38.8 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @module botbuilder
3 */
5 * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
6 * Licensed under the MIT License.
7 */
8import { BotFrameworkHttpAdapter } from './botFrameworkHttpAdapter';
9import { ConnectorClientBuilder, Request, Response, WebRequest, WebResponse } from './interfaces';
10import { Activity, BotAdapter, ChannelAccount, ConversationParameters, ConversationReference, ConversationsResult, CoreAppCredentials, ExtendedUserTokenProvider, ResourceResponse, TokenResponse, TurnContext } from 'botbuilder-core';
11import { AppCredentials, AuthenticationConfiguration, ClaimsIdentity, ConnectorClient, ConnectorClientOptions, SignInUrlResponse, SimpleCredentialProvider, TokenApiClient, TokenExchangeRequest, TokenStatus } from 'botframework-connector';
12import { INodeBuffer, INodeSocket, IReceiveRequest, NodeWebSocketFactoryBase, RequestHandler, StreamingResponse } from 'botframework-streaming';
14 * Contains settings used to configure a [BotFrameworkAdapter](xref:botbuilder.BotFrameworkAdapter) instance.
15 */
16export interface BotFrameworkAdapterSettings {
17 /**
18 * The ID assigned to your bot in the [Bot Framework Portal](https://dev.botframework.com/).
19 */
20 appId: string;
21 /**
22 * The password assigned to your bot in the [Bot Framework Portal](https://dev.botframework.com/).
23 */
24 appPassword: string;
25 /**
26 * Optional. The tenant to acquire the bot-to-channel token from.
27 */
28 channelAuthTenant?: string;
29 /**
30 * Optional. The OAuth API endpoint for your bot to use.
31 */
32 oAuthEndpoint?: string;
33 /**
34 * Optional. The OpenID Metadata endpoint for your bot to use.
35 */
36 openIdMetadata?: string;
37 /**
38 * Optional. The channel service option for this bot to validate connections from Azure or other channel locations.
39 */
40 channelService?: string;
41 /**
42 * Optional. Used to pass in a NodeWebSocketFactoryBase instance.
43 */
44 webSocketFactory?: NodeWebSocketFactoryBase;
45 /**
46 * Optional. Certificate thumbprint to authenticate the appId against AAD.
47 */
48 certificateThumbprint?: string;
49 /**
50 * Optional. Certificate key to authenticate the appId against AAD.
51 */
52 certificatePrivateKey?: string;
53 /**
54 * Optional. Used to require specific endorsements and verify claims. Recommended for Skills.
55 */
56 authConfig?: AuthenticationConfiguration;
57 /**
58 * Optional. Used when creating new ConnectorClients.
59 */
60 clientOptions?: ConnectorClientOptions;
62export declare const USER_AGENT: string;
64 * A [BotAdapter](xref:botbuilder-core.BotAdapter) that can connect a bot to a service endpoint.
65 * Implements [IUserTokenProvider](xref:botbuilder-core.IUserTokenProvider).
66 *
67 * @remarks
68 * The bot adapter encapsulates authentication processes and sends activities to and receives
69 * activities from the Bot Connector Service. When your bot receives an activity, the adapter
70 * creates a turn context object, passes it to your bot application logic, and sends responses
71 * back to the user's channel.
72 *
73 * The adapter processes and directs incoming activities in through the bot middleware pipeline to
74 * your bot logic and then back out again. As each activity flows in and out of the bot, each
75 * piece of middleware can inspect or act upon the activity, both before and after the bot logic runs.
76 * Use the [use](xref:botbuilder-core.BotAdapter.use) method to add [Middleware](xref:botbuilder-core.Middleware)
77 * objects to your adapter's middleware collection.
78 *
79 * For more information, see the articles on
80 * [How bots work](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/bot-service/bot-builder-basics) and
81 * [Middleware](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/bot-service/bot-builder-concept-middleware).
82 *
83 * For example:
84 * ```JavaScript
85 * const { BotFrameworkAdapter } = require('botbuilder');
86 *
87 * const adapter = new BotFrameworkAdapter({
88 * appId: process.env.MicrosoftAppId,
89 * appPassword: process.env.MicrosoftAppPassword
90 * });
91 *
92 * adapter.onTurnError = async (context, error) => {
93 * // Catch-all logic for errors.
94 * };
95 * ```
96 */
97export declare class BotFrameworkAdapter extends BotAdapter implements BotFrameworkHttpAdapter, ConnectorClientBuilder, ExtendedUserTokenProvider, RequestHandler {
98 readonly TokenApiClientCredentialsKey: symbol;
99 protected readonly credentials: AppCredentials;
100 protected readonly credentialsProvider: SimpleCredentialProvider;
101 protected readonly settings: BotFrameworkAdapterSettings;
102 private isEmulatingOAuthCards;
103 private logic;
104 private streamingServer;
105 private webSocketFactory;
106 private authConfiguration;
107 private namedPipeName?;
108 /**
109 * Creates a new instance of the [BotFrameworkAdapter](xref:botbuilder.BotFrameworkAdapter) class.
110 *
111 * @param settings Optional. The settings to use for this adapter instance.
112 *
113 * @remarks
114 * If the `settings` parameter does not include
115 * [channelService](xref:botbuilder.BotFrameworkAdapterSettings.channelService) or
116 * [openIdMetadata](xref:botbuilder.BotFrameworkAdapterSettings.openIdMetadata) values, the
117 * constructor checks the process' environment variables for these values. These values may be
118 * set when a bot is provisioned on Azure and if so are required for the bot to work properly
119 * in the global cloud or in a national cloud.
120 *
121 * The [BotFrameworkAdapterSettings](xref:botbuilder.BotFrameworkAdapterSettings) class defines
122 * the available adapter settings.
123 */
124 constructor(settings?: Partial<BotFrameworkAdapterSettings>);
125 /*
126 * Used in streaming contexts to check if the streaming connection is still open for the bot to send activities.
127 */
128 readonly isStreamingConnectionOpen: boolean;
129 /**
130 * Asynchronously resumes a conversation with a user, possibly after some time has gone by.
131 *
132 * @param reference A reference to the conversation to continue.
133 * @param oAuthScope The intended recipient of any sent activities.
134 * @param logic The asynchronous method to call after the adapter middleware runs.
135 *
136 * @remarks
137 * This is often referred to as a _proactive notification_, the bot can proactively
138 * send a message to a conversation or user without waiting for an incoming message.
139 * For example, a bot can use this method to send notifications or coupons to a user.
140 *
141 * To send a proactive message:
142 * 1. Save a copy of a [ConversationReference](xref:botframework-schema.ConversationReference)
143 * from an incoming activity. For example, you can store the conversation reference in a database.
144 * 1. Call this method to resume the conversation at a later time. Use the saved reference to access the conversation.
145 * 1. On success, the adapter generates a [TurnContext](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext) object and calls the `logic` function handler.
146 * Use the `logic` function to send the proactive message.
147 *
148 * To copy the reference from any incoming activity in the conversation, use the
149 * [TurnContext.getConversationReference](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext.getConversationReference) method.
150 *
151 * This method is similar to the [processActivity](xref:botbuilder.BotFrameworkAdapter.processActivity) method.
152 * The adapter creates a [TurnContext](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext) and routes it through
153 * its middleware before calling the `logic` handler. The created activity will have a
154 * [type](xref:botframework-schema.Activity.type) of 'event' and a
155 * [name](xref:botframework-schema.Activity.name) of 'continueConversation'.
156 *
157 * For example:
158 * ```JavaScript
159 * server.post('/api/notifyUser', async (req, res) => {
160 * // Lookup previously saved conversation reference.
161 * const reference = await findReference(req.body.refId);
162 *
163 * // Proactively notify the user.
164 * if (reference) {
165 * await adapter.continueConversation(reference, async (context) => {
166 * await context.sendActivity(req.body.message);
167 * });
168 * res.send(200);
169 * } else {
170 * res.send(404);
171 * }
172 * });
173 * ```
174 */
175 continueConversation(reference: Partial<ConversationReference>, logic: (context: TurnContext) => Promise<void>): Promise<void>;
176 /**
177 * Asynchronously resumes a conversation with a user, possibly after some time has gone by.
178 *
179 * @param reference [ConversationReference](xref:botframework-schema.ConversationReference) of the conversation to continue.
180 * @param oAuthScope The intended recipient of any sent activities or the function to call to continue the conversation.
181 * @param logic Optional. The asynchronous method to call after the adapter middleware runs.
182 */
183 continueConversation(reference: Partial<ConversationReference>, oAuthScope: string, logic: (context: TurnContext) => Promise<void>): Promise<void>;
184 /**
185 * Asynchronously creates and starts a conversation with a user on a channel.
186 *
187 * @param {Partial<ConversationReference>} reference A reference for the conversation to create.
188 * @param {(context: TurnContext) => Promise<void>} logic The asynchronous method to call after the adapter middleware runs.
189 * @returns {Promise<void>} a promise representing the asynchronous operation
190 *
191 * @summary
192 * To use this method, you need both the bot's and the user's account information on a channel.
193 * The Bot Connector service supports the creating of group conversations; however, this
194 * method and most channels only support initiating a direct message (non-group) conversation.
195 *
196 * To create and start a new conversation:
197 * 1. Get a copy of a [ConversationReference](xref:botframework-schema.ConversationReference) from an incoming activity.
198 * 1. Set the [user](xref:botframework-schema.ConversationReference.user) property to the
199 * [ChannelAccount](xref:botframework-schema.ChannelAccount) value for the intended recipient.
200 * 1. Call this method to request that the channel create a new conversation with the specified user.
201 * 1. On success, the adapter generates a turn context and calls the `logic` function handler.
202 *
203 * To get the initial reference, use the
204 * [TurnContext.getConversationReference](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext.getConversationReference)
205 * method on any incoming activity in the conversation.
206 *
207 * If the channel establishes the conversation, the generated event activity's
208 * [conversation](xref:botframework-schema.Activity.conversation) property will contain the
209 * ID of the new conversation.
210 *
211 * This method is similar to the [processActivity](xref:botbuilder.BotFrameworkAdapter.processActivity) method.
212 * The adapter creates a [TurnContext](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext) and routes it through
213 * middleware before calling the `logic` handler. The created activity will have a
214 * [type](xref:botframework-schema.Activity.type) of 'event' and a
215 * [name](xref:botframework-schema.Activity.name) of 'createConversation'.
216 *
217 * For example:
218 * ```JavaScript
219 * // Get group members conversation reference
220 * const reference = TurnContext.getConversationReference(context.activity);
221 *
222 * // ...
223 * // Start a new conversation with the user
224 * await adapter.createConversation(reference, async (ctx) => {
225 * await ctx.sendActivity(`Hi (in private)`);
226 * });
227 * ```
228 */
229 createConversation(reference: Partial<ConversationReference>, logic: (context: TurnContext) => Promise<void>): Promise<void>;
230 /**
231 * Asynchronously creates and starts a conversation with a user on a channel.
232 *
233 * @param {Partial<ConversationReference>} reference A reference for the conversation to create.
234 * @param {Partial<ConversationParameters>} parameters Parameters used when creating the conversation
235 * @param {(context: TurnContext) => Promise<void>} logic The asynchronous method to call after the adapter middleware runs.
236 * @returns {Promise<void>} a promise representing the asynchronous operation
237 */
238 createConversation(reference: Partial<ConversationReference>, parameters: Partial<ConversationParameters>, logic: (context: TurnContext) => Promise<void>): Promise<void>;
239 /**
240 * Asynchronously deletes an existing activity.
241 *
242 * This interface supports the framework and is not intended to be called directly for your code.
243 * Use [TurnContext.deleteActivity](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext.deleteActivity) to delete
244 * an activity from your bot code.
245 *
246 * @param context The context object for the turn.
247 * @param reference Conversation reference information for the activity to delete.
248 *
249 * @remarks
250 * Not all channels support this operation. For channels that don't, this call may throw an exception.
251 */
252 deleteActivity(context: TurnContext, reference: Partial<ConversationReference>): Promise<void>;
253 /**
254 * Asynchronously removes a member from the current conversation.
255 *
256 * @param context The context object for the turn.
257 * @param memberId The ID of the member to remove from the conversation.
258 *
259 * @remarks
260 * Remove a member's identity information from the conversation.
261 *
262 * Not all channels support this operation. For channels that don't, this call may throw an exception.
263 */
264 deleteConversationMember(context: TurnContext, memberId: string): Promise<void>;
265 /**
266 * Asynchronously lists the members of a given activity.
267 *
268 * @param context The context object for the turn.
269 * @param activityId Optional. The ID of the activity to get the members of. If not specified, the current activity ID is used.
270 *
271 * @returns An array of [ChannelAccount](xref:botframework-schema.ChannelAccount) objects for
272 * the users involved in a given activity.
273 *
274 * @remarks
275 * Returns an array of [ChannelAccount](xref:botframework-schema.ChannelAccount) objects for
276 * the users involved in a given activity.
277 *
278 * This is different from [getConversationMembers](xref:botbuilder.BotFrameworkAdapter.getConversationMembers)
279 * in that it will return only those users directly involved in the activity, not all members of the conversation.
280 */
281 getActivityMembers(context: TurnContext, activityId?: string): Promise<ChannelAccount[]>;
282 /**
283 * Asynchronously lists the members of the current conversation.
284 *
285 * @param context The context object for the turn.
286 *
287 * @returns An array of [ChannelAccount](xref:botframework-schema.ChannelAccount) objects for
288 * all users currently involved in a conversation.
289 *
290 * @remarks
291 * Returns an array of [ChannelAccount](xref:botframework-schema.ChannelAccount) objects for
292 * all users currently involved in a conversation.
293 *
294 * This is different from [getActivityMembers](xref:botbuilder.BotFrameworkAdapter.getActivityMembers)
295 * in that it will return all members of the conversation, not just those directly involved in a specific activity.
296 */
297 getConversationMembers(context: TurnContext): Promise<ChannelAccount[]>;
298 /**
299 * For the specified channel, asynchronously gets a page of the conversations in which this bot has participated.
300 *
301 * @param contextOrServiceUrl The URL of the channel server to query or a
302 * [TurnContext](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext) object from a conversation on the channel.
303 * @param continuationToken Optional. The continuation token from the previous page of results.
304 * Omit this parameter or use `undefined` to retrieve the first page of results.
305 *
306 * @returns A [ConversationsResult](xref:botframework-schema.ConversationsResult) object containing a page of results
307 * and a continuation token.
308 *
309 * @remarks
310 * The the return value's [conversations](xref:botframework-schema.ConversationsResult.conversations) property contains a page of
311 * [ConversationMembers](xref:botframework-schema.ConversationMembers) objects. Each object's
312 * [id](xref:botframework-schema.ConversationMembers.id) is the ID of a conversation in which the bot has participated on this channel.
313 * This method can be called from outside the context of a conversation, as only the bot's service URL and credentials are required.
314 *
315 * The channel batches results in pages. If the result's
316 * [continuationToken](xref:botframework-schema.ConversationsResult.continuationToken) property is not empty, then
317 * there are more pages to get. Use the returned token to get the next page of results.
318 * If the `contextOrServiceUrl` parameter is a [TurnContext](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext), the URL of the channel server is
319 * retrieved from
320 * `contextOrServiceUrl`.[activity](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext.activity).[serviceUrl](xref:botframework-schema.Activity.serviceUrl).
321 */
322 getConversations(contextOrServiceUrl: TurnContext | string, continuationToken?: string): Promise<ConversationsResult>;
323 /**
324 * Asynchronously attempts to retrieve the token for a user that's in a login flow.
325 *
326 * @param context The context object for the turn.
327 * @param connectionName The name of the auth connection to use.
328 * @param magicCode Optional. The validation code the user entered.
329 * @param oAuthAppCredentials AppCredentials for OAuth.
330 *
331 * @returns A [TokenResponse](xref:botframework-schema.TokenResponse) object that contains the user token.
332 */
333 getUserToken(context: TurnContext, connectionName: string, magicCode?: string): Promise<TokenResponse>;
334 getUserToken(context: TurnContext, connectionName: string, magicCode?: string, oAuthAppCredentials?: CoreAppCredentials): Promise<TokenResponse>;
335 /**
336 * Asynchronously signs out the user from the token server.
337 *
338 * @param context The context object for the turn.
339 * @param connectionName The name of the auth connection to use.
340 * @param userId The ID of user to sign out.
341 * @param oAuthAppCredentials AppCredentials for OAuth.
342 */
343 signOutUser(context: TurnContext, connectionName?: string, userId?: string): Promise<void>;
344 signOutUser(context: TurnContext, connectionName?: string, userId?: string, oAuthAppCredentials?: CoreAppCredentials): Promise<void>;
345 /**
346 * Asynchronously gets a sign-in link from the token server that can be sent as part
347 * of a [SigninCard](xref:botframework-schema.SigninCard).
348 *
349 * @param context The context object for the turn.
350 * @param connectionName The name of the auth connection to use.
351 * @param oAuthAppCredentials AppCredentials for OAuth.
352 * @param userId The user id that will be associated with the token.
353 * @param finalRedirect The final URL that the OAuth flow will redirect to.
354 */
355 getSignInLink(context: TurnContext, connectionName: string, oAuthAppCredentials?: AppCredentials, userId?: string, finalRedirect?: string): Promise<string>;
356 getSignInLink(context: TurnContext, connectionName: string, oAuthAppCredentials?: CoreAppCredentials, userId?: string, finalRedirect?: string): Promise<string>;
357 /**
358 * Asynchronously retrieves the token status for each configured connection for the given user.
359 *
360 * @param context The context object for the turn.
361 * @param userId Optional. If present, the ID of the user to retrieve the token status for.
362 * Otherwise, the ID of the user who sent the current activity is used.
363 * @param includeFilter Optional. A comma-separated list of connection's to include. If present,
364 * the `includeFilter` parameter limits the tokens this method returns.
365 * @param oAuthAppCredentials AppCredentials for OAuth.
366 *
367 * @returns The [TokenStatus](xref:botframework-connector.TokenStatus) objects retrieved.
368 */
369 getTokenStatus(context: TurnContext, userId?: string, includeFilter?: string): Promise<TokenStatus[]>;
370 getTokenStatus(context: TurnContext, userId?: string, includeFilter?: string, oAuthAppCredentials?: CoreAppCredentials): Promise<TokenStatus[]>;
371 /**
372 * Asynchronously signs out the user from the token server.
373 *
374 * @param context The context object for the turn.
375 * @param connectionName The name of the auth connection to use.
376 * @param resourceUrls The list of resource URLs to retrieve tokens for.
377 * @param oAuthAppCredentials AppCredentials for OAuth.
378 *
379 * @returns A map of the [TokenResponse](xref:botframework-schema.TokenResponse) objects by resource URL.
380 */
381 getAadTokens(context: TurnContext, connectionName: string, resourceUrls: string[]): Promise<{
382 [propertyName: string]: TokenResponse;
383 }>;
384 getAadTokens(context: TurnContext, connectionName: string, resourceUrls: string[], oAuthAppCredentials?: CoreAppCredentials): Promise<{
385 [propertyName: string]: TokenResponse;
386 }>;
387 /**
388 * Asynchronously Get the raw signin resource to be sent to the user for signin.
389 *
390 * @param context The context object for the turn.
391 * @param connectionName The name of the auth connection to use.
392 * @param userId The user id that will be associated with the token.
393 * @param finalRedirect The final URL that the OAuth flow will redirect to.
394 *
395 * @returns The [BotSignInGetSignInResourceResponse](xref:botframework-connector.BotSignInGetSignInResourceResponse) object.
396 */
397 getSignInResource(context: TurnContext, connectionName: string, userId?: string, finalRedirect?: string, appCredentials?: CoreAppCredentials): Promise<SignInUrlResponse>;
398 /**
399 * Asynchronously Performs a token exchange operation such as for single sign-on.
400 * @param context Context for the current turn of conversation with the user.
401 * @param connectionName Name of the auth connection to use.
402 * @param userId The user id that will be associated with the token.
403 * @param tokenExchangeRequest The exchange request details, either a token to exchange or a uri to exchange.
404 * @param appCredentials Optional. The CoreAppCredentials for OAuth.
405 */
406 exchangeToken(context: TurnContext, connectionName: string, userId: string, tokenExchangeRequest: TokenExchangeRequest, appCredentials?: CoreAppCredentials): Promise<TokenResponse>;
407 /**
408 * Asynchronously sends an emulated OAuth card for a channel.
409 *
410 * This method supports the framework and is not intended to be called directly for your code.
411 *
412 * @param contextOrServiceUrl The URL of the emulator.
413 * @param emulate `true` to send an emulated OAuth card to the emulator; or `false` to not send the card.
414 *
415 * @remarks
416 * When testing a bot in the Bot Framework Emulator, this method can emulate the OAuth card interaction.
417 */
418 emulateOAuthCards(contextOrServiceUrl: TurnContext | string, emulate: boolean): Promise<void>;
419 /**
420 * Asynchronously creates a turn context and runs the middleware pipeline for an incoming activity.
421 *
422 * @param req An Express or Restify style request object.
423 * @param res An Express or Restify style response object.
424 * @param logic The function to call at the end of the middleware pipeline.
425 *
426 * @remarks
427 * This is the main way a bot receives incoming messages and defines a turn in the conversation. This method:
428 *
429 * 1. Parses and authenticates an incoming request.
430 * - The activity is read from the body of the incoming request. An error will be returned
431 * if the activity can't be parsed.
432 * - The identity of the sender is authenticated as either the Emulator or a valid Microsoft
433 * server, using the bot's `appId` and `appPassword`. The request is rejected if the sender's
434 * identity is not verified.
435 * 1. Creates a [TurnContext](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext) object for the received activity.
436 * - This object is wrapped with a [revocable proxy](https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-proxy.revocable).
437 * - When this method completes, the proxy is revoked.
438 * 1. Sends the turn context through the adapter's middleware pipeline.
439 * 1. Sends the turn context to the `logic` function.
440 * - The bot may perform additional routing or processing at this time.
441 * Returning a promise (or providing an `async` handler) will cause the adapter to wait for any asynchronous operations to complete.
442 * - After the `logic` function completes, the promise chain set up by the middleware is resolved.
443 *
444 * > [!TIP]
445 * > If you see the error `TypeError: Cannot perform 'set' on a proxy that has been revoked`
446 * > in your bot's console output, the likely cause is that an async function was used
447 * > without using the `await` keyword. Make sure all async functions use await!
448 *
449 * Middleware can _short circuit_ a turn. When this happens, subsequent middleware and the
450 * `logic` function is not called; however, all middleware prior to this point still run to completion.
451 * For more information about the middleware pipeline, see the
452 * [how bots work](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/bot-service/bot-builder-basics) and
453 * [middleware](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/bot-service/bot-builder-concept-middleware) articles.
454 * Use the adapter's [use](xref:botbuilder-core.BotAdapter.use) method to add middleware to the adapter.
455 *
456 * For example:
457 * ```JavaScript
458 * server.post('/api/messages', (req, res) => {
459 * // Route received request to adapter for processing
460 * adapter.processActivity(req, res, async (context) => {
461 * // Process any messages received
462 * if (context.activity.type === ActivityTypes.Message) {
463 * await context.sendActivity(`Hello World`);
464 * }
465 * });
466 * });
467 * ```
468 */
469 processActivity(req: WebRequest, res: WebResponse, logic: (context: TurnContext) => Promise<any>): Promise<void>;
470 /**
471 * Asynchronously creates a turn context and runs the middleware pipeline for an incoming activity.
472 *
473 * @param activity The activity to process.
474 * @param logic The function to call at the end of the middleware pipeline.
475 *
476 * @remarks
477 * This is the main way a bot receives incoming messages and defines a turn in the conversation. This method:
478 *
479 * 1. Creates a [TurnContext](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext) object for the received activity.
480 * - This object is wrapped with a [revocable proxy](https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-proxy.revocable).
481 * - When this method completes, the proxy is revoked.
482 * 1. Sends the turn context through the adapter's middleware pipeline.
483 * 1. Sends the turn context to the `logic` function.
484 * - The bot may perform additional routing or processing at this time.
485 * Returning a promise (or providing an `async` handler) will cause the adapter to wait for any asynchronous operations to complete.
486 * - After the `logic` function completes, the promise chain set up by the middleware is resolved.
487 *
488 * Middleware can _short circuit_ a turn. When this happens, subsequent middleware and the
489 * `logic` function is not called; however, all middleware prior to this point still run to completion.
490 * For more information about the middleware pipeline, see the
491 * [how bots work](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/bot-service/bot-builder-basics) and
492 * [middleware](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/bot-service/bot-builder-concept-middleware) articles.
493 * Use the adapter's [use](xref:botbuilder-core.BotAdapter.use) method to add middleware to the adapter.
494 */
495 processActivityDirect(activity: Activity, logic: (context: TurnContext) => Promise<any>): Promise<void>;
496 /**
497 * Asynchronously sends a set of outgoing activities to a channel server.
498 *
499 * This method supports the framework and is not intended to be called directly for your code.
500 * Use the turn context's [sendActivity](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext.sendActivity) or
501 * [sendActivities](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext.sendActivities) method from your bot code.
502 *
503 * @param context The context object for the turn.
504 * @param activities The activities to send.
505 *
506 * @returns An array of [ResourceResponse](xref:)
507 *
508 * @remarks
509 * The activities will be sent one after another in the order in which they're received. A
510 * response object will be returned for each sent activity. For `message` activities this will
511 * contain the ID of the delivered message.
512 */
513 sendActivities(context: TurnContext, activities: Partial<Activity>[]): Promise<ResourceResponse[]>;
514 /**
515 * Asynchronously replaces a previous activity with an updated version.
516 *
517 * This interface supports the framework and is not intended to be called directly for your code.
518 * Use [TurnContext.updateActivity](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext.updateActivity) to update
519 * an activity from your bot code.
520 *
521 * @param context The context object for the turn.
522 * @param activity The updated version of the activity to replace.
523 *
524 * @remarks
525 * Not all channels support this operation. For channels that don't, this call may throw an exception.
526 */
527 updateActivity(context: TurnContext, activity: Partial<Activity>): Promise<ResourceResponse | void>;
528 /**
529 * Creates a connector client.
530 *
531 * @param serviceUrl The client's service URL.
532 *
533 * @remarks
534 * Override this in a derived class to create a mock connector client for unit testing.
535 */
536 createConnectorClient(serviceUrl: string): ConnectorClient;
537 /**
538 * Create a ConnectorClient with a ClaimsIdentity.
539 * @remarks
540 * If the ClaimsIdentity contains the claims for a Skills request, create a ConnectorClient for use with Skills.
541 * Derives the correct audience from the ClaimsIdentity, or the instance's credentials property.
542 * @param serviceUrl The client's service URL.
543 * @param identity ClaimsIdentity
544 */
545 createConnectorClientWithIdentity(serviceUrl: string, identity: ClaimsIdentity): Promise<ConnectorClient>;
546 /**
547 * Create a ConnectorClient with a ClaimsIdentity and an explicit audience.
548 * @remarks
549 * If the trimmed audience is not a non-zero length string, the audience will be derived from the ClaimsIdentity or
550 * the instance's credentials property.
551 * @param serviceUrl The client's service URL.
552 * @param identity ClaimsIdentity
553 * @param audience The recipient of the ConnectorClient's messages. Normally the Bot Framework Channel Service or the AppId of another bot.
554 */
555 createConnectorClientWithIdentity(serviceUrl: string, identity: ClaimsIdentity, audience: string): Promise<ConnectorClient>;
556 private createConnectorClientInternal;
557 private getClientOptions;
558 private getOrCreateConnectorClient;
559 /**
560 * Returns the correct [OAuthScope](xref:botframework-connector.AppCredentials.OAuthScope) for [AppCredentials](xref:botframework-connector.AppCredentials).
561 * @param botAppId The bot's AppId.
562 * @param claims The [Claim](xref:botbuilder-connector.Claim) list to check.
563 *
564 * @returns The current credentials' OAuthScope.
565 */
566 private getOAuthScope;
567 /**
568 *
569 * @remarks
570 * When building credentials for bot-to-bot communication, oAuthScope must be passed in.
571 * @param appId
572 * @param oAuthScope
573 */
574 protected buildCredentials(appId: string, oAuthScope?: string): Promise<AppCredentials>;
575 /**
576 * Creates an OAuth API client.
577 *
578 * @param serviceUrl The client's service URL.
579 * @param oAuthAppCredentials AppCredentials for OAuth.
580 *
581 * @remarks
582 * Override this in a derived class to create a mock OAuth API client for unit testing.
583 */
584 protected createTokenApiClient(serviceUrl: string, oAuthAppCredentials?: CoreAppCredentials): TokenApiClient;
585 /**
586 * Allows for the overriding of authentication in unit tests.
587 * @param request Received request.
588 * @param authHeader Received authentication header.
589 */
590 protected authenticateRequest(request: Partial<Activity>, authHeader: string): Promise<void>;
591 /**
592 * @ignore
593 * @private
594 * Returns the actual ClaimsIdentity from the JwtTokenValidation.authenticateRequest() call.
595 * @remarks
596 * This method is used instead of authenticateRequest() in processActivity() to obtain the ClaimsIdentity for caching in the TurnContext.turnState.
597 *
598 * @param request Received request.
599 * @param authHeader Received authentication header.
600 */
601 private authenticateRequestInternal;
602 /**
603 * Generates the CallerId property for the activity based on
604 * https://github.com/microsoft/botframework-obi/blob/main/protocols/botframework-activity/botframework-activity.md#appendix-v---caller-id-values.
605 * @param identity
606 */
607 private generateCallerId;
608 /**
609 * Gets the OAuth API endpoint.
610 *
611 * @param contextOrServiceUrl The URL of the channel server to query or
612 * a [TurnContext](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext). For a turn context, the context's
613 * [activity](xref:botbuilder-core.TurnContext.activity).[serviceUrl](xref:botframework-schema.Activity.serviceUrl)
614 * is used for the URL.
615 *
616 * @remarks
617 * Override this in a derived class to create a mock OAuth API endpoint for unit testing.
618 */
619 protected oauthApiUrl(contextOrServiceUrl: TurnContext | string): string;
620 /**
621 * Checks the environment and can set a flag to emulate OAuth cards.
622 *
623 * @param context The context object for the turn.
624 *
625 * @remarks
626 * Override this in a derived class to control how OAuth cards are emulated for unit testing.
627 */
628 protected checkEmulatingOAuthCards(context: TurnContext): void;
629 /**
630 * Creates a turn context.
631 *
632 * @param request An incoming request body.
633 *
634 * @remarks
635 * Override this in a derived class to modify how the adapter creates a turn context.
636 */
637 protected createContext(request: Partial<Activity>): TurnContext;
638 /**
639 * Checks the validity of the request and attempts to map it the correct virtual endpoint,
640 * then generates and returns a response if appropriate.
641 * @param request A ReceiveRequest from the connected channel.
642 * @returns A response created by the BotAdapter to be sent to the client that originated the request.
643 */
644 processRequest(request: IReceiveRequest): Promise<StreamingResponse>;
645 /**
646 * Process a web request by applying a logic function.
647 *
648 * @param req An incoming HTTP [Request](xref:botbuilder.Request)
649 * @param req The corresponding HTTP [Response](xref:botbuilder.Response)
650 * @param logic The logic function to apply
651 * @returns a promise representing the asynchronous operation.
652 */
653 process(req: Request, res: Response, logic: (context: TurnContext) => Promise<void>): Promise<void>;
654 /**
655 * Handle a web socket connection by applying a logic function to
656 * each streaming request.
657 *
658 * @param req An incoming HTTP [Request](xref:botbuilder.Request)
659 * @param socket The corresponding [INodeSocket](xref:botframework-streaming.INodeSocket)
660 * @param head The corresponding [INodeBuffer](xref:botframework-streaming.INodeBuffer)
661 * @param logic The logic function to apply
662 * @returns a promise representing the asynchronous operation.
663 */
664 process(req: Request, socket: INodeSocket, head: INodeBuffer, logic: (context: TurnContext) => Promise<void>): Promise<void>;
665 /**
666 * Connects the handler to a Named Pipe server and begins listening for incoming requests.
667 *
668 * @param logic The logic that will handle incoming requests.
669 * @param pipeName The name of the named pipe to use when creating the server.
670 * @param retryCount Number of times to attempt to bind incoming and outgoing pipe
671 * @param onListen Optional callback that fires once when server is listening on both incoming and outgoing pipe
672 */
673 useNamedPipe(logic: (context: TurnContext) => Promise<any>, pipeName?: string, retryCount?: number, onListen?: () => void): Promise<void>;
674 /**
675 * Process the initial request to establish a long lived connection via a streaming server.
676 *
677 * @param req The connection request.
678 * @param socket The raw socket connection between the bot (server) and channel/caller (client).
679 * @param head The first packet of the upgraded stream.
680 * @param logic The logic that handles incoming streaming requests for the lifetime of the WebSocket connection.
681 */
682 useWebSocket(req: WebRequest, socket: INodeSocket, head: INodeBuffer, logic: (context: TurnContext) => Promise<any>): Promise<void>;
683 private startNamedPipeServer;
684 private authenticateConnection;
685 /**
686 * Connects the handler to a WebSocket server and begins listening for incoming requests.
687 * @param socket The socket to use when creating the server.
688 */
689 private startWebSocket;
690 private readRequestBodyAsString;
691 private handleVersionRequest;
692 /**
693 * Determine if the serviceUrl was sent via an Http/Https connection or Streaming
694 * This can be determined by looking at the ServiceUrl property:
695 * (1) All channels that send messages via http/https are not streaming
696 * (2) Channels that send messages via streaming have a ServiceUrl that does not begin with http/https.
697 * @param serviceUrl the serviceUrl provided in the resquest.
698 */
699 private static isStreamingServiceUrl;
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