1 | import {type LiteralUnion} from 'type-fest';
2 | import {type BoxStyle, type Boxes as CLIBoxes} from 'cli-boxes';
3 |
4 | /**
5 | All box styles.
6 | */
7 | type Boxes = {
8 | readonly none: BoxStyle;
9 | } & CLIBoxes;
10 |
11 | /**
12 | Characters used for custom border.
13 |
14 | @example
15 | ```
16 | // attttb
17 | // l r
18 | // dbbbbc
19 |
20 | const border: CustomBorderStyle = {
21 | topLeft: 'a',
22 | topRight: 'b',
23 | bottomRight: 'c',
24 | bottomLeft: 'd',
25 | left: 'l',
26 | right: 'r',
27 | top: 't',
28 | bottom: 'b',
29 | };
30 | ```
31 | */
32 | export type CustomBorderStyle = {
33 | /**
34 | @deprecated Use `top` and `bottom` instead.
35 | */
36 | horizontal?: string;
37 |
38 | /**
39 | @deprecated Use `left` and `right` instead.
40 | */
41 | vertical?: string;
42 | } & BoxStyle;
43 |
44 | /**
45 | Spacing used for `padding` and `margin`.
46 | */
47 | export type Spacing = {
48 | readonly top?: number;
49 | readonly right?: number;
50 | readonly bottom?: number;
51 | readonly left?: number;
52 | };
53 |
54 | export type Options = {
55 | /**
56 | Color of the box border.
57 | */
58 | readonly borderColor?: LiteralUnion<
59 | | 'black'
60 | | 'red'
61 | | 'green'
62 | | 'yellow'
63 | | 'blue'
64 | | 'magenta'
65 | | 'cyan'
66 | | 'white'
67 | | 'gray'
68 | | 'grey'
69 | | 'blackBright'
70 | | 'redBright'
71 | | 'greenBright'
72 | | 'yellowBright'
73 | | 'blueBright'
74 | | 'magentaBright'
75 | | 'cyanBright'
76 | | 'whiteBright',
77 | string
78 | >;
79 |
80 | /**
81 | Style of the box border.
82 |
83 | @default 'single'
84 | */
85 | readonly borderStyle?: keyof Boxes | CustomBorderStyle;
86 |
87 | /**
88 | Reduce opacity of the border.
89 |
90 | @default false
91 | */
92 | readonly dimBorder?: boolean;
93 |
94 | /**
95 | Space between the text and box border.
96 |
97 | @default 0
98 | */
99 | readonly padding?: number | Spacing;
100 |
101 | /**
102 | Space around the box.
103 |
104 | @default 0
105 | */
106 | readonly margin?: number | Spacing;
107 |
108 | /**
109 | Float the box on the available terminal screen space.
110 |
111 | @default 'left'
112 | */
113 | readonly float?: 'left' | 'right' | 'center';
114 |
115 | /**
116 | Color of the background.
117 | */
118 | readonly backgroundColor?: LiteralUnion<
119 | | 'black'
120 | | 'red'
121 | | 'green'
122 | | 'yellow'
123 | | 'blue'
124 | | 'magenta'
125 | | 'cyan'
126 | | 'white'
127 | | 'blackBright'
128 | | 'redBright'
129 | | 'greenBright'
130 | | 'yellowBright'
131 | | 'blueBright'
132 | | 'magentaBright'
133 | | 'cyanBright'
134 | | 'whiteBright',
135 | string
136 | >;
137 |
138 | /**
139 | Align the text in the box based on the widest line.
140 |
141 | @default 'left'
142 | @deprecated Use `textAlignment` instead.
143 | */
144 | readonly align?: 'left' | 'right' | 'center';
145 |
146 | /**
147 | Align the text in the box based on the widest line.
148 |
149 | @default 'left'
150 | */
151 | readonly textAlignment?: 'left' | 'right' | 'center';
152 |
153 | /**
154 | Display a title at the top of the box.
155 | If needed, the box will horizontally expand to fit the title.
156 |
157 | @example
158 | ```
159 | console.log(boxen('foo bar', {title: 'example'}));
160 | // ┌ example ┐
161 | // │foo bar │
162 | // └─────────┘
163 | ```
164 | */
165 | readonly title?: string;
166 |
167 | /**
168 | Align the title in the top bar.
169 |
170 | @default 'left'
171 |
172 | @example
173 | ```
174 | console.log(boxen('foo bar foo bar', {title: 'example', titleAlignment: 'center'}));
175 | // ┌─── example ───┐
176 | // │foo bar foo bar│
177 | // └───────────────┘
178 |
179 | console.log(boxen('foo bar foo bar', {title: 'example', titleAlignment: 'right'}));
180 | // ┌────── example ┐
181 | // │foo bar foo bar│
182 | // └───────────────┘
183 | ```
184 | */
185 | readonly titleAlignment?: 'left' | 'right' | 'center';
186 |
187 | /**
188 | Set a fixed width for the box.
189 |
190 | __Note__: This disables terminal overflow handling and may cause the box to look broken if the user's terminal is not wide enough.
191 |
192 | @example
193 | ```
194 | import boxen from 'boxen';
195 |
196 | console.log(boxen('foo bar', {width: 15}));
197 | // ┌─────────────┐
198 | // │foo bar │
199 | // └─────────────┘
200 | ```
201 | */
202 | readonly width?: number;
203 |
204 | /**
205 | Set a fixed height for the box.
206 |
207 | __Note__: This option will crop overflowing content.
208 |
209 | @example
210 | ```
211 | import boxen from 'boxen';
212 |
213 | console.log(boxen('foo bar', {height: 5}));
214 | // ┌───────┐
215 | // │foo bar│
216 | // │ │
217 | // │ │
218 | // └───────┘
219 | ```
220 | */
221 | readonly height?: number;
222 |
223 | /**
224 | __boolean__: Whether or not to fit all available space within the terminal.
225 |
226 | __function__: Pass a callback function to control box dimensions.
227 |
228 | @example
229 | ```
230 | import boxen from 'boxen';
231 |
232 | console.log(boxen('foo bar', {
233 | fullscreen: (width, height) => [width, height - 1],
234 | }));
235 | ```
236 | */
237 | readonly fullscreen?: boolean | ((width: number, height: number) => [width: number, height: number]);
238 | };
239 |
240 | /**
241 | Creates a box in the terminal.
242 |
243 | @param text - The text inside the box.
244 | @returns The box.
245 |
246 | @example
247 | ```
248 | import boxen from 'boxen';
249 |
250 | console.log(boxen('unicorn', {padding: 1}));
251 | // ┌─────────────┐
252 | // │ │
253 | // │ unicorn │
254 | // │ │
255 | // └─────────────┘
256 |
257 | console.log(boxen('unicorn', {padding: 1, margin: 1, borderStyle: 'double'}));
258 | //
259 | // ╔═════════════╗
260 | // ║ ║
261 | // ║ unicorn ║
262 | // ║ ║
263 | // ╚═════════════╝
264 | //
265 | ```
266 | */
267 | export default function boxen(text: string, options?: Options): string;
268 |
\ | No newline at end of file |