33.1 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @module botbuilder
3 */
5 * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
6 * Licensed under the MIT License.
7 */
8import { ActivityHandler, AppBasedLinkQuery, ChannelInfo, ConfigResponse, FileConsentCardResponse, InvokeResponse, MeetingEndEventDetails, MeetingParticipantsEventDetails, MeetingStartEventDetails, MessagingExtensionAction, MessagingExtensionActionResponse, MessagingExtensionQuery, MessagingExtensionResponse, O365ConnectorCardActionQuery, SigninStateVerificationQuery, TabRequest, TabResponse, TabSubmit, TaskModuleRequest, TaskModuleResponse, TeamInfo, TeamsChannelAccount, TurnContext } from 'botbuilder-core';
9import { ReadReceiptInfo } from 'botframework-connector';
11 * Adds support for Microsoft Teams specific events and interactions.
12 *
13 * @remarks
14 * Developers may handle Message Update, Message Delete, and Conversation Update activities sent from Microsoft Teams via two methods:
15 * 1. Overriding methods starting with `on..` and *not* ending in `..Event()` (e.g. `onTeamsMembersAdded()`), or instead
16 * 2. Passing callbacks to methods starting with `on..` *and* ending in `...Event()` (e.g. `onTeamsMembersAddedEvent()`),
17 * to stay in line with older {@see ActivityHandler} implementation.
18 *
19 * Developers should use either #1 or #2, above for all Message Update, Message Delete, and Conversation Update activities and not *both* #1 and #2 for the same activity. Meaning,
20 * developers should override `onTeamsMembersAdded()` and not use both `onTeamsMembersAdded()` and `onTeamsMembersAddedEvent()`.
21 *
22 * Developers wanting to handle Invoke activities *must* override methods starting with `handle...()` (e.g. `handleTeamsTaskModuleFetch()`).
23 */
24export declare class TeamsActivityHandler extends ActivityHandler {
25 /**
26 * Invoked when an invoke activity is received from the connector.
27 * Invoke activities can be used to communicate many different things.
28 *
29 * @param context A context object for this turn.
30 * @returns An Invoke Response for the activity.
31 */
32 protected onInvokeActivity(context: TurnContext): Promise<InvokeResponse>;
33 /**
34 * Handles a Teams Card Action Invoke activity.
35 *
36 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
37 * @returns An Invoke Response for the activity.
38 */
39 protected handleTeamsCardActionInvoke(_context: TurnContext): Promise<InvokeResponse>;
40 /**
41 * Handles a config/fetch invoke activity.
42 *
43 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
44 * @param _configData The object representing the configuration.
45 * @returns A Config Response for the activity.
46 */
47 protected handleTeamsConfigFetch(_context: TurnContext, _configData: any): Promise<ConfigResponse>;
48 /**
49 * Handles a config/submit invoke activity.
50 *
51 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
52 * @param _configData The object representing the configuration.
53 * @returns A Config Response for the activity.
54 */
55 protected handleTeamsConfigSubmit(_context: TurnContext, _configData: any): Promise<ConfigResponse>;
56 /**
57 * Receives invoke activities with Activity name of 'fileConsent/invoke'. Handlers registered here run before
58 * `handleTeamsFileConsentAccept` and `handleTeamsFileConsentDecline`.
59 * Developers are not passed a pointer to the next `handleTeamsFileConsent` handler because the _wrapper_ around
60 * the handler will call `onDialogs` handlers after delegating to `handleTeamsFileConsentAccept` or `handleTeamsFileConsentDecline`.
61 *
62 * @param context A context object for this turn.
63 * @param fileConsentCardResponse Represents the value of the invoke activity sent when the user acts on a file consent card.
64 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
65 */
66 protected handleTeamsFileConsent(context: TurnContext, fileConsentCardResponse: FileConsentCardResponse): Promise<void>;
67 /**
68 * Receives invoke activities with Activity name of 'fileConsent/invoke' with confirmation from user
69 *
70 * @remarks
71 * This type of invoke activity occur during the File Consent flow.
72 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
73 * @param _fileConsentCardResponse Represents the value of the invoke activity sent when the user acts on a file consent card.
74 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
75 */
76 protected handleTeamsFileConsentAccept(_context: TurnContext, _fileConsentCardResponse: FileConsentCardResponse): Promise<void>;
77 /**
78 * Receives invoke activities with Activity name of 'fileConsent/invoke' with decline from user
79 *
80 * @remarks
81 * This type of invoke activity occur during the File Consent flow.
82 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
83 * @param _fileConsentCardResponse Represents the value of the invoke activity sent when the user acts on a file consent card.
84 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
85 */
86 protected handleTeamsFileConsentDecline(_context: TurnContext, _fileConsentCardResponse: FileConsentCardResponse): Promise<void>;
87 /**
88 * Receives invoke activities with Activity name of 'actionableMessage/executeAction'.
89 *
90 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
91 * @param _query The O365 connector card HttpPOST invoke query.
92 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
93 */
94 protected handleTeamsO365ConnectorCardAction(_context: TurnContext, _query: O365ConnectorCardActionQuery): Promise<void>;
95 /**
96 * Invoked when a signIn invoke activity is received from the connector.
97 *
98 * @param context A context object for this turn.
99 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
100 */
101 protected onSignInInvoke(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
102 /**
103 * Receives invoke activities with Activity name of 'signin/verifyState'.
104 *
105 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
106 * @param _query Signin state (part of signin action auth flow) verification invoke query.
107 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
108 */
109 protected handleTeamsSigninVerifyState(_context: TurnContext, _query: SigninStateVerificationQuery): Promise<void>;
110 /**
111 * Receives invoke activities with Activity name of 'signin/tokenExchange'
112 *
113 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
114 * @param _query Signin state (part of signin action auth flow) verification invoke query
115 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
116 */
117 protected handleTeamsSigninTokenExchange(_context: TurnContext, _query: SigninStateVerificationQuery): Promise<void>;
118 /**
119 * Receives invoke activities with Activity name of 'composeExtension/onCardButtonClicked'
120 *
121 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
122 * @param _cardData Object representing the card data.
123 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
124 */
125 protected handleTeamsMessagingExtensionCardButtonClicked(_context: TurnContext, _cardData: any): Promise<void>;
126 /**
127 * Receives invoke activities with Activity name of 'task/fetch'
128 *
129 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
130 * @param _taskModuleRequest The task module invoke request value payload.
131 * @returns A Task Module Response for the request.
132 */
133 protected handleTeamsTaskModuleFetch(_context: TurnContext, _taskModuleRequest: TaskModuleRequest): Promise<TaskModuleResponse>;
134 /**
135 * Receives invoke activities with Activity name of 'task/submit'
136 *
137 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
138 * @param _taskModuleRequest The task module invoke request value payload.
139 * @returns A Task Module Response for the request.
140 */
141 protected handleTeamsTaskModuleSubmit(_context: TurnContext, _taskModuleRequest: TaskModuleRequest): Promise<TaskModuleResponse>;
142 /**
143 * Receives invoke activities with Activity name of 'tab/fetch'
144 *
145 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
146 * @param _tabRequest The tab invoke request value payload.
147 * @returns A Tab Response for the request.
148 */
149 protected handleTeamsTabFetch(_context: TurnContext, _tabRequest: TabRequest): Promise<TabResponse>;
150 /**
151 * Receives invoke activities with Activity name of 'tab/submit'
152 *
153 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
154 * @param _tabSubmit The tab submit invoke request value payload.
155 * @returns A Tab Response for the request.
156 */
157 protected handleTeamsTabSubmit(_context: TurnContext, _tabSubmit: TabSubmit): Promise<TabResponse>;
158 /**
159 * Receives invoke activities with Activity name of 'composeExtension/queryLink'
160 *
161 * @remarks
162 * Used in creating a Search-based Message Extension.
163 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
164 * @param _query he invoke request body type for app-based link query.
165 * @returns The Messaging Extension Response for the query.
166 */
167 protected handleTeamsAppBasedLinkQuery(_context: TurnContext, _query: AppBasedLinkQuery): Promise<MessagingExtensionResponse>;
168 /**
169 * Receives invoke activities with Activity name of 'composeExtension/anonymousQueryLink'
170 *
171 * @remarks
172 * Used in creating a Search-based Message Extension.
173 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
174 * @param _query he invoke request body type for app-based link query.
175 * @returns The Messaging Extension Response for the query.
176 */
177 protected handleTeamsAnonymousAppBasedLinkQuery(_context: TurnContext, _query: AppBasedLinkQuery): Promise<MessagingExtensionResponse>;
178 /**
179 * Receives invoke activities with the name 'composeExtension/query'.
180 *
181 * @remarks
182 * Used in creating a Search-based Message Extension.
183 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
184 * @param _query The query for the search command.
185 * @returns The Messaging Extension Response for the query.
186 */
187 protected handleTeamsMessagingExtensionQuery(_context: TurnContext, _query: MessagingExtensionQuery): Promise<MessagingExtensionResponse>;
188 /**
189 * Receives invoke activities with the name 'composeExtension/selectItem'.
190 *
191 * @remarks
192 * Used in creating a Search-based Message Extension.
193 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
194 * @param _query The object representing the query.
195 * @returns The Messaging Extension Response for the query.
196 */
197 protected handleTeamsMessagingExtensionSelectItem(_context: TurnContext, _query: any): Promise<MessagingExtensionResponse>;
198 /**
199 * Receives invoke activities with the name 'composeExtension/submitAction' and dispatches to botMessagePreview-flows as applicable.
200 *
201 * @remarks
202 * A handler registered through this method does not dispatch to the next handler (either `handleTeamsMessagingExtensionSubmitAction`, `handleTeamsMessagingExtensionBotMessagePreviewEdit`, or `handleTeamsMessagingExtensionBotMessagePreviewSend`).
203 * This method exists for developers to optionally add more logic before the TeamsActivityHandler routes the activity to one of the
204 * previously mentioned handlers.
205 * @param context A context object for this turn.
206 * @param action The messaging extension action.
207 * @returns The Messaging Extension Action Response for the action.
208 */
209 protected handleTeamsMessagingExtensionSubmitActionDispatch(context: TurnContext, action: MessagingExtensionAction): Promise<MessagingExtensionActionResponse>;
210 /**
211 * Receives invoke activities with the name 'composeExtension/submitAction'.
212 *
213 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
214 * @param _action The messaging extension action.
215 * @returns The Messaging Extension Action Response for the action.
216 */
217 protected handleTeamsMessagingExtensionSubmitAction(_context: TurnContext, _action: MessagingExtensionAction): Promise<MessagingExtensionActionResponse>;
218 /**
219 * Receives invoke activities with the name 'composeExtension/submitAction' with the 'botMessagePreview' property present on activity.value.
220 * The value for 'botMessagePreview' is 'edit'.
221 *
222 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
223 * @param _action The messaging extension action.
224 * @returns The Messaging Extension Action Response for the action.
225 */
226 protected handleTeamsMessagingExtensionBotMessagePreviewEdit(_context: TurnContext, _action: MessagingExtensionAction): Promise<MessagingExtensionActionResponse>;
227 /**
228 * Receives invoke activities with the name 'composeExtension/submitAction' with the 'botMessagePreview' property present on activity.value.
229 * The value for 'botMessagePreview' is 'send'.
230 *
231 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
232 * @param _action The messaging extension action.
233 * @returns The Messaging Extension Action Response for the action.
234 */
235 protected handleTeamsMessagingExtensionBotMessagePreviewSend(_context: TurnContext, _action: MessagingExtensionAction): Promise<MessagingExtensionActionResponse>;
236 /**
237 * Receives invoke activities with the name 'composeExtension/fetchTask'
238 *
239 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
240 * @param _action The messaging extension action.
241 * @returns The Messaging Extension Action Response for the action.
242 */
243 protected handleTeamsMessagingExtensionFetchTask(_context: TurnContext, _action: MessagingExtensionAction): Promise<MessagingExtensionActionResponse>;
244 /**
245 * Receives invoke activities with the name 'composeExtension/querySettingUrl'
246 *
247 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
248 * @param _query The Messaging extension query.
249 * @returns The Messaging Extension Action Response for the query.
250 */
251 protected handleTeamsMessagingExtensionConfigurationQuerySettingUrl(_context: TurnContext, _query: MessagingExtensionQuery): Promise<MessagingExtensionResponse>;
252 /**
253 * Receives invoke activities with the name 'composeExtension/setting'
254 *
255 * @param _context A context object for this turn.
256 * @param _settings Object representing the configuration settings.
257 */
258 protected handleTeamsMessagingExtensionConfigurationSetting(_context: TurnContext, _settings: any): Promise<void>;
259 /**
260 * Override this method to change the dispatching of ConversationUpdate activities.
261 *
262 * @param context A context object for this turn.
263 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
264 */
265 protected dispatchConversationUpdateActivity(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
266 /**
267 * Override this method to change the dispatching of MessageUpdate activities.
268 *
269 * @param context A context object for this turn.
270 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
271 */
272 protected dispatchMessageUpdateActivity(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
273 /**
274 * Override this method to change the dispatching of MessageDelete activities.
275 *
276 * @param context A context object for this turn.
277 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
278 */
279 protected dispatchMessageDeleteActivity(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
280 /**
281 * Called in `dispatchMessageUpdateActivity()` to trigger the `'TeamsMessageUndelete'` handlers.
282 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when a deleted message in a conversation is undeleted.
283 * For example, when the user decides to "undo" a deleted message.
284 *
285 * @param context A context object for this turn.
286 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
287 */
288 protected onTeamsMessageUndelete(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
289 /**
290 * Called in `dispatchMessageUpdateActivity()` to trigger the `'TeamsMessageEdit'` handlers.
291 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when a message in a conversation is edited.
292 *
293 * @param context A context object for this turn.
294 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
295 */
296 protected onTeamsMessageEdit(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
297 /**
298 * Called in `dispatchMessageDeleteActivity()` to trigger the `'TeamsMessageEdit'` handlers.
299 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when a message in a conversation is soft deleted.
300 * This means that the message as the option of being undeleted.
301 *
302 * @param context A context object for this turn.
303 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
304 */
305 protected onTeamsMessageSoftDelete(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
306 /**
307 * Called in `dispatchConversationUpdateActivity()` to trigger the `'TeamsMembersAdded'` handlers.
308 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when members other than the bot
309 * join the channel, such as your bot's welcome logic.
310 *
311 * @remarks
312 * If no handlers are registered for the `'TeamsMembersAdded'` event, the `'MembersAdded'` handlers will run instead.
313 * @param context A context object for this turn.
314 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
315 */
316 protected onTeamsMembersAdded(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
317 /**
318 * Called in `dispatchConversationUpdateActivity()` to trigger the `'TeamsMembersRemoved'` handlers.
319 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when members other than the bot
320 * leave the channel, such as your bot's good-bye logic.
321 *
322 * @remarks
323 * If no handlers are registered for the `'TeamsMembersRemoved'` event, the `'MembersRemoved'` handlers will run instead.
324 * @param context A context object for this turn.
325 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
326 */
327 protected onTeamsMembersRemoved(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
328 /**
329 * Invoked when a Channel Created event activity is received from the connector.
330 * Channel Created corresponds to the user creating a new channel.
331 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when a channel is created.
332 *
333 * @param context A context object for this turn.
334 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
335 */
336 protected onTeamsChannelCreated(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
337 /**
338 * Invoked when a Channel Deleted event activity is received from the connector.
339 * Channel Deleted corresponds to the user deleting a channel.
340 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when a channel is deleted.
341 *
342 * @param context A context object for this turn.
343 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
344 */
345 protected onTeamsChannelDeleted(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
346 /**
347 * Invoked when a Channel Renamed event activity is received from the connector.
348 * Channel Renamed corresponds to the user renaming a new channel.
349 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when a channel is renamed.
350 *
351 * @param context A context object for this turn.
352 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
353 */
354 protected onTeamsChannelRenamed(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
355 /**
356 * Invoked when a Team Archived event activity is received from the connector.
357 * Team Archived corresponds to the user archiving a team.
358 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when a team is archived.
359 *
360 * @param context The context for this turn.
361 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
362 */
363 protected onTeamsTeamArchived(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
364 /**
365 * Invoked when a Team Deleted event activity is received from the connector.
366 * Team Deleted corresponds to the user deleting a team.
367 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when a team is deleted.
368 *
369 * @param context The context for this turn.
370 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
371 */
372 protected onTeamsTeamDeleted(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
373 /**
374 * Invoked when a Team Hard Deleted event activity is received from the connector.
375 * Team Hard Deleted corresponds to the user hard-deleting a team.
376 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when a team is hard-deleted.
377 *
378 * @param context The context for this turn.
379 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
380 */
381 protected onTeamsTeamHardDeleted(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
382 /**
383 *
384 * Invoked when a Channel Restored event activity is received from the connector.
385 * Channel Restored corresponds to the user restoring a previously deleted channel.
386 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when a channel is restored.
387 *
388 * @param context The context for this turn.
389 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
390 */
391 protected onTeamsChannelRestored(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
392 /**
393 * Invoked when a Team Renamed event activity is received from the connector.
394 * Team Renamed corresponds to the user renaming a team.
395 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when a team is renamed.
396 *
397 * @param context The context for this turn.
398 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
399 */
400 protected onTeamsTeamRenamed(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
401 /**
402 * Invoked when a Team Restored event activity is received from the connector.
403 * Team Restored corresponds to the user restoring a team.
404 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when a team is restored.
405 *
406 * @param context The context for this turn.
407 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
408 */
409 protected onTeamsTeamRestored(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
410 /**
411 * Invoked when a Team Unarchived event activity is received from the connector.
412 * Team Unarchived corresponds to the user unarchiving a team.
413 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when a team is unarchived.
414 *
415 * @param context The context for this turn.
416 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
417 */
418 protected onTeamsTeamUnarchived(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
419 /**
420 * Registers a handler for TeamsMessageUndelete events, such as for when a message in a conversation that is
421 * observed by the bot goes from a soft delete state to the normal state.
422 *
423 * @param handler A callback to handle the teams undelete message event.
424 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
425 */
426 onTeamsMessageUndeleteEvent(handler: (context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
427 /**
428 * Registers a handler for TeamsMessageEdit events, such as for when a message in a conversation that is
429 * observed by the bot is edited.
430 *
431 * @param handler A callback to handle the teams edit message event.
432 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
433 */
434 onTeamsMessageEditEvent(handler: (context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
435 /**
436 * Registers a handler for TeamsMessageSoftDelete events, such as for when a message in a conversation that is
437 * observed by the bot is soft deleted. This means that the deleted message, up to a certain time period,
438 * can be undoed.
439 *
440 * @param handler A callback to handle the teams edit message event.
441 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
442 */
443 onTeamsMessageSoftDeleteEvent(handler: (context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
444 /**
445 * Registers a handler for TeamsMembersAdded events, such as for when members other than the bot
446 * join the channel, such as your bot's welcome logic.
447 *
448 * @param handler A callback to handle the teams members added event.
449 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
450 */
451 onTeamsMembersAddedEvent(handler: (membersAdded: TeamsChannelAccount[], teamInfo: TeamInfo, context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
452 /**
453 * Registers a handler for TeamsMembersRemoved events, such as for when members other than the bot
454 * leave the channel, such as your bot's good-bye logic.
455 *
456 * @param handler A callback to handle the teams members removed event.
457 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
458 */
459 onTeamsMembersRemovedEvent(handler: (membersRemoved: TeamsChannelAccount[], teamInfo: TeamInfo, context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
460 /**
461 * Registers a handler for TeamsChannelCreated events, such as for when a channel is created.
462 *
463 * @param handler A callback to handle the teams channel created event.
464 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
465 */
466 onTeamsChannelCreatedEvent(handler: (channelInfo: ChannelInfo, teamInfo: TeamInfo, context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
467 /**
468 * Registers a handler for TeamsChannelDeleted events, such as for when a channel is deleted.
469 *
470 * @param handler A callback to handle the teams channel deleted event.
471 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
472 */
473 onTeamsChannelDeletedEvent(handler: (channelInfo: ChannelInfo, teamInfo: TeamInfo, context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
474 /**
475 * Registers a handler for TeamsChannelRenamed events, such as for when a channel is renamed.
476 *
477 * @param handler A callback to handle the teams channel renamed event.
478 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
479 */
480 onTeamsChannelRenamedEvent(handler: (channelInfo: ChannelInfo, teamInfo: TeamInfo, context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
481 /**
482 * Registers a handler for TeamsTeamArchived events, such as for when a team is archived.
483 *
484 * @param handler A callback to handle the teams team archived event.
485 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
486 */
487 onTeamsTeamArchivedEvent(handler: (teamInfo: TeamInfo, context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
488 /**
489 * Registers a handler for TeamsTeamDeleted events, such as for when a team is deleted.
490 *
491 * @param handler A callback to handle the teams team deleted event.
492 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
493 */
494 onTeamsTeamDeletedEvent(handler: (teamInfo: TeamInfo, context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
495 /**
496 * Registers a handler for TeamsTeamHardDeleted events, such as for when a team is hard-deleted.
497 *
498 * @param handler A callback to handle the teams team hard deleted event.
499 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
500 */
501 onTeamsTeamHardDeletedEvent(handler: (teamInfo: TeamInfo, context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
502 /**
503 * Registers a handler for TeamsChannelRestored events, such as for when a channel is restored.
504 *
505 * @param handler A callback to handle the teams channel restored event.
506 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
507 */
508 onTeamsChannelRestoredEvent(handler: (channelInfo: ChannelInfo, teamInfo: TeamInfo, context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
509 /**
510 * Registers a handler for TeamsTeamRenamed events, such as for when a team is renamed.
511 *
512 * @param handler A callback to handle the teams team renamed event.
513 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
514 */
515 onTeamsTeamRenamedEvent(handler: (teamInfo: TeamInfo, context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
516 /**
517 * Registers a handler for TeamsTeamRestored events, such as for when a team is restored.
518 *
519 * @param handler A callback to handle the teams team restored event.
520 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
521 */
522 onTeamsTeamRestoredEvent(handler: (teamInfo: TeamInfo, context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
523 /**
524 * Registers a handler for TeamsTeamUnarchived events, such as for when a team is unarchived.
525 *
526 * @param handler A callback to handle the teams team unarchived event.
527 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
528 */
529 onTeamsTeamUnarchivedEvent(handler: (teamInfo: TeamInfo, context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
530 /**
531 * Runs the _event_ sub-type handlers, as appropriate, and then continues the event emission process.
532 *
533 * @param context The context object for the current turn.
534 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
535 *
536 * @remarks
537 * Override this method to support channel-specific behavior across multiple channels or to add
538 * custom event sub-type events.
539 */
540 protected dispatchEventActivity(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
541 /**
542 * Invoked when a Meeting Started event activity is received from the connector.
543 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when a meeting is started.
544 *
545 * @param context The context for this turn.
546 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
547 */
548 protected onTeamsMeetingStart(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
549 /**
550 * Invoked when a Meeting End event activity is received from the connector.
551 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when a meeting is ended.
552 *
553 * @param context The context for this turn.
554 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
555 */
556 protected onTeamsMeetingEnd(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
557 /**
558 * Invoked when a read receipt for a previously sent message is received from the connector.
559 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when the bot receives a read receipt event.
560 *
561 * @param context The context for this turn.
562 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
563 */
564 protected onTeamsReadReceipt(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
565 /**
566 * Invoked when a Meeting Participant Join event activity is received from the connector.
567 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when a meeting participant is joined.
568 *
569 * @param context The context for this turn.
570 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
571 */
572 protected onTeamsMeetingParticipantsJoin(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
573 /**
574 * Invoked when a Meeting Participant Leave event activity is received from the connector.
575 * Override this in a derived class to provide logic for when a meeting participant is left.
576 *
577 * @param context The context for this turn.
578 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
579 */
580 protected onTeamsMeetingParticipantsLeave(context: TurnContext): Promise<void>;
581 /**
582 * Registers a handler for when a Teams meeting starts.
583 *
584 * @param handler A callback that handles Meeting Start events.
585 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
586 */
587 onTeamsMeetingStartEvent(handler: (meeting: MeetingStartEventDetails, context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
588 /**
589 * Registers a handler for when a Teams meeting ends.
590 *
591 * @param handler A callback that handles Meeting End events.
592 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
593 */
594 onTeamsMeetingEndEvent(handler: (meeting: MeetingEndEventDetails, context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
595 /**
596 * Registers a handler for when a Read Receipt is sent.
597 *
598 * @param handler A callback that handles Read Receipt events.
599 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
600 */
601 onTeamsReadReceiptEvent(handler: (receiptInfo: ReadReceiptInfo, context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
602 /**
603 * Registers a handler for when a Teams meeting participant join.
604 *
605 * @param handler A callback that handles Meeting Participant Join events.
606 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
607 */
608 onTeamsMeetingParticipantsJoinEvent(handler: (meeting: MeetingParticipantsEventDetails, context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
609 /**
610 * Registers a handler for when a Teams meeting participant leave.
611 *
612 * @param handler A callback that handles Meeting Participant Leave events.
613 * @returns A promise that represents the work queued.
614 */
615 onTeamsMeetingParticipantsLeaveEvent(handler: (meeting: MeetingParticipantsEventDetails, context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): this;
617//# sourceMappingURL=teamsActivityHandler.d.ts.map
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