1 | # brfs
2 |
3 | fs.readFileSync() and fs.readFile() static asset browserify transform
4 |
5 | [![build status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/browserify/brfs.png)](http://travis-ci.org/browserify/brfs)
6 |
7 | This module is a plugin for [browserify](http://browserify.org) to parse the AST
8 | for `fs.readFileSync()` calls so that you can inline file contents into your
9 | bundles.
10 |
11 | Even though this module is intended for use with browserify, nothing about it is
12 | particularly specific to browserify so it should be generally useful in other
13 | projects.
14 |
15 | # example
16 |
17 | for a main.js:
18 |
19 | ``` js
20 | var fs = require('fs');
21 | var html = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/robot.html', 'utf8');
22 | console.log(html);
23 | ```
24 |
25 | and a robot.html:
26 |
27 | ``` html
28 | <b>beep boop</b>
29 | ```
30 |
31 | first `npm install brfs` into your project, then:
32 |
33 | ## on the command-line
34 |
35 | ```
36 | $ browserify -t brfs example/main.js > bundle.js
37 | ```
38 |
39 | now in the bundle output file,
40 |
41 | ``` js
42 | var html = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/robot.html', 'utf8');
43 | ```
44 |
45 | turns into:
46 |
47 | ``` js
48 | var html = "<b>beep boop</b>\n";
49 | ```
50 |
51 | ## or with the api
52 |
53 | ``` js
54 | var browserify = require('browserify');
55 | var fs = require('fs');
56 |
57 | var b = browserify('example/main.js');
58 | b.transform('brfs');
59 |
60 | b.bundle().pipe(fs.createWriteStream('bundle.js'));
61 | ```
62 |
63 | ## async
64 |
65 | You can also use `fs.readFile()`:
66 |
67 | ``` js
68 | var fs = require('fs');
69 | fs.readFile(__dirname + '/robot.html', 'utf8', function (err, html) {
70 | console.log(html);
71 | });
72 | ```
73 |
74 | When you run this code through brfs, it turns into:
75 |
76 | ``` js
77 | var fs = require('fs');
78 | process.nextTick(function () {(function (err, html) {
79 | console.log(html);
80 | })(null,"<b>beep boop</b>\n")});
81 | ```
82 |
83 | # methods
84 |
85 | brfs looks for:
86 |
87 | * `fs.readFileSync(pathExpr, enc=null)`
88 | * `fs.readFile(pathExpr, enc=null, cb)`
89 | * `fs.readdirSync(pathExpr)`
90 | * `fs.readdir(pathExpr, cb)`
91 |
92 | Inside of each `pathExpr`, you can use
93 | [statically analyzable](http://npmjs.org/package/static-eval) expressions and
94 | these variables and functions:
95 |
96 | * `__dirname`
97 | * `__filename`
98 | * `path` if you `var path = require('path')` first
99 | * `require.resolve()`
100 |
101 | Just like node, the default encoding is `null` and will give back a `Buffer`.
102 | If you want differently-encoded file contents for your inline content you can
103 | set `enc` to `'utf8'`, `'base64'`, or `'hex'`.
104 |
105 | In async mode when a callback `cb` is given, the contents of `pathExpr` are
106 | inlined into the source inside of a `process.nextTick()` call.
107 |
108 | When you use a `'file'`-event aware watcher such as
109 | [watchify](https://npmjs.org/package/watchify), the inlined assets will be
110 | updated automatically.
111 |
112 | If you want to use this plugin directly, not through browserify, the api
113 | follows.
114 |
115 | ``` js
116 | var brfs = require('brfs')
117 | ```
118 |
119 | ## var tr = brfs(file, opts)
120 |
121 | Return a through stream `tr` inlining `fs.readFileSync()` file contents
122 | in-place.
123 |
124 | Optionally, you can set which `opts.vars` will be used in the
125 | [static argument evaluation](https://npmjs.org/package/static-eval)
126 | in addition to `__dirname` and `__filename`.
127 |
128 | `opts.parserOpts` can be used to configure the parser brfs uses,
129 | [acorn](https://github.com/acornjs/acorn#main-parser).
130 |
131 | # events
132 |
133 | ## tr.on('file', function (file) {})
134 |
135 | For every file included with `fs.readFileSync()` or `fs.readFile()`, the `tr`
136 | instance emits a `'file'` event with the `file` path.
137 |
138 | # usage
139 |
140 | A tiny command-line program ships with this module to make debugging easier.
141 |
142 | ```
143 | usage:
144 |
145 | brfs file
146 |
147 | Inline `fs.readFileSync()` calls from `file`, printing the transformed file
148 | contents to stdout.
149 |
150 | brfs
151 | brfs -
152 |
153 | Inline `fs.readFileSync()` calls from stdin, printing the transformed file
154 | contents to stdout.
155 |
156 | ```
157 |
158 | # install
159 |
160 | With [npm](https://npmjs.org) do:
161 |
162 | ```
163 | npm install brfs
164 | ```
165 |
166 | then use `-t brfs` with the browserify command or use `.transform('brfs')` from
167 | the browserify api.
168 |
169 | # gotchas
170 |
171 | Since `brfs` evaluates your source code *statically*, you can't use dynamic expressions that need to be evaluated at run time. For example:
172 |
173 | ```js
174 | // WILL NOT WORK!
175 | var file = window.someFilePath;
176 | var str = require('fs').readFileSync(file, 'utf8');
177 | ```
178 |
179 | Instead, you must use simpler expressions that can be resolved at build-time:
180 |
181 | ```js
182 | var str = require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + '/file.txt', 'utf8');
183 | ```
184 |
185 | Another gotcha: `brfs` does not yet support ES module `import` statements. See [brfs-babel](https://github.com/Jam3/brfs-babel) for an experimental replacement that supports this syntax.
186 |
187 | # license
188 |
189 | MIT