833 BTypeScriptView Raw
1export default class BpmnTreeWalker {
2 /**
3 * @param handler
4 * @param translate
5 */
6 constructor(handler: Record<'element' | 'root' | 'error', Function>, translate: Translate);
7 registerDi: (di: any) => void;
8 /**
9 * Handle definitions and return the rendered diagram (if any).
10 *
11 * @param definitions to walk and import
12 * @param diagram specific diagram to import and display
13 *
14 * @throws {Error} if no diagram to display could be found
15 */
16 handleDefinitions: (definitions: ModdleElement, diagram?: ModdleElement) => void;
17 handleDeferred: () => void;
18 handleSubProcess: (subProcess: any, context: any) => void;
21export type Translate = typeof import("diagram-js/lib/i18n/translate/translate").default;
22type ModdleElement = import('../model/Types').ModdleElement;