2.12 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "brackets",
3 "description": "Brackets Server is a server for providing hosted version of the popular code editor Brackets.",
4 "version": "0.5.1",
5 "author": "Boyan Rabchev <boyan@rabchev.com>",
6 "contributors": [
7 { "name": "Boyan Rabchev", "email": "boyan@rabchev.com" }
8 ],
9 "repository": "https://github.com/rabchev/brackets-server.git",
10 "main": "./lib/server",
11 "preferGlobal": "true",
12 "bin": {
13 "brackets": "./bin/run.js",
14 "node-brackets": "./bin/run.js"
15 },
16 "dependencies": {
17 "send": "*",
18 "mkdirp": "*",
19 "rimraf": "*",
20 "ncp": "*",
21 "commander": "*",
22 "open": "*",
23 "socket.io": "*"
24 },
25 "devDependencies": {
26 "mocha": "*",
27 "chai": "*",
28 "sinon-chai": "*",
29 "supertest": "*",
30 "grunt": "*",
31 "grunt-release": "*",
32 "grunt-shell": "*",
33 "grunt-simple-mocha": "*",
34 "grunt-node-inspector": "*",
35 "grunt-concurrent": "*",
36 "grunt-contrib-requirejs": "*",
37 "grunt-contrib-compress": "*",
38 "grunt-contrib-copy": "*",
39 "grunt-contrib-htmlmin": "*",
40 "grunt-contrib-less": "*",
41 "grunt-replace": "*",
42 "grunt-contrib-concat": "*",
43 "grunt-targethtml": "*",
44 "grunt-usemin": "0.1.11",
45 "grunt-contrib-clean": "*",
46 "load-grunt-tasks": "*",
47 "grunt-text-replace": "*",
48 "q": "0.9.2"
49 },
50 "keywords": [
51 "brackets",
52 "node",
53 "nodejs",
54 "code",
55 "editor",
56 "web",
57 "project",
58 "application",
59 "management",
60 "dev",
61 "development",
62 "javascript",
63 "html",
64 "css",
65 "ide"
66 ],
67 "scripts": {
68 "test": "grunt test"
69 },
70 "bugs": {
71 "email": "boyan@rabchev.com",
72 "url": "https://github.com/rabchev/brackets-server/issues"
73 },
74 "license": {
75 "type": "MIT",
76 "url": "http://github.com/rabchev/brackets-server/blob/master/LICENSE"
77 },
78 "engines": { "node": ">=0.10" }