extension
759 |
760 | #### Breaking changes in 1.11.1
761 |
762 | - **Filter-Control extension**: deleted the inline-style and now this extension is using a separated css file.
763 |
764 |
765 | ### 1.11.0
766 |
767 | - fix(js): fix cardVisible doesn't work bug
768 | - fix(js): int field break toggleColumn
769 | - fix(js): table elements inside bootstrap table bug
770 | - fix(js): move formatter after cellStyle
771 | - fix(js): the footer is hidden in card view
772 | - fix(js): fix sorting rows not working bug
773 | - fix(js): return field from visible cells
774 | - fix(js): onSearch event is not fire when we press the arrows keys
775 | - fix(js): fix fromHtml error
776 | - fix(js): fix event cannot work when some columns are hidden
777 | - fix(js): remove page size and number when pagination is false
778 | - fix(js): remove getFieldIndexFromColumnIndex because it cause events bug
779 | - fix(js): fix getSelections method bug
780 | - fix(js): update records to rows
781 | - fix(locale): update it-IT locale
782 | - fix(locale): add formatAllRows in template locale
783 | - fix(filter-control extension): add check for null values on existsOptionInSelectControl
784 | - fix(filter-control extension): fix show-clear button bug
785 | - fix(editable extension): fix editable formatter error when refreshOptions
786 | - feat(js): add support for transfer from rowspan / colspan table
787 | - feat(js): add data variable to post-body event
788 | - feat(js): add `buttonsClass` option
789 | - feat(js): add `getVisibleColumns` method
790 | - feat(js): add resize event to fit the header
791 | - feat(js): add `onRefresh` event
792 | - feat(js): add field parameter in the click and dblClick row events
793 | - feat(js): add div.card-views surrounds all the card view div
794 | - feat(js): add `field` parameter to cellStyle
795 | - feat(js): add `sortStable` option
796 | - feat(js): add `footerStyle` option
797 | - feat(extension): add select2 filter and i18n enhance extensions
798 | - feat(extension): add multi-column-toggle extension
799 | - feat(filter-control extension): add select list data to be passed in as JSON string and filter control starts with search
800 | - feat(angular extension): add constant in order to get it from angular scope
801 | - feat(export extension): add `formatExport` locale
802 | - feat(multiple-sort extension): add `formatSortOrders` option
803 | - feat(multiple-sort extension): support pagination server
804 | - refactor(filter-control extension): refactor the filterDataType method
805 | - refactor(filter-control extension): adding all unique values to select control and performance improvements
806 | - refactor(extension): refactor filter cookies extension to avoid double calls
807 | - docs(filter-control extension): add documentation for filterData
808 |
809 |
810 | ### 1.10.1
811 |
812 | - revert: feat: update escape to false
813 | - feat: add `checkInvert` method
814 | - feat: add `bootstrap-table-he-IL.js`
815 | - bug: update grunt to development dependency
816 | - bug: press on toolbar elements, the key-events it will not run
817 | - bug: remove bogus conditions that will always be true
818 | - bug: refactor filter control select input initialization
819 | - bug: typo in Slovak translation
820 |
821 | ### 1.10.0
822 |
823 | - [bug] Fixed #1619: sub-table checkbox selects all the table.
824 | - [bug] Fixed icons for ability customizing.
825 | - [bug] Fixed #1677: paginationSwitch for server-side.
826 | - [bug] Fixed #1613: padding in footer.
827 | - [bug] Fixed #1742: showRow & hideRow param checks.
828 | - [bug] Fixed getItemField bug.
829 | - [bug] Fixed #617: server side pagination uses `this.options.searchText`.
830 | - [bug] Fixed class name does not apply to checkbox field bug.
831 | - [bug] Fixed clear function and searchFormatter option of filter-control extension.
832 | - [bug] Fixed year computation on cookie extension.
833 | - [bug] Fixed ReorderRows init when reorderable is false.
834 | - [bug] Fix #1660: removed PowerPoint type of export extension.
835 | - [enh] Added `title` attribute to pagination controls defining the page number.
836 | - [enh] Added `escape` option.
837 | - [enh] Added `searchOnEnterKey` option.
838 | - [enh] Added `updateFormatText` method.
839 | - [enh] Added a third parameter to `detailFormatter` method passing the jQuery element.
840 | - [enh] Added new param for `updateCell` method to avoid table reinitialization.
841 | - [enh] Removed outline of th.
842 | - [enh] Added extension.json and composer.json files.
843 | - [enh] Added alternative group-by extension.
844 | - [enh] Added sticky-header extension.
845 | - [enh] Added filterLocal option to filter-control extension.
846 | - [enh] Enabled data attributes for editable column.
847 | - [enh] Added IconSize option to export extension.
848 | - [enh] Added tooltip for filter-control toolbar button.
849 |
850 | ### 1.9.1
851 |
852 | - [bug] Removed no records events.
853 | - [bug] Fixed cardView fieldIndex error.
854 | - [bug] Fixed #1130: table-condensed is not working.
855 | - [bug] Fixed #1482: export all server sidePagination bug(export extension).
856 | - [bug] Fixed #1248: IE8 does not support indexOf function.
857 | - [bug] Fixed #1491: (un)check event element argument missing.
858 | - [bug] Fixed Italian translation.
859 | - [bug] Unified naming of MS in type names(export extension).
860 | - [bug] Fixed selectPage method fails(cookie extension).
861 | - [bug] Add ja-JP and ms-MY translation for formatAllRows.
862 | - [enh] UniqueId can also be stored in a row's data property.
863 | - [enh] Use default settings when cookie settings don't exist(cookie extension).
864 | - [enh] Expand `filterBy` to accept and array of values.
865 | - [enh] Added `updateByUniqueId` method.
866 | - [doc] Added `iconSize` docs.
867 |
868 | ### 1.9.0
869 |
870 | - [enh] Update bootstrap-table-cookie.js.
871 | - [enh] Use options for detailView's open/close icons.
872 | - [enh] Added `refreshOptions` and `gtHiddenColumns` method.
873 | - [enh] Added `datepicker` option to Filter Control.
874 | - [bug] Fix #936 Sort carets should not be inline-styled by JS.
875 | - [bug] Fix table header width bug when setting table to no bordered.
876 | - [bug] Fix #938, fix #940: Multiple Sort and Hide/Show column.
877 | - [bug] Fix #970: `click`and `dblclick` bug on no-rows table.
878 | - [bug] Fix #967: unselected column while column sorted display error.
879 | - [enh] Support title feature in cells.
880 | - [enh] Improved cookie, mobile extension.
881 | - [enh] Added group-by, angular extension.
882 | - [enh] Added option for setting locale.
883 | - [enh] Added `exportDataType` option for export extension.
884 | - [enh] Add fa-IR, ca-ES, es-ES, et-EE and af-ZA locales.
885 | - [enh] Supported complex header with `rowspan` and `colspan`.
886 | - [enh] Added `searchFormatter` column option.
887 | - [bug] Fixed ResetRow function and undefined column search bug.
888 | - [bug] Fixed #639: footer resizing problem.
889 | - [enh] Added resetSearch method to reset the search text.
890 | - [enh] Supported flat json.
891 | - [enh] Improved reorder-columns extension.
892 | - [enh] Added multiple-search, accent-neutralise extension.
893 | - [enh] Added fixed-columns extension.
894 | - [enh] Added `$.fn.bootstrapTable.utils` tools.
895 | - [enh] Added `expandRow` and `collapseRow` methods.
896 | - [enh] Updated `showRow`, `hideRow` and `updateCell` methods.
897 | - [bug] Fix #1390: radio maintainSelected bug.
898 | - [bug] Fix #1421: checkBy filter enabled.
899 | - [bug] Remove `bootstrap-table-all.js` and `bootstrap-table-all.min.js`.
900 |
901 | ### 1.8.1
902 |
903 | - [enh] Accessing field name in formatter.
904 | - [enh] Improve function option to support string format for example formatter.
905 | - [enh] Added multiple sort extension.
906 | - [enh] Improve filter control extension.
907 | - [enh] Added jsdelivr CDN.
908 | - [bug] Fix #912: Bug when switching to card view.
909 | - [bug] Fix #914: extra empty toolbar div bug.
910 | - [bug] Fix bootstrap-table-pt-PT.js typo.
911 |
912 | ### 1.8.0
913 |
914 | - [enh] Added state saving for visible columns and the ability to use extension with multiple simultaneous tables.
915 | - [enh] Added `ajax` option to replace jquery ajax method.
916 | - [enh] Added `resetWidth` method to reset header and footer width.
917 | - [enh] Added key-events, mobile, filter-control, reorder-columns, reorder-rows, resizable, natural-sorting, toolbar extensions, and update the extensions name.
918 | - [enh] Added `onToggle`, `onCheckSome` and `onUncheckSome` events.
919 | - [enh] Added `getScrollPosition`, `removeAll`, `removeByUniqueId` methods.
920 | - [bug] Fix double header bug after table show from hidden.
921 | - [bug] Fix #279: scrollWidth bug.
922 | - [enh] `getData` method support to get the current page data.
923 | - [enh] Added 'getAllSelections' method to get checked rows across all pages.
924 | - [enh] Added `ro-RO` locale.
925 | - [enh] Added `table-no-bordered` class to remove table-bordered style.
926 | - [enh] Added `bootstrap-table-all.js` and `bootstrap-table-locale-all.js` files to dist.
927 | - [enh] Added detail view feature.
928 | - [enh] Added `updateCell` method.
929 | - [enh] Added `onClickCell` and `onDblClickCell` events.
930 | - [bug] Fix #672: Column Fixed Width in Percentage bug.
931 | - [bug] Fix row state field value bug when there are disabled rows.
932 | - [bug] Fix #762: save data-* attributes of tr.
933 | - [bug] Fix #823, #850: break rowspan bug, data-attribute bug.
934 |
935 | ### 1.7.0
936 |
937 | - [enh] Add `showFooter`, `keyEvents`, `searchText` and `uniqueId` options.
938 | - [enh] Add `cardVisible` column options.
939 | - [enh] Add `checkBy` and `uncheckBy`, `showRow` and `hideRow` and `getRowsHidden` methods.
940 | - [enh] Add nb-NO, ar-SA, es-MX, ka-GE locales.
941 | - [enh] Add cookie, resizable, natural-sorting, toolbar extensions.
942 | - [enh] Add exportOptions to export extension.
943 | - [enh] Fix #263: prepend method support object and array.
944 | - [enh] Card View support checkbox and radio.
945 | - [bug] Fix Card View events bug.
946 | - [enh] Keep all `data-*` attributes when transform from normal table.
947 | - [enh] Load method support fixedScroll param.
948 | - [enh] Added 'all' option in pagination.
949 | - [enh] Added pagination detail align.
950 |
951 | ### 1.6.0
952 |
953 | - [bug] Fix queryParams bug when use `sidePagination='server'`.
954 | - [enh] Add uk-UA, sv-SE, pt-PT, ms-MY, ja-JP locales.
955 | - [enh] Add `searchTimeOut` option.
956 | - [bug] Fix #220: state column hideColumn bug.
957 | - [bug] Fix #221: cellStyle bug.
958 | - [enh] Add `iconsPrefix` and `icons` options to support custom icons.
959 | - [enh] Add i18n support for docs.
960 | - [enh] Allow `query` params to be specified during refresh.
961 | - [bug] Fix bug of ellipsis string.
962 | - [bug] Fix pageList smartDisplay.
963 | - [bug] Fix #188: Export Button is not shown only use `showExport=true`.
964 | - [bug] Fix page-change event params bug.
965 | - [enh] Add limit and offset params only if pagination is activated.
966 | - [enh] Add `ajaxOptions` option to custom $.ajax options.
967 | - [enh] Add a toggle pagination toolbar button.
968 | - [enh] Add `iconSize` option.
969 | - [enh] Add `buttonsAlign` option and update `toolbarAlign` option.
970 | - [enh] Add `prepend`, `insertRow` and `toggleView` methods.
971 | - [enh] Add `editable-save.bs.table` event to editable extension.
972 | - [enh] #431: load method support pagination.
973 |
974 | ### 1.5.0
975 |
976 | - [bug] Fix #144: `onCheck` and `onUncheck` events are reversed when using `clickToSelect` option. (jQuery 1.7.2 bug).
977 | - [bug] Fix IE browser display header bug when use `mergeCells` method.
978 | - [bug] Fix #269: array as row bug.
979 | - [bug] Fix #314: `rowStyle` bug.
980 | - [enh] Add de-DE, hu-HU, sk-SK locales.
981 | - [enh] Fix #261: add namespace to `.table` style.
982 | - [bug] Fix #160, #323: operate events don't work in card view.
983 | - [enh] Add `filterBy`, `scrollTo`, `prevPage` and `nextPage`, `check` and `uncheck` methods.
984 | - [enh] Add `onPreBody` and `onPostBody` events.
985 | - [enh] Add `searchable` column option.
986 | - [enh] Fix #59: support load multiple locale files.
987 | - [enh] Modify the scope of the column events.
988 | - [enh] Improve editable extension.
989 |
990 | ### 1.4.0
991 |
992 | - [enh] Fix #119, #123: Save all `id` and `class` of `tr` and `td` for html table.
993 | - [enh] Fix #149: Hide empty data on Card view.
994 | - [enh] Fix #131: Add `onPageChange` event.
995 | - [enh] Add `onSearch` event.
996 | - [enh] Apply `width` column option to row style.
997 | - [enh] Add bootstrap-table-filter extension.
998 | - [enh] Add cs-CZ, es-CR, es-NI, pl-PL, ur-PK, ko-KR, th-TH locales.
999 | - [bug] Fix `minimumCountColumns` option init error.
1000 | - [bug] Fix #161: `undefined` or `null` string sort bug.
1001 | - [bug] Fix #171: IE disabled button can be clicked bug.
1002 | - [bug] Fix #185: Reset the page to the first page when changing the url with `refresh` method.
1003 | - [bug] Fix #202: updateRow method keep the scroll position.
1004 | - [enh] Add `smartDisplay` option.
1005 | - [enh] Add `searchAlign` and `toolbarAlign` options.
1006 | - [enh] Fix #193: Add `dataType` option.
1007 | - [enh] Add flatJSON and editable extensions.
1008 | - [enh] Add `rowAttributes` option.
1009 | - [enh] Update documentation.
1010 |
1011 | ### 1.3.0
1012 |
1013 | - [enh] Take `showHeader` option effect to the card view.
1014 | - [enh] Rename and update locale files.
1015 | - [bug] Fix #102: Wrong `options.columns` initialization.
1016 | - [enh] Fix #121: Add extensions for bootstrap table.
1017 | - [bug] Fix #138: IE8 search data and remove method error.
1018 | - [bug] Fix bug: sorter and check all do not work in some case.
1019 | - [enh] Add `bootstrap-table-nl-NL.js` and `bootstrap-table-el-GR.js`.
1020 | - [enh] Support search without data-field set, trim search input.
1021 | - [enh] Fix #81: Allow the `class` to be applied to the radio or checkbox row.
1022 | - [bug] Fix #135, #142: Search use formatted data.
1023 | - [enh] Verify search text before send queryParams.
1024 | - [bug] Fix #148: column events support namespace.
1025 | - [enh] Support to disable radio or checkbox column by formatter.
1026 |
1027 | ### 1.2.4
1028 |
1029 | - [enh] Fix #23: Add css and classes parameters to column cell.
1030 | - [enh] Fix #64: Add support for change remote url.
1031 | - [enh] Fix #112: update the `refresh` method.
1032 | - [bug] Fix #113: Using radio type and cardView error.
1033 | - [enh] Fix #117: Add `updateRow` method.
1034 | - [enh] Fix #96, #103: apply `class` option to td elements.
1035 | - [enh] Fix #97: add `sortable` class to header cells instead of `cursor: pointer`.
1036 | - [enh] Fix #124: change `queryParams` and `queryParamsType` default option.
1037 | - [enh] Remove the `eval` method.
1038 | - [enh] Add `bootstrap-table-it-IT.js` locale.
1039 |
1040 | ### 1.2.3
1041 |
1042 | - [bug] Fix the selected row class reset after toggle column bug.
1043 | - [bug] Fix #86: invisible column are still searchable.
1044 | - [bug] Fix search result error when toggle column display.
1045 | - [enh] Add `clickToSelect` to columns.
1046 | - [bug] Fix click-row event bug.
1047 | - [enh] When field is undefined, use index instead.
1048 | - [enh] Add `cache` option for AJAX calls.
1049 | - [enh] Improve zh-TW translation.
1050 | - [enh] #82: Add `getData` method.
1051 | - [enh] #82: Add `remove` method.
1052 |
1053 | ### 1.2.2
1054 |
1055 | - Fix #68: Add `showColumn`/`hideColumn` methods.
1056 | - Fix #69: Add `bootstrap-table-es_AR.js` locale.
1057 | - Fix #88: Add `bootstrap-table-fr_BE.js` locale.
1058 | - Fix #85: Select row and add row class.
1059 | - Add `halign` column option.
1060 |
1061 | ### 1.2.1
1062 |
1063 | - Fix #56: Pagination issue in bootstrap 2.3.
1064 | - Fix #76: After refreshing table data, search no longer works.
1065 | - Fix #77: After searching and then clearing the search field, table is no longer sortable.
1066 | - Add `sortable` option, `false` to disable sortable of all columns.
1067 | - Support localization for docs.
1068 |
1069 | ### 1.2.0
1070 |
1071 | - Fix bootstrap 2 table border bug.
1072 | - Fix loading and not found record display bug.
1073 | - Rename `minimumCountColumns`.
1074 | - Fix sort order bug.
1075 |
1076 | ### 1.1.5
1077 |
1078 | - Fix the bottom border bug on Chrome.
1079 | - Add horizontal scroll for support.
1080 | - Fix scroll header width error.
1081 | - Add `showRefresh` and `showToggle` options.
1082 |
1083 | ### 1.1.4
1084 |
1085 | - Fix `destroy` method bug.
1086 | - Initialize table data from HTML.
1087 | - Fix the hidden table reset header bug.
1088 |
1089 | ### 1.1.3
1090 |
1091 | - Add `events` column option.
1092 | - Add `checkboxHeader` option.
1093 | - Add `queryParamsType` option.
1094 | - Fix ie class bug, and fix duplicated data error.
1095 |
1096 | ### 1.1.2
1097 |
1098 | - Add switchable column option.
1099 | - Add `data-toggle` attribute.
1100 | - Add support for number search.
1101 | - Use html function instead of text in header th.
1102 |
1103 | ### 1.1.1
1104 |
1105 | - Remove `bootstrapVersion` option.
1106 | - Add `data-page-list` attribute.
1107 | - Fix search data error.
1108 | - Non case sensitive search in client side.
1109 | - Added support for Danish translation.
1110 |
1111 | ### 1.1.0
1112 |
1113 | - Fix old firefox browser display error.
1114 | - Add minimumCountColumns option.
1115 | - Update the table body header implementation and resetView method.
1116 | - Remove bootstrapVersion option.
1117 | - Fix search data error.
1118 |
1119 | ### 1.0.6
1120 |
1121 | - Add jQuery events.
1122 | - Add `onDblClickRow` event and `onAll` event.
1123 | - Add `singleSelect` option.
1124 | - Search improve: add a timeout and trigger the search event when the text has changed to improve the search.
1125 | - Scroll to top after data loaded.
1126 | - Add `toolbar` option.
1127 | - Add `rowStyle` option.
1128 | - Add `bootstrapVersion` option.
1129 |
1130 | ### 1.0.5
1131 |
1132 | - Update the pagination list position.
1133 | - Update `queryParams` option.
1134 | - Add `contentType` and `onBeforeLoad` options.
1135 | - Add server side pagination(`pageSize, pageNumber, searchText, sortName, sortOrder`).
1136 | - Add `COLUMN_DEFAULTS`.
1137 | - Add `refresh` method.
1138 | - Add `index` argument in `formatter` function.
1139 | - Update card view display.
1140 |
1141 | ### 1.0.4
1142 |
1143 | - Add `showLoading` and `hideLoading` methods.
1144 | - Add `onLoadSuccess` and `onLoadError` events.
1145 | - Add `clickToSelect` option.
1146 | - Add `cardView` option.
1147 | - Add loading with `formatLoadingMessage` function.
1148 | - Add `idField` option.
1149 |
1150 | ### 1.0.3
1151 |
1152 | - Update fixed headers.
1153 | - Add zh-TW locale file.
1154 | - Add `showColumns` option and `visible` column option.
1155 | - Update `hideHeader` option to `showHeader`.
1156 | - Add `formatNoMatches` locale function.
1157 | - Add table events.
1158 |
1159 | ### 1.0.2
1160 |
1161 | - Add i18n support.
1162 | - Add `selectItemName` option.
1163 | - Update the `pageList` default.
1164 | - Add `search` option.
1165 | - Add `destroy` method.
1166 | - Add page list support.
1167 |
1168 | ### 1.0.1
1169 |
1170 | - Add `pagination` support.
1171 |
1172 | ### 1.0.0
1173 |
1174 | - Initial release