3.4 kBJSONView Raw
2 "server": {
3 "alias": "s",
4 "desc": "Run a Local server (uses your cwd as the web root)"
5 },
6 "cwd": {
7 "type": "string",
8 "desc": "Working directory"
9 },
10 "json": {
11 "type": "boolean",
12 "desc": "If true, certain logs will output as json only"
13 },
14 "serveStatic": {
15 "type": "array",
16 "alias": "ss",
17 "desc": "Directories to serve static files from"
18 },
19 "port": {
20 "type": "number",
21 "desc": "Specify a port to use"
22 },
23 "proxy": {
24 "alias": "p",
25 "desc": "Proxy an existing server",
26 "example": "$0 shane is cool"
27 },
28 "ws": {
29 "type": "boolean",
30 "desc": "Proxy mode only - enable websocket proxying"
31 },
32 "browser": {
33 "type": "array",
34 "alias": "b",
35 "desc": "Choose which browser should be auto-opened"
36 },
37 "watch": {
38 "type": "boolean",
39 "alias": "w",
40 "desc": "Watch files"
41 },
42 "ignore": {
43 "type": "array",
44 "desc": "Ignore patterns for file watchers"
45 },
46 "files": {
47 "type": "array",
48 "alias": "f",
49 "desc": "File paths to watch"
50 },
51 "index": {
52 "type": "string",
53 "desc": "Specify which file should be used as the index page"
54 },
55 "plugins": {
56 "type": "array",
57 "desc": "Load Browsersync plugins"
58 },
59 "extensions": {
60 "type": "array",
61 "desc": "Specify file extension fallbacks"
62 },
63 "startPath": {
64 "type": "string",
65 "desc": "Specify the start path for the opened browser"
66 },
67 "single": {
68 "type": "boolean",
69 "desc": "If true, the connect-history-api-fallback middleware will be added"
70 },
71 "https": {
72 "desc": "Enable SSL for local development"
73 },
74 "directory": {
75 "type": "boolean",
76 "desc": "Show a directory listing for the server"
77 },
78 "xip": {
79 "type": "boolean",
80 "desc": "Use xip.io domain routing"
81 },
82 "tunnel": {
83 "desc": "Use a public URL"
84 },
85 "open": {
86 "type": "string",
87 "desc": "Choose which URL is auto-opened (local, external or tunnel), or provide a url"
88 },
89 "cors": {
90 "type": "boolean",
91 "desc": "Add Access Control headers to every request"
92 },
93 "config": {
94 "type": "string",
95 "alias": "c",
96 "desc": "Specify a path to a configuration file"
97 },
98 "host": {
99 "desc": "Specify a hostname to use"
100 },
101 "listen": {
102 "desc": "Specify a hostname bind to (this will prevent binding to all interfaces)"
103 },
104 "logLevel": {
105 "desc": "Set the logger output level (silent, info or debug)"
106 },
107 "reload-delay": {
108 "type": "number",
109 "desc": "Time in milliseconds to delay the reload event following file changes"
110 },
111 "reload-debounce": {
112 "type": "number",
113 "desc": "Restrict the frequency in which browser:reload events can be emitted to connected clients"
114 },
115 "ui-port": {
116 "type": "number",
117 "desc": "Specify a port for the UI to use"
118 },
119 "watchEvents": {
120 "type": "array",
121 "desc": "Specify which file events to respond to"
122 },
123 "no-notify": {
124 "desc": "Disable the notify element in browsers"
125 },
126 "no-open": {
127 "desc": "Don't open a new browser window"
128 },
129 "no-online": {
130 "desc": "Force offline usage"
131 },
132 "no-ui": {
133 "desc": "Don't start the user interface"
134 },
135 "no-ghost-mode": {
136 "desc": "Disable Ghost Mode"
137 },
138 "no-inject-changes": {
139 "desc": "Reload on every file change"
140 },
141 "no-reload-on-restart": {
142 "desc": "Don't auto-reload all browsers following a restart"
143 }