18.6 kBJSONView Raw
2 "blacklist_client.lua": "local blacklist = ARGV[num_static_argv + 1]\n\nif redis.call('zscore', client_last_seen_key, blacklist) then\n redis.call('zadd', client_last_seen_key, 0, blacklist)\nend\n\n\nreturn {}\n",
3 "check.lua": "local weight = tonumber(ARGV[num_static_argv + 1])\n\nlocal capacity = process_tick(now, false)['capacity']\nlocal nextRequest = tonumber(redis.call('hget', settings_key, 'nextRequest'))\n\nreturn conditions_check(capacity, weight) and nextRequest - now <= 0\n",
4 "conditions_check.lua": "local conditions_check = function (capacity, weight)\n return capacity == nil or weight <= capacity\nend\n",
5 "current_reservoir.lua": "return process_tick(now, false)['reservoir']\n",
6 "done.lua": "process_tick(now, false)\n\nreturn tonumber(redis.call('hget', settings_key, 'done'))\n",
7 "free.lua": "local index = ARGV[num_static_argv + 1]\n\nredis.call('zadd', job_expirations_key, 0, index)\n\nreturn process_tick(now, false)['running']\n",
8 "get_time.lua": "redis.replicate_commands()\n\nlocal get_time = function ()\n local time = redis.call('time')\n\n return tonumber(time[1]..string.sub(time[2], 1, 3))\nend\n",
9 "group_check.lua": "return not (redis.call('exists', settings_key) == 1)\n",
10 "heartbeat.lua": "process_tick(now, true)\n",
11 "increment_reservoir.lua": "local incr = tonumber(ARGV[num_static_argv + 1])\n\nredis.call('hincrby', settings_key, 'reservoir', incr)\n\nlocal reservoir = process_tick(now, true)['reservoir']\n\nlocal groupTimeout = tonumber(redis.call('hget', settings_key, 'groupTimeout'))\nrefresh_expiration(0, 0, groupTimeout)\n\nreturn reservoir\n",
12 "init.lua": "local clear = tonumber(ARGV[num_static_argv + 1])\nlocal limiter_version = ARGV[num_static_argv + 2]\nlocal num_local_argv = num_static_argv + 2\n\nif clear == 1 then\n redis.call('del', unpack(KEYS))\nend\n\nif redis.call('exists', settings_key) == 0 then\n -- Create\n local args = {'hmset', settings_key}\n\n for i = num_local_argv + 1, #ARGV do\n table.insert(args, ARGV[i])\n end\n\n redis.call(unpack(args))\n redis.call('hmset', settings_key,\n 'nextRequest', now,\n 'lastReservoirRefresh', now,\n 'lastReservoirIncrease', now,\n 'running', 0,\n 'done', 0,\n 'unblockTime', 0,\n 'capacityPriorityCounter', 0\n )\n\nelse\n -- Apply migrations\n local settings = redis.call('hmget', settings_key,\n 'id',\n 'version'\n )\n local id = settings[1]\n local current_version = settings[2]\n\n if current_version ~= limiter_version then\n local version_digits = {}\n for k, v in string.gmatch(current_version, \"([^.]+)\") do\n table.insert(version_digits, tonumber(k))\n end\n\n -- 2.10.0\n if version_digits[2] < 10 then\n redis.call('hsetnx', settings_key, 'reservoirRefreshInterval', '')\n redis.call('hsetnx', settings_key, 'reservoirRefreshAmount', '')\n redis.call('hsetnx', settings_key, 'lastReservoirRefresh', '')\n redis.call('hsetnx', settings_key, 'done', 0)\n redis.call('hset', settings_key, 'version', '2.10.0')\n end\n\n -- 2.11.1\n if version_digits[2] < 11 or (version_digits[2] == 11 and version_digits[3] < 1) then\n if redis.call('hstrlen', settings_key, 'lastReservoirRefresh') == 0 then\n redis.call('hmset', settings_key,\n 'lastReservoirRefresh', now,\n 'version', '2.11.1'\n )\n end\n end\n\n -- 2.14.0\n if version_digits[2] < 14 then\n local old_running_key = 'b_'..id..'_running'\n local old_executing_key = 'b_'..id..'_executing'\n\n if redis.call('exists', old_running_key) == 1 then\n redis.call('rename', old_running_key, job_weights_key)\n end\n if redis.call('exists', old_executing_key) == 1 then\n redis.call('rename', old_executing_key, job_expirations_key)\n end\n redis.call('hset', settings_key, 'version', '2.14.0')\n end\n\n -- 2.15.2\n if version_digits[2] < 15 or (version_digits[2] == 15 and version_digits[3] < 2) then\n redis.call('hsetnx', settings_key, 'capacityPriorityCounter', 0)\n redis.call('hset', settings_key, 'version', '2.15.2')\n end\n\n -- 2.17.0\n if version_digits[2] < 17 then\n redis.call('hsetnx', settings_key, 'clientTimeout', 10000)\n redis.call('hset', settings_key, 'version', '2.17.0')\n end\n\n -- 2.18.0\n if version_digits[2] < 18 then\n redis.call('hsetnx', settings_key, 'reservoirIncreaseInterval', '')\n redis.call('hsetnx', settings_key, 'reservoirIncreaseAmount', '')\n redis.call('hsetnx', settings_key, 'reservoirIncreaseMaximum', '')\n redis.call('hsetnx', settings_key, 'lastReservoirIncrease', now)\n redis.call('hset', settings_key, 'version', '2.18.0')\n end\n\n end\n\n process_tick(now, false)\nend\n\nlocal groupTimeout = tonumber(redis.call('hget', settings_key, 'groupTimeout'))\nrefresh_expiration(0, 0, groupTimeout)\n\nreturn {}\n",
13 "process_tick.lua": "local process_tick = function (now, always_publish)\n\n local compute_capacity = function (maxConcurrent, running, reservoir)\n if maxConcurrent ~= nil and reservoir ~= nil then\n return math.min((maxConcurrent - running), reservoir)\n elseif maxConcurrent ~= nil then\n return maxConcurrent - running\n elseif reservoir ~= nil then\n return reservoir\n else\n return nil\n end\n end\n\n local settings = redis.call('hmget', settings_key,\n 'id',\n 'maxConcurrent',\n 'running',\n 'reservoir',\n 'reservoirRefreshInterval',\n 'reservoirRefreshAmount',\n 'lastReservoirRefresh',\n 'reservoirIncreaseInterval',\n 'reservoirIncreaseAmount',\n 'reservoirIncreaseMaximum',\n 'lastReservoirIncrease',\n 'capacityPriorityCounter',\n 'clientTimeout'\n )\n local id = settings[1]\n local maxConcurrent = tonumber(settings[2])\n local running = tonumber(settings[3])\n local reservoir = tonumber(settings[4])\n local reservoirRefreshInterval = tonumber(settings[5])\n local reservoirRefreshAmount = tonumber(settings[6])\n local lastReservoirRefresh = tonumber(settings[7])\n local reservoirIncreaseInterval = tonumber(settings[8])\n local reservoirIncreaseAmount = tonumber(settings[9])\n local reservoirIncreaseMaximum = tonumber(settings[10])\n local lastReservoirIncrease = tonumber(settings[11])\n local capacityPriorityCounter = tonumber(settings[12])\n local clientTimeout = tonumber(settings[13])\n\n local initial_capacity = compute_capacity(maxConcurrent, running, reservoir)\n\n --\n -- Process 'running' changes\n --\n local expired = redis.call('zrangebyscore', job_expirations_key, '-inf', '('..now)\n\n if #expired > 0 then\n redis.call('zremrangebyscore', job_expirations_key, '-inf', '('..now)\n\n local flush_batch = function (batch, acc)\n local weights = redis.call('hmget', job_weights_key, unpack(batch))\n redis.call('hdel', job_weights_key, unpack(batch))\n local clients = redis.call('hmget', job_clients_key, unpack(batch))\n redis.call('hdel', job_clients_key, unpack(batch))\n\n -- Calculate sum of removed weights\n for i = 1, #weights do\n acc['total'] = acc['total'] + (tonumber(weights[i]) or 0)\n end\n\n -- Calculate sum of removed weights by client\n local client_weights = {}\n for i = 1, #clients do\n local removed = tonumber(weights[i]) or 0\n if removed > 0 then\n acc['client_weights'][clients[i]] = (acc['client_weights'][clients[i]] or 0) + removed\n end\n end\n end\n\n local acc = {\n ['total'] = 0,\n ['client_weights'] = {}\n }\n local batch_size = 1000\n\n -- Compute changes to Zsets and apply changes to Hashes\n for i = 1, #expired, batch_size do\n local batch = {}\n for j = i, math.min(i + batch_size - 1, #expired) do\n table.insert(batch, expired[j])\n end\n\n flush_batch(batch, acc)\n end\n\n -- Apply changes to Zsets\n if acc['total'] > 0 then\n redis.call('hincrby', settings_key, 'done', acc['total'])\n running = tonumber(redis.call('hincrby', settings_key, 'running', -acc['total']))\n end\n\n for client, weight in pairs(acc['client_weights']) do\n redis.call('zincrby', client_running_key, -weight, client)\n end\n end\n\n --\n -- Process 'reservoir' changes\n --\n local reservoirRefreshActive = reservoirRefreshInterval ~= nil and reservoirRefreshAmount ~= nil\n if reservoirRefreshActive and now >= lastReservoirRefresh + reservoirRefreshInterval then\n reservoir = reservoirRefreshAmount\n redis.call('hmset', settings_key,\n 'reservoir', reservoir,\n 'lastReservoirRefresh', now\n )\n end\n\n local reservoirIncreaseActive = reservoirIncreaseInterval ~= nil and reservoirIncreaseAmount ~= nil\n if reservoirIncreaseActive and now >= lastReservoirIncrease + reservoirIncreaseInterval then\n local num_intervals = math.floor((now - lastReservoirIncrease) / reservoirIncreaseInterval)\n local incr = reservoirIncreaseAmount * num_intervals\n if reservoirIncreaseMaximum ~= nil then\n incr = math.min(incr, reservoirIncreaseMaximum - (reservoir or 0))\n end\n if incr > 0 then\n reservoir = (reservoir or 0) + incr\n end\n redis.call('hmset', settings_key,\n 'reservoir', reservoir,\n 'lastReservoirIncrease', lastReservoirIncrease + (num_intervals * reservoirIncreaseInterval)\n )\n end\n\n --\n -- Clear unresponsive clients\n --\n local unresponsive = redis.call('zrangebyscore', client_last_seen_key, '-inf', (now - clientTimeout))\n local unresponsive_lookup = {}\n local terminated_clients = {}\n for i = 1, #unresponsive do\n unresponsive_lookup[unresponsive[i]] = true\n if tonumber(redis.call('zscore', client_running_key, unresponsive[i])) == 0 then\n table.insert(terminated_clients, unresponsive[i])\n end\n end\n if #terminated_clients > 0 then\n redis.call('zrem', client_running_key, unpack(terminated_clients))\n redis.call('hdel', client_num_queued_key, unpack(terminated_clients))\n redis.call('zrem', client_last_registered_key, unpack(terminated_clients))\n redis.call('zrem', client_last_seen_key, unpack(terminated_clients))\n end\n\n --\n -- Broadcast capacity changes\n --\n local final_capacity = compute_capacity(maxConcurrent, running, reservoir)\n\n if always_publish or (initial_capacity ~= nil and final_capacity == nil) then\n -- always_publish or was not unlimited, now unlimited\n redis.call('publish', 'b_'..id, 'capacity:'..(final_capacity or ''))\n\n elseif initial_capacity ~= nil and final_capacity ~= nil and final_capacity > initial_capacity then\n -- capacity was increased\n -- send the capacity message to the limiter having the lowest number of running jobs\n -- the tiebreaker is the limiter having not registered a job in the longest time\n\n local lowest_concurrency_value = nil\n local lowest_concurrency_clients = {}\n local lowest_concurrency_last_registered = {}\n local client_concurrencies = redis.call('zrange', client_running_key, 0, -1, 'withscores')\n\n for i = 1, #client_concurrencies, 2 do\n local client = client_concurrencies[i]\n local concurrency = tonumber(client_concurrencies[i+1])\n\n if (\n lowest_concurrency_value == nil or lowest_concurrency_value == concurrency\n ) and (\n not unresponsive_lookup[client]\n ) and (\n tonumber(redis.call('hget', client_num_queued_key, client)) > 0\n ) then\n lowest_concurrency_value = concurrency\n table.insert(lowest_concurrency_clients, client)\n local last_registered = tonumber(redis.call('zscore', client_last_registered_key, client))\n table.insert(lowest_concurrency_last_registered, last_registered)\n end\n end\n\n if #lowest_concurrency_clients > 0 then\n local position = 1\n local earliest = lowest_concurrency_last_registered[1]\n\n for i,v in ipairs(lowest_concurrency_last_registered) do\n if v < earliest then\n position = i\n earliest = v\n end\n end\n\n local next_client = lowest_concurrency_clients[position]\n redis.call('publish', 'b_'..id,\n 'capacity-priority:'..(final_capacity or '')..\n ':'..next_client..\n ':'..capacityPriorityCounter\n )\n redis.call('hincrby', settings_key, 'capacityPriorityCounter', '1')\n else\n redis.call('publish', 'b_'..id, 'capacity:'..(final_capacity or ''))\n end\n end\n\n return {\n ['capacity'] = final_capacity,\n ['running'] = running,\n ['reservoir'] = reservoir\n }\nend\n",
14 "queued.lua": "local clientTimeout = tonumber(redis.call('hget', settings_key, 'clientTimeout'))\nlocal valid_clients = redis.call('zrangebyscore', client_last_seen_key, (now - clientTimeout), 'inf')\nlocal client_queued = redis.call('hmget', client_num_queued_key, unpack(valid_clients))\n\nlocal sum = 0\nfor i = 1, #client_queued do\n sum = sum + tonumber(client_queued[i])\nend\n\nreturn sum\n",
15 "refresh_expiration.lua": "local refresh_expiration = function (now, nextRequest, groupTimeout)\n\n if groupTimeout ~= nil then\n local ttl = (nextRequest + groupTimeout) - now\n\n for i = 1, #KEYS do\n redis.call('pexpire', KEYS[i], ttl)\n end\n end\n\nend\n",
16 "refs.lua": "local settings_key = KEYS[1]\nlocal job_weights_key = KEYS[2]\nlocal job_expirations_key = KEYS[3]\nlocal job_clients_key = KEYS[4]\nlocal client_running_key = KEYS[5]\nlocal client_num_queued_key = KEYS[6]\nlocal client_last_registered_key = KEYS[7]\nlocal client_last_seen_key = KEYS[8]\n\nlocal now = tonumber(ARGV[1])\nlocal client = ARGV[2]\n\nlocal num_static_argv = 2\n",
17 "register.lua": "local index = ARGV[num_static_argv + 1]\nlocal weight = tonumber(ARGV[num_static_argv + 2])\nlocal expiration = tonumber(ARGV[num_static_argv + 3])\n\nlocal state = process_tick(now, false)\nlocal capacity = state['capacity']\nlocal reservoir = state['reservoir']\n\nlocal settings = redis.call('hmget', settings_key,\n 'nextRequest',\n 'minTime',\n 'groupTimeout'\n)\nlocal nextRequest = tonumber(settings[1])\nlocal minTime = tonumber(settings[2])\nlocal groupTimeout = tonumber(settings[3])\n\nif conditions_check(capacity, weight) then\n\n redis.call('hincrby', settings_key, 'running', weight)\n redis.call('hset', job_weights_key, index, weight)\n if expiration ~= nil then\n redis.call('zadd', job_expirations_key, now + expiration, index)\n end\n redis.call('hset', job_clients_key, index, client)\n redis.call('zincrby', client_running_key, weight, client)\n redis.call('hincrby', client_num_queued_key, client, -1)\n redis.call('zadd', client_last_registered_key, now, client)\n\n local wait = math.max(nextRequest - now, 0)\n local newNextRequest = now + wait + minTime\n\n if reservoir == nil then\n redis.call('hset', settings_key,\n 'nextRequest', newNextRequest\n )\n else\n reservoir = reservoir - weight\n redis.call('hmset', settings_key,\n 'reservoir', reservoir,\n 'nextRequest', newNextRequest\n )\n end\n\n refresh_expiration(now, newNextRequest, groupTimeout)\n\n return {true, wait, reservoir}\n\nelse\n return {false}\nend\n",
18 "register_client.lua": "local queued = tonumber(ARGV[num_static_argv + 1])\n\n-- Could have been re-registered concurrently\nif not redis.call('zscore', client_last_seen_key, client) then\n redis.call('zadd', client_running_key, 0, client)\n redis.call('hset', client_num_queued_key, client, queued)\n redis.call('zadd', client_last_registered_key, 0, client)\nend\n\nredis.call('zadd', client_last_seen_key, now, client)\n\nreturn {}\n",
19 "running.lua": "return process_tick(now, false)['running']\n",
20 "submit.lua": "local queueLength = tonumber(ARGV[num_static_argv + 1])\nlocal weight = tonumber(ARGV[num_static_argv + 2])\n\nlocal capacity = process_tick(now, false)['capacity']\n\nlocal settings = redis.call('hmget', settings_key,\n 'id',\n 'maxConcurrent',\n 'highWater',\n 'nextRequest',\n 'strategy',\n 'unblockTime',\n 'penalty',\n 'minTime',\n 'groupTimeout'\n)\nlocal id = settings[1]\nlocal maxConcurrent = tonumber(settings[2])\nlocal highWater = tonumber(settings[3])\nlocal nextRequest = tonumber(settings[4])\nlocal strategy = tonumber(settings[5])\nlocal unblockTime = tonumber(settings[6])\nlocal penalty = tonumber(settings[7])\nlocal minTime = tonumber(settings[8])\nlocal groupTimeout = tonumber(settings[9])\n\nif maxConcurrent ~= nil and weight > maxConcurrent then\n return redis.error_reply('OVERWEIGHT:'..weight..':'..maxConcurrent)\nend\n\nlocal reachedHWM = (highWater ~= nil and queueLength == highWater\n and not (\n conditions_check(capacity, weight)\n and nextRequest - now <= 0\n )\n)\n\nlocal blocked = strategy == 3 and (reachedHWM or unblockTime >= now)\n\nif blocked then\n local computedPenalty = penalty\n if computedPenalty == nil then\n if minTime == 0 then\n computedPenalty = 5000\n else\n computedPenalty = 15 * minTime\n end\n end\n\n local newNextRequest = now + computedPenalty + minTime\n\n redis.call('hmset', settings_key,\n 'unblockTime', now + computedPenalty,\n 'nextRequest', newNextRequest\n )\n\n local clients_queued_reset = redis.call('hkeys', client_num_queued_key)\n local queued_reset = {}\n for i = 1, #clients_queued_reset do\n table.insert(queued_reset, clients_queued_reset[i])\n table.insert(queued_reset, 0)\n end\n redis.call('hmset', client_num_queued_key, unpack(queued_reset))\n\n redis.call('publish', 'b_'..id, 'blocked:')\n\n refresh_expiration(now, newNextRequest, groupTimeout)\nend\n\nif not blocked and not reachedHWM then\n redis.call('hincrby', client_num_queued_key, client, 1)\nend\n\nreturn {reachedHWM, blocked, strategy}\n",
21 "update_settings.lua": "local args = {'hmset', settings_key}\n\nfor i = num_static_argv + 1, #ARGV do\n table.insert(args, ARGV[i])\nend\n\nredis.call(unpack(args))\n\nprocess_tick(now, true)\n\nlocal groupTimeout = tonumber(redis.call('hget', settings_key, 'groupTimeout'))\nrefresh_expiration(0, 0, groupTimeout)\n\nreturn {}\n",
22 "validate_client.lua": "if not redis.call('zscore', client_last_seen_key, client) then\n return redis.error_reply('UNKNOWN_CLIENT')\nend\n\nredis.call('zadd', client_last_seen_key, now, client)\n",
23 "validate_keys.lua": "if not (redis.call('exists', settings_key) == 1) then\n return redis.error_reply('SETTINGS_KEY_NOT_FOUND')\nend\n"