21.1 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1var test = require('tape');
2var fixtures = require('./fixtures.json');
3var _crypto = require('crypto');
4var crypto = require('../');
5var modes = require('../modes');
6var types = Object.keys(modes);
7var ebtk = require('../EVP_BytesToKey');
8function isGCM(cipher) {
9 return modes[cipher].mode === 'GCM';
11function isNode10() {
12 return process.version && process.version.split('.').length === 3 && parseInt(process.version.split('.')[1], 10) <= 10;
14fixtures.forEach(function (fixture, i) {
15 //var ciphers = fixture.results.ciphers = {};
16 types.forEach(function (cipher) {
17 if (isGCM(cipher)) {
18 return;
19 }
20 test('fixture ' + i + ' ' + cipher, function (t) {
21 t.plan(1);
22 var suite = crypto.createCipher(cipher, new Buffer(fixture.password));
23 var buf = new Buffer('');
24 suite.on('data', function (d) {
25 buf = Buffer.concat([buf, d]);
26 });
27 suite.on('error', function (e) {
28 console.log(e);
29 });
30 suite.on("end", function () {
31 // console.log(fixture.text);
32 // decriptNoPadding(cipher, new Buffer(fixture.password), buf.toString('hex'), 'a');
33 // decriptNoPadding(cipher, new Buffer(fixture.password), fixture.results.ciphers[cipher], 'b');
34 t.equals(buf.toString('hex'), fixture.results.ciphers[cipher]);
35 });
36 suite.write(new Buffer(fixture.text));
37 suite.end();
38 });
39 test('fixture ' + i + ' ' + cipher + '-legacy', function (t) {
40 t.plan(3);
41 var suite = crypto.createCipher(cipher, new Buffer(fixture.password));
42 var buf = new Buffer('');
43 var suite2 = _crypto.createCipher(cipher, new Buffer(fixture.password));
44 var buf2 = new Buffer('');
45 var inbuf = new Buffer(fixture.text);
46 var mid = ~~(inbuf.length/2);
47 buf = Buffer.concat([buf, suite.update(inbuf.slice(0, mid))]);
48 buf2 = Buffer.concat([buf2, suite2.update(inbuf.slice(0, mid))]);
49 t.equals(buf.toString('hex'), buf2.toString('hex'), 'intermediate');
50 buf = Buffer.concat([buf, suite.update(inbuf.slice(mid))]);
51 buf2 = Buffer.concat([buf2, suite2.update(inbuf.slice(mid))]);
52 t.equals(buf.toString('hex'), buf2.toString('hex'), 'intermediate 2');
53 buf = Buffer.concat([buf, suite.final()]);
54 buf2 = Buffer.concat([buf2, suite2.final()]);
55 t.equals(buf.toString('hex'), buf2.toString('hex'), 'final');
56 });
57 test('fixture ' + i + ' ' + cipher + '-decrypt', function (t) {
58 t.plan(1);
59 var suite = crypto.createDecipher(cipher, new Buffer(fixture.password));
60 var buf = new Buffer('');
61 suite.on('data', function (d) {
62 buf = Buffer.concat([buf, d]);
63 });
64 suite.on('error', function (e) {
65 console.log(e);
66 });
67 suite.on("end", function () {
68 // console.log(fixture.text);
69 // decriptNoPadding(cipher, new Buffer(fixture.password), buf.toString('hex'), 'a');
70 // decriptNoPadding(cipher, new Buffer(fixture.password), fixture.results.ciphers[cipher], 'b');
71 t.equals(buf.toString('utf8'), fixture.text);
72 });
73 suite.write(new Buffer(fixture.results.ciphers[cipher], 'hex'));
74 suite.end();
75 });
76 test('fixture ' + i + ' ' + cipher + '-decrypt-legacy', function (t) {
77 t.plan(4);
78 var suite = crypto.createDecipher(cipher, new Buffer(fixture.password));
79 var buf = new Buffer('');
80 var suite2 = _crypto.createDecipher(cipher, new Buffer(fixture.password));
81 var buf2 = new Buffer('');
82 var inbuf = new Buffer(fixture.results.ciphers[cipher], 'hex');
83 var mid = ~~(inbuf.length/2);
84 buf = Buffer.concat([buf, suite.update(inbuf.slice(0, mid))]);
85 buf2 = Buffer.concat([buf2, suite2.update(inbuf.slice(0, mid))]);
86 t.equals(buf.toString('utf8'), buf2.toString('utf8'), 'intermediate');
87 buf = Buffer.concat([buf, suite.update(inbuf.slice(mid))]);
88 buf2 = Buffer.concat([buf2, suite2.update(inbuf.slice(mid))]);
89 t.equals(buf.toString('utf8'), buf2.toString('utf8'), 'intermediate 2');
90 buf = Buffer.concat([buf, suite.final()]);
91 buf2 = Buffer.concat([buf2, suite2.final()]);
92 t.equals(buf.toString('utf8'), fixture.text);
93 t.equals(buf.toString('utf8'), buf2.toString('utf8'), 'final');
94 });
95 //var cipherivs = fixture.results.cipherivs = {};
97 types.forEach(function (cipher) {
98 if (modes[cipher].mode === 'ECB') {
99 return;
100 }
101 if (isGCM(cipher) && isNode10()) {
102 return;
103 }
104 test('fixture ' + i + ' ' + cipher + '-iv', function (t) {
105 if (isGCM(cipher)) {
106 t.plan(4);
107 } else {
108 t.plan(2);
109 }
110 var suite = crypto.createCipheriv(cipher, ebtk(_crypto, fixture.password, modes[cipher].key).key, isGCM(cipher) ? (new Buffer(fixture.iv, 'hex').slice(0, 12)) : (new Buffer(fixture.iv, 'hex')));
111 var suite2 = _crypto.createCipheriv(cipher, ebtk(_crypto, fixture.password, modes[cipher].key).key, isGCM(cipher) ? (new Buffer(fixture.iv, 'hex').slice(0, 12)) : (new Buffer(fixture.iv, 'hex')));
112 var buf = new Buffer('');
113 var buf2 = new Buffer('');
114 suite.on('data', function (d) {
115 buf = Buffer.concat([buf, d]);
116 });
117 suite.on('error', function (e) {
118 console.log(e);
119 });
120 suite2.on('data', function (d) {
121 buf2 = Buffer.concat([buf2, d]);
122 });
123 suite2.on('error', function (e) {
124 console.log(e);
125 });
126 suite.on("end", function () {
127 t.equals(buf.toString('hex'), fixture.results.cipherivs[cipher], 'vs fixture');
128 t.equals(buf.toString('hex'), buf2.toString('hex'), 'vs node');
129 if (isGCM(cipher)) {
130 t.equals(suite.getAuthTag().toString('hex'), fixture.authtag[cipher], 'authtag vs fixture');
131 t.equals(suite.getAuthTag().toString('hex'), suite2.getAuthTag().toString('hex'), 'authtag vs node');
132 }
133 });
134 if (isGCM(cipher)) {
135 suite.setAAD(new Buffer(fixture.aad, 'hex'));
136 suite2.setAAD(new Buffer(fixture.aad, 'hex'));
137 }
138 suite2.write(new Buffer(fixture.text));
139 suite2.end();
140 suite.write(new Buffer(fixture.text));
141 suite.end();
142 });
144 test('fixture ' + i + ' ' + cipher + '-legacy-iv', function (t) {
145 if (isGCM(cipher)) {
146 t.plan(6);
147 } else {
148 t.plan(4);
149 }
150 var suite = crypto.createCipheriv(cipher, ebtk(_crypto, fixture.password, modes[cipher].key).key, isGCM(cipher) ? (new Buffer(fixture.iv, 'hex').slice(0, 12)) : (new Buffer(fixture.iv, 'hex')));
151 var suite2 = _crypto.createCipheriv(cipher, ebtk(_crypto, fixture.password, modes[cipher].key).key, isGCM(cipher) ? (new Buffer(fixture.iv, 'hex').slice(0, 12)) : (new Buffer(fixture.iv, 'hex')));
152 var buf = new Buffer('');
153 var buf2 = new Buffer('');
154 var inbuf = new Buffer(fixture.text);
155 var mid = ~~(inbuf.length/2);
156 if (isGCM(cipher)) {
157 suite.setAAD(new Buffer(fixture.aad, 'hex'));
158 suite2.setAAD(new Buffer(fixture.aad, 'hex'));
159 }
160 buf = Buffer.concat([buf, suite.update(inbuf.slice(0, mid))]);
161 buf2 = Buffer.concat([buf2, suite2.update(inbuf.slice(0, mid))]);
162 t.equals(buf.toString('hex'), buf2.toString('hex'), 'intermediate');
163 buf = Buffer.concat([buf, suite.update(inbuf.slice(mid))]);
164 buf2 = Buffer.concat([buf2, suite2.update(inbuf.slice(mid))]);
165 t.equals(buf.toString('hex'), buf2.toString('hex'), 'intermediate 2');
166 buf = Buffer.concat([buf, suite.final()]);
167 buf2 = Buffer.concat([buf2, suite2.final()]);
168 t.equals(buf.toString('hex'), fixture.results.cipherivs[cipher]);
169 t.equals(buf.toString('hex'), buf2.toString('hex'), 'final');
170 if (isGCM(cipher)) {
171 t.equals(suite.getAuthTag().toString('hex'), fixture.authtag[cipher], 'authtag vs fixture');
172 t.equals(suite.getAuthTag().toString('hex'), suite2.getAuthTag().toString('hex'), 'authtag vs node');
173 }
174 });
175 test('fixture ' + i + ' ' + cipher + '-iv-decrypt', function (t) {
176 t.plan(2);
177 var suite = crypto.createDecipheriv(cipher, ebtk(_crypto, fixture.password, modes[cipher].key).key, isGCM(cipher) ? (new Buffer(fixture.iv, 'hex').slice(0, 12)) : (new Buffer(fixture.iv, 'hex')));
178 var buf = new Buffer('');
179 var suite2 = _crypto.createDecipheriv(cipher, ebtk(_crypto, fixture.password, modes[cipher].key).key, isGCM(cipher) ? (new Buffer(fixture.iv, 'hex').slice(0, 12)) : (new Buffer(fixture.iv, 'hex')));
180 var buf2 = new Buffer('');
181 suite.on('data', function (d) {
182 buf = Buffer.concat([buf, d]);
183 });
184 suite.on('error', function (e) {
185 t.notOk(e);
186 });
187 suite2.on('data', function (d) {
188 buf2 = Buffer.concat([buf2, d]);
189 });
190 suite2.on('error', function (e) {
191 t.notOk(e);
192 });
193 suite.on("end", function () {
194 t.equals(buf.toString('utf8'), fixture.text, 'correct text vs fixture');
195 t.equals(buf.toString('utf8'), buf2.toString('utf8'), 'correct text vs node');
196 });
197 if (isGCM(cipher)) {
198 suite.setAuthTag(new Buffer(fixture.authtag[cipher], 'hex'));
199 suite2.setAuthTag(new Buffer(fixture.authtag[cipher], 'hex'));
200 suite.setAAD(new Buffer(fixture.aad, 'hex'));
201 suite2.setAAD(new Buffer(fixture.aad, 'hex'));
202 }
204 suite2.write(new Buffer(fixture.results.cipherivs[cipher], 'hex'));
205 suite.write(new Buffer(fixture.results.cipherivs[cipher], 'hex'));
206 suite2.end();
207 suite.end();
208 });
209 test('fixture ' + i + ' ' + cipher + '-decrypt-legacy', function (t) {
210 t.plan(4);
211 var suite = crypto.createDecipheriv(cipher, ebtk(_crypto, fixture.password, modes[cipher].key).key, isGCM(cipher) ? (new Buffer(fixture.iv, 'hex').slice(0, 12)) : (new Buffer(fixture.iv, 'hex')));
212 var buf = new Buffer('');
213 var suite2 = _crypto.createDecipheriv(cipher, ebtk(_crypto, fixture.password, modes[cipher].key).key, isGCM(cipher) ? (new Buffer(fixture.iv, 'hex').slice(0, 12)) : (new Buffer(fixture.iv, 'hex')));
214 var buf2 = new Buffer('');
215 var inbuf = new Buffer(fixture.results.cipherivs[cipher], 'hex');
216 var mid = ~~(inbuf.length/2);
217 if (isGCM(cipher)) {
218 suite.setAAD(new Buffer(fixture.aad, 'hex'));
219 suite2.setAAD(new Buffer(fixture.aad, 'hex'));
220 suite.setAuthTag(new Buffer(fixture.authtag[cipher], 'hex'));
221 suite2.setAuthTag(new Buffer(fixture.authtag[cipher], 'hex'));
222 }
223 buf = Buffer.concat([buf, suite.update(inbuf.slice(0, mid))]);
224 buf2 = Buffer.concat([buf2, suite2.update(inbuf.slice(0, mid))]);
226 t.equals(buf.toString('utf8'), buf2.toString('utf8'), 'intermediate');
227 buf = Buffer.concat([buf, suite.update(inbuf.slice(mid))]);
228 buf2 = Buffer.concat([buf2, suite2.update(inbuf.slice(mid))]);
229 t.equals(buf.toString('utf8'), buf2.toString('utf8'), 'intermediate 2');
230 buf = Buffer.concat([buf, suite.final()]);
231 buf2 = Buffer.concat([buf2, suite2.final()]);
232 t.equals(buf.toString('utf8'), fixture.text);
233 t.equals(buf.toString('utf8'), buf2.toString('utf8'), 'final');
234 });
235 });
236 });
239if (!isNode10()) {
240 test('node tests', function (t) {
241 var TEST_CASES = [
242 { algo: 'aes-128-gcm', key: '6970787039613669314d623455536234',
243 iv: '583673497131313748307652', plain: 'Hello World!',
244 ct: '4BE13896F64DFA2C2D0F2C76',
245 tag: '272B422F62EB545EAA15B5FF84092447', tampered: false },
246 { algo: 'aes-128-gcm', key: '6970787039613669314d623455536234',
247 iv: '583673497131313748307652', plain: 'Hello World!',
248 ct: '4BE13896F64DFA2C2D0F2C76', aad: '000000FF',
249 tag: 'BA2479F66275665A88CB7B15F43EB005', tampered: false },
250 { algo: 'aes-128-gcm', key: '6970787039613669314d623455536234',
251 iv: '583673497131313748307652', plain: 'Hello World!',
252 ct: '4BE13596F64DFA2C2D0FAC76',
253 tag: '272B422F62EB545EAA15B5FF84092447', tampered: true },
254 { algo: 'aes-256-gcm', key: '337a54767a7233703637564336316a6d56353472495975313534357834546c59',
255 iv: '36306950306836764a6f4561', plain: 'Hello node.js world!',
256 ct: '58E62CFE7B1D274111A82267EBB93866E72B6C2A',
257 tag: '9BB44F663BADABACAE9720881FB1EC7A', tampered: false },
258 { algo: 'aes-256-gcm', key: '337a54767a7233703637564336316a6d56353472495975313534357834546c59',
259 iv: '36306950306836764a6f4561', plain: 'Hello node.js world!',
260 ct: '58E62CFF7B1D274011A82267EBB93866E72B6C2B',
261 tag: '9BB44F663BADABACAE9720881FB1EC7A', tampered: true },
262 { algo: 'aes-192-gcm', key: '1ed2233fa2223ef5d7df08546049406c7305220bca40d4c9',
263 iv: '0e1791e9db3bd21a9122c416', plain: 'Hello node.js world!',
264 password: 'very bad password', aad: '63616c76696e',
265 ct: 'DDA53A4059AA17B88756984995F7BBA3C636CC44',
266 tag: 'D2A35E5C611E5E3D2258360241C5B045', tampered: false }
269var ciphers = Object.keys(modes);
270function testIt(i) {
271 t.test('test case ' + i, function (t) {
272 var test = TEST_CASES[i];
274 if (ciphers.indexOf(test.algo) == -1) {
275 console.log('skipping unsupported ' + test.algo + ' test');
276 return;
277 }
279 (function() {
280 var encrypt = crypto.createCipheriv(test.algo,
281 new Buffer(test.key, 'hex'), new Buffer(test.iv, 'hex'));
282 if (test.aad)
283 encrypt.setAAD(new Buffer(test.aad, 'hex'));
284 var hex = encrypt.update(test.plain, 'ascii', 'hex');
285 hex += encrypt.final('hex');
286 var auth_tag = encrypt.getAuthTag();
287 // only test basic encryption run if output is marked as tampered.
288 if (!test.tampered) {
289 t.equal(hex.toUpperCase(), test.ct);
290 t.equal(auth_tag.toString('hex').toUpperCase(), test.tag);
291 }
292 })();
294 (function() {
295 var decrypt = crypto.createDecipheriv(test.algo,
296 new Buffer(test.key, 'hex'), new Buffer(test.iv, 'hex'));
297 decrypt.setAuthTag(new Buffer(test.tag, 'hex'));
298 if (test.aad)
299 decrypt.setAAD(new Buffer(test.aad, 'hex'));
300 var msg = decrypt.update(test.ct, 'hex', 'ascii');
301 if (!test.tampered) {
302 msg += decrypt.final('ascii');
303 t.equal(msg, test.plain);
304 } else {
305 // assert that final throws if input data could not be verified!
306 t.throws(function() { decrypt.final('ascii'); }, / auth/);
307 }
308 })();
310 (function() {
311 if (!test.password) return;
312 var encrypt = crypto.createCipher(test.algo, test.password);
313 if (test.aad)
314 encrypt.setAAD(new Buffer(test.aad, 'hex'));
315 var hex = encrypt.update(test.plain, 'ascii', 'hex');
316 hex += encrypt.final('hex');
317 var auth_tag = encrypt.getAuthTag();
318 // only test basic encryption run if output is marked as tampered.
319 if (!test.tampered) {
320 t.equal(hex.toUpperCase(), test.ct);
321 t.equal(auth_tag.toString('hex').toUpperCase(), test.tag);
322 }
323 })();
325 (function() {
326 if (!test.password) return;
327 var decrypt = crypto.createDecipher(test.algo, test.password);
328 decrypt.setAuthTag(new Buffer(test.tag, 'hex'));
329 if (test.aad)
330 decrypt.setAAD(new Buffer(test.aad, 'hex'));
331 var msg = decrypt.update(test.ct, 'hex', 'ascii');
332 if (!test.tampered) {
333 msg += decrypt.final('ascii');
334 t.equal(msg, test.plain);
335 } else {
336 // assert that final throws if input data could not be verified!
337 t.throws(function() { decrypt.final('ascii'); }, / auth/);
338 }
339 })();
341 // after normal operation, test some incorrect ways of calling the API:
342 // it's most certainly enough to run these tests with one algorithm only.
344 if (i > 0) {
345 t.end();
346 return;
347 }
349 (function() {
350 // non-authenticating mode:
351 var encrypt = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-128-cbc',
352 'ipxp9a6i1Mb4USb4', '6fKjEjR3Vl30EUYC');
353 encrypt.update('blah', 'ascii');
354 encrypt.final();
355 t.throws(function() { encrypt.getAuthTag(); });
356 t.throws(function() {
357 encrypt.setAAD(new Buffer('123', 'ascii')); });
358 })();
360 (function() {
361 // trying to get tag before inputting all data:
362 var encrypt = crypto.createCipheriv(test.algo,
363 new Buffer(test.key, 'hex'), new Buffer(test.iv, 'hex'));
364 encrypt.update('blah', 'ascii');
365 t.throws(function() { encrypt.getAuthTag(); }, / state/);
366 })();
368 (function() {
369 // trying to set tag on encryption object:
370 var encrypt = crypto.createCipheriv(test.algo,
371 new Buffer(test.key, 'hex'), new Buffer(test.iv, 'hex'));
372 t.throws(function() {
373 encrypt.setAuthTag(new Buffer(test.tag, 'hex')); }, / state/);
374 })();
376 (function() {
377 // trying to read tag from decryption object:
378 var decrypt = crypto.createDecipheriv(test.algo,
379 new Buffer(test.key, 'hex'), new Buffer(test.iv, 'hex'));
380 t.throws(function() { decrypt.getAuthTag(); }, / state/);
381 })();
382 t.end();
383 });
385for (var i in TEST_CASES) {
386 testIt(i);
391function corectPaddingWords(padding, result) {
392 test('correct padding ' + padding.toString('hex'), function (t) {
393 t.plan(1);
394 var block1 = new Buffer(16);
395 block1.fill(4);
396 result = block1.toString('hex') + result.toString('hex');
397 var cipher = _crypto.createCipher('aes128', new Buffer('password'));
398 cipher.setAutoPadding(false);
399 var decipher = crypto.createDecipher('aes128', new Buffer('password'));
400 var out = new Buffer('');
401 out = Buffer.concat([out, cipher.update(block1)]);
402 out = Buffer.concat([out, cipher.update(padding)]);
403 var deciphered = decipher.update(out);
404 deciphered = Buffer.concat([deciphered, decipher.final()]);
405 t.equals(deciphered.toString('hex'), result);
406 });
409var sixteens = new Buffer(16);
411corectPaddingWords(sixteens, new Buffer(''));
412var fifteens = new Buffer(16);
414fifteens[0] = 5;
415corectPaddingWords(fifteens, new Buffer([5]));
416var one = _crypto.randomBytes(16);
417one[15] = 1;
418corectPaddingWords(one, one.slice(0, -1));
419function incorectPaddingthrows(padding) {
420 test('incorrect padding ' + padding.toString('hex'), function (t) {
421 t.plan(2);
422 var block1 = new Buffer(16);
423 block1.fill(4);
424 var cipher = crypto.createCipher('aes128', new Buffer('password'));
425 cipher.setAutoPadding(false);
426 var decipher = crypto.createDecipher('aes128', new Buffer('password'));
427 var decipher2 = _crypto.createDecipher('aes128', new Buffer('password'));
428 var out = new Buffer('');
429 out = Buffer.concat([out, cipher.update(block1)]);
430 out = Buffer.concat([out, cipher.update(padding)]);
431 decipher.update(out);
432 decipher2.update(out);
433 t.throws(function () {
434 decipher.final();
435 }, 'mine');
436 t.throws(function () {
437 decipher2.final();
438 }, 'node');
439 });
441function incorectPaddingDoesNotThrow(padding) {
442 test('stream incorrect padding ' + padding.toString('hex'), function (t) {
443 t.plan(2);
444 var block1 = new Buffer(16);
445 block1.fill(4);
446 var cipher = crypto.createCipher('aes128', new Buffer('password'));
447 cipher.setAutoPadding(false);
448 var decipher = crypto.createDecipher('aes128', new Buffer('password'));
449 var decipher2 = _crypto.createDecipher('aes128', new Buffer('password'));
450 cipher.pipe(decipher);
451 cipher.pipe(decipher2);
452 cipher.write(block1);
453 cipher.write(padding);
454 decipher.on('error', function (e) {
455 t.ok(e, 'mine');
456 });
457 decipher2.on('error', function (e) {
458 t.ok(e, 'node');
459 });
460 cipher.end();
461 });
463var sixteens2 = new Buffer(16);
465sixteens2[3] = 5;
468var fifteens2 = new Buffer(16);
470fifteens2[0] = 5;
471fifteens2[1] = 6;
474var two = _crypto.randomBytes(16);
475two[15] = 2;
476two[14] = 1;
479test('autopadding false decipher', function (t) {
480 t.plan(2);
481 var mycipher = crypto.createCipher('AES-128-ECB', new Buffer('password'));
482 var nodecipher = _crypto.createCipher('AES-128-ECB', new Buffer('password'));
483 var myEnc = mycipher.final();
484 var nodeEnc = nodecipher.final();
485 t.equals(myEnc.toString('hex'), nodeEnc.toString('hex'), 'same encryption');
486 var decipher = crypto.createDecipher('aes-128-ecb', new Buffer('password'));
487 decipher.setAutoPadding(false);
488 var decipher2 = _crypto.createDecipher('aes-128-ecb', new Buffer('password'));
489 decipher2.setAutoPadding(false);
490 t.equals(decipher.update(myEnc).toString('hex'), decipher2.update(nodeEnc).toString('hex'), 'same decryption');
493test('autopadding false cipher throws', function (t) {
494 t.plan(2);
495 var mycipher = crypto.createCipher('aes-128-ecb', new Buffer('password'));
496 mycipher.setAutoPadding(false);
497 var nodecipher = _crypto.createCipher('aes-128-ecb', new Buffer('password'));
498 nodecipher.setAutoPadding(false);
499 mycipher.update('foo');
500 nodecipher.update('foo');
501 t.throws(function () {
502 mycipher.final();
503 }, 'mine');
504 t.throws(function () {
505 nodecipher.final();
506 }, 'node');