1 | brotli-size
2 |
3 | > Get the brotli compressed size of a string or buffer.
4 |
5 | ## Install
6 |
7 | ```
8 | $ npm install --save brotli-size
9 | ```
10 |
11 | ## Usage
12 |
13 | ```js
14 | var brotliSize = require('brotli-size');
15 | var str = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam feugiat, mauris non aliquam pretium, libero nulla ultrices lacus, nec varius est purus sit amet dolor.';
16 |
17 | console.log(str.length); // 165
18 |
19 | console.log(brotliSize.sync(str)); // 118
20 | ```
21 |
22 | ## API
23 |
24 | ### brotliSize.sync(input)
25 |
26 | #### input
27 |
28 | Type: `string`, `buffer`
29 |
30 | ### brotliSize.stream()
31 |
32 | Returns a passthrough stream. The stream emits a `brotli-size` event and
33 | has a `brotliSize` property.
34 | ## Related
35 |
36 | - [gzip-size](https://github.com/sindresorhus/gzip-size) - Heavily inspired by
37 | this module. Thank you for the inspiration!